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Hi, Pantis Family! Just want you know that I think of you and am so happy to see that you haven't felt the need to make an entry in over a year! I'd love to reconnect. Drop me a line.
Adam Tauber <adamtauber@comcast.net>
Citrus Heights, CA - Thursday, November 6, 2008 1:04 AM CST
Hi Sofia and family,
I look at those birthday photos with tears of happiness in my eyes. Look how far you've come! We loved seeing you on Halloween. You were a beautiful snow princess.

The Pandeleos Family
Davis, CA USA - Tuesday, November 6, 2007 6:20 PM CST
Hello from London. Martine, Jeremy and I are thrilled to hear that Sofia is doing so well. Kelly, have a great run and let us know how it all went. Enjoy yourselves in Vancouver and give our best to everyone there.

Soc, Martine, Jeremy

Socrates Fokas <socfokas@btinternet.com>
London, UK - Thursday, May 3, 2007 1:26 AM CDT
I am so thrilled to hear that your beautiful Sofia is doing so well. Ever since I heard that she had leukemia, Sofia and all of your family have been in my thoughts and prayers. I know your family is full of love, support and faith which all helped in Sofia's remission. I pray that she continue to grow strong and enjoy life for all that it has to offer.
All my love. ~Paula

Paula Denham <paula.denham@doj.ca.gov>
Sacramento, CA Sacramento - Tuesday, April 3, 2007 8:55 PM CDT
Sending heartfelt joy to the whole Pantis family in your wonderful news about Sofia's progress! Wishing you good health and strong legs in the upcoming marathon! Go Team Sofia II !!!!
Tina Locklear <tina@locklearlaw.com>
Anaheim Hills, CA USA - Monday, April 2, 2007 9:45 AM CDT
I miss my "pretty girl" when soccer ends! You are FABULOUS! Hopefully we'll see you at the park for Easter, I hope you are having fun in school!

A'lyce & Olen

SACRAMENTO, Ca USA - Thursday, March 15, 2007 12:16 AM CDT
Hi there!!! The whole Vatikiotis family is very happy hearing the great news about Princess-Sofia!!! We are always wishing for the best (not only for Sofia but for the whole Pantis family as well)!!! But...here is a special-magic wish just for my Princess...Sofia mou,eisai to pio gluko kai omorfo koritsaki tou kosmou!!! Na Agapas, na xamogelas kai na eisai aisiodoxi....kai tha sou pigainoun pada ola kala!!! filakia!!!
Eva Vatikiotis <vatiev@yahoo.com>
Athens, Hellas - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 11:51 AM CDT
We are privileged to help you in this effort. You are all a beautiful family!
The MacKay Family from OLA
Carmichael, CA 95608 - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:15 AM CDT
Although I am not completely inspired to write after 11pm, I am so tickled that I was led to this site once again and that it is still here with journal and all, so I will know to write more next time. But I won't bow out from here until I let Sofia know that we love you and your beautiful soul, how much we enjoy your sparkly personality and your natural disposition to logic (that's the Greek in you), how we love looking and admiring your big baby blues and your blonde, bubbly hair with curls that rock =) She's a girly, girl... mooowah, kisses! Love Nouna!
Evangelia Pantis <evangeliapantis@yahoo.com>
El Dorado Hills, CA - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:35 AM CDT
We're so happy that you're feeling better, Sofia! Good luck on your marathon training, Kelly! You are both an inspiration to us all!
The McAvoy Family <julmcavoy@yahoo.com>
Granite Bay, CA - Monday, March 12, 2007 10:59 AM CDT
Hi Sofia! How wonderful that you don't have to take yucky medicines for chemo anymore! I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well.

I found your site from another's guestbook. I wanted to stop by and visit.

My little girl is three. She was dx with ALL this year. (april 06) She is a brave little girl too.

We will come by and see how you are doing soon!


Chickamauga, Ga - Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:45 AM CDT
Hi Sofia,
I enjoyed our visit. Thank you so much for the creative and very special picture. We have it hanging on our refrigerator. I love it! Thank you.

Pandeleos Family
Davis, CA - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:37 AM CDT
Hey Pantis Family! Great News for Sophia! Just knew everything was go to be ok. Hope you have a wonderful summer!

Glen Dena and Garret <glendenathomas@sbcglobal.net>
Davis, CA USA - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 12:10 AM CDT
Happy Easter! Enjoy your day!
Pandeleos Family
Davis, CA - Sunday, April 23, 2006 2:13 PM CDT
Hi Pantis Family,
We are so happy and relieved that Sofia's ordeal is coming to a close and she is feeling good. I hope her surgery went smoothly and she can finally begin to look on this experience in the past tense. Much love to you and wishes that the rest of 2006 will be filled with joy and many more happy pictures like the ones from Hawaii

Dena and Andreas Doulaveris
Rockville, MD - Friday, April 7, 2006 4:54 PM CDT
We are so happy to hear the wonderful news!!! Your face-painting picture brings joy to our hearts ~ you are one strong special little girl! Hugs and kisses to princess Sofia! Love, Carolyn, Clay, Corrin & Cara
Carolyn Covington <ccov1@msn.com>
Folsom, CA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 5:14 AM CST
I am so excited for all of you, especially Miss Sofia. Have fun at your first day of preschool tomorrow. Enjoy!
The Pandeleos Family
Davis, CA - Monday, January 9, 2006 2:16 PM CST
Dear other Pantis Family,
I just read your posting about the Great News! God is good, and he has a special plan for Sofia's precious life. We have now changed our nightly prayer to a big Thank You for being with Sofia and keeping her well! (OK sappy words to follow)
Everyone of you deserve Huge Kudos for keeping it together during this crazy road you have been on for the last what 2 1/2 years? You truelly are an example to us, and I am sure many others, as to how to make it when life throws really bad crap at you ( pardon my choice)! YOu have come out on the other side with your marriage, your amazingliy loving and giving family, and two super cool well adjusted kids( despite what they both have gone through). I am just so proud of each of you ! Especially you Sofia! What a TUFFY! Blessings for the new year!

KP <pantiss@aol.com>
FO, ca usa - Thursday, January 5, 2006 5:28 PM CST
Kelly, I just updated Ben's site and saw your note! Many congratulations to Miss Sofia for completing treatment! I am thrilled that she has done so well and pray that she continues to do so. We hope to be in your shoes in October :-). Take care and have a wonderful 2006!

Lorie Hirsh <lghirsh@hotmail.com>
Knoxville, TN USA - Monday, January 2, 2006 10:01 PM CST
Yahoo Sofia, No more chemo!! Ali went OT on Easter and is enjoying being normal again!
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
XXOO, Marey and Cali Ali

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 31, 2005 11:17 PM CST
Kelly-thank you for stopping by and thank you for sharing your wonderful news! We pray this is it-may Sofia have long and healthy days with no more chemo. Of course we have all learned so much from this journey-may we take our new knowledge and live better lives because of it. God Bless and Happy and Healthy 2006 and FOREVER!!The Melkonians
Darlene and Christopher Melkonian http://www.caringbridge.org/md/chrismelko <melkonid@comcast.net>
Gaithersburg, MD - Friday, December 30, 2005 9:12 AM CST
This truly will be a happy, healthy, NEW year!!
Pandeleos clan
Davis, CA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:15 AM CST
We are all thinking of you, and are so excited that you are almost ready to start all of your new activities and classes. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Pandeleos family
Davis, CA - Friday, December 9, 2005 5:01 PM CST
Dear Sofia ,
We are thinking of you and wishing you the very best as you go in for your final treatments. We pray that the next few weeks won't be too difficult for you, and that we get to hear that all the nasty buggers are out of your precious body! Blessings to you, little Sofia! You are always on our mind! All our love!!!!!

