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Love the name. A touch of Donso.
Christian L. Olsson <clo4@netzero.net>
Miami, Ok U.S.A. - Sunday, August 17, 2008 12:30 AM CDT
Hello Nicole and Bill and Tyler and Andrew! We've been thinking a lot about you guys and several of the Fitness Edge crew have asked about you all. We are so happy to hear all the positive news from you and want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Good luck tomorrow and may you have great health and much happiness in 2006. I also emailed you, but, I'm not sure if I have your most current address.
Be well!

The Santo Family - Rob, Maria, Bobby and Rachel <saintrc@optonline.net>
Stratford, Ct USA - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:13 PM CST
Hi Cordes Family...
I am so happy to hear of Andrews good health! Keep up the good work buddy!

We pray that God keeps all fo you in his loving care.

See next week at "Cincerella".

Love and prayers.

Heather~ (aka Brittney's mom)

Heather <heather.morello@umassmed.edu>
Worcester, MA USA - Thursday, November 3, 2005 7:21 AM CST
Hey Cordes Family!!

Thanks for keeping in touch and giving me the link to this site. I hope the boys are enjoying school! ;-)
I'll talk to you later!! I love and miss you guys!

Brittney Morello <soprano1725@yahoo.com>
Worcester, MA USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 6:46 AM CDT
Hi Andrew
It was great to see you at Ocean Beach. I hope you had a great day!
Hope to see you soon so that you and Shane could play together.

http://www2.caringbridge.org/ct/lilshane/ <mommyxtwo@sbcglobal.net>
ct - Sunday, June 12, 2005 6:10 PM CDT
Happy Holidays Nicole, Bill, Tyler & Drew! I was so happy to hear the wonderful results. I know this will be a fabulous Christmas and New Year for you all! Keep smiling...keep praying...and keep the updates coming!!!!! Love you!
Susan Heilweil <SPH625@aol.com>
Sheton, CT USA - Sunday, December 19, 2004 11:40 AM CST
Season's Greetings Cordes Family,
Glad to hear of the NED results. Wishing all of you a joyous, peaceful, and most of all healthy holiday season. We think of you often!
Love: Audra, Ken, Nathan, and Kayla

Audra Cast <acast@fdic.gov>
Morris, CT USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 9:10 AM CST
Yeah Drew!! That's awesome! Just wanted to let you know that imagestation.com is free for online pictures. That's where I keep the majority of Levi's and Livie's pics. Prayers always!

April Dawn http://caringbridge.org/il/levi or babylevi.com

Mama To Levi, <thatfatbaby@yahoo.com>
- Monday, December 6, 2004 8:47 PM CST
I was THRILLED to see Drew in school today! He looks adorable as ever - Seeing his smile made my day! You are all always in my prayers.
Joanne Seamon

Joanne Seamon <TheSeamons@aol.com>
Shelton, CT USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 7:18 PM CDT
Hello Cordes family! Sorry I haven't checked in sooner.
Nicole, my family (Bobby and Rachel) as well as the fitness edge family have been asking me about Andrew. I'll be sure to update them. Please know that your entire family is in our thoughts and prayers always. I'm glad that you have been enjoying the end of summer. Good luck with school!

P.S. I'm going to be doing a fitness class through Stratford Rec. Dept where ALL of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. It will be once a week for one hour for eight weeks.

I'll be checking in.

Maria Santo <saintrc@optonline.net>
Stratford, Ct USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 8:12 PM CDT
Hello Cordes family! Sorry I haven't checked in sooner.
Nicole, my family (Bobby and Rachel) as well as the fitness edge family have been asking me about Andrew. I'll be sure to update them. Please know that your entire family is in our thoughts and prayers always. I'm glad that you have been enjoying the end of summer. Good luck with school!

P.S. I'm going to be doing a fitness class through Stratford Rec. Dept where ALL of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. It will be once a week for one hour for eight weeks.

I'll be checking in.

