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Thursday, February 14, 2013 7:10 PM CST

Today at 4:23 today my beautiful and best friend walked into the gates of glory and was received by her loving savior Jesus Christ.
Services will be held next Saturday at Spring Hills church. Details to follow.

Well done good and faithful servant.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 9:25 PM CST

The finish line is in sight.

Teddy Roosevelt wrote;
"She was beautiful in face and form, and lovelier still in spirit; As a flower she grew, and as a fair young flower she died. Her life had been always in the sunshine; there had never come to her a single sorrow; and none ever knew her who did not love and revere her for the bright, sunny temper and her saintly unselfishness. Fair, pure, and joyous as a maiden; loving, tender, and happy. As a young wife; when she had just become a mother, when her life seemed to be just begun, and when the years seemed so bright before her—then, by a strange and terrible fate, death came to her. And when my heart’s dearest died, the light went from my life forever. "

These were the words written in his diary upon losing his first wife to complications from child birth. I found these words a brilliant description of Kate, "Beautiful in face and form, and lovelier still in spirit." I believe many of the words paint a beautiful and accurate description of my wonderful wife.

So where are we today.

As my title says, "The finish line is in sight." Last week we took delivery of the hospital bed and set it up in our room, a little cramped but convenient non the less. The tumor progression is at critical mass and the changes are happening daily. Kate is sleeping 20-22 hours a day. In a odd way it is a very beautiful and peaceful sight. I have Windham Hill playing on Pandora (music) and may have a candle going to make our room smell nice. It was so relaxing and peaceful that I just stayed in our room and enjoy the time. I would have enjoyed a glass of wine to complete the moment, but it was only 9:30 am. The kids are doing well as we have had several discussions and heartfelt talks as we walk this journey together. I want you to know that we are in a good place. The kids continue to amaze me and I could not be more proud of their maturity as we care for Kate. I was sharing with friends today how well Kate is cared for at this time. She is always clean with fresh linen on her bed. I do some of this out of fear. I know that Kate and I will be together again someday when my time comes to head to heaven and when I arrive I don't want to catch hell when I get there. (Can you catch hell in heaven??) So the music will be soft and sweet and the bed clean and warm.

In the final line of Roosevelt's diary he says, "the light went from my life." This line could not be further from thoughts. I know that I will have my moments, but my heart is full. We have packed in more as a family in our 9 years since diagnoses, than most families do in a lifetime. She has made me a better Father, Husband, and Man. And that light will never go out.

Thanks for checking in.


Monday, January 28, 2013 11:27 PM CST

Take your own advise stupid.

Last week was not the best week for me personally. It was a struggle as I watched this dam tumor take away more and more of my wonderful wife. When we were given this diagnoses almost 9 years ago we knew these days would come. Many of you know that this last year has been challenging as we worked with rehabs to help overcome the effects of the stroke which was caused by the meningitis, which was caused by the third brain surgery. In all of those struggles of the unknown in this past year I knew I could not change my circumstances, just my reaction and attitude in those circumstances. I wish I could tell how well I did in my choices, but that would be a lie. I did my best and did triumph in many cases to be on the better side of it all. Other times I failed miserably. Plans I had last week were interrupted by folks who were sick with the cold or flu. The things I "wanted" did not happen in "my" time. Don't you people know that this world revolves around me? So came the reality check and looking in the mirror. It was time for me to refocus and change my reaction and attitude. I am very glad I did.

So where are today?

Unfortunately we have seen very clear signs that the tumor is progressing. With this type of tumor the cancer grows exponentially. Two cells- four, four -eight, eight-sixteen, sixteen-thirty two etc... This is one of the reason why this type of cancer is so deadly. The tumor will reach a point that Dr Prados calls "critical mass" and I believe we are at that point. With Kate's tumor location (left frontal lobe) it will allow us some more time. The frontal lobe is a relatively quiet part of the brain so the tumor growth may happen without outward signs of progression. As Kate has lost use of her right side it tells us that the tumor is starting to press towards the back part of the brain where the motor skills are located. We have also seen signs with her swallowing and confusion in the swallowing routine. I have told you about the sleeping before and her sleep pattern has really increased. If you think of the amount of energy it takes to keep that brain working it is exhausting. She goes to bed around 7 or 8pm and may get up around 11 or 12 the following day. Today she was sleeping for most of the afternoon. So again the time she awake cognitive I shower her with love and praise. I tell her how proud I am of her and how she has made me a better man.

This last Saturday was "pay-off" day. Tom McCartney (Kate's brother) flew in from Chicago to buy me a steak dinner (49er's beat the Bear's in Solider Field) and Mo Pantos sent out live Maine Lobster (49er's over the Patriots in Foxbrough) Steak and Lobster thanks to the 49er's. Let's hope they keep it rolling for the Super bowl. Go 9er's.

Finally, as many of you know I like music and how it can help in troubled times. A Christian artist "Laura Story" has a song called "Blessings" which has been a real blessing to me. Many of my blessing have come thru the rain drops and my healing thru tears. Please cut and paste the link below to watch it on YouTube. I would encourage you take the time listen and may you find comfort in the words as I have.


Thanks for checking in.

Thursday, January 3, 2013 0:22 AM CST

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, ……

Charles Dickens begins his book Tale of Two Cities with this line. I do feel as though I am living this quote as the sun comes up every morning. The contrast within this quote and my life makes me appreciate each day. Many mornings the bright sun comes streaming through our bedroom windows, other mornings the sun is blocked by the overcast of clouds or some fog resting in the morning valleys. Just because the sun does not come bursting through our window does not mean it is not there. I tell myself frequently that just because I do not see the sun does not mean it is not there. So it is with God as we walk this journey.

So where are we today? I want to let you know we had a wonderful holiday. We spent a couple of nights in front of our huge tree admiring the lights and smell of our noble fir. Christmas was nice as we watched the kids open there gifts. We celebrated our wedding anniversary on the 30th with little fanfare. New Years was the usual as we heard the neighborhood set off fireworks and scream in jubilation. I leaned over and kissed Kate on the cheek then rolled back over to go back to sleep. Happy New Year.

Kate is doing well all things considered. Although I continue to see tumor progression as Kate struggles with an increase with right side neglect. She has lost the use of her right hand and struggles as she shuffles her right foot as she walks. We did get a wheel chair that allows us to walk as far as we can before I push her. I won’t allow her to push me as I am sure I would end up in Santa Rosa Creek. Her sleeping has increased at night, although she is not napping consistently during the days. Most days we spend time checking out cool magazines finding out who is pregnant with whose baby and catching up on what family the Property Brothers are helping. I will tell you that when Kate is cognitively aware I try to make the most it by showering her with praise and love which she so richly deserves. We have always talked about the legacy that we will leave when we are gone. I remind Kate of her legacy and the power her life has been to so many. Her ability to manage our house, kids, me and her own brain cancer these past eight years while supporting others through their cancer is incredible. Although Kate’s stroke has limited her verbal communication she is still able to share her love. So our life is full of contrast now as we know this is the best of time, it is the worst of time. We are in the season of light and the season of darkness. As we walk this conflicting journey we will value our time and our love for one another and that God is still there.
Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 10:04 PM CST

We will ALWAYS celebrate…

Because of the recent rain storms that have rolled through Northern California I have not put up our Christmas lights or schlepped out to get a tree. It looks like it will have to wait till next weekend. I must confess that I am not looking forward to this Christmas season as it will be filled with too many bitter sweet moments.

So where are we today in our journey as a family?

In the process of a brain tumor (GBM) patient we will see a change in Kate’s cognitive state on a week, every other week basis. That will change to week to week and then day to day as the tumor progresses. I believe that we have moved into that week to week range. Kate and I continue to take our walks, although the walks are shorter and slower and her speech is very limited. I have also noticed a decrease in appetite which is normal and a natural part of the process. Kate and I continue share moments together when her cognitive ability is sharp and that has given me courage. We talk about the gift of heaven and joy that will be there when she arrives. I have shared with her that I have this vision that when she arrives and our God tells her, “Come in, Come in. Well done good and faithful servant.” There will be a line of people to welcome her. Her Dad will be at the front of the line followed by so many others. Jackie, Heather, Jim, Cathy, Tim, Rob just to name a few of the many in line. At some point as she comes down the line she will say, “Who the hell are you?” I am not sure if you can say Hell in Heaven? We share a laugh and a few tears over that vision. I don’t think I will ever realize the impact that Kate has had on so many till I join her in Heaven. I am so proud of the work she has done and the battle that she has fought. We are not done yet and that is why we celebrate.

As the Christmas season is upon us, our family will do what we always do. Buy a tree that is too big and swear at the lights that don’t work. We will make Carmel corn as we decorate the tree, make hot chocolate as the kids squirt whip cream in to their mouths. I will tell the kids to spread out the ornaments so it looks balanced and be careful because that “one” is fragile. It will be messy and it will be great.
This year we will celebrate the Christ of Christmas. I hope that you and your family will also do the same.

Thanks for Checking In.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012 1:30 AM CST


I think I can count on one hand the times I have been speechless in my life.

Today was one of those days. I received a phone call this afternoon from the Shire Group (a large Pharmaceutical company) letting me know that I was one of the recipients for their caregiver award. I am very humbled to receive such an honor. I have said it before and I will say it again. This is what I signed up for when I married Kate. Those words meant something when I said “For Better or Worse., in Sickness and in Health.” I was hoping for a little more on that richer part…. JUST KIDDING!! I want to say that caring for Kate is as easy as breathing for me. I do not have to think about or struggle with it. It is that extension of God’s grace I shared a couple of posts back.
I want to thank Tami Duncan for nominating me. Also KJ Schmel, Jean McCartney, Patti Ortiz, for their warm words of recommendations to the panel.

I am sure that many of you are wondering what is happening in our house now that we have made our decision to have life move us forward. I am very happy to share with you that things are GOOD! We have shed tears and had moments of sadness, but we have also had laughter and fun as we always do. A good friend shared a great analogy with me about brain tumor folks as they approach the end. It will be like someone walking through the house and turning off the lights. One day we will see the lights have been turned off in that room and a couple of days later the lights will be off in that room. Until eventually all the lights in the house have been turned off. Some of you are wondering if you might have a brain tumor because not all of your lights are on. I wonder too.
I want you to know that in Kate’s case she will not feel any pain as the tumor progresses. The tumor will cut off the pain receptors in her brain. Our wonderful Dr Prados put it like this. “Kate, you will sleep more and more. Your nights will go from eight hours to ten and then twelve. You will nap in the afternoon and that nap will turn into two naps. You will just go to sleep until one day you wake up and you will be in heaven.” I love Dr Prados. It takes a lot of energy (brain activity) to keep our body going and Kate’s brain will not have the energy to keep going and that is why she will sleep more and more. We are not at that point today, although many days I want a nap. I will let know as we move down that path in this journey. The kids continue to amaze me with their maturity and compassion for their Mom. They have accepted this journey and walk tall down a difficult road. I am very proud of them both.
We are grateful. We will chat again soon.
Thanks for checking in,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 4:17 PM CDT

Here is to Lying, Cheating, and Stealing.

These were the words to an Irish Blessing given by our good friend Brian Bell at our wedding. After some awkward silence, I was very glad that he went on to explain what those words meant.

May you lie in each other’s arms in comfort and love.
May you cheat the clock and have a long life together.
May you continue to steal each other’s hearts in the years to come.

I share this with you today because our family, our marriage, our life has been lying, cheating and stealing. When Kate was first diagnosed over eight years ago we never took for granted lying in each other arms. We have cheated that clock of life for an additional six years longer than we were entitled and we continue to steal each other’s heart.

Our most recent scan did not give us the news we were hoping to hear. Kate’s tumor is once again growing and on the move. We spent a long time with Dr. Prados as we discussed our options. We really only have two at this point. First would be a drug called CCNU. CCNU would not reverse the tumor or even kill it off, what it would do is “hold” the tumor as it is now and the probability of that working would be 20 to 30 percent. The second option would be to allow the natural progression of life to move forward. We did sit down together last night as a family to discuss our options and course of action. This was not an easy conversation. Many tears were shed with the questions asked and answered as the four of us walked through our options. At this point in time we have decided to allow the natural progression of life to move us forward.

This was a challenging decision for us as a family, but our faith and knowledge in our faith gives us that hope and knowledge that we will be together again soon. You need to understand that we have been given six additional years together. Most people with a GBM do not make it past two years and we sit at eight now. We can pray for a miracle, but I would tell you to open your eyes and see the miracle in front of you and we will never give up Hope.

Before the kids left for school we read this verse that I saw on one of Kate’s college friends Facebook. This gave us courage today and may it do the same for you.

For I am The Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13


Tuesday, October 9, 2012 11:48 PM CDT

It starts with a foundation.
A friend of ours recently nominated me for a caregiver awards giving by the “Shire” group. I was deeply honored to considered, even more honored to become a finalist. I was told that the award will be given in late October, so I will keep you posted. I do have a 50/50 chance. I like those odds ;-)

Being consider for this award started me to thinking about why I enjoy caring for Kate and what it means to me and the kids. I have shared with you before that I have never thought it a chore or burden to care for Kate. She has been and continues to be(my champion) and a champion for so many in the brain tumor world that I will support that endeavor forever. Being a caregiver sometimes requires you to take care of GROSS stuff or icky things that are not fun. (Let it stop there. Imagination is not always your friend.)

When I was a very young lad I had a unique and special relationship with my Granddad. OK, everyone in the family already knows, I am sure you already do too that I was his favorite Grandchild. As a grandchild I enjoyed the perks of hanging with my Granddad, trips to the Pink Pastry for day old donuts, sitting next to him at family dinners, maybe even an extra coffee nip candy on those special days. He was crippled by arthritis and needed a crutch and cain to assist in his labored walking. I have so many fond memories, but there is one that I know molded my character. My Granddad called me over to his chair and processed to pull out his false teeth and ask me to put on some more adhesive. Yes, it was GROSS as a young boy to take these teeth full of guck and slim to the bathroom and put more powder on them so they could stay in place in his mouth. I put the teeth under some running water and watched as the water washed away breakfast and lunch. I worked the powder around those clean dentures and returned them to my Granddad. He promptly put them back in his mouth and gave me that million dollar grin. I realize now that the simple act of powder on the dentures was not an act of service, but an act of Love. I did that for my Granddad because I Loved him. The corner stone of that Love was laid by my parents as I watched them serve not out of duty, but Love. Is it easy for me to care for Kate?? Yes, because it is LOVE! Not duty or service, but LOVE.

When Kate and I were engaged we did some marriage counseling. The Pastor told us that we might have a tough time in our marriage because we were so much alike. I believe that our marriage is as strong as it is because we are so much alike. I was close to my Grandfather, Kate to her Grandpa Merle. Both of us with committed loving parents and strong sibling relationships, both of us with friendships that go back to grade school. The list goes on.

I would love to take credit for being a good caregiver, but I have to give credit where credit is due. Thanks Mom and Dad, Tom and Jean for the foundation set for us. The cornerstone which is LOVE.

In all honesty I hope I win the award. Not for me, but other to realize that it is Love that wins.
Have a great day and don’t forget to floss those dentures.

PS. We have a scan on the 22nd and would appreciate your prayers.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012 5:15 PM CDT

Too many details.
I am a guy, so I want the bottom line. I want it straight and to the point. Don’t sugar coat it or give me too many details. For those of you like me just go ahead and cut and paste the link below where you can watch a video that chronicles the life of brain tumor patients. We did this video with Professor of Documentary Studies and renowned Photographer Alex Harris from Duke University. It is a nice video and defiantly worth your time. For those that want the back story please continue to read.

Cut and Paste here.


During one of our visits with Dr Prados he tossed out this idea that he had of chronicling the life of a brain tumor patient. Kate of course jumped at the chance and before we knew any details we were committed. As the project began to take shape it was decided that they would work with two patients and see how their lives changed as a result of this diagnoses of a brain tumor. Alex came out to our house with a sound person and just began to talk to Kate about her GBM and how it affected our family. Alex was with us for a couple of days and in true wine country style we went wine tasting on the second day. He returned about six months later to do some follow up when we went out to the Redwoods. Once the project was completed it was debuted at a conference put by Accelerated Brain Cancer Cure or ABC2. This is a group founded by the Case Foundation that does fantastic work bringing the groups together to find a cure for brain cancer. ABC2 was a major funding arm in this project. I have watched this video several times and I am encouraged each time I see it. Please feel free to share with friends and family in the hope that we can continue to provide HOPE.

Thanks for checking in.

God Bless You.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1:18 AM CDT

Not The way I wanted it.

Once again great news!! Clean Scan. Better than clean reduced resection area this means positive healing, less swelling. I want that to be the start, now let me tell you how we arrived at the news.

I have been concerned for Kate for the past few weeks as she has shown greater fatigue (a sign of possible tumor recurrence) We also had to say “See you later” to two great brain tumor friends in the past couple of weeks. These brain tumors are not friendly. That was in the back of my head. So we arrive at Monday (a day before our scan at UCSF) and it started out like any other day. Lunches were made, backpacks at the ready, kids headed off to school. Kate and I had our breakfast, headed upstairs to shower and ready for the day. Shortly after the shower Kate showed an increase in her right side neglect. (Another possible sign.) So much so that she scooted down the stairs on her bottom rather than walking down like normal. She seemed to be quiet and a bit withdrawn as she sat on the couch. This raised additional concerns in my mind. Patti (Kate’s caregiver) and talked for a bit and I headed off to work. Patti sent a text that Kate was sleeping on the couch and was quiet. About 11:30am Patti called and said that 911 were called and Kate had a seizure. I raced home to see the paramedics placing Kate in the ambulance as she had a second seizure. (Another sign of tumor progression) I provided information to the paramedic and followed them to the ER. Patti was amazing in that time of need and I am very grateful to her. When I arrived at the ER Kate had a third and final seizure. I spoke with the ER Doc and asked for an MRI with contrast because I knew that was part of tomorrows plan. (See sometimes I do plan ahead.) I called and cancelled our scan appointment with UCSF, but kept our appointment with Dr Prados. Kate was stabilized and moved to a regular room for the night. She of course was very tired and got plenty of rest. (The Dr who read Kate’s MRI said “looks like tumor progression.”) I am glad I did not have faith in him and waited to meet with Dr Prados for confirmation. I came home and talked with the kids and got some rest myself. I spent some time with Kate in the morning, and then headed to UCSF to meet Dr Prados. I shed a few tears as drove to the appointment thinking I was going to receive very bad news.
Dr. Prados looked at the scan and was pleased. VERY PLEASED. I shared earlier that Kate was receiving infusions of Avastin. Her third one was last Friday. Dr. Prados was happy to see that the Avastin had its desired effect. It was reducing the swelling and keeping the tumor at bay. He showed me the measurements of the area and shared how great it was to see that area become smaller. I sat there absolutely blown away. After Dr. Prados helped me get my jaw off the ground he went on to say how we just need to increase Kate anti-seizure meds. He called these “break through seizures.” That the medication will control.

Once again I had things all figured out, only to be shown that God has another plan. When will I learn that”He causes everything to work for the good.“

Once again I say those eight words uttered way to many time in this house. “I’m sorry, I was wrong, Please forgive me.” We will end there.

Thanks for checking in,

Friday, August 10, 2012 1:58 PM CDT

What is the PURPOSE!!!! AUGGGGHH

I have asked this question many times. Usually I ask this in a moment of self pity or anger when “I” want things to go a certain way. I struggle with this issue as I am sure many of you do. As Kate and I work on her recovery some days are really good and then other days I wonder where she is? Some days I lose perspective and other days jump for joy. I have told you it is a crazy ride.

One of the most powerful things I learned many years ago was to be an extension of God’s grace. Boy, do I fall short of that every day. I have learned through our families trials this past year that God will be the extension of His own grace through goofy folks like me. I want to share a quick story. Not long ago I brought Kate in for a little cut and color (haircut) by our wonderful friend Amber. It was a challenging morning for Kate and for me as we were getting ready to head out for her haircut. Kate was very quiet and frustrated with the morning routine as her mind did not want to allow clean pathways of thinking. I was frustrated and wanted to feel sorry for myself as I tried to have all our ducks in a row. Our hair salon shares a space with a fantastic nail salon. (No I have not received a Mani or Pedi there) Kate would get her toes done there by Nancy. Even Grandma Jean and Grandma CB say it is the best. I did not know that a friend was having her nails done that day. Our friend was not having a good day either as her husband struggled with advance stages of his brain tumor. (As I write this the husband is on hospice with limited time.) Our friend shared with me several days later how she watched us come in and say good bye to Nancy when we left. I held Kate’s hand as I always do to assist and guide, we said our good-byes and headed out the door. I did not realize that our simple act of saying good-bye provided that extension of God’s grace to our friend. She saw us continuing to fight our battle and keep things normal, which gave her courage and lifted her spirits. That was our purpose for that day. How many days have I missed that “purpose” because I have been looking or too self absorbed in my own pity party. This is what has sustained me as I struggle with some of the day to day task. No matter what is happening or how I “feel” God will use us for His purpose not ours. I am humbled to know that we have been used by God to encourage, support, and be that extension of His grace to others.
This has not been easy, but we will be that extension of God’s grace.

In our last post I asked for pray for the Oswald Family. Our friend Jackie recieved the ultimate healing from her brain cancer as she went home to be with our Lord. Jackie was a powerful advocate for the brain cancer world and she will be missed.

Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 11:36 PM CDT

Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart.
What a great day! Before we get carried away, not every day is good. For every person that has a stroke there is a different recovery. Our recovery (yes OUR) has been unique and challenging. Unique in the fact that both sides of Kate brain was damaged. Therefore Kate does not have the other side of the brain to help compensate in recovery. This is the main reason for a slower recovery. I have said before that we do not do slow very well. We have learned and adapted to this change in lifestyle. Kate continues in three disciplines of therapy Physical, Occupational, and Speech. The first two are going along just fine, it appears that Kate’s condition may be more difficult than the skill set the therapists hold. Speech is completely different as Kate has met her match in Dr. Debra Swain. I actually knew Deb from Masters swimming. She has been working really hard and given us tons of homework to continue the therapy at home. This is beginning to pay off as we see progress in the neurons reconnecting in the brain. As we were getting ready for the day I ask Kate if she wanted Riley to brush her hair. Riley was nervous because the bone flap has not been replaced. As Riley brushed her hair in the back, Kate let out an “Ouch” as a prank on Riley. The three of us have not laughed like that in a long time. That my friend is great progress.

I have not been willing to venture too far with Kate as I have seen people be uncomfortable seeing her in her current state. Kate will always give a warm smile and pleasant greeting (the words may not be correct) but she will be happy to see you. I struggle with this because Kate is such a powerful person to so many. As we work to get back to that point I want people to always see and remember Kate as that powerful person. So yes, I am being selfish and protective of my beautiful wife. So I will ask for your patience as I protect her. She has given me so much I count it a privilege to serve her needs now. When I said for “Richer or poorer, Sickness and health”, I meant it.

I want to close this post by asking you to pray for a fellow brain cancer warrior. The beautiful Jackie Oswald. Jackie has been a great encourager to Kate and our family and has been an outstanding supporter of brain cancer research. Her family could use our prayers at this time.

Thanks for checking in.

Friday, July 20, 2012 0:22 AM CDT

What an incredible couple of weeks.
I just returned from Minneapolis (St. Paul) where Lifetouch held its annual sales meeting. Many bitter sweet moments which I will share in next couple of couple of paragraphs. This was preceded by great week in Central Oregon with a nice family vacation.

Central Oregon was filled with fun, old friends, and some relaxation. The kids played in the pools, rode their bikes, and floated the river. The boys fished in this area next to Sun River which was a private little stocked lake. Not realizing that it was private they got kicked off the property after they collected their string of fish. We had dinner one with some Lifetouch friends, the Lambs (Virgil and Jean) and Beattie Stabeck and her husband David. Beattie and David's home is lovely with the most spectacular view I have ever seen. When you walk in her home you immediately feel welcomed and warm and as you look out her panoramic windows you gaze onto “The Sisters” a very jagged and dramatic portion of the Cascades. As you walk on to the back deck you have a view from Mt. Bachelor to Mt. Jefferson with Mt. Hood in the distance. I could not take my eyes off of the view.
While in Oregon I was able to see my old friend Pat Cockrum and some members of his large family. Pat and I have been friends since second grade. What a joy to see him and talk about our old days and catch up on our respective families. When we were little we were very close and I would be at his house if we were not at mine. What a blessing to see Pat again. I appreciate the Troy Noland family for allowing us to use their home in Sun River. I am looking forward to going back to central Oregon soon.
I have been attending our Lifetouch Summer Sales meeting for 23 years. As you may know Kate and I met while we were in the companies training program. This is only the second time I have attended without Kate. The summer meeting was always our little get away as a couple. We would enjoy seeing old friends and share war stories about work and the stresses of the job. We would make new friends as our company continued to grow. As I look at my life I have a tremendous debt of gratitude toward Lifetouch. With out Lifetouch I would have not met Kate nor have two beautiful children as a result. We have some of our closest friends with the company, beautiful people who care about me and people who love Kate. I have shared with you before that if you share an act of kindness to me I truly appreciate it, but if you extend that kindness to my wife and kids it touches me deeply in my core. A sure way to make me cry is to extend that kindness to my wife or children. Now, so we are clear it does not take much to get me to cry. I cry at the movie Dumbo. Remember when Dumbo’s mother is locked up and she reaches out her trunk and cradles her baby while she sings to her precious child. You’re crying now….admit it. The bitter sweet portion of the meeting was not having Kate with me but so many people coming up to me and say that they are praying for us. I did shed a tear while talking with so many who care so deeply about Kate. I was overwhelmed by so many that reached out to touch that core within me as they express their love for Kate.
Our very dear friend Karen Schmel (KJ) was at the meeting for her official retirement. You may remember that KJ came up to our house and was a huge help in running the kids and business as I attended to Kate in the ICU’s and Rehab’s. They asked me to speak at her retirement party which was an honor and tremendous blessing. I wish that I was further along in the presentation before I broke down like I was watching the Dumbo movie. How do you thank a person who drops everything in her life to serve others who have a great need? Karen did that for our family and I will be forever grateful. I was thankful that I was able to let so many others of Karen’s huge heart and generous spirit.

While I was in Minnesota my Mother came to our house to fill in the gap. I know the kids appreciated her being there. It is not easy for me to be away from Kate, because I know she does rely on me to help her. It gave me piece of mind knowing that she is well cared for and protected.
I will post again soon with an update on our progress.
Till then thank you for continued prayers and support for my beautiful wife.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012 11:36 PM CDT

Good Scan=A Good Day.

Very happy to let you know that we had a good scan today. I must confess that I was worried about this one. Kate is doing well, but had begun to show signs of right side neglect and weakness. Turns out that the neglect culprit is swelling that reoccurs with brain injuries. After some discussion with Dr Prados we decided not to increase the steroid because of the side effects of long term use, but do an infusion of Avastin. The Avastin should work quickly and do the trick. As I have said before, this is a marathon.

We have gotten into a rhythm and flow around the house these past few weeks. We have a wonderful new friend in Patti Weiser. Patti has been hanging out with Kate while I put in some time at the office. Her caring gentle nature has won our family over and earned Kate’s respect. The kids are on the move constantly with baseball and friends. It is great to be a kid in summer. We are headed for a little R and R in a few days as we go to Oregon. We will be outside of Bend hanging in Sun River. I have not been up there for about 20 years. I am looking forward to seeing some friends and doing a whole lot of nothing. The kids are not excited about the drive. It will be an 8 hour drive, the kids are spoiled.

I hope that you will enjoy creating some memories over the summer. We will.

God Bless you for checking in.

Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:08 PM CDT

A Clean Scan!!!!
With the business of running to OT, PT, or Speech Therapies, I almost forgot about our appointment at UCSF. We had a 10:30 scan which got pushed back to Noon because of scanner issues, which made us late for our appointment with Dr. Prados. Fortunately for us Dr. Prados did not have any patients following us, so we were able to spend great quality time with him as we discussed “the new normal.” He was helpful and insightful as he graciously answered my many questions. The best news was that Kate does NOT have any recurrent tumor growth. No new cancer….HOORAY!!! We will have another scan in 6 weeks.
Just a quick note on Dr Prados. Here is a man who day in, day out deals with people who face the fact that a type of brain cancer will take their life. He handles each patient with dignity, compassion, and grace. I have seen him extended his hand to consol a women who was told her husband’s time was limited. I have seen him laugh and bring levity to a desperate situation. He is a remarkable man who I have tremendous respect for and I will always be grateful to our friend Dr Prados.
As we wrapped up our time with Dr Prados he did ask how I was doing dealing with the “new normal” and I was honest and told him that it was difficult. It said “It must be tough for you because you were both so connected cognitively and now you’re not.” That gave me a lot to think about. What came to mind was a text picture that Colin sent to Kate while she was in rehab. Written on a poster hanging on a fence.
It said,
Having a rough morning?
Place your hand over your heart.
Feel that? That's called purpose.
You're alive for a reason.
Don't give up!

We all have a purpose in this life. Some to lead, some serve, others to heal and some to consol. I know that our purpose is not complete. If Kate’s purpose was complete, she would not be here. So we will continue to work in therapy and struggle in communication. Fight with aphasia and curse at apraxia.
We have a purpose and WE WILL NOT GIVE UP. God Bless you for your continued support.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:52 AM CDT

“This will be harder than beating Brain cancer”
That is a quote from me to Kate during one of our evening discussions. Kate is more cognitively aware in the later afternoons into the evenings and that seems to be the best time to get information from her. We have shared many tears over the past few weeks since she has been home, please allow me to share a few of those moments with you.
After Kate being home for close to two weeks we had developed a habit of taking a short evening walk around the neighborhood. One of our wonderful “Irish” cousins posted on Kate’s Facebook wall a “Welcome Home.” (Link is below) We had played the song when it was first posted. After coming back into the house I was overcome with joy and this song came into my head which I thought was a perfect response. I had told Kate that if you asked me during that time in ICU that we would be walking the neighborhood, I had my doubts. As the video played we were overcome with tears of joy and thanksgiving.
Cut and paste this link.

Our most recent and ongoing challenge is with Kate’s speech. This has been VERY challenging for her. Kate does say “yes” to just about everything. That has been great fun for me as I ask her questions about watching sports on TV or Jeopardy or when I should purchase the new 70 inch flat screen. Kate was always in full command of her language skills and thought process. This was the area of the brain damaged by the stroke and has been slow in reconnecting. The stroke accrued on both sides of the brain and consequently does not have one side or the other to help compensate in recovery as most strokes do. In a moment of focus and clarity I asked if she knew the words to say, but could not get her brain to form the words and have them come out of her mouth. My heart sank for her as she responds with a frustrating “yes.” Needless to say this caused both of us to cry. To have such control and to have lost it at this time is hard to understand and difficult to get past. It was during those tears that I shared with Kate that this will be harder to overcome than beating brain cancer. With the brain cancer we have treatments, medicines, protocols, clinical trials, and the list goes on. With a stroke it takes time and patience’s. This word continues to haunt our vocabulary as we have never used it in the past. I guess part of that “new normal” will be patience.

Finally I want to share how we wrapped up that moment. Part of our morning routine is to read a daily devotion book “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young. There was a bible verse (2 Corinthians 5:7) which says “We live by faith, not by sight.” This model for our life was never as real as it was at that moment. By “faith” we believe that Kate will regain control of her speech and thought process. By “faith” we believe that today will be better than yesterday in the healing process. By faith we know that we will be “OK.” If we lived by sight we would be mired in depression because we could not see the end. We would be tangled in frustration by our own short sightedness. So we will walk by faith. Join us in that HOPE!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 0:12 AM CDT

So where is the Update??
I am sorry for the delay in posting. So much has happened that I have trouble putting it all together. Let’s start with the walk.
WOW!!! What a fantastic day. Kate was able to be there to say thanks to the many people that came out to support team Hope. She was able to see several of our fellow fighters against this stupid disease. Anytime you get to see a fellow fighter makes it a great day. Jackie O, Emily, Cheryl, Eric, Joe, Frank all had a chance to say Hi and encourage us in our battle. Kate was able to stay for about an hour before it became too much. With 2300 people, music and tons of team Hoper’s it is a lot to take in. We are paying a price today with being very tired. We could not have asked for a better day. Warm and sunny with little wind. We were able to achieve our fund raising goal thanks to so many people who were very generous. I am always touched those who give 20 as those who give more. Each gift will go a long way in supporting families that struggle in the brain cancer world. Thank you.

How about that first week home?
WOW!!! Absolutely tremendous progress. So many “automatics” have returned that Kate is doing very well in the home. We have even made a couple of trips to Trader Joe’s, which I thought would be a few weeks away. We have worked to establish a consistent routine that has helped in the healing process. The therapy continues, Occupational and Speech are going well, but still present a challenge in the retraining. Physical therapy has run out of things to do with Kate…Surprise, Surprise!! There is a dark side to Kate’s healing which is a double edged sword. As Kate becomes more cognitively aware and is healing, she is also aware of her challenge in her limited language skill at this point. I have told you before that “patience” is not a word in our vocabulary. I remind Kate that this is a short window and that God has a purpose in all of this. Now we have to work to see what that purpose will be and let others see God work. I do know that we have our work cut out for us. So let us not give up HOPE!!
Thanks for your continued prayers’ and support.

Thursday, April 26, 2012 10:31 PM CDT

Let’s turn the page….
A new chapter will start now as I bring Kate home Friday. So after 82 days she will finally come home.
29 days in ICU
4 days in a regular hospital room
49 days in two different “Acute Rehabs”
3 different craniotomies’
1 Spinal Tap
1 infection of bacterial meningitis lasting 22 days
1 Bilateral Stroke
Countless blood draws and to many sleepless nights of worry.
I am ready to turn the page.

It was a little sad today as we said bye to two of the therapist who will not be there tomorrow. Being at CPMC for 4 weeks we have grown attached to each other. I have appreciated their approach to Kate as looked to serve her whole person, not just one discipline of therapy. As I write this I must check the cookies that I will bring tomorrow as a thank you. I brought some two weeks ago and they were a big hit on the unit. The therapy team gave me a list of suggestion that will help us continue to help Kate as a family. I am waiting to hear from the outpatient therapy group that will start next week.
I have told you that I would be honest with you in our journey. There were times in these past 82 days that I did not think this day would come. I know that by the Grace of God, your prayers, and Kate determination this day has come.

Thanks be to God.

Thursday, April 26, 2012 10:32 PM CDT

Let’s turn the page….
A new chapter will start now as I bring Kate home Friday. So after 82 days she will finally come home.
29 days in ICU
4 days in a regular hospital room
49 days in two different “Acute Rehabs”
3 different craniotomies’
1 Spinal Tap
1 infection of bacterial meningitis lasting 22 days
1 Bilateral Stroke
Countless blood draws and to many sleepless nights of worry.
I am ready to turn the page.
It was a little sad today as we said bye to two of the therapist who will not be there tomorrow. Being at CPMC for 4 weeks we have grown attached to each other. I have appreciated their approach to Kate as looked to serve her whole person, not just one discipline of therapy. As I write this I must check the cookies that I will bring tomorrow as a thank you. I brought some two weeks ago and they were a big hit on the unit. The therapy team gave me a list of suggestion that will help us continue to help Kate as a family. I am waiting to hear from the outpatient therapy group that will start next week.
I have told you that I would be honest with you in our journey. There were times in these past 82 days that I did not think this day would come. I know that by the Grace of God, your prayers, and Kate determination this has come.
Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 11:30 PM CDT

How do you really say Thank You??

This has been a struggle for me since we started this journey eight years ago. So many people have extended thoughts, well wishes, food, laundry, gift cards, bridge tolls, rides, wine, yard work, money, and prayers. It is always appreciated when someone brings a delicious hot meal. That means leftovers for me tomorrow. Food will feed the stomach, but prayer will fill the soul. I have needed those more these past few months more than I need the food. Believe me; I can survive for quite some time on my reserves that I built up on years of Kate’s wonderful cooking. I have realized that these past few months that I cannot survive without your prayers.

I want you to know that I have watched for years as others extend their love and support to me and my family. I always appreciate when that love is extended to me, but it touches my core when I see that love extended to Kate and the kids. I will say thanks for helping me, but I will be moved to tears when you help my wonderful wife and beautiful children. You cannot reach deeper into my soul than touching my family. So many have so much that I could begin to start a list to say thanks.

I have said it before, but it bears repeating. This has been a challenging time but through it all I see God working. It is not always fun to be used by God to see His work done, but we know it is always right. In the midst of my darkest time in this journey I have seen God use it to let others see Him working. I want you to share that hope, trust, and faith to know that no matter what, God will use us to show others His grace and mercy.
I will NEVER be able to properly extend my appreciation to so many, so let me say THANK YOU!!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 11:50 PM CDT

Where you are today will help you through tomorrow.

I was hoping to tell you that Kate would be home this Friday in this post. That was delayed today as some of Kate’s right side weakness has returned. After some conferencing with the therapist and the Dr we have increased her steroid medication that was helpful in reducing the swelling that caused her right side weakness to begin with. We believe that we reduced her dosage too quickly. In this world of the brain it is always a moving target.
It was a good day today. The kids played hookie from school today to hang out with Kate and gain a better understanding of our new normal in preparation of Kate’s homecoming. I am very proud of them as I watch them help Kate with any and every need. The four of us did go out to lunch with two of Kate’s therapist. The therapists were very helpful and encouraging as were out and about. It was helpful to kids to gain that knowledge and experience.

Life is about adjustments and this is one of them.

I will let you know what our new projected release date will be soon.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:00 PM CDT

As Kate goes….. So go I.
I am so very happy to tell you about the tremendous progress Kate has made these past three weeks.
When I last left you, Kate was working through her physical, occupational, and speech therapies. I am sure it will not be a surprise to you that physical therapy is running out of things to do with Kate. Her balance is spot on and she is walking without any help as we race up and down the halls. Occupational is a little more challenging and her brain is getting rewired. A normal task does present a challenge as the “normal task” has many steps. Think about washing your hands, there may be 7-9 steps in that process. Kate is able to complete step one but has trouble moving onto step two. You and I take for granted that we know all the steps, but for Kate we must relearn steps 2-9. Kate does not have to “relearn” everything, as something’s are automatic. It has been incredible to watch her brain rewire itself and relearn many of those automatics. What a blessing for me to watch a miracle of God right before my eyes. Speech is by far the most difficult for Kate at this time. She has her phrases and her speech is clear. Her challenge is word retrieval. If I ask her to repeat after me she cannot do it at this time. I see her attempt the words, but they do not come out like she wants them too. A friend told me that we will now just be a regular couple in the way we communicate. She will point and say, “Ya that.” And I will be the frustrated wife who says, “You never talk to me.” How is that for flipping the stereotype?
I have said several times in my updates “not at this time.” Many have asked what is Kate’s long term prognosis may be? No one but our God can answer that question and I will not begin to speculate. What I do know is Kate has more fire, spunk, drive, determination, and fight then any person than I have ever known. I do not have my head in the sand and I realize that we have a long road ahead in the recovery process. I will not let anyone tell me what Kate’s prognosis will be, because they under estimate my wonderful wife. We will continue to be faithful to our God. There is a Christian band called NewSong that currently has my favorite song out now called “Same God.” Check it out.

We are on target for the NBTS walk. Please join us and help us help others in the fight against brain cancer. Would you consider a small donation? You know that we are a competitive lot and want to win. The beautiful Jackie O passed Kate last week as the individual leader and I want Kate to have that title. Jackie knows that this challenge is on. Join us.

Thank you,

Sunday, April 8, 2012 9:46 AM CDT

Christ has risen.
Is risen indeed.
Because of this we have HOPE.
Hope for today.
Hope for tomorrow.
Hope after life.
Happy Easter!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012 11:03 AM CDT

Have you ever had something taken away from you and are totally ok with it?
We moved rooms from one floor to the other floor yesterday at CPMC. When we got to our new room I looked around asked where is Kate’s wheelchair? They look at me and said she “She is doing fine. We will let the sick people use the wheel chair.” Kate has made HUGE progress this week. She is walking everywhere although someone must be on her right side as she still has some weakness. I like it because I get to put my arm around her as we walk laps around the unit. Her right side is starting to return and that has been very encouraging. I learn something every day as I talk to the Dr’s. Yesterday I found out that if we take three of our millions of Nero receptors two are used to help block out stimulus and one will let the stimulus in. Right now Kate’s brain is not blocking like it use to so she receiving too much stimulus and we have to be careful to monitor the activity and stimulus. Her verbal skills are coming along. This has been the most difficult for her and she has cried (which makes me cry) in frustration not being able to communicate as she was used too. Kate’s crying is a good thing as she is becoming aware of her new battle and fight as her brain starts to connect the dots. When the kids saw this earlier in the week during our visit they reminded her that she is a warrior and needs to fight. I reminded Kate that the same God that led us here will lead us out.
Faith, Trust, and HOPE.
The staff at CPMC is amazing. I was helping the nurse give Kate one of her pills. I told her what I needed her to do and was firm in my directions. I gave her the pill and she swallowed it like a champ. The nurse asked if I had been in the military. I said no we have been together for 18 years and he just laughed. I told you Kate has a “sitter”. I came in one day this week and notice Kate was in hospital pants. I asked her what is with the hospital pants just as her sitter was walking in the room. Her sitter apologized up and down and told me Kate’s cloths was in the dryer down the hall. They were still damp and needed more time. Yes her sitter Maria was doing her wash. I may try to sneak some of my clothes in this week. Kate is making progress and I believe is on target for the “Walk May 5th”
Oh ya…The walk wink, wink... Please consider joining our team or making a contribution to NBTS an incredible group as we unit to fight brain cancer. Just copy and paste the link below.


As always thanks for your prayers and blessings.
Brain… I mean Brian

Thursday, March 22, 2012 9:56 PM CDT

On The Road Again…
Well, a rolling stone gather’s no moss. We are moving to a new Acute Rehab Unit. Having worked with Santa Rosa Memorial for two weeks we all felt that Kate would be better served if she goes to California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. “CPMC” has a neurological unit which will help Kate with the challenge of her brain injury. We have seen progress in these past two weeks, but the progress has been slow. As you know slow is not in our vocabulary. It is difficult to measure progress in this world of the mind after a significant stroke which Kate has had. I see the progress and I see the frustration in her eyes as she struggles to connect the dots floating around in her brain. We have shared a few tears together as she is aware that her mind is not working like she wants. We sat in the little chapel at the hospital during that moment of tears and I reminded her of her fight, her courage, and her legacy of life that is not over. We had fun this week as the kids came in for a couple visits and again I am impressed with both Riley and Colin’s courage. With Riley’s weak hula dance and Colin making fun of my poor wheel chair driving skills we all laughed very hard. What is life without a good laugh?
So I asked that you continue to pray as we travel this long road.
I will let you know when we get settled at CPMC.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 10:24 PM CDT

Love My Honor Roll Students.
Those bumper stickers bug me. But, tonight I understand the pride that a parent feels about their child. My pride has more to do with the character of my children than the grades they receive in school. I know… I know... grades are important. Personally I will take character over grades any day. I want you to know before I do any posting on Caringbridge I will talk with the kids so they understand what the truth is and what I will share with you. We had a great time tonight at dinner talking about the new normal. With Kate now in rehab it has been very hard not to have Mom around. The kids miss her terrible. You can imagine their fear in wanting to see her. She has always bounced back so quickly and so well that this is completely different. When they walk into see her would it be their Mother or weak image of what she once was? Those fears are real and even more so if you are 16 and 13. As I shared some real numbers and percentages with them about Kate’s recovery I could see them give some thought and by the end of our conversation their true character came through and I am so very proud of the both of them. They understand the task ahead and willingly accept what is before them. We know that this will be a process and will take a lot of work on all of our parts, but I see it as giving back to what my wife has given to me and their Mother has given to them.
As we were at dinner Riley shared the scene from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off when they were in the museum and they zoomed in to the dot on the Renoir painting. Not sure of the exact artist but, Riley said we were that dot and one day she looks forward to seeing the whole picture. One day God will show us the whole picture. Today we will be a part of the whole and be that dot.
A dot full of HOPE and FAITH.

Friday, March 9, 2012 11:15 PM CST

This Is Not a Sprint. It Is a Marathon.
I write this line for me and a reminder to you. Kate did move today to a rehab facility in Santa Rosa today. As we were preparing to leave UCSF today we had several of the therapists (Heather with Physical and Karen with Occupational) came through to say good luck as they knew we were on discharge. We will visit them on our return appointments. I am always fascinated by the draw people have to Kate. You would think I would understand this by now?? I know I married up.
As we were checking into the rehab I was answering the standard questions for the admitting nurse and she could not believe what Kate has accomplished with all of her “challenges”. She said “It sounds like you make a great team.” I told her yes and we are to get our team back together.
So where is Kate right now? Best way to describe this is by using the words of Dr. Prados when he stopped by last night to visit his favorite patient.(For the record…It is not confirmed that Kate is his favorite, but we know.) As he scrolled through pictures on his cell phone and bragged about his wonderful children, he shared with Kate that she will need to create new memories. For you and me to take a fork to our mouth is a memory. To grab our pants and pull them up or tie our shoes is a memory. All of which she will relearn. Many of these memories will come back quickly and some will take time. Where Kate’s challenge is different is that she is recovering from brain surgery and meningitis with a stroke on top of that. I have told you before that she is a warrior.
The bible tells us “To whom much is given, much is expected.” We have been blessed beyond belief with our friend’s family and you. Yes, you the one reading this… We have been given so much by your friendship, encouragement and support. You have blessed us and I want you to know that we rise to this challenge and will meet that expectation.
Marathon not sprint……Marathon not sprint. If I keep saying it , it might stick.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 10:43 PM CST

That’s What I’m Talking About!!
After 27 days Kate moved out of ICU yesterday and went down the hall to a regular room at UCSF. How nice to be in a regular room. The process of rehab has started. Today Kate passed a swallow test to make sure that food was going down the right pipes. That means we will remove the feeding tube in the next couple of days. Kate has all three disciplines in therapy right now. (Speech, Physical, and Occupational) I saw the greatest progress with occupational today as Kate worked on her lunch. We have some work to do before we head back to French Laundry for dinner. Do we really have to have so many forks to choose from?
I did look at two rehab facilities today that will help us with follow up care. I was very pleased with the facility here in Santa Rosa and loved the “total” approach they incorporate. I am not sure when Kate will be released from UCSF, but I would guess that we will be close to home in four or five days. We have a goal to be ready and leading the pack for the walk. Oh don’t forget about the walk May 5th. Just in case you did …here is the web link. http://www.braintumorcommunity.org/site/TR/Events/BTW-SF?px=1630961&pg=personal&fr_id=1823
I want to thank so many people for the support that has been overwhelming. I will not begin to list names because there will not be enough space. I do appreciate every card, note, text, and prayer. I did have fun with Kate today as we looked at pictures that her college friends posted on Face Book. The biggest laugh came when I told her “Youngy broke the chair.” Thank you all. Brian

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 10:42 PM CST

That’s What I’m Talking About!!
After 27 days Kate moved out of ICU yesterday and went down the hall to a regular room at UCSF. How nice to be in a regular room. The process of rehab has started. Today Kate passed a swallow test to make sure that food was going down the right pipes. That means we will remove the feeding tube in the next couple of days. Kate has all three disciplines in therapy right now. (Speech, Physical, and Occupational) I saw the greatest progress with occupational today as Kate worked on her lunch. We have some work to do before we head back to French Laundry for dinner. Do we really have to have so many forks to choose from?
I did look at two rehab facilities today that will help us with follow up care. I was very pleased with the facility here in Santa Rosa and loved the “total” approach they incorporate. I am not sure when Kate will be released from UCSF, but I would guess that we will be close to home in four or five days. We have a goal to be ready and leading the pack for the walk. Oh don’t forget about the walk. Just in case you did …here is the web link. http://www.braintumorcommunity.org/site/TR/Events/BTW-SF?px=1630961&pg=personal&fr_id=1823
I want to thank so many people for the support that has been overwhelming. I will not begin to list names because there will not be enough space. I do appreciate every card, note, text, and prayer. I did have fun with Kate today as we looked at pictures that her college friends posted on Face Book. The biggest laugh came when I told her “Youngy broke the chair.” Thank you all. Brian

Sunday, March 4, 2012 2:59 PM CST

I once read a quote from Corrie Ten Boom that spoke of the tapestry of life. On the back side of the tapestry is a mess of sting and knots. Nothing makes sense as we look at the back side. It is not until we turn it over will we see the beauty of what has been created. Every string in its perfect place just as the maker intended. We see the back side and struggle to understand and make sense of the mess. God sees the other side perfect in its beauty
Our life is the back of that tapestry right now. We seem to have a lot of knots and loose string as we face this unique challenge with Kate and her recovery. We will never know the reason for the events of these past couple weeks in our family, but we do know that God is using this family to help create a small corner of that tapestry.
So here is some of the loose string and knots in Kate’s journey. The fevers continue and remain one of the biggest challenges in recovery. The fine folks at UCSF are puzzled as well since the cultures taken from the blood and spinal fluid do not grow out any infection. The fevers could be caused by some of the antibiotics. Last night they started the process of changing up the antibiotics in hopes for better results. Kate has moments of clarity and our challenge is trying to string those moments together and have longer time of focused attention. We are currently in a pattern of good day, bad day. The beautiful Jackie Oswald came by for a short visit and Kate was not able to respond. The next day Kate was able to walk the hall with assistance from an “encore” machine and physical therapy crew. That same day Dr Prados came by and had her laughing. The next day she was good in the morning and she faded in the afternoon as it was evident her pain level increased and fever went back up. I told you it was a roller coaster.
We are doing well as a family. Our dear wonderful friend and coworker “KJ” is here with us and she brought along her dog Steeler. KJ has stepped into the territory for me and with the help of Lifetouch keeps the business going. I am grateful for the support Lifetouch has provided our family at this difficult time. THANK YOU LIFETOUCH.
We have always been open with our journey and I understand it is difficult to watch this struggle from afar. I want you to know that I feel the prayers and appreciate the support that we have been given directly and indirectly. We will continue to fight.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:56 AM CST

I don’t know about you but I am getting tired of this.
I do an update and then I start to relax and then things change in blink of an eye and I have to do another update again. I left the hospital last night around 10pm. Kate was wheeled into surgery around 6pm. I waited for her return in her room. The wonderful nurse Leslie said to me “We need a fresh start. I am going to clean. “Can I help? “Sure… glove up!” We wiped down every cord, replaced every tube, and washed every counter and chair. The nurse said this infection has got to go and she needs a fresh start.
The surgery went well. They did have to remove the bone flap and leave it off. This part might creep you out. Kate has a dent in head where bone once was. This was the same bone flap that they removed to get access to her brain tumor area during previous resections. Think of it this way, that bone had been cut away and was no longer receiving any blood from the body. It was held in place by spit, glue, and screws. OK not spit, I was just testing you to see if you were really reading carefully. Because that bone was no longer receiving blood it had no way to receive good blood to clean out the infection. That bone became a hiding place for those evil little germs of infection. When they returned Kate to her fresh clean room the surgeon said that, “We removed all foreign bodies from the area and she nothing but healthy vascular tissue in there.” This will require Kate to wear a helmet to protect her brain when she goes out for about three months. After those three months they will replace the bone flap with some material to protect that precious brain. I am sure that material will be solid gold or something that will allow Kate to accessorize any outfit. I am encouraged now Kate does not have to fight the infection, she can focus on rehab and being ready for the NBTS Walk May 5th. If you have not had a chance to join “Team Hope” here is your chance…wink….wink.
Cut and paste here

Many of you have asked “How are the kids? How are you?
The answer is good, but it is challenging to balance life while our hero, mother, and my best friend is cooped up in that dumb little room on the 8th floor. We have learned to stay in the moment and rely on our faith and each other. Two posts ago I told you of the great progress we were making and I know that we will be on that road in the next couple of days.
As they were settling Kate in her room after surgery with about six people in the room I said to them all. “You guys are looking at a miracle and a warrior. “
That’s Kate.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 6:07 PM CST

Well, Two steps forward-Three steps back. As I write this, Kate is waiting to head back into surgery. The infection has returned and is showing itself at the site where the ventricle tube goes into her scalp. This of course is a bit discouraging after such a great day yesterday. After seeing Kate's strong return yesterday I am convinced that once we get this infection under control we can get back to kicking some butt. I told you this was a roller coaster. We do not really know the plans of God, but we do know that He causes everything to work together for good for who those who are called to His name. I know that this may sound crazy to some of you, but as we ride this roller coaster we have seen first hand that God is good. Stand with us and choose HOPE. Brian

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 0:26 AM CST

What a Roller Coaster!!
When I last left you it was early Wednesday morning. I had taken two different calls from two different Dr’s Tuesday night telling me Kate’s “insult” (stroke) was significant. I did not get much sleep as my mind raced through the different scenarios and what if’s as a result of the news. It was difficult for me to share those fears and come to grips with what was soon to be our “new normal”. With the news of damage to speech and language areas of the brain my big question was “Would she ever be able to speak again? If she could speak, what does that sound like?” These are just two of the questions as I tried to maintain hope and keep out of the pit of despair. It was a long and difficult week. Kate was not able to vocalize any words or give me any indications that she had comprehension of what was happening around her. My fear increased as the week progressed that recovery would be limited. I left Kate Friday night and I was discouraged. I stay with my parents in San Carlos. After sharing with my Mom my discouragement my cell phone rang. It was Dr Prados telling me how he got a half smile from her when he walked in and some focused concentration from her. I asked how he rated to get a smile and I was there all day with nothing. He said that Kate has a thing for older, balding, gray haired men. That took my spirits through the roof. That was progress!!
Fast forward to today. I made a commitment to step it up today and force the fight. I packed up her lotions, ipod speakers, and that can of whoop arse. I arrived early today and started right away by plugging in some of our worship music on the ipod and doing some passive “range of motion” physical therapy. When Dr McDermott stopped by to check on his favorite patient, we were standing in the door way I turned to see Kate waving her hand and with very clear and concise words, “Hi Sweetie” I was left speechless. We walked in and I asked if she was talking to me or McDermott? McDermott said it was him and I was just the husband. I am getting a complex. We could see Kate attempt to try and speak as McDermott asked her to follow some commands. This was HUGE!! Physical therapy came by and we worked together to push Kate (who of course responded.) Kate has not been out of bed for 11 days. She stood for 40 minutes and sat in the chair for another 40 before she went back to bed. Tomorrow we will walk.
I have started each day by reading a short devotional book called “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young. This past week as I read the devotions I know they were written just for me for that day. I take the book with me and I read it to Kate and tell her to fight. I struggled this past week and I will tell you it was the worst week of my life. But as the sun came up today as it will tomorrow, so too is the promise that God will not leave me or forsake me. That was very clear to me last week and I am encouraged by that promise. At every turn in this crazy journey God has given us blessings.
Next post I will tell you about the bad manicure and what a crummy shampoo boy I make. Until then please do me a favor and move to the right. It’s called a “fast lane”
God Bless You,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7:47 AM CST

Another Day , Another Challenge
Good Morning. I wanted to let you know of a challenge that we discovered yesterday through a CT scan. It appears that over the course of the weekend that Kate had what they call an infarction. What that means is she had a stroke. A stroke basically cuts off blood or oxygen to a portion of the brain. This was caused by the infection. As her brain worked to fight the infection some of the blood vessels became inflamed which caused the blood supply to be interrupted in its flow. The primary area which was affected was her memory, speech, and language area.
Now before you race ahead and think the worst let me share some thoughts with you which come from the Doctors. It is important to note that the stroke was not caused by Kate’s brain tumor. Kate is a healthy strong young women and this will be a key in her efforts to recover. Kate has a better chance of recovery because this area of the brain was not damaged by cancer, but by blood restriction. It is our hope that her brain can help correct itself and get blood flowing to as it has in the past. We need your prayers for this to happen. This is always challenging to deal with as there are SO many unknowns. What we do know is this will lengthen Kate’s recovery.
Of course the kids are aware of what is going on and would appreciate your prayers. We had a good discussion about our new challenge and a time to pray for Mom. I would ask that you respect their privacy and not contact them via any multi media. They are concerned as we all are, but this is a lot of information for them to process. If your kids are friends with Riley and Colin please share that they want to go through school just like everyone else. Please allow them that courtesy. They still want to be “normal kids”. It is also difficult for me to take your phone calls and answer text. I want my focus and energy to be on Kate and the kids.
This is new and unchartered territory for us and I want you to know I am encouraged by my faith and grateful to God that loves us through this challenging time.

Monday, February 20, 2012 10:11 PM CST

It was a challenging weekend for Kate. When she saw the kids Thursday afternoon she was able to respond to them, but not carry on a conversation. The affect of her infection was working against her. Kate has bacterial meningitis called Cerashia (sp) which has an antibiotic called Vicimiacen (sp) and Cephapem(sp) I am not really a Dr, I just play one on TV.
As the days progressed the Dr’s realized that the antibiotics were not helping as they were being delivered through the IV in the blood stream. As her progress was headed the wrong way they decided to also add another antibiotic which was delivered directly into the ventricle. As the ventricle fluid travels down the spinal column and back up to wash the brain that antibiotic will help to wash away the infection. Kate did lose her ability to eat as the infection continued to wreak havoc. They have added a feeding tube that will help keep her nutrition up. It is a tough weight lose program and I am not sure how happy she will be about this program. I think she might put me on this program. If you think of this infection as a cold, you may lose your sense of smell with that cold (infection)and once it clears you get your smell back. I am not saying that Kate has a cold, because meningitis can be serious. What I am saying is her recovery is positive and she should make a full recovery once we get this infection clears. It will be a longer process, but it is Kate so I am sure the process will be faster than you and I can handle.
The kids had a great weekend at snow camp and it is great to have them home. I had fun listening to their stories which will continue.
Thanks for your continued prayers of support.

Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:51 AM CST

Information is Key…
It is amazing to me how once you have the correct information your perspective changes. I believe information is important, but truth paramount. I have been worried and frustrated with Kate’s progress in her recovery. Understand that coming out of our last surgery Kate was in the car on her way home 48 hours after being wheeled out of the O.R. She has set the bar very high and was not responding in her usual manner. To give you an example of the challenge I would ask a question and not get a response. “Kate do you want the turkey sandwich or pasta?” I would get that look that told me she heard and was trying to figure out the response. Watching her struggle for the answer is difficult and unlike any other time in recovery from three previous brain surgeries. I did speak with Dr McDermott last night and he assured me that her recovery is normal. (But when has Kate been normal??) He also told me how the infection affected “both” side of the brain. In the past we have only dealt with one side of the brain, so the other side compensated for any deficit that may occur. This is her brain is trying to rewire itself to be complete. I appreciate Dr. McDermott calling me and giving me the” truth.” I had hoped to see McDermott in the morning, but he was in Oakland being sworn in as an American Citizen. I don’t care what your view on immigration maybe, we are lucky to have this man on our team. He did register to vote and declared his party as “independent” Welcome to the USA!!
They removed the two “flush in” tubes last night. These are the tubes that were sending antibiotic to the infected area. They should remove the two “flush out” tubes tonight. So Kate remains in ICU because of these tubes and drains. When I say ICU I know it may freak some of you out. She must remain in there because of the sensitive nature of the drains. McDermott said that Kate will remain in ICU through the weekend.
The kids head off to snow camp with the youth group this weekend. They are both very excited for the weekend. Jean (Kate’s Mom) headed back to Wisconsin today. She was very helpful and we enjoyed having her with us. I will miss my magic blue bucket. You see I place my dirty clothes in a blue bucket in our room. No, I don’t leave my underwear on the floor. When I come home after my visits with Kate, my bucket is empty and the clothes are folded and clean on my bed. POOF MAGIC!!
I will try to give an update this weekend on the progress. Till then I am grateful that you have prayed for me and Kate and the kids.
I would like to share a bible verse with you that help me. From 2 Corinthians 4:15
15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

Sunday, February 12, 2012 5:55 PM CST

What a difference a day makes. Well let me fill in some of the blanks for those that have been following along. Wednesday we went to the ER with what we thought was a migraine. We know know that it was the start of the infection. I called our friends at UCSF to make them aware of Kate's headache and they said to get a CT scan. So Thursday morning we head back to the ER where they did the CT scan. The reason for CT at the ER was to have a Dr evaluate the scan. As day say progressed we could see the signs of the infection increasing by Kate's confusion and swelling on her left side. The ER Dr did a spinal tap to get a culture of what the infection maybe. A preliminary report showed no sugar in her spinal fluid, which is very dangerous as our brains require sugar to function. So there were some tense moments for me as my mind raced ahead to the dangers we might see. No sugar means possible stroke and or hemorrhage. The orders came through to transfer Kate to UCSF Thursday evening.  As I followed the transport ambulance my fears increased. Our mind can be our friend and it can also be our foe. Kate was very agitated through the night as the infection played havoc. She was hooked up to IV's but tried to get out of bed. Onetime was to make sure Riley had all of her books for school. Next time she was checking the fridge for broccoli. It made for a long night. One very funny moment was watching the nurse react to Kate asking him if we wanted a glass of wine. She told him that we had some white wine open. At one point she even managed to pull out one of her IV's, which made a nice mess. Morning finally came with the Dr's arriving to discuss treatment. Dr McDermott was quick to make sure Kate's care was quick and calculated. When I asked Dr. McDermott how serious the situation was, he looked at me with confidence and said, "This is an infection and we know how to deal with infections." He told me the three options and the progression of each one. The final option was surgery. As they went through the progression and moved towards surgery, I was comforted by Dr. McDermott's attention to Kate and his desire to do his best to "fix" her. As we prep for surgery once again we had confidence knowing we were doing what was best for Kate. McDermott called after surgery and I did my best to follow him in the conversation. Don't laugh... You try to follow a brain surgeon in conversation.  I did see Dr Prados in the parking lot as I was leaving the hospital. He was able to translate the terms McDermott used. Dr Prados was encouraged by McDermott's report and was excited as he shared his report. Today Kate is sleeping a lot which is typical and much needed for her to heal. I will leave you today with a quote from Dr Prados. As we were parting ways in the parking lot I said that it should ok and he said " Of course it is going to be ok...It's Kate."

Friday, February 10, 2012 8:09 PM CST

All is well. Kate came out of a short surgery to clean and flush out the infection. Dr. McDermott said that as far as infections go this was not to bad. I won't go into detail for those who may have just had dinner. She does have some drains coming out of her head that will help flush out the infection. One under the dura (which is the layer between the scalp bone and dura lining) and one between the dura and skin. They are what they call "wash in wash out (big medical term) drains. This will allow them to send antibiotics in and out of the infected area. The recovery will be longer because of the infection, so i will keep you posted as details become available. With the multiple tubes coming out of her head she does resemble Medusa. I am sure I would be in huge trouble if I posted a photo. Wish me luck. Thanks to the MANY of you that reached out to me today. The love, support, and encouragement is over whelming.

Friday, February 10, 2012 3:23 PM CST

Rubber band man. The key is flexibility. We have a change in plans. The Dr's were concerned about the amount of fluid that was collecting so they put in a drain to get rid of the fluid. They also took a sample of the fluid and did not like the look of the fluid. " To cloudy. " this is a sign of infection. We have decided to return to surgery and flush out the area of infection and put in a in-out flush drain. This will allow them to send in the correct antibiotic to clean out the infection. We could not be in better hands with Dr. McDermott and are confident in concern for Kate. Pray for Mike and his staff as they prepare to work on Kate.

Friday, February 10, 2012 1:23 AM CST

Small set back. We (Kate and I) are in ICU at UCSF. Kate has developed an infection that is in the area of her surgery. We always have great plans and ideas but we are not God. That is a responsability that I do not want. Kate developed a strong headache last night which we now know was the start of the infection. After some heavy drugs for what we thought was a migraine they sent us home. The next morning we spoke with our friends at UCSF and they suggested we head back to the ER. We did a CT scan and hung out at Sutter for sometime till UCSF had a bed for Kate. I want to thank you for your prayers. I always struggle with how much to assert myself when it comes to Kate's care. She has always been out front leading the charge as I pick up some of the pieces and provide wise council. I was grateful for a few friends that provided some great advise that made for a long night, but I appreciated their honesty that made me a person (insert joke about me already great here ;0)The importance of an advocate as Dr's concur and discuss patient care is vital. Thanks Mark, Paula, and Mikilea (sp) it made a huge difference tonight. I was glad to work with our friends at UCSF to come up with a solid plan. Thanks checking in. Now that I am getting good at these updates, I will update soon. Brian

Saturday, February 4, 2012 2:08 PM CST

One quick edition!!!!!!

Follow the YOUTUBE videos I placed on here for more info on my recovery!!!!!



Home Sweet Home
Well Kate came home on Wednesday in the afternoon. Only 48 hours after her third craniotomy. She was released right from the ICU. It was funny to hear the nurse’s say that they did not remember the last time that someone was released straight from IUC. As usual the staff at UCSF was outstanding. We have always been passionate about the team we have there. From Dr. Prados to Dr. McDermott and everyone in between could not be more professional. Their care, compassion, and dedication is unsurpassed. We could not be in better hands.
She is doing very well and is resting. She was very happy that she was able to take a bath this morning. We are having fun playing with a Geiger meter that shows how much radiation she is emitting.
Wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your prayers. So far we have seen no signs of infection and we are being very careful to make sure it does not happen.
Kate’s Mom (Grandma Jean) arrives tonight. It will be nice to have her around.
This is a wild ride we are on and we are glad that you have joined us.

Monday, January 30, 2012 8:18 PM CST

Can you say, “Been there, done that.”
As we headed to UCSF this morning everything seems very normal. We chatted on the drive and I ask Kate if she was anxious or nervous? This being our third rodeo we know what to expect. We did hit a minor delay upon our arrival. Kate was to be the first one up this morning, but her operating room was taking by an emergency pancreas transplant. Fortunately we were only delayed by hour and a half. Surgery went very well. Spoke with Dr. McDermott and his report was positive and encouraging. He reports no visible tumor to the naked eye. They did go ahead with the brachytherapy which meant that there were active tumor cells. Originally he said they would implant 12 radioactive seeds. The cavity was larger as he cleared out dead tissue leftover from the Gama Knife treatment. He did end up implanting 18 seeds. These seeds will work their magic and kill off any remaining cancer cells. As I write this she is still resting. Now is my chance to turn off the lights to see if she will glow in the dark or at least pick up a radio station or two if I can open her mouth wide enough. Now we begin the process of healing.
Some people ask “Do you get angry that this cancer keeps coming back?” The obvious answer is yes. But if you look a little deeper you realize that this is truly a blessing. Now before you tune out or call the guys in the white coats look at this from my angle. I have watch my children handle adversity and seen them struggle with life and the fear of their Mother’s death. They have matured to a level that many adults will never comprehend as they face these life issues. Do wish that they would have learned it another way? Yes, but that is not the hand that they were dealt. I could not be more proud of Riley and Colin. That is a blessing. There is not a day that goes by without someone reaching out to Kate for support as they face the struggle of this dreaded disease. It is a privilege to support those people and be that beacon of hope that they so desperately need. That is a blessing. We have bonded with so many wonderful people that we stand with in the ugly world of cancer. We rejoice in the victory and cry with them in the setbacks. The enrichment of those relationships is life changing. That is a blessing. Unfortunately some do not make it and we then receive another email saying how much her support meant to their loved one that was lost. Again another blessing. How can we continue to be angry when we are so richly blessed.
When Kate and I received the diagnosis of stage four Glioplastoma, her brother told her, “Of course it is stage four brain cancer. That is because it will be that much more miraculous when you are healed.” Some might say today, “I don’t see a miracle with her going in for a third craniotomy.” I say look closer. Most folks do not make it past two years in this crappy little club. Kate is eight years out. There is your miracle. My children have grown up with a mother, me a wonderful wife, you a friend. There is the miracle, right before our eyes. All you have to do is look.
You have heard me say that we always have choice in this life. Is it a blessing or curse, hope or defeat, joy or disappear. You know what we choose. Join us
For those of you wondering… yes, Kate did have $20.00 in her pocket today. Just in case!
Thanks be to our God, maker of heaven and earth.