NickoZoe KrisJohn <pantiss@aol.com>
FO, ca usa - Saturday, December 3, 2005 12:31 AM CST
Dear Sofia. It's almost Halloween and you are doing so well!I'm wondering if you and your brother are going to any Halloween parties?It's fun to go to parties when you are feeling well, and from reading your mother's journal entries you are doing super. Congratulations on your good health.
Love from the Nevada desert, Ellen Sargent (your Grandma Sharon's college roomate.)

Ellen Sargent <emsargent@pcweb.net>
indian springs, nv - Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:24 PM CDT
Just thinking of you and your family. I hope everything is well. See you in a few weeks!
Davis, CA - Monday, October 10, 2005 7:55 PM CDT
Well Sofia Maria Pantis, you are almost 4 and wow what a journey you have already had in your life! May your birthday be a sweet one this year... and may this year bring you lots of happy days filled with all the normal things we all take for granted! We just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday on your site! We love you and cant wait to see you at your party!
Nicko Zoe Kris John <pantiss@aol.com>
FO, Ca usa - Thursday, September 8, 2005 5:49 PM CDT
Dear Sofia and fam,
Just want you to know we think of you often and still pray for you every night! We were just checking in on you and saw the great update and the awesome pictures and you and Andreas swimming! Our hearts are filled with so much joy for you Sofia.......hang in there... Big love and hugs to you!

pantis <pantiss@aol.com>
fair oaks , ca usa - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:15 PM CDT
Hi to the Pantis family!
We want you to know we're still thinking about you guys and saying our prayers for Sofia's continued recovery. Have a great time in San Francisco (the Blue and Gold Fleet has a fun boat ride around the bay and to Alcatraz, and it's an outside activity!)...and now you still have Hawaii to look forward to!

Chip, Julie, Lauren, Hayley and Ryan McAvoy <julmcavoy@yahoo.com>
Granite Bay, Ca USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:12 PM CDT
Hey to the Pantis Family. We check it and are so happy to have this site! Hooray for Sofia....We are sooooo happy she is doing well....minus the colds! So thankful for the great care she is given and for the fabulous family she has to protect her and love her!!!! Zoe and Nicko say "Ella" and "Sag a poe"
Zoe and Nicko <pantiss@aol.com>
Fair Oaks, ca usa - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 4:43 PM CST
We will be thinking of you during your surgery. I hope we can come visit you as soon as you are feeling better, perhaps when you are recovering even. We all hope for a speedy recovery!

Trista, Yanni and Niko
Davis, CA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 3:44 PM CST
Dear Andreas:
We hear you are going to have surgery coming soon and we wanted to write and wish you the best. Maybe after you are feeling good after you surgery we can get together for some play time. I don't know if you heard this, but Alice had surgery last June, to have her tonsils taken out and she did just great. The surgery really worked and she feels really great now. I know your surgery will be just as easy and successful. Please remember that you have a lot of fans out here cheering you on, even if we don't see you as often as we would like.

Love, Riley and Alice Wong

Riley and Alice Wong <seanandnan@aol.com>
Sacramento, CA - Monday, February 7, 2005 3:58 PM CST
Dear Kelly, Yianni, Andreas and Sweet Sofia! Gosh , reading your last update just brought tears to my eyes...I am so completely thrilled at how wonderful Sofia is doing and that you can say that things are "normal" in your house again! You guys have been so strong throughout this unexpected turn in Sofia's life...you have amazed me everytime we have been around you. God certainly blessed Andreas and Sofia with two wise,humorous and super loving parents....And he has listened and answered so many prayers that have been said for her and your family daily. Three cheers for Sofia!!! Continued Blessings to her and you guys....Merry Christmas from the bottom of our hearts! "Fellis Nadidad" (that is how Zoe says iT)
The other pantis Family <pantiss@aol.com>
fo, ca usa - Friday, December 24, 2004 10:48 AM CST
Sofia - you look fabulous!! You're a vision of strength and courage. Many wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy NEW YEAR!!
Mary Melton <mmelton_us@hotmail.com>
Elk Grove, CA USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 3:33 PM CST
Your new Christmas picture is beautiful! I hope we get to see you and your family over the holidays.

Trista Kobely
Davis, CA USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 9:49 AM CST
Just wanted to check in on Sofia and let you know that we keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers. We enjoyed seeing you at Paul's 40th.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Watch out for the nut bowl (we just rented Along Came Polly :))

Love, Kelly, Paul, Katie and Shea

The Harringtons <kelly.harrington@mindspring.com>
Sacramento, CA USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 2:22 PM CST
Hi! Thanks for another great newsletter--especially with the funny spiderman story and the happy update on Sofia. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Yianni, ran into a nice guy-old colleague of ours, Mike Dougherty. He looked great and is enjoying work at the SBA, Fresno. It was good to see him. Talked also to Ricky LaVelle to congratulate him on his retirement.
Our best to the Pantises (pronounced like vortices and indices, I think...)
Valdo and Diane...

Valdo Herby <valldo@earthlink.net>
Sacramento, CA Sacramento - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:05 PM CST
I am so thrilled Sophia is doing well. What two wonderful angels you have.
Carmichael, CA USA - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 2:57 PM CST
Hi Sofia,
We had so much fun trick-or-treating with you! You looked so pretty in your costume. Hope to see you and your family again very soon!

Trista Kobely <tkobely@aol.com>
Davis, CA - Monday, November 1, 2004 9:54 AM CST
We look forward to seeing you on Halloween! Can't wait to see your costume this year.
Davis, CA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:36 AM CDT
Hi Sofia! We think about you all the time and of course check your site all the time for the updates on how wonderful you have been doing. You are a brave little girl and have a wonderful family to support you.
Take care litte one,
Glen, Dena and Garret Thomas

Dena Thomas <glendenathomas@aol.com>
Davis, CA USA - Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:36 PM CDT
Love and kisses to you Sweetiepie! And it's no surprise Sofia's doing so well with such an amazing Mommy, Daddy and Big Brother to support her.
Vikki Edwards <vikki_sf@yahoo.com>
- Friday, October 8, 2004 11:50 PM CDT
Dear Sofia, What a pretty three-year old you are! I love your silky blonde hair and your pretty pink cheeks. You will surely be the Prom Queen in about thirteen or fourteen years. Jim and I continue to send you our love and prayers from the Nevada desert. Be well and stay well.
ellen sargent <emsargent@pcweb.net>
indian springs, nv usa - Sunday, October 3, 2004 9:36 PM CDT
Hello Sofia and Family!
My name is Jenna and I came across your website. You are an inspiration and a Fighter. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Monday, September 13, 2004 1:17 AM CDT
Glad to hear you are feeling better. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Davis, CA USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 10:10 AM CDT
Hi guys!
Glad to see things are going well right now, I know there have been many ups and downs. You all are an inspiration to all of us and you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!