Maria Santo <saintrc@optonline.net>
Stratford, Ct USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 8:11 PM CDT
We remember Drew in my son's prayers every night and ask for a full, speedy recovery. I've never met Drew and I haven't seen you guys in years, but from what I hear it sounds like we have a solid Delta Sig in the making! Brother McWilliam would be proud!
Paul Warner <larainepaul@earthlink.net>
Richmond, VA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:15 AM CDT
Nicole~ It was good seeing you and Andrew yesterday at the Community Center. What an adorable, happy little boy! We will continue to keep your son and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
Nick, Lisa, Jessica & Kaylee DeFelice
Shelton, CT 06484 - Thursday, August 5, 2004 4:34 PM CDT
It was wonderful to meet you guys at Yale this week - Drew is a fabulous example for us to have seen so soon after Quinn's diagnosis. His obvious intelligence, contagious sense of humor and strength of character are testaments to your ability as parents to make his battle not define who he is. Thank you for your advice and kind words of encouragement. Don't take this personally, but we hope we don't see you guys here next week...! We'll be in touch..
Laura Evans (Quinn's Mom) <legevans@comcast.net>
Stonington, CT - Saturday, July 24, 2004 9:12 PM CDT
Hello Cordes Family,

I was just getting updated on your progress. I am glad to hear Drew's radiation treatments are finished. Sorry to learn of Lenox's passing. Our family knows all too well the loss a family feels when a beloved pet passes. We too loss both our dogs last summer. Time will heal the pain and wonderful memories will be left in its place. Tyler, I can see from the recent photo that you are getting so big. Congrats with your achievements in karate and soccer. We look forward to getting together with you all soon. Just wanted you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers. I think of you often. Love: Audra, Ken, Nathan, and Kayla

Audra Cast <acast@fdic.gov>
Morris, CT USA - Monday, July 12, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Hi Everyone....Nicole, we want to do a class "reunion" when Drew is up to it. you will need to let me know when and Lynora Lichvar and I will take care of everything...we thought Burger King would be a good place to meet for an early dinner...siblings included too! Love to you all and can't wait to see Drew!!!! Susan Heilweil
Susan Heilweil <SPH625@aol.com>
Shelton, Ct usa - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 12:52 AM CDT
Nicole, Bill, Drew, & Tyler...
We think of you often and our prayers for each of you continue as you move through this final stretch of treatment...
Love, Dana & Luke Bauro (SWS)

Dana Bauro
Derby, CT - Monday, June 21, 2004 7:52 PM CDT
Hello - Cordes family! We figured we have been reading everyone else's updates long enough it was time for our own. Drew, we have been following your progress thru the website (and from Daddy's updates at the office) from day one and we all agree you are the BRAVEST boy in the whole world. It was great to hear that you are almost finished with your treatments. Tyler, Drew is lucky to have a big brother like you, keep up the good work! Billy and Nicole, you guys are AWESOME! Keep the faith!

Just wanted you to know that there is one more household praying for you all and monitoring your progress.

>>The Giove's, Paul, Allison, Nicholas and Anthony<<

Paul Giove <giovep@cox.net>
Newington, CT - Thursday, June 17, 2004 8:23 PM CDT
Hi Drew & family! You looked SOOOOOOOO cute in the newspaper! My girls were so excited to see you made the front page! Keep smiling! Love ya, Mrs.Seamon (Joanne)
Joanne Seamon <TheSeamons@aol.com>
Shelton, CT 06484 - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:19 PM CDT
Hi Andrew & family! I saw the picture of you two in the Herald and I couldn't believe it...a town celebrity already - you've only lived in Shelton for what, 2 years, and already you are famous...it must be your great smiles :)Thinking of you and your countdown...hope these last few weeks go quickly by...and you get to enjoy a peaceful/relaxing (?!)summer vacation. Nicole - call me when you are you are back and settled...miss you. Love, Bella
Bella Brown <bellabrown@msn.com>
Shelton, ct usa - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:54 AM CDT
Hello Cordes Family,
I'm so sorry to hear about Lenox, it is never easy to lose a beloved pet.
On a better note - what a great picture of Drew and mom in the Huntington Herald at the realy for life. Drew is always smiling when I see him and it was great to see him on the last day of school. We are on vacation in July but when we get back I hope we can get Simona and Drew together.
Our prayers are always with you. You are a strong family and you have faith - you will all make it through this!
God Bless you all.
Helen, Joe, Josef and Simona