Sunday, January 29, 2012 7:30 PM CST

I am writing the last update for awhile.....
Brian will take the reins over tomorrow and update you guys. That sometimes makes me nervous...ha...lack of control....I think I have issues!
You guys are all like...'No kidding!'
I am completely confident in what we are about to do tomorrow and can't wait to be on the other side of it.
Prayers would be appreciated for NO INFECTION at the tumor site. It evidently increases quite a bit after the third craniotomy. Then I'd need another brain surgery to help correct that. The nurse practitioner told me over the phone 'Kate, REMIND me to.....'
I stopped her and said 'REALLY? This is my FOURTH brain procedure and you are starting your sentence with REMIND me????'
We both cracked up and she said 'Nevermind....I will make a note.' They will try and give me certain things in the hospital to help with that.
Just kidding.
I was thrilled that Mike my brain surgeon said there are more long term survivors that have had brachytherapy done. He will implant 15 seeds based on the mapping MRI I did Friday and possibly take out another bone flap in addition to the one he usually removes. Might need to remove an olfactory piece on my left side. They just never know until they get in what they will find.
It did appear to grow though in the 2 1/2 weeks since my last MRI so it is great we are going in NOW.
I do feel more headaches and some pressure.
They will use a Gigor counter to tell how radioactive I am....I am not supposed to sleep on Brian's left side for 6 weeks....I don't know...we will see.
Chemotherapy starts 2 weeks after surgery.....fun fun....
I just love that Mike is so aggressive with all of this.
Prayers for my family of course.
I am amazed at all of the support we have gotten already.
It brings me to tears.
Life is so important when you think of family and friends.
We had the BEST time at Asia SF last night celebrating Aunt Mary Tom's birthday. She is ALWAYS the hit as she was last night dancing the night away.
Thanks for covering us in prayers.
I honestly feel them.
Bri will update soon.
See you on the other side....................

Wednesday January 25, 2012 9:19 AM CST

Do they not remember that I have a brain TUMAH???? My head was spinning yesterday with tons of calls and e mails.
Remember how I told you I need to be FELXIBLE?
EVERYTHING was moved to Friday now.

I filled out the Pre-op survery and have a phone consult to register today between 11-1 and then will go to them at UCSF at 8:15 on Friday. Then to my brain mapping MRI COMPLETE with fiducials (Little white discs they shave your head and put about 8 on...I will take a picture. HOWEVER I don't think I can wash my hair after that.....)
Then we back across the street to meet with Mike McDermott my brain surgeon at 11:30. Then at 2 we meet with Shannon Fogh a radiation oncologist that actually I met for my gamma knife procedure. Super nice gal.
So I will be sporting a lovely look over the weekend at Asia SF.....Maybe they will let me get up and dance with them!
I found out that they really don't know how much longer I would need to be in the hospital. It totally depends on the radiation measurements . This of courses for the protection of OTHERS.
Hmmmm stop and think about that a minute.
We are frying your brain area....however....let's protect everyone that might come in contact with you......need I say more?

I just want to re-iterate how at peace my family is. I told everyone that it is NOT necessary to come sit at UCSF during my brain surgery. Bri will probably take Aunt Mary Tom out for lunch! We know that this is the best option for our family and as long as I can still have brain surgery we will!
My specific prayers are for my family. They are really amazing. God is protecting them every step of the way.
Our humor is in tact just as it always is. What would life be without it?
I get to go out for Aunt Mary Toms birthday to Asia SF with our group of friends and family......but I've been banned from the big Super Bowl party booooo. Maybe I will talk my sweet incredible Mother into breaking out with me for a couple minutes to say hi to everyone.
For those that have already signed up for meals at takethemameal.com (Burke, kate) THANK YOU! Wow.....the calls, e mails, texts, gifts.....I am once again humbled and grateful.

Lastly....I am blown away so far at the people that have already given to the NBTS walk May 5th. Sorry our Thank you is a bit generic this year.....it is a bit easier on me!
Here is the link......

Friday, January 20, 2012 9:47 PM CST

Here we go!!!!
Ashley, Mike McDermott's coordinator called tonight and we have a date!
MRI next Friday the 27th along with a clinical with him and Penny Sneed the radiation-oncologist.
Then if Brian lets me.....dinner for Aunt Mary Tom in the city Saturday night.
Then I check in at 6:30 for the 1st surgery of the day on Monday the 30th.
I plan on being out by Friday in time to watch the Niners in the Super Bowl!
Anyone disagree?
I can't wait for the game Sunday. We are going to a friends house.
So. Thanks to EVERYONE for the calls and cards and everything you've done for us ALREADY! We are blown away once again.
The National Brain Tumor Walk is coming!
May 5th.
I will try and post a link to my page that went out yesterday.
Thanks so much for your support.
We love you all.


Monday, January 16, 2012 4:12 PM CST

Third times a charm.
Looks like brain surgery is in my very near future again!
I TOTALLY jumped the gun last post.
Mike wasn't the one that reviewed my scan with me.
Brian and I just left UCSF and he wants me to go in in a couple of weeks.
I was a bit disappointed to find out that I am now disqualified for a vaccine there due to my breast cancer. I was in shock.
He is contacting UCLA and MD Anderson about the logistics with their clinical trials. I am not sure where I will be yet.
We are getting good at this guys!
I SWEAR it's not because I'm so competitive!
When I have more info I will update again.
God is STILL in control and we are STILL at peace.
Thanks for your continued prayers!!!!!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012 2:56 PM CST

Leaving UCSF!
Ready for a good bottle of Lambert Bridge to celebrate a stable scan.
There was continued white matter growth of the T2 flair which one would expect with the amount of brain injury I've had.
I'm not really needing the 'ol IQ to diminish much more!
Mike wasn't able to make it today but we texted and he was happy to know there was a bottle of red (anti-oxidants) on his desk and Margueretta got his lunch!
Maybe I can go to 8 weeks!!!
I was busy with Colin all of last week. He broke his wrist in 2 places and the growth plate wrestling Alex Netherda on New Years eve. Yes....his right one of course. Fortunately school basketball is over but now CYO is too!
Some kids will do ANYTHING to get their parents to stay up until midnight!
Then Bri was gone to Orlando for the week for Lifetouch meetings.
Good riddins' to 2011!
I'm PRAYING 2012 will be much better for us!
And for you.....
Happy New Year!

Monday, December 5, 2011 4:46 PM CST

Christmas music in the background....and the song 'I'm DREAMING of a white Christmas was on.' That won't be happening here. Everyone was outside yesterday in just their shorts putting up Christmas decorations and trees in 75 degrees! OK...not EVERYONE. I would've gotten some raised eyebrows....
I don't see rain in sight for weeks either!
Not that I am complaining.
It was an incredible way to ease in from 80 degrees in Maui. We really had a great trip. One of the all time best Thanksgivings we've ever had. I posted 3 new photos including the group photo of the 17 of us that were there on the Lanai. Bri and KJ out did themselves. We shipped over my treasured double magnum Crane Creek Cuvee from Lambert Bridge and it was just perfect.
Last night we laughed so hard.
Colin said 'Let's play a board game!'
After we put out some Christmas Decorations and put the lights on the tree we played Last Word. I had tears I was laughing so hard. It's funny. I was just telling someone the other day how much fun we used to have doing that with the kids in front of the fire. They AREN'T too old! Good clean fun. I can't put in to words how much fun we have as a family.
Take the time to enjoy each other. It is very easy to get swept away with the madness.
I spoke at the Springhills church tea Saturday and told everyone that Life is nuts. It's absolutely crazy! We can't control HALF of what hits us, but we can control how we react to it. Choose joy.
Count your MANY blessings.
Put on some Christmas music and thank God for sending his son for us. Now THAT is the best gift I've ever gotten.
Nothing else compares.
Thanks for checking in.
Next scan is set for January 9th. I will definitley update after that if not before.

Tuesday November 15, 2011 6:40 PM CST

SO sorry I didn't get a chance to update yesterday. Colin had a basketball game as soon as we got back from UCSF and then by the time we grabbed some dinner I was WIPED.
Dr. Mike said it IS a bit larger on the MRI, but we think it is treatment related. I of course ran into Jackie again.....and she had the same thing going on! (We need to stop meeting like this!) We also ran into Karen and Scott from Windsor over at the hospital (we left early to go see them before my scan and actually beat them up to their room on the 12th floor where he was going to get his infusion! I joked with her and told her that I was the candy striper and would be fluffing up his pillow!)
Then when we made it up to the 8th floor we of course saw Jackie and her wonderful parents and ran into another brain tumor buddy named Eric! Party in the waiting room!!!!!
So....We were grateful that it looks "normal" for someone that had more radiation 6 months ago. Next scan is being set for 6 weeks again!

But in the mean time Melody White finished her project and I HAD to share it. She is incredible.


Saturday, October 29, 2011 12:22 AM CDT

Not much to report....
Just wanted to jump on and tell you all is well....
I am sleeping a bit better.
My UCSF OB/GYN has me taking neurontin for my sleeping problem. It also tends to help with hot flashes so I can build up to 3. I am currently taking 2 and an ativan still every night. The past 3 nights have been MUCH better. Between brain cancer and menopause....yeesh! I did test my thyroid too since there is high Thyroid cancer in my family. Seems to be normal, but my white blood count is on alert and my neutraphils are still very low. Lymphs low too. I faxed it to Mike today to see what he thinks might be the instigator. I do wipe all the machines off at the gym before I use them. Time to wipe down household things too I guess!
Still crazy busy with the kids. Colin made the RVMS team (AMAZING since there were 10 spots and 40 good kids.) He practices at different times each day and just finished football 3 times a week this past Thursday. Coach indicated he thought he would make the All Star team so we will see. CYO basketball starts next week. 2 nights a week. All that and he STILL made honor roll!
Riley is busy with choir and singing at church youth nights. It really is great she has her license.

Our family is headed to Maui for Thanksgiving. Brian has a meeting there and the kids are off school the whole week so there is NO WAY they would let us go without them! Our dear friends Auntie KJ and Auntie Mo are paying for us to stay at the Wailea Beach Villas. They got a 3 bedroom place and we will be there Tuesday- Sunday. I guess the barbecue is a Viking and they have 2 sub zero fridges and granite kitchens that are fully stocked for us to make a great Thanksgiving meal. We have some Lifetouch friends that will be joining us. We are sending the HUGE bottle of Lambert Bridge Crane Creek Cuvee that I received on my 40th birthday/ 2 year survival. Perfect for this day. Then the kids will fly home Monday and Carolyn (Brian's mother) will pick them up at the airport and drive them home for us. We come home Thursday after the meetings for Lifetouch.
Brian has a new regional manager that is fantastic. GREAT news for the state of California.
As I mentioned I have a scan in a couple of weeks.
Oh...Colin turns 13 next weekend we are all going indoor skydiving with 8 of his friends in the East Bay. Should be incredible. (www.iflysfbay.com)
Monday is my triple batch chilli night! Can Halloween be here already???? Supposed to be really nice out and we have nothing going....just chilli....I guess that's OK.
Life continues on as you can see. I am blessed.
Thanks for checking in!
Will update after my scan.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011 6:10 PM CDT

So it isn't "Third times a charm..."
I guess it is FIFTH time.
Yes....that might be a record for me. My darn veins KNOW they are coming! They usually just gas me and poke away while I'm under!
Finally a great Irish guy from County Antrim (My family came from there) found one with a machine that uses ultra violet light to help. I call it 'The Stud Finder' thats what it reminds me of! He is a Christian too and we had a great conversation following the scan.
I had the privilege of dining with Aunt Mary Tom. She brought some sandwiches after they injected me with the radioactive FMISO and we talked for 2 hours. That is TWICE I got to see her in a week. Always so great.
Nothing much will be revealed by doing this. They are only utilizing 10 people for this research study.

Life is busy as usual. Brian ran up to Eurkea to check on the schools. He will be home tomorrow night. Colin has 40~ 13 year old friends coming over after the Middle School dance for pizza and soda and ice cream. (Parents beer and wine!) It is so great to live on a cul de sac so they can run around outside. Brian borrowed a disco ball and speakers for the garage.....oh boy...Fortunately it ends by 9!
Riley takes the PSAT this Saturday. She has also put in some hours for Party Jump our friends' Jump houses/Rock walls/Bull....you name it!
Next week adding to Colin's 3 days of football he has 4 days of school basktball try-outs (He already had them for CYO)and was selected to be an ambassador for the school so he will miss a couple days of school. (Throw in a dentist and ortho appointment and Sportorama on Friday night and call it a week!)
We are so blessed that Riley is driving now.

My next scan is Monday November 14th.
I might try and switch over to a newer site. I asked how to and it was confusing. I might need Brian to decipher how! Until then....Enjoy October! 85 today. Off to a soccer game.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011 6:38 PM CDT

STABLE scan!!!!

Super relieved. Got out of the MRSI machine and they told me I could NOT do the PET/CT due to the FMISO radioactive substance not being prepared carefully.
SO....back next Tuesday to do that one.
Don't have to see Mike again and an MRI machine for SIX weeks! The testing I did today was what we really wanted.
Baby steps.....

Mike said I COULD do steroids (Decadron that is 10 times the strength of prednisone.) for my headaches. I just don't want to.
I told him I'd let him know if it changes.
More later.
We have a bit of rain and my incredible hubby is making a fire and tea for me to snuggle in. I'm exhuasted.
Thanks TRULY for praying.
I know without a doubt it is why I am still able to update these and live my life.

Friday, September 23, 2011 9:50 AM CDT

Hi everyone!
Greetings from 100 degree California. We are FINALLY getting our summer! Grape people are going like crazy now.
I personally am not a big fan of the heat right now as it creates more headaches for me. I did take some heavier narcotics at the beginning of the week for 2 nights, but woke up with a headache. Not worth it.

I had my LAST breast cancer appointment Monday and the plastic surgeon told me I'm still swollen and not to invest in any bras for a couple of months. I told him I only wear one half the time anyway. He raised his eyebrows and said 'That doesn't hurt?'
I tilted my head and said 'It's all relative Rob. I've had a few brain surgeries and a lovely mask drilled into my head for the gamma knife.'
He cracked up and said 'Good point.'

Exciting news now.
I mentioned that a WONDERFUL man named Alex came out a couple of times to work with myself and a patient named Pete. He finished his documentary piece and is showcasing it at the abc2 annual scientific retreat at Cavallo Point Lodge in Sausalito next Thursday. (It is on the grounds of the historic Fort Baker complex at the base of the Golden Gate bridge) It has views of not only the bridge and Marin headlands, but also across the bay of Alcatraz and San Francisco. They have a Bay Area top restaurant where Brian and I dined several years ago. It was amazing.
They are gathering world leaders in brain cancer treatment and research, and venture capitalists, pharmaceutical and biotech exec's and key government leaders. This group is an AMAZING foundation. Steve Case who started AOL years ago had a brother Dan (Who was the chairman of JP Morgan) die of a GBM a year before I was diagnosed. They pull together the best of the best yearly and do amazing things.
The thought is to have Alex speak for a moment and help refocus all of this amazing discussion back to WHO and WHY they are meeting. He will then show his documentary piece.
We are real people with real families.
Then we break for a couple of hours before the cocktail reception and dinner.
THEN...the BEST part.....a BON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
I spoke with Max on the phone a couple of days ago (He is the CEO) and he said 'I was kind of joking about the bon fire.'
I said 'WHAT? THAT is the reason we are coming!!!! I grew up on a farm in Wisconsin!!!!'
So.....we will see where this piece ends up. I was VERY excited he showed my Jesus Calling book AND taped me talking about telling Mike about Isaiah and Hezekiah being healed for 15 more years!!!!
Hopefully within the next few weeks I can post it here. Will let you know!
Thanks for all of you faithful prayer warriors!
My next scan and PET scan will be October 4th. ALL DAY!!!! Then we see Mike over at the hospital offices.
I have doubled my boswellia intake. I had to back off after a week. I had major gut rot. THEN worked up to the 12 alloted pills. FUN FUN....(Bleh)
More later!

Friday, September 9, 2011 10:03 AM CDT

The tumor board basically said 'That is where we treated'
No kidding.

SOOOO.....I need to do another MRI in 4 weeks.
EXACTLY what I expected them to say.
I am doubling my Boswellia intake though for the next month to see if 12 pills a day of that will decrease the white edema.
They also want to put me in a study utilizing a PET scan which I know many of you have done with other cancers. It will help measure oxygen flow to the brain as well. They will also add spectroscopy at my MRI to measure any additional blood flow.
We will have it covered from ALL possible tests.
In fact I have some friends Tim and Karen Beach that are traveling on this same journey on the East coast and they posted something they read from Turning Posts: "We may not always know where we are, but we will always be exactly where the Lord intends us to be."
I even told them I loved that so much I might just have to borrow that!

Not worried AT ALL.
In fact...headed back to the beach with my Bible to study ACTS which is what we begin in BSF next Wednesday!
I am so thankful to be back. I always slack off so much in the summer.
Had Colin's Back to school night last night. We met his 1st year English teacher. He told us that one day after class she asked him to stay after.
His stomach dropped.
Ms. M~ Ummm....Colin, does your dad really beat you?
Colin~ NO! Didn't you see my smiley face next to that?
Ms. M~ Oh Thank Goodness! I didn't think so, but I had to check.
Colin wrote a little paper on his family. My Mom....My sister....and My dad likes to beat me up. (with a smiley face right next to that sentence)
Not knowing they are a No Tolerance school.
I guess her Mother is a teacher at another school where that might truly be the case (I recognize it happens everywhere)and she told her she needs to ask the student.
So last night I teased her saying this is Colin's father.....the one who beats him. We all got quite the chuckle out of that.
I took Riley to a college career counselor Wednesday. It was great to hear another person that does this for a living saying what I have told her. Still not sure it has sunk in....
What can I say? Children grow you.
Have a fabulous weekend.
I know we will!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 5:40 PM CDT


Of course....
I was truthfully expecting that.
It was wierd to see all of the edema though. (brain swelling) I knew there would be some, but it TRULY looks like one big white blob on the scan.
Dr. Mike had surgery last Friday on his c spine so he wasn't in. There was MAJOR traffic on 101 due to a few accidents getting down there so I was half an hour late and that moved me to NOON after a 10 AM arrival. That put the Dr. visit back to almost 2.
Dr. Chang is great and she and I have both been speakers at the same brain tumor conferences. She heads up the department. Since she isn't all that familiar with my last 7 1/2 years worth of scans, she will run it past the tumor board Thursday at noon and call me Thursday afternoon.
Mike is hoping to be back by next Monday.
She said I could do decadron for the edema (YUCK. NO....10 times stronger than prednisone) or avastin. Not for me either. Mostly because it slows healing and after 2 major surgeries this summer I need to keep my body moving in the right direction.
All that to say.....I THINK it is good. I have had no seizures or speech issues. Just some headaches.
I will know more after they all meet (Including my radiation-oncologist) Thursday.
Will update when I know more.
Thanks for the continued prayers!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011 9:21 AM CDT


Sorry....I know a lot of you love it when Brian updates, but I took control again. (Shocker I know)
Everything went extremely well Monday. I was under for 4 hours and then in recovery for only about 2 1/2 hours. The anesthesiologist was amazing. She specializes in nausea (Or rather the absence of) and speaks to a lot of groups on the parts of the brain that are effected. PLUS what a sweet lady. I turned down the verced that 'relaxes' you prior to and after 3 attempts they finally found a vein. (Every time the nurses say 'You should just have a port'. And I tell them that Dr. Mike said 'No.' It is just one more area that could get infected.) I did take some percocet this morning, but I think that will be it.

It goes on to say that some get instantaneous healing or some get it along the way in a process of healing.
He rarely heals all the way though. Even Paul was told "My grace is sufficient for you' as he asked to have the thorn removed from his flesh.
If you are suffering from something, job related, family related, health wise.....ask the one who can heal you to help.

Ask and you will receive.

Riley is going for her license today. It would be really great if she gets it. One more driver in the house would relieve me quite a bit. She is VERY cautious. I keep telling her about some of the kids and people that have been killed in the crosswalks in the past 2 years. It is shocking and scary as a parent. Many of you have been there and have relived it with grandchildren. I trust Riley and her ability to make decisions. However, they are YOUNG and inexperienced! Prayers there please!

I have to admit I have a big PHEW coming out of me. I am claiming that this is my last breast cancer issue and I can re-focus on the brain. He mentioned that I might need some physical therapy for the breast tissue. OK....I cracked up. Seriously?
"What do you do?"
"I am a teacher."
"What do you do?"
"I massage women's breasts after plastic surgery."
PLEASE don't tell Colin that is an actual job out there!
Vet school will be out the window~

Don't worry. I haven't hit the gym yet. I am going to go for a walk though later. I cannot express to you how much it means to get prayers, e mails and cards and meals and the list goes on and on. It TRULY keeps me going.
All my love goes out to you.
Thank you!

Friday, August 19, 2011 10:43 AM CDT


School started last Tuesday and we are back in go-mode. Well....school go-mode. We are ALWAYS in go-mode!
Colin is adjusting to middle school and doing lots of homework every night before and after football. Last night he didn't get to bed until 10:30 and up at 6:15 plus a full day and sports is quite exhuasting! I am impressed with his organizaion though. I really don't think we will have a problem with him.
Riley is doing well too. She promises to stay on top of everything immediately. She knows so many people in her classes that it is tough to tell her NOT to sit by friends! She takes the PSAT in a few Saturdays and knows this is a big year. She takes her drivers test next Wednesday so I PRAY she gets it. It is a 15-20 minute drive over the hill to their schools. We need to get rid of the suburban though. That thing is WAY too big for me to use. Need a smaller SUV. If anyone is interested let me know!
I've had less headaches lately. Good sign PLUS a relief as I am not to take any advil a week prior to surgery.
Monday I arrive UCSF on Divisadero at 8 AM then surgery at 10 AM. The Nurse Practitioner asked if I was spending the night. I said 'No! How long is this surgery?' She told me four hours. I told her to just juice me up with the same cocktail they did for my 7 hour surgery and let me go that day. She paused and said 'You DO know you need someone to drive you right?'
Yes.....of course!
Then 2 weeks rest and as I mentioned brain scan the 6th of September. I am sure it will look good. (As good as a hole in my head can look....)

I was talking with someone the other day about whether they should step out and do something they THINK they were being led to do. I had JUST read 'When God says do it, He's already planned the resources we need to accomplish the task.'
It was perfect timing.
It is not us...a weakend vessel that does stuff, but when we are still and in tune with what HE wants....then of course we need to step out. We are merely instruments in HIS hands to accomplish HIS works .....NOT OURS!
If you feel prompted to do something, but you are fearful, please just take that 1st step. God will direct your path.
I will catch up with you all on the other side!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 8:55 AM CDT

GETTING RILEY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it has been 6 weeks already! We sure missed her. I can't wait to hear everything in person as opposed to skype!
Of course Riley BEGGED to go to the fair tonight since our church band is opening for David Crowder. I made her promise to sleep (Ha ha) on the plane. So go figure......off and running the moment her feet hit the ground! ( I know.....I know...... don't even say it....)

That reminds me of one of my daily devotions. Today it talked about "Wearing yourself out".
Sometimes we get BURRIED in our "stuff". We set out with good intentions and get overwhelmed. Whether a mother with small children, an overwhelmed business executive, an overworked church volunteer, WHATEVER it is you are called to do just make sure it is in balance in your life!
I stepped back from helping in my brain tumor world for a couple of months to heal from my breast cancer issues. It has helped A LOT! I am still taking a few naps a week because I truly get pretty tired mid afternoon, but I try and hit the gym most week days.
If you feel overwhelmed, see if there is something you can delegate. It will free you up so you can do all of the other things better. However, don't cocoon yourself either. Brian asked a young couple to brunch after church Sunday because we got almost too isloated and focused too much on all of the stuff happening to us. That isn't good either. That "B" word....balance....tough one to negotiate at times!

We have Lantis again. That dog is MUCH better this time we are watching him. I am giving him some anti-inflamatory drugs with his meals and he has a ton more energy when we walk.
I have (Hopefully) my last breast cancer surgery on Monday the 22nd of August. We will do the implant exchange from the expanders. I told them I want out that day. No overnights. Just mix up the same cocktail of meds so I can leave! THEN back to the brain!
Brain MRI on Tuesday the 6th of September. It will have been 3 months since the gamma knife at that point! WOW.....longest I've gone in a year. (They usually do a 6 week MRI after that too)
I am sure the gamma knife obliterated the spot we were watching.
I received a note from Oklahoma yesterday. There are churches all over the world praying right now. It really overwhelmed me. I am amazed that all of you are so faithful to pray for my family. I KNOW without a DOUBT that this is why I am still here writing this update.
And for that.......we thank you.

Thursday, July 28, 2011 6:39 PM CDT

Quick update again.
Packing tonight so we can leave right when we wake up tomorrow at 6 AM.
Starbucks...and away we go!!!!
Monday's appointments all went well. Met with another new doctor named Pamela Munster. She is great. She heads up all of the phase 1 clinical trials at UCSF and her husband is the melanoma specialist at UCSF. The 1st thing she tells me is 'Get out of the sun!!!!' I told her I JUST got back from a vacation back east and was in the sun wth 55 spf on!!!!!
Really liked her and she agreed with me that we can be done with treatment right now so I can focus back on my brain cancer. I have my brain MRI on Tuesday September 6th. I am anxiously awaiting that one. I have had a few extra headaches lately and I am not sure if it was the heat back East (Which was RIDICULOUSLY hot and humid) or the edema from the gamma knife. It will have been 3 months total time and that is the longest I've gone in over a year. She said once I get my brain cancer under control we can touch base....it CAN come back even though I took care of the breasts and the ovaries. It can show up in lymph nodes or the lining of my lungs etc....
Won't worry about that now. I should be OK.

I have a Monday appointment with my plastic surgeon that my dear friend Mary Ann is taking me to and then hopefully my last surgery Monday the 22nd of August. Then some healing time (Not much...) and back to the brain!
What a ride this has been.
Faith building.

However....I had the BEST possible scenario: Caught early, we opted to treat agressively and after 4 months I will be done with this whole ordeal and am grateful for all of the people that I have met as a result.
Remember...WHATEVER it is you encounter in life....you can ALWAYS be a witness for Christ. CHOOSE HOPE.
We do.
Enjoyed my time with Colin. We did a lot together over the last couple of weeks. We all skyped Riley in Spain at my Mom's house and she wished she was with us of course. She went to Barcelona this past weekend and saw a TON. She got a little sick though at the end so I am not sure if it was just worn out or food poisoning or what. I miss her SOOOO much! She comes home on the 10th so I will go down to the airport and get her. I can't WAIT!!!!!!
Time to pack.
It is an 80's theme so Colin and I just hit the Goodwill thrift shop and I bought all the big colored jewlery I could find! Blue eye shadow....etc.....Karaoke machine....yikes.....
I am bringing ear plugs and an eye mask....I will be cutting out early!
Will update next week.
Thanks for the continued prayers!
Please pray for my headaches. Hope it is just edema.

Monday, July 25, 2011 9:12 AM CDT

No time for too much detail.....but had to let you know that we had a great trip and slipped in a little relaxing up at Duck Lake after the meeting and Janesville Wisconsin visit. Brian was the "compound" boat driver and all of the cousins mastered wake boarding!
Colin will be set for our houseboat trip this weekend! We leave Friday.
3 appointments down at UCSF today and my good friend Carol is driving me. We should be giddy....she just got home from down south. VERY glad she is driving though!
Will update before we go at the end of the week.

Monday, July 11, 2011 5:48 PM CDT

On our way out the door for Minneapolis for a few days for the Lifetouch meeting and then Janesville Wisconsin for some family time then up to the U....P.... as in 'Upper Peninsula' of Michigan for a nice LONG weekend at my father's side of the family on the lake. Brian refers to this as "The Compound."
I agree. Several houses lots of lake front property and 4 sea doos and many boats and 4 wheelers etc....in the heart of the woods. One of my ALL time favorite places in the world.
Then we fly out Sunday the 24th for football on Monday! SERIOUSLY?
I am looking forward to the down time....though it is going to be EXTREMELY busy....man...a gal can't get a rest around here! Even my vacations are packed full!
Will update at the end of the month!
Enjoy July!

Monday, July 4, 2011 5:35 PM CDT

HAPPY 4TH of JULY!!!!!

We are in the middle of All Star Little League baseball games in 100 degree heat. I do NOT love the drama of the parents. We had the most I've seen during Saturday's game. It is not the example I like to see set for the kids. I DO love the fact that at the beginning they have the kids say they Support God and our country. I wonder when someone will take THAT away?

I had the privilege of doing announcements at church Saturday night and Sunday morning at our outdoor services...yes just 3 weeks after surgery. People were amazed. I told Glenn that I need to do them so people can see how quickly God is truly healing me. (People will probably back out of the last few meals they are set to bring!!!! ha ha) I had the opportunity to thank ALL members in our service, past, present and future. They risk their lives DAILY for our freedom. Though we have challenges here in the United States, we are still the very best country I know.

My daughter might disagree though. She LOVES Mallorca Spain where she left to be an Au Pair last Wednesday night for 6 weeks. We are thrilled for this amazing opportunity for her. She loves their lifestyle...(Stay up late wake late....hmmmm)and the family is incredible. We have skyped several times and she sounds great. 500 meters from the beach and a pool etc....We sure miss her but are so excited for her too.
I am not sure if we can hit our Giants game Thursday night. I have the 2nd to the last of 2 "fills" at UCSF and then we meet up with Alex who is writing a book/project on brain cancer from Duke (Mike Prados' friend who is AMAZING in so many ways.) and then to the game....IF Colin loses tomorrow or Wednesday we are on...if not they will come up here that night and Friday. Then Brian and I will be going to Los Gatos Saturday for a celebration of life of our friend Julie Pumphrey who died of stomach/esophageal cancer in May. Only 56. She fought for 2 years. Amazingly enough we sent each other cards back and forth during the tough parts. Sometimes only someone with a terminal disease REALLY gets it. She was lovely and I miss her spirit.

I will update you when I know more about our schedule. Brian leaves Sunday for Minneapolis for the Lifetouch summer meeting and Colin and I will follow Tuesday (IF he loses!) Some things never change...we take it day by day! So busy...but I wouldn't want it any other way!
GOD bless America....my home sweet home!

Saturday, June 25, 2011 6:05 PM CDT

HELLO!!!!! It is me….Kate. I am very well!

I hate to update over the well written updates my incredible husband did. That is why I waited….well…that and the fact that I was ready to cut the drains out MYSELF after having them for 2 weeks! Got them out yesterday and I have to tell you…..the freedom is amazing. I am reading this amazing devotional called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young and the day after I was DENIED removal…It said ‘Wait PATIENTLY with me while I bless you. For you time is a protection; you’re a frail creature who can handle only 24 hr segments of life….Learn to master time, or it will be your master.’ It of course goes on….but what a truthful statement and so relevant to me. My brain says one thing and yet my body needed more healing. Brian mentioned I was out of the hospital 24 hours after my surgery. And my family was great at helping. It of course KILLED me to see things left out and yet I was ‘NOT supposed to do anything…’ What…am I on Candid Camera? Then Bri tries to say ‘Kids…you know your Mom has some OC hints….’ OK….REALLY? I am taking the blame for this?
God was in the midst the ENTIRE way. I had the privilege of having the 3 best surgeons for this at UCSF. Shelly Hwang (Who I wanted and teared up when she said good-bye. I was her last patient before she leaves to go run Duke. She told me I lit up a room and that I was her hero and inspiration…..WOAH…..) I got the BEST news Monday telling me the margins were all good and it scored the lowest grade in all categories and I don’t have to do an AROMOTASE INHIBITOR! I nearly cried at that. She said the tumor board said to get back to my brain cancer. I canceled my brain MRI July 5th and will move it to the 1st part of September. They will fill me quite aggressively to get me back to my same size and I do genetic counseling starting next week. Then we have a 2 week vacation and I meet with Dr. Foster the chief plastic surgeon and we HOPEFULLY can up the implant exchange to August 22nd. If all goes as planned. THEN brain cancer time….All I can tell you is God needed some light shed at that building. I did my best to do it. EVERYONE I met knew who I was and my purpose. When I was sitting at scheduling a lady behind the scheduler said ‘YOU’RE KATE BURKE? I have to shake your hand!’ I had talked with her a couple times on the phone at the beginning of this whole journey. After I do my last surgery that might be the last I step foot in that facility!
Remember something people. We are USED FOR HIM. Trials and heartache happen in the world. It is a given. HOW ARE YOU REACTING TO IT? Trust me….I had several days where I was in tears missing a barbecue after an All Star practice for Colin or sitting at home as the world passed me by. I REALLY need to let you know that I don’t think this is it. I can’t claim to understand God’s ways, but I KNEW HE wasn’t going to take me out with breast cancer after stage 4 brain cancer. I still have too much to do here. Kids to raise…a husband to love. The truth to tell.
And look out………I just added more fuel to the fire……….THANKS to you ALL. Prayers are working beyond belief. I am blessed to know every single one of you. LOVE YOU.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 11:17 PM CDT

Well I apologize that I have not updated you in so long. Too many calls flying around wondering if she is alive. OK did you really expect her to be down this long? We really do not do slow in this house. Everything moves at a pretty good clip in this house. The biggest issue we face at this point is boredom. Kate does not like the wonderful chair that was her throne when she came home from the hospital. Yes she did come home less than 24 hours after surgery. At first I was angry when the hospital said insurance would not pay for another night. The nurse told us that Kate is progressing so well that the hospital really has nothing to offer. Pain meds can be taken orally, the catheter was long gone and we walked the halls so we knew she was mobile. Well let’s go then, so we can miss rush hour traffic. We did not leave in time and got stuck in horrible traffic coming home. Every day is incredible to watch the progress in Kate. She has already weaned herself off of the pain meds and is ready to hit the gym. The gym might be a stretch at this point, but I would rather her hit the gym before she hits me. Thanks again for the many cards, notes, FaceBook Posts. She does have control over the computer at home and that is the best way to send her notes.
As I waited for Kate to get out of surgery I jotted down some thoughts that I have as a caregiver.
Thanks for checking in. Brian

Balance….. Balance….. Balance……
So much easier said than done.
I wanted to take a second and share from a care takers perspective the journey we have been on. Let me tell you up front that I have had an easy job when you look at the big picture of cancer in life. When we started this journey 7 years ago with Kate’s first diagnosis of a GBM we had everything in our favor. My cousin Katrina was a tremendous resource for us as she did much of the research with Kate into GBM’s. We also traveled to several medical centers seeking the best possible care. Fortunately that care was found in our backyard at UCSF. Tumor location, tumor resection, and follow up radiation and chemo worked for 6 years. Some may be angry and say that a recurrence is unfair. Those who would say this forget that every day is a gift. I know it is very difficult to receive news that the cancer may take that life you love. Some choose to be angry at a diagnosis; others will see the magic in the truth. Magic in the gift of life. We all know that we are not guaranteed tomorrow and that life is precious. We learned that early on in our first year of marriage as we lost Kate’s father to cancer. I do believe that life will give moments to show us what life is all about. My question to you is “Are you looking?” My new favorite song is “Blessings” by Laura Story and the lyrics say “What if blessings come through rain drops and healing comes through tears.” We have found those blessings and we have been very, very wet. We have cried those tears to find that healing our soul longs for. It is a great place to be. In a video we did for our church recently I shared that we all have a choice in this life. We can choice joy or sadness, hope or despair, life or death. For our family we will choose JOY. We choose HOPE. We choose LIFE. We all have a choice. I pray that you will find that same Joy, Hope, and Life where we have found it... In the Giver of life.

Friday, June 10, 2011 0:36 AM CDT

And so it begins.
We headed out this morning at 5am to drive down to the City for a 6am check in at the UCSF Diller cancer center. A couple of things made me laugh as we were getting ready. First was Kate blow drying her hair? I never realized how important it was to have a good hair day as you go in to a double mastectomy with reconstruction. The second was the money. Kate in her normal fashion had everything ready on the counter waiting for me to pack it up. Binders with information from the Doctors, a couple of forms of ID, electronic Yatzee game, magazines, and $20.00. As we drove down I asked her what the 20 was for. She said “just in case…” I had pictures of her telling the Doc’s “Thanks for the new Boobs.” with a wink and slipping the 20 in their lab coat.
We did have a little trouble as they tried to find a vein to start the I.V. and meds. The many rounds of chemo from brain cancer and lack of hydration (no food or water past midnight) makes it difficult to be a “good stick.” They decided to take her into the operating room and gas her then find a vein. Once again I did ask if I could come into the operating room and once again was left at the door. I did eat the Jr Mints anyway. Don’t they know who I am?? I decided not to hang around the waiting room as this will be a long day. I am going to meet up with Aunt Mary-Tom and have lunch at Scoma’s.
Let’s fast forward six hours. Kate is headed to the recovery room and I am waiting till she gets out of recovery before they will let me see her. I might just swipe a pair of scrubs and walk around like I own the place till I find her. All of the Doctor’s have said that she did great. (I am not surprised.) They told me that they will wake her up slowly in hopes of avoiding the vomiting. Being under for six hours requires a lot of drugs(wish I had some) that do not always agree with the stomach. Once she gives me the green light to go I will head home. As with any illness or life’s setbacks, the world keeps revolving. Colin (our son) has a playoff baseball game tonight that I know Kate will hate if we both miss it. He is tonight starting pitcher.
I want to thank you for checking in as we travel this new road. The many prayers, well wishes, texts, facebbook messages, and voice mail are always encouraging.
With Love…Brian the husband.

Friday, June 3, 2011 10:01 AM CDT

On your mark, Get set.....GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got the surgery date last night.
Next Thursday June 9th I go in at 6 AM to UCSF Diller breast cancer center on Divisadero for my breast cancer surgery.
Dr. Goldman will go 1st and remove my ovaries and then Dr. Hwang and Dr. Foster will follow. I will be one sick lady with all of that anesthesia! YIKES.
Wednesday will be nuclear injections which they need to do 24 hours prior to and all of my pre-op appointments.
The scheduler is calling me back on my cell phone today with all of the appointment times since we are taking the weekend and Ken Sletten has GRACIOUSLY invited us to stay at their home on Lake Tahoe this weekend.
It is crazy rainy here and I thought we would miss SOOO much but I don't think any of the games will happen. We sold our Giants tickets in 30 seconds!
We just need one great family get away before the craziness of next week.
I was sad to learn I will be getting out of the hospital on Riley's 16th birthday....So on June 11th.....call her or text her to wish her Happy Sweet SIXTEEN! 707-889-2068.
I am in for a long month of healing....but this too is just a phase.
My head is feeling better after the gamma knife and just a slight headache which is good, since no meds are allowed now! Ha....funny how God works all of that out!
I will have someone from church get together a meal list for those of you asking. Thanks for always being so willing!
Pray that I get rid of this nasty cough I have so that I can do surgery next week. I plan on resting all weekend!
Thank you to so many.
I am ready.....

Saturday, May 28, 2011 3:38 PM CDT

Quick update...
My brain surgeon Mike McDermott with perform the gamma knife on Tuesday the 31st. I wanted him since he is the man in charge. Mike Prados my neuro-onc wants me to do this first so I can heal before I do the breast cancer surgery.
Brian and I went down to meet with the radiation oncologist yesterday after Colin's promotion to Middle School and had an incredible dinner at the 5th Floor. My incredible Mother gave me some birthday money so we spent it all on that! What a treat to have a fabulous dinner with my husband! We don't do that enough.
I am STILL waiting on the breast cancer group. I e mailed Tuesday, Wednesday and called both Thursday and Friday. I am quite shocked I haven't heard back. I am assuming that they are trying to align 3 different surgeons for the one day. Never an easy task at a world-renowned Facility! I just want it calandered!
Tuesday will be a long day....I will have Brian take some pictures with the cage on.....
Thanks for all of the amazing birthday wishes. I am so fortunate! It was a great day at the 6th grade picnic where Bri emceed and we enjoyed a great family sushi dinner!!!!
Will update when I know more. Sorry it has taken so long. I am not a very patient woman!
Brian keeps reminding me that we need to stay in the moment and not rush ahead....good for everyone to remember!
God supplies WHAT we need WHEN we need it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 6:15 PM CDT

Quick update.
Scan showed possible SLIGHT growth.
Going to do 1 shot gamma radiation to the brain so I can get off of chemo for my breast cancer surgery.
Brian and I are meeting with UCSF breast cancer surgeons tomorrow after a bi-lateral breast MRI. Hopefully we can get that taken care of soon since it is Her 2 positive and infiltrating. Mike doesn't want me to wait.
I am not looking forward to the cage they drill into your skull to hold you still for the gamma knife.
It will buy us time to deal with the breast cancer though and I'm SUPER happy I get a break from chemo for awhile!
Plus....it isn't growing out of control. Lots of good things here. Will update on the schedule when we know more!
Keep prayers coming.
Love you all....

Monday, May 9, 2011 11:09 AM CDT

The walk was the largest yet with over 3,000 people in attendance and we raised more money than last year already!
The BEST news was that with Mo and KJ's hard work on the TEAM HOPE shirts we got the Spirit Award this year!!!! Here are some of the photos:


Try that link. You should be able to see them if you don't have facebook.

We also won 2nd place for top team fundraising and 2nd place for individual from ALL of you incredible people. I was blown away to have raised 31,000 personally! I truly am speechless and KNOW it is all because of you guys. Thank you hardly does justice to how I feel.
Next year's walk is set for May 5th 2012. They already asked me to emcee it again.....save the date! (That gives me a lot more time than the week they gave me this year!)

On to my breast cancer. Mom and I (Thank GOD she is here) talked with a nurse practitioner last week and got a lot of questions answered. Good news. It is GRADE 1 of 3 (Not stage...that they figure out when they go in) so that means the cells aren't growing agressively. It is also high with receptors for both Estrogen and Progesterone. Unfortunately it is Her 2 positive which makes it more agressive AND since it is infiltrating (That equals invasive) I can't put off surgery too long without the risk of it spreading to other areas of my body.
That being said....I am waiting on 1 more report called the FISH test to come back to figure out why it could be a grade 1 and yet agressive? Seems like an oxymoron to me....
Oh...this is great too....they can't put me on Tamoxifen either because I have 2 blood clotting disorders I am factor 5 Leiden and Protein S defecient. I like to keep them thinking I suppose!
My neuro Dr. Mike knows the head of the Breast cancer institue Dr. Hope Rugo (LOVE HER NAME!) and he asked if I could see her on the way home from my brain scan next Tuesday the 17th. She said she would try and make that happen. It sure is nice to know people in the right places!
That is where I am.
I have a massage set for Mom today for her last day here. My brother and sister and I wanted to spoil her. I cannot believe what a trouper that woman is. My 1st Mother's Day with her in a VERY long time and I loved it.
She will most likely go home and sleep for the next week!
Thanks again to ALL of you.
I love you.

Friday, April 29, 2011 7:28 PM CDT

I have another ministry opportunity.
I was just diagnosed with Breast cancer today.
Yes....you read that right....
My THIRD cancer!
Is there any other "B" body part I can do? Brain, Breast,....Bum perhaps? (That could benefit from a lift I think....)
I am not quite sure of the time line yet and will most likely get a 2nd opinion at UCSF when I go down for my Brain MRI on the 17th of May, but I just need some prayers for wisdom and the correct choice that Brian and I have to make.
He kept saying at lunch today "In sickness and in Health, In sickness and in Health....."...;)
Will of course let you know when everything is rolling.

On a lighter note....
Here is the link again:

Get this....They asked me LAST NIGHT to EMCEE the event again this year at 4:45! I know they know I am good off the cuff, but this is a bit close....ha ha.
I am excited to do it and it should be a BLAST again. Lots of people are coming and we are going for the spirit award. Thanks to Mo she is rockin on the t shirts! If ANYONE can give JUST a few bucks...I am only in 2nd place by a couple hundred dollars. ANYTHING is helpful!
It will be a great day and we would love to see you there walking with TEAM HOPE!

Mom comes Monday!!! YEA!!!!! SO excited I can hardly STAND it. More later.

Saturday April 23, 2011 9:47 PM CDT

The Brain Tumor Walk is TWO weeks away TODAY!!!!!
Here is the link!
I am in 2nd place.....barely.....help me out if you are able! Deadline is Wednesday May 4th!

On my phone headed home.
Most of you go YAHOO! And you should because we saw no growth.
It didn't grow, but the shadow didn't shrink either!
We bought ourselves 4 more weeks!
I will start chemo again Monday and just do a week and rest 3 weeks so this will be better for my system......a PICNIC compared to my last trial.
This is the best for us now though since 1 day of gamma knife radiation will muck up the MRI too much and we need them to be as clear as possible coming up ......
So in between but THRILLED it is not bigger. Plus I told Mike THOUSANDS were praying. Keep them coming!

Monday April 11, 2011 7:06 AM CDT

Just a quick update to let you know that nothing new is happening. Mike and I decided that we are treating ME not the protcol. That means I am definitley out of the trial. I haven't done chemo in weeks and I am regaining strength and hitting the gym.
I had the most wonderful time in Florida at Ann's place. It was a long weekend of the sunrise every morning with 3 lattes! Watching it rise over the ocean and palm trees with my sister.... long walks on the beach with Mom and Jen and Ann and Nancy, Great food and wine and LOTS of laughs and of course tears.
THIS is what life is about people....
How long has it been since you have stopped to enjoy your family like that? (OK....maybe not the ocean front....although the next morning I told Brian I miss that and he said 'Wait until the big earthquake hits....we will be SURROUNDED by ocean front property!') I came back to 12 loads of laundry and no groceries etc.....but MAN was it great to get away!
I am so blessed.
The big day will be next Monday the 18th for the scan. I don't meet with Mike until after 4....will update that night.
Here is a copy of the video that the talented Mike Wohlert did on us for church this weekend on pain and suffering. Using it to reach out and help others.
Love you all!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011 4:02 PM CST

Blood is up enough to start chemo again...
Yea!!!!...well..kind of....(If you can YEA pouring toxins into your body!) I was JUST starting to feel a bit better....now I know why!
The good news is that the dosage will be even lower than the last round. HOWEVER....
It can't dip much more or I get kicked out of the trial....
I must say that I have gotten kicked out of worse places....
But we won't get into THAT right now!
Waiting to hear back from UCSF to find out the exact dose and I hit it again tonight.....
The good news is that I will be OFF when I go to Florida for our annual Mother/Daughter weekend with Ann and Aunt Carol March 31st!
I need to run and get Riley from school....then we come home to be filmed for church this weekend. Bret is talking about pain and suffering and is utilizing Brian and me in the video this weekend.
It can ALWAYS be worse right?
Thanks for the prayers! They are working!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 10:13 AM CST

How low can you go.....
How low can you go....
(Sung limbo style of COURSE!)
Well....unfortunately my blood levels can dip WAY lower than my neck or back can take any more....
UCSF called yesterday saying 'Do NOT take your chemo!!!!'
Are you SURE you don't have a fever???!!!
Ummmm yes....
My blood counts and platelets and neutraphils are NOT cooperating. Tanked even lower....
I have to retest and will know if I can start at a lower dose at the week's end. Actually they need to fed ex new pill amounts once I get the ok.....so I am sure it won't be until next week. This is my LAST chance before I get kicked out of the trial.....can't lower it any more....
Brian has quarantined me to the house.....(Pretty much...;))
Guess I will read....or....watch a movie....or...knit???
Ha...I crack myself up...THAT will not happen....no offense to you wonderfully talented knitters out there!
Maybe rug latch....like 6th grade....did one and done....
I am so sad to miss my bible study tomorrow! I had some great answers! ;)
Brian is headed north to our satellite office tomorrow through Friday. Hope the kids like pasta!
All kidding aside.....
My good friend Cathy died last week from this GBM. I had a rough night, but Brian showed me the beautiful sunrise the next morning and said TODAY is a new day. Focus on not only YOUR fight...but the fight for others.
I did and I AM.....
Thanks to ALL for your continued prayers, messages and encouragement...I couldn't do it without you all!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:16 PM CST

Soooo...Sorry for the delay. I wanted to wait until I had the recent blood work done.
It was a ZOO there yesterday! The lead vampire pulled me in after an hour and we finally got things done.

Blood came in...(Sans the pregnancy test they evidently HAVE to have....even though there is NO NEED!)
Starting again. Low blood counts...but will stay on the lower dosage I did last round. I have noticed quite a big difference in my energy levels. I take naps sometimes while I am NOT on chemo too!
I texted Brian after I left my spin class early last Thursday almost in tears because I just don't have the same energy....he of course teased me saying he was almost in tears that the sandwich I made him was gone!!!!
I did go today too, just to lift and do some cardio.
Our kids were both outside of Redding for a long weekend with the church youth group. PLUS no chemo for me this weekend so Bri and I had an absolutely WONDERFUL weekend. It is always great to get the kids home last night, but so great to have time JUST for us too. We are so blessed with our marriage. It is the best thing in our lives. I can't even explain it.

I spoke with a lady today in regard to making this site into some form of a book. We will see what Brian and I think about doing. I might actually (finally) move forward with this!
I do appreciate all of you people out there who have encouraged me to do this over the years.
Our Team Hope T-shirts are going to print! Stay tuned for how to purchase them.
Speaking of the walk......
Here is the link!
Sign up...we would LOVE to have you there that day.


Friday, January 28, 2011 11:16 AM CST


Blood levels tested extremely low....re-tested later and they haven't budged. SOOO.....any of you wonderful people that have signed up for meals....hold tight....the schedule is all screwy now!
(It took 4 x to dig for a vein to do my MRI last week and 4 yesterday to re-test...)
In fact I am evidently at a high risk for pnemonia so I have to do a heavy duty anti-biotic....
Maybe the gym every day isn't a good idea even though I wipe off the cardio machines with my packet of wipes....
I feel like "What about Bob?" Remember that movie with Bill Murray?
Baby steps....
Speaking of steps....
Here is the walk link!!!!

I WILL prevail...........

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 6:37 PM CST

(No...NOT talking to a horse....y'all know how much I LOVE horses...;) )
My scan...
Now...statistically THIS would've been the one that showed more growth...nope...nadda...nothin'....
I say 'I ain't no stinkin' statistic!'

You can say THAT again.
Got to see Jackie O as she went in pre-surgery....keep her in your prayers! YES we are competitors in the NBTS walk....but we are both fighting for the same thing....and THAT won't stop while we walk this earth!
In Isaiah 38 which I am studying THIS week in BSF....hmmmm....Hezekiah got word to put his affairs in order from the illness he had. His life was to end. He prayed ferverently for more time due to what he had done on God's behalf and God said 'I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add 15 years to your life.'
Here as so often in the Bible, God changes events because of prayer.
I just hope I am not pushing it by asking for a few more years beyond that....;)
Thanks for all of you wonderful people that have donated to me for the 5k May 7th. I am amazed!
Just incase you lost it.....here is the link....

Praise God...


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 1:58 PM CST

It is Go time....
This is where the rubber hits the road....
I just heard from 2 friends that have had recurrences...And too many new people contacting me....(What is UP with 2010??? Good riddance!)


Time to get the game face on.
The National Brain Tumor walk is set and I expect EVERYONE within an hour to be in San Francisco May 7th this year. Come walk/run with Team HOPE.
We have GOT to beat this once and for all.

Here is a copy of my personal page.....


Friday, December 24, 2010 11:20 AM CST


I want to apologize for the long delay!!! It was NOT anything scary!!!! Actually quite the opposite! We have been going NON-STOP this month! From local Christmas parties to flying to Boston for a wedding (Colin IS white....evidenced by his dancing....I mean jumping....)
INCREDIBLE time there with old friends....I mean long time friends....;) There is NOTHING like hanging out with them. It reminds me that times like that are why we live each day to the fullest. Not wasting anything or any experience. I did a reading on love. I said that the 1st time around when I ended up in the hospital due to seizures and not able to put sentences together....I had the overwhelming feeling (DEFINITELY a GOD thing) with every fiber in my being that nothing in this life matters but love. Love....not stuff. Family, friends and relationships.
Do you think I cared about what car I drove, what I wore or where I lived?
A resounding NO!
This past weekend after our "village" ornament exchange we surprised the kids and flew them down to So. Cal for a series of surprises each day. I ALSO had the greatest surprise and had our dear friend KJ take the kids to Knottsberry farms as I used her other car and took Bri to the Mission Inn in Riverside. I set up a couples massage...which only Brian got to do...(Basically to shorten the story....they have a spa policy that they cannot work on anyone undergoing chemo for a current cancer. I know....crazy....we tried everything....but really...in the whole scheme of things do you REALLY think that is the worse news I have received?.....trust me...it's not. :))
The lights were amazing and we had a great anniversary dinner later doing our year in review. It was my turn to surprise him this year and he sure was...I am on chemo next week during the ACTUAL day.
We then met our friend Matt for a tour of Warner Studios. He is in charge of the company's home videos. It was great. It POURED and we just took umbrellas around. Then we took the kids to Disneyland Tuesday. It POURED that day as well, but we were prepared and had yellow rainsuits and boots from Target! (Matching the OTHER half of people there that bought the same boots!!!!)
We got on all the rides we wanted though! Only waited a half an hour max for the cars. Everything else we could get on pretty quickly. There is an upside to everything!
Flew home Wed night and hit the ground running for Christmas! Yesterday I ran down to UCSF to get my next month's chemo and see the Dr., had my blood tested and home.
So....as you can see....all GOOD stuff!
We are doing our crab feast tonight after I do 5:00 and 7:00 church announcements and host our annual Christmas brunch tomorrow morning and then dinner!
PLEASE enjoy this Christmas and reflect on the true meaning. Don't be rushed or bothered. Jesus was born so that we could have eternal life. THAT is why we celebrate this blessed day. It is a FREE gift! (No need to buy anything to receive it!) Don't worry about what to get so and so....they won't remember next year. Breathe...take the time to relax and say an extra 'I love you' to someone special.
Happy New Year.....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 6:33 PM CST

Stable scan Monday!
We knew it would be. We talked to Mike for quite some time about plan B....if my blood/platelet counts drop too low to finish off this heavy chemo poisoning me.
We found out that they have (since my brain surgery) gotten 4 other surgical/clinical trials at UCSF for GBM. Mike was leery
about giving an opinion on which seemed to be the most promising. The hard thing is they don't know.
What seems to be a GREAT protocol maybe isn't quite what they thought.
I have a friend that is ready to be the 1st human T-Cell trial at The City of Hope. I pray that is the answer. I asked him if I could ride in on his coat tail to get in there if mine ever came back. He said no problem.
I was discouraged to hear that through testing my tumor, my MGMT was negative for methylation. Basically that isn't what you want for the chemo I am taking. Mike told me he doesn't believe the test. After all...I went a year last time....
Bottom line is this.
Stats are stats. What am I going to focus on?
What is RIGHT in front of me? Am I focusing on what I can control? If so great. If not....my attention needs to be shifted AWAY from a potentially scary future.
I desperately want to be a sign of God's incredible mercy and grace. I want to be that miracle for all. God can use ALL circumstances for my benefit and HIS glory.
I HOPE that is still HIS plan!
Enjoy the month...Christmas carols and fires and wonderful fragrances! LOVE it!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:47 PM CST

The weekend.
Kudos to my AMAZING husband for all of the hard work that went in to this past weekend to make it so very special.
Starting Friday night....KJ, Mo and Kerry all flew in to surprise me! I was in the middle of making chocolate chip cookies for his dad....and they snuck around the back! I just about passed out! We chatted for quite some time and then met up for brunch the next day. They took off for Napa and we got ready.
Brought the kids over to our hotel room and left to go get a picture with Tim and Faith. There were about 40-50 people that had the privilege to do that. We then headed over to Bottega for a strolling dinner with Chef Michael Chiarello who has won 3 daytime Emmys and is on the Food Network.
Then Brian kept saying "We need to go over to the facility to see my parents and Mike Prados! Well...we visited with Mike and his lovely wife Linda AT the restaurant! We did drive over early and walked in and there was Jen my sister and her husband Craig!!!!! I almost died!
They flew in for 24 hours just to see me get that award.
What a great family I have. She PROMISED next visit would be longer where we could actually spend more than 45 minutes together! What would I do without her?
We were 3 rows back and I got a chance to try and inspire the people there. After a 3 minute video introduction I was able to remind them that Brian and I don't focus inwardly. We choose to focus on others and to provide HOPE. Lastly I reminded them that "It's not what you go through in life that defines you; You can't help that. God directs that. It's what you do DURING and AFTER you've gone through it that really reveals who you are."
And who was I?
A humbled, grateful, and excited person looking forward to helping people for a LONG time to come.
John Kruk our Emcee made some type of joke about wanting to go run through a wall after that energetic speech!

After 5 hours of sleep, Brian had 1 last surprise up his sleeve. We had a champagne brunch at Auberge Du Soleil. It was 83 degrees and we sat overlooking the vineyards on the deck.
My perfect weekend had come to an end.
We got home and I slept and started chemo....
Got sick, and praying that my depleting white cells can rally to help my body recover.
Will post some new pictures.
Thanks to ALL of you that continue to help us with meals during my chemo weeks! It helps us out so much.

Thursday, November 11, 2010 9:14 AM CST

So.....We did the bungee jumping last weekend.
He got right out there and went face 1st and then turned around and went backward! He said it was the BEST thing he had done in his life....
The guy said he would give me a free one....I actually THOUGHT about it. (Kind of like the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other....the devil almost won!) I walked up to Brian and said 'Do NOT let me jump....he will give me a FREE one!' Bri looked at me and said 'Are you KIDDING me? You are NOT jumping...' Easy for him to say. He has already done it!)

Today is Veterans Day.
My father would have been honored.
I read something on selfless love this morning.
Talk about selfless love. Those men and women are out there protecting US. That is as selfless as I can imagine. Many of us have loved ones serving. Stop. Take the time to think about them and say a prayer of thanks for all that they do. We wouldn't be sitting in our comfortable homes without them.
God bless them ALL and thanks for all you do.

Monday, October 25, 2010 8:39 PM CDT

Today at the gym (Yes, you read this correctly I made it 45 minutes on the step mill! Not at my usual level...but CLOSE!)
I read from a Ph.D. (In Shape so you know...take it for what you want...;)
"One of the biggest causes of emotional distress is holding on to the idea that life SHOULD be a specific way."
That really resonated with me.

I have been trying to eliminate a few "extras" on the calendar to be present for my family.
I am switching anti-nausea meds around to see if I can get that under control. I take about 6 things for constipation and THINK I have that close. I try and catch a nap in the afternoon if I can during chemo weeks (before I get the kids) to get me to bed time.
I found a lab corp that can actually FIND a vein. I just need to drive across town...no biggie.
We had a restful weekend in Tahoe and some great, much needed family time.
I am trying to slow down. It is very difficult for me to be wired a certain way and do this. I AM trying.
Colin is cleared to bungee jump....but football IS over.
UCSF tomorrow to get my goodie bag of toxins...yum...yum...
Can't WAIT!
For those asking about how to do a meal during chemo you can e mail Carol Kovatch who has an online calendar going. Carol@kovo.com

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 5:36 PM CDT

I spent the last day of my chemo for the week sitting in the ER with my son.
I was meeting with a new BT person and headed up to the game, though I was 10 minutes behind game time.
Bri said come on up they got a late start. They were playing Dixon (undefeated...)
As I walked through the gate just before half time I see my son on the side line (100 degrees)with the trainer and my husband (Out of his announcer booth)and ice on his shoulder.....hmmmmm
For those of you that don't know Colin he goes back in....regardless of how hurt he is!
The trainer told me he said his pain level was an 8....
That decision was pretty easy.
Off to the ER!
My neighbor Maureen called ahead for me and we hung out..and hungout...and hung out....(At least the Giants won that game!!!)
After the X-Ray the pediatric bone Dr. thought he fractured his growth plate in his shoulder.
We called our friend Guy who is a P.T. and he got us in the next day to an awesome Orthopedic Dr. and he said his growth plate wasn't broken, but looked like his humorous was. Super quick healing break and he actually sees it frequently in kids his age. He replaced his sling and we have a MUCH more comfortable one. The bad news is he is out of sports for 2 weeks! I will take him back there for an X-Ray then and we will go from there. He might even be cleared! I think football might be over though....(For THIS year....)
Something tells me this might not be the ONLY sports trip to the ER!!

I am doing better off the chemo....each day gets a bit better....just in time to start this all over! Stacked a cord of wood yesterday and hit the gym today....I need to stay AHEAD of this!
Will update again soon. Just had to fill people in on Colin.

Saturday, October 9, 2010 10:30 AM CDT

ONE more night of chemo and I am done for the week. It is like a constant state of morning sickness that picks up speed by the end of the week....If I get a nap in the afternoon it seems to help me.
I started the week by continuing the gym and ended by just doing some walks.
THANK YOU to the people that have signed up to do food for us. It is incredibly nice not to have to think about it.
We are blown away by the generosity of so many.
Our family went to Riley's choir concert that she had Thursday (And Friday). We had Colin come too and he looked around the auditorium and said 'I am nervous FOR Riley! Look at all of the people here!' Gail Bowers came out to remind us 'No cat calls or whooping...not a football game' and Colin said to me 'Oh...is that Riley's coach?'
Coach, choir director....whatever...
It was fun to see her so excited.
I did have to leave early Thursday night because I wasn't sure if I was going to get sick. I had to take Colin with me because Brian's brother Uncle Kevin came to see her and we had to bring some of Riley's friends back home. (SUPER nice of Uncle Kevin to come...it meant a lot to Riley!)
Colin was so attentive to me. The whole way home in the car he was plotting if I just couldn't drive would I let him?
'No honey...I'd have you call 911'
'O.K...what if we had NO phones....'
'YES..then Colin I'd let you drive me....'
Why do I try and find reasons why they CAN'T do something when it will never happen? I KNOW what they want to hear....
When we walked in the door and flipped on the Giants game he said 'Mom, let me know if I can do anything for you ok?'

OK...he is TWELVE.
This recurrence is teaching my family so much about compassion for others. These trials that we ALL go through have such greater meaning than the current issue we see daily. God sees the bigger picture and we are called to go through the circumstances to be refined and made more holy.
I can't help but think of the tail end of what I recently read on HOPE. "If we expect to keep HOPE alive, we need to keep memories alive. Happy Memories of good things that we Hoped for that were fulfilled, and grateful memories of bad things that we have survived."
Think about it....we all have survived some crazy stuff in our lives and we are better, stronger, wiser and have more character because of the journey.
And yes...though I am not feeling like normal "Kate" I STILL would not trade this trip....(for NOW anyway....check in with me in a few months...ha ha)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 3:29 PM CDT

I was really struck by this song today and wanted to share the lyrics. It is called Blink by the band Revive.

Teach me to number my days
And count every moment before it slips away Taking all the colors before they fade to gray I don't want to miss even just a second more of this

It happens in a blink
It happens in a flash
It happens in the time it takes to look back I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time What is it I've done with my life It happens in a blink

When it's all said and done
No one remembers how far we have run
The only thing that matters is how we have loved I don't want to miss even just a second more of this

It happens in a blink
it happens in a flash
it happens in the time it takes to look back I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time What is it I've done with my life It happens in a blink

Slow down, slow down
Before today becomes our yesterday
Slow down, slow down
Before you turn around and it's too late

It happens in a blink
it happens in a flash
it happens in the time it takes to look back I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time What is it I've done with my life It happens in a blink

We HAVE to slow down before OUR today becomes our yesterday.
It was 104 here yesterday and Colin and I love to play wiffle ball. He pleaded with me and after 5 'No way dude!' I said 'Sure.'
Why should he have to PLEAD to go play? That is ridiculous. He is 12. How long will he WANT to play?
I seriously feel like this lesson cannot stick in my head enough.
TAKE ADVANTAGE of the time....whether it is with your spouse, kids, pets, neighbors, WHATEVER the case may be.
You won't get it back.....

Thursday, September 23, 2010 11:02 AM CDT

I HAD to share our tremendous experience at The French Laundry Tuesday evening.
It was ALWAYS on my "bucket list" (Easy everyone....anyone can have one of those...it ISN'T morbid to do so!)
I had tried several times to get in to this amazing restaurant...all without luck. (They go out a couple of months in advance)I didn't realize just HOW tough it is until I ran into a friend at the gym who said her husband can't even get in and he is the CFO of an upscale winery!
We arrived and took pictures outside with Thomas our chef friend who had his delightful parents with him.
We started our dining experience around 7 PM and finished at 12:30!
The French Laundry has been voted #1 in the world on 2 different occasions. Chef Thomas Keller the owner was not there because he was in New York at Per Se.
The SF Chronicle did a front page article on their Food and Wine section on this place the week before and we knew it would be $250 a person for a 9 course meal. That is not including wine or tip!
Once in a lifetime....Once in a lifetime....became the chant Brian and I had to keep telling ourselves!
Well...Thomas told us that we were getting a special menu with many of Thomas Keller's signature dishes. He thought MAYBE 13 courses or so....
Well....EIGHTEEN courses later...(Plus the most amazing wines that were added in...including a 1985 Bordeaux that was out of this world..)
We FINALLY finished!
We went in the back and everyone that remembered Thomas from 3 years ago LOVED seeing him. His parents were so very proud of him. His Dad kept roughing up his hair and his "Mahzsure" (Said with a German accent....she kept introducing herself as 'I am the Mahzure of Thomas' She is so incredibly sweet.)kept winking at him and blowing kisses. So much love there in that family. The way it should be.
At the end we received the bill and realized that it was complimentary from Thomas Keller. We all cried! Brian and I tried to leave $250 for our server and she adamantly said 'NO! It is taken care of.....' 3 times. Then she just walked away.
I then tried to explain the principle of special occasions in this life when you attempt to stop the blessings from the person trying to bless you. He is not a believer so I had to simplify it.
We were so blown away that I was on cloud 9 all day yesterday. I did end up with a super bad cold (Didn't get to bed until after 2 AM!) But I think it was worth it!
THAT was the treat to send me in to chemo the 3rd!
Drew blood Tuesday...waiting to make sure my counts are back up to be able to start. I have my MRI tomorrow in the city and then over to see Dr Mike at UCSF to get my month's supply of toxins in a goody bag....
I think I might be like pavlov and if I see them I might automatically gag....bleh....