Chip, Julie, Lauren, Hayley and Ryan McAvoy <julmcavoy@yahoo.com>
Granite Bay, Ca - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:22 PM CDT
Goldielocks has returned!!! It's so great to see photos of Sofia with hair looking so healthy. I'm glad to hear you all have had such a great summer. Sorry little miss Sofia decided she didn't want anything to do with swimming lessons. These little divas have their own opinions about things. Maria's swimming ended this past Friday and she was pretty sad so see it go. She's starting ballet the first week in October though and looking forward to that. Hopefully it will be as big a success as the swimming. School doesn't start here until late September so we're just kind of hanging around until then.

Anyway, healthy hugs and kisses to you and your family.

Ava (Maria's mama, www.caringbridge.org/europe/maria) <madrilenos96@hotmail.com>
Madrid, Spain - Monday, August 30, 2004 9:45 PM CDT
Sweet Sophia, your Mommy & Daddy tell us you are doing so good and feeling so much better. We are happy to hear such good news. We also know that you will be having a birthday soon and will be three years old, I know you will have a wonderful fun time on your birthday.
We want to tell you that we say prayers for you every day and we know your "Yellow Brick Road" is paved with good health and much happiness.
We send our hugs & kisses to you.
Don't forget to share the hugs & kisses with your big brother Andreas.
Love you both

Marie & Larry Hall
Galt, Ca Sac. - Friday, August 27, 2004 11:23 AM CDT
The state fair, how adventurous! Good for you. If I were in a bumper boat with Sofia coming after me, I would duck. She's one tough little angel. And Andreas starting first grade??!! Amazing. Christopher and Cameron started kindergarten today; I am officially a wreck. Thinking of you all and sending prayers and love.
Mary and "the boys" <mmelton_us@hotmail.com>
Elk Grove, CA USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 6:27 PM CDT
Hi Sofia,
Good to see you and your family yesterday. Thanks for coming to Niko's bday. We had fun!

Davis, CA - Monday, August 23, 2004 10:22 AM CDT
Dear Yianni, Kelly, Sofia and Andreas,
You are never far from our thoughts and prayers. I periodically check the journal to keep up with your news and am very happy to hear that, in spite of the ups and downs, Sofia's future gets brighter and brighter, and it must be a relief to finally be counting down months until treatment is done. She's a tough little cookie! I appreciate this journal as a way of staying connected with you across the miles. Much love to you all!

Dena and Andreas Doulaveris <dkotsopoulos@juno.com>
Rockville, MD - Monday, August 2, 2004 7:58 AM CDT
Sophia and her family will be in our ongoing prayers. I am Hank Perry's sister, and he wrote in the journal prior to me. I am battling breast cancer presently and am going through chemo for 6 months. What a strong little girl Sophia is for going through chemo for such a long time! My heart goes out to her parents, having to watch and worry over their sweet baby. My 3 children, ages 17,15,12 and I will keep watching her progress via the web and send our prayers, which we believe do work. Sincerely Peggy Hendricks
Peggy Hendricks <mah419@charter.net>
Pasadena, Ca - Friday, July 30, 2004 2:40 AM CDT
Hi there Kelly,
Karen and I are thinking of you and your family. It was very inspiring for me to hear how you are all working together to get Sofia well, and we wish you all the very best! We'll be watching this website and thinking about you all. Hank and Karen Perry

Hank Perry <hank_perry@mac.com>
Walnut Creek, CA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:27 PM CDT
I am thinking of you and sending my prayers and positive thoughts! Wishing you the best for Wed.!
Davis, CA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 8:12 PM CDT
Yianni, Kelly, Andreas and Sofia,

It has been a while since we have been in touch and I think it is terrific that you have this website so we can all be kept updated on the latest with Sofia. I will be sure to pass on the latest news to Eleni. I love you guys a lot and admire your strength and courage, especially, Sofia's, and how you have adapted to the situation and continue with positivity. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. With lots of love, Patty

Patty Aguilar <paguilar@deloitte.com>
San Francisco, CA - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 8:11 PM CDT
Hi guys! Glad to hear that Sofia is doing well. Good to see "half the clan" on Friday night. I look forward to seeing the kids, and you both, again soon!

Davis, CA - Monday, July 19, 2004 2:19 PM CDT
Whats up guys...just checking in! Take care and hope to see you soon....we will be at Papou Nick's house on Sunday for Courtney's b_day! Love to you all !

Nicko and Zoe <pantiss@aol.com>
FO, ca usa - Thursday, July 15, 2004 2:11 PM CDT
We love you Sophia & Andreas.

Sophia, we hope you had fun in the hospital getting your treatment & got to see all of your old friends.

Andreas, Bet that 4th of July parade was fun.

Aunt Pam & Uncle Jeff <whistjenn@cs.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 7:30 AM CDT
Hi just want you to know it was great to hang with our cuzins at Papou Nick's pool on Sunday! We loved seeing Sofia and ANdreas.....soooo glad Sofia is feeling better! Thank you so much for sharing through this site! Love - Nicko and Zoe
Nicko and Zoe <pantiss@aol.com>
FO, ca usa - Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:41 AM CDT
Oh my goodness... Sofia was doing so well the last time we saw her, I hadn't checked the site in a while. Kelly, what a gift you give us when you share what you're going through. We only wish we could return the favor and give something to you. My boys will get extra hugs tonight for sure. Send Andreas over anytime. Sending prayers and love. Happy Father's Day, Yianni!!

Mary, Laura, Christopher and Cameron

Mary Melton <mmelton_us@hotmail.com>
Elk Grove, CA USA - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 7:47 PM CDT
Hi to you all! Thanks for the latest (June 4) update. Sofia must have loved her outing--even if she got systematically scrubbed with lotions. Good going! Enjoy some more family outings when you can and keep up the beautiful journal.
Hi Sofia! You sure have a lot of friends who write to you!
Be a good girl for Mommy and Daddy.
And y'all take it easy.

Affectionately, Diane and Valdo

Diane and Valdo Herby <valldo@earthlink.net>
Sacramento , CA - Thursday, June 10, 2004 12:59 AM CDT
Glad to see Sofia is doing so well!!!

Love Lowell

Lowell Anger <l.anger@verizon.net>
- Wednesday, June 9, 2004 7:58 PM CDT
I just want you all to know (especially you, Sofia) that I'm thinking of you. I check your website at least once a week and you are all always in my prayers.

Adam Tauber
- Sunday, June 6, 2004 6:29 PM CDT
Hi - So glad to hear Sofia is doing better. Just wanted you to know that we are thinking of your family every single day. Love, the Wongs

Nancy Wong <seanandnan@aol.com>
Sacramento, CA - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 3:20 PM CDT
Dear Kelly, Yianni, Andreas and Sofia,
I was just checking in and saw what a difficult few weeks you have had with Sofia. I am so sorry to hear about the terrific stress you all have been under. I do hope she is doing better this week...I feel awful that this side of the Pantis family did not know all this was happening! Please know we continue to pray for her and for those treating her. We love each of you and send you a big hug! All our love!!!!!! Kris , John , Nicko and Zoe

KP <pantiss@aol.com>
FO, CA USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 4:55 PM CDT
I'm sorry to hear you all had such a rough time with Sofia's spinal tap and steroid week. If there has been one blessing through Maria's treatment it has been that steroids don't seem to do much to her other than make her more hungry (no mood changes, no sleep problems). We know all too well about the vincristine though. There was a time I remember well when Maria was trying to climb the stairs of our house and we found her mid-way up, locked in one position with tears streaming down her face saying that she just couldn't do it. It is so hard to watch our children go through these things... especially knowing that we cannot protect them against the suffering. Sofia is lucky to have such a supportive family during her rough times. You know as well as I that days will get brighter for all of you again. Take good care of yourselves!
love from your friends in Spain, Ava & Maria Fidalgo (www.caringbridge.org/europe/maria) <madrilenos96@hotmail.com>
Madrid, Spain - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:09 AM CDT
Hi Sofia and Family -- just checking in. I hope Sofia gets over her cough and running nose. Am anxious to here how the doctor visit went. I am praying for her. Yes, glad Spring WAS here -- off to summer now with the heat of the last few days. Hope work is going well for you Kelly. And knowing that the Pantis family has to have one active entreprenuer at all times - how are you Yianni?