Helen Visinski <h.visinski@snet.net>
Shelton, CT USA - Sunday, June 13, 2004 7:23 PM CDT
Dear Bill and Nicole, We are sorry to head about Lenox so so sad. As if you didn't have enough going on. Want you to know that you are in out thoughts every day and every night. Reading the journal answers all of our questiions. We are all so proud of the both of you. Your both being so strong through all you have on your plate, and your strength is being passed to the boys. We thank you for keeping the journal updated which makes us feel as if we are of what is taking place. Keep up the good work God be with you. Love aunt Kathy and Uncle Charlie
Kathy and Charlie Schleider <cschleider@cfl.rr.com>
Clermont, FL - Thursday, June 10, 2004 8:38 PM CDT
Hello dear ones; We were so sorry to learn of Lennox. What a horrid loss, at this time especially. On a happy note, we have another baby, Her name is Hannah; she is wonderful, she weighed in at a whopping 5# 5oz. Norahbelle isn't quite sure if she likes her enough to keep her around just yet. The other kids adore her, as do we. Be well and May God continue to bless you always and in all ways. Much love; Jack, Ginger, J.R., Joshua, Ninarose, Annaliesa, Norahbelle and Lil Hannah <:))))><<
Ginger Daubenhauser <NanaGinger78@adelphia.net>
Dunmore, PA 18512 - Thursday, June 10, 2004 8:37 PM CDT
Bill and Nicole, I am so sorry to hear about Lenox, how very, very sad for you guys. A loss of a pet can be so hard. Our best thoughts are with you. We are counting down for Drew til he's done with all his treatments and you guys are back. It was so great to see you all and we can't wait to see you again. (Nicole, I tried calling, but as you said, it just rang and no machine picked up. Call me on your ride back from Boston if you need someone to keep you going!). Love, Jill and the Farruggios
Jill Farruggio <jafarruggio@charter.net>
Trumbull, CT - Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:38 PM CDT
We were so sad to hear about Lenox - just one more thing to add to your plate.

Definitely count us in if there's a Relay for Life team formed. We all went to Bunnell for this year's event. It was incredibly moving and fun too. A few of us decided that we definitely want to camp there next year and participate.

Thank you so much for keeping the journal updated. I am continually amazed and impressed with the strength and optimism you maintain. Drew is a trooper and Tyler is a wonderful older brother. They must learn from their parents!! Love,

Jayne de Gant <baumandegant@juno.com>
Stratford, CT USA - Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:40 AM CDT
Hey Nicole,.. I am soo sorry to hear about Lenox.. I am just broken hearted as I am sure all of you are over there.. too sad!
It is however, really nice to hear about Tyler's first place trophy! and I love it that there are only three weeks left for Drew! keep up the good work Drew!
talk to ya soon cuz

maria <mpannu4969@aol.com>
orlando , Fl - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 9:53 PM CDT
Hi everyone! AOL needs a checkup....my notes don't always go through...I will try one more time!!! Drew, my dear...I cannot wait to visit you when you are home for good! You have the brightest smile and more energy than the energizer bunny! If Mom and Dad put together a team for Relay for Life next year....let me be on your team, PLEASE!!!! Tyler...congratulations on your trophy! How exciting that is!! Keep up the good work! Nicole and Bill...you two have the emotional strength of Hercules!!! I admire both of you, for your upbeat perserverance, your loving hearts and willingness to let us in and allow us to be a part of Drew's spectacular life. My love to all of you...my thoughts and prayers are always with you.....love you! Susan Heilweil
Susan Heilweil <sph625@aol.com>
Shelton, CT usa - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 10:20 AM CDT
Hi everyone! I was so excited to hear about your Relay for Life adventure! If you want to put a team together next year....count me in!!!! Congrats to Tyler!!!! Great job!! Miss you Drew...as soon as you are home for good, I am coming for a visit....love to you all! Susan Heilweil
Susan Heilweil <SPH625@AOL.COM>
Shelton, ct 06484 - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 9:20 AM CDT
Nicole, Bill, Drew and Tyler.

Just a quick note to let you know that your friend in Buffalo NY is watching your progress and cheering your success.

Best wishes and my continued prayers!