Still smiling when I think about Tuesday. Good friends, good laughs, INCREDIBLE cuisine...great memories. It is funny....we don't know German, and they don't know a lot of English and yet we were able to communicate just fine....
Life is Good.....

Monday, September 20, 2010 9:11 PM CDT

Latest update as per UCSF!!!!
(I will get my blood drawn tomorrow to make sure I can start Chemo Sunday Oct 3rd.
We found out the anzemet I took last time for nausea would set us back nearly $500 a month out of pocket. YIKES. I asked if there was ANYTHING else I could take that was more affordable (We are more than doubling the dosing from last time) and Kytril is available for only $95 a month. That is better for us. I don't think it is as strong though.
I will TRY to go with just 1 pill at first (that stuff is so constipating!) if I need more she made me promise to let HER know so we can get on top of it early on.
I go down to the city Friday for an MRI at China Basin and will run over to see Dr. Mike at UCSF to get the chemo for the month.

Tomorrow we go to the French Laundry. The SF Chronicle ran an article on their food front page about it a week ago. I had NO idea all the different menus they have. Thomas Keller knows "our" Thomas so it will be interesting if we get the "special menu" or the "Super special" menu....
He does love Thomas!
I will be sure to fill you guys in!
Bon Apetit!

Monday, September 13, 2010 10:44 PM CDT

Just talked to my doctor......

Not the news we had hoped for. (Darn....jumped the gun!)
I did NOT have enough tumor for the vaccine. Yes, the brain surgeon DID tell Brian that he pulled enough, but there was too much other "stuff" he pulled that wasn't tumor. (THAT is my memory issue then....;)
Though we are extremely bummed, we are very grateful that it was small. The MRI after the surgery looked great too....JUST LIKE LAST TIME!

We will head down tomorrow to meet with Mike and discuss my other option. Dose Intensive Temodar chemotherapy. 7 days on 7 days off....though I am NOT looking forward to feeling yucky....it worked last time so I am glad that I have another option.

Please continue to pray for our family. This wasn't expected. We are moving forward though and ready for whatever it is I need to do!
Thanks to you all.....

Thursday, September 9, 2010 12:56 AM CDT


Here is an excerpt about my clinical trial! (MY....did you catch that?);)

Got my stitches out yesterday. I could have EASILY had someone in the hood do it for me with the retired nurses and paramedics around here.....but wanted to see Dr. Cooper. I felt badly he had to hear about this recurrence through the mail.
I am glad my Mom told me to take something prior to. It actually did hurt a bit. Mom's always DO know best hmmmm?

Just hung up with Dr. Wallace this morning. She is my nutritionist in Utah that I worked with 6 years ago. Everything in my body is great except for the Vitamin D and the copper levels. I will be working on elevating the Vitamin D and lowering the Copper over the next few months. Copper can feed a brain tumor. I meet with Mike next Tuesday already. Must be for the trial. I will e mail him to find out if he will prescribe Tetrathiomolybdate (TM) to help lower my copper. If not I need to see a guy locally, but just the consult is $350. Hopefully Mike will do it. It doesn't hurt to ask.

That is it! Just wanted to give you the latest and greatest.....

Sunday, September 5, 2010 1:50 PM CDT

Who would I be....if I didn't rip on myself?
My Dear sweet Mother called me this morning after leaving yesterday and told me that in the midst of all of her messages, there was one from YOURS TRULY.....

I evidently....was wishing her Happy Birthday (Keep in mind her birthday was AUGUST 9th) and chatting away about how my left pupil is much bigger than my right one, but NOT to worry because it would ALL be OK! On and On....
This wasn't even a week ago!

Man. I have to admit. After some tears in the shower, I realized it HAS only been 10 days.
I am such a control freak though that it flips me out that I did stuff that I have NO recollection of! YIKES! (As our nursing friend Dave said 'Who CARES if she doesn't recall the pain!!!!')

Brian and I hit church today. He asked me to stay put and lean to the side and drool....people would leave me alone then....ha ha.
We dropped Colin off at his game and will go up to see him. Then a quick stop at the Veritys for a barbecue and home. Colin is spending the night there so Bri and I have the house to ourselves. Riley has been at Lake Tulloch with the village. (THANKS to them!)
Tomorrow Brian will go down to get Thomas and his parents from Germany. They will borrow our car for 3 weeks and Thomas is getting us into the French Laundry Sept 21st! I am so excited. I will be ready for that in 2 weeks!

All in all I am getting there. In the midst of the storm we have NOT lost site of the goal. God continues to bless us and we are forever grateful. In my impatience to be 'Where I was' I gain new perspective of 'It might not happen.'

Thanks again for all that YOU all continue to do.
We are joyful.
PS...Brian said 'Tell them hi!' ha ha...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 7:03 PM CDT

I stole the keys back.
(You KNEW I couldn't relinquish control that long!)
Brian did such a great job updating you guys. I am so fortunate that he is mine.

I must admit that today was definitely one of the worst of my life.
After Mike Prados called me last night and was SHOCKED to hear I hadn't pooped yet, Bri skipped off to get me an enema....After me taking 3 ducolax and all the other stuff I have been shoving down....8 days felt like 8 YEARS of stuff....
I will spare you the gory details, but I have never been so weak.
From 5 AM to Noon I thought I had been put under a Mac truck and ran over...and over....and over....
I took another 2 hour nap which brings me to the computer.
In a nut shell, the brain tumor was indeed stage 4 GBM again. We ALSO got the 6 grams that was desired to make the vaccine. WOOT WOOT!

Mike of course and everyone else is wonderng "Is there a prevention strategy that makes sense?" How the heck did I go 6 years and then it decided to come back?
We KNOW we have to have at least FOUR immune shots to get an immune response...but HOW many more if this is a memory system? (8,10,12?) How many will I get? Keep 'em coming....Go big or go home....(Why is that ALWAYS my philosophy?)
I stopped all my hard core pain meds. I am so DONE.
1 week and I am not quite as chipper as last time! (Don't you DARE say it is 6 years later....no really....)

Time for me to go back to the couch. I am teary writing this, but there is NO WAY I could have done this without my Mom here. You have absolutely no idea the amazing woman she is. Imagine being her...quietly re-surfacing my granite coutertops, wiping doors down, doing yardwork, asking me ONE MORE TIME ..if she can get me a yogurt.....ha ha.
Wow...I am blessed.
My family and I are humbled.
We are so incredibly grateful to you all.
I want you to understand something. I KNOW God is not done using me yet. This seriously is just part of this journey guys. He wants ALL GLORY pointed straight back to HIM. Stitches out next Wednesday.....If I can WAIT that long...they are a bit annoying...
Love, Love, Love you....

Monday, August 30, 2010 0:19 AM CDT

The Patient is home…
Kate was able to come home yesterday Saturday the 28th. She is resting comfortably thanks to a little help from the pharmacy.
There are so many things that are the same this time around and some new challenges just to keep it fresh. The new challenge has to do be the recovery process. As most of you know Kate does everything FAST. If you walk or talk with her, you know what I am talking about. So her recovery has been slower this time around. If I told you it was because she is six years older she would kill me. So I will not say that. I do honestly believe that she is recovering like a normal person. She was able to enjoy the morning with her coffee and the Sunday paper. The rest of the day was spent resting and catching up on some movies. We did play some cards during her recovery. This was a good thing to get the brain working and to allow me to win. Some of you might think it is not fair to take advantage of a person recovering from brain surgery. Well it finally gave me the chance to win a few games. Just to be fair I did not win them all. Remember they did not remove the competitive part of her brain. I am pleased with her recovery so far and will keep you posted as she progresses.
With so many things staying the same it is hard to mention them all. I do have say that the care given to Kate at UCSF could not have been better. From the moment we received the news of recurrent growth to our discharge Saturday everyone has been gracious, kind, supportive, and patient. I watched an ICU nurse lobby on Kate’s behalf for a private room. Dr. McDermott explained everything to me on a level that I could understand. Yes, he did have to dumb it down for me. Even my kids were given popsicles when they came to visit her. I could not say enough about the care given by the great folks at UCSF.
We are also very touched and humbled by the overwhelming support. I am currently looking at six different flower arrangements’ around the house. We have also enjoyed some meals provided by those same wonderful people. The physical support we have received has been a big help, but I can honestly say the support we have received spiritual has made the difference. Kate is a part of so many prayer chains, circles, and groups we have felt it. Any prayer for Kate helps.
I have had several people ask “Why do think it came back?” One reason it came back is because that what cancer does. Kate has already surpassed all odds when it comes to the Glioblastoma world. No reason to think she won’t continue to kick it butts. Every day we see as a gift given to us. With the help of UCSF and the work done by NBTS we have options that were not available to us six years ago. No, I don’t know why it came back. I do know that it has strengthened our resolve to fight and push forward our support of groups like NBTS and Tug McGraw Foundation. We also press forward for those that did not have options like we do now. For the Heather’s, the Ben’s, the Randy’s and the thousands that lose their battle to this ugly disease, we will press on.
Thanks for letting me share. I think the next time I try this; the password may have been changed.
God Bless you all.

Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:31 PM CDT

Did you ever have the key to the diary and want to make own entry that said how cool you are?
With Kate in recovery mode I have the keys to the diary.
As I sit next to in her private room (very cool) in the Long side of the hospital she seem to be very comfortable. She did have a difficult time coming out of the anathieas. They gave her some atavan which has been fun to see. K ate felt it was not important to leave her bracelet on. You know the one I am talking about, the bracelet that tells them WHO YOU ARE. I am looking into this stuff. She was released from ICU a little over 24 hours after surgery. Recovery seems to be a bit slower this time around. What do I mean by slower when it comes to Kate?? Looks like Kate is ON schedule to be released sometime on Saturday. If it was me getting released, we would be a day late and a dollar short.
Many of you have asked how the kids are doing. Well, they are doing very well. As a parent our children are our top priority. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I wonder if I am doing OK as a parent. Hind site can be a blessing and a curse. I have had several opportunities to talk to the kids about the battle we face as a family. When they asked a question I was glad I was there to answer. A good friend shared with me last week that “When they stop asking, you stop talking. When they have stopped asking questions they, have enough information to process.” That was great advice from a wise friend. I think that might be applied in other areas of my life?? I have seen them rely on each other and rely on fiends. I have seen people remind them of the dark cloud of cancer over their head as they ask “Are you OK?” I think we forget that kids want to be kids. They don’t want to know every detail. They want to know that they will be OK. Many times I get to say, “Yes, Everything will be just fine. “ Sometimes I don’t get to say that and that’s when we see our children grow. I am proud of my kids and the people they have become. Don’t get me wrong, they are not perfect and we still have a ways to go. After all they still have some of that other blood in them. I will let you figure out what other blood I am talking about. This is part of our journey as a family. Every family has their journey that they must travel, I don’t want yours and you certainly do not want mine. I can honestly say that we would not change anything about our journey, because it has made our family better, stronger, closer and gave us a focus. Focus on life. Focus on joy. Focus on what is really important. A focus on the family, most importantly a focus on God! Some do call God a crutch, but the way I see it we all need help in this journey we walk. Why not have a “crutch” that does not depend on me when I can ask for help from the God I serve.
It is getting late and my click clack of the key board is bugging Kate.
I hope I have the keys tomorrow.
The faith that brought us to today, will carry us to tomorrow.
Brian (The luck guy married to Kate)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 2:18 PM CDT

Great news.
Kate is out of surgery and recovering.
We had a minor concern that the tumor would not be big enough for her to be a part of the vaccine trail. We needed six grams to qualifiy. Dr McDermott (brilliant brain surgeon) resected eight grams. Very good news.
Kate will be in ICU for 24 hours and then head to a regular room after that. She is scheduled for release on Saturday. She may attempt a jail break to see the Gaints game Friday night. We have 4 tickets.
As Kate and I waited for her to go into surgery the peace and claim that surrounded us both was fantastic. We know that so many people are, have, had, and continue to pray for us. We are both humbled and honored to feel such LOVE.

The faith that has carried us this far, will carry us through today, tomorrow, and beyond.
God is Good.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:29 AM CDT

Time to update again as I wait for the anesthesia group to call me "Between 8-10 AM Wednesday".....Really? Did they get this trick from the cable people? I have to get to the lab and drain 15 vials of blood for this vaccine trial!
Come on.....
Feel a little like the teen girl staring at the phone willing it to ring....

So...Still doing fantastic. I did announcements at church this weekend and after each service Pastor Bret prayed for us. I am so overwhelmed with all of you amazing people.
God continues to provide our peace and joy in the midst of this. Get how cool He is....
Last Friday my friend Cheryl Broyles who is a TEN year GBM survivor just "happened" to have her 8 week scan at UCSF. She drove down from Oregon with her husband who rarely gets to come, but did this time and stopped at our house on the way home with great news that her scan still looks good.
The most AMAZING thing is that she has had FOUR brain surgeries...THREE recurrences! She is amazing and you would never know that she even had it before! She is a very strong Christian and like us, they know who is in control. I don't believe in coincidences. God TOTALLY orchestrated that for both Brian and I to continue to trust HIM with this next leg of our journey.
I have actually felt sad for all of you that are BT survivors. I can hear the agony in your e mails for me. (I HONESTLY feel like I've let you down in some wierd sort of way...) After I prayed about it I realized that this is truly just MORE of an already miraculous testimony for you guys. I am being used to show you that it CAN come back and there are pretty cool options now. (See last journal entry if you missed how this Oncophage clinical trial works)
One last encouragement....When I was flown to D.C. for the Lance Armstrong Livestrong Day I met a brain tumor survivor that had a recurrence at 6 years and he was out 20 years then. (OK..He WAS missing quite a bit of his head...but surgery HAS definitely come a long way since then too!!!! ;) )Kidding...kidding....relax.

Lastly, I want you to know that doors are opening for me to spread the word. I received a phone call last night from the CEO of the Tug McGraw Foundation that I have been chosen for the "Ya' Gotta Believe" Award at their annual ceremony this year! (Previous Hosts include Tom Hanks, Bob Costas etc...) Brian and I will have the privilege to have dinner with Tim Mcgraw (Who's father baseball player Tug McGraw died of a GBM) and hear him in concert in Napa! The world famous Chef Michael (Emmy award winning chef with the Napa restaurant Bottega) will be preparing the dinner! YUM...
You can see more about their event at : www.mcgrawandfriends.org
See.....More miracles and blessings ALREADY!
And as the award states....
'Ya Gotta Believe!'
I know we do....praying you do too.....

Look at that.....there is the phone call!

Friday, August 13, 2010 2:46 PM CDT

Praying for Wednesday the 25th! My brain surgery is scheduled for 6:30 AM...1st up to bat baby...just the way I like it! (No sneaking water in the hallways at UCSF hospital like last time when I didn't get in until after 2!!!!
I also would like prayer that my tumor weighs in at at least 6 gms (I had to look it up too you metrically challenged people you....:)) That is .17 ounces.
I don't know many women that request ANYTHING on their body to be heavy...but you know....always breaking the norm...
I am praying expectantly that will be the situation so we can move forward with Oncophage heat shock protein vaccine clinical trial.
This is exciting because it is highly specific. It captures proteins in the mitochondria and they are linked to the tumor antigens. Other vaccine trials have just taken the whole tumor along with the peripheral cells and kind of grinded it up for lack of better wording and it wasn't as selective.
This has been in trial for a few years and is phase 2 which is great! (Out of 3)I am one of the last few people being accepted at UCSF since the cut off is 50 people...For those of you interested, (If not scroll down...;))
They take the tumor out, pathology confirms that this is once again stage 4 GBM they take it out "On block" and weigh it etc...
The piece needed for my vaccine will be sent away to produce that and it should take 4-5 weeks. I will then go once a week for a month to UCSF and have it injected similar to a flu shot...then every other week until it runs out.
The other piece will be stored in the tissue bank for diagnostic "stuff" like EGFR (A key signaling protein crucial for tumor growth), P-10, P-53, I will request MGMT again in case I need to do more Temodar chemo down the road. (Needs to be methylated for efficacy of the drug)etc...
I seriously am NOT as intelligent as I just sounded in that last paragraph...I just have been living this stuff the past 6 years...

Most importantly THANK YOU for your continued love and prayers. Our family is once again humbled beyond words. I want you to know I am REALLY at peace. God has provided this unbelievable continual source. Last night my devotional said "God expects His children to be so confident in Him that in any crisis they are the ones who are reliable."
I HAVE that confidence that God is STILL in the midst of this. He is up to something and I can't wait to see what it is. I CLING to the knowledge that He is with us every step of the way. Thank you for walking this journey ONCE AGAIN...with us. (Enough already right? I am with you!)
Stay tuned...
I am thinking maybe a colored mohawk at my hair appointment next week.....any suggestions?

Monday, August 9, 2010 5:30 PM CDT

I am entering an entry that I seriously am surprised to enter myself!
My poor Mother did NOT get the gift from me that I had anticipated.
My scan revealed today that my brain cancer has returned!
I held this puppy off for 6 years!
Good news....
I can once again have brain surgery here at our wonderful UCSF and resect the majority of it. That is in the process of being scheduled within the next 2 days. ( I THINK Dr. Mcdermott might be taking vacation next week so I anticipate it will be in 2 weeks. He knows my brain and can most likely go on the same scar!...Think I should get that hair cut next week anyway? Maybe a mohawk is in order...)
I will then do a clinical trial taking proteins from my tumor and making a designer vaccine unique to me!!!! This is called Heat Shock Protein. Aren't I special? ha ha.....It will take about 4 weeks to make and I will go down every week for a month and then every other week until I run out!
My immune system has always been great and I can't WAIT to see how it will kick this thing out again!
I was so amazed at the options available to me this time around! They are making great progress!!!! Yea!
Obviously this is extremely difficult on our family. I ask that you keep Brian and the kids in your prayers. Colin is so much older now and the processing is painful. Fortunately we are very busy this time of year and I can DRIVE!!!!! a HUGE bonus.
We pulled over and hit a park and all cried and prayed and Brian told our kids that it is OK to be sad and scared, but it is NOT OK to lose faith. Our God is and has been and ALWAYS will be faithful. He has been with us through it all and will continue to be with us on this next part of the journey.
I cannot begin to understand His ways, but I know where the peace that I am FILLED with comes from. I am filled to the BRIM right now with it and feel blessed to know I am in HIS hands.
Thanks so much for your past prayers. We covet them once again.
More when I know more...
Love, love, love....
Kate...the warrior!

Friday, July 9, 2010 11:18 AM CDT

I know it has been awhile since my last update, (I tend to update Facebook more....or as my Mom called it "MY FACE" We laughed and said it is either MY SPACE or FACEBOOK Mom!) but let's just use the old saying "No news is good news!" Shall we?

I should really stop saying 'It can't get much crazier...' It usually does!
We JUST finished baseball and Colin had 9 hours and wham...HELLOOOO football camp! His baseball team from the season kept winning and made it just to the end for the TOC (Tournament of Champions) and lost to the winner of the whole deal. As this was going on he had practice every day for his All Star team. Super group of kids and once again he had the privilege to sit under the coaching of a phenomenal teacher. He is happy to be playing his favorite sport right now though. It was evident when I picked him up yesterday and he said 'Mom! That only seemed like an hour!'
Time flies....yadda..yadda...yadda
Riley had not only her guitar lessons, but added some voice lessons in June fitting that around her band practice and youth group stuff. She camped out in Santa Cruz with friends from the youth group at a huge Christian Band event called Spirit West Coast. Fun had by all.

Brian is figuring out how to make things more profitable as Lifetouch made some big changes again. Unfortunately his territory has lost a bit of a chunk of business with the tough competition here in the bay area. He is hoping to find some sort of competitive edge ...FAST....
I had a lot of headaches and migraines this past month, but figured it was due to doing too much. I sit though and ask...'WHAT could I give up?' REALLY?
I truly feel I am here to continue to help Brain Tumor survivors. This brings me great JOY to be able to provide HOPE. Sometimes many hit at once....
I recently read something referring to "Retreating Forward" and I smiled. It was promoting the idea of a retreat of prayer, planning, and worship in order to be refreshed and energized. I am doing just that on this Sunday. We once again (for either year 8 or 9) are headed to Redwood Christian Park family camp near Santa Cruz in the redwoods. One of my family's favorite spots on the earth. Here is where I tend to gain perspective and guidance. The devotion continued on to say that Jesus (Matthew 14:23) sent the multitudes away and went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. He was alone there with God.
In this fast paced, get-ahead world, it's easy to wear ourselves down...pressing ahead and moving forward at all costs. (I can relate can you?)
But even in our desire to be effective Christians,we must consistently be willing to retreat into God's presence. Only there we can gain what we need to move forward in HIS plan for our lives.
Alone with God is the ONLY place to find the strength to press on.
When some of you ask how I do what I do?
Remember that answer.

The morning camp is done, we hop on a flight out of SFO to Milwaukee to spend time with family. We will be back August 1st and next scan is August 9th which we will hit on our way back up from Aptos with great friends. (It took us 2 years to solidify a date between the 2 families and sports events!)
I plan on giving my Mom a great birthday present that day of a stable scan!
Will update then!
Enjoy the rest of your July.

Monday, May 17, 2010 2:24 PM CDT

What a whirlwind month!....or actually month(S)!
May is Brain Tumor Awareness month so there have been a lot of Interviews/activities tied to that!
The NBTS Bay Area Brain Tumor Walk in San Francisco was AMAZING!
We had a record turn out and raised over $650,000 this year even in tough economic times!
It was my privilege to take the stage as this year's emcee. I was blown away with the day. It was gorgeous that day and we carried the party all the way to the Beach Chalet later that afternoon.
My Team Hope placed 3rd and I actually was 3rd personally in my fundraising. THANKS to all of you generous people!
I had friends fly in from Boston, LA, and Chicago! We had 40 present for Team Hope. My team convinced me that next year we need to go for the team spirit award! May 7th people....mark it down now!
I have had many reach out after the walk as well. I tried to encourage everyone that though sometimes it is not probable to beat this nasty cancer...it is POSSIBLE and I am living proof of that! Every day we wake up we need to remind ourselves that we are LIVING with cancer ...not dying of it. How you view your success story starts right here.....right now.

We had such a great time when my 18 year old niece flew out for the weekend and surprised Riley at her high school. CLASSIC. I let her play hooky that next day and we went down to the city for some fun! The beach and all that California has to offer welcomed my beautiful college bound Mary!

This past Saturday I was the key note speaker at our Springhills women's breakfast. I spoke on friendships and had a ball.
It has been non-stop and though I thrive on that ....I realized when I hit the bed each night at 8:30 this weekend I really need some down-time to recharge my battery! My Mom is giving me a massage for my birthday (Next Wed)and I can't WAIT!
Kids are out of school next week and summer vacation is soon upon us....I see more beach time in our future! We plan on getting Lantis our yellow lab we love soon.
I will be better at updating.
Enjoy the rest of the month!

I just found out that I won a contest and $100 is being donated to NBTS. I was taped for You Tube at the May 1st Bay Area Brain Tumor Walk and I quickly told my story and had to jump back on stage to continue emceeing the day! Here is the link!


Friday, April 16, 2010 5:28 PM CDT

I apologize for not getting this updated until now!
I have SOOOO much to share but HAD to let you know the scan was stable Monday. The same area was still there and unchanged, so probably just a blood vessel. Mike wants me back in 4 months now. SOOO GREAT news!
I am in Wisconsin SURPRISING my sister who was honored today by the YWCA as a woman of distinction!!!! The look on her face this morning as I hung up the phone with her and greeted her at the door of the convention center was PRICELESS! Her jaw dropped and we both burst into tears. She is such an amazing woman and you wouldn't believe all of the people there that love her. She is not only my sister and one of the closest people to me in my life....she is a hero. So much like our parents it is amazing. She got all of their great traits....and there were many.
It is a super quick trip and only possible because of my incredible Mother who made it happen...(Of course I almost put her in the grave making her keep the secret all week)
Sweet weekend.
I have so much more going on that I need to share....but that will have to wait until next week....just had to update because I was getting several texts and e mails....I PROMISE I am GREAT! Besides my thumb surgery a week ago that is now being sent to pathology....now infected...LONG story!
more to follow....
Enjoy the weekend!

Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:15 PM CST

Just got back from a long Mother/Daughter weekend with my Mom and sister and cousin and Aunt in St. Armands Key Florida. What an incredible get-away. So many laughs and great talks. She said it is now going to be an annual....yippee!!!!
I am going back in for an epidural shot in my back for that bulging disc Monday. It certainly doesn't enjoy flying across country!
We are headed to Costa Rica for Spring break thanks to my incredibly generous Aunt. The kids have been talking a lot about everything we will be doing. Plan on white water rafting, surfing, canopy (Zip line through the rain forest) visiting the live volcano, etc!!!! My French will not be helpful so we will be relying no Riley who is currently in her 1st year of Spanish in High School....hmmmm....maybe I SHOULD get that language book......
My "Do-Over" MRI scheduled for Monday April 12th.

NBTS called me this week to see if I wanted to be the Master of Ceremonies for the walk May 1st! Super excited to not just speak, but to MC it. Bri of course wondered if they needed a DJ since we are a great team.....told DJ Jazzy Bri to save it for announcing the baseball games....
If you are free....come on out!
Here is the link to the TEAM HOPE page.....

Springing forward tonight! I LOVE this time of year....days are warmer and longer! Get out there and get some vitamin D!

Monday, February 22, 2010 6:58 PM CST

Quick update!
All is well on the scan front today.....
99% picture perfect.
There was just 1 silly axial view that showed a new area of interest....we are SURE it is a blood vessel....let me repeat...SURE.
Just so everyone can breathe easy without running for an inhaler...he wants to re-scan me in 2 months just to prove it.
These past 3 weeks of headaches are definitely due to over exertion. (OK....deja vu....I know you have heard that before. WHEN will I HEAR what I am writing?...Seriously...I have a real problem! I am just wired wierd!)
So we are headed to dinner to celebrate with the kids and have a delicious glass of red (or 2)at Rossos with some excellent Italian. YUM!
Interval training with Brian tomorrow at 5:30 AM....I can work it off then!
Thanks for the prayers and support as always!
Hey...check out our Team HOPE page for the National Brain Tumor Walk! Here is the link!
Come join us May 1st in Golden Gate Park! (If you can't and want to donate ANY little bit helps!)
Mike just told me today that they got a 3 million dollar grant from the Kathryn Ivy foundation AND NINETEEN million for stem cell research for brain tumors!!!! I was skipping out the door today!
We are getting there people!
Hang tight!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 2:24 PM CST


Welcoming a new decade.
No New Years resolutions for me.
Just wanting to make a difference in the lives of others.
I had my first opportunity on the 1st Monday of the month! My kids were headed back to school after their Christmas break and when I was done swimming laps at the gym, I got back to my car and saw a text from Brian saying 'Colin DIDN'T have school today. He is at home watching Sports Center.'
I would not be truthful if I said I was THRILLED that I got that text. (Where was THAT memo by the way??? Was I really the oblivious Mom that didn't see that 1 of the 5 days they cut to help our state budget...don't get me started down that road...was that day??? Evidently many others missed it too!)
I of course had my HUMONGOUS long list of things I needed to get done that day, which included 12 loads of laundry...
and I was a bit annoyed to say the least!
Then I picked up a message driving home (Hands free...calm down...) from my son...listing off the things that we could do that day!
He STILL thinks that if he keeps talking I will pick up....like I can hear him or something once it goes to voice mail.....I kept that on my phone for a good laugh for weeks after.
I was tempted to say "Sports Center can't be THAT bad for him today right???" His brain won't automatically turn to mush.....
Then I stopped before I entered the house and said to myself 'Are you kidding Kate? What a remarkable gift this is to have an impromptou day for just you and your son.'

So we loaded up the car with football, track ball, frisbee and snacks and headed to the beach. We walked along and climbed the rocks and found some star fish and crabs and enjoyed lunch looking out over the water.
On the drive home he said "Thanks so much Mom....you are the coolest Mom ever....."

OK....If you are a mother you KNOW how that can melt a heart. And to think I almost missed out on that time. THOSE are the memories I want my kids to have. THAT is the legacy that I want to leave. I want to be known as the person who put my needs aside for others. No matter WHAT I am going through. You always win.
Right now we are studying John in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and we are currently studying about how much Jesus put HIS life down for others. I had a very poignant 'ah-ha' moment when I re-read His final words on the Cross.


At the young age of 33....His life's work was over. He had accomplished all that God had for Him to do.
My 2010 "goal" if you will is to try and stay the course of the work God is to have me do.
That way when MY time is up WHENEVER that is (Preferably as an old lady!!!!;) ) I can also say "It is finished" and know that I have done the work God had me to do.

Try it....put YOUR needs aside this week/month and do something unexpected for someone. I promise you will be delighted by the result.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 6:02 PM CST

Happy New Year!
My incredible hubby is surprising me tomorrow and we are going on an overnight adventure for our 15th Anniversary!
I LOVE surprises!
Colin gets his braces off tomorrow and they both are going to friends houses and away we go!
We are taking down the Christmas decorations today. That is always a sad day for me.
I had the greatest dream about my Dad last night and I got up early to drink my coffee and just gaze at the tree. What a wonderful morning.
We had a great turnout both nights we did our Christmas Eve services. I think we must have had over 2,000 come. Our live nativity scene even included a cow this year! (And a bit of a smelly mess....) Glad I was on stage doing announcements! (Bret threw a little skit my way the day before....I think he forgot how bad my memorizing skills truly are! It was fine...ad-libbing is a great thing!)
Colin even got in on the action and was a Wise man.
Riley had a FABULOUS time with my family in Chicago and Wisconsin and got PLENTY of cold weather and white snow!!!! We missed her. It is always good to have our family intact!
Our annual crab feed with 10 on Christmas Eve was yummy and the neighborhood came over for the annual Christmas brunch at 10:30 and then beef tenderloin with Brian's parents that night for Christmas dinner. Then I collapsed for 2 days and let my brain's synapses re-wire and fire properly!
2010 will be a great year.
Kicking it off with a scan on Feb 22nd.
I KNOW it will be picture perfect!
Whatever you do to ring in the New Year do it with a smile and a grateful heart....new beginnings for some, for others
a continued journey and for others something BRAND new!
Until 2010....
(I finally got a couple new picture on...ha ha)

Sunday, December 20, 2009 9:03 AM CST

My absolute FAVORITE time of the year.
It is a bit odd this year only because Riley is in Chicago for the build up week to Christmas. She will fly in the 23rd to be home for Christmas, but she is gone during many of the normal parties and gatherings. She is getting her share of the white stuff though! Right before she arrived they had 17 " drop and a snow day for the kids!
She was a bit leary of the cold weather prior to leaving as she doesn't have a lot of really warm things. I laughed telling her 'I LOVE that you get to experience a snippet of what your Mom grew up in! Little Miss California!'

The epidural definitely worked on my back for the most part. I am back at the gym and doing almost everything I did before with significantly less pain. Now it is just a nagging ache. I am not sure if that is the bulging disc or the arthritis though! I will probably go in and get another in a few months.
Brian just got back from Orlando where he had a Lifetouch meeting. He is healing quite nicely and trying to get used to the tightness on his back from where they grabbed and took all that skin. He also can't feel under his left arm where they removed all of those lymph nodes. That will probably just be time. This shook him enough that he has lost 8 pounds already and I am amazed at what he is doing in regard to what is going in his mouth. Now that the surgeon OK'd his normal activity he is ready to get back swimming Masters and starting back at the gym. We are both grateful for another cancer bullet dodged for the moment!
We DOOO appreciate each day!
Speaking of which my next scan (Which I told you I can now go 6 months!!!) is set for Monday February 22nd. I actually have to SEND Dr. Prados his Christmas card since I won't see him this year! (We do 400 so it takes a bit of time to do all of those and they weren't done when my wonderful Mom was here at Thanksgiving! That left me!)

Yes, the economy is still not where it once was and who knows when or even how much it will rebound. Gone are the days of frivolity. Besides...looking for that "perfect gift" leaves you a bit cranky and might not even be what the other person wants!
I have heard more people lately understand that it truly is a matter of spending time with the ones you feel you need to get a gift for. The gift of TIME is something we cancer survivors truly get. Spend time serving others. If you really want to give something just make some carmel corn (Like we did) or cookies (Can't have those around the house!)and take them to someone. Send a Christmas card to someone in the services protecting our freedom that doesn't have the luxury of sipping holiday cocktails by the fire.
We told the kids instead of spending hard earned money to do a book of coupons for us/others. (Good for 1 foot rub, will watch your kids for free some night, cleaning the garage etc...)Now is a good time to teach them it isn't ALL about the latest and greatest gadget.
Above all...BREATHE.
I LOVE sitting and looking at our tree with my pot of cinnamon, cloves and oranges simmering on the stove it's Christmasy smell wafting through the house and just remembering my Dad and how he LOVED to sit and just look at the tree. I wish he was here to share that time with again. Don't take the people in yor life for granted. Reach out, forgive someone that you need to forgive ...EVEN if they are not initiating it!....And tell the people in your life how much you love and appreciate them. You never know when it might be the last time.

The last paragraph in my Christmas letter summed up how we feel. Every day to us truly is a blessing. (We have been given the gift of extra time) We are amazed and HUMBLED by how GREAT GOD is to us. We are thankful to be married to our best friend with 2 amazing kids that bring music and sports into our lives to make them very full. We continue to travel and enjoy our family time together. Everyone is on a journey in this life. We are continually challenged with various trials, but when you look at who is in control of the trip how can you NOT exude JOY at every turn? Thanks for being on the road with us and we covet your continued prayers. Have a wonderful Christmas and Spectacular New Year!
See you next year.

Thursday, November 19, 2009 9:05 AM CST

As Thanksgiving approaches we of course ALL start reflecting on what it is we are most grateful for.
The Burke's have been blessed beyond measure.
This morning I woke up and found greeting me early morning was the e mail from Brian's cancer surgeon from Germany stating that the pathology report was NEGATIVE for metastasized cancer! Tears sprang to my eyes once again in amazement at just how good and faithful God is, was and ALWAYS will be.
When I had the privilege to meet with a new brain cancer patient 2 days ago I found myself saying AGAIN....we all need to concentrate on the GOOD in our lives to get our mindset and heart straight.
There is so much to fret about if you watch the news. The economy, jobless rate, swine flu etc.....SO MUCH NEGATIVE.
Where are we putting our trust?
Our family remains focused on WHO we listen to and He isn't on TV!!!!!

I know I have said this before, but please try it. It remains utterly impossible to stay down if you start looking for the tiniest blessings (I remember saying 'Hey...at least I only threw up ONCE tonight!' See what I mean? It could ALWAYS be worse!)

I got my epidural Lumbar injection at the Surgery Center Monday and think it is working. Back at the gym which feels SOOO great!
Mom is coming for Thanksgiving and we are BEYOND excited to have her again. Headed to the twins places Wednesday for annual football and feasting!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE my families! We have so many laughs it is amazing.
Have an INCREDIBLE Thanksgiving and remember to treasure EVERY day!
Thanks for the continued prayers for my family....
I know the Insurance company MUST have our name on a special list......'Oh no...not THEM again!'

Friday, November 13, 2009 12:27 AM CST

Starting off with GREAT news....I have graduated to SIX month brain MRI's at UCSF! WOW....I feel the need to wear a cap and gown or something! Next one won't be until next February!

Will cut and paste the recent update about Brian again.....

Well....those of you NOT on Facebook are wondering the result of Wednesday's surgery.
Brian+Anesthesia+ a-longer-surgery-than-my-brain-surgery= ONE SICK GUY!
I actually cracked up that I thought we could bust him out of recovery with no problems.
He managed to throw up several times and once right after I gave him a different med for his nausea. He looked at me and said "You are trying to kill me!" I reassured him that I wasn't, but if he saw me charging him with a pillow to not struggle.
I am amazed at technology now. It was so cool to see the nuclear med docs injecting and taking pictures and scans. The whole process is quite fascinating! 3 "hot spots" involving lymph nodes showed up when we did that. They marked him for the surgeon and away we went after a few hours upstairs to the OR waiting area. After a visit from Dr. Leong the surgeon, his anesthesiologist, and the OR nurse he was taken in for a rather lengthy surgery. (4 hours and 45 minutes).
They cut around the original cancer site and got clear margins and then rotated him and went in 2 other areas and pulled a transitional node and 2 areas of 4 lymph nodes each. All of these nodes were sent to pathology and we should know something within 10 days.
Again...no worries. Just because they light up does NOT mean it is automatic melanoma. In fact the chances are only about 15% that it IS!
He is looking forward to finally being able to bathe today and we have a follow up on the 30th to remove all 3 areas of sutures.
IF it happens to be more melanoma, he goes back in for more surgery (I am SURE he will RUN to the OR after this past experience!) and they have a chemo called interferon that he would do. Again...NOT planning on that. INCREDIBLE support from everyone. I continue to be amazed at how incredible everyone has been with EVERYTHING! Prayers have been storming the Heavens and our family knows 1st hand how they work!
We feel the peace and love and are so grateful for everyone.
Oh....gotta go....shift change and Nurse Kate is back on duty. I think it is harder to NOT be the patient for once! I feel helpless and wish I could take away the pain.
Blessings to you all!

My epidural for my back is scheduled next Monday the 16th at the Surgery Center.....Will be happy to find more relief!
We like to keep the Insurance Company hopping around here!!!!
I hope the bill that eliminates the Lifetime Cap is passed! Ours is 2 million and at this rate we will hit that mark sooner rather than later!!!!!
Enjoy this fabulous weekend and I will update when we hear about the pathology report!

Monday, November 2, 2009 8:52 PM CST

Since many of you are asking about Brian's melanoma I thought I would just copy and paste the e mail I sent out to people after today's appointment:

Today was a phenomenal meeting with both Dr. Kashani-Sabet and the surgeon Dr. Leong (He also came over with the group from UCSF and was the Dr. that set up and developed the SLN program in place at UCSF back in 1992. ALSO highly revered in his field)
I already gave you the background on Kashani. According to my contact Jack Micali who is "Director of all things Melanoma" for Schering-Plough ( I met him when I spoke at ASCO in Chicago a few years back! Isn't God cool that he put him in our path....I LOVE that!) he is a wonderful clinician and considered amongst the elite within the melanoma community.
Needless to say we are in GREAT and CAPABLE hands and they are both VERY aggressive which we of course love. SO very fortunate to live where we do to be so close to such remarkable care.
They both examined Brian thoroughly and gave us the plan.
Brian has his pre-op scheduled with our local doctor tomorrow.
We are waiting for the call from CPMC to schedule the surgery. It will most likely be within the next 2 weeks. They want to get him in right away. (The surgeon has to go to Europe for a talk....)
He will go down to the city 1st to do a FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration) on a lump we pointed out in his neck. They will withdraw cells to evaluate and make sure that they are just lipoma or "fatty cells" (Brian of course prefers the former explanation) They both assume that is what it is, but of course need to do this check 1st because it could alter the surgery and obviously do not want to be surprised by anything going in. It will already be 4 hours.
Then on the day of surgery they will perform the SLN (Sentinel lymph node biopsy) by injecting dye and taking a nuclear medical scan which will pick up the dye. Since it is close to the mid-line of the back it MIGHT go to both sides, but will probably only stick to the left side. (There are any where from 15-50 lymph nodes in your arm pit and it could travel to his neck as well. They won't know until they get in there. Just because it goes there doesn't mean it is melanoma, it just means they need to evaluate those areas further via in room pathology. Again, at this point since we got it early (T2A staging right now ...it can go to 4 so we are fortunate) we are at only around 18% likely hood of it going that far. Then we will meet in the surgical room and discuss things and they go in to remove only about another cm or so around what is already gone and any other spots they might find. (I was secretly rooting for the skin graft/tummy tuck ;)
As I said, they are anticipating only about 4 hours and they will put down that he will spend the night (for insurance purposes I am sure) but knowing Brian he will wake up just fine, no anesthesia hangover or nausea and say "Let's go to In-n out!"
He has NEVER been put under general anesthesia or had surgery before and he is 46! Wow.....

Assuming all goes as planned and they find no further indications of it spreading at this time we will do follow up checks every 3 months for the next few years. Once a year we will do chest x-rays and blood panels to look for any signs of anemia or change in LDH.
When it recurs it typically goes to the lungs. Obviously as in any cancer there can be microscopic cells that are not detected the 1st go around. He did say 'Unfortunately we are not good at detecting things in the blood...YET!"
We know the symptoms to look for down the road (Fatigue, etc.....) and will be on it.
We are HIGHLY confident that this will be a smashing success and are at great peace and looking forward to getting through it!
God has blessed us with so many miracles He is not going to stop now! Thanks so much for all the support and prayers. Some have asked what to specifically pray. Right now just that it hasn't gone any further.
OK.....that sums up our day today!
Will update after we know more!
Brian and Kate

My MRI was read on my back. It is what I expected. Bulging disc L4 L5. AND arthritis!!!! Wait...I am in my mid FORTIES! NOT EIGHTIES!!!
I have an appointment with an anesthesiologist Thursday morning to talk about Epidural injection therapy. I am about 60 % better than last week. Still a constant pain, but not excruciating so that is SUCH a relief. Thanks for all of the prayers regarding that!

So....life is grand! Will update when we know more!

Thursday, October 22, 2009 1:48 PM CDT

Sorry...this is WAY over due!
Word is getting out so I best update this page.
A week ago we got the news that Brian has melanoma.
Now before everyone gets in a panic....(Don't you LOVE it when people say 'OH NO!' So and so died of that!)
Yes, we ALL probably know someone that has....but to Brian this is "Just a mole!"
Those of you that know my husband know he is not a worrier.
With our usual "kick-it-in-to-gear" mode comes our sense of humor immediately. Needless to say the quips have been flying.....('Bri feeling left out honey? Had to go and get a bad cancer yourself?' to disability quips to taking some of his tummy for the skin graft on his back.....you name it...we probably have said it!)
We don't know staging yet. He has done the chest X-ray and blood panel and we have an appointment on Nov. 2nd with a specialist that was the head of the melanoma dept at UCSF and is just moving over to CPMC in San Francisco.
I will demand a sentinel Lymph node biopsy to make sure it has not spread to any other place. (That is what usually causes the mortality rate. People ignore funky looking moles and it spreads.) I was watching this one for months telling him he needs to get back to our dermatologist....of course after about 4 months + I just made him an appointment!
I won't get on my soap box about using sunscreen...because so many of us did the damage years ago! He is Irish and lived up at Lake Berryessa EVERY day in the summers. It catches up to us! Just pay attention to any spots you might have on you.
I will update you as we know more, but we know that God is and was and ALWAYS will be in control! This is just HIS speaking material! He and I have done several conferences together on brain cancer and we have a blast. Now he just has some interesting info to add to our repertoire!

So again....no worrying. We have been down this path before and I have my filing system all set and my list of 21 questions for the specialist (No, they won't be limited to person, place or thing and yes or no answers only);) We will be very agressive with this!
Lastly, my back is STILL very bad from the rickshaw rides I gave for the church fall festival 4 weeks ago. I have done EVERYTHING...it has never lasted this long. (Maybe it is the problem I have of thinking I am in my mid 20's not my mid-40's!)
I have been in pain for the past 16 months off and on but really threw it 4 weeks ago. I went to the doc Tuesday and am awaiting approval from my insurance company to get the MRI done so we know exactly what we are dealing with. My gut tells me no cancer, but disc issues. If they are bulging I will likely do injection therapy and
the very last resort if that doesn't work, back surgery.
Dr. Cooper (My Dr. that I love that was so agressive with this GBM 5 1/2 years ago)Tried the injection therapy and it didn't work for him so he did back surgery and had only an inch and 1/2 incision and 1 night in the hospital and 3 weeks back to work and can jump and run and play with his kids. THAT is what I want to do. I work out nearly every day and I am dying! Plus I am a sports Mom. Colin and I play football etc...and I miss that. He does too.
It is different for everyone. Just pray that I can get some relief soon. I am tired of all the drugs and icing and my tens unit and chiropractor and stretches etc....

Moral of the story?
Things are going to happen in life. Backs go out, cancer occurs, flu hits.....it is all a part of our journey here on earth. I know that they are allowed to happen so we don't get too comfortable here on earth. We long for Heaven some day because THERE, NONE of this matters! We won't feel pain and suffering.
We were all made with this vaccuum shaped hole that only God fits into! We try to shove sex, drugs and rock and roll in there.....but after awhile new stuff doesn't matter and it is still a hole.
It can only be plugged with one thing.
I am grateful that ours already is!
THAT my friends is how you get through it all.
(In case you were wondering...;))
Will update when I have more news!

Friday, September 11, 2009 4:24 PM CDT

Quick update...
As I was working the step mill today at the gym and listening to Brian's "Football" playlist for when he announces at Colin's games (AWESOME motivating songs...)
I was reading my MORE magazine...(If you are not over 40 you might not be familiar with this one!)
And came across a great article that I felt led to share with you.
It was entitled "Married with Illness"
It had some sad, but not shocking stats. We all know that 1/2 the marriages don't seem to stick, but add a serious illness into that mix and it shoots to 75%! SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT!
The couples they interviewed that made it kept the basic attitude that Brian and I started with....'No matter what, divorce will never be an option.'
It made me tear up right there on the machine (Luckily I was dripping with sweat so you couldn't really tell the difference!)when I thought about how blessed I am to have Brian. I truly married my best friend and partner.
I cannot imagine going through life without him, let alone the crisis we faced together, and continue to face.
You see,
Sometimes in this life we have these ideas about what our lives will look like....HA!
You HAVE to learn to reset priorities along the way.
Also realizing that you have to be respectful of each person's view of the illness. They could be radically different, but as long as you can communicate both sides to each other in a loving manner, you can get through them.
You shouldn't make the other person feel guilty about how they feel at different times.
Even now I sometimes still get upset that my life has changed and I can't work and do what I did before. I usually don't focus on my limitations, but Brian will listen and let me cry sometimes and then remind me that what I do now helps more people than I ever touched before. Though it might not be MY plan it certainly was God's.
How can I argue with that?
I have said this before, when we are doing HIS will we are always right. AND HE will give us what we need to do what we are called to do.
I think it hit me today too because I am headed down to the city to have dinner with my good cancer buddy Mike in town for his scan (Just moved to Boston from SF for a couple years)and I am not sure what news he is receiving right now as he is in with the doc.
Mike and I became very close right away. There is a certain bonding that happens when you have a terminal illness. I am glad we have each other too. I am very glad he has such a great wife and friends. Sometime if you are not married you need to reach out to others for that support.
Recent studies show that the likelihood of a woman having a best-case outcome with her disease depends, in part, on the health of her marriage. The study followed cancer patients for 5 years and the ones with the distressed relationships not only recovered more slowly, they also experienced more symptoms and more side effects from treatment!
You might find yourself having a tough time with your partner right now. Rediscover your friendship. What did you used to like to do together? Do more of what you LOVED to do together! Celebrate more...play a board game or plan a trip to a play or a museum or a local sports game. (My personal favorite!)Do a picnic...take time for the little things that seem to get swallowed up in day to day stuff.
Do not make the mistake of letting the illness be the ONLY thing between you. (Or if it is with your child, this applies to the parents as well....)There is so much else that's positive in your life to help balance out the journey.

Actually we ALL should do this. It can only build a marriage/friendship up. If you do not have anyone in your life right now romantically...you can do the same things with a family member or friend that you enjoy and has supported you.
Bottom line?
Life is a gift.
Don't waste one day.

Monday, August 31, 2009 8:47 PM CDT

Stable scan!!!!
Colin kept mentioning that I was mixing up my words and sentences more than usual....I kept saying I was just going too fast!!! Turns out that was the issue! Those cognitive blips are due to TOO much on the agenda. Being gone a ton and then hitting the ground running to prepare for school in 4 days and football daily, ortho, dentist, haircuts, school shopping, high school etc...just lots of stuff.
I did talk to Dr. Prados a bit about all of that and the good news is that it shouldn't get any worse (He forgot I am in peri-menopause!!! ha ha) and he said I seem to know what it is that causes it and I am in control of that. (What...slow down? Seriously? I don't know how!!!) I also found out that there seems to be no correlation between brain cancer and dementia/alzheimers.
Good news for down the road....
I DID mention David Bailey and I was bummed I thought he was in the clear after 12 years...
We talked about not being able to say "I am in remission" as a brain cancer long termer. Those silly funky, no good left over cells CAN linger and try and mutate. I get that. BUT hear me loud and clear on this....they don't always choose to do that!!!! They WILL not in me and they are not welcome in anyone elses head either! Right?
So...last quick update...
Brian's cousin Katrina (that helped me so much that 1st year) got married Saturday to a wonderful man named Gene at Gene's winery in St. Helena in 104 degrees! Peter Yarrow from Peter, Paul and Mary did the ceremony! Gene knows him from years ago. He also sang Puff the Magic Dragon at the reception! That was a bit surreal. What a lovely man.
My niece Caiti sang a song with him and the funny thing is at the rehearsal dinner (Not having a CLUE as to whom he was...) looked at him during a practice run with a puzzled look on her face and exclaimed 'PETER! WHAT are you DOING??!!!'
He loved it.
Then later she found out exactly WHO he was!

The great lesson that day was life is not about stuff...but love.
Amen to that.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 7:55 AM CDT

You can take the girl out of the country....but you can't take the country out of the girl.
Let me explain....I LOVE where I live...it is a vacation destination and it would be VERY difficult to get me to leave. BUT...

I have been in the Midwest for 2 weeks now and have 1 more to go.....
What an incredible time.
I started out for a great walk this morning and after a mile couldn't help myself as I saw the sun coming up over the fog topped corn fields and started to jog. It was so incredible and smelled so good. It flooded my heart and mind with memories of growing up on the farm out here in Wisconsin. After the 1st mile and 1/2 I could REALLY feel it in my lower back and knees, but I couldn't stop....
As I ran on the country road I couldn't help but think of how grateful I am for everything in my life.
God has been so good to me.
I really focused on my upbringing. My (Unrivaled) Mother and I have had such special mornings together sharing a cup of coffee and talking about so much. I cannot tell you what a wonderful woman she is. She keeps our kind of schedule at the young age of 77!!!!! AMAZING....
I also thought about roots.
Roots grow deep.
So much of who we are was started in our formative years. Who we continue to be is part of that cultivation. What/Who are we surrounding ourselves with? How are we renewing our mind, soul and body?
Some of us have had a turn in our lives that we might not have chosen....but trust me...it is all part of the plan of our lives. We need to embrace it and look for the miracles. We eventually might be able to look back and see why....or not....but I DO know that the people and situations are there to help us grow.
Sometimes it might not feel like we can hear or see God in the midst of trials...but He IS there....God is in control, He is faithful and He will NEVER leave us...never...that is not an option and it will never change. Just because we can't see Him doesn't mean that He can't see us.
He may just choose to have us wait .....(OK...I admit...I am not a patient woman....and yes that sometimes...no OFTEN bugs me!!!)
Each part of our life will prepare us for what is coming next. We have to be still and wait on Him.
Bad job? No job? Tough relationship? Physical ailment? Wayward child?
God is in control.....
Keep praying.
Enough said.

Had a great Lifetouch meeting in Minneapolis. Fun 25th Class reunion and nice times with family and friends. I head to my college reunion this weekend in Eau Claire and cannot WAIT for that!!! So many people are flying in from all over for the weekend.
My dear college buddy has a brain tumor as well and has made it 3 years and there is a big annual golf event Saturday for him. Keep Randy and his wife Jenny (another great friend) and their 6 year old Patrick in your prayers.
As you are praying please remember Tom the husband of Diane Ratigan my other Team Hope member that just died fighting her GBM for 4 years.
Need to shower before heading to Lake Michigan to visit my incredible Aunt Joan.....another amazing woman that I adore!!!
Pray that my back holds up the rest of this trip!
Will touch base after my next scan in a couple of weeks.....Not to be needy or anything....but a prayer that it is stable would be welcomed!)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 7:55 AM CDT

You can take the girl out of the country....but you can't take the country out of the girl.
Let me explain....I LOVE where I live...it is a vacation destination and it would be VERY difficult to get me to leave. BUT...

I have been in the Midwest for 2 weeks now and have 1 more to go.....
What an incredible time.
I started out for a great walk this morning and after a mile couldn't help myself as I saw the sun coming up over the fog topped corn fields and started to jog. It was so incredible and smelled so good. It flooded my heart and mind with memories of growing up on the farm out here in Wisconsin. After the 1st mile and 1/2 I could REALLY feel it in my lower back and knees, but I couldn't stop....
As I ran on the country road I couldn't help but think of how grateful I am for everything in my life.
God has been so good to me.
I really focused on my upbringing. My (Unrivaled) Mother and I have had such special mornings together sharing a cup of coffee and talking about so much. I cannot tell you what a wonderful woman she is. She keeps our kind of schedule at the young age of 77!!!!! AMAZING....
I also thought about roots.
Roots grow deep.
So much of who we are was started in our formative years. Who we continue to be is part of that cultivation. What/Who are we surrounding ourselves with? How are we renewing our mind, soul and body?
Some of us have had a turn in our lives that we might not have chosen....but trust me...it is all part of the plan of our lives. We need to embrace it and look for the miracles. We eventually might be able to look back and see why....or not....but I DO know that the people and situations are there to help us grow.
Sometimes it might not feel like we can hear or see God in the midst of trials...but He IS there....God is in control, He is faithful and He will NEVER leave us...never...that is not an option and it will never change. Just because we can't see Him doesn't mean that He can't see us.
He may just choose to have us wait .....(OK...I admit...I am not a patient woman....and yes that sometimes...no OFTEN bugs me!!!)
Each part of our life will prepare us for what is coming next. We have to be still and wait on Him.
Bad job? No job? Tough relationship? Physical ailment? Wayward child?
God is in control.....
Keep praying.
Enough said.

Had a great Lifetouch meeting in Minneapolis. Fun 25th Class reunion and nice times with family and friends. I head to my college reunion this weekend in Eau Claire and cannot WAIT for that!!! So many people are flying in from all over for the weekend.
My dear college buddy has a brain tumor as well and has made it 3 years and there is a big annual golf event Saturday for him. Keep Randy and his wife Jenny (another great friend) and their 6 year old Patrick in your prayers.
As you are praying please remember Tom the husband of Diane Ratigan my other Team Hope member that just died fighting her GBM for 4 years.
Need to shower before heading to Lake Michigan to visit my incredible Aunt Joan.....another amazing woman that I adore!!!
Pray that my back holds up the rest of this trip!
Will touch base after my next scan in a couple of weeks.....Not to be needy or anything....but a prayer that it is stable would be welcomed!)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 5:29 PM CDT

Learning how to repel.....
Not as in scare away-reject-push back repel.....
As in repel off the Spiritual Mountain-top experience I had last week at our annual Redwood Christian park Family Camp! Year 7 this year....I know we are called to USE those experiences as we come down! Actually my friend Mary Ann said 'Keep in the Word so you can survive in the world. There is an "l" of a difference between the word and the world!'
That cracked me up. (I know...doesn't take much!)
How is it that God can show up any and EVERY where ....all you have to do is look.
Sat under some GREAT teaching again this year. Dr. Sandy Richter who is a dynamo in the old testament from Asbury Seminary who I believe also taught at Harvard Divinity....and her husband Dr. Steve Tsoukalas(another incredible scholar that taught on various cults)taught me in LAYMANS terms how to make sense of the Old Testament.
WOW....I admit I was a bit daunted at first and felt like I "liked" the new testament so much better, but realzied I just needed to learn HOW to study the Old Testament.
I learned that the new testament can be better understood when you take the time to learn the old.
She definitely rejuvenated my enthusiasm!
Most of you that know me say 'And when were you NOT enthusiastic about ANYTHING in your life??!!!'

It was especially neat to watch the kids again this year. Riley really got a lot out of it and we have had a lot of great talks about her walk. She actually just got back from San Francisco serving lunch to the homeless.
Incredible heart in that kid.
Colin had less than 24 hours to sleep in his own bed and then head back out to Mt. Gilead bible camp for the week! He was so excited. Several of his buddies are there and I saw pictures...of course he made it in the "Daily snap" already where they post 8 pictures at noon every day on the web site. Needless to say I HIGHLY doubt I will hear from him until I pick him up this weekend! (Even though I made brownies and sent them to him for the cabin!)
He gets home has a sleep over b-day party and we are off again for 3 weeks.
Lifetouch Meeting in Minneapolis, Brother in Chicago and Mom and sister etc...in Wisconsin.
25 year class reunion and college reunion while I am back there.....
Get back and it will be school 6 days later.
Then football....yikes...think it might dominate our fall!
Here we go!
Scan August 31st....
Until then enjoy the rest of the month!
We sure will!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:43 AM CDT

WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FIVE years ago TODAY...June 23rd....
I was headed in to brain surgery (Pun not intended) at UCSF calm as ever with the peace of the Holy Spirit with me every step of the way!
Out a couple of days later to hear the pathology report reveal that I had the most agressive form of brain cancer known. Stage 4 GBM.....
NO CLUE what that would mean to me and to those I love over the next chapter of my life.
For those of you just visiting this page for the 1st time scared out of your mind when you heard the stats....rest assured....they are there to be IGNORED!
Doctors hold on to those a bit too tight!
WE press on through this journey by the Grace of God and can create our OWN.
There will be some changes in your life, but as you go count the blessings. They truly outweigh the tough stuff.
Focus on the positive.
I have learned to accept the constant bad hair days, memory issues (I am a GREAT audience for those that like to re-tell jokes!) and lack of multi-tasking and fatigue. I know when I have packed in too much because it takes me a day or 2 to de-compress....but I don't know any other way.
Life is to be lived to the fullest....24/7....I won't be guilty of not upholding that belief!!!!
If you are having a rough day today....stop, breathe and pick ONE happy thing to focus on right now....seriously....right now....stop reading this and just do it! ;)
Thanks for the constant support and prayers and even writing in this journal. You have NO idea how much it encourages me!
Celebrating in Santa Rosa......

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:08 AM CDT

We can breathe a bit again!
Riley is at camp for the week (After 20 + teens were here for a birthday party last Friday night) A few girls spent the night and were up past 1 AM. Which of course meant I was too.
The following day was crazy with baseball championships and a Lambert Bridge member paella party and then right to a Giant's game for an early Father's day gift! (Killer seats and a great series which we swept) Giants have some great pitchers this year!
Colin was one of a few kids who was chosen unanimously for All Stars so of course every day this week has been practice AND our weekend trip to the Lake with the village/ski club is all goofed up now because of the games. I plan on getting Riley Saturday morning and at least heading up Saturday for an overnight though. She has really looked forward to this!
PLUS Colin was supposed to do a football camp next week and his all star schedule cuts in to that so I will have to withdraw him. Here we go!!! I know many of you alter your lives for competitive sports too. It is great fun, but tough to plan anything! I laughed when I heard one of the coaches complaining that a great athlete's family planned a vacation "DURING ALL STARS! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?"
Ummm...yes....because we did that last year when we took our family vacation to Italy/Greece. Sorry, but they are still young and I think he will remember the family trip versus who won all stars! I would have probably done it again, but didn't have the funds! ha ha
Chandler and Colin just woke up so I need to get the french toast going.....
Next scan is August 31st. They wanted to do early August but we don't get back from Chicago until later. Keeping it every 4 months which is fine by me!
Lots going on, but will update when I can. The Burke's don't like to sit around in case you haven't noticed!
Enjoy the day....and to all of you father's out there have a fabulous weekend! Not a day goes by that I don't miss my incredible Father. I am blessed to have a wonderful man that is the father to my children!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 9:33 PM CDT

It is my birthday today....
It was pretty normal as far as days go....except I had immense appreciation for being here to see 43 when I was told 40 would be a stretch!
Ha....wait until I see 83!
Riley had her dinner/dance Friday night and I volunteered to chaperone. AMAZING that I was able to when all the other kids didn't want their parents there. I guess we are still OK in her book. All of her friends kept coming up and trying to get me to dance. We know 1/2 the kids at the school. Cracked me up with 300 kids jumping up and down and screaming "boom boom pow" with beads being tossed....
when I found out it was going 1/2 an hour later than I had been told, I MUST admit...I copped an attitude and RIGHT at that time I got a text that my dear friend Carol from the east (Lost her husband Rick to this beast last month)sent me on facebook that reminded me that I am here to enjoy MY family as much as I am kept here to be used for others.
You are right if you assumed that I changed my heart and perspective pretty quickly and was so happy to be there WATCHING this room full of 14 year olds...
I wish you knew how many times God has used her to speak to me the EXACT thing I need to hear at the perfect moment. She is amazing.
I am very grateful for people like her in my life. There are so very many of you. YOU all keep ME going!
I have my Lifetouch gals coming in less than 48 hours....look out.....
6:00 Friday spin class to start Friday off right and wine tasting...HUGE party here with Abalone and cocktails and the next day in the city with Aunt Mary Tom and Beach Blanket Babylon. (My friend is in the show and got us up front killer seats!)
I miss the girls when I don't see them for a few months! Yea!!!I get my fix! (Even the kids are bouncing off the wall that Auntie Mo and Auntie KJ are coming!)
So....With a jam packed week/weekend and school coming to an end it is insane. (WHY did I do ortho appointments this week?)
More next week when I can see straight!
God bless you all who called and e mailed!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 9:31 PM CDT


You can paste this into your browser if you have 1/2 an hour to listen to the KOIT radio show that aired 10 days ago.
I guess the Comcast Newsmakers is now airing on CNN segments as well. We don't have Comcast, but several people have said they caught it and will try and tivo it for me.

What a GREAT day Saturday at the Brain Tumor walk!!!!! Over 2,000 people braved the rain (IN MAY!!! That NEVER happens!!!)
and we raised nearly $700,000 even in this economy!
I did get a chance to speak again to kick it off. What a privilege to see so many that continue to wak in honor of their loved one. It touched my heart to see so many. They are selfless and continue to have a passion for the ultimate goal of a cure. What an amazing way to honor their loved one.
I met so many that have e mailed me that I had not yet met. I only hope that they continue to make this an annual event!

Get out and spread the word!!!!!!
Some day we will still do this walk....and yet we will have found a cure because of the generosity of so many of you. Then we will make it ONE BIG PARTY! Thank YOU!
Can't wait.....
LOVED having my Mom and sister Jen and her boys out for a long weekend. It was so special.
I am blessed with my family. With Mother's day coming....it reminds me to remind YOU to call your Mother! Or a Mother like figure in your life.....
Let her know just how special she is.
Mine rocks.
Enjoy the week!

Friday, April 24, 2009 1:45 PM CDT

The walk is just around the corner!!!!! We are in 4th place!!! It has been such a thrill to watch 4 teams go back and forth. Every day it cahnges as to who takes the lead!!!! Thanks so much to all of you that have so graciously given. It means more than you know!
If you want to walk or still want to give....here is the address!:

I will be kicking off the day again welcoming so many teams! (200, I think the largest they have had?)

Also, If you happen to be up Sunday the 26th at 7 AM (Pacific coast time) KOIT radio will be playing the interview I did a week ago on Today's World. It is a 1/2 hour radio show they air in the city. If you miss it evidently you can access it by any of their 3 stations through out the month.




That is it! No baseball games this weekend! Fortunately our 100 degrees has left us with normal temps in the upper 70's. Yea! Can't wait for my Mom and sister and her 2 boys to come Thursday! Will update after they leave!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 10:35 AM CDT

FIVE YEARS AND STABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still smiling today.....tired....but smiling.....
What a week I have had.
A week ago the communications director for National Brain Tumor Society in Boston e mailed me asking if I would like to do Comcast Newsmakers Interview for them the following Friday because "I would be PERFECT!"
Old habits die hard.....
I of course said "Sure!" Not having a CLUE as to what I just agreed to do.....I actually should have learned my lesson about this back in college....;)
It actually reminded me of the time years ago that a friend called and reported that she was GETTING MARRIED and would I play the organ in her wedding!?
I hang up the phone.....ummmm.....I don't really know HOW to play the organ. How hard could it be...I played the piano for over 10 years.....ummmm....OK....TOTALLY different. DUH.
Had to call her back and sheepishly admit I had NO CLUE how to play the organ. Good news though....She had me play the piano instead....;)
I digress.
So after a mammogram Thursday on a lump I had been watching for a few months (The wonderful gal ..Melva I think...at the medical center put it in as diagnostic and went right to ultra sound to make sure it was what I KNEW it would be....just a cyst. She was so wonderful though. People like that are incredible to people like me. I joked with my sister saying 'If my breasts don't quit crying wolf I will NEVER believe them if there ever IS something wrong! I have already had 2 different surgery procedures the past 10 years...all nothing.)Of course with Mom's recent cancer again and another mastectomy better safe than sorry!
Then....talked through some questions with Kris in Boston and Mark the Deputy Executive Director here in San Francisco. Drove down Friday for the Interview ....
By The Way....the GREEN Room..is NOT really GREEN for those of you wondering...got the make up and we went on!
Of course NONE of the questions were anything we thought they would be.......wonder how they will edit it. (He also said I was full of SPUNK at the end....SPUNK? Are you kidding me? Am I 10? ;)
It will show on CNN Headline News in May several times. I have no idea when and it will only be Northern California....
Then we had an incredible Easter service with thousands in attendance. I had the privilege of doing announcements and praying at the beginning. Entertained family here, and yesterday the brain scan in the city!
We bought tickets to the Academy of Sciences and took the kids. It of course being the day after Easter was packed, but we were all excited with the good news so we had fun.
It was actually great to have the kids see how the process of my MRI works and how casual it is with Dr. Prados. Hugs, bring him lunch and smiles and he took time to explain the scan and the blood flow spots on the computer to them. Colin asked a couple of questions and we figured I had had a couple dozen brain scans by now. The file was super thick and Mike joked about a workers comp issue with my thick file. He said I was stronger than him as he did my exam and Colin LOVED that one...Mr. Competitive....

Back to the grind....track meets and baseball and laundry....isn't life grand?
Thanks for all of the prayers.....
They really WORK!
Love to you ALL.....Smiling (and a bit sleepless) in Santa Rosa.....

Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:19 PM CDT

I'm OK!!!!
Got a few concerned calls and e mails....
Man I love you guys....
I do have a scan set for Monday the 13th (Day After Easter) and we are taking the kids down with us to the city to tour the new Academy of Sciences Museum. Can't wait! (How many stage 4 cancer survivors have you heard say that about an upcoming MRI? ;)
I will update after that.
We just re-did our entire kitchen in a week...
YES...you read that right...a WEEK.
We had so many great friends help out and got great discounts on things. SO BLESSED!
I fell to 2nd place in the brain tumor walk....
Thanks for all of your support everyone!
If you would still like to walk with us or donate here is the link again...
God bless you and I will touch base again soon!


Thursday, February 26, 2009 8:02 AM CST


It is that time of year!!!!!!
I am going for FIRST PLACE!!!!
(I told you guys.....the brain surgeon failed to remove my competitive drive during surgery!! ;)

I KNOW times are tough for everyone. EVEN 5 $ goes a LONG way. I have found in my life that God truly blesses me when I choose to help others. This would be helping so many that are in the battle of their life right now. It has become my PASSION to fight for those I've lost, those going through it and those that WILL be affected in the future.

Thanks so much for anything you can do....
God Bless you.


Friday, February 13, 2009 1:38 PM CST

Tomorrow is the day of LOVE...Valentine's Day. It always brings mixed feelings for me. I lost my Dad to cancer on this day 13 years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him in some way. What would he think of my life, my kids, my cancer? I sure miss him.
Bri is getting a spectacular meal tomorrow night with a GREAT bottle of silver oak. (Beats the college days of white zin in a box! ha ha I sure am glad my palate has changed a bit in 25 years!)

The Tour of California hits Santa Rosa again on Sunday. You can imagine the media frenzy this has been since they have trained here for a week. Lance is all the rage. I did spot the peleton on a group ride. Pretty amazing.
We finally got a bunch of rain. It is supposed to continue in to the weekend so they might be pretty wet.
Hope it doesn't stress anyone out!
In fact I recently read that stress is brought on by our need to know of everything ahead of time-to be in control. (Who us?) I find myself after praying to God and I supposedly have turned it all over to Him....I develop a "back-up plan".....just in case He doesn't handle it the way I think He should. WOW....
How crazy is THAT!? (Stop it.....you think I am bossy don't you!? It reminds me of a card my sister Jen sent me from a 4 year old 'If you'd just DO what I tell you I wouldn't have to be so BOSSY!')

NOTHING happens that God can't handle. So the next time you find yourself freaking out (HOW? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE?)
Take a deep breath and REALLY give it up.
Off to bake cookies for Riley's youth group trip to the snow today.
Enjoy your long weekend and tell someone you love them......and don't be bossy ;)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 5:54 PM CST

What a great day Saturday!
NBTS had a great showing of over 300 people that flew in from all over actually since it was advertised nationally. There were a lot of incredible speakers imparting some very useful information.
I spent most of yesterday and today returning e mails and phone calls so I think that means that it was a success! (Either that or I was extremely unclear and they just needed follow up!...;)
If you missed Saturday's event, I highly recommend you find another one soon. I had so many people come up to me and tell me that they were so happy they took the day to learn more. They felt that they weren't alone in the struggle. Whether you are a care-giver or a survivor.....you are NOT alone and there are a lot of people that know EXACTLY what you are going through.
In fact I LOVED what Allison Jones Thomson (co-chair of the NBTS board) said before I was introduced....'I wish we could announce a meeting like this and have no one show because there isn't a need for this anymore.....'
There WILL be a day when that will be the reality.
I just know it.
I also met a great neuro oncology nurse practitioner that was incredible! She used to work with Tim Cloughsey at UCLA and now she is with Kaiser in Redwood City. Her name is Mady Stovall. If any of you need a Kaiser contact please let me know! I have all of her info.

I had a great meeting with Jennifer Brusstar who is the President of the Tug McGraw Foundation a couple of weeks ago. (You have heard me mention her before) She is an amazing woman and I really think I will be getting a bit more invovled with this group as well. She believes that my story needs to be shared to spread HOPE to so many. As you know that is one of my life's passions now and look to do that as often as God has planned!
Stay tuned.....her board meets this week.
It is STILL 70's and sunny....We had 85 2 weeks ago. I love it, but we need rain!
Have a FUN Super Bowl!!!!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009 12:38 AM CST

I love the Hope that a new year brings.
Our family played the game of LIFE last night. Remember that classic one? We laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face! It was a bit scary at one point when I realized how true to life it can be when Riley was broke and trying to talk dad the banker into a loan and Colin had to give up his auto insurance and pay money due to wreckless driving! AHHHHH.....It was a great way to end the Christmas break and still is making me smile today.
The small things that cost nothing that create those family bonds are so special.
Create more of those moments this year.

I have spoken with quite a few people over the break that are newly diagnosed and I feel prompted to share a few things that I have read recently.
Having worked in the picture industry since 1991 I can relate Faith to film: It is quite often developed in the dark. Dark days make us lean on God in ways we normally wouldn't. The truth is, if our faith was never tested we wouldn't be motivated to pursue God and draw closer to Him!
I know many of you have asked "why?"
Well....I did share that many times God doesn't tell us why because he wants us to know WHO. Many times He doesn't light that path in advance for us. (Bummer...especially if you are a guy and don't like to ask for directions anyway!!!)
So many times we can't find the reason, but that is OK. He wants us to trust the relationship. The true times I have gotten to know God better is when I have been through the storms WITH HIM. Think about it. If you are honest with yourself you will realize that it's in your worst moments that God gives you some of your best insights. You might not be a believer right now and think you came up with them.....who do you think GAVE you that? ;)
The other thing is once you have gone through whatever trial it is you are experiencing you actually have earned the "right" to speak about it and people will listen to you!
I have said this before, but it bears repeating. My firm belief is that God allows things to happen in our lives so that we can turn around and comfort those and give hope to those that will experience the same thing.
So hang tight if you are in the midst of something.....
You will come out on the other side and soon will be able to help others that God will bring in to your life that are in the same situation.
There is no other blessing like it.....
And so it goes.....
Wishing you ALL a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Brian and I speak at another National Brain Tumor Society Seminar the 24th in San Francisco. Will touch base after that! (Changed the pics)

Monday, December 15, 2008 5:54 PM CST

Christmas came early for the Burkes!
Stable Scan.

Last week was a nice reprieve. I had the opportunity to spend some time with all of my Lifetouch cronies. I worked out every day and then ate my way through Vegas! I got the new Blackberry Storm however so my e mail followed me to Las Vegas. I had several brain tumor calls I had to return. Sadly one of them was from Kristine's sister. I know many have followed her journey as well since we were diagnosed close together. Please pray for her 3 young children and husband as they hang on.
Brian was recognized in the meeting for consistent top line sales growth the past few years and all of his hard work that he continues to put forth. He needed that so much! I was so proud of him I cried when I heard this! He deserves it! (Being the humble one he is, KJ and MO are the ones who told me....not him!)

My Mother is going back in for another mastectomy next week on the 23rd!.....TWENTY TWO years after her 1st one! Jen and I teased her about feeling left out in this cancer war and she just had to get back in the game again!!!! We didn't realize she was competing with us!
She is AMAZING. Her attitude is phenomenal as usual and the crazy thing is that she does this major procedure as outpatient! Nuts huh?
She is such a woman of faith and takes it all in stride. I admire her more each day.
God bless my sister. She will spend the night with her and wake her every 4 hours to deal with the drains and THEN host family at her house the next day for Christmas Eve! She is a hero to me too.

I take a step back and realize how very precious life is. How great our sense of humor is in times of adversity and I thank God daily for keeping it in perspective. My dad would be proud of us. He was the master of that.
Heather's memorial is Thursday at Stanford and it will be packed out I am sure. Our family will go and try and show Gary and the girls a fraction of how she touched our lives.
Hug your family tonight.
Love the time.......
Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:26 AM CST

Saturday May 2nd, 2009.
I am starting to recruit TEAM HOPE brain cancer team members. This year I am walking in honor of many, but dedicating it to Heather Wimmer. The more people on the team willing to walk for this cause the better!
Brian and I are going to a Lifetouch meeting next week for a few days. A change of pace will be really good for me. I need some down time with my Lifetouch friends.
Scan the following week.
Will let you know results.
My friend Dave Bailey (Most of us in the brain tumor world know of him....incredible song writer and 12 year GBM survivor who has had a recent recurrence....GREAT Godly man whom I had the privilege to meet when we both spoke at a conference in Sacramento.) put it best.....

Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:45 AM CST

This update brings good news with some sad.
I had my post op doctors appointment and the pathology all looked good. Everything was benign. Yea.

On a sad note my dear friend Heather that was my co-captain for Team Hope has slipped in to a coma. Her husband Gary and teenage girls Rachel and Kelly sure could use your prayers right now.

My Mom is coming Monday for Thanksgiving! We are BEYOND excited to have her out at such a special time of year. We all love her and miss her so much. I am so grateful for her.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. What a great time to pause from the busyness and things that might not be going exactly as you want them to, and remember that overall we are blessed beyond measure. When you count your blessings instead of any trials you will find that an immediate sense of gratitude replaces any worry or fear.
That is where we need to be.
Not only this time of year, but actually ALL year!
I am so grateful to still be alive and writing this update.
I am so grateful for all of you that continue to pray for me and send your encouraging e mails.
They mean more to me than you will ever know.

Monday, November 10, 2008 1:21 PM CST

Quick update....
Surgery was fine. She pulled 4 polyps out and a piece of my cervix to send to pathology. My understanding is that almost all cervical polyps are noncancerous, but it is off at the lab just to be sure! She decided to biopsy my cervix too since my pap had some abnormality.
I have a follow up appointment with her next week on Friday.
I was so excited to not be too sick afterwards! They gave me some Emend (An antiemetic used for Chemo) and Propofol which made me dream very vividly. (He told me that would happen) I had such a great dream that had me helping all of these brain cancer people when I came out of it in recovery. It was so great I almost told him to put me back under to finish it!
Off to spin class....
Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for the prayers! As always they are greatly appreciated!

Saturday, October 25, 2008 4:06 PM CDT

Brian and I attended the UCSF Brain Tumor Symposium yesterday at the Mission Bay campus on a glorious 85 degree day and it was just as wonderful in the conference as it was outside.
They rearranged the event so that there were fewer speakers which was great. AND they spoke in language we all could understand! Even better. The format flowed well and it allowed us to ask questions during.
I am excited to report that great advances are being made and there is so much on the horizon in regard to personalized medicine. For instance 1 small example is that they can test the tumor now to see if the MGMT is methalated and that can predict who will respond to what protocols. This is a new way of testing and they can become very patient specific.
I am so thankful to be at UCSF. It is the oldest in the country and has more people doing research here than any where else in the country. There is also a new hospital being built on 43 acres.
The sad state of reality is that it takes roughly 10 years and a billion dollars to get a drug to treatment!!!!!!
There are some interesting things I learned about studying stem cells (many are resistant to traditional therapies) and different vaccines. I am thrilled to hear that they are working with our powerful immune systems and the T-cells and how they can get them to recognize an antigen so it can kill it.
Hang tight everyone....there is HOPE...it is coming.....
Always great to see Mike and Mike....(My brain surgeon and my neruo-onc. LOVE those guys)
I scheduled a little surgery in a few weeks. (Though they put me under it is outpatient) I think I can attribute my lower back issue to a fibroid or polyp or something going on. Hopefully this will take care of all of the other sypmtoms I have going on! They will send anything out to pathology to rule anything out. It will be just fine.
Colin got his braces on....he looks a few years older now!
His 10th birthday next weekend is at Nor Cal paintball with 10 of his buddies. Should be fun.
Riley is at the Revolve tour for teenage girls. It is a Christian event just like the Women of Faith with speakers and bands. She is having a BLAST. Screaming with 10's of thousands of other teen girls at Arco Arena in Sacramento. Our church took around 60 girls I think.
Brian has been extremely busy this fall. Our satellite manager had another heart attack so he spent the week up in Eureka. Lots of other stuff going on. He absolutely amazes me. I could never hold it together like he does with all of the stress. This has been the craziest fall of them all. He is definitely my hero!
Other than that...cruising right a long....
I will touch base after my surgery.

Monday, September 29, 2008 4:53 PM CDT

I have been so busy lately that it has been tough to find time to update!
My next scan is: Monday December 15th. Forget my 2 front teeth....a stable scan is on the wish list this year!
I had the privilege of staying with Heather and her family Thursday and Friday. I took the girls to school Friday morning while she went to her scan at 7:30 at UCSF. Unfortunately it did grow since her brain surgery 2 1/2 weeks prior. She will now try VP-16 and Accutane.
Thanks for all of the e mails keeping her in your prayers. Keep Tom, Kristine and Diane in too!
We did a church wide "Serve Sonoma County" Saturday and had fun. Colin and I went over to CCI after his soccer game where little Mario Andretti crashed the work cart in to the side of the maintenance guy's truck! In his defense the pedal was sticky and it was parked RIGHT next to the back. It didn't do much damage, but it is NEXT to the bumper so we will be spending some money on this one. He was great about it after I was worried to death and looked for the owner for 1/2 an hour!
It brought some future visions of this happening with a CAR and it being much worse.....yikes. That will be here before I know it!
Riley got her texting back so all is well in her world. She finally paid us off from her international global texting escapade in Greece. Expensive lesson!
I am trying to heal my back. I threw it out again a couple of weeks ago and it is being very stubborn. I ice and take a lot of aleve but it is not cooperating.
Well....homework time. Colin had 2 teeth extracted today for his 1st round of braces and he bled like crazy. Mr. Active ran too much at recess and it didn't help matters. The roots on those teeth were 1/2 an inch long! (I guess those weren't supposed to fall out until he is 13!)
October is here....I love this month.
Oh....we bought a used 2005 Acura with 40,000 miles. I told Brian if anything happens to me he will marry that car because he presses a button and it does what he says.....RIGHT AWAY!
That is pressure right there!
Enjoy the month!
Pop me a note in the guestbook!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 6:59 PM CDT

A HUGE sigh of relief! STABLE SCAN!
My brother Tom just called to see where I would be having my celebratory dinner and I told him my son has a soccer scrimmage. He said that snack shack food doesn't get enough credit!
My incredible husband bought me a box of my favorite Recchiuti chocolates in the ferry building while I was in for my MRI. He said he KNEW it would be OK and if it wasn't HE would be the one eating the box!
I indulged. (One is all you need of these fabulous french delicacies!)
I have to be honest and admit today I was nervous. I think I am just plain exhausted from being gone all summer and went mock 10 with my hair on fire and the kids are now in school and I just am more fatigued than normal. (Dr. Prados reminded me that I AM geting older.....;)
We had a great visit. We always catch up on family and I was very honest about many of my friend's recurrences and how it is affecting me and I am pretty wiped out. He knows. He knows that it is a precarious situation to have the same disease that you help people with! But who better than someone like me that understands what it is like to help provide HOPE?
Pastor Bret is doing a series on Heaven now and it is so incredible. Our real home is in Heaven. This is just preparing us for then. This life is such a blink of an eye. We need to live our every day life with that in mind. What are we doing HERE to prepare for THERE?
Who are we sharing with so they don't miss out on the overwhelming joy that will be there?
Last night Brian and I went and met Sean Swarner in person. (www.cancerclimber.org) He is a 2 time cancer survivor that has only 1 working lung. He spoke at Sonoma Outfitters. He is the 1st cancer survivor to climb Mount Everest and then he went on to climb every continent's highest peak. He is also going to be the humanitarian story for the Hawaiian Ironman in October this year.
I brought the picture he sent me of the flag that had my name on it with a couple hundred others that he took and burried at the top of Denali last June. It was so great to meet him and he recognized me and showed the audience the picture and said people like me were the ones that pushed him to the top on the 3rd try.
He truly embraces what it is like to spread Hope and to keep pressing on. Never say 'I can't do it' You are stronger than you think.

Dr. Prados said he still wants to keep me at 4 months which is fine by me. It is better to keep a close eye on what is happening on the inside of my brain.
I will rest a couple of weeks and then contact NBTF and Jennifer at Tug McGraw Foundation again to see what is next for me to do.
Blessings to all of you that continue to pray for me. It always works!

I FINALLY UPDATED THE PICTURES!!!!! (After a year....thank you very much. You would never know that was my business before hmmmm?)

Sunday, July 27, 2008 9:40 AM CDT


I LOVE that and it resonated with me the moment I heard Randy Pausch's 'Last Lecture' that raced around the Internet. As I am sure you are aware Randy lived a full life and died too young this week at 47. His cancer robbed his wife and kids of living the rest of their lives with a phenomenal man.

On a lighter note I have been reading excerpts from many Olympians on the upcoming event next month. Jessica Long a 15 year old paralympic swimmer said "Things turn out for the best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out." God has a plan for everyone and this was His plan for me!

WOW. I think she and Randy really got the meaning of their circumstances don't you? Since being diagnosed over 4 years ago with stage 4 brain cancer I have run across a variety of people. The ones that REALLY inspire me are the ones that do just that. I am not just talking about cancer survivors. I am talking about ALL circumstances in one's life. Whether it is a financial, career, or a physical one. Those that persevere through the valley will be blessed on the other side. It might be rough in the valley, but God travels with you during it ALL. When it gets really rough He will carry you through.

Burke Summer Tour '08 is ALMOST to an end!!!!! YIKES! My friend Patty sent me an e mail saying "Where in the world is Kate? It is like trying to find Waldo!" I should have drawn a map for the summer and made push pins on it to represent the miles flown! (Matt did it on the Today show years ago....why can't we?)
It has been a whirlwind. I love my family back in the Midwest SOOOO much and it is excruciating to leave them every summer. We had a short stay with them and I loved every minute. Fabulous.....times, but I am pretty much DONE with living out of a suitcase! My dear friend Cris and her family are coming out next week and we will head to Tahoe and then we are done! Of course Riley registers for School on the 8th so summer will draw quickly to a close. A memorable one at that........well.....for my family. I have lots of pictures to help the poor brain damaged/menopausal one!!!!
Speaking of which....
My next brain MRI is Tuesday August 19th! Praying for NO CHANGES!!!!!!
Heather and her family got back from a 3 week stint in Italy and she has another scan tomorrow at UCSF. My friend Kristine who was dx the same time I was is fighting her recurrence with some new drugs on a clinical trial.(BAY 43-9006, Sorafenib and 051-774 Erlotinib) I am thankful there are new things to try. Sue Chambers is winding down and we are praying for a miracle for her. And my buddy Tom is back out of the hospital and staying the course. I wanted to update those that e mail and ask me about everyone.
Please keep them ALL in your prayers.
Will update after my scan.....Love to all! Having fun EVERY day!

Friday, June 27, 2008 4:39 PM CDT

I realized that I better update this since several of you told me it has been almost a month!
We just returned from a 3 week trip of a lifetime with our kids and dear friend KJ. We slated Summer '08 for a return to Europe with the kids. We did just that by utilizing all of our miles and my disability check to take them to Italy, the Greek Islands, Croatia, and London. I cannot even begin to tell you how incredible it was.
Everything that you have seen or dreamed about Tuscany is all that TIMES 100. We had our very own private Tuscan farmhouse with a pool that sat in rolling vineyards and Olive trees in Montepulciano. Brian and I looked at each other one morning on an early morning walk as the sun rose over the rolling hills and deer lept up over the vineyards and said...."O.K. We could retire here!"
Then I thought...'Hey wait..I AM retired!' What am I waiting for!!!??? ;)
The kids loved the cruise we took from Island to Island in Greece. (Which of course I had to wipe out on a moped on Mykonos and managed to crack a rib and give the entire right side of my body some nice hematomas and scrapes WITH a helmet on since I bonked my head on the pavement....that was after a major hive break out from some bad shrimp we got in Athens. I looked like a mess!!!!!!!
I should have taken a picture of it!)
Speaking of Athens, Brian's fabulous cousin Pat, who lives there, was our tour guide through the Acropolis area and the Agora where she is an archeologist. It was delightful to be with her all day. She is so knowledgeable and fun!
We stayed in some incredible places in Italy for 10 days which we did by land 1st and then got on the cruise ship. We really used the ship as a mode of transportation since I remember 20 years ago going from Island to island via ferries and knew this would be a better alternative!
Of course part of me (SMALL) thinks I should have used the money for a new car that I need, but there is nothing like the experience of emersing your family in so many different cultures together!
We had lost luggage going in to Rome, and wrong trains from Florence to Venice, and getting lost from Pisa to a Terme etc.....but school simply cannot educate your children on the real world flexibility it takes to go with the flow when the unexpected happens!
In turn, they have developed the same love of overseas travel that Brian and I have. That is something that warms my heart.
I felt so incredibly blessed to be there with the people that mean the most to me (KJ that means you too!)and so grateful to still be alive and winning this battle.

Many people have said "Wow. I have always wanted to do that." or "I hope I can do that some day."
Why not start planning now? Really. I am case in point to just do something if you want to. It all works out in the end. You never know when that end might come anyway so what are you waiting for?
Throw it out there...so many people that travel for business have a lot of miles that they would LOVE to donate. Nothing is impossible.
Even if you can't get away for a long time...start with a day away and go from there....
It will rejuvenate you like you wouldn't believe.
It made me praise God even more because of what I have.
July brings a wedding in San Diego, our annual Redwood Christian Park family camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains (6th year!)and back to Wisconsin for a week to see my family.
I will touch base at the end of the month! God bless you!

Monday, June 2, 2008 6:12 PM CDT

Just got back from a great time in Wisconsin for my God son's wedding. We had such an awesome time with family every day for 3 days in a row. They kept us busy! We left at 1 AM California time to come back so we can get some things done before we leave for our family vacation.
My schedule this summer is busier than normal and I do feel the "brain drain" but will get some sleep and recouperate in the next couple of days.
Sounds like Kennedy had a successful surgery at Duke. I am thinking they will announce his diagnosis as a GBM. We will see. It is a little odd to see so much in the news about brain tumors! Don't get me wrong...I LOVE the awareness it brings to this......just amazed at it!
Time for laundry....Enjoy June.
Keep my dear friends Tom, Heather, Kristine, Leanne, and Sue in your prayers!

As I read the quote from Kennedy after surgery I had to comment. He said " I feel like a million bucks. I think I'll do that again tomorrow."
OK....Are you kidding me here?
I got out of the hospital about 48 hours after brain surgery and I thought I did pretty well, but I did NOT want to do it again ANY time in the near future. NOR did I feel like a million bucks....
It got me thinking that Kennedy and so many other public figures do what they are "supposed to do" by appearing like it is no big deal and being described as "fighters" need to put on that persona. Inside behind closed doors he must be scared to death when he realizes the facts about this disease.
I consider myself very positive as well and try and give hope to many out there. I certainly didn't have the game face he does though. Then again I don't have 1/2 the world watching like he does. My hope is that he gives hope to the ones that are reading it. I just wish he wouldn't have said he wanted to go through it again the next day.....I had other things in mind!

Friday, May 16, 2008 5:41 PM CDT

Well......We have JUMPED in to summer with 5 wild fires starting up with this 104 degree weather. I am concerned for the rest of the summer. It should only be about 80 for May, but it hasn't even cooled down at night with the Marine Layer coming in like usual. Yesterday morning Brian and I walked at 5:30 AM and it was still 88 degrees outside! I already lived in the desert for a year. I would like our normal weather back! Even San Francisco was 97!
I got my 2nd epidural shot this week and told Dr. Tran I don't want to see him again unless it was for coffee so juice me up as much as possible. He must have because I felt it for a couple of days. He told me I might have some permanent nerve damage and might not get the feeling back in my left finger but I disagreed (Bri asked when it was that I got my medical degree) and told him the other fingers have already come back and I KNOW I will get the feeling back 100 percent. Plus a lot of people have been praying for me. He also told me no heavy weights. Just 1 or 2 pounds and lots of reps. That is when I laughed out loud and told him yesterday that I had already been doing 15 pounds and above. He looked at me and said "Really? Hmmmm....Well...maybe in the future. You have permanent damage to your neck."
I told Pat my awesome Physical Therapist this and he smiled because he knows me and my body by now with my blown ACL and now this and said..'Just go for it Kate. You know your body and I know you and if you go too far we will just work on it in here."
Now THAT is my kind of therapist! He rocks. The good news is that the feeling is already coming back a bit! Praise God!
I am being careful because I don't want to EVER experience that excruciating pain again. But I feel much better when I work out every day.
Brian made it down to Palm Springs with some guys for a golf weekend. I am so happy he got to get away. He deserves it. Tough time of year for business and stressful.
Not to mention he really did a lot through this last mishap with me!

I need to get Colin to his baseball game. The poor kid is my little sweat ball and does not like hot weather. He will be dying out there tonight. Have a great weekend. Only 9 days left of school! I have a bunch of Lifetouch friends coming in next weekend and we are wine tasting and then celebrating my 42nd birthday at Osmosis Spa on the 26th. (Memorial day) Then Bri and I fly out for my God son's wedding in Wisconsin. (My cousin Ann's son) He asked me to do a reading and I can't wait to see my family. I get to go to a Wisconsin fish fry and a brunch there the next day. Can't wait to be with everyone!
Enjoy the weekend!

Sunday, May 4, 2008 5:33 PM CDT

What a glorious day we had for the Brain Tumor Angel walk yesterday in San Francisco! Thanks to so many of you TEAM HOPE TIED for 1st place as the top team fundraiser! As I mentioned in an earlier entry the team was the Power Rangers and as it turns out Laurie (Tom's wife) had already been on my web page and knows Brian's cousin Katrina! Worlds colliding!

I was asked to speak at the event and I even joked on stage that though this was all going to a GREAT cause the brain surgeon forgot to remove the competitive part of my brain and I REALLY wanted to beat them! It was funny as NBTF organizers told me they had never in the history of doing this had 2 teams so close. They were having fun watching us share the lead back and forth. We came within dollars of each other. Last year NBTF raised $550,000 this year they thought they hit $900,000!!! We had around 1800 people there and it was just super to see so many people filled with such HOPE. I stood in awe of all the teams that continue to raise money in honor of their loved ones that they lost. I can't wait to do this next year. Allison the Chair of the board asked me to get more involved with them (They just merged with the Brain Tumor Society of Boson making them the largest organization in the country of it's kind.) I will gladly get more involved.

My incredible Aunt Mary Tom walked with us. She cracked me up. There was a team called the Team Jolly Rogers and the husband Roger had died and they continue to support NBTF in his memory. Well they all dressed up as pirates and they were a lot of fun. My Aunt walked up to one of them and said "How do you get that parrot to hold still like that?" Referring to the brightly colored bird on his shoulder.
He squinted his eyes at her and merely said "Mainly because it is not real."
I thought I was going to die laughing. He probably thought SHE was the one with the brain tumor not me! Maybe we should get her a new glasses!
Thanks again for all of your support. A truly wonderful day.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 7:32 PM CDT

I am jumping for joy again. First time I have been able to go to 16 week scans and it is STILL clear!!!!!
I am so grateful that God continues to use me. As I was lying in the MRI machine I kept thinking about how fortunate I am to have this trial to use as a conversation piece! It really is amazing to see who God puts in your life to share your story with. Too many of us don't take the time to do it. I have learned that when I do take the time we BOTH leave smiling and grateful for the blessings we find.....in the midst of ANYTHING.
Some that have followed my journey the past 4 years (This past weekend by the way!)might remember Bert the nurse that was in charge of a study I was in. I went to the China Basin campus for the 1st time in a couple of years and I got to see Mary Ann who shaved my head for the fiducials the day before my brain surgery AND Bert! They both hugged me as I was cracking jokes with them and letting them know SEE.....GUYS! THERE ARE LONG TERM SURVIVORS!!!!! They were so happy to see me and hear about all of the people I have run across. I know many more people that are out further than I am. I also know people that have gotten recurrences and STILL are going strong. The more I travel and speak the more I see. If you are just stumbling across this now, KEEP PRESSING ON!
There is hope.
You CAN do it.
One more week and it is BRAIN TUMOR WALK time!!!! It is not too late to donate to a great cause. TEAM HOPE is VERY close to 1st place.....The Power Rangers are currently in the lead. I can't wait to meet them. They own a vineyard in St. Helena and know all the wine people! I saw Robert Parker on there, Silver Oak, Mondavi, Cakebread.......etc!!!! Tough to beat a lot of $1,000 donations! RIGHT ON for them though. How wonderful of them to lean on their friends for the support we ALL need. I am competitive though......HOPE we win!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:23 AM CDT

Quick update. Had the epidural shot at the clinic yesterday. It wasn't the magic bullet I was praying for, but I am trying to go without any heavy duty pain meds. I took myself off the morphine and lyrica and flexiril. I feel a lot of the nerve problem that contiinues to run from my shoulder blade down my both side of my deltoids and past my forearm (I keep thinking someone is giving me a snake bight. Remember doing those to your siblings?)and in to my fingers. I am pretty sure I will have to do the shot again in a month. I will keep on all of the modalities I have been doing and smile and remember it could be worse!(Even though I haven't been able to work out in a month now....I am going CRAZY!)My neighbor Scott read "And still He seeks the fellowship of His people.....and sends them both joy and sorrow to detach their hands from the things of this world And attach those hands to Him." So I humbly sit here and am learning to let go.....

It is getting better. I am 50 percent there. I just need to be 100 percent before this weekend and our Kathy's Camp Kick Off event at Safari West. (Visit www.Kathyscamp.org) Buy a raffle ticket! Great prizes. This is the board that I sit on for kids that have parents with cancer.

I need to get my kids going this morning. Baseball and track and all the fun spring activities we do! See....I don't have time for an injury to sideline me!
The brain tumor walk is fast approaching! Click on the widget to help us fight brain cancer!!!!!
Scan next Wednesday. Will update then!

Saturday, March 29, 2008 10:56 AM CDT

I have been demoted.
No more roller coasters for me. I now need to be the drink cup holder.
Let me explain.
During Spring Break a week ago we took our kids to Marine World. My neck was out and I thought to myself 'I need to go see James my chiropractor.' I SHOULD have thought 'I better not do all of those upside down and cork screw rides today.'
Instead because of the lack of a line....we went on them NON STOP!
As a result I have been down for a week on ice, hot tub and visiting my chiropractor and MD! The MRI showed 3 bulging discs. They are pinching on my nerves creating an excruciating pain to shoot down my left arm and my fingers are numb and tingly. My pecs, delt and trap muscles are twitching 24/7. Percocet hardly touched it and the anesthesiologist I saw yesterday said I need an epidural shot in my neck to help with all of the spasms and nerve pinching. He put me on morphine and a new nerve drug a long with the flexeral I am taking. I will continue to ice and use the tens unit and try and be patient while this heals. (Yeah right...)
I don't ever want to experience this pain again! It is brutal and keeps me up all night. There is only 1 position I can sleep in and that only lasts a bit and I need to shift. Needless to say I have been sleep deprived too!
I am moving my brain MRI. I could barely lay down for this last one and it was only 20 minutes and they could prop my head up so my chin touched my chest. (I can't go flat)

I will let you know when it is rescheduled. I think the docs here were mostly looking for a metastasis. I told them it is highly unlikely because only a small percentage of GBM's travel outside the brain.

The hardest thing for me to grasp is that my body cannot do everything my mind wants to any more. I feel like it is failing me! I am only in my 40's for crying out loud!
I am praying for quick pain releif!
More later.....back to ice and practice holding everyones drinks......

Monday, March 10, 2008 2:18 PM CDT

Great conference this past weekend in Sacramento. It was such a privilege to be able to go speak again and share our journey and give hope. We met so many great people that are on the same path. It was encouraging to see NBTF, Sutter and The Brain Tumor Society join TOGETHER for the common good of the brain tumor patient. So many times it seems like organizations do their own thing and duplicate what is out there instead of combining efforts.

This just made me want to do the walk on May 3rd all the more! We will continue to fight the fight one person at a time. I was thrilled to see that they included nutritional and supplemental information at the conference too. They gave Jeanne Wallace's info out so that was awesome!
I not only got to meet a lot of great people, but was especially excited to make a new friend named Liz Holzemer who is responsible for Meningioma Mommas website. She is a dynamic woman who I clicked with right away and hope to see again soon. Finally met Dave Bailey too who performed at the end of the day. He is a gifted guy who is out 11 1/2 years with a GBM.
I highly encourage any of you that have not yet gone to a local conference to do so. There is a lot of valuable information given and an opportunity to network with others which is probably the MOST important thing you can do.
Press on everyone and enjoy TODAY. Let tomorrow take care of itself.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 4:05 PM CST

I was at the Amgen Tour of California race yesterday. What an incredible day. Those elite athletes train so hard and make it all look so easy.
During their race I thought about the fact that there are so many people that DON'T have it easy right now. So many are battling this disease and I am reminded of it every day.

I know NO ONE likes to fund raise. I am at the very top of that list. I am however tired of this disease getting the best of many people I have known and loved over the years. I believe that one of the reasons I am still here today is to let people know that there is hope for them. Because of this I am going to do the Angel Walk for the National Brain Tumor Foundation in San Francisco on May 3rd. I have decided to support NBTF because they brought hope to me and not only do they supply millions of dollars to support cutting-edge research and patient resources, but they only spend 1 percent on administrative costs!
We need a cure NOW. Brain cancer is so rare that we do not get the funding that many other cancers get. I feel very passionate about helping this cause.
My friend Heather Wimmer who was diagnosed 2 years ago with a GBM is my co-captain for our team named:
TEAM HOPE. (I do need to tell you that Brian's vote was "Team Huh?".....always the comedian....)
Please join me in saving lives by donating to brain cancer research at:

Thank you so much.

Monday, February 4, 2008 4:08 PM CST

I hope you enjoyed your Super Bowl Party yesterday. We had fun. I had to laugh as I stood in line Sunday at the grocery store (BUYING my snacks since I had no energy on Saturday to make anything.)
A lot of people were buying the typical football fare....as I checked out my sushi and edamame and similar items. I chuckled with the checkout gal and said...'Only in California! Huh?'
Colin and I had to leave at Half time since he had an indoor soccer game. We were short a guy and played a really good team. Colin was goalie the 1st half and a VERY talented young guy got several goals past him. I looked around for the parents to compliment them on how great their son was and said 'Who's kid is that?!!??'
Another Dad walked past me and said 'PELE'S!'
No kidding. He must sleep with the soccer ball under his pillow!
Who schedules games during the super bowl!!!???
This Saturday we kids are throwing a 50th wedding Anniversary party for Brian's parents. It is a remarkable milestone and we are thrilled to honor the folks. I am sure that is why all 4 boys are so happily married. They have set a great example on commitment.
If my Dad hadn't died 12 years ago (On Valentines Day! Thanks Dad! Ha ha)my parents would have been married for 50 years this year as well! They too set the bar high and helped me wait for just the right person God put in my path.
We are enjoying some sunny weather finally. It has rained most of 2008!
Scan set for April 1st.....I promise I won't do any April Fool's jokes on the result!...In regard to that at least!!!
Will update some pictures after the party. I know those are over 6 months old.
http://www.braintumor.org/upload/images/total conference info packet.pdf
This is the link to the next event where Brian and I will be speaking. Several people have asked for the info so you can still sign up to go!

Friday, January 18, 2008 1:30 PM CST

I just got off my NEW bike in this beautiful 65 degree sunny day! A HUGE thank you to Mike, John, Mary, Laurel, Kim and Ted, Kathleen and Matt, Mom, Aunt Joan, and Phil at Nor Cal bike for replacing my stolen one!!!! These incredible people blessed me with the same exact bike. I am humbled and blown away. God is good!

I talked with Harriet Patterson, who is the Director of Patient Services at NBTF (National Brain Tumor Foundation)this morning about speaking in Sacramento March 8th. They are collaborating with several groups and are expecting a few hundred people in attendance. In the morning both Brian and I will be part of a panel talking with a neuropsychologist about our experience as a high grade survivor. Then in the afternoon we will get more in depth in an open question/answer format.
I am looking forward to sharing our journey with others. There will be patients there that will need guidance a long this journey and as you know I feel very strongly that is my mission!
A few of my close friends are fighting hard....press on guys...you can do it! In fact Tom my BT buddy that got me in to cycling in the 1st place had emergency brain surgery for an infection 2 weeks ago and is now in a rehab facility working hard to get his left side working again. I will zip down to Santa Barbara soon to harass him. He is hysterical and on his blog FROM there said "It is just a flesh wound!!!!"
More on them later......
Keep EVERYONE in your prayers! Gotta run....

Friday, January 4, 2008 5:40 PM CST

I just KNOW 2008 will be a great year.
No resolutions for me. I don't "do" those.
Just a continued fight for clean and stable scans each visit. And trying to find a way to continue to fight for those that are not receiving the news they want. Keep pressing on my dear survivor friends. Don't give up. Don't ever give up.

Our dear friend (And Pastor!) Bret gave Brian a book by Louie Giglio called:
i am not But I KNOW I AM
(As in God, the GREAT I AM)......... How great is that title?
I loved what he said right off the bat in the 1st chapter. He was in town to speak to some college kids and to "Remind them that life is short and our time on earth is really brief. That is why we have to make sure our lives count for the stuff that lasts forever."

My goal this year is to make sure that I concentrate on that. Pure and simple. It is not MY story that is important....It is HIS.
Make it count.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007 3:32 PM CST

Just as a lot of you received my Christmas letter saying 'I LOVE this time of year' I hit meltdown Sunday.
The usual Norman Rockwell 'Lets-Get-Out-The-Christmas things' scene was more like a crazed overwhelmed cartoon scene out of a MAD magazine or something!
Brian was with our friend's son Keaton in Sacramento getting his Senior pictures done and I thought we could get a jump start on our evening festivities by putting the lights on the tree, making the annual carmel corn, pulling out the lovely Christmas CD's etc....
Long story short....A SNIPPET of what took place....
After Colin and I struggled with the lights and he pulled out ALL of the items in SEVEN boxes which were strewn all over the floor (It seriously looked like a tornado had ripped through our tiny house)and I could not make a path to the kitchen to see that there was smoke billowing out of the air popcorn popper (Colin wanted so desperately to help)He blows the motor, we try popping it on the stove and burn that too so our house is NOT smelling like Christmas anymore....and Riley is giving me eye rolls so many times while she is on the computer listening to her I-tunes selections I think they might fall out of their sockets!
Of course we run out of popcorn and I cannot get a hold of Brian ('Please HONEY...DON'T leave your cell phone in the car again while I hit over load and need you.....' Said lovingly of COURSE!)
Shall I continue?
My kids look at me like I am going to spit green and my head will start spinning any second....And all I can say is 'I HAVE to sit down and do my Bible study. That is the ONLY thing that can give me a reality check right now!'
Yes....it did.
Thank GOD it did!!!
Bri came home with a new air popper and more popcorn in hand and took over so I could again say I love this time of year and REALLY mean it! We ended up having a fabulous night after all with lots of laughing and reminiscing over ornaments from the past.
What is it with us? We have the best intentions sometimes and WE get in the way don't we?
Then Colin sits down to write his letter for the charity that he picked in lieu of gifts for the Burke Christmas this year and I remember what it is that I LOVE about this time of year.
'Dear Dr. Prados,
This year for the Burke Christmas instead of presents I am giving money to UCSF because you helped my Mom and I want to help other kid's Moms.
Thank you and Merry Christmas
From Colin'
Not even a last name. Even more precious.
Does it matter? It is not about receiving...it is all about GIVING.
20 days from now we celebrate the best gift. The gift of a baby born in a manger a long way from here.
Now that is a gift better than any gift you can get.
Keep that in mind before you blow it and make it something other than what it REALLY is like I did Sunday.

We all need to remember that especially this time of year.
Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas and ENJOY it!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007 6:22 PM CST

Clean scan!
I get to "graduate" to every FOUR months now! Double Yea! (Mike was a bit apprehensive. He is very special to us.)
My Mom leaves in 2 days so I want to enjoy every moment with her and will update more later.
Thanks for all of the e mails and calls. They mean a lot!
Blessings to you all.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 12:52 AM CST

As Thanksgiving nears I am of course, like many of you, reminded about how grateful I am for SO many things.
I am blessed beyond belief. I would not trade my life and the journey I have followed for anything.
Crazy you say?
So many blessings and miracles have been revealed to me it is overwhelming. You just have to look for them.
I am thankful for all of the incredible people that cancer has placed in my life. It is a daily reminder that life is not about stuff, but PEOPLE and relationships and ultimately LOVE.
If you or someone you know is experiencing or has experienced cancer have them view:
www.thesurvivormovie.com It is so great.

My incredible Mother is coming in 6 days!!!! We are so excited to spend Thanksgiving with her. Scan in a couple of weeks. Will update after that!
Enjoy this season with family and friends. I am quite certain you can find many things to be thankful for. I know we can.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 8:45 AM CDT

Fall is Here!
Recently I have found myself sharing the same thing with some people that have been contacting me.
I thought that I would share some of it here.
We ALL go through trials and storms in our lives. It might be a cancer diagnosis, loss of a job, financial strain, relational issue, a parenting issue, a death.....You name it we hit it!
It is important to remember though that God is not the author of this evil. HOWEVER He will allow these things to test our faith. Storms ARE going to happen. Plan on it!
The really cool thing is that Jesus can meet you in that storm if you let Him.
We just can't get it. We are fearful. (Even though Jesus says HUNDREDS of times in the Bible 'Don't be afraid') I am a worrier. We tend to look at all of the obstacles and problems why we CANNOT do something.
It all boils down to trusting God. He has a purpose and a plan for EVERYTHING. I know that when I trust Him and keep my eyes on Him everything always works out. BECAUSE it is HIS plan...not mine. There is that control issue I have again! Do you know that if you are fearful about something you THINK you are in control! Guess what? You are not!
I have a love/hate relationship with that idea. I like control, but it sure is nice not to be in control......I sound like I have multiple personalities I know.
So.....whatever you are facing in the valley right now try and relinquish control. Keep your eyes on Jesus and find the comfort that He wants to give you. And remember that Mountain top is not too far away. It will make that valley experience tolerable and the Mountain top so much sweeter.
Next scan Monday Nov 26th! (I want to see if I can go past every 12 weeks) My fabulous Mother will be here!!! Yea! We can't wait.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007 4:15 PM CDT

Whether you are just now visiting this page for the 1st time or you have been following my journey the past 3 years I want to give you some hope right now.
The UCSF Brain Tumor Symposium that we attended Friday was absolutely amazing.
The brain power in that auditorium was mind boggling! They are the largest group of investigators working to understand the underlying biology of a brain tumor. They had brain surgeons, neuro-oncologists, world renowned stem cell scientists, a leader in the country for epidemiology (Identifies demographic,genetic, environmental and social factors with disease occurrence and outcomes)20 top people in their field.
If you are looking for a great facility to manage your care look no further than there!
Lots of these people had Md's AND PhD's. (Imagine THEIR school loans!)
They are making so much progress. For example, just in the last 5 years (really) the fresh brain tissue that they get from the tumor can be individually tested.(Signaling molecules and independent biomarker profiling that affect growth and recurrence.)
They informed us about genomics,(All DNA and RNA in a tumor), cell signaling, angiogenesis (How DOES it attract blood cells)
The hardest part for me was to see a brilliant man named Bill Weiss (PhD, MD) tell us that he has an exciting possible wonderful discovery that has shown some great results in lab mice (mycn pronounced 'Mick'-N) and he "Only got in the top 15r the grant he wrote. Normally that would be ok....but since the war and all the billions of dollars that we are spending every day, you have to have 9o get your grant approved. This was a grant for research for childhood brain tumors.
He now has to revamp it and resubmit it NEXT year!
The cuts in cancer funding at the NIH are also causing us to loose the valuable young researcher that we so desperately need to find the next great thing.....and that ever so desired cure for brain cancer.
It was so neat to chat with them out in the atrium at the wine and cheese reception afterward. I laughed with Mike McDermott my brain surgeon and said 'OK, You were touching my BRAIN and here I am having a glass of wine with you!' Too bizarre.
Many commented to Heather and I that we are their motivation and passion to do what they do. We are long term survivors and many of you that visit this page are too. Keep on that road! Hang tight......LOTS is on the way! Be encouraged and research any clinical trials you might be eligible for. I can't wait to see what is next!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 6:29 PM CDT

Time has gotten away from me! Sorry.
Everything is great here. Feels a bit like fall though it doesn't officially start until Sunday!
Doing some volunteer work at both the kid's schools. Today I helped at the middle school tallying magazine sales. I joked afterwards with them that I put someone elses name on all of my sheets in case they were incorrect. (They all thought I was kidding when I shared my stage 4 GBM thing...)
There was an oncology nurse in the group and was stunned that I was still here!
More and more opportunities arise for me to share my story. Whether in the club pool swimming laps or in the store. I jump on it every chance I get. I am so grateful to God to be used for His glory.
Brian and I have been asked to lead the next campaign at church. We need to raise 4 million to get over to the property now. Truthfully, I hesitated with the full plates we both have, but Brian convinced me otherwise. Should be interesting!
Next week Brian and I will join Gary and Heather Wimmer at a Brain Tumor Symposium at UCSF. It will talk about advancements in brain tumor research and treatment from 3-5 with a wine and cheese reception after. I am eager to hear about how they are exploring new treatments as I have had several friends with recurrences the past couple of weeks. (Please say a special prayer for Sue Chambers and Tom Whittaker.)
Then we will hit one of my all time favorite places for tuna tar tar for dinner! (AQUA)
BSF started last week (YEA!)and Brian is actually attending the Men's class on Monday nights! It will be such a blessing to do the Matthew study at the same time.

I threw on my "Life Is Good" shirt after the gym today (How fortunate is that company by the way? What a great concept and they have made millions!) I don't remember seeing the little tag on the front corner before that reads: 'Do what you like. Like what you do.'
That is a great thing to end on. It made me smile. Simple as it is. We should all follow it!
Liking what I do here in California!!!!!!!Until next time!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:17 PM CDT

(Of course they like to say 'Stable disease' on the reports but let's call a spade a spade here!!!! I much prefer CLEAN SCAN!)
Mike had a young doctor in the room from Quebec that is working at UCSF for 2 years. He let her do the exam and cover the scans. Needless to say it was very quick. We had a great time as usual laughing and joking around. Mike said to her 'Do you have any questions for Kate? She is a long term survivor!' And I thought to myself...'Man....THREE years is considered LONG TERM in my world? SOMETHING needs to change!'
If some of you searching for updated info have not yet seen Ben William's piece on virtualtrials.com be sure to check out his August update. Lots of good info in there.
Things are good here.
OMG.... I have the hormonal Jr. High girl in the house. WOW. I find myself holding back from researching boarding schools back east....If anyone has run across a plan to survive in the same household PLEASE don't hestiate to hand out that advice! ;)
Colin is in soccer and both the kids are doing a bit of Water Polo which makes their Dad and Grandad happy I am sure. (Both former players themselves and of course Andy is still an icon in that world.)
Sad news....I got my nice road bike swiped from my open garage last week in the middle of the day! I could not believe it. On there were 2 pair of gel gloves, my bike computer and my Road ID bracelet (I don't like to wear it so I just keep it on my bike.) Of course it said I had seizures and was factor 5 leiden and had brain cancer. Do you think someone might feel just a teensy weensy remorseful when they realize who they took it from?
Probably not....
One can dream.
Colin informed me that you never know....God is bigger than anyone that took it and maybe He would have a policeman find them.
He is so right. Child like faith.....that is what we all need.
Happy Labor Day!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007 8:12 AM CDT

Happy August!
We just got back from our annual Lifetouch/family visit in the Midwest. What a wonderful couple weeks. We ended it in Michigan on Duck Lake with all of my family tearfully saying good-bye. That place is a glimpse of what heaven must be!
Great news on Thomas (The German chef) By the grace of God he is able to move his legs! There is great hope that he will walk again. They flew him to Berlin to a rehab center there so he can heal closer to friends and family. His sister Annekathrin stayed at our house and used our car while we were gone. What a sweetheart she is. One of the most touching moments was to see her see him for the 1st time in over a year early in the morning in ICU. She had tears streaming down her face as she approached the bed where he laid not able to move his legs. I thought about how emotional the long journey must have been for her as she thought about her only brother lying in an ICU in another country. It was very tender. (Forget reality TV....real life has so much more to offer people! Look around!)
As we flew to Minneapolis I began to think about how being a chef defined who Thomas is. What will he do now? Then I thought about how so many of us use what we do for our OWN identity. Some search for the meaning of their life in a career. We become these human "doings" rather than human "beings". I mean think about it....one of the 1st questions you probably ask someone is 'What do you do?'
I think we should all start asking 'What do you enjoy doing?'
We might get a different take on the person we 1st meet. I highly doubt the 1st thing that comes to mind will be their job!!!!!!!! I think people will be more apt to share a piece of who THEY are that defines them.
If you are one of those people that find their identity in what you do for a living, you might want to take a step back and ask yourself what is God's purpose for my life? Don't get me wrong, careers are very important and can be very fulfilling. Mine was.
Then it was taken away in a drop of a dime.
Who would you become if yours was?
Would you like who you are?
If the answer to that is "no" I suggest you re-evaluate how you spend your free time. Are you putting God and the people in your life 1st? Where you spend your time becomes your priority....like it or not.
One of the speakers at family camp was talking about a guy that lost his job and said 'When you lose your props THAT is when you really succeed.' When you come to the end of self THAT is when you get to the beginning of God.
Scan change. August 28th instead.
Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 14, 2007 7:40 PM CDT

No worries! I am just fine! Just incredibly busy. I heard from several people that thought I might have had something come up. (Nothing to freak about. Found another breast lump and did an ultra sound and an aspiration and the pathology reports revealed nothing. I KNEW it was, but since my Mom had breast cancer and a mastectomy they are always pretty careful with me.)
Just got back from our 5th year at Redwood Christian Park family camp in the Santa Cruz Mountians. Wow. I absolutely love that place. Both speakers were so great and it is the ultimate place for putting things in perspective! Brian and I are always recharged and filled when we return.
Now....lots of laundry and then we leave for a couple of weeks for the Minneapolis Lifetouch meeting, Chicago to be with my brother and his family, Wisconsin with my Mom and sister and then the "U-P" (Upper Penninsula of Michigan) where my cousins have their places on Duck Lake.
My next scan is set for Monday August 20th.
Keep our friend Thomas in your prayers. (He was the German chef From French Laundry that I had on the website that spent Christmas with us and we took to Tahoe skiing.) We just visited him in the hospital on our way back from camp. He was in a bicycling accident and he is paralyzed right now.
Enjoy July....I will be back at month's end.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:53 PM CDT

Finally got a chance to upload some Livestrong Day pictures. Sorry it took so long! Almost out of books too if you really want one let me know soon.
Jennifer Brusstar who is the head of the Tug Mcgraw foundation contacted me. (Tim McGraw's dad that died of a GBM) and she has offered to have my family attend a Tim Mcgraw/Faith Hill concert in San Jose in August! We are honored and look forward to it. Her group does a lot for the brain tumor world and I am looking forward to possibly sharing our story on their site.
I did my 1st spin class in 2 1/2 months and really modified it (Couldn't stand yet) but it felt good to be back doing more. Can't wait to be full speed ahead!
Kristine did very well with her surgery and is back home as of Monday. My good friend Tom in So Cal could use your prayers....waiting to see what his next step will be. His oglio bt is back and he is headed to Hawaii next week. (A great place to contemplate what to do next! He is still planning on doing his century for the Livestrong challenge in Portland. THERE is a guy with dedication and the right attitude! GO TOM!)
Had a great week with the family last week visiting our good friends. Riley heads to Mt. Gilead camp for the 1st time without family or friends. She is a bit apprehensive, but I am glad she will be going solo. It helps you make that step to reach out to others sooner! My brain surgery was 3 years ago the 23rd. WOW. Pretty amazing.
Have a super rest of the week!

Sunday, June 3, 2007 1:37 PM CDT

Quick update.
I am home resting while my family is at our annual Village get-together at the Lake. BUMMER! This darn immune system failed me again after my trip to Chicago. I got in late Wednesday night and hit the ground running the next couple of days with all of the grad stuff happening and the end of the year sports parties. I am on the mend though and thankful I was not on the flight with the guy who had TB! (It scares me that someone with a compromised immune system could have been on that flight though.)
My brief talk to the Schering-Plough Oncology reps went well and they were very kind to me. I joked when I 1st got up on stage that I wanted to see the notes in the hotel computer and wondered if it said "Handicap" on them as I had a HUGE bathroom made for a wheelchair. The shower came complete with a special shower handle. I could have fit the whole group in there! I assured them I didn't need that. I might forget them in 10 minutes, but I certainly can get around all right!
I had a great time seeing family on Memorial Day at my brother's house and got to see his bank Northern Trust where he is a Senior Vice President. I love downtown Chicago and the buzz around Michigan Avenue. I got a chance to hang out with my buddy Pat "Devo" Devine who ironically is working with SP and supplying oncologists with my chemo! He is so great.
I now know why I cannot do too many speaking engagements now. It really takes a toll on me to travel like that and I HATE being away from my family. Maybe when the kids are older.
Remember when some of you wrote and called and said it is so unfair how I had to go through the grueling neuro tests? Well.....God had a plan...as He ALWAYS does. Which is why we should not EVER question the road we must follow. Because they found out I have too many deficits to work again, I got a settlement offer from my long term disability company. (They come up with a number based on what they feel the policy is worth today, my mortality rate, when Colin turns 18 etc....)
Now....granted it is only a THIRD of what I would have been paid had I opted to take the full policy over the years. (until I was 65)
HOWEVER.....my biggest concern was the car and guess what....after I put away 1/2 for the tax next year, we will have enough for another used car! (With lower miles of course!) GOD ALWAYS PROVIDES.....He promises not to leave us or forsake us and Brian and I have seen this over and over again in our lives.
It is the same for you. Cast your cares upon Him and watch how He works it all out.
We are so very blessed.
I need to go rest now. I will gather some of the pictures from Livestrong Day and add them this next week. Say a special prayer for my friend Kristine in Chicago. We were diagnosed right around the same time and it was in the same spot as mine and hers just returned and she has brain surgery Tuesday June 5th. She has 3 little ones (One was born at the time around her diagnosis!) She is amazingly strong and plans to kick it's butt again.....Go Kristine!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 6:43 PM CDT

A quick update.
LIVESTRONG day was remarkable. What a fabulous experience. It was amazing to be on Capitol Hill and go to all of the offices we did. The great thing about California is that we mostly THANKED them for their support! Our 3 "asks" were to have them consider being a cosponsor of the Cancer Screening, Treatment, and Survivorship Act of 2007, to support a 6.7 % increase in funding for important research at the National Institutes of health (NIH) as well as a $136.6 million increase for critical cancer programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
So many of the California Senators and representatives are already on board with all of this.
Some of the training was particularly interesting. I had no idea what all is involved with being an advocate! They really got us thinking about grassroots advocacy.
"Imagine if:
There was a president that had a plan for cancer.
There were universal screenings for ANYONE who needs it.
Corporations who are concerned about cancer.
A congress that funds life saving research.
A mayor that would declare LIVESTRONG DAY every year.
Cancer wasn't a bad word.
On and on......"
We had a press conference at 2 EST on Wednesday and we were all in our yellow shirts. It was an amazing day.
I then got home after 1 am (4 am from what I was adjusted to) and slept for a few hours and picked up my sister Jennifer in from Chicago for a fantastic weekend. (Except for the day and a half that I threw up from the flu!)
Think I am going a bit too hard perhaps?
She just flew out today and I miss her already. She is the most amazing woman and sister. I am so blessed to have her be such an important part of my life.
Now back to reality....
I have a dozen women coming over tomorrow after our last BSF class. I celebrate my 41st birthday over the weekend and then I am off to Chicago to speak at ASCO.
Will update again then.
Thanks for your continued support and prayers and for wearing yellow last Wednesday. I will have more info on how you can join the LIVESTRONG ARMY soon! You too can help make cancer a National priority.

Monday, May 7, 2007 4:03 PM CDT

I had complete peace going in. I was able to once again thank Mike Prados for his incredible compassion and friendship after my neurological exam. He is so great. I told him that I prayed for him a lot through the MRI. I can't imagine his day. He said he would just keep me as one of his success stories! I am GREAT playing that role. In fact when he left the room briefly to get my neuropsychological testing report copy for me, Brian looked at my SUPER thick file and said 'Woah! Check out how thick your file is!'
I laughed and said "OMG...just kidding...I don't talk in text messaging.....
I actually said "Brian, in this office a thick file is a GREAT thing! That means I am living a long time in order to fill that puppy up! In this case...the bigger the better!"
So...the test results....
Just what I had mentioned. They documented primarily memory and learning difficulties on visuospatial tasks. I.e. my processing abilities are compromised. They said my inability to perform multiple and complex tasks was supported by the testing. Thus, I would not be able to return to the capacity that I once was.
No personality disorders or emotional problems were found. (My husband wants them to check again!)But they did say
"However, hypomanic traits were evident."
I immediately looked up what "Hypomanic" means.
Hypomania is a mild state of mania involving slightly abnormal elation and overactivity.
Now....lets break this down...
Mania is an inordinately intense desire or ENTHUSIASM for something.
Go back to the definition of hypomania.....the word ELATION is......
I take that as a GOOD thing then because I am ENTHUSIASTICLY JOYFUL in the LORD!
And it must show! ;)
Busy week. I fly out early Sunday for DC.
I will update upon my return!
Don't forget the YELLOW Wednesday the 16th!
Thanks for all of the extra prayers! I feel them!

Friday, April 27, 2007 8:29 AM CDT

I am sure all of us have come in contact with someone we know that has cancer.
Since 1 in 3 will be diagnosed in their lifetime......I am asking each and every one of you to at least wear yellow on Wednesday, May 16th. There will be over 200 local communities doing their own event for Livestrong Day and helping the Nation see that we MUST make cancer a national priority. I just bought my whole family LIVESTRONG shirts to wear that day and bracelets to hand out at school. (Go to www.Livestrong.org to order or just see what others are doing.)
I have been asked by Schering-Plough (Drug company that makes the chemo I took)if they could fly me to the ASCO convention in Chicago to speak. (ASCO is the national organization for all oncologists)Originally I said no only because I had to be back for Riley's "graduation" (Since when do we celebrate Kdg, 6th and 8th grade grads? I think we only celebrated HIGH SCHOOL!)Family does come 1st.
Well, they moved it back a day so I could be back.
Needless to say May will be insane. Please pray for me that I will not only say what God leads me to say both places, but that I will be able to handle the end of the year craziness (that you parents know).....and everything else that comes a long with saying yes to too much! I hope to be well rested and not too stressed.
The tough thing is I usually work out hard to alleviate any of this stress....I can only ride the stationary bike now! I am getting more mobility though through physical therapy. It is a slow process and you guessed it....I am NOT a patient woman!
Scan on May 7th. I will update you then.

Monday, April 16, 2007 2:33 PM CDT

I have to share the cool experience God orchestrated today!
I was in Physical Therapy and this radiant older woman was there for her appt. at the wrong time. Pam, a wonderful gal that was working on my leg told me she was thinking about me and my journey this weekend and was remembering her brother who died of throat cancer. I proceeded to share my testimony with her as I usually do about WHY this happened and how God has a plan through all of this and on and on.....
Micky (The darling lady next to me) said 'Oh my goodness. I had thyroid cancer YEARS ago and my kids were 2,4,6. I am a Christian as well and said, Lord I am ready to go home if you want, but I do have children here I would like to raise. Back then the "c" word usually meant death!'
So we started sharing and so many people perked up. Pam even said "It wasn't a coincidence that you 2 met today and that your appt. was missed Micky." Then another employee came over and said 'Are you Laura's friend Kate that I have been praying for?'
Woah. Yes.
"WOW. I just saw her and she said how great you are doing and how much she misses you....I am going to call her at lunch and tell her I ran in to you!"
And it went on.
I just love seeing how HE works. I was so encouraged when I left there. It reminded me again how God's power shows up best in weakness.
Heard from The insurance company.(Who will remain nameless)
The results of the cognitive testing are in and.......
drum roll please....
It appears that I have deficits that prohibit me from working......
ta da... (Oh really!!!??? I could have saved them thousands of dollars!)
Once the $6,600 From their oversight is paid back at the end of 2009...I will collect $190 a month again! Please pray that my car with 140,000 miles on it holds on until then!
Tonight is my 1st board meeting for Kathy's Camp for kids that have a parent that has been diagnosed with cancer. My new cancer friend Kathy Van Riper (She was on The View and won a new Ford!) is an incredible warrior in her fight for breast cancer right now. She is so amazing. Her husband is too. They are both big runners and their kids have taken up their love for the sport. I am honored to help out in any way that I can. Keep her family in your prayers too.
This is long enough!
It feels so good to move my body more. I was on the stationary bike and it was great! My body craves exercise. If I have to do knee surgery it won't be until the fall. In the meantime, I will see Dr. Smith again in 6 weeks and get fitted for a brace.
That is most of the update!

Saturday, April 7, 2007 11:10 AM CDT

Last knee scoop. My orthapaedic surgeon called last night with my MRI results. He informed me that I DID have a torn ACL. (Bummer) That big spot we saw on the bone on the X-Ray was due to the impact of the injury and the dislocation and the bone therefore bruised. (It will heal) I cannot do any impact sports (running, water skiing or any twisting sports for quite some time) He wants me off of it using crutches for a couple weeks. (I will use them for only a few more days because it is feeling better.) If I don't the underneath cartilage and bone might separate and that wouldn't be good.
The good news is that my meniscus is intact! Yea. No immediate surgery is needed! We are going to go the least invasive way now with rehab through physical therapy and a follow up with him in a month.
Unfortunately this means no triathlon for me in a few weeks. I can bike FLAT in a few weeks, but no hills. maybe by next year I can do the whole thing.
I was mentioning to my sister before this happened that I was becoming way too overwhelmed with our family calendar with both kids in 2 sports and everything else and I was starting to be affected mentally and physically. I told her SOMETHING had to give so I can function. Well....I didn't mean my knee! It certianly forced me to be sidelined and now that Spring Break is here I have another week for more down time. Another lesson on "Be careful what you pray for!"
I was just reflecting on what I would say at our 2 big church services tomorrow when I do announcements. It is 3 years ago this month that I had my grand mal seizure. Easter is such an incredible time for our family to renew that HOPE. Our life does not have to be a road that dead ends. Jesus paved a road all the way to Heaven for us if we just accept Him as Lord and savior! WOW. Forget the gift of a chocolate Easter Bunny....I will take this gift over that any day! 2 years ago our church did a video of us at Easter and you can go on our church website and view it under the video downloads at: www.springhills.org
Check it out and remember that No matter what you are going through you don't have to be alone.
Love to you all during this blessed time of year.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 9:00 PM CDT

Quick update on the knee situation (See previous entry)
Saw an Orthopaedic specialist today.
I thought maybe I did something to my LCL (Lateral collateral ligament)since it was a sideways twist. Or quite possibly involving my PCL (posterior cruciate ligament since it hurts behind the knee)
He seemed to think I might have torn my ACL.
I get an MRI done Friday and hopefully they will have the results by that afternoon. The X-Ray showed a large spot on the bone that he had no idea what it was. He said 'I don't think it is a tumor' and I am thinking..'It BETTER not be!' He only saw a bunch of swelling.
If he sees some miniscus tearing I will be scheduled for surgery right away. (I highly doubt that)
If not, we will try the least invasive thing 1st. I will be doing Physical Therapy regardless and resting it and using crutches for a couple of days. (He asked me why I didn't bring them there and I told him my kids thought they were cool but I did not! He told me use them anyway!)
This works for about 50% of the people. He told me he can tell I am the kind of person who goes all out in everything I do (Am I THAT easy to read that quickly?) And in 4-6 months I may notice a weakness still and we should do the surgery to relace the ACL. I can graft my own knee (A rob Peter to pay Paul type of thing) or use one from a donor. Obviously I have no friends that would be willing to freely give me a ligament from their knee.....SO that would be one from a cadaver. He actually said the recovery time is the same and your own is the most ideal long term.
I kept thinking of that movie with Bruce Willis("I see dead people" and wondering if that kid could see stable knees or not.....)
Sorry....I am punchy...
So....there you have it.
I am pretty sure since my body heals quickly that I will NOT have to proceed with any of this.....Will know more later!
I joked with him and said I thought I would shake it up a bit and not only see cancer doctors, but throw an orthopaedic guy in the mix to shake things up a bit.......
Enough already!
Happy Easter! One of my favorite times of year. The TRUE meaning of HOPE is revealed in our risen Lord!

Monday, April 2, 2007 10:21 AM CDT

Perfect timing.
I have used that phrase more than once!
I believe that God's timing is always perfect. Today I read that "The spirit in you is...stronger than anything in the world." 1John 4:4
The reason I write this is because we ALL cruise through our lives and all of the sudden an unexpected thing occurs. It might be an issue with something/someone at work, a flat tire, a sick child when you "Just- don't- have- time- for- this- today!" , an argument with a spouse.....or like me.....a knee injury that has sidelined me for a few days on the couch with ice.
OK...I will fess up.
I really think that with all of my deficits that I have they could have at LEAST toned down my competitive nature when they went in for brain surgery. NOT take it away....but adjusted it a bit.
It all started on Saturday when I took my road bike out. I have a new computer on the spoke to tell me speed, cadence etc....Well it was clicking. (Kind of like the old days when we put a card in the spokes to make that "cool" sound.) I didn't think it was so "cool" and leaned over to try and adjust it. Thank goodness I had on my full fingered gel gloves, because I accidently caught my thumb in the SPOKES! After 4 hits I pulled it out. OK....THIS is not what made me go over. I managed to clip out my right foot and lean that way to see if I broke it. The computer fell off and as I was diving for it, I went over to the left....yup...you guessed it. I was still clipped in on my left side!
My left knee took the brunt of the fall and elbow a close 2nd. So now I have a throbbing thumb and blood everywhere running down my leg and arm.
Fortunately I was only a few blocks from home.
It gets better.
I clean up, go about my merry way to all the softball and baseball games etc....
YESTERDAY (Sunday) is the embarassing part that I am going to share.
OK....most of you know that I am competitive. OK, OK,,,fiercely competitive. (Hey we all have faults)
During the Parent vs Kids (12 year old birthday party)dodgeball game I was hallucinating that I was actually back to being in Middle school myself. Doing splits over the balls, catching them so the other people are out. Side-arming it to get greater power to nail the kids......(I should have realized I needed to tone it down when the kids were telling my daughter that 'Your mom is really competitive!' and a few parents said the same...)
Ok...I know...don't even say what you are thinking.
It is what it is OK?
I feel my left knee give.
"Oh..Oh..." I think. This isn't good.
'Just a few more throws and I will sit down', because now I have some of these boys ganging up on me. They go from thinking 'Oh, these Mom's will be easy..to hey...we can actually nail this Mom.'
You can see it in their faces!
So that of course fuels me even more....(Kind of like the ol' "I double dog dare you...." and "Bring it on!")
So how COULD I sit out?
I catch one, grab another and turn with my left side to the kids to side arm it.....
SNAP. Down to the ground. It totally gave out on me. Then to top it off....As I am down...I get nailed in the left eye with a rubber ball. Ha! Exclamation point!
That was funny actually. If I would have been a cartoon character the light bulb would have gone off over my head like...."DUH!"
Hobbled over to the nearest chairs and threw some ice on it.
Now I am waiting for the Doctors office to open because I promised Bri that I would call and get in today.
I know it is not too serious. I have had enough sports injuries and a knee surgery to tell. I can still hobble on it, but cannot straighten it or bend it. It will just be ice and time.
The thing that is really killing me is SITTING STILL and not working out! That is my stress relief!
Bri is giving me NO sympathy. He just shakes his head and smiles. I tried to blame it on the bike wipe out. "It weakened me!' I plea....
He is not buying it.
Oh well.....Time to re-prop on the couch with a new ice bag! I will update next week....hopefully back to normal by then!
Back to the beginning. Instead of being too frustrated with my stupid choices, God has me meditating on that verse. The spirit in me is stronger than this pain and inconvenience. It is for you too!