All the best - miss you guys, Randy

Randy Lintecum
Newport Coast, CA USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:36 AM CDT
Hi to Sophia's Family
Aunt Pam <whistjenn@cs.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:59 PM CST
Hi to Sophia's Family

Will see you soon!!!!

Aunt Pam <whistjenn@cs.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:56 PM CST
Glad to hear that Sofia is doing so well! Ben is also in Interim Maintenance, but will hopefully be going into Maintenance next month (we're very excited, too). I've been thinking of Sofia the last few days- I am thrilled that she remains in good spirits and good health. Take care! www.caringbridge.org/tn/benparents
Lorie Hirsh <lgalloway1@yahoo.com>
Knoxville, TN USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:41 PM CST
Dear Sofia, At last, Spring is here. Such a time for optimism, and we are optimistic about your health. It seems you are feeling well and are energetic. Enjoy the new flowers and warm breezes and hopefully, another carousel ride! Love to you from the desert, Jim and Ellen Sargent
ellen sargent <emsargent@pcweb.net>
indian springs, nv clark - Friday, March 12, 2004 6:12 PM CST
Just thinking of you and hoping everyone is doing well. We hope you had a terrific Valentines Day. We had a great time at Andreas party...thank you. Give Sofia a big HUG ...we want her to get well and stay well!!!! Love you all!
Nicko and Zoe <pantiss@aol.com>
Fo, CA usa - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:50 AM CST

Happy Valentines Day, From Everyone at Post Pals

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Friday, February 13, 2004 12:28 AM CST
Hi Sofia! How great that you are through phase 1!!! What an amazing spirit you have. I think of you all the time and hope you have many hours of giggling and silliness with your brother this year. I pray for continued improving health and an easier year for all of you. Love to you all. See you soon.
Mary Melton <mmelton_us@hotmail.com>
Elk Grove, CA USA - Saturday, January 31, 2004 7:54 PM CST
Hi Sofia!
Glad to hear you are doing so well! I bet that carousel ride was fun! Have a great time helping Andreas celebrate this birthday. I look forward to visiting with you and your family very soon!

Davis, CA USA - Monday, January 26, 2004 10:08 AM CST
Sorry to hear of your setback but know you will ready for your next round of Chemo.
Phyllis Copening Barton <phylbar@cwo.com>
Davis, Ca Yolo - Sunday, January 25, 2004 11:25 PM CST
FAIR OAKS, CA USA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 5:19 PM CST
Dear Sofia and family. Happy New Year from your friends in the Nevada desert! You have such a wonderful support system working for you and through you, and we would like to send all of you our prayers and love for the New Year. Love from Jim and Ellen Sargent
ellen sargent <emsargent@pcweb.net>
indian springs, nv usa - Sunday, January 18, 2004 10:10 PM CST
Dear Sophia,
I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas. I'm sure being with your cousins was the best of it.
It's great that you'll soon be on an out patient basis.
Hope that your runny nose and cough are soon better.
Happy New Year!

Maureen Benjamin <maureendbenjamin@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas, Nv - Sunday, December 28, 2003 10:15 AM CST

Love everyone at Post Pals

Cori <info@postpals.co.uk>
- Wednesday, December 24, 2003 6:00 AM CST
Sofia - Our prayers and Christmas wishes are with you and your amazing family. May God continue to fill your innocent heart with joy, and may He allow you to heal stronger than any sickness. May the miracle of Christmas touch you and your family so that your story can be told to inspire others. May God's love shine through you brighter than any of us, so that we may see He exists in you. And may He always hold you dear to His heart, and keep your family close.
All our love, and heart-filled support,
-Jason, Sandra, Demetre, and Theodore Roll.

The Roll Family <miazoee@comcast.net>
Elk Grove, CA USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 12:57 AM CST
Dear Sofia and family. I am sitting here with my old cat on my lap. I think she is sending you good vibes, at least thats what her purrs sound like tonight! You've begun your last really intensive treatment and that means a New Year is coming and you all have so much to look forward to, not in sorrow or trepidation, but with anticipation and faith that all will be well. We send you all holiday greetings and bundles of warm love, and very positive thoughts and hopes for the New Year. Jim and Ellen Sargent ( and Tomette, the old cat!)
ellen sargent <emsargent@pcweb.net>
indian springs, nv usa - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 10:39 PM CST
Hi--Thanks you for the nice December update. Enjoyed the photos (Where's Yianni in this Marathon?) and the good news that Sofia is enjoying good read-outs and will take her last serious treatment in January. Y'all keep up the good work. We're thinkng of you. And Happy Holidays!
Valdo Herby with Diane <valldo@earthlink.net>
Sramento , CA - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 2:07 PM CST
Dear Pantis Family,
I am so sorry that things are going as things go when a little one is subjected to the rigors of intensive chemotherapy.
My big prayer right now is that things go well enough for
Sofia to be home for Thanksgiving and for you all to enjoy a blessed day together.
At this point, I am sure it seems like you've been living like this forever and that there is no end in sight. But you will make it and life will be so sweet because you will have this to compare it to.
God's strength and blessings to all of you.
Maureen Benjamin

Maureen Benjamin <maureendbenjamin@hotmail.com>
Indian Springs, Nv - Friday, November 21, 2003 11:44 AM CST
Just letting you know that we will be home over Thanksgiving weekend if you want to schedule something. Riley and Alice would love to see Andreas. Let us know and we will be happy to pick Andreas up.
Nancy and Sean Wong <Seanandnan@aol.com>
- Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2:09 PM CST
I am glad to hear that Sofia remains cheerful during this intense phase! It'll be done before you know it :-). Ben starts his delayed intensification phase in about three weeks, so it's good to hear of others doing well with it. Take care! All of you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Lorie
Lorie Hirsh <lgalloway1@yahoo.com>
Knoxville, TN USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 1:52 PM CST
Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know that we are thinking about you and sending good vibes your way. Hang in there and stay strong and positive. You all should get a medal (especially Sophia) for how you are handling this new challenge. I admire your strength and wonder how you manage it all...GREAT JOB!

Love to everyone!

Aunt Jill, Uncle Kyle, and Cousin Jordan

Kyle Garrett <Kyle@AviationSchoolsOnline.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 11:48 PM CST
Hi guys!
I check in all the time to see how you are doing Sofia, but I seldom sign the guestbook. Please know I am thinking of you always. We have 17 more days until the marathon, and the longest day of training (20 miles!) is behind me, just like your hardest chemo treatment is behind you! Yours is the face I see as I run, and it gives me so much motivation. I am so proud of you. What a fighter you are! You are in my prayers.