Randy Bianchi

Randy Bianchi <randy_bianchi@adp.com>
Amherst, NY Erie - Thursday, June 3, 2004 3:51 PM CDT
hey Nicole, sounds like we are begining the last quater here.. I am so glad Drew is doing so well so far! that little guy is too much! It was like 90 here today but it felt like 110! and the humidity was at least equal.. you know the kind of day where you step out side to pick up the paper and basically have run back in to breathe and to re-shower!.. I would love to have the breeze of Boston or conecticut right now! hell I will even take the rain at this point...
anyway, I have just been thinking about you guys and wanted to drop you a line.. so other than the desert like temps down here .. school is out so that means it wont be long before my son begins to drive me to drink heavily ..last year it took about two weeks... lets see if he breaks the record or just suprizes me into some sort of stroke! no way to tell at this point.. but I will keep you posted.. the last two weeks at work have been nothing but kidney stones.. lord everyone and his grandpa have been in the office with stones! ..I feel sorry for the first timers.. poor things havent a clue of whats coming! yeesh! anyway this rediculous cat is shedding like crazy ... geeze I thought the last few months were bad.. now I cant even believe this cat has any hair at all on his body for the amount I have to clean up around here!.. I dragged this damn animal to the vet last week hoping to shave his - - - (you know what).. we get all the way down there.. cage and all and thomas basically wouldnt let us do it!.. he began crying about something to the effect " I dont want a cat with just skin" sniff sniff '" how can I be able to pet him?" and more whining and sniffing!.. so to make a long story short,... the cat got a "slight trim" and my darn house is still full of hair!!! .. so much for progress over here cuz! yup I am just a vacuuming fool.. I have all kinds of time to plug that baby in.. yeah this is all not problem .. hey I only work part time oh and the laundry just gets done itself oh yeah, did I mention school is out.. well thomas can just entertain himself all day!.. dinner?..did you say dinner?.. I can just stand over the stove with one arm on the pan and the other on the vacuum.. because god forbid this poor child have to pet his cat WITHOUT THE FUR!
so Nicole hows your day going??? ... I'm thinking you may not be vacuming at the moment.. ok I will stop already with the fur.. ( but it is everywhere!)
well just remember I am thinking about you and Drew and Tyler and Bill... thanks for keeping us updated on this web site.. I have much more to to say but unfortunately I have to get back to ... well you know... ok heres a hint .. you have to plug it in!
talk to ya soon

Maria Pannullo <mpannu4969@aol.com>
orlando, fl - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 8:26 PM CDT
I hope you all enjoyed a nice long weekend at home. Thinking of you.

Susie Hamilton <susieteach@juno.com>
Clinton, NY USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 5:05 PM CDT
Drew,Tyler,Nicole $ Bill
Glad to hear the radiation is going well. Stay positive and keep counting down the treatments. We're all praying for you.

Kathleen Hall <Kathleen_Hall@adp.com>
Clifton, NJ USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 3:25 PM CDT
Hi Cordes family

Just wanted to say that we at the fitness edge are still thinking about you guys and we miss ya. Hope you enjoyed the basket that we sent you. I don't remember if we put Linda Bacarach on the list, but she was included. Hope to see ya real soon

Mandy <mpooleg@aol.com>
fairfield, ct usa - Friday, May 21, 2004 11:56 AM CDT
Hi Drew, Tyler, Bill and Nicole; We just wanted you to know there are many people praying for you. Folks at my church and all over here are bombarding the heavens for all of you. Please don't hesitate to call us if you (or your Mom (Ginny) or Dad (Bill) need anything. God bless you always and in all ways.
Jack, Ginger, J.R., Joshua, Ninarose, Annaliesa and Norahbelle too. <:))))><<

Ginger Daubenhauser <NanaGinger78@adelphia.net>
Dunmore, Pa USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:48 PM CDT
Nicole, if Drew is feeling well and can be around people, the Duck Tour is so much fun. We took all three kids last summer and everyone loved it. The best is when they can "drive" the boat. Check it out.
With hope and love, Joanne

Joanne Heller <JQHeller@optonline.net>
Westport, CT 06880 - Friday, May 14, 2004 9:38 PM CDT
Bill and Nicole, I came to ADP yesterday to have lunch with John. It's always a little strange being there and not knowing what is going on. I miss being your "cube mate" Bill!! I heard you were in Boston and have been thinking about all of you. I am so happy you have this website to keep me up to date on the progress of your beautiful son. I check it every day to see what is new. Six weeks in Boston sounds like a long time, but it's likely to fly by as time does when one has children. I'm glad to hear that you have coordinated care with Yale. That will make your life easier, and it shouldn't be any harder than it is right now. Don't worry about those Yale/Harvard games Bill, most of the action is at the tailgate party!! (My father-in-law and sister-in-law both went to Yale). Let me know if you need another blood donation. I can give again in June and would be happy to do so. Continued prayers and hope.
Love, Joanne, Grant, Bonnie, Katie and Grant, Jr. Heller

Joanne Heller <JQHeller@optonline.net>
Westport, CT USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:14 PM CDT
Happy Birthday to Drew! I sure do miss him in class. Good luck in Boston, Joanne Seamon
Joanne Seamon <TheSeamons@aol.com>
Shelton, CT 06484 - Monday, May 3, 2004 7:15 PM CDT
Bill & Nicole,

You and the boys are often in our thoughts and prayers. You are all an inspiration to us. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help out. Anytime you need a blood donation, I'll be available! Take care and keep the faith.

