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I am thinking of you family! Sending prayers to all of you today especially.
Janice (Friends of Allie and Raise Awareness) <janicem@bu.edu>
- Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:50 PM CST
Happy Birthday sweet Julien. Thinking of your family today and looking forward to hearing about your new adventures in 2005
Lisa "Friends of Allie" and "Raise Awareness" MSN groups <lisnrick@sbcglobal.net>
Round Lake Heights, IL - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:48 PM CST
Thinking of you - from So. California. You're family is in my prayers.

Nancy - ^/\^Friends Of Allie^/\^ <laportester@gmail.com>
Chula Vista, CA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:44 PM CST
Thinking of you hear in Va
Mellisafaye Schoeneman <mellisafaye@gmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:35 PM CST
I am so sorry for the loss of your little boy earlier this year. I have read parts of your journal and having 3 sons of my own, really felt compelled to offer some words. I know it is his birthday and I hope your are surrounded by loved ones to celebrate his life. I cannot imagine how much you miss him but wanted to let you know you are all in my thoughts today.
Allie M. From Friends of Allie
Bristol, CT USA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 6:18 PM CST
Naomi, Matt and Jake,

I am friends with Sheri, and she told me that today is Julien's birthday, so I wanted to come by and wish him a happy birthday, and to tell you that I hope things are going well for your family, and congratulations on the baby that will soon be joining you.

Jennifer *Friends of Allie* <jennifer@bridgeofdreams.org>
Ukiah, CA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 4:55 PM CST
Naomi, Matt and Jake ~ You are in my thoughts and prayers today. As the clouds broke up today and the sun shone through I thought of JJ smiling down on you. Considering our usual weather (fog) this time of year, I don't think it's a coincidence that the sun shone and and the raindrops made everything sparkle.

I pray that 2005 is a year of happiness, remembering the happy times with JJ and creating new happy memories with Jake and your new little Miss. May God bless you all. Much love from California!

Sheri Taylor <taylor99@csufresno.edu>
Fresno, Ca - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 3:15 PM CST
I am thinking of you today and praying for you.
Johanna (Friends of Allie) <johannastuart@juno.com>
Flagstaff, AZ USA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:14 AM CST
It must be so beautiful and serene in Academy after all the rain we've been having. Although these holidays and birthdays must be so different without Julien, he is right there beside you. His sweet essence will always be alive in your hearts and memories. May you celebrate his life's happy moments as you close the door on 2004. I pray that 2005 brings you much hope and joy, health and happiness. Happy Birthday precious angel!
Jenn B.
.•:*¨♥¨*:•.Friends Of Allie.•:*¨♥¨*:•.
Fresno, CA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 3:43 AM CST
Dearest Na, Matt & Jake,

Tomorrow will be a rough day so I'm sending you all my strongest thoughts, energy and love. I'll call, too.


Diane Huntley <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Monday, December 27, 2004 7:31 PM CST
Just wanted to let you all know I am thinking of you. I know the holidays and Julien's birthday must have been so hard for you to celebrate without him here in person. I just hope the happy memories shooed away the pain and sadness! You all remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Karen ~ Friends of Allie ~ <karenh596@sbcglobal.net>
Stow, OH - Monday, December 27, 2004 7:22 PM CST
Naomi, Matt and Jake ~ You are in my thoughts through the holidays (and always). I pray that you are enjoying each other and your family in California. I hope to see you next week. I wish you peace and comfort in the coming days and all the best in the New Year.
Sheri Taylor <taylor99@csufresno.edu>
Fresno, Ca - Saturday, December 25, 2004 0:39 AM CST
Dear Naomi and family,
Congratulations on your impending arrival! Little girls are so much fun! Today, we had a balloon release in honor of Julien and Allie Scott with our Light the Night team. It was beautiful to watch the balloons spiral up into the dense central valley fog. I will be thinking of you this holiday season as you face it without your beloved JJ. May you draw strength and hope from the new life you are nurturing. She is blessed to be born into a loving family such as yours!

Jenn B.
.•:*¨♥¨*:•.Friends Of Allie.•:*¨♥¨*:•.
Fresno, CA - Sunday, December 12, 2004 1:39 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
The holiday season is no doubt filled with wide dips in emotion for you all. What a joyous occasion to be celebrating the growing life of a new baby girl, and what gut wrenching pain to live through the holidays without JJ. Like you artfully said, Naomi, life is a mess of irreconcilable juxtapositions. Bravo for making it this far. Hooray for the fearless Green Dragon. And halleluja for the baby. Our love is with you all, and I look forward to seeing you in Claremont. With love,

Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Friday, December 10, 2004 11:48 PM CST
Hi Naomi and Matt. We are so happy to hear your joyous news about the new baby! What a great gift for the new year. Take care and know that we are thinking about you.
Karen Gordon-Sosby <kmhsosby@austin.rr.com>
Wimberley, TX USA - Friday, December 10, 2004 7:08 PM CST

I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and I'm sure you will have a great new year. The news about the baby girl is absolutley wonderful. I hope you are feeling good.


Sarah Hibdon <sarahh@spanconstruction.com>
Madera, CA - Friday, December 10, 2004 7:05 PM CST
Dear all,

Happy Hanukkah and CONGRATULATIONS on the new angel that is joining you!! I had been checking from time to time for a new post...and am glad you are all hanging in there...and still finding it nearly unimaginable how you (or anyone) can have the "normal" state of being include the sort of loss you have...but that is now your version of normal, I guess. I am thankful that you are not only getting through each day of your life but getting so much out of it still...and I am not surprised, either. That's the kind of people you are...and that Julien was, too.

Your baby news is simply thrilling!! What a lucky girl she is!! and what a blessing she will be to you all. We are also expecting a baby in May (late May...and against what we thought were insurmountable odds), and as I think of our little miracle I will also be sending a thought about yours. Be well, and take extra good care of your amazing selves. Love & hugs,

Helen, James & Rachel <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:10 AM CST
Dear all,

Happy Hanukkah and CONGRATULATIONS on the new angel that is joining you!! I had been checking from time to time for a new post...and am glad you are all hanging in there...and still finding it nearly unimaginable how you (or anyone) can have the "normal" state of being include the sort of loss you have...but that is now your version of normal, I guess. I am thankful that you are not only getting through each day of your life but getting so much out of it still...and I am not surprised, either. That's the kind of people you are...and that Julien was, too.

Your baby news is simply thrilling!! What a lucky girl she is!! and what a blessing she will be to you all. We are also expecting a baby in May (late May...and against what we thought were insurmountable odds), and as I think of our little miracle I will also be sending a thought about yours. Be well, and take extra good care of your amazing selves. Love & hugs,

Helen, James & Rachel <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:10 AM CST
Naomi and Matt: It brings tears of both sadness and joy for me to think of Jake telling his new baby sister all about Julien. I am SO glad for you all!
Forever much love!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC 20001 - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 12:46 AM CST
Much love and joy to you! Congratulations on the wonderful news of a new being coming to join you! Jake will tell her all about the awesome brother Julien she just missed meeting. I am so glad to hear from you again Naomi, I've been checking the site regularly for a new post. I think about you all often, and send warm hugs and peaceful smiles to all of you this holiday season. Love, Consuelo
Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:16 PM CST
congratulations on your pregnancy!! Thinking of you and wishing you all happiness!!
Robyn Lipsky
San Francisco, CA United States - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 12:18 AM CST
Mazel Tov on your pregnancy! Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:32 AM CST
Congratulations! What wonderful news! She is a lucky little girl to join your family. :) Hope your pregnancy is healthy and happy!

The photos are terrific -- what a great costume!

Julie Bibb
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 12:56 AM CST

Just checking in on you all. Congrats on the new baby!! Hope you have a great pregnancy!

Camilla Haigler <camilla.haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC - Monday, November 29, 2004 11:34 AM CST

Just checking in on you all. Congrats on the new baby!! Hope you have a great pregnancy!

Camilla Haigler <camilla.haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC - Monday, November 29, 2004 11:34 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake,
Hope you managed to have a Happy Thanksgiving. It must be hard to give thanks when so much sadness is present. But what wonderful news of your pregnancy - that is really something to rejoice in! Jake will get to be a big brother again which he so much deserves.
Best wishes from us all,

Nicki Karlen and family <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, November 29, 2004 8:35 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake,

Congratulations! I'm so delighted to hear the news of your impending new arrival. What a lucky little girl she is, joining such a strong and loving family. You three and, of course, Julien, are always in my thoughts.

Sarah Westergren
- Sunday, November 28, 2004 5:02 PM CST
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I have thought about you all so much over the last many months since I first learned of Julien. I loved looking at his pictures and have wondered about you all often.
Thanks so much for sharing your news here.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

Karen ~ Friends of Allie ~ <karenh596@sbcglobal.net>
Stow, OH - Saturday, November 27, 2004 8:16 PM CST
I'm so happy to hear from you again. I have been anxiously awaiting a new post. I think of your family almost daily and wonder how you are all doing. I am so happy to hear about your pregnancy. What a lucky little girl, to be coming into such a wonderful, loving, STRONG family.
Best Wishes!

Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Saturday, November 27, 2004 1:06 PM CST
Naomi ~ Congrats on your newest addition. I'm very happy for your family. A new baby will never replace Julien, as you know. But, I'm happy that another child gets to experience the blessing of your love and devotion to your family. I wish you a happy healthy pregnancy.
Sheri <taylor99@csufresno.edu>
Fresno, Ca - Friday, November 26, 2004 11:02 PM CST
I just read your latest post and am so happy for all of you. A little bird
had given me a hint that you had news
you would be posting. Do hope you had a
good Thanksgiving with lots of friends
sharing the turkey. Here in Illinois
we had ice and snow on Wednesday evening but it melted fast and roads were clear
for travel on Thursday. Hugs to all of you....

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Friday, November 26, 2004 8:49 PM CST
We just returned from the hill at Academy. It's beautiful today. My niece and nephews went to visit Julien and drop off more rocks and flowers. I just pulled up the site to show them his photo and found the news. Yay!
Andrea Harrington <aharrington@ci.claremont.ca.us>
Claremont , CA USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 5:58 PM CST
Mazel tov! Incredibly, I had this daydream in the past few weeks about the possibility of your being pregnant with a little girl! I am buoyed up by your resilience and your faith in the future. Wishing all of you the best at Thanksgiving and always,
Erica et al. in Durham, NC

Erica Rapport Gringle <er.gringle@verizon.net>
Durham , NC USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 10:14 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake,
Congratulations! I am so happy to hear that there will be another addition to the Mezey family. She is a very lucky child to have such wonderful and loving parents like yourselves, as well as Jake, such a vibrant and caring older brother.

Hopefully after the holidays we'll be able to get together again. Have a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving celebration with your friends and family. And give Jake a kiss for me.

Cheryl Lynn

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Walnut Creek, CA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 7:44 AM CST
Hey Matt and Naomi, I am thinking of you both. I hope that we can see you both over Thanksgiving weekend. Look for an invitation in the mail.
I love you guys!

Beth Davidson <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 8:29 PM CST
Matt and Naomi,
Just to let you know that I'm still thinking of you and still check up on your website. I'm in the UK now, working on a peds BMT unit here. I miss Julien and have the pictures of him that you gave me in my scrapbook.
love, Jennifer

Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Bristol, UK - Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:27 AM CST
Dear Julien's family,
I read your message on precious Trevor and Ross'web. I am so very very sorry that your precious son Julien had to go. I just cannot stop crying after reading your journal. You might find it odd that somebody who never met your son, who never had the priviledge to pray for him, who never knew of his fight is sitting here today, staring at a screen and crying for your son and for you all. Julien sounds like an incredible fighter, somebody who lived life to the full and beyond. He was very blessed - and the other way round - to have such an inspiring, protective, outstanding brother in Jake. You have a very special family. Thank you for sharing your most precious gifts with us. To Jake : I cannot even start to imagine how deeply you miss your little brother Julien. You must have been such a couple ! Reading of you making room for him at bedtime story, warms my heart and moves me so very deeply. You must feel Julien so very near to you all the time and that's where I think Julien is. Your parents are so comforted by you, you mean the world to them. A huge hug to you, Jake, from the bottom of my crying, hurting mother heart. Special hugs to you all coming your way from gloomy Italy.

Sabrina <morini@agriflex.it>
Forlì, FC Italy - Friday, November 5, 2004 11:03 AM CST
Dear all,

Just thinking of you as usual, checking in, wishing you peace and perspective, hope and strength. With love and thanksgiving for all 4 of you,

Helen, James & Rachel <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Saturday, October 30, 2004 6:20 PM CDT
Dear Naomi: Your words represent so honestly the complexity of love and grief--so deeply intertwined, as you note--and are a beautiful tribute to Julien. I hope that sharing your struggle has helped you heal, as impossible as it must be to do that. I relate to your suffering on so many levels: simply as a mother, also as a mother of a 2 year old, and as a mother of young brothers. I, too, wish that we could all take a piece of what must be a cold weight in your heart and ease that heaviness for you. Just know that you have a new army of women and men who care about Julien and your family, thanks to Sheri!

I will remember you and Julien. Best wishes to you, your husband, and to Jake, whose charisma shines through your words!

Ashley Hogan <ashleyhogan@nc.rr.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 6:41 AM CDT
My heart is aching for you right now- I am part of the group (Allie's Angels) and your cousin, Sheri posted your site for us.

I have been sitting here reading your journal and I have tears streaming down my face. I am so sorry for your loss- I just cannot even imagine your pain.

Stay Strong and Know that a lot of people are praying for you.
Hugs and God Bless You-

Wendy (Allie's Angels) <stroudtx@sbcglobal.net>
Irving, TX United States - Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
I am so truly sorry for your loss. I came upon your website through your cousin Sheri who shared it with us on Allie's msn board. Someone wrote in Allie's guestbook once that she wished that all of us could take a little of your pain to make it somewhat more bearable for you. I truly wish we could...no parent should have to experience what you have gone through. It sounds like Jake is wise beyond his years and I'm glad you have each other to love through this difficult time.
My thoughts will be with your family...
Sara *Allie's MSN Angels*

Sara Tartaglia <Sstartaglia@aol.com>
University Heights, OH USA - Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:14 PM CDT
Naomi and Matt
I have come to your site tonight thanks to your cousin Sheri. I just spent some time reading your journal entries. I am so incredibly sorry that Julien had to go back to heaven. You are a loving family and I wish you peace and joy in your lives. Jake sounds like such a gift! I have a daughters who is 4-1/2 and a 17 month old so some of the things he has said, and his love for his brother really hit home with me.
Thinking about you all!

Karen (Allie's MSN Angels)
Stow, OH - Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:40 PM CDT
You truly have a wonderful, beautiful family filled with so much love. Your story has moved me so much. I am sorry for your loss. I wish you peace, comfort and happiness for this year and all years to come.
Hillari <mizshuckiduck@yahoo.co.uk>
Glasgow, Scotland - Thursday, October 21, 2004 4:46 AM CDT
Naomi and Matt,

You have such beautiful boys! I am so touched by your insightful journal entries and I love reading your heartfelt tales of Julien and Jake. Your words of deep love and pain have left an indelible mark on my heart. I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious Julien to AML.

Last weekend, I had the honor of walking with your family to celebrate the lives of Julien and Allison Scott in our local LTN. I am proud I was able to represent Julien and his vivacious spirit.

Thank you for letting Sheri share your journal.

Jenn B. (Allie's MSN Angels) <mjmb2004@gmail.com>
Fresno, CA - Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:54 AM CDT
My prayers are also with you, I hate cancer and reading these sad stories. Peace will come to you and I know Julien is smiling down on you and your family
Kelly ~Allies Angels~ <kellymann@grandecom.net>
Waco, TX USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 11:04 PM CDT
Sheri shared your site with the msn group we belong to. I'm sorry for the lost of your son Julien.

With a kind heart, The RAOK Group

Dana Sanford (Allie's MSN Angels) <pooh_n_tigger2002@yahoo.com>
Spring Arbor, MI - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:37 PM CDT
Julien's site was shared with me on Allie's Angels MSN board. I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious boy. Your family has my deepest sympathy and I will remember all of you in my prayers.
Laura*Allie's MSN Angels* <okiemom1068@hotmail.com>
Shawnee, OK USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
Your cousin shared your site with us. I am so very sorry this has to happen to your baby. You are so strong. Remember always that Julian is watching over you. My prayers are with you.
Lois (Allie's MSN Angels)
NJ - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 5:50 PM CDT
Naomi, We walked the LTN walk for Julien tonight. It was something that I will never forget. My sister made a banner with some great pictures of Julien (and Allie Scott) on it. Shaw Avenue in Fresno was illuminated with the flashing of red balloons and the cars honked as they drove by. And the whole time I just thought of baby Julien and his long heroic fight against this disease. We kept that fight going tonight!!! FOR JULIEN!!! and it was our honor.
Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Saturday, October 16, 2004 11:39 PM CDT
What beautiful memories you have shared. I hope that you are beginning to find ways to celebrate memories of Julien. I know how hard that is to do. God has unique ways of making us listen. Doesn't He? Love,
Camilla Haigler <camilla.haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:14 AM CDT
Professor Mezey and family,
You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that with each passing day you find more and more moments of peace and joy.

Stacie Nelson <sln4@georgetown.edu>
Silver Spring, MD - Saturday, September 25, 2004 4:39 PM CDT
Na, Matt and Jakey --

As always, deep love and wet, sloppy kisses.


Diane Huntley <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Saturday, September 18, 2004 6:03 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake,
Shana Tovah! May it be a sweet and happy new year, for all of us. We lit a yartzeit candle on Rosh Hashanah to remember Julien. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Beth Davidson <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD USA - Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:28 AM CDT
Jake, Matt, and Naomi: Much love! See you all soon!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
- Friday, September 17, 2004 11:23 AM CDT
Happy New Year. When I celebrate a Jewish Holiday, I always reflect on those doing the same around the world, but even more on those who did the same for centuries past. All those people, all those joys, all those sorrows. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Friday, September 17, 2004 10:42 AM CDT
Hey Matt, Naomi & Jake -- Happy new year. I suppose that without Julien in your lives, it is hard to think of it has 'happy', and this time of year must be especially hard. I love it that he splashed water on you to let you know that he is near. I am thinking about you all the time. Love you guys. Alex.
Alex McClure <kalexmcc@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Friday, September 17, 2004 7:44 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and family,

Happy New Year to you all. I hope it brings you love, happiness and days where you feel Julien by your side. I'm sorry I missed seeing you the other afternoon, but I hope to drop by again soon. Take care of each other.


Melissa Kramer <mrm48@law.georgetown.edu>
Ellicott City, MD - Thursday, September 16, 2004 7:45 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, & Jake,
I hope each day of the new year is better than each day before. I continue to think of you and Julien daily and am sending all my love.

Anne <anne.wolf@hhs.gov>
Baltimore, MD - Thursday, September 16, 2004 1:19 PM CDT
Prof. Mezey and Family,
I wanted to wish you a shana tova, and a new year filled with happiness, health, growth and acceptance. We are all still thinking of you with warm wishes and admiration. Thank you for continuing to share with us.

Emilie Cooper <ebc4@georgetown.edu>
New York, NY - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:28 PM CDT

Thanks for the inside scoop today on the outrageously long line today at the free barbecue lunch...I opted for a free massage. The guy couldn't hold a candle to Christine.

It was great to see you back here. I had been thinking about your coming back , and wondering how you were doing. Inside, I imagine each step forward still aches. But this relatively objective observer saw courage and grace. You seemed at ease and at home. I hope that is true...

All my best to you and your family.


Sarah Smith <sfina@mindspring.com>
Takoma Park , MD - Friday, September 10, 2004 4:21 PM CDT

Thanks for the inside scoop today on the outrageously long line today at the free barbecue lunch...I opted for a free massage. The guy couldn't hold a candle to Christine.

It was great to see you back here. I had been thinking about your coming back , and wondering how you were doing. Inside, I imagine each step forward still aches. But this relatively objective observer saw courage and grace. You seemed at ease and at home. I hope that is true...

All my best to you and your family.


Sarah Smith <sfina@mindspring.com>
Takoma Park , MD - Friday, September 10, 2004 4:21 PM CDT
matt and naomi,
hi from the pacific northwest! I'm heading down to your old home by the bay this weekend for a fancy wedding (not mine!) at the Ritz. As I was packing for this trip, I remembered a trip I took to San Francisco in law school. You asked me to bring back some "fog as it rolls in." I was unsuccessful then, and I anticipate a similar result this time. But, I will think of you guys when I see the fog and the Golden Gate bridge and hope that this weekend brings you joy and peace.

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Thursday, September 9, 2004 6:24 PM CDT
Dear Naomi & Family,
Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I am thinking about you today. I love the pictures from Jake's party. Looks like the bounce house might have been therapeutic!

Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 3:52 PM CDT
Dear, dear Naomi,
You are so good at finding the blessings in everyday life. Thank you for sharing them. I'm thinking of you all as the seasons turn and the year goes around again.

Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 8:57 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt & Jake --
Wishing you all much strength as the school year begins, and a belated happy birthday to Jake. Raphael is also going through a 'licking' phase, if thats any comfort.
much love as always

Sasha Natapoff <alexandra.natapoff@lls.edu>
Los Angeles, CA US - Monday, August 30, 2004 3:05 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, it was nice to see Jake at the GULC CCC last Friday. Dylan was so happy to see Jake and had a wonderful time with him! He grew so much and he remembered us. I'll try to stop by your office and pay you a quick visit one of these days. Love!
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va - Saturday, August 28, 2004 11:49 PM CDT

Your words are so beautiful as is your soul. I read your entries and feel sad and hopeful all at the same time. I am thinking of you , Matt and Jake daily. And Julien too.

Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Saturday, August 28, 2004 5:01 PM CDT
One of the reasons I've always loved children is because they remind us to dream, to enjoy life, and to stop taking things so seriously. They're unaffected by the details of adult life that tend to make us cynical, hardened, self-conscious and afraid. And perhaps that's how we all should be. Jake is a shining example of this.

And JJ is a shining example of how Jake's ghost theory applies to angels too. His presence is still felt so strongly because of the enormous amount of love inside of him. Jake's right...love is stronger than bones. Much, much more so.

Thinking of you always, Melissa

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Friday, August 27, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake,

Much love and many thoughts.

Chris P. <cpalamountain@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 4:50 PM CDT
Dear all,

Re your note & pic, thank YOU, and it is *we* who receive a gift of *you* and your generosity, your sharing... The learning is profound, the experience felt immeasurably deeply. Angel Julien is tuned in to all of this yet, on some frequency we can't now understand... Thinking of you always with hope, strength, energy, angst, more hope, and much love,

Helen, James & Rachel <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 0:30 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt and Jake,
I don't have much to say on a cold and foggy summer night. Only that I was thinking of you all, clicked to your website, and again was moved and comforted by your words. Thanks for keeping this up.
With much love,

Suzanne <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA - Monday, August 23, 2004 10:46 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt and Jake
Thank you very much from The Laboratory of Immunology for your special picture thank you. You are in our thoughts too.

Shirley Starnes <sstarnes@niaid.nih.gov>
Bethesda, MD - Monday, August 23, 2004 6:29 AM CDT
matt and naomi: it was wonderful to see you in July and to be able to hug you (and roxie!) in person, instead of sending support through routers and wires. I hope August is treating you well. I think of you often.
Much love,

Kristina <kristina_hellman@email.com>
Portland, OR - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:32 AM CDT
I'm so glad you mentioned "Light The Night." I have heard about it many times but have never been so interested. I found out that there is a walk here in Fresno on October 16th, also. I registered for that one and would love to walk it in honor of Julien. Thanks for inspiring me to get involved in a such a worthy cause. I know many people will benefit, just like we all do from your wonderful website.

Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Sunday, August 15, 2004 10:41 PM CDT
Naomi and Matt; You have just expressed how all of us feel about most "failures", no matter what they are. You are right, it is not rational, but it is still there. I think about you all much more than I write. Wishing you much love and sunshine,
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 11:33 AM CDT
Once again you accurately describe the feelings that a bereaved parent goes thru. I have often felt the same way about Alex's death - what did I do to fail him?? Yet, no one failed him - he was given the best medical care available, and more love than imaginable. thanks for being such a great person and writer. Love,
Camilla Haigler <camilla.haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC - Monday, August 9, 2004 4:13 PM CDT
Failure, no I don't think that's the right word. Parenting is a constant reminder of how little we can control, govern, make happen in the way we want it to. I don't think I'd call it failure. It is for me about a kind of humility. In any cse, I'm thinking of you.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, Ma USA - Saturday, August 7, 2004 1:44 PM CDT
Hey Naomi - hope you got my phone message. I'm here if you want to hang out in the backyard or anywhere else. I'm not going through a licking phase so you should be okay. big heaps of love, Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 7:24 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake: The moments of my life that I have been lucky enough to share with you repeat over and over in my mind, and I they make me feel comforted, enlightened, and so positive about people and the greater world! Eveything you say and do with and for us, your friends, is such a gift that I can only imagine how lucky Jake is to have you, and for you to have each other! I don't think Jake will remember any grumpiness for long, only your blanket of love and caring. Wishing you warm sun, smiling flowers, good thoughts, and all other positive things! Hope to see you all soon! Much love!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, August 4, 2004 1:49 PM CDT
Dear Naomi. Thank you for ccontinuing to share your struggles with us all and the transition from life with Julien in the physical sense, into a life which reaches into the spirit of Julien. I was thinking about you all as I was reading in my devotional this morning about a special plant. 11 months out of the year it is covered with 1 inch long thorns that are so sharp and hard, the farmers in the region have trouble keeping them from tearing at their flesh and the flesh of their livestock. But soon, a little soft ball forms on the side of the thorn, not at the base, but right on the hard surface of the thorn. Soon that little ball increases in size and a beautiful fragrant blossom will form. This story reminded me of what you might be experiencing now. I pray that as the hard thorn gives way, you will find all the flowers you can - from the memories of Julien and his precious life to the joys of life with Jake. the scars may still be there, but I pray the blossoms will help to ease the pain they once caused. God bless you and your family as you look forward to the blossoms. Lisa Boyd
Lisa Boyd <lboyd@niaid.nih.gov>
NIH/LI, MD USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 6:56 AM CDT
dearest naomi, matt and jake,

thank you, thank you for continuing to update this webpage. it is such a gift to us that you continue to share your life in such an honest and searing way. i think about you all the time, and i too have had my grumpy-mommy moments and think that i am such an awful, terrible, horrible person to get grumpy when i am so lucky to have such a wonderful little girl in my life. but i realize that we just have those moments when we are exhausted and trying to clean up and there are these little hands that love to play with the trash and pull down all the food in the pantry and put dirty things in little mouths. you are right that there is nothing better and at times nothing harder than being a parent. thank you also for posting the pictures from jake's birthday party. they put a smile on my face.
selena (dong) epley for mel, selena, melvin and sophia

selena dong epley <mepley@hotmail.com>
chula vista, ca usa - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:30 PM CDT
I feel such a sureness that Julien is listening to The Story...the story of all of you that continues to unfold, of which he will always be a part.

And another month of it is now passed...and we readers turn the page with hope, with concern, and with more hope. xo

Helen, James & Rachel <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 10:34 PM CDT
Dear Naomi--
Love your words... The grumpiness sounds like what I used to call "Mother Reaches Own Natural Limit." Not, perhaps, a bad thing for a child to know that his mother has Own Natural Limit--- and he has the power to help her reach that point. I always thought JH was very good at grounding me in the here and now--- and sometimes he called me back by "helping" me reach Own Natural Limit. None of us are the parent we want to be--- but I am so sure you and Matt are about the best that anyone on this green earth could possibly be--- even with Own Natural Limits, and grief that comes on like a migraine at times. Love you,

Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT - Thursday, July 29, 2004 1:07 PM CDT
Hello Naomi, Matt and Jakey,
Sending lots of hugs your way. Happy belated Birthday Jakey!!!

Melika Graves <mzg@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:46 AM CDT
Saludos, Naomi and Matt and five year old Jake! I'm so grateful to read your wonderful words, as always, Naomi, and even more so to hear the glimpses of happiness that are creeping into your world. How beautifully profound you make my day. I love you all, and as always you are in my heart. Jake, keep on licking...

Suzanne <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:36 AM CDT
Hi Naomi & Family,
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. Always checking the site, hanging on your every written word. Wishing the pain would just go away. Knowing that it won't. But just wishing anyway.

Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:26 AM CDT
Naomi, I think that the bad part about being grumpy with your child is that afterwards, you feel guilty and regretful. If only the guilt and regret could pre-empt the grumpiness. Of course, that is impossible. Grumpiness is a part of life, my life at least. You must know that Jake wants your attention, grumpy or not. He loves everything about you. One of the gifts of Motherhood. As your love for him is unconditional, so too, is his love for you.

"To err is human. To forgive is divine." Remember to forgive yourself.

You continue to be in my thoughts.



Beth Davidson <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD USA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 11:14 AM CDT
Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know that we are still here and always will be. Even if we make entries less often, you should know that we are always following what is happening with you and hope that this somehow gives you additional solace.
Jonathan & Nadine <jpaulcarmel@yahoo.com>
Netanya, Israel - Monday, July 26, 2004 5:58 PM CDT
When my kids were little I sometimes got grumpy with them. This bothered me more than it bothered them. Hang in there. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, July 26, 2004 7:39 AM CDT
For the record, Jake's fifth birthday party was a huge success. A good time was had by all. The party was quite memorable and one of a kind. That colossal, purple dragon bounce tops the list for fun birthday treats. Wow!

Hang on, Matt and Naomi. You are surrounded by love, concern and support. I am here for you.

Beth Davidson <EAD25@cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD USA - Sunday, July 18, 2004 9:46 PM CDT
Dear all, belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to the rare and amazing Jake...and to his courageous and blessed parents... and our continuing gratitude for him, for you, for Julien, and for your sharing this journey with us as you do... LOVE.
Helen, James & Rachel <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Sunday, July 18, 2004 1:41 PM CDT
Happy belated B-day to Jake! Wow, you are FIVE. Dylan is turning five soon too. Take care!
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va 22079 - Sunday, July 18, 2004 12:24 AM CDT
I know what you mean about being happy and sad at the same time. It is one of the strangest sensations that a person can feel. We are quickly approaching the date that Alex relapsed (Aug 7) and Elizabeth's 1st birthday is Aug 28. It is unfair to struggle with such emotions but we will find the strength to do so. You are in my thoughts often.
Camilla Haigler <camilla.haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC - Friday, July 16, 2004 12:12 AM CDT
Still thinking of you.
Jonathan Silverman <jonathansilv@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:18 PM CDT
Belated happy birthday to Jake! It sounds like it must have been great, great fun.
Thank you Naomi for continuing to share your heartbreaking and heartwarming thoughts and feelings.
Julien is as ever in our hearts and minds.

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:07 PM CDT
Happy Happy Birthday (late) to Jake--and today to Roxie!!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.
much love,

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 2:55 PM CDT
Naomi, I hope Jake had the happiest of birthdays and that he will have a magical year ahead of him. He is truly a poet -- loving as much as beings can love is something to aspire to. The cake sounds marvelous (we have that book too!)

I think of you and your family often. Thank you for continuing to share the mountains and valleys of your journey.

Julie Bibb
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, July 12, 2004 2:27 PM CDT

thank you for sharing these exquisite pieces of your heart. Even the shards refract light into rainbows.

Happy birthday, Jake.

grateful as always to read your words,

Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT - Monday, July 12, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
my best guess: Julien _was_ there smacking you with big wet kisses.

Hope Jake had a wonderful birthday!


Sam, Izzy & Nick

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Monday, July 12, 2004 1:36 PM CDT
Happy birthday, Jake! And congratulations to you, Naomi and Matt, on five consecutive years of exemplary parenting. Promise you'll give me pointers someday when I make a bungled go at raising kids (whenever that may be...). Love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Monday, July 12, 2004 9:55 AM CDT
Hope the birthday was terrific for everyone.

Reading your entries always makes me feel I'm hearing the words of a wise woman, never more so than the words you wrote yesterday.



Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA USA - Sunday, July 11, 2004 2:52 PM CDT
Your last Journal entry sounds as though the good days and bad days are sorta tumbling over one another but the good day, being Jake's 5th birthday, will be a
day to remember, I am sure. With all Grandparents and Coach there to help celebrate, it must have been a heartwarming time. No doubt a day Jake
and all of you will remember and make you smile.....HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY JAKE
Love to All of You....

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Sunday, July 11, 2004 9:27 AM CDT
Naomi -- I'm so glad to see a new entry in your journal -- we've been away and I've been checking everyday. Happy Birthday to wonderful Jake and congratulations to you and Matt for continuing to provide him with a life full of joy and happiness. Your willingness to share your journey has changed us too. I'm glad that Jake's big day will be filled with lots and lots of people who love him. As the Irish say, May your house always be too small -- to hold all your friends.

Sending you lots and lots of love, Linda

Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, July 10, 2004 9:21 AM CDT
Jake, I hope you have an exceptional , fun-filled fifth birthday with your family and friends!

Naomi and Matt, I continue to think of you as I always do. Jake is so lucky to have you, his wonderful, loving parents. Enjoy a piece of cake for me. I wish I could be there to celebrate.

Cheryl Lynn

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Walnut Creek, CA - Saturday, July 10, 2004 8:55 AM CDT
It is a beautiful entry. I'm still here to check on you. Dylan is turning 5 at the end of the month. I havn't figured out what to do yet but there will be a b-day party and hope you all can come. Sincerely
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, VA - Monday, July 5, 2004 3:47 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake,

Words fail me utterly tonight. I am thinking of you all with such intensity, energy, and hope. Jason L. is right--he is not the only one...

and I am "glad" (lame word) that you continue to write here. We are standing by with full hearts...with gratitude for all we have.

Our continuing love & support--and from my mom, too--

Helen, James & Rachel <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Monday, July 5, 2004 0:58 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,

But what has anguished the clams I would want to know. Three months? I wonder if everyone who has met you in the last three months walks away feeling that they said all the wrong things. I felt that way.

Once, about twenty years ago, I was waiting outside a locked bathroom door in an LA restaurant. A man in a booth was seated less than two feet away from me--too close not to talk, so we both said, "hello."

"Someone's been in there quite a long time," he said.

"Oh," I said.

Now my claim to fame is that I had that conversataion with Orson Welles. Talk about an anguished clam! By the time Welles died several years later, I had wasted many hours inventing witty rejoinders to "Someone's been in there quite a long time." Rejoinders to give the encounter more meaning.

But what does one say to a mother who has lost a child? The words themselves, any words, mock meaning.

Do you know the poem by William Morris?

Men fight and lose the battle,
and the thing that they fought for
comes about in spite of their defeat,
and when it comes
it turns out not to be what they meant,
and other men have to fight for
what they mean under another name.

So there I was, so pleased to be in your company and yet tongue-tied as a lover. And really, I just wanted to look at Jake who struck me as impossibly small. Not small for his age, of course, but I'd bought into all the BIG brother references hook, line, and sinker, and there he was.....just a little boy in his pajamas, utterly guiless and charming in his eagerness to welcome strangers and introduce Gran's cats and I kept thinking.....but Julien was even smaller.....how unfair......how incomprehensible, and how incredibly beautiful that you and Matt continue to find the words to save us all.

And Jake of the ever more confident "J"s will fall heir to his family's rich legacy of words words words, and yet be blessed by the knowledge that a single scribble from a child who knew few words has infinite power to gladden his Mother's heart.

"Oh," I say.

Love, Jane

Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, July 4, 2004 7:39 PM CDT
Namoi, Matt, Jake,
Just wanted to let you know that I still keep up with you via the website pretty regularly -- whenever I'm working nights. I love to read your site, even though it almost always makes me cry, because of the beauty of your writing....hang in there.

Jennifer Lumb, 5200 RN <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Sunday, July 4, 2004 5:24 AM CDT
Oh my god, this latest entry just did me in. The force of Jake and Julien's love for each other and for life is an astonishing gift. I have never been able to imagine a convincing picture of heaven but Julien playing with Barbie or tickling Jake's butt work for me.

It feels almost selfish to derive so much comfort from your website. I know that I'm not the only one who comes here not only to offer you support but also to borrow your strength and wisdom and love.

I love you all like flowers.

Jason Loviglio <loviglio@umbc.edu>
Baltimore, - Friday, July 2, 2004 9:57 AM CDT
Na, Matt & Jake--
Thinking of you with deep love and wet, sloppy kisses

Diane Huntley <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Thursday, July 1, 2004 10:27 AM CDT
Professor Mezey:

I am constantly thinking of you and your family. I send you positive thoughts and lots of love from Colorado. I am glad you are back at work because the students at Georgetown Law were missing out on the school's best professor.

Heather O'Brien <trackgoddess4704@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:26 AM CDT
Matt, I know you did a fabulous job caring for Julien. In fact, fabulous is too small a word to describe it. I think you continue to care for him by caring for those he loved, Naomi and Jake; as they continue to care for him by caring for you. I wish you all much love, comfort, and warm sun on your faces!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, June 25, 2004 6:40 PM CDT
Good to read that some semblance of "normal" life is returning. Wishing you the strength to grasp for those shreds of dailiness and to hold on to Julien's spirit as you do.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA USA - Friday, June 25, 2004 7:28 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,
That's how peace comes--- exactly. It comes in moments and stays just at the edge of your life and then disappears, and then again it comes and lingers a bit longer and comes a bit closer, more fully present...
And the little blessings, Julien's stray marks, bring in peace so it rests nearer your heart.
You are so gifted; you are such a gift; Julien is such a gift to us all.
Grateful to have your words. Sending love,

Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT - Thursday, June 24, 2004 3:03 PM CDT
Thank you for continuing to share, so beautifully, your long, hard journey toward peace. Through this entire past year I have felt guilty for having a healthy new baby (especially when you were so kind and asked me about HER when you were out here for Julien's graveside memorial!) I just want you to know that reading your last entry touched me so profoundly because my one year old is often trying to "write" on my papers and I normally scoot her away with irritation. Well, not today I won't!! I will see those precious little scribbles in a whole new light thanks to you & JULIEN. I want to echo the other guestbook entries and tell you that all of the sharing that you have done through this website has really taught so many of us to live more fully and thankfully.
I hope the passing of time will continue to ease the pain and that you and your family will be happy again, many more times.

Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 2:08 PM CDT
Immeasureable amounts of love to you all, Naomi, Matt and Jake! I wish you comfort and love!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:52 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, I am glad we got a brief visit on your trip out here. Thanks for letting me have some time with Jake. He is so delightful!! I hope you will give him a big squeeze for me and tell him that I hope we get to read some Ms. Frizzle together again soon. Did he see a whale? I wish I had anything the least bit comforting to say. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us. As painful as they are for you they are something very real in a world full of mendacity and as such pull as all back to the things that are essential and important and true.
Robyn Lipsky <Robyn_Lipsky@cand.uscourts.gov>
San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:15 AM CDT
Naomi - I've been missing you while you were away and lately things have been so crazy here. We're going away for a couple of weeks but I hope that we can get together when I get back. I'll call you but please call me if you want or send me an email - I'll be checking while I'm away. I hope you're feeling a little bit better, at least occasionally. Wishing you lots of love and peace, Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, June 21, 2004 7:02 PM CDT
Hello Naomi, Matt & Jakey
I'm sending lots of hugs your way!! Just wanted to let you all know that I'm at your disposal free of charge if you and Matt need some alone time. It would be my pleasure to sit for Jakey either at your home or at mine. Feel free to call me anytime.

Melika Graves <mzg@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, June 18, 2004 1:28 PM CDT
Matt & Naomi:

Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you all and wishing you peace.

Jonathan Selbin <jselbin@lchb.com>
New York, NY - Friday, June 18, 2004 11:48 AM CDT
Hello to all of you. We were so sorry not to be able to be with you while you were in the bay area. I think of you often, and am so grateful to read your words on the website from time to time.

As always, your writing touches me deeply, and spurs me to live more deeply and fully. Thank you for such a precious gift.

A cyber hug to all of you.
With love,

Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkely, CA - Thursday, June 17, 2004 5:26 PM CDT
I find myself at a loss for words at the moment, but wanted to let you know how much I still think about you and your family, Naomi, and how much I wish my words could leap off the screen and surround you in a great, big, warm, comforting hug. Sadly, I've been assured by my tech-saavy friends that such capabilities do not yet exist. Still, it doesn't stop me from wishing they did. Much love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Thursday, June 17, 2004 8:53 AM CDT
Thinking of you daily - especially Julien. You write so beautifully and make others feel so deeply.
Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:23 AM CDT
Dear Naomi.
It was a big shok for me when I read about Julien. It is unbeliveble when things like this hapend and speialy when you look back at all the days full of hoppe on the unit. I'm very sorry for your loss and I can imagine the pain that you and your family are going through.
Ola, Blake, Adler & Kiona.

Ola Edwards <snake2woman@msn.com>
Mary Esther, FL USA - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:07 PM CDT
How wise Jake is at such a young age! He accurately sums up how I as a bereaved parent feels. I have the same feelings you do. Some days I am okay - others I think that I may go insane from the loss. On those days, I just try to get through it. Naomi and Jeff - you guys aren't alone.
Camilla Haigler (Duke 5201 - Alex's mom) <camilla.haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake,

I think of you frequently and still check this website to see how you are doing. I wish there were something I could do or say to make this easier. I too miss Julien. Oftentimes I think of his smile and can still hear his little laugh which always makes me smile. I have so many great memories of our Durham dinners and the nightly bedtime routines too. You have such a wonderful family and if there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to call.

I will be in the area for the entire year so I'd love to get together and see you three. I'll be in touch. Take care.

Love, Cheryl Lynn

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Vienna, VA - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:30 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake,
I tried writing in the guestbook after reading the journal entry of your visit to Julien's grave but could not find what to write. Any words of comfort I have to offer seem so hackneyed. We can only imagine your immeasurable sorrow and loss. But we are here to provide a listening ear and any type of distraction from silly jokes to an invite to Jersey.
Thinking of you always and sending big comforting hugs to you all.

Nicki and family <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, June 14, 2004 4:03 PM CDT
dearest naomi, matt and jake,

thank you for the latest entry. to borrow jake's phrasing, everytime i read your entries, i have intense feelings and just do not know what to write in response. as you wrote, the words are simply inadequate and small compared to the vastness of your feelings. if you ever want to spend some time in san diego (we do have nice weather, wonderful ocean views, a great zoo and terrific mexican food, you would have doting hosts (including ten year old melvin who would love to play with jake--he loves little kids) and a guestroom with its own bathroom (my mother's favorite feature of our home).

selena (dong), mel, melvin and sophia epley

selena epley <mepley@hotmail.com>
chula vista, ca usa - Monday, June 14, 2004 2:20 PM CDT
Sending mad, passionate, devoted and hopeless love your way every nano-second of every minute of every hour of every day. Also, soon to be sending one small magnetic ball and a plastic sword -- both found by the archealogically inclined Sophie (under the couch). We loved seeing you and Matt and Jake. I wish I could hug and kiss you and stroke your hair, but thoughts and words must suffice for the moment. You are among the strongest of the strong and you will emerge from this ... (no word can do it justice). I love you.

Diane Huntley <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Monday, June 14, 2004 11:04 AM CDT
As you said so beautifully about your boy, grief is also like the ocean. It's amazing in its power, feels so much bigger than we are. Staying with it is all you can do, and I hope you feel held above the depths by your beautiful family and all who love you, near and far.
Jen <jditoro@pdsdc.org>
Washington, DC - Monday, June 14, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
I'm sorry you are having so many hard days. Keep holding on to your family, and to your family here at Georgetown as well. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, June 14, 2004 8:34 AM CDT
Hi guys. It was so wonderful spending time with you in San Francisco. It sounds like visiting JJ's grave was incredibly hard. The many gifts at the cemetary were amazing, and sounded perfect for Julien. I miss you all already. Talk to you soon, xoxo Alex.
Alex McClure <kalexmcc@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:10 PM CDT
How are you all doing?
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, v - Saturday, June 12, 2004 8:43 AM CDT
matt and naomi, by now you must have arrived safely back in DC. I liked the thought of you out here on the West Coast--just down the 101. I think about you guys all the time, I miss you and hope that summer brings you times of joy and peace, even as you grieve for Julien. I am sending my love across the country (and for good measure some sloppy dog kisses from jerry and lyle). xoxo
Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Friday, June 11, 2004 1:26 PM CDT
Prof. Mezey (and family),

After taking my last law school exam ever, my fiance and I headed to England for a much needed vacation. The day after Mother's Day my family was struck by tragedy, as my mother passed away completely unexpectedly. We rushed back to be with my family, and suddenly everything I had been excited about: graduation, the wedding, moving on with my life, suddenly seemed not to matter at all. I was plunged into an emptiness which words cannot possibly describe.

I was approaching graduation with dread and contempt...even until the last moment when we marched out onto the quad. At the moment when Dean Areen told us to turn around and thank those people who had stood by our side and helped us through all these years all I could do was cry...realizing that my consumate cheerleader wasn't here for me to thank. But at my degree ceremony, when I saw you standing there with a smile and such excitement and joy, I too smiled. You filled me with such strength that I felt excited about being there in that moment at a time when I felt nothing at all.

I wanted to thank you for sharing your experiences throughout this year. In this past month what I have learned from your family has helped me to get through each painful day.

You can be sure that my mother will be up there taking care of your beautiful son, as she heard so much about him and kept him in her prayers.

You have helped me in ways I cannot express, and I will be forever grateful.

Tovah Minster <tam29@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 2:13 PM CDT
Naomi and Matt --we miss you on the east coast something fierce.
Steve and Koethi <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
- Tuesday, June 8, 2004 3:35 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake,
My thoughts and love go out to you often. Beth, Andy and I feel your pain. The loss of an immediate family member is devastating. You linked at this time to cherries. Each spring, John sends us magnificent iris and every conceivable perenial flower. It is the most wonderful gift , and heart breaking at the same time. I am moving to MD. I have purchased a home in Fallsgrove. I will be far from John's garden, as you are from Julien. Distance is not the issue. Both of them have the beauty of nature to comfort them. I will take some small favorite iris to my new tiny garden; but we bring them wherever we go, in our hearts. Life is never the same again, but life is good and we must live it well. It is 8 years for us, and there are still times of great sadness, but mostly there is peace, loving memories, and the gift of their love for the time we had it.
I look forward to living nearby and being an active, supportive family together.
Hugs and my love,
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 9:14 AM CDT
Glad to hear that you are doing okay out in California. I'm missing you here in DC. All my love, Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington , DC USA - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 7:21 AM CDT
I'm so happy you had the chance to get
to California this Spring and to be
able to visit JJ's grave, see your
California friends and visit family.
Thinking of you always...

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Monday, June 7, 2004 9:15 AM CDT
The trip to JJ's resting place seems both unbelievably hard and also quite beautiful. Hope it brings some comfort to know that he and you are all in our thoughts.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@Amherst.edu>
Amherst, Ma USA - Monday, June 7, 2004 4:36 AM CDT
I hope you'll look down and wave when you cross the Mississippi on your ride home. We're down here rooting for you, and looking forward to seeing you in DC later this month.
Morty and Kate
Memphis, TN BBQ - Thursday, June 3, 2004 10:55 AM CDT
What an amazing little boy Jake is! If he continues that streak of always knowing the right thing to say, he'll be a heartbreaker for sure (just what DC women need...one more heartbreaker [sigh]).

And what an amazing little family you all are, all four of you, to have gone through such agony and heartbreak, and still be bound together so tightly, so strongly. You never cease to amaze me, or to inspire in your wide circle of friends and loved ones much admiration, loyalty and love!

Anxiously awaiting your return to DC,

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Thursday, June 3, 2004 10:30 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
I think of you often but I don't call and I don't write. I feel so helpless at this time. I know your hearts are heavy. I know that it is hard to continue with everyday life. I believe that time will ease your burden.

Naomi, I am glad that you are committed to not feeling sad forever. Good for you. Even if the concept is inconceivable at this time. Perhaps, someday, it will feel possible.

I will continue to think of you, during this difficult time.

Beth Davidson <EAD25@cornell.edu>
Rockville , MD USA - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 2:25 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, please do remember what you said to Jake - JJ's spirit is with you all! So in a sense your whole family were together. Love,
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 11:48 AM CDT
dear naomi and matt, I was lying in bed watching jarrah sleep the other night and i looked up and saw the photo of julien we have up over our little shrine in the bedroom, and i got to thinking about you two and then realized it must be your anniversary about now. then i got to thinking about that fateful night of bruno weintraub's party! - i remember going to the party with naomi and jason, and after some dancing and bruno's homemade ginger beer, leaving with just jason - we sat outside on the steps for a while wondering if you were okay, if we should try to find you. you were SO okay! yeah, it was all part of that confusion of the last week of college, not quite believing it would be over and we would all have to leave. wow. i love it that that was your night, your moment. it sounds cliched but you two are an inspiration for me, especially the way you let yourselves be so different from each other and always have such appreciation for each other. it's gorgeous. in your vows you said You Are Home and i cry cry cried -i think we all did - because it felt so true. i love you both so much! xoxo kim
kim sargent-wishart <kswish@mac.com>
san francisco, ca - Monday, May 31, 2004 10:08 PM CDT
Julien is our hero!

What Is a Hero?

A hero is someone who is proud and brave,
A hero is someone who is never afraid.
A hero is someone who is never done,
Until the battle is fought and won.
A hero is someone who is kind and smart,
A hero is someone who trusts his heart.
A hero is someone who is always unique,
A hero is someone you'd like to meet.
A hero is someone who will listen to you,
A hero is someone who is loving and true.
A hero can be tall or small,
A hero is not selfish at all.
And if you believe that wishes come true,
Maybe, just maybe, you will find a hero in you

Alicia & ^^Angel^^ Tommy www.caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys <Lumberhead@twinwolf.net>
- Monday, May 31, 2004 4:28 PM CDT
Happy Anniversary (belated)!
Your wedding was one of the most wonderful we ever attended (what ever happened to those stones?). It actually managed to encompass all the things a wedding is supposed to: love, joy, union, family, friends and Zydeco music! I have only remained confused all these years by who the woman in the white dress with the straight hair was!!! We are looking forward to seeing you very soon!!!!
The Hons

Diane Huntley <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Monday, May 24, 2004 11:15 AM CDT

Our anniversary is May 18th

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Saturday, May 22, 2004 10:05 AM CDT
I am guessing that there is more to that story.
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:30 PM CDT
Wow! what are marvelous love story. Lisa and children were just here having cake in my kitchen; the six children and two Moms and of course we were talking about Jake and Julien. We miss him so much.
We are looking forward to seeing you,
Love Caroline

Caroline Clements <caroline@waquoit.com>
Durham, NC - Friday, May 21, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
I wasn't invited either! Oh well, I'm so glad that you two were. You do seem perfect together. Have a great trip and call me for more knitting dates when you get home. Love to you both! -- Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC 20015 - Friday, May 21, 2004 5:08 PM CDT
Wasn't it Anthony Weintraub, and Bruno Weinberg? Either way, I wasn't invited.
Metcalf <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
- Friday, May 21, 2004 1:37 PM CDT
I'm reading misty-eyed, thankful for my quiet life, and wishing I could share a piece of that quiet with you.
Jonathan & Nadine <jpaulcarmel@yahoo.com>
Netanya, Israel - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:20 AM CDT
Hi Naomi, I'm still here to check on you. It is great to see that Matt did also put an entry. I don't know your schedule but if you would like to come over or for us to visit you, please let me know. Love to have Dylan play with Jake sometimes. Dylan does talk about Jake and love to visit.
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:13 AM CDT
Naomi and Matt:
We are sorry not to have been home for this very special day but we are glad to know you were drinking prosecco, which is some where near the top of the list for romance.

We leave Israel tonight and will see you you over the weekend.

Mother and Dad

Marilyn and Bill Paul <w.e.paul@verizon.net>
Netanya, Israel - Friday, May 21, 2004 8:22 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt, Congratulations on the Anniversary. You are truly blessed to have one another, especially since you have been chosen by God to travel this rocky road. May the road get smoother and may the rest of your journey be a joyous one. Thanks so very much for continuing to write. You are such an inspiration. Love and Angel Hugs,
Louise <AngelHaps@aol.com>
Colo. Spgs., CO - Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:11 PM CDT

I can remember back about 15-16 years ago when I was working with Matt in DC. One day at lunch he told me the story about dancing with you the night you met. I can still remember the glow on his face when he told me about it. I think you are so lucky to have each other and I hope you are hanging in there. We still think about you guys every day.

Take care,

Karen Gordon-Sosby <kmhsosby@austin.rr.com>
Wimberley, TX USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:39 PM CDT
matt and naomi, you continue to amaze me. you show such courage as you ride the rollercoaster through all its twists and turns-- being strong someimes, feeling weak others, and being up and down and all around. I think about you all the time. I remember hearing the story about how you met and wondering "they are so perfect together--I can't believe it was such a brush with fate. I hope that happens to me."
Knowing that you are together makes me feel better about the world. I send big hugs to you all, and to Roxie too.
much love

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:39 PM CDT
I'm such a sucker for a love story...congrats on holding onto each other for 17 years! May you have many, many more *happy* years to come. Love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington , VA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
The bells of South College are ringing right now and the campus is all spiffed up for Reunion/Commencement. I am sending love to you on your anniversary---what a beautful story-- and hoping that others will find their own true love here this weekend.
Love to the Mezey-Paul family, who nurture each other with strength and love and grace,

Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT - Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:04 AM CDT
dearest naomi, matt and jake,
thank you so much for continuing to share your lives with us through this website. my heart aches for all of you. i am so glad that you are doing yoga, naomi. yoga has gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life (which have been much, much easier than what you are going through right now). i would go to yoga class and cry and sweat and struggle to be mindful while being sad but i would keep doing the asanas and sometimes felt like i had to pull my heart off the floor with great effort since it felt so heavy. but i was always glad to have practiced. with great, great love,
selena (dong), mel, melvin and sophia epley

selena epley <mepley@hotmail.com>
chula vista, ca usa - Monday, May 17, 2004 2:06 PM CDT
Yes, you are all three warriors - of the strongest kind
much love

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, May 16, 2004 8:04 PM CDT
Dear, dear warriors, My heart aches for you when I read your entries. It is sooo very hard to lose someone so very close, but to lose a child is incomprehensible to me. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I can't tell you how much I look forward to hearing from you. Your entries are so very insightful. Please take care of yourselves. May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Love and Angel Hugs.
Louise <AngelHaps@aol.com>
Colo. Spgs., CO - Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:33 PM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
I know we've been playing phone tag but I just wanted to let you know that you're in my prayers and I'm thinking about you all.
Love always,
Cheryl Lynn

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Saturday, May 15, 2004 2:36 PM CDT
Dearest Warriors (I imagine a brace of Buzz Lightyears). While you struggle to regain the illusion of invulnerability, every journal entry you share erodes mine and makes me a better person. Funny that. It's Matt's line, however, that woke me this morning after reading it last night. "I loved always having an eye on that boy." Doesn't that epitomize parenting a child from age one to two? That toddling year when the child seems hell bent on ending his life in the very act of embracing it, and, if you do take your eye off to stir the soup, or whatever, it's to the detriment of the cat or the furniture, or, even worse, the book you were reading. You all are missing Julien's mischief, and that just breaks me heart. Love from Not-much of-a-Warrior Jane

Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA - Saturday, May 15, 2004 9:03 AM CDT
It's actually no surprise to us that you all are warriors. That has become completely obvious.

I sympathize with Jake -- I want to hold tightly onto you all too.

Endless love and hugs,

Anne <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Baltimore, MD - Friday, May 14, 2004 11:12 PM CDT
It is a beautiful evening! I hope you get a chance to go for a walk or something together! .....my favorite ice cream is Starbucks Java Chip!!!!!
Since I can't wish you sunshine for this weeknd because it is going to rain, instead I wish you smiles and warm temperatures, and just enough gentle rain to make our beautiful spring last!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, May 14, 2004 5:39 PM CDT
Hi Naomi and family, how are you all? Anything we can do or help with? Thinking of you all!
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, DC - Friday, May 14, 2004 4:59 AM CDT
Your last two entries have been about the sea and it made me think... I guess I am one of those people on the shore whose life is going on while yours is being tossed by the waves. But, those of us who know you saw when the wave crashed over you, are holding our breath as we wait for you to surface, and stand ready to jump into the water to pull you ashore.

Love, Sarah

Sarah Kaplan <sarah.kaplan@sloan.mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 8:24 PM CDT
Dear Naomi,
The love JJ brought with him here to earth remains with us all; it is palpable in your writing. Thank you.
Love, prayers, and gratitude,

Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT - Monday, May 10, 2004 6:28 PM CDT
Dear Naomi,
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your beach entry - surely Julien must have been present with you there as he is the ocean.
Hope you had a lovely Mother's day (though of course EVERY day is Mother's day!).
We think of you, Matt and Jake all the time. And Matt, your power of suggestion was too great - we too have succumbed to Starbuck's ice cream.

Nicki et. al <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, May 10, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Happy Mother's Day, Naomi.
I hope you have a well-deserved, restful & love-filled day.

Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 6:23 PM CDT
Naomi - thinking of you today (as I do everyday), thinking of how you have showed us all what being a mother means. Please know that these thoughts are always in my heart even though I am shy about saying them in person. Love you - Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 5:55 PM CDT
Dear Naomi:
Judge Edgerton, the very great man I clerked for in 1963-64, and his wife used to read Middlemarch aloud (!)every five years of their long married lives. Tom and I read it to each other once too.
It is so grand to think of literature as a universal solace.

We are thinking of you, dear Naomi and Mat-- a secular form of prayer, and thank you for this place which serves, among other things, as a place to let you know it.

Love, love, Barbara B.

Barbara Babcock <bbabcock@Stanford.edu>
Stanford, CA USA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 2:56 PM CDT
Hi Naomi,
Happy Mother's Day to a beautiful person
and an amazingly wonderful loving mom.
I think of you and check the site often.
I always feel moved, lifted... more alive.
Much love,

Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 12:43 AM CDT
Happy Mother's Day Naomster. From what I've seen you are an even better Mom than you are a friend (hard to believe!).

Much Love,

- Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:58 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake:
It sounds as if the beach was much fun! I really enjoy the smells and the sounds there; I remember playing in the sand when I was little too. You all seem to enjoy being outside - I think of Naomi and Jake in the paddleboats everyday as I drive by! Hope to see you all soon!
Much smiles, sunshine, and love, Julie T.

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:16 AM CDT
Thinking of all of you and sending my love.
Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Saturday, May 8, 2004 2:23 PM CDT
Glad to know that peace is finding its way back into your heart. I know there still will be planty of hard times ahead but hang in there! You have so much more to offer than what life has taken from you! Believe it, JJ is with you all the time!!! Love,
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va - Saturday, May 8, 2004 5:26 AM CDT
I loved going to the beach when I was a kid, and Missy and I loved taking our kids when they were little. It sounds like Jake enjoyed the same things I did. I wonder if I would still like playing in the sand. Maybe I should give it a try. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, May 6, 2004 1:55 PM CDT
Dear Naomi - just checking in, and hoping you're having a better week (or day, or hour, even) than when you last wrote. I think of you often and look forward to seeing you again whenever you're up to it. In the meantime, I'll keep checking in, keep sending my love and hope, and keep looking up to you and your amazing family. Much love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:06 AM CDT
Saw this poem and thought of you.

Love is not gourmet
cream truffles
or pacified sucks.

But walking on broken Rocks
where nobody goes --
love is.

Jane Mayhall

Chris P. <chris@chavezgertler.com>
San Francisco, CA - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:33 AM CDT
I'm thinking of you. Wishing you the best in keeping your head above the water.
Austin <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, Ma USA - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 1:49 AM CDT
Naomi, Matt, & Jake,

Please know that we are thinking of you.

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Monday, May 3, 2004 6:35 AM CDT
I never saw Julien before the marrow transplant. God he was so beautiful! Thank you for posting the picture. We think of you often.

You have been fantastic swimmers, all of you. Jake is very lucky - your ability to be present for him is amazing.

Noah, Caroline, Wiley, Eric & Elise <noah.clements@law.duke.edu>
Durham, NC usa - Saturday, May 1, 2004 10:00 PM CDT
Thank you so much for continuing to share your experience. It is for certain that you can swim...though some days you surely must dog-paddle and gulp the salty water, and your heartbeat seems to pound louder with the water filling your ears, and the shoreline seems almost as if it's tilting in the distance. Shake your head, take a deep breath...YOU CAN DO THIS. and you ARE. and we reach out our arms to you and send you all our love.
Helen, James & Rachel <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Friday, April 30, 2004 10:17 AM CDT
dearest naomi --

ah yes, when the numbness wears off. i think that is the hardest of all.

i remember thinking . . . as a young girl, after my mother had been dead for several years, do people realize that it's harder when the numbness wears off?

the numbness protects us for a while. it's a good thing. the writing protects us also, in a certain way.

but the grief demands to be felt. i think that's just the way it is. it demands to be felt, it demands its time. (i think the anger demands its time as well.)

i remember reading a lot of edna st. vincent millay. somehow, the plainness of those poems spoke to me. ("i am not resigned to the shutting away of hearts"; "childhood is a kingdom where nobody dies")

i think of you a lot. wishing you much strength.



Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, April 29, 2004 9:01 PM CDT
We are reading and thinking of all of you.
Jonathan & Nadine <jpaulcarmel@yahoo.com>
Netanya, ISRAEL - Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:00 AM CDT
The worst that can happen to a person has happened to you. No one expects you to swim for a long time. Just try to keep your head above water and cling to Jake. He won't mind. Love, Jane
Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 0:58 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt and Jake,
The day I returned home from Academy, I bought a copy of Elizabeth Bishop's poetry. And, amazingly, I opened the book to the poem you quote here. I remember years ago when I told you I had not read anything by Jane Austin, and you said, "Oh, the things that await you!" Indeed, Jane Austin offered me her treasure, and now Bishop has done the same. But none of their writing has touched me like yours. I thank you for your many gifts and offerings, for continuing to share your experience and beautiful writing. I wish I had a secret treasure to share with you, a gift that would assure you that you will feel joy again. I know that it's true, but my faith is all I can offer. I believe you can swim. You have been swimming strong and sure for months. Even though the shore may seem to be pulling away, it most certainly is not. You will reach it, and we will likely be sitting there, distracted, snacking, rubbing sunscreen on our noses. But you will emerge, exhausted, dripping and exhilarated someday, and I hope you'll come and have a toasted marshmallow with us.

My love flows to you all.

Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 11:49 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt and Jake

Just want you to know that even though
I don't write often, I read your Journal
and each new entry is even more eloquent than the last. It is good you express
your feelings through your writing.
Grief is a reminder of how special Julien was and continues to be in your thoughts and everday life. We all miss him so.
I love the beautiful picture. Hugs

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:22 PM CDT
And thank goodness Jake can swim too. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, April 28, 2004 11:59 AM CDT
Hey my friend -- I'm here. Let me know if you want to knit and talk. Or just talk. Or just knit. Love you - Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 11:27 AM CDT
And love will keep you buoyant. Please keep gulping in all that we can send--- let it fill your heart and lungs like oxygen. Someday you will ride on top of those waves of grief. While they will still tower and swell, they won't take you under. You can swim; Julien taught you.

Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT 06459 - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:21 AM CDT
No need to remind yourself...that's what we're all here for. You can swim. You can. Love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:42 AM CDT
Professor Mezey...Naomi...I'm not sure how to address you and your beautiful family after you have opened your lives and hearts this way...

Anyway, I think of you all so often, especially since my brief visit with Hallie on the first day of shivah. It meant so much to be able to extend myself to all of you...even in a tiny fruit-salad-and-a-hug sort of a way.

I check in on the Julien page faithfully when I should be outlining. While I'm glad you are writing, I was so sorry to learn how hard things gotten this week.

I can't help but reiterate that if there is anything I can do...take Roxie for a walk, weed the garden...stop by and distract you...I am ready and able.

Take good care of yourselves. Hold fast to your hearts, they will carry you through.

I have faith in all of your strength.

Sarah Smith <sfina@mindspring.com>
Takoma Park, MD - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 7:11 AM CDT

Writing this disaster...wonderful turn of phrase. You write...you love Jake and Matt...I love you all.

Chris P. <cpalamountain@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:09 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and family, my heart is still with you and praying for you all! Anything I can do, please just let me know!
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 3:51 AM CDT
I came across the following passage I immediately thought about your family:

"A heavy mantle of grief will enclose you in the thick fog of despair, but shedding tears, talking, and the passing of time will work wonders. One morning you will wake up and realize that you're not thinking about your pain. You will actually be able to hear the birds sing or see a fluffy white cloud drift across the sky."

While no day will pass that you don't think of Julien, I hope it helps to know that someday the pain of your loss will lighten.

Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Monday, April 26, 2004 4:28 PM CDT
Professor Mezey:

Your remarkable strength and courage is unmatched. I just learned about this site and it has been a blessing to read your entires. I continue to send you and your family love and positive thoughts from Colorado. I don't know if it helps you to know that you are so loved by so many all across this country. I certainly hope it does. You are in my heart.


Heather O'Brien <heather.obrien@judicial.state.co.us>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, April 26, 2004 8:49 AM CDT
Prof. Mezey and Family,

In the last few weeks I have visited this site many times, but each time I couldn't write. I felt that it wasn't my place, as I only knew Naomi as a teacher, and Julien as the baby who grew inside her, so big that in September we didn't think she would make it through the semester before giving birth. But reading the entries here on this page, from the people who love you and those who don't even know you, I see what a strong community your family creates everywhere it goes, and I feel a part of it. From the invitation on the first day of class to help name the baby, to the long lines that wrapped around the halls for people to be tested for the bone marrow registry, Julien was a part of the Georgetown community. I have no words to express my sorrow for your loss, but I know that Julien was and is loved. I hope that when I have children, I can be even half the parents you were to Julien, and are to Jake.

Andrea Prasow <aprasow@paulweiss.com>
New York, NY USA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:59 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi, and Jake,
Your last entry was so moving that I had to write. I continue to check in with the website and our prayers still go out to you all. We are fed with love and inspiration by your thoughts. Jake is a special boy to have such deep thoughts and feelings. Those are tough questions that you answered so honestly and beautifully. His love for his brother will always be a part of him.
I thought you'd like to hear about Olivia's return to Claremont. We knew how difficult it would be for her to leave you,(of course her mind and heart are still right beside you.) We were so happy to give her our hugs, as if we were sending them on to you as well. She bee-lined for the garden and picked roses that made a huge bouquet and put them in the staff room. The fragrance carried through the entire office announcing the beautiful Spring day. So much said in her eyes and thin smile. She immersed herself in poetry writing with kids in the garden and helped prepare for an exchange of classes with Sycamore School by going to several classes teaching haiku. It was comforting I'm sure. She is a good ambassador of the love you wrote about and it continues to grow in all of us.
Tom and Barbara Carlson, Claremont,CA

Barbara Carlson <bc2teach@hotmail.com>
Claremont, CA US - Saturday, April 24, 2004 11:30 PM CDT
I'm glad you explained to Jake that he remains a big brother, since he remains my role model as a big brother. It's a tough standard to live up to. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Friday, April 23, 2004 1:52 PM CDT
Naomi, your last entry brought such a smile to my face, not only because of your staunch resolve to keep on loving Julien and to turn that love and all the love that surrounds you into something more than sadness, but also because - now, more than ever - it is so clear to me where little JJ's extraordinary strength and determination came from: you. What a marvelously fitting way to honor his memory! Much love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Friday, April 23, 2004 10:11 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, You, too, will someday be "surprised by joy," as William Wordsworth was. A college prof told us he wrote that poem after a child of his had died. At that point, at that young age, I thought that losing a child was too unbearable to ever allow a parent to find any happiness ever again. But I've found that joy *did* surprise me one day, and I expect it will you, too---perhaps by the world offering you "a crowd, a host of golden daffodils" or by Jake's laughter or by Matt's love. But you will have that moment of transport that finds you surprised by joy, by what beauty this world still has to offer. And I remain in awe of the strength your family has. Were you not so open, acknowledging and accepting pain and fear and grief (which all takes enormous emotional courage, I think), you then also would not be open to the love and the comfort that brings. We all wish we could bear some of your grief for you; we are grateful we can offer some comfort. (Did you know, Naomi, when you were babysitting for our family on Home Ave., that you were babysitting my *second* child, not my first?)
Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Mddletown, CT - Friday, April 23, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
GO GIRL!! REFUSE TO BE SAD!!! Dear, I pray for you to find joy in life again! To find the joy in everyday of everyones' life being a gift---not a given. You, Matt and Jake are still a very special family AND each of you had a very special relationship with JJ. ALL of this is still so "raw"------time is not a healer as some would say----instead, time gives us the opportunity to learn to live with what life offers us. You are in my thougths and prayers. I just wish I could HUG you!!!!!!!

Mary Mc <intouch@christianliving.net>
Mebane, NC - Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:55 PM CDT
You are extraordinary.

You are right. There is so much love surrounding you. I hope you feel some being sent from Michigan.

Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:38 PM CDT
Dear Naomi,
I was not ready for the journey to end, and continued to check the website, and cry... and kept hoping to hear more of your voice, of the journey, of life going on... Thank you so much for the beautiful eulogy, and for all that you write, for sharing and continuing to embrace us all in this most intimate of life's mysteries. I have been touched in the best of ways, and appreciate parenthood more consciously each day because of your beautiful words. Much love always!