Trista Kobely <tkobely@aol.com>
Davis, CA USA - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 7:08 PM CST
Hi Sofia.... its Nicko and Zoe saying " whats Up?" We are thinking of you and continue to pray and ask that you'll be blessed!!!!! Hope you got lots of candy on Halloween...we sure did! Nicko was a dragon and Zoe was a duck. We took a hay ride around our neighborhood instead of walking...fun. Sounds like you are doing well with your latest treatment. We want you to know that we are sending you big hugs... Take care and tell everyone hello and big hugs!
Pantis <pantiss@aol.com>
fair oaks, ca usa - Saturday, November 8, 2003 11:08 AM CST

Random Acts of Kindness

Hi Sofia,
I just smile every time I see that beautiful face of yours!
Hope that white count is coming up. Glad to hear you're running around and keeping mom busy. Tell Mom she does a great job of keeping up your journal so I like stopping by. Know that all of you are in my prayers daily.

Debi Blacklidge <amhardy1@cox.net>
Southern California, CA United States - Saturday, November 8, 2003 11:03 AM CST
Hi Sofia and Family,
Sorry to hear the chemo's cumulative effect is catching up with your baby.
Have you looked into the Healing Touch yet? There is one technique that will clear the toxins from her system and make her more comfortable.
Hey, I'm impressed that Sofia doesn't get up to eat during the night--and especially impressed that she has learned to control her outbursts. What an awesome little girl!
Don't know if you have any time to read, but whether you are cycling fans or not, I think you would find the latest book by Lance Armstrong inspiring and helpful. His first book was great and this latest one, Every Second Counts, is even better.
Glad to hear that you're all hanging in.
My continued prayers are with you,
Maureen Benjamin

Maureen Benjamin <Marueendbenjamin@hotmail.com>
Indian Springs, Nv. - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:05 PM CST
Blessings to you Sofia, and to your extended family. I hope you will be able to go out and play in the falling leaves soon. Maybe your brother will help you make a big pile of leaves and you can jump in them, toss them in the air and laugh and giggle.I'll bet Grandma Sharon will play with you too! You deserve it! Love and good thoughts from Nevada.
ellen sargent <emsargent@pcweb.net>
indian springs, nv usa - Sunday, October 26, 2003 10:19 PM CST

Random Acts of Kindness

Your Nana Sharon sent me a beautiful note! It's easy to see why you are so loved. May a very beautiful, special young lady have a wonderful weekend. I'll be back to check on you. Glad to see you're home.
Blessings to you and your family,

Debi Blacklidge <amhardy1@cox.net>
Southern California, CA United States - Saturday, October 18, 2003 11:49 AM CDT

Random Acts of Kindness

What a beautiful little angel you are! I'm so glad I found your site. I'll be back to check on you. Know you and your family are in my prayers.

Debi Blacklidge <amhardy1@cox.net>
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA United States - Friday, October 10, 2003 3:55 PM CDT
Glad to hear that Sofia is doing well! Ben is soon going into interim maintenance and is doing well himself. God bless!
Lorie Hirsh <lgalloway1@yahoo.com>
Knoxville, TN - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 3:14 PM CDT
Hello my name is Jenna and I was born with a rare boen disease. Sofia is a real trooper, and an inspiration.

Jenna <hockeys_life@hotmail.com>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Monday, October 6, 2003 11:17 PM CDT
Just checking in to see how things are. I know Sofia had her birthday ...hope she had a happy day. We hope things are going well. Hope to see you all soon... All our love -- The other Pantis Family
kris pantis <pantiss@aol.com>
fair oaks, ca usa - Friday, September 19, 2003 11:12 AM CDT
My goodness, Sofia, you are doing so well! So much love and positive energy sent your way from family and friends and people you have never met, but who have made you an important part of their lives.Your Grandmother Sharon and I were roomates in college in Texas, and we have remained friends for over 40 years.I have seen your picture, courtesy your Grandmother Sharon, but I hope to meet you, in person, some day so I can tell you how special you are and how you have brought so many people together who might never have been friends without the dear Sofia. Get Well!
ellen sargent <emsargent@pcweb.net>
indian springs, nv usa - Saturday, September 13, 2003 10:10 PM CDT
Dear Sophia and Family,
I have been thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers, but a glitch in my computer--or general ineptitude--have kept me from visiting with you.
Something occured to me the other day that I need to mention to you in case you are unaware of it. (I would have given anything to know about it when our grandchild was recieving chemo.) It is a modality called Healing Touch that works with the energetic fields of the body. There are techniques that are wonderful for clearing the toxins left behind from chemo from the body.
If you will check with the nurses at your hospital, they should be aware of it. If not, I will be glad to locate a practitioner in your area for you.
Unlike massage, this is something that is never contraindicated during treatment for cancers. If you are interested in having this help for Sophia, the practitioncer that you contact can show you how to do the simple techniques yourself.
I believe it will really benefit Sophia and will make her hard rounds much easier for her.
Maureen Benjamin

Maureen B <maureendbenjamin@hotmail.com>
Indian Springs, nv usa - Friday, September 12, 2003 5:11 PM CDT
Sofia, So glad to hear that you are doing well with your treatment and are in REMISSION. You are such a pretty little girl! My little Emily is also an honoree for Team in Training. I hope that TEAM SOFIA raises tons and tons of money. We will check back on you again soon. Take care sweetie (and give your big brother a hug from us)!
Mikie from ALL-KIDS (www.caringbridge.org/tn/emily)
- Thursday, September 11, 2003 9:35 PM CDT
What a remarkable little girl! I'm so glad treatment is going well for Sofia. You're in our thoughts and prayers and are passing this website to everyone we know. Best of luck to the team! I'm sure you'll exceed your expectations. We love you all!
Allison and Tracy Birmingham <birmit@hotmail.com>
Roseville, CA USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 9:19 PM CDT
Hi Yianni and Kelly,
Andreas and I were shocked to hear the news about Sofia, and it's taken us a bit longer than most to catch up on the full story of what she and you have been through. We're very happy that Sofia is responding so well to treatment and on her way to moving beyond this illness, and her cheerful yet fighting spirit is certainly a factor there. She and you are blessed to have such caring family and friends and excellent medical resources. Thanks for keeping this journal - you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. If positive thoughts have any influence, you have ours in spades! We look forward to more positive news and pictures and wish the Team in Training every success (it's a wonderful program).

Dena and Andreas Doulaveris
Rockville, MD - Friday, September 5, 2003 3:53 PM CDT
GREAT NEWS! She is home, and feeling well! Thanks again for sharing her story. She is one strong little angel!
Carolyn <ccovington@idmcorp.com>
Elk Grove, CA - Monday, August 25, 2003 0:40 AM CDT
How wonderful that things are really going well with Sofia! She looked very happy eating that ice cream! And swimming too!!! Can't believe that Andreas got ill....what a scare, huh? So glad it wasn't worse, but I know you guys would have handled it with the same strength you have handled Sofia. Thinking of all of you.
Auntie Marilyn <mfellers@flash.net>
Ft. Worth, TX USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 0:29 AM CDT
Hurray for such a good hospital visit! Sofia is an amazing girl. To answer your question - yes, Maria has had the cytoxan/ara-c combination before.. 3 times actually. Her consolidation was a bit different than Sofia's. It was 9 weeks long with cytoxan, ara-c, 6-mercaptopurine, vincristine, asapraginase and IT methotrexate. Then she got cytoxan and ara-c again during delayed intensification #1.