Maureen, Stephen and Andrew Morris <MaureenHMorris@comcast.net>
Farmington, CT USA - Monday, May 3, 2004 12:07 AM CDT
Hi Nicole,Bill,Tyler and Drew
Happy birthday to Drew! Hope he had a great day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Stay strong. Love you guys.
Alaine & Eric

Alaine Sangemino and Eric Anderson <ea6069@bellsouth.net>
Jacksonville, FL United States - Sunday, April 25, 2004 2:27 PM CDT
So glad to hear Drew is home! I think about him and pray for him every day. Enjoy the rest of your week, my best to all of you.
Love, Joanne Seamon

Joanne Seamon <TheSemons@aol.com>
Shelton, CT USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:14 PM CDT
Dear Nicole & Bill,
Just wanted to let you know that you and the children are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
I'm so happy that the weather became so beautiful to allow you and the boys to go out and enjoy it.
It surely does make you feel better.
I missed not seeing the boys for their birthdays, but something will be coming in the mail for them.
I hear that you are being taken care of very well.
Sounds like you have a wonderful support system and would like to be a part of it, but do not want to make anything more confusing for you so please if you need anything at all. please know that I am a phone call away and can do anything that you need me to.
Take care and may God be with you.
Love, Aunt Cheryl

Aunt Cheryl <cao85@aol.com>
Bedford, NY USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:21 PM CDT
Hi Bill, I had no idea about your son. I feel like an idiot for asking if you were going to come to the meeting today.(Pathmark) Please accept my apologies. I don't know what else to say except I hope and pray for the best for your son. Stay strong for him.

Patty Marino <Patricia_Marino@adp.com>
- Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:55 AM CDT
Nicole, Bill Tyler & Drew,
Just a note to let you know the daily prayers continue.

Kathleen Hall <Kathleen_Hass@adp.com>
Clifton, NJ USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:30 PM CDT


DERBY, CT USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
It was such a delight to have Drew back in class last week. It was also nice to meet Drew's grandfather. He was lots of fun! Drew is always in my prayers. Thinking of all of you, Joanne Seamon
Joanne Seamon <TheSeamons@aol.com>
Shelton, CT 06484 - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 7:39 PM CDT
Hi Drew,
It was great playing with you. Thank you for teaching me how to play Ninja Turtles..... I will come up to see you again soon.

Melanie Testa
Cheshire, CT - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 2:51 PM CDT

Hi Andrew,

My name is Judy and I am a friend of your Grandma and Grandpa Bina and James. I want to wish you a happy bunny day tomorrow . I'm sure it will be fun because you will be at their house. I heard from a little bunny that your birthday is this month. I will find out from Papa. You are in my prayers everyday. Godbless and Happy Easter.

Judy Schragel Butterfields Restaurant <tigerlily614@verizon.net>
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:24 PM CDT
Nicole, Bill, Tyler and Drew,
Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful Easter. Hoping that you all enjoy the Easter Bunny. May this season bring you all hope and promise. Special hugs and kisses to Tyler and Drew. Good Luck on Monday, we will be thinkig of you.

PS...It was so good to see Drew at MY GYM. Nathan can't stop talking about his buddy!

Our Love and Support Always,

Michelle, Mike, Nathan and Zachary <michellemerch@snet.net>
Milford, CT USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:36 AM CDT
Dear Bill, Nicole, Tyler and Drew,
Reading all the well wishes helps me know that your prayers will be heard. You're in our thoughts and prayers daily. Thanks for the opportunity to see what a wonderful family you are. Please take care.
Jackie, Donald, Alexa and Jordan

Jackie Hausler-Hines <jackie_hausler-hines@adp.com>
New Hyde Park, NY - Thursday, April 8, 2004 1:55 PM CDT
I am saying a prayer to God for you now Andrew,that he will be with you always and see you through this and heal you completely. May he put his loving and healing touch on you on this day.God bless You and your family.In HIS loving name I pray this for you. Amen.
Ron Davis <rdavis@adelphia.net>
Moscow, PA U.S. - Sunday, April 4, 2004 8:29 PM CDT
Dear Cordes Family - Our thoughts and prayers are with you always - thank you for the updates, they're terrific. We continue to pray for you guys and wish you a very Joyous and Happy Easter - Andrew, may you continue to be blessed with the incredible strength and courage you have shown - Tyler, what a great big brother you are - Nicole & Bill, you are truly an inspiration to us all - God Bless You, The Ortoli Family - Sue, Dan, Joey, Mikey and Jilly
Susan Ortoli <dsjmjo@aol.com>
Shelton, CT USA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 9:43 AM CDT
Hi Nicole, Bill, Tyler & Drew,
Just like to drop you a line to remind you that you are in our thoughts & prayers daily.
When I was in the hospital I thought that they would tell me
my blood type so I could donate blood for Drew. Now I understand that isn't one of their routine blood tests.
I am still happy to give blood now that I am back on my feet.
Please let me know that status since I realize you had many
I miss you all and feel closer by logging on to the web site.
Aunt Cheryl & Uncle Mike

Aunt Cheryl & Uncle Mike <cao85@aol.com>
Bedford, NY USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:17 PM CST
Nicole,Bill,Tyler & Drew, Your family is blessed with
Determination, Resilience, Energy and Willpower (DREW)
You continue to be in my daily thoughts & prayers.