Consuelo <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:48 PM CDT
Your writing is a gift to all of us, to all your friends, to all of us as a parents. Thanks.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:13 AM CDT
Naomi, please do keep writing. It is so beautiful and painful at the same time. It makes me ache for you when I read it. I also love the fact that it makes us feel close even though we are so far away. What a wonderful picture of Julien! I could look at it for days. Love to you and Matt and Jake. xoxo Alex.
Alex McClure <kalexmcc@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:37 PM CDT
Your writing is beautiful. You so often have eloquently expressed the fears and pain so many of us have felt. I too shall continue writing on Alex's webpage for a while - it is good therapy but sometimes rather difficult. Please stay in touch.
Camilla Haigler <camilla.haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:05 PM CDT
Dearest Naomi----My heart aches for and with you! I had a feeling today and just had to remember this web page and my findings were heartbreaking. PLEASE do continue to write--that connects you to those of us who know and love you, but are at a distance from you. You and yours are in my prayers...........
in touch,
mary mc

Mary McFarland <intouch@christianliving.net>
Mebane, n usa - Monday, April 19, 2004 8:16 PM CDT
I know I echo many of the previous entries in telling you how thankful I am that you are still writing, still sharing, still educating (how fitting) us all. I often wondered if your posting of the beautiful eulogy (I still can't believe you had the inner strength and outer composure to deliver that) would be the final chapter of this long, tragic, yet inexplicably beautiful, story. I am so glad it won't be. Grieving is so often described as a process, so please know we are all here for you in this process too. Like others, I'm not sure how I can be a part of this, but maybe it is enough for you to know my willingness to do so.
Thank you for the poem--I am not very familiar with Bishop's work, but want to read some of her work now.
Thank you, also, for being such an eloquent, honest, and heartfelt wordsmith--and for writing in the way that you do...in a way that touches us all.

Auburn Daily <akd4@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 6:33 PM CDT
What a fabulous picture of Julien you have chosen for the front page--such radiance! Thanks also for continuing to write in this journal. I feel privileged to read it, and it is a wonderful way to feel close to you despite the distance. Miss and love you. Big hugs.

Karen Butler <kxbutler@mchsi.com>
Coralville, IA - Monday, April 19, 2004 12:17 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,

Julie just gave me the news recently and I am so sorry for you and your family. I remember the day that I ran into you and Julien, outside of the Ann Taylor store on Connecticut Avenue. You were pushing him in a stroller and it was a nice, sunny afternoon. You introduced me to Julien and I looked into his big, brown eyes. The two of you together were absolutely beautiful. Please know that I will always remember that brief moment and that I will always remember your son.

I, too, have always loved that Elizabeth Bishop poem. I hope that it can give you some solace now. It's so difficult to make sense of things that are literally unbearable. I am thinking of you. Step by step, moment by moment, journal entry by journal entry....

Please take care of yourself--


Danielle Chappell <dchappell@lawyersforchildrenamerica.org>
- Monday, April 19, 2004 11:19 AM CDT
It's wonderful and brave that you are continuing to write. I'm not much of a writer, but I love reading. I think in some ways it helps me organize the world in the way you discuss. So I am personally grateful that I can still read your journal. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, April 19, 2004 9:12 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
I just wanted to let you know I think about you every day. Naomi, I am glad you are still writing; it seems so right for you, a writer, to write your way thru this. I love the Elizabeth Bishop poem. I will go upstairs and get out her poetry again. Love to you both, Rachel

Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St Paul, MN USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 9:09 AM CDT
Naomi and family,

I got to thinking that since you write and express yourself so beautifully, surely many of your friends and family members would be cut from the same cloth. And so, for the first time in the many months that I've followed your story, I took the time to read through the guestbook.

In just the first ten minutes, I was flabbergated, inspired, amused, touched, entertained, instructed, challenged and moved to tears by the collected heartwords of the many people who know and love your family.

As I read I thought, "Julien was so blessed to be knit into this warm quilt of love, to be an integral part of a fabric sewn together with great thoughts, profound words, generous hearts, and a rich heritage." Julien's body is gone but the essence of who he is still lives in the words of all those who love him.

I have a daughter with cancer who has a bleak, long-term prognosis; however, I am comforted to know that in life or in death she--like Julien--will always be extravagantly loved.

Becky Smith <caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith beckysmith62@aol.com>
Mooresville, NC - Monday, April 19, 2004 7:18 AM CDT
Naomi -- Thank you so much for continuing to write. It was too hard (on top of what was already so much too hard) not to have any way to know, as often as we wonder, how you and Matt are coping, how Jake is getting along, what you want to share with all of us. We think of you with great love....mark, ann, nick and jake
Mark Kelman <mkelman@stanford.edu>
Palo Alto, CA USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 0:55 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,

Thank you for continuing to write. And thank you for the beautiful picture of Julien. As long as you keep writing, and beyond, I will be here.

Melissa Millikin <mrm48@law.georgetown.edu>
Ellicott City, MD - Sunday, April 18, 2004 1:46 PM CDT
Just letting you know that we are still here and
always will be.

Jonathan & Nadine <jpaulcarmel@yahoo.com>
Netanya, Israel - Sunday, April 18, 2004 4:41 AM CDT
4/17/04 5 pm

dearest naomi,

thank you for continuing to write. i just came onto the site today, after not checking it for a while. and i felt so connected to you -- reading the elizabeth bishop poem and hearing your reflections on it. so now i will go and read some of the previous entries.

i was in los angeles when you and matt were sitting shiva in dc. i hope to figure out a time to see you and give you another hug in person.

i also think your public/private journal (and these public/private guestbook responses) say something quite remarkable about our modes of communicating and connecting these days. i think there is something about the fact that we are used to sending such intense and personal thoughts through email these days that, somehow, this way of communicating seems both quite ordinary and quite intimate, at the same time.

i love you, my friend. be strong in the writing of it all.


Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
- Saturday, April 17, 2004 4:04 PM CDT
Dear Naomi - I'm glad that you are continuing to write the journal. It has become a source of inspiration and education for me and has helped me to try to understand this loss. Maybe it will help me be a better friend to you. I hope so! Let's see if we can knit and purl our way to a more comfortable place. Love Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:32 AM CDT
Dear ones--I am so glad that you put that beautiful picture of JJ on your home page. It reflects the very essence of his spirit--looking you right in the eye, demanding your love and attention, smiling into your heart.
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, April 16, 2004 10:05 PM CDT
Dear Naomi,
I am grateful; thank you for continuing; thank you for sharing the beauty and grace you are able to pull from the enormity of this loss.
Sending love and prayers,

Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT - Friday, April 16, 2004 3:45 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi and Jake,
Thank you so much for sharing the eulogy for Julien from the memorial service for those of us who could not attend.
I was so grateful to have had the chance to see the two of you, Jon, Bill and Marilyn, meet Naomi's parents and spend time with Jake reading about knights and fighting a few jousting rounds (I lost of course).

In Hebrew we say "Hazak VeEmatz" "Be strong and have courage" - I am sure that every day is a new challenge in contending with unbearable loss, yet continuing with life.

We think of Julien and all the love that abounds, owing to him.

Nicki and family <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:24 AM CDT
Dear Ones....just checking in this morning to let you know I am thinking of you and realize these are the days when you need everyone's support and love. Your house, your body, your soul must be so empty without JJ. I miss him so too, but feel his presence and his love.

So happy you could spend a little time with your Mom and Coach in that lovely,
quiet setting and I hear Jake loves being in those wide open spaces.

You are all in my prayers. My Love

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:43 AM CDT
Although I don't write as often as before. I'm still here to share your griffs and lending you the support! I'm just so sad that I don't know what to say.
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va - Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:16 AM CDT
Thank you again for sharing this journey with all of us. I feel so honored to have known Julien, if only through this website. My heart is still with you, wishing that the end was not here. I just hope for you all that the future brings many wonderful things to help you cope, somehow, with this immense loss.

PS: The weather is beautiful today. There is a light breeze and the sun is shining warmly on the foothills of Academy.

Much Love, Debbie

Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 12:03 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt & Jake,

I just read the incredible eulogy you shared with all of us, and wanted to thank you for your amazing ability to spread love and hope despite pain that is unimaginable to those of us who haven't lived through it. You've been in my thoughts so often, and this website has been a source of such love and spirit, reading it from so far away. I feel so sad, and I wish I could have been there for the service, and that I could help in some way. I hope all the love that's been expressed on these virtual pages radiates outward to you and gives you some solace. Much love,

Ariela <agross@law.usc.edu>
Venice, CA USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 4:40 PM CDT
Dear Matt and Naomi and Jake,
I thought of you all day on Friday, hoping that the day was comforting in some small way. Thank you for posting the eulogy on the website; Naomi, even in your most profound grieving your words are lovely, and float in my consciousness. Thank you for sharing such intimate feelings with all of us who love you. I hope that in the quiet of the next few weeks you will find some peace, and a way toward each other. We are here for you if you need us, when you need us. With much love and respect,

Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA usa - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:40 AM CDT
I learned of Julien’s incredible struggle when I worked at Georgetown Law Center, although I never had the pleasure of meeting Julien and your family. Your heartfelt journal entries provided a glimpse of the love and devotion your entire family had for Julien. I cannot imagine the sadness that you all feel now. I am so sorry for your loss.
Nicole Ouellette <nicole_ouellette@yahoo.com>
Falls Church, VA - Monday, April 12, 2004 2:25 PM CDT
dearest naomi, matt and jake,
thank you for including the eulogy on this website. it was, as would be expected from the mezey/paul family, beautiful and profound and inspiring and heartrending. i have been thinking so much about all of four of you. this weekend i was playing with ten month old sophia and she pulled down off the bookshelf an old photo album of mine and can you believe that it immediately opened up to some pictures of you(naomi) and matt at bobbi and my old trailer at stanford. i looked through it and found many pictures of the two of you and they brought back a rush of warm and comforting memories--playing drunken twister games, rowdy dancing, an ice cream sundae party, a birthday party for chris palamountain (all of this taking place in our great little creaky and drafty trailer). it make me so happy and so sad simultaneously to realize how much we have experienced since those happy days, and to know that such fine people (you, matt and jake and your families) have had to suffer such unimaginable pain. yoga philosophy teaches us to try to live in the moment even if all we are doing is washing the dishes (i fail at this on a regular basis, even while actully doing yoga as i think about laundry, the bills, work...). julien's wonderful example of how to live one's life is another example of that philosophy and one that i pledge to follow. i wish all of you much love.
selena (dong), mel, melvin and sophia epley

selena dong epley
chula vista, ca usa - Monday, April 12, 2004 1:57 PM CDT
Dear Naomi & Matt,

I don't know whether you are still checking in here, but in case you are.... Please know you are still, always, on our minds. We would love to have Jake (and the two of you) at our dinner table any time that would be good for you. We love you all very much.


Lisa, Bob, Mariah & Lucas <heinzerl@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, April 12, 2004 12:50 AM CDT
We all are extremely upset by this turn of events and want you to know that you have been uppermost in our minds and hearts the past two weeks even though we were not with you physically. So unfair it seems, so very unfair. We share your loss and your grief. You were all at our Seders in spirit this past week and we can only try to transmit our love and the hope that life will be beautiful again in the future. We all have had losses, and your loss brings back ours as well. Each is unique and each is similar.

Yours always.

Susan and Fred Steinberg and Bonnie, Robert, Ellen, and Kathleen
Potomac, MD USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 7:30 AM CDT
We are strangers, but I wanted to tell you that my heart is broken for you. I too lost my son, 15 months ago, to leukemia. I understand your grief, your pain, your nightmares. I am so very sorry. God bless your family.
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Sunday, April 11, 2004 9:42 PM CDT
Dear Matt and Naomi:

I just learned the news late last night, and am so incredibly sad for you. I have no magic words. I am thinking of you, and sending you much love.


Jonathan Selbin <jselbin@lchb.com>
New York, NY - Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:52 PM CDT
Dear Julien's Family,
I read about Julien on Tommy Bennett's page this morning, and I will pray for your family and Angel Julien. God Bless.

Ronnie Wood <ronniewood@comcast.net>
Scotch Plains, NJ - Sunday, April 11, 2004 9:12 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
After many busy, busy days, is your house quiet today? Dose it make you feel empty? Or is the silence comforting as you finally taking a long breath? Please always know that you should never feel lonely for there are so many of us wanting to lend you our hands and hearts in any possible ways. Some of us are a little shy (like me) and hesitating to step in, just pacing on the sideline. But we love you! If praying is all I can do now, praying I do for the precious little soul and his loving family.

Rie Matsuda <rm34@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:56 PM CDT
Dearest Naomi, Matt and Jake,

We are saddened by the news of your great loss. Know that we are thinking of you and sending you and the entire family prayers for healing at this time. Julien was very loved during his short time with us on Earth and we'll never forget him.
Love to all, Mina, Al, Tessia and Danika Spisak

The Spisak family <mina@cruzio.com>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 0:14 AM CDT
Dearest Family of Julien,
We are in deep sorrow for your loss of such a special boy. There are no words, we are sending you our love every minute of every day. I(cynthia) will sing "Amazing Grace" for Julien in our redwood forest. Please know we are with you in love always.

Cynthia & Warren Klausner <cedwardsblues@yahoo.com>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 0:12 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,

I noticed that once again you included the traveler's poem in your service. I also had a poem that I read repeatedly after Paul died.

Paul was a great lover of poetry and in fact loved to write them. I always found them too morose so did not properly appreciate the effort. For his unveiling I decided to put together some of his poems and other poems that the family thought appropriate or particularly liked. That put a great burden on me, the poem scoffer, to find one that spoke to me. I had no clue where to look when I opened the NY Review and lo and behold there was one that could not have been more perfect. I have copied it below.


The precision of pain and the blurriness of joy. I'm thinking
how precise people are when they describe their pain in a doctor's office.
Even those who haven't learned to read and write are precise:

This one's a throbbing pain, and this one's wrenching pain, and this one gnaws, this one burns and
this is a sharp pain and this is a dull one. Right here. Precisely here, yes, yes.
Joy blurs everything. I've heard people say
after nights of love and feasting, It was great,
I was in seventh heaven. And even the space man who floated
in outer space, tethered to a space ship, could only say, Great,
wonderful, I have no words.
The blurriness of joy and the precision of pain—
I want to describe with a sharp pain's precision
happiness and blurry joy. I learned to speak among the pains.

Yehuda Amichai

Alice Weinstein <A.WEINSTEIN@TFGI.COM>
Potomac, MD - Friday, April 9, 2004 2:18 PM CDT
Omi, Matt, Jake, Olivia, Steve, Dr. Mezey and all the members of Julien's family. Today is Good Friday, perhaps the most serious day of the year for Christians. It is difficult to celebrate the joy of Easter, Pasqua in Italian, in the context of your terrible loss. Julien's memorial service is underway at this writing. I have been reflecting on Julien's role in our lives, as I am going to visit a very alert 94 year old lady this afternoon. And so I am dealing with two ends of the spectrum, short lives and long lives. How could it be that God, who put all of you to such noble careers in the furtherance of humanity, reward you with the joy of Julien, and then take him away? It is such a mystery, but it tells us something of the universe, much like celestial secrets being revealed to us through the Hubble lenz. Julien is resting eternally with his ancestors at Academy. There could be no better place to bury him. But something tells me that when Michaelangelo painted all those anonymous angels on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, winged babies literally, 'putti'in Italian, one of them had Julien's name on it. I suspect that Jake could understand this better than most of us. There has been a lot of grief these past few days. This is a tearful morning for us all. But we must not forget that God brought Julien into the world to be celebrated, and he passed that test most vividly.
Eric Jessen, Mt.Whitney Portal

Eric Jessen
Laguna Beach, CA USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 11:24 AM CDT
Dear Bill and family,

I just learned today of your loss and my heart aches for you all. Bill, whenever you spoke of your grandson, Julien, the deep love and joy in your heart touched me. I have read many of the entries here, and in the journal and see how lucky Julien was to be so loved. I wish I could be with you tomorrow for the memorial service, but please know that my thoughts are with you all.

With deepest sympathy,

Judy Glaven <judith_glaven@hms.harvard.edu>
Jamaica Plain, MA USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 0:03 AM CDT
Dear Naomi:
I learned today with so much sadness of your loss of Julien. My heart breaks as I read your chronicle, and yet your courage sustains and comforts all who see how much you have loved and given to Julien, and to Matt and Jake.
With sincerest sympathy, Sally Gordon

Sally Gordon <sgordon@law.upenn.edu>
- Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:49 PM CDT
Omi, Matt, and Jake, Olivia & Steve-I just heard about Julien from Olivia Revueltas in Texas. I am so terribly sorry your long ordeal and Hurculean efforts on behalf of beloved Julien have ended. I know Academy well, and am in tears with the thouoght you have placed him there. With all his ancestors. You are all so beautiful, even in your grief. My love,
Eric Jessen, Whitney Portal

Eric Jessen
Laguna Beach, Ca USA - Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:20 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake,

Reading these pages today for the first time, I felt as though I were meeting Julien all over again ... not just the sweet and spirited little boy I knew all too briefly, but someone who taught so many people why life is a thing worth fighting for. I am heartbroken for him, and for you. But the miracles and wonder are still with us. I will be there at the synagogue tomorrow to mourn and honor Julien.

with all my love,

Adam Goodheart <adam.g@att.net>
Chestertown, MD USA - Thursday, April 8, 2004 2:45 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake: I just wanted you to know that we are sitting with you in spirit, thinking of you powerfully, and will be with you on Friday as well, in our hearts. I am still in a state of disbelief about this. I am also profoundly glad to hear that *all* of you recognize that Julien's beautiful spirit is still with you...even darling Jake. What a strong person he must be. I keep trying to put myself in your shoes...and practically smothering my Rachel... YES, love really IS all there is in the end. Thank you for continuing to share your experience with all of us...and for the photograph(s)... your generosity in the middle of all this is truly humbling. --James and I have been through Academy a few times, when we lived in Fresno; I am finding a bit of comfort being able to picture where your angel Julien, and Naomi's family, was laid to rest. As someone else said, that tree is so wonderful. --I'm sorry to be rambling, trying to find more words when there are none. Love and blessings to each of you,
Helen Shafran <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 7:14 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt and Jake,

The finality of this is so devastating. Even hearing about it from afar is powerfully debilitating. It hurts too much to even try and put anything into words. And yet, your entries are so full of heart and love, so full of life and warmth and compassion, so lyrical, that our hearts are filled with awe. Your family was so blessed to have Julien, so full of life and joy and love, and he was blessed to have you for his family.

Aurie, Marcy, Ellis and Graham
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 3:35 PM CDT
Dear family of Julien

As we extend our condolences, we hope time eases the pain of his loss and enables you to warmly remember Julien's exuberance and joyousness in life, as well as his mischief. May you find solace in the knowledge that your devotion, dedication, and love comforted Julien, brought humor and richness into his life, and eased his way. Fondly,

Bettymerle & Larry Berkow
Bethesda, MD USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 2:57 PM CDT
Dearest Naomi, Matt, and Jake:

Katy and I cry every day for you, and hug our children closer. Your courage and eloquence stirs us in ways we can't yet explain. It seems that Julien has brought us all closer to understanding the power of love.

Love, Chris

Chris Weston <cweston@starpower.net>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 7:52 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt and Jake,
I will be thinking of you this Friday when you will be having your memorial service for Julien in DC. I am so so sad - and have been since I went into Julien's website yesterday, having not been in to it for over a month - I was saddened to see your entry on his death. I thank you for sharing the most moving journal entries - and I can only wish you - "a long life" - may the slow process of coming to terms (whatever that means) with his death be one that also shows you and Matt and Jake how much you and Julien are loved. I am also sending a letter to your home in DC with some further thoughts - much love, Kim

Kim Rubenstein <k.rubenstein@unimelb.edu.au>
Melbourne, VIC Australia - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 7:06 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, I don't know why it is that I am still so awestruck by the clarity of your postings and the emotion that they convey, but reading your last entry has reminded me again of what an amazingly talented, wonderfully warm, awesomely insightful person you are (...especially compared to my tired little posts). As ever, my heart breaks for you, Matt and Jake, but this posting is to let you know how much I admire you, how much love I am sending you, and how grateful I am to know you and call you a friend. Warm hugs (hopefully in person tomorrow or Thursday), Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 4:56 PM CDT
dear naomi and matt:
sending besos to you and your family from tucson. may you find strength in each other, and in the many circles of love around you.
t & j

toni massaro <massaro@law.arizona.edu>
tucson, az usa - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 3:52 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake,
Please know that the thoughts and prayers of all of us students at the Law Center are with you. I have loved getting to know Julien through the pages of this wonderful site and will remember his smiling face and incredible strength always. Wishing you peace and comfort in the coming days, weeks and months . . . love, Gayle

Gayle Horwitz <gih@law.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA USA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi and Jake:

Although you do not know me, I have followed the struggle of your family since I first heard about Julien's illness from his grandfather Bill, who is a colleague (chair of the immunology grant program I manage) and friend. You have all been in my prayers and Julien has been on the prayer list at my church. Like many others who have read the entries on this site, I have been impressed by the great courage, strength and joy you share as a family, which is very beautifully expressed in Naomi's writing. I was so sorry to read the news of Julien's devastating relapse and now of your family's immense loss. I hope that you will be sustained and comforted at this time by the loving thoughts and prayers of all who care about you and your family. May God's spirit be close to you all.

Kathy Chase <ksc05@health.state.ny.us>
New York, NY US - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 11:29 AM CDT
Dear Professor Mezey & Family,

My deepest condolences for your lost. Even though I have never met Julien, I am sure he will be dearly missed. My thoughts & prayers are with you.

Denise Shiu
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:47 AM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi and Jake,
I was in D.C. on Saturday for my sister's wedding and was awestruck by the beauty of the cherry blossoms in bloom (indeed, it was the day of the cherry blossom parade).
In my mind, Julien will forever be associated with the coming of Spring: the forsythia and daffodils unabashedly showing off their sunshine yellow, the pale pink white cherry blossoms contrasted against the dark, delicate branches and the strong gusty winds that followed the next day. It all seems like Julien to me. Although his corporeal self may reside below that embracing oak, his ever present spirit is displaying his love for you.

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:18 AM CDT
Dear Professor Mezey and Family,
While my words of sympathy are woefully inadequate, I wanted to let you know how heartbroken I am for your loss. I am praying for you and your family, and hope that you find some comfort in knowing how many of your students are thinking of you.
"Those we love are never really lost to us -- for everywhere their special love lives on."

Suzanne O'Connor <smo9@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, April 5, 2004 8:00 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt and Jake,
My heart broke yet again as I read your entry from last night and I envisioned you experiencing that horrible day, last Monday. I hope that as your life transitions into life without the physical Julien your pain becomes less acute and you are able to see him in the world that surrounds you. We had dinner at a restaurant the other night and suddenly Sam remarked "Hey, that looks like Julien!" He pointed up to a big sculpted sun on the wall, and sure enough, there he was. It was really amazing how much this thing looked like Julien. A round, cheerful face, big smiling eyes, and thick, dark eyebrows shaped just like Julien's. While it made me incredibly sad, I loved the image of Julien as a sun, shining down on us. I know that he is always there shining on you three and the rest of your family. His body rests in a magical place and his "soul" is all around you. Our love to you, we are thinking of you.

Lisa Finlay <LNFinlay@visionet.org>
Durham, NC USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 7:28 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, and Jake:

I am overcome with sadness. You are embraced with love and the deepest tenderness by this friend. May all of the sustenance, joy, and love you have always given wash back to your shore and help you to endure your loss.

Stephen Fronk <stephen.fronk@comcast.net>
San Francisco, CA - Monday, April 5, 2004 5:21 PM CDT
Oh, isn't it a perfect tree...! It stimulates your imagination -- a fun, adventurous one, you know. At the same time it looks so peaceful and gentle. It is so big and sturdy. You feel protected from anything.... Isn't it just the kind of tree every kid wants?
Rie Matsuda <rm34@law.georgetown.edu>
washington, DC - Monday, April 5, 2004 4:38 PM CDT
Prof. Mezey,
My deepest condolences to you and your family. I am deeply saddened by your loss, and am hopeful that the outpouring of love and prayers for Julien provides some comfort for you in the coming days.

Antony Kim <anpakim@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 3:58 PM CDT
I'm wrapping my arms around you lending you strength, and giving you all of my love.
I'll keep you and your family close to my heart in the upcoming days and months.

Teresa Gatten <tgatten@georgefox.edu>
Portland, Or. USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 1:09 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi and Jake,

My deepest heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. Although I've only seen pictures of Julien, he was a cutie pie. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Please accept my condolences.

Marian Mon <Marian_Mon@cand.uscourts.gov>
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 10:55 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Family,
You are all in my prayers during this time of sorrow. I take solace in the words of your beautiful and strong journal entries which recognize that Julien will always be present. With love and sympathy, Kristine

Kristine Pirnia <kpirnia@hotmail.com>
Washington, DC - Monday, April 5, 2004 10:53 AM CDT
Again so very sorry for your loss...what a beautiful Angel you have.
Robin Tucker <rtucker@hmsracing.com>
- Monday, April 5, 2004 9:21 AM CDT
Sunday April 4, 2004

My dearest Naomi and Matt --

Naomi, when I hugged you at the law school that Thursday, having not seen you in so many months, I felt such love and caring and warmth for you. Somehow (even though I know better), I felt that all the love enveloping you and Matt and Jake and Julien should somehow be able to make the miracles happen that should happen.

My heart cries for all of you. I hope you each get the space you need to grieve and say goodby. I have been thinking about you every day since Monday.

I care for you so much. My heart is with you and Matt and Jake.

Love, Chai

Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Sunday, April 4, 2004 10:05 PM CDT
Dear Naomi--

All day today I thought of you and your family at the graveside, and wished I could stand with you. Truly, I did in my thoughts. Though we have been friends only a few years, I have felt from the moment I met you that you were someone I had known my whole life--your spirit, and the joy you took in ideas and people and the world were so transparent and so contagious. And one of the first things I learned about you was the enormous joy you received from your family--and I know that you gave them so much love as well, and that Julien felt that every moment of his life. The only thing that I believe endures is the love that we feel from and for others, and in that way, I know that Julien will always be a part of your life, as he is of the lives of all of us who love you. You think you are not brave, that you did only what was in front of you and what was necessary, but that is the truest courage--to go on in the face of darkness, and bring to it your own light and love. You are a beacon for me, as I know you are for your son and your husband and your parents, and you are never far from my thoughts. With love to you and your family, at this time of sadness; and may you hold on to your deep, profound, beautiful sense of joy. With dearest love, Hilary

Hilary Schor <schor@usc.edu>
Los Angeles, CA US - Sunday, April 4, 2004 1:30 AM CST
Dearest Naomi, Matt and Jake -

I am so incredibly sad.
I'm sending you all my love - Leti

Leti <lvolpp@wcl.american.edu>
- Saturday, April 3, 2004 7:37 PM CST
Dearest Matt,Naomi,Jake and family,
I am an Oakmont collegue with Olivia. I hadn't been to the website in a while and was moved to check in on Sunday night. God is a strong voice. We all shared the news of Julien triumphs and problems so often and we could read Olivia's face like a poster each day. The news on Monday took so many to a place we don't often allow ourselves to go, and we met each other there in love. Julien was and will always be an abounding love for all of us that thought and prayed each day for him. Our deepest sympathy and prayers of comfort and joy go out to you all. Love, Barbara and Tom Carlson

Barbara Carlson <bc2teach@hotmail.com>
Ontario, CA USA - Saturday, April 3, 2004 12:43 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake

Spring now seems a beautiful irony. All of us who know and love your family feel a sharp grief at Julien’s death, yet appreciate it as only a diminished echo of your own. We wish our sorrow could relieve a fraction of yours, but know it cannot. We are thinking of you, envisioning you now in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, hoping that each coming day, each new season, each following year, will soften the pain and bring you peace.

Clarissa and Jim <Potterc@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 4:57 PM CST
Dear Naomi, My heart is breaking with you, and opening to all that lies hidden. Thank you for letting me have a small share in your lives through your writing. We have all been blessed by Julien. love Jane
jane dibbell <dibbellj@ulv.edu>
claremnont, ca USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 2:54 PM CST
Naomi and Matt -- I've been thinking of you all this morning. We are all with you in spirit. Jeremiah and I plan to sit with you on Tuesday night. Sending you lots of gentle love, Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 12:31 AM CST
This is message is for all of you. I have worked off and on with Olivia at the school district and enjoyed her very much. The district message sharing your sorrow was the first I knew Julien was ill. I am filled with sorrow for your loss of such a beautiful child. I will be thinking of you and your family. Peace to you.

Sue Tracey <stracey@chsmail.claremont.edu>
Claremont, CA USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 12:28 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, and Jake,
We're thinking of you especially this morning, knowing that you are saying another kind of goodbye to Julien. We are filled with so much sadness and so many tears. We hope you can feel our boundless love and compassion and that it brings some comfort.
Much love and giant hugs,

Anne, Jason, Ben, & Andrew <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Baltiomre, MD - Friday, April 2, 2004 10:00 AM CST
Dear Naomi - though I'm generally not one to buy into such theories, I can't help but associate the constant grey raininess this week with the sadness so many of us - and apparently Mother Nature - feel over the loss of Julien. Please take some small amount of comfort from the fact that you, Matt, Jake and dear Julien have inspired so much awe, so much hope and so much love these past few months. You brought something so very wonderful to this world when you had Julien. We owe you so much for sharing him, your struggle and your love with the rest of us. Please call on us and let us help you however we can. With much love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Friday, April 2, 2004 9:07 AM CST
It has been raining since you left. The cherry blossoms are out in force but they strike me as too ephemeral and insubstantial for Julien. The daffodils are more apt--earthy, smiling, faithful, standing out as a bright spot in the still gloomy landscape. Best yet, they stay with you year after year, multiplying even. Julien had such a great heart, such strength, such an amazing force of personality. He will undoubtedly be with us all year after year in spirit, and he has already multiplied--just look at the enormous community he has forged. I have never witnessed anything like this outpouring of grief, admiration, and love--for Julien and his singular family. I hope today is not as ferociously painful as Monday, but fear it will be. My heart, and those of the many, many people who love you all, will be with you in California. Just remember, Julien is here, at home, waiting for your return. All my love,
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, April 2, 2004 8:34 AM CST
Just wanted to share a few e-mails from friends and family who asked me to enter these in the guestbook on their behalf:

Hi Nicki,
I am so sorry to hear about Julien's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with Julien's spirit, his families, and friends like you.
Thu Hoang, NJ

Oh, that is so terrible! I am so saddened and very sorry to hear that. Even though I didn't even know him, seeing those pictures on the website made the whole situation "closer" to me, and I have such a heavy heart now. His poor parents and brother. I don't know what else to say, except that I am just so sorry to hear this.
Mira Singer, PA

Nicki, I am so sorry to hear about Julien. I know you made such an effort to be supportive. That must have comforted the family.
Yvonne Crichton, NJ

I am very sorry to hear about Julien. It is very sad that such a little boy - with all his life ahead of him - had to go. My sympathy is with you and the family.
Barbara Randall, NJ

So sorry to hear the awful news.
We were not intended to stay longer than our children.
Rosa Ziv, Israel

I am so sorry to hear that sad news.
Irit Pazner, Israel

I was sorry to read about Julien's passing away. Words are poor comfort at a time like this. But know that my thoughts are with you. I never knew Julien or his parents but please convey my heartfelt condolences to them. Only time will dull the pain.
Dulari Menon, NJ

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Friday, April 2, 2004 7:37 AM CST
My greatest condolences. I am so sorry to learn of Julien's death. There is nothing as bad as the loss of a child, no loneliness so profound. Hold tight to each other. You are, as ever, in my thoughts.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Friday, April 2, 2004 1:33 AM CST
We were so very sorry for Julien's passing and could not put it in words to express our deepest sympathy. Julien will be remembered every day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Frances Kung & Family <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Thursday, April 1, 2004 10:02 PM CST
Naomi and Matt,

We were devastated to hear that Julien had passed. You definitely packed a tremendous amount of love into his time with you, and I am sure he will carry that with him wherever he goes next. It is amazing how much we can love, isn't it? We are sending all of ours to you two and to Jake in the hopes that somewhere in the memories of this terrible pain, you will also remember all of the love you built. Love does not go away. We are so, so sorry.

Craig, Jenny, Leo and Sylvia <cjacoby@cooley.com>
San Francisco, CA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 6:30 PM CST
Julien was an adorable little boy. I am so glad I got to meet him. He is pure light right now.

I pray that in your grief you will be held very tightly by angels, and that you will know you have not been abandoned by God. Not now, not ever.

Stephanie and I send our love.

Dominique <ddibbell@sbcglobal.net>
La Crescenta, CA usa - Thursday, April 1, 2004 5:07 PM CST
Dearest Naomi,
Our deepest sympathy and all of our love to you and your family.

Todd Hughes & P. David Ebersole <thughes@afi.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:47 PM CST
Dear Naomi and family,
The courage you and Julien have shown, and the sorrow now present, are so tremendous. We are thinking of you with love and care and wish you peace.

Marguerite McLamb <mmclamb@aya.yale.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:08 PM CST
Please know that your whole family is in my heart, in my mind, and in my prayers. I wish you peace of mind and love.
alan mark <alan@themarkcompany.com>
san francisco, ca usa - Thursday, April 1, 2004 3:28 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt -- Our tears, and our love.
Tom Grey and Barbara Babcock
Stanford, CA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 3:17 PM CST
Naomi and family,
Gillian and I were incredibly saddened to hear that Julien had passed. We are so sorry for your loss. I remember fondly my summer working with you as your research assistant while you were pregnant with Julien and so, while I never met Julien, I feel like I witnessed the beginning or your relationship with him. We, like everyone who knows you or your family, are confident that while Julien only had a short time with you in this world, he was loved beyond all measure. It is reassuring to witness the outpouring of love and support on this page for your family in your time of need. You and your family will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Paul St. Lawrence <pstlawrence@hotmail.com>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 1:20 PM CST
Your love is inspirational. We cry and mourn with you in this time of terrible loss. You are in our hearts now and forever.

Peace to you Julien

Jason, Yolanda, & Trevor Ware <jason@jasonware.com>
Pasadena, CA United States - Thursday, April 1, 2004 12:02 AM CST
Professor Mezey and family,
As with many of those who have followed Julian’s experience over the months, right now words seem trite and my most sincere condolences and prayers seem inadequate. But I did want to share with you one memory. In fall 2001, when I was a scared girl who felt overwhelmed by the thought of starting law school, I went to an orientation session led by you, Professor Mezey. There, you tried to allay our fears and spoke of Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet and the way that his words had helped to guide you. I bought the book and it was a source of inspiration and comfort to me throughout the first year of law school. When I heard about Julien, I turned to it again to try and find some words that would help fill the gap where my own words failed me. I hope that this might be of some comfort to you and your family now, as you were to me throughout my first semester. May Julien rest in peace, and may the love of your family and friends help you through this time.

"...let happy memories sustain you if your strength fails you, they are always there, and their current does not run backwards, even across foggy country it floats toward the future." -- Rainer Maria Wilke, Letters to a Young Poet

Carrie Casey <clc23@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 11:05 AM CST
Professor Mezey and family,

I am deeply sorry for your loss. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. Julien's light will continue to live on in all of you. All of us in Section 4 remember our time with you and Julien with great fondness and we will all continue to hold you all in our thoughts and prayers.

Christopher Costello <cc65@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, April 1, 2004 10:40 AM CST
Naomi and Matt,
I met you only a few times, but, through Jason and Anne, have followed Julien's and your ordeal since the beginning. Please know that Julien's life and the love in your family have touched people outside your immediate circle. Words obviously can not express the profound sorrow I feel for you and Jake and your parents right now. Julien's beautiful and healthy face in the picture on Anne and Jason's kitchen wall is constantly in my mind.


Felice Shore <fshore@erols.com>
Baltimore, MD - Thursday, April 1, 2004 8:23 AM CST
Professor Mezey Family:

My thoughts and heart have been with your family all week. Like so many who only know through the GULC community, it has been such a gift to share in your journey--to witness your courage, your spirit, your honesty and your extraordinary love, for Julien, for life, for family, for humanity, for community.

I shared your story with my mother last night, through tears. She said, and I agree, that you have done an incredible thing by creating and nurturing this community through the website. Opening your lives and your hearts as you have. You are no ordinary family. Your gift to the people who have engaged with you in this painful journey is immeasurable. I only hope that what we have shared with you in these entries returns a measure of the spiritual bounty you have given so freely.

Peace to Julien. And to his family.

Sarah Smith <sfina@mindspring.com>
Takoma Park, MD 20912 - Thursday, April 1, 2004 5:33 AM CST
I wanted to offer you and your family my deepest condolences. I never new Julien but I know he had one hell of a mother. The profound love you will carry for him for the rest of your life will continue to light the world.

Howard <seek.howard3@verizon.net>
Fullerton, CA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 3:59 AM CST
Hi Naomi and Matt - I just heard the news from Suzanne and then saw the photos of Julien on the web site. I am so sorry. From the beautiful pictures of him it's hard to reconcile his condition with those incredibly lively and happy eyes of his. I can only imagine the intense love he was getting to be able to smile like that... Thinking of you both, Kurt
kurt pitzer <ptzr@compuserve.com>
brooklyn, ny usa - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:52 PM CST
Dear Professor Mezey & Family,

The immeasurable grief you feel must only be comparable to the immeasurable love you bestowed on that sweet little boy of yours. Please know that my prayers for peace are with you and you are thought of often by people whose lives you will never know you and Julien have touched.

Kristiana Garcia <kag35@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:25 PM CST
Professor Mezey and family,

As shocked and sorrowed your loss has made me, I cannot imagine what you and your family are currently going through. I am so sorry for your loss, and my thoughts and prayers and with you and your family.

You are not alone during this grieving process.
Adam Tejeda

Adam Tejeda <ajt6@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:55 PM CST
Professor Mezey and family,
Our hearts go out to you, as they have since we first learned of Julien's illness. Since then, when we have sent our support to our friend who runs to raise funds for the leukemia lymphoma society, we have given her what updates we had on Julien and his fight. Julien and his family will be in her heart as she continues her efforts.

Heather Broadwater (and Marsha) <hbroadwate@aol.com>
- Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:50 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,

I am so, so sorry to hear of your immense loss. I cannot imagine what you are feeling right now. I wish I could help you carry even a small amount of this heavy burden. Please know that I am grieving with you, as I write this through my tears. Julien really did touch us all. May you be comforted and supported by God's love and by all of us in a special way during this time.

Cameron Troxell <ctroxell@mtsac.edu>
Claremont, CA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:18 PM CST
Dear Naomi and family,
I wanted to add my voice to this sad chorus. I am so very sorry for your loss.
love, Sarah

Sarah Madsen Hardy <sarahmh@comcast.net>
Somerville, MA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:33 PM CST
Naomi and Matt -- Although it's been many years since I've seen or spoken to you, your family has been in my thoughts and prayers since I learned about Julien's illness. My heart broke this morning when I heard from Molly that Julien had passed away, and I write now, through rivers of tears that have been flowing all morning while I've been reading this website, to express my heartfelt condolences. I am mourning deeply for your little boy, who I wish I could have met, and I am so very, very sad for the two of you, Jake, and your family. Your profound loss is unimaginable to me. Please know that my family and I are thinking about you, and wishing you strength and peace during this terrible time. With much love, Sharon
Sharon Bunzel <sharon.bunzel@usdoj.gov>
San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 3:57 PM CST
Professor Mezey and Family,
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Matt Dowd <matthew.dowd@yale.edu>
New Haven, CT - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 3:51 PM CST
I can't express in words how we feel for you all. Know that we care deeply.
Some words that helped me once are: "Life is as far as we see, death is the horizon,
and love is eternal. Embrace each other and help each other and love each other."
Julien and your family's life these past many months have impacted our lives in ways
that cannot be measured, but have done so nevertheless. God bless you all.

Bill and Gina Akin <bill@golfcaddie.com>
Austin, TX - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 2:44 PM CST
John and were talking last night and trying to figure out something, anything, even something minute, that might help you. Of course nothing we can offer seems significant, but we do have an idea that might one day bring a teeny, tiny ray of sunshine to you. John would be happy to put together a really nice family video for you. I know this is something you will probably not be able to face in the near term but perhaps in a year or 5 years or even 10 years, it will make you happy to watch it. If you think you might want this, simply send out whatever tapes you have and he will edit something beautiful. I wish we could offer you more. Love, Jenn
Jenn Fallon <jenn@sfedit.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 2:43 PM CST
Naomi and family:
Hang in there. We are with you - with heavy hearts, but with the unshakeable resolve to support you in any way we can.

Laurelle Lo <laurellelo@starpower.net>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 2:21 PM CST
Dear Matt Naomi and Jake

Nothing that we will write will ever ease your pain,I feel this pain myself inside of my body and my soul
it makes me feel like screaming,
I can't stop my tears, I can't stop being sick in my stomach,
It can't believe that your angel is gone.

Every child is an angel,every child is a blessing from God, I guess Julien was So special that God needed him up there.

Good Bye my Angel,

We are so lucky we met you,
You weren't only your parents Angel but you've been everyone's Angel for months.
I look at your pictures and I feel like holding you in my arms, giving you a big hug, giving you all my strength and love .
Please Julien,
take care of us now,we need you as much as we love you

Nadine your aunt

Nadine <feinsohncarmel@yahoo.com>
Natanya, Israel - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 2:04 PM CST
Professor Mezey & Family:
I am so sorry for your loss. You have touched the lives of so many people, all of whom have you in their thoughts and in their hearts.

Alyssa Lareau <aclareau@yahoo.com>
Yardley, PA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1:43 PM CST
I can't express how blessed I feel to have known Julien, even through no more than his presence in our Civ Pro class first year and through this site. Your strength and love are a inspiration to us all.
My thoughts and prayers, as well as those of my entire family who have shared your experience through me, are with your family.

Tovah Minster <tam29@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1:27 PM CST
Dearest Matt/Naomi-
Such grief we all feel...you two did everything humanly possible for Julien. Stay strong and know you are supported by a lot of love.

Ruth Frank <ruth.frank@med.va.gov>
Durham, nc - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:11 AM CST
Prof. Mezey and family
I was deeply saddened to hear the news today of Julien's passing. My thoughts are with you and you family at this time of grieving.
May happy days return to your homes and hearts soon.

David Etches <dwetches@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:11 AM CST
Naomi & Matt,

I'm writing through tears -- I don't know what to say except I am so, so very sorry and sorrowful for your loss, My thoughts are with you, and with your beautiful Julien.

Julie Bibb
San Francisco, CA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:02 AM CST
Dear Professor Mezey, I just received the email regarding Julien, and it was a shock to me. I am so sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and your family.
Sarah Barial <sebarial@yahoo.com>
Capitol Heights, MD - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:49 AM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
On Monday we thought our hearts would break. Today we are flooded with love for you as we travel in heart and mind to California where we picture that good sun shining on all of you. A thousand kisses to Jake, and to Julien in spirit.
Gina and Matt

Gina, Matt, and Jesse <ghauskne@coe.edu>
- Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:37 AM CST
My thoughts are with you in this time of profound loss. I hope you find the strength you need to survive through your friends and family. My prayers are with you.
Jerri Mauldin <jerribug@yahoo.com>
Nashville, TN USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:24 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, and Jake -

We want to add our three voices to this sad chorus, but we find that words fail us. We are honored and humbled that you've shared this journal with us; if only we could shoulder some of the burden of your grief. You, your families, and your friends are all in our prayers.

Hallie, Ned and Ezra
Alexandria, VA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:42 AM CST
Professor Mezey and Family:

My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for your loss. Professor Mezey, you were always there for me and my class, pulling for us throughout our time at Georgetown. Please know that your former students are thinking of you and pulling for you and your family now.

Lisa Vollendorf <lmvoll@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:47 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Grandparents,
Mimi Jaffee called Monday evening and told us the sad news. I just read your plans for this week and next on Caringbridge. We will see you next week. We are heartbroken for you and for all your friends who cared about Julien. One tends to take life for granted and this sort of thing is a shock for all of us. You all did everything humanly possible to make him happy and well through your love, attention to detail, and assurance of the best medical care possible today. May Julien rest in peace. We know he will be with you in spirit forever. Love, Irene and Bob

Irene and Bob Glaser <rjglaser@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:01 AM CST
My thoughts, prayers and sympathy are with your beautiful family. What a sweet treasure - Julien's life ! - held only for a moment.. I will be away next week, so I won't be able to attend services, but will be thinking of you and looking forward to helping in some way down the road. May your memories provide comfort, and your spirit be renewed with faith. With my Best, Therese
Therese Stratton <strattot@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:13 AM CST
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart and my thoughts are with you.
Mark Givens
Claremont, CA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 3:20 AM CST
I am so so sorry for your loss! I only recently found your web site and started following Julien's story, but I couldn't believe the similarities between what he experienced over the past couple of weeks and what our little Madi experienced in her last couple of weeks here on earth. Madi was transplanted back at Duke in April of 2003 and we were able to bring here back here to CA in September...at which time we thought she was going to be fine. We found out she relapsed on October 14th, and on October 28th, she was gone.

I only tell you this to let you know that I know some of what you must be feeling right now, and I will keep your family in my prayers! The only thing that has gotten us through this past 5 months is the belief that we will hold our little Princess again in heaven. If you ever need someone to just talk to, please feel free to call. All of our contact info is on Madi's web page.

Very sincerely,

Marian Mitchem
Princess Madi's Mom

www.caringbridge.org/nc/princessmadison <mitchem@wwdb.org>
Riverside, CA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1:48 AM CST
Dear Prof. Mezey and family,
My name is Ali and I'm a student at GULC. I want to express my deepest sympathies and thank you for allowing me to meet Julien through this website. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Ali Young <amy2@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC 20001 - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 0:51 AM CST
Naomi and Matt,
I'm so sorry for this journey to have ended this way. Julien was such a sweet boy and he was such a fighter. I'll never forget his little giggle and his smiling face as he ran through the halls here. This is how I will remember him, as a joyful and happy little boy. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Nurse Brooke <brookecapel@yahoo.com>
PBMTU 5200, NC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:55 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
I know that both of you in your love for Jake and Julien will find the courage to grow even stronger as your grief lifts you up to hold the joys you knew when Julien was well.

The sadness you and your families have felt ripples like the tide in which your relatives and friends step in with open arms of support.

You are in my deepest thoughts and I send all of you my love,

Lenore Salzman <LenoreSalzman@msn.com>
Potomac, MD USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:41 PM CST
Oh my dears, I wrap my arms around you all. Julien landed in an extraordinary family for this short lifetime, and in two years you all generated more love than we could ever measure. Whatever happens next, he will be magnetized by love, he will go where the love is. This is what you all have taught him, this is what he taught us, this is what he knows. You are all in my prayers. I open my heart to hold your suffering and I pray for peace in yours. With much love, Kim
Kim Sargent-Wishart <kswish@mac.com>
San Francisco, CA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:24 PM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi and family,
It is with great sadness that I hear of your news! My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with your family. What a blessing to have such a special boy be a part of your life. May his love always be a part of you!!!

Steve and Loretta Wolfinbarger
Claremont, CA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:17 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
How to say what should never have to be said. I am so sad today for your sadness, so sorry for the pain and exhaustion of the past year and for the times ahead. I am grateful that Julien is no longer in pain, but his death leaves such pain...I know your strength and love for him and each other will save you, but I so wish instead he was safe at home in your arms. You are in my thoughts throughout the day. I hope each part of your mourning (in CA and D.C. and beyond) helps you integrate the loss of your dear little boy into something that can give you something besides aching loss. I love you. Rachel

Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:58 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt & Jake

It is impossible to express the sadness we feel. It will be hard tomorrow not to see Julien as we look into our own children's eyes, realizing how precious and ephemeral our time with them is. You are in our thoughts, and we wish you strength and love.

Much Love,
Eric, Gillian, Grace & Rhys

Eric Talley & Gillian Lester <etalley@law.usc.edu>
Santa Monica, CA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:38 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake: With my very deepest sadness and sympathy for your immeasurable loss.....we were all of us at the faculty retreat so saddened to hear of this and you were always in our hearts.....I will see you next week at home when you return from California...with all our best wishes and sadness....Carrie (and Bob)
carrie menkel-Meadow <meadow@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:52 PM CST
Professor Mezey and Family,

I wanted to express my deepest sympathies. I was very sad to hear the news today, and my thoughts and prayers are with you.


Chris Sabis <ccs5@georgetown.edu>
East Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:36 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake,
I find it impossible to put into words how sorry I am to hear of your loss. Please know that so many of us, here at GULC, are praying for you and your family. I am so so very sorry.
Julie Ackerman Nicholson -Special Events

Julie A. Nicholson <jaa35@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:49 PM CST
Dear Matt & Naomi:
Although I have never met you, I sit here crying my eyes out. Not only am I crying for the loss of your child--surely the most cruel pain of all--but I am also touched by the tenderness of your family's love for him. I'm sure he could feel every drop of love from his brother, grandparents, and most of all, his parents as he passed on to heaven. God bless you all.
Julien has been my inspiration as I train for a marathon to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I will continue to carry his memory with me as I train, and I will wear his name on my wristband during the race--hoping I can muster half the courage and strength that he showed during his too short life.

Anne Praderas <praderas@jump.net>
Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:52 PM CST
With our deepest sympathy,
Courtney and the crew
Pit Crews for Kids
Hendrick Marrow Program

Courtney Hurd <churd@hmsracing.com>
charlotte, Nc - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:50 PM CST
Dear Matt & Naomi --
My mind goes numb. I am so so sorry.
love and tears

Sasha <alexandra.natapoff@lls.edu>
Los Angeles, CA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:39 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi:

I am so, so sad for your tragic loss of your beautiful son. You and your family are in our hearts and in our prayers as you grieve. May you find comfort in your memories of your extraordinary child. My heart goes out to you, and breaks for you. With love,

Anne Swire <aswire@mail.nih.gov >
Bethesda, MD - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:17 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi:

We heard today of your sad, sad news. We will be out of D.C. next week during spring break, or else we would try to visit your home one night.

Peter & Anne Swire <peter@peterswire.net>
Bethesda , MD - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 4:34 PM CST
Matt and Naomi:

I received the news a few hours ago and have been unutterably sad ever since. My heart and prayers go out to you.

Dan Waltz
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 4:26 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,

I have heard of and followed you through our dear mutual friends. My heart aches so deeply for you. There is no logic or justice to Julien's death. Clearly, he was a remarkable boy. And clearly, you are a remarkable family.

Yehi zichro baruch. May Julien's memory be a blessing to you, your family, and your friends. And may you find the strength, aided by family and friends, to continue down life's tortuous path.

With great respect,
David Myers

David N. Myers <myers@history.ucla.edu>
Los Angeles, CA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:59 PM CST
Dear Naomi,

I just heard the news. I am so sorry for you and your family. Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything that I can do, please let me know.

Love, Linda

Linda Davidson <ldd@law.georgetown.edu>
Annandale, VA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:56 PM CST
Dear Prof. Mezey, Matt, and Jake:
You have our deepest sympathy, sorrow, and tears. Our hearts are breaking for you.
With love,
Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter

Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter <suzanneakim@yahoo.com>
New York, NY - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:40 PM CST
Naomi and Family,

I pray that the Lord will continue to give you strength and comfort.

Teruko R. Scriven <scriven@law.georgetown.edu>
Forestville, MD USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:44 PM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi & Jake:
I know there is nothing anyone can say or do to ease your pain right now, but I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you, loving you & grieving my heart out with you. I am just so sorry.... so so sorry. We will see you soon & will try to help you any way we possibly can.
All my love,

Koethi Zan <Zoethi@aol.com>
NY, NY - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:38 PM CST
dearest naomi, matt and jake,

my deepest sympathies and love for all of you. julien was so blessed to have all of you in his life, and we were blessed to have him in ours.

selena (dong), mel, melvin and sophia epley

selena (dong) epley <mepley@hotmail.com>
san diego, ca usa - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:28 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt & Jake: As others have said, there are no words powerful enough... we know that our wretched heartbreak for you is nothing next to your unimaginable, towering grief and loss. We are full of tears and rage and WHY about all this (like everyone else). And we are humbled and honored that you share this experience with us... You and Julien have taught us much, and our lives are changed because of him. I have the feeling that he must have a new knowing now--of you, his beautiful family, and of all the love he has received. Precious angel. I remember so clearly your dad, Naomi, showing me the pictures of Julien w/you guys when he was brand new (this was an April 2002 visit), and the combination of joy and peace on your faces. One of my *many* hopes for you all is that you can imagine that you'll one day feel some peace again...but it must seem impossible even to breathe right now. I wish we could have had the joy of meeting your darling boy...and that we could do something, ANYthing, to help you now. All of you are in our hearts, thoughts, songs, and prayers. We wrap our love around you all.
Helen Shafran, James Miley, Rachel Miley, and Jan & Al Shafran <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano and Claremont, CA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:26 PM CST
Dearest Naomi, Oh Naomi, words have so failed me. I am so sorry, and I love you. Robin
Robin West <west@law.georgetown.edu>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:18 PM CST
I am so very sorry. My prayers are with you and your family.
Sheila Thompson <thompss1@law.georgetown.edu>
Potomac, MD - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:10 PM CST
My heart goes out to you. I feel so overcome with sadness for a wonderful boy who I only got know through your beautiful words. You are in my thoughts.


Margery Bates <mbates@azcc.arizona.edu>
Tucson , az usa - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:03 PM CST
Naomi, Matt and Jake-- You are in my prayers.
Beth Hamill
washington, dc - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:02 PM CST
So very sorry for you loss...may a peace that passes all understanding be with you during this difficult time. What a beautiful Angel you have....

Robin Tucker <rtucker@hmsracing.com>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:00 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Mary and Brian Matheron <matherom@law.georgetown.edu>
Silver Spring, MD - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:25 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake,
My thoughts, love, and tears are with you.
Love, Ariela Dubler

Ariela Dubler <aduble@law.columbia.edu>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:51 AM CST
Professor Mezey and Family-

I wish I had profound words for you. Unfortunately, all I can say is that I am both sad and angry for you and that most of all I am so, so sorry for your loss. May the multitude of friends and family surrounding you bring you peace. Thinking of you often, Erin

Erin Spry <Ees9@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:44 AM CST
I can't think of anything to say that touches on the magnitude of your loss, or the sense of helplessness and grief that it gives your friends. I only hope that it is some comfort to all of you (whether now or at some time in the future), as it was to me, to think of how Julien's last moments must have been full of a sense, whether mental or physical, of the incredible love that surrounded him.
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:02 AM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi and Jake:
I can only imagine the pain that you must feel. I hope you take some comfort in knowing that no one could have given Julien more love and support than you did and that he is now at Peace.

Richard Diamond <diamond@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:02 AM CST
I can't think of anything to say that touches on the magnitude of your loss, or the sense of helplessness and grief that it gives your friends. I only hope that it is some comfort to all of you (whether now or at some time in the future), as it was to me, to think of how Julien's last moments must have been full of a sense, whether mental or physical, of the incredible love that surrounded him.
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:02 AM CST
You and your family have my deepest sympathy. If there is anything the management or staff at Cathedral West can do for you or your parents, please let us know.
Carl H. Patton, General Manager Cathedral West Condominium <carlhenrypatton@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:50 AM CST
Dearest Naomi, Matt and Jake,
Our hearts ache for your devastating loss. Julien was such a beautiful little boy, blessed with extraordinary love. The world feels so cold today. We are so very sorry. You have all our love and are in our thoughts,
Karen, Eliot & Ira

Karen Butler <kxbutler@mchsi.com>
Coralville, IA 52241 - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:44 AM CST
Matt, Naomi and Jake - words escape me. I feel for you and am thinking about you.
andrew friedman <afriedman@pattonboggs.com>
cabin john, md montgomery - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:33 AM CST
Dear All,
Our hearts are crying for the lose of Julien. We are so honored to be apart of witnessing your strength, will and power for your precious boy, Julien. What a fighter he was. Moreover, what a blessing that you were chosen to be Julien's parents even for such a short time. This is a sad week in Claremont.
Bless you all,
Patti Salwak, Tina Orrence, Paula Morse, Genny, Jose M., Jose C., Audrey, Dayanna, Roman, Kristina, Ernesto, Damian, Monica, Daniel and Gaston

Patti's Salwak and the Oakmont students in Room 12 <psalwak@chs.cusd.claremont.edu>
Claremont, Ca USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:27 AM CST
Those of us in Section Four 2004, who watched Julien grow before he was even born, are all so saddened by the news.
He was an inspiring sign of humanity and life during our first year of life school. I remember how you were brave enough to show up to teach our class the day after Sept 11; I thought to myself, "Well, if she has enough courage and energy, six months pregnant, to keep on after what happened yesterday, I certainly don't have any excuse not to stay focused."

When I look at the picture of Jake and Julien, I am reminded of a close friend of mine whose brother died of cancer. This friend has a sweet, empathetic nature that is pretty rare among guys, and he always attributed that side of him to the to the process of having gone through his brother having cancer. I'm sure it has been, and will continue to be, a horrifically wrenching process for Jake, but he may ultimately be a better person as a result.

Julien touched many lives in his short time here -- thank you for bringing him into this world --

Everyone at Georgetown is here for you --

-Catherine Spratt

Catherine Spratt <cbs22@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:07 AM CST
May God let Julien rest in peace! He will always be with you.
My heartfelt prayers are with you Naomi, Matt and your entire family.
Love always,

Rada Stojanovich Hayes <rms37@law.georgetown.edu>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:02 AM CST
We love and miss you more than words can tell.
Steve and Koethi <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:01 AM CST
I don't know what to say except that I am thinking of you constantly, my heart goes out to you.
Nina Chernoff <nchernoff@jlc.org>
Philadelphia, PA 19107 - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:00 AM CST
It is hard to imagine the pain and anguish that you all are feeling. I had lost the website address the first time Bill had given it to me and wrote it down when we met last Thursday, hoping to follow you through the next round of Julien's recovery. It was with increasing dismay that I read the last entries. Now I can only share inadequate words of sorrow and caring for you and your family.
Bonnie Mathieson, OAR <bm29f@nih.gov>
Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:40 AM CST
Heaven pays attention Naomi when you prayed. The Lord will not give you more than you can bear. The pain you feel at this time, I cant begin to imagine. But through it all, I know the Lord will comfort and keep you and your family close to his bosom. Jesus loved your son and gently rocked him to sleep in his care under his watchful eyes.
Dianne McDonald <mcdonad@law.georgetown.edu>
Fairfax, VA 22031 - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:33 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matthew,

I am very sad about your loss of Julien. I remember him as a very special little boy. I hope that you can find comfort in the positive and pleasant memories thatI am sure you had of him before he became so ill.


Susan Strober

Susan B. Strober <s.strober@att.net>
North Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:28 AM CST

God, I'm so sorry. Just so very very sorrowful.

Chris P. <cpalamountain@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:11 AM CST
We are heartbroken by the passing away of Julien. Our thoughts are with you at this time.
Jacques, Dany, Louise and all the Feinsohn family

Jacques, Dany, Louise and all the Feinsohn family <louise.feinsohn@siebel.com>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:07 AM CST
I am in Belgium and I thought I would check to see how Julien was doing. Naomi and Matt and Jake I am so sorry for your loss. I will sing a song for Julien tonight. God be with you all.
John Darnielle <sangiovese@themountaingoats.net>
Durham, NC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:03 AM CST
We were so saddened to hear this news. Eventhough we never met your son, seeing his pictures made this all the more "real" to us. We feel very heavy-hearted and are so sorry for your loss. Hopefully Julien is in peace now after fighting such a long hard battle, and may you be comforted in knowing that you did everything in your power that you could have done to make Julien as comfortable as possible, and that you were there with him. He felt your arms around him while you were holding him and singing to him, and was comforted enough by that to go peacefully with your love enveloping him. Our deepest condolences to you and your family.
Mira and Aron Singer <msinger@mail.montcopa.org>
Bala Cynwyd, PA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:45 AM CST
To Angel Julien's loving and devoted family,
Thank you for sharing your precious child's journey with us. You are in our prayers.

John and Bonnie Curran <bjcurran@earthlink.net>
Concord, NC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:14 AM CST
We are sending you all of our love, thoughts, prayers, and warmth. - love, Hilary, Malcolm, Page, and Teddy
Malcolm Lester <mlester@cathedral.org>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:06 AM CST
I am so sad to hear that Julien's gone. Sending love to you all.

From Mary Oliver's West Wind I:

If there is life after the earth-life, will you come with me? Even then? Since we're bound to be something, why not together. Imagine! Two little stones, two fleas under the wing of a gull, flying along through the fog! Or, ten blades of grass. Ten loops of honeysuckle, all flung against each other, at the edge of Race Road! Beach plums! Snowflakes, coasting into the winter woods, making a very small sound, like this soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo as they marry the dusty bodies of the pitch-pines. Or, rain -- that gray light running over the sea, pocking it, lacquering it, coming, all morning and afternoon, from the west wind's youth and abundance and jollity -- pinging and jangling down upon the roofs of Provincetown.

Evelyn C. Shapiro <esha@prairienet.org>
Urbana, Illinois USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:03 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake:

My thoughts are with you at this unthinkable and unimaginable moment. We just returned from Morocco this weekend to read what had happened over the last two weeks and I find myself unable to do anything but imagine how awful this moment must be for you all. We send all our love to you and your family.

Katherine Franke

Katherine Franke <kfranke@law.columbia.edu>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:59 AM CST
I am so sad to hear that Julien's gone. Sending love to you all.

From Mary Oliver's West Wind I:

If there is life after the earth-life, will you come with me? Even then? Since we're bound to be something, why not together. Imagine! Two little stones, two fleas under the wing of a gull, flying along through the fog! Or, ten blades of grass. Ten loops of honeysuckle, all flung against each other, at the edge of Race Road! Beach plums! Snowflakes, coasting into the winter woods, making a very small sound, like this soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo as they marry the dusty bodies of the pitch-pines. Or, rain -- that gray light running over the sea, pocking it, lacquering it, coming, all morning and afternoon, from the west wind's youth and abundance and jollity -- pinging and jangling down upon the roofs of Provincetown.

Evelyn C. Shapiro <esha@prairienet.org>
Urbana, Illinois USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:56 AM CST
Naomi and Matt, Missy and I send our love. Our hearts are broken. But Julien is still an inspiration for everyone. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:43 AM CST
You are a beautiful and inspirational family and our hearts just ache for you.

Much love to you all.

Jen and Ellen <jditoro@pdsdc.org>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:37 AM CST
We read the news together this morning and we are devastated.

I want to thank Julien for fighting and loving and bringing his life into this world. He has taught us something which we are only beginning to understand and which we may never fully understand in this lifetime.

God bless him and keep him.


Sam, Isadora & Nicholas Deese

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:23 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Although I haven't written before today, I've been following Julien's difficult journey and keeping him and your family in my thoughts. Jason just called with the sad news and my heart breaks for you. I am sending all my love and prayers your way.
jennifer loviglio <loviglio@rochester.rr.com>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:21 AM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
Last night Eli and I spoke long and hard about the whys and wherefores of Julien's death. If there is an answer, it may not comfort and ease your grief right now, but in the big scheme of things, he touched and enriched so many of our lives, even those of us who did not get a chance to meet him.

I am sharing this all too famous Robert Frost poem with you that my parents used following my youngest brother's death two years ago. It is so apt for Julien:

"Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay."

With abounding love and comfort,

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:20 AM CST
To all the "friends of Julien" and especially my colleagues at Georgetown Law: First, Mike Gottesman, thank you for posting word of what went on in Baltimore. Second, Julie O. - and maybe Nina, too - was with Naomi much of yesterday and then I was with her briefly in the evening. Naomi and Matt seem shellshocked but Naomi at least seemed able to relax into a hug. That's really all I could do, hold my friend and colleague.
Heidi (Heidi Li Feldman)
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:10 AM CST
We cried tears of sadness and anger last night here in Alabama - anger at just how unfair it is that Julien was taken from you. You are in our thoughts.
Brook Dooley and Andrea Laiacona <brookdooley@yahoo.com>
Montgomery, AL - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:01 AM CST
Our hearts and our prayers are with you.
Courtney and the crew
Pit Crews for Kids
Hendrick Marrow Program

Courtney Hurd <churd@hmsracing.com>
Charlotte, NC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:48 AM CST
Our thoughts are with you; as are our hearts and our tears.
Love, Susan, Don, and "the girls"

Susan dee Cohen <don_susan@comcast.net>
Arlington, VA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:38 AM CST
We were so sorry to hear about Julien. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love, Abby, Mark, Benjamin, and Alyson Miller

Abby Miller <millers@verizon.net>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:25 AM CST
The awful news arrived just as the faculty retreat began yesterday. The day was devoted to Julien. Bob Drinan led us in prayer; we wept and we grieved, and our thoughts didn't stray far from the pain you must be enduring. One hundred embraces.
Mike Gottesman <gottesma@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:06 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Emily and Andrew Schneider <schneidereg@oro.doe.gov>
Knox, TN USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:06 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and JJ,

I write this way becaue I believe JJ is and always will be with you all.

Jake - you are the best big brother that anyone could ask for - you are so strong and loving.

Naomi and Matt - these past months have been ridiculously hard and trying (and that's an understatement!) - you have taught us all what family is.

JJ - while no longer here with us in form, I know you are in spirit - I know you'll take care of your family - thank you for touching my life the way you have.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, May the Lord shine on you and be gracious to you, May the Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace.


Melissa Millikin <mrm48@law.georgetown.edu>
Ellicott City, MD - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:42 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, and Jake,
The sadness is unspeakable. We are so sorry. We wish there was some way we could help ease your pain right now. We’ve been thinking about Julien and the power of undying love. Someone I (Sally) loved who was dying once told me: there is no real separation. I believe that is true. As you look around you and take comfort from Olivia, Bob, Marilyn and Bill and your family and friends near and far, know that we hold dear to our memories of brave, strong, funny, Julien and that those memories keep us connected to him still.
We love you,
Sally, Matt, Clare and Helen

Sally McCarthy <sem35@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:42 AM CST
My deep sympathies to you all

Shirley Starnes (LI) <sstarnes@niaid.nih.gov>
Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:22 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake, Words can not express the sorrow I feel in my heart today for you and your entire family. I thank you for sharing Julien with all of us and I thank you for your utter devotion and love for him. It is hard to image that he is in a better place right now, but truly he is. As I traveled home yesterday from a short trip, my heart felt so burden for you all about the time of Julien's passing. I know the Lord gathered him into his arms and he was released from the pain and discomfort that he was feeling these last few weeks. As you gather yourselves to go on, I pray that Julien's smile will soar in your hearts and minds, and lift your feet to walk these next steps. It will in mine........ and I look forward to seeing Julien one day smiling and dancing and singing in heaven. I will be praying that the Lord will begin to fill this huge void that you now feel in your hearts......allow it to happen. Lisa
Lisa Boyd <lboyd@niaid.nih.gov>
LI/NIH, - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:22 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt and Jake - It's hard to write this through my tears. I'm so sorry, you all tried so hard, it's just not fair. I love you - we're here whenever you want or need us. Love Linda and Jeremiah
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:03 AM CST
Dear Naomi,Math,Little Jack,Olivia and Family:
You all set a great example for all of us with your caring love and devotion for your beloved Julien, a child that we learn to love every day more from your reports, a child that make us get closer to God.
Thanks to this inmenze example of love and devotion to your child, the world is a better place...believe me. You show us what a great parents you are, what a great human qualities you have and what parenthood is all about. Thank you from deep in my hearth.
Julien is now in the kindom of Light and Love, his spiritual Masters, Guides, Teachers and Angels greet him this morning, he graduate with Honors from this Earthy experience, his soul right now is inmenze and is trascending to a much more elevated and greater spiritual level. Julien's soul in this moment is full of love and gratitude about you, he is just in another dimention...be in peace, my heart sincerelly and lovingly is with you.
Thank you for setting a Great example.
Much love to you all
Olivia Revueltas Simcock

Olivia Revueltas Simcock <olivia@revueltas.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:22 AM CST
Dear Naomi and family. I wish I can carry all of you to lighten the heavy hearts of yours. I wish I can sing for all of you as you wave and to say "I love you and I miss you!" to JJ who would be the most beautiful angel in heaven. As a mother, I don't dare to think how you must feel at this moment and the moments when there is no one arround. Just remember, JJ would be your guarding angel who will always love you from the above. Whenever you feel lonely, sad and things become unbearable, just look up, JJ would be there and smiling to you as always. You are loved. You are loved for more than words can say. You are loved for more than you ever know. Just look at this guestbook and that doesn't even have the people who are thinking of you but didn't leave a comment. Let us to share your load. Let me help, please!
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va usa - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 0:25 AM CST
Consuelo here again. I look again and again at the photos, and cannot stop crying. I send so much love... all our tears fall on the earth today, all over the world.

Consuelo G. <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 0:24 AM CST
Dearest Naomi, Matt and Jake;
Today Richard and I held each other and cried for the loss of your lovely little Julien and his fiesty beautiful self. May you find peace in collapsing into the raggedness of the pain, so that eventually you can gather up the pieces and continue knitting the beautiful tapestry that is your lives together. Now come strange wandering days, as you find a new footing as a family without Julien growing beside you. The memory of the times you spent with his soul here on earth will eventually bring light, laughter and a deepening of heart for the rest of your days. Hey Julien! Now you know what Buzz Lightyear feels... YOU CAN FLY!!
With much love from my broken heart,

Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 0:09 AM CST
Your family photograph is on my desk, as it has been since a week after Julien's birth. My tears, heart, love, and strength pour out to you all in this utterly devastating time. I am with you, we are with you. If we could ease this pain, we most certainly would. It is my hope that the love that surrounds you will eventually help. My heart to your heart. With respect and love,
Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 11:47 PM CST
Please accept my love, my sorrow and my most loving thoughts. I wish I could give you all a giant hug right now.
Tim Kirk <strawman90403@yahoo.com>
Los Feliz, CA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 11:36 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,

My teeth gnash for you, my breasts ache for you, and I am not afraid to let my own small son see the tears I shed for you. I am afraid to have him hear the confused and angry wails and howls, for should they begin, they would terrify him as you must be terrified by the loss of Julien. All has been marred by the injustice of his death and yet there's no one to hate. No one to damn. In fact, Julien's extraordinary "community, good, kind, and loving, will offer and have offered respite. They may even shape despair and overwhelming sadness into brief periods of nothing worse than numbness, but for weeks to come only your Jake will be able to save you. Keep him close, and save you he will. He has the magic. Love, J.

Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 11:17 PM CST
I send my love and admiration and most heartfelt wishes for a strength no person should ever be called upon to possess. I thought I was all cried out last year. I was wrong.

Please remember to take solace in the affection of others, including mine.

Dave Carpenter <dcarp911@yahoo.com>
Claremont, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 11:01 PM CST
dear naomi, matt, jake -- we've been keeping up with you all and with julien through kim, and are so so terribly sorrry to hear the news today. please know our thoughts are with you, and that even many circles out from your center, we are feeling your loss reverberate, and sending you strength in this time of unthinkable sorrow. much love to you, jacqueline and kenny and casey
Jacqueline Shea Murphy <jshea@ucr.edu>
Oakland, CA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 10:59 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,

My heart goes out to you. My heart just goes out to you. There is a poem that Yehuda Amichai wrote about the birth of his daughter that says "the day my daughter was born, no one died." But then it seems it must be that the day one's child dies, no one is born. So it feels.

Nomi Stolzenberg <nomideplume@aol.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 10:41 PM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi, and Jake,
We are sending all our love to you and wish there was more we could do. Julien was such a strong little boy and so lucky to have so much love in his life. Peace.

Mandy, Grant, Sam and Anna <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX - Monday, March 29, 2004 10:27 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,

My heart goes out to you. My heart just goes out to you. There is a poem that Yehuda Amichai wrote about the birth of his daughter that says "the day my daughter was born, no one died." But then it seems it must be that the day one's child, no one is born. So it feels.

Nomi Stolzenberg <nomideplume@aol.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 10:23 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt, my heart is very heavy tonight. I know the love and soul you have given Julien throughout these many months and that will never be taken away. I will be thinking of you in the coming days and weeks. My love and faith, Clyde
Clyde Spillenger <spillenger@comcast.net>
Venice, CA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 10:01 PM CST
To Mrs. and Mr. Messey,

We are sincerely sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Julien is such a beautiful treasure and it is an honor to know what we are fighting for at our hospital.

On behalf of Childrens Hospital Blood Donor Center, our sincerest condolences.

Melinh Jones <melinhjones@hotmail.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 10:00 PM CST
Matt, Naomi, & Jake
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Ethan and Ruth Shevach <rshevach@hotmail.com>
Rockville, MD - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:37 PM CST
Dear Naomi & Matt,

I am so sorry. You have been through so much and given so much love. I can only echo the words of everyone who has said you did everything you possibly could, and gave Julien so much love, that will follow him wherever he goes. I wish there was more your friends could do for you, from so far away; you're in our hearts and thoughts. Love,

Ariela <agross@law.usc.edu>
Venice, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:37 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, & Jake

Our thoughts and love are with you. We are so sorry and wish we could do something, anything to help. Julien was surrounded by people that love him so much.

Noah & Caroline <noah.clements@law.duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:24 PM CST
Matt and Naomi,

Our hearts and thoughts are with you tonight. We are grateful that we had the chance to meet Julien almost one year ago today -- toddling around the Air and Space Museum with Jacob, Jake and Abby. We will remember that happy little boy.

All of our love, Evan & Jackie

Evan and Jackie Glassman <eglassman@bsfllp.com>
Chappaqua, NY - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:57 PM CST
Dearest Naomi, Matt and Jake,
We just want you to know that even when we are not with you our prayers are. Love, Dan and Salve

Salve Bernabe <masalve@aol.com>
Washington, D.C., DC - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:54 PM CST
We are so sorry. You did everything humanly possible, and gave J.J. so much love. We hope and pray that your unending love will go with him wherever he is; he will live in our hearts forever as one tough, sweet, and stubborn kid who fought with all his heart to stay with you. We love you.
David, Nina, Aidan, and Sarah <cole@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:28 PM CST
Dearest Naomi, Matt & Jake,

With enormous love and more heartache than we ever imagined possible, we send all our thoughts to you. Please let us know how we can help.

Diane & Rob <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:27 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake,

I wish there was something I could say to help ease your pain other than we're thinking of you and sending our love. I am so, so sorry.

With love from the Gustafsons - Nelia, Erik, Patrick and Thomas

Nelia Gustafson <corneliag@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA - Monday, March 29, 2004 7:38 PM CST
Dear Naomi & Matt,

Let the love of your parents and friends help you to stand until you can stand on your own again. And you will...because that is what we do...as humans...as parents...even in the darkest times imaginable.
I have no doubt that Julien's beautiful soul will be ever present in the hearts of all of us.

We love you,
MIchael & Sheila

Michael Lorant & Sheila Doyle <mlorant@earthlink.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 7:25 PM CST
My heart aches for all of you. Julien is now free from pain .I'm glad that he was surrounded in such love with his family. We're glad that Olivia was able to be with all of you and especially Julien.
The Oakmont family grieves for you. Despite our sunny day, we walked around in disbelief that despite all you have done for Julien, God chose to take him home to rest.
with love from Claremont

Sue Kremer
Claremont, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 6:54 PM CST
Naomi, Matt & Little Jake,

Words cannot even express the pain I feel in my heart right now. I wish I knew what to say but I am at a loss for words. Just know that I love you guys and that my heart goes out to your family.

Love Always,

Sarah Hibdon (Simpson) <sarahh@spanconstruction.com>
Madera, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 6:37 PM CST
Matt and Naomi,

I got word only this afternoon that Julien had had a relapse -- coupled with the devastating news that his little body couldn't fight any more. I can't even begin to express how sorry I am and how much I wish that we could help. Michael and I are thinking about you all and send our love. Susan.

Susan Daggett <sdaggett@earthjustice.org>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 6:04 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
My heart broke when I heard Matt's message this morning. I will still be praying for little "Angel Julien" and his memory will always be in my heart. I love you guys and I'm thinking about you during these difficult days. Love, Cheryl Lynn

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Monday, March 29, 2004 5:08 PM CST
I can only add my love and support to what you will receive in the coming days, weeks and years. You are warriors all. Be at rest young Julien. You were greatly loved.
pat <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 4:41 PM CST
I picture my screams of sorrow and the sound of me kicking (hard) this large metal file cabinet in my office transforming as they move across the country, into arms of love wrapping tightly around all of you. I keep you guys in my heart now and forever.
Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Monday, March 29, 2004 4:19 PM CST
Naomi and Matt,
I read your journal and it sounded too familiar. Then, I read the guestbook entry that stated that Julien passed away. My heart aches for you. Our children fought so hard to live. I can still hear Julien fussing in the 5200 hallway because he wanted to be back in his room. Cancer is such a dreaded disease and shouldn't affect children. I pray for you that God's peace may comfort you. The coming days will be difficult but rely on your family and friends to get you through. You have my understanding - please feel free to email me at any time.

Camilla Haigler (Alex's mom) <camilla.haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC - Monday, March 29, 2004 4:16 PM CST
Your courage, love, eloquent sharing of your pain and hope with so many of your friends gives me a feeling of awe and gratitude in spite of the terrible news. I hold you all in my heart, now and always.
nancy ware <nware@csupomona.edu>
claremont, ca usa - Monday, March 29, 2004 4:12 PM CST
Remember the words of wise, 3 year old Jayme, she said "I am thankful for my people." I am your people and I am here for you.
Beth Davidson <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 4:05 PM CST
I am so sorry about the suffering that Julien went through...Our prayers have been with all of you...also prayers from our Nazarene church in Danville, IL. I have no words that can comfort you, but just remember that those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever. May the good Lord Bless all of you at this time......Sincerely, Arlene Jaynes (Mary Ellis' sister)
Arlene Jaynes
3313 Suncrest Drive, IL USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 3:54 PM CST
To all,
After reading the somewhat ambiguous latest entries in the guestbook, I called Naomi's mother who confirmed that Julien passed away this morning at 10:35.

To Naomi, Matt, Jake, grandparents and all extended family, we share in your grief and despair. We send our love and strength to hold and rock you as you hold and rock Julien in your arms and send him to a place of peace and rest.

Nicki and Eli Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, March 29, 2004 3:44 PM CST
There are no words; only a fervent desire to take care of you all in every way imaginable, and for as long as possible. Sending you as much love as I can possibly muster, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Monday, March 29, 2004 3:26 PM CST
Dearest extended family--Paul's call to me this morn, and mine to him crossed. Neither of us could think of anything to say. I'm sure there are hundreds out there who want to jump on the first available plane--and rush to your sides. D.C. airports would be overwhelmed! Your courageous fight for cherished JJ--and his own Capricorn bravery in fighting so hard to stay with all of you--has been shared with such eloquence for so long. You've touched--and will continue to touch--so many lives in ways that will never be forgotten. "At a loss for words" is stunningly inadequate. We hope you continue to feel enfolded by the love and prayers we all send--now and forever.
Carol and Bob Herman <up.stage@verizon.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 2:11 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,

There is nothing one can say when faced with such a daunting situation except to send my love and tell you that my prayers are with you.

Alice Weinstein
- Monday, March 29, 2004 2:07 PM CST
I just wanted to second the observation that the guestbook is wonderful for the rest of us- like many people, I'm sure, I check your website constantly. Even when the news has more to do with holding steady than with fast improvements, I find it comforting- I can see that just as I am sitting here at a desk in Philadelphia looking at Julien’s beautiful face in the photos, there are people all over the country, sitting at computers at work and at home, or calling each other with news and encouragement, all of us anxious and hopeful at the same time.

I like to think of the cacophony of prayers and songs and curses, the demands and pleas that are being shouted and whispered into heaven or from the hillsides, driveways, prayer mats, hospitals and airplanes where your friends are. This must be the noise of the beeping, humming hope machine.

Nina Chernoff <nchernoff@jlc.org>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 2:04 PM CST
Thank goodness for this guestbook - not only is it a means for us to convey our prayers, love and hope to you, but it provides comfort to all who visit, knowing that there are so many of us sharing these fearful times, focusing our energy toward healing Julien and attempting to ease your pain.

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, March 29, 2004 12:56 AM CST
We don't pretend to be able to imagine your pain. Yet in our hearts, we are standing with you, piling sandbags as fast as we can. We are also signing. Claire wants Julien to hear Foggy Mountain Top: "If I were on a foggy moutain top, I'd sail away to the west. I'd sail all around this whole darn world to the boy I love the best." May the next day be easier, and the next easier still. We love you.
Molly, Chris, Claire and Natalie <mollystump@comcast.net>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 12:14 AM CST
Dear all,

James and I have only tuned in for the last couple days after several weeks of assuming things were going well after your return home. *OH.* Words fail me.

Please know that we are sending every ounce of hope, love, energy and faith to you with renewed vigor and determination. Rachel (3) is doing a "be well" dance for Julien in front of the computer and says, "Please tell his mommy and daddy that I hope that today is a really great day." We all do. May today be the day that things turn around. RIGHT NOW. We are holding you up. You can do this. Love, love.

Helen Shafran, James Miley & Rachel Miley <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 12:11 AM CST
Such a child! He gave the world so much in the time he was in a body. He must be smiling again now, free of the pain, and happy with the songs and love you sent him off with.

Harringtons <aharrington@ci.claremont.ca.us>
Claremont, CA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 11:39 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
When I picture JJ right now, I picture him floating on a big, sturdy raft made of your love, your determined hope, and your boundless strength....floating on an even bigger raft built of all these messages and e-mails. Keep on keeping on, and know that we are thinking of you, and your wonderful and so courageous little boy, constantly.
Love, Julie, Andrew, and Eli

Julie Cohen <jec@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 11:25 AM CST
Matt, Naomi, Jake, and Julien,

I really very much wish I could relieve you from some of this. My heart swells every time I read your words, and it breaks every time I hear about your pain. All my best love to all of you and my strongest arms to help in any way I can.

Chris P. <cpalamountain@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Monday, March 29, 2004 10:32 AM CST
Dearest Matt and Naomi,

Of course, we are thinking of you guys constantly. We have refrained from calling, knowing how exhausted and overwhelmed you have to be but will probably break down if only to leave a message. We can only begin to fathom how frightening this time is. But the love and hope and prayers that surround Julien in concentric circles that start with you two amazing parents -- and are multiplied by all of us -- are real and powerful. And of course they fortify Julien. It goes without saying but we stand ready to do anything we can.

Matt and Sally <mwalker@hereunion.org>
Washington, DC - Monday, March 29, 2004 10:06 AM CST
We are thinking of you and focusing our love to shore up your strength.
Clarissa <Potterc@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:46 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
I can only echo what everyone else has said. Your experience has touched so many people and we are all working hard with our spiritual powers to touch you as well.

When I told Page about Julien going into Georgetown Hospital, she asked the usual "why?" questions... but then told me she thought he would feel all better by September. She corrected herself quickly and insisted on August. Page, a child obsessed with days, months, and clocks (she can recite the birthdates of her 21 classmates and she checks the clock at least 50 times a day) is typically right when it comes to dates.

You are in our thoughts constantly. Love,

Hilary Cairns (and family) <cairnsh@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:39 AM CST
sending love, love, and more love, with prayers and prayers and more prayers. you are such wonderful parents. the present moment is the only reality; love is the only answer to any question.
Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:38 AM CST
Naomi & Matt,
I think of you constantly & pray for you & Julien & Jake at least twice a day ... sending you all love!

Jennifer Lumb (RN 5200) <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:27 AM CST
Dear Naomi & Matt,

Reading Naomi's note about just being with Julien in the moment made me remember seeing him in the hospital the other night, surrounded by all the wonders & horrors of modern medicine, and thinking that despite it all - the machinery, the rash, the not-being-well - Julien is such a beautiful little boy, and for a moment I thought he was my child, and everyone's child, and there was a second - in the midst of all the fear and sadness - when I felt the world must be ok if such a beautiful little boy could belong to us all.

We're all thinking of you all the time, and sending you love and hope.


Lisa, Bob, Mariah & Lucas <heinzerl@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 8:03 AM CST
dear naomi and family,
i'm checking the site constantly and you are in my thoughts and prayers always. love, michael (& sheila)

michael lorant <mlorant@earthlink.net>
atlanta, GA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 7:15 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt. Just hang in there. Like you said Naomi, Hope and keep hoping. I'm doing that and prayers! I'll stop by soon to visit!
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va 22079 - Monday, March 29, 2004 6:10 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

Since reading Paul's email, I have been thinking about you every day. You are all in my prayers. I wish there was something concrete I could do to comfort you. I admire your fierce love and fidelity to Julien.

Please know I am sending you my love!

Mark Cloutier

Mark Cloutier <mark@continuumhiv.org>
Berkeley, CA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 0:38 AM CST
I'm sending tons of love and support from the west coast. Tonight when I took the dogs for a walk I came across a beautiful hillside of white trillium flowers. it gave me a sense of peace. I'm sending those things too- beauty and peace. I wish I could give you more.
Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR United States - Monday, March 29, 2004 0:09 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake, Julien, I love you all so much.
kim sargent-wishart <kswish@mac.com>
san francisco, ca - Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:46 PM CST
No one could get more love from his parents than Julien is getting from you two. No family could have more love surrounding it than yours does. That is all any of us can do.

My love and my prayers are with you all, fiercely.

Ed Swanson <eswanson@swansonmcnamara.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:46 PM CST
Dearest Na,
Our friend Ness (Vanessa) is visiting (Na, Ness, Ness, Na) and we feel very powerful since her birthday is the same as Julien's (okay, the same but 48 years earlier). So, like Paul, we send love and all sorts of other powerful forces from 3,000 miles and three time zones away. Thinking about you all before we turn in... Deep love!!!!

The Hons <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:38 PM CST
Still hoping and praying for you all...more than you can ever know. Love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:37 PM CST
Matt and Naomi,

At bedtime when I was a child, my father used to tell me to breathe in all the white light and exhale all the pain and darkness. Naomi, you knew my father well enough to understand how this struck me as both absurd and deeply comforting. I still hear him exhorting me-- all of us-- to take in as much light and love as we can, even in the darkest hours. And now it doesn't seem absurd at all. Tonight we lit candles for Julien, and Ben insisted they'd work better if we turned off all the lights. In the darkness of our house, from the darkness of our breaking hearts, we are sending you love and light tonight and every night.

Jason <loviglio@umbc.edu>
Baltimore, MD - Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:32 PM CST
I don't know what to say on these dark days and frightening nights. You are both incredibly strong, and Julien is so lucky to have the depth and intensity and healing comfort of your love right now. I think of Julien every night, when I go to sleep, and first thing in the morning, when I wake up. I hold him in my heart and send healing, peaceful energy to you all.

I wish that there was a way to ease your pain, even a little bit.

I love you all so much. I ache with it right now. So I will just send my love to you, across this big country and through the dark night, and hope that you know that I will always be there for you all.

Paul Herman <paherman@stanford.edu>
San Francisco, CA USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:23 PM CST
Naomi: Me, Heidi, back again. I do not want to bother you with phone calls or emails now so will just write you here, where you seem to check in when you can. Thank you for keeping us posted. I think about you and Julien about a gazillion times a day. I think about swimming together, which we will do again, and the comfort of the water and the laps - something like the comfort you and Matt bring to Julien and to Jake. You are a good mother, my friend. A very good mother.
Heidi Li <h.l.feldman@att.net>
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:13 PM CST
Matt and Naomi,

You are all in our prayers. We are sending you all of our positive energy and love.

David and Linda

David Rubin <rubin_david@bah.com>
Potomac, MD 20854 - Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:06 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,

Karen and I want you to know that you and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers since the beginning of Julien's illness. You are on the prayer list at our place of worship, as well as with many of our family members and friends. We pray that the chemo does work it's magic and that Julien's body has the strength to endure yet another round and that you be given the strength you need. Although we can't hold you in our arms, we do hold you so close to our hearts.

Marty, Karen and Hunter Sosby

Marty Sosby <kmhsosby@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX - Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:46 PM CST
I'm so thankful your Mom can be with you at this time. I carried a picture of Jake and Julien with me on the trip and we all prayed for strength and God's love for the whole family and especially for JJ. Many I met on the plane, especially my seat mates, a minister and his wife from Indianapolis are all praying for him.
I am willing you all my extra strength and my love...

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:07 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi, remember to keep breathing. In with fresh energy, out with fear and angst. Allow the fear to leave you (even for a moment). Inhale strength and hope. It is time for faith to comfort you.

Be here now. I am praying for you.
Lots of love,

Beth Davidson <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville , MD USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 8:29 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
As usual, I have been checking the site a zillion times a day, hoping to read that Julien is stable and if at all possible, improving.
Having not been able to sleep last night, I had Julien on my mind most of the time. I told God that this is the time for a miracle - that he should show is omnipotence and make believers of all of us agnostics and atheists.
Last week I sent the website to a number of friends and received replies that they are all praying hard for Julien. So as many entries as there are in this guestbook, know that there are so many more people out there who are hoping, praying and thinking of all of you.

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:48 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you. Today I wore the bracelet that you gave me with Julien's name and birthday engraved on it. Everytime I looked down at my wrist, I said a little prayer for Julien, wishing him to be "stubborn" and strong and pull through this. My mom wants you to know that you are in her prayers as well. Give Julien a kiss for me!

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:56 PM CST
Dear Naomi,
I'm sending you and your family all the positive energy and good thoughts and prayers that I know of.
With love,
Tricia Ryden

Tricia Ryden <par@webryders.net>
Exeter, NH - Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:19 PM CST
Sending all positive thoughts your way......Hang in there and know you are all loved....best, Carrie MM
Carrie Menkel-Meadow <meadow@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 12:55 AM CST
Naomi & family,

I have been thinking about Julien all weekend and checking this site frequently. I am glad to hear Julien has stablized somewhat, and am continuing to pray/think positive thoughts and just send all the good energy I can. A couple of my friends have put Julien's name on the prayer list of their places of worship. I know it may be of little help, but it can't hurt that so many people, even those who don't know him, are rallying for Julien.


Julie Bibb
San Francisco, CA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:28 AM CST
As Naomi and I have discussed many times, I cannot make the epistemological leap to belief in the supernatural (although I respect those that do). When Naomi and I talk about this - and you who know Naomi personally know that one of the things that makes her rare and special and good is that she can converse ably on this or any topic - I always say, sincerely, that what I believe in is other people: their capacity to rise up, join together, help one another, better the world. Sometimes I read the guestbook for my own (selfish) comfort, and today I realized that regardless of what else exists, the people connected to Matt and Naomi and Julien and Jake prove to me again that tremendous capacity of collective good will.

Naomi, Matt - Jitendra and I are here for you. I spoke to Julie O. yesterday and we made a pact to take care of you and yours forever and ever, through hard times and happy times.

Heidi Li <h.l.feldman@att.net>
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:22 AM CST
Oh Dear God, I'm just speech less. I just want you to know that I am reaching my hands out to hold you and your family if that ever helps. My heart aches with you!
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va usa - Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:20 AM CST
Food is at your house. And here is an electronic hug. It's the best I can do.
Richard Chused
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:36 AM CST
Naomi and Matt: We are friends of Matt's parents and have been following Julien's struggle through your incredible journal. Our thoughts are with you, Julien and your whole family.
Jyce Siegel
Bethesda, MD - Sunday, March 28, 2004 6:16 AM CST
Naomi and Matt -- Still scared of course, but inspired, as always, by his fight and your strength. I so hope tomorow will bring even better news and that Julien fights his way back to a new shot at recovery. All four of us are thinking of you, always....
Mark Kelman <mkelman@stanford.edu>
Palo Alto, CA USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 0:48 AM CST
Naomi and Matt-
Even though we have never met, I have been keeping abreast of your family and Julien's progress through Paul. All I can say is that we hope that our thoughts and support can help you get through this. You are living through something that noone should have to experience. Stay positive and rely on your good friends and family. We are thinking of you.

Daniel Rowen <drowen711@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 0:46 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien,

We are both thinking about you very very much, and we send all of our love and support to you all.

John and Lalitree Darnielle <remix@britsys.net>
Durham, NC - Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:08 PM CST
Today at 12 o'clock while we were playing in the driveway I asked Sam, Wiley and Eric to help me pray for Julien. Sam gave a wish that Julien's coat of golden armor would protect him and fight off the bad. Wiley said "Julien, I am praying that you get better and God is praying that you get better; so get better". Then all 3 of them sang a chant of "Julien get better" over and over again. Later, on our way home from oval park Sam and Eric insisted on bringing sticks for "Jake's Armory", it wasn't clear to me until they explained it today that this armory that they are helping Jake build is to fight off the bad cells in Julien.....God bless your sweet boys
Caroline, Noah, Wiley, Eric and Elise Clements <noah.clements@law.duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:31 PM CST
I don't know that I can be inspirational...but I want you to know that I, and my family, are scared with you. And we are praying too, though we don't know to whom. We hope for Julien's speedy recovery. And all the strength in the world for his two incredible parents!!
Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:23 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
I, like others, have wondered about posting to you because I feel that there are no words to mitigate what you are going through--and nothing I can say to help that hasn't been said by your eloquent cheering section before. Still, I wanted you to know that I have been thinking of all of you constantly, and that even though I have never met Julien, your descriptions of his courage and delightful personality have made him so absolutely vivid that I feel as if I have. I hope so much that he continues to improve over these next couple of days, and that both of you and Jake know that those of us out here rooting for you continue to be amazed and impressed by how stalwart you are. It's clear where Julien gets his fighting spirit.

Fernanda Moore <fernanda.moore@verizon.net>
Swarthmore, PA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:11 PM CST
It sounds like Julien is really fighting hard. We're all cheering him on. In spite of the circumstances, the image of you nuzzling his furry little earlobes makes me smile. I know it gives him a lot of energy and strength. I hope all our prayers, thoughts, and wishes do the same. We love you.
Mandy, Grant, Sam and Anna <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX - Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:05 PM CST
Na & Matt,

Words are such poor friends now. But we bundle all our love and strength and hope and faith and send them to you now more than ever. I have promised ... god? yahweh? allah?... that I will believe if he/she does the right thing by Julien (if there is a divine being then I know that mine is a small offering, but for me it's huge). We think of you every second. Tonight we'll light candles and pray even if we're not sure to whom. We love you so much we wish we could do more.

The Hons <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:25 PM CST
I just want to add our family's love and support to the enourmous mountain of love that has been sent to you all. I know that positive energy honestly has healing powers. When there are moments that you feel you are swimming just know that the body has an amazing ability to heal.
Katy Roth <rothkk@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:42 PM CST
Dear, dear Naomi, I know you've said that you are not brave, that you and Matt just do what you can and hope that it's enough. Well, as a former student, I have to respectfully disagree with my professor this time. I don't know many people who could continue on with the strength that you and Matt have. I don't know many people who could inspire the hope that you two have for your precious Julien. I don't know many people who could continue to be wonderful and loving parents to dear Jake through this all. The easy thing to do is collapse, to break down, to give up and fold in. And you haven't. Not for one moment. If you don't want to call that brave, I'll understand, but know that I will always look at you and Matt as examples of two of the strongest, bravest, most loving and courageous parents I've ever known. With much love and admiration always, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:25 PM CST
Sending love and prayers for healing to Julien, and more love to the rest of you. We are with you all the time.
Lisa, Fritz, Sam and Noelle <LNFinlay@visionet.org>
Durham, NC USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:15 PM CST
You are in are hearts and minds all day today. We are sending love and healing energy for Julien every hour on the hour.

Jenny <jag@ucsc.edu>
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:10 PM CST
Naomi and Matt

We can't imagine how you could do any more for Julien than you are doing. We hope that this weekend Julien will
take a turn for the better.
Harold and Linda

Harold and Linda Weinstock <harold.weinstock@afosr.af.mil>
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 12:08 AM CST
Matt and Naomi --

I remember a group of us holding, more like wrestling, a huppah on a gusty afternoon years ago. Wondering if the wind might actually pick us up and drop us who knows where. Nothing to do then, as now, but to surround you, hold on for dear life, and hope.

Morty <mortonexco@aol.com>
Memphis, TN - Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:04 AM CST
If the power of collective positive thought is helpful in any way, it sounds like you are in good stead. Speaking for my little family unit, we are thinking about you and concentrating all our energy on trying to persuade the universe to deliver for you.
Judith Wallace <craigjudithscout@aol.com>
Washington, DC 20001 - Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:29 AM CST
Oh my dears, I just can't believe this is happening. Just know, if it helps, that we are loving you and doing our best to support you in some way with our thoughts and prayers. It feels so inadequate. Spending a few hours with you and Jake the other day Naomi was such a gift to me. My grandmother used to call daffodils "God's telephone" so now whenever I see one, I give God (or whoever is up there) a call and ask him to help Baby Julien. Today five new daffodils appeared in our front yard so I think I'll be on the phone a lot today. Love you all - Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:31 AM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
We are hoping and praying like the so many others for Julien's well-being. All of us parents of two-year olds most keenly feel your pain and sadness.
You have our love and support.

Nicki and family <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:05 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

We continue to hope and pray each day for all of you. We are sending you all of our love, strength, and courage to help you through these tough times.

With love from the Gustafsons - Nelia, Erik, Patrick, and Thomas

Nelia Gustafson <corneliag@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:45 AM CST
Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,

Lisa just came over from next door to let me know that another posting was on your site. Your friends here on Alabama Avenue have been praying for you, thinking of you, and you are the focus for all of us; the children with maps looking for Jake and the adults hoping and praying for Julien. Your family is in our hearts.

Caroline, Noah, Wiley, Eric and Elise

Caroline Clements <noah.clements@law.duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:51 AM CST
Thank you, Paul, for pitching in and filling us in. To all, I spoke with Matt very briefly Friday evening - things are rough right now (as if they have not been horribly rough already...). Paul/Mezeys: we are all here to take care of all of you. Nothing is just or right or decent or kind about this situation. And nature remains indifferent to those things. But we are not and we will do what we can to take care of Julien and the rest of you and make things a little bit righter and a littler bit kinder as we go along.
Heidi Li Feldman <h.l.feldman@att.net>
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:47 AM CST
I want to express my admiration of Paul Herman for being there and being the friend that he is.

I don't know what praying and hoping and believing can do, but I do know that they can't hurt, so that's what we keep doing around here. Most of all, I pray that Julien knows that he is loved and that that knowledge gives him serenity & strength.

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:52 AM CST
matt & naomi,
if words could help, I would write a 10,000 page message.
you have my unending love, and I am here for support in whatever capacity you need. Julien is never far from my thoughts and I continue to hold all of you so close to my heart.

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:45 AM CST
Matt and Naomi and Jake,
What a hard time this is. You are not expected to be anything more than damn scared and sad. Just know that so many people are out here supporting you. . . we would do anything to take some of your burden.

Mark McCormick <markkmccormick@mindspring.com>
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 1:31 AM CST
Tonight, Lisa H. and I went to the hospital because we could not think of anything else to do upon hearing that Julien had been put on a respirator. We brought lots of food, a grievously inadequate offering but an attempt at least to show our love & support. Through the window criss-crossed with "isolation" tape, we saw Matt, standing alone with his head bowed, by Julien's bedside, in a darkened room, just talking. The doctors, clothed in sanitary suits, masks, and rubber gloves, came and went. We suited up, disinfected, and went to Julien's bedside. Matt explained that Julien could hear us. He said that as awful as it was to see Julien as he was--strapped to machines, covered in an angry red rash, swollen, and shockingly (for JJ) motionless--it was good because Julien did not have to struggle to breathe and was not suffering the pain of his HVG rash and distended belly. We talked to Julien--I hope he was listening because I repeated some of his favorite words, "fire truck, fire truck, fire truck" like a healing mantra. We hugged Matt and went home. A small window on a world of pain. And the extraordinary love, endurance, and sheer courage of Matt and Naomi. I love you guys, and my admiration for you is beyond boundless. When I asked you, Naomi, whether you were angered by this injustice, you said that you just did not have the energy--you were too sad and too scared. Well I (and Jane, God bless her) are mad enough for all of you, and sad enough as well. All my love and hope are trained on our wonderful JJ. Anything, ANYTHING I can do -- I am here.
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, March 26, 2004 11:46 PM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake, and Julien,

We are thinking of you daily and hourly, by the minute and by the second. The wind has been strong here on the prairie the last few days, and it sends warmth, comfort, love, breath, peace, and hope from the three of us.

Matt, Gina, and Jesse

Matt Brown <matthew-p-brown@uiowa.edu>
- Friday, March 26, 2004 4:27 PM CST
Even though I haven't written anything recently, I check the website at least once a day. We think about and talk about Julien all the time. I wish there was some way I could make things easier for all of you. For what it's worth, I am sending all my love and positive energy and hopeful thoughts from deep in the heart of Texas.
Mandy <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:06 PM CST
Naomi (and Matt, Jake, Julien) --

Words are deserting me here. The best I can offer is the image of my arms popping through the computer screen and wrapping themselves tightly around you and yours; it's how you're comforting Julien, no doubt, and I wish I could squeeze you right now with similar force.

Jen Senior <jennifer.senior@verizon.net>
Brooklyn, NY - Friday, March 26, 2004 12:08 AM CST
Na, Matt, Jake and Julien,
After a day of drenching rain and howling wind here, the sun is breaking through the clouds to shine its light on the blooms and blossoms that remind us of nature's best work. So we're gathering all the sun's best powers and sending them on to you along with our endless love.

The Hons <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Friday, March 26, 2004 10:55 AM CST
We are thinking about you all, and sending Julien thoughts of strength, and willing as hard as we can that this next treatment is successful. If there's anything we can do, please call. With much love,

Alice & Bobby <aclapman@verizon.net>
- Friday, March 26, 2004 10:52 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake, & Julien,
I wish I could take some of the pain away from each of you. We're thinking of you every day, with all our love and deepest hope.

Anne <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Baltimore, MD - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:44 AM CST
Our hearts go out to you. We are unsure what we can do or write to ease your pain. There is nothing worse than seeing your kids suffering and discomfort. Julien, be strong, be brave and keep fighting! We think of you all often and your family is in our prayers.
Frances Kung & Family <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:55 AM CST
For Naomi and Matt and Jake and Julien
Today I prayed... I lay on the floor on my healing rug and let my whole body open to the mysteries, to the love and the pain, the fear and the opening into it... I tapped into the image of Julien: his physical body working away silently in the best way it can, reaching for homeostasis. I saw you all loving Julien, and remembering to relate to him as a Soul, and not just a body. Seeing with your Souls, you all suffuse him with your love, which makes his soul feel so good! Your family is a burst of sun, a mixed bouquet of all the spring flowers!

I send you light, love, opening, expansion, and a sense of peace and the remembrance of delight. I think about you and pluck a tune on my heartstrings for you many times a day.
Love, Consuelo

Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Friday, March 26, 2004 0:56 AM CST
As you tie yet another knot at the end of your rope, know that you are doing an amazing job of holding on. I believe that even on his worst days, when a smile is an impossible thing, Julien is comforted by the unyielding grip of your love. My heart just aches that you are going through this. I'm not actually sure to whom I am praying for Julien's recovery, but I'm praying all the same. Hang in there.

Karen Butler <kxbutler@mchsi.com>
Coralville, IA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:56 PM CST
wow, I feel so sad about all this. I wish I was closer and could do something to help out. I am just so glad that you have so much support and great doctors doing all they can. I will have my fingers crossed for the little guy as tight as I can. All my love to all of you. Chandra
Chandra Birenbaum <chirenbaum@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, ca - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:50 PM CST
Naomi and Matt, we here at the court are right there with you in spirit and in sending our thoughts and prayers. Although I have been following Julien's situation closely, I have not written before because I could not imagine what I could add to shore up your incredible strength or alleviate your pain. I believe in some amorphous power beyond what we see in this world and ask it daily to aid Julien and your family.

Robyn Lipsky <Robyn_Lipsky@cand.uscourts.gov>
San Francisco, CA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:16 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and JJ,

Words cannot express...
...how much I pray for JJ's recovery.
...how angry I am that this beast of an illness won't let go!
...how my heart aches for the sadness you are feeling.
...how unfair this is.
...how much your lives have touched mine.

Take care of yourselves. Get some rest. Breathe deeply.
With great love and admiration,

Melissa Millikin <mrm48@law.georgetown.edu>
Ellicott City, MD - Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:12 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and JJ-
Spring this year comes slowly, grudgingly, with many false starts. But come it will. Don't lose hope; for our part, we just refuse to. All our love, and our hope
- Julie, Andrew, and Eli

Julie Cohen <jec@law.georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 1:04 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt:

We do not know each other but I work with Chris Palamountain. I have children too and I wish I could help. We are all putting our energy into your family's struggle. If there is anything we can do, we are ready to do it.

Karin Kramer <kk@chavezgertler.com>
Mill Valley, CA USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:35 AM CST
Even in these bleak days, any time I lay eyes on one of you, it lifts my spirits up a notch. I was so pleased to find Matt at the Bishop's Garden and together watch Jake, Lucas, Sarah and Aidan dash about, hide behind bushes, and heedlessly swing their bamboo poles, and I am always eager to see Matt or Naomi (and sometimes even Marilyn or Olivia) at the pre-K drop-off and pick-up hours, and to see Jake fitting right in and playing away in Ms. Overton's classroom. As I was wondering last night where Julien might be finding solace in the current anguish of his condition, I had the visceral recognition that his regular visits from Jake and the grandparents, and the alternating daily arrivals of each of you, his beloved parents, to the hospital room and the company of one or both of you day in and day out through his ordeal is what lifts and carries him along. He knows so well how much you are loving and fighting for him -- and that, at least, feels good.
With love,

Nina <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:28 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien,

We are rooting so hard for you it hurts. It's hard to describe how often, and with how much love and hope, we think of you every day.


Lisa, Bob, Mariah & Lucas <heinzerl@law.georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:47 AM CST
Matt, Naomi, Jake, and JJ,

I ran to the Tennessee Valley beach yesterday, sat on a stone at the edge of the Pacific, and, as the waves crashed furiously, had a very serious talk with any higher power who might give me a listen, wishing for Julien's health and comfort and your own peace. I give you my heart and my love.

Chris P. <chris@chavezgertler.com>
San Francisco, CA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:39 AM CST
I wish I could do more than simply tell you that I think of you often and wish you all the best. I have followed Julien's ups and downs all year, and - to borrow Nina Chernoff's phrase - I am 'furiously optimistic' that he will get better.

Brook Dooley <brookdooley@yahoo.com>
Montgomery, AL - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:36 AM CST
Naomi (and Matt, Jake and Julien),

I am not a particularly religious person, but I am praying very hard for all of you. You are not alone.

Danielle Chappell <dchappell@lawyersforchildrenamerica.org>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:48 AM CST
Julien, Naomi, and Matt,

Chrissy has kept us posted on your struggle the last several months and you have been in our prayers. My prayer today is that you each be enveloped in God's embrace and that you experience the healing power of His love.

Bill & Paula Palamountain
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:46 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
I saw a robin and a bluejay this morning. The snow here is almost completely gone.
I am sending you a spring bouquet of hope and love and optimism. This is a time of rebirth and hope in nature; a time for the same for Julien.
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:45 AM CST
Naomi, Matt and Jake,

I believe in my heart that Julien will have many years to let these memories of discomfort and sadness fade and that what he will mostly remember is how much love and care you show him every day.

Strength, hope and love,

Isadora Deese <isadora@mit.edu>
Belmont, MA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:37 AM CST
Dear Prof. Mezey:
You and your family are in our thoughts daily as we hope (more than we can possibly describe) for Julien's health to improve.
With love,
Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter

Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter <suzanneakim@yahoo.com>
New York, NY - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:06 AM CST
My thoughts, hopes, good wishes, and prayers are with you all the time...
Ariela Dubler

Ariela Dubler <aduble@law.columbia.edu>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:03 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
It is so hard to find words to convey our hopes and our fears for Julien. We feel and share in your pain - if only we could do more to diffuse it. We are all praying so hard for Julien's health.

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:00 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
Wishing there was something I could do to help -- just know that you and the family are always in my thoughts and prayers. With much love,

Harriet Miller <hmiller@mccsd.net>
Smithtown, NY - Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:54 AM CST
Well, the snow is finally melting and the crocus and hyacinth flowers are finally beginning to bloom here in Cambridge...Spring is coming and that must be a good sign. I send all of the energy and joy that comes with a first warm day of spring.


Sarah <skaplan@mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:35 AM CST
Dear Naomi, I so want to say something inspiring, something to make your pain go away for just one moment, something to give you hope and energy and optimism, but this is one of those rare times that I find myself at a loss for words. So please just know that I am hoping and praying (or at least my version thereof) with everything I have that these things will shine on you and your beautiful family. Please call if there's anything at all I can do. With much love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:18 AM CST
Dear Naomi, though we do like to know what is going on with JJ, but please do not worry about anything else other than concentrate your energy to care for JJ. We all wish the best for you and your family!
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va usa - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:50 AM CST
I haven't written in but check on Julien everyday. Words are not easy for me. I am both a fighter and a prayer. There is hope. I will ask God repeatedly for the 100% healing of Julien.
Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:01 AM CST
Dearest Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien
We love you and are pulling so hard it hurts.

Matthew, Sally, Clare and Helen <mwalker@hereunion.org>
Washington, DC - Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:27 AM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,

I heard about Julien from Nicole Karlen. My wife and I have two boys, and I can not begin to imagine the pain you and your boys are going through. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

My sincerest wishes for a brighter future,

Aron Singer <ezarhan@erols.com>
Bala Cynwyd, Pa USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:36 AM CST
I'm glad my parents are with you during this
difficult time, even though it means they will
miss an chance to see our daughters.

I wish we were able to visit you physically, rather
than virtually.

Right now all our hopes are directed to Julien.
We look forward to the day when we will be able
to obsess about our daughters rather than our

Jonathan & Nadine <jpaulcarmel@yahoo.com>
Netanya, Israel - Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:29 AM CST
Sad to hear that things are so hard for Julien and you all. I think of you all very often and send you my best hopes that all the forces of healing will lend themselves to Julien.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 3:32 AM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi, I haven't seen you in a long time, and thus have never had the pleasure of meeting your children, but I know something of the joy that comes with bringing new life into this world, and it saddens me greatly to think how much your joy has been tempered with the pain you must feel for the suffering of Julien. Of all the great mysteries of life, it seems to me that none is so incomprehensible as the suffering of a child: what purpose could it possibly serve? I have been reading often lately on the subject of the Gnostic heresies, of how some Gnostics rejected the idea that the meaning of Jesus' life was to be found in his crucifiction and resurrection, and rejected as well the idea which is at the core of the concept of sin: that we humans are responsible for all that goes ill for us in this world. Instead, they insisted, all that is real, whether of God or of humans, is light and love and joy. In the center of Julien's being, as in yours, that is all there is: light and love and joy. May you find your way there, to the center.
My heart and my prayers go out to you.

Lester Hardy <lhardy@cfk.com>
St. Helena, CA USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:24 PM CST
Matt and Naomi -

We have been checking in almost nightly and think of you all of time. Our love and prayers are with you and your boys.

Love, Evan and Jackie

Evan and Jackie Glassman <eglassman@bsfllp.com>
Chappaqua, NY - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:21 PM CST
Naomi and Matt:
Chris and I are thinking of you and your beautiful children every minute of every day. We light a candle each night and pray for healing, warmth and peace to settle over you all.

Molly S. <mollystump@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:04 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
Sending all love and healing thoughts your way for Julien--- all prayers, all meditations to heal and sustain.

Cynthia Rockwell <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown,, CT 06019 - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:55 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt:
You do not know me. I work with and am a good friend of (actually she is a good friend to me) Chris Palamountain. She has been giving me frequent reports of your epic struggle. I have a two year old son myself, and perhaps because of that I simply cannot hear about Julien without breaking down into tears. My heart goes out to you, and even though I haven't prayed in years, I said one today for Julian. May you all be strong.

Kim Card <kim@chavezgertler.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:36 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
Julian and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Love,
Janet Pagano

Janet Pagano
Saint Helena, CA USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:48 AM CST

Words couldn't possibly say how much my arms want to wrap around each of you and offer you endless amounts of love and warmth and friendship. You have my most fervent wishes and strongest energy.

Chris P. <chris@chavezgertler.com>
San Francisco, CA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:12 AM CST
Dear Naomi----You and yours are in my prayers! I wish I could be there to touch you! My heart is with you!
In Touch, Mary Mc

Mary McFarland <intouch@christianliving.net>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:47 AM CST
I am with my sisters Jo and Arlene, and our prayers are being sent your way. We are thankful that we can keep up-to-date with your journal entries while we are in Mexico.
It is good to know that Olivia is with you.
Our love and prayers,

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:31 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
We received a note from Paul with your e-mail address last night and we feel privileged to be able to communicate with you in the midst of this most challenging of times. We have been praying for you all daily.
We pray for strength for Julien, for you two, and for dear little Jake. We pray for miracles and for strength. Tuesday is a big prayer day for me starting with a friend who has met with me at 6:30 on Tuesdays mornings for fourteen years, followed by a prayer group at 9:00 A.M. So, hopefully, you felt some weight lifted from your shoulders as we gave Julien’s health problems to God. We’ll remind our church on Sunday and will continue to pray daily. We can’t imagine what you go through each day, even after Paul explained some of it. Please lean on the outside support that you must receive from so many people, and we hope these daily prayers are giving you some relief. God is listening and giving his attention to Julien and his strength to you both. When I was dealing with breast cancer I fairly floated on prayers, and we hope our prayers will help you carry this burden.
The boys don’t really know how different life could be. What they do know is that they are loved by their devoted parents more than they can even imagine, and that is what really counts.
We send our love to you along with our prayers. Your family, your friends, and people that you don’t even know are praying very hard for Julien’s recovery.

God Bless You All.
Love, Bill and Lois Swanson

Lois and Bill Swanson <billswanson@msn.com>
St. Helena, CA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:46 PM CST
Professor Mezey,
My thoughts and prayers are with Julien, you and your family. If the love, admiration and affection that you all inspire count for anything, Jake will see his brother smiling again soon. I hope the prayers and support of your many fans find and strengthen both Julien and your family.

Matt Dowd <matthew.dowd@yale.edu>
New Haven, CT - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:25 PM CST

Alicia & ^^Angel^^ Tommy www.caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys <Lumberhead@twinwolf.net>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:01 PM CST

I am so sorry to hear about Julien's relapse. I continue to be amazed at your strength and courage as well as Juliens. Please know that you are in my thoughts.

Margery (Bank) Bates

margery bates <mbates@azcc.arizona.edu>
tucson, az usa - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:25 PM CST
Mezey Family:

Like many, I check in on the site often, but don't often share my thoughts or good wishes because I can't imagine that I have anything to say that could be of comfort at at time like this.

In honor of Naomi's bravery in sharing herself so eloquently in each journal entry, I'll say that I think of you often and wish you all of the strength and hope that is possible.

Naomi was my Civ Pro professor in my first semester at law school. Her warmth, openness and humor were the first sign of the unusual humanity with which Georgetown engages in its educational mission. When I faced personal struggles that interrupted my legal studies last year, the support and generosity of spirit that I found throughout the Georgetown community helped me through a very painful time.

I am heartened to see the same love extended to your family. And I am honored to be part of that community.

You all are truly an inspiration to us.

Sarah Smith <sfina@mindspring.com>
Takoma Park , MD - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:20 PM CST
My heart and soul are with you for as long as you need them. Just throw them on the pile.

Howard <seek.howard3@verizon.net>
Fullerton, CA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:31 PM CST
Hi guys!
We wanted you to know that we are still keeping all of you in our daily prayers. We love you guys so much! Keep getting stronger Julien! I've started a Pennies for Patients fundraising campaign at the high school where we are raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma research societies. I wish I could do more. Stay strong all of you! With all our love. David,Carlene, Matthew and Michael.

David Simpson <dsimpson@riverdale.k12.ca.us>
Clovis, CA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:59 PM CST
Friends of Julien, Matt, Naomi, and Jake,

Have you read Nina's messsage of Tuesday, March 23 re donation of platlet? The DC Red Cross needs them badly, so does Julien. We must make sure that the supply is adequate locally and nationwide. Platlets expire in 5 days.
Thanks a million!

Marilyn Paul <marilyn.paul2@verizon.net>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:21 PM CST
Dearest all of you--

Fog enshrouds Clareburg as I write--but as you know, it always burns away eventually and the sun is revealed. How MUCH we long for the sun to shine for you, too. We're so grateful that Paul was there to comfort, hold, and add his love. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers--added to those of your huge community of loving and prayerful supporters. Lift, fog, LIFT!!!

Carol & Bob Herman <up.stage@verizon.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:31 AM CST
Hi Ya'll-got back from San Francisco last night and wanted to let you know I'm here, the beds are made and come if need be...prayers and all are with you.
Ruth Frank <ruth.frank@med.va.gov>
Durham, NC - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:01 AM CST
I was told about this journal from my sister, Nicki Karlen, a friend of yours, who is very distraught about your son's illness. My son, Joseph, is 3 1/2, and I can't imagine what I would do if Joseph had to go through what your little Julien is going through right now. I wish you lots of strength and prayers. I wish Julien strength, good health, happiness, and laughter. May there only be good news in your future.
Mira Singer
Bala Cynwyd, PA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:23 AM CST
Update on donating blood or platelets:
Naomi reports that Julien is now getting platelets approximately twice a day. Platelets are in low supply in DC and the donor centers report an urgent need.
Unlike Children's Hosp (where Julien was last summer), Georgetown Hospital does not have an on-site blood or platelet donation center, but gets blood through the Red Cross. You can give whole blood at any donor center (many listed in the book) and in DC you can give platelets at 2025 E St., NW. Call to schedule an appointment to donate platelets: 1 800 272-2123 (ext 5). They are open 7:30am - 6:30 pm Monday -Thursday, 7:30-2:30 Friday, and 7-2 on Saturday. If you have questions about whether your recent foreign travel or health history might disqualify you from donating, Jennifer Washington (or another staff member) at the above number will answer questions for you over the phone in advance to save you a potentially unnecessary trip.
Another site for platelet donations is Children's Hospital Center, where the coordinators are Sheila and Angela. 884-5437. 8:30-3:30 M-F (appointment necessary for platelets but not for whole blood).
Julien's doctors do not recommend directed donation (whereby we give blood & platelets designated for Julien alone) because the timing is difficult to get right (blood products expire) and sometimes blood donated for a patient who doesn't immediately need it gets used for other patients when it is not at its freshest and most effective, or may even go to waste. SO, donate to the general blood and platelet supply wherever and whenever you can in honor of Julien and all the other loved ones who have or will have medical conditions requiring this kind of support from the rest of us.

Nina <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:03 AM CST
Mezey family,

I can only add my wish that Julien will heal, and that your family be supported by the strength and love of family, friends and colleagues - and it is clear from this guestbook that you are.

God's peace,

Kirsten Hoffstedt Keefe
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:47 AM CST
You have beautiful children and I will pray that they both remain beautiful inside and out and are with you for a very long time.
Shirley Vaughn
Netcong, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:40 AM CST
We are glad to hear that Julien is doing a bit better. We think about you every day.

Clarissa, Jim, Ennis and Jasper

Clarissa Potter
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:25 AM CST
Prayers for you from Israel
Rosa (Nikki's friend) <rosita@netvision.net.il>
Israel - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:21 AM CST
We wish the two of you and Julien strength.
We feel so helpless being able to give you
nothing more than our best wishes for Julien's
speedy recovery from this episode and ultimate
return to health

Jonathan & Nadine <jpaulcarmel@yahoo.com>
Netanya, ISRAEL - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 5:11 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt. We are here with you. I don't pretend that I can understand how you feel completely, but we are here to care and pray. Best of wishes!
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va 22079 - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:28 AM CST
Dear Naomi & Matt,

Alan and I have been keeping up with developments through Paul, and think of you often. Much love is coming your way from San Francisco...

Jeffrey (Fraenkel)

Jeffrey Fraenkel <fraenkel@teamnet.com>
San Francisco, CA US - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 0:29 AM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,
I've been reading your online journal and I'm so moved at your presence and awareness during this difficult time. There is so much love there. Know that the west coast prays for you. Right now: praying. . . with love. Always, Mark

Mark <markkmccormick@mindspring.com>
San Francisco, CA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:39 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Julien, and Jake,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you tonight.

Wendy and Jon Swanson

Jonathan and Wendy Sue Swanson <jonathan.swanson@alumni.duke.edu>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:11 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matthew,

Just a short note to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.


Susan Strober

Susan B. Strober <s.strober@att.net>
North Bethesda, MD 20852 - Monday, March 22, 2004 8:00 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Julien, Jake (and, of course, Roxie),

I am missing you all terribly. I love you all, and am holding you in my heart. As Billy Blazes likes to say: "All I can tell you is to persevere. Don't give up." It's not the most eloquent advice, but he says it with such conviction. (Do you think that Dr. K might be a Rescue Hero?)

In any case, we are with you. Hang in there.

Paul Herman <paherman@stanford.edu>
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 5:35 PM CST
Naomi and family,

You continually amaze me with your boundless courage and perseverance in the most trying of times! Please know that you and Julien are in my thoughts regularly. May brighter days come your way soon!

-- Your neighbor from across the hall

Megan Blamble <blamblem@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC - Monday, March 22, 2004 4:25 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

We have been following your journal and are heartsick to hear of Julien's relapse. We are sending ALL of our positive thoughts, prayers and healing energy to Julien and will continue to do so. Julien's resilient spirit shines through in your posts about him, as does the strength of your family.

Julie Bibb and Robyn Lipsky
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 2:36 PM CST
Everyone here at Olivia's school, Oakmont, ask daily how Julien is doing. We all care so much, and our thoughts and prayers are with you and all your loved ones.
Michelle at Oakmont School <mmosley@chsmail.claremont.edu>
Claremont, CA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:34 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

We send you all of our love and carry you with us in our prayers. You are wonderful, and our hearts are with you.

David, Sally, Terra and Hayden

David Swanson <dladley@yahoo.com>
Chapel Hill, NC USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:21 AM CST
dear naomi, matt, jake & julien,

please add four more to the mass of souls that are sending you love and strength so you can all fight this thing. We love you so much and are thinking about you every day.

-michael, sheila, joey & casey

Michael Lorant <mlorant@earthlink.net>
Scottdale , GA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:13 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt -- It is so diappointing to learn of Julien's relapse. Your messages relect extraordinary strength and spirit. My thoughts, hopes and prayers are with Julien and you. Ron Pearlman
Ron Pearlman <pearlman@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 10:33 AM CST
I have been hearing about Julien for a while from Harriet, and have just begun to view the website. My hopes and prayers gpo out to you in this time of your life.
Howard Darvas <tjp318@aol.com>
Smithtown, ny - Monday, March 22, 2004 10:09 AM CST
Naomi and Matt,
Know that you are still in my prayers.

Love, Cheryl Lynn <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Monday, March 22, 2004 9:06 AM CST
Naomi and family-

I have been following your family through Jason, who told me last week's difficult news. Joe and I are thinking lots about you all. Our hearts go out to you in this long struggle, and we wish you all strength and healing.

Rachel Buff <rbuff@bgnet.bgsu.edu>
- Monday, March 22, 2004 7:36 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Family, Yesterday we went to a small "Old Believers" Russian orthodox church on the outskirts of Riga and lit two candles - one for Julien and one for the entire family. You all remain in our thoughts and prayers, Mary
mary hartnett <hartnetm@law.georgetown.edu>
riga, latvia - Monday, March 22, 2004 6:13 AM CST
Dear Mezey-Pauls

Paul has just given my parents and me the detailed news from his visit. I so wish I could be there and hope I can soon. It sounds like the support network you have in DC is phenomenal. Paul was amazed by how many people there are offering their help and what remarkable people they are.

I'm sending my love and prayers to all of you. You are in my heart all of the day and in my mind much of it.

Ed Swanson <eswanson@swansonmcnamara.com>
San Francisco, CA 94114 - Sunday, March 21, 2004 11:12 PM CST
There is nothing to say except that you all have our love and prayers. We think of you every day.

David and Linda

David Rubin <rubin_david@bah.com>
Potomac, MD - Sunday, March 21, 2004 8:57 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
I went out this afternoon to look at a house and left Fritz and Sam at home with Caroline, etc. When I got home, Fritz, Sam, Wiley and Eric were in super hero costumes, carrying around maps they had all made to get to Jake. They were at it for a good long time, and several hours later, Sam has just started working on another map. You can't imagine how often you are included in their play, Jake, even though you aren't here. They miss both you and Julien, just as Caroline, Noah and I miss your whole family. We think about you all the time, and send love, strength, healing energy and light. Lisa

Lisa Finlay <LNFinlay@visionet.org>
Durham, NC USA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 5:48 PM CST
Dear Ones,
We are gathering together our redwood and madrone trees to catapult healing, love and blessings to you ALL! You are never far from our hearts. With love always,

Cynthia and Warren Klausner <cedwardsblues@yahoo.com>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 12:39 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,

We are so saddened that Julien is ill again. We hope for the best and our prayers and love are with Julien.

Aunt Linda, Uncle Harold, Allen and Steven

Linda Weinstock <lindaW1267@aol.com>
Springfield, VA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 11:33 AM CST
We're sending you all the love and support we can muster. Our prayers are with you.

Love, Ed & Rina Zas and family

Edward Zas <Edward_Zas@fd.org>
Setauket, NY USA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 11:29 AM CST
Humiltity keeps me from writing more often as it seems to me it takes ego to think one could say anything useful although I like the idea of donating platlets and I'm sending my husband out to do that this week:) But since I swore to God to write something more supportive than a chronicle of my own need to kick something, here goes: A group of "women of a certain age" and I journeyed to Santa Monica on Friday to see Menopause, the Musical. It was great fun, but also marvelously touching and got me thinking about change. Change itself isn't bad, but the transitions can be tricky. Change doesn't always come along when we're feeling strong, but how you make the transitions can make you stronger. I think Julien is making a transition, and, because he is only two, he's taking a heck of a lot of people on his journey. And a little child shall lead them....Thank you Julien for what you're teaching us, and thank you Naomi for being his voice. Who would have thought you needed to be stronger, but apparently you do. When you and Matt and Jake and Julien have won this battle, please come be governor of California as you have a good bit more muscle than the one we've got. Love, Jane P.
Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 11:09 AM CST
I want to second what Marilyn said about what we who feel so helpless and so much want to help Julien can do -- DONATE BLOOD PLATELETS!!! It is simple and leaves you feeling incredibly great in a concrete way. It takes close to two hours and requires non-portable machinery, so it is a bit harder for the Red Cross and the hospitals to do drives and get donors, and in DC it seems the supplies are usually very low. Julien and kids like him around the country really need these life-sustaining blood products. You get to watch a video while the platelets are being drawn (the donor centers have lots of them) and the time just flies. And in my experience it is even less depleting of your energy than giving whole blood because the machine only takes the platelets. Make an appointment today at the hospital nearest you!

Nina <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Sunday, March 21, 2004 10:41 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,

For some reason, your Friday entry hit me even more strongly than the one about Julien's relapse. Your words express so well the overwhelming combination of feelings you live with each minute of the day.

Somehow, through everything, you are able to care for your family and still have the clarity to write about your journey. Your words make us feel that we are a part of your struggle. These feats show that you are great parents, and you are incredibly brave. Thank you for sharing your thoughts so freely.

During quieter moments of the day, I find myself thinking of all of you, worrying about what each day will bring your way. As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you.


The Gustafsons - Erik, Nelia, Patrick, and Thomas

Nelia G. <corneliag@cox.net>
- Saturday, March 20, 2004 6:56 PM CST

You are much stronger than you think, especially when you don't feel quite so strong, or brave. I would quote some pithy homily from my seventh grade track and field coach but the glibbest words can't convey how much hope and faith I have in Julien. Here's to a bounty of much better first days of spring for your family. You are all in my thoughts.

Suyin So <ss88@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
- Saturday, March 20, 2004 5:26 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,

Julie emailed all of us last week, and I was heartsick to hear that Julien had a relapse. Since that time I have checked the website a few times, but have not known what to say. Suffice it now to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers! Miracles happen everyday, and we have not given up hoping for one for Julien!

Sending love and good wishes continually to you,

Marilyn Tucker <tucker@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 4:09 PM CST
The Pacific Broders are all with you in spirit rooting Julien on in his magnificent battle and for his primary supporters -- Jake, Omi, and Matt.

With a thousand embraces (as Gloria's French aunt Louba used to say,

Bill and Gloria, Tanya and Adam

Bill Broder <wolfbroder@cs.com>
Sausalito, CA US - Saturday, March 20, 2004 2:22 PM CST
Dear Professor Mezey and Family,
Though we have never met you, we have followed this website and Julien's battle. Our hearts and best wishes are with you.

Tara Weinstein '05, Jakob Halpern '03 <tlw7@bulldog.georgetown.edu, jbh6@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Saturday, March 20, 2004 1:38 PM CST
matt and naomi,
on friday I got my favorite design on my cup of coffee; its an old central american drawing of hands. it is known as the "hands cup" because those days I get it usually turn out to be productive and happy ones, days on which I accomplish what seems impossible. So, usually I jump around gleefully chanting "I got the hands cup!" This friday I asked for the power of the "hands cup" to be sent to Julien.
my heart aches for you--and I alternate between wanting to write really supportive messages to you, and wanting to run around just kicking and screaming and pounding on things. if you're up late and want to vent & scream, or discuss politics or basketball, or whatever,--remember the west coast is 4 hours earlier. I can't promise anything I say will be right or helpful, but I'll sure as hell try. I love you guys.

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Saturday, March 20, 2004 12:35 AM CST
Naomi and Matt,

It's the first day of spring and the snow in NY has relented. I am looking south out of my apartment windows and envisioning the sun's healing rays working their magic of renewal on all of Julien's strong, stubborn little cells. Sending all my love your way. -ms

Melinda <mmsarafa@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 9:49 AM CST
Naomi and Matt: Whether it feels like it or not, you REALLY are doing an OUTSTANDING job!!!! In fact, outstanding is actually too small a word to describe the parents you are to your children and the friends you are to us. JJ and Jake are just as astounding! Sending you all the warmth, love, and support possible!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 8:02 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
In addition to our persistant supplications to God or the forces that be, at noon yesterday as Lisa Finlay suggested, I took time along with hopefully many others to combine our strength and send our healing prayers and power en force to Julien. We will do so again today, tomorrow and as long as it takes for the little guy to pull through this.
We send you, Matt and Jake the courage and energy to see you through this scary time.

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Saturday, March 20, 2004 7:03 AM CST
No bravery. You are right just do what you can and know that you have many friends who are with you. My best to Julien. My thoughts and hopes are with you all.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 3:36 AM CST
Dearest Naomi and Matt,
My heart squeezed and I gasped when I checked the site yesterday, reading the news from Monday for the first time. Then little 4-month old Karl cried out, and I sat down to nurse. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked at my little boy, and thought about Julien, and finally I understand what all parents must feel. I am sending such warm love... and the healing thought that you and Matt can expand and expand and expand right now... allowing each wave of truth to move through, letting love shine, not contracting away from life, and the next day and the next. Stephen Levine says "Healing is entering with mercy and awareness into those areas we have so long withdrawn from in fear and judgment." Cells respond to the engery of love... sending Julien and his family singing-love-cells! Love, Consuelo

Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 0:39 AM CST
Naomi, Naomi, Naomi - I have been thinking about you all day today. I bet you are tired. And I know what you mean about not being brave but just doing what you can do - which ultimately is a certain sort of bravery, to keep showing and sharing your humanity, your feelings in the face of an experience that tests all of one's abilities to be able to do such things. Meanwhile, I'm stockpiling some novels for you, if reading is still a way for you to relax. Take some deep breaths. Cry some. Take some deep breaths. You helped me do these things in the midst of troubled times - so that's where I learned that they help. Just musing to you, my friend. And Olivia - if you read this, Jitendra and I are sending our best to you - and to all of Julien's grandparents.
Heidi <h.l.feldman@att.net>
- Friday, March 19, 2004 11:11 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,

All my biggest hopes and prayers and my best love are with you.

Chris P. <chris@chavezgertler.com>
San Francisco, - Friday, March 19, 2004 6:39 PM CST
Professor Mezey,

All my love & prayers & hope are with Julien, you, and your family.

Kristiana Garcia <kag35@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC - Friday, March 19, 2004 4:14 PM CST
Dear Friends of Julien,

Yes, you can help.

Roll up your sleeves and donate platlets. Wherever you are,contact your nearest Red Cross Blood Center.

By giving blood or platlets and you will be helping Julien or a patient like him.

Thanks and love to you all,


Marilyn Paul <marilyn.paul2@verizon.net>
Washington, DC - Friday, March 19, 2004 3:59 PM CST
Dear dear strong stubborn wonderful Julien - hang in there!!


Lisa, Bob, Mariah & Lucas <heinzerl@law.georgetown.edu>
- Friday, March 19, 2004 3:41 PM CST
Oh no! I am so sorry that the monster leukemia has returned. I know how devastating a relapse is - I think when we received the news of Alex's relapse it was worse than when he was first diagnosed. My heart just aches for you guys. I will pray for Julien and your family. This is so painful for all of you - Mark and I know. You will be in our thoughts and prayers in the difficult days to come.
Camilla Haigler <camilla.haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 3:25 PM CST
We heard about the relapse today and we are so, so sad. Risa and I are thinking about you and your brave little man; you guys hang in there and please know that we are praying for you every day.
Rich and Risa <schragger@virginia.edu>
Charlottesvilee, VA USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 2:05 PM CST
We're all thinking about and praying for Julien.
With lots of love and prayers for you all,

Harrington <aharrington@ci.claremont.ca.us>
Claremont, Ca - Friday, March 19, 2004 1:11 PM CST
Naomi & Matt,
We're thinking of you all the time. Though we're filled with sadness, we're pouring out our endless love and hope to all of you. And also ongoing strength as you face this wretched downturn in the struggle. And of course our deepest faith in Julien's recovery.

Anne (& Jason, Ben, & Andrew) <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Baltimore, MD - Friday, March 19, 2004 12:56 AM CST
Naomi and Matt

I haven't written before but I have been following the progress through Julie O. Your friends here at Georgetown wish there were more ways to help you bear the weight of this journey. Hope was the gift the the gods gave to human-kind after Pandora opened her box of sorrows. We have hope and you should too.

Wally Mlyniec

wally mlyniec
washington, dc usa - Friday, March 19, 2004 8:22 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien:

It's my birthday today. As a long-time birthday cynic, I usually try my best to downplay the festivities and to give the appearance that I am superior to these sorts of Hallmark moments. Secretly, I mope about the passing of another year. Reading your entries and those of Julien's legions of fans makes me feel a little shameful - every year of life is precious and should be celebrated. So, as my birthday wish, I wish for countless happy and healthy birthdays for Julien. Today, I'll celebrate him.

Hang in there and may your courage be boundless.

Laurelle Lo <laurellelo@starpower.net>
Washington, DC - Friday, March 19, 2004 7:50 AM CST
Please remember to stop what you are doing at noon today (and tomorrow and Sunday) to pray - or meditate, send healing energy, whatever you want to call it - for Julien.
Lisa Finlay <LNFinlay@visionet.org>
Durham , NC USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 6:19 AM CST
I am praying for Julien and for you all right now, be strong please, don't lose Faith, be strong! Hope that my spiritual solidarity reach you...with all my heart and love
God is looking at you with His beloved eyes right now, your case is in His amazing hands
And I'm praying right now.

Olivia Revueltas Simcock <olivia@revueltas.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 2:01 AM CST
You have all been on my mind so much this past week, and now I know why. I have been behind in my journal reading, and imagined you were getting settled back in D.C., finding a new routine. This recent news is difficult. My deepest love and blessings are flowing to Julien tonight. I will join in the group effort Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to send healing thoughts in high concentration. My heart is aching for you, but it is also full of love. If I can do anything at all, please let me know.
Jenny <jag@ucsc.edu>
- Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:18 PM CST
Oh we are so sorry. Are doing our best to beam fervently hopeful thoughts across the river towards you all.
Cindy, Kyle & Ella <carice@comcast.net>
Alexandria, VA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:04 PM CST
Oh Dear Naomi and Matt, My heart pours out to you. I'm so so sorry to know the relapse of Julien. If you every need anything - even a hard cry, please just do it. We are all here to share your sadness. Do whatever you need to get yourselves to be strong. We hear you, care about all of you and love you all! Sincerely, Dinny Li (Dylan's Mom)
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va usa - Thursday, March 18, 2004 9:20 PM CST
Not only am I blown away by the outpouring of messages you have received since Tuesday, I'm also impressed with their civility. Am I the only vistor to the website to be o'erwhelmed with an internal monologue of profanity in response to this @#$*)^@ turn of events? And rage....this is outrageous in the purest sense. I swear to God, I'll write a supportive entry tomorrow, but in the meantime I think I'm going to go kick something.......hard. Love, Jane P.
Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 5:24 PM CST
If the love and affection of your colleagues count for anything, rest assured that there's a deep reservoir here. Our hopes and prayers are with you.

Mike Gottesman <gottesma@law.georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, March 18, 2004 4:47 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Family,

I was stunned to hear of Julien's relapse. I wish there were something I could do. One thing I do know, Julien has everything he needs - love, and lots of it, coming from one of the strongest families I know and lots of people whose lives have been touched by your kindness, compassion and strength.

Melissa Millikin <mrm48@law.georgetown.edu>
Ellicott City, MD - Thursday, March 18, 2004 4:42 PM CST
Dear Naomi,
I am so sorry to hear of Julien's setback. My hopes, prayers, and positive thoughts are with you and your family.

Lisa Porcari <lmp2@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, March 18, 2004 1:47 PM CST
While I neither pretend to nor am able to understand the fear, worry, and sadness you all are facing right now, please know my strongest positive thoughts and beseeching prayers are with your incredible family. If there is ANYTHING, I, or anyone, can do, you should not hestite to ask. Julien is one tough kid--that's something we've all seen so clearly these past 6 months--and if anyone can beat this, he can!
With love,

Auburn Daily <akd4@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 1:01 PM CST
Naomi and Matt, I just heard the relapse news and am so sad. I am summoning all positive energy I can and directing it towards Julien, with an umbrella of hope to embrace you all. Much love, Melinda
Melinda <mmsarafa@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:57 AM CST
Matt and Naomi: We were all devastated by the most recent turn of events, but remain optimistic. We're thinking about you and continue to send good vibes your way. Waiting patiently for good news, Kathy
Kathy Zeiler <kmz3@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:56 AM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
My friend, Thu Hoang, who is undergoing her own tribulations with her 1 month old nephew struggling for his life in the NICU, has asked me to convey that "she will continue to pray for the little fighter Julien to get better and for the Mezey-Paul family to gain comfort and strength during this difficult time."

Thu has also contributed the following anthology:
* There is no instinct like that of the heart. [Lord Byron] * You have within you now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you. * Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. [St. Francis of Assisi] * For everything you have missed, you have gained something else. [Ralph Waldo Emerson] * Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right [Henry Ford] * Nothing lasts forever - not even your troubles. [Arnold Glasow] * Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.[Anonymous] * Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand. * We are here to help one another along life's journey. [William Bennett] * There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. [Louis L'amour]

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Thursday, March 18, 2004 9:57 AM CST
Everyone, Let's try something. Friday at noon (eastern time) stop what you are doing and pray for Julien for five mintues (or as long as you have). Get as many around you as you can to join. Saturday again and Sunday, too. Let us make a miracle happen.

Lisa Finlay <LNFinlay@vieionet.org->
Durham, NC USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:57 AM CST
Dear, dear Naomi and Matt - I know you have not heard from me in a while and now this new challenge for you to face. I ache for you. I simply cannot imagine how scary and dreadful this is - but the limits of my imagination in no way limit how much I care about you and the boys, how much I am willing Julien strength, and how much my heart goes out to you. I will try to be in more direct contact soon - I don't want to be part of a deluge, so I thought I'd leave this message here at the site. With a powerful hug, Heidi
Heidi <h.l.feldman@att.net>
- Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:14 AM CST
Naomi and Matt -
We too hear the news through our Durham connection. We are thinking of you daily and looking forward to hearing good news soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Abby, Mark, Benjamin, and Alyson Miller

Abby Miller <millers@verizon.net>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 7:41 AM CST
Professor Mezey,

I'm so sorry to hear about Julien's relapse. I wish I weren't so helpless. Hopefully, the fact that so many people are thinking of you and your family is some comfort. Get well soon, Julien.