It is definately one of the more harsh chemo combinations but our nurses have told us over and over again that the younger children seem to handle it better. The 2 drugs send the blood counts very low, the cytoxan requires a lot of hydration (lots of potty trips!) and the ara-c causes flu-like symptoms. This was Maria's biggest complaint.. it gave her a sort of feverish feeling and made her bones and muscles sore.

I hope all of this isn't frightening you too much. It always helps me to be prepared when we go into a new phase. From what I've seen with other children, the intensity of their protocol leading up to the cytoxan/ara-c has a great deal to do with how they handle it. Maria did great with the first round, for example, but was rather worn down by the 2nd and even more so by the 3rd so it was tougher on her body. It sounds like Sofia is going to go into this strong and that will make a big difference!

take care,

Ava & Maria in Madrid
- Thursday, August 21, 2003 2:01 PM CDT
Kelly - great to hear the update on Sofia. She is a very lucky little girl with the support of an army behind her. I will keep her and your families in my prayers!
Holly Smith <hmsmith@firstam.com>
Santa Ana, CA USA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 1:54 PM CDT
My goodness you guys...we just heard from Papou about Andreas being sick. So relieved to know he is OK. John and I are just floored at everything you are having to endure. We just really feel for you! So glad to know Sofia is doing well and keeping strong. We are thinking about Sofia and your entire family daily! BIG HUG to all!
Love , John Kris Nicko and Zoe.....Zorba the cat sends a kiss and hug too! Meow!

K pantis <pantiss@aol.com>
fair oaks, ca usa - Monday, August 18, 2003 1:59 PM CDT
Hello Kelly and Sofia. We're just stopping by to see how you're doing. It sounds like Sofia is making great strides in consolidation. It's great that she's walking around again. Vincristine can cause a lot of pain in the legs and do a number on the walking. It sounds like nothing gets Sofia down for long though. :)

Reading your updates I realized we'll be starting delayed intensification around the same time you do. My fingers are crossed that it goes well for both girls.

Ava & Maria Fidalgo, www.caringbridge.org/europe/maria <madrilenos96@hotmail.com>
Madrid, Spain - Sunday, August 17, 2003 6:20 PM CDT
Kelly and All - glad to hear that Andreas can come out of quarantine! And we are so glad that Sofia is in the "softer" phase of treatment. I continue to be blessed by your strength and dedication to Sofia/Andreas et al. Your guys are troopers! I have not been to Sacramento for ages, but look forward to touching base when I get back there. Praying for all of you!

Randy and Jacque Lintecum
Newport Coast, CA USA - Friday, August 15, 2003 9:07 AM CDT
Dear Sofia, and Family,
I corresponded with your grandmother via snail mail shortly after your diagnosis. My friend and neighbor, Ellen Sargent, shared the sad news of your illness with me. My own granddaughter, Kelsey, was diagnosed with the same disease at the same age, so I have an idea of what your current life is like.
I'm sorry to read of your meningitis scare--that was really needed, wasn't it?
The vincristine definately sucks. I remember watching Kelsey one afternoon. She was in the back yard and trying to get to her swing set, but all her body would do is walk in a circle and she would end up at the garage instead. Her ankles also became terribly pronated. BUT!!That horrid drug chased the bad cells away and she is healthy and happy and becoming agile once more, as we know will be the case with Sofia.
Have you done any heavy steroid doses yet? Be ready for your little love to become a tyrant--a tyrant with an insatiable appetite. But once again, it will be a price worth paying,
My prayers and concern are with you,
Maureen Benjamin

maureen benjamin <maureendbenjamin@hotmail.com>
Indian Springs, nv usa - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 3:33 PM CDT
Kelly & Family, glad to hear Andreas does NOT have meningitis! Hope Sofia's hospital stay goes as planned, so she can be home again soon. Take care. Dena
Dena Thomas <dirkdiglor69@aol.com>
Davis, CA USA - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 6:32 PM CDT
Dear Sofia and your loving family, We here in Indian Springs, Nevada are checking on your progress through the updates on your Caring Bridge site. There are so many people who are blessing you with their positive energy and prayers and love. Jim and I join them.
Ellen Sargent <emsargent@pcweb.net>
Indian Springs, NV 89018 - Sunday, August 10, 2003 6:13 PM CDT
Hello Pantis Family. Just received news about Sofia. Wanted to let you know we are thinking about you and wish you all the very best. Love Glen, Dena, and Garret
Dena, Glen, and Garret Thomas <dirkdiglor69@aol.com>
Davis, CA USA - Thursday, August 7, 2003 10:31 PM CDT
To Kelly and Your Family,
I was saddened by the news of Sophia and check here often to see her progress. I am thrilled for your uneventful weeks and really hope the upward trend continues. I have a 2 1/2 year old son and could not imagine what you all must be going through. You are and continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Tammy Machado <tmachado@firstam.com>
Scottsdale, AZ USA - Monday, August 4, 2003 6:48 PM CDT
Kelly, just heard about your Sophie Marie. First time I've seen her since your delivery. I am saying a prayer for her. What a beautiful daughter and what special memories you are building. Maybe God has allowed you to appreciate this special gift all the more. God bless you all real good!
malcolm morris
houston, tx usa - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 8:17 PM CDT
Kelly, so sorry to hear about your daughter, but glad to see that she is progressing and that you and the family are positive in the treatment and hopeful in a good result. Prayerfully thinking of you and Sofia.
Stewart Morris, Jr. <smj@stewart.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:11 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear Sofia is doing well with her new portacath! We cannot wait until Maria gets to maintenance so she can get a port too. We love her groshong line, but it will be nice to see her without tubes hanging out of her chest and of course be able to go swimming and splash around in the tub again.

Sofia is such a tough little girl. I'm glad she's handling consolidation so well. I hope you've got the fridge and cabinets stocked for her next steroid pulse. :) Maria always eats a lot on steroids but the 7-day pulse of dexamethasone was not nearly as bad as the month of prednisone.

Best of luck,

Ava Aznar-Fidalgo, Maria's mama, www.caringbridge.org/europe/maria <madrilenos96@hotmail.com>
Madrid, Spain - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 4:34 PM CDT
Hi to you all. Just wanted to check-in and see how everything is going. We are so pleased to see such great progress and think of Sophie daily in our prayers. Take care.
Jay and Brenda Huffman <bsk1@ix.netcom.com>
Naperville, IL USA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 11:12 AM CDT
Hello Pantis Family,
We were just checking in to see how Sofia was doing. We are still keeping her in our prayers. Nicko and Zoe pray every night that Sofia will "feel better and have a good day tomorrow". We have a little something for the little princess... I think I will throw it in the mail. We just wanted to celebrate her progress! Andreas is welcome to come play with us anytime! Take care and BIG HUG!
Love- Nicko Zoe and Family!