Kathleen Hall <Kathleen_Hall@adp.com>
Clifton, NJ USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:44 PM CST
To the Cordes family: Thinking about all of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Helen, Joe, Josef and Simona

Visinski <h.visinski@snet.net>
Shelton, CT USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 2:44 PM CST
It was so nice to have Drew back in class today. He is like a ray of sunshine in our class. I wish we all could have his spirit and positive attitude! You are all in my prayers - Joanne Seamon
Joanne Seamon <TheSeamons@aol.com>
Shelton, CT 06484 - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:11 PM CST
Hello Nicole,
It was so good to see you and Drew at school today. I am sorry I haven't talked to you sooner with having the baby and all. Please know that Drew and your family have been in our prayers. Love, Nadene, Mike, Jack, Lauren and Maggie Layfield

Nadene Layfield <minalaja@sbcglobal.net>
Shelton, CT US - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:12 AM CST
God Bless. Love Aunt Beryle
Beryle Stover <IrishNanny@mailstation.com>
Duryea, Pa USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 5:43 PM CST
May God continue to Bless you always and in all ways.
With much love; The Daubenhauser's <:))))><<

Ginger Daubenhauser <NanaGinger78@Adelphia.net>
Dunmore, Pa USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 5:42 PM CST
Terrific pics! Those boys are cuties. Thinking of all of you, as always.
Susie Hamilton <susieteach@juno.com>
Clinton, NY Oneida - Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:43 PM CST
We are praying for all of you daily. Drew is a strong, courageous and beautiful boy who will get through this hard time. Lexie talks about him constantly and can't wait to see him soon at school. Keep the faith and God bless you all.
Lynora and Alexandra Lichvar (Suzana Wesley preschool) <lexiesmom523@hotmail.com>
Oxford, ct usa - Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:55 PM CST
Bill, Nicole, Tyler and Andrew

Hello, what a great way to keep everyone informed of how you are all doing. We're constantly thinking of your family and you are always in our prayers. Tyler - keep up the good work of being a great big brother. I don't know what Casey would do without hers. She would be lost without him. Our best to everyone.

Gail, Casey, Ryan and Fred Mead <fredpmead@msn.com>
Shelton, Ct USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 5:16 PM CST
There is not one day when you are all not in my thoughts....the updates are wonderful and very much appreciated....Joanne and I can't wait to have Drew return to school! The Easter bunny is coming the week of the 5th...I will send notices home to you next week....all our love and thoughts...Joanne Seamon and Susan Heilweil
Susan Heilweil <SPH625@aol.com>
Shelton, CT USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:48 PM CST
Hey guys,
So happy to hear this week is going well. Thanks for the pictures - Lindsey likes getting to see her buddy. Your all in our thoughts & prayers. With Love,
Christie, Chris, Brittney, Lindsey & Stephanie.

Christie <Sierer@sbcglobal.net>
Stratford, CT 06614 - Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:13 AM CST
hey Nicole! Drew, Tyler and Bill!!
This web site is awsome... It's just wonderful to hear how great Drew is doing this week!...you all are an inspiration to all of us..oh and I love the photo album.. talk to ya soon cuz! LOVE MARIA! .. HEY DREW KEEP UP TH GOOD WORK OVER THERE!

Maria pannullo <mpannu4969@aol.com>
Windermere , Fl - Friday, March 26, 2004 5:59 PM CST
Nicole, Bill, Tyler, and Drew: You are all in our prayers. We hope that God continues to bless Drew with strength and good spirits; and the rest of you with patience and faith. Remember that God said if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. We hope you can feel the love we send over the many miles.
Cousins Ryan, Cindy, and Chandler Sapp <sapprealtor@comcast.net>
Fruitland Park, Fl. usa - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:10 AM CST
Hi Nicole & Bill - thank you for keeping us informed - we think of you and your beautiful family everyday and send positive loving thoughts your way. God bless - Marie & Sal
Marie & Sal Augello
Bellmore, NY USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:13 AM CST
Hello to the Cordes Family,
Just want to let you know that your family is in our prayers. I have to tell you, Drew is definitely a "super hero." Tyler is also up there with his brother. Keep strong and maintain high spirits. Let us know if there is anything you need...