Monday, March 19, 2007 4:14 PM CDT

We arrived back last night from our last trip to Tahoe so the kids could learn to snowboard.
I checked my e mail and BURST into tears of shock and gratitude.
I have been asked to represent the state of California (with a couple others) in Washington D.C. for Livestrong Day on May 16th!!!!!!!!!!!!
They will fly me in for training on Tuesday and we meet with our representatives and senators to share our cancer story and urge congress to support legislation that benefits the cancer community. Livestrong Day will conclude on the evening of Wednesday the 16th following meetings on Capitol Hill.
I am so humbled. I NEVER thought I would be asked since they only took 2 per state last year and California is so big!
I just saw Pastor Bret at the gym after my spin class and he said "Great! You can witness to Nancy Pelosi from our area!!!!!" Ha ha
For those of you that have loved ones that have lost this fight, for those of you that might be in the middle of this journey, and for those of you that have come out on the other side.....I will carry the torch of trying to find a cure for us ALL. This isn't JUST about brain cancer, though it is near and dear to my heart. It is for ALL of us that have been affected by this nasty disease in some form or another.
Enough is enough. We need a cure.
Pray that I can have some sort of impact. Though I am just 1 person, your prayers and God's grace can be incredibly powerful. Thanks for the love and support. I wouldn't be where I am without all of your messages and e mails and cards. You guys ROCK!

Thursday, March 8, 2007 4:18 PM CST

So many of you were asking about yesterday that I had to do a quick update!
WOW....That neuro-cognitive test was one of the hardest things I have had to do.
Fortunately a car came for me at 6:55 am and drove me to my apt in San Francisco (that took over 2 hours to get to due to rush hour traffic.) And drove me home when I was done.
I was there for NINE hours!
I had test after test (Most timed)and I was so frustrated that I succumbed to tears twice! They were testing my worst 2 deficits back to back!
For example, they would give me maybe 15 words (unrelated) and I had to repeat as many as I could to the Dr. He would then tell me which ones I missed and I had to re-do the list. Of course I concentrated on the ones I got wrong and missed others....then he would tell me the ones I missed....and on and on....It must have been over 1/2 an hour for that one test. I started tearing up and we launched in to math story problems and I had to listen and could only have him repeat the story problem once (covering tax and percentages and fractions etc....)
After that He saw me well up and grabbed the kleenex box and put it down and I lost it. My brain HURT.
He explained that so many people above avg intelligence KNOW that they have lost a lot and it is frustrating to so many. I was not alone.
Though I sure felt like it. It was right there....everything that this brain cancer has taken away from me and I NEVER focus on the negative! BAM here it was right in my face.
I did get an hour for a lunch break and then met with Dr. Ruff to talk for about an hour and 1/2. He is remarkable and has written a lot of the tests for TBI etc. Very nice man.
I THINK he understood my issues. I have to schedule an appt with Mike my NOC for results.
It will take them weeks to prepare the reports for the insurance agency and we will just have to see what happens next.
The only thing I know is what I have always known.
Nothing gets to me that already hasn't gone through Him. It is all part of His plan for me. I just have to trust in the outcome.
I am just so happy it is over. I am still mush brain today even after dropping in to bed at 7:30 last night!
The other time I got emotional was when Dr. Ruff said "It sure sounds like you loved what you did and the people you worked with!"
"I DID! I never wanted to retire at 39. Things happen in your life often times that you have no control over."
I did tell him though that I have seen more blessings and miracles the last 3 years then ever before because I have slowed down long enough to look.
Have you slowed down lately to see the blessings in YOUR life?
God is good.

Thursday, February 22, 2007 5:20 PM CST

"Faith is not a belief that everything will turn out to please us; rather it is the confidence that no matter how things turn out God will somehow use the events in our days for His glory and our good."
E Stanley Jones
(Thanks for the quote Elams!)

Well.....reading this came at a good time.
I received an overnight letter from My former company's disability insurance company. In a nut shell they made an error and did not take the offset for one of my kids and not only are we now down almost $600 a month from what we were getting, they said we owe them nearly $6600 for their oversight! We obviously cannot pull that out of thin air so we will pay them off with the small amount left every month (at no interest) until the end of 2009!
Unreal huh? Let's pray our car with 140,000 miles on it keeps going for another few years!!!!!

I also found out that the same company is putting me through a full day of cognitive testing in SF March 7th.
Honestly I was dreading this. I am almost afraid of just how much I have lost due to the brain surgery, radiation and chemo. Now it will be in black and white! I wonder how they will measure my memory issues, lack of ability to retrieve words, multi-task and process things. I also wonder how it measures the fact that things overwhelm me. Trying to look at too much or Bri's budget just are too hard now. I still get pretty tired easily too. It will be interesting. Obviously they want to see if they need to keep paying me. (And the hits just keep on coming!!!) I feel so sorry for people that do not have another spouse to help out financially in the household!
All that being said....
We will be fine. Don't think that we are in need of anything! I am just so blessed to be here and help others.
God is in control and He will bring about his purposes regardless of what Man does.
Appreciate the blessings in your life. Things can change rather quickly!

Saturday, February 17, 2007 9:04 AM CST

What a night Thursday! I am so excited for all of you brain tumor people to get your own copy of "Personal Reflections" from your NOC. The Schering-Plough reps are out there right now distributing them to the Doctors. If yours has not received one just contact NBTF at www.braintumor.org and they can get you a copy.
It addresses a lot of questions and concerns. I am so grateful to S-P and NBTF and the Wellness Community for partnering in this project to get the 2 most important things to people: Information and HOPE!
I enjoyed sharing a bit of my journey and pleading for a cure as I look at those afflicted and those that have gone before me. (Especially the young ones who did not even get a chance to live their life yet) I thanked them for taking the initial step in providing something that will help many.

Schering-Plough had offered a car service a few weeks ago. I almost refused it saying that was way too over the top and we certainly did not need it. Brian reminded me that it would be nice not to have to make the trip down in rush hour traffic and then back again. SO.....I agreed. They set up to have a limo come and we didn't tell the kids so they would be surprised.
Well.....as in life....you learn to be flexible when up drives a big black car...."just" a cadillac that will not hold our family plus my Mom! After a bunch of phone calls and waiting....we took off in that, crammed 4 of us in back and met the limo in Corte Madera. THEN we got to pop the champagne and Martinelli's apple cider. Oh I tell you....the kids thought they were all that. I didn't realize that was my Mom's 1st limo ride too! I actually have new pictures to show them. Bri's parents and Aunt Mary Tom came and then we all went out to dinner afterwards and home very late!
I am still fighting a bug of some sort that worsened the night of the premiere. (It didn't stop me from sharing my testimony!) Today I am on the road to recovery! Enjoying the time with Mom. Moreat the end of next week.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007 3:57 PM CST

IT ISN'T DIRTY!!!!!!!!
Meaning the scan was clean.

Let me explain.....
Last night at family prayers Riley prayed "And God, Please let Mom have a clean scan tomorrow....not a dirty one, but a clean one...."
A smile came to my face.
I actually went by myself for the 1st time in nearly 3 years! Brian has had a nasty virus which is working it's way around our family and I am trying to fight it off. I have to admit I thought more than 1 time...'Great...this will be the appt I get news I don't want to hear and no one will be in the room with me!'
Mike said it looks exactly the same! Yea.
Now I need to go to bed and rest. These really tire me out in addition to being sick.....
More next week after the premiere.
My wonderful Mother flies in Tuesday!

Saturday, January 27, 2007 8:42 AM CST

Quick update.....
Trying to take it a bit easy physically.
Like everything else in my life I hit my road bike training mock 10 with my hair-on-fire and set myself back in regard to my right hip/knee/back issue. (I will never learn!) AND...my physical therapist just left to go back to New York!
I am not happy with myself. It will be fine. It is just burning up some good riding days! WOW...I have to tell you there is nothing like being out on the road in shorts and a short sleeve shirt riding looking at the sun glistening over the vineyards. I can't tell you the sense of gratitude I get to not only live where I do, but to just live in general!
We are headed to a 50th birthday party for our good friend's Dave and Leigh Phillips tonight. Can't wait to see the whole village. I hear there is going to be a margarita machine....I yi yi......
Oh, my buddy Devo reviewed the brain tumor movie and said it was well done. He is going to his national meeting in Dallas next week and will find out how Schering-Plough plans on distributing it. I am quite certain that all of you that have NOC's can request it after it is released full scale next month. I will find out more and let you all know.
Enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 2:33 PM CST

I think we are close to hitting records from 1916! It got in the mid 20's here last night! It does warm up to 50's and 60's, but it sure is chilly in the early morning! Colin RAN outside the second he got up to check on the bowl of water he put out. It was almost frozen and he thought that was so cool. (OK...it is the little things people!)
I have a scan again on Tuesday the 6th of Feb. They are doing an additional spectroscopy again. A small part of me always thinks 'Hmmm...why do they feel they need to do that again? What are they digging for so intently?' Then I remember to be thankful that they ARE being so thorough and am reminded to let go and rest in God's hands. (The ONLY place I want to be!.....Actually in God's hands on a tropical island would be nice....)
You might recall the brain tumor movie we helped Schering-Plough make last spring. It is making it's west coast debut in San Francisco next month and I have been asked to speak at the premiere! Mom is flying out and of course we will also bring Brian's folks and Aunt Mary Tom. I cannot wait to say thanks to so many docs and people and encourage them to keep working hard at finding a cure. It is truly a miracle that I will stand before them THREE years out without a recurrence.
I was sorting through my 2 cancer file cabinets and trying to condense them to one yesterday. (Feels good to simplify!) It brought back so many things to me that I had forgotten. I am glad I took notes during that time as my memory did not retain many things. I did run across one particular card (Out of MANY) my Mother sent.
She wrote that Mary (My brother Tom's daughter)was sleep walking when she was staying with them and woke her up and said 'Grandma! Is there going to be a miracle? Jack (her brother) said there is going to be a miracle. Will there be one?"
"Yes Mary. There will be one. Now go back to sleep."
Of course she did not recall ANY of this the next day.
What that card said out of the picture of the little bird's mouth was "A little birdie told me that YOU my dear Kate will be our miracle."
I burst into tears of course and got on my knees to thank God for allowing me to stay here for awhile and do whatever it is that He wants me to do. Thank you for the prayers that flooded Heaven on my behalf to produce this miracle. Thanks for the continued ones that so many of you let me know that you do. I DO believe that they are working!
I know that this will be a great year.
Make 2007 a memorable one. Don't put off anything that you want to do. 2008 might be too late.
Signed Kate
(Sorry...I was on a roll and couldn't resist.)

Sunday, January 7, 2007 3:42 PM CST

Happy New Year!
I can't believe it has been 2 weeks already! The kids start school again tomorrow and I think we ALL are ready for that to happen! There is something to be said about a regular routine!
We had a fabulous break with the kids. We always entertain on Christmas Eve, and TWICE on Christmas Day. (Needless to say it takes me days to recoup!) The neighborhood all comes over for a brunch at 10 and we do dinner here later with family. This year we had the privilege of having a young man from Germany named Thomas both days. The kicker is.....he is a CHEF at the FRENCH LAUNDRY in Yountville! No pressure there Kate.....It is a world famous fancy schmancy restaurant that just recently got 3 stars from the Michelin group out of Europe. (The highest rating you can get.) Thomas Keller also has a few places in New York.
Luckily we do crab as a tradition on the 24th, but he was AMAZING as he did our 13 pound prime rib for us the next day. He was so much fun to watch! (Our own cooking show right in our kitchen!) Whipped up an aus jus out of thin air and never once took the temperature with a thermometer. He just used the tip of it and put it above his lip each time he checked it. He tried showing Brian this method and all Bri could do is joke about how the health department might not like this way to judge the meat!
It was the best piece of prime rib I have ever had and I am not a huge red meat fan.
His girlfriend is coming over as soon as her visa arrives this month and she will be the pastry chef at the French Laundry! (They met at a high end restaurant in London) I know where I want to go for dinner!
We took him to Tahoe skiing one day last week. There is not enough snow yet for great skiing. I tweaked my knee again, but only a bit. I will see my physical therapist in 2 weeks. I signed up for my 1st triathalon! YIKES! (Only a sprint one) Since I cannot do any running yet (Or high impact stuff) I am doing it as a relay! My good friend Yvette will run and my husband Brian will swim and I will do the bike portion. Our other friends Bob and Randy are doing the whole thing. Maybe next year I can too. I am excited. I have always wanted to do one. I was nervous registering and Brian looked at me dumbfounded saying "We are just doing this to finish Kate you don't have to be the WINNER!".....Who says? I guess they didn't remove the competitive part of my brain during surgery!
I just got back from Verizon. My phone died and I needed a new one. It is nearly impossible to get one without videos, music, etc....I think I even saw one that does the dishes for you!.......I JUST NEED A PHONE PEOPLE! It is hard enough for me to figure everything out as it is anyway! I had to have the poor guy show me a couple different times. He was very patient with my inability to process things anymore. I am glad he is....I am not! It can be very frustrating.
Off for a ride. It is upper 60's and sunny. I LOVE it. Annette, I am sorry it took me so long to update....sign the guestbook this time!;)
Enjoy the week!
Oh....FINALLY new pictures

Friday, December 22, 2006 11:22 AM CST

Merry Christmas!
I recently read something about boundries and burnout. This time of year it is a hot topic!
People burn out frequently because we lack discernment when it comes to setting boundries! I am as guilty about that as the next person! A guy said "Once I was complaining about my heavy schedule, I heard God's Spirit say 'You're the one who makes the schedule; if you don't like it, do something about it."
HMMMM.....What a concept! The more I can respectfully decline when I need to the more at peace I am!
Just the other day Brian had a church council meeting and I dropped Riley off at basketball practice and Colin and I grabbed a good book and went to Starbucks and spent 45 minutes cuddled up in the back on the comfy chairs. (He started on his own of course and within 3 minutes was on my lap on mine.) We had hot chocolate and split a chocolate chip cookie and read. When I was done a lady listening commented on how precious that was. 'Do you come here often?' she asked.
'Ummmm. No, we actually usually do our nightly reading at home.' I explained the circumstances for that particular evening that led us there.
With tears in her eyes she said how much it had touched her to see a Mother and son spending that type of time together.
As I left I told Colin how much I enjoyed our evening together.
'Not as much as I did Mom!'
What did that take? Not much effort and just a little time, but a lifelong special memory for BOTH of us. (OK, Lifelong memory for me is an oxymoron now..but you get what I am trying to say!)
My point? STOP.
Take some time RIGHT NOW.
Forget your to-do list. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus our Lord and Savior. It is about family. Spend the special time with your kids/family. Stop worrying about the last minute gifts you need to pick up. Donate money to a charity in someone's name instead. We all have too much stuff! DONWSIZE! SIMPLIFY!
It feels so good to do that!
We tend to blame the devil for things that are often times our OWN fault!
Enough on that. Say 'No thank you' if you need to to keep your sanity this time of year. Remember what is TRULY important.
Riley is Mary with a speaking part this weekend for our nativity scene at church. I always do announcements (A chip off the old block) I am excited for her.
One thing that struck me the other day was that one day my heart is going to stop and that will be the end of my body, but because Jesus was born some 2000 years ago, it will NOT be the end of me. What a blessing.
Count them. There are millions...........

Monday, December 11, 2006 12:52 AM CST


Check out this article on GBM's that was in Newsweek this week! My sister sent it to me and it is very good at putting things out in Layman's terms to help understand. Yea....some press!

Monday, December 4, 2006 10:52 AM CST

Sorry it has been a few weeks. We just got back from Maui where we attended our friend Chris' wedding! It was beautiful. They had it at the Four Seasons in Waliea overlooking the ocean. A very fast trip, but nice to get away for a few days. I am beat though! Tough for me to do too much in a short period of time!
Lots on the agenda for the week.
I promise to update soon!
Slow down and enjoy the season! (I will listen to my own advice!)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 8:54 PM CST

Another stable scan! (Yea God)
I am waiting to hear back from Dr. Prados in regard to a small spot he is having the neuro radiologist read. Part of my perfusion (which is the "spot checking" of blood flow in different parts of my brain) showed elevated blood flow. It appears as if it is a blood vessel though and nothing to be concerned about.
So....I am not!
We did discuss the "what if..." of course.
I am excited to say that there are a few options out there now that look promising. Of course I have mentioned the Avastin/CPT-11 and the Il13 trial is in phase 3. (Which is brain surgery to put in catheters to put toxins directly in to the cavity.) And something new called VEGF-TRAP. Which he hoped would be available after the 1st of the year. SO...lots of exciting things.
I highly doubt I will need to explore them at this time!

Bri and I returned to Cyrus in Healdsburg for a lovely night out Saturday.(I highly recommend it!)I had a chance to go back to the kitchen (No...we remembered our money I did NOT have to do the dishes!)
But I did meet the owner/chef who also had brain surgery at UCSF for a benign tumor! He is awesome. As we left one of our waiters ran out behind us and talked with us out on the sidewalk for 15 minutes telling us that his sister died of a GBM and he was an 18 month pancreatic cancer survivor! We hugged and I congratulated him. Both scary cancers of course. You have to love the cancer community. Such hope given and such cheerleaders for each other. It is so fantastic!
I am very tired and need to go to bed. I had 2 doses of the contrast today. (Operator error she joked as she trained someone new.)One always makes me tired let alone 2!
Have a great rest of the week. Hard to believe Thanksgiving is next week!
I know a MILLION things I am thankful for!
Christmas came early at the Burke household.
I am thankful for all of you and your continued prayers and support of me and for my family.
God Bless You.

Monday, October 30, 2006 11:17 AM CST

I am almost speechless from this LAF cancer summit weekend. It has made a life changing impact on me that I cannot begin to put into words.
I sit here with tears in my eyes for many reasons.
I cannot express the feeling of being in the huge convention center with hundreds of people that GET IT...100% GET IT.
It was so amazing to not have to search for words to describe what we go through on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. We ALL get it.
People that know what it is like to curl up into a ball when you don't feel well enough to face another day. People that know what it is like to have small children and told that your life will be coming to an abrupt end so you will never see them grow up. People that know that every day is.....extra. We live life with utter abandonment because we got a second chance at life.
These same people are some of the most driven and passionate people I know because we WERE told that we were terminal and we laughed at the face of that statistic.
We said 'Oh yeah? I don't think so!'
SO many people I ran in to said they had the same prognosis as I did. They are alive and beating the odds as well. On the other hand there were people that were selected to come that could not make it for the summit due to treatment complications or losing the battle. One lady lost her fight just a few days prior to.
For her we pressed on.
For so many that have died before her and all of you that might be reading this that have been somehow touched by this awful disease.
As I have mentioned I feel obligated to fight this for all that have gone before me and those that will be diagnosed after me. It was mentioned that survivorship is a state of responsibility. We can make a difference.
There are 10 MILLION people that have cancer. Over 1/2 million will die this year from it.
I have a personal action plan that I worked on and will execute in the next few months.
I could not even begin to touch on the speakers. Please go to www.LAF.org and click on the summit box on the right hand side (under the face) and see the pictures and read all of the issues that were brought up. From insurance issues to lack of support for the patient to what now? I do want to mentione that Steve Case was one of the keynote speakers. His brother Dan died of what I have (GBM) Even MR. AOL got up to research on the internet at midnight after he got the chilling phone call and could not find much info on the diagnosis! What does that tell you!!!??

A quick sidebar because I know this was lengthy....I was taped by CNN at the last moment before I ran to catch my flight. When I get more news on when it might air in January I will let you know. They are not sure how they will be airing some of these stories leading up to the Lance Armstrong show. (I hope it airs unlike the Today show segment! Oh well.....God is in control of everything! INCLUDING how and when stories get out! I am to just keep making myself available!)
I HAVE to get laundry/shopping done. Though I am exhausted. Things like this really drain me mentally. I met another cool BT guy named Tom that cracked me up. We all went out Saturday night and I kept asking him 'Where am I?' in my story and we laughed at the 2 of us trying to keep track of everything like bookends!
It will go down as one of the coolest things in my pc life! (Not politically corrrect but post cancer!) I also signed up to be an advocate to go lobby in Washington DC when they do it again next year. If we all become advocates we can make so much progress in the fight!!!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006 5:00 PM CDT

Quick update.
Some of you received a weird invite/message to play bingo or something. DO NOT ...I repeat DO NOT open it! It must be some sort of virus that came from something someone sent to our computer that attached to my address book. Most of you know to just delete these things anyway.
Off to Austin Texas this week for the LAF (Lance Armstrong Foundation) summit meeting Thursday.
I hope to be a part of a groundbreaking group that can bring cancer to the forefront of agendas in this country.
God willing, I also hope to be a witness to some that might need it.
Further update next week!

Sunday, October 15, 2006 6:03 PM CDT

Nothing like your kids to put you in your place!!!!
This week as we were driving to school I was complaining to them about my lack of hair and even the hair that WAS there is such an awful consistency. It is incredibly dry and coarse and I will always have to keep this hairstyle to comb it over the bald parts. Wah, Wah, Wah.....
Riley shrugs her shoulders and says "At least you HAVE some hair to DO that Mom!"
Colin of course had to chime in with his input saying..."Yeah Mom, you are fortunate to even BE here!"
All righty then....
Reality check!
Then that same day a GBM friend Terri sent a great e mail from Nicole Johnson (Woman of Faith speaker)and in it she said:
"I refuse to put a period in my life where God has only put a comma."
That is website worthy I thought to myself!
I unfortunately got the flu after my flu shot this past week! I was down for a few days. I had to laugh though when I went in to get it.
If you have a medicare card (Which I just got since I am on disability) it is free. I have never used it before since I have Blue Cross Blue Shield and decided to.
A sweet elderly lady was waiting on many other elderly people and as I waited in line, she peeked around a gal in a wheel chair and said 'Will that be medicare for you too honey?' And chuckled to herself like she cracked a good one.
I said 'Actually yes. I have brain cancer.'
She laughed and when I didn't say 'JUST KIDDING!!!!!!'
Like she fully anticipated I would, she had a look on her face like SHE wanted to run far away from me!
I smiled and said 'NO WORRIES! I am doing well.'
Poor thing did NOT know what to do (or say to me) after that. (Bri always tells me to not drop that bomb too much. People freak out!)
It gave me a wonderful opportunity to smile and share the Good News with her that God is healing me!
You never know when that will present itself.
Keep your eyes and ears open for that. It presents itself more than we realize!
Stay healthy!

Sunday, October 8, 2006 4:26 PM CDT

I was just reminded of what Bill Hybels said. "If you work you work. If you pray, GOD works!"
Amen to that.
Bret reminded us today to pray at all times. Before coming home, before a meeting....before we even get out of bed!
One thing my K-Love devotional said today was: We've the greatest privilege imaginable -access to the control center of the Universe- yet we rarely use it! Our lack of prayer surprises God.
Thanks for all of your continued prayers for me.
I have been well all week.
Just walked in from the Pumpkin Patch. This ranch in Petaluma makes their own cheese and ice cream. We all milked a cow (I of course had experience growing up on a farm in Wisconsin...not that we did it by hand...)Corn maze, (HUGE one) wagon rides, dug up potatoes for tonight's dinner, and of course had some home made ice cream.
The kids crashed hard on the way home. Mouths open and everything. Bri is out on the couch now "watching" the 49er game. I am always surprised how he does this through his eyelids. It is nearing 90. (It was down to 49 last night! A 40 degree swing in one day is not uncommon!)
Enjoy the week.
If you're stumped about something specifically happening in your life, don't forget to pray!

Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:18 PM CDT

OK....OK....sorry I have been remiss in not updating sooner!
We are back in to the volleyball season and practices and games are under way. The girls won both games so far. Riley is one of the co-captains. It is fun to coach her again this year. Colin is 1/2 way through soccer and scored a nice goal and had an incredible assist Saturday. It sure is fun to watch them.
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) is in full swing and we are studying Romans. WOW. So much in there. Quite convicting. Working in Colin's class has been fun to get to know the kids this year as well.
I am so thrilled that it is October. Fall is in the air as the nights and mornings are chillier.
I have experienced a couple of odd neurological things again. I even left church early today. (Hope Bret wasn't offended thinking it was about his message!) Nothing to be alarmed about, but things I am writing down. A visual thing on the right and some dizziness and a few headaches a bit out of sorts too. I will discuss them at my next scan next month. I also have some tenderness on my scalp that sometimes tingles. I press on. Prayerfully eliminating any fear that tries to creep up. Keep your prayers up! I appreciate it.
I cleaned through our file cabinet and ran across this little card by Trina Paulus From Hope for the Flowers:
"How does one become a butterfly?" She asked pensively.
"You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar"
"You mean to die?" asked Yellow...
"Yes and no," he answered.
What looks like you will die,
but what's REALLY you will live."

As I hear about different cancers I am reminded that we must give up what we think is the end and realize it is really just the beginning.
Time for books and prayers with the family.

Monday, September 18, 2006 11:56 AM CDT

I had a PHENOMENAL long weekend on our annual village houseboat trip. Great weather, skiing and fun and SO many laughs my stomach hurt.
As I came home last night I heard that my little 10 year old friend Ben died of this awful GBM. So many of you were so awesome to send him mail. It truly was the highlight of his day.
The e mail that I had right after it was from a friend that attended Paula's funeral. It included a great site and I highly recommend you go on it. www.thedashmovie.com I have seen this before, but it is put to music and it is well done and a great reminder.
If YOUR child is testing your patience by not doing what you have asked, or not doing the homework or picking up their room.....stop for a moment and think about Ben's parents. Again, they would do anything to have to pick up after him or remind him to do his homework. Before you lose it and yell.....STOP.....go hug your child and tell them that you love them. The other stuff is just not worth it.
Count your blessings and make your dash count.

Saturday, September 9, 2006 5:36 PM CDT

As many of you know that have followed my journey for over 2 years now, every once in awhile there is a down day.
Today is one of those moments.
My dear friend Paula went Home to be with the Lord today.
I knew it was coming, but none-the-less it is still very hard as she will be greatly missed. My heart aches for her family.
Since Colin was 2 years younger when I was 1st diagnosed he didn't understand it like he does now and there were some tearful conversations that took place today with him as he was upset thinking I would succumb to this soon as well.
I reassured him that we ALL die, but now is not my time. (Besides I teased him who in the WORLD would pick up after him and do all of his laundry?)
Bri has been more affectionate than usual today as well saying "Man, we are so fortunate right now. It is easy to forget sometimes."
That is it.
Go hug someone in honor of Paula right now.

Sunday, September 3, 2006 1:54 PM CDT

Is it really fall again?????
The kids have been in school for 2 weeks now. (It started a week early this year) As I was filling out the huge stack of forms for each one I realized that it is still a tiny bit difficult for me to put "retired" on the occupation line. I guess that for so many years a big part of me was formed in reference to what I did. That doesn't really make sense as I re-read that, but I think you know what I mean. (Work with me people)
Weird how life can change.
(In fact Colin told me this week that he knows why Santa never retires......cause then he would die! Hmmmmm. Good thing that is not the same in my case!)
I would STILL be employed by Lifetouch had not God given me a different life assignment to fulfill. It helps me to remember that every day we live we are in the process of becoming. WHAT we become is based on what we decide to focus on. Are you happy with what you are evolving into? If not...take a look at where you are spending your time. It is never too late!
I am still feeling my way down this path. It sure is tough and it makes me wish I had brought a weed-wacker with me! Yet I know I must press on for the sake of so many.
I just read some very disturbing news.
The largest budget cut from the administration under the NIH (National Institue of Health) is for NCI (National Cancer Institute)! An almost 40 MILLION decrease from 2006 funding and SEVENTY FOUR MILLION less than 2005.
It STILL makes me shake my head.
To put this in perspective.....(Without getting too political because I AM a Republican) Since Nixon declared the war on cancer in 1971, if you add up all the money the federal government has spent from that point until today- 35 years' worth-it adds up to basically seven months in Iraq' Says Lance Armstrong in Cure.
Now can you see my need to be at the summit in Austin, Tx in October? I can't wait.
Enjoy your 3 day weekend!
Be sure to email me if you want a book! (See above)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:02 AM CDT

Happy Wednesday to you!
I just read through a few entries of my guestbook and saw a gal from Czech Republic on there. (Right after a Mom from Thailand)
Can you say it with me??? WOAH!
Is the Internet the most unbelievable thing or what? The 1st gal lost her Mother at a young age and is still searching for some good news with this brain cancer.
I had the most wonderful weekend in Boston with "the girls" (My Lifetouch (or formerly Lifetouch) girlfriends out in Boston with Mo and Lou. On the way home I sat next to a young guy from Philadelphia.
I KNEW where he was from before he started talking.
HOW? You ask? It was easy with the big P on his baseball cap. By the Way....I have never SEEN so many Red Sox things in my LIFE! EVERYONE walks around with some form of a B or RED SOX on. I consider myself an avid sports fan, but this is maniacal! IT is OBSESSION. Babies are born out there and the little cap they place on their head has a B on it!!!! You think I am joking! THEY even admit it!
I digress.....
So I read the sports section from the New York Times ($4.50 for the Sunday paper! I could have almost purchased a novel!)and offer it to my seatmate. I see a gray brain tumor bracelet that matched mine on him and asked him who he knew with brain cancer. He looked up a bit surprised and told me his father had just recently died from it. I asked if it was a GBM and he looked shocked that I knew.
Yes he said.
I told him I was diagnosed as well. Seeing the apprehensive look on his face. (Actually more of a "She's a goner" look) I reassured him that I have been alive and well for TWO years!
He kept saying "No way. You don't know how lucky you are!"
He had never met anyone that had lived that long with this. I reassured him that there are many of us. I even know someone that I have talked to that is 18 years out.
His brother is a young doctor working on a cure for GBM! I know that God put us together on that flight so that he could go through everything with me about his father which will help with his healing. AND also be encouraged that there are survivors out there. Just like the lady from the Czech Republic needed to hear.
I told him to tell his brother to hurry up on that cure. I might need him in the future.
I highly doubt it, but it is nice to have a back up plan! (So Marcel's brother, if you read this, get back to the lab! We need you!)
If you stumbled upon this for the 1st time, or if you are a "regular" Know one thing.
I am very committed to fight this with everything I have.
When I am in spin class and I think I have no juice left to give, I think of all of the people that can't be in that class and I press on. (Especially Paula and Ben)
When you think you can't "do it at all",... or "one more time" or whatever the obstacle is .....
There are so many that cannot even get out of bed. They would give ANYTHING to be able to do what you think you cannot right now.
Spin that situation around in your mind.
Do you REALLY think you can't do it?
I would be willing to bet you can.
What are you waiting for? Prove yourself wrong.

Monday, August 14, 2006 5:02 PM CDT

It was interesting.
I asked before I went in if I would need a perfusion added and he said he would ask the radiologist. 1/2 way they said yes. I had that done and then the radiologist called Mike to see if he wanted spectroscopy done too.
HHHMMMMMM......another 10 minutes added on and me wondering why?
Well....I guess they were just checking the last one to this one to make sure that the elevated choline level and another level that decreased was the same. (Remember last time it was decided that it might just be a blood vessel) I understand that it is probably just a trend towards necrosis (dead tissue from radiation)
In laymans terms?
No signifigant change!
I get to wait 12 weeks for my next one!!!!
I also need to keep watching for seizures. He told me that just because I had not yet had a big one does not mean that it won't happen. I have had a couple of fuzzy things happen, but I am watching VERY closely to see how my body reacts to everything. If I have a big one I have to call 911. If I have a focal one I need to take my meds and call him and by law they are required to call it in, but they have had patients keep their license by merely proving that the meds had kept them seizure free and they just tried to go off and will go back on again.
I am tired. I need to go nap. These scan days zap my energy. I am not sure if it is the contrast they inject or what.....
Thanks for the prayers! They are working.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 12:48 AM CDT

Thought I would get a chance to update this while I was on the road. Sorry. (Mom has dial up and that would have been too painful! Not that I lack patience or anything....)
I had the opportunity to do a lot when I was back in the Midwest. I didn't get to see everyone though. Sorry about that. I hope to do so next trip.
Some highlights were to see my brain tumor friends. Paula, Randy and Kristine. Randy is fighting hard and dealing with double vision. Paula has taken a turn for the worse unfortunately. I had a great visit with her, but she has since shut down and her family is riding out the last part of her journey which could be numbered in days. I had a wonderful time praying with her and hearing her tell me that she is not afraid to die. She knows that God will lead her home. Her only worry of course was for her family. I assured her that when the time comes it is OK. They will be OK. AND I look forward to seeing her again for all eternity! Please keep Joe and Tyler and Haley in your prayers right now.
Saw so many old college friends and family that I cannot begin to list them all. It was great.
I have been off ALL meds for a month now and feeling like I might be getting less fatigued! Time will tell and I look forward to discussing things with Mike Monday after my next scan. I will update this more then. I have a very long list of things to accomplish the next couple of days. Thanks for checking in. More later I promise!

Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:05 PM CDT

Good Morning!
Family Camp was as amazing as it is every year. What an incredible time to get away in the redwoods and rejuvenate.

While we were gone an article ran on the use of websites and how they can help not only the families going through things, but can also encourage others. It made it on the front page of the Press Democrat (The main Sonoma County paper) The media quoted me in the middle. I was actually surprised they included my comments on WHY I am still here and so pleased that they did. The link is:
Praise God.

I am now 8 days off of ALL meds!!!! I felt a bit fuzzy at 1st which lasted a few days, but I am thinking that it is just my brain getting adjusted to trying to work without medication. 2 years on that stuff is a long time to rely on it controlling all of the brain waves and synapses firing properly etc!!!! I am still being VERY careful as I know that the slightest physiological thing could set me off yet.
When I was away I got confirmation that I was selected to be a delegate at the inaugural LIVESTRONG (Lance Armstrong's foundation) summit held the last weekend of October in Austin, Texas. This is just one step I am trying to take to keep the promise to my many friends that are losing or have lost the battle. I am excited to see what can be done and how I can help.
For those of you waiting to hear on the Today show......
They did contact me and still plan on showing it, getting closer to a date, but no set time yet!!!! I will pop on the computer and update when I DO hear and let you know from the Midwest. Until then.....

Sunday, July 9, 2006 3:53 PM CDT

Running out the door to Redwood Christian Park family camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains! Just wanted to let you know that I will update next weekend. As of today I am off my anti seizure meds completely and seeing if I can go without! I will not be driving so I can see by trial and error if I can go without them! (Seems archaic doesn't it?)
Still no news on the Today show. I have no clue if it will air this week while we are gone or not! I will be in the middle of the woods with no access to TV (Yea) or phones etc....playing paint ball and doing the zip line!
Diving in to the Word. Then back for 2 days to do laundry and fly out to the Midwest for 3 weeks.
More next weekend!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:10 AM CDT

Still on a "TBD" time frame for when we will appear on the Today Show. From what I understand they are lining up a few doctors for part of the segment. When that is done they will let me know when it will air.....and I will post it!
My friend Paula is in the hospital right now with a massive blood clot that runs from her knee to her groin. Since her bloodwork is really low from chemo they are watching her closely. Extra prayers for her would be greatly appreciated!
A quick reminder.....
I was speaking with a good friend that was really stressed and overwhelmed with work and I reminded them to stop.....and instead of being ticked off at traffic jams, or irritated that the check out line turned out to be the biggest delay etc....to look at it like the Europeans do. FOUND TIME.
They relish moments like that because it gives them a much needed break. They look at work as a job. A means to make money to RELAX more often. We Americans take it on like it is the do all end all and neglect all of the REALLY important things in life in the process! The next thing we know we turn around and the kids are all grown up or we are 10 years older going...'What hit me?'
So....when you are in the car today or in the line that seems to take FOREVER. Stop, smile and look at it like FOUND TIME.
ahhhh....feel that blood pressure lower already?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 11:33 AM CDT

Another quick update.....
Obviously those that tuned in to the TODAY show saw that I did not air today! (My neighbor Paul just brought over a DVD titled "The Today Show 6/20/06.....Sans Kate"
What a crack up.)
I am waiting to hear back from Gretchen in New York as to the deal. Maybe it will be on later this week. Stay tuned. As I know more I will let you know!
Basically this was all last minute. I took the kids to Nacho Libre and got an SOS call from Bri to call immediately. I of course did not hear the cell phone as I silenced it....and called him thinking something happened to him. He informed me that I needed to rush home because the Today show was headed over to film us for a piece on cancer for the show tomorrow. (This was after 5:30 and keep in mind I had a baseball hat on and needed to shower....) I got home quickly showered placed a couple of calls to spread the word and they showed up for 4 hours. Got the family on "B" roll...(They were impressed I knew the lingo....ha ha)and interviewed me in regard to basically the frustration of the lack of funding to find a cure for lesser known cancers. I am pretty sure that is the angle. They did not leave until after 10 and Rachel (from NBC) had to rush back down to the city and she was an hour late of her deadline to get it to New York. SOOOO I have no idea if that was the issue or not.
Long story short.....
They have it...we will see when they air it...if they do even.
I hope so because this is the thing that could lead to what I am left here to try and do. Raise awareness and be an advocate and to ultimately share the Good News.
more later.....
6/20/06 UPDATE
New York informed me that the "Breaking News" piece bumped the cancer piece and it will air sometime soon. I will let you know when I know!

Monday, June 19, 2006 8:50 PM CDT

This is going to be very quick.....
A film crew is on the way to capture my family and me for the TODAY show. (For tomorrow Tuesday the 19th) I guess it will air around 7:15. Pretty cool. I have no idea....I literally just found out 40 minutes ago and have to shower!!!!!!
God is good......

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:19 AM CDT

WOW...what a week.
Going through this with my good college friends Jenny and Randy is flooding me with memories and quite frankly anxiety from 2 years ago. Randy was diagnosed with stage 3 fibrillary astrocytoma on his brain stem (inoperable)after doing a biopsy last week at Mayo. Jenny is now in the throws of the frantic "We need to make a very fast decision on the next step to treat this.....what, who, where etc....." Time is of the essence now and of course the anxiety of 'I need to make the right call on this' is haunting her as it did many of us. I reassured her that SHE was not making the decision, that is why she is consulting with the very best and THEY will direct her care. Then ultimately they can sit back a tiny and breathe and let God's plan unfold. They could use a lot of prayer for wisdom and discernment. (Randy is a former hockey player and tough and young....he will fight this with all he has)
Many of you have requested an update on my 10 year old little buddy Ben. They had a glorious time at the Astros game and now he is back in Washington. Ruth (his Mother) e mailed me yesterday and said all of your cards and prayers have made this journey much easier then expected. Thanks so much. Though Ben is some what limited in what he can do, he is enjoying life as best he can with video games. She requested continued prayer for peace and calm. Ruth has her good and bad days, but realizing she is not in control takes a lot of pressure off.
Isn't that the truth?
When we struggle with something ourselves and try and control the outcome it weighs us down and stresses us out!!! There is only so much we can do. When will we realize that we need to relinquish it to God? EVERY single time I have learned this lesson I have felt a 1000 pound weight lifted off of me. (Notice how I said EVERY time? I am a slow learner. Thank goodness He is a patient teacher!)
I signed up to be an advocate for LAF (Lance Armstong Foundation) and be 1 of 1000 to go to a summit in Austin in October. Our friend Randy was 1 of 100 delegates to go to Washington recently and he suggested that I get in on the ground floor with this to try and make a difference. I believe it is one of many things I need to do to help fight for a cure for this nasty GBM.
You might have noticed that I ordered another run of books. E mail me if you want to buy one to support brain cancer research at UCSF. (I would have put all of the info on the page, but I have already gotten some whacked out calls due to the article they ran on me in the paper and being in CURE magazine! I had some doozies....Trying to be polite, yet get off the phone has been tricky.)
Makes life interesting!
Get this......
Next scan is 11 1/2 weeks!!!! NOT 8!!!!!!!!!! (Granted it is probably because I will be in the Midwest for 3 weeks, but hey....)
I get to go in August. (Nice choice of words...GET to go sounds like this is FUN. If you think lying perfectly still for over an hour and pretending that your nose DOES NOT ITCH in a coffin like cage, while super loud noises ring in your ears .....is fun....well....then GET TO GO is OK to use here)
Had dinner with my college buddy Devo and his wife Nancy Monday night. He is the one who works for Schering Plough (Chemo maker) and he brought the National Sales manager and his wife. Nice people. They hear our need. They know that we desparately need a cure. I KNOW we will get there. Hang tight..........

Tuesday, June 6, 2006 10:06 AM CDT

My friend Lisa sent this to me:

Happy moments Praise God
Difficult moments Seek God
Quiet moments Worship God
Painful moments Trust God
Every moment Thank God

I needed that. On the way home from the Lake this weekend my college roommate called me with some devastating news. A good friend of mine from college named Randy was in Mayo clinic in MN with an inoperable brain tumor on his brain stem. I am also very good friends with and went to college with his wife Jenny. They have a 4 year old named Patrick. It is one thing to have gone through this journey and helping hundreds of people. It is another to experience it with some good friends. On one hand I am extremely grateful to have pioneered this trail so I am able to help them as best I can. On the other hand it is even more difficult to watch someone I know and care for experience the same journey. PLEASE keep them all in your prayers as they work through this. The best news to me is that they BOTH have maintained their sense of humor as Brian and I did from the very start. This is key for those of you going through this as well. Don't lose the hope and the fight.
I will update this with more info as I talk to Jenny.

On a lighter note my friend Youngy set up a direct link to some of the photos that were taken at the big bash a week ago. It is under the picture on this page. If you took some and can get them to me on a disc I can try and add them too! Blessings....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:35 AM CDT

"The Party's Over....."
You know the song........
I am singing it today. The last of the "out of towners" left today.
The word that comes to mind for me is ...
We had 400 people come through on Saturday to celebrate life. Everything went well. The weather, the food, the music.....most of all the friends and family. Even Dr. Prados made it up, bless his heart, and he was on call!
The consensus is....I am evidently supposed to throw another one next year! Actually it might take my brain that long to rest from all of the stimulation the past few days!
We made the paper if you want to check it out.....http://www1.pressdemocrat.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060530/NEWS/605300326/1065/NEWS06

Pretty cool. God is good! I do have about 15 books left if anyone wants another one. $20 and the proceeds go to UCSF brain cancer research.
Off to normalcy again. Whatever that is!
Everyone is moving a little slowly to get back in to the routine. I have 10 loads of laundry beckoning me. (A LOT of towels since the dunk tank was quite the hit with the kids! I would hate to see a test of the water done on that tank at the end of the day!!!!) I think the margarita machines were just as popular with the adults! I have had several people tell me they have checked the price on them!
Enjoy the week.
I will try and set up a link to a site with photos in the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, May 25, 2006 4:18 PM CDT

(And I am not talking about where Jesus was born.)
I woke up with COMPLETE peace this morning knowing that God was with me and that He had erased any suspicious areas. Spectroscopy did reveal a SLIGHT elevation of blood flow in one area, but it is most likely just a blood vessel! Everything else looked great! AMEN!
Thanks for all of the prayers shooting up. MAN the power of those are amazing are they not?
On to celebrating!
Lots to do!
Love you all

Saturday, May 20, 2006 9:09 AM CDT

Good morning!
I just had to update quickly this morning and let you know Ben has been blown away by all of his "fan mail". You all have been amazing. I have heard from SOOOO many people that I don't even know that have sent him something. Evidently it is his favorite part of the day. His Mom does go through it first however to make sure no mention of death is in there. (At the end of this nasty GBM depression can become an issue.) He loves the funny ones and loves when people share about their own lives! His symptoms have remained pretty stable right now (trouble with his right side and some speech) but they are pleased with how he is doing right now. His favorite team is the Astros and he and his Mom will make the trip in a week to see his last game. For those that asked...there is the update! Keep them all in your prayers. His Mom said they are sad of course that his health is declining, but feels the love and peace of Jesus and all of the results of the prayers that are going out on their behalf! Thanks again!
I am fighting my 1st cold in a long time. I think I picked it up when I went to the 1st grade classroom for a Mother's Day tea served up by the one and only...Colin! We actually have rain here right now (VERY ODD for us this time of year)so we might have both games canceled today. My Mom arrives today from the Midwest (Yahoo) and will be here helping me get ready for the big bash in ONE week! We are over 375 and counting! Should be fun. (If you are local and reading this, bring a swimsuit for your kids....and you if you want...for the dunk tank)
I have my spectroscopy scan set for Thursday.....will do a super fast update then. Mike Prados asked if he could have a lab person in the room at the same time (remind them about the 'human side' of this disease)that they go over my scan with me. I told him the more the merrier. I actually also told him after having children you lose all humility anyway. 'Oh....you want to check to see how dialated I am too?...Sure put down your mop and bucket and cleaning supplies and come see if I have progressed to 7 yet..... ' Ha ha.
OK...maybe I didn't have the custodian in there, but it sure felt like it at times!
Keep up your prayers for me please. I am 99% at peace with Thursday, but sometimes fear creeps in because every day the last 2 weeks I have heard from people with recurrent tumors. I am not joking. It is amazing. I had a nice couple come to the house Wednesday to gather some info on his new diagnosis. I had the opportunity to pray with them which is the most important thing I can do. As it is with you. Yours are working. I covet them!
More in a few days...........

Monday, May 8, 2006 12:12 AM CDT

I absolutley dispise this dreadful GBM.

I just found out that My young friend Ben who has just turned 10 and made it just over 2 years with this is having hospice come in. As I write this with tears being swept away and sobs being choked back I strengthen my vow to help fight this any way I can. If it does recurr in me at least I had the chance to live 40 FULL years of life. Ben has been robbed of so much more.
Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us not to trust in our own understanding but in all ways to acknowledge God, asking Him for direction and seeking His principles in the Bible. When we do this, He promises to direct our ways.
I cannot possibly comprehend what is going on and I have to remember that God does.
If you could do me a small favor and jot Ben a note and just tell him how much he is loved. It can be funny and cheerful too! He loves that! He is a Christian and is comforted knowing that he will be with God soon. He is trying to be strong for his whole family especially his parents and twin sister I am sure.
His address is:
Ben Masters
2618 Fir Crest Blvd
Anacortes, Wa 98221
Thanks for doing this. It is worth the world to a little boy for us to take 3 mintues and jot a note.
It goes without saying to keep his whole family in your prayers. Thanks.

Sunday, April 30, 2006 7:14 PM CDT

What a glorious day. 80 and sunny. FINALLY a week of weather we are known for!
I am just returning from a hike on the coast with the kids where we saw a few whales migrating with their babies. It was fun to watch the excitement on the kid's faces as the water came out from the spout.
What a wonder. (Of course Colin said 'Mom, the wind is making you lose your hair. It is blowing up in a chunk and I can see your bald spot!') So much for the sprayed comb over in the wind........
I cannot believe it is May 1st tomorrow!
I just added a bunch of things to our calendar. School is wrapping up for everyone and lots of year end stuff to accomplish. The mad dash......
Remember to stop this month and enjoy as many moments as you can. Slow the rush down as much as you can and get those talks in. The walks in. The laughs in.
THESE are the moments to remember. The moments that make great memories.
My next scan is set for the 25th of this month (The day before my birthday!...Should be a great gift. Hey....if it is not, do you think I can return it anywhere?)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 5:18 PM CDT

Hi there......
Today's scan was 'O.K.'
I said 'JUST o.k?'
And Mike said 'O.K. is good.'
And I said 'Not when all of the others have been looking 'GREAT!'
SO here is the scoop.
They DO look good. There is a slight abnormality however in the axial view of the MRI. Basically when you see the MRI that looks directly down on the head from the top (Kind of like an aerial view) it does not match with last time. The side view does (I forgot the medical term for that one)and there is no obvious mass we can see, but just in case, I am going to go in 4 weeks (Instead of 8) and do an MRI with spectroscopy. I am in no way alarmed. I am THANKFUL that he is proactive and wants to be SURE nothing more is going on. It is the T2 Flair he is watching to make sure there is no additional activity going on.
If you recall from that SPORE project I was a part of, the spectroscopy provides detailed information on blood flow and choline levels etc....from one quadrant of the brain to the other.
This is DEFINITELY a case of better safe than sorry!
He was unsure about the emotional connection to the shooting pain in my temple. As my Dad always used to say...'I am just wired goofy.'
SO....I am pleased. Not worried....so you should not be either. I am waiting for a call to set it up. It falls right around my party so we will really have reason to celebrate! (Get you RSVP's in to me this week!) Should be close to 300!
Take Care.....

Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:02 AM CDT

TWO years ago yesterday and this whole crazy journey started! WOW......Time flies.....and it doesn't fly.....

I have had a couple of days recently where my left temple hurts again when I tear up. I will ask Mike Prados about it at my scan next Tuesday. No worries.
I am at peace regardless of the outcome of the next scan. I am sure it is no coincidence that I am studying Joseph right now in BSF! He endured years of needless suffering to be prepared for the future. WITHOUT that.....he would not have handled God's plan for his life and the leadership role he obtained. What truly amazes me is that everyone could see how God was with him every step of the way. God was his reality and it freed him to be able to help others DURING his trial!
I know so many of you are suffering some type of trial right now. How can you respond through suffering so God can use it for His glory? Remember.....people are impacted by these situations more than you realize!
Off to bike and picnic on Angel Island with the kids....and my wonderful hubby.
I will update after my MRI next week!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 4:12 PM CDT

As I sit to write this it is pouring out.....We have set a record here in the amount of rain that we have received. (Am I in Seattle?) It was even sunnier in Wisconsin this weekend! I had the great privilege of flying in for a quick weekend trip to help honor my Mother getting the "Distinguished Woman of the Year Award" for the YWCA. It is LONG over due and WELL deserved. My Mother is the most humble woman I know and cannot stand being in the limelight. She prefers to do things behind the scenes without any recognition. I helped present the award with my sister Jennifer and we joked about her not "bolting" that day because of the thought that my Aunt threatened to have a couple of martinis and make her acceptance speech for her. I ADORE my Aunt Joan and she has the best sense of humor. I think that was the only reason she stayed though.....ha ha. There were many people there and we had a lot of great fun honoring the woman I admire most in this world. I pray for the ability to emulate a fraction of who she is and what she does. I will be truly blessed.

I am feeling much better lately. I have had a few quirky neurological things happen since my last scan. A couple of really sharp pains in my left temple (Tumor bed)and a pain if I would get emotional over something it would shoot to that area if I teared up, and a tingling in my right index finger etc.....just some goofy things. The only reason I was concerned is because I had some of those things occur right around my brain surgery. (I of course cannot remember if it was the 8 weeks before I was diagnosed after the seizure or if it was immediately after the surgery.
The good news is that it stopped. I also am trying to lower the keppra (anti seizure meds). Maybe that took a part? I have no clue. I am down to just 1 pill (250 mg) in the morning and 1 in the evening. I thought that since we took out the tumor that caused the seizure I could wean myself off of the drug (side effects are a bummer) Mike (Dr. Prados) said that is not necessarily the case. Sometimes the adjacent area is permanently damaged. Unfortunately the only way to tell is by trial and error. I will wait to try and go off completely when I can go without driving for a couple of weeks to see. (Summer) They can also try and do an EEG (I will always have an abnormal EEG now due to brain surgery and radiation)and induce one. They can see if there is a seizure spike. Even if I do not have one, it does not mean that a physiological event(hard work out or lack of sleep) will not trigger one. I know my body really well though and am quite in tune with it so I feel like I would be able to tell. We will see. I would LOVE to get off of this stuff for good!

If you are newly diagnosed, I feel a strong need to make you aware of something. Do not believe everything you read! My Mother saved a piece from a well known University that is developing a new brain cancer treatment called Gadolinium Synchrotron Stereotactic Radiotherapy. Though the new treatment is exciting the stats they spew are not true. For example, at the very beginning it says:
"A rare form of brain cancer carries a sobering prognosis-the incidence rate and the mortality rate are the same. For those diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM), it is a death sentence. Of the approximately 12,000 Americans identified as having GBM each year, half will die within 12 months, and the REST within three years."

It goes on.....
Well.....I beg to differ!
I know several that have blown that away. I am well on my way to doing the same! My advice is to remember who is writing the piece. This guy appears to be from the center that is developing it so of course he wants to make it look like this is the new answer to a disease that has no survivors!!!! My point is Don't take what some articles say as the do-all-end-all. You will only get discouraged. Focus on hope and healing! NOT mis-information or old stats!
I got a phone call from someone while I was in the midwest this past weekend saying they saw my letter in CURE magazine! I was surprised. To tell you the truth I have never written a magazine before (CURE is for all cancer patients. It is excellent) and saw and article on GBM's for the 1st time and wrote. I have no clue WHAT I wrote, but I am anxious to get my copy in the mail so I can see!

One last thing. 2 weeks ago I said goodbye to Grandma Charmaine. She was our good friend Carol Kovatch's Mother. I had the privilege of being there a lot at the end of her life as hospice was in at her home for her last days of pancreatic cancer. As a believer in Christ she was able to tell others that she was ready to go home and meet the Lord. She was like a grandmother to my kids as well. She will be greatly missed, but I am overjoyed that she is free of pain and laughing it up with my Dad in heaven right now! It makes me wonder how many of my friends can say with complete confidence that they too know without a doubt....where they are going when they die. I can......can you?

Friday, March 24, 2006 4:02 PM CST

I just came home from lunch with my friend Rosie and heard the greatest song by Todd Agnew. I have heard it a lot before, but it really got me today. Part of it says: "If Ephesians says to imitate Christ, why do you look so much like the world?".....Woah....conviction....
I don't even need to comment on that one........
(I want to be a good example.....not just a horrible warning!!!!!!)

Well....The filming experience was AMAZING. We have decided that Colin does NOT have a career in film. We were supposed to stay within certain perimiters for filming the football game and of course all he wanted to do was "Go long...." OUT of the specific boundries and looked at us like WE were crazy for not letting him. He also wasn't happy that tackle was not a part of the take. Then when the director requested that they "SLOWLY" go by on their razor scooters he became Dash from the Incredibles and flew past them. After several takes and him whining about wanting to 'race Riley' he finally went slow enough to be captured on film.....after a few jumps of course. Man........EVERYTHING has to be a race or competition with him! O.K......O.K......I know.....I am bad about that too.....Amazing the lovely examples we set for our children hmmmm? Like I said earlier.....I want to be a good example not a horrible warning!!!!
It took me several days to recoup though. I napped for several days afterwards. They are sending me a DVD of the "b roll" of what they took of our family. (I am so in the know on the lingo huh??? ha ha )
I am still nursing the knee and back injuries. I can only walk or do the eliptical for an hour and watch what I lift as far as upper body goes. It is a slow process, but coming along.
We got a new Hamster last night. Seems a bit skiddish if you ask me, but maybe because he is so young and getting used to his new home. Seeing Riley with him makes me smile.
O.K.....the postcards have gone out. If you did NOT receive yours (and are coming) let me know. Several people have called me and did not get theirs. It is so well done (Bravo Jennifer) that it looks like an advertisement and might be pitched just like I do with my "junk mail". If you did get yours RSVP to the e mail soon. It is looking like 300 as of now.....yikes. One heck of a celebration.
I am excited about the results that are coming out on Avastin. I know several people that are on it and anxious to see what happens. If you are newly diagnosed, ask your neuro-oncologist about the posibility of this! They are working on so many new things! Keep the faith.
I will update the pictures hopefully this weekend!
Have a great one!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:26 PM CST

Good EVENING!!!!!
I am actually being filmed right now as I write this!
They thought it would be fun to update my website since I am being filmed! This is the last shot of the day.
It has been such a great day today. They arrived at 8:30 and we have gone non-stop since they have been here!
First they filmed me for a few hours and then Brian as my caregiver and then we went to the gym and did some filming and then back home just in time to play football with the kids. It was fabulous.
They are amazing!!!! I am used to being filmed with one or 2 people......not an entire crew!
More later
I took some pictures and will post them soon. I was totally embarassed by one of the film crew members today. It takes A LOT for me to get embarassed. Evidently after doing my laundry I left my lacey underware hanging in the garage to dry and forgot to take them upstairs!!! I didn't think they would be using the garage either and forgot all about them!!! It became quite the joke. (Well, I bared my soul on camera might as well throw it all out there!)
Gotta go..they are done! A 10 hour day leaves my brain mush brain. I will sleep well tonight!

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:25 AM CST

This will be very quick as I need to head back to the chiropractor.
I took a major spill Friday on the slopes in 4 feet of powder ('No....I don't need to demo those $40 a day skiis, I will be fine with the beginner ones, I won't be tearing it up too much this trip........' WRONG! I should have spent the extra money!)
I restrained my interior medial (On my right knee) that I had surgery on in college. I spent the whole rest of the weekend on ice and limping. THEN...after the 4 hour drive home Sunday, I woke up and could barely stand up. I totally tweaked my back. The position I kept in the car ride did not help the fact that I had re-injured that area too! Dr. O'neal came in on his day off Monday after I had a massage to try and correct my TOTALLY tweaked body. My left leg was over and inch shorter and pelvis all twisted up. I sounded like the 4th of July as he adjusted my entire body. My neck even needed it because I slammed my head in to the ground. (THANK YOU GOD FOR INVENTING HELMETS!)I would have knocked myself out!
So.....yesterday I was in the ice and prone position, today more of the same....actually all week will be that so I can film Tuesday! They got 24 hour Fitness to OK the 7 member film crew to go in and film me working out....yikes....I HAVE to get better! (Not to mention maybe buy a new work out outfit!!!! ha ha.
I sure was mad Saturday that I had to sit in the cabin as all my family and friends (From Boston and So Cal) enjoyed a glorious day on the hill. Poor Bri...I took it out on him before he left! Then.....I pulled out my bible study completed it and prayed for a new attitude. I realized that for WHATEVER reason I was not supposed to go. I told myself that maybe Saturday I was destined for a REALLY bad fall and injury and this prevented it. (We saw a guy die of a heart attack on the slope Thursday. SO sad. They gave him CPR the whole way down)
I have to keep it in perspective.
I am in lots of pain right now...so I must end and hit the couch with ice and meds. There is absolutley NOTHING on TV these days!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:42 PM CST

Great day.....
Great scan....
Great God.....

Great SCOTT!!!!!!I gotta go.........
I need to get packing now for our ski trip to Tahoe!
Yes...I will wear my helmet!
More next week.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:17 PM CST

My friend Donna did pass away and her service was yesterday. Due to a cold I had to miss it. I am sure it was beautiful. Sometimes I wonder if funerals are still a little too close for me to attend. I have had to miss a few due to certain things and I am thinking that might not be a 'coincidence'....I do believe in God's power to heal.
In fact John Piper wrote a FABULOUS piece on this called 'Don't waste your cancer'
He believes that it is right and good to pray for both kinds of healing. Cancer is not wasted when it is healed by God. He gets the glory and that is why cancer exists. So to not pray for healing may waste your cancer. But healing is not God's plan for everyone. (I get that.) And there are many ways to waste your cancer. He continues and says 'I am praying for myself and for you that we will not waste this pain.'
Please go to his website to read the 10 points on why you should not waste your cancer diagnosis. ANYONE affected by this dreadful disease can relate. Whether patient or friend....Caregiver or relative.
You won't be disappointed.

Well.....we lost one.
Riley's pet Otis (hamster)'walked away'. I would put how he really died, but she might read this.......
As much as I am in amazement that any kid would actually WANT a nocturnal pet, he did help her through my cancer so Yah gotta love the little rodent for that! I DO NOT miss the sound of the wheel in the middle of the night however. I am in no rush to get a new one. Though we did tell her that could happen.....PLEASE let us get our CCI dog soon!
I have my scan next Tuesday and meet with Mike the same day. I will update then. Schering-Plough (The big drug company) is finally setting the time to fly and video tape me for their brain tumor project. It is tentatively set for March 14th. (I am SO relieved that I do not have to go anywhere and that they are coming here to film not only me, but Mike Prados as well. I have been doing a lot which exhausts my brain!) I will be happy to do that project. Hopefully we can get the needed info out there for people that need it.
Talk to you next week.

Friday, February 10, 2006 12:10 AM CST

Ultrasound report......
Looks fine.
Still have a fibroid in my utereus, but it hasn't grown much since last year! Yea.
I DID make my mammogram appt while I was there. Don't foget to do that. In fact, my friend Cathy sent me a sight that you should all take the time to jump on: www.thebreastcancersite.com
Take a moment to do this. If you click on the ribbon a free mammogram will be donated to someone that cannot afford to get one. They really need people to do this.

Hospice thinks that my friend Donna seems to be shutting down. I am holding on moment by moment. I am really holding on to something I learned in BSF this week. 'When our loved one in Christ is taken to a better country to be with Christ, it is an opportunity for us to reveal our faith. When God takes our loved one to be with Himself, now we have yet more possession in this land of heaven and eternity, of which we believers are called "citizens" (Philippians 3:20-21)
The more I know that go.....the more I know it is truely 'Home' in Heaven!
This is merely a vacation spot for awhile. Some LIKE their accommodations (Complete with work out facility and swim up bar) Some are on the phone right now complaining to their travel agents! Are you on the phone letting life pass you by? Or are you headed to enjoy things and work out?
Tonight Brian and I are headed to the City to take out Aunt Mary Tom (for her birthday) to dinner and Beach Blanket Babylon. The show is at TEN!!!!!!! Yikes! I go to bed at 8:30 -9!!!! I think I will load up on coffee to make it!
I have run across this several times this week so I feel led to share. (A new GBM contact; Eileen, sent me it originally.)
'The will of God will never take you to a place where the grace of God will not protect you.'
Think about that for awhile.....Enjoy the weekend!
I will be at the swim up bar!

Thursday, February 2, 2006 2:28 PM CST


Someone sent me that quote the other day JUST when I needed it. (Funny how that happens) Tied in to Ephesians 6:10 Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.

I have been so overwhelmed with all that is required to pull this party off that I had to remember that I needed to stop and realize WHERE I get my comfort and strength!
Hotels are taken care of, I am in the process of mariachi band shopping (The one I have used before is booked already!)and Mexican Food tasting and thinking about logistics(Port-a-potties, chairs etc...) and putting the final edits on my sister's incredible gift of designing my invite, and.....well....you know. My wedding was easier than this! Ha ha. Of course I could do 8 million things at once back then and didn't blink an eye. I planned the entire thing in 1 week and never revisited it until I flew home 1 week prior to!

Are you overwhelmed with something right now and trying to take matters in to your own hands? Stop and remember that God has a purpose for everything and we need to honor that by seeking HIM 1st, not winging it on our own. (Old habits die hard don't they?) I found myself praying the other day 'Lord, I know you have a purpose.... help me follow it.' Sometimes I feel like I thank Him for a lot of things and then go to my wish list. Notice how I said MY wish list? What about HIS purpose?
I have been convicted of a bad attitude this past week of being stretched too thin. (That is an oxymoron!) I was focusing on how drained I was, and poor me, and I don't have time or even WANT to update my site or call back anyone etc.....
I forgot about the power behind me. When I focus inward I CAN'T do it. That is the point! When I focus upward I CAN achieve what He wants me to achieve.
The critical thing here is for me to focus on what is SUPPOSED to be achieved not what I necessarily want!

I am healing. I have an ultrasound set up next week to double check my cyst area....'Just in case!'
I called my sister (who has cancer) laughing.
'Don't you just love having cancer? They always do ONE more test....'just in case' for a safety net.'
Oh well.....better safe than sorry!
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:52 AM CST

Is it Thursday already?!?
Sorry, I have been remiss in updating! I am currently working on the big bash I promised we would throw when I hit my 2 year survival date. It is going to be on May 27th the day after I turn 40! So many reasons to celebrate! We are in the process of blocking off hotel rooms, (lots of people are flying in) getting the Mexican caterer, and hiring the Mariachi band.....Whew.....quite the undertaking. I couldn't be more grateful to celebrate with hundreds of friends!
I go get my stitches out tomorrow.
At BSF yesterday I found out that my leader was back East Saying goodbye to her father-in-law. Evidently Hospice is in and he actually is dying from squamous cell carcinoma! The cancer I just had removed! More praises to God that mine was caught early.
I also will visit my ob-gyn tomorrow for a check on a sharp pain I have had on my right side the last couple of days. In college I had a cyst burst on my ovary and it was painful so that is probably all it is. Since they did an ultra sound last year they need to follow up to make sure everything is still ok. I will actually laugh if it is more serious then that. What are the odds?
Sorry TMI I know.....
Look what my life has become!!!!!!!! Doctor visits for crying out loud! Ha ha.
I will fill you in on the scoop later of course!
For those of you looking for current cancer information PLEASE check out the latest issue of CURE magazine. It stands for Cancer Updates Research and Education. Volume 4 number 4 Winter 2005 is a special issue on "Cancer Patients of the new millenium". It talks about the future of cancer research,specialized treatment and diagnostic tools. (It even talks about GBM for the 1st time I have read!) Go to www.curetoday.com to order.
Have a fabulous weekend.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:02 PM CST

He was able to surgically remove the whole tumor today! No further surgery needed and it did NOT spread to any lymph nodes. He did have to go quite deep to get it all though (The galea layer which is right above the skull)So he did a few internal sutures and 6 or 7 on the outside. Bri was looking at the shaved part and mentioned that he thinks it looks like a dog who got shaved and had a burr taken out. Nice visual for you.....At least I don't have to wear a cone over my head so I don't bite off the stitches. It is in the back of my head so no worries! Ha ha.
I knew it would be fine.
Hey...if I can kick brain cancer's booty, I knew this cancer was going to be NOTHING!
Praising God for continued healing! Miracles in abundance.....
Have a great rest of the week.

Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:56 AM CST

So sorry for not updating sooner. I was able to head down to San Diego for a Lifetouch meeting and then stayed on for 2 extra days with my girlfriends. It was in the upper 70's all week so it was a nice week. Everyone from snow LOVED it!
I did get my pathology report back while I was down there. I do have a new cancer....drum roll.....no biggie. It IS a squaomous cell carcinoma tumor. (On the back of my head in the DIRECT line of the most intense radiation beam I had) For those of you that emailed me and have had radiation and got that cancer.....guess what....you were right. There IS a correlation. I go in for surgery next Tuesday to chunk it out. It is not a big deal. (Some girls have all the luck huh?)It is in my hair so he will have to go deep down
to cut through the fatty part of the hair follicle. (Lovely sounding isn't it?) I am curious what he will do if he has to keep going lower though and cannot (They can do the pathology report right there in the office as they cut to make sure they get clean margins) I will call today to ask that question. (I laugh when I picture them...'We have hit skull nurse..now what!!????'
I obviously am not too concerned. Comes with the whole deal. I am glad this happened so that I can warn people that might have different cancers that have received radiation as some have written me. WATCH FOR THIS! The radiologist oncologist might not inform you that this could be a potential side effect! Mine did not!

I chuckled at dinner last night as Colin was explaining that Riley had this 'Make Believe'shirt that was cool. After several times of repeating himself as we questioned him on 'What in the world he was talking about....' We figured out it was the shirt that Glenn and Tanya brought back from CANADA with the 'Maple Leaf' on it...
Make believe....Maple Leaf....Tomatoe...Tomatoh....
Have a great weekend.
I will update after my procedure next week.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:57 PM CST

Down come the Christmas decorations......and HALF of the needles on the tree since we put it up so early this year! I sure enjoyed it, but now that I have started getting my house back I am looking forward to it!
I am waiting to hear from my dermatologist on a pathology report. I had a biospy done on a tumor on the BACK of my head on the scalp. He is checking to see if it is basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell skin cancer. It is odd to think it would be on the back of my head covered with hair, but then I thought...'Hmmm...that is in the DIRECT line of the most intense radiation beam I recieved last year. I wonder if there is a correlation there!' I will have to write it down to ask him. (Notice how I said write it down!!!) We will go in (OK...HE will, not me...though I THINK I could probably do it with mirrors!)and cut the sucker out. It is NOT linked to any internal cancers and not to melanoma either (which my cousin has) so that is good. No biggie....I will just be bald in the BACK now. I will let you know the scoop. I am obviously not concerned!
We had such a great Christmas. The kids were great and fun to watch of course. Riley was very proudly sporting a bracelet at dinner that Colin beaded for her from her set she got. Brian said 'WOW! That is gorgeous! Did you get that at Tiffany's?'
Colin looked up from his plate and looked very offended
with his mouth open and said 'NO! I made that!......Who is TIFFANY?'
Obviously not too many 'little blue boxes with white ribbon' float around our house!......(EVER);)
That is OK!
We are babysitting Lantis a loveable yellow lab that we watch on occasion for our friends Glenn and Tanya while they are in Canada. So great....but I have hair EVERYWHERE! This is a good trial run for us. I need to make sure I can deal with the hair! We always had our dogs outside. That is what a vaccuum is for I guess!
Well.....back to the tree.
Just thought I would stop and check in with you all.
Brian and I will spend the night in Healdsburg tomorrow night to celebrate our 11th anniversary. We are looking forward to the night away and dinner at the Dry Creek Kitchen. The kids are SO excited to go hang with their cousins in Sacramento for 2 days!
We took some pictures of the kids with our neighbors puppies that they breed for CCI. I will try and post them on the website. Until then...Happy New Year!
I am looking forward to spending it with the kids playing games in front of the fire. Colin got the game Zathura and with eyes as wide as saucers asked 'Will that REALLY happen to us? If we play it?' (For those of you that saw the movie you will laugh at that!)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:11 PM CST

Well....I got my best Christmas gift yet!
The flair we were looking at has stayed the same!
Actually we had quite the fiasco this morning. We showed up at China Basin for my scan PLUS spectroscopy and perfusion due to the last scan's result. And she looked on the computer and said 'Umm.....we have you slotted up at the hospital not here.'
I informed her that I specifically wrote down here as it was set up. Luckily I was very early (You never know what 101 traffic will bring) and made it back to UCSF on the money.
THEN.....I waited for quite some time and they finally called me out to one of the portables. I told them I am a hard stick, they might want to set up the IV for the contrast inside......Well.....(They wished they had once they started trying!)
The radiology tech stuck me a couple of times and had to call in for back up! FIVE MORE TIMES....and they just could not get a suffecient vein. They could not use a butterfly needle since they had to do the perfusion and it had to be a big needle and handle a rush of contrast. Well.....they never got to do it! They phoned one of the radiologists and he said just skip it!
SO....part way though the MRI she came in and used a butterfly needle and finally found a little vein on the bottom of my wrist (ouch) to get the contrast in. I felt like a human pin cushion! I have bruises and bumps all over my arms and hands and wrists! They kept apologizing and felt so badly! I told them I have a high threshold for pain...stick away! I felt sorry for them.

I did come clean with Mike and tell him that I always say 'I feel GREAT! and I am doing FABULOUS!' Because I compare myself to some others. I haven't been TOTALLY honest. And I NEVER dwell on stuff like that, but realize they need to have symptoms in their notes. I told him I still get pretty tired (I go to bed at 8 or 8:30 a lot) I also have pretty bad memory issues and still cannot multitask or even do 2 things at once. AND too much "stuff" overwhelms me etc.........Same things I think I have mentioned on here.
All normal......Unfortunately! I was hoping some of that would have cleared up by now being off chemo for several months.
I will just have to learn to live with it and not get too frustrated.
So we went out and celebrated with the kids downtown and finished shopping and ended up at the Cheesecake Factory where we all gorged....Oh man...where are the Tums?
Extra work at the gym tomorrow!
God is good......
Merry, Merry Christmas. I hope you can feel my smile coming through! Thanks for all of the calls and emails. Sure do love you all!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:37 PM CST

That is one of my favorite words. ESPECIALLY this time of year. It now has a new meaning to me. My friend Julie from BSF gave me the acronym:
That brings TRUE Joy to yourself.

I love Christmas so much. We are reminded of the miracle of Christ's birth. I hope your life has changed as much as mine due to that miracle. I feel like being here is my OWN personal miracle. I knew that being diagnosed with this awful Glioblastoma was going to take a miracle to BEAT it! Katrina reminded me that through God's mercy and the help of so many close to me (That'd be YOU) we are all witnessing one now.
For those that don't feel the miracle now, or people that might have general questions on sypmtoms, I do want to pass on an incredibly helpful website that was brought to my attention. I lost another friend to this and her twin sister gave it to me. I found a lot of useful information in it. ESPECIALLY for those that might have hospice in and they are not used to working with brain tumor patients, since it is much more rare. Great info on decadron and how to help care for the patient.
It is www.brainhospice.com. (I got permission from the author of the site to give this out.) Check it out.
I had an opportunity to visit another brain tumor friend Sunday. I know she knew I was there. She opened her eyes and responded with a look that made me know she was aware of my presence.
If you feel like you just aren't getting it all done......
Stop. Count your blessings and be thankful that you have the ability to actually GET it all done! That might bring some perspective to your day.
Scan next Tuesday.
I will give a quick update that night before we head to Tahoe for a couple days of skiing.
Until then............

Saturday, December 3, 2005 8:18 AM CST

'Tis the season!!!!!!!!!
Man...I should have learned my lesson in September! I thought I was being smart about what to do and when, but yesterday I got WAY too overwhelmed. I seriously cannot handle all of the people and STUFF anymore! When you agree to pick things up for people (I need to learn to say no right?) and then cannot find them it is crazy isn't it?
It was actually easier last year because I did a lot of things on line. Bri leaves for Minneapolis for all of next week (Which I have a bad attitude about.....check yourself Kate, it is not about you!)so I wanted to get a lot of things done prior to. I have 350 Christmas cards sitting around waiting for labels that are stressing me out. (Remember I had to hide those 30+ books because they were sitting there and I felt I HAD to get to them? Same thing here!)
I just don't have the same ability to handle all of that which STILL frustrates me beyond belief! (I tried to make our annual carmel corn with the kids and ruined the whole thing because I forgot the corn syrup! My goodness.....not much to follow the recipie Kate!)
It is extremely busy every weekend again. Every weekend is not only filled with basketball games etc...but a lot of Parties as well. Bri set me straight last night (I love that man) and reminded me that he is able to do some of this too! I just did not want to have to "bother" him since he is so busy at work and also trying to find a sales rep now.
It will all work out. It always does. Now might be the time to check out that Yoga place here!
The good news is we have a beautiful tree up! I sorted through all of our Christmas things and got rid of most of them. (We are left with truly classy things we want out, not stuff I feel obligated to put out!)Man does that feel great to purge!
Our daughter Riley was video taped for her Thanksgiving church service. She talks about how she has relied on God so much the past 20 months. I am so proud of her and how she gives her testimony just the way a child could get it. If someone is going through a divorce or a hard time at school etc......it might be just what they need to hear. You can check it out at: www.springhills.org/content.cfm?id=307 or just type in www.springhills.org and go to video download and press on "Open Now" under Riley Burke. (If you want to see a funny video open up Billy Andre's Washing the feet video for the youth) He is great fun and the kids love him.

I love how Riley ends the video. Very basically "Trust God and love Him forever!" (PLEASE ignore how messy the kitchen was! I was cooking for our friends and had NO clue they were going to include that on the video! Emeril would be disgusted with me!) You should see it during a cookie baking session! UGH!!!!!!!!
One more thing to add to my list of things to do!!!!!
Enjoy the month and remember to breathe......just as I have reminded myself to do! It is about the birth of JESUS not what "perfect" present you can find. Store up your treasures in Heaven, for EVERYTHING here will turn to dust!

Saturday, November 26, 2005 8:31 PM CST

A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World."
There were some disagreements, but the following received the most votes:
1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall
While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many."
The teacher said "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help."
The girl hesitated and then read
"I think the 'Seven Wonders of the World' are:
1. To see
2. To hear
3. To touch
4. To taste
5. To feel
6. To laugh
7. And to love."
The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.

The things we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are truly wondrous!
A gentle reminder....that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.

During this wonderful Thanksgiving weekend we recall how incredibly blessed we ALL are. There is truly so much to be grateful for. I am extremely grateful for all of you and your prayers and support. I will leave you with one quick prayer my neighbor Scott gave me.
'Lord, make me grateful for your past blessings, confident of Your future provision, and at peace with my current circumstances.
Amen to that!
Enjoy your week!

Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:11 AM CST

Thanking God for another miracle......
Bri had an awful bout with the flu this week and none of the rest of us got it!!!!! WOW.
Of course I disinfected everything he touched.....I felt a bit obsessive/compulsive!

I had a weird vision thing happen Thursday. I kept my pedicure appointment I had set up for our trip and during it I was listening to Nanci tell a story and had about 20 minutes of a visual aura. My left eye was having problems focusing on her face and seeing clearly. Let me think about a way to explain this.....
If you look above a candle flame it is a bit wavy or blurry. That is kind of what it was like. At first I thought it might be a seizure, but it lasted way too long. Then I remembered having this twice before my surgery and just attributed it to a migraine aura that never really transpired in to a migraine. I did take my 2 migraine pills that I carry around (fiornal with codeine) to see if it would chase it away. It seemed to help and I was fine after that, but a bit tired. (Meds probably) I did go to bed early that night (EIGHT!) and woke up yesterday feeling better.
I DID document it and will talk to Mike about it on the 20th.
It was probably a precursor to a migraine, but never really came. Nonetheless, of course since I hadn't had one like that before my brain surgery you always go.....hhmmmm......that is interesting.......
I HATE having to decipher what all these things are now!
It goes against the grain of my personality to just blow those things off and not focus on them!
Going to the last Maria Carillo Volleyball game tonight. They won and move on in North Coast sectionals. Riley was so cute. She saw the last game and said 'Mom they were SOOO good! NONE of them served UNDERHAND!!!!!'
I love it. It doesn't take much when you are in 5th grade to be impressed!
Why can't we ALL have such innocence?
Enjoy the weekend and don't eat too much! Save room for indulgence next Thursday!

Thursday, November 10, 2005 8:45 PM CST

So.....those of you that know me (And my type A personality) will get a kick out of the fact that I took my very 1st yoga class today!
No really.
Quit laughing.
I mean it!
Thanks to my dear friends Chris and Mark I was treated to a day at Sonoma Mission Inn and Spa.
I got there early to work out and after 45 minutes saw that there was a yoga class offered. I decided....'What the heck!? I will try this after all.'
I had NO CLUE what I was doing. (I also should not have lifted wieghts prior to!)
I warned the instructor and a nice lady from Baltimore and another one from the South that I was a newbie.....
'They all had cute little yoga outfits on, I of course was in my stuff from the weight room (oops).
'Oh....I have to go barefoot?'
'Ummm....where is that mat and blanket and block?...You want me to SIT ON THAT BLOCK? It is the size of a BALANCE BEAM for crying out loud!' Where is the comfort in that!!???
Okay...Okay....I can do anything for an hour....
What do you mean welcome to the One and a HALF hour yoga class?
Oh man...
OKAY....I can do anything for an hour and one half. ( I stand corrected) Or should I say I downward dog corrected.....Holy Moly that was hard to keep doing!
I knew I was in trouble when she had these little chimes and we started and she went.....ding......
'We will just sit here and concentrate on our breath for 5 minutes.'
You have GOT to be kidding me.
I could have run over 1/2 of a mile during that time!
I found my mind wandering.....
As soon as I realized it I SWEAR she could get into my mind because she would say 'Don't let your mind wander. Concentrate on your breath...etc...etc...'
Then after a bunch of poses and stretching we got in to some psychobabbble stuff about
'Things automatically come to the surface in yoga....allow them to come....don't judge it, don't analyze it.....it is not your fault.....'
(OK...I am thinking....who in the heck's fault is it then????I teach my kids to TAKE accountability not shrug it off!.....BESIDES.....NOTHING was coming to the surface at that point for me.....just my blood pressure because I think I did a cobra too long....and cut off the circulation to my head!)

Needless to say, I think I will stick to my gym ways for awhile. I was encouraged by the other 2 class attendees to try again with someone else. (They were not all that pleased)I promised I would.
I ate my favorite breakfast of oatmeal and egg whites with homemade salsa and fresh squeezed OJ and green tea and went off for a wrap and massage!
Ended up in the steam room and outdoor pool (80 today) and thanked God for such a beautiful day and experience and drive through the vineyards. All of the vines are a vivid yellow, red and orange. I love the crush. You can smell the grapes in the air.
What a day.
I am feeling relaxed and rejuvenated for the 3 day holiday weekend. Off to the coast tomorrow with the kids.
Enjoy yours!

Friday, November 4, 2005 4:39 PM CST

Happy Friday!
Quick update in bullet points.
Mom left and we had an incredible visit as usual. SHe is such an amazing woman.
The women's retreat was great!
I spoke about your circle of influence and the people you effect as you take this journey called life.(I am STILL learning to let God determine my steps! Proverbs 16:9 says 'In his heart a man plots his course, but the Lord determines his steps.' I just wish I had SOME say so!!!!)
Got my flu shot!
Riley's volleyball team won the championship game for the 1st time in 14 years. Fun to coach. We had a great party to celebrate last night.
It is nice to have a bit more free time though!
Of course both kids start basketball! (Never a dull moment)
Scheduled my next MRI. Tuesday the 20th of December. (Merry Christmas Kate!)
I have had several new e mails/calls a day. If I do not respond to you right away, please be patient!
Feeling well.
Colin turns 7 this weekend. That means Thanksgiving is right around the corner! How can that be?
Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:42 PM CDT

My scan went well yesterday. Dr. Mike said he was pleased. There was a subtle interval increase in the extent of T2 flair. (English please?) The enhancement on the MRI was increased a tad, but that is probably due to the after effects of radiation. They expect to see that around 8-10 months and it has been over a year for me. I am scheduled for a perfusion and a spectroscopy for the next MRI which will find out for sure that that is what it is and not tumor progression. I am not worried, so you shouldn't be either! I am set for the week before Christmas. (Wow...the song USED to be 'All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth.....' It is now...'All I want for Christmas is a clean MRI.....'!)
Life used to be so simple did it not?
I waited for my appointment and glanced over at a little report type booklet in the waiting room. It touched my heart. Samantha Williams age 8, neurosurgery patient said Phil 4:13'I can do anything through Him who gives me strength. It takes a doctor and......'
And she drew a big cross, rainbow and flower.....
Then the entire 8 page booklet was filled with comforting scriptures about healing, peace and trusting God. It brought tears to my eyes! Then I glanced up and saw so much hurt and loneliness. Some patients were so tired they had their eyes closed and were sleeping. Their spouses looked just as weary. I cannot imagine being the caretaker. Some looked very confused and spoke very sporadically and quietly. Many had no spouse, but were there with their parents or a friend. The exhaustion of the battle written all over their faces. The pain evident.
I found myself praying the simple versus that little Samantha placed in the booklet for everyone there and for everyone not there that is suffering.
Again, grateful for my life and what I have.

We were planning a trip to Playa del Carmen.....Until Hurricane Wilma took our place from an all inclusive all you can eat deal to.....all you can find....
Guess we will NOT be going there!
I just remembered that last year I was supposed to go to New Orleans for my buddy Todd's wedding, but couldn't go because of a hurricane. Now this trip is canceled too due to a hurricane! What is with these hurricanes!!??? I guess we will wait until next summer to go anywhere! That is OK....I will be 40 then anyway.
I met with a vivacious young woman on Monday in Napa that has the ear of a senior editor at the Oprah show. We are trying to combine efforts to get on the show and promote awareness that will change the face of cancer for young adults.
I am not sure how that will transpire, but it is one step closer to getting on that show and reaching millions.
I also talked to Mike about joining efforts in creating that video for Schering-Plough. He is going to do it too. That will help. Person by person if that is what it takes. I am commited to making a difference.

My mom is here from Wisconsin to hear me speak at a women's retreat this weekend. Should be fun! I guess I should write it! Have a fabulous rest of the week and I will try and touch base within a week or so. New pictures finally! Thanks DOUG!

Thursday, October 13, 2005 9:09 AM CDT

You are never going to believe this.
Some of you have commented on the fact that most of my hair has come back, which it pretty much has except for a slight bald spot in the front left area which I can hide by doing the "Donald-Trump-comb-over....."
I guess I don't need to go get my haircut at my appointment today!
I sindged the whole front part of my hair and eyebrows and eyelashes last night.
I thought the grill was lit,(But only the gas had been on for 15 minutes)and I went out to put the meat on, opened it up looked in and thought 'Hmmm....that doesn't look lit to me.'
I reach over and press start.....
Flash explosion.
I was knocked back a bit and smelled an AWFUL smell......
I realized I was ok after yelling a bad word that rhymes with mit...... (my kids of course came running and agreed at dinner that I should be put in a time out!)
I looked in the mirror and saw everything curled up all around my face......that smell was BURNT HAIR!!!!!!
Looking closer I saw that 1/2 of my eyelashes were burned down as well.
It is a MIRACLE that I didn't get 3rd degree burns!
I guess SOMEONE does NOT want me to look normal!!!!!
I told Bri I can save money by inventing a new way to get a haricut! AND color......since the ends are frayed and look tipped!
So much for looking nice at the wedding we are flying down to tomorrow in L.A.
Oh....another funny.....
Remember those 2 reactions I had to food?
I was partially right on the calamari. I AM allergic to that and the WHOLE moluskus family!!!! No more scallops, abalone, clams, mussels, oysters (Hate those anyway)escargot....etc!
So I am a proud owner of the good 'ol epi-pen now just incase and need to make sure I don't get ahold of any of those things. I guess I can live without fried calamari anyway! I am not sure if the chemo weakened my intestinal wall during the last year or what.....Oh well. At least we know now!
Could be worse.....
It could be crab, shrimp or lobster!
That is all to report!

Saturday, October 8, 2005 8:14 AM CDT

Nothing like hearing crushing news to snap you back to reality.
Last time I wrote I shared about spinning out of control.
I almost feel guilty now.
I think back to that and realize it was so inwardly focused.
I found out this week that my friend Sheri lost her battle against this deadly cancer.
I envisioned them telling her 6 year old that 'Today Mommy will probably go live amongst the angels.'
I also tried to picture her husband holding one hand and her best friend holding the other as she took her last few breaths. Deciding NOT to call hospice back for that day since they could not heal broken hearts.
I also got news this week that a couple other friends have had their tumors double.
I stop.
I contemplate my personal struggles last week.
I praise God. I thank Him for allowing me to HAVE these issues right now and not the alternative.
I remember a year ago in some of my prayers desperately begging to be left here for awhile. I had forgotten that feeling until just recently.
I wasn't "clinging".
I need to be clinging.
Maybe that is why I got so off kilter.
Are you off?
By the looks of all of the emails and phone calls I got, my last entry struck a cord with so many of you.
Many of you agreed that things had gotten WAY out of control.
You slowed down. You re-gained perspective.
You remembered to breathe.
You recalled the truly important things in life.

Yuma left.
I asked him if he hugged or kissed his mother.
He looked appalled and said an adamant "NO!!!!!"
I asked if his parents showed affection.....
Same reaction.
He said 'That is why me here....CULTURE SHOCK!'
I felt so sad in my heart.
Imagine how touchy feely most of us are. I hug and kiss everyone!!!
I cannot imagine one of life's greatest treaures of human touch not happen.
When you stop and look at all of the little things we do that make us feel good....and then imagine NOT doing them???? WOW.
That will take you down that road of appreciation and greatfulness. (That always seems to clear away the stress, worries and out-of-control feelings.)
Thanks for all of the support and continued prayers.
Go hug someone and appreciate the fact that it is accepted here and a way of life.
(If it is a stranger, I recommend that you ask 1st....)

Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:41 PM CDT

Hey there.
This will be short and sweet.
I had a bit of a melt down to tell you the truth! (No, no funny jacket that buttons up in the back...yet!)
In the middle of last week I started feeling REALLY overwhelmed with my schedule and all that I have to do each day. I told Brian that SOMETHING has to give. I feel like I am trying to be everything to everyone. Everyone keeps commenting on how well I seem to be doing and honestly there is a pressure there to do more to PROVE that I AM OK!!!!!!
Truth of the matter is.....
It wasn't.
I was WAY too over committed. I need to learn to say no.
God did not create us for all of the lists we make and keep. He does not pat us on the back for how much we do!!!! I am someone that has always prided myself on those lists and how much I could check off in one day! (I even admitted that I have actually ADDED things after the fact to PROVE that I could do MORE!!! IS that INSANE or what?)
Those of you that know me know that I have always been excellent at multi-tasking and doing 10 things on the fly.
My brain cannot do that anymore.
I also have to come to terms with THAT!
I simply cannot function at the capacity that I could before.
I flew in to Vegas last Thursday to surprise my friend Maureen for her 40th birthday for 48 hours. It was great and she was totally surprised, but Vegas is WAY too much stimulation for the NON brain cancer person! YIKES.....
It was a fast trip, but I flew home and looked at my calendar for this week and started crying! I merely could not get it all in. Bri was awesome and talked through the week with me and even went to tell the main VB coach that he was benching me for a week to catch my breath. I have removed a lot and feel like I am getting centered again.
Even my BSF, which is GREAT, feels like a chore sometimes and Brian reminded me that I am there to LEARN...not get THEE best answer on EVERY question! Don't make it a CHORE that has to be completed!!!! IT is not a contest. (I seem to have this innate drive that is not matching up with my brain anymore.)
I think my melt down has served a huge purpose.
I wanted to share it in my true to form honest nature with you because I think we ALL run mock 10 and try and do too much and don't know how to say no...etc.....and then we get so off kilter we are not good to ANYONE!
God, my family and friends.
THAT is what is important.
We talked at homegroup last night about merely waking up and saying.'OK God, you gave me certain gifts and I want to use them today for YOUR purpose. NOT MY AGENDA!'
I will SLOW DOWN and feel your guidance.
So....that is my lesson.
I am sharing it with you. I know so many can relate.
We also have a Japanese exchange student here for 8 days (What was that Kate....learning to say no???)
I must admit, it has been a phenomenal experience and so much fun. He is a 17 year old boy and barely speaks any English. The poor guy was overwhelmed at the Burke's the 1st night. Our house is a revolving door anyway and people were in and out and it was loud and Katrina and others came and had pizza last minute with us (I of course ordered 4 thinking a 17 year old boy will eat one to himself like my babysitters do. He of course only ate 2 pieces....that is why they are so thin!)
He keeps saying 'Everything in America ...so big!
Yes....so big.
Slow down and do little....not big.....
Words of wisdom from Yuma.
I think I might be getting more from his visit than he will ever know.

Monday, September 19, 2005 12:46 AM CDT

When it rains it pours.
No ....really.
Colin walked in to the house yesterday as we were frantically trying to get unpacked from our houseboat trip (and do everything we needed to cram in to the rest of the day.)And said 'Why is it raining in the garage?'
Bri bolted out and saw water dripping everywhere.
Hurricane Riley?
Kid's toilet overflowed. Needless to say we had quite a mess.

So much has been happening!
Feeling very sedated and out of it (as I was warned) due to the double anti-seizure meds. Looking forward to 2 more weeks when the transition period is over. Still working out through it though!

Good news or bad news?
Well....let's start with the bad since I don't want to end up on that.
Bri and I had a friend die a week ago while he was abalone diving off of our coast. He even worked with us for awhile 5 years ago. Mark was only 31, super great guy (Not to mention super nice looking and in awesome shape)who spent his winters surfing in Costa Rica.
Total shock.
Lots of people trying to figure out the purpose in losing such an incredible guy.
I am not so sure we will ever know......at least not now.
Just one more reminder to live life to the fullest as NONE of us know when our time is up here on earth.

Good news.
You know how I have been wanting to help people on a broader scale? WELL.....I was contacted by a PR firm that Schering Plough uses (Ritz Communication in Chicago) to do a video (unlabeled) for brain tumor patients and doctors and caregivers! I am SOOOO thrilled to be asked to do this and cannot wait to help get this valuable info out to all that suffer from this. SO many questions people have and finally a comprehensive video with Doctors AND patients to help people get through this crazy time. I will fly out to do it sometime in the near future.
Praise God I am still here to help out!
I just joined BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) so I better get studying. Just wanted to update you and let you know things are well in the Burke world.
Hope it is in yours too.
Until next time.........

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:13 AM CDT

"The joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)

I was reminded of this today. It is easy to grasp. Just dedicate yourself to something bigger than yourself and your OWN needs.
I happened to catch Oprah yesterday and cried through the whole thing. The devestation in New Orleans and surrounding area makes my heart hurt. I am not going to go into the whole thing about the hows, whys etc....
Don't worry.
I DO want to mention that I saw people not concerned that they lost EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING.....PEOPLE.
They were ONLY concerned about their families. WHERE are they. Are they OK? I have to be with them!
I saw a man that had broken a bone in his hand and was severely infected ready to spread through his body, but he didn't care. His main focus was on finding his family.
When you stop to think about it. We are ALL that way. STUFF doesn't matter when you get down to it.
So here is a question for you.
Why don't we act like they are the most important thing to us on a DAILY basis?
Tragedy can strike in a blink of an eye.
Most of us know this.
If it does, are you OK with how you have treated your family/friends this week? Today? Now?
If not, I would suggest to make ammends.
Call them this moment at work, at home, at play.....Tell them that they ARE the most important thing in this world.
Please keep everyone there in your prayers.

I AM DONE WITH MY LAST CHEMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I get a OOOH OOOH? (Preferably with your hands in the air, over your head, palms face up. You know the drill. I had you do this for me when radiation was complete! Careful, some family members will think you are taking dance lessons on the side. Thanks. I appreciate the support!)

I also got some great news talking to Jeanne (My cancer nutritionist) yesterday. I might not have to stay on my anti-seizure meds my whole life as presumed in the past.(They carry side-effects I don't like) I need to wait a year and promise not to drive as I am weaned off and give it a shot! THAT made my day. Another goal to look forward to!
Baby steps....Baby steps.
As I was making the lunches yesterday my family ate breakfast. Riley asked me what was in the bag with Dad's stuff. I informed her that it was Dad's snack.
Colin looks up from the cereal box, baseball hat on backwards, whips his head around and asks 'Dad has snack at the office TOO?' (All excited that they can share this commonality!)
I smiled and informed him that it is not an ORGANIZED snack time like he has in 1st grade. Then smiled again to myself as I visualized the whole office coming to a halt and the staff all sitting sharing snack time together. 'What did you bring today? Wanna trade?'

So wherever you are today, grab a snack and tell the people in your life you love and appreciate them!
I appreciate and love you!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:57 PM CDT

I check in tonight with mixed emotions.
Don't worry.
My scan was good.
But my friend Shari's was not. She has maybe a month left. We happened to have back to back appointments and I knew this ahead of time so I was able to bring a card and book for her etc....but was not expecting quite the disconnect that was there. Her dear friend Kim warned me on the phone, but it is always tough to witness it yourself.
The sad thing? Her surgeon at Stanford was right. Remember how mad I was nine months ago (or so) that he said she wouldn't make it to see next Christmas?
He was right.
Darn him.
Hospice will be in immediately and her little girl that will begin 1st grade next week will lose her mommy. Her 19 year old had the pleasure of knowing her for awhile. Her daughter will probably not be able to remember much.
This breaks my heart.
I learned today from Mike that after 3 years I could utter the word "remission" if we don't see a spec of anything on the scans. He strongly warned me against ever using the word "cured".
I asked how long does one go before feeling like they are able to get from underneath this awful disease? He said "Kate, just last week I had a guy that was doing fabulous with NOTHING on his scans for SIX years and got a recurrence."
Six Years.
I guess I have been a bit too cocky going 1 1/2 with this!
Well, 6 years from now I am hoping that we are that much closer to a cure!
I am counting on it.
In the meantime, though today was wonderful for me, it is overshadowed with grief tonight for not only Shari, and Donna, but for so many people that are battling for their lives right now. I pray for peace, and comfort and laughter and much, much love for you/them.
Off to pop those magic pills......
(Chemo guys, chemo....)
(New pics)

Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:47 AM CDT

I was wrong.
(There is a 1st for everything.)
My calamari theory was shot out of the water Friday as I ate sushi. I found out from Gary, the owner of Osakes, that he doesn't even put calamari in his rolls!!!!! I also did not have any problems with anything I ate Friday! I don't know. I give up. I DO know that I will ask Mike for a perscription for an epi-pen to have with me just in case.
I did however spend the night in the Emergency room again last night. NOT for me this time, but for Colin. He complained of excrutiating pains in his abdomen that came and went all afternoon and in to the evening. He didn't eat anything and a lot of the sypmtoms were similar to when I had an emergency appendectomy a couple of years ago. (I of course thought it was just gas or something and drove MYSELF to the emergency room! Surprise surprise)I had him go to bed and then read that if it explodes it could be fatal. 2 hours later he was up again and away we went!
I should have just asked for "my" reserved bed!
They tried to give him something for the pain after the doctor checked him out and said we just need to observe him at this point. He proceeded to throw it up all over (Almost hitting the "mean" nurse. I was shouting 'Go for distance! You almost got her!')
Doctor released him saying it was more likely viral gastroenteritis that is going around with severe belly pain. we need to observe him and bring him back today if it persists. He just got up and seems better. His tummy doesn't seem to have it any more.
It sure is hard being a parent isn't it? Even when they are old enough to tell you what hurts you still have to play Nancy Drew and figure out what the possibilites could be. They brought him a warm blanket finally and he dozed off in the hospital (Which of course after 15 minutes I pressed on his tummy and he opened his eyes and went 'OW!'...oops...sorry honey....just checking!!)I stared at him the whole time and prayed over him. Also thanked God that I was still here to be able to be so worried about him.

Got my haircut. When I announced that I was headed out to do that Colin stopped. Looked at me. Raised his eyebrows and said....'MOM. WHY are you doing that? You need to GROW it!'
Ahh....boys don't get the whole 'Gotta-try-and-style-this -and-color-it' thing.
I will update this in a few days after my scan. I DO want to reassure some of my worried friends that even though you might have hair loss, out of body experiences and hallucinations......You PROBABLY do NOT have a GBM ok???? SO Wayne...quit worrying!;)
Enjoy your Sunday! Tell your kids you love them and are glad that God entrusted them to you for a mere blink of an eye.........

Thursday, August 18, 2005 4:56 PM CDT

Just because it got a little slow here......ha ha
I spent Monday night in the emergency room. I happened to eat Calamari in the city with my in-laws and Aunt and after I went to bed for an hour I broke out in to hives again! I thought my throat was closing up a bit too.
This is good news for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only.
1. There is another fried food I need to stay away from!
2. I now know what did it to me 4 months ago when I ate sushi!

I cannot tell you how wild it was to be injected(after THREE times trying to give me an IV)with the steroids and benadryl. I was HALLUCINATING! And tasted a metallic taste and thought my throat was closing even more. Pretty freaky. I thought the walls were moving in on me. They had to watch me for over an hour. Bri drove me home around 3:30am.
Needless to say I was wiped out all day Tuesday. Thinking 'I now know what an acid flashback must really be like!' YUCK.

I also have had a couple of weird out of body experiences this week that I am not sure what the deal is. I will discuss this with Dr. Mike at my appointment. Sometimes it is as easy as adjusting the anti-seizure meds. I hope that is all that it is. I read an exciting yet alarming article today about GBM's. They were discussing the experimental drug IL13-P38. The neurosurgeon at UCSF that they interviewed "reminded" me that even with aggressive treatment most people live less than a year. Also that "Typically, radiation combined with the chemo will control the tumor for about 6-8 months before it comes back"
The really bothersome thing he said?
So...I am cruising along 14 months after brain surgery with nothing showing ....yet?....I don't even speak this way. I ask myself .....are you kidding yourself thinking you won't have anything else EVER show up on the MRI????

So, I continue on. I get over that poisonous thinking and run out to play catch with Colin and switch to volleyball with Riley. Life continues as usual at the Burkes. On the fly....................

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:13 AM CDT

Back to reality!
I had such an incredible visit back East, but a month is a very long time to be away from home! I think I have finally finished laundry, sorting through bills and emails, and unpacking!
I was so thankful (AND shocked)that I didn't get sick! I think wearing a mask on the plane sure helped.
I thought back to the time I wrote about discerning God's call for my life now that I am "retired". How many times have you heard 'God will never give you more than you can handle.' Sometimes I think that things we CAN handle are just things that will happen to us because we live in a fallen world. Think about the things that have happened in the bible. All HUGE and WAY beyond what people can handle. He wants to reveal himself, (His srength and Love) to a watching world.
Sometimes we might think 'Am I REALLY supposed to do that or go through this?' If it requires a lot from us...more than we have ever done...to the point of not thinking we can do it....
I bet we ARE supposed to be doing "that" (whatever THAT is)
God gently reminds us that we are not doing it alone.
In fact we are not doing the work FOR God. We are called to do it WITH God. He will provide everything and anything we need to reveal His glory.

I am waiting to start my next (and hopefully LAST) round of chemo. I have a scan on the 30th of this month and will take it then if the MRI looks good. I have been waiting for this day! I cannot wait to clear my body of these poisons. I am sure it will be an odd day though. Sometimes I wonder if stopping it will cause anxiety since it might have been what is keeping this brain cancer at bay???? Don't worry....as usual I will share all the thoughts with you as we continue forward! (I am certainly not shy about that!)
We will then continue with the MRI's every 8 weeks.
Great to be back!
Have a fabulous week!

Thursday, July 28, 2005 3:23 PM CDT

Hello from Wisconsin!
Well, I have hit 4 states and have had a blast! My family reunion (in Michigan) at the Lake was fabulous. Colin waterskiied for the 1st time and that is always fun. Of course the moment I told him money was involved he got right up. YEESH...some kids will do ANYTHING for cash!

We hit the ground running the moment we landed. My brother's country club for a party, then I had the opportunity to meet with dear college friends on my way up to Minneapolis. I also got to have dinner with my dear friend Paula and her wonderful hubby Joe. Paula was only 1 week out of her 2nd brain surgery! Is she amazing or what!? Paula and I joke that we are twins separated at birth.....7 years apart! I will treasure that time.

I am humbled.
I had one of thee most incredible surprises at the summer meeting for Lifetouch. The company retired me and they did a video interview interspursed with pictures from the past 14 years. After it showed during the general session they all gave me a standing ovation. (A couple thousand people!!!!!!) I cried and stood up and waved and they wouldn't stop. I was embarassed. I joked and gave them the "CUT" sign. When we all finally sat down I heard my friend Orren, the director of sales say "There is one more thing. One of our retirees will not be here for the party tonight or to go on stage tomorrow......"
oh oh
"She is a friend of mine and a friend to many here."
oh oh again....
"Kate, could you please come up here!?"
THEN....THEE 2 top guys of this (almost)billion dollar company Paul Harmel (Chairman of the board) and Jake Barker (President) come all the way back down the aisle to escort me arm in arm to the stage. Both a bit teary from my video I assume. I was handed a bunch of red roses and a very nice plaque during another standing ovation. I couldn't believe it.
After we stood up there for awhile Jake said 'Do you want to say something? You dont have to!'
I smiled and said 'SURE!' (I don't EVER remember turning down a time at the mike....brain cancer or no brain cancer!!!ha ha)
At this point I don't really remember what I said. I am counting on the video to help refresh my memory. I THINK I re-iterated how much I love Lifetouch and the people and how the past 14 years have been some of the best in my life.
I also remember telling them that I always told people that Lifetouch would be the place that I retired.....I just didn't expect it to be at the young age of 39. I told them I look forward to really revving up the alumni club trips. (wink wink)
Most importantly I remember telling them that I was impacted first hand at the awesome responsiblity we have being associated with Lifetouch. We create memories for families. It might be a fall school picture, a sports picture, a yearbook, a prom and dance picture, or even those treasured family portraits.
Upon my diagnosis I looked around our house and saw all of these fabulous moments in time created by Lifetouch that could not be replaced. Would I see my kids again? My family? (I have to tell you that Brian and I also JOKED about the big honking family portrait over our fire place and I told him the next wife would NOT be cool with that thing there. Ha ha....please laugh and do not be offended by how Bri and I have joked through this. You have to know us to get that.)
When I was finished saying whatever I said....yet another standing ovation. I was blown away. Really blown away.
I work with some pretty special people. I sure love them. (I promised that I would still be around. I wasn't going anywhere!)
It will go down as one of the most special days in my life.

I am bummed I missed the Saturday night event though. Mo (one of my best friends) got the highest award you can receive....Territory Manager of the year! Well deserved. She is the best.
I am on day 5 of my chemo. Days 4-8 are the toughest for me. I just took a nice long nap while Brian and mom have the kids at the Rock County Fair.....getting all sugared up I am sure!
I will try and update this again before I leave.

Saturday, July 2, 2005 10:01 AM CDT

Happy 4th!
This is such a great time to celebrate our freedom as a country. I REALLY am thankful for the freedom I have through Jesus' death on the cross!

My friend Mo reminded me that this was the week you all started receiving the word about my diagnosis! (Even though I had this for months before then!)
I am not sure if this year has flown by or has taken forever.
A little of both I suppose.
Dr. Prados "o.k'd" me pushing my July chemo round back a week or so. It falls right when I am going back to Minneapolis for our annual Lifetouch summer sales meeting. It has been 2 years since I have attended. I just got a letter from Lifetouch inviting me to the Retiree Open House!
39 and retired. That cracks me up. When they see me amidst the OTHERS, they will think my stock must REALLY have done well! (Great, now everyone will be asking me for loans and pleading their case!) I just want to get on those alumni cruises and sing "Let's get this party started!"
There were more than usual this year, so instead of bringing people up one by one they are going to highlight us with pictures and a video throughout the meeting. I will have the opportunity to see mine on Friday morning.
As I was digging through old pictures from 1991 forward I was cracking up remembering all of the incredible opportunities I have had. Such great memories. I am so blessed. Such awesome friendships I have formed.
Even more so....
Without this company I would not have met the love of my life and had these 2 wonderful kids. I have a lot to be grateful for! Brian's new Regional Manager (And our good friend)reminded me this week that I will ALWAYS be "In it!"

Next week we head to our annual family camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains and then fly directly to Chicago. I will be gone 4 weeks total with the kids. (Bri has to fly back early to get back to work!)
I am looking forward to our big family reunion up in the Upper Penninsula (Known as the "U...P") in Michigan after the summer meeting. I can't think of a more peaceful place to be on chemo!
I will check in and try and update this every once in awhile. Please continue to pray for my friends I have asked for, PLUS all those that use Carringbridge, and those that do not that are trying to beat cancer. I am reminded every day through e mails and phone calls of the struggles out there to fight and win.
I am one that is winning.
And I praise God for that daily. Thanks for your constant encouragement and support. It means more than you know.
Now SLOW DOWN and enjoy summer!

Sunday, June 26, 2005 6:34 PM CDT

I heard the greatest song on K-LOVE today on the way to church. I have heard it many times before, but the sentence in there really spoke to me today. "When you try to keep your life you lose it, but when you lose your life (for His sake) you actually find it." I know Jesus said that, but I forgot the name of the group that sang the song I heard today.
Since I am posted on virtualtrials.com now, I am receiving a lot of phone calls and e mails. It has been a real eye opener for me. There is a lot of heartache out there. Brian and I have talked and our situation is not much different from so many other situations that bring complete change into a life. We are not unique in the sense that no one else experiences trials. I know so many that are struggling to get their life back. Whether it is a broken marriage, a financial burden, an issue with a career, maybe even a parent/child relational strain. So many issues.
So many struggles.
We are in no way "different or special" when it comes to what needs to be done.
That is laying it out for the Lord to guide us.
I don't have any answers. I think so many people think that I do since I have beat the odds so far. I wish I DID have the answers! If you are struggling with any of those things or in particular this nasty brain cancer the only TRUE and REAL advice I can give you is to turn to our creator. He will provide the strength and courage and wisdom that you need to endure your trial. None of us have control over when (or how)we will die, but I have said it before and I will say it again.....we DO have control over how we live.

I am in a weird spot right now trying to figure out how this will all play out for me. Every day I am left here on earth I am beginning to think that maybe that will be the case for quite some time! PRAISE GOD....BUT now what? I am not being left here by accident. What am I supposed to be doing? I am struggling with this question more and more as my treatment plan looks to be ending in a few months.
Please pray for wisdom, clarity of mind and discernment for me on this issue.

Today was my worst day of chemo and it is day 6. I did pretty well the first part. I will be fine again in a day or 2.
Girl scout camp for Riley and swim lessons continue for the kids this week. Before I know it we will be going to the Santa Cruz Mountains for Family Camp and then back to the Midwest for 4 weeks. I have a feeling this summer will fly by. Hope you are enjoying yours. See you in a week or so............

Monday, June 20, 2005 9:24 PM CDT


We had great news again today. Clean scan.
I need to be honest with you.
I was a tiny bit worried this time.
I have 3 friends that are battling recurrences (PLEASE add my dear friend Paula in Minneapolis to your prayer list)and I have been experiencing some quirky things. I will get an occasional pinching in my head, my memory has been funky and I have been a little confused in a few cases (More than normal) For instance, I cannot remember if I have taken my meds. Or, Bri called from his business trip and I was telling him that I had to discipline Riley and I couldn't remember what for. I might drive around doing errands and not know the best way to get to the next place etc....stupid little things that frustrate the heck out of me. Especially considering I ran a business and did a million things at once. I know some of you have tried to make me feel better by saying 'These things happen all of the time to me!' I appreciate the support, but it is different than before....trust me!
Mike Prados (NOC)explained that I am a year out of radiation and it is the time you would see any effects from the radiation.
I am not sure if this is temporary, or permanent. I suspect the later. (Now would be a good time to hit me up for something you need....I won't remember it ha ha)
BUT, I am alive! A small price to pay for my life. I just have to utilize a pill box, and carry paper and pen everywhere to write things down etc....small adjustments. I will get used to it.
I also got great news that I only have 4 more chemo rounds left! Yea! I get to finish in September. (I think I need to plan a celebratory trip! Ha ha Any excuse to travel!)
Today I excitedly told my nurse that does my IV's for my MRI/Spectroscopy that a 17 year GBM survivor signed on to my website yesterday! (I love what he wrote.....'Love the time')
He raised one eyebrow and said with great skepticism 'Reaaalllly? Are you SURE it was a GBM? IF so THAT person needs to be studied. It is quite rare.'
I wanted to say
'LOOK Mr. Killjoy-party-pooper-throw-rain-on-my-parade-downer....'
But instead I said 'You know what? I have never met the man. I need to tell you though that I believe him and I cannot wait to visit you in 20 years. I believe in complete healing and you KNOW I have a stage IV GBM and I am part of a new generation that is setting new statistics.
So just wait....'
He didn't look as though I convinced him, but then again....I guess that doesn't really matter.
I believe it.
What do you believe? Are you trying to believe something that is what you WANT to believe , but others are knocking you down? Do you have the killjoy in your life that is uttering things in one ear telling you 'There is NO WAY that can happen. You can't do it, it has rarely been done. Or you have failed before, why are you even trying?
Are you SERIOUS? Are you really going to try and do THAT?'

What is it in your life that you are contemplating?
Don't listen to them.
You have heard this before, but it is worth revisiting.
What would you do right here right now if you knew that you would not fail?
It is a risk probably.
But that is what life is all about!
Isn't it better to try and succeed than NOT try and sit there wondering all of your life.
GO for it.
Don't listen to anyone that can bring you down.
I have decided not to. So, if you are in the medical field and I am not listening to you because you are clinging to the stats of my brain cancer, sorry...it is nothing personal. I am just choosing another voice to listen to. My savior and my Lord.
For he is whispering in my ear.....Go for it.....Yes you can......

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:23 PM CDT

I am here! I am here!
I have NOT forgotten this! Just extremely busy with the kids out of school and going on trips. The 1st weekend in June we were at the Lake with Bri's ski club buddies (the village) for the annual Berryessa swim reunion. Awesome time as usual.
Then this last weekend we went to Lake Shasta for a 3 day houseboat trip with our homegroup (and kids)! So much fun. We had the 2 ski boats going non-stop. Bri and I slept under the stars on the 3rd level each night and I thought to myself 'THIS is the way to camp!'

I am now on virtualtrials.com under the success stories. This website really helped me when I was diagnosed last year and I wanted to get on there to give others hope that might be given the same prognosis that I was. The guy who runs the website merely linked my name to this website so others could read my story straight from here.
I joined a message board group on brain tumors and dropped out after a week. I have to tell you that it depressed me more than it helped me. (Plus you have to weed through 50 e mails a day!) Brian asked me 'Are you really going to stay on there?' as so many popped up.
There were a lot of sad things that kept coming up and it made me remember that a lot of the brain tumors come back right about now and in to the next year. I also have a friend that had her "hotspots" double in the past 8 weeks on her scan. They are praying for wisdom on the treatment. Her name is Donna and she could use your prayers for complete healing. AND a successful trip to Spain.
I made the decision to remove myself since it was constantly in my face and I just don't want to live my life THINKING about what I was diagnosed with. I haven't lived my life that way this past year and there is no reason to start now!
If I happen to get a recurrent tumor, I will just deal with options at that point in time. Mike knows everything I need to know.
I noticed an immediate relief. I know some people need that and it is therapeutic for them, but for me, it did the opposite!
SO.....back to living every day to the fullest. WITHOUT being reminded of what MIGHT lurk around the corner!
I have a scan Monday and start chemo that night. KNOWING it will be fine.
We need to all live our lives that way don't we? Stay positive, surround yourselves with the positive and don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself.
I will let you know the news next week!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:18 PM CDT

Thanks to so many of you for all of the birthday wishes and gifts. It truly made me feel special. I know there were quite a few people that were not so sure I would hit 39!!!!(And those were all of my college friends back in the 80's! Ha ha)
My wonderful hubby got me a watch on our trip that was exactly what I wanted. He also got me a couple of CD's. Side bar here...have you tried OPENING one of those CD packages lately? MAN! I thought I was breaking in to Fort Knox or something.
I was on chemo so we didn't do too much. Bri did make me tuna tar tare....one of my favorites. (I paid for it later, but it was delicious.)

Hope you all had a great Memorial Day Weekend. We sure did. It is amazing to me all of the people in our services that fight for our freedom. We have so many simple luxuries that they do not. I pray for their safety and protection.
Speaking of safety....
It was a "Click-it-or-ticket" weekend. As we were in the car I was explaining this to Colin (Our kdg son) that if he didn't buckle up we would get a ticket that we would have to pay. I also explained that if people speed they get a ticket and have to pay a lot of money. THEN (I have NO idea why I got into this so dramatically, and actually did not realize I was until I caught Bri's sideway glance in the car)
I told him that some people drink and drive and how bad that is and you can not only pay a lot of money, but lose
your license etc.....

He looked at me dumbfounded and shrugged his shoulders and said 'Hmmph....in our class a ticket is GOOD!'

Yes....When you are in kindergarten a ticket IS good.
It really made me laugh. (More at myself for going off on such a tangent.)
We talked a bit on that as well as encouraging others in our homegroup last week. James 3:1-12 talks about the powerful effect of our tongues. It challenges us to love one another with our words. Why is it so easy for some to criticize or tear down versus encourage or build up?
What do you do? Are your jokes at someone elses expense?
The bad thing about the tongue is that once you have thrown harsh words out there.....it is too late. You cannot retract them. The person can say they forgive you, but they will always have what you said in the back of their mind.

If you fight with someone I would strongly encourage you to hold your tongue. Do not speak out in anger.
It could be so damaging to your relationship/friendship etc...
The study said to try entering and leaving a room this week, intentionally and warmly greeting people with kind words. Use your tongue to set the tone and change the emotional/spiritual climate of your workplace and home.
What a difference it makes.
Try it.
Then make it a habit. It is not what we do occasionally that makes the difference. It is what we do DAILY!

Feeling pretty good. Workouts are great. Back to feeling normal. (Unlike when I first got home and on the treadmill and looked around thinking I was climbing Mount Kilamanjaro....YIKES)
I am waiting on a trip CD so I can put some pictures of our trip up. HOPEFULLY it will not be shrinkwrapped and taped like the music CD's!
Until then.....
Encourage each other!

Monday, May 23, 2005 11:43 AM CDT

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed." Romans 12:2

That slapped me in the face as I read this morning. Once again I am ignoring my mornings of solitude and devotions.
I keep putting it off....
You know how easy that is.
'Oh...I need to make the kid's lunch....
oh that load of laundry needs to be changed....
walking past the computer and seeing who that new email is from.....
oh...I forgot to call them back yesterday....
What does that headline say in the paper?
I really need to get a run in....

We humans lose our focus so easily and don't put the time where it needs to go FIRST.
How could I possibly do that?
I feel sometimes like I am right back where I was a year ago. Not clinging to Him all day.
My devotion said 'Only by a life of obedience to the voice of the Spirit by a daily dying to self, by a full dedication to Christ and constant fellowship with Him are we enabled to live a godly life and have a positive influence on this present ungodly world. Is the world changing you......or are you changing the world?'

I need your prayer for how I am supposed to do that. It is my heart's desire to encourage, and lift up, but I am now trying to be still and figure out in what capacity.
I know that I am still healing and still on chemo etc....so maybe it won't be revealed to me until I am done with this regime next fall. Please pray for acceptance on my part as well as I am getting used to NOT financially contributing to our household for the 1st time in my adult life! VERY ODD. I know that it is for a reason though. (Giving up the control once again!)
I feel called to remind you of something.
I KNOW that some of you have looked in the mirror recently (probably even today)and been unhappy with SOME body part. I know this because it happened to me today as I stepped on the scale and realized that I DID actually gain those 5 pounds I thought I did eating all of those chocolate crepes and BREAD!
I had to fight the temptation to be mad at myself. Here I told you before in the journal it just doesn't matter.....and it DOESN'T.....but I dealt with that today myself. (Creatures of habit I guess)
Think about how great it would be if we spent as much time worrying about how we "look" on the inside vs. worrying about that new wrinkle or grey hair that just popped up. (Hate those magnifying mirrors!)
Thank God He continues to forgive us. We keep coming back to this all of the time. I don't know about you, but our Father is a lot more tolerant and forgiving than I am as a parent. If I have to tell my kids something THAT many times.....ooh.....it isn't pretty!
I guess I just wanted to share that little struggle I have had in the hopes that you can lighten up on yourself as well. God made us in His own image.
Be thankful for the health and the abilities that you have.
I know I am.
Now go spend a few minutes meditating/praying and thanking God for all that you have. I PROMISE your mood will change.
I turn 39 this week!!!!! Every birthday I have the privilege of having I am so very greatful for.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 4:06 PM CDT

Had a BRILLIANT trip!
We just arrived late last night. We were SUPPOSED to be here Sunday, but hit a minor glitch. My itinerary said Shannon to Dublin then Dublin- L.A. then home to San Francisco.....the TICKET said Shannon to Dublin the 15th and then the rest the NEXT day! (The 16th)
So....we did what you always do ....remained flexible and decided to fly to Dublin and spend an extra night there with the kids. It was kind of like having a snow day and getting an extra day! The kids sure learned the meaning of the word flexible this trip. They certainly have traveled enough to know that, but lost luggage, and fogotten luggage etc....always adds a nice twist to things. (It was ALWAYS my underware and toiletries!..So my neighbors heard this via postcard and put up a welcome home sign that said "Welcome home commando Kate and family!")That was ok. It gave me an excuse to shop for things in Paris!
In a nut shell the trip was beyond our wildest dreams. The kids did so well and we did more in 3 days in Paris than most people do in a week there! We were up until 11 or 12 (or beyond) each night!
I was very fortunate that I only caught a minor cold.
I will try and rest this week as chemo starts again this weekend. (Already? Man...time flies...)
Our friends KJ and Mo were a dream to travel with. (and saints for putting up with the kids!)Our family adored them and we had such a blast.
The best part was seeing all of our family in London and Ireland. The kids had such a great time with all of their cousins.
They are trying to con us in to taking them back next summer. Maybe the year after that. We are getting all of the adult cousins here next year first.
I will write more in a few days when I am caught up. (I haven't seen this much laundry since I had to do mine at a laundry mat!)
Until then.....
God Bless!

Monday, May 2, 2005 3:10 PM CDT

Happy May.

Coming off chemo and getting close to 100%. Just in time for......our big family trip.
We have thee incredible opportunity of a lifetime! We are using mileage to fly our family to Paris/London and Ireland! My wonderful Aunt gave us some money for all of our hotels (and then some) so we are headed out Wednesday for 12 days! Brian has cousins in England and mostly Ireland that we get to stay with.
Colin's biggest concern right now is how in the world will he be able to learn how to "talk like them" before we leave. And Riley is anticipating MAJOR embarassment being SEEN with her mother on the airplane wearing a MASK! How dare I? Of course you know I will be playing that one up to make sure we see many shades of red....
Heck, I might even wear them in cafes and pretend I have sars or something.....I LOVE being a parent!
I have plans to send postcards to my cancer docs....asking how many brain tumor patients they have that manage to travel like I have been able to. I am NOT letting this slow me down. Praise God for that. I feel pretty darn good.
Will check back in the week of the 16th..........
Until then Au Revoir Mes Amies!

Monday, April 25, 2005 10:57 PM CDT

I have had quite a treat this week.
I am driving Katrina's Porsche carrera....convertible!
Oh baby.
I think I am so cool in that car.
People on the street give me thumbs up all the time. It is HYSTERICAL! At 1st I thought they liked ME!....then I realized it had absolutley nothing to do with me. They just thought the car was cool!
I have realized some things while driving.
#1 I can get places A LOT faster in that car versus my big honkin' suburban.
#2 My hair has NO PROBLEM in the wind now.
#3 I volunteer to run more errands with a "Cool car"
#4 There is only a slight difference between gears before you KILL the car!(My kids kept asking me why it is so jerky?oops)
#5 I FEEL different in that ride.
#6 My kids didn't mind driving to school with the top down in chilly weather just so THEY could look cool being dropped off!
#7 I am NOT "all that" really. It is a material object that can side track you from what you really are.

I will end on that point right there.
I have even skipped a couple days of my morning devotions to get on with my day...which of course included jumping in that cool car and heading out.

Neglecting the most important part of my day and pushing it off until later.
Is that what they mean about "Your priorities will determine how you will spend your time. So, set them prayerfully and maintain them carefully."
I understand why people buy these types of cars and toys because of how it makes them feel. There is no doubt about it there is a fantastic rush with these types of things.
Don't get me wrong, if you have something like this good for you.
I know a lot of people that have to buy things like that to make a statement. It is usually for the benefit of those they do not know. Have you ever really stopped to think about that? WHO CARES?
A lady in the parking lot of my drug store said 'WOW! Nice car!' I IMMEDIATELY said 'Oh thanks, It is my cousins.' She laughed and said 'You didn't have to tell me that.' I said...'Oh ,yes...., yes I did.'
Last week I needed an attitude adjustment.
I was living my life with scattered prayers throughout the day as though I will automatically live until 100.
What happened to my clinging?
My desperate need for His peace and strength?
I am ashamed that I have tried to take the wheel myself again.
I cannot drive this.
Though I think I can, I cannot.
Though I put some make up on and dressed up and went without the hat/scarf I felt I looked as good as the car looked.
Man was that prideful.
After being so humbled this past year I don't like test driving that attitude.
I need to trade it in for a more used model. One that has some miles on it that is not quite so showy. One that has some character built in due to experience (and kids!) One that is grateful to be driven and promises to go for a long, long time.
That is the model I want.
God has reminded me that HE is the dealership and will let me know when the trade in will take place. My job is to check in the 1st part of every day, throughout the day, and then again at night. He promised that just the right model will be available.....
in due time.
Just stick with what you have Kate.
On chemo. Not too bad. Tired, a bit nauseous. Should be done by Friday.
I will update later this weekend.
Keep in mind.....the vehicle does not make the person.
Check your priorities. If you are happy.....then enjoy the ride!

Monday, April 18, 2005 8:07 PM CDT

Short and sweet today.
My scan looked great! No changes! Next one set for June 15th.
I know I have preached that change is good. HOWEVER....That is not always the case. ESPECIALLY in this case! We don't want any change!
New pictures too.
One is of Colin who was selected to catch the opening day pitch. He missed it. ALL day I heard 'I COULD have caught that.' Finally by the 5th time I stopped, looked at him and Said 'So why DIDN'T you!!??'
Well, that shut Mr. Competitive up and he never said another word! (Gee, wonder where he gets that? My poor kids are doomed!)

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 1:06 PM CDT

As if bonking my head last week wasn't enough drama.......
In a nutshell, I had some friends in town, we go to sushi, I wake up at 2 am to go to the bathroom, I stumble over there with one eye shut (You know the 'ol keep one eye shut and you might trick your brain in to thinking that it never got up so you can fall back asleep quickly.....what? I KNOW you have done that before) I am extremely itchy, but there was no WAY I was going to turn on the light. Crawl back in to bed and cannot stop. Get up, finally have to turn on the light and I am COVERED in hives.
Normal people could just take benadryl and be done. I have to PHONE the oncologist on call to see if I can even take it! This Dr. is NOT happy that I am interupting his sleep either. I apologize and ask what to do. He said it sounded like an Iodine allergy. After he says I can take the benadryl I ask 'What if it is still here in the morning?'
He tells me to call my FAMILY doctor.
Nice. I haven't even seen my family doctor the past year...all cancer doctors. I think I will tell my doc on him.....Dude, I KNOW you are tired, but you are the guy on call!
In the mean time my throat felt like a baseball bat had been attacking my esophagus. A tiny bit of labored breathing, all I have is tropical tums in the house, which actually taste good, but I am thinking 'This probably won't do the trick, just make me feel like I need a pina coloda!'
Long story short, Bri did end up by getting me some pepcid AC, and I took it a couple of times along with a couple doses of benadryl and they started to go away.
Just trying to keep things exciting!
My friend Linda said most people's immune system can handle sushi if there is a little "something" in it. Mine cannot so that is probably what happened.
However, I made a choice not to let it get me down and took the girls wine tasting later that day.
Speaking of choices.....
They are really the only thing that you can control.
You cannot control your circumstances.
Nor.....can you control others.
You can control your own.
We have taught the kids that from infancy on up.
'Good choices, good consequences. Bad choices, Bad consequences.'
It is pretty elementary.
One of the "regrowths" I was mentioning earlier is actually in brain surgery as I write. Another one scheduled surgery and another is starting thalydomide.
All good ones.
I have made poor choices in the past. Thankfully nothing that was too detrimental. They key was moving on. Are you stuck right now in a choice that you have made and wallowing in it?
Move on!
What's done is done.
Make the best of the situation, get help if you need it, and move on.
The cool thing is, is that God has already forgiven you and He loves you and wants you to move on too.
Thank goodness because I make poor choices every day!
One last thing.
My friend Mike Geary called me and told me his church in Iowa played our Easter Video on a whim! How cool is that!?
You can view it at our church website www.springhills.org.
God is so cool.
If you have the choice to pass it on.....do so!
Mike got so many comments on how people really needed to see that and how it affected them.
Good choice Mike!
Have a splendid week!

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 8:02 PM CDT

Small world.
Our friends John and Carol Crawford have a neighbor that was diagnosed with a GBM recently. We met for lunch today and I shared a lot of info with him. He has the fighting spirit and is determined to beat this.
I also talked with 2 friends that have had their tumors come back.
So sad.
I live in a world of such hard news now.
Most fight to win, some lose.
I have often thought back to my volleyball days and so much of what I have learned I see now.
I am not alone. My "team" (aka YOU in case you didn't get where I was going with this.....)has my back. Just today I got another email from Judy in my homegroup arranging meals for April chemo for me.
Listening to my friends Gary and Donna struggle with their next step on their new tumor growth I think about the coaches I have had. Orchestrating the best play possible for the "win."
How many times did you say "That's not fair" playing sports? A bad call, an injury, whatever. I have learned that fairness has nothing to do with anything in this life.
I listen to the emotions run rampant from mad to elation.
From fear to relief.
From dispair to joy.
We lose.
That is and always has been part of the game.
I HATE losing.
I am a poor sport.
I am the 1st to admit it.
I look around for a substitution and no one is blowing their whistle for me to come out.
(Where the heck is that ref when you need him?)
I was afraid today. I dropped something in the kitchen and came up quickly and nailed my head with the corner of the cupboard. It took me to my knees and I almost passed out. Then I felt the blood dripping. Thankfully My cul de sac is well equipped with medical professionals and Doug my paramedic neighbor cleaned me up and said no stitches. (Whew) It just stopped oozing now. It just missed my surgery site and plate/screws area. The docs all say you are supposed to call with any bangs to the head. I think I am fine and will just watch it.
Before I would not have thought anything about it. (Except for the pain) Now I have to try and figure out all of my headaches and what they mean etc.....
That is SOOOOO not me.
Brian of course is in Coloma (Gold Country) with Riley and her 4th grade class.
(The away team)
I really do love sports.
I also know that there is always someone that loses though.
I have come across that more frequently lately.
I always felt sad for the losers.
Sometimes I feel so helpless when I talk to people. All I am left to offer besides some encouragement is prayer.
Again, I ask for your continued prayers. Not only for me, but anyone that I have been in contact with that is battling this brain disease as well.
I got many responses to our Easter video.
If you haven't seen it yet (actually they had the wrong "part 2" on and put the right one on now if you want to see it again.) You can view it on our church website at www.springhills.org. Just click on our faces and press open now.
I used to wonder if my natural agressiveness was ok. Now I know with absolute conviction that it is helping to save my life.
Win or lose, I am giving it my best shot. And remember? I don't like to lose.

Thursday, March 31, 2005 5:12 PM CST

Doin' that chemo thing...............

I am doing ok. I have been a bit fatigued, but manage a nap every day and that really helps keep me plugging away until I go to bed at night.
I have been sleeping rather well at night. I hadn't been, so I got a prescription for Ambien to help me and then I didn't need to take it! (Prados told me it is common for brain cancer patients to have insomnia....OH! NOW you tell me a year into this! I was thinking it was just me! I would wake up several different times at night and be awake for hours at a time!) At least I have it in case I need it. I heard it was great. (As far as sleeping pills go!) OK. That is pathetic that I am talking about this!

My memory seems to come and go. Sometimes I feel normal when it comes to that. Other times I am thankful that I don't go out to the bars any more. People would think I was trying to pick them up....'So tell me, do I come here often?'

My dear friend Susan Arrington is a middle school teacher down in the penninsula and sent $43 to me. I asked 'What in the world is this for?'
She informed me that she has shared my story with her middle school kids and they are contributing to a little fund she has. (I feel a bit guilty if someone is using their milk money!) Here is a great example of a teacher that is teaching more than the curriculum required. She is teaching them about giving and about life. Wow. Wish my kids could have her for a teacher.
Monterey ws AWESOME.
My brother and his family could not get out on stand by as planned so they ....DROVE.....yes DROVE..... 31 hours from Chicago! Spur of the moment to see us. Is that incredible or what!?( I know some of you are saying incredible forget it!!!! CRAZY yes!)
We were so thankful to have my whole side of the family there to play on the beach and go to the aquarium etc....
Speaking of Easter,
So many of you have written me asking about the Easter video of Brian and I that was filmed for church. Our church asked us to talk a little bit about our experience and they wanted to show it last Easter Sunday. For those of you who have asked, I no longer need to send you a copy! Just go to our church website and view it.
click on the picture of Bri and I
Then hit open now. (I think downloading it would take too long)
You can see parts of what we were talking about.
Have a great one. I am off to sleep. Took my kids hiking and I need to rest now!

Sunday, March 20, 2005 5:48 PM CST

What a FABULOUS weekend!
You know what has been one of the incredible blessings about this? I have heard from so many of you. I was so excited when I saw that Bub, an old college friend of mine had (finally) written in my guestbook! I am not kidding you guys. There are so many of you that have not and I seriously had no clue if you knew or not! (ahem...Youngy...)I had Shack and Randy, 2 good Lifetouch friends here this weekend and Shack said he hadn't written yet either. I told him that I get my inspiration from that guestook! So if you are like them....don't wait! Drop me a line! It is so awesome to hear from you.

This disease DOES have some side affects. I tried to make a phone call today...... with the remote....
I think I dialed China.
OK....back off...I had just awoken from a nap!
I give a whole new meaning to the term airhead! I actually DO have a hole in my brain that has nothing in it since they removed the tumor. We were looking at it on the last MRI and the brain does not have the ability to regenerate, so it is filled with nothing....little fluid...little air. Makes you wonder what I used that area for to begin with huh!!!!????