Kris Pantis <Pantiss@aol.com>
Fair Oaks, CA USA - Monday, July 28, 2003 12:08 AM CDT
My name is Becky Lamph and I am a friend of Ellen Sargent. She told me of your daughter's diagnosis and of this site. My daughter Kelsey had the same diagnosis at 19 months. I would guess they were even assigned the same basic protocol, but we participated in a clinical trial so they may differ slightly. I was glad to see that you had switched to a port-a-cath. Kels had a double septum and one of them failed after about a year and 1/2 but the other one held up and she had surgery to remove the port a few months ago (we kept it for 2 years post chemo to make her blood checks easier). Anyway, I think you will find it a great device.
I'm sure you have your support/information system well in place by this point, but I am on the Board of Directors for our local Candlelighters organization so I have good access to smart and informed people, so if I can ever be of help please feel free to ask. One more thing, if you don't already have the book Childhood Leukemia by Nancy Keene I would suggest buying it; we found it to be a great resource.
Good Luck!
Becky Lamph

Becky Lamph <MBLamph@MSN.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Sunday, July 27, 2003 2:41 PM CDT
It was wonderful to meet you and Andreas at Michele's on Tuesday. I can't wait to meet little Sofia, as well as Yianni.
I can't tell you how excited I am to be running on Sofia's behalf. Each time I go out there to train now, I think of her precious face (from her photo on the website) and I have the motivation to reach the physical and fundraising goals I have set for myself. As is evidenced in this guestbook, Sofia is a very lucky and special little lady to have all of the support, love, and prayers of her family, friends, and the community. Go Sofia!
Please let Yanni know if there is anything you need either one of us to do. We would love to help in any way. Again, I look so forward to meeting your entire family very soon. Sofia and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Trista Kobely <tkobely@aol.com>
Davis, CA USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 1:23 PM CDT
I wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you and that Sofia has been in my prayers. (What a beautiful little girl!) If there's anything at all that I can do to help out on the work front, please let me know. God bless.

Jo Bandy - The First American Corporation
- Monday, July 21, 2003 10:48 PM CDT
Hi Master Andreas & Missy Sophia,
Look for something in the mail for you and your family. Hope you enjoy it. As always, thinking of you.

Much Love, Pam & Jeff <whistjenn@cs.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Monday, July 21, 2003 1:54 PM CDT
Lady Sofia, how are you feeling today? Happy and full of energy I hope! How on earth did you manage to pull out your broviac? Maria has a double groshong central line which she named Mia ("because m-i-a is a part of Maria and the central lines are a part of me" -- a direct quote).

Kelly, if they are going to put in another central line, I would love to share our experience with the groshong. It is so much easier than a hickman would be. Groshongs have a special self-sealing tip on the end. They do not need to be flushed daily (only weekly and only with saline.. no heparin) and they do not need to be clamped closed either. The drawback is that because of the valve, they can only be flushed by the medical staff. We're at the hospital for blood work at least once a week anyway, so it saves us from having to keep a bunch of supplies at home. Maria's doctors were going to give her a double hickman until David and I insisted on the groshong. Let me know if I can answer any questions.

Take care and have a great week!

Ava Aznar-Fidalgo, Maria's mama, www.caringbridge.org/europe/maria <madrilenos96@hotmail.com>
Madrid, Spain - Monday, July 21, 2003 0:26 AM CDT
Dear Yanni, Kelly, Andrea and Sofia,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are so happy to learn of Sofia's progress and know that your faith and love will provide Sofia with the strength to complete her journey to recovery.

We send you our love
Your cousins Panagiotis and Lia, your nephew Eric, and Thia Alexandra

Panagiotis, Lia, and Eric Tsigaris and Alexandra Dumouchel <ldumouchel@shaw.ca>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Friday, July 18, 2003 4:56 PM CDT
Yea!!!!! Sophia, you did it!!! Home sweet home...there's nothing like it. So happy things are looking up for you. I just know that you have become a much stronger little girl and when you grow up you'll be successful in all that you do. We love you and our thoughts and prayers are around you at all times.
Auntie Marilyn and Uncle Don <mfellers@flash.net>
Everman, TX USA - Friday, July 18, 2003 10:31 AM CDT
Hi to the Pantis family!
We are so happy to hear that Sofia is in remission, YEA!
We are still saying our prayers for her, though.

Chip, Julie, Lauren, Hayley, and Ryan McAvoy <julmcavoy@yahoo.com>
Granite Bay, CA USA - Friday, July 18, 2003 9:12 AM CDT
Hello Pantis Family:
We are so grateful to hear about Sofia's remission. We want you to know we think about you every day and hope for better times ahead. Christopher and Cameron were repeating Andreas' silly sayings last night (bok! the ladies are here)and it made me smile. Christopher went off to the emergency room this morning for asthma (don't worry, he's already home, everything's fine), and as Laura was driving away with him I realized you feel that feeling I had so briefly, almost all, if not all, the time. What amazing strength you have; and to join the trial is such selflessness. Please know we're thinking of you and are here for anything, anytime.

Mary, Laura, Christopher and Cameron <mmelton@elkgrove.net>
Elk Grove, CA USA - Thursday, July 17, 2003 12:54 AM CDT
Yianni, Kelly, Andreas, and Sofia:
Sofia, I am very proud of you and your awesome progress. I can't wait to meet you and Andreas. My mom and dad are so proud to know such an incredible family.
See you soon,
Richie Watts (age 9 mos)

Richie Watts
Rocklin, CA - Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:23 AM CDT
Dear Sweet Sofia, Kelly , Yianni and Andreas,
We were floored to hear the news about Sofia... but immediately started saying our prayers for her and for you as a family. So unimaginable to know what you have gone through and what you are facing as you look to the next 2 1/2 years. We are here for you for anything...but we know you are well taken care of by those around you! Sofia is blessed to have such an amazing family!!! She sounds like she has been sooooo strong throughout this and I am sure it is because she is sooooo loved! Give her a big Spongebob hug and kiss from Nicko , Zoe and Kris and John!

Kris Pantis <pantiss@aol.com>
Fair Oaks, Ca USA - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 5:51 PM CDT
Kelly and Yianni,
My family and I will keep Sofia in our prayers. I'm glad to hear that she is doing so well. She is a beautiful little Angel! Karen and Family

Karen Kage <kkage@corp.realcomp.com>
Pontiac, MI USA - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 2:38 PM CDT
hello, michel's neighbor here. just checking in and wanting to let you know that i'm going to run with the luekemia society in honor and support of your precious sophia - please feel free to get in touch with me or becky post #1-800-410-8170 at any time
culien ortiz <culienortiz@hotmail.com>
davis, ca usa - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 12:53 AM CDT
My family has Sofia and your entire family in our thoughts and prayers. Thank goodness she's in remission. Hope to see you soon.

Ken Franklin <kfranklin@corp.realcomp.com>
Milan, MI USA - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 12:38 AM CDT
We were all so happy to hear about Sofia's progress. She is an exceptional young girl matched only by her exceptional parents and family. My prayers and thoughts are with you all
Walt Clark <waltclark@sbcglobal.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:48 PM CDT
Dear Sofia, Andreas, Yianni & Kelly:

We're sooooo glad to hear Sophia's first month has gone well. We wish you all the best and want you to know we're thinking of you.

With love,
The Economon Family

Aris, Hanneke, Ari & Anna Maria Economon <economon@bluewin.ch>
Geneva, Switzerland - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:23 AM CDT
Sofia-What a cutie pie you are!!! We are SOO Happy you are in remmission!!Keep up the fight! Love The Melkonian Family

Darlene and Christopher Melkonian <melkonid@comcast.net>
Gaithersburg, MD - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 6:47 AM CDT
Dear Sofia, Andreas, Kelly, Yianni, Sharon and all....
My heart so much went out to you all when I heard the news of Sofia's illness....Now it is a wonderful news to know that she is in remission and that everything looks good. She and all of you will be in my daily prayers.