Wendy Grabarz (Kindergarten Teacher @ Booth Hill School)

Wendy Grabarz <wgrabarz@snet.net>
Shelton, CT USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:57 PM CST
Drew, Tyler, Bill and Nicole....
It has often been said that for everything there is a reason - or so I have been told. But I truly believe it..Drew - you are an amazing little boy - your courage and strength through all of this will teach us all something very special. Tyler - it can be tough for big brothers no matter what's up - but your job is tougher...but from what I hear you are up to the challenge - so keep on truckin" (okay I just dated myself....) Bill and Nicole - know that not a day goes by that I don't think of you all. You are constantly remembered in my prayers along with Drew. Positive attitudes are great and a little humor will help along the way. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to let us know what you need. We are pulling for all of you. Lots of love and prayers....

Elizabeth Garvin-Clarke, Brendan and Shannon <Elizabeth_Garvin-Clarke@adp.com>
Souderton, PA USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:10 PM CST
Hello Bill, Nicole, Tyler and Andrew,
Please know that you are ALL in our thoughts and prayers. We wish Andrew well and miss seeing you at the gym. Bobby and Rachel have both looked at the website with me the other day when I spoke to Nicole on the phone. I have passed along your website information and I see that already a couple of folks have signed on. I will continue to view the website for updates, and show Bobby and Rachel the new photos of Andrew. Please let us know if there is anything at all that we can do.

Rob, Maria, Bobby and Rachel Santo <saintrc@optonline.net>
Stratford, Ct USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:38 PM CST
Hello Drew and family :) I just wanted to send you a note to say that we've been thinking about you and we hope this week flies by...and that you have a great/fun (and hopefully warm) next week home. Bill- please call me if you need any help this week...I can't cook as well as Nicole but I am a great cleaner!! Our love,
Bella, Chris, Sara and Rachel <bellabrown@gapac.com>
Shelton, Ct USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:28 AM CST
My daughter works at the gym that you belong to and gave me this web site to look at. Drew is just adorable and I would like to make him a blanket to keep him safe and warm. I will keep him in my prayers always
Linda Pavlakis <gpavlakis@snet.net>
Stratford, CT Fairfield - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:29 AM CST
Hello Drew, Tyler, Nicole, Bill
Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. We miss those two little boys running around the gym. Hope to see you soon

Mandy (the fitness edge) <mpooleg@aol.com>
fairfield , ct - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:23 AM CST
Nicole, Bill, Tyler and Drew,

We think of you often and pray for you always. You have two little amazing boys. And of course they have two amazing parents. Keep stong and keep fighting.
We love you all,
Debbie, Bobby and Kara

Debbie Clark <dlcnrcc@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 1:14 PM CST
God Bless Andrew
Aunt Kathy and Uncle Charlie <cschleider@cfl.rr.com>
Clermont, Fl USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 7:15 PM CST
Bill, Nicole, Tyler and Drew - We have been thinking about all of you frequently. Thanks so much for the email updates and now the website. It really helps to know how things are going without having to call and bug you! Our thoughts and prayers are with you always. Love,
Joanne, Grant, Bonnie, Katie and Grant Jr. Heller <JQHeller@optonline.net>
Westport, CT 06880 - Thursday, March 18, 2004 1:02 PM CST
Nicole and Bill, Thanks for creating a beautiful web-site. Love Jean, Ed and Jennifer
Jean Malin <jean6842@atlantic.net>
NEW PORT RICHEY, fl USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:20 PM CST
Hello Drew! Mommy, Daddy and Little Brother TOO!
Your website is so wonderful. You are in our thoughts and prayers! We enjoy reading the great progress reports.

Craig and Wendy Henry <wendyl_henry@adp.com>
Sherrill, NY Oneida - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:02 PM CST
What a great website! Thanks so much for all the updates!! We continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers! Special hugs and kisses to Andrew and Tyler! Our Love,
Michelle, Mike, Nathan and Zachary

Michelle Merchant <michellemerch@snet.net>
Milford, CT USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 7:55 AM CST
Drew and Tyler are lucky to have such caring and loving parents! Keep up the positive attitude.
Barbara Braun <barb_braun@adp.com>
Alpharetta, GA 30004 - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:31 PM CST
Dear Nicole, Bill, Tyler and Drew,
We are so happy to hear Drew is doing well. What a trooper!! Drew you are a great kid!! Tyler, you are a big brother to be proud of. Nicole and Bill, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family always.
Helen, Joe, Josef and Simona