David Suggs <dhs24@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 10:40 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
You are in our hearts today as our wisteria blooms. My wish is for a quick recovery and remission. It is sad news, but it sounds like there are very positive reasons to share optimism and hope. Naomi, thank you again for your honest and dedicated journal entries; it is so important for us to know how things are going, even when they are not going well. I am thinking of you, sending springtime love and prayers your way. With much love,

Suzanne <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 10:00 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,

Our internet has been down since the weekend and is finally working today. I had hoped to read that JJ was at home, "resting" (like 2 year olds ever do that) and recovering from the virus. What a shock to see the news about his relapse!

Thomas has a couple of appointments at Georgetown Hospital over the next few weeks; so if you need a nutritious meal with warm, home-baked cookies, just let me know! Have oven, will bake!

Our love, thoughts, and prayers are with you always!

Nelia, Erik, Thomas, and Patrick - The Gustafsons

Nelia Gustafson <corneliag@cox.net>
Alexandria, va - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:19 PM CST
Just a line to let you know that much love, good thoughts and prayers are being sent your way. We're all pulling for sweet little Julien!
Sharleen Davis <sjd22@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 7:14 PM CST
What a blow. If there's any justice in the world, then the strength of character and the power of will that you -- and Julien -- are showing in this campaign have got to translate into physical strength, too. Hoping that the good wishes of family, friends, and colleagues can be of some support, David Koplow
David Koplow <koplow@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC, USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:18 PM CST
Oh Naomi and Matt, I just learned from Martha next door about the latest turn of events and my heart aches. I can't believe that that healthy looking cheerful kid is back in a hoppital bed, and I know you must be crushed with disappointment. I do know, though, that if anybody can make it through this, Julien can. I truly believe that the power of those multitudes of loving praying people will pull him through this. I am sending whatever I can add.
With love, Lisa

Lisa Finlay <LNFinlay@visionet.org>
Durham, NC USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:03 PM CST
I wish you all the best during this difficult time. While my specialty is Adult Cardiology, if I can be of any help please let me know. I will be praying for you all.
Linda Briggs <prinkeli@georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:58 PM CST
I'm wishing you much strength, love and courage during this stressful time. I
will be away for about ten days, but your Mom and Coach will keep me updated. Much
Love and Hugs to All

Great Gandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:22 PM CST
Matt and Naomi;
Keeping track of you via our Durham connection. We share your disappointment and hope for some good news soon. Our prayers are with you and the kids.

Rob, Tawnee and Aidan Frank <REFrank@aol.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:42 PM CST
Dear Prof. Mezey and family,

You can't imagine how many people are thinking of you all right now. I pray for Julien daily.

Scott Lively <sml25@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:42 PM CST
Dear Naomi & Matt,

We are all still reeling from your news. I made a rare appearance at the law school yesterday, and the whole building was filled with anxiety for you, but also with love and hope. Reading your messages, it looks like the whole world is, too. You're the most amazing people, with the most beautiful family, and we're all sending love and care your way.

Lisa, Bob, Mariah, and Lucas <heinzerl@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, March 17, 2004 12:47 AM CST
Dear Naomi,

I am saddened by this latest news - as we all are here at Georgetown. I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and in my heart. Sending warm thoughts your way, Johanna

Johanna Bond <bondje@law.georgetown.edu>
Takoma Park, MD - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 12:26 AM CST
Keep on keeping on...lots of folks in Durham have you in their prayers....Dauber send regards and kisses!
Ruth Frank <ruth.frank@med.va.gov>
Durham, NC - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 11:46 AM CST
I'm encouraged by the existence of Plan A- I'm glad you have medical experts around you who are thinking of the possibilities that will be easier on Julien. There is a lot of hope here: expert care, the CD33 antibody, a strong and resilient boy, and the healing power of love. I know that it is easier to keep myself from getting discouraged when I’m far from the front lines- but I want you to know that here, on the outskirts of your huge circle of family and friends, there are furious optimists.
Nina Chernoff (Sec. 3 civ pro student 2000-01) <nchernoff@jlc.org>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:22 AM CST
I know my disappointment at hearing this terrible news is nothing compared to yours. I hope it helps a little to know that so many of us are praying for you all. I truly hope this terrible ordeal just makes Julien stronger!
Katherine Hall <hallk1@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:53 AM CST
Mez and Matt --

Spoke to LL last night and read your email this morning. My heart goes out to you guys. Please know that I'm thinking of all four of you. I know you have plenty of family and friends willing and ready to help however you need it, and please add me to that group. Love, Rasti.

Adam Rosman <arosman@zuckerman.com>
Washington, DC usa - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:45 AM CST
I just returned from a short vacation, anxious and excited to check your website for more good news. I cannot express how deeply saddened I am and how my heart aches for you all. You have been so brave, so loving, so inspirational, so simply amazing...no one deserves this, but especially not you. I want to make this all go away for you, but I know I can't. So I'll continue doing what I've done since last summer: hoping, praying, sending love, offering support, and believing with everything I have that you will all beat this. Much, much love - Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:40 AM CST
Professor Mezey and Family-

My heart breaks for you. I cannot imagine what you must be going through right now. I have been keeping up with Julien via this website, and look forward to checking the site to find much happier news in the near future. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Erin Spry <Ees9@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC 20008 - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:27 AM CST
Dear Mezey-Paul family,
We are sending all the love, hope and positive spirits our beings can muster.

Malcolm will be in Durham starting this afternoon (Wednesday) through Saturday. If by chance there's anything you need him to get for you from Duke or your home in Durham, please call him (202-497-7510).


Hilary, Malcolm, Page and Teddy <cairnsh@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:41 AM CST
Professor Mezey,

Julien is in my prayers. You are too. Your family's strength and love is an inspiration.


Jim Gallagher <jdg22@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:03 PM CST
Naomi and Matt,
I have not stopped thinking about you, Julian and Jake. My heart goes out to you and if there is anything I can do, all you need to do is ask. I am praying for Julien's body to have strength and fight these leukemia cells. I'd love to talk to you but I don't want to impose. If you feel up for a phone call, I'll be around.

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:15 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien:

Our hearts break and hope for you with Julien's relapse. Now that Nick and William are becoming buddies, we realize how special and tender sibling relationships can be, and know how hard Julien's illness must be on Jake as well as on you.

I'm glad Katy had a chance to come see you. Remember, we're just down the street if you need anything.

Chris, Katy, Nick, William, and Griselda

Chris Weston <cweston@starpower.net>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:43 PM CST
Professor Mezey,

I was in your Civil Procedure class my first year at GULC. Just wanted to say that I am praying for your son and family.

Jamie Zembruski <jz25@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:34 PM CST
Julien, Jake, Naomi and Matt-

Wiley, Eric, Sam and Fritz want Jake to know that his arsenal is still intact... they moved all the supplies to the back bushes so they would be "safe" and Elise added a few balls for Julien, of course I don't think she really had the concept as she kept going back into the fort looking for Julien (she pronounces minus the "L" so it sounds like Joying which is perfect). We spent most of Sunday playing in Martha's yard talking about Jake and Julien and how cool Jake will think the new sticks are. It brings such a smile to our faces that there is a true love of your boys.

I don't think I have ever prayed so hard to not see someone. Please know that we are here if you need us and that we all miss you.

Love, Caroline, Noah, Wiley, Eric and Elise

Caroline Clements <noah.clements@law.duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:22 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,

If you could take a one day vacation, perhaps you could restore your perspective and renew your souls. I know it is difficult to continue, relentlessly, day after day, without being given any glimmer of hope. And yet, hope you must, continue to believe in the future. But live for today. Eat french fries, ride a bike,read Polka Bats. . . Treat yourselves to some sunshine on a rainy day.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am pulling for you.

Beth Davidson <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:06 PM CST
My heart aches for your family! I, like so many others, send you all my love and best wishes.
Debbie Williams
Madera, CA USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:54 PM CST
Professor Mezey and family,
I am deeply saddened to read this latest news, but from all that I have read about Julien over the past few months he sounds like an incredible little boy. As with all the other members of Section 4, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Carrie Casey <clc23@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC 20008 - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:40 PM CST
I just wanted to send my love and hope to Julien and your entire family. We are all thinking of Julien -- if you need anything -- babysitters, errand runners -- please let me know. Everyone in Section Four 2004 is pulling for you and would love to pitch in and help any way we can.
On a side note, I hope Jake enjoys John Eaton. I went there for elementary school and absolutely loved it -- it's such a special place. (And if Jake doesn't love it yet, no worries. My first day, I hated it -- I came home come sad because I got stung by a bee, and the other kids (even the kids who could hardly speak English) laughed at my southern accent, and I got hopelessly lost in the building. But within a few months i adored it.)
We are all thinking of you --

catherine spratt <cbs22@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington DC, DC USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:38 PM CST
Prof. Mezey,
Just as our hearts soared with each positive step Julien made, our hearts sink with the latest news. Know that you and your family are in the minds of all those who have written messages here and many more who haven't. We are all looking forward to our hearts soaring again in the future.

Emilie Cooper <ebc4@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:35 PM CST
Julien is in my thoughts and prayers. His courage, strength and spirit are an inspiration to us all.
Courtney Donovan <cmd34@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:08 PM CST
This was the entry I prayed I would never have to read. My prayers continue and are, truth be told, more frequent than ever. With faith, love and tears, Jane
Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:03 PM CST
Professor Mezey,

Keep hope in this trying time. Section 4's prayers are with you.

Jess Dance <jad38@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:00 PM CST
Professor Mezey, Mr. Paul, Jake and JJ,
Although only knowing you a short time (although my mother has known Prof. Mezey for a few years) I know your family has a lot of strength and good will. You all have wonderful hearts. JJ is a strong little boy who also has a lot of strength, enough strength to overcome another tough battle. You always wonder why the best people get affected and hurt by something like this, but it is unexplainable. I wish I could use all of my nursing education to cure everything for good. My love and prayers go out to your family in this time of need.

Jennifer Hardesty <leftamemory@yahoo.com>
Deale, MD - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:38 PM CST
Julien and your family continue to be in the thoughts and prayers of '04 Section 4. Get well soon, Julien!
Phillip Bower <prb4@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:35 PM CST
Dear Naomi, I don't know what to say except that I am thinking of you and your family and hoping that Julien comes through okay. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you through this difficult time. Angela
Angela Campbell <campbeaj@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 6:41 PM CST
Hi, all,
Just dropping a line to say that I LOVE YOU!

Rie Matsuda <rm34@law.gerogetwon.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 5:11 PM CST
Ann and Jake and Nick and I are all thinking of you, and hoping you are able to hold up some, and wishing harder than I could have ever imagined (just like all of the many people that have had the chance to be blessed by knowing you) that we had the power to heal.
Mark Kelman <mkelman@stanford.edu>
Palo Alto, CA UISA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 4:41 PM CST
i am so frightened and sad, i don't know what to say. it feels so unfair. i hope you will let us know if there is anything we can do. we are thinking about you all the time, with great love and hope.
bobby and alice <worth@nytimes.com>
brooklyn, ny usa - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 4:39 PM CST
just adding my voice to all the other billions of people who love you and are in shock that this is still happening.

Sasha <alexandra.natapoff@lls.edu>
Los Angeles, CA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 4:24 PM CST
Dear Naomi,

I just want you to know that you and yours remain in our intense thoughts and prayers given this most recent news. This is such an unfair shock for all of you. You are a very special family and I will light a candle for Julien throughout churches in Latvia, with love and our very best wishes, mary

mary <hartnetm@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:40 PM CST
Dear Naomi and all,
There is no power greater than that of love--and the faith that love brings with it. You are, each of you, beginning with Julien, extraordinary people, supported by unfathomable wells of love from those who know you well and those who know you little but all of whom recognize in you that grace-filled, God-given human quality of grit and determination and sheer will to survive all. You truly have all the love you need and all the support that you wish to call upon, including mine. Please don't hesitate to let me and others know what you need. Ginger Patterson

Ginger Patterson <patterso@law.georgetown.edu>
Washignton, DC USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:29 PM CST
My dears -- just wanted to join the dozens of people who've written since this morning. You have brought incredible strength and courage to every minute of every day since this journey began. I imagine it's hard to feel much right now other than this terrible punch in the stomach. But I know that all of you, and Julien especially, have deep reserves -- of love for each other and hard-headed, capricornian determination -- that will see you through this next chapter. Please know how much we love you and are thinking of you and are here for you at any moment.
Lisel and Marty <loymoe@aol.com>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:39 PM CST
you have love and support flowing strong from Portland.
we are all pulling for Julien (two humans and two dogs).
just ask for anything we can do and you have it.

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:17 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
I hope that being at home and near loved ones is a comfort and a source of support. My best hopes and wishes for a speedy and positive resolution of this situation. I hope it is just an unfortunate, bump in the road to recovery.
All my love,
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:50 AM CST
We are thinking of your beautiful family and strong little Julien and sending ALL our strength and much much love.
You are in our hearts.
Jen and Ellen

Jen Di Toro <jditoro@pdsdc.org>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:32 AM CST
Na, Matt, Jake and Julien,
We join all who love you in sending strength, faith, hope and infinite energy to add to your already copius quantities.

The Hons <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:07 AM CST
Naomi and Matt: If more prayers, hope and love can do anything, you've got mine and then some. If there's anything I can do (to join the long list of offers), please let me know. Thinking of you with love.


Jeff Bauman <bauman@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:43 AM CST
This is tough news. When we saw you all, Julien looked so strong despite feeling lousy from the virus. That's the image I'm going to dwell on and hope that his deep inner strength and his incredible loving family gets him through this next stage. Please call if you need anything (food, companionship, errands, etc.) With lots of love, Sally, Matt, Clare & Helen
Sally McCarthy <sem35@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:37 AM CST
Hello all, I've not done this before but after reading your journal I feel compelled. Julien is a very strong little boy and you're all very courageous in your stand with him. I look at this relapse as a very temporary set back. I will keep you all in my prayers because I know that God can bring him through this. Take care and be encouraged.
Kim Matthews <mattheky@law.georgetown.edu>
Forestville, MD USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:23 AM CST
Greetings Naomi & Family, you do not know me but I am a employee at the Law Center so I receive the many touching e-mails of your beautiful son. Please believe that the Lord will make a way and I will continue to pray for Julien's health and speedy recovery. I can tell that he has all the love and support that he needs.
LaToya Parnell <lkp5@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:59 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien: With tears in my face, I write to send you all the hopes and wishes and dreams that I can muster for you--keep up the strength and keep each other.....Bob and I offer you our best and hope that those transplant cells push off the bad ones....let us know if we can do anything for you....with love, Carrie MM and Bob
carrie menkel-meadow <meadow@law.georgetown.edu>
washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:43 AM CST
You are such a wise and brave person, Naomi. I can't tell you how much I respect you. Of course, you are exactly right -- one step at a time. But it must be so hard to do! As I'm sure you know, there are many, many, many people pulling for you, Matt, and Julien. Please let me know what I can do.


Mike Seidman <seidman@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:41 AM CST
Dear all. Julien is one in a million. He is, and always has been, extraordinary. Julien WILL beat any and all odds. ANYTHING I can do (food, drink, organ donation) is just a cell phone away--call and it shall be yours. All my love,
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:39 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

I think of you often -- right now with tears in my eyes. My prayers and good thoughts are with you.

Carol O'Neil <oneil@law.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA US - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:37 AM CST
Dear Naomi and all,

Immune systems are strange and wondrous things, and Julien's may now do more to combat this than the drugs and devices have. I wish you and yours the courage to lean into the wind and keep going. We send our prayers and best hopes.

Tim Westmoreland <westmort@law.georgetown.edu>
Takoma Park, MD - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:27 AM CST
Hope and miracles are our wishes for your family.

Our thoughts are with you.

Lucia, Cati, and Pablo <molina@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC US - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:20 AM CST
Dear Naomi,

I am so sorry to learn of Julien's relapse -- my thoughts and good wishes are with you and your family for his recovery.


vicki jackson <jacksonv@law.georgetown.edu>
washington, dc - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:16 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien:

Our family sends you our love and prayers at this extraordinarily difficult time. We have followed your journey this past year with both tears and laughter, learning along the way that you are a truly amazing family and Julien is a great fighter. Our lives have been enriched by your courage and your love.

Mern, Mike and Max

Mern Horan (Office of Career Services); Mike (adjuct faculty); Max (Tigers Group) <mh4@law.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:07 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien:
Oh, I am so sorry to hear your latest news! While I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for you after all you have already been through, please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Julie Ross (and Bill and Jake) <rossj@law.georgetown.edu>
Davidsonville, MD USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:57 AM CST
I'm so sorry to hear your sad news, Naomi. Julien and your entire family are in the prayerbook of my heart. - Erin.
Erin Rahne Kidwell <kidwelle@law.georgetown.edu>
Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:49 AM CST
It's hard to express how sorry I am at the news of Julien's relapse. Keep up your courage! And know that you have the thoughts and prayers of all your friends back home. May Julien draw life from your own hearts.
Love, David

David Luban <luband@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:47 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Family,
You are all in my prayers here at the Law Center. May you all draw comfort from the care and love of those who surround you.

Fr. Alexei Michalenko <michalen@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:47 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and most of all JJ,
I am so, so sorry. We are pulling hard for you with all of the mental magic at our disposal, and rooting for those antibodies. Love and hugs,
Julie, Andrew, Eli

Julie Cohen <jec@law.georgetown.edu>
Bethesda, MD - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:46 AM CST
We're heartbroken. Please let us know what we can do. We're thinking of you, and of course Julien.
Steve and Koethi <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
brooklyn, - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:46 AM CST
I really thought that Julien had turned the corner with this leukemia problem, and that things would continue to get better and better. It just felt right to me. Despite this recent setback, I still feel that way. Please be hopeful and strong.
Gerry Spann <spann@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:43 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien,

My heart is so heavy right now. Just wanted to let you know that my family is praying for Julien and the family.


Sheila <thompss1@law.georgetown.edu>
Potomac, MD - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:43 AM CST
We have not forgotten you, and still include you in our prayers. Be faithful and continue to be the inspiration that Julien needs. God bless you all. All of the Georgetown community is with you.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” – John 14:12-14 KJV

Robert Skelton <skeltonr@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC 20001 - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:41 AM CST
Naomi - We are praying for your whole family at this time. Please let us know if there is any way we can help out.
Diana Donahoe <donahoe@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:37 AM CST
Dear, Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien:

We were so sorry to hear the news today. I'm sure your remarkable store of strength is getting very low. We will keep you in our thoughts and hearts, and hope you will call on us for anything you need.

Clarissa, Jim, Ennis and Jasper.

Clarissa Potter <Potterc@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:36 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Family:
Joanna and I were sorry to hear about this latest news. But if anyone will pull through, Julien will. He is blessed with love and strength, and we'll be thinking of him and all of you during these difficult times.

Neal Katyal <katyaln@law.georgetown.edu>
washington, dc 20001 - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:28 AM CST
My sorrow at your travail is unbounded. As always my hope and prayers go out to all of you. With love and affection--
Richard Chused
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:27 AM CST
I know you will keep hoping and I know you will keep inspiring everyone you touch. May the Lord bless you and keep you in this difficult time. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:16 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien, My heart is heavy with the news about the relaspe. I know this is a difficult time, but I wanted to encourage you with the news that you shared. That there is another treatment that can help Julien, the antibody which will be less destructive on his overall well-being. And Julien has a new immune system, one that has not had the opportunity to attack this disease. I pray it will be a stronger army for Julien, and that it will gather all strength to irradicate his precious body from this disease once and for all. As I look at this dreary day today, I know that there will be sunshine coming. I pray that Julien's captivating smile will lift your hearts. Life is very precious; none of us know exactly how our days will be numbered, but each one will count in the BIG picture, whether in a big way or small. Rest assured that Julien's life has already touched and affected mine - as well as you and your whole couragious family. Lisa
Lisa Boyd <lboyd@niaid.nih.gov>
NIH/LI, - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:10 AM CST
Please know that Isadora and I and Nick (in his way) are praying for Julien.

Being so sure that Julien had put the worst of this behind him, I became glib in my confidence---I now realize that it is easy to be glib when you're not on the front lines of the crisis.

We are filled with admiration for you and Matt and Jake and Julien and the amazing strength & love that you bring to this. God bless you.

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:05 AM CST
Oh wow. What terrible news. Please call if there is anything we can do to help in any way at all. We are praying so hard for you all -- you are not alone. We love you. - Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC 20015 - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:05 AM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
We're so sorry about this latest news. And so hopeful because Julien is an amazingly strong person and has such a fantastic family guiding and supporting him through this ordeal.
All our love and every last little best wish,
Gina and Matt

Gina <ghauskne@coe.edu>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:00 AM CST
What terribhle news. Not fair, not right. I wish you strength to deal with this latest bump in the road. My thoughts are with you.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:38 AM CST
I just wanted to let you guys know that I am so sorry to hear this news. I am praying for Julien and for your family!

Nurse Brooke <brookecapel@yahoo.com>
Duke PBMTU, - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:41 AM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
I reread all the past journal entries today - my way of trying to make sense of what is now happening. I did not find an answer but I was as always imbued with your courage and spirit which you must call upon again to see you through this next period.
We are here for you for anything you may need - big or small.

Nicki, Eli and family <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, March 15, 2004 8:07 PM CST
Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien -- Just heard the latest news, and I am so terribly sorry to hear it. I will keep sending my healing thoughts your way. I think about you guys every day, and am so sorry you are having to go through this painful experience. Can I do anything to help? Hugs and love, Alex.
Alex McClure <kalexmcc@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Monday, March 15, 2004 4:18 PM CST
Hey Naomi! Henry and I are on antibiotics and so we should be pretty germ-free soon if you are up for any visits. There was a fire at Lafayette this morning so we may not have school for the next few days but let me know if you would like to be visited or to visit us anytime soon. Hope baby Julien (I can't stop calling him that!) is doing better today. Lots of love, Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, March 15, 2004 3:46 PM CST

I've been wanting to thank you for offering your advice through Jason and recommending that my sister set up a Caring Bridge site. (We are pulling out of the early diagnosis crisis and she is tolerating chemo well.) Illness has a way of erasing boundaries, and your site is a remarkable example of what a powerful thing that can be. My son has those same truck pajamas.

Here's one more person out there thinking of Julien and wishing health and happiness for your whole courageous family.

love, Sarah

Sarah Madsen Hardy <sarahmh@comcast.net>
Somerville, MA - Monday, March 15, 2004 10:51 AM CST
Dear Naomi, I don't know any fansy words to comfort you but all I know is you have to be strong for JJ. He needs you and we all are here to support you! Leave everything else to God's hand. Please tell us if there is anything we can do for you. Sincerely, Dinny (Dylan's Mom)
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va usa - Monday, March 15, 2004 8:58 AM CST
Matt, remember "the shot"? Incredible things are possible.

- Sunday, March 14, 2004 10:50 PM CST
Na & Matt--
We're sorry we've been out of touch for a while. Always know that we (like so many)think of you everyday. And always remember, too: Capricorns are slow, but thorough. And I think maybe this one is a drama king. We love you all!

The Hons <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:37 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt

We have not been good correspondents because of a number of health problems in our own family, but we have been following Julien's progress through your awesome chronicle and occasional conversations with your father. While we can understand your anxiety about the retrovirus that put Julien back in the hospital, we join you in the hope that this is but a minor setback on Julien's road to a full recovery. We'll try to give you a call one day soon when it appears you are a bit less occupied with Julien's current illness. Again we apologize for our poor commun-
ication and hope to rectify this in the future.

Harold & Linda Weinstock <harold.weinstock@afosr.af.mil>
- Sunday, March 14, 2004 10:02 AM CST
Yes, LCH was full of love and concern for you & the whole Mezey Paul family.
I love you.

Washington, DC - Sunday, March 14, 2004 8:13 AM CST
Thinking of you. Bring you good wishes from LCH where I told folks how much we missed you and how much we are pulling for Julien. Many people send their hopes and good thoughts. I hope Julien gets steadily better.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Sunday, March 14, 2004 2:55 AM CST
I know that you must be terribly scared. I'll say a prayer for Julien.

Viruses always seem to be so scary when they attack an immune compromised child. The sand dune reference is so accurate.

I'm thinking of you all. Hang in there - I know how tough it is.

Camilla Haigler <Camilla.Haigler@timken.com>
Gray Court, SC USA - Friday, March 12, 2004 2:34 PM CST
Dear Julien,

Keep fighting, man.

We love you!

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Friday, March 12, 2004 1:39 PM CST
Dear Julien,
I used to play ultimate frisbee with your daddy. He taught me the silliest throw that I know: he holds the bottom with his fingertips up and flips it over and around his back then flying out the otherside. Everytime I throw it, I think of him and how amazingly far he could throw that.
We have more than that in common because I have a son who is four years old and I named him Julian.
Lots of luck. You have a great dad.


Phineas Baxandall
Cambridge, MA usa - Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:10 AM CST
Dear Julian,

Although I have never had the pleasure of meeting you, I wanted you to know that I have invoked the assistance of the great and powerful Nietzsch Factor to send our very best wishes and loving thoughts. Your Daddy can explain just how meaningful this is, and also tell you the secrets of why we call him "Sky"... You and your wonderful family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Scooter <mazhude@hotmail.com>
Annandale, VA USA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:32 AM CST
Dear Julien,
I know you will be well soon because so many kids at Oakmont School are praying for you. I know you will be having fun soon!

Your Friend,

Amanda Julia Calderon
6th Grade
Oakmont Elementary School
120 West Green St.
Claremont, CA 91711

Amanda J. Çalderon
Claremont, CA Los Angeles - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 3:22 PM CST
Anytime I read anything bad on your website, I
get a pit in my stomach. You should know that
a part of us is always with you. I'm glad all
the signs are still positive even though this recent
episode must be very hard on Julien.

Jonathan <jpaulcarmel@yahoo.com>
Netanya, Israel - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:14 AM CST
Dear Na, Matt & boys:
Glad to hear there is a logical explanation for Julien's low wbc count. I can't remember exactly when the cherry blossoms make their appearance, but I hope they will soon be on their way to welcome you back home. Thinking of you all every day. Keep on treadin'. Love, Karen, Eliot & Ira

Karen Butler <kxbutler@mchsi.com>
Coralville, IA - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:03 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and JJ,

Bad, bad rotovirus! Can you tell me why these viruses all have such funny names? This one makes me think of plumbing problems, like tree roots in your pipes.

We're happy you're at home so that the surroundings you know and love can provide you with some comfort. We keep pulling for JJ with each turn that he takes.

With love from the Gustafsons,

Nelia, Erik, Patrick, and Thomas

Nelia Gustafson <corneliag@cox.net>
- Wednesday, March 10, 2004 9:38 AM CST
I'm one of those people who checks this site constantly for updates and ups and downs, and was delighted this morning to read that Julien seems to be fighting the virus and that Jake is adjusting to Eaton.
Again, we think of you ALL the time.
wiht love from
Jen D. and Ellen (and Alison Aubry and Lisa Sitkin and others from your California clerking days who are also thinking of your family).

Jen Di Toro <jditoro@pdsdc.org>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:49 AM CST
I never realized sand dunes had that odd double property. I did know that light sometimes acts like a particle and sometimes like a wave. I gather that it isn't really either one. I find it reassuring that it's just plain light; always bright, always hopeful. Welcome back. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, March 9, 2004 3:15 PM CST
Good news indeed! Retrovirus, 1: really bad stuff: 0. And don't forget that California girls also know how to surf. It has been one hell of a big scary wave, but you are almost back to the beach. (Bad metaphors, 1...) Welcome back and lots of love.
Julie, Andrew, and Eli

Julie Cohen <jec@law.georgetown.edu>
Bethesda, MD - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:29 AM CST
I have been loading the website every hour for news of Julien's condition. Hopefully that nasty retrovirus he's contracted is the reason for his low counts.
Eli and I will hold a special candle lighting ceremony tonight to chase away nasty bugs and infuse Julien with shining healing light.

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, March 8, 2004 2:35 PM CST
Dear the Mezey family,

I got your name through a friend that we have in common, Hillary Cairns. I have recently moved to the DC area and am currently working as a clinical nurse corrdinator in the BMT clinic at Georgetown. I just wanted to extend my thoughts and send best wishes. I also wanted you to know that if there is anything that I can do that I would be more than happy to be of any help.
I wish you and your entire family the best.
Take Care,
Amy Beer phone # 202-444-7231

Amy Beer <beera@gunet.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC - Monday, March 8, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Dear Naomi, I know you haven't chosen this path, but I do believe that you have gained so much on the journey. While I don't know where this trying and twisting road will take you, I do know that you and Matt and Jake and Julien will persevere and come out on the other end stronger for it. Cry when you need to, laugh when you can, and know that you all are loved.

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Monday, March 8, 2004 10:12 AM CST
The Kaplan diaspora are with you at every step of the way. Positive energy pouring in from all points...

Sarah <skaplan@mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA - Monday, March 8, 2004 9:23 AM CST
Got our fingers and toes crossed.

Love, Morty and Kate

John Morton
- Monday, March 8, 2004 9:13 AM CST
Dear Naomi--I haven't hardly written but I have continued to read your pages (thank you!), rooting and praying for Julien and all of you from afar. What a trial you are being put through; just when you have the joy of returning home, another worry. Here's to a two-year-old happy to be home, and to his extraordinary family--you'll get through this too. P.S. Since you probably don't have much time for reading now, my daughter recommends the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice dvd--it never seems to get old.
Maureen Young (Andrea Harrington's sister) <myoung@facile.it>
Florence, Italy - Monday, March 8, 2004 1:48 AM CST
Dear Naomi -- So sorry that you got such crappy news as soon as you got home. Please call me if there is anything I can do to lighten your burden. We're here for you and we're so close by and we're so anxious to be useful. All our love and good vibes -- Linda and Jeremiah
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, March 7, 2004 2:12 PM CST
So enjoyed spending the afternoon with your mother yesterday and we made a champagne toast to Julien to celebrate his reunion with Roxie. With your latest news spread out before us, we didn't get giddy with glee or anything, but, Naomi, the next you fall into empty, liquidy depths, repeat after me: "I can swim. I can swim. I can swim." You shouldn't have to, but you can.
Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, March 7, 2004 10:04 AM CST
And how did the re-entry go..... must have been Kinda like returning from outter space. Would have loved watching
Roxie, Jake and Julien when they got their first glimpse of one another. I'm sure you and Matt were in a quandry as to
how to handle all the excitement and commotion. You work beautifully together and I'm sure things will gradually fall into place. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Saturday, March 6, 2004 1:43 PM CST
And how did the re-entry go..... must have been Kinda like returning from outter space. Would have loved watching
Roxie, Jake and Julien when they got their first glimpse of one another. I'm sure you and Matt were in a quandry as to
how to handle all the excitement and commotion. You work beautifully together and I'm sure things will gradually fall into place. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Saturday, March 6, 2004 1:42 PM CST
Welcome home, Naomi, Matt and boys,
I was happy to read the good news!
You missed 6 months of using D. C. water--which might be additional good news depending upon the lead content of your home's water supply. I'm sure others have kept you informed and you are using bottled water until you get yours checked. I read one article about a family who used to use tap water to boil rice, potatoes, etc., but found out that they need to use filtered water for that, too. Always something!
Looking forward to seeing all of you soon.

Love, Irene and Bob

Irene and Bob Glaser <rjglaser@comcast.net>
Potomac, Md USA - Saturday, March 6, 2004 7:58 AM CST

How exciting, you're back home! I hope you are all having a good time and getting back to a "normal" way of things.

Take Care!

Alicia & ^^Angel^^ Tommy www.caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys <Lumberhead@twinwolf.net>
- Friday, March 5, 2004 2:00 PM CST

How exciting, you're back home! I hope you are all having a good time and getting back to a "normal" way of things.

Take Care!

Alicia & ^^Angel^^ Tommy www.caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys <Lumberhead@twinwolf.net>
- Friday, March 5, 2004 1:59 PM CST
Hi Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake,
I am soooo glad that you are all at home right now. I hope your appointment goes well today and you like your new doctors. I've been thinking about you and hoping that your transition to DC life is going smoothly. Take care and I'll talk to you soon.

Love, Cheryl Lynn <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Friday, March 5, 2004 9:52 AM CST
I always enjoy reading your journal but not always sign the guestbook. We're so happy that you are all HOME! When I was reading your update, Rachel pointed to Julien's picture and went to look for his old picture before transplant. We took a picture when the PBMT family lounge was opened, and Julien and his grandmom were in the picture too. It's so cute! Julien looked wondefully good and happy in the pictures. We will be going to Duke the week of 29th for Rachel's 6 month studies and hopefully we can see Julien at the clinic. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Rachel & Frances Kung <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Friday, March 5, 2004 9:00 AM CST
We celebrate this step on the journey and will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if there is ever anything we can do to make your time back in Durham easier.
Duke Gardens definitely will be worth a trip when you return this month. Warmly,

Erica and Rob <er.gringle@verizon.net>
Durham , NC - Thursday, March 4, 2004 9:13 PM CST
Welcome home everyone!!!! Good to have you back. Let us know when we can see you--home visits? Office (dare i say) visit.....With all good wishes and thinking of you for continued good health--I know you have love....all the best, Carrie MM
carrie Menkel-meadow
Washington, DC - Thursday, March 4, 2004 7:43 PM CST
Dear Matt,Naomi, Jake and Julien,
Welcome back! Our prayers will continue for Julien and the family. We look forward to seeing you all so we can keep you posted on what are our "happenings" while you were away. Again, we are so delighted to have you back. Please let us know what we can do to ease your transition back to the neighborhood. Love, Dan and Salve

Salve Bernabe <bernabe@rlounsbery.org>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, March 4, 2004 4:17 PM CST
Hooray! Coming home is not always easy. I'm so happy, but also praying that you all adapt well.
Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Thursday, March 4, 2004 4:04 PM CST
welcome home.

Sasha <alexandra.natapoff@lls.edu>
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, March 4, 2004 3:17 PM CST
What great news to hear that you are back in DC. What a journey it has been! Another step. And, of course, my thoughts and wishes remain with you all.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA 01002 - Thursday, March 4, 2004 3:14 AM CST
It's so exciting to be making the journey back to DC! I hope that your "re-entry" into life at home goes smoothly. We're thinking of you!
Mandy De Mayo (and Grant, Sam, and Anna) <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 1:19 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien,

WELCOME HOME!! We'll be so glad to have you all back. Jake is invited for a sleepover whenever (and however often) he is ready.


Lisa, Bob, Mariah & Lucas <heinzerl@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, March 3, 2004 1:16 PM CST
Are you packed and ready? I pray it is so.
Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 7:41 PM CST
Just caught up on the last several weeks of posts and can't tell you how thrilled I am that you'll be home soon. Please please please don't hesitate to call for assistance with the slightest little thing. You're all in my thoughts in prayers. All the best, Jeff
Jeff Berman <jeff_berman@judiciary-dem.senate.gov>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 4:41 PM CST
Wow, I am so glad you're all going home. What a strange and scary adventure you've all had, I'm so happy that things are getting so much better. Its amazing how well Julian looks in the pictures now. I can see how strange and mixed it must feel going home after all that's happened. It's clear you'll be bringing back a great deal back with you (even if not the acacia tree) in the deepened wisdom and love you guys have found through all this incredible challenge. You are all very inspiring to me. By the way, have you read the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series? If not I will send it to you, it is very good therapy. Love Chandra
Chandra Birenbaum <chirenbaum@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, Ca USA - Monday, March 1, 2004 1:29 PM CST
Thank you so much for bringing Julien by the unit last week-we can't tell you how good it makes us feel to see the little ones doing so great! I wish you the best of luck as you transition into this next phase of Julien's recovery. I know his days will continue to get better and better!
Andria, RN <aks623@hotmail.com>
5200, PBMTU - Monday, March 1, 2004 1:01 PM CST
Dear All,
Julien looks so great in the latest pictures - SO nice to see.
Wishing you an easy and joyous return to your home that I am sure, along with countless others, has missed you.
All the best,
Nicki and family

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, March 1, 2004 12:13 AM CST
Our family celebrates this next step towards a new life for you all!! We think of you often and our love is with you always!
Mojo, Josie and Laurie Burwell Foster <mojo666@pacbell.net>
Pasadena, CA 91107 - Monday, March 1, 2004 0:58 AM CST
so sorry --Stella and I won't be co-authoring in the future.
Metcalf <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 2:36 PM CST
hey --it is great news that you're coming back to the Amtrak corridor. sorry about the eau de worth --if only you knew what that does to home values here in the Northeast. Stella is wearing her UNC cap and smashing the keyboard right now.kbk m nn,b,nnmnmm,, we can't wait to see you, and the boys.
metcalf < sdmetcalf@aol.com >
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:08 AM CST
hey --it is great news that you're coming back to the Amtrak corridor. sorry about the eau de worth --if only you knew what that does to home values here in the Northeast. Stella is wearing her UNC cap and smashing the keyboard right now.kbk m nn,b,nnmnmm,, we can't wait to see you, and the boys.
metcalf < sdmetcalf@aol.com >
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:08 AM CST
hey --it is great news that you're coming back to the Amtrak corridor. sorry about the eau de worth --if only you knew what that does to home values here in the Northeast. Stella is wearing her UNC cap and smashing the keyboard right now.kbk m nn,b,nnmnmm,, we can't wait to see you, and the boys.
metcalf < sdmetcalf@aol.com >
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:08 AM CST
hey --it is great news that you're coming back to the Amtrak corridor. sorry about the eau de worth --if only you knew what that does to home values here in the Northeast. Stella is wearing her UNC cap and smashing the keyboard right now.kbk m nn,b,nnmnmm,, we can't wait to see you, and the boys.
metcalf < sdmetcalf@aol.com >
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:08 AM CST
hey --it is great news that you're coming back to the Amtrak corridor. sorry about the eau de worth --if only you knew what that does to home values here in the Northeast. Stella is wearing her UNC cap and smashing the keyboard right now.kbk m nn,b,nnmnmm,, we can't wait to see you, and the boys.
metcalf < sdmetcalf@aol.com >
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:08 AM CST
hey --it is great news that you're coming back to the Amtrak corridor. sorry about the eau de worth --if only you knew what that does to home values here in the Northeast. Stella is wearing her UNC cap and smashing the keyboard right now.kbk m nn,b,nnmnmm,, we can't wait to see you, and the boys.
metcalf < sdmetcalf@aol.com >
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:08 AM CST
hey --it is great news that you're coming back to the Amtrak corridor. sorry about the eau de worth --if only you knew what that does to home values here in the Northeast. Stella is wearing her UNC cap and smashing the keyboard right now.kbk m nn,b,nnmnmm,, we can't wait to see you, and the boys.
metcalf < sdmetcalf@aol.com >
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:08 AM CST
hey --it is great news that you're coming back to the Amtrak corridor. sorry about the eau de worth --if only you knew what that does to home values here in the Northeast. Stella is wearing her UNC cap and smashing the keyboard right now.kbk m nn,b,nnmnmm,, we can't wait to see you, and the boys.
metcalf < sdmetcalf@aol.com >
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:08 AM CST
It is great to know that Jay Jay is well enough to come home. Dylan has been asking to have Jake to come home so many times. We would love to have him come and play over the weekend if he likes. Should there be anything that we can help, please let me know. My Jennifer just had some blood related illness. So I can understand what you went through so much better. Best wishes! Dinny Li
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, va - Saturday, February 28, 2004 5:36 PM CST
A quick note to wish you the best on your return to DC. Hope Julien continues to make good progress.

Keep holding onto each other as your return home. I think of you often with enormous respect and great affection.

Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA USA - Saturday, February 28, 2004 4:27 AM CST
I ran 14 miles last weekend and felt surprisingly so good! On the previous weekend we (the spring-season team) ran with the newly formed summer team. There was a young man who recovered from the illness and now is running for the Society. I imagined in 20 years or so Julien may decide to run, too. Kinda cool, won't it? See you soon.
Rie Matsuda <rm34@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, February 27, 2004 6:46 PM CST
such a pleasure to see Julien looking healthier! and how great that you're heading back to DC. it was a little sad being there last weekend, even with Bob's company, and having you guys gone. well, as you return you'll find your bedsheets are marked with eau de worth, a rare organic perfume. can't wait to descend on you all again. with mad hugs for all,
bobby and alice <worth@nytimes.com>
brooklyn, ny usa - Friday, February 27, 2004 2:36 PM CST
Yay! Come visit whenever it is convenient! Please call if you are coming after 5:00 p.m. so I can be sure to be there (although I ususlly don't leave on time anyway) I'm so excited to hug you all! Sending you huge amounts of hugs, smiles, love, and sunshine! Safe travels!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington,, DC USA - Friday, February 27, 2004 2:30 PM CST
Yay!!! You're all coming back home! What wonderful news. :) Would it be completely inappropriate for some former students to take you out, smother you with affection and ply you with good food and wine (all the while offering to do household chores and run mundane errands for you)? If not, pencil us in once you settle back in. We've missed you so!

And now, for your daily dose of poor excuses for legal humor, I present a short, online quiz - What Rule of Civil Procedure are you?


Enjoy, and have a safe trip home! Love, Melissa

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Friday, February 27, 2004 9:18 AM CST
Hi Naomi and family,

My daughter Grace and I just went through your website and we are both very affected by the depth of feeling and introspection (my word not Grace's). The fortitude of your family is overwhelming and the breadth and scope of your friends' comments are each revelations.

Wow after reading your entries and your friends' entries I feel like I have such a profound sense of living in the now and appreciating the blessings that surround me.

(This is sounding far more religious than I intended.)

You are each in our thoughts and we are full of hope by your return to your home--a transformed family.

Lisa and Grace

Lisa Jean Moore <ljmoore@mail.csi.cuny.edu>
Brooklyn , NY - Friday, February 27, 2004 5:55 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien

I feel so happy knowing you will all be going home soon....At this point, your emotions are up and down like a yoyo and
you express that so well in today's journal...You are a strong, courageous family.....Love and Hugs to all..

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Thursday, February 26, 2004 6:55 PM CST
So very happy that Julien is doing well and that you will be returning to DC. Cheers all around to each member of your spendid family
pat roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, February 26, 2004 6:03 PM CST
Hello all. We (Danny & I) are so delighted you are coming home! I can certainly understand that you are nervous--you are coming home different people--but your journal has allowed us to follow your journey and (we hope) to understand some small part of what you have endured. The journal also reassures me of one thing--that whatever else may have changed, you are the same honest, thoughtful, open person you were when you left--and that you will no doubt find a (sensitive, as always) way of telling us when we are crowding you, not understanding something important, or spewing too many germs. Much love
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:45 PM CST
Naomi & Matt: I'm Mandy & Grant's neighbor, and as you may (or may not, all things considered) recall, Mandy suggested that I make Julien my "honor patient" during my fundraising for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I wore his name on a wrist band as I race-walked a half marathon last week. (His name will also be on my wrist as a tackle a full marathon in Nashville on April 24 as a member of The LLS's Team In Training.) I raised $6500 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, an organization which you probably already know well. I hope you found--or are still finding--their services helpful. If not, check 'em out; they'll pay for hospital parking garages, hook you up with any emotional help (individual or group) you need, and many other benefits--at no cost to you! Everyone I have met in The LLS has been wonderful and very nurturing. I've been praying for Julien and sending good wishes for strength & perseverance to you and your family ever since Mandy told me about Julien. I'm really glad to hear that he's doing well. Even though we've never met, I am honored to have Julien as my "honor patient." Thank you for sharing your experiences through the journal entries--that will be a treasure for Julien to read one day! Wishing you the best of luck and a smooth transition back to reality,

Anne Praderas <praderas@jump.net>
Austin, TX USA - Thursday, February 26, 2004 1:12 PM CST
Naomi and Matt,

Just wanted to let you know that we're still thinking about you and checking the website often. Given what you've all been through, it does seem like a miracle that you're at a point to return home now. I'm so happy for you. Best wishes on your journey home.

Karen (and Marty and Hunter)

P.S. Naomi, I had the chance to read Anne Lamot's Traveling Mercies earlier this year. I would not have known about it if you hadn't mentioned it in one of your entries. Thanks -- I enjoyed it immensely!

Karen Gordon-Sosby <kmhsosby@austin.rr.com>
Wimberley, TX USA - Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:55 AM CST
Wow! What a great post - that's all very exciting! It will be great having you back in DC, and if you are getting here in March then you should be bringing some of the nice weather with you. (I hope!) Hopefully, us old student-types will get to see you back in your element...
Matt Berman <bermanmatt@hotmail.com>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:00 PM CST
Naomi and Matt:
Just wanted you to know that I've been reading and keeping up to date on Julien's tremendous progress. I'm so glad that you will be home soon. (Olivier and I have moved up to NYC, but are often in D.C. for visits). You are all in my thoughts. Much love, Olati

Olati <johnsonolati@yahoo.com>
New York, NY - Monday, February 23, 2004 4:55 PM CST
Julien looks wonderful. The steriods do make it a little tougher than the normal "terrible twos". We definitely had more than our share of that with Alex. I am so glad that Julien is doing well. I pray for his continued healing and health. Safe journey back home as well.
Camilla Haigler (Alex's mom) <markhaig@lycos.com>
Gray Court, SC USA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 9:25 PM CST
Hello Naomi and Matt,
I just wanted to let you know that even when I don't make an entry, I am checking in to see how you all are doing. I am glad to hear that you will soon be able to go home; I imagine that is fraught with excitement and anxiety. And I am sorry that you are having to deal with the collision of of the developmental stages in your boys and the unique medical crisis you are living as a family. You and Matt hardly need developmentally manufactured drama. I hope some of that part begins to lessen, hell I hope all of it begins to lessen. I would love to see you, metaphorically or truly, be able to kick your heels up again. I never did master that. I think of you every day and am glad that things are inching along in the right direction. Love, Rachel

Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St. Paul, MN USA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 11:06 AM CST
Dearest Omi, Matt, Jake and Julien. Hi there! It's been a long time since I've been able to get on line. Om, It was so great to hear your voice. I'm so excited! I do so hope you get home in time for the cherry blossoms. I've been enjoying all the china lilies and peach blossoms in yo mamas yard. Claremont is beautiful in the spring. I had a great visit with Judah and Teel the other evening. All your California cousins send their LOVE, PRAYERS and BEST REGARDS. I'm in Victorville at Roseanns on my way home from my whirlwind L.A.tour. Giant HUGS AND KISSES TO ALL!!! AFFECTIONATELY YOURS, MARY ALICE.
MADERA, CA USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 1:31 PM CST
Prof. Mezey and Matt - I'm a long time reader, first time poster. First of all, thank you for your frequent updates - Julien's story, while sometimes harrowing and dramatic, has been incredibly uplifting. It amazes me that at the end of a long and trying day that you are able to so honestly and emotionally share your lives with all of us. As impressed as I am with Julien's resiliance, fortitude, and heart, I am equally impressed with yours...

I'm wishing you all the best, and so happy that homecoming is rapidly approaching!

Richard <raj4@georgetown.edu>
- Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:34 AM CST
Naomi and Matt: I often log on at work and have others looking over my shoulder reading and looking at pictures. We are so glad that it is easier for you all to smile now, and that you will be home soon! The kids here still talk about Jake, and many families (7, I think) are having babies soon so we are often talking about the hospital and how doctors help you; so we talk about Julien too. It was so warm here today, the kids really wanted to take their coats off on the playground - hope it was warm and sunny there too!
Smiles and lots of love and sunshine!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 5:20 PM CST
Julien, I know that you can't wait to get home. I'm sure that your mom and dad are very excited. The Pit Crews for Kids will be in Durham this weekend. I will be in Rockingham, NC at the races, but will be thinking about you and your family.
Joe Kluttz - Pit Crews for Kids <jrkluttz@duke-energy.com>
Harrisburg, NC USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 12:22 AM CST
Dear Naomi,

Thank you for coming to the Best Buddies training session to talk to us tonight. I can't tell you how much it meant to listen to a family member of a patient, especially a parent, and hear your perspective of everything your family has and continues to go through. You did a great job, btw ;)

Good luck with your move back to DC! So glad to hear Julien is coming along so well.

Best to you and your family, and thanks again!

Dawn Kernagis <dnicholek@yahoo.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Thursday, February 19, 2004 10:33 PM CST
Great news. I hope your two weeks are smooth and speed by quickly. Congratulations to you and your friends.
Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Thursday, February 19, 2004 12:31 AM CST
Jake's proposal of marriage is right on time. Dr. Freud would be delighted. Of course, the good Dr. might also suggest that Matt get a bodyguard. Hope to see you back in DC soon! Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:59 PM CST
Great news....Great pictures...
It's neat to see Julien playing with friends and to see both boys enjoying
their Grandpa with his guitar.
I'm always looking forward to new Journal entries.....both yours and Matts. You
two have been so courageous and have done
such a good job of keeping all of us up to date. Hugs to all of you..

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:12 PM CST
Glad to have such good news, and looking forward to your return to DC.

pat roth <rothp@law.georgetown .edu>
- Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:33 PM CST
Great to here that you will be coming
home soon. Congrats!!!

Jonathan <jpaulcarmel@yahoo.com>
Netanya, Israel - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 9:54 AM CST
---going home---


& congrats to Paul & Ed!

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 8:46 AM CST
Hey all -- Great news! We can't wait to have you all back here in DC. Lots of love from Linda, Jeremiah, Rosie and Henry`
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 7:59 AM CST
Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day, three days late (conforming to my usual tardiness). The plum blossoms and hummingbirds are dancing a duet in Santa Cruz and hope is a scent one can breathe on the air. I am sending you love in all its brilliant hues of possibility. Thank you for sharing your days of miracle and wonder and red capes and laughter. It is such a joy to see Julien getting ready to spread his wings and fly.
Jenny <jag@ucsc.edu>
- Tuesday, February 17, 2004 0:33 AM CST
apropos of nothing

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky:


Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Monday, February 16, 2004 2:37 PM CST
JJ looks awesome. And so cool to get a glimpse of Drs K and S. We are tuning our shock absorbers for any bumps in the road, but also setting our sights on your return. THAT is a prospect we truly, truly relish!
Lots of love,

Nina <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, February 16, 2004 1:29 PM CST
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Your update told us all. Julien is getting stronger and most importance is to know that he is in much better mood actually back to his own ...! I loved that smile. We are also so excited you will be going home soon. Sending you lots of love & warmth from Florida
Frances Kung & Rachel <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Monday, February 16, 2004 8:51 AM CST
Hello dears. Just a quick note, N, to let you know that our girl's hearing went well yesterday--I will report back when I return from NYC. Much love
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:38 PM CST
Happy Valentine's Day to you all. This is a pretty campy day for the greeting card industry and all. But reading your good news about Julien choked me up, as it always does. So I'm going off to buy another dozen cards with hearts and dogs for my son.

Hope things continue to go well.

Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, Ma - Saturday, February 14, 2004 4:39 AM CST
In the interest of non-conformity, Happy Valentine's Day (two days early!). Alright, alright, perhaps I'm not exactly a non-conformist, but cut me some slack. I'm a tax attorney. ;) Seriously, it's wonderful to see Julien getting back to his old self, and wonderful to hear your spirits rise. Someday you'll all look back on this episode in your lives and wonder how you did it. And we'll all remind you of how much in awe we all were. Much love... Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:17 PM CST
So wonderful to see and hear that Julien is getting well. I hope you get to go home soon.
much love

Sasha <alexandra.natapoff@lls.edu>
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 2:53 PM CST
nice shot of RED SUPERMAN----my hero!

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 8:07 AM CST
It's great to hear about the progress
Julien is making with the red blood cells
and platlets and, the host vs graft issue
(or at least that it seems under control
and not too threatening).

It's also great to hear everyone is in
good spirits.

It's always amazing to read about how all of
you are coping with the situation.

Jonathan & Nadine <jpaulcarmel@yahoo.com>
Netanya, Israel - Thursday, February 12, 2004 8:01 AM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,
We look forward to your coming home! Our thoughts and prayers will continue for all of you and especially for Julien. We can't wait to have you back in the neighborhood. Love, Dan and Salve

Salve L. Bernabe <masalve@aol.com>
Washington D.C., USA - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 8:55 PM CST
What a great picture. There's even a hint of mischief, which I haven't seen in a while. The whole thing -- the Superman outfit, the standing all by himself, the look on the face -- just made my day.
Love you guys.

Ed Swanson <eswanson@swansonmcnamara.com>
San Francisco, CA - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 3:08 PM CST
It does me so much good to read your journal. What great descriptions of both Dr. Kurtzberg and Dr. Staba. I agree. They are amazing. Julien sounds well. I am so happy. Your opening picture says it all.
Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:45 AM CST
It's so wonderful to hear that Julien is his old, active, feisty, happy self!!! And it was great to see the pictures of the boys in the snow and now to see all the pictures of Julien's big, happy smiles. We're thinking of you daily, with all our love,
Anne (& Jason, Ben, & Andrew) <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Baltimore, MD - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 8:29 AM CST
Hey, I can't believe someone else out there is also interested in and fascinated by miscellaneous word trivia and minutia. I definitely have to find a copy of the book you mentioned--sounds delightful! My husband and I (as semi-pro songwriters)have always thought we were the only folks on the planet who have long, delighted discussions about all sorts of wordage. Glad to know we're not so strange and we're not alone. :-)

It was great to hear you may be going home soon. Yipppeee!

Becky Smith <caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith beckysmith62@aol.com>
Mooresville, NC - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 6:57 PM CST
Hello Mezey-Paul Family,
It is so wonderful to hear that you guys might be coming home this month!!! Lots of hugs,love and kisses coming Julien and Jakey. We miss you guys here at the center and can't wait to see you all again!!
Ms. Melika

Melika <mzg@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, D.C. USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 12:22 AM CST
Your prose never ceases to amaze me--and more often than not brings me to tears, or laughter, or, my favorite, both!
I received Schott's in my Christmas stocking and also LOVE it.
Am thinking positive thoughts about your family's possible return and hope you know there is a mighty infrastructure here ready and willing to make the transition a smooth one!
Although it seems I can't make it through the week without spending some time reading your website so I don't know what I'll do when that ends--how selfish of me!
Warm wishes!

Auburn Daily <akd4@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 7:30 PM CST
Three cheers for the return of the Mezey clan to D.C.!! I hope it comes soon, and am thrilled to hear how well Julien is doing. His and Jake's snow pictures are too cute. Wish they would grant more time to play in the snow here at the Law Center. . .

Naomi, legislation is a great class, but I sure wish I was taking it with you:)

Keeping up the happy thoughts while thawing out in D.C., Gayle

Gayle Horwitz <gih@law.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 4:22 PM CST
Hooray for running naked and singing ditties. Hooray for fighting for your right to bubbly water. Man, does that sound familiar. We are right smack in the middle of four and two with our babes, too.

Naomi, your list of groupings was enough to make me bust out my pen. And I thought "gaggle of geese" was hot! Gracias for that.

And most of all for your wonderful musings. And for hanging in there. It looks like you may be home in time to watch the trees blossom.

My love to you all.

Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA - Saturday, February 7, 2004 10:11 PM CST
shalom everyone,
we are so glad to hear that you may going home soon, I was reading your friend website the one who are back to MI AND YOU are right it seems that being back home has therapeutic effect.(especially for the one who weren't sick...)
We are envious of the snow picture so we decided today to drive to Mont Hermon(about 3 hours from where we are).
I thinh it's going to be fun they have a couple of good ski sloaps (a couple mean really a couple ...2 to 4).
I got my old ski equipment that my dad send me by mail a year ago, he was tired to see my ski standing forever in his livingroom.
So now they stand in our living room...
We miss you , Silvie is asking about cousin Jake baby Julien and bobby.
Jenna is only asking for mammy which right now can mean anything!

Love and big hugs
jenna silvie jon

nadine <feinsohncarmel@yahoo.com>
nayanya, Israel - Saturday, February 7, 2004 1:25 AM CST
just a quick note to let you all know I'm thinking of you.

much love,

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Friday, February 6, 2004 4:20 PM CST
It is great to hear about the boys' little attitudes....they are being so NORMAL...while you are enduring such an ABNORMAL experience.What great brothers!!! Love the snow pictures!! Wish you all the best and hope you get to go home soon with a strong and healthy little Julien.
Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Friday, February 6, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Just to join you in getting excited about your coming home soon. Prayers are a must even for me because they are for your family.
Lenore Salzman

Lenore Salzman <LenoreSalzman@msn.com>
Potomac, MD USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 10:20 AM CST
Dear Naomi et al,
I laughed aloud reading about Julien and Jake acting their age. They sound just like Teddy and Page... so dramatic, particular, unpredictable yet compulsively predictable, hilarious one moment and in a ball of tears the next. But when they get going playing together everything seems perfect.

I did note your reference to Julien's nap. Teddy has decided that he doesn't need naps anymore, which is about a year too early by my calculation. We made the mistake of moving him into a big kid bed, so I can't trap him anymore. Of course, he sleeps like a champ at GULCCCC, but when I'm home with him trying to study (for Federal White Collar Crime, no less ;) !!) he simply won't cooperate. Instead, he jumps on the bed, climbs on my head (I'm always feigning sleep next to him in the hopes he might try to copy me), throws his animals all over the room, etc. Lots of fun!

I've got my fingers crossed you'll be back to DC soon. Love,

Hilary (and Malcolm, Page and Teddy) <cairnsh@georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, February 5, 2004 8:44 PM CST
Haven't checked in for a while but want you to know I read each of your journal
entries, check with your Mom and Coach often and keep up to date on all the ups and downs, and twists and turns of the
Paul-Mezey group. Your journals are fantastic and it is great to hear you may
be going home soon. Hope those platelets build faster and faster.

Today we had sleet, snow and much ice here in Illinois...I could use the boys
sled but I guess "belly flopping" at my age is unheard of....but if Jake lived
nearby he could pull me over the lumps
and bumps. Hugs to All

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:36 PM CST
I believe the kids are normal well at least that's the way it was at our house when the kids were small and older and older. Oh yes, that's the way it is now when the GRANDchildren are here and yes it's get better (no joke) Matt, I haven't spoken with you in sometime its great to hear the good news. We will keep praying.
James C Hale <jhale@ovsslecet.org>
Sparta, Tn. USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:28 PM CST

I think the situations with the kids temperments is perfectly normal. Juliens demands sounds a lot like Hunter's and Hunter just turned three in October (it always has to be his way or he wants nothing to do with it. Thats when reverse psychology comes in handy). Hunter also sounds like Jake when it comes to getting dressed. As soon as I tell him it is time to get dressed he runs and hides from me every single time. I always say I am running on kid schedule.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Phillipians 4:13 (Believe me, when it comes to kids, I tell myself this this all of the time).

Love you guys!

Sarah Hibdon - Simpson <sarahh@spanconstruction.com>
Madera, CA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 3:57 PM CST
Hello dear ones-
Just wanted to say hello and send our love. What wonderful news about possibly getting you back here soon. We continue to follow your journey via the website and are so happy about Julien's progress. I understand it must be daunting to think about caring for him up here, so far from Duke, but do remember you have a full reserve team here, ready and eager to cook, clean, babysit, dog-walk, etc. Your list reminded me of one other -- an accipiter of hawks -- which I learned at some point from my friend Anne Hawke.

We love you.

Lisel, Marty and Katherine <loymoe@aol.com>
Washington, DC - Thursday, February 5, 2004 9:43 AM CST
Naomi, I am so sorry you are sick. You have enough going on without that too. Thank you for your kind words. I can't tell you how happy I was to get to know your family and Julien's farewell kiss was so special. I will never forget the sound of that smooch behind the mask. I look forward to reading that the cream took care of everything and the platelet counts are increasing.
Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Stanton, MI - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:51 PM CST
Well, I think we've moved on from Don Zimmer (or Tommy Lasorda) to one of the South Park kids... Julien in his snow getup could be a new cast member (one hopes without the foul mouth!)

Not much sledding here in Cambridge, so take an extra trip around the block for me!

Sarah <skaplan@mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:46 AM CST
Great snow picture !!! Wanted you to know I'm thinking about all of you guys and most of all hope and pray everyone starts feeling better soon.
Bob Simpson <good_earth@earthlink.net>
Madera, Ca USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 11:49 PM CST
I thought I knew what snow angels were until I saw the new pictures. They are beautiful. I'm nostalgic for my childhood in upstate New York. Here's my cure all for colds and flu; a cup of hot water, the juice from two lemons, and a cap full (or more if you're so inclined) of your favorite bourbon. Scotch or brandy will also work.

Howard <seek.howard3@verizon.net>
Fullerton, CA USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 4:57 AM CST
Whoops--that would be Kate's dopey, non-technologically savvy friend. Doubled posts mean doubled good wishes...right? --Fernanda
fernanda moore <fernanda.moore@verizon.net>
Swarthmore, PA usa - Monday, February 2, 2004 6:08 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

I'm a friend of Kate Stoia's--Naomi, we met years ago at Kate's apt. in SF. I've just spent a couple of hours reading your journal and just wanted you all to know how impressed I am with you, how proud I am of Jake and Julien, and how much I will be thinking of you from now on. You are all amazing. Love, Fernanda

Fernanda Moore <fernanda.moore@verizon.net>
Swarthmore, PA usa - Monday, February 2, 2004 5:38 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

I'm a friend of Kate Stoia's--Naomi, we met years ago at Kate's apt. in SF. I've just spent a couple of hours reading your journal and just wanted you all to know how impressed I am with you, how proud I am of Jake and Julien, and how much I will be thinking of you from now on. You are all amazing. Love, Fernanda

Fernanda Moore <fernanda.moore@verizon.net>
Swarthmore, PA usa - Monday, February 2, 2004 4:58 PM CST
Beautiful snow pics. Hope you guys feel better soon!
Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Monday, February 2, 2004 4:12 PM CST
I am inspired to know that Jake believes in G-d. His short life has been a true test of faith. I admire him. Many four years old have not yet considered G-d and it sounds like Jake already knows G-d. I credit all of you for instilling faith in Jake. Faith is a gift you can give to your children.
Beth Davidson <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD USA - Monday, February 2, 2004 1:29 PM CST
Not a lot to add. Just wanted to let you know that
we're always thinking of you.

Jonathan & Nadine
- Monday, February 2, 2004 12:41 AM CST
Thanks for the word about the Trimpers. Brought tears to my eyes. Jane is amazing; wish we could clone her.

I loved the conversation with Jake about God. Out of the mouth of babes. I'm glad he chose God, myself. I would hate to go through life without Him, as I once did. No fun.

So glad that Julien is doing well and making "baby platelets." That fits. Shalom, dear Julien, Shalom.

Carolyn Wyman <sythismom@yahoo.com>
Belding, MI Trimper Country - Sunday, February 1, 2004 6:26 PM CST
So I was the lucky stiff who had Naomi at his fortieth birthday party. What an utter and unremitting blessing. Who else cracks you up, massages your ego, and tells you the ugly truth, all in one or two graceful turns of phrase? I speak for alalrmingly late bloomers everywhere: Julien is just starting out on a long lifetime of testing your patience. Can't wait to see you again, Mez.
Steve Metcalf <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Sunday, February 1, 2004 10:54 AM CST
Hey Julien and family,
It is so great to hear that things are going in the right direction. Julien is such an amazing and brave little boy that is very lucky to have such a wonderful family by his side. Julien, keep up the fight and I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers:-)

Heather Jackson <heatherj@nc.rr.com>
Cary, NC - Saturday, January 31, 2004 10:00 PM CST
Dear Naomi,
Love to you, Matt, Jake and Julien--- you are all in our prayers. You, who took such good care of my child when we lived on Home Ave., in M-town... you are doing a splendid job with yours. The "crazy" feeling you have, of looking for danger everywhere, is so normal--- after all, you've been hit out of the blue before, and now you can't help but try to be hypervigilant and figure out where danger is lurking. But I want to say, relax (as much as you can... and don't be upset with yourself if you can't)... Just know---You are doing a splendid job.
I admire your beautifully articulate writing, your stunning courage-- both you and Matt. You probably think it's not courage--- you probably think it's just putting one foot in front of the other---but, truly, the way you are living, it is courageous: you open up your heart and share and give love and accept love and smile and laugh and nurture those you love and accept the kindnesses that those who love you try to give to soothe and heal.
Here's sending a hug to all of you.

Cynthia Rockwell (formerly, Cindy Morehouse) <crockwell@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT USA - Thursday, January 29, 2004 11:44 AM CST
Hello Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
We had nearly 6 inches of snow last night and expect sleet and freezing rain tonight so I'm home and just caught up on your news. It sounds like things are improving every week as Julien gets stronger and resumes a more normal toddler life.
We are all looking forward to spring and future good news from North Carolina. Fondly, Irene and Bob

Irene and Bob Glaser <rjglaser@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Monday, January 26, 2004 3:00 PM CST
I got our shared red shoes. Uh huh. They look nice on you, and me, but they really look tops on my kids.
Nina <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, January 26, 2004 10:24 AM CST
Happy Birthday. 38? That's great number. Glad to hear the continuing good progress that Julien makes. Light in the tunnel and soon back to DC. It is very cold up here, but reading your notes warms my heart.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA USA - Sunday, January 25, 2004 4:25 PM CST
Happy Birthday Naomi!!!! I think of you so much and now I love to think of you in your new stylin' shoes. If you don't already have it you have to hear Kirsty McColl's song "In these Shoes?" It's the shoe-loving girl's anthem. Hope you're feeling the love we're sending! xoxoxoxo - Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC 20015 - Sunday, January 25, 2004 3:15 PM CST
Hi all,
I've been thinking of you guys...hoping that everything is going well. I'd love to come visit you tomorrow afternoonish if you're not too busy. I'll give you a call though. Have a wonderful night. Take care.

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Friday, January 23, 2004 5:51 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,
It was so, SO *GREAT* to hear happy little boy sounds in the background at Thursday morning's conference call. Everyone was smiling, and sending you all our love.

Julie Cohen <jec@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, January 23, 2004 2:43 PM CST
Hello all. I am happy to report that it is really, really cold here in DC. This means that we have almost earned Spring, and your return. Despite the weather, I think I will go out and do a platelet dance in the backyard. Can't hurt, and visualizing my chattering cavorting should give you a smile. Much love, and I MISS YOU ALL.
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, January 23, 2004 9:22 AM CST
dearest naomi, matt, jake and julien,
i have gone on this site so many times and found myself completely incapable of writing anything after reading naomi's brilliant entries. this is why i never spoke up in law school class after naomi said something--she was always so articulate and funny and insightful that i would shrink in my seat and wonder how did i get into this law school (and try to figure out what naomi actually said). fortunately, sasha natapoff who is as brilliant as naomi was often sitting next to me in class and could explain to me what had been said by naomi and the other smart people in our classes. i send you all the best and warmest wishes from sunny san diego where i also feel like i have gone mad as a mother. sophia xian is not quite 8 months old and i worry constantly. she just started day care and i worry about every sniffle, every change in behavior, every minute that i am not with her. i manage to be completely and deliriously happy with a life that seems magical with her amazing presence, at the same time i am completely terrified about my inadequacies as a parent and all the things that could happen to her. i can only imagine what you and matt have gone through this past year. today is actually chinese new year so i wish all of you the most wonderful year of the monkey.
with love,
selena (for selena, mel, melvin and sophia)

selena dong epley <mepley@hotmail.com>
san diego, ca usa - Thursday, January 22, 2004 1:36 PM CST
Hi Naomi,

Hope you had a wonderful birthday - filled with laughter and wishing that the year ahead holds happiness for you!
Love, Harriet

Harriet Miller <hmiller@mccsd.net>
Melville , NY - Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:33 AM CST
Happy Birthday, Omi!

I want to let you know that I've been thinking about you and Matt, and Jake, and Julien, and praying for all of you over the past months. Forgive me for not being in touch sooner. I am so moved at how eloquently and poignantly (and humorously!) you have chronicled the entire experience, and feel honored to enter into this amazing community of support. This brush with death has left you and your family more alive than ever, and we are all richer for it.

Love and awe,


Cameron Troxell <ctroxell@mtsac.edu>
Claremont, CA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 6:34 PM CST
Naomi.....A HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish from family here in Illinois. Hugs to
all of you....

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 5:00 PM CST
Happy Birthday Naomi!

speaking of the kindness of strangers--I remember two fabulous people and their dog who took a strange law student, and her stranger dog, in as a friend (even letting her take over their house to study for the bar!!). . . I am not surprised that when you need it, people are there. Much love,

Kristina <kristina_hellman@email.com>
Portland, OR - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 4:58 PM CST

It was so wonderful to see you all. Nina and I came back riding a tide of good feeling & hope & love.

I am imagining you wearing your red shoes to the park, on walks with Jake & Julien, to the grocery store, etc. Even as slippers. You go.

Lisa <heinzerl@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, January 20, 2004 12:21 AM CST

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thanks so much for your call on Saturday. I'm sorry I missed it. (We went to SF for the weekend and had a great time.) I will give you a call later to return the favor. Have a FABULOUS day!!! Lots of love!


Diane Huntley <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:46 AM CST
Dear Naomi,
Happy Birthday. I'm sure the best birthday presents are good test results for Julien. So glad you are having a happy day.
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:16 AM CST
Happy 38th Birthday, Naomi! I hope you have a nice day and, a great 2004! Love, Steve (Coach)
Steve Ellis <srellis47@msn.com>
Claremont, CA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:07 AM CST
Happy birthday, Naomi!

Remember the blizzard of '66 . . .the photos of snow in the trees, on the car, the houses, the hospital?
This month's cold weather may simply be a celebration of your birth. I bow to the North Wind who brought you to me.
And give thanks.