I had the experience of a lifetime today in our church bathroom. Now before you really think I have lost it, hang with me here a minute. Without going in to the long drawn out version, I will simply say that I was able to see a young woman "get it." Get the whole idea that God loves us. She thought she WAS a Christian. She knew it all. But today she FELT it in her heart and began the relationship you need with Jesus. Isn't that what it is all about? She said she tries to intellectualize everything. 'This doesn't make sense! I think I am going crazy, but a 10,000 pound burden has just been lifted off of me. Am I going crazy?' She cried and cried tears of joy.
I explained to her that it DOESN'T make sense. It is a gift. EVERYONE can have it, you just have to ask. Bret talked to us today about the last day of Jesus' life and the thieves and the crucifiction. One thief excepted Christ at the last moment of his death and is in Paradise now because of it.
She said she had seen "The Passion" 3 times and never cried and never got it until today when she heard Bret talk and listened to the song "Forever".
How many of us are like that? I was. I grew up the same way, until God reached my heart and I got it too. I was changed forever.
The church is doing a video on Brian and me for Easter and how Jesus and the cross brings us Hope. We filmed it today and I don't think it was a coincidence that I was able to experience this young lady "getting it." Are you like her right now? In your brain you know the story that God sent Jesus down to die for our sins, but you haven't given your heart to him? You haven't developed the relationship/friendship yet to improve your life?
How do you think I have gotten through this crisis? I have told you before it is not Kate Burke. I would be curled up in a ball! You don't know what lies ahead. NONE of us do. Bri and I KNEW all of this, now we are given the opportunity to live what we believe. (Kind of like going to lecture hall and then going to lab afterwards to try it!)
In the spirit of Easter, I ask that you review your heart and ask for that love that we have received. I cannot imagine life without it.
Speaking of Easter, my whole family is flying out (Mom is coming tomorrow yea!) and we will be spending it on the beach in Monterey! My sister's son Charlie is VERY concerned that the Easter Bunny will have no way of knowing that he won't be home in Wisconsin and he needs to come to California instead. He will leave him a note on the table telling him to hop on over to Monterey.
Don't you long for the days when THAT is the stressor for the week!????
My friend Mark sent me the website: www.theinterviewwithgod.com
Check it out. The scenery is AMAZING.
Keep in your mind the true meaning of Easter as you run around gathering the candy for the eggs this week. (I like twix bars, so I need to make sure I DON'T buy any of those! The trick to not eating your kid's candy!)
We have a remarkable gift that we are so fortunate to receive. And it doesn't come from a bunny.

Monday, March 14, 2005 8:17 PM CST

Blood was good today....well....you know....as good as it can be for someone that uses their body as a toxic WASTELAND! I keep thinking I should warn people like they do at the dump sites. 'Oh, Hi! I'd like to shake your hand, but unfortunately my insides are WHACKED and God only KNOWS what it looks like in there! Hug me at your own risk!'
I had a great conversation with a fellow GBM'er today at my house. It makes me realize all the more as I encouraged her to fight this and not give up that I need to do more of this. I so enjoy talking with people about this. I have GOT to get my story out there so people can dig in and fight. People tell me that you would never know that I have brain cancer. 'I make this all look so easy.' I have discovered in my life that if you make things look easy, quite often they become that way. Don't you agree? Plus, I think that is more appealing in a friend. Come on, you know the people I am talking about. The friends you have that you love, but every time you see them they are complaining about how busy they are and how stressed they are and how much stuff they have to do. (Oh really? I just sit around all day eating bon bons and doing my nails!) You want to shake them and say 'Are you serious? EVERYONE is crazy busy! It is our culture now! We ALL need to get a clue and slow down! Time is such a precious precious commodity and I am sick at the thought of how I might have wasted it before. Then I was given a supposed number of days, hours and minutes. WOAH. That will grab your attention. How are you doing in that department?
I laid in bed this morning and watched the sun come up. What a fantastic gift that was. Gorgeous colors in the sky. How many of those have I missed before because I was rushing?
Did you ever stop and think about something that you have learned or some epiphany that you have had and go 'Holy Cow! How did I ever make it without knowing/believing/doing that before?!?' Then, once you have discovered this thing, (whatever it might be)you want to share it with the whole world!
Our church is the best. They announced that my scan was clean yesterday and they erupted in cheers and applause. I sat there with my mouth open and tears streaming down my face. Then of course the next song said something about being willing to give up my life so that God's glory could shine through. Whew....tear jerker. So many incredible people that continue to lift me up and support me. Praise and thanks. I am not worthy that is for sure!
Well, I have several visitors from Minnesota this week! My cousin Jill and her boyfriend Bob, and Randy Gowan and Jeff Shackelford, my old Lifetouch cronies. Should be fun. I will try and remember to take pics!
Have a fabulous week.

Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:35 PM CST

"Clean as a whistle!"
Translation? No new growth on my scan yesterday! Yea!
In fact after the neurological exam Mike said 'I cannot seem to find anything wrong with you!' Bri of course reached for his pen at that point and said 'Would you like help with a list?' Thanks honey!
I even did my heel-to-toe walk in high heels(When will I learn?) and passed!
It is all good.
I have to admit, I was a bit nervous before this one. I am right in the middle of planning our big family trip in May and I thought they would tell me something was wrong and we couldn't go. I also have had headaches and some other things that I haven't had to contend too much with before. I am off kilter with scans and chemo. I thought maybe they would let me do it in 11 weeks, but he said no way. I have another scan set for April 18th in 6 weeks. See, if you do chemo and then go for a scan right away and they see a new growth, they are stuck and cannot do anything (even surgery) because the blood counts are so low. So, I will get back on track.
My good college buddy Devo (Sorry, Pat Devine, we all had nicknames in college!)works for the drug company that manufactures Temodar. (My chemo) He and I spoke yesterday and he reminded me that even if I don't stay on the right side of the statistics, think of the legacy I am leaving my kids.
"Fight things with all you've got. Never give up. Smile and keep your sense of humor. Keep a positive attitude and laugh a lot. Reach out to others, everyone has something going on in their life. Have a lot of friends not a lot of stuff. Love. And most importantly, let God guide your every step.
Thanks for the reminder Devo.

Sunday, February 27, 2005 12:49 AM CST

So it's Oscar night tonight.
I have to admit. I have never been one for these shows. I don't have the patience. I know, I know. I am a freak. Most women live for these to watch all of the gowns etc.... I really don't care. I can save 5 hours by just buying "In Style" next month and checking out the "best" and "worst" How cruel is that? The "worst" dress. Yikes! They spend all that time and money getting ready and the world sees it in print that you are the "worst". Where is the encouragement in that? Pastor talked to us today about lifting others up and encouraging people. I don't think any of those journalists attended church today!
I also don't like the Oscars because I RARELY have seen any of the movies up for an award! I have 2 children people! I did see Sideways though(Being in the wine country myself) and I did see Ray. As Bri and I watched it he informed me that Jamie Foxx is trained in classical piano. He also got to spend a year with Ray Charles!
'REALLY!!??' I say astonished.
'Yes, cool huh?'
'That is SUCH a shame that he died before he got a chance to SEE the movie!'
Brian looked at me sideways rolling his eyes thinking I was cracking a joke.
'What?!?' I ask him totally serious.
'Kate, SEE IT? Ray Charles was blind honey!'
I wish I could blame that stupid comment on my brain cancer! I HAD just awakened from my nap........
I did rent a movie last night.
Open Water. That is the one where the 2 scuba divers are left in the middle of the ocean by accident. (Glad I saw this AFTER I have been diving) I guess it is based on a true story. I was going to get some things done during the movie and thought I could pause it. Then I thought to myself 'Oh yea, and how in the world can I do that? The scene selection will ALL be the same! 2 people in the middle of the ocean!.....scenes 16-20 will be the same as 24-28!
I am handling this round of chemo better than the last one. Still nauseous and fatigued with some funky head pains, but over all fine. I am done taking it so in a few days I should be just fine. Just in time to go to Tahoe. I found out I have several friends that will be skiing Northstar Friday too! A few of them from Boston! They are ski instructors too so they can teach the kids some things!
I hate ants. I really do. ESPECIALLY when they are in my kitchen. Never in a million years would I have pictured myself trying to keep a colony alive! They were sent to Colin in a test tube. His kdg class is doing an ant unit and I got an ant farm from my Aunt Joan and had to send for the ants. (Complete with the queen) They arrive Friday afternoon moving sort of slowly! We hurry and ask the science teacher that lives next door, what we should do in order to keep them alive for Monday. He knew exactly what to do and now they are all going strong in a tupperware .....IN MY KITCHEN! I get nervous everytime Colin opens the lid to check on them since they ARE red ants and bite. My son has ants and my daughter has a hamster.
Never say never people.
That is one thing I have certainly learned as a parent. 'I will NEVER let my kids get that, do that, etc.....' Am I right? We are so funny. Things change. People change. Circumstances change.
Life changes. I know that very well.
Flexibility. I have learned not to judge. I am not walking in anybody's shoes but my own. (And my feet look much better since they aren't in high heels every day like they used to be!)
Have a great week.
Use kind words to lift someone up.
They will be glad you did.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 2:15 PM CST

Start Chemo today....I anticipate a better round this time. I just left the cancer center and I have to tell you, I saw the cutest gentleman in his 60's; I would guess, (Of course I am NOT good at that so that means anywhere from 50-80, which is why I was never a person that worked at the fairs guessing ages or weights!)as I was waiting to schedule my next labs. He sat down, shifted a bit, started grinning and looked so excited. He also looked very relieved at the same time. He turned to his wife and said "Whew, that was such great news! I don't have to come back for 6 months!" He was smiling as wide as the grand canyon at that point! He was so cute! I couldn't help but be so darned excited for them.
Then I overhear a young doctor telling a REALLY frail and older gentleman that he was pleased at how well he was doing and he expected to see him live for a very long time. Well, you can imagine what came out of the patient's mouth immediately at that point.....'HOW LONG IS VERY LONG???' It was funny to hear him try and back pedal on that one. I am thinking: 'He does NOT look good number one. And number two, don't EVER tell an older person they are going to live a long time...cancer or NOT!' You could end up by eating those words rather quickly! I bet he will not make that mistake again!
Great weekend.
My good friend Kim Christman came out. She is a great example of being generous. Class act. She brought the perfect gift for the kids and us. Do you have a friend like that? You know, the one that pays attention and listens and then gets the "perfect" gift? I have to give you an example of a past hostess gift. I was blown away.
I had a girl's weekend here at the house and we went wine tasting. The tasting room manager at one of the wineries LOVES martinis and she had the room filled with all the martini schotsky stuff. (Of course I HAD to support the winery and buy a couple of things! I figured it was my duty to keep the economy going.) We got into a discussion about how we loved them and she showed me her favorite martini glass that SHE owns from the back room. It was SO cool. The glass was etched with the San Francisco skyline around the glass. I of course said "Oh my gosh I LOVE that! Where did you get it!?" She said a friend picked it up for her in the city on Filmore street.
I think "bummer".
Well, that next week Kim came to my hotel room (we were at our mid-winter meeting for Lifetouch) with 2 of these glasses wrapped up! She and her mother walked the street looking for them! My mouth hit the ground! THAT is thoughtful. THAT is generous.
Are you generous? Not only with your money, but with your time? You know we all say if 'If I had x amount of money I would give so much to charity.' You know what I read though? Prosperity has little to do with generosity. In fact The average personal income in the state of Mississippi is the 2nd lowest in the US, yet that state is ranked 6th in charitable giving. By contrast, New Hampshire is ranked 6th in avg personal income, but guess where they rank in charitable giving.......45th! (I read that in my k-Love magazine last night)
Does that make you look at your giving a little differently?
The other thing to do is do it anonymously. If you tell the world about what you are doing, you are doing it for the wrong reason. Give with a cheerful heart. It is ALL God's anyway! EVERYTHING we have is a gift from Him. "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be." Matthew 6:21
I am looking forward to going skiing in 2 weeks. That will help me get through this week. My friend Tom May is battling pancreatic cancer. He sent an email that said he was looking forward to going to Vegas. His last bit of advice to people was to "Look forward to something; it can help you get through anything!"
I agree Tommy. Good advice we ALL need to take in.
I am picturing the top of the mountain now........
(New pics)

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 1:01 PM CST

"Fall seven times; Stand up eight" That is a Japanese Proverb that I found myself saying to the kids as we took the black diamond runs in Tahoe!
You know what?
It can apply to our lives right now can't it?
Knocked down with something in your life right now? Stand back up.
Fall seven times; stand up eight. Chemo knocked me down last time? Get back up and start again next week. (Tuesday to be exact) I am confident that this next round will be much easier though since my blood levels were better today.
I am glad to report....NO BROKEN BONES! Colin DID get a nice shiner going over a jump though. That kid is absolutely fearless. (Remind you of someone else?)He has NO trouble living life to the fullest. I DID take some jumps, but I went easy. It was delightful skiing with the kids. They are really getting good and we had fabulous family time again. Brian and Pam Bell were supposed to come up as well, but they gracefully bowed out due to colds. So incredibly thoughtful of them. They are the best. We missed them!
We got back last night. In time for dinner. My sweet, sweet daughter had Brian and I go upstairs and she prepared a "table for 2" with all of the other chairs shoved into the living room and served us our desert with all of the lights off and the candles lit. We had chocolate covered strawberries on napkins covered with the little sweetheart candies and valentine stickers. A huge glass of milk with oreos stuck on them (I have a sinking suspicion that there are other oreos missing from the pack ;)) Colin was our "entertainment" making up rap songs which basically consisted of 'yo..whassup g?...yo dog....'
Which is the extent of any rap he knows. Let's hope it STAYS that way! (Yea right. Pretty soon we will be battling the radio rights I am sure)
We skiied Northstar Friday, took the kids sledding Saturday morning and then Bri took them to Tahoe Donner Saturday afternoon while I rested. I turned on some music and looked at the gorgeous snowflakes fall. It was so peaceful. I kept thanking God for that moment. That weekend. The opportunities I have had my whole life. As I was counting my blessings and not my troubles, my heart soared. I felt like the most fortunate person in the world. I peeked outside and remembered that every snowflake that fell was unique. No 2 are the same. Just as no 2 people are the same. I am unique, you are unique, there is NO one in the world just like you. You are perfectly made in His image. I am too. I will continue to live out my days feeling as important as I am to God, who loves me and protects me. You should too. Remember, there is NO ONE else like you. Celebrate that. Count your blessings, not your troubles.
Fall down seven times, stand up eight.

Wednesday, February 9, 2005 4:57 PM CST

We all want to know the answer.
Why did this happen? What was the cause of that? Why did my child get injured right before the sports season started? Why did this have to happen at work now? How come this is going on in my family?
We are a very curious bunch aren't we.
I was contacted by Duke Hospital to participate in another brain tumor study. You guessed it.... What caused my brain tumor? Why did this happen?
As I was contacted by the research nurse I "Just so happened " to be reading from Max Lucado's "It's not about me" book. I was in the chapter titled 'My struggles are about Him.'
GREAT chapter. He said 'Your pain has a purpose. Your problems, struggles, heartaches, and hassles cooperate toward one end- The glory of God.'
Heck even the disciples wanted to know why the blind man on the side of the road was blind. They asked Jesus "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?" Jesus of course said "It was neither that this man sinned , nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him." (John 9:1-3)
Jesus later of course healed the man so that he could see.
What is "blinding" you right now?
Are you going through a really hard time with something right now?
Is there any chance any possibility, that you have been selected to struggle for God's glory? (As Max Lucado wrote?)
When you look at it that way it sure changes things doesn't it?
The other thing he said in that chapter helps me get through the sickness and fatigue. "Are people strengthened through your struggles?"
Woah. Once again.
Hardly makes me feel like I can complain. I was really sick my last round of chemo. I had started it on low blood counts and ran crazy while Bri was gone and paid the price. I could barely lift my head off the pillow with this nasty bronchitis. I am still hacking but much better now. (I of course got chewed out by many and learned to ask for help.)But it made me realize as I cried through my pity party about how awful I felt, that this is my 'thorn in my side' so to speak. I pray through the hard times. I always find that peace I need. I am doing much better again. When you are exhausted the world seems like it is caving in doesn't it?
We are taking the kids skiing to Tahoe tomorrow for a nice long weekend. I actually just got back from buying a helmet for myself. I figured that taking a jump and landing wrong would NOT go over very well with my neurooncologist. Mike, if you are reading this I PROBABLY won't do jumps this year....(Yea right)wink wink.
The snow is so gorgeous. I am anxious to DRIVE to it. Then drive AWAY from it when we are done!
Be thinking about your struggle.
It has a purpose. A much higher one then we can understand many times. Which leads me to the title of his book! It DEFINITLEY is not about me!
Pictures will change again soon.

Thursday, February 3, 2005 1:47 PM CST

The fear of cancer's return can be debilitating. (A lot of you know what I mean) Welcome to life after cancer. Any time I hear of a GBM friend with a recurrence I immediately start the comparison train- choo choo
Where is yours located?- chuga chuga
How big?- choo choo
How long have you had clean scans?- chuga chuga
What protocol (treatment) did you do?- choo choo
You get the idea.
Before I know it I am a train wreck.
The calm, cool conductor I WAS has derailed the train just by HEARING about a recurrence.
Your mind spins out of control.
Will I be here for the big milestones of my life? Certain birthdays, special occasions, cancer diagnosis anniversaries-.....how long will I REALLY be around?
I remember reading a book called "That's Unacceptable" written by Rebecca Lebutti about her GBM prognosis. Those were the words she uttered when told of our life expectancy with this brain cancer. I read it and emailed her to thank her for the hope she gave me. Her husband responded with the sad news that she had died. "She had made it 10 years."
10 years?
That still only puts Colin as a sophomore in High School. That's not long enough!- choo choo
See how things can run amok?
I refuse to be on a runaway train- chuga chuga
I deboard.
I walk away.
I will choose my own path.
I have a one way ticket and I am not the conductor anyway. God is.
I think I am in good hands.
Where is your train headed? Are you wrestling with worries that probably won't happen? It is a dreary place.
De-board while you can.
Get on the train that God is conducting.
He might even have a cool little hat with blue stripes for you!
ALL ABOARD!!!!choo....chooooooooo

Monday, January 31, 2005 7:07 PM CST

Quite exhausted.
This will be very short.
I pushed it way too hard a couple of weeks ago and then when Brian was back in Minneapolis, I did the solo parent thing while I was on chemo with low blood counts. Not a good combo. (As Cris said, my hectic schedule would tire a healthy person!)
I also have some deep bronchitis thing going on so I will spend the next few days sleeping and doing nothing. To tell you the truth I am so exhausted that it doesn't take much to get weepy so I KNOW I have to sleep for a few days.
Please pray for my healing. I will touch base at the end of the week.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:22 PM CST

Do you believe in Angels?
Webster's Dictionary has many definitions, however one of my favorites is 'A guardian spirit or guiding influence.'
Isn't that great? I would bet that if you took one moment to stop and think about who might fall in that category for you, you would come up with MANY people. How many times have you said 'Oh, you are an ANGEL!' to someone that has reached out to do something special for you?
I have always believed that God has sent them throughout my life to help and protect me. I have never been so in tune to it as I have been this past year. You have heard me mention so many along the way. From Kevin Ring at the beginning of my diagnosis who centered me; to Katrina and her connections; to Ann (my boss)and her presence and help. Did you ever stop and think that there might be a person in your life right now that is there for a specific reason? It could be for just a fleeting moment, a few months of contact, or years of guidance and love. They have been put there for a reason. Have you dug into that concept to figure out why?
I have to share snippets of a speech that Raquel a dear co-worker wrote for me that touched my heart. It made me cry at the realization of how much God truly is in control. A few years ago her mom was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer and right before she died she told Raquel to pray for God to lead her to His chosen path for her. Raquel told her she didn't understand and her mother assured her in due time she would.
Three months later 9/11 happened. As Raquel watched in horror agonizing over the lost and confused souls on TV, her mother awoke turned to Raquel and told her 'It is time now. I am needed. You understand now.' as she turned toward the TV.
Raquel continued on by saying that the few months before her death they spoke a lot on her belief in Angels: There are those needed in heaven and the angels that walk among us. Her speech said: 'When I first heard of Kate's news it was very hard for me to again understand, but even though I still didn't understand how this could happen to such an extraordinary person I remembered what my mom said and I pray every night for God to help Kate through her path. The day I had the honor of hearing you speak I understood again. You are one of the angels that walk among us. You have already helped many on your path to inspiring and helping others understand. From relighting the light for some doctors to remember why they went into medicine, so they could help others and to believe in miracles again. To those others who had given up hope that now can live again just by your inspiration."
She went on and said some incredibly nice things and gave me a special treasure that Rose and others helped her on. "A quilt to keep their angel warm" that they worked so hard on. It has a montage of all of the Lifetouch gang on it too.
If you think about it there is probably someone in YOUR life that you are helping and you didn't even realize it. Maybe you stopped what you were doing to listen to a friend in need. Maybe you shoveled a walk for a neighbor or went out of your way to hold a door open. Think about how you feel when people do those things for you. We can ALL be angels. (Some more than others, sure, but don't under-estimate yourself!)
Go grab that halo and wings, dust them off and make somebody's day.
You will be happy you did.
ps....new pics

Sunday, January 23, 2005 4:03 PM CST

Wisconsin "treated" me to some "nice" winter weather where I saw below zero temps and got dumped on! (A foot of snow!)I barely got out of O'Hare yesterday! I made it though. So great to be home to 60 and sunny!
I sure had a great week. My mom was the hostess with the mostess and dealt very well with the revolving door. I saw so many college friends every day from all over the state, lots of family members, and of course a mini high school reunion at Mike and Cris' house Friday night! I hadn't seen some people in 20 years! (I will try and get some new pics up this week sometime.)
Lots of laughter and some tears. It is always hard to share the story for the 1st time. So much has happened the past 10 months.
Needless to say I am exhausted. I get my blood (CBC)levels and a full panel drawn tomorrow morning and then chemo tomorrow night if all looks OK.
My sister looks fantastic. You would never know that she is only 5 weeks out of surgery. We are anxiously awaiting her next blood and scans to make sure they got all of the cancer out.
I was able to share with a lot of people that I truly am doing well and I would not trade the past 10 months for anything because of where I am in my life. Honestly. I am in such a great place right now. I have never been happier or full of more joy. Brian and I have drawn so much closer to Christ it is amazing to be so peaceful and joyful through such trials. Brian said he was explaining to our friend Susan that he is doing great and whatever happens to me; he knows that I will be healed of this. If I live and I am healed that is obviously the choice he wants.....but if I die I will still be healed! (Then that is God's choice and He ALWAYS wins!)
I just got an email from another GBM friend that had her tumor show up again on her 8 week scan. She is 18 months out. Please keep her and her family in your prayers as she goes through brain surgery and more radiation/chemo.
Ending on a funny.....
The day before I flew out I was walking with the kids and one of Colin's buddies. Colin said 'Mom....show 'em your head! Show 'em your head!' I show him....he does the typical over-reacting that all kdg boys do.....OH...OH...MAN>>>OH NO!!!! WOW...shielding his eyes of course to the horrors of 1/2 of a bald head....
Then Colin proceeds to tell Spencer how "This surgeon...he cut open my mom's head,.... and he YANKED out this brain tumor...and then he put stuff back in and then he sewed it back up!!!!!"
Spencer wincing and grimacing said very sympathetically....'Oh...Oh....I see! Bummer! And he forgot to sew her hair back on!!!!!!!!
Out of the mouths of babes....
Darn that brain surgeon! He forgot to sew on my hair! Think I can get some of that $75,000 surgery money back?
Off to do laundry!
Good to be back! I missed you!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:15 PM CST

They are everywhere.
My friend Dave McBane sent me an encouraging note and ended it with "Miracles still happen......"
Yes, they do.
I must share an interesting thing that happened last summer when I was diagnosed. My mother was babysitting my Brother's kids. Mary, the oldest, was sleepwalking and went into my mom's room and said "Grandma, there is going to be a miracle isn't there?" My mom slowly sat up and looked a bit puzzled and asked "What Mary?"
Mary repeated herself. "There is going to be a miracle isn't there?"
My mom then realized that she was still asleep and got her back to bed. While she was doing this she reassured her that "Yes, Mary, there will be a miracle."
She later wrote to me about that and told me that "You Kate.....You will be our miracle."
It is a miracle that I have ALREADY beat the stats. Remember how I told you that most GBM people die within 200 days? Well.....I know that I was technically diagnosed July 1, but I have been living with this since April (or before)and that is 10 months.....SO....it is already a miracle! (Can I get a woo woo?)
Sorry...just trying to get myself ready for the visit to Wisconsin. I will see alot of old....I mean former college/high school friends. A very busy schedule next week. My poor mother! (I will throw a party next July back there so don't worry if I won't see you next week if you live there)
Another miracle is how great my scan looked Monday. No new growth...yea!
A bigger miracle is the fact that our church just bought 43 acres of property this week! We have been looking for years. It has a lot of vineyard property that we could lease out for income as well. (Hey...we could make our own communion wine! Ha ha) The cool thing is that we had offered DOUBLE what we just paid for it over a year ago and they would not take it then! God totally protected us. He knew that we could get it for 1/2 now!
Is that a lesson or what!?!?
God protected us.
That one hit me in the face like a hard slap. (Not that I have ever experienced that, but I have seen it on TV and I KNOW that everything on there is REAL!)
We could not figure out why that offer fell through.
God KNEW why it should fall through! He saved us millions of dollars!
Is something not going the way you planned in your life right now? I gaurantee there is probably a reason.
Trust in the miracle that can be brought into your life.
I am seeing them every day.
You can too.
You just need to know where to look!

Saturday, January 8, 2005 5:03 PM CST

Greetings....from rain-soaked wine country! Enough of the down pour already! The only saving grace is that when we go to Tahoe skiing this season we will be VERY happy with the base. (Guess I better invest in a helmut this year!)
Brian is back from Orlando. He went to a work convention this past week. We both laughed because I was unclogging a toilet that overflowed, had 3 loads of "extra" laundry because Colin and the neighborhood kids decided they wanted to "surpise me" and "polish the car" after the rainstorm, on my hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor from mud tracked in, etc.....you know....typical kid stuff, and I call him and he says 'Hold on honey.....yes....can you please make a wine recommendation with what I have ordered?' He of course was talking to the sommelier. (wine steward in a restaurant) I laughed and said "You have GOT to be kidding me!.....Would you like to know what I recommend?!......'I didn't finish, but he knew it wouldn't be pretty.....Ha ha.
Actually that reminds me of something.
My friend Mike is the VP of sales and he had called me Sunday looking for a quote I had given him back in 1994 on Attitude. It is my absolute favorite and we have it framed on the office wall. It is one of my favorites and too good not to share. It is also part of our new employee packet given with a gold pin that says "ATTITUDE".
It is by Chuck Swindoll:
"The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearances, than giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company...a church....a home. The remarkable thing is, we have a choice for that day. We cannot change our past....We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way....we cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing that we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is attitude......I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you....we are in charge of our attitudes."
Do you need an attitude adjustment today?
Are you feeling like poor me...I don't have this, or I really could use that...or so-and-so gets to do this.....
Oh man.....that is the FIRST thing to bring yourself down. Shake it off.(As I tell my kids) Stop a moment and be thankful. We have talked about this before. You can change your life in an instant merely by changing your attitude.
Yes, things happen to us in this lifetime that are maybe not the things we would necessarily choose, but this life is but a blink of an eye!
Move forward smiling. It is your choice.
Scan Monday. I KNOW it is clean. If it is not....I will let you know. Otherwise I will update it later that week.

Saturday, January 1, 2005 5:55 PM CST

I am sporting a new purple bracelet that rests on my arm with my yellow one. I never take either of them off. My neighbors Scott and April gave me the HOPE one this past week. I LOVE it because it symbolizes one of the key words I rest on.
As I head into 2005 I am filled with such great HOPE.
In fact Lamentations 3:21 simply says 'Therefore I have HOPE'
An older book called God's Best For My Life had a great devotional in there about HOPE. I must share.
"There is nothing our world needs more desperately than authentic HOPE. We have placed our HOPE in the wrong things. The false gods of human progress, inventive genius, the future, armed power, financial security, governmental effectiveness, movements, great leaders, political parties, negotiation- all have fallen from their thrones. They have been exposed as unreliable sources of HOPE. We have discovered that to HOPE in any of them is to know eventual disapointment and to ultimately experience despair.
But hopelessness is also profoundly personal. People disappoint us when we place our HOPE in them. It's heartbreaking when they fail us or are unable to be our source of happiness. We place HOPE in our careers, our financial planning, and our abilities. Life's reversals shock us with the realization that our HOPE has been misplaced. Our plans for the future may pull us on to tomorrow with the longing that things will happen as we've dreamed. But things seldom work out as we've planned. Circumstances, people, ourselves, and our talents are not reliable sources of HOPE.
What we need is a HOPE that's more than wishful thinking or blind expectation that everything will work out smoothly. We need a HOPE that is vibrant in pain, consistent in grief, indefatigable when people break out hearts, unassailable in a disapointment, and unflagging in life's pressure. Do you have a HOPE like that? Is your HOPE ultimately reliable?
True HOPE is inadvertent. It does not come from searching for HOPE. It grows out of two basic convictions: That God is in charge and that HE Intervenes."
Is that the most amazing thing? God is in charge AND He intervenes! How can I not trust my life's path knowing those 2 things!?
It is such a comfort knowing I don't have to be in control. I have enough things I try and control in this life! I would much rather leave it all to Him!
Finished my round of chemo last night. (Yea) Done for 22 more days. I think I handled this round better. Maybe my body is just getting used to it. I made it up to New years...........if I lived in New York......I only could do it until 9:30. Oh well.....Maybe next year! Our good friends the Kovatchs had a Texas Hold Em Poker Tourny.....I left and it had worked it's way to INDIAN! It was a mix of adults and kids of all ages. They had a blast. It is better to make it fun for them so they WANT to do those things instead of being out on that night!
My next Scan is Monday January 10th. I am sure it will be fine. I also will update the pics within a couple of days. We snapped a few in Hawaii. (You can see my bald head swimming.) It seems to be growing back in almost all of the areas. We will see. I even see some gray! AAAHHHH.
Oh well.....
I HOPE you join me in welcoming 2005 with great love, joy and of course.....HOPE.

Monday, December 27, 2004 9:48 PM CST

Well.....did you make it?
We did. What craziness. There were around 1000 people at our Christmas Eve service at church. I did announcements and Brian did a "dramatic reading" When Pastor Bret called to ask for Bri I thought for SURE he wanted RILEY doing it...the drama queen herself....I was wrong....Bri did great. When I thought about Brian and I doing that, the phrase "God doesn't seem to call the equipped, rather he equips the called" came to mind!
We chose very few things to put out this year for Christmas decorations. I was too overwhelmed with all of the boxes of STUFF we have! Man alive....where in the world did all of that stuff come from? Simplify. That was the key word this year. We spent such great quality time with family and friends/neighbors. Life is more accurately measured by the lives you touch than by the things you acquire.
So with that in mind......We have 12 bags ready to go to Good Will tomorrow! What a great feeling to purge closets and toy boxes etc.....
We finally got all of the Christmas Cards out. Sorry for those of you that I shocked. It is not easy news I know. Colin was a big helper. I realized I need to put a bit more with my explanations though. He is still too literal. 'Say Colin can you help mom and put a stamp in each corner of the last 10 envelopes?' And of course....you know what I am about to say.....all 4 corners of every envelope had stamps! OOPS....at least he is a good listener!
Bri and I just had some time to spend alone in the room sans the kids. It was really nice. We talked a bit about some reactions to this dreadful disease. I couldn't help but cry. Watching "Extreme Home Makeovers" with the kids last night got me going. The husbnad lost the wife(mother of 8 kids) 4 years ago and he was still devestated and missed her so much. They showed him kissing her picture and he said that it still is like a 'hot poker in the heart'. OK....you can only imagine Brian and I sobbing. So tonight he asked why I was crying upstairs and I told him that I really didn't want to leave him with the kids. I really don't want to die yet. He asked me if I knew that I was going to a better place. 'Yes, I KNOW that I am going to a better place.'
'Kate, do you know that the kids will be OK? That God will protect us and take care of us?' I hesitated...."Yes, I know that God will take care of you, but I think it will take some time for them to heal. Especially Riley. If I could just make it at least 10 years we will have her in college and she will be able to deal with this alot easier."
We went on to talk about alot more and basically Brian ended up by saying "You can't leave me yet. We are too good of a team together. I can't do this without you."
I haven't stopped to think like that in a VERY long time. We keep things cruising like normal. Sometimes I wonder if I am purposely blowing it off...(Out of sight out of mind...)Or if it really is this easy to live with.
I do know one thing. I feel the same way John Henry Newman felt. 'God has created me to do Him some definitive service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission.' I just hope it is a VERY long one! Ha ha Can't wait to see exactly what it is!
Well...tonight is the beginning of another chemo round...uughhh...I ran to the drug store today. (Another $10,000 later. My anzemet (for nausea) is $100 a pill. She handed me a bottle with 5 pills in it.....$500. Unreal isn't it?) I am like Pavlov's dog...my stomach was upset the moment I went for the drugs. I HATE this! I was actually excited I had bronchitis and had to wait a couple of extra days to take this round! That is a bit sick huh?

We are taking the kids to the City (San Francisco)tomorrow to see Polar Express 3-D on the IMAX screen. I might have to leave during the roller coaster ride! We will mess around down there for the day. I will press on.
I will press on.
Sometimes that is all we can do isn't it? It is not about me. I think that if we all could adapt that philosophy and REALLY feel it and live it the world would be a lot better.
I think that is honestly why our family is ding so well. It ISN'T about me. Life goes on and it can always get worse. I did try and make it about me the other day. My 10 year anniversary is the 30th and I will be super sick on Chemo. I told Brian to take advantage of this really super deal he gets to do with his buddies (Navy football game in the city and Brian Bell went to Annapolis)and we will just celebrate when I am feeling better. But as time came closer I started feeling sorry for myself. All alone on our anniversary boo hoo....so queer. He said he would NOT go and I should come etc....all ridiculous especially since we celebrated in Hawaii already. I quickly got over myself and realized.....you got it.....it is NOT ABOUT ME! So...I am thankful for what I have. An incredible husband, 2 great kids and all of you. Don't take advantage of what you have. Love those in your life. Make it about them. You will see a HUGE difference. (No pity parties allowed. They focus inward and are not productive!)
Have a good week.....lets hope this medicine for nauseau works tonight!

Monday, December 20, 2004 8:49 PM CST

Do you feel it???!!!
The spin of the head....
The last minute rush?
The "Oh my gosh I forgot 'so-and-so's' present!"
The "What in the WORLD am I supposed to get him/her?"
The "You are in the school play and you need a costume by WHEN?"
The "I was at the stop sign 1st......."
If so.....
It will ALL get done.
It will ALL be great.
It is ALL about Jesus...not us and what we have to buy!
If you stop and think that Jesus was born in a MANGER...a MANGER. Animals were there and lots of shepperds and wise men! Now you women that have given birth and had long labors know that after awhile you don't really care WHO is there and even WHO comes by and peeks in to see how far you are dialated. After 72 hours with Riley I was ready to have the janitor check....ANYONE that could pull this child OUT OF ME...I needed sleep for crying out loud!
But imagine. Animals at the birth. (I didn't even have a stuffed animal) What a miracle.
If we can keep the REAL reason for Christmas in the front of our minds this week it will make our week alot better!
We did our family tradition of Christmas music, a fire, hot chocolate and decorating the 12 foot tree..(I win!)
Riley told me that morning 'Get ready for ALOT of talking tonight Mom. All the talking about the memories of the ornaments we have.'
She was right. It was a joy to sit and look and talk about our favorites and when we got them. (Luckily I date them and put their names on them. Heck...I can't even distinguish between Bri's and mine anymore! Well....the Packer ones are mine and the 49er his....ha ha) What a treasured evening.
I am fighting off this nasty virus I got that has turned into bronchitis. (I got it on the plane home from Maui. At least I got it coming back from there and not just sitting here and getting it!) I cannot take anything for it so we just have to watch it and make sure it doesn't go into pnemonia with my compromised immune system. We are entertaining Christmas eve AND Christmas morning (the 'hood brunch)and then again for Christmas dinner. I might get a little help from Whole Foods this year!
During this magical time of year I hope you are NOT getting caught up in all the STUFF....and taking that time to sit in front of the tree and reflecting back on 2004 and how wonderfully blessed we all are. If you had a rough one, then look to 2005 and make it a great one. It all starts with you!
Merry Christmas 2004.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004 3:48 PM CST

Today I have tearfully closed another chapter in the book of my life. Brian and I announced to our office that as of January 1st, I will be going out on Long Term Disability.
I will not be able to run the business the way that I was able to prior to April. I still suffer from memory problems, the ability to multi-task and I get overwhelmed a lot easier. (My regional manager Ann Yekaldo said 'So basically you are a man now.....' Isn't that CLASSIC? I absolutely ADORE her. She has been unreal during this whole time. I appreciate her on a professional level, but more so on a personal level. She is definitley 1 of a kind. I love you Ann)
I don't think my office was shocked, but of course we were all very emotional. I love them so much. You need to understand that they are our family. Fortunately Bri has co-run this with me so it will be an easy switch. I have been with this incredible company for 13 years. I met my husband and some of my very best friends here! I will still be around though. Now I can concentrate on doing the FUN stuff with them and not be worried about the numbers and the stress of it all. Of course Brian already has this "to-do" list for me! It might take some adjustment on my part!
I gave my testimony to some Ursiline and Newman seniors yesterday. I will go back Thursday to speak to another class. I am seeking a path to open up more speaking opportunities. If you know of any please email me! They seem to have gotten alot out of it. I reminded them that they need to be aware of how their words and actions are being watched and they might be affecting many without even knowing it. That always reminds me of teachers. Those of you that have that awesome profession, do you have ANY idea how many lives you touch!? You all have heard me sing the praises of Karen and Joanne (Colin's KDG teachers)Well, they had such an impact on Riley that 4 years later she is STILL coming in daily for a hug. Daily! That tells you something.....security, love, safety......you teachers provide so much more. Thank you. (Thank your kid's teachers this time of year!)
I also have gotten several phone calls from newly diagnosed GBM patients. I am THRILLED to be able to help. One was told that she would make it through this winter and spring might be OK, but by the time next Christmas came, she would be dead....Can you imagine a surgeon telling you that!? Where is the hope in THAT!???? It is my sincere pleasure to do whatever I can to help ANYONE out.
Keep praying.
Prayer is an important adjunct to healing of our bodies because: The power that made the body, heals the body. It happens no other way.
I was just in TOYSRUS and COSTCO....man oh man! I tried something new this year. I smiled at absolutely everyone and let everyone go 1st. You know how you start to run a bit when you get close to the check out counter? Come on....admit it....we all pick up our pace just a tad to try and edge out the person coming from the other direction. Every time...I said...'Oh...go ahead!' Well you would have thought I told them I would PAY for their heaping cart. 'WOW....thanks!!!!' It sure makes it alot more pleasant. Try it.
My sister has her cancer surgery on Dec 29th. Please pray for her and the surgeons that will be working on her. I will fly to Wisconsin January 15th-22nd to see her. I am planning it in between my chemo and lowest blood counts.
I need to make an appointment, so I need to close.
God Bless!

Thursday, December 9, 2004 12:34 AM CST

We are back! It was the trip of a lifetime. We had so much fun as a family. I didn't read a WORD of the magazines or books I brought. I was too busy running around the water park they have at the Grand Wailea. This place has 8 water slides (1 is 3 stories high) The world's only water elevator, and a lagoon with a rope swing! We were upgraded to a suite anonymously (score) and were welcomed with a basket of wine and cheese and goodies and balloons from our office! I cried. Every time I turn around I am reminded how blessed I am to have such incredible people in my life. Mo and KJ were there and as usual, gave us WAY too much. My life is so rich.....
Riley was a bit embarassed the 1st day since everyone was staring at my head in the water. It was a great lesson time for her though. I was able to tell her that we are on the other end of "not normal, or being different." I told her that I don't care that people stare because I look different. I am still me and we are having a blast and what matters most is what is on the inside. So we need to remember ourselves that when we see someone that might not be 'like us' we shouldn't stare, but smile and say hello. It will probably make their day.
Then what happened to me? I was TOTALLY busted at the pool. Mo, Karen, Brian and I were watching this hottie strut by in a swim suit that revealed all the money she has paid for her body.....which was a TON.....and she had the whole thing going....working it! This guy next to us laughed and said....'Nice hat huh?' We all laughed and realized what we were doing. oops....I guess it is a little different when you WELCOME the stares!
When we go to Maui we stay south of Kehei in Waliea/Makenna area. We had PERFECT weather. It only rained 1 hour the entire 9 days. I heard a lot of people at the airport with different weather reports. (Go there if you go! You won't be disappointed)
At least we came home to Christmas! Our work party is tomorrow night, and Burke Christmas is Saturday so I have a few errands to run between now and then.
I got some sad news on my trip. One of my GBM (my type of brain tumor) friends Kim; died over Thanksgiving weekend. I just talked to her before I left. Several people have asked me how I am in regards to this. Sad, of course. She fought and tried everything. She was diagnosed right before I was. But more than anything.....more determined. More positive. More hopeful that I can and will beat this nasty thing. This is not changing my life and yet it is changing it in every way possible. Is that crazy? It is so hard to explain. Our life is as 'normal' as it has always been and yet it is tipped upside down and turned around in a way that only someone going through this can understand. Every week I do my best to TRY and communicate to you my true, gut, raw emotions. I try and explain what we go through as a family so that maybe you can reach out to someone else you know that might have been given the prognosis that I have been given. Love them, help them, and make them laugh. Remember.....they are still the same person....and yet they are completely different.
We all are though...and that is what makes this world such a great place. I have gotten many emails indicating that there are a lot of cancer patients that read this. If you are one of them, keep pressing on. There is not ONE disease out there that hasn't had at least one survivor. I will be one and you can be too. For those of you that have family members or friends with cancer call/email them today. Tell them you KNOW that they can beat this, that you are there for them, and that you love them. I gaurantee that you will make their day.
I need to go unpack and do 80 bazillion loads of laundry!
I will update this in a few days!

Sunday, November 21, 2004 3:25 PM CST

Just got back from a fantastic celebration service at church. Great music and sermon and we chowed turkey afterwards. Our church is on fire....it is so cool to be a part of Spring Hills right now. I have SO much to be grateful for. It made me think of the prayer that I have been praying: To have gratitude not only this week and this holiday season, but ALWAYS. I want to posess a spirit of thankfulness. It is pretty hard to be focused on ME and MY when you are being grateful! I challenge you to stop what you are doing RIGHT now and think for a moment about all the incredible things in your life that you are thankful for. It might be as simple as 'I have all of my legs and arms, or I am healthy or I have a roof over my head or I will eat some food today....etc'
I am supposed to start chemo again on Wednesday, but I am waiting until Thursday night so I can enjoy our Thanksgiving meal!
A year ago we made plans to take our kids to Maui after Thanksgiving. As I got sick we decided it is CRUCIAL to keep our plans. We leave the 29th for 9 days. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! We are going back to the same place we took the kids 2 years ago.
Brian promised me that we could get a 12 foot tree again this year. Keep in mind this house should REALLY only have a 6 footer....but hey...'Go big or go home' I always say! It takes up 1/2 of our living room! It is great because when we take it down......it looks like we added on we have so much room! One of my favorite childhood memories was the tradition of my dad and I going out on Thanksgiving morning EARLY....we are talking pitch dark early....and going to a tree farm in Wisconsin...(FREEZING) to go pick our tree. 'Hey dad come check out THIS one!'.......'Kate, I have one over here! Wait...where are you?!'
When of course we proceeded to walk around LOOKING for each other and then losing these fabulous trees we had picked out. (I edged out a couple of people along the way I am sure. I just made sure I didn't wear my lettermans coat!) Then, we tagged it and went and had hot chocolate and 'crullers' (These are donuts for all of you California health nuts) I tell you what, when I came home from College it took EVERY fiber of my being to get my rear end out of bed that early, as I had just crawled IN to bed after seeing all my friends the night before! Needless to say crullers were replaced with asprin and coffee!
So, one of my favorite pastimes to this day is just to light a fire, throw on Christmas music and just sit on the couch and look at the beautiful tree! I have enjoyed that for over 30 years. I will especially enjoy it this year. I know these trees out here are very expensive. I would be embarassed to tell you how much a tree that tall even costs in California! But Bri knows he HAS to! (Come on.....you gotta play that cancer chip sometime!)
I need to go do some things. Which brings up a great thing to ponder. How different would today be if you knew it would be your last one on earth before meeting God face to face? We should strive to live every day as if it were our last, for one day it will be!
Sue Northern just sent me a really cool email and in it there is a phrase that really got me.
'To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world.'
Who is that person for you?
I am eternally grateful for you and all that you do for me and my family. I love you!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 9:36 AM CST

Can you feel me smiling through the wires?
I am.
More than usual today!
I had an "excellent scan" according to Mike Prados.
He went as far as to say that I am in a 'fortunate band of patients who will have a statistically good response' based on my current situation. He also said he expects to see good scans for a 'very long period of time' Of course we nailed him on WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???? (I teased him and said 'Come on Mike, I know you aren't God, but we expect you to tell me how long I will live!')In his mind that means a 50% probability that I would have good scans (no recurrent tumors, keeping those little cancer cells under control)for at least 18 months! WAHOO!
Start planning that party in July 2006! My 2 year goal to go without a recurrence! Well....to be honest, the real goal is to not EVER have this back, but baby steps.....baby steps.....
Lastly, I WILL keep Mike as my primary NOC (YEA) and stay on Temador(chemo) for now. I will add some other signaling drugs like I mentioned I am on.(Celebrex and melatonin etc....) to try and keep stable. Sometimes it seems as though this is a very large guessing game. Certain trials they do MIGHT work, but they might not and the side effects of it might not be worth it at the end of the day. I often find myself asking 'What am I willing to do.....to risk....at the POSSIBILITY that it might.....or might not....work? A very tough question. It was ALOT easier to ask that hypothetically BEFORE I got brain cancer.
I am off to get my blood counts taken. I also have my first consultation with Jeanne Wallace on Thursday. She is a nutritionist that specializes in cancer. More specifically in brain cancer. By the looks of the 60 page report she sent me I will be eating off of the land! Nuts and berries anyone? Well...I have a head start. They say Californina is the land of fruits and nuts!
I am both!
More at the end of the week............
Praise God! He answers prayers! Keep up the good work!:)

Friday, November 12, 2004 8:36 PM CST

This will not be too long. I still have a tender back that I am trying to baby. (Ha ha....I did my laundry which by the way, I have a front load washer which is SUPPOSED to hold 22 towels. That is SO FAR from the truth! What size towels? I got to 10 and thought I was stuffing the Thanksgiving turkey!)
We are going out into the community tomorrow as a church to help a lot of different organizations ie.. the homeless shelter etc...and my chiropractor insisted I be the foreman on the job. Oh...yea baby I like the sounds of that. I still get to be bossy! (wink, wink)
So you saw that Katrina's picture is on the website. Isn't she pretty? Liam is 3 1/2 and the greatest kid. We are so lucky to have more family close.
Speaking of pictures I happened to glance up at my fridge just now. Do you know that there is not 1 space of white on it? It is solid pictures. In fact if you are reading this, you are probably up there! Christmas card pictures, and summer meeting pics, sports pics and even village parties. I love the ones that I can relive the moment. I can hear my dad laugh in one particular picture. I can smell what hung in the air in one. One makes me laugh my head off because I can hear the joking that went on before we snapped it. One of my favorites is a close up of the back of Brian's head (with a blue baseball cap on backwards)and the dash board of the boat he is driving with the sun glistening off the water ever so perfectly. Moments in time. Moments that became special memories to me along the way. A friend joked that she was getting a new stainless steel fridge and she would never have pictures cluttering it up. I agree,...whatever... it is not the cleanest look. But I could never take down the faces that greet me in the mroning as I drag my feet to the coffee pot. I smile at them as I take my 1st sip. I am greatful for those friends, those memories and look forward to creating more of these moments in the future.
(I need to rip on myself a minute. Did you ever notice in our family picture that my teeth are so white they look like Ross from the old TV show Friends after he whitened his? Bring out the black light!)
Battled a few headaches this week. Some on and off nausea.
Scan is Monday! I will update this by Tuesday.
Go turn a moment into a memory!

Sunday, November 7, 2004 7:16 PM CST

Do you know the saying "When it rains it pours?" Well.....get me an umbrella because I am sitting here propped up with pillows and ice to update this because I threw out my back Saturday morning! At least I was having fun. My son had his 6th birthday and we were trying out his new hover disc! I have NO IDEA what got into me but I dove with a twist (Judges DID give me a 9.5)and it popped. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't done that in 5 years!
I have been horizontal with ice all weekend!
I couldn't even assist my INCREDIBLE homegroup in their clean up project for the Burke's this weekend. They came over and painted and organized our garage etc.....Is that LOVE or what? Selfless love. I am so fortunate to know them.
Watch out! I am on the road again. (Please do NOT break out into that old country song....)You did anyway didn't you!? Long story....but I did not have to take a test. I called them relentlessly to set one up and I think they just wanted me off their back! So of course I was all over doing errands on Thursday. My brother asked if it was like turning 16 and going back to the store several times 'PRETENDING' that you forgot what you went there for. Definitely not.
I got a flu shot that day though. I had never had one and I am not kidding you, it felt like the black market flu shot. Since there is such a huge shortage here the guy that owns the drug store where I get all my chemo etc. called me and told me to call this lady at Hospice. I had to be hush hush because there are not a lot left and to just ask for "Celeste" when I got there! Then I was led through the offices and to the end of a hallway into a storage type room! I joked with her about it and she said 'Can you believe it? I never thought it would come to this!!!!' I paid my $20 (SO worth not standing in line for 7 hours) and I had to wait up front since I had never had one before to make sure I didn't have a reaction. As I was waiting I walked down the hall slowly taking in all of the art work and pictures that the kids that had lost someone had done. I cried. Such loss.
One piece was done by a little boy that was 9 that had drawn an empty soccer field and had taken a piece of string and hung a mini soccer ball off of it. He wrote next to it: 'You can see this picture of an empty soccer field because my dad died and he is no longer here to play with me. The black on the soccer ball represents him being dead and the white spots on the ball have different pictures of what we liked to do together.'....etc.....it goes on.....I could barely read through my tears. Another little darling 11 year old girl made a picture of her mother and her. Next to it she wrote about how she used to live in Wyoming, but her father died instantly at work and then her mother and brothers and she were in a car accident 4 months later and they were all killed. Now she lives in Santa Rosa with her Aunt and Uncle. They go on.......picture after picture of these poor children. Such loss. I called Brian and HAD to read a couple. I said 'I gotta get outta here!' He laughed and said 'RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!' Yikes.
I choose life.
My dear friend Jan Haeg was here from MPLS for lunch this week.(She hired me at Lifetouch 13+ years ago) What a treat. Every time I see someone from "home" for the first time it is always emotional. We laughed about my hair. Which...I have good news and bad news.....the good news is that I have some hair growing in on both sides of my head! the bad news? There is a 4 inch wide by 4 inch long surface area on top......BALD and soft as a baby! Actually a lot of babies have hair....bad analogy. How about CUE BALL! There we go. Not too many hairy cue balls that I know of. (Only at the Pioneer at 2 AM Krully. I have to agree with MT)
Oh well. If that is the thorn in my side.....so be it! I am reading Hebrews right now and the subject of faith. There is that constant commitment to hanging on and believe God against all odds, no matter what.
The kids were snuggling up to me in bed right before prayers one night this past week and I sang them a couple of camp songs. (I worked at a girl scout camp every summer during college)They were SO excited. I used to do it a lot and then stopped. All of the sudden I thought 'WOW. I haven't done that in so long! I want my kids to remember that we did that!' I wish you could have seen the look on Colin as I sang his favorite one. In fact...It is called on the loose and has a great melody
On the loose to climb a mountain
On the loose where I am free.
On the loose to live my life the way I think my life should be.
For I've only got a moment and a whole world left to see.
I'll be looking for tomorrow on the loose.

Have you ever watched a sunrise turn the sky completely red?
Have you ever slept beneath the moon and stars, a pine bough for your bed?
Did you sit and talk with friends though a word is never said?
Then you're like me and you've been on the loose.
There's a trail that I've been hiking just to see where it might go.
Many places yet to visit, many people yet to know.
So in following my dreams I will live and learn to grow
On the trail that's waiting out there on the loose
So in search of love and laughter, I'll be traveling across this land.
Never sure of where I'm going 'cause I haven't any plans
So in time when you are ready, come and join me, take my hand.
And together we'll share life out on the loose.

So simple. So perfect. So treasured by myself and my kids. What things would your kids/spouse/friends remember about you? Like that little boy who lost his dad and he couldn't play soccer with him anymore. What things are you doing now. Today. That people will remember you most for? God has given us all so many gifts and talents. Are you using them to the full potential? If not why not? It's not too late to start.

SO...in time when you are ready, come and join me take my hand. And together we'll share life out on the loose.......

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 12:48 AM CST

I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!
I know I haven't updated this in a week and I am getting e mails still wondering if I am alive! (Think English accent, and Monty Python "The Holy Grail" 'Not Dead Yet!')
Sorry....couldn't resist!
Man....this maximum dose of chemo really hit me harder than I thought it would! I am STILL very nauseated! Even my antiemetic isn't working well. Luckily when I was down at the brain tumor conference in Dana Point my NOC was there too and he said I could take 2 Zofran to stop the throwing up! Yea....
We took our office to a fancy schmancy restaurant yesterday for office appreciation day and I watched them eat while I drank a ginger ale. Now you KNOW I have an upset stomach if I pass on foo foo food!
I almost didn't go to the gym today, but then remembered Lance Armstrong in his book 'It's Not About The Bike' (Which Susie Harvey gave me and is really a good read)and made myself go. Lance did it....I can do it. So you are wondering 'Did it help?'.....NOPE!
I feel the same, but mentally am glad I went. For some wierd reason I have this theory that if I move my body the poison will go through faster!
So....Katrina learned alot down in Dana Point last week.
Here is what we know.
We will get my tumor typed down in UCLA this week. We will find out if MGMT and others are turned "on". If they are, then that will indicate that Temodar (my current chemo) is the best option and should stay as my primary cytotocic drug. (The kind that kills cancer)We will also hopefully find out other signaling drugs that I should take that will work on EGFR and VEGF etc....(Remember the little lesson we had on angiogenesis?) There are something like 20 different pathways into my tumor so we need to not only KILL it, but block off all the pathways. Think Defense here too. (I am currently taking 800mg of celebrex and 20 mg of melatonin every day hoping that this helps)
We have learned so much in just the last few weeks. I am feeling a little bit like Cybil...."We are going to do this.....Oh no.......now we are going to do this.......wait......now this! etc......" Sorry if your heads are spinning as much as mine! It has been quite the rollercoaster ride! I USED to like those things!
I also got the unfortunate news that my sister has another spot of her thyroid cancer that will have to be removed. We are anxiously awaiting the surgery date. I wish I could fly back to help. (All of you that are in the Janesville area be prepared, I am going to find a point person to schedule her meals. That was the most awesome thing we got here to help our family out.)Luckily it appears to be encapsulated.
My next scan is in less than 2 weeks. Monday Nov 15.
I had the privilege to meet Steve and Stacey Case last week. Stacey is delightful. Her husband Dan's death from this GBM was not in vain. She is doing so much for brain tumors through this ABC2 Foundation. Those of you that are battling for your lives right along with me there is hope. New things are happening every month.
A few years ago I did the Invocation for the Lifetouch summer meeting. I started with some audience participation. My friend Tanya did the same thing at our Women's Retreat last week and I thought I would share it with you.
She said 'God is good.'
We said 'All the time.'
She said 'All the time.'
We said 'God is good.'
(Yes.....even when I don't feel well!)
More within the week!

Friday, October 22, 2004 2:34 PM CDT

I read that today in the Reader's Digest. Yes....you read that right....the READERS DIGEST! I have jumped on that path and turned the corner to becoming my mother. It arrived in the mail recently and I thought to myself 'Oh...this must be a mistake.' Flipped it over and HELLO...there is MY NAME on the back. My HUSBAND ordered this! Now....Sports Illustrated I am cool with. Wine Enthusiast...fine. But the Readers Digest? Come on! At least he didn't get the HUGE PRINT copy. Then we'd be having a conversation.
It stopped me and made me think "Am I living the life we desire? Does it REALLY reflect our values?"
I did my blood work and my WBC are still really low. I am supposed to start my TRIPLE dose of chemo next Wednesday the day I leave for Dana Point for the brain tumor conference. (Do airplanes still carry those nice white baggies?) Someone told me they thought I was "heroic" for enduring all of this. First...not even close. (Besides the way I am enduring anything is by God's Grace, it has NOTHING to do with me) Secondly, I thought about my friend Bill. (Fellow school district foundation board member) He is being drafted AGAIN...for 5 months this time and headed to Iraq for 5 months. He leaves behind a wife and small children. Now THAT family is heroic. As well are all the families that are going through this. It brought to my mind an e mail my cousin Garthanna sent me that Ben Stein wrote. Now, I don't know naything about him except I have heard of his show that used to be on (and still might be) called 'Win Ben Stein's Money" I guess he was a regular columnist as well. She sent me his last column from Morton's restaurant. Following you will read a couple of exerpts that touched me:
The real heroes are not the wealthy and movie stars who frequent Morton's. They are the people that live their lives to make other's lives better. The US soldiers risking their lives for us and sometimes losing their own. The paramedics and orderlies who bring in people that have been in a terrible accident and help prepare them for surgery. The teachers and nurses who throw their whole spirits into caring for autistic children, the kind men and women who work in hospice and in cancer wards. Think of each and every fireman who was running up the stairs at the World Trade Center as the towers began to collapse."
He brings up the point that we're always trying to be as good as someone else when all we should be doing is making sure we are a good husband/wife, mother/father, friend and neighbor. He ends with 'I came to realize that life lived to help others is the only one that matters and that is my duty, in return for the lavish life God has given me, to help others He has placed in my path. This is my highest and best use as a human. Faith is not believing that God can. It is knowing God will.'
Wow huh? It takes us back to the 1st statement. Are we living our lives according to what we really, really value?
If not we need to make some changes. Cancer or not. There is no one we need to try and impress. God could care less what car we drive, whether we are wearing Manolo Blahniks (I have bunyons anyway), or the square footage of our home. (Thank goodness because mine is pretty tiny!)
Think about it!
Pics are updated finally! I will have someone figure out a webpage for me with all of them on there....promise.
Enjoy the weekend!

Monday, October 18, 2004 2:22 PM CDT

What a refreshing weekend in Tahoe. We had an awesome hike back to a private little lake that was truly breath-taking. Isn't it amazing what God has made for us to enjoy? On the way home Brian was holding my hand and I looked over at him and expressed how much I loved him and we both agreed that we are so incredibly fortunate. We are living such a wonderful life. We have had experiences that few have had and we have so much love and laughter in our family and in all of our friendships! We were rushing home to light a fire and to play games with the kids. (A favorite fall/winter ritual) All of the sudden after recanting all that we have to be grateful for we laughed. We laughed really hard! I said 'Probably not something you hear out of the mouth of someone in my position huh?'
Are you hung up on something that is happening in your life right now that is seperating you from your joy? It is easy to do! Come on....come clean! Is it work? Family related?What?
I recently read that 'Those who submit to the will of God do not fight back at life. They learn the secret of relinquishing their own lives and wills to Christ. And then He gives back to them a life that is far richer and fuller than anything they could ever have imagined.'
I am feeling great! I haven't napped in a week! I start round 2 of chemo next Wednesday though so I am sure that they will creep back into my life next week. I do know that the next rounds would be CCNU for 2 rounds and then the IV chemo for 12 weeks. (After the 1st of the year) I need to look into getting my port-a cath. I am not anxious to do this surgery. You know why?...I admit it....purely selfish. I would have to give up lifting weights for 6 weeks! YIKES....You are scoffing at me aren't you! Come on give me a break...that is one luxury thing in my life. NOW most of you REALLY say she has a head injury because she is saying lifting weights and luxury in the same sentence. AND no....that is NOT an oxymoron. (I just might sound like a moron!)
As soon as I book my trip for the brain tumor conference next week I will give you details in the next few days.
I HAVE to leave you with this e mail my friend Linda JUST sent me. I really don't think it is a coincidence that it arrived today as I was telling you what Brian and I discussed.
The Center of the Bible:
What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? Psalm 117
What is the longest? 119
What is the Chapter in the center? 118
There are 594 Chapters before Psalms 118
There are 594 Chapters after Psalms 118
Add these numbers up and you get 1188.
What is the center verse in the Bible? Psalm 118:8
Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives?
The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just send them to the center of His word.
Psalms 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man."
Now isn't that odd how this worked out.......or was God in the center of it?
When things get tough, always remember.....faith doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it!
I encourage you to live a very happy and fulfilling life! there is NOTHING like it.
Have a fabulous week.

Thursday, October 14, 2004 1:11 PM CDT

Bonjour! Ca` Va? I am back from Paris! It had been so long since I have been there! A 3 day whirlwind tour. We never made it to Cannes (Reservation goof up) so Katrina treated me to 3 days in Paris instead and we had a fabulous time! JUST what the doctor ordered. FINALLY something I agree with!
I came home to a card from my good friend KJ. She is the type of person that has everything so sometimes it is hard to buy her a birthday gift. Well, her staff at OZ found the perfect thing. They made a collection to my fund that has been set up to help us with medical costs. She said even SHE shed a tear! So....OZ territory....You guys ROCK. What a generous thing to do. You just paid for 4 readings of an MRI at Duke (Which insurance won't pick up since it is a 2nd reading) I need to take a quick moment and thank all of the people that have so graciously helped us out financially. We hit $5,000 out of pocket very quickly with insurance and meds. I also started itemizing things like the trip to Duke ($2,000+) and Jeanne Wallace the cancer nutritionist ($400)Each scan at Duke $250 every 6 weeks,$250 in hats and scarves, hundreds of dollars on RIley's counseling, non-perscription drugs like melatonin etc that I take to help with angiogenesis of the blood vessels, My trip coming up to the brain conference in Dana Point this month....etc! I went well past $10,000 quickly. You have no idea how thankful we are to receive this help so we can keep our kids in the sports and activities they are used to.
I just got off the phone with DMV....unreal. I DO have to take my drivers test again! Can you believe that? I can't drive for crying out loud! At least not correctly! I mean come on...be honest....I think any 16 year old out there could beat my bootie driving! New California law the last 2 years....gotta drive it. Great....I even need a RIDE there!
We are headed to a friend's cabin in Tahoe this weekend so I better get going. I need to pack for the family. My brother Tommy is flying in for the weekend and as a surprise bringing his 2 kids. Our kids will be so excited. It will be great to see him.
I will have Katrina e mail me the notes from out East so I can give you specifics from our visit. I will also throw the new pictures up after the weekend.
I go to Dana Point at the end of the month to visit with the other key doctors. I get my next MRI Monday Nov. 15th.
I will e mail more in a few days. Just had to let you know I am back and alive and well and much better emotionally right now!
Nothing like heading out to a foreign country to put things in perspective for you. It sure helps when you get to fly business class too! Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, October 14, 2004 1:10 PM CDT

Friday, October 8, 2004 10:37 AM CDT

Good morning from Houston!
Before we go to NASA this afternoon I thought I would jump on the computer and give y'all (What? I AM in Texas for crying out loud...when in Rome....Did I say Texas? I am so confused....I think they took out the geography part of my brain)an update.
Duke was AMAZING. (Doctor) Henry Friedman is great. Came in in jeans and a polo shirt. No white lab coat...Hugged me when he left. The 1st day I did all of the physical stuff which they gave me a 100 on my Karnofsky test. (Didn't even have to study!) They too were happy with my scan, however told me that there still ARE cancer cells in my head. I read the radiologist report to my scan and it said I still had enhancement too which was not good news to me. I was under the assumption that it was COMPLETELY clear and that is not the case with a GBM. They were happy with the MRI and both places have said 'No residual disease" But they know that with GBM's there is always live cells there this early on. I also was reminded of the bleak fact that I only have a 10% survival rate. Now....I KNOW this...but for some reason Wednesday with the double whammy of hearing I still have cancer cells in my brain devestated me beyond belief. I hadn't been that weepy since my diagnosis 3 months ago. The hard part was I couldn't shake it! It really rocked me to my core and then I was mad at myself for not being able to "shake it off" I was trying to tell myself ..'Kate..You KNEW this bleak diagnosis..what is your PROBLEM!?'
Katrina and Brian just listened and were great and reminded me that I could beat this, and I haven't really had too many down days and this will pass etc..etc...etc....I was pretty wiped out too which was the biggest culprit I am sure. I sure prayed alot. I kept looking for that peace that surpasses all understanding that has been sustaining me. I got it back...but not until the next day. You know what? It scared me to be without it. I realized it is the only thing keeping me going right now. I cannot function without it. Once you have it....you will do anything to get it back too. It is pretty interesting. There is no feeling like the feeling we have had that I have TRIED to explain to you many times. I am taken care of. No MATTER what happens. To be in that place of joy and peace.....
oopsie...I digress...
(Think Theme song to Rocky)Da da da da da da da da da da
Day 2 at Duke was INCREDIBLE. We met with a social worker that can file for disability for me. We met with a child life specialist and spent 1 1/2 hours with her talking about EVERYTHING from the seizure on and how it affected the kids how they are now, what is their personality normally etc....AMAZING. This was worth the whole trip! She sent us home with books and play stuff and a bibliography of books based on the facts she took down about each child. I am going to switch counselors for Riley to get a cancer specialist.
Then we met with our very own nurse for awhile. THEN because Katrina represents Kleiner Perkins (Venture capitol) We got to go and see the mice lab! Incredibly interesting. I saw a human brain tumor growing on the side of a mouse! (they are all nude) Very cool.
Here is what I know. I LOVE Duke's approach to killing the rest of my cancer. They believe in a multi-agent chemo approach. 2 cycles of temador (which I am on) 2 cycles of I think it was BCNU or CCNU...(Katrina wrote it all down.)Then another one after that which is intra venious. These cycles are 6 weeks each. You go for 52 weeks and if I am still showing a clean scan we stop and do something else less aggressive. (IF I chose to go there, they are mindful of the distance and would let me do treatment here IF my scans every 6 weeks continue to look good! I wouldn't have to go back for 5 months IF IF IF...they stressed everything continues to be good.) Your body can grow a resistance to a certain thing. (Makes sense right? Think anti-biotics or working out) so they want to shake it up and hit it with several different things so that 1 of the 3 might be working. We will be checking with several experts on this theory and also discussing it with Mike Prados. I didn't give Henry a commitment. I need to research more, talk to Mike (I hope he would support this theory)and pray about what I need to be doing next. I obviously got devestating news that it is still (microsopically) there and I need to be as agressive as I can be to help my survival rate.
There is a big brain tumor meeting happening in Dana Point at the end of the month that Katrina is able to sit in on (How in the world does she do that?)I will fly down just for a day or 2 to meet the other players in this world (Tim Clousy and Al Yung)and go from there. We will pick their brains...(Hey...they got to mine...)and see what what we should do! I did get to see my college friend Beth in Durham! It was so great. I will put a picture of her on the website when I get home. She looks awesome. What a treat to spend some time with someone from home!
So..that is the update. I will try and use Katrina's computer in a few days, if not I will update this after I get home. Sorry it is so lengthy! Got a bit windy this morning! Keep your prayers going!