Gale Crow <galecrow@accessbee.com>
Sacramento, Ca USA - Sunday, July 13, 2003 9:19 PM CDT
We are so sorry you aren't feeling well. We will be thinking about you and praying for you every day. God Bless You little princess. Love the Hayes Family; Greg, Monica, Catherine, Marianne, Lillian and Julia

Greg Hayes <ghayes@moneymatters.com>
Sacramento, CA USA - Tuesday, July 8, 2003 11:03 AM CDT
Hello miss Sofia Maria! I'm so glad your mommy made a caringbridge page for you... now we can come visit often and see how you are doing. Sorry to hear about that nasty staph infection, but it sounds like you're doing much better and on the road to recovery.

Kelly, it's so good to hear that she got a favorable report on her chromosome analysis. Maria had ALL with chrosomal translocation 4;11 which made her "extra" high risk (I say extra because she already had a high wbc). She's doing just fine though... in remission for 8 months now! I hope Sofia does well with her treatment (I think that she will.. the little ones usually do). Take care and have a great weekend. I hope Sofia gets out of the hospital soon!

Ava & Maria Fidalgo, www.caringbridge.org/europe/maria <madrilenos96@hotmail.com>
Madrid, Spain - Saturday, July 5, 2003 2:04 PM CDT
God never gives one more than they can handle...with the strength, love and commitment you each have, Sophia will come through like a champ..like the rest of her family. I have no doubt that even though it will be a lengthy recovery, she will become a strong little girl as she goes through life. So much love and compassion is being shown, how could she be any different! We, like so many others, think of all of you daily and our prayers are with ya'll. So sorry Texas is so far away. Would love to be there to help somehow. Sounds like you have your schedule pretty well balanced so you each have time with Andreas as well. So proud of how ya'll have handled this situation. Love to all of you and talk to you soon.
Auntie Marilyn and Uncle Don <mfellers@flash.net>
Fort Worth, TX USA - Friday, July 4, 2003 3:41 PM CDT
Nan and I just wanted to wish you guys a Happy Fourth of July. We hope Sofia is well enough to come home and enjoy this great day with all of the Garretts and Pantis'. Are prayers are with all of your family. Hope to see you soon,

Sean and Nan

Sean Wong <seanandnan@aol.com>
Sacramento, CA USA - Thursday, July 3, 2003 4:30 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family and Sofia. If there is anything that we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to ask.
The Jacobs Family
Folsom, CA USA - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 11:21 AM CDT
All of us are very hopeful about your little daughter. Our worries are starting to change into anxiety for fast recovery. Our prayers are still with you. Keep up the good work and stay thankful. Everything is going to be just fine.
Vitaliotis Panayiotis & family <panvit@mail.ntua.gr>
Athens, Greece - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 2:28 AM CDT
Dear Yianni and Kelly,
We are so happy to hear the wonderful progress Sofia is making, and that she will be going home today! The web page and guestbook have a healing power in themselves, with all the good wishes and prayers. And the photos of Sofia are just precious! We are thinking of you daily and send you all our love, hopes and prayers.

Lots of hugs and kisses to Sofia, Andreas, to the both of you and to the whole family.

Your Cousins, Mary & Louis xxxxxxooooooo <grklou@yahoo.com>
Montreal, Quebec Canada - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 1:59 PM CDT
We will pray for the swift and complete recovery of little Sofia. We will watch for news of her here. Best wishes.
Stuart Williams and Family.
Fair Oaks, CA USA - Monday, June 30, 2003 6:09 PM CDT
Our blessings and prayers are with you and your family...God Bless you all!
Shirley Massey- First American Travel Desk
Ontario, Ca usa - Monday, June 30, 2003 11:20 AM CDT
Kelly and Yianni:
We were so sorry to hear about Sophia. Our well wishes go out to you all every day. With all the love and support from your great family Sophia will soon be on her way to recovery.

Pat and Fred Frank <pff@kcbx.net >
Atasdadero, CA USA - Friday, June 27, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
Sofia - Whoops! I'm sorry I misspelled your name. Can you believe I got Yianni and Andreas spelled correctly but messed up yours? Sorry!
Julie McAvoy <julmcavoy@yahoo.com>
Granite Bay, Ca USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:00 AM CDT
Kelly, Yianni, Nana Sharon, Andreas, and Sophia-
Please know that you are in all our thoughts and prayers these days. Each night at the dinner table when we say grace, Lauren (age 10) and Hayley (age 8) make sure to ask God to "watch over little Sophia" and to "make her better."
If there is anything we can do to help out, please let us know. You can send Chip on any extra business trips you need to and load some extra work on him, he can handle it! Take care of yourselves and we'll be in touch.
Chip, Julie, Lauren, Hayley and Ryan McAvoy

Chip and Julie McAvoy <julmcavoy@yahoo.com>
Granite Bay, Ca 95746 - Thursday, June 26, 2003 11:48 AM CDT
Kelly and Yianni - Randy L just sent me the web page news about Sofia. I still remember the first time you brought your beautiful new daughter to the office. I know that prayers help with miracles and healing and you have my commitment to pray regularly for Sofia and your family. - Lanse
Lanse Leach <lanse@pacbell.net>
Lincoln, CA USA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:45 PM CDT
Kelly and Yianni - you all are such wonderful people. I have never enjoyed working with anyone as much as the two of you -- you are special. And Sofia is a doll! Thanks for the great photos. I still remember Kelly when she was pregnant trying to do her 60 hours per week while carrying around "Sofia". What a great memory. We know this time is a stretch for you, but with your friends, Nana and the Good Lord, you and Sofia will make it through. You remain in our prayers -- blessings to the Pantis family!
Randy and Jacque Lintecum
Newport Coast, CA USA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:14 PM CDT
You all have been on my mind greatly recently and now I know why. I even came close to "dropping by" after church the other day, but I had groceries and postponed it for the umteenth time. Sophia's name and illness will go on my church hotline and my aunt's in VA. Call me for help. Much love goes to all of you, and thank you for including me on your list. I will babysit Andreas ANYTIME. Hugs, Polly

Polly Hunt <Jazimum@aol.com>
Carmichael, CA USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 9:02 PM CDT
Hi Yianni, Kelly, and all. My wife Diane and I really enjoyed the website news, as well as the Guestbook with the wonderful photos and all. Sofia is beautiful! We're keeping our fingers crossed for you all and wish you lots of good luck--and fortitude in the coming year or two. We'll be checking frequently to see how things are going. Thanks so much for finding these great ways to keep us all abreast...your friends,
Diane and Valdo Herby

Valdo Herby <valldo@earthlink.net>
Sacramento , CA - Monday, June 23, 2003 8:27 PM CDT
To the Pantis Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are sincerely with all of you.
We are concerned and care about the progress of Sofia.
We will pray for a successful and smooth recovery.

Peter & Shirley Wtulich <finstk@mindspring.com>
rancho murieta, ca usa - Monday, June 23, 2003 7:35 PM CDT
We continue to offer our hopes and prayers for Sophia and the rest of the Pantis family.
Feel free to ask for anything that we may do to help you get through this troubled time.
You guys are amoung our favorite people, and we wish the best for you and yours.
Jack and Bessie

Jack and Vasiliki Traylor <Jacktraylor@attbi.com>
Citrus Heights, Ca. Sacramento - Monday, June 23, 2003 7:35 PM CDT

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