Ma <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA Los Angeles - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 8:54 AM CST
Hi, Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien -- Martha just gave me the website info. A photo really is worth a thousand words -- even your incredibly eloquent, lyrical, humane words, Naomi. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to meeting you when the time is right.

Erica Rapport Gringle <er.gringle@verizon.net>
Durham, NC USA - Monday, January 19, 2004 11:42 AM CST
Hello all,
When looking back across journal entries, it's just like a big sine wave - ups and downs, rise and fall....whenever there's an entry with fear and tension in it, we're all waiting for the next one that brings an easing and relief (although we always feel Naomi's steady background trepidation).

So glad to read the latest one of Julien being energized!
With warm wishes from snowy NJ,

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, January 19, 2004 10:14 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien: A late wish for a Happy New Year and we are hoping to see you back home for the annual tulip "show". We miss our neighbors plus Izzy has less to bark about. I guess it was a few weeks ago that he did the butt smelling routine with Roxie and then nonchalantly strolled away.

Love from all of us, Steve, Andrea, and Izzy

Steven Newman <sdnewman1@hotmail.com>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, January 18, 2004 5:11 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien: So good to see hugs and smiles! The picture by the water is beautiful! About the garbage truck; if you go to the public library, look for a book called "I Stink". It is quite a hit at GULC CCC right now so I am pretty sure Jake and Julien would like it, if you can find it. I found a kids joke website and although I have not read too many of them, some seem ok. It is www.ahajokes.com/kids_jokes.html
I'm glad there are people there to give you hands-on care when you are not here at home. Still think about you more often than I write....lots of love, hugs, and much more sunshine and warmth!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, January 17, 2004 2:45 PM CST
Great to hear that you are alone with your anxiety. The doctor sounds wonderful. And she has the good fortune to be helping such a wonderful family.

I read what you write and am often moved to tears. Today, thank God, tears of joy.

Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Saturday, January 17, 2004 2:13 PM CST

This is Mark, Amy, Calvin, Carly and Zoe Newman. We want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. We look forward to reading more of your journal, and meeting you soon.

Amy Newman <p>
Chapel Hill, NC USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 6:31 PM CST
Naomi, your voice on the phone yesterday was so full of life and energy and optimism! I had stopped regularly noticing the difference the strain had been expressing through your voice, but its absence tossed me up like a happy hat. And today's picture of Jake hugging Julien on the bed looks so vital and happy and healthy.
It is absolutely frigid here today, as Roxie and David attested upon return from their morning walk. Because it is "spirit week" at John Eaton (red-and-white on Monday, stripes Tuesday, etc.) the kids went off today wearing their clothes inside out. Aidan even insisted on putting on his jacket, hat and mittens inside out. Tell Jake that he can inside-out his clothes if he feels in the spirit of John Eaton School South. Roxie is excited at the prospect of seeing all of you. Love,

Nina <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
WDC, - Friday, January 16, 2004 8:53 AM CST
Holy cow---what a beautiful picture!
Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Friday, January 16, 2004 5:48 AM CST
Naomi, reading your entries always moves me, and this one about the garbage truck is wonderful. Poetic and rich, it once again reminds me that you are a natural writer. Perhaps someday when Julien's battles are only for the car keys or a later curfew, you'll piece together a book to support others. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. You have our love and support from across the country.
Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 4:09 PM CST
I didn't know until now that this site existed, although I've been getting regular updates via Kate. Know that I'm pulling for Monsieur Julien.
Jenn Fallon <jenn@sfedit.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:27 PM CST
Oh Naomi --you're so great and so brave and you're not crazy or maybe we're all crazy and that's okay. Keep your chin up as my dad would say. Thinking and praying and hoping and singing for you every day! Love Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 1:31 PM CST
There's something in _Catcher in the Rye_ like:

"I'm convinced that all mothers are insane."

It's stuck in my head b/c it's true--in the best possible way.

Please kiss the hooligan for me.

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:52 AM CST
hello my dears, i just found out about this from mark niles - how overwhelming, your lives over the past many weeks.
i have faith the latest is a wee bump in the road for the garbage truck and you all following behind - stay strong and don't worry too much, you are doing amazingly. i'm sending you a Ganesh, remover of obstacles, naomi dear.
much love - leti

Leti Volpp <lvolpp@wcl.american.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 4:57 PM CST
It would be oh so wrong for me to say at this juncture "keep on truckin'", wouldn't it? Sorry about that. I hope my lame attempt at Monday morning humor at least evokes an amused groan from the Mezey-Paul clan. ;)


Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Monday, January 12, 2004 9:33 AM CST
You're lucky I'm not a poet -- that white garbage truck would be an irresistible metaphor. As a non-poet Dad I don't see metaphors when I look at your family. I see a really cool group of brave people. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, January 12, 2004 8:42 AM CST
Hello all. Sounds like a terrible week--you are not crazed, Naomi, just a Mom.

Long ago, I gave a party (reason long since forgotten) and Jim Feinerman came bearing a lovely gift from Gumps that contained characterizations of persons born in the "year of..." So, Jake was born in 1999, right? That was the year of the Hare and according to my source, he is "sensitive, cautious. His surroundings are important to him. Great diplomat, good listener, sensible with money but not in a crisis loves comfort and routine. Faithful and humble." NOW for Julien, who, by my count, was born in the year of the Horse. "Popular, relaxed, practical, hard working. Born to lead. Headstrong, humorous. Dealing in facts, not opinions. Loves company. A romantic. Will stampede anything to get what he wants." While that last sentence sounds a tad negative, I took some comfort from it. I am sure that Julien, like you, wants to leave this ordeal behind and come back home healthy & strong. My money is on this horse. Much love,

Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, January 12, 2004 8:29 AM CST
Sorry that the week was so hard. Julien is lucky in his parents, in their love and worry. And he's lucky you guys didn't get arrested following the truck. But you did leave out whether there was anything interesting being picked up.

Thinking of you all.


Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA 01002 - Monday, January 12, 2004 8:05 AM CST
Happy to see the new pictures. Also
if following the garbage truck makes
Julien happy....I'd follow the thing
all over town. So good to see him
smiling. Tell Jake the "Year of the Monkey" has certainly been cold here in Illinois.
Hugs for all of you.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Sunday, January 11, 2004 7:52 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
Just returned from San Diego and delighted to hear that Julien seems more like himself and finding the strength to play and laugh and interact with other children.
My very best wishes to all of you for a 2004, (Year of the Monkey, that is)that is filled with joy, more happy days and especially good health for all.
With caring and affection,

Lenore Salzman <lenorers3@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Sunday, January 11, 2004 2:12 PM CST
Happy New Monkey Year! Here's hoping you monkey's can come and swing in our trees soon! We love you, always sending you light. Cynthia and Warren
Cynthia and Warren Klausner <cedwardsblues@yahoo.com>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Sunday, January 11, 2004 0:12 AM CST
I just read on the Trimper page that you followed a garbage truck for 20 minutes today, because Julien liked it - now THAT'S awesome parenting (or record-holding boredom)! Just wanted to let you know that I pray for Julien every day and look forward to the day when his counts hold.
Carolyn Wyman <sythismom@yahoo.com>
Belding, MI Trimper Country - Saturday, January 10, 2004 8:38 PM CST
Julien and family,
I love your new picture of you and your family. It is so exciting to read how well you're doing. I look forward to your journal updates and more good news.
Hendrick Motorsports Prayer Warrior

Bonnie Curran <bjcurran@earthlink.net>
Concord, NC - Friday, January 9, 2004 12:02 AM CST
Dear Naomi: The hens are taking to the road to celebrate your birthday. We are too many to fit in Lisa's roadster, but even in a Subaru, it is a genuine ROAD TRIP. So please set aside Sun. (18th) evening (thanks, Matt!!). Much love,
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, January 8, 2004 7:30 PM CST
Hi Naomi! Just a quick email-like thing to wish you and Julien and Jake and Matt the very best in the new year and beyond. You are definitely missed around here, and I'm not even at the school anymore. ; )

Having now spent several months at the law firm, let me just say that I can see why you said clerking was the best job ever. I see my future and it looks like... applications. Oh, what I would give to just be doing homework again.... (but preferably in France).

Matt Berman <bermanmatt@hotmail.com>
Washington, DC - Thursday, January 8, 2004 10:38 AM CST
Happy new Julien year (happy birthday!).
Happy New Monkey Year to all!
Rie, who was born in a rooster year

Rie Matsuda <rm34@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 6:32 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
A very happy year on the monkey to you! Best wishes for wonderful reports this week. How remarkably generous you landlady has been...I'm thrilled for you.
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 11:01 AM CST
Wishing you the best of new years -- may 2004 hold only happiness for a very special family!

Love you,

Harriet Miller <hmiller@mccsd.net>
Melville, NY USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 7:31 AM CST
Naomi and family, thank you so much for your wonderful entries - a very happy 2004 to you all from Australia - Naomi, I sent separately an email to your Georgetown Address which I hope you will eventually access with some photos from us too! Love, Kim Rubenstein
Kim Rubenstein <k.rubenstein@unimelb.edu.au>
Melbourne, VIC Australia - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 11:35 PM CST
The year of the monkey with a two year old! The perfect combination! I wish lots of "terrific twos" monkey antics in this year as Julien heals, and as your whole family heals also.
I don't think I could be as eloquent as you have been in these writings in the trying times of 2003. Your experiences will be (and most likely have been ) a strength to others. They certainly have touched me.
With love to you...

Sue Kremer, coworker of grandma Olivia
Claremont, - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 9:41 PM CST
Our warmest and fondest thoughts for this promising new year. We miss you. --Ella, Cindy & Kyle [a k a Chomsky].
Kyle Chadwick <kchadwick@stanfordalumni.org>
Alexandria, VA USA - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 9:04 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
It's so nice to read your latest entry and to view the new pictures - everyone looks so happy, especially Julien with his winning smile in the photo album.
Wishing you all a happy, and above all, healthy 2004!

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 7:02 PM CST
Dear Omi and Matt and Jake and Julien,

I just read Naomi's eloquent January 5th journal entry and am so touched I can hardly see. It's printed up for Gloria to read as soon as I get off. Hurrah for all of you!!! Everyone deserves an alternative elephant head to don when appropriate.

You may tell Jake that Kian was born in the year of the Rabbit. His father was born in the year of the Dragon, the luckiest month of all. But we all make our own luck, right?

May the year of the Monkey by full of GOOD HEALTH, laughter, love, and peace for all of you.



Bill Broder <wolfbroder@cs.com>
Sausalito, CA USALAS - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 6:48 PM CST
Hey Folks, I just wanted to wish you all a happy New Year. Your journal entries are amazing. Thank you. Keep feeding the ducks. It's a sure path to emotional and spiritual health.
Howard <seek.howard3@verizon.net>
Fullerton, CA - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 2:53 PM CST

I am very happy to hear how well Julien is doing. Soon you will all be home and starting off fresh. Keep up the good work and I will check in again soon.

Alicia & ^^Angel^^ Tommy Bennett http://caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys/ and www.helpachild.net <Lumberhead@twinwolf.net>
- Tuesday, January 6, 2004 2:12 PM CST
hi and happy new year to you all. i love your musings about julien and jake... they are lucky to have such gifted parents to get through all of this.now i know it is the year of the monkey!
it seems like the numbers of julien's white count have been a bit perplexing...but from what you have written, it seems that things have taken, but are taking time.i ran into dr. luban on the weekend and i realized how very long it had been since i last touched base. i am sorry for that. i am going to try and find you on the cell phone since i am not much of a writer.

promise ahlstrom <jamesmgold@aol.com>
wash,dc, dc usa - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 11:33 AM CST
What great pictures today! I MISS DURHAM and Julien and Jake look pretty super fantastic too.
Kate <katestoia@earthlink.net>
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, January 5, 2004 11:10 PM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,
Buenas Suerte por el Ano Nuevo! The Bernabes wish you the best of this New Year. In one of the church services we attended, Fr. Crossin aptly said that we look at the past year with gratitude (we are grateful that Julien is able to have the best medical care and loving comfort from his family and friends),the New Year with enthusiasm (your family's interest towards Julien is just outstanding and an example to all of us), and the coming year with confidence (your journal is more than enough to assure us that Julien is on his way to full recovery). Our thoughts and prayers are with you all so we can have you back soon in the neighborhood. With warm regards and love, Dan and Salve

Salve Bernabe <masalve@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, January 5, 2004 8:40 PM CST
Happy New Year to you all!
Much love,

Kristina, Patrick, Jerry & Lyle <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Monday, January 5, 2004 5:36 PM CST
Happy New Year from the Wilson/Potter family. Ennis asks about Julien and Jake all the time. I am so glad to hear that Jake and Julien are making up for lost time on being brothers! The affection and intensity of their relationship will turn out to be a comforting and compensating side effect of your terrible ordeal. We send our love. Thanks for telling us about those you have met that are in such great need.
- Monday, January 5, 2004 2:28 PM CST
Hey Mezey/Paul clan -- Happy new year! Just wanted to let you know that instead of stupid and selfish New Year's resolutions, I send 2004 resolutions your way -- for continued progress, wellness and peace for Julien and the whole family in 2004. Love you guys. xoxo Alex.
Alex McClure <kalexmcc@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Sunday, January 4, 2004 0:29 AM CST
Thank you, Naomi, for the wonderful surprise today. In short, you rock. I miss you all and mourn the beginning of another semester without you. Thank God we are never too old for a ROAD TRIP. Lisa, Nina--ready to roll???
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, January 2, 2004 7:50 PM CST
Hey wondrous family,

My very very BEST wishes for the New Years are reserved for you guys. If thoughts could do the trick, please know that I am attempting to scoop from the "well of sadness" that Naomi wrote about, so that she would have plenty of room for love and happiness. My dreams are with you guys

Chris P. <cpalamountain@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Friday, January 2, 2004 3:20 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake,
Happy New Year!!! I'm so glad to hear that the CMV tests were negative. I can't wait to see you all. I hope it's going to be a great, new year! Take care.

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Friday, January 2, 2004 2:26 PM CST
Happy New Year Julien, Jake, Matt and Naomi!

Was Julien really riding a trike this morning???
I heard it on the grapevine. Did I hear right?
If so, it IS a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Love, Gran & Coach

Gran <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA L.A. - Thursday, January 1, 2004 4:14 PM CST
Here's hoping the Year of the Monkey is full of health and happiness for all of you.
Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 8:03 PM CST

Alicia & ^^Angel^^ Tommy Bennett http://caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys/ and www.helpachild.net
- Wednesday, December 31, 2003 3:34 PM CST
Glad to hear there is reason for some relief at the start of the new year. We all wish you many more reasons to celebrate in the coming months. Happy birthday Julien!
Linda, Steve, Samantha, and Jake <lblumber@ui.urban.org>
Bethesda, MD - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 1:17 PM CST
Oh, man, this is hard. I am so relieved to hear that JJ's whites have stabilized, and also that he has no CMV (even though we were all kind of rooting for CMV as holding out an intermediate-serious explanation for the dip-- but it sounds like Dr. Kurtzberg sees the random down-swoop as consistent with the gradual climb). The stirrings on red blood and platelet production are powerfully encouraging. We are so, so, so wishing you all were here. I was all geared up to come on down and see you tomorrow and am feeling super bummed to wake up with a cough, runny nose, headache and big fat pair of swollen glands. (Appreciating the function of white blood cells here.) I know when to sit it out on the bench. But this feels too frustratingly familiar, after Matt and Jake's visit to us was stymied by Sarah's strep. All the strong and upbeat messages in this guestbook make my own gloom feel self indulgent, but there it is. Sarah wrote out a birthday party guest list this morning with Jakey leading the pack. Pencil in May 16. With this kind of advance planning, who knows what kind of a bash she will throw?
Lots of love,

Nina <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu.>
washington, dc usa - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:17 AM CST
Dear Mezey Paul family,
We think of you often and wish you a very happy and healthy new year.
Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter

Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter <suzanneakim@yahoo.com>
New York, NY U.S.A. - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 9:15 AM CST
I don't think I've ever meant these words more than I do now for you: wishing you all a happy, healthy new year...with love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 8:56 AM CST
What wonderful news to close out the old year and ring in the new one! You go, Julien!
Nelia G. <corneliag@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:39 AM CST
Happy Birthday Julien! We wish great things for you during the coming year!
Courtney and the crew
Pit Crews for Kids
Hendrick Marrow Program

Courtney Hurd <churd@hmsracing.com>
charlotte, nc - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:37 AM CST
Great news!! I wish I could have talked with you longer today, but I don't dare get close to you with our colds. I am so happy that tests went the right way.
Jane Trimper <jatrimper@cms.maisd.com>
Durham, NC - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 7:30 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien
We haven't seen you for years (not since Kate Stoia's wedding) but since you're sucha great friend of Kate's I've always considered you a friend as well. I was so sad to hear that your little boy was ill, but so inspired by your words and the site. I just wanted to let you know that we're thinking about you here too, and hope that things continue to improve for your family. Here's to a happy new year! With love, Ruth, Ewen, Noa, Libby and Maya

Ruth Gurevitch
London , England - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 2:42 PM CST
what a cake! what a guy! and what an awsome big brother. I want Jake to plan my next birthday party. I thought happily of Matt the other day as I ate orange, not lemon, with my salmon. It snowed in Portland yesterday. We are spending New Years at Lake Tahoe where there are avalanche warnings for the backcountry. It will be an adventure. I'm sending a bundle of positive thoughts and hope your way. Much love to you all.

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 12:41 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,

Happy Birthday (belatedly), sweet Julien! How lucky you were to have a Thomas the Tank Engine birthday! We have had 4 such birthdays at the Gustafson house - one for Patrick and 3 for Thomas. Good for you for blowing out those candles so many times. You deserve it!

Naomi, have you ever thought about cake decorating as a second career? That is the best looking number 2 birthday cake I have ever seen!

We are sending you our best thoughts and prayers to keep the CMV at bay. Honestly, the name of the virus sounds like something one would say if one was trying to pronounce a sentence with Cheerios in one's mouth.

Before I forget, we got a game for Christmas that the Mezey boys might enjoy. It's called "Gooey Louie," and you have to pick green boogers out of this plastic head with a large nose, with phrases like "Ooh, that tickles" going in the background as you jam your finger up a nostril. If you get the wrong booger, the guy's brain pops out of his head. It's a total boys game, and Patrick and Thomas love to take the boogers and try to shove them up their own noses. Yummy!

Our love to you all,

The Gustafsons

Nelia Gustafson <corneliagg@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA - Monday, December 29, 2003 9:57 PM CST
I've been thinking about all of you today. I hope the doctors had good news and Julien is as animated as ever. Have a good night.
Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Monday, December 29, 2003 9:42 PM CST
Happy birthday Julien and hopes for return home to DC soon... Love, Carrie meadow
Carrie Menkel-Meadow <meadow@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, December 29, 2003 1:34 PM CST
Happy Birthday Julien! We love you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
Sarah Hibdon (Simpson) <sarahh@spanconstruction.com>
Madera, CA - Monday, December 29, 2003 1:25 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Julien!!! We're thinking of you every day.

Love, love, love,

Anne (and Jason, Ben, & Andrew) <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Concord, MA - Monday, December 29, 2003 11:41 AM CST
Dear Julien -- Although I'm a day late, I do wish you a very Happy Birthday! I predict that this year of childhood will, in your honor, forever be known as The Terrific Twos!!!


Diane Huntley <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Monday, December 29, 2003 10:45 AM CST
Happy Birthday Julien!!!!!!! Hope you took some "cake all over the face" pictures too! I will happy to eat cake and ice cream here to help you celebrate! The photo of "the boys" cooking is great! Glad to hear the weather has been mild. I'm betting that means that the rest of your ride on this rollercoaster will be too. Much love, kisses, smiles and sunshine!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, December 29, 2003 10:34 AM CST
Beloved Julien,

Thank you for beginning your second birthday with a kiss for your mother. It made her so happy. Which made me happy. Your cake looks beautiful in the pictures, and so do you and Jake and your parents and grandparents. I enjoyed projecting out and finding myself at your birthday table, especially when I caught your eye and you gave me that long steady stare you are so famous for. Right after you blew your candles out for the third time, I had to leave and give a poetry reading which I dedicated to you on your birthday. Tomorrow I will continue celebrating your birth, and the next day, and the next, until all the days of my life are filled with the joy of your birth, the gladness of your growth, and the unmistakable miracle of life itself.


Olivia Ellis <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA Los Angeles - Sunday, December 28, 2003 11:13 PM CST
Happy Birthday JJ!!!! I remember 2 years ago so vividly: our celebratory trip to the hospital on that cold dark night with sweet (and apprehensive) Jake, my first glimpse of JJ's extraordinary life force (obvious from the first), Naomi's pain & exhaustion & JOY (& delight in Teddy Grahams), Matt's relief & exhaustion & JOY, and your family sharing it all. So much remains the same--let's hope that the joy moves to the forefront in the next few weeks as JJ's numbers soar.

Naomi--tomorrow, with luck, our boy goes to his new home. He and his sisters had a grand visit on Friday afternoon. This "progress"--like so much else these days--seems bittersweet. I wish I could make everything all right for these kids, and right NOW, but know I can't. Your journal has helped me--I am (literally) taking a page from your book--to recognize the importance of hope, of never giving up, of celebrating the incremental victories, and of nurturing the bonds that sustain us. Much love, and thanks (as always) for the inspiration....

Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Sunday, December 28, 2003 9:08 PM CST
I hope you're celebrating with lots of cake and presents.

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Sunday, December 28, 2003 10:59 AM CST
Happy Chanukah and New Year greetings from Great Arbor Drive. I finally had time to catch up with your latest news. We're sure the delay in Julien's release is disappointing but are happy to read Julien's blood count is now in the normal range and he is gaining strength and stamina.

Naomi, you are a refreshing thinker and a wonderful writer. I love your descriptions of ordinary moments. Perhaps with Julien's improved health and fewer IV's to administer, you can squeeze in more writing. As wonderful as it is, your university work (combined with your wifely/motherly duties) probably leaves you little time for other creative endeavors.

Here's to a healthy, happy new year.

Irene and Robert Glaser <rjglaser@comcast.net>
Potomac, Md USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 4:50 PM CST
Hope you all had a good Chanukah. Sorry to hear about the delay in your return to DC, but it will make Julien even stronger and better!

I love the idea of indulgence as a form of decayed parenting. If that is right, then I wish much decayed parenting for the children of the world.

Keep on decaying, indulging, and getting stronger.

Best for the New Year.

Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, Ma USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 11:19 AM CST
Metcalf here, we just got through celebrating a deliriously tasteless Christmas (broken up only by Koethi's attempt, via frenetic gifting, to have me dress more like Sean Penn in 21 Grams) and I thought I'd check the site, for the first time in too long. I think right along with you, Mez; how dreary, more days in Durham; and yet what a beautiful home you have created there, not just in the face of, but out of adversity. We wish you peace and unmitigated wellness, light in place of darkness, and a healthy dose of cosmic remuneration in the New Year.
the 'Calfs <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Thursday, December 25, 2003 10:34 AM CST
Checking in again and I'm so happy to find Julien improving every day and to see how great all of you have coped during these past stressful months.
You are such a strong, wonderful family.
May you all celebrate this beautiful season with joy in your home, peace in the world and love in your hearts...
Hugs to all.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Thursday, December 25, 2003 9:17 AM CST
Its Christmas eve. We have spent the day the four of us, playing an all day game of Monopoly, watching Rudolph, eating Christmas cookies, experiencing so much joy together, and visiting a dear friend and neighbor who is our age and dying. It has reminded us so much of what you live every day; the extremes of joy and fear, love and loss. I am so glad to hear that Julien continues to improve, albeit slowly. I think of you every day. I hope that it just keeps getting better and better and that the one steps back get shorter and shorter. I love you. Rachel
Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 8:05 PM CST
just stopping by to wish you a very wonderful holiday season. Laura and family
www.caringbridge.org/ca/coltonmeyer <foryoucolton@aol.com >
- Wednesday, December 24, 2003 6:56 PM CST
Na, Matt, Jake & Julien,

I'm sorry to hear the news that you won't be able to return to DC next month, but am glad (GLAD!) that it doesn't relate to any serious medical complication for Julien. As I mentioned once before, Capricorns are slow, but thorough.

I know from missing (and homesickness) because I miss you all like mad. Although I don't write often, I think of you all every day and, as always, appreciate your thoughtfulness and caring. You are SO loved by so many people for all that you do that it reminds me of the line at the end of "It's a Wonderful Life." To Na & Matt & Jake & Julien -- the richest people in town! Have a wonderful holiday.

Love, Huntley

Diane Huntley <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 2:27 PM CST
Hi Julien, Just stopping by after seeing your link on gordonline. I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful and happy holiday season!
Lynn <brownfor24@hotmail.com>
Lancaster, PA - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 10:04 PM CST
this is a great use of internet
Jane Dibbell <dibbellj@ulv.edu Dear Naomi and Matt -- Prayers, love and gratitude for you and your family. The gift of your daily struggles and joys is moving beyond words. So glad to hear of Julien's continuing recovery. love, Jane>
Claremont, ca usa - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 12:55 AM CST
This season is so much more joyous with your continuing good news, and your messages.
Your generous sharing of your family's life together has taught me a lot. Love Pat

pat roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, December 23, 2003 11:40 AM CST
what a blessing your faith is. my prayers are with you.

kathryn (jamari's mama)
washington, dc usa - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 9:49 AM CST
hi julien,
happy hanukkah. i hope your feeling ok this week.

Long Island, New York - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 9:03 AM CST
Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Chanukah. We missed you at Marilyn and Bill's last night and hope that we will be able to have latkes together next chanukah.
Joanna and Dave Suna <joanna.miller-suna@cwt.com>
Rockville, MD - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 7:52 AM CST
To Julien and his loving and devoted family,
Thinking of you this holiday season and pray for the new year to be a happy and healthy one for Julien.
Love & hugs,
Hendrick Motorsports Prayer Warriors

John and Bonnie Curran <bjcurran@earthlink.net>
Concord, NC - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 5:39 AM CST
We missed you all at school today as we made gingerbread men (with frosting too!) and lit our Hanukah candles this evening. Molly played a guessing game today. She asked,"Can you guess the name of one of my friends who already graduated and his name starts with a J?" Jamari, Dylan, Ms. Shadawn and I all guessed Jake (those were the only three Lions here at the time). Hope to see you soon! Glad the smiles are coming in greater numbers for all!
Much love!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, December 22, 2003 6:06 PM CST
Mmmm, eating with toddlers is fun! Our "Bears" friends insist that I take their loving offers of soggy crackers. The best part of bagel is eating cream cheese on top, and the best part of waffle is eating butter on top. And, oh, the joy of dipping! Graham crackers in milk is tasty, but saltine crackers in water is just as good. I try to delate introduction of condiments to the "Bears" as much as I can, but, yes, ketchup has been discovered by some advanced eaters.... There must be something about toddlers and their eating patterns they didn't tell me in college (no, I WASN'T sleeping).

holiday cheers,

Rie Matsuda <rm34@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, December 22, 2003 5:56 PM CST
Having just spent a few days with the Paul/Mezey clan, I can say that I am amazed... At how much Julien wants to laugh despite all of his discomforts, at how many times we can listen to the first track of the Choo Choo Bugaloo CD, at how great a big brother Jake is (even when his Bionicle, Turakh of the Rahkshi family, is successfully battling Batman, the StarTrek ship Enterprise, and even Buzz Lightyear), at how many olives Jake and Julien can eat at one sitting, at how much Naomi and Matt are still themselves despite everything, at how much space they had to hear about the trials and tribulations of my dissertation writing and job hunting, and at how good the freshly baked pear tart was.

It was a great visit.

Sarah <skaplan@mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA - Monday, December 22, 2003 4:56 PM CST
Happy Hannukah to you! I have really enjoyed reading about Julien's progress these past several months. I hope the New Year continues to bring more miracles your way. Your family is always in my prayers. Take care.
Melissa Millikin <mrm48@law.georgetown.edu>
Ellicott City, MD - Monday, December 22, 2003 1:53 PM CST
Dear Julien,

Happy Winter Solstice!

The poem presented on your website by Linda R. is so beautiful and perfect for the Winter Solstice. Every day I read it.
Our party for you in Claremont brought many friends together. We were guided by a Shoshone Shaman who took our prayers for you and drummed them through the Earth and sang them through the Air in his tribal language. He followed them until they entered your lungs so you could breathe in the Blessings. He said the mountains between us, from Mt. Baldy to the Blue Ridge, were healed as well as the prayers moved through them.

It was very quiet when he finished. We could tell very important work had been completed.

And then Jane Purcell's young son Jacob sang "Haul Out The Holly" --
and so we did.

Glutted on holiday cakes and puddings, we whispered your name until the Angels of Dusk called us to silent conversations with the spirits of trees and your great grandparents, and your great great.

Gran <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA L.A. - Monday, December 22, 2003 11:03 AM CST
Dearest Naomi, Matt, Jacob and Julien,

I'm happy that I finally was able to access Julien's webpage tonight. I've been thinking so much of all of you and your latest journal entry confirms what I have been hoping so much to hear. I am sending Julien daily prayers for his continued progress. Here's wishing you all a Happy Hannukah as well.
Take care and hang in there!

Love, Mina Spisak and family

Mina Spisak <mina@cruzio.com>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Sunday, December 21, 2003 11:02 PM CST
Hello our darling Mezey-Pauls! As we celebrate our Unitarian/Jewish/Buddhist/Hannukah/Christmas/Solstice (no wonder the kids are so confused!) we are thinking of you and of the miracle of Baby Julien. Here's some of a poem by Fra Giovanni (1513) I like for our holidays that made me think of you:

I salute you! There is nothing I can give you which you have not; but there is much that, while I cannot give, you can take....
No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant. Take peace.
The gloom of the world is but a shadow; behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. Take joy.
And so, at this Christmas time, I greet you,
With the prayer that for you, now and forever,
The day breaks and the shadows flee away.

Lots of love, Linda

Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, December 20, 2003 3:10 PM CST
Hello Matt, Naomi, Julien and Jake -- Thinking of you this time of year, and hoping that you receive the gifts that you want most of all this Hannukah, good health and peace of mind. We love you very much. Talk to you soon, xoxoxo Alex & Blake.
Alex McClure <kalexmcc@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Saturday, December 20, 2003 12:45 AM CST

Just checking in to see how you all were doing. I hope you have a wonderful Holiday!

Alicia & ^^Angel^^ Tommy Bennett http://caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys/ and www.helpachild.net <Lumberhead@twinwolf.net>
- Friday, December 19, 2003 10:57 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
Tonight is the first night of Chanukah. As I light the first candle I am thinking about our own family miracle - Julien and his fighting Maccabee type family. In my life a chanukah health miracle happened at age 12, and I know the glow of the candlelight is bringing health and healing to you.
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Friday, December 19, 2003 6:08 PM CST
Hi Naomi,

This is my first visit. I just wanted to say hello and that I'm thinking of you. Julien looks beautiful.

I enjoyed reading your latest journal entry. Normal life? Routine? You're right -- those things can be miraculous. I hope that you get more of those small miracles as the days go on.

Take care.

Danielle Chappell <dchappell@lawyerforchildrenamerica.org>
Wasington, DC USA - Friday, December 19, 2003 8:31 AM CST
Hello my dears. It seems that everyone I see or hear from these days asks after you and sends their love--Lisa Boyle, Tiffany Washington, EVERYONE at school, my Mom (of course) and the rest of my family, etc. etc. Even my cousin Neal, who is a priest in the Army and is stationed at the airport in Baghdad, wants you to know that you all are in his prayers. The greatest blessing of the holiday season so far is to see Julien looking more and more like his old self--beautiful and laughing. Happy, happy Hanuka--and we are counting down the days till you return to us.
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:09 PM CST
Julien looks beautiful and he sounds just like a 2-year-old with a wonderful 4-year-old big brother. I hope Jake will continue relishing Julien's desire to do everything with him... Page is the same way with Teddy and I count my blessing knowing soon she won't want much to do with him.
Hilary, Malcolm, Page and Teddy <cairnsh@georgetown.edu>
DC, - Thursday, December 18, 2003 2:04 PM CST
Hi F -- Book Club here. We met tonight to (1) discuss the underwhelming No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency (2) drink lots of wine and (3) discuss personal lives -- note that as usual nos. 2 and 3 took up most of the time. We are also sending off a Book Club donation to Duke's bone marrow transplant tonight and want you to know that we love you and are thinking about you and the whole family and wishing you were all here.
SF book club (Chris, Molly, Kate & Alex) <katestoia@earthlink.net>
San Francisco, CA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 0:19 AM CST
You guys ARE miraculous! Keep it up. We await the miracle of your return to DC. Love, David, Nina, Aidan, and Sarah (who suggested the other morning that we save the back page of the Washington Post for Jake's return because it featured some version of a dinosaur -- I guess she thought he might be able to fill us in on which version.
David Cole <cole@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 7:43 PM CST
The former actuary/current tax lawyer in me feels the need to point out that by my (admittedly rough) calculations, Julien's page gets over 150 hits per day. That's whole lot of love for a family that certainly deserves it. Even my mother asks after "that pretty curly-haired professor from graduation and her little boy". I tell her "they're all pretty awesome, Mom." And you are.

I'm so happy for all of you that Julien's starting to feel better and I hope the new year will bring you nothing but health, happiness, good fortune and continued love from your family and friends.

Best wishes for a very special holiday season, Melissa

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:45 AM CST
As a big brother myself, I'm learning a lot from Jake. Your whole family is setting records in the role model category. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:15 PM CST
Hi- just checking in to see how you all are holding up. It's so wonderful to hear that with each day Julien becomes more lively. I can't even imagine how animated he will be when I see you next. Take care and I'll talk to you soon.
Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Monday, December 15, 2003 11:08 PM CST
Just dropping by to say "hi". The new
pictures warm my heart. To see Julien
smiling and walking with Jake's help is
such a great sight.....Hugs

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL - Monday, December 15, 2003 7:58 PM CST
Great smiles! More to come! Great big bunches of love, hugs, kisses, and sunshine (and if you want it, a little bit of snow!)
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, December 15, 2003 12:52 AM CST
What a joy it is to see JJ looking like his old self & smiling.
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, December 15, 2003 10:52 AM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,
We are all SO pleased to read of Julien's progress and seeing the happy pictures is priceless.
You are so lucky to have such a great helper in Jake.
With many warm wishes,

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, December 15, 2003 8:18 AM CST
Dear Julien, Jake, Matt and Naomi,
We are very glad we came to see you this weekend even though it was alot of driving for a short visit. Julilen has made great strides in the last week or so since we last saw him. He seems much more engaged when playing with toys more responsive with people. Even his eyes and facial features are much brighter.

I hope all readers take time to look at the recent photos to see how much that amazing 4-year old Jake is contributing to Julien's recovery.

Bill and I both came home with a wonderful feeling about JJ's progress.

Love to all,

Marilyn Paul <marilyn.paul2@verizon.net>
Washington, DC - Sunday, December 14, 2003 9:25 PM CST
I love seeing the new photos! It's wonderful to see Julien's bright smile.

Endless hugs and love,

Anne <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Baltimore, MD - Sunday, December 14, 2003 9:11 PM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien
We are very happy to hear that Julien is getting better each day. We will still continue our prayers for you all. If we don't see you during the holidays, please be assured that you are still in our prayers. Our best wishes for the holidays and for the New Year too - may every joy that Christmas brings be with you all year through!

Dan, Salve, Anna and Martha <bernabe@rlounsbery.org>
Washington, DC - Friday, December 12, 2003 4:20 PM CST
Dear Jake and Julien,
We miss you! We can't wait to see you again. We wish we could celebrate chanukah together. We will give Tzedakah to the families in need from our Tzedakah box. Thinking of you.
Eli, Jayme & Reyna Bergman

Eli Bergman <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD Montgomery - Thursday, December 11, 2003 4:57 PM CST
Dear Julien and Friends,
Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Coach and I will be hosting a Native American-Judeo-Christian-Buddhist-Hindu Tea in honor of you and everyone who has prayed for your health. There will be Nigerian singing, Tibetan chanting, Sanskrit invocations, Yiddish dancing, Christmas carols, cross cultural bell ringings, Native American drumming and lots of cakes, cookies, puddings, potato leek soup, and every kind of wine, thanks to the generosity of Simpson Meadow Winery. If you are reading this or someone is reading it to you, then consider yourself invited. If Julien gets clearance to fly across the nation on his Persian carpet, the Zoroastrians will help him land it in our midst.

And thank you for your prayers.

Olivia Ellis (Gran) <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA L.A. - Thursday, December 11, 2003 2:32 PM CST
I check on Julien and your family each and every day, and am so happy you are all doing so well. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season.
-Maureen O'Connor (Seidman) <moc@optonline.net>
Roslyn Heights, NY USA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:44 AM CST
Hi, Naomi and Matt
I'm so happy to hear that you all are out of the hospital. Hospitals, even good ones, smell weird. I keep your family in my prayers. I hope to see all of you at a July Fourth parade soon.


Dominique Dibbell <ddibbell@sbcglobal.net>
La Crescenta, CA USA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 0:00 AM CST
I'm glad to hear that you're all getting settled into outpatient life! My hope is that Julien gets happier and happier with each passing day. How could he not with such a wonderful family?! Enjoy these days you're able to spend together!
Andria Kokoszka <aks623@hotmail.com>
Duke PBMTU, NC - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 9:38 PM CST
I have been reading all along but haven't written until now. I'm so thrilled to hear that Julien is out of the hospital and doing better every day. You guys have come so far and have done it with incredible grace and courage!
Anne Stumpe <astumpe@pattonboggs.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 5:07 PM CST
Dear Naomi & Family,
Steve just told me about caringbridge while he was here (in Madera) for Thanksgiving. Although I have not seen you in years, I have never forgotten you & Matt. Your uncle Bob has kept me updated on your lives. It was always great to hear about your boys and see their pictures. I was so sad to hear that Julien was sick. I'm so glad he is doing better now!! I just want you to know that I am thinking about you and wishing you all the best.

Debbie Williams <crzydebi@hotmail.com>
Madera, CA - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 12:45 AM CST
Dear Naomi and family, I learned of this website from Adam Rosman (my new colleague) and am so grateful you've given those of us who aren't near enough to bring the chocolate chip cookies to send some virtual love and baked goods. Your journal is so beautiful and I am so happy that your lovely boy is getting better. We think of you ALL the time.
Much love from
Jen Di Toro (and Ellen)

Jen Di Toro <jditoro@zuckerman.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 9:48 AM CST
Hello all. What a wonderful giving suggestion--I shall follow your lead here as in all other areas (save cookbook selection). I should note that I was not alone in my quest to strongarm colleagues--Jamie Gardner at Patton Boggs actually inspired the idea of the comfort fund and the folks at Patton Boggs certainly ponied up (they get credit for the massages!). Much love to you all.
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 10:51 PM CST
Dear everyone,
Hannoucha is coming soon,the girls love it, not only for the gifts but especially for the lighting of the candles.
To add some of the fun and magic..we light more than one hannoucha, Silvie and Jenna choose their own, and even mammy and dad get one ...
The boys may like that too.

For this occasion,we send you jonathan as a special messenger to bring you love and fun!...
Please,feel free to take advantage as much as you can of his stay with you.He is very good at running errands if you ask him to get you one item of somethings he'll get ten of them (espacially if this item is big)if you ask a couple you'll get a hundred...just in case we needed more than one...!)

Naomi, I don't have access to a computer very often ,I'm entering the site about once a month (yes I know it's hard to believe that this race of people still exist/..)anyway;then, I read what you wrote as if I was reading a book, it's just so moving, beautifully written, so full of emotion!
I'm sure you already thought about it but if you didn't ,you should really consider collecting that as a a verry very very precious document.

We love you very much
nadine, jenna ,silvie
My mom and brother are joining me and wish you as well a very happy holliday .

Nadine <feinsohncarmel@yahoo.com>
natanya, israel - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 9:27 AM CST
just a quick note to say I love the new pictures! In these ones especially, you can see Jake and Julien as "themselves:" not just wonderfully cute kids (which they are) but small individual human beings. They amaze me.
Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR 97210 - Monday, December 8, 2003 5:35 PM CST
Dear Naomi & Matt--
Just thinking about you guys. Happy birthday and thanksgiving and it's so wonderful to hear how well Julien is doing.
much love

Sasha Natapoff <alexandra.natapoff@lls.edu>
Los Angeles, CA - Monday, December 8, 2003 3:49 PM CST
Naomi & Matt, It's hard to put myself together to write this after reading your journal about "Giving". Your thoughtfulness and generosity have touched our hearts. That's wonderful that you could spare your time in helping and caring other sick children and their families during this difficult time when you are actually taking care of your own sick child. This is a long journey and we all need lots of support and encouragement from others to get through it. Please know that Julien and your family are always in our thoughts!
Frances (Rachel's mom) & Family <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Monday, December 8, 2003 3:26 PM CST
Happy belated birthday Matt! I have to say - Julie O. has "saved" those of us here who wanted to help! Just like you described standing with bbq sauce and cookie crumbs on your faces with an "i don't know" shoulder shrug; we had the same pose minus the crumbs and sauce. I'm sure you have been bombarded with gifts through the mail - a "postal" hug from those of us far away. And yet I still wish I could do more! Glad you suggested the donation, my next gift idea dilemma is solved! We are going to light Hanukah candles here at school in the Lions class; I will be thinking of you each day (well, even more than I do already!) I am sending Jake a small package with a "do you remember" note...
Much love, smiles, and sunshine!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC 20001 - Monday, December 8, 2003 2:06 PM CST
Just read your message about giving and was, as always, moved by your great generosity of spirit. You are really quite amazing and wonderful. I'd give to any cause you named even the Republican Party! Well, maybe not any cause, but certainly to Duke Medical.

Yesterday we had our first big snow of the season and, as is our snow custom, Ben and I went outside to play king of the mountain. That means that Ben gets to push me off high piles of snow and cover me from head to toe, He loves it. And I love his loving it.

So, I woke up this morning thinking of you all and just wanted you to know that my thoughts are with you. Let me know if you want me to send you some snow! Or maybe I should send the snow to the Republicans.

Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Monday, December 8, 2003 5:07 AM CST
Thinking perhaps that JJ is moving from Don Zimmer to Winston Churchill...I believe this bodes well and am much pleased. As always, much love to all.
Judah <judoir@comcast.net>
Los Angeles, Ca USA - Monday, December 8, 2003 0:33 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,
I just learned about caringbridge last week and am so glad to be able to hear how everyone is doing. It feels unfair to just be coming in now as it appears things have taken a wonderful swing up. But I am so glad to hear that.
What an incredible journey. thank you for sharing it with everyone with such grace and eloquence. It is obvious there are so many people (all around the world) that love you and are thinking of you constantly. please know that abbie and I are part of that group. there are so many reminders of you around our house...the giving tree, polkabats, the turtle...that bring a smile to my face.
Happy belated birthday Matt, happy almost birthday Julien. happy holidays to all. all our love and best wishes.

Dan Rich <danielhrich@yahoo.com>
palo alto, - Sunday, December 7, 2003 11:45 PM CST

I spent a couple of hours last night reading through your guestbook and journal. Hard to sleep after that. Your eloquence in the face of such emotional exhaustion is really astounding/inspiring. But sometimes extreme situations have a way of stirring us creatively. Still, I'm sure you'd rather have a healthy Julien than a compelling prose style anyday. Speaking of Zimmy, he sounds like a tremendously resilient kid, and I can't wait to see him when you return.

Believe it or not, I barely use the internet at all these days. Most of my prior time online was spent at work, and where I'm temping now there's no internet access. We are allowed to wear headphones, though, so I make it through 5-6 CDs a day.

Where did Jake go to preschool in D.C.? We're shopping around for Nick right now, and any tips you have would be greatly appreciated, when/if you have the time. In other news, we had a Mohel come and circumcise William today; MUCH faster and less painful than at the hospital, plus we got a complimentary bottle of Manischewitz.

Please give my love to Julien, Jake, and Matt (happy birthday!).

Chris Weston <cweston@starpower.net>
Washington, DC - Sunday, December 7, 2003 10:23 PM CST
To those who are reading the Julien Journal:

If you are interested in making a contribution in honor of Julien, Naomi recommended giving support to the Family Support Program at Duke which has been helpful to the Mezey/Paul clan and to all of the other families at the clinic. I contacted them directly, and they said to send contributions to the address below.

Duke PBMT Family Support Program
Box 3350
Durham, NC 27710
attn. Jane Schroeder

Sarah <skaplan@mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA - Sunday, December 7, 2003 9:54 AM CST
Matt's birthday and Jake's fortune sound like just the ticket to dispel the air of melancholy and reinstate vestiges of normalcy, but what inquiring minds really want to know are your plans for December 16--Jane Austen's 228th birthday! Both you and Austen, Naomi, are gifted in your ability to portray the way in which the morally significant manifests itself in the small details of domestic life, although there are hints of Wilde's Dorian Gray as we watch for baseball managers of any ilk to be dispelled from Julien's true and lovely features. Once again, thank you for sharing, and please don't even think about closing up shop. I imagine everyone in Julien's fan club would like to log on once a week and follow his progress at least up until the point he chooses an institution of higher learning and declares a major. You will keep us posted, yes?
Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA - Saturday, December 6, 2003 9:38 PM CST
We are so happy to hear about Julien's progress. We have been following it in your diary from the Laboratory of Immunology at NIH. We wish you a wonderful Holidy season filled with joy!

Ethan & Ruth Shevach
Bethesda, MD USA - Saturday, December 6, 2003 9:12 PM CST
Happy Birthday Matt (belatedly)! Just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you. I believe in fortune cookies! That fortune is the best birthday gift. . . Naomi, your description of your physical and emotional exhaustion was incredible. It must be so hard to celebrate Julien's progress when that kind of fear maintains its firm grasp on your heart. Loved the Mezey list. Talk to you soon, xoxo hugs to you all, Alex.
Alex McClure <kalexmcc@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA usa - Saturday, December 6, 2003 5:53 PM CST
Hi Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake,
I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you. I hope everything is going smoothly. I tried to give you a call tonight but I couldn't get through. I'll try to give you a call tomorrow and see if I can stop by for a little bit. Take care.

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Saturday, December 6, 2003 4:20 PM CST
Gosh, those fortune cookies know it all. Who can beat the wisdom of 4000-year old China?!
Rie, your friend from...uh...Japan

Rie Matsuda <rm34@lae.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, December 5, 2003 5:14 PM CST
Hello Julien and family,
Glad to hear that things are going well and those cells keep growing and working! I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Come visit soon! Take care!

Nurse Brooke <brookecapel@yahoo.com>
Raleigh, NC - Friday, December 5, 2003 2:54 PM CST
Dear MattPaulMattPaul and Naomi
What a crappy reason for me finally to get in touch with you, but I'm glad that WesU alerted us all to what is going on in your lives and given people like me an excuse to write. Reading the journal entries backward, I see what amazing progress your little boy has made, and how it has affected you all; reading your guestbook, I see what wonderful family, friends, and colleagues you have. But the most recent journal entry (re: Matt's Chinese food bday) just plain made me giggle. Matt: You're only Hunan. So lots of good wishes to you all from London.

Liz Rabineau <elizabeth.rabineau@ng-london.org.uk>
London, UK - Friday, December 5, 2003 9:12 AM CST
After considering an indignant response to O'Sullivan's "numb 2L's" comment, I realized I couldn't think of one and therefore her analysis is apparently correct. As usual. So I am indignant no more, and (apart from numb and mildly panicked about exams) I am mostly profoundly grateful that I stumbled into a gaggle of the most incredible mentors on the law school faculty.

I am not SO numb that your website moves me any less now that finals are here, and being bound to my desk I check in almost constantly for perspective and inspiration.

Specifically, on the home front: I have recently received an urgent (yet inevitable) request for a Buzz Lightyear Costume, so any shopping tips would be welcome.

Julien: in my family, when we remember to say grace, you and your family are always in it. You and Thomas the Tank Engine.

Hallie Flint Gilman
Alexandria, VA - Thursday, December 4, 2003 8:51 PM CST
Good morning Julien and family,
Just stopping by to check on you. Your recent pictures are so precious and it's so great to see him playing and doing so well.
Love & hugs,
Hendrick Motorsports Prayer Warrior

Bonnie Curran <bjcurran@earthlink.net>
Concord, NC - Thursday, December 4, 2003 8:04 AM CST
OK, I'm not getting some of the cultural references (you know, that Orthodox Jewish thing just left some gaps . . .) -- but I love the idea of the amount of steroids getting reduced. (They're such miracle drugs and so horrific at the same time.)

I think surrenduring to stuff in the universe sounds like a fine idea. (And actually, I think I could probably handle the new restaurant version of that . . .) But I'm so glad every day is bringing more hope and more routine. So happy birthday Matt -- and here's to many other happy days.

Love, Chai

Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, December 3, 2003 10:13 PM CST
Hey Julien and family,
I am so happy to see that you are doing well. It looks like being out of the hospital is working for you. Continue to keep up all the great work and I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Heather (P-4 Pharmacy Student)

Heather Jackson <heatherj@nc.rr.com>
Cary, NC - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 8:52 PM CST
Just returned from a short trip with
a group of friends who helped me
celebrate my 81st birthday on Saturday...
Looks like Matt and I were born under the same sign, with me being SLIGHTLY older.
I'm so happy Julien is beginning to smile again and to hear how much his counts have improved. You are all in my thoughts and prayers many times a day....
Hugs to all.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 12:03 AM CST
Naomi and Family:

I am a student from last fall's Civ Pro who has been woefully out of touch since then, but I wanted you to know that I have thought of you often and visited the site to check in on Julien's progress. I was thrilled to find the good news of his return home for the holidays.

I admire your courage and your humility in the face of such an incredible challenge. All the best to you and your family.

I hope to see you when you make your way back north.

Sarah Smith (Naomi went to Wesleyan with my older sister, Annie)

Sarah Smith <sfina@mindspring.com>
Takoma Park, MD - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 11:25 AM CST
Happy Birthday Matt you youngster!
And way to go Julien with your wonderful WBC and ANC counts!
Naomi, I completely identify with you on the "clutching" issue - always thinking that by holding on to the bad "what ifs" I will somehow stave them off. I wish I could say I've learned by now that harboring these thoughts has nothing to do with the outcome and that I only waste my good energy on them. Logically, it is so and since you have such a keen mind, I think you should let it take the lead in this case.
Best wishes to you all from right near Wayne,

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 10:54 AM CST
Happy Birthday Matt! You're a mighty good man. We took an overnight train to Chicago for Thanksgiving and shared our prayers and lullabies for "baby Julien" from somewhere in Ohio. Hope he could hear us. Love you all - Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 8:48 AM CST
I'm buried under motions, sentencing memos, and habeas pleadings and dreaming of the days when Rox, Jerry, and I could escape on a whim during the week to Great Falls for some hiking....
miss you all. so glad to hear things are approaching "regular." Sounds like you may be back in DC when I come through in the spring. I'll keep my fingers crossed. much love

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 4:59 PM CST
Hello all. Today it struck me--again--just how much I miss you guys. The end of the semester is upon us. As usual, the faculty is breathing a collective sigh of relief, the xerox room is humming, the first years are panicking, the 2Ls seem numb, and the 3Ls are making their plans for quick get-aways to parts south. It doesn't seem the same with you, Naomi, to listen to me whine about exam-drafting. AND (the final indignity) there is a Hugh Grant movie out, but no Matt to impose upon to do manly things with the boys while we sneak out for a little fantasy time. I am sure Nina joins me in the fervent hope that you all will return in time for our beginning of the semester ritual (as well as a riotous celebration--it HAS to be a dance party once you get some sleep). Much love to you all, and here's hoping that JJ continues to amaze & delight us all.
Julie O'Sullivan <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 8:46 AM CST

Feels like a miracle to see the photo of Julien squatting in the living room of your Durham home. Even in his Don Zimmer incarnation, he's a joy to behold. We still weep when we read your entries, but now they're tears of relief and joy.

When it comes to Fountains of Wayne, Ben and I prefer "Stacy's Mom Has Got it Going On," but we're right there with Jake on his other mode of entertainment.

Jason <loviglio@umbc.edu>
Baltimore, - Monday, December 1, 2003 2:07 PM CST
We had a benighted, largely penis-free Thanksgiving this year, so I'm quite jealous to hear about yours. (We were in 'Bama --you check your genitals at the state line.) We miss you tremendously, but are so heartened at the news. Julien, you truculent little god! We think of you often, and to the best of our abilities, pray for your return to sweet normalcy. mez --we'll call you soon; matt --it's the fate of Gibraltar to be taken for granted, but we think of you every time we put the 'Heels cap on Stella's head, and then some. You carry with you everywhere relationship and love, as Wordsworth put it. Gawd, I miss you all. OK, signing off --
Steve and Koethi <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
Brooklyn, - Monday, December 1, 2003 1:07 PM CST
boobs, bongs, and exhibitionism: my kind of holiday. it is heartwarming to think of you all together at last. can't wait to see it in person. lots of love,
bobby <worth@nytimes.com>
brooklyn, ny usa - Monday, December 1, 2003 12:43 AM CST
Hi Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julian..

A very special happy birthday to Matt! I know you received the best birthday present this year...wonderful how Thanksgiving and your birthday coincided with Julian coming home...
Loads of love,

Harriet Miller <hmiller@mccsd.net>
Melville, NY USA - Monday, December 1, 2003 7:23 AM CST
It's so great to see a picture of Julien playing! We are so glad that Julien is home with you and that he is getting healthier and happier each day. Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!
Mandy, Grant, Sam and Anna <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX - Sunday, November 30, 2003 9:40 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, & Jake--I can't think of any better team to teach a sad child how to be joyful again. We are thinking about you all with admiration, hope & love.
Alice <aclapman@verizon.net>
- Sunday, November 30, 2003 11:54 AM CST
Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Think of you daily, still miss you fiercely, still looking forward to playing with you on our new playground, even if you return to DC in the middle of winter! Much love, smiles, and sunshine!!!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Saturday, November 29, 2003 12:07 AM CST
I am so thrilled you have Julien home with you. I am so impressed with your grace with this whole time. Keep taking very good care of your selves as you take care of your boys. Love, Rachel
Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St. paul, MN USA - Friday, November 28, 2003 10:27 PM CST
I love all 4 of you and think of you many times everyday. Thanksgiving for me is an especially important time since it usually coincides with my birthday--today for example I've just turned 67 ARGGH AIEEEE-then i can return to perspective and remember what the truly big deal is--all of you going through this trial of a lifetime you've been arbitrarally handed with such courage and constant love and the sense of what is realy meaningful within you. I love AND THINK OF YOU with the whole of my heart and write with the latter in my mouth along with all my hopes for you--each of you so beautiful an so whole that i feel like the luckiest person in the world just to be related to you not just by heart but by blood--to be aunt and great aunt to you--not to mention sister to you Ollie--thankgod you're there with them blessing them with your love--I wish I too could be there not jusT with my heart but with body to hug and kiss and feel my connection with all of you. I seldom pray but find myself praYING FOR YOU. i'M GOING TO CALL bOB TODAY TO SEE IF HE KNOWS ANYTHING MORE. It does seem that the worst if over and the corner has been turned--all our love and hope from Harv and Tanya and me.
Hugs, more hugs, bigger hugs--Aunt Bette

tan and me

maya birenbaum <mayamystic @ yahoo.com>
San Jose, Ca US - Friday, November 28, 2003 4:37 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to all in Durham! We hope you have a great day and wish we could be there to share it with you.

Love, Coach Steve and Great Uncle Bob

Steve Ellis <srellis47@msn.com>
Fresno, CA USA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 12:45 AM CST
Maybe it's just the Yankee (albeit former Dodger) in me, but I thought of Don Zimmer before I thought of (or saw) the photo and Tommy Lasorda caption. Hon informs me that Zimmer is a coach, NOT a manager so I shoulda known! (Duh!)As we do everyday, we're thinking of you today. HAPPY T'DAY!!!!

The Hons <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 11:48 AM CST
To Julien and his family,
If you piece together all of yesterday's blessings and today's joys you'll always have a warm quilt of thankfulness to wrap around you. Happy Thanksgiving to your family from ours!
Love & hugs,
Hendrick Motorsports Prayer Warriors

John and Bonnie Curran <bjcurran@earthlink.net>
Concord, NC - Thursday, November 27, 2003 7:51 AM CST
When I read your stories, I am reminded of Donald Sutherland and Stockard Channing in Six Degrees of Separation, twirling their Kandinsky painting: “Chaos. Control. Chaos. Control.” I continue to be impressed and inspired by the graceful, honest way you all manage the entropy of life. Much love, Kristina.
Kristina Hellman <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 3:03 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,

We'll be thinking of you all as we sit down at Bob's aunt's table tomorrow, ready to overindulge. When we think about what we're grateful for, we'll think of you and of you being together at home.

Matt, I'm sorry to report the dumpster dive didn't go well. Bob managed to get more of himself actually into the dumpster than I really felt comfortable about, but nevertheless he didn't see your shoes. If you'd like some plywood or leftover lunch, though, those we could get....

Happy thanksgiving, with much love,

Lisa, Bob, Lucas & Mariah
- Wednesday, November 26, 2003 11:49 AM CST
Juan Dixon had four points last night. Go Hoyas.
Ralph Dalton
- Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:51 AM CST
As a latecomer to Julien’s website, I look back in awe at the wit, warmth, and wisdom contained in these journal entries. You are a brave and amazing family, facts attested to by these many guests whose words of support and affection fill many screens below. I join them with hopes for a restful Thanksgiving holiday for you all.

Oh, and do those snazzy polar bear pajamas come in big sizes? Really big?

With love and admiration,

Doug Kysar <dak39@cornell.edu>
- Tuesday, November 25, 2003 2:02 PM CST
Hey Guys -- just checking in and letting you know that you're in my thoughts. The entries are beautiful. Thanks. Mez -- just sent you something today that should bring back some good memories. Involves Sarafa and Loy too, so all the better. xo. Rasti
Adam Rosman <arosman@zuckerman.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 10:28 AM CST
Just a quick note to convey my wishes for a good Thanksgiving. I think of you all often and with great fondness. I read your messages and am moved by your strength, honesty, and humor. Thanks for sharing all of them with us. Best to you and Matt and the boys.
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, Ma USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 7:56 AM CST
Reading your entry brought back memories of learning how to do saline flushes, manipulating the IV, not panicking when there was blood in the line and just flushing it through.

Amazingly enough, things do become routine. They never become less exhausting, though -- so I am very glad your mom is rounding out the caregiving team to three!

I think of all of you . . .

Love, Chai

Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, November 24, 2003 10:29 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jakey, and Julien,
I'm not good at writing but think about you much more often than I write. Each of you are truely inspiring-- so inspiring that I was encouraged to do something unthinkable. I signed up for my first ever marathon! I will be running to help raise fund for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Inc. My humble request is that please allow me to run in honor of Julien. The marathon is at the end of April in Tennessee. I shall take my sneakers and cowboy's boots!
much love, "Miss" Rie

Rie Matsuda <rm34@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, D.C. - Monday, November 24, 2003 6:02 PM CST
The Tommy Lasorda caption is genius. How is it that YOU are making US laugh out loud? The hearing went reasonably well--update to follow by email. Much love,
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, November 24, 2003 4:02 PM CST
I agree that poets and scientists are not so different. Another thing they often have in common is a deep spiritual sense. I think Jake qualifies on all counts. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, November 24, 2003 10:06 AM CST
Strength and courage abound...you are all amazing. I am so grateful for the update about Ollie and glad she is still there with you. This is a extremely difficult time for all of you, but having the boy's grandma there brings an added dimension of love. You are all in my prayers.
Cathy Rehart <CREHART@aol.com>
Fresno, CA USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 10:45 AM CST
Na, Matt, Jake & Julien,
The Rock of Gibraltar has nothing on you guys. Each of you inspires us all.
Endless love,
The Hons

The Hons <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 8:56 AM CST
Thank you so much for all of the updates. You bring me to tears of one sort or another every time. Julien is blessed that you're still nursing him. I'm so glad Olivia can be with you and hope she's doing better. Jake's comments make me laugh so much. You are all so loved!
(My answer to organization is highlighters.)

Andee Harrington <aharrington@ci.claremont.ca.us>
Claremont, Ca USA - Saturday, November 22, 2003 9:41 PM CST
Happy Saturday! :-)

I just had to smile when I read your description of all the medicine-giving you're having to do. I distinctly remember the first night our 8-year old daughter, Sarah (Neuroblastoma, stage IV) spent at the apartment after being discharged. The home health nurse came and spent about 89 hours giving me instructions that my foggy, weary brain had trouble getting hold of. I looked at my daughter and thought, "I'M her nurse now? Poor girl."

But we survived, as you will. Actually, after a while I got to enjoying all the nursing duties and felt rather accomplished and proud of myself. Oh, one little organizational hint. As soon as we got home, I went out and bought three of those small plastic chests with several drawers--I got one big, and two small. I divided all the supplies between the drawers, and then labeled them all. Made things SOOOO much easier. AND it make me look like I really knew what I was doing! :-)

Sorry this got so long; your update just took me on a nostalgic journey down transplant lane.


Becky Smith <beckysmith62@aol.com caringbridge.org/nc/sarahsmith>
Mooresville, NC - Saturday, November 22, 2003 6:34 PM CST
Others have said it but it is worth saying again. You are my heros, Matt & Naomi. Wine therapy is always a good plan, as is the organizing. But it is JJ who will pull you through. All my love & admiration
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Saturday, November 22, 2003 0:08 AM CST
How happy to learn that you are at home together. Go, Julien, go! Buz, avocados, being a good helper..., it's so Jakey.
Big hugs to all.

Rie Matsuda
Washington, DC USA - Friday, November 21, 2003 6:55 PM CST
Great that he is home. That's a BIG, BIG step. And glad to know he is taking his Flintstone's. Be strong. Many good wishes!!!!!
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, Ma - Friday, November 21, 2003 4:43 PM CST
I just wanted to give you our best once again.
Normally, I would call. But it sounds like you are
much to busy to take phone calls right now.

I continue to wish you strength and endurance (emotional and now physical).

I will call in another week or so. Hopefully, the
routine will become a little more manageable by then.

Jonathan Carmel
Ann Arbor, MI Washtenaw - Friday, November 21, 2003 4:01 PM CST
I'm so glad you're all home and out of the hospital. I wish I could get there to help you guys out in your time of need. I can't imagine how overwhelming all of this has been for your family. We love you guys so much. Thinking of you daily. Keep on staying positive! Love David

David Simpson <dsimpson@riverdale.k12.ca.us>
Clovis, Ca USA - Friday, November 21, 2003 11:43 AM CST
Yeah!! YEAH!! YEAH!!!! We're looking forward to seeing the four of you back in DC after not too very much longer!
Julie, Andrew, and Eli

Julie Cohen <jec@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, November 21, 2003 9:41 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
It's great progress to be in the next phase. The demands seem exhausting, but you are meeting them well. The new rules and format, will settle in soon I hope and streamline themselves into a workable pattern. You are doing a great job.
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Friday, November 21, 2003 8:32 AM CST
Hey Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake,
I'm thinking about you guys and hoping that everything is going more smoothly now...out of the hotel (hopefully) and catching onto the routine of life. I really want to come see you, if not today, then tomorrow sometime. Let me know how everything is going. And don't worry, I've got the whole NBC lineup taped- hopefully the tape didn't run out. I'll have to check. Talk to you soon.

Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Friday, November 21, 2003 8:09 AM CST
I REALLY liked your entry tonight. I thought it was all just me. I can relate to all you wrote - except the nursing.
Jane Trimper - Mom of Maddie and Sam (and Max)
- Thursday, November 20, 2003 6:41 PM CST
NMJJ -- Number of people who can't wait for you to come home -- a big ol' bunch

Number of people for whom this website has become a sort of religion -- is it just me?

Number of times we think of you all every day -- about a hundred.

Take care -- I'm sure your world will feel right side up sometime soon. Lovelovelove, Linda

Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 4:30 PM CST
The homecoming is tremendous news, and now we wish you good luck in translating your legal and business acumen to nursing. Much love from all, but especially Sarah, who upon learning that JJ was out said she was lookjng forward to giving him a big hug and kiss! (germ-free, of course). Love, David, Nina, Aidan and Sarah
David Cole <cole@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, November 20, 2003 3:56 PM CST
This reminds me of one of my favorite songs sung by Ernie from Sesame Street:

So if I should visit the moon
Well, I'll dance on a moonbeam and then
I will make a wish on a star
And I'll wish I was home once again
Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I may go I'll be coming home soon
'Cause I don't want to live on the moon
No, I don't want to live on the moon

Welcome back all of you from your incredible trip! It's always sweetest to come home again.

Tovah Minster <tam29@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, November 20, 2003 1:15 PM CST

Reading about your new roles in caretaking I am reminded of women in Israel, who after giving birth, cling to the hospital stay (you can elect to stay up to 3 days - socialized medicine thing) so as to delay the return to home, their other needy children, tons of laundry the hubby didn't do, and having to take care of a newborn on their own.

Still, you know that everything becomes routine after a while and Jake sounds like a great helper.

With many warm wishes,

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Thursday, November 20, 2003 8:06 AM CST
A mind-blowing Index, Naomi. Yikes!

Being out of the hospital and seeing a real home and the real world are going to be _fantastic_ medicine for Julien. Jake sounds like such an awesome brother, son, and helper.

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 5:52 AM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,
This is great news for all of us! We will continue to pray for Julien's speedy progress so you will all be back soon in our neighborhood. We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving! Barbara is sending her very best regards and would like you to know that you are in her thoughts and prayers. Love, Salve

Salve L. Bernabe <masalve@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:01 PM CST
Julian and family,
What fabulous news!! I am so happy for you!! I look forward to more great news on your progress!! Sending lots of hugs your way.
Hendrick Motorsports Prayer Warrior

Bonnie Curran <bjcurran@earthlink.net>
Concord, NC - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 7:29 PM CST
my fellow americans, Thanksgiving will now be officially known as Grateful Dinner (i don't care what the deadheads say). that jake has got his grandpa's poetic genes. i am going to go wash my hands in JJ's honor. all of us are very, very grateful too.
bobby <worth@nytimes.com>
brooklyn, ny USA - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 3:33 PM CST
I miss you guys already!!! Though I am so pleased that Julien is home and doing so well. Thanks so much for the beautiful gifts -- you guys are wonderful. Come by 5200 and visit me!!!
Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 19, 2003 2:26 PM CST
Congratulations, Julien! What a huge step. We're all so excited for you to be out of the hospital. A perfect gift in anticipation of Thanksgiving. We're routing for you!!
xoxo Mandy, Grant, Sam, and Anna

Mandy De Mayo <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 12:58 AM CST
So happy to hear Julien is out of the hospital. No doubt everyone is working
mighty hard to set up the daily schedule with all the medications and trips back and forth as an outpatient. I'm hoping each day all these things become easier, Julien becomes stronger and everyone gets
caught up on much needed rest. Prayers and Hugs for All...

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 11:31 AM CST
hi guys! we are all looking at your website and can't get over how great julien looks . congrats as to leaving the hospital! every one at the office is following his progress. i imagine you are so relieved now that his counts are going up. promise
promise ahlstrom <jamesmgold@aol.com>
takoma park, md usa - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 11:05 AM CST
Naomi, feel free to share any helpful cleaning tips.
Welcome home Julien! I told your Daddy a while ago that you would be celebrating Thanksgiving - I'm so glad I was right.
What a wonderful, joyous time for all.

Nicki and family <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:08 AM CST
So glad to hear that Julien is leaving the hospital. Enjoy your thanksgiving dinner and we hope to see you at home in DC real soon.
Joanna and Dave Suna <joanna.miller-suna@cwt.com>
Rockville, MD - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 8:39 AM CST
Leaving the hospital!
Led Zeppelin's "Ramble On" springs to mind:

Got no time to for spreadin' roots,
The time has come to be gone.
And tho' our health we drank a thousand times,
It's time to Ramble On.

Ramble On!
And now's the time, the time is now
To sing my song!
I'm goin' 'round the world,
I got to find my girl, on my way.
I've been this way ten years to the day, Ramble On,
Gotta find the queen of all my dreams.

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 5:57 AM CST
Oh how totally, totally wonderful! (Makes one actually incredibly happy about cleaning a house!!)

Much love, Chai

Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 10:16 PM CST
Julien, Naomi & Matt, Congratulations! Welcome home!! We are sooooooo happy for you and looking forward to seeing you at the clinic. Julien and your family are always in our prayers.
Frances (Rachel's mom) & Family <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 8:44 PM CST
Hooray!!!! How happy I am that I checked the news just before shutting down for the day. We'll think of you tonight and look forward to having you next door again soon.
Sherrie <smckenna@cathedral.org>
washington, dc - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 4:33 PM CST

We're thrilled for you.

Much love,

Lisa, Bob, Lucas, and Mariah <heinzerl@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, November 18, 2003 4:23 PM CST
Homeward bound. Fantastic! When I get home from a long vacation I am always very grateful to be home. But such feelings must pale next to what you guys are experiencing now. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving.
Richard Chused
Washington, DC - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 3:20 PM CST
Yeeeaaaa! Congratulations!!!! Praise The Lord!!!

Olivia Revueltas Simcock <olivia@revueltas.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2:54 PM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi and family,

I wish you all the happiest of Thanksgivings this year and for many years to come. The news today brought tears to my eyes (I have been silently following Julien's saga here in the Laboratory of Immunology).

Rose Mage
Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2:48 PM CST
Hi Julien and your mom and dad!!!!
How fantastic to read that you're coming home!! Welcome home little guy!!!!! We continue to think of you everyday. Keep hanging in there!!!!!!
Your friends in Room 12 at Oakmont School.