Visinski <h.visinski@snet.net>
Shelton, CT USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:17 AM CST
Dear Drew, what a handsome pair you and your brother make. You are lucky to have a big brother to help take care of you. Our Carly had her big sister Kelcie. Love, MiMi
MiMi Olsson <mimi-olsson@comcast.net>
Attleboro, MA USA - Monday, March 15, 2004 10:10 PM CST
Dear BC, Nicole, Tyler & Drew:
I can't tell you how often my thoughts are with you. Thanks for keeping us updated and I'll be sure to say a prayer. My grandmother always tells me that prayers of the sinners are heard the loudest, so I'll be belting one out for all of you!!! xxooo

Gina Sullivan <gina_sullivan@adp.com>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 3:58 PM CST
Bill, Nicole,Tyler and Andrew. We are glad to hear that you are all doing well and looking forward to a speedy recovery. Andrew you are a remarkable young man with a great attitude and a wonderful family. Tyler I am sure your support is helping your brother a great deal. We wish you all the best. You are in our hearts and prayers. Love, Randy, Amanda, Ryan, Cassie and Joshua
Randy Bianchi (Dads co-worker) <randy_bianchi@adp.com>
Getzville, NY USA - Monday, March 15, 2004 1:47 PM CST
Drew & Family,
Glad to hear that you are doing well ... keep up the fight. You are all so strong and an inspiration to all of us. Thanks for keeping us informed on the progress!

Love, Kerry Batting
- Monday, March 15, 2004 11:11 AM CST
Drew and family,
We are happy to hear you are doing so well. The next time you are in Boston, we would love to get together if you are feeling up to it. Your Dad knows that you and your family are welcome to stay with us as well. My kids, Christine and Matthew are 5 and 3 and would be great playmates for you and Tyler.

Continue to feel better and we'll see you soon.

Love, Gretchen Becker-Cox (co-worker of your Dad's)
and Jeff, Christine and Matthew Cox

Gretchen Becker-Cox <gretchen_becker@adp.com>
Newton, MA - Monday, March 15, 2004 10:55 AM CST
Hi Nicole, Bill, Tyler and Drew, thank you so much for keeping us all informed about Drew and Tyler too (be sure to congratulate him for us on his award at school - that's great!). We miss you guys and think about you all the time. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we are so happy that Drew is back home now to enjoy his brother and his toys. You never thought you'd appreciate the boys bickering as much as you do right now, right?? Enjoy it and have a great week! Hope to talk to you soon. With love, Jill, Joe, Evan and Anna
Jill Farruggio <jfarruggio@charter.ent>
Trumbull, CT - Monday, March 15, 2004 10:11 AM CST
"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31.

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Ken, Audra, Nathan, and Kayla <acast@fdic.gov>
Morris, CT USA - Monday, March 15, 2004 7:46 AM CST
We are all thinking about you and praying for Andrew's continued lack of fever. His good spirits, and your positive attitudes are amazing. Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing - if there's anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to call. All our love,
Jayne, John, Bethany and Melissa de Gant <baumandegant@juno.com>
Stratford, CT USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 12:46 AM CST
Hello Nicole, Bill, Tyler and Andrew,
Thank you for keeping us update on Andrew. All our prayers are always with you and as always if there is anything we can help you with please know we are here. Unfortunately, neither Jeff nor I can donate blood for we are not the same type blood. We love you all. As always our prayers are with you all. Please kiss Andrew for us.
Love Patty, Jeff & Jeffrey

Patty Suppa <LUV418@aol.com>
Seaford, NY USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 12:03 AM CST
Bill, Nicole, Tyler and Andrew
Please call us if there is anything we can do to help:
Meals, playdate for Tyler, a break, an errand etc.

Neil DeLucia <neil_a_delucia@adp.com>
Trumbull, CT USA - Friday, March 12, 2004 3:06 PM CST
Hello everyone and welcome to Andrew's site. I'm visiting from my office computer today just after Nicole completed setting the site up. I'm looking forward to nice weekend at home (even though it will be without guests because Drew is still at risk of infection). Just writing that makes me look for a piece of wood to knock on, because the slightest sign of fever lands Drew back in the hospital. Anyway I'll think positive. I'm looking forward to reading your entries in the guestbook. This site will be a good way for us to keep everyone updated in the limited time we have.
Bill Cordes <wncordes@snet.net>
Shelton, CT US - Friday, March 12, 2004 2:19 PM CST

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