Mrs. Patti Salwak <psalwak@chs.claremont.edu>
Claremont, Ca USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 1:42 PM CST
This is the BEST news. Yahoo! Welcome home Julien. Lots of love & kisses (electronically germ-free) from Sally, Matt, Clare & Helen
Sally McCarthy <sem35@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, November 18, 2003 1:35 PM CST
Best Thanksgiving of all

From LI

Shirley Starnes
Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:53 AM CST
I am soooo excited for Julien and for all of you. It is so encouraging and uplifting to know that all of our prayers have been answered.

Lots of Love

Sarah Hibdon <sarahh@spanconstruction.com>
Madera, CA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:49 AM CST
Welcome home Julien!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy family reunification, Julien, Jake, Matt and Naomi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nina, David, Sarah & Aidan <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:02 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt,

I am soooooooo happy for all of you! Things are just going to get better and better from now on. I'm still praying.

Love you,

Harriet Miller <hmiller@mccsd.net>
Melville, NY USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 7:32 AM CST
Man, i get verklemmt every time i read your entries. i want the film rights. Holly Hunter plays Naomi, Liam Neeson plays Matt, and Julien, Danny deVito. seriously, it is so thrilling to hear about J.J. feeling better. i cannot wait to see the boy at home again. love and clutches to you all...
bobby <worth@nytimes.com>
brooklyn, ny USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 5:17 PM CST
YIPPPEEEE! Rock on, Julien!
Karen, Eliot and Ira <kxbutler@mchsi.com>
Coralville, IA USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 11:02 AM CST
Dear Julien,

On behalf of all People Magazine employees past, present and future, thank you for making us feel our efforts have value. Just say the word, and your own personal subscription will begin immediately. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise: holding People as if your nails are drying is exactly the right way to do it (even if you're not at a salon).

The Hons <drhuntley@AOL.COM>
Occidental, CA - Monday, November 17, 2003 10:27 AM CST
Naomi, your journal entries and the courage and grace that they describe (on the part of all four Mezey-Pauls) are such an inspiration. Checking your website has become something of a morning ritual for me over the course of the past two months...it gives me such a sense of perspective and of what's really important in this world. Thank you so much for sharing your lows and your highs with us. This latest news has lifted my spirits immensely! Much love, Melissa
Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Monday, November 17, 2003 8:57 AM CST
Wonderful, wonderful news, dear ones. We send huge hugs to all of you and are thinking of you as Julien makes his way home. So exciting to think about. We love you.

Lisel, Marty and Katherine <lloy@energycommission.org>
Washington, DC - Monday, November 17, 2003 8:45 AM CST
Way to go Julien! What fantastic news!
Best wishes,
Courtney and the crew
Hendrick Marrow Program

Courtney Hurd <churd@hmsracing.com>
Charlotte, NC - Monday, November 17, 2003 7:51 AM CST
In an age of sound bites ours boils down to seven words: "Fan freaking tastic! Love to you all,"
Matt, Sally, Clare and Helen
Washington, DC - Monday, November 17, 2003 7:29 AM CST
Hello all. GRAND news! I write not just to exult--but also to tax you Naomi. Could you please check your email so that you can check my report? I'll be hard to reach over the next few days but if you could find a spare sec to email me comments (I'm not good at checking voicemail but I will try), that would truly help. Thanks, and give all your boys a squeeze for me. Much love,
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, November 17, 2003 1:36 AM CST
Day 61 is truly a miracle! What incredible news that you will be coming home in a few days. This Thanksgiving will be a memorable one for all of you. Isn't life extraordinary?
Love and cheers,
Lenore Salzman

Lenore Salzman <LenoreSalzman@msn.com>
Potomac, MD Montgomery - Sunday, November 16, 2003 10:28 PM CST
Hi Naomi, Matthew, Jake and Julien,

Wonderful news! I think of you all everyday and check your website. It pains me to think of how much pain you all have experienced in the past months. I am optimistic that this treatment milestone will continue to take a positive and successful course.


Susan Strober

Susan B. Strober <s.strober@att.net>
North Bethesda, MD Montgomery - Sunday, November 16, 2003 4:19 PM CST
Great news! Although all transitions have their share of challenges, I'm sure the transition to having Julien at home will be filled with joy. We're keeping our fingers crossed for an early discharge from the hospital. Love, Hilary and Family
Hilary Cairns <cairnsh@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Sunday, November 16, 2003 11:18 AM CST
What wonderful news today! May God continue to bless you all. Love, Cathy Rehart
Catherine Rehart <CREHART@aol.com>
Fresno, CA USA - Sunday, November 16, 2003 11:06 AM CST
wonderful, wonderful news!!!

love from all of us,
kristina, patrick, jerry & lyle

Kristina <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Saturday, November 15, 2003 3:05 PM CST
Naomi -- What wonderful news! We can't wait to have you back home. Maybe things will be easier when this loving cyber-community is transformed into hug-giving, food making, playdate-hosting, wine-drinking, song-singing, shoulder-to-cry-on-owning real-life people. You won't be alone. As little Henry says, "We've got you in our clutches!" (followed by maniacal laugh)
-- Big fat bunches of love from Linda and family

Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, November 15, 2003 8:20 AM CST


Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Saturday, November 15, 2003 7:45 AM CST
Dear Naomi, I think the hardest thing about moving through life is realizing how uncertain the very most important things really are. And I think that when you write about the "nugget of fear" that attends overall good news, you are doing something that, you know I believe in deeply: facing reality and dealing with it. As you enter the next phase of Julien's recovery - and I think recovery is where things are clearly headed - it is ok to be afraid yet happy, optimistic yet cautious - it is ok to have feelings that don't cohere completely under analysis. You know I'm writing from personal experience - none quite so hard as what you are going through - and I'm not trying to preach or pontificate. Just trying to share a little of what I have learned as I ride the rollercoaster we all travel on, even if some of us manage not to notice. I keep thinking about how Julien, according to you, reacts to the world as if it is a very new place: which, for him, it most definitely is - mostly because he has undergone a transformative experience and will now have to reacquaint himself with the world and form new connections with it. And frankly, I think that may well apply to you, Matt, and Jake too. I love you, I think about you all the time, and I will be glad to have you north of the Mason Dixon line. And just like we have all been with you during the intense period of treatment, we will be with you through the year ahead as we experience the ups and downs (mostly ups we hope of course) of the longer road to full health for Julien. All my best wishes, Heidi
- Saturday, November 15, 2003 0:04 AM CST
Hi Julien,

I am so happy that you are having a good time in the outside world. We will miss you when you leave here but we will also be very excited to see you walk out of the door for the last time. Keep up the good work!

Alicia & Tommy Bennett (Room 5202) http://caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys/ <Lumberhead@twinwolf.net>
- Friday, November 14, 2003 7:17 PM CST
What fantastic news about hitting 1.0 and 730. Way to go Julien!

Nicki and family <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Friday, November 14, 2003 6:20 PM CST
Hi Guys,
I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for your family! This is great news! With all my love, David

David Simpson <dsimpson@riverdale.k12.ca.us>
Fresno, CA - Friday, November 14, 2003 5:25 PM CST
that julien sandwich is great!

and i've got the julien site bookmarked right above my solomonresponse.org website now -- so i go from hoping for julien to hoping for non-discrimination in a nice mini-second. (can't wait till we can focus our hoping and prayers just on non-discrimination!)

much love, chai

Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
- Friday, November 14, 2003 11:26 AM CST
You are the bomb
morty and kate
- Friday, November 14, 2003 0:09 AM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Olivia, be strong, be well. Thoughts and prayes are with you. Medical leave will work for you (sick leave). If you need sub-pay deduct, ok.

Devon Freitas <dfreitas@chs.cusd.claremont.edu>
Claremont, CA USA - Thursday, November 13, 2003 1:11 PM CST
Savor that Julien sandwich, because I think that morsel in the middle's gonna up and run outta there pretty soon!
Nina <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, dc - Thursday, November 13, 2003 9:00 AM CST
Come on Julien!!! You can do it!!! (If Jasper was doing the cheer if would be followed by "Uh Huh, Uh Huh, You got it. . .").
Clarissa Potter <Potterc@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, November 13, 2003 8:46 AM CST
happy news! (great grandma mary is helping to keep me in touch with julien's progress. turns out we both live in urbana...) sending love
Evelyn C. Shapiro <esha4mail@aol.com>
Urbana, Illinois - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 10:33 PM CST
three cheers for J.J., the six million dollar man of the 21st century!! thrilling news. no doubt he will soon be better, stronger, faster and bionic like his parents. and may the furlough become a full scale riot. we are thinking of you, and sending love and hugs,
bobby and alice <worth@nytimes.com>
brooklyn, - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 4:40 PM CST
The trend is your friend, as the bond traders say. We remain extremely BULLISH for a breakout on the ANC upside here. Heartening news. If Naomi is the Mightiest Woman, Matt, you are the rock of freaking Gibraltar. Keep us posted. We miss you...
Steve and Koethi <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
Brooklyn, - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 12:43 AM CST
i love the new picture of julien. it looks like him, his smile. your entries, am i right in assuming that naomi is the writer? , have a wonderful flow and grace to them. even better is the news of julien's blood test staying above 500. i am glad his cells are reproducing. washington is a bit dreary today, but warm. my love to you all, promise
promise ahlstrom <jamesmgold@aol.com>
takoma park, md usa usa - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 11:14 AM CST
Hooray!! Julien must have been thrilled to go outside!!

All our love & hugs,
Anne, Jason, Ben & Andrew

Anne Wolf <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Baltimore, MD - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 10:02 AM CST
Your recent reports are so encouraging. I'm hoping you have made copies of your
entries to keep in a book for Julien.
You have been so thorough and explained
the situation so well and your continued
updating, keeping us informed of cell count, and day to day happenings has mean't so much. Love and Hugs to all
of you.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:12 AM CST
About today's results, I say HOOOOOOORAY! Danny says "awesome." (No doubt Jake says tres, tres, bon). Much love.
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 8:10 AM CST
Dear Matt and family:

Been thinking about you all and praying for Julien. Happy to learn of the positive developments. Looking forward to hearing about your entire family's homecoming in time for Julien's upcoming birthday. Please accept my heartfelt warm wishes and continued prayers.

Steve Sherman <ssherman@pattonboggs.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 9:34 PM CST
Dear all,
We're happy for everyone that Julien got a respite from the hospital room. We can only imagine how confining the space must feel. Glad to hear the numbers are going in the right direction. Sending continued good vibes and love, Hilary, Malcolm, Page and Teddy

PS: Confession... I may be skewing the Caring Bridge count on number of visitors since I think I'm at about 2,000 looks.

Hilary Cairns <cairnsh@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 8:05 PM CST
Whee!! Gettin' out to see the world! That'll get those juices flowing...I'm imagining those donor cells yearning to get at that ourdoor playground as soon as humanly possible! Way to go!!
Consuelo <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 6:29 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien
JulieO told me about your web site, and I've just spent an hour reading of your extraordinary journey.In my work , I've learned not to say "I know how you feel" to clients and others who have been hit by hard times.None of us, save those who have likewise been hit, can really feel the enormity of your difficulties.But as I think of my own sons, some of it sinks in.
Your courage and sence of hope are inspiring. Thanks.
You are in my prayers Bob Muse

Bob Muse <rmuse@steinmitchell.com>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 1:19 PM CST
And the fans go wild!!! You go Julien! Un,un,un-believable! - Love from the Ryden-Cohens
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 7:28 AM CST
That boy is the chief source of good news in the world today. God bless him.

Un! Un! Un!

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 5:34 AM CST
Hello Mezeys (including the Mezey who goes by Paul) - the one hour furlough sounds excellent. I'm keeping up with your journal even when I don't have a chance to drop a line. The basically good - very good news - about engraftment and other medical signs gave me a real high.
- Monday, November 10, 2003 11:55 PM CST
Naomi and Matt, I am pretty antimaterialistic, excited about imaginitive play, and not very media oriented when I am wearing my teacher hat. The lantern walk sounds like fun! Did you get to see the lunar eclipse on Saturday? I'll be hoping for 500+ for Julien! It is exciting that you talked about taking Julien "home". If he is allowed outside when you all get home, I will do an "Indian Summer" dance for you all to have a spurt of warm weather!
Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and sunshine!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, November 10, 2003 8:07 PM CST
Dear N&M -
so wonderful to hear about the progress.

Sasha Natapoff <alexandra.natapoff@lls.edu>
Los Angeles, CA - Monday, November 10, 2003 3:47 PM CST
Na & Matt--
Such fabulous news brings the welcome tears of joy and relief!!!! Stop the presses as Julien proves the validity of astrology: Capricorns ARE slow, but thorough. "Happier than one's ever been" has never rung truer. We look forward to more and more good news. Endless love to you all.

The Hons <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA - Sunday, November 9, 2003 4:19 PM CST
wow, it feels we're all breathing a little easier. good job all of you mezey-pauls!
love always, kim

kim sargent-wishart <kswish@mac.com>
sanfrancisco, ca usa - Sunday, November 9, 2003 10:38 AM CST
Fabulous. this is great news.
Austin Sarat <ADSarat@Amherst.edu>
Amherst, Ma - Sunday, November 9, 2003 8:02 AM CST
Matt, Naomi and family,

Your journal postings are so thoughtful, informative, encouraging, heartwarming, heartbreaking, and sometimes funny all at the same time. Every entry is a cliffhanger, and I think about little Julien and wish him well all the time, even though I've never had the pleasure of meeting him. The strength and love you show is inspiring -- Julien is lucky to be surrounded by such a loving family. Thanks for the updates, and grow ANC grow!

Norah Molnar <nmolnar@pattonboggs.com>
Falls Church, VA - Saturday, November 8, 2003 9:45 PM CST
Grow Grow GROWWWWW. Such good news. We are so happy for all of you. Let's hear it for decreased steroids and increased smiles.
Pat Roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
washington, - Saturday, November 8, 2003 2:28 PM CST
Naomi and Matt -- The latest news is so exciting! We can't wait to have you home so we can give you all this love in person. xoxoxoxoxo - Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC 20015 - Saturday, November 8, 2003 1:22 PM CST
Rock on, lil bro! Grow! Grow! Grow!
Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA USA - Saturday, November 8, 2003 8:18 AM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
Still doing our daily check-in to hear news of Julien's progress. The dips in the WBC count must be nerve-racking but then again the count did climb up rather fast the days before. So wonderful to hear of his laughing - it will probably also help promote cell growth.
Julien is foremost in our hearts and thoughts every single day.

Nicki and Eli Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Friday, November 7, 2003 4:03 PM CST
Naomi and family,

I just wanted to let you know that I think of you all often and am sending as many prayers/good thoughts/good vibes as I can your way. It is good to hear that the doctors are satisfied with Julien's progress -- and the Halloween pictures are absolutely adorable!

I'm so glad to hear that Jake is enjoying the neighborhood and the Waldorf school -- and how lovely to have a laugh from sweet Julien! :)


San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, November 7, 2003 3:28 PM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jacob & Julien-

I was so excited to read the journal this week. I wanted to let you all know that I think about you everyday and am hopeful for a quick return home. Your the strongest, most wonderful group of people and were lucky to have family like you.

All my love-

Robert Miller <rmiller@carat-na.com>
NY, NY 10021 - Friday, November 7, 2003 2:04 PM CST
I'm having my peets coffee "with" you all this morning. the leaves in portland are stunningly beautiful in the morning when I run. Do you remember Gumby? Well, I'm pretending I'm Gumby, stretching my looooong green arms out to North Carolina to hug you. (So as not to be left out, Jerry is pretending he's Pokey. The resemblance is striking!) Much Love.
Kristina Hellman <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR 97210 - Friday, November 7, 2003 12:31 AM CST
Hi Everyone. To say that you all have been through the wringer is such a trivial statement. Goodness. Naomi and Matt, please make sure you get the much needed rest and stay healthy. I'm glad to hear Jake's foot is better. Julien can pull on anything of mine anywhere, if that is what it takes to get a laugh... I bet there are many people (doctor, nurses' grandmas) who would stand on their heads or do some other outrageous stint to keep him laughing. Olivia! Do I need to be worried about you? You know me, I'm not a worrier but I am sending all of you daily and passionate prayers. God has a plan and the process is so darn tough. I hope He reveals the lessons in our human positive way and soon! The news has been good. Keep up your chins. Let us know if there's anything we can do from Southern California. Love, Lori
PS: Olivia, you know how I feel. Take as long as you need.

Lori <lkerns@chs.cusd.claremont.edu>
Claremont, Ca USA - Friday, November 7, 2003 11:55 AM CST
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and JJ,
Dan and Anna, our oldest daughter left last Tuesday, Nov. 4 on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. They are bringing with them a petition to the Blessed Mother to hasten JJ's cells to grow faster so you all will be back soon in our neighborhood. Please be assured that you are always in our prayers. Love, Salve

Salve L. Bernabe <bernabe@rlounsbery.org>
Washington DC, USA - Friday, November 7, 2003 8:45 AM CST
Two steps forward, one step back, a snap of the badge and a laugh out loud. Once again now...

Keep going, Julien! You'll drive your family nuts before you're done with this dance, but it's wonderful to read that you are making progress.

Maureen Young <maureen@fol.it>
Florence, Italy - Friday, November 7, 2003 6:12 AM CST
You go, boy. Snap that tag!

The African National Congress will g r o w!

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA USA - Friday, November 7, 2003 0:31 AM CST
Hi Naomi,
I read every day, without fail. I'm so glad things are moving along, numbers going up (with dips...that's ok) and other things happening that necessitate attention (there's a reason for that... humor, and breaking up of concentrated "concerned" energy focused on Julien), and am sending love, smiles, hugs, and the image of you all laughing, talking, and relaxing together very soon! In fact, why wait? I so appreciate your wonderful way of writing. Thank you for keeping us all in one big loving loop!

Consuelo <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Thursday, November 6, 2003 5:33 PM CST
Hello all. I am so glad that JJ's cells are multiplying and that Jake has picked an identity that will not entail overuse of such words as "trope," "deontological," or ex ante/ex post" (not that there is anything wrong with that). We clearly need to send you a little Edith Piaf for your candlelit dinners. I trust that you got some sleep last night and that, in a week or so, your terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day will seem funny. Have I really sunken to the level of making in-jokes understandable only to those reading books to 5 year olds? Yes--anything to earn a smile from you and yours. Much love,
Julie O'Sullivan <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, November 6, 2003 11:41 AM CST
We are so happy to hear the good news and continue to hope for more!
Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter
New York, NY U.S.A. - Thursday, November 6, 2003 10:06 AM CST
Your fortitude continues to amaze us. You are our heros. We're sending our thoughts and love your way. Clarissa, Jim, Ennis & Jasper
Clarissa <Potterc@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, November 6, 2003 9:13 AM CST
Congratulations on Julien's improvement! Just a note to let you know that Dylan still talks about Jake and misses him a lot. He kept wanting me to invite Jake to come home and play with him. So if you are in the area you are more then welcome to come home! And if there is anything that I can help, please let me know! Dinny 703 371 3414 cell phone
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Newington, va usa - Thursday, November 6, 2003 7:57 AM CST
Really pleased to hear the good news about Julien. Hang in there. More good things are surely on the way!
Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Thursday, November 6, 2003 4:28 AM CST
Jake, I feel your pain. We elder children can play the supporting role for only so long and then we needs must steal the show, and with JJ's penchant for suspense, Jake has a tough act to follow. I once prayed to God to give me asthma so I could stay home and have dinner on a tray like my afflicted sister. Thank God, literally, that prayer wasn't granted. And if a blood clot means Olivia gets to stay by your side awhile longer....well, we can do without her in Claremont so long as she comes home healthy! Is she still wearing the cowboy hat and vest? Beguile the tedious day with golden sleep, Good Naomi, for who knows what the brothers Mezey have in store for the morrow.
Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 11:42 PM CST
Naomi and Matt,
I am so happy that the news is turning around. I hope each day brings both the hoped for medical news and noticable change and return to normalcy in Julien. Safe umbilici seem like a great start.
We have had a beautiful fall here until the last week when it has turned cold and wet and blustery. Charlotte's reindeer costume kept her warm and Louisa's Anne of Green Gables get-up was improved by "woolens" worn over her tights and under her dress which I convinced her was terribly historically appropriate. I always think of you in the fall, Naomi, because that is the season we met. I remember collecting beautiful leaves around campus and giving them to each other. I also remember standing on Foss Hill that fall and you pointing west and saying there is California. I had no sense of direction at that point and was smart enough to realize you did, and that if that direction was California then it was also Iowa. You helped me learn to love the concept of place. I hear how hard it is to be displaced right now, but I also know how good you are at creating homes and relationships wherever you are.
Tonight I am pointing east (right?!) and saying there is North Carolina. I send all the most beautiful autumn leaves in my heart to you and Matt and Jake and Julien. Rachel

Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 10:25 PM CST
OK, We have our marching orders. We are going to concentrate on the ANC. And we're going to remember that it's not the African National Congress, it's the Absolute Neutrophil Count. Go ANC! Go Julien! Love, Steve, Missy, Joe and Becky
Steven Goldberg <goldberg@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, November 5, 2003 2:23 PM CST
Mez --
What happy news flooding north to greet us this week. Hooray Julien! We are thinking of you and checking in every day to the website. Just wanted to let you know we miss you and love you and are thrilled about the news.

Lisel, Marty and Katherine <lloy@energycommission.org>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 11:05 AM CST
Mes petits chous,

C'est fantastique!!!!! Dites a Jake: Bon courage! Je vous adore! A bien tot!!

Diane Huntley <drhuntley@aol.com>
Occidental, CA USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 10:35 AM CST
Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien: Naomi and Matt, Glad to hear the good news. I was worried yesterday when there was no update because of the expected report about donor cells. I almost called you, but I was torn between knowing that you gave us your phone numbers expecting us to call - and not being intrusive because you are so busy....reading your journal entry makes me wish I HAD called, but hindsight is 20/20! Naomi - I have noticed through some other caring bridge sights that you are also busy supporting some of the other families there in similar situations; how like you! Jake - What do you call a bat who was run over by a steamroller? A flat bat! When you get back to DC, I want to invite you to come play on our new playground with me, we started using it on Monday! Julien: Hang in there little buddy! Grow cells grow! I have a secret for you: your parents like it when you are ornery right now because that lets them know you are fighting, just add a smile every once in a while!
Well-forever much love, hugs, kisses, and sunshine!

Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 9:05 AM CST
Dear Naomi & Matt,

We are swooning & fainting at the news of Julien's cell counts, even though we happen not to be french movie actresses.

Naomi, you write so beautifully, what are you doing being a law professor? You know we can't write.


Lisa, Bob, Mariah, and Lucas <heinzerl@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, November 5, 2003 6:38 AM CST
I predict that Jake's next words will be "genre" and "ennui."

Sending love and prayers,

~Becca Davidson <davidson.22@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 1:38 AM CST
Dear Julien,
I hope you feel better. My mommy told me that your cells are growing and me and Jonah say "grow cells grow and Julien get well" all the time. I'm learning about healthy food in school now so you need to eat all your vegetables.
Love, Emma

Emma Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 8:11 PM CST
Hello sweet precious family of mine. What fantastic news, engraphment should take place in the next 10 days. WOW!! Its been a long hard wait. I can just see the the joy on your faces as you see JJ getting better. How couragious you`ve all been watching through all he`s had to suffer. It makes my heart sing to know there is comfort for you near. GROW DONOR CELLS GROW!!!!! LOVE HUGS & KISSES TO ALL MARY A.
MADERA, CA USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 7:30 PM CST
What a cutie!! I will go back and read your history but I wanted to let you know that I found your page. Dr. K has been my doc for about 15 years now so that's how I came across your site. Take care!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <khalita@hecaresonline.org>
Lexington, NC - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 5:52 PM CST
I read your journal entries regularly. My amazement at your fortitude, grace and humanity is unbounded. You continue to teach us from a distance.
Richard Chused
Washington , DC - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 2:21 PM CST
Naomi & Matt,

I am so excited to hear that Julien is at .4. I am praying for him everyday and can not wait for the count to continue to rise.

I love you guys.

Sarah Hibdon <sarahh@spanconstruction.com>
Madera, CA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 1:23 PM CST
Celebrating every step, even if small, in this difficult jouney. Hold tight to each other, rejoice in each other.
Warm hugs and kisses from Claremont to Olivia's babies.

Sue Kremer (Olivia's co worker in Claremont)
Rancho Cucamonga, CA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 12:38 AM CST
Dear Julien, Julien's mom, dad and Grams!
We just want to send you happy thoughts from Room 12. We discovered that you were smiling again the other day. It was nice seeing you and your Grams in the Halloween picture.
We love you a lot and want you to get better real soon.
We are sooooooo proud of you!! Keep smiling "Big Boy! When you smile the sun shines!
Love, All of us in Room 12

Mrs. Salwak and class <psalwak@chs.cusd.claremont.edu>
Claremont, ca sa - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 11:45 AM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt, Your precious Julien is never far from my thoughts. My prayers for his healing are ongoing. Naomi, the last time I saw you, you were about Julien's age. I don't expect you to remember! Your mother is my dear friend of many years. We were English majors together at Fresno State. May God keep you in his care...Cathy Rehart
Cathy Rehart <CREHART@aol.com>
Fresno, CA USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 10:18 AM CST
Found your website via the Bennetts and just stopped in to say hello. The pumpkins were darling, as were the children! Hope things continue going well. I will be including Julien in my prayers from now on. Take care!
ann <akeran@isbe.net>
springfield, il us - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 9:39 AM CST
Good Morning, Dr. Paul told us this morning Julien had
a .7. We are all very excited for you. YEAHHHHHHHHH

from the LI

Shirley Starnes
Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 8:40 AM CST
very cute pictures and good carvings (I am always, nearly irrationally, impressed with talented pumpkin carvings). we are all thinking about you and I was so happy just now reading about the improvements and your pearly moments of joy, YES! With love, Sally, David, Terra, and Hayden

Sally Swanson <swansons@email.unc.edu>
- Monday, November 3, 2003 7:16 PM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,

We've been out of sight, but not out of mind. I've been taking a few moments to keep up on JJ's progress, and we're all so excited to hear about his slow, but upward climb to .4. You go JJ!

Naomi, did I forget to mention how stubborn a second child can be, particularly when you have two boys? Patrick is sweetly compliant, in his angry bunny way, but Thomas is the "No, I do it all by myself" boy, iron-willed and tenacious. JJ, in his rise to .4, is just showing you his independent nature. I'm surprised you haven't heard "I'll do it my way!" out of him in this whole process.

By the way, we love the belly-button digging story, mostly because Thomas insists that he has no belly button, just a tummy. (This stems from "losing" his belly button briefly because of a hernia.) Maybe we just need JJ to remind Thomas what that divot in his tummy really is!

Our love to you all,

The Gustafsons - Nelia, Erik, Patrick, and Thomas

Nelia G. <corneliag@cox.net>
- Monday, November 3, 2003 1:09 PM CST
What happy news over the weekend! Both the phone message from Matt to let me know where you guys were (physical location and mental states) and then logging onto the website to learn of the fantastic news of the .4! I have been thinking a lot about all of you over these last few months--actually every morning as I drink my peets coffee(!) & hoping for good things to happen.
Naomi--I too read Jane Austin when things get tough! I would love to hear your thoughts on Pride&Prejudice (and others) whenever you have a chance.
We (me and jerry) miss you all very much and send lots of love and hugs and (from jerry) sloppy dog kisses. xoxo

Kristina Hellman <kristina_hellman@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR 97210 - Monday, November 3, 2003 12:55 AM CST
Happy news on a monday morning. Hooray!

One word on the pumpkins. Last week as we were carving our own jack-o-lanterns, I just had to laugh when I remembered Matt's "Charlie Brown" pumpkin of so many years ago. Mateo, do you remember the carving party we had? You were a deer in the headlights-- what? a grown man and I have to carve a pumpkin? But you prevailed, and a lovely, pathetic little jack-o-lantern emerged. It was precious! This years' pumpkins are masterpieces. Congratulations to you all!

Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA US - Monday, November 3, 2003 12:13 AM CST
What wonderful news to start off my Monday morning! I'm so happy for all of you; the news of .4 must have brought you such relief. Gayle is right about the EJF auction...though it was a huge success, there was just something missing: YOU! At one point Prof. Feldman invoked your name, prompting me to bid on something I was certain I didn't even want. Thankfully, some other poor soul was moved to outbid me.

Sending you lots of hugs and love on this happiest of Mondays...

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Monday, November 3, 2003 8:55 AM CST
Naomi and Matt: You KNOW you've gotten good news when even Jitendra gets so excited that he, uncoerced by me or anybody, feels the urge to write. He spent about 15 minutes at the computer, and I thought he was really going to town. When he finished, I said, "So, once you got going, you really had a lot to say." No comment from Jitendra. So I signed on to take a look.....well, the message may have been brief in the eyes of some, but as I told Naomi, Jitendra has been so filled with concern for Julien that he really has not been able to broach the guestbook - like Julien, Jitendra moves at his own leisurely (shall we say stubborn?) pace - even over, perhaps especially over, important things ... like discussing .4 and a return to Jitendra's cricket 11!

Naomi, I auctioneered at EJF when I truly did not think I had the energy to do it, but I felt I wanted to in both of our names. I even tried to borrow some of your style, but of course nobody can compare to La Mez at EJF. We had fun, though, and as Gayle Horowitz wrote, we raised a bunch of money, although we certainly would have done better with you there.

Ok, although I wanted to comment more extensively on Matt's observations about taking pleasure in making one's children do what they do not want to do - I've run on enough here. I'm loquacious with happiness about the .4. Just keep on keeping on...with love, Heidi

- Monday, November 3, 2003 7:38 AM CST
Heidi reads me the journal every few days -- great to hear about the 0.4 -- it's cricket time!

Loved the pumpkins and the costumes!

Best to all

Jitendra <jsubblue@yahoo.com>
- Monday, November 3, 2003 7:16 AM CST
Dear Omi and Matt,
I have been reading your website faithfully and thinking about all of you lovingly for months. You guys are so brave and patient, and have all had to go through so much. I am so happy to hear that there is starting to be some real progress finally. I so much hope that the worst is over, and from here on he will come back to you healed, healthy and whole as quick as his little body is able. My mother has been trying to write to you, but has a hard time with e-mail. She's lost two long messages to you somehow, and was miserable about it. She wants you to know that she loves you all very much, and is thinking about you all the time.
Love Chandra

Chandra Birenbaum <chirenbaum@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, Ca - Sunday, November 2, 2003 7:29 PM CST
Dearest Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien,
What great news! Llewellyn and I have been praying for him and visualizing those donor cells being welcomed in as family to settle on in and multiply like bunnies. Jarrah missed his first Halloween, he was going to be a kangaroo. We had a cunning plan to take him out, and then eat all his candy, seeing as how he doesn't have teeth yet. But the cold rainy SF night kept us in with Wallace & Grommit. Tell Jake that Buzz is my FAVORITE. I have him with me in my car at all times. I love you all so much. Thanks for posting the photos, I can see that capricorn determination right through the puffy face. It's very clear, Julien's will is STRONG.

Kim Sargent-Wishart <kswish@mac.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 6:02 PM CST
I'm so happy I could cry! What a great boy. Here's a joke for Jake: Joe is at home when his next door neighbor calls him on the phone. Joe, he says, there's a penguin in your back yard. Joe says, Really? What should I do? His neighbor says, Well I think you should take him to the zoo. Great idea says Joe. The next day Joe's neighbor calls again. Joe, he says, that penguin is still in your back yard! I thought you were going to take him to the zoo. I did, says Joe. And today I'm going to take him to a ball game! Rosie and Henry find that one hilarious. Love you all, Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 1:05 PM CST
Dear Naomi and Matt

I've been after Linda to give you a call now and then while I travel about the country and beyond on much too regular a basis these days, but she has been dealing with all sorts of crises and health problems, although nothing compared to what you have been going through with Julien. Reading your message of last Friday, it sounds like there has been real progress. We hope it is the harbinger of many more positive signs.

We definitely will call to say hello and chat over the next few days. We know that you are going down a long and uncertain path, but it is nice to know that you see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Best wishes for a few minor miracles, Harold

Harold Weinstock <harold.weinstock@afosr.af.mil>
Springfield, VA USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 11:15 AM CST
Happy Halloween to Jake and Julien! I was so happy to see the return of Buzz Lightyear:) Julien, you're looking great in the elephant costume too!

Naomi, we had the EJF Live Auction Thursday night and it was a fine success. All told, I think we raised about $45,000 for the Fellowship Fund. All the profs were quite wacky and wonderful, and I'll send on pictures as soon as I get them. I can't tell you how many students came up to me, just to say how much they missed seeing you on stage. You really are one of a kind! So I just wanted to pass on that love from your students -- I hope it adds to the excitement you're already feeling over Julien's continuing recovery. love, Gayle

Gayle Horwitz <gih@law.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 10:45 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

What a joy to read your latest entries! .4 is so hugely exciting after all these long long weeks of waiting. Loved your Halloween photos too. We send elephant-sized loads of love and wishes for continued cellular momentum (and more smiles from beloved Julien)!


Matt, Sally, Clare and Helen
Washington, DC - Sunday, November 2, 2003 10:22 AM CST
Dear All,

What a blessed Holloween Day! Seeing the pictures brought back a flood of good memories. Carving pumpkins (same T-Rex) last year with you all in D.C. was so wonderful.

We are sending more positive, healing, growing, and happy-birthday-to-Olivia thoughts your way.

Much Love, Jenny and Warren <jag@ucsc.edu>
- Sunday, November 2, 2003 1:58 AM CST
Hooray! Glad to hear the good news! I was thinking of Jake and Julien as I went trick or treating with my niece and nephew - happy to hear it was a good day for you all! Much love, hugs, kisses and sunshine to you all!!!!!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Saturday, November 1, 2003 10:32 PM CST
I'm sure when Julien smiled at you
yesterday, it was like a beautiful light
at the end of a dark tunnel. We are
all hoping the .4 keeps going up. That
was a great birthday present for Grandma
Olivia. Prayers and Hugs for all of you.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Saturday, November 1, 2003 6:10 PM CST
Yay for .4!!

Here's hoping the steroids keep coming down and the donor cells keep going up! . . .

Love to all of you,

Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
Wash, DC - Saturday, November 1, 2003 5:45 PM CST
This is glorious news! We are beside ourselves. (Now can you reduce my cheeks and irritability? And don't believe Bobby for a minute --that was his hair up in a quiff.) We knew so much good karma could never go to waste. Go Julien, Go! We are thinking about you, and all of yours...
Steve and Koethi <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
- Saturday, November 1, 2003 7:57 AM CST
Dearest all of you: How happy all of us are for the great news!. Olivia Ellis Happy Birthday!!! you look so beautiful in that cowgirl costume! The children are Blessed.
Olivia: I did not notice the extend of how much I am concern about Julien until 2 or 3 days ago when I read in the journal the he get .3, then I felt lighter and very, very happy. Olivia Blessing to you, to our Julien, Naomi, Matt, Jacob and Steve.
God is Blessing our child
Price The Lord

Olivia Revueltas Simcock <olivia@revueltas.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Friday, October 31, 2003 11:42 PM CST
Julien, It's so awesome and we are excited to know your breakthrough .4 We have been thinking about you. It was nice seeing your Mom, Dad & Jake today. We really wanted to say "Hi" but understood it would be better not to bother you. We'll see you at the clinic once you get out of the hospital. Please keep up your good work.........GROW DONOR CELLS GROW! You and your family continue in our thoughts and prayers.
Frances, Rachel & Family <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Friday, October 31, 2003 10:42 PM CST
Happy, happy Halloween to all of you. Julien looks wonderful. Hard to believe all that he has been through.
I think about all of you each day as I walk in the street and watch the children tumbling out of the school around the corner. My hopes and joyful wishes are with you.

Lenore Salzman <lenorers3@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Friday, October 31, 2003 10:41 PM CST
dear Matt and Naomi,
happy halloween! we are very excited about the latest positive news about J.J. And are sending powerful beams of cell-growth towards Durham, so that he can come home to his brother. i have discovered (yes a bit late) that i can write more than 3 lines on this damn thing, so i will add that it is an impossibly warm and lovely indian summer evening, and hundreds of children are trick or treating outside, and we miss you all madly. Stella Metcalf is dressed as Tintin, very sweet, with her hair done up in a quiff. someday jake and J.J. will compete for her affections, i think. jake is such a loveable kid. i keep thinking of the way he hurled himself on the bed last weekend, when he was upset, almost like some french actress demanding to be alone. and my pillow fight with him was the most fun i have had in a while. p.s. i hope i did not permanently damage your oven.
oceans of love,

Bobby <worth@nytimes.com>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Friday, October 31, 2003 5:36 PM CST
hapy halloween! it is a warm and pretty fall day. there are lots of yellow trees and even a few brilliant red ones.i am happy to see the number going up. i hope you all have a fun and not too scary halloweeen. promise
promise ahlstrom <jamesmgold@aol.com>
wash, sc 20015 - Friday, October 31, 2003 12:30 AM CST

Alicia & Tommy Bennett http://caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys/ <Lumberhead@twinwolf.net>
- Friday, October 31, 2003 6:06 AM CST
I received an e-mail from Olivia this morning asking me the following (i wanted you to click on this link and do your magic for julien as you did for your beloved husband when you kept him safe with your intense and unyielding prayers. . . .and of course it was thinking of you demanding Larry's protection that made me want the same for myself and julien. so, you remain my Great Protector and Goddess and I am depending upon you for daily miracles, moment after moment. ) Olie you and I have been friends for many years and you give me to much credit but your wish is my command. As of this minute we are sending healing thoughts, unyielding prayers and all of our love, and praying that Julien can come home from the hospital soon. I also have a request out to the world of my fellow Reiki Masters to send long distance Reiki daily healing for Julien’s complete recovery. In the Light of the Creator We See Only Love,
Joan and Larry Blumenfeld

Joan Blumenfeld <bloomer1940@hotmail.com>
Tubac, AZ US - Thursday, October 30, 2003 6:04 PM CST
Naomi and Matt,

Just wanted to let you know we're all thinking of you today (and always), and hope-hope-hoping for good results.

Last night Lucas wrote "I am a human" (technically, "Iamahumrn")on the chalkboard in our kitchen. I'm thinking Jake might want notice that Lucas isn't *always* a dinosaur anymore.

Much love from all of us,

Lisa, Bob, Lucas, and Mariah
- Thursday, October 30, 2003 12:21 AM CST
Matt and Naomi:

Jake's understanding of the situation regarding Julien's need to repopulate his bone marrow before coming home does show how attuned his is to everyithing. Obviously, even when he doesn't seem to interested, this must be on his mind.

Looking forward to seeing you all together as a family again as soon as possible.


William Paul <w.e.paul@verizon.net>
Washington, DC - Thursday, October 30, 2003 10:35 AM CST
there is not enough space here to write how much we loved seeing the Mezey-Paul clan during our stay in Durham last weekend, or how urgently we are thinking of Julien and praying for cells to grow. i keep thinking of jake lying on the bed absorbing comfort from D-dog, or Ollie baking Challah, or Naomi managing somehow to retain her warmth and chutzpah and sense of humor. we are sending healing thoughts, and all of our love, and praying that J.J. can come home from the hospital soon.
Bobby Worth <worth@nytimes.com>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 8:06 AM CST
Thousands and thousands of cells!
Breathing and holding our breath with you.

Jenny and Warren
- Thursday, October 30, 2003 0:07 AM CST
That's such wonderful news about the new cells! We'll keep those good thoughts coming, hoping for an overwhelming number of donor cells. I'll give you all a call tomorrow and hopefully stop by to check on you all and see how the "little emperor" is doing. Take care.
Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
Durham, NC - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:58 PM CST
Julien, you are such a super trooper! We are glad to know your progress. Take you time and do it right!! We will be looking forward to your next good news. GROW DONOR CELLS GROW!!! We are thinking of you and you & your family are always in our prayers.
Frances, Rachel & Family <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 10:35 PM CST
Dear Matt and Naomi,
We are so happy to hear the good news. I liken Julien's taking his time in growing cells to the making of a wonderful stew - slow in the cooking but the results are worth waiting for.
So they may be slow, but grow cells grow!
P.S. Hope your navels heal fast :)

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 6:48 PM CST
You realize, of course, that Julien was attempting to claw his way back into the womb--about as futile as digging the proverbial hole to China. No wonder you're feeling upbeat--now that your "wombs" are off limits. Ouch!
Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:19 PM CST
Hurray for Julien & the donor cells! I hope the new routine of trips into the hallway will compensate somewhat for his loss of your belly buttons.
Love, Alice <aclapman@verizon.net>
- Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:01 PM CST
Awesome news! Now, if we can just get your bellybutton to heal!
Chris <cpalamountain@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, October 29, 2003 4:30 PM CST
Great news!! Getting these updates is so terrific, Matt and Naomi. Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us all informed. Our love to you all.

Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA usa - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 2:14 PM CST
julien,jake, matt and naomi, it was great to talk to matt today. we look at the web site, but obviously we don't always type inot the site . i love seeing the pictures of julien! i am thrilled that the numbers are going up... i am thinking of you all. thanks for calling. promise
promise ahlstrom <jamesmgold@aol.com>
wash, dc 20015 - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:55 AM CST
Here's to continued good news! we are thinking about you guys and hope to see you back in DC soon.
Joanna and Dave Suna <joanna.miller-suna@cwt.com>
Rockville, MD - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 8:11 AM CST
Great news about Julien's test results today!

Matt's tale belly-button violations made me laugh out loud. Go Julien!

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 9:42 PM CST
Naomi, you remain for us the Mightiest Woman. we miss and love you so much.
Koethi and Steve <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
- Tuesday, October 28, 2003 2:12 PM CST
Hey there Julien,
Stopping by to check on you and tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers. The Pit Crew for Kids really had a great day visiting all of you in Unit 5200. Stay strong little buddy!! Sending lots of love and extra hugs.
Hendrick Motorsports Prayer Warrior

Bonnie Curran <bjcurran@earthlink.net>
Concord, NC - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 12:46 AM CST
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,
We are thinking of you all and send lots of positive energy and thoughts for Julien from East Tennessee.

Emily Green Schneider and Family <tennschneider@aol.com>
Knoxville, TN USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 9:29 AM CST
Hang in there -- you know your whole world is praying for you and our little tough guy!
Lots of love,

Harriet Miller <hmiller@mccsd.net>
Melville, NY USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 8:04 AM CST
Naomi and Matt: Just wanting to send you my good wishes and hopes for the end of the week's results. I hope the donor cell news is really good!



Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
- Tuesday, October 28, 2003 7:26 AM CST
Dearest OMI, MATT, JAKE, & JULIEN: Thank you so much for the updates. I can only imagine what a trying time you`re all going through. But you are in all our hearts and thoughts and prayers continuously. Wish there was more we could do than just be with you in spirit. The last bit of news is a ray of hope. Don`t be discouraged. Any sign of improvement is a joyous step forward. The concentrated prayers from all over the world wll surely bear some fruit. " GROW DONOR CELLS GROW ". wISHING YOU ALL THE BEST FROM SUNNY CALIFONIA. We set a record hi the other day here in the San Joaquin Valley with a 93*. Hope to talk to you soon. Love, Hugs and Kisses to all. Yous Fondly, MARY "A"
MADERA, CA USA - Monday, October 27, 2003 7:09 PM CST
We love to be able to check in to see how Julien is doing and are pleased to see that progress is steady. Our best wishes to all of you.
Irwin and Marilyn Scher <irwinscher@hotmail.com>
Wynnewood, PA - Monday, October 27, 2003 2:58 PM CST
Our love and good thoughts, from smokey Claremont, are always with all of you, and especially with The Grumpy Emporer, of course. The latest news seems quite encouraging. Meanwhile, here is a ditty for Jake, which I wrote after reading Jane Purcell's note.

A buttery udder must feel rather slick,
And how would a milking machine ever stick?
If you butter an udder, does milk come out thicker?
Or will you just finish your milking chores quicker?

Come on, donor cells. Keep on growing!!

Carol Herman <up.stage@verizon.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Monday, October 27, 2003 11:17 AM CST
Thanks for the explanation, Naomi, of the numbers. I know, from my end, information gives some sense of understanding, although obviously no control. And I'm just hoping, hoping for major donor cells. . .

And I think it is a good sign that JJ wanted to join that outside world of buses and cars and noises -- and put up such a fight about going back into his room. So I'm going to dream about a day of the leaves turning colors and you and Matt and Jake and JJ out there together . . .

My love to everyone.


Chai Feldblum
Washington, DC - Monday, October 27, 2003 0:23 AM CST

I know exactly how you feel. It seems like a lifetime waiting for those donor test results to come in. We have been here for over a year and Tommy has had three transplants. This last time his white count hung out at .2 for 5 days or so and then it started going up and now he is 99% donor cells. Those 5 days were awful, I just kept waiting and hoping to see something other than .2. Anyway, I will stop rambling but if there is anything I can do or if you just want to talk, we are just down the hall in room 5202.

Alicia & Tommy Bennett http://caringbridge.org/ca/bennettboys/ <Lumberhead@twinwolf.net>
- Sunday, October 26, 2003 10:32 PM CST
Last night, Naomi, you said you were feeling suddenly optimistic about Julien's treatment, and it somehow seemed a very good sign. With that moment in mind, I write to say I hope with all my might that your optimism stays with you, that each day it is stronger, and that Julien's T-cells take their cue from it. We will be thinking of all of you, each day and especially Thursday. Love, Alice
Alice Clapman
Brooklyn, - Sunday, October 26, 2003 8:32 PM CST
Hi Julien, Matt, Naomi, Jacob, Grandma Olivia and Grandpa Steve, The update sounds positive. It was reassuring to hear what the doctor said about growing new donor cells. Julien, I don't blame you. I would throw an absolute fit if someone kept me inside for 50 days!! I hope you have lots of beautiful picture books and soothing music/sound tapes. Do you need anything? We miss Grandma Olivia here at Oakmont, but we know how much she is needed to be with all of you. Mr. Hernandez is doing a great job. Please take care of each other's health. Look after one another. Love one another. Turn your faces to the Lord for support and peace. It's so darn hard to relinquish and surrender to His will. Get well baby Julien. Keep fighting. Love, Lori
Lori Kerns <Lkerns@chs.cusd.claremont.edu>
Claremont, Ca USA - Sunday, October 26, 2003 8:15 PM CST
Jane here again. Julien's reaction to his glimpse of outdoors reminded me of two marvelous heroines: Catherine of Wuthering Heights and.........Elizabeth Bennet, of course. I read an essay once that made the case that in Pride and Prejudice, Austen creates a heroine who has a bond with the outdoors and all that nature represents: freedom, space, and autonomy. Austen sets up a polemic between nature and "social" space: when an event appears as if it is going to imprison or confine Elizabeth's spirit or her wit, her "self--as if it is Austen sets this event indoors. Yet when something occurs to offer Elizabeth happiness, independence, love--something we know is good for her, Austen sets it out of doors. I know out-of-doors isn't good for Julien right now, but his tantrums put him in good literary company.

Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, October 26, 2003 7:54 PM CST
Dear Naomi,
I don't think you can ever explain too much and it might even be good therapy. By the time my Jacob had his open heart surgery at six months, this English teacher could do a pretty good inpersonation of a cardiologist-- the ability to do so kept panic at bay. What I REALLY want to know though is why does one butter an udder? Love, Jane P.

Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, October 26, 2003 6:51 PM CST
Matt and Naomi. Mandy sent me your website. I just want to say that we pray very much for Julien's recovery. Based on some personal experience with a friend there is no better place than Duke. Our thoughts are with your whole family and hope that some of the recent tests continue to move in the right direction. All the best from Virginia.
Peter De Mayo <demayo@comcast.net>
Alexandria, Va USA - Sunday, October 26, 2003 12:50 AM CST
Dearest Neighbors, it is a beautiful day on Cathedral Avenue (the sun finally came out about 11) and the bells of the Cathedral are tolling. Miss Mazza's house has been open for the last 3 days for an estate sale; I had never seen so much gaudy furniture and drapes in one place! The house has features like all of ours (only much bigger). Today's story sounds hopeful to me, and we are going to hang on to that hope on this beautiful day. Love, Sherrie
Sherrie McKenna <smckenna@cathedral.org>
washington, dc - Sunday, October 26, 2003 12:21 AM CST
We're thinking of you every day and hoping that these are the signs of successful engraftment. We're sending heaps of healing energy to make sure you won't have to begin again with another transplant.

All our hugs and love,

Anne, Jason, Ben & Andrew <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Baltimore, MD - Sunday, October 26, 2003 9:49 AM CST
Dear Paul Herman,
Thanks for the update. In the "you-don't-know-me-but-chalk-one-up-for-it's-a small- world" department, no more than five minutes ago, I was looking at pictures of your beautiful baby girls on the refrigerator at the Bobo household in Claremont, where I have come to show Ruth how to log on to this web site, and voila--your good news on behalf of Matt and Naomi. I've always liked Robert Frost's line that "You don't have to deserve your mother's love. You have to deserve your father's. He's more particular," but I can't say from the pictures that either you or Matt look "particular." Oh come let us adore them, and may all the children in our small world be healthy and at play very soon. Grow donor cells, grow!

Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Saturday, October 25, 2003 5:53 PM CDT
Hi Naomi!
I just wanted to say tell you that I have been thinking about you and your family! Talk to you later!

Aaron Simpson <aaron-simpson@msn.com>
Fresno, Ca USA - Saturday, October 25, 2003 2:53 PM CDT
Hi Matt and Naomi,
Eli told me about the latest entry last night and we are so relieved that there are no leukemia cells left. Just waiting the next good news regarding the white blood cells. Two nights ago Eli did a little ceremony that involved candles, earth, an apple and bits of grass - something he dreamed about. We're doing a repeat one today.
We are all behind little Julien,

Nicki and Eli Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Saturday, October 25, 2003 2:23 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien: I spoke with Hilary here at the Center last night; we talked about how we both check your site everytime we turn on the computer for other things, how we hope that keeping up the notes is not "one more thing to do" for you, and how we miss you SO MUCH and wish we could help. Glad to hear that there is no "initial bad news" - I know it will all be good news when you get the final results. I am sending you all the love, hugs, kisses, and sunshine possible with words!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, October 25, 2003 10:19 AM CDT
Hi all,
I was just checking to see what the latest news is. We are thinking about you and sending good thoughts everyday. Hope to talk to you or see you soon.

Sally, David, Terra, Hayden <swansons@email.unc.edu>
- Friday, October 24, 2003 9:07 PM CDT
Professor Mezey,

Wishing you and your family lots of good luck with the biopsy. Section 4's thoughts remain with you throughout this time.

Susan Friedman <ssf3@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
- Friday, October 24, 2003 4:36 PM CDT
Thank you for keeping us all posted on the count. As a sometimes contracts professor and negotiator, I notice that we were stuck at .1 for a long time, hit .3, rooted for .4, and the cells split the difference giving us .2 - but they drove a hard bargain, because this necessitated the biopsy. Waiting for the results will be difficult but the "waiting room" is crowded with wellwishers - my heart is with yours, Heidi
- Friday, October 24, 2003 4:11 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien: I am thinking good thoughts for you today........and here is a new joke. I had to ask two other people if they thought it was okay "publish": Why does a gorilla have such big nostrils? Because he has big fingers! Smiles and huge amounts of love and kisses!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, October 24, 2003 2:08 PM CDT
Good luck on the biopsy Julien! Those "capricorn donor cells" are sure taking their time, but they'll get there. I'll give you a call tonight.
Cheryl Lynn Horton <ch8@duke.edu>
- Friday, October 24, 2003 1:27 PM CDT
Good luck today, Julien! Everyone here at Georgetown is rooting for you and praying for good news.

Courtney Donovan
Washington, DC - Friday, October 24, 2003 1:12 PM CDT
Dear Julien,
I'm rooting for you today as I have been for several weeks, and hope you to continue to have good news. You haven't met me YET, but I'm an old friend of your friend Kate Stoia's and she's been keeping me posted about you. I have been beaming you some positive and sunny California energy for a while now, and it's clear from this site that you have lots of other people sending you all sorts of love. Hang in there! And love to your mom, dad and brother too. Love, Tony Arn

Tony Arn <aarn@coxcastle.com>
West Hollywood, CA US - Friday, October 24, 2003 12:10 AM CDT
We're thinking about you on this difficult day, and hoping the biopsy will bring long-awaited good news.
Hilary, Malcolm, Page and Teddy <cairnsh@georgetown.edu>
DC, - Friday, October 24, 2003 10:32 AM CDT
By the time you read this you will have made it through this day and the biopsy. The hammer must be at your hearts right now, Friday morning. We are so grateful to you for sharing yourselves so generously even now and keeping all of us close. We love you very much.

Nina, David, Aidan and Sarah <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, October 24, 2003 10:15 AM CDT
Professor Mezey,
Like the rest of Section 4 and the GULC community in general, I have been following your family through this ordeal. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I'm rooting especially hard for Julien today and tomorrow -- fingers are crossed for .4.
Take care,
Amy Oberdorfer

Amy Oberdorfer Nyberg <avo2@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
- Friday, October 24, 2003 8:30 AM CDT
GCG, Yabba Dabba Doo!!!
We're sending all our hopes and prayers for more good news and strength to you all.
Lots of Love!

Andee & Pat <aharrington@ci.claremont.ca.us>
Claremont, CA USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 11:58 PM CDT
Professor Mezey,

Like many others, I have been keeping tabs on Julien's progress through this website. I shared the link with my mother and even though she normally checks her email once a week, she's now online everyday checking to see if there is an update. The fact that so many people are rooting for Julien is a testament to how many lives you and your family have touched. We are all sending positive vibes your way and chanting "grow cells grow".

Emilie Cooper

Emilie Cooper <ebc4@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, October 23, 2003 10:13 PM CDT
Professor Mezey-

I've been keeping up with Julien's progress through your website, and am keeping him in my thoughts and prayers. I am so glad to hear of his improvement, and look forward to reading about his continued progress! Everyone at Georgetown is rooting for Julien and looking forward to your return.

Erin Spry <Ees9@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, October 23, 2003 8:51 PM CDT
Professor Mezey and Family-

I wanted to wish you all the best on Julien's recovery. We miss you here at Georgetown and my thoughts are with you.

Bret Taylor <bretjt@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Thursday, October 23, 2003 7:51 PM CDT
Dearest Omi, Matt, Jake & Julien, Granny Belle & Coach too! What fantastic news. "GROW CELLS GROW" "GO JULIEN GO" COME ON .4, .4, .4 KNOCK ON THE DOOR, DOOR, DOOR. Today is Little Chester`s birthday. He`s 40. Where does the time go. Seems like just yesterday you and he were babies. Now my darlin` Omi you have babies of your own. Before you know it JJ. will be big and strong too! Hang in there. Enjoy your visit with yo mama and I`ll talk to you soon. Love, hugs and kisses to all. Yours affectionately, MARY"A".
MARY ALICE MEUEL <weedoswife@prodigy.net>
MADERA, CA USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:44 PM CDT
Just checking in your updates. Julien please keep up your good work. GROW "DONOR CELLS" GROW! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Frances, Rachel & Family <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:19 PM CDT
I just read your latest reports and what wonderful news. My Thursday lunch group always asks about Julien and today at 12:00 we all prayed for "cells to grow"... So happy Olivia and Steve were there. My Love To All Of You...
Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:03 PM CDT
Professor Mezey and family,
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures and stories. They are truly inspiring. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Come on cells -- grow grow grow!

Carrie Casey <clc23@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 3:46 PM CDT
What great news! We're so happy here today. As we do everyday we will sing and chant for the big J and hold you all in our hearts. Big, big love, many x's and o's,
Linda and Jeremiah

Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 3:21 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and I hope Julien's cells keep growing so that he beat this once and for all. You should all know how many people you have touched at Georgetown and how many people are pulling for Julien. Best to all,
Moneen Nasmith <msn7@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, October 23, 2003 3:09 PM CDT
Your Georgetown students are rooting wildly for Julien's cells (and, of course, thinking of all of you) to keep up the good work--maybe they just needed the threat of an impending deadline to kick into gear--I know that's usually what it takes for me! We're anxiously awaiting continued good news. Much love,
Auburn Daily <akd4@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 1:21 PM CDT
What a perfect time for our communal prayer for Julien! It's like that stubborn little face was telling us all this time "I will do it when I'm ready...I'm not in the mood right now." (Being a fellow stubborn astrological sign - Virgo - I know this sentiment well.)
Ridiculously happy about your latest post, and sending you all continued love, support, good thoughts and prayers, Melissa

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 10:58 AM CDT
Dear all: Why stop at .4? Let's shoot for the moon--JJ is "perfectly capable" of it, according to Danny. So--I am praying for a Friday .6 "AND BEYOND!" (to quote a mutual friend). Much love
Julie O. <osullij1@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:05 AM CDT
Mez --
Wonderful news! Marty and I are thinking of you every day. Katherine is looking out her window at the little park across the street where she "played" with you and J&J this summer (the chicken salad incident...). I wanted to let you know how much we miss you and that we're thinking of you all, all the time. I have a great recipe for tortilla soup that I want to make you. Soon. And Katherine is wishing for those two cute boys to come home soon! I also wanted to let you know that my dad is a Capricorn too and that that woman's theory sounds right on to me. Strong, stubborn, doing things his own way. Yup. Very good for dealing with the tough stuff. So, from 35th Street, we're cheering those cells on. And sending lots of love to you and your boys.

Lisel <lloy@energycommission.org>
Washington, DC - Thursday, October 23, 2003 8:48 AM CDT
Dear Matt and Naomi,
What a wonderful thing to read on my morning check-in to the website. Going for the big .4 now! Go Julien go! Grow cells grow!
We're behind you all the way,

Nicki and Eli Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Thursday, October 23, 2003 8:16 AM CDT
What wonderful wonderful news!
Hooray for the terrible twos!
Loud ring the bells
For the Emperor’s new cells
Soon Julien will be needing new shoes

Hang in there some more, you nice family, you are on your way. Thank you for sharing your journals with the world--we are reading, hoping and praying, even when we don't write. Say hello to Olivia and Steve for me.

Maureen Young <maureen@fol.it>
Florence, Italy - Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:13 AM CDT
17 A native health and innocence
18 Within my bones did grow,
19And while my God did all his glories show,
20 I felt a vigour in my sense
21That was all spirit. I within did flow
22 With seas of life, like wine;
23 I nothing in the world did know
24 But 'twas divine.


Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:35 AM CDT
.4! Not even .3 but .4! Naomi and Matt: this comes of fortitude on all the MezPauls, fortitude on all levels. I am dwelling in the moment of happiness and I hope you are too. Love, your fellow traveler.
- Thursday, October 23, 2003 0:03 AM CDT
We are so glad to know that Julien is having a breakthough. GROW CELLS GROW!!! Julien and your family are in our prayers. We can't wait to see your next updates. We know your body is working on it. God Bless...
Frances, Rachel & Family <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:48 PM CDT
Matt, Naomi, Jake, and Julien,
I have a smile on my face and tears in my eyes! .4, .4, .4., .4, grow, cells, grow!
The Mands

Mandy De Mayo <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:43 PM CDT
I say to the emperor, ".4!"

Sarah <skaplan@mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:42 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake, and Julien, Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. The distance caring that is being sent to you daily by your network of friends and relatives can only enhance the progression toward a positive outcome. Be strong, but take the time to renew your energy. Grow cells grow!
Misha and Jane Sitkovsky
- Wednesday, October 22, 2003 4:08 PM CDT
Hi Naomi,
I just wanted to send lots of love and good thoughts to you and your family. Linda has been keeping me posted on how Julien has been doing, and I've been thinking of you often. She has also talked about how beautiful and inspirational your journal is, and it truly is. Please know that three of us in New Hampshire are adding our voices to the "grow cells grow" chorus.
Tricia Ryden (and my husband Dave and daughter Sophie)

Tricia Ryden <par@webryders.net>
Exeter, NH - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 3:26 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake:
Julien has such fierce determination on his face in his latest photos; we are very impressed by his strength. We will join in Pat's plan for prayer tomorrow to add to that strength. Max wanted to let your boys know that he now shares their love of Buzz Lightyear. (Seems like a near-universal boy trait.) Sending all our love and good wishes to help you through this very difficult stage,
Mern Horan (Max's Mom / GULC OCS)and Max (GULC CCC)

Mern Horan <mh4@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 2:38 PM CDT
We are praying for you. Count me in for 12 EST tomorrow.

Here is a great poem in honor of the beautiful young fellow:


1 How like an angel came I down!
2 How bright are all things here!
3When first among his works I did appear
4 O how their glory me did crown!
5The world resembled his eternity,
6 In which my soul did walk;
7 And ev'ry thing that I did see
8 Did with me talk.

9 The skies in their magnificence,
10 The lively, lovely air;
11Oh how divine, how soft, how sweet, how fair!
12 The stars did entertain my sense,
13And all the works of God, so bright and pure,
14 So rich and great did seem,
15 As if they ever must endure
16 In my esteem.

17 A native health and innocence
18 Within my bones did grow,
19And while my God did all his glories show,
20 I felt a vigour in my sense
21That was all spirit. I within did flow
22 With seas of life, like wine;
23 I nothing in the world did know
24 But 'twas divine.

25 Harsh ragged objects were conceal'd,
26 Oppressions tears and cries,
27Sins, griefs, complaints, dissensions, weeping eyes
28 Were hid, and only things reveal'd
29Which heav'nly spirits, and the angels prize.
30 The state of innocence
31 And bliss, not trades and poverties,
32 Did fill my sense.

33 The streets were pav'd with golden stones,
34 The boys and girls were mine,
35Oh how did all their lovely faces shine!
36 The sons of men were holy ones,
37In joy and beauty they appear'd to me,
38 And every thing which here I found,
39 While like an angel I did see,
40 Adorn'd the ground.

41 Rich diamond and pearl and gold
42 In ev'ry place was seen;
43Rare splendours, yellow, blue, red, white and green,
44 Mine eyes did everywhere behold.
45Great wonders cloth'd with glory did appear,
46 Amazement was my bliss,
47 That and my wealth was ev'ry where:
48 No joy to this!

49 Curs'd and devis'd proprieties,
50 With envy, avarice
51And fraud, those fiends that spoil even Paradise,
52 Flew from the splendour of mine eyes,
53And so did hedges, ditches, limits, bounds,
54 I dream'd not aught of those,
55 But wander'd over all men's grounds,
56 And found repose.

57 Proprieties themselves were mine,
58 And hedges ornaments;
59Walls, boxes, coffers, and their rich contents
60 Did not divide my joys, but all combine.
61Clothes, ribbons, jewels, laces, I esteem'd
62 My joys by others worn:
63 For me they all to wear them seem'd
64 When I was born.

Thomas Traherne (1637-1674)

Sam Deese <rsdeese@msn.com>
Belmont, MA USA - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 1:58 PM CDT
Dear Naomi,Matt,Jake and Julien--We all are keeping up with you and Julien's progress through this wonderful web page. It means so much to know what's happening. We think of you often and are holding you close with our thoughts and prayers. We're rooting for cell growth!! Love, Everyone at Chevy Chase Pediatrics.
Gay Ohlrich <geohlrich@aol.com>
Washington, DC usa - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 1:39 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,
We continue to be moved and (somehow) simultaneously saddened and uplifted by your courageous journal entries. You are so much stronger than ever you imagined. All our love and prayers are with you. GROW, cells, GROW!! (Or, says Eli, "goo, cells, goo").
Love, Julie, Andrew, and Eli

Julie Cohen <jec@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 1:04 PM CDT
Hi guys,
I just wanted to say hi and let you know you're still in our prayers. It's encouraging to hear that Julien is progressing. Slowly but surely, he WILL bounce back. We're holding you all close to our hearts. Love David

Dave Simpson <dsimpson@riverdale.k12.ca.us>
Fresno, CA - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 12:04 AM CDT
Dropped by to say "hi"....I've been catching up on your journal and so saddened you have all had such a trying past few weeks. Olivia and Coach will be arriving today and I'm sure that will
definitely help lift your spirits with their hugs and support. Many prayers each day, coming your way.....My Love

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:33 AM CDT
Rachel is your former cellmate and I just happened to find your website through another family's webpage. Julien is such a cutie. we know his engraftment is coming as a matter of time. Those chemo drugs make the kids really sick and make the parents worry because we saw from Rachel's treatment. Please hang in there. We look forward to seeing you at the clinic. Julien and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. GROW "DONOR CELLS" GROW !!! God Bless...
Frances (mom), Rachel & Family <yoyo283@aol.com>
Miami, FL - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 11:50 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien: The Capricorn story really caught my (Steve's) attention. I am Capricorn as well, and it's true...we are stubborn and insist on doing things our own way...even if it's the most difficult path. And as you know I survived a life threatening illness as a child (one year in the hospital), so I can definitely relate, Julien!

Love, Steve, Andrea, and Izzy

Steven Newman <sdnewman1@hotmail.com>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 7:35 PM CDT
Hey Naomi, Matt, Jake (and Olivia--I know you are there also). We think about you guys and Julien every day and hope and pray for improving results. Love, Roger, Kathy, Matt, and Addison
Kathy Ellis <kellis@cvm.uiuc.edu>
- Tuesday, October 21, 2003 4:58 PM CDT
Dear Naomi and family. This is such a difficult time for all of you. Out here in this new and very special community that has been created through love and a desire to help all of you there is such a need to do something. What can we do? Individually we are all praying and sending you our notes of support. Here is a suggestion. On Thursday at noon EST, lets all stop for a minute and pray together. We want Julien to have every advantage. Let's try this.
Pat Roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , dc - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 4:48 PM CDT

My dearest Naomi --

I am so sorry for my prolonged absence from this page. Reading through some of your past journal entries made me think of the days and days with Anne when we kept waiting for some break. There is something mind-numbing about the form of medicine we practice. But there isn't a way around it. Our form of Western medicine is what is giving Julien a chance. But that doesn't necessarily make it any easier.

I loved Anne Lamont's Traveling Mercies, as well as her book Bird by Bird. Don't be fooled by the title. Although it's ostensibly a book about writing, it is really about life and how we stumble through it. I'm going to order it tonight from B&N.com to send to you. I'm also going to send you Kathleen Brehony's book on suffering. It's not a book I would have thought to pick up (I would rather usually spend my time reading novels) -- but someone recommended it, and it ended up being quite important in my life. (And I'm not worried if you already own them. They'll be fine presents to give to others.)

I'm so glad you have this website and this guestbook.

My love to you and the whole family.


Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 4:20 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake:
Just a word to let you know that we are all thinking of you and sending our best and strongest wishes to Julien here at Patton Boggs. You are never far from our thoughts and prayers.
Mary Beth and the rest of the crew here.

Mary Beth Bosco <mbbosco@pattonboggs.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 2:15 PM CDT
Dear Naomi,

Just want to let you know how much you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I can only try to imagine how difficult and challenging this period is for you--your journal helps many of us who care so much but do not want to intrude. With this note comes as much healthy energy and hope for the future to all of you as I can convey.

with love,


vicki jackson
washington , d.c. usa - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 1:19 PM CDT
Hi Naomi and Matt -- I recently learned this Buddhist chant which I find really comforting when I don't know what else to do. You are supposed to say if for yourself, for another and then for all beings.

May I (you) be well
May I (you) be happy
May I be free from harm and suffering
May all of my good purposes be fulfilled.

I tried it out on the kids last night as part of the bedtime routine. Rosie liked saying it for herself but refused to say it for all beings. When I asked her why she said, but Mommy, when you cook beans you are torturing them. I then explained the difference between "beings" and "beans". Then it was okay.

Sending you so much love and good vibes,

xo - Linda

Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 1:17 PM CDT

What a truly extraordinary person Julien is and what a reminder of the miracle of life. It is hard to imagine a tougher or more important challenge than that which you and Matt face daily. How unfair that Julien has had to face this ordeal, but how fortunate he is to have you both and Jake as his family.

Please know that all of us here are thinking of you all the time and wishing for Julien's recovery and your return home.



Richard Lazarus <lazarusr@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington DC, - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 12:48 AM CDT
Thank you so much for making the latest entry as we have been waiting to hear news of Julien's progress. I am sure you must be going absolutely insane riding these ups and downs, but it does look positive for the most part. Every night when I put Jonah to bed we say, "Grow cell grow and Julien get well!"

Nicki Karlen et. al <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 12:42 AM CDT
Horse walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Why the long face?"

Mega-cell growing hugs and kisses from Charm City,

Jason Loviglio <loviglio@umbc.edu>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 11:04 AM CDT
Hi Julien and Family! I update the Pitcrews for Kids website and I was wondering if it is ok if I use your picture of Julien to put with the link to his site. Thanks!

Hugs and Prayers,

Lynn Pipkins <lynn@getgoin.net>
Hartville, MO USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 9:49 AM CDT
DEAREST MATT, OMI JAKE AND JULIEN: Hello my dear hearts. I hope and pray that some peace and tranquillity have come into your lives. That our young Emperor JJ has lost his grumpiness and irritability as well as his need for the steroids. What a blessing it would be to be rid of those. Thanks again for all the updates. Love & Hugs & Kisses all round. Very Fondly Yours, Mary "A".
mary alice meuel <weedoswife@prodigy.net>
madera , ca usa - Monday, October 20, 2003 7:07 PM CDT
I was with the Pit Crews for Kids group that visited the hospital on Saturday. I hope that you guys and Julien are having a good day. I am glad that I had the opportunity to meet you this weekend.

Saturday night, I told my two sons (Joshua and Jonathan) that I met some very special children that have the strongest, most loving parents in the world.

Sunday, we raced in Martinsville, Virginia. Jeff Gordon won the race. My driver (Jason Leffler) finished 29th.

I will be thinking about Julien and keeping you in my prayers.

Joe Kluttz <jrkluttz@duke-energy.com>
Harrisburg, NC USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 3:02 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Julien & Jake,

Checking this site all the time for news about my beloved soccer hooligan. Nick took one look at Julien's mug on the screen and said "He's a pretty cool kid!" Hell yes. Nick also chants, in the voice of an aspiring hooligan: "Grow cells, grow! Grow cells, grow!"

From his lips to God's ears.


Sam, Isadora & Nick

Sam Deese <sam@thefossil.com>
Belmont, MA - Monday, October 20, 2003 2:34 PM CDT
Matt & Naomi,
Aidan, Sarah and her classmate Milo and I were out in the park for a couple of hours today with Roxie, who zealously and ineffectually chased squirrels as the kids played at the Hearst playground. It was a sunny, bright, breezy, good-to-feel Sunday. It reminded me in such a bittersweet way of the day we spent with you, Naomi, and Jake in the Sarah Duke garden a few weeks ago. Sweet with the kids meandering at their own pace and the weather caressing around and nature seeming timeless and softly busy and grand. And bitter, needless to say, because of all that dear Julien has to endure, tucked away from all the freshness out there, and how we ache over being away from you through this whole time.

With David away so much this Fall, the non-Catholic parent ends up taking the kids to mass. Sarah piped up about JJ this morning during the prayers for the sick. (Showing her supreme sense of perspective, she also put in a little pitch for herself, since she has a cold and a runny nose.) As you know, I utterly agree with the theory about Julien the fighter expressing his stubborn tenacity in beastly ways. I add my voice to the chorus of "go, JJ, go; grow, cells, grow!!"

When David called tonight around the kids' bedtime, I handed Sarah the phone saying someone wanted to talk to her and she brightened and asked in a hushed, excited voice "Jakey?" We think of you much more than we call.
We all love you and miss you, and eagerly, painfully wait with you for the upward trend in those counts to assert itself clearly.

Nina (for all 4 of us) <pillardn@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Sunday, October 19, 2003 10:25 PM CDT
Dear "Nat'lie" and Matt,

"Julien" is sandwiched, in my Favorites list, between "Backstage.com" and "Nowcasting.com"--all websites I check several times a day! Your journal thoughts are both touching and profound, as we'd expect, coming from you. Your staggering courage obviously amazes all who read your reports and add to the guestbook. You are all amazing! And amazing too is The Grumpy Emporer in his red jammies, looking like a miniature and totally fed up Napolean; tired of the battle but slugging it out no matter what. What a kid! What a family! Come on, cells, do your thing!! We add to the ocean of love that flows across the country to touch Julien's room and bed--and to buoy up all of you.

Carol and Bob Herman <up.stage@verizon.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, October 19, 2003 9:52 PM CDT
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to let you know we continue to think about you every day.

After reading your description of Julien's puffy face I prepared myself to be shocked when I looked at the pictures. But Julien looked exactly how the doctor described him--irritable, yet determined. Who wouldn't be angry to have this happening to his body? And if he's anything like Teddy, his frustration is compounded by his inability to explain himself verbally (ie, say anything besides Teddy's favorites: "Mama," "Dada," "No," and "MINE").

We send you our love and our energy to spur those cells to grow.

Hilary, Malcolm, Page and Teddy <cairnsh@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Sunday, October 19, 2003 8:52 PM CDT
Hi Naomi,
Friday I was at the hospital for 7 hours while they did what was supposed to be a 30-minute "non-stress test" (being strapped to a monitor so they could check out how the baby is doing). After about two hours, I had Richard go home and get my trusty hard-cover Jane Austen, and when he got back I was able to relax with Emma. Anything hospital related is better with Jane Austen and her words and world! I read this site every day, and am always delighted to hear more about Julien and you all, and how you are doing, what you are thinking and feeling. I always send so much love and good thoughts and hugs your way!

Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Sunday, October 19, 2003 12:36 AM CDT
Hi all. I cooked today. Not just once but three times (my 1Ls are coming over for brunch--do you think it was unkind of me to use them as guinea pigs (so to speak)?). Yessireee--Irish Soda Bread, Chocolate Chip-Applesauce-Raisin Bread (aka "Rose's Mortal Sin Cake"), and Blueberry Cobbler. You know the moral of this story: if I can successfully wrestle with my oven, NOTHING is impossible. Also--just when you think that change will never come, something surprises you (let's hope its not the inedibility of the product). I love you & wish you were here to enjoy my offerings.....
Julie O.
Washington, DC - Saturday, October 18, 2003 9:33 PM CDT
hey Naomi and Matt,
I just wanted to say "hi" and take care! and I hope everything goes ok!

aaron simpson <aaron-simpson@msn.com>
fresno, ca 93726 - Saturday, October 18, 2003 7:58 PM CDT
Big 500-mile-long hugs shooting straight down I-40, from the banks of the Mississippi. We have four heroes. They live in Durham, but they don't play for Duke. Grow cells grow.

P.S. Herceg!

Morty and Kate
Memphis, - Friday, October 17, 2003 10:27 PM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
What a slow, steep climb this is, but I think the approach to the summit is near. After viewing puff-daddy's pictures on the photo section I understand the great desire to get Julien off the steroids as soon as is deemed possible.
We are sending positive, healing energy so that the Grumpy Emperor reverts to happy, healthy, sweet little Julien.
Big hugs of comfort,

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Friday, October 17, 2003 12:17 AM CDT
Dear Matt and Naomi,

I am glad to hear things are inching in the right direction. I guess you could try giving a good talking to re: his blood cells, but I suspect that the joy of reading Jane Austin would do as much good. I too turn to Jane when anxieties or burdens are turning me blue. My aunt gave me a one volume edition of all her works 40 years or more ago. The pages are brittle, falling out, but it muchly treasured. I wish that good times and good health is truly just around the corner. Love, Alice

alice weinstein
- Friday, October 17, 2003 9:53 AM CDT
Matt and Naomi,

Thanks as always for keeping us updated. There are so many of us who are waiting with you everyday, no matter how far away we are. I was talking to a friend this week about Julien (she's a nurse) and she was telling me that it's so hard to wait on the body to do something. I can't imagine how hard it must be for the both of you. I think the things that you are hearing from your doctor are very encouraging and I hope that it is helping to sustain you. The comment about irritability being a sign of inner strength is especially significant. There's a lot of research about the "fighting spirit" attitude being associated with the most successful outcomes from cancer treatment. It may take a while, but I think that things really will get better soon for all of you.

Karen (and Marty and Hunter)

Karen Gordon-Sosby <kmhsosby@att.net>
Wimberley, TX USA - Friday, October 17, 2003 8:43 AM CDT
More than once the reflective tone of your journal entries has called to mind these words from Wordsworth: "These beauteous forms,"(I'm seeing the photos of your boys)" Through a long absence, have not been to me As is a landscape to a blind man's eye: But oft, in lonely rooms, and 'mid the din Of towns and cities, I have owed to them In hours of weariness, sensations sweet,... such, perhaps, As have no slight or trivial influence On that best portion of a good man's life, His little, nameless, unremembered, acts Of kindness and of love." If Julien is indeed a grumpy emperor, his world-wide kingdom is peopled with folk being kinder and more loving on his behalf. Grow cells grow!
Jane Purcell
Claremont, CA USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 10:40 PM CDT
Dearest Omi, Matt, Jakey,& Julien: I just read the last update and am so excited I can hardly stand it. What great news that the Drs. are so hopeful of J.J.`s engraftment. What suspense it will be waiting for the next news. I wish I could go to the lake with Jake I love feeding the ducks. Atta boy J.J. "GROW CELLS GROW" don`t stop now! My love and prayers continue as ever. May God in his mercy give you relief from your troubles. You all amaze me with your strength and courage during Julien`s ordeal. GIANT BEAR HUGS and SOPPY KISSES TO ALL! Very Fondly Yours, MARY "A".
MADERA, CA USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 7:25 PM CDT
Thanks for the update, Naomi and Matt,
It sounds like things are going to be better soon. We'll keep tuned for those improved numbers!

Irene and Bob Glaser <rjglaser@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 10:59 AM CDT
Naomi and Matt:

T+29. Today (October 15) the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), a mystic and reformer. She is probably the inspiration for your quilted quote. She wrote:

Christ has no body on earth but yours;
no hands but yours;
no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which he is to look out--
Christ's compassion to the world.
Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good.
Yours are the hands with which he is to bless others now.

As I wrote to you earlier, your family and Teresa have a few things in common ... illness, confinement, fervent prayer, and various austerities that the world outside need not undertake.

At Mass tonight I was constantly mindful of Julien and your family. I prayed for his healing–-not quite “grow, cells, grow” (at least not in my spoken petition), but something along those lines.

At the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer, I thought of your family. I was very aware of the debt that Christians owe to Jews. In words modeled on the berakah of the Passover seder, the bread and wine, in turn, are declared the good gifts of God:

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all Creation.
Through your goodness we have this bread to offer ...

I remembered my first seder in Claremont (at the Kaplans’ home). I thought of the blessings of love and hope sent to you by way of this site. Although I doubt we spoke of it in high school, I have long been mindful of the blessing that the rich Jewish tradition has been for Christians. I am grateful for our spiritual kinship, that Christians can look to the Jewish people as both our parent (from whom we were born) and our sibling (with whom we appeal to the same God and Creator, especially at times like these).

One of the other prayers of praise caught my attention tonight:

You ... raise up men and women outstanding in holiness,
living witnesses of your unchanging love.
They inspire us with their heroic lives,
and help us ... to be the living sign of your saving power.

Again I was reminded of the words on the quilt: the love of God made manifest in the actions of ordinary human beings. Your love of Julien–-day in and day out–-is tangible holiness, as is the care of his doctors and nurses. I clung to the phrase “saving power.” I prayed that it be true -– that God’s power would do no less than save Julien. I prayed, too, that we could be living signs to one another.

Before the final prayer and blessing, I said a few words about Julien and your family as well as the connection with St. Teresa. I asked our little gathering (9 students, the priest and me) for prayers for Julien during this time of waiting and hope. Fr. Paul, one of my colleagues, was off to lead the second or third Mass of his day in a chapel across campus, and he said that he’d remember Julien in the prayers there, too. Just know that a whole bunch of Catholics in Indiana are praying their own variants of “grow, cells, grow.”

Much love,

Becca Davidson <davidson.22@nd.edu>
Notre Dame, IN - Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:01 AM CDT
My wife and I send all our love & hope to you all in this difficult time!
John Darnielle <editor@lastplanetojakarta.com>
Ames, IA U.S. - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 11:05 PM CDT
The joke of the day - from the Lions class: Knock, knock? Who's there? Cargo. Cargo who? Car Go Beep Beep!
Love from all of us!!

Julie T., Molly, and the others <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 4:14 PM CDT
Naomi and Matt,
I too was moved to tears by the Oct. 9th entry. But am encouraged by your most recent news. Faical and I speak of you and Julien very often, and we're both sending as many virtual hugs as you can bear.
I can understand why your children have an affinity for Buzz Lightyear...he must remind them so much of the two of you. I cannot imagine that Julien has not inherited superhero strength from you both. He certainly has that fighting spirit. We are both holding our breath, and cheering the small steps to bigger ones...

With great encouragement and affection,
Edeanna and Faical

Faical and Edeanna Johnson-Chebbi
Washington, DC - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 2:29 PM CDT
Koethi and Steve here --we returned from Durham so filled with love and comfort carbs as not to be believed. We miss you so much already, and are reciting every secular humanist prayer in the book for Julien. love, power and peace.
steve metcalf/koethi zan <sdmetcalf@aol.com>
brooklyn, - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 12:45 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
After reading Matt's recent entry, there's such a feeling of excited breath-holding and bouncing up and down on one's toes with little handclaps and grinning! Go, Julien, Go- grow those cells! Take away those wooden mallets... imagine big sunflowers patting your hearts... I'm waving one from here, gently patting everyone wherever they need it most!
Sunny Love,

Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 11:26 AM CDT
Naiomi and Matt,
My prayers are with you and your family during these trying times in your lives. Julien appears to be a fighter as are his parents and grandparents.
My wishes and prayers are with you for a successful graft and a speedy recovery for Julien.
All my love,
Dan Miller

Dan Miller <dmilleraap@aol.com>
Forest Hills, NY USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 10:52 AM CDT
dear naomi and matt,

i feel compelled to write a little message of love and encouragement after reading the Oct. 9th journal entry which brought me to tears while eating my eggs and toast. How hard it must be for you NOT to give in to tears more often. I can't really imagine. Sheila and I think and talk about you guys a lot and pray, too, that your life will soon return to normal. Again, we send big big virtual hugs--more powerful than any emoticons can express!

I'm encouraged by your latest entry and hope that things are continuing in a positive way.

We love you!

Michael Lorant
Scottdale , GA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien, What an amazing Website this is, so much Love and chanting "GROW CELLS GROW' . I imagine almost feeling the strong currant of it racing from all over the country straight to little Julien. We are chanting for you too,every day. We send big Love to all of you and wish we could do more.
( Naomi your Journal is amazing thank you for sharing your heart and soul ) Love, Bev and Barry

Bev Morrow <bevmorrow@cox.net>
Santa Barbara , Ca. USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 10:45 PM CDT
Dear Julien,
Keep your spirit high and let those cells grow fast. Just to let you know that we are thinking of you often and praying for you everyday so you can be with us soon. Our best regards and love to you, as well as to your Mom, Dad and brother Jake. Dan and Salve Bernabe

Salve Bernabe <masalve@aol.com>
Washington , DC USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
Small steps . . . but wonderful news about the engraftment beginning to take. There may be really be miracles to hope and pray for and I am wishing they find the four of you.
Best always,

Lenore Salzman
Potomac, MD USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 9:59 PM CDT
GO JJ, GO!!!! Grow, cells, grow! Glad to hear some "feel good news"!!!!! No more jokes yet, I'm still thinking though! I will ask the Lions class for some new ones (but they mostly know knock, knock jokes which are awfully long to write...) Enough love and more to make it to "Infinity and beyond!" love,
Julie T.
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 4:54 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, I wanted to let you know that I'n thinking of you all every day and saying my prayers that Julien's numbers will continue to improve. Lots of love and hugs, Kathy Lacey
Kathy Lacey <kathylacey@erols.com>
McLean, Va USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 3:15 PM CDT
I'm so excited to hear the good news! Julien's numbers sound promising. I'll keep doing my special "grow cells grow" chant. You keep up the good work, Julien!
Mandy De Mayo <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:46 PM CDT
Hi you four. I figured you'd left DC, and only kept calling you because i wanted you to know i'd only just heard that julien was sick, and that i was thinking of you. thank you for calling matt. and thank you for hte heads up onthis website. i've read all the entries and have a sense of where you are, how julien's doing, how jake's doing. i'm thinking of all of you, and sending you all of our love and healthy wishes. of course, this doesn't do justice to what i'm thinking and feeling, as i'm sure you can imagine. i wish i could pick all of us up and move to north carolina. that said, who's little Sibyll?
sibyll <sccc1@earthlink.net>
pacific palisades, ca usa - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:43 PM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,

We are silently but fervently cheering on Julien's cells. We think Julien is the strongest kid we know. And Lucas would love to go to the duck pond with Jake.

Love & Care,

Lisa, Bob, Lucas, and Mariah
- Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:39 PM CDT
Just a quick note to say hello and to let you know that I am thinking of you. Glad that the recent news seems positive/hopeful. I'll keep thinking positive thoughts for Julien. Meantime, best to all of you.


Austin Sarat <ADSarat@Amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 4:52 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,Matt,Jacob, grandma Olivia Ellis and Julien:
This is a little poem that I found and it really express what my heart want to say to you:

You're almost there
Not much to go
Just one more step
And all's in tow.

Keep up the work
And all your cheer
And you'll find
The end is near.

Remember still
We're right behind
If you look
It's us you'll find!

Keep going strong, we're with you 100%

With love, all of us!

Olivia Revueltas Simcock <olivia@revueltas.com>
SAn Antonio, TX USA - Monday, October 13, 2003 9:41 PM CDT
Naomi, I lamely don't know if this is the only/best way to connect with you (as opposed to your email); can you still use that in N.C.? I should know this but I refuse to cross that bridge to the 21st century and all its technology. I will try your email too. I am thinking of you, as I do every day. I haven't checked your guestbook for a several days, but you are always in my heart.
Right now I am meeting lots of Georgetown people because I am attending a conference here in Mpls put on by the MindBody Institute which is in D.C. They do lots of work integrating eastern and western medicine. There is lots of metaphysical stuff to learn and some to wonder about. I just had lunch with an interesting woman who teaches med students in the Georgetown dept of psychiatry. Twelve hour days for 7 days starting with yoga at 6:30 am! Michael is a bit worried I am going to change my name to Root and move to (gasp) northern California.
I don't know what all to say, so I am rambling, thinking of parts of this conference that would be interesting to you and parts that would make you laugh. I am so glad Jake could make you laugh the other day.
On another tangent, will Jake be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween? Louisa plans to be Anne of Green Gables and is agitating to be able to dye her hair red. Charlotte plans to be a reindeer because we found some antlers at a garage sale this summer. We have a fuzzy vest with a moose on it (close enough) and brown pants, now what to do for hooves?
Naomi, I hear you and I wish I could give you what you need. I love you, Rachel

Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St. Paul, MN USA - Monday, October 13, 2003 9:36 PM CDT
Our hearts join in the chorus of love and hope. We sing this life song to Julien each day.

Jenny and Warren
- Monday, October 13, 2003 5:11 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and JJ: Matt - I was just thinking yesterday about Jake's last day at school. It was all I could do to stop myself from hugging and holding you, Naomi, and Jake all of the last few times you were in the Center before you left DC, and to hold back the tears. Naomi, as Steve said, I usually cry each time I read, and even in between readings. It is very difficult for us all here to be limited to hugs with words rather than our preferred "whole body hugs with kisses on the cheeks". Now, the jokes; I believe Jake might enjoy them to. How do you catch a unique rabbit? U-nique up on him. How do you catch a tame rabbit? Da tame way! Anyway, in the midst of your struggles, I wish you all smiles, giggles, hugs, sunshine on your faces and in your hearts, rest, peace, and love!
Julie T. <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, October 13, 2003 12:13 AM CDT
Naomi -- Tonight I'll sing a lullaby for you and your tender heart. Hope you can feel the hugs. Love Linda
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, October 13, 2003 11:36 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
I've been waiting to see an entry after the Oct. 9th one which left me in tears (certainly not the first time). Naomi, you must know that all those tears not shed by you have been shed in great quantities by so many of us as we share in your pain, courage, and tremendous spirit.
I was SO happy to see two guestbook entries regarding some improvement in Julien and await the news in detail.
I squeeze my little guy, Jonah, and think of little Julien being strong and healthy.

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
- Monday, October 13, 2003 10:05 AM CDT
We are saving your cubby for you. I miss you. I love you.

DC, - Monday, October 13, 2003 9:26 AM CDT
I was away for a week and the first thing I did after arriving home was check your website. You do such a beautiful job of keeping us up to date. I could feel your emotional and physical exhaustion in
the last update. It's good that you can share your emotions with all of us who love you....Our hearts ache to know you are all in such pain.

Yesterday your Mother and Coach phoned me that Julien was doing better and that's such good news. Many prayers and the mantra "Grow Cells Grow" are being repeated many times each day...I'm sending Hugs for all of you.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 8:21 PM CDT
Dear Lovely Little Family,

At points in reading your diary I found myself holding my breath, resisting wanting to hear about the pain. As I continued, I read about your repeated and fierce -yet soft gestures of extention...moving towards the love both inside of and around you....and I could exhale again. And then inhale and keep moving.

You do. You just keep on moving, so gracefully (even when you probably feel clumsy). It is beautiful how much courage you all have, to keep moving and breathing, through the unknown towards love. I send you lots of mine.

PS I tried to find a massage therapist for you there via my connections, but to no avail. I think it would be so good if you could get a personal referal to one...help with those neccessary "exorcisms".

Washington, DC - Sunday, October 12, 2003 7:51 PM CDT
How Great to hear the Good News!
Go, Cubbie, Go!
Grow, Cubbie, Grow!

Love, ma and coach <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 12:57 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,

its kevin, maria, and devin here just checking up on julien to see how he is doing. We are still wishing for the best and hope everything works out fine. Say hi to jake and matt. Bye

kevin phipps
hyattsville, md usa - Saturday, October 11, 2003 9:35 PM CDT
Hi Naomi and Matt,

Linda has been posting on my behalf but I wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you. I have excellent memories of chicken mirabella, a home-spun haggadah, bobby mcgee, and my children enjoyably (or was it patiently?) sitting through their first sader. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

jeremiah cohen <frontdesk@tabardinn.com>
washington, dc - Saturday, October 11, 2003 10:30 AM CDT
dearest naomi, matt, jake and julien,

this is selena dong (now epley), long lost friend from your stanford days. i am in tears after reading all of the journal entries (well, i kind of skimmed the literary analysis because as usual naomi's brilliance went over my head, just as i missed half of what she would say in class during law school). i am shouting "grow cells grow" with all of my heart and soul, both of which seemed to have expanded in indescribable ways since my baby sophia xian epley was born on june 4th. i can only imagine what the four of you are going through, but since i am now a parent what i imagine makes my heart feel like it is being ripped out. my goodness, i cry when she gets her shots!

i am sending you many, many hugs, kisses, oreo cookies and best wishes. julien and jake are so lucky to have the best people possible as parents, both of whom have hearts of muffins, strengths of steel, and souls of beauty. grow cells grow.

selena for selena, mel, melvin (my nine year old stepson who is a dear) and sophia xian

selena dong epley <mepley@hotmail.com>
chula vista, ca usa - Friday, October 10, 2003 11:24 PM CDT
DEAREST Omi. Matt Jake and Julien, I hope Julien is soon his happy, healthy sturdy energetic little self. Thank you so much for the indepth updates. It means so much to your family and friends who are so far away.....Wishing we could do more than send you strength and courage over the airwaves. On with the mantra "GROW CELLS GROW" I pray every day. My love and prayers to you all. GIANT HUGS AND KISSES TO EVERYONE, MARY "A".
MADERA, CA USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 9:13 PM CDT
Dearest Naomi, Matt, Jake & JJ: I am with Steve Goldberg. Jake is a very smart and loving boy--and he, like anyone who has ever met you, yearns to comfort you. I am glad he is able to do so, if only briefly. I wish I could shoulder your misery for a day or a week & give you a respite. Failing that, all I can do is send you my love & prayers--and you have those in abundance. Much love,
Julie O.
Washington, DC - Friday, October 10, 2003 9:06 PM CDT
I check this Website often and marvel at your ability to explain Julien's treatment. I also admire your honesty in describing your emotional responses in all their complexity.
It is obvious that you are holding on and supporting him with all your own strength. What a good Mom! Our prayers continue for your whole family.

Joan Robinson <Josie0094@aol.com>
Lafayette, Ca. US - Friday, October 10, 2003 8:02 PM CDT
I Hope I am using this correctly....Olivia gave me the site information. Please know that Julien is in our prayers....he is a beautiful little boy. The website makes it so much easier to send love and prayers to him...being able to put a face to the name that we have heard and prayed for these past months is truly a preceious gift. Never lose hope. He seems like a typical little boy with the temper tantrums, although I am sure it is partially from the medication and pain. Heaven knows I would be a bit cranky too! Love and prayers from the west coast....
Vicki McGwire <cachetk@msn.com>
Alta Loma, CA USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 6:07 PM CDT
What a lovely idea to be able to send well wishes and find updated information.....many blessings to all who are a part of this.
Vicki McGwire <cachetk@msn.com>
Alta Loma, CA USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 6:01 PM CDT
We think of all of you and little Julien always. Our good wishes and prayers magnified by gazillion.

Allie, Andy, Eric & Jared

Allie & Andy Davidson <allykat_d@hotmail.com>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 5:52 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake and JJ

Just read last night’s entry and I send each of the four of you huge, loving hugs rolling one after another like ocean waves.


Big Matt
Washington, DC - Friday, October 10, 2003 5:04 PM CDT
naomi and matt

just read your latest and like everyone else, it made me want to be there with you. We left north carolina last month feeling so full of hope for all of you. We're full of hope for you now more than ever. Its clear to me how powerful love is when it comes to making people well. Julien is surrounded by so much love and I know that it makes all the difference. You will bring Julien home soon and in the meantime, in the most amazing ways, you've brought home to him (and Jake).

You have made such a wonderfully plausible home in the most implausible of circumstances. Its been so nice for us to be able to imagine you in your adorable little house, tastefully and slightly wackily decorated and to remember Jake and Ben tearing around it, putting on shows, cramming into Andrew's crib and then sleeping like twin schnauzers on either end of the bed with anne and me. Other home-like elements are equally crucial: The beautiful park, the friendly neighbors, Bob railing about the lack of books in the house. Matt's giddy reorganizing of the recycling bins. Marilyn's
drive-by food drops. I don't know how you all do it, but
you've brought all the warmth and love of your home in DC to
Durham and that consistency and security is such a wonderful gift to your boys in a such a scary and unprecedented time.

hugs (the enveloping kind) all around,

of loviglio, wolf, loviglio-wolf LLC

Jason Loviglio <loviglio@umbc.edu>
Baltimore, MD USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 2:49 PM CDT
Sending you hugs, lots and lots and lots and lots of hugs....and roses without thorns.

I know you can weather this storm. We miss and love you!

Praying for you, Matt, Jake and especially Julien,

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Friday, October 10, 2003 2:16 PM CDT
Dear Na:
You and Matt and Jake and Julien are constantly in my thoughts, and I just pray Julien will get better soon. I wish I could be there to give you all a hug (and Ira wishes he could there to drool on you). Hold on tight. All my love, Karen

Karen Butler <kxbutler@mchsi.com>
Coralville, IA - Friday, October 10, 2003 2:11 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
Bubba Marilyn sent us to your web site and we want you all to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope and pray for those cells to grow and grow and for Julien to gain back his strength to fight and heal. Much love,

Marian and Marshall Sroge <msroge@att.net>
Bronx, NY USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 1:46 PM CDT
Omi, just read your latest, Oct. 9, and wish I were there to add a hug. Bob will be here tomorrow -- I'll squeeze him extra hard for you and Julien and Matt & Jake. Hold on. Love, Alan
Alan Trachtenberg <alan.trachtenbeg@yale.edu>
Hamden, CT USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
Dearest neighbors, before writing to you today, I checked the journal and read your beautiful but achingly sad entry from yesterday, Naomi. I had already copied your beautiful description of your Austen thoughts to pass on to daughter Amanda, who is a fellow Austen fan. We have Roxie until Nina comes to claim her. Jon said last night that it is like having dear Spencer again. So, thank you for letting us have a sweet doggie for a while. She slept all night on the living room rug, and when we stirred about early this morning, she came up to join us. We all took a nice walk to Starbucks as the sun was rising. Tell Jake and Julien, we'll take good care of her, and Miracle is spending the night tomorrow so Roxie can have some little kid time. We are holding you all close in our hearts. Love, Sherrie
Sherrie McKenna <smckenna@cathedral.org>
washington, dc - Friday, October 10, 2003 1:21 PM CDT
Dear Naomi,

Your journal entry for October 9 has brought tears to my eyes! The scariness of not knowing what's ahead for JJ combined with managing the immediate demands of life is such a heavy load to bear. In dealing with Thomas's disabilities/disorders, I understand your struggle, trying to keep everything under control when everything is so out of control.

I wish we could be there in person to give you a big hug. Thomas would gladly give you one of his famous kneecap hugs, which with his growth spurt from the summer have become upper thigh hugs with his head in your belly button. However, we are sending you "big squeezes" from VA and hope you can feel them from afar.

Naomi, you are an incredible person to be able to write so eloquently at a time of such sadness. You, Matt, Jake, and JJ have the strength to make it through, and we are all pulling for you! You remain ever present in our thoughts and prayers.

With much love,

Nelia (and Patrick and Thomas and Erik)
The Gustafsons

Nelia Gustafson <corneliag@cox.net>
Alexandria, va - Friday, October 10, 2003 12:47 AM CDT
It's OK to dissolve in tears. I sometimes do it when I read your messages. Hang in there. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg
- Friday, October 10, 2003 12:36 AM CDT
Though we are not privileged to know you all personally, we have been holding you in the light, as Quakers say, since the first word. A wonderful community has risen up around you here, a real testament to your family, and we are glad to be a small part of it. Thinking of you all every day ...
Danielle Pelfrey (GULC DV and International Women's Human Rights Clinics, JD '06) and Eric Duryea <dnp2@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, October 10, 2003 10:20 AM CDT
Dear, dear Naomi: What can one say? There IS nothing worse than being unable to comfort someone you love so and who cannot really be comforted. I am glad you tell us about the difficult times; you know you've been there to hear about mine. I do not think your friends can necessarily truly comfort YOU during this time, but know that if I could wipe away one ounce of this trauma for Julien, you, Jake, and Matt I would go to the greatest of lengths to do so. As a good friend once told me, we - your friends - are here to hold you, to pick you up, to do whatever we can to see you through. All my love, Heidi
Heidi <h.l.feldman@att.net>
- Friday, October 10, 2003 5:28 AM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

You guys are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I pray for Julien to gain back the strength to fight and for God to heal him and make his little body perfect. I often squeeze little Hunter and hang on way too long (This is my way of sending Julien great big hugs from Hunter and myself). I love you guys.

Sarah Hibdon <sarahh@spanconstruction.com>
Madera, CA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 7:26 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
Iam visiting with Andy Allie, Eric and Jared. They send their best and think of you often. Their new house is framed and we can imagine how it will look. I climbed through it with them and it was very exciting. We are all sending you best wishes and happy thoughts.
LOve, Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Bonny doon, Ca Usa - Thursday, October 9, 2003 2:35 PM CDT
Grow Cells Grow!!
Melika Graves <melikagraves2001@yahoo.com>
Washington, D.C. usa - Thursday, October 9, 2003 1:14 PM CDT
Rebecca Elise has notified me, many months ago, and I have prayed and continue praying, each and every day, often during the day, often, for Juliene. Our love and fervent prayers. Always.
Dr. Randall Davidson <rdavidson@riskit.com>
Pomona, CA. USA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 1:18 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
I am sending you light from the majestic mountains in Santa Fe and will light a candle for you tonight at our contemplative prayer gathering.
P.S. Naomi, I wish I could have had you for a literature professor.

Martha Sorensen
Santa Fe, NM USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 5:17 PM CDT
Hi Omi & Matt,
I just wanted to take the time to say hello. I've been meaning to get in touch with you earlier but I never received your e-mail address from my mom. I just got it.
Carlene and I are constantly thinking of you guys and have Julien and all of you in our daily prayers. I think about you always and have every spiritual person I know praying for you as well. I love you guys. I wish I could give you a giant hug right now.
We've been really busy lately boxing up our belongings and getting ready for our move into our new house we built. 5 more weeks and we're in. Whenever you guys come to town there's always a place for you to stay.
I'll try to keep in touch with you more often. WE Love you guys. Love Dave

Dave Simpson <dsimpson@riverdale.k12.ca.us>
Fresno, CA USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:06 PM CDT
Reading about Oliver, who will eat anything, but not millet, reminds me of Naomi at Julien's age when she would have eaten anything, but I wanted a perfect diet for her, not too yin, not too yang, and millet was the most balanced grain, according to the macrobiotic menu, so millet it was, millet bread, millet soup, millet pudding, millet salad, and when her Granny came to visit she was forced to make millet cookies, and Naomi was not very happy about that. Neither was her Granny. I suspect the entire period was repressed, not that some shadowy edges of it might not have come close to the surface when she first heard the word millet at the Waldorf School this fall. Wasn't it mentioned with a slightly suspicious tone?

Ma <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA USA - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 11:30 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien:
Julie O. is right - I am one of those who visits your journal entries and photographs almost daily, however have not written yet because I don't know quite what to say.....WELL, Naomi, I have now read some Jane Austen for the first time. Now I know how/why YOU write so well! I read Northanger Abbey first - and agree that the main character is not so strong as Anne in Persuasion, which I am about half way through. Still not sure if I like reading Jane Austen, or if I just keep going because I like reading and have to know what will happen next. I must like reading Jane Austen at least a bit though, because there are other books that I have not finished or mostly skimmed through. Matt - did you find a good gym? I can imagine that having fun with Jake can be quite good exercise and more fun than the gym! I can see you all, in my mind, playing at the parks, etc. I have to admit that mindlessly jogging on the treadmill can sometimes wear me out enough to take a smidgeon of emotion out of my thoughts for a short time. I have been quite lazy of late though, so I am thinking of getting an aerobic step to put in front of my t.v. Jake - I hope you received the photo book we sent you. What was your favorite picture? I am learning new things each time I read about your new school. I hope that you can teach me some of the cooking skills you are learning - they sound like I could use them here in the Lions class. By the way, what do you do with beeswax? And what did you do for Michaelmas? I really miss you! I heard a joke that I thought you might like: What kind of witch do you find at the beach? A sand-witch! Julien - fight on little buddy! Grow cells, Grow! Although the people who love you are worried about all of your sleeping, you tell them that you will make up for it when you get your energy back! I will be sending you a photo book too. Do you know the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear? Well, love and strength and smiles to you all! I miss you all fiercely and think about you much more frequently than I could ever write! Love, Julie T.

Julie Thomas - GULC CCC <thomasja@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 6:30 PM CDT

I just heard the news about Julien and I wanted to get in touch with you. I am so impressed with your strength and how you and your family are handling this. I have some understanding of what you are going through clinically as I work for a BMT program in Tucson and have seen what families go through. I also have two small children, Alice and Oliver, and can only begin to imagine what you are going through emotionally.

It sounds like you are nourishing yourself spiritually and emotionally, and arming yourself with enough information to be a part of Julien's therapy, but not so much as to be overwhelmed by it. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. You are in my thoughts.

Margery Bank, now Bates

PS. My children are at a Waldorf School here and I left them this morning happily churning butter to go on the dragon bread (for which they ground the wheat, naturally). Tomorrow is millet day, and Oliver, who will eat ANYTHING,refuses to eat millet. Each day I wonder, is this the day we will be expelled from Waldorf?!

Margery Bates <mbates@azcc.arizona.edu>
Tucson , AZ - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
Howdy from the Left Coast! Love and goodness to you and all. We (Suzanne, Alex, Sofia, Thompson) miss you much. "They" have cleaned up the Albion a little, and gentrified your old neighborhood quite a bit. "They" still paint bomb SUVs but Volvo station wagons are not uncommon. Progress, we guess.

Having just read your 10/5 journal entry, I say to you this; hang on to Buzz and Thomas as long as you can; it only gets more and more venal as they grow... As do we all, I guess, Jane Austen as well. Well, I'm off to defeat Schwarzenegger at the polls, so I leave you with radiance and strong feelings. Love, Thompson.

Congressman Thompson <congressman@mindspring.com>
Berkeley, CA US of A - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 1:37 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, Julien and Grandparents,
We are thinking of you as we begin a new year and are happy to read that things are going as well as expected. Julien sounds like he's getting the treatments, rest, and love he needs to be cured. We know how exhaused and concerned you are and our thoughts are with you.
Last night my sister, who completed chemo in May, was at our family gathering exhibiting her usual sense of humor and enthusiasm for life but with a new, full, curly head of hair. My cousin's wife, who went through cancer treatments the previous year, was attending a class at Montgomery College's School of Nursing. She was so affected by her cancer experience that she was inspired to return to nursing as a hospital oncology nurse.
So, we're optimistic that before long you, Julien and your entire family can put all this behind you and get on with your very full and wonderful lives.
All our love,

Irene and Robert Glaser <rjglaser@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 11:07 AM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,
Yesterday was the first Yom Kippur that I fasted easily . Perhaps because it was dedicated to Julien. Keep up your high hopes and good spirit. It is a new year; a time for renewal and growth. GROW CELLS GROW! Out with the karma of last year (diagnosis and cleansing); in and onward with the positive treatment and health! GROW CELLS GROW!
Love, Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 11:01 AM CDT
You are an inspiration, all of you. Strength, courage and wisdom. We are thinking of you and praying for a healthy New Year. Much Love,
Marcy, Aurie, Ellis and Graham.

Marcy Wilder <mwilder@hhlaw.com>
- Tuesday, October 7, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Gimme a C-- C!!! Gimme an E--E! Gimme an L-- L! Gimme another L--L! What's that spell? Health for Julien!

I am certain that this cheer will have a positive impact, as it was tested regularly and caused many a field goal in my heady days as a CHS rah rah.

Naomi, it is wonderful to read your journals. Reading them has confirmed that a)even in a hurricane and with a child undergoing chemo, you are more literate and articulate than everyone I've ever met put together. And b)that you are doing alright. I'm mostly concerned about the latter, because of course I already knew that you were the hottest babe in town.

Tomorrow is voting day, and I'll punch my chad with all my might-- NO to another actor in Sacramento!

In spite of California craziness, we are thinking of you. Besos besos besos, and 8 more virtual arms around all of you.

With much love, Suzanne, T, Alex and Sofia

Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Monday, October 6, 2003 10:39 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,
Greetings from your Cathedral Ave. neighbors. Our prayers are with you Julien. "Grow Cells Grow" Last Saturday, our prayer group offered a rosary for you all and we also updated them on Julien's progress. Our daily prayer intention is to keep those cells growing. Love, Dan & Salve

Salve Bernabe <Masalve@aol.com>
Washington, D.C., DC USA - Monday, October 6, 2003 8:29 PM CDT
Prof. Mezey, Matt, Julien, and Jake:
You continue to be in our thoughts, as we think daily of Julien and hope for those cells to grow so he can be on his way to recovery! With much love, Suzanne & Doug

Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter <suzanneakim@yahoo.com>
New York, NY U.S.A. - Monday, October 6, 2003 5:49 PM CDT
This is the day that bridges the old year and the new. We are hoping and praying that the disappearing old year takes Julien's illness with it and that the new year will be a healthy one for all. We've dedicated this year's fast to Julien's recovery.

So many people at synagogue asked about Julien it's hard to remember all the names. Tonight we will have Breakfast at Alice Weinstein's with a whole bunch of long-time friends. We hope you can take some time for a Breakfast too.

By the way, this monring David Senter's son chanted a Torah portion. He did a very good job.

L'Shana tova to all,
Mother and Dad

marilyn paul <Marilyn.paul2@verizon.net>
- Monday, October 6, 2003 1:43 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, I am, together with Rita,will take a special interest in the progress of Healing for your son, Julian.
As I have spoken to your mom regarding the recent events of Julian's condition,I feel strongly that we can help.
If you have any questions or better yet a Email address please send this along to me at First Ray Magi @ Yahoo.Com
In God's Service,

Rev Dr. Richard S.Quezada~ Rev Dr.Rita R. Wilson

West Hills, CA - Monday, October 6, 2003 1:42 PM CDT
Dear Naomi and Family,
I am constantly amazed by your journal entries and your willingness to share this ordeal with friends and colleagues. So often we say "fine, thanks for asking" when someone checks in with us. But your journal is such an important update for many of us. I think of all of you often. I especially think of Julien when I see Celia sleeping in that peaceful toddler way. I wish they could be comparing Barbies! I hope soon they will be classmates. Sending you many good wishes...

Katherine Hall <hallk1@law.georgetown.edu>
- Monday, October 6, 2003 11:17 AM CDT
Hi Naomi and Family,
Jake's t-shirt in the pictures reminded me of a 10k race Malcolm and I did in Shelburne Falls many years ago. The first half of the race was up a phenomenally huge hill, and the second half was a glorious downhill into the cute little town. I couldn't help thinking about how the past year for you all must feel like a much steeper uphill challenge. We are all sending you good vibes and wishes that the restful, rejuvenating downhill portion is just around the corner. Love, Hilary, Malcolm, Page and Teddy

Hilary Cairns <cairnsh@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, October 6, 2003 10:52 AM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi and Jake,
I have been checking in on the site but have yet to write you. I just did not know if you had the time or the energy to visit the sign-ins often. I am praying for my little Julien everyday. I also am sending powerful signals your way for you and Matt to have the strength to get through this. I feel in my heart that Julien will come through this with all of his true spirit intact. I will try to send you positive messages of that often. I love you, and I miss you and I pray for you and Julien daily.
Love and lots of neck kisses for Julien,

Laura Toney
Madera, Ca USA - Monday, October 6, 2003 9:52 AM CDT
Dear Mezey-Paul clan,
It is Yom Kippur and I am wondering what I am doing at work for the first time ever on this holiest of holies but the upshot is that I get to check on your website (something I rarely get to do from home). Naomi, your journal entries are so inspiring despite the incredible strain you are under. Julien obviously has inherited your enduring strength and spirit. All we need now is to read the words, "cells are growing". So do your thing Julien and GROW cells, grow!!!
With heartfelt wishes for a healthy New Year,
Nicki, Eli, Merav, Amiram, Emma and Jonah (Karlen/Barr)

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
- Monday, October 6, 2003 9:10 AM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake, Julien: I wish you the best for the New Year. May health and happiness adorn your beautiful family.

Grow cells grow!

with love,


Austin Sarat <adsarat@amherst.edu>
Amherst, MA - Monday, October 6, 2003 4:13 AM CDT
It is Yom Kippur. The Days of Awe have come to an end. My ardent prayers the last ten days have been for the health and happiness of those people that have touched my heart, and in so doing have blessed me with the touch of God. I know we haven't seen each other in a long time but you and your family are always in my heart. I look forward to meeting Jake and Julien the next time you are in California. L'Shana Tov!

Howard <seek.howard3@verizon.net>
Fullerton, CA - Sunday, October 5, 2003 11:56 PM CDT
Best wishes to Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake from Barbara Krouse who, being computer illiterate, asked me to send this for her.
Andrea Newmark
Washington, DC - Sunday, October 5, 2003 11:10 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake,

Happy new year! We're still thinking of you and missing you so much here at GULC. As I will have many, many hours of one-on-one chat with God tomorrow at Yom Kippur services, I will put in lots of special requests for happy, healthy cells for Julien.

Keep smiling! You guys are an inspiration.

Love, Gayle

Gayle Horwitz <gih@law.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Sunday, October 5, 2003 9:37 PM CDT
Hello all! Naomi--our kids send you big hellos. Please check your GULC email--I sent you a link to some pictures they wanted you to see. Let's talk soon. Love to you all--I hope that Julien is once more tearing up the ward.
Julie O.
Washington, DC - Sunday, October 5, 2003 6:24 PM CDT
Dear Julien, Jake, Naomi, and Matt.
Just recently heard about this wonderful website telling all of us about Julien's progress. Marilyn and Bill have been keeping me up to date as we all await more good news about the transplant. "Julien," keep making cells as fast as Jake tells us he eats and eats. My compassionate wishes to your courageous family at this difficult time. We think about all of you and know that the future will be bright.
Love to all,
Lenore Salzman

Lenore Salzman
Potomac, MD USA - Saturday, October 4, 2003 3:13 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake,
I've been following your journey and sending love and best wishes your way. You are a wonderful family. Your love, strength and mutual support are an inspiration to me. I think of you often, and add my love and good wishes to the many coming to you.

Leah Asofsky <rlasofsky@erols.com>
Bethesda, Md USA - Saturday, October 4, 2003 8:55 AM CDT
Hey guys,

Love you all. In all prayers.

Tim Kirk <strawman90403@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, October 4, 2003 3:18 AM CDT
Hi Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake,
I stopped by to say hi today but Naomi, you and Julien were sleeping so soundly. You looked relaxed and Julien looked so comfortable that I didn't want to interrupt. It's good to hear that things are going pretty smoothly now..no more fever. Iknow you'll be busy this weekend with more friends in town, but 'll give you a call just to check-in and see how everythings going. Take care.

Cheryl Lynn Horton
Durham, NC - Friday, October 3, 2003 7:39 PM CDT
Love to Olivia's darlings.......
I am touched by the angelic face that I know God loves and protects. I also know that God answers prayers. I send mine to you for strength, love and faith. I join in the mantra and will celebrate with you and Olivia (and your extended family across the world) when that complete healing occurs. Julien and your whole family are on my heart. Keep reaching above.

Sue Kremer, Olivia's co worker in Claremont CA
Rancho Cucamonga, CA - Friday, October 3, 2003 4:10 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien-

We are thinking of you all the time way down here in Georgia! Glad to hear Julien is working on new cells. It sounds like you guys are holding up well, and have lots of friends and family wishing you well. We wish you all the best and blow a kiss to Julien, and one to Jake too!

Love, Sheila, Michael, Joey and Casey (Jason and Anne's friends)

Sheila Doyle <sheiladoyle@earthlink.net>
Scottdale , GA USA - Thursday, October 2, 2003 11:01 PM CDT
Keep cuddling. I'm thinking of you all and looking forward to some good news. Grow cells, grow. xoxo The Mands
Mandy De Mayo <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX USA - Thursday, October 2, 2003 9:06 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien: We continue to think of you, and to follow Julien's progress in your journal. Sounds like he's doing exactly what he should be! We're all rooting for him. And Steve can't wait to show Jake our new roses when he comes back; the "Marilyn Monroe" roses (real name) are champagne in color and smell lovely. L'Shana Tova.
Love, Andrea, Steve & Izzy
Washington, DC - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:40 PM CDT
Naomi, I just read today's entry in your journal and Julien sounds like a wonderful bear cub. As you are cuddling with him over these many hours I am imagining you reading and have thought of two books, perhaps you have read them or perhaps not, Operating Instructions by Annie LaMott 9funny and smart) or others of hers and The House in Paris by I can't remember. I thought of Annie LaMott with your thoughts about God; she wrestles with the concept and ends up on the God side. I continue to be interested but can't get my head around any God other than the one you are describing and then calling that God doesn't seem exactly right either. Both Louisa and Charlotte went through periods when they were 3 and 4 when they believed in God. Charlotte said," I know you don't believe in God, Mama, but I do." I am not sure where they stand now. The House in Paris is just a very interesting book, dense in a way and I liked it a lot. I think of you every day and try to send every metaphysical thing I can think of your way. Love, Rachel
Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 9:28 PM CDT
Dear Julien -

It's just after bathtime at our house; the time of day we commune with our respective heroes. Ned is watching Lance Armstrong ride; Ezra's cheering on the "Good Buzz" in Toy Story II; I am at your website and listening to Madonna. What a miraculous addition you are to our energetic Pantheon. Here's to your healthy, happy New Year.

Hallie, Ned and Ezra
Alexandria, VA - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 7:50 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,

Julien is working so hard! He amazes us. And Jake with his picture of himself with Julien, laughing; he's working hard, too. You're all always in our thoughts.

With much love,

Lucas, Mariah, Lisa, and Bob
- Wednesday, October 1, 2003 1:34 PM CDT

Good work, chappy! Way to make those cells grow! You are a superhero, as far as I'm concerned.

Naomi, Matt, and Jake,

Sounds like the corner is about to be turned. Way to support the little superhero! Keeping fingers crossed. Guarding food in case Jake shows up in the neighborhood.

Chris Palamountain
San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:11 AM CDT
How could I have done such a thing, misspell you name! I apologize.

Washington, DC - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
Dear Julien, Jake, Marr, and Naomi,
I feel so far away right now. As soon as I hang up from one of our telephone conversations I run to to computer to check the website. I guess that's my way of prolonging our conversation. I just love to hear about Julien and hope that while he sleeps his body is making good use of those precious stem cells. Everyone asks about him and the family, people you know and many of our new firends in this building and my new friends at the Holocaust Museum. Lots of people are checking this website, some write and some don't but you are in their thoughts whether they write or not. I hope you can sense all the love, good wishes, concern, and prayers that are being sent your way. You are all doing a magnificent job of handling this crisis, understanding what's important and what is not and acting accordingly. WE are all very proud of all of you.

The seasonal greeting, "May you all be inscribed for a good year of life, good health, success, and happiness". has special meaning this year.
Love you all,

p.s., Dad just left for Japan. He will be back Saturday morning.

Marilyn Paul <marilyn.paul2.verizon.net>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 10:26 AM CDT
Dear Jake:
I hope you have fun in North Carolina. I am in Kindergarten now, and I like Kindergarten because they give us extra chances to play outside and to do other projects like art or computer time. When I go to After Beauvoir Care they also give you extra chances. Hope the baseball's good in North Carolina. I hope you learn how to play baseball, Jake. Love, Danny O.
p.s. say hi to JJ for me.
p.p.s. [Dear Jake: I, Julie O., have been instructed by Danny O. to send you a funny joke for JJ at this point but I can't think of one.]
p.p.p.s Knock, Knock. Who's there? Its me, banana split. Ha Ha. Love again, Danny O.
p.p.p.p.s. I, Danny, in Kindergarten have a class pet named "Harry Spotter" and he is a bunny. His name is funny because he is a SPOTTED bunny.
p.p.p.p.p.s Knock Knock. Who's there? It's me, cool dude the surfer. Ha, ha. [Accompanied by wiggle] Love, Danny O.
p.p.p.p.p.p.s I have some good news and some good news. I have electricity and soon I am going to let my bunny, Harry Spotter, run around the classroom and close the door when he is hopping around so he does not hop around the school. Love, Danny O.
p.p.p.p.p., etc p.s. Dear Jake we miss you sweetheart. Julie O.

Danny O. as told to Julie O.
Washington, DC - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 7:37 PM CDT
Dearest neighbors, we think of you all each day and send you beautiful healing thoughts from our upstairs window. Your morning glories have been truly glorious. They are tangled in the left-over black-eyed susans and send out magenta blooms from there. Recently some have crept up on the porch railing where they belong. You probably heard that we didn't lose power on Cathedral Avenue, probably a good thing that they removed that big tree across the street. Speaking of trees, Julien and Jake's were untouched by the storm. Thank you for the blessing of these photos and your stories. We are chanting "grow cells grow" and waiting for all of you to return. Love Sherrie and Jon
Sherrie McKenna
washington, dc - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 3:25 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

T+14 is coming closer and closer for little Julien, and we hope that he continues to improve! Those periods of spunk show his amazing strength.

Patrick had Chapel this morning, and I reminded him to say a special prayer for Jakey and Julien. Since his prayer of "Heavenly Father, please bring our power back so that I can play Cartoon Network dot com. Amen!" did manage to restore our electricity within seconds of its completion, I figure that Patrick has quite the touch. His instructions this morning were to say "Grow cells grow!" during Chapel, and he promised to say that phrase during the quiet time so that God would heard it very loudly.

Both Thomas and Patrick have been wearing our Buzz Lightyear costume every day, and I've even had to set the timer to ensure each one has equal time. Even the old Buzz Lightyear of Star Command video has come out for a viewing. So, we have heard lots of "To infinity and beyond!" in our house lately. Thomas told me yesterday that I should be Princess Mira for Halloween and Erik should be XR. Then again, last week he wanted me to be Lilo so that he could be Stitch. Do you see a Disney theme here?

You all do such a wonderful job writing this journal! Your ability to express the human side of the process, along with the more technical aspects, make each entry so real. Thank you for taking the time to write and share your experiences!

With all of our love,
The Gustafsons - Nelia, Erik, Patrick, and Thomas

Nelia Gustafson <corneliag@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 1:50 PM CDT
Hello my dears. I assume that the past few days have been hell. I wish I could send you electronically a sunny Sunday morning on Cathedral Ave, with all of you at home & eating pancakes (or at the very least a hug & a beer). T 14 is almost upon us, and that, I hope (fervently), means that Julien is rebounding & that the countdown to that wonderfully ordinary Sunday morning is on. I hope you know that a great many of your well-wishers are monitoring this site--but are not committing themselves to writing because they just do not know what to say (that has certainly been my approach of late). All the "news" I have to communicate is so trivial AND not very funny. Does it help to hear, again and again, that we love you and are pouring every ounce of healing energy (via prayers or just good thoughts) Julien's way? If so, we are. Much love,
Julie O.
Washington, DC - Monday, September 29, 2003 11:01 PM CDT
Mez, Matt, Jake and Julien -- thinking about you guys every day and wishing you the best new year. Love, Rasti.
Adam Rosman <arosman@zuckerman.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 10:30 PM CDT
Dearet Omi, Matt, Jake & Julien: I`m so very sorry to hear that our precious Julien is feeling the downward side of his treatments, I hope he`s his smiling cheerful little self before you know it. My thoughts and prayers are with you as always. Keep on keeping the faith. Happy New Year!! Much love hugs and giant kisses to all. Very affectionatly yours, MARY "A"
MADERA, CA USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 6:49 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien,
I have just returned from Maryland, where I spent Rosh Hashana with Beth and her family. We missed you, but you were there in our prayers, and wishes for the New Year. "May you all be written in the book of life".
I am ambivalent and wary about formalized religions and their establishments. Adat Shalom always surprises me, and proves me wrong by doing the right things. An Iman from the local mosque spoke, and with the rabbi, each presented his perspective on the Issac Ishmael story, and their joint wish for peace. They both urged the resolution in each of us, to shed self righteousness and entitlement; to get beyond the wrongs done and seek peace and understanding for the future. A really inspiring experience.
A ray of inspiration and hope for the future. A New Year to bring good things to all.
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 4:57 PM CDT
You are certainly doing great keeping this website up to date with the new pictures and descriptions of Julien's
day to day progress and Jake's activities.

Evelyn Shapiro, who now lives here in Urbana, wrote me that she went to school with both you and Matt. Great to have her in our town and I'm hoping I get to meet her soon....We are praying for all of you and love you all for keeping up your strength and great spirit. Our prayers and much love to you Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien......GROW CELLS GROW

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 11:50 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

We had been getting updates from Marilyn and she told us about this wonderful website. We continue to send you our thoughts, wishes, and love, and hope to read soon that Julien is past this difficult stage of his treatment.

May this be a bright New Year for all of you --
Laura and Allan

Laura and Allan Melmed <lauriter@aol.com>
Washington, DC 20008 - Monday, September 29, 2003 8:39 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

Your mother/grandmother Marilyn just told me about this website. I think it is a wonderful way to keep in touch with all the people who are so concerned about all of you.
I want you to know that my thoughts and best wishes are with you all during this time of stress.


Susan Strober

Susan Strober <s.strober@att.net>
North Bethesda, MD 20852 - Sunday, September 28, 2003 8:21 PM CDT
dear Julien, Jake, Naomi, and Matt,
thinking about all of you a lot, with a lot of love.
happy new year,
ps: Naomi, funny, I'm re-reading all of Austen too, as Jesse sleeps on my chest amid her tubes and wires, ostensibly in preparation for the Austen seminar I'm teaching next term but really, well, you know why. perfect hospital reading.

Gina H.
- Sunday, September 28, 2003 3:44 PM CDT
Naomi and Matt -- I want you to know that every night at bedtime I sing a lullaby for Henry and a lullaby for Rosie and then I sing a third lullaby for Julien. I hope he can hear me. All love and good thoughts for a sweet new year. xo - Linda and all the Ryden/Cohens
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC 20015 - Sunday, September 28, 2003 3:21 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, I check the website every morning, to see if there is a new entry and to read the loving comments of your friends and family all over the world. So excited to read the update, the details of what Julien is going throough, so I can visualize my healing vibes accordingly. I love reading about your thoughts about God... Did I tell you about the awakening I had when I was 17? It was that day you were a Jr and I was a Sr, preparing for the OSE show, and you thought you'd blown an exam, and came to sit next to me and I laid hands on you, and you perked up and said "wow, I feel so much better!" That day I understood what "God" was.... and I think you are so right on about the faces and hands of the loved ones being God. And everything we see, touch, hear and smell... has a purpose and a place in the great unfoldment. I had my baby shower this weekend, and was showered with love for my little boy-to-come by friends and family. Words of wisdom flowed from other experienced moms, and they said, Enjoy Every Moment, Nothing Is More Important, Pay Attention. I feel like I also am learning about parenting from hearing about your wonderful relationship with your two beautiful and amazing children. I send you and Matt and Jake and Julien love and strength and Truth and Beauty for the New Year, and sharp swords that will slay with love all the dragons on Michaelmas! Love, Consuelo
Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 2:49 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,

Just wanted you to know that we're thinking about you everyday, especially as things move into what sounds like the most difficult phase. It seems like the doctors are doing a fantastic job of explaining things to you and letting you know what to expect along the way. We're praying, hoping and wishing for a fast end to this time period when Julien isn't feeling well.

With lots of love,
Karen, Marty and Hunter Sosby

P.S. Thanks so much for sharing the Buzz Lightyear/God analogy. I think that the mysteries of the world are best viewed from the eyes of child.

Karen Gordon-Sosby <kmhsosby@att.net>
Wimberley, TX USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 2:39 PM CDT
Matt, Naomi, Jake, and Julien,
I check the website several times a day, and I was so eager to get the latest update. (Coincidentally, Karen and Marty and Hunter were over for dinner, so we all got to read it together.) Julien is so strong and brave. Your ruminations on God and the image of the kids' quilt were provocative and beautiful. From all the way in Austin, Texas, we are visualizing cells growing, growing, growing and sending you thoughts of strength and love.

Mandy, Grant, Sam and Anna <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 1:36 PM CDT
We who stand at the Precipice demand
that all Constructs that stand in opposition to the Light
be softened and embraced.
With Love and Peace.
With Ease and Grace.

ma <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 10:48 AM CDT
Naomi and Matt, keep hanging in there. My thoughts are with you and please give my love to Julien and Jake.
Linda Weinstock <LindaW1267@aol.com>
Springfield, VA USA - Saturday, September 27, 2003 2:51 PM CDT
Our prayers and love for Julien and for all of you. Marjie talked to Olivia tonight.

Marjie and Dick Young <rpyng@cyberg8t.com>
Claremont, CA - Friday, September 26, 2003 9:45 PM CDT
Beloved Family,
It is approaching sundown here. It is time to light the candles and continue our prayers which flow out without ceasing. Praising God and praising You seem so much one and the same hymn. There is no Other.

Ma <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA USA - Friday, September 26, 2003 8:23 PM CDT
Dear Prof. Mezey,
You and your family are in my prayers. Wishing you a sweet and happy New Year, Kate

Kate Didech <kld4@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, September 26, 2003 7:25 PM CDT
Dave and I wanted to wish you a healthy new year! You are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope to see you all back in DC soon.

Joanna and Dave Suna <joanna.miller-suna@cwt.com>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, September 26, 2003 4:18 PM CDT
Prof. Naomi (I like this combination of formality and casual-ness)...
As an overanalyzer of the highest order, I'm no stranger to the kinds of thoughts you've been having about God. The overwhelming feeling of having friends and family who love you come out of the woodwork when you need them most is also a familiar one. Yet until I read your last post, I don't know that I had ever put the two together. So along with the amazing courage, strength and bravery that you have shown, now you're also distracting me from my new and exciting tax law practice (!) so that I may think deep thoughts about God. No wonder your kid's so amazing.

Lots of love (sent also by my PC-troubled roommate Charles Boocock)...Melissa

PS - Grow cells grow!

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Friday, September 26, 2003 3:22 PM CDT
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm asking God to give you all the strength you need and Julien a full and complete recovery.

College Park, MD USA - Friday, September 26, 2003 2:23 PM CDT
May Buzz Bless Us All, especially Julien. Happy New Year.
- Friday, September 26, 2003 1:29 PM CDT
L'shanah tovah. I will be thinking of all of you this evening and tomorrow.
Richard Chused
- Friday, September 26, 2003 1:20 PM CDT
I was moved by your honest and open reflections on God. Happy New Year. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Love, Steve
Steven Goldberg
- Friday, September 26, 2003 1:09 PM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt:

We are keeping your brave family in our thoughts every day. It is wonderful to see the pictures of Julien and Jake. It is a thoughtful comfort you provide for those who are far away.

When Julien comes back to the GULC CCC he will have a wonderful sight to behold--the new playground that I suspect you, Naomi, were "involved" in securing. When Jasper saw it today (in its early stages of construction) he exclaimed (with wildly gesticulating arms--as usual) "Oh Mommy---it's beuuuuuuutyfuw!" In fact, I think they have been holding off building it so that the slide will still be extra slippery when Julien gets back.

We're so glad that you weathered the Hurricane--I did worry, but figured the hospital had generators. The only school that rivaled Ennis's in days closed from hurricane power outage and last minute opening announcements was Eaton. I thought you might like to know that Jake missed out on at least 4 hurricane (school closing) days here. Ennis loved them--isn't Kindergarten a little early to start enjoying unexpected breaks from school?

All your friends here at school are thinking positive thoughts and sending incredible love vibes your way.

Clarissa Potter
Washington, - Thursday, September 25, 2003 3:50 PM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
I am one of Andrea Harrington's sisters. I was in Claremont this summer from Italy. Andee just told me about this site, and I was very happy to read that Julien is doing so well so far and that he has so much support behind him. What a kid he must be, and his brother too. The photographs and your words make it easy to say the mantra for him from this side of the world: GROW CELLS GROW! I will continue to think and pray for him, confident that he will pull through. Health and happiness to you all.

Maureen Young <maureen@fol.it>
Florence, Italy - Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:49 PM CDT
Matt, Omi, Jacob, & Julien:

I just wanted you to know that we love you and that there are people here in Madera praying for Julien and for you. I have a picture of Julien and Laura (from when she was out to visit) on my desk at work. I started working full time at the church I attend about 3 months ago so the picture constantly reminds me and the Pastors of precious Julien. I wish I could hug you all and tell you my love in person. May the blessing of the Lord consume Julien in every way.

Love you always.

Cousin Mariann Perez & Family <mperez@madnet.net>
Madera, CA USA - Thursday, September 25, 2003 12:39 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
We are thinking about you all the time, and we're still sending big pink puffy teletubbies clouds your way. It's gotten easier since Isabel passed through. Lucas has a toy catalog he is saving for Jake. He has circled every toy in it, I think. I can't tell whether the toys are intended for Jake or for Lucas, from Jake. We miss you all.

Lisa, Bob, Mariah & Lucas
- Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:29 AM CDT
A visit from Lucas? I suspect dinosaurs were a topic of discussion. It's wonderful to read your updates; you are cheering us up every day. Love, Steve Goldberg
Steven Goldberg
- Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:20 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julian,

Thanks for keeping us all in the loop -- I wish I could be nearby, but the pictures are just wonderful to see. I'm especially saying, "Grow, cells, grow," as my new year wish...

Harriet Miller <hmiller@mccsd.net>
Melville, NY - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:43 PM CDT
Thanks for the photos. What a handsome twosome. The boys look great. Who needs hair? I'll take the smiles any time. Maybe we should all go for bald. Love Pat
Pat Roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:38 PM CDT
Hi Matt and Naomi,
Thanks for the beautiful pictures. It is a comfort to see the boys looking so beautiful and so alive. Julien's picture is deja vous for me. Maybe he reminds me of Matt as a kid. You are doing a great job. Keep up the vigilance. My wish for you and the boys is for a happy and HEALTHY NEW YEAR! Shanah Tovah!
Grow cells Grow!

Beth Davidson <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:10 AM CDT
It was great meeting you and talking with you at Bobby's wedding, and Lelia and I both send our prayers for Julien's fast and complete recovery--I somehow feel totally confident that he'll make it. Love, Paul and Lelia
P.S. And say hi to your Dad--I'll try to e-mail him.

Paul Matthews <PaulLelia@aol.com>
Keene, NY USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:35 AM CDT
Dearest Naomi, We have not met but maybe you have heard my name being mentioned by Olivia Ellis. I am Moji Okubanjo and l live in Maryland. Olivia told me about Julien and l want you to know he has been in my thoughts and prayers ever since. All will be well. May God continue to pour His healing light on all of you.
Moji Okubanjo <ttokubanjo@aol.com>
Lanham, MD USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:00 AM CDT
My Dearest Naomi,

When I first heard about your little angel, Julien, all I could do was send up a prayer. And then I thought about you (also an angel) and the time that God sent you to my aid and how you comforted me at a very crucial time, a time that I shall never forget. Naomi, you have become and will always be a very special person in my life. My prayers will continually be for you, your family, and especially for Julien's complete healing. (Psalms 55:22)



Brenda Moore <moorebp@law.georgetown.edu>
Bowie, Md USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:24 PM CDT
Greetings, Omi, Matt, Jacob, Julien, and Papa, I am using Laura's computer at school today. I just want to say hi and that I love you. We are all praying for Julien to get better as quickly as possible.
Lot's of Love, Marvin and Mary (and Laura too!)

Marion Simpson
Madera, Ca USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:11 PM CDT
Greetings, Omi, Matt, Jacob, Julien, and Papa, I am using Laura's computer at school today. I just want to say hi and that I love you. We are all praying for Julien to get better as quickly as possible.
Lot's of Love, Marvin and Mary (and Laura too!)

Marion Simpson
Madera, Ca USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:36 PM CDT
Dear Naomi,Matt,Jakey and Julien,
I'm so happy that you all came up with the brilliant idea of this website it helps all of us to feel connected with you guys while your in Northcarolina. Jakey, Ahmani talks about you all the time. Almost everyday since she has started her new school she talks about how she misses her old friends at Georgetown. I'm happy to hear that you like your new school!!
Julien we miss you so much in the Bears classroom when you come back you will be in the Tigers.(no fair!!) I'm happy to hear that all is going great and as always you guys will be in my prayers. If there is anything that you all may need feel free to let me know. Love Always,
Ms. Melika

Melika Graves <melikagraves2001@yahoo.com>
Washington, D.C. United States - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:45 AM CDT
I am a neighbor of Mandy DeMayo. She gave me this web address & told me about Julien's diagnosis because I have recently joined The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's "Team In Training." They are training me to do a marathon (which I've never done before!), and, in exchange, I volunteered to raise $5000 for their wonderful organization. During the marathon, we wear wrist bands with names of people we know who we want to remember and/or send positive energy to. I was wondering if I could put Julien's name on my wrist band? I have 2 small children, and your story really touched me. I've been thinking about all of you during my fundraising & training. I hope you don't mind that I included Julien's name in my fundraising letter (Mandy said you wouldn't mind), as being a person who has motivated me to keep working hard to help The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. If you haven't had a chance to meet anyone from the LLS, I hope you will soon. They are a nice group of people with tons of support resources (plus they'll pay for your hospital garage parking!).
Good luck to you all. You're in my prayers.

Anne Praderas <praderas@jump.net>
Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:26 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt

We spoke to Bill last night and got a fairly optimistic account from him on Julien's status. Sorry that we've been so far out of the loop on events over the past couple of months. You clearly are doing everything conceivably possible to get Julien back to a normal and productive life. We pray for his complete recovery in the course of time. If you'd like some company during the week in the near future, we'd have no problem in droping by.

With hope for a bright future for all your family, Linda and Harold

Linda and Harold Weinstock <harold.weinstock@afosr.af.mil>
Springfield, VA USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:48 AM CDT
Hello, I am Mary Ellis' sister from Danville, IL and I want you to know that my husband & I, along with many members of The First Nazarene Church in Danville have kept Julien and all of your family on our prayer list. We have a 6 1/2 yr old boy, Zachary Church, who attends our church. Today he is in a Chicago hospital undergoing similar treatments that little Julien is receiving. Our prayers go up for both little boys. It sounds like Julien is handling all of the this treatment very well and we are very thankful. The Lord has a plan for him even though we have no idea what it is. Keep your faith.
Arlene Jaynes <jaynarle@aol.com>
Danville, IL Vermilion - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:32 AM CDT
Dear Julien,

We just saw your pictures and saw the face of a sweet and happy kid, and it was a lesson in life. We wish you and your family the best. We were really touched by your Mom's testimony of your brave response to your treatment. All that we see is courage and a lot, a whole lot, of love. Keep smiling and keep the spirits up, that will help a lot in your recovery. God Bless you all.

Grace, Lourdes & Jay Venes <Lvv2@georgetown.edu>
Herndon, VA US - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:17 AM CDT
A cousin of Mary Margaret Howard Ellis, My name is Marilyn HAWORTH Cummings. I was raised a Quaker and we strongly believe in the power of prayer. All our prayers are with you. Marilyn & Lowell Cummings.
Marilyn HAWORTH Cummings
Danville, IL Vermilion - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:54 AM CDT
Hi all, just found out about this site, it's wonderful! I've been sending green light, your mama said that's the needed color for today.
Since I've gone to bifocals, reading for pleasure in bed isn't as fun (can't lay on my side with the glasses in the right spot), so I've been getting books on tape. Just listened to Northanger Abbey, but since my memory went with my eyesight, now I can't even remember what it was about. I loved it while I was listening though.
Everyone in my family (parents, siblings, kids) and my work family sends their best to you. We're all doing it in different ways, I love the post below about "cornering the market on spiritual strength"!
We love you guys, hang in there.

Andee & Pat <aharrington@ci.claremont.ca.us>
Claremont, CA USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 10:32 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi and Jake
Looking at Julien's latest pictures we can attest that he is an amazing child. His smile is contagious. We continue to have you all in our prayers. ("Grow Cells Grow") Barbara our neighbor wants us to convey to you that Julien is in her prayers as well as the rest of the family. Since she can't access the website we keep her posted on Julien's condition. A big hug to you all. Love, Dan and Salve

Salve L. Bernabe <masalve@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 8:19 PM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt

The site and the pictures are wonderful. It let everybody to follow Julian’s progress “on line”. Julian’s face reveals that on top of being strong both physically and mentally, he has pleasant, cheerful optimistic character, which allows him to behave so nicely and to smile so lovely despite the pain and the suffering. His charming character and “stamina” will contribute to his ability to be on the right track of fast and complete recovery.
At this occasion we would like to wish you a happy new year, a year of good health and high spirit, a year of accomplishments and success and above all a year of complete recovery for Julian.
Let us hope that the prayers of the many people who surround you with love will help as well.
(In Hebrew we say “let a year of curses end and a year of blessings start”. It rhymes in Hebrew)
Best warmest regards
Yehudit and Zami

Yehudit and Zami Ben-Sasson
Jerusalem, Israel - Monday, September 22, 2003 1:11 PM CDT
Hey guys:
We're thinking of you often here at Patton Boggs, and glad to hear that the hurricane didn't affect the hospital. The photos are wonderful and you really have a little trooper on your hands!
As always, if there is anything you need to be done on this end, give us a call or an email.

Mary Beth <mbbosco@pattonboggs.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 9:50 AM CDT
Hie everyone,
From Israel via fox news,the hurricane looked pretty tough.
After being in NY on 9/11, and also a couple of days for the black out, I really wonder why Isabelle didn't wait for our next visit to the US to show up...!(we are coming mid october)
Who knows maybe one of her friend will be...

Anyway I'm glad to hear that it wasn't to much more trouble for you.
We love looking at new pictures it makes us feel being close to you and the kids.
Silvie wants to say "shalom" to Julien everytime the computer works and so far (until the new pictures arrived)she was asking me each time: "why did julien took my babydoll?it's mine!...etc...etc".
Thank you for removing the doll from the piture!! :)
(she has exactly the same one)

we love very very much
Nadine Silvie /jenna

natanya, Israel - Monday, September 22, 2003 9:30 AM CDT
Hi Julien!

It was great talking with you last Friday! It sounded like you enjoyed the fury of the hurricane and took it in stride. Not even a fierce tropical storm can slow you down. You are a bulldozer! Talk with you soon.
Love, Coach

Coach <srellis47@msn.com>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:27 PM CDT
The pictures of Julien and Jake are so beautiful. I think you are using that new camera like a pro and we appreciate so much your keeping us up to date. On this day, T+5, the "Grow Cells Grow" mantra and prayers are being repreated often by friends and family here in Illinois.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 9:12 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi (I like Omi!)Jake and Julien, Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us. I'm reading a wonderful book, A Purpose Driven Life, and the very first sentence says, "It's not about you." Through Julien's devasting illness I've learned a lot about unconditional love. There is so much strength in "critical mass." It's utterly amazing how a child can impact thousands and bring people to their knees. I am so happy to hear that the transplant is thus far very successful. I wasn't at all surprised to read that Julien was awake during the procedure. He's a very special little boy with an incredible family. We love Olivia and it pains us to see her so far away from where she truely wants to be. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of you. Blessings,
Lori Kerns <Lkerns@chs.cusd.claremont.edu>
Claremont, Ca USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:22 PM CDT
Hi Omi & Matt, we have Julien on prayer lists in Madera and Texas. Praying several times a day for him. We are using Aaron's computer today. Marvin and I send you, Matt, Jacob and Julien and Papa our love and prayers. Hugs and kisses for everyone. Lots of LOVE, Marvin and Marion
Marion Simpson <aaron-simpson@msn.com>
Madera , Ca. USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:08 PM CDT

Welcome to the late 20th century. Geat pictures and great news.

Love, Judah

Judah Mezey <judoir@comcast.net>
Los Angeles, Ca USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 1:31 PM CDT
Hi guys,
Well, Julien is indeed a "tank of a kid" - the smiling post-chemo photos say it all. As you know, I go for the bald look. This is just a message to say again that I am sending love and strength to Julien and the rest of you. Jitendra is having all the rocks in the yard do likewise. Be well, Heidi

Heidi <h.l.feldman@att.net>
- Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
If eyes are windows to the soul, I have had my breath stolen by a glimpse into the souls of the "brothers Mezey." Thank you for sharing Julien's good news--it cuts down on a lot of hand-wringing, but if your photography gets any better, I won't be able to look away. Fitzgerald once said that "If you begin with a detail, you'll end up with a generalization; if you begin with a generalization, you'll end up with nothing." Your story takes me back six years to when my Jacob entered Children's Hospital in Los Angeles for open heart surgery. The rest of the world receded like an impressionist painting, but even now I can replay those days bound by hospital walls with absolute precision and those detailed images along side the ones you share lead me to echo "There is nothing like having a seriously sick kid to keep you from worrying about other more minor natural disasters." I hope someone is making capes for the boys--they're SUPER HEROES!. Love, Jane
Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA 91711 - Sunday, September 21, 2003 2:18 AM CDT
Dear Matt & Naomi
It is great to see julien's picture and hear how well he is doing.
Lots of love from Madera

Uncle Bob <good_earth@earthlink.net>
Madera, Ca USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 1:55 AM CDT
So much good news coming from Durham!
Mazeltov! -- and Millet all around!

Love, Ma

Olivia Ellis <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA USA - Saturday, September 20, 2003 8:53 PM CDT
MADERA, CA USA - Saturday, September 20, 2003 7:16 PM CDT
MADERA, CA USA - Saturday, September 20, 2003 7:16 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien,
I am so relieved to know that Isabel did not create major additonal issues for you. My experiences in Atlanta left me in the greatest awe of southern storms. Thank goodness you are safe. Julien is amazing in his vigor and I am thrilled he is doing so well. The pictures are terrific and delightful.
All my love and best wishes to you all.
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Saturday, September 20, 2003 6:34 PM CDT
Julien,Jake,Naomi,& Matt
My Prayers and Love are with you. Julien will be well and strong again soon.
Love & Hugs

Sandra Alfaro <salfaro@chsmail.claremont.edu>
Claremont, CA USA - Friday, September 19, 2003 3:27 PM CDT
Grow cells grow. Grow cells grow. Grow cells grow.

Thank you for this wonderful bridge!

Love and love and love to you all!

Kirsten and Cris <ckgonzalez@aol.com>
Claremont, CA USA - Friday, September 19, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
My thoughts are with you all today and everyday. Grow Cells Grow.

All My Love and Admiration,
Cousin Rob

Robert Miller <rmiller@carat-na.com>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, September 18, 2003 9:43 AM CDT
As far as I can tell from a web search this a.m., Michaelmas has been around at least since the Middle Ages. It falls around the autumnal equinox when the days are getting shorter and the harvests are over.

St. Michael is seen as the protector against dark forces. In the Bible and early Jewish literature, Michael is one of the angels of God’s presence. He is depicted as a warrior-prince leading the celestial armies against wicked forces and as Israel’s guardian angel. He was the intermediary between God and Moses on Mt. Sinai.

In terms of food for the holiday (in my mind, food is always the main reason for a holiday), the "fatted goose" that had been feeding off the harvested fields and especially large loaves of bread are traditionally featured. (The goose apparently protected one from financial need in the following year.)

By Michaelmas the harvest had to be completed and the new cycle of farming would begin. In addition to paying dues, it was a time for beginning new leases.

(Please note, some of this text is directly plagiarized from various web sites... as a Professor, Naomi, I know you would be concerned about this issue...).



Sarah <skaplan@mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA USA - Thursday, September 18, 2003 8:04 AM CDT
Beloved Julien:
Thank you so much for once again showing us your brave soul and heart! (I told you: you are my hero!)you are now in the way of recovery.
And you know what? your parents Naomi and Matt, and your brother Jacob are my heroes too, all of you are a great example of courage!
Many Angels are around you right now, watching you and your family very close, some of them you can not see but they are right there, very close to you, and some others you can see: they are the nurses and the Doctors. God is Blessing all of you right now! We all love you! precious and brave child!

Olivia Revueltas Simcock <olivia@revueltas.com>
San Antonio, TX U.S.A. - Thursday, September 18, 2003 6:54 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,

Not one day goes by without my thinking about you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you regularly. Here's hoping that the new year begins with the very best news possible about the bone marrow transplant.

Marilyn Tucker <tucker@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC United States - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:46 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi, and Jake,
We are rooting for Julien "grow cells grow" with our prayers. Your T Day account is so clear, crisp inspite of its very delicate nature. I wish my doctor could explain things the way you do. Our prayers are with you all so we could have you all back in our neighborhood.
Love, Dan and Salve

Salve Bernabe <masalve@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 8:42 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Marilyn and Bill,

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this difficult time in your lives. Since I am still saying Kadish for my Mother I go to synagogue several times a week and make it a point to add Julien's name to our prayer for health and renewal. I look forward to knowing in the not too distant future that it will no longer be necessary. Your family, your friends and your extended family all wish only good health and long life for all of you.

Louise and Bill Herman <WHHerman@aol.com>
Harrison, NY USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:09 PM CDT
Hey friends -- We've been lighting candles at church for all four of you and this Sunday I'm going to ask my fellow UU's to say "grow cells grow" all together! You can't underestimate the power of 300 Unitarians -- with the theists, atheists, humanists, Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Muslims and who knows what else all mushed together we've pretty much cornered the market on spiritual strength! We love you and miss you and we're looking forward to singing Me and Bobby McGee with you again real soon. All our biggest love -- Linda, Jeremiah, Rosie and Henry xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 6:21 PM CDT
GROW CELLS GROW! What more can I say than I love you guys and am hoping for detective novel goldmine.
Chris Palamountain
- Wednesday, September 17, 2003 4:30 PM CDT
Dear Julien,
There are many many people sending love to you and your cells right now! I scoop up and handfull of cells in my heart, and whisper "grow, cells, grow!" to them! Such a flurry of activity -- the energy, love, growing, changing, transformation going on right now, not only with your family, but all across the country as we all visualize your healing! Much love, Consuelo

Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 12:14 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 11:07 AM CDT
It's T+1 and I just read your description of yesterday's events, Naomi and Matt. Sounds like T day was just a usual day to the docs involved. What a relief it's over and it was as "easy" as you described for Julien and for his loving family! Group hug from us! Grow cells grow!!! Love,
Irene and Robert Glaser <rjglaser@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
Dearest Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,

T+1 is here! What a wonderful relief to read your latest entry. Brave JJ and the Gang do not cease to amaze with your courage, stamina and love. “Grow Cells Grow!”

All our love,

Matt & Sally
Washington, DC - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
A really bad haiku for Julien:

Isabel thunder
no match for a thousand strong
voices "Grow Cells Grow"

Mackin Cheez
- Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
Dear Naomi -- Thanks so much for sharing your family and Julien's great and risky adventure with us. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
--Margaret Blair

Margaret Blair <blairm@law.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:17 AM CDT
Naomi & Matt,
We all wish the best for Julian!
My Mom & Dad and everybody are thinking about him!
TAKE CARE! Love Aaron

Aaron Simpson <aaron-simpson@msn.com>
Fresno, Ca USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:05 AM CDT
Dear all,

Just a quick note before I get Rachel down for a late bedtime--was HOPING there'd be a new entry about T-Day! --"Is Julien better yet, Mommy?"--and it is SO wonderful to hear how things went! We are thrilled, we are hopeful, we all send our love! Will be keeping track. Grow cells grow! GO Julien GO! xox Helen et al

Helen Shafran <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 11:52 PM CDT
MADERA, CA USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 8:22 PM CDT
Matt, Naomi, Jake, and sweet Julien,
I have been thinking of you every minute of T-day. I am eagerly awaiting news of the transplant. We are all sending warm hugs and kisses your way. The Mands, et al.

Mandy De Mayo <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 7:27 PM CDT
Hi all,
I've been thinking about you all day and hope my good vibes along with the others' will give you strength for this important day. Julien looks beautiful in the new picture you posted. -Hilary (and Malcolm, Page and Teddy)

Hilary Cairns <cairnsh@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 6:03 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, Julian and grandparents,
Thinking about you at 5:00 p.m. on T-day. By now, we hope, the procedure is finished and you can proceed with the recovery phase. We're holding our breath until we hear good news. All our love.

Irene and Bob Glaser <rjglaser@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:11 PM CDT
Like everyone else here, I'm helping pursue a Tinkerbelle strategy for Julien -- hoping and praying for the medical magic to work, and for the rest of you to keep strong through the tough times. Julie suggested sending along a couple of jokes, but at the moment the only ones that come to mind aren't fit for a family-oriented guestbook. (They're like the limerick, which packs laughs anatomical in a space that is most economical, but "the good ones I've seen so seldom are clean, and the clean ones so seldom are comical"). Never mind -- just hang in there, and know that your friends are with all of you in spirit. Love, David
David Luban <luband@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3:10 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien...
Thanks for this great website! I've reassigned a regiment of my very own angels and they're headed down your way to hover over you!

Love and Hugs,


Fran Mulligan <mulligaf@law.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 2:58 PM CDT
A kiss on both cheeks for Julien -- I'm beaming thoughts of health and strength (my mother claims this works) as Julien's T-day approaches. Love, Wendy
Wendy Williams <williaw@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 2:50 PM CDT
This is Richard Harris Chused--sorry I have no fourth name. But I have been known at various times in my life as Dickey, Rickey, Dick and Richard. All of us wish you well on T day and the weeks that follow.
Richard Chused
Washington, DC - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 1:37 PM CDT
Professor Mezey,
You, Julien and your family have been continually in my prayers. Your journal shows the remarkable strength that you have. There is great power in prayer!!!

Louise Crozier <crozierl@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 1:22 PM CDT
The hallway on the 4th floor is not the same without you. Thanks for posting the adorable pics of your beautiful sons. They remind me of my nephews. I can't wait to meet your family when you all return to DC. My thoughts are with you and them every day.
Kathy Zeiler <kmz3@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 1:08 PM CDT
Human nature should never cease to amaze us. Keep fighting!
Pablo G. Molina <molina@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 1:02 PM CDT
Please be assured of my continued prayers for Julien and for your entire family. To Jake I simply say: "To infinity and beyond!"

Kevin Quinn <quinnk@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC 20001 - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:51 AM CDT
My prayers for Julien and all of you are focused today for his reception of his transplant. May his body and spirit continue to heal and be strengthened in the days ahead. I send you all a warm hug and best wishes.
Dorinda <youngd@law.georgetown.edu>
- Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:50 AM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake, & Julien:
Just wanted to send along a note of support and let you know that you and your family are (and have been) in our thoughts and prayers. In case your supply starts to run low, with this message we send you our strength, energy, hope and faith. If there is anything at all we can do for you here, please do not hesitate to call on us.
All our best,
Julie Ross, Bill Winter, and Jake Winter
P.S. You can tell your Jake that our Jake is also now introducing himself as "Jacob Lawrence Ross Winter," so he's not alone in having a mystifying mouthful of information to follow the "hello, my name is ..."!

Julie Ross <rossj@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, D.C. USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:43 AM CDT
Prof. Mezey,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. From day one at school I have fed off of your strength and enthusiasm. I hope that I can pass some along to you, if only spiritually.

Tovah Minster

Tovah Minster <tam29@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 11:58 AM CDT
Our thoughts and all our best wishes are with Julien and your family.
Bob, Maureen, Conor, Owen and Brendan Seidman <rseidman@optonline.net>
Roslyn Heights, NY - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Many thoughts and prayers from Illinois friends and family are on their way to all of you today on T Day.

Great Grandma Mary <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, IL USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:02 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake & Julien,
We are thinking of you on the eve of T-Day. Roxie has been following me around and reminding me that unconditional devotion is one of life's most sustaining forces. We hope that our devotion to you bolsters your own to one another as you embark on this feared and awaited stage of Julien's treatment. As an extra measure tonight, we are sending you our human/spiritual equivalent of lots of Roxie foot snuggles.
All our love,

Nina and David
Washington , DC - Monday, September 15, 2003 11:06 PM CDT
Professor Mezey,

I am now into my third semester of law school, but I have yet to find a professor who makes law school as enjoyable as you do. For that reason and many others, I will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow.


David Suggs <dhs24@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
Hello my dears. I hesitate to write because I can't for the life of me think of something funny to relate. We are all thinking (can you say obsessing?) about JJ. Danny decided that he wants to help and is determined to spend the day tomorrow "crossed"--that is, he will cross every finger, cross his legs & arms, and, if possible, his toes (no doubt Jake, by virtue of all that yoga in P.E., could show him a thing or two in this department). My Mom has got the rosaries clacking in Cleveland and is saying atheist devotions herself. Given all the love coming JJ's way, all will be well--Olivia and I are on the same page on that.
Julie O.
Washington, DC - Monday, September 15, 2003 10:30 PM CDT
Dear Prof. Mezey, Julien, and Family,
Good luck with the upcoming operation. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Benny Berkowitz <bab9@law.georgetown.edu>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 10:03 PM CDT

I had to laugh about Jake's name comment. Patrick is known for introducing himself with "Hi! I'm Patrick Ross Gustafson, but you can call me Patrick G." Kind of the reverse of Jake, but still the same principle.

All of us are pulling for all of you as Julien's T Day approaches.

Much love,

Nelia G. (and Patrick and Thomas and Erik)

Nelia Gustafson <corneliag@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA - Monday, September 15, 2003 9:53 PM CDT
Matt and Naomi,

Morty told us the news about Julien, and we're really thinking about you guys. You told us so much about him at the wedding, now to hear that you all are going through this...we know it's a difficult time. But please know that people all over have you in their thoughts and prayers right now. You're definitely in the right place at Duke...excellent medical facility...you're getting great treatment. Keep up the faith...you'll make it through.

Al & Katie Comeaux <alcomeaux@hotmail.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 8:04 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, Matt and Julien,
I just found your website and wanted to wish you luck tomorrow...I'll give you a call in the afternoon to see how it all went.

Cheryl Lynn Horton
Durham, NC - Monday, September 15, 2003 8:01 PM CDT
Mezzy Family,
We are all missing you and tales of your family here at Georgetown, Professor Mezzey. I just love this journal, as it makes me feel like we could all truly heal Julien's body, if we all concentrate very hard from different parts of the country. You are all in our thoughts and prayers, especially during the operation tomorrow.

Tamara Killian <trk4@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 4:52 PM CDT
Professor Mezey and Family,

Hoping for all the best in the time ahead for Julien and all of your family and loved ones. You and Jacob are sorely missed around the school and particularly at the daycare center. In Jacob's absence, the other kids have become noticeably less "airborne" than before in terms of the types of adventures they've been imagining and of course there are fewer instances of intergalactic near-misses and blastoffs. Glad to hear he is flying high in his new school.

Christian Sabella <crs28@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Monday, September 15, 2003 1:17 PM CDT
Naomi and family...thanks for keeping us updated and continually posting new pictures of Julien. He's adorable, though not quite as sassy as you in your knee-high black boots (nope, none of us section 3-ers will forget that day)...

Still thinking of you all and wishing you nothing but the best, Melissa

Melissa Williams
Arlington, VA - Monday, September 15, 2003 1:06 PM CDT
Dearest special family all; What an amazing site! Paul shared it, and I shall pass it on. I wish I had time to take off the day and just read about the oceans of love and support surging your way. Julien--and all of you--have been added to so many prayer groups in Claremont and elsewhere. "Not A Day Goes By..." as Sondheim says, that we don't think of your trials, but also your fantastic spirits, your courage and your love. Your account is, of course, what one would expect from knowing you. We send our heartfelt love and, of course, prayers to our "Nat'lie, Matt, Jake & Julien.
Carol & Bob Herman <up.stage@verizon.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 1:03 PM CDT
Dear Professor Mezey,

We are thinking of you and wishing for the best for Julien.

Alaina and Amelia

Alaina Dartt and Amelia Kaufman
Washington, D.C. - Monday, September 15, 2003 11:35 AM CDT
Matt & Naomi,
Morty brought me up to date on Julien and the many good thoughts in the guest book reflect the great big mountain of faith, prayers & love that Julien and you all have behind you. Your journals are equally telling as to Julien's and your all strength during these days. Myself and Andrea send our best personal thoughts and prayers in hopes that we can add in someway to the amazing brightness displayed of what's so good about folks and life. Hope to see you all back in the DC before years end!!!


PS: Matt, assuming you see Morty before I, make sure he is living by his own words and showering daily.

Joe Kresse <jkresse@cov.com>
Washington, DC - Monday, September 15, 2003 10:54 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matthew,

I would like you to know that my head was not attached to my body on Friday so it wasn't just Jake's name that was wrong. I managed to forget my suitcase (for my trip to NY)when I parked and entered the Metro. I had to exit the system go back to my car (at least I had put in the car) and retieve it. Then to make matters worse when I left the office to catch the train, I had my suitcase, but not my book bag. It had my umbrella (muchly needed for hurricaine like weather) and more importantly, my lunch which was quite tired looking on Monday morning. So apologies.

As to Michaelmas, it is one of the quarter days on the English calendar. Those are when people pay their bills, rent, etc. The fall term is called the Michaelmas term. The upper classes frequently run a tab at the cleaners, tailors, etc. and pay up on these quarter days. I know that was true 30 years ago. Now they probably just charge.

Will the children be paying their bills? Perhaps they will make daisy chains out of michaelmas daisies instead.

Much love to you and the whole family,

Alice Weinstein
Potomac, MD - Monday, September 15, 2003 10:13 AM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake, & Julien,
We're thinking of you everyday and wishing for as smooth a day as possible tomorrow. You are all so amazingly strong, and Julien is such a resilient fighter. We know he has the spirit and strength to beat anything.

We can't wait to see you-- Ben is beside himself with joy about seeing Jake. I think he's practicing some new butt jokes right now in anticipation!

All our love and hope are with you.

Anne, Jason, Ben, & Andrew <wolfan1@gse.harvard.edu>
Baltimore, MD - Monday, September 15, 2003 9:50 AM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Julien, and Jacob,

Lots of love and good wishes for T day. You all rock and we love you very much.

Matt and Gina and Jesse

Matthew P. Brown
- Monday, September 15, 2003 9:11 AM CDT
Naomi --

When things calm down, remind me to tell you some stories about our experience with Waldorf when Andy (my son) was a student there. The school was great for him, but we did have to put up with some craziness. Perhaps the best moment involved a heated dispute about whether the children should be allowed to use black crayons. As you might imagine, this produced an epic struggle between political correctness and some of Waldorf's crazier developmental theories.


Mike Seidman <seidman@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 7:29 AM CDT
Hello Professor Mezey and family,

Well, I took your Nationalism seminar, not Civ Pro, and my best Jane Austen reference point, sadly, is the Kate Winslet movie. So I can't offer a witty FRCP joke nor an erudite Austen-ian insight. But did you hear the one about Hobsbawm? So Benedict Anderson walks into a bar with a blonde...

I think of you and your family a lot and will be crossing my fingers on September 16th. My cats will cross their paws as well as perform their patented heal-Julien-Mezey-now rhumba (inspired by Martha Graham).

Please let us know if there's anything fun we could send to liven up Julien's room after T-Day. Or maybe something tasty to liven up Jake's millet diet--barley roll-ups and quinoa snacks, maybe?

We're all cheering for Julien, GULC, alumni and cats alike!

Suyin So
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, September 14, 2003 11:59 PM CDT
Our hearts, wishes and thoughts are with you


Andy, Allie, Eric, and Jared

Andy Davidson <bang_zippy@yahoo.com>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Sunday, September 14, 2003 5:11 PM CDT
Prof Mezey,
We miss you back at GULC! As my Californian mom often says to me "I am sending positive energy your way."

Alexander Eagle <ALEXANDEREAGLE@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, September 14, 2003 3:06 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
(My mom sent me your page via Bob.) Please know that James, Rachel and I are sending you our thoughts, hopes, and healing energy. I have tried to put myself in your shoes these past weeks...impossible. Your courage, hope, and love will see you ALL through. We'll be concentrating especially on Tuesday, and look forward to hearing how precious Julien progresses. If there's anything you need from California's central coast, just say the word.

We are lifting you up!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!


Helen xo

Helen Shafran <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA U.S. - Sunday, September 14, 2003 2:54 PM CDT
Dear Julien,

I want to see you soon. I want you to get well soon so we can meet someday and I can play with you. Mommy showed me your picture and I hope you will be all better quickly. I am thinking about you. Love, Rachel (31 mos. - daughter of Helen Shafran)

Rachel Miley (Helen Shafran) <hshafran@tcsn.net>
Oceano, CA U.S. - Sunday, September 14, 2003 2:44 PM CDT
Dear Mezey family,
Another update from Claremont...I added Julien's name to the prayer list at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church where my mother is a member.
Continued love and prayers,

Jessica Marchant
Claremont, Ca - Sunday, September 14, 2003 2:29 PM CDT
Beloved Julien:
With this little letter I want you to know that many people love you from the heart, and in particular I want you to know that you are my hero, because your bravery and courage and good spirit,that you are an adorable child of God and I am praying so the Angels of God are with you and your parents Naomi and Matt and your older brother and the Angels assist the doctors who attend you. I love you dear Julien! everything will be allright! Many beautiful Angels are with you, helping you. Julien: my heart is with you.
Bravo for Julien!!!!

Olivia Revueltas Simccock <olivia@revueltas.com>
San Antonio, TX U.S.A. - Sunday, September 14, 2003 1:39 PM CDT
Dear Julien, Jake, Prof. Mezey & Matt:
Thank you for inviting us into your world and sharing your thoughts with us. You are all so brave. Although we have never met Julien, it is plainly apparent what a beautiful and special child he is. Our thoughts and best wishes are with you always, and we will be rooting for you especially on Sept. 16 and thereafter. Please let us know if we can send you anything special from New York.

With much love,
Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter

P.S. Prof. Mezey - While I'm a bit rusty on my Jane Austen, I am a huge fan, too, so would love to discuss when and if you ever have the desire. - Suzanne

Suzanne Kim & Doug Yatter <suzanneakim@yahoo.com>
New York, NY U.S.A. - Sunday, September 14, 2003 11:45 AM CDT
Naomi, your great-grandmother, Marketa Stehlik, loved St. Michaelmas season. After she arrived in Brownsville, Texas, from the Bohemian Forest, she planted Michaelmas daisies around her house, there and in every garden afterward, in the Mojave Desert, Bass Lake, Clovis, wherever she lived, and when she came to live at our house, she and I and your Granny would walk through the gardens together in September, after the autumnal equinox, bending down to the Michaelmas daisies, looking into each upturned face with its sunlit center and lavender/blue petals and those faces would bless us back with all of their love for the season.
Just this past week, as the moon was filling, we had one coolish, overcast day, and as I was watering the garden I heard that soft voice I love so dearly say, "It's Michaelmas season again."

Ma <osellis@msn.com>
Claremont, CA USA - Saturday, September 13, 2003 10:57 PM CDT
Shakespeare, Austen, Dickens...all the British greats use "Michaelmas" much as we use "fall" or "autumn" to refer to a season or time of year both literally and metaphorically. The day, September 29 is not particularly significant, but when Shakespeare says "That time of year thou mays't in me behold," or when Dickens says in Bleak House: "Michaelmas term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincoln's Inn Hall. Implacable November weather," they are using the season to set a mood of pathos. I imagine the Waldorf School treats the day itself as a kind of harvest festival. May your family harvest only the very best marrow for Julien. He is soooooo beautiful.
Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA 91711 - Saturday, September 13, 2003 9:15 PM CDT
Naomi, I have just read the backentries and now understand the references to Jane Austen. Have you seen the movies? Including the P and P that is 6 hours long, maybe BBC or at least PBS version. Colin Firth is in it and great. He is also in Persuasion and great. I just saw Pride and Prejudice with my book group (we reread it about a year ago)at the Guthrie which was incredibly well done, very funny. Remember reading Emma in COL? I also recently learned there is a Pemberley Club for true Jane Austen fans although I haven't looked into it so I know nothing about it yet. Are you in need of other good book suggestions, since Jane Austen does run dry rather quickly. I have some I have enjoyed over the last couple of years. And a new poet I am enjoying. Although recommending poetry to you always seems a bit oxymoronic or contradictory or absurd or something. Her name is Mary Oliver and I have been reading her Selected Poems. I must go because we are going to friends for dinner. Louisa has been down looking sassy in her new favorite jeans and telling me to hurry up. Now Charlotte has been down telling me she did her own hair and c'mon Mama we have to go...I love you Naomi. Rachel
Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St Paul, MN US - Saturday, September 13, 2003 5:00 PM CDT
Hello dear Naomi and family,
I have just read yesterday's journal entry (my first) and so enjoyed hearing your writer's voice, your tenderness and humor. I can only imagine how much both those qualities are helping you weather these days. I am glad to know more and will read backentries to learn even more. I think of you every day and try to figure out how I can give from afar. I will try cookies again. If there is anything else, let me know. I love you. Rachel

Rachel Richardson <michaelrachel@msn.com>
St. Paul, MN US - Saturday, September 13, 2003 4:44 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien--our thoughts have been with you for longer than you know, and Cops and I send much love and encouragement. The web site (forward to us by Jennifer) is beautiful, especially your beautifully-written accounts of how you are all doing. We love you and are keeping you in our thoughts, with lots of healing vibes flowing your way.
Kirsten and Cris Gonzalez <ckgonzalez@aol.com>
Claremont, CA USA - Saturday, September 13, 2003 3:59 PM CDT
Dear Professor Mezey and family,

Here's wishing you the very best fortune with the cell transplant. I'm sure that Julien will soon be outside enjoying the many pleasures of North Carolina along with his brother.

Brian Frye

Brian Frye <bf236@nyu.edu>
New York, NY - Saturday, September 13, 2003 2:33 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, Julien, and the entire Vezey/Paul family,
Just when I was about to call Marilyn for an update, the Jaffee's called to let us know about the website. Thanks for setting it up. It's such a good way to update everyone about Julien's progress. We were eager to hear since we had no news since I spoke with Marilyn several weeks ago.
It sounds like things are progressing as they should and we join all your friends and family in wishing Julien and you a complete and speedy recovery. We will check the website regularly for updates.
Thanks for including photos on the site. Julien is darling! We hadn't seen him since he was an infant. And it's obvious he'll be a caring and involved father to his own children some day!
Once Jake is allowed to visit, we'd love to see some photos of them together.
It's interesting that Grandma Olivia seems to work in a school near where our son Dan lives. We've taken many a walk through Claremont (is that nearby?) when visiting Berkeley. Julien is loved from coast to coast.
All our love and best wishes for good health to all in the coming New Year!

Irene and Bob Glaser <icglaser@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Saturday, September 13, 2003 8:43 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt (and Julian and Jake!) - i am just showing Jitendra the website. We love looking at the photos of Julien with "the doll baby". I, of course, think Jake's school sounds stunning -who would not want to sit in tents and eat granola-type food while trying to learn? Jitendra just wants to say that his thoughts are with you all. Love and strength from both of us.
Heidi and Jitendra <jsubblue@yahoo.corn >
- Saturday, September 13, 2003 7:26 AM CDT
Dear Professor Mezey & family,

Good luck on T-day! My heart and prayer go to Julien and I look forward to the day when little Julien is healthy again and you can bring him to GULC campus!

Yan Li <yl57@law.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Saturday, September 13, 2003 1:16 AM CDT
Hey Naomi & Matt,
My whole family & I are behind you 100%
We all want the best for Julien and your family!
We love you! Take Care! Love Aaron

Aaron Simpson <aaron-simpson@msn.com>
Fresno, Ca USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 11:21 PM CDT
Dear Prof. Mezey, Matt, Julien and Jake,

Thanks for sharing this website with all of us. It's great to see how Julien is doing. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Courtney Donovan <cmd34@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, September 12, 2003 11:19 PM CDT
Julien, Matt, Naomi and Jake,
I am Karen Gordon's sister, Lisa. Met you several times long ago, probably last at Mandy's wedding. This site is wonderful...I've never met Julien but he is adorable and strong! He's got the best support he could have right now, with all these people thinking of him every day. What a blessing! I have worked in the past with Candlelighters, a support organization for children with cancer, and I can tell you that keeping yourselves surrounded by positive, supporting friends is the best thing! Humor is a necessity, and you have lots of it....sorry, I don't know any good jokes... Best wishes as the Transplant day nears...our collective energy will be with Julien in the coming months, as we think of him and you.

Lisa Gordon <lgordon@compu-care.net>
Austin, TX - Friday, September 12, 2003 10:07 PM CDT
Professor Mezey:

My thoughts and prayers are with Julien, you and your family.

Suzette Ivanova
- Friday, September 12, 2003 7:03 PM CDT
Professor Mezey -

I just wanted to send you my warm thoughts and prayers as you approach T-Day. I am believing that everything will go smoothly and even better than expected!

Best and more,

Marshawn Evans <mle3@law.georgetown.edu>
- Friday, September 12, 2003 5:15 PM CDT
Professor Mezey,

My prayers are with you and Julien at this time. I hope the 16th goes by quickly and painlessly for you and your family.

jihi jung, section 4, 2001
- Friday, September 12, 2003 1:39 PM CDT
Dear Prof. Mezey & family,
I wanted to write you something that would make you laugh. Unfortunately, I don’t think I am very funny. In fact, I think I am a front-runner for an award for (co-) authoring the most boring article ever published, “Insurance Company Liquidation Matter of State Law.” (Though I must note that the article delves into some fascinating personal jurisdiction questions that I was only able to address thanks to your Civ Pro course. In fact, if you are in need of some reading material that also doubles as a sleep aid I would be happy to send a copy). Anyway, I thought I would share one of my favorite lawyer jokes with you:

A junior associate in a law firm was sent to a far away country to represent a long-term client accused of robbery. After days of trial, the case was won, the client acquitted and released.

Excited about her success, the attorney e-mailed the firm: “Justice prevailed.”

The senior partner replied in haste, “Appeal immediately.”

I send you my strength, support, love and prayers,

Lisa Marino <lkm7@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Alexandria, VA - Friday, September 12, 2003 12:07 AM CDT
It is a testament to you and your family that you can continue to inspire your students from hundreds of miles away. I will keep you all in my prayers. (And I promise my CivPro textbook will never prop up a sofa. honest.)
Francisco Santos <fjs9@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 11:35 AM CDT
Dear Prof. Mezey,

Knowing how empty the hall of GULC are with your presence is testimony to the fact that one person can really make a difference. I know that I speak for so many of us when I say that Section 4 Civ Pro and you are sorely missed.(everything except for the Erie doctrine)
Thanks for being so great to us- from listening to my 'I want to be a prof when I grow up inquiries' to taking the time congratulate us on completing on 1L year. You and Julien are in my prayers daily and I know that I am only one of many.
I only hope that our prayers can make a difference in your lives as you made a difference in ours.

Michal Dahan

Michal Dahan <mmd25@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington , DC US - Friday, September 12, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
Dear Julien, Julien's mommy and daddy,
We are your new friends from Claremont. We know and love your Grandma Olivia a lot! She told us all about you and how you're feeling.
We really care about you and want you to be well. We hope to meet you when you get well. We already love you...just by looking at your picture. Your Grandma Olivia has placed your cute picture in our school's office.
We would like to send you a get-well present. We can make you a present or get it from our treasure box in our classroom. Please let us know what you prefer.
We will continue to pray for you with our families and in our churches. We want you to get well soon. You're a strong Big Boy!!
We love you!!
Mrs. Patti Salwak, Mrs. Tina Orrence, Mrs. Pauls Morse, Genny, Monica, Jose, Gaston, Dayanna, Damian, Audrey, Ernesto, Kristina and Daniel

Mrs.Salwak and students in Room 12 @ Oakmont Schoo. C.U.S.D. <psalwak@chs.cusd.claremont.edu>
Claremont, CA USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 11:00 AM CDT
Mezey-Paul clan:
Reading your journal entries, guestbook messages, and seeing pictures of Julien has been unspeakably touching and inspiring.
It's been two years since we had you (and Julien--in utero, yet undeniably present) in Civil Procedure and we (Section 4) speak of you and your family all the time. A favorite class memory: you, close to the end of the year, and the end of your pregnancy, sitting Indian-style on the table at the front of the class and, after having mentioning you were experiencing contractions, explaining to the wide-eyed front row that you "weren't going to shoot the baby out on them or anything."
You are incredibly missed at GULC, and, as mentioned by another guest book writer, irreplaceable.
Can we do anything from our end? Send you food from a favorite DC restaurant? Maybe it's just me that is nutty about food and thinks of favorite places to eat on a regular basis...
Anyway, my most heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you, Matt, Jake, and of course, Julien as you all approach transplant day. Words are undeniably insufficient in times like these.
Keep the millet stories coming!

Auburn Daily <akd4@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 8:59 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matthew, Julien and Jake,

I spoke to your Mom last night who filled me in on how things are going. It sounds like all the little things are going well so that you can focus on the big things. That is definitely a blessing. My best wishes and prayers are with you. Fondly, Alice

Alice Weinstein <a.weinstein@tfgi.com>
Potomac, md 20854 - Friday, September 12, 2003 8:35 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matthew, Julien and Josh,

I spoke to your Mom last night who filled me in on how things are going. It sounds like all the little things are going well so that you can focus on the big things. That is definitely a blessing. My best wishes and prayers are with you. Fondly, Alice

Alice Weinstein <a.weinstein@tfgi.com>
Potomac, md 20854 - Friday, September 12, 2003 8:08 AM CDT
Dear Professor Mezey,

You, Julien and the rest of your family have been in my thoughts and prayers and I wish all of you strength and courage. I hope you can all come home soon.

As you had told us it would, civil procedure (Erie and the like) did come up during my work this summer for the ACLU. However, I had to write a memo on a rule we never covered, Rule 68. Thanks to you, I actually enjoyed learning about offers of judgment!

Looking forward to seeing you back on campus.

Best wishes,

Darren Teshima <dst4@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Friday, September 12, 2003 7:12 AM CDT
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
in love from within the Class of 2005
- Friday, September 12, 2003 0:22 AM CDT
Dear Prof. Mezey,

I just wanted you to know that GULC is not the same without you! I am in the midst of planning the EJF auction and have been searching high and low for professor-auctioneers with that "Naomi Mezey" spark. This is proving difficult though, as most professors seem to prefer to be goofballs only on their own time and not in front of their students. (I'm hoping beer will work wonders in this department!) In other words, you are totally irreplacable.

I hope you, Matt, Jake and Julien are all hanging in there. If "T" day is still Sept. 16, I want you to know that you could not have picked a luckier day -- my birthday! Julien's speedy recovery will be my #1 wish as I blow out those candles. (I hear wishes have extra potency when combined with chocolate frosting!)

Please tell Jake that we will miss seeing him in his Buzz Lightyear costume this year, and hope you all can come home soon. All our love and happy thoughts. . .

Gayle Horwitz <gih@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:08 PM CDT
Hi Matt and Naomi, just a brief note from your friends on Great Arbor Drive. Beth gave us the web site the other day, and we were absolutely taken by the beautiful pictures of Julien. We do think of you, and the courage and fortitude of your entire families as you go through these trying times.

There is a beautiful Prayer of Healing that is sung every week at our temple. It's a mixture of Hebrew and English. The English part has two sentences;
May the source of strength, Who blessed the ones before us, help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing, and let us say Amen.
Bless those in need of healing with "r'fuah shleima," the renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and let us say Amen.

We'll be thinking of Julien and all of you when we say these words this Saturday.

Mimi and Harold

Mimi and harold Jaffe <mandhj@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD - Thursday, September 11, 2003 8:34 PM CDT
Dear Matt, Naomi, Julien and Jacob,
I am one of Olivia's collegues at Oakmont School. When we heard of Julien's condition over the summer, I put him on a prayer chain at Ontario Christian Church that is passed through about 10 people and then shared his beautiful picture and story with a bible study at my home just last night. Our prayer, as is yours, asked for a miraculous healing for Julien. We also prayed for faith and strength for your family and for the doctors that are working with you. We will continue to pray for all of you. Love, Barbara Carlson

Barbara Carlson <bcarlson@chs.cusd.edu>
Claremont, CA USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:39 PM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt,
I am a friend and former co-worker of your mom, Naomi. I am including your family in my prayers and have added Julien's name to the prayer list of the Bahai's of Claremont. We have aproximately 30 members in Claremont who will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Jessica Marchant <jessica.marchant@verizon.net>
Claremont, CA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 6:44 PM CDT
Hello Julien and family. We are thinking about you all and keeping you in our prayers. Take care of yourselves.
Amy and Deidre in the lab at CCPC

Amy Kennedy
DC, - Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:49 AM CDT
Hello you all. This is Dylan's Mom, Dinny Li. Just want you to know that we do miss you and think of you all. Dylan has been talking about Jakey a lot. He really enjoys him. Do hope the best and will keep you all in our prayers! Love Dinny
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, VA USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:31 AM CDT

Of course, I think of you all the time and am tempted to add a note each day just to let you know that. Unfortunately, I'm not good in the humor department -- being a doctoral student has completely stripped me of any sense of humor. Or rather, it has stripped me of everything except self-loathing and dread. And, I think I missed out entirely on the Jane Austen world (well, except the movies). I got sucked into French literature in college, so could talk Balzac with you instead (my favorite being Les splendeurs et miseres des courtisanes...).

My mother is 1/2 way through her one-month, 600 km walk across northern Spain on the Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage route and sends her love from the trail (she's in Leon today).

Sarah Kaplan <skaplan@mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 9:23 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,

Donna D. from the Child Care Center sent me the link to the page, and Patrick, Thomas, Erik, and I are happy to be able to keep up with Julien's progress. All of our hopes and prayers are with you!

Patrick and Thomas have both started school - Patrick at St. Stephen's in Alexandria and Thomas in a class for language disorders at our local public school. Although Patrick loves his Kindergarten, he is jealous that Thomas gets to take the yellow school bus every day. Our daily meetings at the bus stop are much like the joining of the Mezey brothers - lots of big hugs and kisses until Thomas manages to wrestle Patrick to the grass in our front yard.

Had to laugh at Clarissa's comment about Ennis and Yugio because the big thing at St. Stephen's Kindergarten is Pokemon. I had finally figured out the Thomas the Tank Engine trains. I don't think my brain can learn the Pokemon creatures, too. I'll tell Patrick that poor Jake has millet for his school snack. It should make Patrick appreciate his graham crackers and milk much more!

Sadly, I am not a Jane Austen person. I started with Northanger Abbey and just couldn't get beyond it. Maybe I'll give her a try again with Persuasion. Now the Bronte sisters - there are some tortured souls I love!

We are hoping the news about Julien will always be good!


The Gustafsons - Nelia, Erik, Patrick, and Thomas

Nelia Gustafson <corneliag@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 8:50 AM CDT
Hi Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien,
All of us at GULC CCC are thinking of you and miss all of you. I'm glad to hear that Julien has many things to do and continues to be strong. Please give Jake and Julien a big huge for us and let them know that we send our love.

Donna Dickerson <dickerd@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:20 AM CDT
We're thinking about you every day and admiring your courage and humor (although I have to admit I thought the millet snack was a joke!). If you really run out of funny things to do, Jasper has been experimenting with diaper headgear. We find that a swim diaper gives him a wonderful Erika Badou (SP?) look, that is fully realized if he wears beads and allows tufts of hair to peek out of the leg holes. Always good for a laugh (its the number one act currently playing at the Shepherd elementary kindergarten). And of course, those really big diapers let daddy get into the act too! We are, most unfortunately, buyers of such diapers.

We had a long F meeting today, and it just didn't seem the same without Naomi's astringent humor.

Any way, we're pulling for you, hard.

Washington, DC - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 4:27 PM CDT
Dear Naomi & Matt: We've been keeping in touch through Bob, sending our love & everything that can be said and all that can't. Glad to have a way of writing directly. You're both so brave, all of you, and strong of heart. We'll keep in touch. Know that we think of you & Julien with much love, Alan & Betty
Alan & Betty Tranchatenberg <alan.trachtenbeg@yale.edu>
Hamden, CT USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
Dearest next-door neighbors all, the grass is growing, the black-eyed susans are still blooming, and the basil is so tasty, but we miss you so much!. You're going to have to give us another job since Nina and Sarah and family seem to have fallen for Roxie. Thank you for the beautiful stories; so many people all over the country are holding you close in their thoughts and prayers. I hope you can feel our love in Durham. Sherrie
Sherrie McKenna <smckenna@cathedral.org>
washington, DC USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:28 AM CDT
Hi -
Just wanted you guys to know the Steve, Samantha, little Jake and I are thinking of you all often, and thinking good strong recovery thoughts for Julien. Hope big Jake isn't going to return to Washington refusing to use electricity and indoor plumbing. Either way, I'm sure he'll learn to churn a mean stick of butter.

All our best to you,

Linda Blumberg <lblumber@ui.urban.org>
Bethesda, MD USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:02 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,

This is probably not what you were looking for when you asked for comments on Sense and Sensibility, but having read the book at the age of 32 the one passage that stuck in my head was: "I know very well that Colonel Brandon is not old enough to make his friends yet apprehensive of losing him in the course of nature. He may live twenty years longer. But thirty-five has nothing to do with matrimony." Recently married, I wasn't so concerned with my prospects for matrimony, but for some reason I was made quite anxious by the implication, however irrelevant in this era of advanced hygeine, that one should not expect to live much past 55. I can only imagine how that perspective will enrich your appreciation of Austen's work.

On a separate note, I knew for sure that Matt was one of the coolest guys in the world after I drank ice tea with him a few times on his porch. I also liked going to Kentucky Fried Chicken with him. I thought he was really cool then too.

I think you are an ocean and your heart is as big and strong (and holds as many people) as an aircraft carrier.

Lots of love,


Jeremy Mindich <jmindich@msn.com>
- Tuesday, September 9, 2003 10:38 PM CDT
We think about you alot and send you our love and positive energy from:
New Jersey - Amy, Warren & Adam
Michigan - Jon
Pennsylvania - Max
P.S. to Jake - Max also goes to a Waldorf School. We love it. We hope you do too!

Amy, Warren Jonathan Adam & Max Gleicher <wrg@ogfrlaw.com>
Livingston, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 10:12 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake , and Julien;
We miss you all very much and hope you all return home soon safe and sound. I hope every with Julien turns out alright, we are all praying very much for him and hope for the best. We also hope Jake is having a good time in his new school. You can tell Julien and Jake that Devin is just waiting here until he can play with both of them again and is already welcoming both for a sleepover. My mom sends her very best wishes and so do I. We know everything will turn out fine and are expecting your arrival. WE LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH.
-Kevin, Maria, and Devin

p.s. Julien "BA BA", and Maria says "no mano" [: ha (:

Kevin, Maria, and Devin
Hyattsville, MD USA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 8:27 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, a parcel from Australia is on its way to you and the boys - we are thinking of you from down-under and appreciate being able to read the updates on the site - and enjoy the photos - lots of love
Kim Rubenstein <k.rubenstein@unimelb.edu.au>
Melbourne, VIC AUSTRALIA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 7:04 PM CDT
This is my favorite line from your journal entries:
"he and Jake are having a ball together."

I am thinking about you guys constantly and miss you all. Even Matt.

Joshie Birenbaum <birenbaumj@howrey.com>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 1:32 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien - Our thoughts, love, and prayers are with you. Eli is sorry he hasn't gotten to meet you yet, but sends his best! Much love, Julie, Andrew and Eli
Julie Cohen <jec@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 12:56 AM CDT
Hi Matt, Naomi, and family, I don't know if you remember me but I worked with Matt many moons ago in DC at the DOE with Karen and Mandy (Wicker's Angels). As it turns out, I'm in San Antonio, Texas and I work with Karen one day per week at the student health center at Texas State as a psychiatry resident. Karen told me about what happened to Julien and your family and I have been extremely moved and touched by your couragousness and love. I have been praying for Julien's recovery and success in this upcoming transplant. You are an inspirational and strong family and I have enourmous respect for you. My husband John and I will keep you in our prayers. Also, I have asked my mother, who is a strong believer in prayer, to have Julien's name added to a prayer chain. Marisa (Arico), John, Alexandra, Christian, and Julia Giggie.
Marisa Arico Giggie <m.giggie@sbcglobal.net>
San Antonio, TX USA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 11:55 AM CDT
Hi Naomi and Family,
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and strength with us. We think of you often and miss you at school.

Page started Pre-K at Peabody school last week. She likes it, but it's not quite as warm and fuzzy as Georgetown. Teddy is making his way at the Child Care Center and has even managed to take a nap on one of those cots... I never would have imagined he would comply. I know everyone at the Child Care Center thinks of you often as well.

Sorry I have no input on the Austen front... I prefer Oprah books (when I'm not reading my law school homework, that is).

Hilary Cairns (and Malcolm, Page and Teddy)
- Tuesday, September 9, 2003 10:59 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien.
My thoughts, hopes and best wishes are for you and Julien on this T-11 day. I admire and respect the amazing job you are doing, tackling this daunting challenge.
Aunt Tish

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 6:16 PM CDT
Hey Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien! You all are in our thoughts and in our hearts all the time. Since we know all about the millet and Amish toys, let me know if you have any questions about all the weird rules and stuff. I hope Jake is happy there. Tell him to keep his Buzz Lightyear --soon he can knit him a new spaceship. You guys are truly amazing parents - and, Naomi, ever since we brushed each other's teeth in the Clark bathroom I have considered you one of the coolest girls ever -- keep on truckin'. I emailed with Joss this morning and he sends all his love to you too. Love, love, love -- Linda, Jeremiah, Rosie and Henry. xxxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxxxooooo
Linda Ryden <rosiefolks@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 5:53 PM CDT
Much love, prayers and postive thoughts to Julien, Naomi and family.
Lori Kerns <lkerns@chs.cusd.claremont.edu>
Claremont, Ca USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 5:45 PM CDT
Camp Cretaceous Comes to Carolina....Camper Lucas and Counselor-In-Training Mariah are ready....is Jake?

Lucas misses Jake terribly.

Love from all of us to all of you.

Lucas, Mariah, Lisa, and Bob
- Monday, September 8, 2003 1:36 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien:

I work with Jake's and Julien's grandfather for many years now. I have read the entries from last week and felt the warmth and caring eminating from both you and Matt. I want you to know that your warmth has reached far beyond your family for letting us share your lives at what I am sure is a really trying time. Jake visited the lab last week. He is such a charmer. I am sure you already know that. Julien's pictures are adorable. I will keep your family in my hearts. As a mom of three boys, I wish your family all the best and good luck with all the procedures. take care, Jane

jhli@niaid.nih.gov <jhli@niad.nih.gov>
bethesda, md us - Monday, September 8, 2003 10:55 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Julien and Family,
May God Bless you all and bring Julien to good health once again very soon,
With my heartfelt love and deepest prayers for all of you,
Best wishes,

Rada Stojanovich Hayes <rms37@law.georgetown.edu>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 8:49 AM CDT
Dear Matt and Naomi-
I work in the LI and am blessed to know and work with the grandfather of Julien. I know this is a trying time for you all, but be assured that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I know that it is times like this, that God reveals Himself to us in ways that we never would have known. It is tough to go through such a trial like this, but I know He will see you all through it and go hand and hand with you during the process. We will never know the plans he has for you all and for Julien, but there is a purpose to all of this. We will be praying for strength and endurance for Julien and for you all as well. Each day is a special gift, and I'm sure you will cherish each one.
It is a blessing to read your journal and to know and understand the process a bit more. thanks you for sharing all the ups and downs.
Children are a true blessing from the Lord. They will lighten your load through this. My daughter Valerie often makes me "stop and smell the roses" as she delights in a beautiful sunset, or watching the caterpiller we "captured" in her bug cage. Cherish these moments! We will be praying!
Lisa Boyd

Lisa Boyd <lboyd@niaid.nih.gov>
Oak Hill, VA USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 7:47 AM CDT
Hi Naomi and Matt!

I especially enjoyed your entry about Jake's school since it is probably the antithesis of my place -- complete with Sponge Bob, etc....

Both you and Matt write beautifully and it is helps us people outside the loop who feel the need to connect...
Julien looks great in the latest photo!
Will keep in touch.

Harriet Miller <hmiller@mccsd.net>
Melville , NY - Monday, September 8, 2003 7:20 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, and Jake
Thank you for opening your journal to your friends and relatives. You make us a part of Julien's battle. We are supporting him with our prayers and surely we will win. Love, Dan & Salve

Salve L. Bernabe <Masalve@aol.com>
Washington, D.C., - Sunday, September 7, 2003 8:43 PM CDT
Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien--I send my love to your whole family. As you may know, I have gone through a similar experience. I'm sure you have found unbelievable support--even from strangers. Julien seems emotionally very strong, thanks to his parents. It is my hope that the new medical process will be the answer to your prayers.

Thinking of you,

Jo Robinson (Steve's Aunt in CA) <josie0094@aol.com>
Lafayette, CA US - Sunday, September 7, 2003 4:28 PM CDT
Hi to all of you.

I'm so happy Olivia sent me this website so I can keep up with the day to day progress with Julien's treatment and with you, Naomi, Matt and Jake's day to day activities while in Durham. Julien is such a beautiful twenty month old and I keep an 8 x 10 picture of him on display so all family and friends see it when they come into the room. They are all praying things go well. I want you to know you are all in my thoughts and prayers and I love you all so much. A special kiss for Julien and Jake and
hugs to the two of you....With Love

Great Grandma Mary

Mary M. Ellis <mmellis@webtv.net>
Urbana, Il Champaign - Sunday, September 7, 2003 9:29 AM CDT
Hello Naomi,
Don't know if you remember me, I've never met Matt-the-Heart-of-a-Muffin-Man, and I feel helpless and out of my depth when it comes to Julien and your family's sobering errand in Durham, but your Jake did ride my Jake's bike in Claremont's Fourth of July parade, and I have also read all six of Austen's novels--some only once, but Pride and Prejudice each and every fall for the last twenty-one years and Emma for the last five. I am a member in good standing of the Jane Austen Society of North America, attend her birthday dinner each December at Cal Tech, and even have an emerald green Regency dress for the odd Regency ball. I offer these credentials and myself as a discussion partner should her novels continue to be a source of solace.

Jane Purcell <jpurcell@uia.net>
Claremont, CA USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
Always in our thoughts. We ask the redwoods for strength for you!
Warren and Cynthia Klausner
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 10:24 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, Jennifer sent me this great web site address just last night, so good to be able to hear what is going on, read your funny writing, and see beautiful pictures of Julien! I think about you all all the time, and love you so much. I, too, read Jane Austin over and over and over as a reassuring security blanket when I sleep at night. Yes, Please, let's talk about how infuriating Catherine Moreland is when she lets the Thorpes walk all over her in Northagner Abbey! Email me, and we will blab. Love love love, Consuelo
Maria-Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 1:49 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, Jennifer sent me this great web site address just last night, so good to be able to hear what is going on, read your funny writing, and see beautiful pictures of Julien! I think about you all all the time, and love you so much. I, too, read Jane Austin over and over and over as a reassuring security blanket when I sleep at night. Yes, Please, let's talk about how infuriating Catherine Moreland is when she lets the Thorpes walk all over her in Northagner Abbey! Email me, and we will blab. Love love love, Consuelo
Maria-Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 1:48 PM CDT
Hi Naomi, Jennifer sent me this great web site address just last night, so good to be able to hear what is going on, read your funny writing, and see beautiful pictures of Julien! I think about you all all the time, and love you so much. I, too, read Jane Austin over and over and over as a reassuring security blanket when I sleep at night. Yes, Please, let's talk about how infuriating Catherine Moreland is when she lets the Thorpes walk all over her in Northagner Abbey! Email me, and we will blab. Love love love, Consuelo
Maria-Consuelo Gonzalez <ConsueloG@aol.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 1:47 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Julien and Jake,
I love the new pictures, Thank you for them. Most early childhood education includes churning butter and making bread, applesauce etc. He will be his class' expert when you return to DC. Taking a step backward in time myself. My new basement craft room is nearing completion, and always the impatient one, I set up my loom. Matt do you remember crazy Aunt Tish and her loom? It was like a giant game of pick up sticks and despite the lost manual I got it together. For extra credit Jake can visit and weave. Unfortuneately I don't card or spin. There are some things that are even too tedious for me.
All my love,
Aunt Tisj

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 12:05 AM CDT
Saturday 9/5/03 11:30 am

Dearest Naomi and Matt --

What a wonderful, wonderful thing this web page is. I am so glad to be able to get information and get a sense of your life (with the ups and the downs, and the scares and the hopes . .. and the interminable waiting which will be an inevitable part of this process). And to be able to get all this without having to bother you directly. That is a really wonderful gift you are giving to those of us who care about you so much.

And then to be able to write a comment here and send you my love and caring and hopes -- what a wonderful second gift!

So, I just want to let you know that I think of the two of you very often. It will take strength and love to get through this intense (and draining and scary) medical process. I am so glad the four of you are together and are holding each other close as a family.

I'm bookmarking this page and I'll be checking it regularly. And what an adorable, lovely picture of Julien!

Thinking about you and sending you love,


Chai Feldblum <feldblum@law.georgetown.edu>
Takoma Park, MD USA - Saturday, September 6, 2003 10:40 AM CDT
Dear Matt and Naomy,
I'm back to Israel,with my girls.
(SIlvie and Jenna didn't miss me as much as I missed them...But they where still happy to see me).
My dad arrived yesterday and will stay with us until sept 19th.
All my family from 'france and especially here in Natanya ,we are all thinking of you,my dad my mom, my brother, they all join me in this mail to wish you the very very very best.
We know tomorrow is going to be a difficult day, we send you all our love and support.
Nadine,Monette,Jacques,Silvie ,Jenna,Jonathan,Charley

Nadine Feinsohn <feinsohncarmel@yahoo.com>
Natanya, Israel - Saturday, September 6, 2003 8:05 AM CDT
Matt and Naomi,
We think of you, Julien, and Jake every day. You are all in our prayers. We you send you all of our love. Please let us if there is anything we can do!

Love, David and Linda

David Rubin and Linda Luisi <rubin_david@bah.com>
Potomac, MD - Friday, September 5, 2003 8:00 PM CDT
Sarah went to pre-K yesterday with half the class for half the day and then last night I said that today she would be with the whole class for a half day. "Noooo. Not the whole class. We don't have the whole class until Jakey comes." How right she is.

I talked to your Dad a couple of times. Roxie's coming for a sleepover with us this weekend, and we'll take her when he comes down to see you later this month. Sarah and Aidan were excitedly planning all the shopping they'd have to do, for doggie food, doggie treats, etc. I informed them Poppa Bob plans to send her fully supplied. I'm just wondering whether we need to get a doggie door!

WE LOVE YOU. Good luck with the transition this weekend. You're all in our thoughts and dreams.

DC, - Friday, September 5, 2003 3:21 PM CDT
Hi you all! This is Dinny Li (Dylan's Mom). I do want you to know that I am keeping you in my prayers. I will do what so ever to help you all out. Do you have family or friends around that area? Should you need anything or anything I can help with. Please let me know! Sincerely Dinny
Dinny Li <dinnyli@yahoo.com>
Lorton, VA US - Friday, September 5, 2003 3:37 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
I love reading your journal...the baseball game...the Waldorf school (I hope they are eating Waldorf Salad)...all your positive ways of coping. I check everyday for new info...or reread if there isn't (no pressure intended - I am amazed you can find time to write at all).
Marilyn told me about her hamsa and reiten bendel and I have started to wear Aunt Lil's Hamsa everyday for Julien.
I am going to forward a diverting email, which I found remarkable. It begins by asking the viewer to make a wish. My wish is for Julien. IT is from WHHerman and the title is "no subject"

Aunt Tish <mstish@optonline.net>
Glen Cove, New York USA - Thursday, September 4, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
We miss you and are thinking of you all the time. Have you heard how Marilyn, Olivia and Bob busted me lifting leftovers from your fridge? I would have been long gone except I lingered too long taking in your beautiful photographs of Julien and Jake in the living room. Maria sends oodles of love and I know has already caught up with you on your cell phone. I have passed on your Durham coordinates and told her about this wonderful site. All love to you, and extra hugs for the youngest hero among you.

(Big) Matt
Washington, DC - Thursday, September 4, 2003 9:04 AM CDT
Matt, Naomi, Jake and Julien: Our thoughts are with all of you (Izzy's thoughts are with Roxy), and we will be following this Board closely. Steve will miss Jake's help planting bulbs this year, but will try to do a good job on his own. Love, Steve, Andrea & Izzy
Andrea Newmark <ainewmark@netzero.net>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 9:48 PM CDT
I am a long-time friend of Bill and Marilyn and recently heard of Julien's diagnosis. I wanted you to know that you are all in my thoughts and hoping for Julien's full recovery.
My very best wishes-

Cyndy Watson <cwatson@malaghan.org.nz>
Wellington, New Zealand - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 4:40 PM CDT
Thinking of you all. Shirley in LI
Shirley Starnes <sstarnes@niaid.nih.gov>
Bethesda, MD USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 3:19 PM CDT
Naomi (see, I'm copying off of Berman and switching to "now that I have that degree I can call you what I like" mode)...
All that I've said before still holds true. You are a model of strength, caring and courage and I know those things will carry you and your family through this. We are all sending you, Matt, Jake and Julien our love, thoughts and prayers. Oh, and if you decide to switch over to reading Lemony Snicket books, I'm your girl...much love, Melissa

Melissa Williams <mlw3@georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 1:46 PM CDT
Naomi, Missy and I were in Bath, UK this summer, and we (well, mostly Missy) toured various Jane Austen sites. We learned that there will be a new BBC version of Northanger Abbey soon. I have mixed feelings about this, since I have seen the BBC Pride and Prejudice on video quite a few times. But it's always fun to see how much Missy enjoys it. I think you and she have a similar view on Jane Austen.
Missy, Joe, Becky, and I send our love. --Steve Goldberg

Steven Goldberg
- Wednesday, September 3, 2003 12:43 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and Matt - Barbara and I are so sorry for the terrible difficulties you have experienced. We are
praying that Julien will fully recover. Please know that both of us are with you in spirit.

Peter Weidenbruch
Washington, D.C. USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
We're thinking of you. Ennis started big kid school on Tuesday. Their rules are a little simpler--no Yugio (is that how you spell it?) He has many friends in his K class, and is happy about working on Activity Books (I should place in all caps--the way he says the words). We begin Stoddart soccer this weekend--I imagine Jake may be doing that this spring. Hope to see you soon.
Clarissa <potterc@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 12:32 AM CDT
Hi guys! So great to see Julien's big beautiful brown eyes on the first page and read about your life in Durham. I'm also glad to hear that Julien's good spirits and toddler curiosity continue unabated. And how great, Naomi, that you are finding time to read. Have you seen the film version of Persuasion that came out a few years ago? I remember it as being very beautiful. We could reawaken the long-dormant film club and come join you in NC to watch it together. lots of love, Sally
Sally McCarthy <sem35@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 11:31 AM CDT
Julien is an adorable and strong baby. Your love is your strength. Just keep on giving and sharing with each other. My heartfelt condolence goes out to you. I know that you are busy. No need to respond. I will keep you in prayer.
Subrinnia Mason <sm325@law.georgetown.edu>
Bowie, MD US - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:45 AM CDT
Dear Naomi and family: You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourselves and know that there are many folks back here who care for you, and pray for a successful transplant. Pat Roth
Pat Roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC, - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:07 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,

Julien and your entire family are ever in my thoughts and prayers. There is so much love and support going out to you from every quarter and truly that will sustain you.

Peace and Blessings,
Ginger Patterson

Elizabeth H. Patterson <patterso@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 9:47 AM CDT
Naomi (I've graduated, see, so I now get to call you by your first name. : ) ),

I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and your family. You will be sorely missed around the law school community this year - I loved your classes (even the one I didn't get such a good grade in) and will very much miss popping by your office for a random chat. Alas, I will not be of much help in discussing Jane Austen, but if you ever want to chat about some Vonnegut, you know where to reach me.

All my best,

Matt Berman
Washington, DC - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 9:46 AM CDT
You are in my meditations. Be well, all of you.
Dina Haynes
Washington, DC - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 9:36 AM CDT
Dear Naomi,
I just wanted to drop a quick message to let you know that I am praying for you and your family during these difficult times. Please take good care of yourself and know that everyone here is thinking of you.

Julie Ackerman Nicholson - GULC Special Events <jaa35@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 8:21 AM CDT
Dear Professor Mezey,
I'm not sure if you remember me, since we never actually had a class together, but I met you at a Dean's Scholars dinner at the beginning of my first year and mentioned that when I saw "Professor Mezey" on your placecard, I expected an older man with graying hair -- I had taken a poetry course from a "Professor Mezey" in undergrad at Pomona. You said, "That's my dad!" I'm never sure what to say at times like this, which is why I haven't written earlier, but my thoughts have been with your family ever since I heard the news about Julien's illness. Julien is so lucky to have such a wonderful, caring family -- I was struck by what a thoughtful person your father is, and from our limited interactions (like the EJF auction) and the stories from friends who've had class with you, I know you are as well. Please know that I am wishing you well throughout this difficult, terrible time.

Emily E. Arnold-Fernandez <eea4@bulldog.georgetown.edu>
Arlington, VA 22201 - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 9:10 PM CDT
Hi Naomi,

Have you read Barbara Pym's books? They are wonderful and Austenian without being mimicry. Keep on keeping on, my dear friend. You are stronger than you know. Love, love, Heidi

Heidi <h.l.feldman@att.net>
- Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:42 PM CDT
Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,

hey there. we're thinking of you every day. ben is hankering for some quality time with you, jake. we hope we can see
you all soon! in the meantime, we're sending all our love to
julien and to all of you.

Jason, Anne, Ben and Andrew

Jason Loviglio <loviglio@umbc.edu>
Baltimore , MD USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 3:34 PM CDT
Hi Matt, Naomi, Jake, and Julien,
We are thinking of you all the time and sending lots of love and positive thoughts from Texas. We're so impressed with Julien's bravery. He's a trooper. (His brother and parents are pretty amazing too!!) We look at a picture of Jake and Julien every day on our refrigerator and look forward to more photos on the website. Hugs and kisses to you all - Lots of Love from Mandy, Grant, Sam, and Anna

Mandy De Mayo <mdemayo@austin.rr.com>
Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 1:43 PM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien,
I am thinking of you all and sending prayers of strength and healing. Much love,

Sharon Kaplan
- Tuesday, September 2, 2003 12:48 AM CDT
Dear Naomi, Matt, Jake, and Julien,
We've just learned of your move, and all that's been happening. Our very best healing and loving vibes are cruising your way, all the way from California. We love you, and are thinking of you. I am delighted that in my procrastination and unorganized fashion I still have the photo of Jake holding newborn Julien on the bulletin board over my desk. I appreciate it now more than ever. Our love to each of you. If there is anything at all that we can do for you, please let us know.
Suzanne, T, Alex & Sofia

Suzanne LaFetra <suzlafetra@yahoo.com>
Berkeley, CA usa - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 12:06 AM CDT
Jake was noted at the pre-K parents' orientation at John Eaton this morning. Ms. Overton was giving the tally of her class and said that another boy would be joining us when his little brother's treatment was complete. She told me that she got your letter, and that his place is definitely saved. So he's not being overlooked by DCPS. I hope Julien's toddler olympics is going well this week. I'll bet his cardiopulmonary stats are off the charts. But those are the least of the tests for which that boy should be getting prizes. Love,

DC, - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 10:24 AM CDT
Hi! Naomi, Matt, Jake and Julien:
We miss you all! The orchid is doing beautifully. Children being the sponges that they are, I am wondering if they will come back with southern accents.
Love, Meg Games

Meg Games <mgames@pattonboggs.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:55 AM CDT
Hi Matt, Hi Naomi - the website is great. I am working on my assignment, Naomi, have no fear. I'll be in touch when I have news. Meanwhile, stay focused on Julien - and Jake - and taking care of yourselves too. Much love, Heidi
Heidi Li <tykus333@yahoo.com>
- Monday, September 1, 2003 10:45 PM CDT
Hello Matt Naomi Jake and Julien. Blake and I are thinking of you all the time, and sending positive, healing thoughts every day. We love you very much. xoxo
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, September 1, 2003 10:13 PM CDT
Thinking of all of you and hoping that all goes well with the ptocedure.
Shirley and Marty Geller <geller1@adelphia.net>
West Palm Beach, FL USA - Monday, September 1, 2003 7:46 PM CDT
Dear Matt and Naomi,
I have not been in touch nearly as much as I should have been - sometimes not knowing if it was best not to intrude. I will now log on to the website for updates and follow Julien's progress as you journal it.
My family and I pray for Julien's rapid recovery and hope that this terrible trying time will quickly become a distant memory.
Nicki, Eli, Merav, Amiram, Emma and Jonah (Karlen/Barr)

Nicki Karlen <enkarlen@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Sunday, August 31, 2003 4:36 PM CDT
Dear Matt and Naomi, Thanks so much for setting up this website to keep me informed. I really appreciate it. I hope you are able to enjoy your special time together as a family. This is a rare opportunity for you all to bond. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am available as needed. Love,


Beth Davidson <EAD25@Cornell.edu>
Rockville, MD USA - Sunday, August 31, 2003 12:14 AM CDT
Hi Julien!

My family met your brother and daddy at the ball game tonight. Grandma, Papa, Mikey, Daddy, and best buddy Michelle all send their best wishes! We will all keep you in our prayers. You are in the best place and in the best hands. Dr. K is the very special! She and the other Drs. and nurses will take good care of you.

Hope to see you before I go home!


Madison Mitchem <www.caringbridge.org/nc/princessmadison>
Durham, ND - Saturday, August 30, 2003 11:08 PM CDT
I pray for and await good tidings.
Hesh <hesh@pacific.net>
Redwood Valley, CA usa - Friday, August 29, 2003 10:17 AM CDT
Naomi and Matt and Julien and Jake, I am focusing all of my healing energies in your direction. Lots of love from me and from the entire Kaplan clan. Sarah
Sarah Kaplan <skaplan@mit.edu>
Cambridge, MA USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 7:54 AM CDT
We have a picture of Julien taken last December in Claremont. It reminds me daily of his wise eyes and mischievous grin. Sending love and healing energy to each member of the family,
- Friday, August 29, 2003 0:58 AM CDT
We have a picture of Julien taken last December in Claremont. It reminds me daily of his wise eyes and mischevious grin. Sending love and healing energy to each member of the family,
- Friday, August 29, 2003 0:54 AM CDT
Matt and Naomster, you guys are going to love North Carolina -- the tobacco, the golf, NASCAR! I am so jealous I think I will have to come visit soon. And I know Julien will continue to be a champ, because as you know there is no I in Julien. All the best.
- Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:15 PM CDT
Been thinking about you, your family, and expecially Julien quite a lot, and of course you know you have my thoughts and prayers with you and your family, as well as Eve's. Given that chance meeting in the doctor's office when our wives were pregnant, the news about Julien is particularly close to home for me and Eve. Let us know if there is anything we can do, particularly around the upcoming holidays. For whta it is worth, know that Julien has gotten a lot of atention at Beth El, and will continue to be in our prayers there each week.
Our love to you and your family -- we look forward to good news,
David and Eve Farber

David Farber <dfarber@pattonboggs.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:44 AM CDT

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