Friday, October 1, 2004 9:44 AM CDT

Night 2 of throwing up....
I started another round of chemo Wednesday. I doubled the dosage from last time. My body is not happy. I have had to take my zofran (anti-emetic)twice in the night. Unfortunately I have to take it only 5 hours after the last pill and that is a no-no...you are supposed to wait 8 hours. I laughed at myself last night at 1 am while I was contemplating this. I thought to myself "What is going to happen? I'll get CANCER?" Take the darn pill so your mouth will stop watering and you can get some sleep! I feel pretty yucky all day this time around. I am glad it is only a 1 week on 3 weeks off now. I will continue this regime for 1 year.
I know I told you that I would get a picture of me in the MRI machine. OOPS...I forgot that there is no way I can bring a camera in there! (duh)
I head to Duke next Tuesday to meet with Henry Freidman. I got a phone call from them telling me that I am not a vaccine candidate for their EGFR v 3 gene test. My tumor slides we sent them turned up negative! So the competitive part of me got all bent out of shape..right? What do you MEAN I didn't make the cut? They said they will offer something else at clinical the 6th. I quickly got over it knowing God is in control and it wasn't realistic anyway because logistically I cannot fly there every 2 weeks for 2 months and then once a month....
THEN Katrina finds out it is a GREAT thing that I didn't "make the cut" the EGFRvIII overexpression in the presence of EGFR amplification is the strongest indicator of a poor survival prognosis! Hey....I just re-read that sentence...I sounded like a doctor huh? (no....I just play one on TV)So we will see what they say when I go.
ANYWAY....from Duke we will go to Houston and see MD Anderson and of course NASA. Brian will fly home and guess what I get to do?!? Katrina invited me to go to a 3 day conference in Cannes France! How cool is that? A free trip for 3 days there! I will definitely take my bible and do some soul searching as to what is next with this journey. Since my counts are rapidly dropping I will be the goofball wearing the mask on the plane. Maybe I should pull off my hat and work it with the flight attendants! Ha ha.
I will try and do some scarf tricks. I am not very crafty. I DO have a scarf book....which I have not read. I opened it up and it looked like oragamai! When it takes 3 pages to teach you how to wrap a scarf.....I opt for a baseball hat!
I spoke at the women's fall dessert last night. What a great time of worship! It went very well and several people came to Christ and asked Jesus in their heart! What a great experience. I told them "It is not my responsibility to get you to believe in Jesus. It is just my responsibility to tell you about Him!"
You know what song is playing right now? A new favorite of mine. Jeremy Camp ...."I will walk by faith even though I cannot see. Because this broken road prepares your will for me."AHHHH....Great reminder.
Rest in the fact this weekend that God has it all in control. Thank Goodness, because I sure don't!
I will write when I get back the 13th. In the meantime enjoy every second of every day....you never know when it might be your last.
Love, the vomit girl

Monday, September 27, 2004 5:12 PM CDT

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a clean scan today!
How cool is that?!?!
What does that mean you ask?
That is what I asked Dr. Prados!
We (We...like I can really read those things) HE cannot see any signs of residual disease right now. That is excellent news. I of course said 'Oh great...does that mean I am in remission!?'
Dr. Prados said....'Ah...no. We do not use that word for a couple of years with a GBM' (Remember this puppy comes back usually)
He reminded me again that every 8 weeks we will be tracking this with an MRI. If I can make it for 2 years without any recurrence my chances of survival go up HUGE. Then I can go every 3 months for a scan and then every 4 months!
My favorite words out of his mouth today were 'Very good prognosis for long term control'
Stats...schmats....I am going to blow those away! I am going to live to see my grandchildren! (Which lately sound a lot better than children...ha ha)
I will upload Dr. Prados' picture in the next couple of days. He is such an AWESOME man. I have a lot of respect for him. I like him more and more every time we see him. (But if this comes back I might change my mind....ha ha)
I need to end this now.
No words of wisdom today! Just great news.
God is incredible isn't He?
I will update this at the end of the week after my 1st speech!
Thanks for your prayers and support and love.

Friday, September 24, 2004 12:11 AM CDT

Top of the morning to you!
I am actually going OUT tonight! All my Region 15 Lifetouch cronies are coming here for dinner and then we are going to a bar to hear a band. I need to try and take an extra long nap so I can go the distance. I have been on the bench WATCHING the game for awhile.....I like to think of it as being red-shirted just for a small period of time. In fact...I am thinking of making some money. If I charge $5 to touch my bald head maybe I don't need to hit the ATM before hand! That could be quite the gig!
OK....this is gross....you might want to jump to the next paragraph if you have a weak stomach. I am 38....and I HAVE CRADLE CAP! What the heck is up with that! And of course I cannot just leave it alone. Remember when your babies got it? We HAD to pick at it didn't we? It would be no big deal if we let it heal on it's own....but I am a picker...I admit it! (Hi my name is Kate...and I am a Picker...."Hi Kate!"...)We need support groups for everything don't we? This radiation fried my skin a few layers deep and I have been putting lotion on it at night (Which makes for LOVELY bedhead in the morning by the way..I look like a mad scientist!) So the combo ...well...let's just say it is nasty. I am looking forward to the next couple of days to let it ride the course. TMI right? Hey...you need to live this right here with me people! Come on! Buck up! (As I have taught my kids to say....'Shake it off! There is no blood!')
I don't have too much to report. I am anxiously awaiting Monday of course and my MRSI. I am 99.9% positive I am in remission. If I can stay this way now (which I will) for 2 years, my chances go up dramatically! So...July 1, 2006 you will hear me screaming for joy...(You thought the bell was loud?) I will take a picture of Dr. Prados Monday as well. AND me in the MRI machine so you can see what it looks like! I am anxious to move forward with phase 3....whatever that is! (Besides more chemo again)
I PROMISE I will update this monday night.
Thanks for your continued prayers and support. I would NEVER have made it this far without you guys! Love you so much.

Monday, September 20, 2004 1:34 PM CDT

Happy Monday to you!
I am SO happy to report that I have had a great couple of days. My swelling is going down and I can feel my energy level going back up! What a blessing. I made it all the way to 4pm yesterday until I needed my nap! I really think I am in remission right now, but we will wait a week from today to make sure!
Do you know what I really feel? God has allowed this to happen in my life so I could encourage others and help them get through devestating news. God has given me the gift of encouragement already. My parents helped foster that and taught me how to encourage people in whatever they do. Through this trial in my life I really feel called to something very big. I am not sure what that is yet. I HAVE been learning to be patient though. EXCEPT for this morning...I cheated and looked at tomorow's devotion and guess what it was!...."Because he ...suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." Hebrews 2:18
2 Corinthians 1:3-4: 'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ...who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."
In laymans terms, Not only are we comforted in our trials, but our trials can equip us to comfort others! Has God taught YOU something through your trials that could help someone else today? I bet He has. If you really stop to think about it. We get so caught up into "What about me....what does it do for me...." we don't look at others enough to see "What about THEM?"
It makes me think about how wonderful my marriage is to Brian. Years ago (about 11) we said 'We want our marriage to be a testimony to others' I have had a lot of my friends in the past say 'You are so lucky you have the perfect (ha ha) storybook marriage!' I literally laughed right in their face. I explained to them that NO marriage is "perfect." EVERY marriage takes a lot of work and commitment to make it succeed. The reason ours is so wonderful is becuase Christ is the center of it. We also both try to be self-LESS not selfish. Oh....don't get me wrong, there are many times it takes everything I have to put him 1st!.....And it doesn't ALWAYS happen. However, the more you try and practice, the easier it becomes and THEY will start to do the same thing. If you are in a realtionship now try it. I PROMISE you that you will see noticeable changes very soon.
Brian is the love of my life. We met later in life and God knew what He was doing when He matched us up! He has been the most incredible force during this entire journey. I will never be able to put in words how incredibly fortunate I am to be his wife. On top of all of our trials he is managing to RUN our business AND do all of the sales! (Our other rep left with no notice right at the beginning of the season) I won't go into detail about all that he has accomplished, but keep praying for strength and wisdom for him as we continue on. He truly is the most remarkable man I have ever known and is doing fantastic.
I know I get a little "HEY...You should do THIS in your marriage..etc" It is none of my business really. I just want everyone to experience the joy and happiness and laughter we share.
My good friend Carol got me the CD Switchfoot. It is a rock and roll band (Christian cross over) that I like to lift weights to. This morning a particular song stuck in my mind. It is called "This is your life"
The chorus says: This is your life, are you who you want to be? (repeat) This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be when the world was younger, and you had everything to lose?

If it is NOT... make some changes! It is never too late you know. I certainly am! (Now I have that song....by Bowie...cha cha cha changes.....time to make some changes....etc...) Have a great week!

Thursday, September 16, 2004 9:35 AM CDT

Hi! It is me again. Unfortunately. Let me clarify. I love you, I DO....but I was SUPPOSED to be on a plane right now to New Orleans! My flight was canceled because of Ivan (The terrible). My poor friends Todd and Natalie had a heck of a time riding this out. I think the wedding will still happen tomorrow, but I am sure they will be down a lot of their guests. Todd's parents had to drive 20 hours to get there since the flights were all canceled! Yes, we are disappointed, but I have learned not to stress over things that I have no control over. This cancer thing sure has put things in perspective.
As I watched the weather channel for 3 days straight, (I felt like Good ol' Grandma Esther. Too bad the OJ trial wasn't on. She flipped back and forth between the 2 claiming his innocence...I won't go there) I saw a huge sign merely saying 'EVACUATE'....
I wondered if everyone paid attention. I also thought 'I could borrow that sign for my head. I could tell this GBM...EVACUATE!....I mean how RUDE of it! This thing is like the guest from hell that we have all had at one point. You know...the one that was not invited, will not leave, and puts their feet on the coffee table, next to their drink that does NOT have a coaster underneath it that you will later try and remove the stain, but cannot get it out? whew....breathe...seek help over past issues....
Well....I got some good news yesterday! I do not have to retake my driver's test! I merely have to have my NOC fill out the form that I haven't had any more seizures! It has been 5 months that I have not driven. I am honestly a tiny bit nervous....Bri assured me it is no problem and exactly like riding a bike. (He is such a guy) I think I need to take a few practice runs. I will be like the little old lady on top of the wheel going 5 mph...that we all slap our heads over as we try and pass them because we are late for something.
Doug updated my pictures for me. Yes, mom is on. SO many of you e mailed me wanting to see this remarkable lady. She left back East yesterday. The kids inquired if she would be back next week. Ha..I love it. We have been so fortunate to have her out here so much this past year. She is such a special lady. This weekend Doug hopes to do a link to a webpage of past pictures for those of you just logging on. I will update this then.
Had a pretty emotional day yesterday "Getting my things in order" as they tell us to do. Called my accountant, my attorney etc....I guess I have not done this yet because I thought it would be telling myself and everyone else that I had a tiny piece of me that believed I wouldn't make it. Then after praying about it, I realized that it is not that at all. It is just being responsible. I hadn't updated my living will and trusts etc....for 5 years! Those need to be current in case one of us gets hit by a car! So I pulled it together and started the ball rolling. I will complete this process after my MRSI on the 27th.
If you don't have any of that together, I highly recommend you do. Every parent needs to have that. (If you need numbers of mine e mail me! They both are great.)
On that note....enjoy your weekend. Be careful of the guests you invite over to barbeque....they may never leave!

Monday, September 13, 2004 9:48 AM CDT

Roots grow deeper when the winds are strong.....Chuck Swindoll
That sure applies to a lot of us. ESPECIALLY to our dear Florida friends! 3 Hurricanes? WOW....Hang in there guys.
We are such control freaks aren't we? I mean EVERYTHING. I used to have control over my business, my kids (Well...in my mind I did until I let them step on the school playground and their 4 letter word vocabulary trippled in an hour! I am still lucky though because Colin still thinks "Shut up" is a naughty word. Riley of course rolls her eyes and I give her the squinted eye as she is about to correct him as if to say 'You ruin this for me and you are on restriction for a year'. She gets that look and now knows to zip it!)my health....now....I am reduced to NO control! Talk about having the rug ripped out from under you...I have lost control.
You know what? It is actually freeing. Surrendering it all is amazingly peaceful. I have to be honest with you the whole 'letting go of the body image due to my hair loss' was VERY freeing. Why are we women so darn critical of our bodies? 'Oh I see a new wrinkle just popped up!', or 'I see cellulite on my thighs' or 'I will NEVER lose this baby pouch' JEEPERS....we are SO self critical! LET IT GO! Gina, my sister in law, just sent me a classic: 5 Stages of a female's life
1. To grow up
2. To fill out
3. To slim down
4. To hold it in.
AND....To hell with it!
I like #5 personally!
It is ironic that I started taking notes on this thought process last week and then at church yesterday Bret talked about....FEAR OF LOSING CONTROL....coincidence? I think not!
He worked out of Psalm 46 v 10.
"Be still and know that I am God;I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
The more I try to be in control the more out of control I get! Do you ever find that? We have to let go. We hold on to things so tightly. You know what? None of it is ours. It can be taken away in an instant. I am proof of that. My health was fantastic. In a snap of a finger I was handed a death sentence. (I of course am still working that out with my attorney ...I haven't signed anything yet don't worry!)
We hold on to our kids so tightly don't we? They are not ours guys...they are His...we were just given the extreme privilege to raise them. Are they not 'Doing what you would like?' Pray about it! Turn it over to God.
Bret made the comment yesterday 'Don't be afraid of losing control, Be afraid if you ARE in control!
Jesus told us in the Gospels not to worry. Seek 1st the Kingdom of God. Be anxious about nothing, but pray about EVERYTHING!
I started getting anxious last night as I sat to jot down my testimony. I realized I might not get the news I want to hear the 27th. I had a discussion with my mom and Brian that we need to be prepared to hear both scenarios. I am still going to assume that this treatment worked, but I also just talked to a fellow GBM'er that had the cancer grow even through both chemo and radiation.
God's timing. I still believe I will be healed. It just might not be when I want it to be.....letting go of the control right? Not my will but His will be done.
I will be setting up a web page of old pictures from the surgery forward. Several of you wanted to see my beautiful mother and I will take care of that by mid week. So many new people have been logging on that I need to bring them up to speed! By the way, my friend Anita is going to donate a bunch of money on behalf of her company to Caringbridge which is such a blessing because this website has truly been a Godsend in reconnecting with so many of you.
I will not be updating this (Besides the pictures) until Sunday. 6 months ago Brian and I planned to fly to New Orleans for my friend Todd's wedding. It will be my 1st outing in so many months I cannot even remember! It is quite the effort to pick out outfits now by the way..I have to coordinate SCARVES that match the dress! And heels? Yikes....I haven't been wearing those in 5 months! My feet never looked better! A huge public thanks to Deb and Steph for getting us airline tickets since we are saving all of our pennies for medical travels! Love you 2!
If you woke up and started the week off in a panic trying to control everything..(no your daughter will NOT listen to you about what she should wear...choose your battles)Take a moment to STOP.....BE STILL....and remember that God can truly change circumstances.
Have a fabulous week. LET IT GO!

Thursday, September 9, 2004 1:50 PM CDT

I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!! WAHOO....(Texas style) I rang the bell at the cancer center yesterday indicating that my 6 1/2 weeks of radiation is finished. That bell is WAY louder than my ship's bell. I was not timid and rang it and my eyebrows went up, I looked over at Annette (thinking maybe she would shush me....) and she THANKED me so everyone in the building could hear it. Everyone in the building? I think everyone in the city of Santa Rosa heard that! They usually get these older people that are meek and mild and barely ding it and I was like 'WAHOO...YIPPEE...I MADE IT!'
So...... last night I take my mask that I had to put on every day and put chips and salsa in it (Used it as a bowl) and took it over to my homegroup party. They got a kick out of it once they realized what the heck it was......Oh stop.....don't get grossed out...I cleaned it AND put foil in it. They had a Hawaiian theme party for me complete with pina coladas....if I would have known, I could have worn my grass skirt and coconut bra! (Of course that coconut bra would have looked really funny around my waist...gotta love gravity)
Thank God for mothers hmmm? My mom flew in from Wisconsin yesterday. Quite frankly I don't know what I would have done today if she was not here to provide such a great distraction. Actually we ran and picked up a fruit tray and pastries and drove up to the cancer center and walked in and said 'What? Am I NOT supposed to be here today? It is 9:30! I just couldn't keep away from you guys...every day for 6 1/2 weeks....I have already created a habit...it only takes 21 days to do that you know.....' They all laughed and thought it was funny. I got to take mom to show her the treatment room and introduce her around to everyone. Janet (my radiology therapist) was nice enough to show mom the whole schabang.
Back to moms. I seriously would have had a hard time this morning if it would not have been for my mom. She is the most incredible lady I have ever known. She has such great peace, faith, love, strength and wisdom. That woman has been through more than anyone I know and has maintained her compassion and kindness and hope. Her husband and best friend died on Valentines day 8 years ago from this nasty disease. She has had breast cancer. She has been through my sister's thyroid cancer with her and now her oldest daughter has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.
Do you know that SHE is the real hero? I admire her more than you possibly could know. She has sent little notes to so many of you I KNOW. Heck...my neighbor just came over and said she sent a note to them just thanking them for being such good neighbors to us! I think we should all get stock in Hallmark. The woman is card crazy! After my 1st grand mal seizure in April I got a card EVERY day.
I owe so much of my character and positive attitude to both of my parents. She taught me to "Be nice to everyone honey" and "Never write anything down that you don't want the whole world to see"...and "Don't run with scissors"....oh wait that was my kindergarten teacher....
She taught me to deal with crisis situations head on and calmly...and with faith that God will see you through.
From the beginning of my July 1 prognosis she chose to believe that I could beat this. She is so positive that I will live. I know that I have mentioned in the past that my husbnad and little kids are my reaon to live, but I absolutely HAVE to stay alive for my mom. I cannot die before her. I know that some of you have lost children. My heart aches for you and I pray that you can find peace. I know that some of you have lost mothers. Some have died quickly or maybe slowly of an illness. I am so sorry. I hope the memories of what you had sustain you. Most of you however, still have your mothers. Have you called her lately? Sent her an e mail just to say hi? Have you taken her out to lunch or told her how much she means to you? Maybe you are not at a good spot with you mother. Let it go and call her. My goodness life is too short to hold those ill feelings. She gave you birth for crying out loud! You wouldn't be here today without her! That is something isn't it?
Mothers are awesome. They have listened to us laugh, cry and whine. They are there to call if we are upset and will stand by you no matter what. Jenn (my sister) and I were talking yesterday about how much mom has been there for us and how much we love her and how sometimes we feel badly because we go off on everything that is happeing in OUR life and maybe forget to talk about what is going on in hers. How self centered is that?
I highly recommend you tell your mom just how special she is to you....hey it's not even mothers day! She will probably pass out! If your mother is gone, call a surrogate mother or an aunt or a friend! Either way...SOMEONE's day will be made!
Thank God for mothers.....
And thank God I have 3 weeks off chemo!
ps...pictures will be updated in a few days

Monday, September 6, 2004 2:04 PM CDT

"Call upon me in your times of trouble; I will rescue you so that you can give Me glory." Psalm 50...I keep running across that verse and really feel drawn to it.
I find myself claiming so many of His promises lately. I cannot tell you how bizarre it is to see them pop up in different scenarios. Songs, books, devotionals, conversations, cards, phone calls.... I feel led to share them.
First and foremost "All things are possible with God". Are you in a desperate situation? Finances? Work? A relationship gone south? Are YOU trying to fix it or are you letting the one that can really help in on it? We have GOT to keep our eyes on God. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. Are you not stepping out because you are afraid? Fear is nasty. It can really eat at us. I just spent a little time this morning crying because I was nervous about some of the experiences I am having and how I feel. (I had a sureal feeling at a party last night, which I hadn't had in awhile; and have had some more headaches of course that is always scary when you don't have them for awhile, feel worn down with a low blood count etc...)
I quickly grabbed one of my devotionals (Oswald Chambers my Utmost for His Highest journal) read today's piece and wouldn't you know....."NEVER FOCUS YOUR EYES ON THE OBSTACLE OR THE DIFFICULTY......and REMEMBER TO STAY FOCUSED ON THE SOURCE"
I reminded myself that I am so fortunate that I have made it thus far with minor difficulties. I spoke with several people that have GBM's and are legally blind, paralyzed etc....Bret reminded me yesterday at church that we MUST keep our eyes on God. That is the ONLY way. If I didn't it would be like me saying...."Um...I got it God... I think I can take this one by myself...I really don't think you can handle this one."
Remember when Peter walked on water because he was focused on Jesus? The moment he took his eyes off of Him he sunk. That was me this morning....sinking. For a small moment in time, I took my eyes off of who was in control.
I sat in deep thought and wondered: 'Am I only staying so positive because I am doing so well? What if I wasn't fairing as well as some of the people I spoke with. Could I stay so focused and do so well? I hope so, but I don't know. And that scared me. It reminded me that there is ALWAYS somebody out there that is worse off than you. No matter what you are experiencing in your life. Maybe you are without a job...well....at least you have skills to get one. Maybe you can't afford that new outfit...well...do you have money for clothes? Maybe you can't afford a house...well....you have a roof over your head. Maybe I have terminal brain cancer....but I FEEL better than most people that have what I have.....
It can always be worse guys. So I stopped my pity party VERY quickly. I got up and went for a great hour long walk and praised God for the ability to walk.
My life is forever changed. I claim the promise that God made that He will rescue me so that I can give Him the Glory. Pretty bold hmmm? It is tough for people to do that. I take the risk of looking like a "Holy Roller" or whatever....obviously I don't care. I am still the Kate that you know....and yet better. (New and improved!)
Well....Wednesday is the last day. I joked with someone the other day about the door that is a foot thick. They come in to the room set up the beam and then leave as the thick door whammo....shuts. Then they come in, rearrange the machine and blocks and same thing. As you are lying on that table you think...'OK how bad IS this, they have to leave the room and be separated from this potent machine with a door the thickness of a computer screen and I get 3 zaps every day! What in the world is it doing to my brain!!!???' Yikes. I killed enough brain cells in college thank you very much. By the way, I am wearing a UWEC alumni hat in one of the pictures with Dr. Hanahan. My dear friend Mary sent it for me. She assures me that I earned it. In fact Pioneer Paul probably chipped in!
By the way I saw that Wendla is making me a scrap book and wanted any old pictures and stories. I think I need to approve them if they are coming from any UWEC people! Ha ha
My mom comes out Wed. We are going to get our toes done as a special treat. I need to remove the cancer ribbon on my toes before my next scan. I guess those crystals have metal in them. I had this hysterical picture of my toes flying towards the magnet for the MRI. I Guess we need to go back to red with polka dots!
I think we all need to be more bold. I had a wonderful lady come up to me at church and tell me that because of my journal she has decided to be bold and put a neighborhood party together for the 1st time. She stepped out. I have another very dear friend who is being more bold about her faith. Why shouldn't we? Remember.....Bold is beautiful! Bold is good! Be bold! It is the new black.....
Check for pictures tonight!

Friday, September 3, 2004 9:26 AM CDT

Sept 30th.
What am I going to say? GOOD QUESTION!
This public speaking stuff is a lot of work! Ha ha.
Actually I am just going to give my testimony. I prayed about what theme to use and the verse that kept popping into my head was 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My Grace is sufficient for you" (Did I tell you this already? As I am writing it seems oddly familiar. As Yogi Berra would say: 'It is De ja vu all over again!') Sorry if I did....remember I DO have issues with memory. I tried to pawn off not remembering somebody's name the other day on my situation and my friend totally called me on it and said 'Yea right....you were awful at that before!'
Ya gotta love friends. I love it that nobody is treating me any differently. THANK YOU for that. I am not contagious..(Actually YOU all are...so back off with my low blood counts! Ha ha)
You know what is funny though about the whole speaking thing. I am looking forward to jotting things down about it. I haven't put exacts on paper yet. I have spent more time reading scriptures and devotional books than ever before. I didn't realize that most of my prayers before were usually on the fly. Driving to work etc....shooting up quick prayers. Those are definitely awesome, but I didn't take time to shut out the world and be quiet. Those of you that meditate know what I am talking about. It makes a difference. Distractions in our world come in droves. Right now I hear the birds and the fridge, the computer....these are all basic sounds. Think about being out in the WORLD and trying to devote time to this! AAAHHHH
I used to think I was so efficient doing everything that I was so involved in 1/2 way! I look back and go 'Nice Kate...you were like the Tazmanian devil! Whirling around mock 10 with my hair on fire accomplishing a lot...but not as well as I probably could have!' (Hindsight is always 20/20 right?)
Speaking of Whirling.....
Remember that I told you we get a VIP tour of NASA? Well Leslie told us that the simulators we are going in look and feel EXACTLY like the inside of the crew station (cockpit)! You have to climb high up to get in, strap yourselves into the seats just as if you were flying a real shuttle! It is so high-fidelity once you are in you cannot tell the difference between the real thing and the trainer. We will probably go on an ascent (launch) and then do a RTLS (return to launch site) where we launch into orbit and turn around and fly back to the Cape! She absolutely guaranteed this would be the experience of a lifetime! I am so excited I can harldy stand it. I of course posed the quesiton to my onc (Dr. Ian Anderson)in a little bit of a sales pitch.....'So...since I am feeling and DOING so well....it PROBABLY wouldn't be a big deal if I (putting my hand to my mouth so it was mumbled and he didn't QUITE understand what I was asking) go up in simulator space shuttle deal.......(Remember Happy Days when Ritchie was asked what Fraternity he pledged and he said Mamapapasister....really fast? like that..ha ha)
I joke of course, but he said I could go. I THINK he was a bit jealous. As most of you guys are now reading this aren't you!!!!!!Do NOT covet thy neighbor's experiences...ha ha
I had to ask because I cannot scuba dive right now.
Dr. Anderson checked for swelling yesterday because I did have a few headaches and my face is retaining a lot of fluids (my mask is hard to clip down and leaves marks on me when I am done every day...I told them we need to buy flavored spray for my lips if it is going to be that tight! Katrina said my eyelashes poke through the netting. Nice look I have going every day!)
NO SWELLING! Yea....no steroids then.
Blood dropped. (Surprise Surprise)
WBC is down to 2.2 My Neutraphils are down to 1.1 (Lower than when they called the 1st time telling me to stop taking my chemo) But I am ok.... I only have 1 more week and then I can take a break from that stuff for a few weeks! Yea. By the time my body gets back to normal...I get to start chemo again.....When I said something better is on the horizon for me that is NOT what I had in mind!
Still doing incredibly well.
I will put the pictures of my Santa Rosa doctors on the website by tomorrow night.
Have a safe Labor Day weekend! Have a blast!I will write again the beginning of next week.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:12 AM CDT

WHEW...School started for the kids yesterday and we were so busy I think an entire week happened in 24 hours! Soccer practices, scrimages, Dr's appt for Colin, Church council meeting for Bri and my typical stuff.....I fell in bed exhausted yesterday. Pastor Bret had a great message about this at church. Fall hits and we all hit the ground running! We over commit to things we THINK we need to be doing. I challenge you to prioritize and to say no to some of the things that pop up. If it is robbing you from the time you need with your family or from God...don't do it! Why do we get out of kilter so easily? Are we afraid we won't look like super woman or man if we say no? Who cares?! I have ALWAYS had a hard time with this. Not any more! You know what has happened? People actually have said 'I think that is great. I wish I could say/do that!'
What is holding you back?
By the way the entire staff at Rieble is the best in the world. Sorry..I am biased, but I am blown away by them! I LOVE them!
Another group I am blown away by is my church (Spring Hills) They have been praying for me non-stop. In fact they did a special prayer service Sunday evening for me that brought me to tears. I cannot tell you how much it means to have them right there with me. My favorite song right now is by "Casting Crowns" It is called "Who Am I?"
I have listened to it all week. GO GET THAT CD! (A very special person gave it to me) Glen actually did it on Sunday and sounded just as good! (even better) I feel like it was written for me. Part of the words say :
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt...etc....
then the chorus:
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still you hear me when I'm calling
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling
And you've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am yours....
It goes on....
I know soome of you are thinking...'I thought you said you couldn't remember anything!'
I cheated. I have the words right here...(I LOVE it when they do that.)
SO you see....I haven't needed a support group yet! You guys have been lifting me up with your cards, your e mails, and your guest book entries. It is truly the only way I have gotten through this so far. My prayer for us is that when this dwindles (as all crisis situations do) that Brian and I can continue to get our support and peace and strength from God. He always brings something better though doesn't He? I mentioned Glen. He is the most talented musician I know. A few years ago we lost our music guy and I was devestated. I was so worried because I loved the music etc....Brian was so calm saying..'Kate. God will bring a long someone else' (Me)...'No..we are KNOWN for our music. I don't think we will find someone as good...etc..etc..etc.. (So trusting hmmm?)
Well...in walk Glen and Tanya from Canada. WOWIE. It is like a concert every week. I kid you not. I know some of you are in a traditional environment on Sunday. We rock the house. And I LOVE it. Yes..it is a Christian (Bible based) church. No....just because we are in California it is not a cult. I will NOT be headed to Jamestown any time in the future. Ha ha It is just a bit more casual.
My point being....We are so silly about change. NO NO>>>we CANNOT CHANGE! It will be bad! That is so ridiculous because it is always ok. Remember? God will work it out for the good for all that love Him. Glen is just an example.
So am I afraid right now? No. Something is on the horizon. It is ALWAYS Better remember?
Have a great week and don't over commit!

Saturday, August 28, 2004 9:27 AM CDT

So I am sitting in the waiting room of the cancer center for my labs Thursday....and I hear this loud ship's bell ringing. I immediately look up and want to congratulate the person that just made a sale! I start clapping and then I realize I am NOT in my office at Lifetouch. (My good friend Mike Christman bought me one 10 years ago and we use it for all the sales and the good things in the office) I shook my head a little bit like "Woah....NOT in my office (no red walls clued me in)....and I looked over and saw the cutest little old lady (o.k. I KNOW that is politically incorrect...but I am going for the visual here)SOOOO excited. You get to ring the bell on your last day of treatments. Everyone up there was very excited for her.
Then I sat there and thought.
We are such creatures of habit. What does she do now?
The familiar, good or bad, will become just a memory for her. I thought about Sept 8. I will ring that same bell. I will be thrilled. I also might feel alone. Now what?
I have been up there every day for over a month now. I know everyone and everyone knows me. In fact the lab ladies told me I stated the yellow cancer bracelet frenzy up there and there is a sign up for them in the back room. (I guess they are STILL back ordered!)
Then what do I do? I have been such a puppet lately. So many people have told me where to go, what to take and when...what will I do without the direction I have had for the past couple of months. It was an adjustment to that! Those of you that know me know I am very independent and make a million decisions within 10 seconds.....bam bam bam....I have been reduced to take these pills at this time etc.....Yuck.
OK...a tad bit over dramatic.(Who me?) It is not THAT bad. Just a bit different. Today I grieve my "old life" which I so loved! I wish I could get into a car and drive to where I want to go. Even the beach for crying out loud. I have to wait until Brian can go or someone else can take me. If I run out of sugar, I cannot jump in the car and go grab some. I have been very patient with this the past 4 months! Please do not take the fact that you have independence for granted today. Or any day. It is a very special thing.
And....of course...what do I do? I look for the lesson in this. I think God needed to slow me down. I have a VERY difficult time accepting. We all do don't we? It is so much easier to give. I LOVE giving. I am learning to accept. I remember that God blesses those that give and I don't want to rob anyone of that wonderful blessing. my neighbor April took my kids to soccer practice for Brian last week. That act of kindness helped as much as anything we have gotten. My rides to radiation, care with my kids. People have even offered to scrub my bathrooms so I don't get septic with such a low WBC! Now THAT is servanthood! (I DO have a 5 year old boy! ha ha)
Well....I just brought myself around again. I KNEW that tangent wouldn't last. Brian just left for Krispy Kremes for the neighborhood block sale (yea right...good excuse Bri)and I didn't have anyone to vent to...Nothing like doing it to thousands across the country! Yeesh.
I think I will get a knock on my door some day and they will say "I logged on to your website...you need some SERIOUS help girl" And take me away.... So if you see some secret encrypted signs that spell out SOS...send help!
We have dates set! Finally.
We are getting into see Dr. Henry Freidman at Duke Wed Oct 6 and Thursday Oct 7. We will also hit MD Anderson Friday the 8th. I think we will try and see Dr. Howard Fein in Bethesda MD (NCI) Tuesday before that. The COOLEST part of this whole informative trip will be our own VIP tour of NASA when we are in Houston! My cousin Leslie and her husband David work there! Their friend Debbie (Also a cancer survivor)will join us and take us to see the simulators and the control room! Please don't ask.....of COURSE I will say 'Houston we've got a problem'! Every ridiculous tourist does right?
Don't tell Brian, but I think the ONLY reason he has agreed to this whirlwind tour of specialists is because we get to go on that tour! Do I know how to dangle that carrot or what? There is a REASON it is at the END of the week!
Well....I better hit the cul de sac. We always have these and just end up with each others stuff! 'Oh...cool! You are getting rid of THAT!?' "Yeah..man..go ahead and just take it....." We never do well financially but we have a great time and hey...the stuff is new to us!
Enjoy the weekend!
Go drive around. Not that you need to......just because you CAN!

Thursday, August 26, 2004 5:32 PM CDT

Brian and I were lying in bed this week and he asked me if the "lemon law" worked with wives too..not just cars. I told him after 12 years even if it DID apply, he was stuck with his "damaged merchandise". Besides...shame on him for not clueing in to our health record..both parents with cancer...you do the math! Ha ha. Praise God for our sense of humor!
Riley and Colin went to Marine World with neighbors this week. They had a blast. Riley being a typical 9 year old kept asking her Dad 'Where are you going to take mom? A movie? bowling?' She didn't quite understand how nice it would be for mom to nap and relax without being up with the kids!
I have learned to despise the phrase "What if?". In my life, "What if?" is usually followed by unnecessary worry. I tend to worry. (Could be what caused my cancer) You wouldn't know it. I keep it in. I blow things off well too, but I worry. I found myself in bed the other night in the middle of the night (hate that) awake and thinking "what if"......what if my scan isn't clear on the 27th?.....what if it IS my time and I really can't beat this? What it if beat this now and it comes back like most GBM's do? I was really afraid. I don't want to die. I have GOT to live. Some of you have responded that there is no way I can keep positive. You know what? 99% of the time I am. Honestly I am. However, sometimes in the middle of the night...like a thief in the night....the enemy can plant that seed of doubt...and it can destroy you. I always overcome it, but when it grabs me it scares the hell out of me.
I remembered the other day why I don't deal with stats every day. Katrina sent a fabulous e mail to Oprah for me and the 1st paragraph HAD to grab her attention. It grabbed mine. It reminded me that it is the fastest growing human cancer that strikes only 17,000 people a year. Most people live less than 250 days WITH surgical intervention, radiation, and chemotherapy. YIKES.
I will stick to survivor stories thank you very much!
Those stats can strip you from your hope. I have hope. Every being in my body has hope and that is what will keep me alive. I promise you. I will stand here on my 5th year celebration July 1 2009 (A date that has become more important than my birthday...July 1...every July 1 I will be partying!)And say....I don't know what I will say... I almost wrote in your face....but that seems weird too!
Physically still doing fabulous....really....wait until you see me. In fact Riley had her Girl Scout fly up celebration today at Windsor Water Works and I hit every water slide several times with the girls. I can PROMISE you I was the only brain cancer patient on those puppies today. What a blast. I was doing the yawhooos...louder than anyone too! I think they wanted to kick me out! Needless to say we had a blast and I went home at 1 to take an extra long nap today! The very sweet Girl Scout troop 176 honored me today as a former Girl Scout and they all made me the most gorgeous cards with flowers and scripture verses all over them....I was so touched I cried. Janet Bishop is incredible. Buy cookies from THEM this year people!
My blood levels looked great! Most things went UP!!!! (That spinach worked) My white blood count DID drop though...booo Neutraphils dropped to 1.36....yikes....I think I will need to buy that dumb white mask people wear. (Anyone know Michael Jackson's phone number?) I am such a hugger it is KILLING me to not do that...I am a tad bit worried about the school year coming up and all the germs the kids will bring home. After my break from the 8th I go on the 5/28 day cycle of temodor (my chemo) and we double the dosage so my counts will be affected all year. I have been researching some things like poly-mva and other things that might help.
I want to leave you with 1 reminder. I do not have ANY special powers, magic, or WHATEVER you think. I have no training in seminary (obviously..I am so bad with quoting scripture)psychology, counseling....ETC...
PLEASE do NOT ..I repeat..do NOT quit your jobs unless you discuss it with you spouse, do not take all of your savings and blow it on that dream vacation....or go to Guam and become a ...become a....I don't even know what they DO in Guam ...maybe fish?....My POINT IS THIS....I just ramble on this page. I think this page has taken on a life of it's own. I just pour out my heart and soul hoping you guys get updated and can figure out how I am doing as I BABBLE!
I take twists and turns on this and I can't even follow myself! I exhaust myself trying to keep up!
I have had the sweetest e mails saying this is like their summer read! They cannot get enough of it. Scary...but I understand the interest of human drama....(I DO have a drama Queen as a 9 year old)I write this because I got an e mail from a friend today that said I had influenced a gal to quit a high powered job and she took a riskier job for many reasons. I am sure it will work out, and I am THRILLED she did it...I just don't want her husband to have my physical address in case it goes south....ha ha...I am totally kidding. It freaked me a tad bit..I need to be honest. So I felt compelled to write a disclaimer in small print....only I cannot control the size of the font...
I can't control a lot in my life I am finding....the font is only 1 of them.
I will check in with you guys this weekend!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:08 AM CDT

Are you living your dream?
Or just living your life?
That is what Bruce Wilkinson asks in his book 'The Dream Giver'. My friend Judy gave me this book. It starts out as a parable and is a VERY easy read. You can do it in a couple of hours. The main idea is breaking away and doing what you REALLY want to do. Are you following your dream? Your passion? God has really planned an incredible journey for us....are you on it?
I ask this because several of you have e mailed me and told me that you have even re-thought your jobs since this has happened to me. You know...the old "life-is-to-short-to-be-stuck-doing-this" cliche.....is it really a cliche?????
In it he has several stages to leave your comfort zone.
1 is in the wasteland. The purpose of the wasteland is to prepare you to become the person who can succeed at your dream. A season of preperation. Then comes the sanctuary. It is a special place and time in your life. A time of rest. The author said 'Sometimes we don't heed God's invitation to rest-and He has to press it upon us. I remember a time when sickness forced me to slow down and receive the restoration I desperately needed. The water of restoration prepares you for what comes next.'
In one thought (o.k. maybe 2, since I can't do that very well any more) I went yep....that is me..and oh oh...what is coming next?)
My point is, if you are thinking 'There has got to be more out there' I suggest you start with this book (no I don't get any cuts) and go from there!
Yes....it is true....the wonderful , talented, and very fun, Mimi Bell(from De Kroon in San Francisco) fought traffic and made a house call last night to make my hair presentable once again. We love her so much.
Still feeling well. I see the Dr. again today. Still working out every day which is a miracle. Riley asked me yesterday "Mom, when do you think you will start feeling sick?" Is that great or what? She doesn't really think about the fact that I have a minor upset tummy sometimes and knows I nap every day, but I do it when they are busy doing something so she does'nt really pay attention to it.
ok....confession time. I downed a whole toblerone candy bar within 2 days. I have been watching processed sugar just in case it really does feed a tumor and I bought one at Trader Joes and it was gone by the next day. This is the perfect example of why dieters should not deprive themselves from stuff. A tiny bit won't kill you! Have the desert ladies, just a tiny piece. Ha ha
Last night I spoke with the fiance of a GBM lady and felt this intense emotion. #1, I was devestated for them. She has had so many complications 2 brain surgeries, she got a blood clot in her lung (which I guess is common for GBM people, which makes me a LITTLE nervous since we found out I am factor five Leiden during this whole thing) She has weakness on one whole side and her radiation has left her so weak she cannot even get out of a chair without help. Then #2 I was brought to me knees with thankfulness. I cannot believe how well I am doing.
My friends Dave and Judy McBane just sent me another Maya Angelou card. I will leave you with what it said:
I can be CHANGED by what happens to me.
I refuse to be REDUCED by it.
In the face of such uncertainty, believe in these two things-
you are stronger than you think, and you are not alone.
I KNOW I am not alone. Thanks to you I don't think anyone in the history of a GBM has had as much support and loving prayers from around the country as I do now. YOU are the reason I am fairing this so well. For that I am eternally greatful.

Sunday, August 22, 2004 9:03 PM CDT

"People are at their human best when people are in need"
I just read that quote in the paper from a Red Cross spokesperson. She was referring to all of the kind people that have helped each other on the East Coast.
I feel that way too right now. You people just could not get any better.
Well...judging on the mai tai consumption at the luau last night I could have made a killing selling my Zofran tablets (Anti-nausea meds)this morning! I wonder if that would work? Kris (neighbor) just came over and asked if we were part of the practical joke of the life size chess piece that made it into her bed last night(yes...the horse head)Some of you are laughing. Some of you need to be reminded about the Godfather. Very funny.
I did announcements at church again today for the 1st time in a long time. It felt so good to be back up there. I had a little fun with the congregation off the bat (of course) I said "You guys look great from up here! Of course I have NO CLUE who any of you are! You look somewhat familiar....."etc...
They are great.
My friend Natalie (Rat) just sent me a card with some very old pictures from when we lived in London. Typical memory. We are all holding a lager and falling off the chairs laughing! What fun. (I of course had a face so full that it looked like I was on steroids then! Yikes. what was I thinking!?)
I am updating the pics tonight for you. I am tired of the mohawk.
Short update. Continue to feel fine. Praise God.
It is ALL due to your faithfulness in praying. I don't know what I would do without you.
Last week before the kids head to school! Enjoy.......

Friday, August 20, 2004 5:06 PM CDT

"I'm gonna walk by faith....not by sight" A great song on K-Love (My favorite Christian radio station) right now as I sit down to update you!
I know you are going to think that I just did this so I can write it in my journal, but after radiation, Colin and I walked to the blackberry bushes (only a mile) to get enough for a pie! I attempt one every year for Brian. I gotta admit, it is by far the UGLIEST pie I have ever attempted!(I love to cook , but I HATE to bake) Man! I won't go into detail to explain WHY it happened. I am going to assume it tastes just as good. It looks like a bomb dropped off in the kitchen though. How can 1 person possibly create such a mess? It is one of those things I will never know the answer too! (That and where my daughter's socks go)
My blood work looks pretty good. Everything did drop, but just slightly. My White blood cells went from 3.17 to 2.86. (Normal range is 4.6-10.2)
My neutraphils went from 1.74 down to 1.57 (Normal is 2.0-6.90)
RBC are still acceptable but will probably go down out of range next week (More spinach please!) My HCT is out of range too but not by far. So all good in my opinion!
By the way-I found my missing hair.
It migrated south to rest in between my eyebrows. I now have close to a unabrow! I don't look into my magnifying mirror any more since I don't put any make up on and I forgot to pluck my eyebrows! I look Henry Kissinger!
At least it is not on my back. Then you would have to shoot me.
Got my MRI set up. Monday Sept 27th 7:30 am at UCSF (CHina Basin campus) then Meet with Dr. Prados (my NOC) at 10 am! yikes...I am a little nervous already. That scan will determine my whole future! We will see if my treatments worked, if it is gone, if it is still here.....etc!
The following week we will hit Duke, NCI and MD Anderson with the scan in hand. (Those of you that have given to the "Friends of Kate" fund I really appreciate it. It is helping me seek out the best medical advice we can.)
We are going to my neighbor Steven's going away party tomorrow. He got accepted to NYU! It is a luau. (I'd go as Don Ho, but he had a full head of hair!)
I had a dear friend write to me and tell me that my life trial is putting a lot of things into perspective for her, as well as for a lot of people. Do you know what is so ironic? My favorite saying from my dad was "Kate, keep it in perspective."
We ALL have trials in our lives. Each and every day! Maybe it is something as silly as traffic, but we have trials.
I am greatful for this because it has taken me out right at the knees, knocked the wind out of me, and PUT me on my knees...right where I need to be. Remember the beginning of this update? "I'm gonna walk by FAITH...FAITH...NOT by sight." I have NO CLUE what is on the horizon for me.
My mom sent me a great little card that reminds me each and every day to:
Trust-in His timing
Rely-on His promises
Wait-for His answers (hard one for me)
Believe-in His Miracles
Rejoice-in His goodness
Relax-in His presence.
Come near to God and He will come near to you. (James 4:8)
I will update the pics by Sunday night....with my new hair!
Have fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:11 PM CDT

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and proclaiming.....WOW! WHAT A RIDE!"
Gina (my sister in law) sent me that today.
Do you ever feel like that?
What a ride indeed.
Had my weekly meeting with Dr. Hanahan (my radiologist) again today. We don't talk much about me since I am doing quite well. We end up discussing his motorcycle collection and his family. I learn quite a great deal about my doctors that is for sure. Nice guy.
He did remind me that though I am 1/2 way done, it is cumulative and I will feel side affects as we go along. He is extremely pleased that I can continue to work out every day. It is doing wonders for me. I am very anxious to see my blood counts Thursday. I will fill y'all in Friday or Saturday.
I am almost completely bald on top now with a tuff of hair dead center in the middle. I swear I look like the harry chrishnas (I have NO clue how to spell that) from the 70's in the airports....
Rumor has it Mimi (my hairdresser) is looking into making a house call for me to see what she can do. Talk about a fashion emergency. I have all of my hair from the scar (midway) back and it has a good 1 1/2 inch grow out of dark hair. I also have a patch left above each ear that I tuck behind my ears. Bri keeps giggling when he looks at me and calls me "Tom". He thinks I look exactly like my dad. Colin has no clue. I am not sure if he even knows my hair is gone! Riley is a bit more sensitive to it. I can tell she looks up at it sometimes and I wonder what she thinks. She does well though. She is eyeing up all of my lovely new hats and scarves. Thanks so much to all of you kind people.
Speaking of house calls. Cindy from Simply Skin came to my house and picked me up for a service I needed done and then Nancy from Fandango (Thee best pedicure gal around) came there and took me to her salon to get a pedicure! Is that service or what? Not only are they the best at what they do, but thee neatest ladies I know. We did a rhinestone cancer ribbon on each toe today! Fun huh?
Colin and I were just spending time in the hammock together and we were discussing our days and I told him the absolute best part of my day was right here and right now swinging in the hammock just the 2 of us in the warm summer evening smelling the neighbors' grill.
The little things. It cost me nothing but some time and patience. How often do we miss these precious moments because we are in a rush. Maybe we were dying to read the mail or answer some phone calls or e mails. Most of that stuff can wait until they go to bed! I am so mad at myself for so many missed moments like that in the past that I didn't take advantage of. Our busyness gets the best of us doesn't it? What a shame. It could be so simple and yet we complicate it to the best of our abilities. Do you think our kids or family or friends really care if we have the best of everything? How many times have you opted not to have people over for lunch or dinner or drinks because you didn't have a clean house or didn't have the right thing to cook or or or......who cares? I tell people "Step over the kids' toys in the middle of the floor and come out back!' We will throw something together to eat in awhile. I have never been disappointed with the conversations that took place in those evenings. People don't remember how clean your house was or what you even served for dinner!!! They really don't. They remember the laughter and the conversations.
Oopsie.....I think I just went off on another tangent. My bad. Hope I didn't lose you in that rambling.
I need to stop typing anyway. I hear a baseball game in my cul-de-sac and I am not out there yet.........take time for the little things.......
Like my friend Larry Mayo said "Everything will be ok in the end. If it is not ok then it's not the end!"

Sunday, August 15, 2004 5:40 PM CDT

I will share a little secret with you. My memory has NEVER been good. Now....it is even worse. SO..if I repeat myself or ask dumb questions, please... just roll with it. I am not sure if it is chemo brain (a REAL thing) the brain surgery I had, the radiation or what, but man I scare myself sometimes! I cannot memorize scripture very well, but I always (enthusiastically) know what I feel and what I want to say. Last journal entry I spoke candidly about the Holy Spirit and the joy I have found being still and listening to it....well....for factual back up on what I was trying to say check out 2 Corinthians chapter 4 (especially vs 7-18)..while you have taken the time to lick your fingers and page through that thin paper (What is that paper anyway? Not California Redwood trees!) Read chpt 6 too. Good stuff.
So...did you mosey on to the LOVELY pictures yet? That was 3 days ago. This took ALOT more effort than I thought! The thing about doing a mohawk is one thing, but it took me ALOT more time and effort than I originally thought. 1st, after I got back from the gym I decided to hurry and hair spay it up so I could then shower and be done with the whole process before my kids came back from Sacramento. (Riley might freak on the whole hair loss thing)I grab my bottle of Firmata (Aveda)aka super glue and it doesn't even pump! I haven't used hair care products in months....so I have to go through the pain of warm watering the whole darn thing to make it pump! Then...I had to cut 2 inches of hair because it would have been way too long to stand up. (So now I have that hair all over as well) As I am forming it into my nice little peak, I realize I have a TON of hair in my hand..(duh..pulling on it will make it fall out faster) then...I realize it doesn't just come off since it is like super glued to my hand now! During this fiasco the hairspray all of the sudden is BURNING my head where I receive treatment! (Mental headslap..the radiologist said don't even use fragrance shampoo etc..which is kind of funny if you think about it because I don't recall ever seeing unscented shampoo..and why would you want it? You have seen that Clairol commercial right? Scented shampoo is my motivation to get out of bed in the morning!) I digress.....
Well, we did get some fast shots before I dove in the shower to rinse it off. I need to hurry and take some more pictures though. Those scare me a little!
I am 1/2 way through my 1st round of treatments!!!! Yahoo.
I am not going to Duke this upcoming weekend. Katrina and Brian and I decided it would be best to go right when I am done, after my MRSI scan in a month or so. The last week of Sept probably. We will take a few days and hit MD Anderson (Houston) NCI (National Cancer Institute) in Bethesda, MD (See Dr. Ian Anderson's friend Howard Fein in charge of the brain tumor dept) and hook up with Henry Freidman at Duke. Then we can make it an educational week and decide what route we want to take. Katrina and I will be going to Boston the last weekend in Oct for the Brain Tumor Society symposium. Freidman is actually a keynote speaker.
I am fully anticipating that my MRSI in Sept will be clean. Since most GBM's have a high recurrence rate, I need to be set for what lies ahead. If I still have signs of residual disease even after my radiation and chemo....well.... there will be a whole new sense of urgency. Then we form plan B.
I am a plan B kinda gal though....ask my husband.
Another busy week. Colin has soccer camp and Riley has girl scout camp and I try and find rides to make it happen. I have not driven a car in 4 months now! Hopefully in 2 months I can get behind the wheel again. I guess I have to take a driving test again though. Last time I did that (16) I wore my cheerleading outfit because I had to go directly to the game. My friends said it was a bribery thing. I fully disagreed. I think if I showed up in a cheerleading outfit this time they would have me locked up. You think?
Have a great week. I need to go catch a ride to a thrift store........

Thursday, August 12, 2004 10:26 PM CDT

Couple of thoughts today.
This whole hair loss thing is a bit of an annoyance. It comes down to the age old argument on loss. Those of us that have lost a parent, a child, a pet etc...is it more bareable quickly?(To grieve quickly) or prolonged (to savour every bit of time we have left) Neither is ever easy....there is no right answer to that question.
BUT....I AM SHEDDING LIKE A LONG HAIRED CAT/DOG/YOU FILL IN THE BLANK! This is exactly why we do not own an indoor pet! (That and we travel too much plus ....our fish don't do too well) I now have piles of hair everywhere. I push my bangs back and pull out hair! Not to mention the shower just now! I freaked out after I managed to get all of the soap out of my eyes I looked down and nearly knocked myself unconscience getting away from the "mouse" that got in the shower...oops....no mouse....(Is my hair really that color?Yeesh) I hope drano does what it promises! ..Hopefully I will be done soon!
GOOD NEWS! My labs today indicated that my WBC went up from 2.8 to 3.1 and my neutraphils went UP from 1.2 to 1.7! I am still out of range, but they went up!
I am still feeling pretty good. I had a little "episode" at the gym yesterday. (Which by the way my neighbor Jenny gave me some lysol wipes and I took them and wiped down my machine BEFOREHAND and I got some looks like 'All right stupid, you wipe the machine off AFTER the workout'. ANOTHER reminder that things are not always as they appear. We cannot judge people because we do not always know the full circumstances!)
I think I just had low blood sugar and ate a banana which I brought with me. Another wild thing. I have NEVER taken food to the gym before. Something (Holy spirit) told me to grab food that day. Thank God I had that! Jenny happened to be in a class there and she drove me home afterwards.
Speaking of the Holy Spirit....I had a GREAT conversation with my dear friend Linda Connelly from church. She mentioned that some of the happiest people she knows are cancer survivors. We talked about my situation and seeing me she sees incredible evidence of our living God. It is a gift. It is truly the ONLY thing that gives me what you all see in my updates. My strength, my sense of humor, and my peace. It is NOT Kate. If I relied on me..I would be hands up in surrender position like the Iraqi army! God's Grace is there. When you are put in situations like this you are more aware of your need therefore lean on HIM at ALL times!
My hope is, that when I beat this thing.....I can hold on to this joy. There is nothing like the feeling of protection that I feel right now.
Lastly, we had our season kick off party last night. Our great staff had an iron on of my mug (face) on their shirts. They are the best. I miss them so much. I have the privilege of working with FRIENDS. Do you ever have those friends that you love and it is always fun to see them and you might not see them for awhile and then you see them and think "MAN...I MISS them! They are SO GREAT!" That is what I felt last night. I LOVE those guys and miss them so much. I told them I would try and come in to play bingo Monday with them soon. (We play bingo over the intercom on Mondays to shake it up a bit and give out prizes. Bri trys...God love 'em...but he will forget and then call 8 out in a row really fast...then forget again....you can see the pattern.)
I know I am not very eloquent with my entries. I just sit down and write. Many of you have emailed me though and told me that you can HEAR me talking. Somebody even found themselves answering my rhetorical questions! (They are in counseling now) That is just me. I have so many of you great people I call friends. My dad was the same way. He always wanted the following on his tombstone: "Tom McCartney was a wealthy man. He didn't have a lot of money, but he had a lot of friends."
I think I am wealthy too. (And I don't mean financially!)

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:07 PM CDT

Well....it has happened. Hair is coming out! YIKES.
I was at the gym after my radiation treatment and was doing some arm work on the exercise ball (for core body work as well)Yes....we type A's even multi task at the gym! Saves time! I sat up after a set and picked up my Wisconsin Badgers hat (How is that for a visual) and swiped my hand through my hair and came up with a nice big clump! I think my face must have looked like that kid from Home Alone and I threw my cap on pretty quickly and tried not to cry. (I was pretty sure that most of the muscle heads by the weights were not accustomed to any tears in that area...unless of course a 50 LB weight dropped on their toe, so I maintained my cool and thought 'o.k! You KNEW this was coming! It is all right! A small price to pay to win this battle.' None the less...when it happens it is still a shock.
Bri was pretty cute this morning when I got out of the shower and saw a lot in the drain. He held me and said 'For richer or poorer, for sickness or health....I don't care as long as I have you here and alive.' Am I blessed or what?
Boy, when you are younger you don't think you will really have these times of testing in your marriage do you. You think the biggest challenge you will face is what color the couch should be!
Praise God I married the man I did. It is true..HE IS SOVEREIGN
I am still on the chemo and do another blood test Thursday to make sure my neutraphils have not dipped too low. I still feel good. I really do. We meet with Dr. Ian Anderson Thursday to talk about plan B when I am done.
Looks like Sept 8th is my last day of radiation and chemo for 2 weeks. Then I will do another MRI at UCSF around the 22 or 23 (waiting to schedule that) we will talk with Dr. Prados (my noc here) and fly out to Duke again to speak with Henry Freidman to see what he thinks we should do next and then we make a decision.
Katrina is firming up plans for a jet for the 20th and 21st of the month to fly to Duke and meet Henry face to face so the next time we go, we can concentrate on the important stuff. I will do another update when that is all confirmed.
The kids went to Kevin and Alane's place for 2 days (My bro and sister in law) that will be nice for them to play with the cousins. It will be nice for me not to have to find a place to farm them out for an hour in the afternoons too!

As I was in the gym yesterday lifting, I thought to myself "This is not normal behavior for someone that has terminal cancer. It just isn't. 'THOSE' people are in bed aren't they?"
It really makes me wonder how much of this stuff really can be cured mentally/emotionally.
I promise you I am not in denial. My updates probably sound like I don't believe I have a GBM. I KNOW what I have. I really do. I do know the severity and I do know the stats. I am well aware of all of that. BUT I refuse to live my life like I KNOW any of that. I read something encouraging the other day that said 'There is NO cancer or disease out there that SOMEONE hasn't lived through'
I told you...I am going to be that someone.
Focus on the positive today.
I guarantee it will be a good day.

Saturday, August 7, 2004 8:24 AM CDT

Another glorious morning! California is finally getting summer! (When we leave our fans on all night long!) I thought we would never get there. Here come the HOT days and nights. I am humbled and honored to say that "the village" aka "the ski club" aka our good friends from Brian's youth (AND some of their parents) have given us a very precious gift of central air conditioning! Just in time for afternoon naps! "Thank you" hardly expresses our gratitude. I cannot believe it!
Several of you told me you felt badly for me after that last admission of my raw feelings I wrote about. That certainly was not my intent. 99% of the time I feel o.k. mentally and physically. I REALLY am fairing the radiation and chemo quite well (relatively speaking). I know it has only been 2 weeks and it is a cumulative thing, but as I had the oportunity to exercise every day last week I was so thankful for the ability to do that! I see our amazingly designed bodies cope. It is a miracle what they can do.
The mind body connection is so strong as well. I am just finishing "Getting Well Again" and they talk about mental images and how important of a role they play. For example you pick something blah to represent the cancer (preferably gray in color) something strong to represent the radiation and/or chemo and something mighty to be the White blood cells taking it away.
Speaking of white blood cells. Mine are already pretty low. 2 nights ago I had to stop my chemo for 1 night,because my neutrophils were too low and they needed to talk about what to do. (Bri's version of this phone call 'Ann called and you need to NOT take your temador tonight because your...your....neutra..neutra...sweet? umm...netrua something is too low. Call your onc (which is oncologist) up here') What the heck is that you ask? Well it is part of the wbc that helps me fight off infection. I promised UC that I did not have a fever and I felt fine and I had just finished a run/walk for and hour. We are going to continue chemo and check my blood every Thursday (which we have been doing anyway) to make sure it hasn't dropped even more. People on chemo usually get a drop in wbc but this happened pretty early for me. In MY warped little mind (and I do mean little now) I think that is GOOD because they are all attacking the residual disease left up there! I will just be careful in crowds and hugging etc. (I will turn into that guy from "What About BOB" and wipe down everything I touch....ha ha)Could you see me doing that?!? YIKES
I feel fine. Really.
One funny story and then I need to gather things for a garage sale.
Thursday we get the house cleaned and we have 3 wonderful Mexican ladies that come. (Colin calls them ALL Lupe) I was upstairs ready to take my nap and I hear them all of the sudden talking in the kitchen and one laughed a bit. Not knowing a lick of Spanish (Glad I took all of those years of French in Wisconsin.REALLY useful now!) I didn't know what they were talking about. When I woke up I meandered downstairs to see this huge bag of green weeds that TOTALLY looked like a big bag of POT! I had taken my essaic tea out of it's original paper bag that had the label on it! This had NOTHING! I THINK it is legal for terminal cancer in California (Big surprise there) so they probably thought I bought some! I guess I better label that plastic bag for the benefit of anyone coming over.
Have a glorious weekend.
Look everyone in the eye as you pass this weekend (on the sidewalk in the store etc)and give them a sincere smile and say hello. I did that to a younger kid that looked like he might have some gang ties and totally caught him off guard and he looked surprised! (Used to getting shunned)He didn't give a full smile but definitely looked pleased that someone gave him the time of day. Amazing what a little acknowledgement can do for someone isn't it? We are all so busy, busy, busy rushing around with our heads down not wanting to have any contact with anyone that might slow us down from OUR OWN agenda.
Man....slow down. Our own agenda doesn't mean a THING if we become terminaly ill. All the silly things I used to worry about even 6 months ago mean NOTHING now. What a waste of energy that was.
I just read that 40% of what we worry about on a daily basis never even happens! 40%! That is a complete waste of energy!
SO...this weekend's lesson? Slow down, say hi to everyone you see and...umm....don't worry! (Be HAPPY!...You KNEW that was coming)

Thursday, August 5, 2004 9:17 AM CDT

You guys are so funny.
I got a few phone calls and e mails making sure I was o.k. because I had not updated this yet. The reason it has so many hits is not due to interest.....you all are just not working! GET TO WORK! Ha ha
Physically? I can feel the affects of the radiation and chemo. I definitely am naueseated a lot of the time. Those of you that had morning sickness I think it is similar to that. I am losing interest in food (That is tough to believe) and am choking down a cup of coffee right now (for the caffine and I don't want a headache stopping cold turkey) I do well in the morning energy wise. I go to radiation at 9:30 and then right to the gym so I get my exercise in. I get a nap in the afternoon and do all right until early evening.
I feel the tenderness on my scalp more now. I have to be careful when I wash my hair (yes I still have hair)Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with a slight headache or the feeling like I might throw up, but I quickly try and go to sleep. SO.....so far so good!
my white blood cell count did drop below normal the 1st week(totally normal for someone on chemo)I get my more labs today. My HCT was low too, but not enough to worry about (If I am anemic) My platelets look good though so far!

Enough on the physical.
The mental: Great! Susie and Ron Harvey (Dear friends from Lifetouch) made a video for me from the meeting I missed. It was incredible. I watched it for the 2nd time and was so blown away by how wonderful you all have been. During the fun run so many shirts stood out, AND Mo and Lou wrote on the back of theirs "DON'T GIVE UP....DON'T EVER GIVE UP...." I cried because I realized how much of a mental game this is. My spirits dipped a bit last night when I didn't know if I was going to get sick, I couldn't get back to sleep, my head hurt, etc...and I thought...oh oh...this might be just the beginning! I QUICKLY got those thoughts out of my head and reminded myself that I MUST stay positive and not hit that downward spiral so many people take. I do see how some people don't get out of it. I reminded myself that I am mentally tough as well as physically tough. (I am the freak that competes against myself at the gym if I am totally exhausted and there is 5 minutes left on the cardio machine; instead of stopping and calling it a day I MAKE myself finish it because it is on there.) Unfortunately we all have done that with food on our plates too right? Members of the clean plate club! Ha ha
The ladies from the church held a hat a scarf party for me last night. I got a lot of cute things...bring on the hair loss..I am ready! (I am looking up at a picture of Lance Armstrong I have on my computer from Sports Illustrated with his arms folded saying "BRING IT ON") I love that.

On a social note, Brian took Colin to his 1st Giants game (against the Reds...Giants 12 to Zero!) Colin thought that was THEE geatest thing they had ever done. He got 3 balls and a hat and sweatshirt and lot of cotton candy and ice cream! He kept trying to wave the vendors over after he figured out the system and Brian kept slapping his hand over his mouth! The boys had a memorable night.
We just bought Season's tickets to the 49ers! I am SO excited! This will be a rebuilding year for us, but none the less there is nothing like a LIVE game!
I am doing well and keeping happy!
You all know Ecclesiastes 3:1,4:
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven; A time to weep, a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.......I think I will keep my dancing shoes on. (Bri WAS voted best dancer in 8th grade you know...I am SURE he told you that)
Keep dancing.....
(p.s...I probably won't update this until this weekend!)

Sunday, August 1, 2004 5:45 PM CDT

Dave Meekins spoke in church today (Bret is on vacation) about adversity in our lives. He did a great job reminding us all that becoming a Christian doesn't mean that we won't have trials in our lives, it just means we have a place to run when we do.
My cousin Garthanna sent me a wonderful devotional by Billy Graham entitled "Hope". On July 29 he reminds us that Corrie ten Boom once explained, "Picture a piece of embroidery placed between you and God, with the right side up toward God. Man sees the loose, frayed ends; but God sees the pattern." God is in control.
I LOVE THAT. (Which surprises me because I hate crafts!)
If you feel yourself getting emotional over this, remember that He IS in control! He knows the ending and the purpose of this whole ordeal. We need to be open to what we should learn from this.
I updated a couple of the pictures. The girls were in town! (KJ,Mo and Lou) Some very good Lifetouch friends that came in for the weekend to see me since I missed them last week. They stayed at a hotel and were incredibly helpful. (They get it) Mo flew out 55 lbs of lobsters and seafood from her coast to treat us and the neighbors! We feasted and really enjoyed it. What a treat.
My head is starting to get a bit soar on the outside. Similar to a sunburn. I am feeling a bit more tired as well. I am napping every afternoon which helps.
Katrina is researching melatonin and chlomipramine. It has proven to be extremely beneficial in GBM patients in Europe. We are putting our game plan together to present to our Doctors. (She bought a Physicians Medical Dictionary to check on drug interactions with each other.)More on that later. Brian goes back to work this week and I will hire a babysitter for at least a few afternoons during the next couple of weeks to let me sleep. I am still smiling and already refering to myself as a brain tumor survivor. I guess this is where my self confidence is a GOOD thing! Have a great week. Look for more mid week.

Thursday, July 29, 2004 2:46 PM CDT

My family is back! What a joy. Within 2 hours it looked like a bomb had gone off in the house and for the first time.....I loved it.
We did a little field trip to my treatment yesterday so the kids could see how easy it is. Janet (who is fabulous) let Riley even press the button to give me it! They felt so much better seeing that it was non-evasive. I could see the relief sweep over Riley's face. (Colin on the other hand thought he was at a show. Brian had to confiscate the package of corn nuts that he was snarffing down as they bolted me to the table. You gotta love 5 year old boys. They live in the moment don't they?)
They then closed the thick lead door and saw me on the camera from the booth. I need to share a funny story with you about that. I think Janet wasn't quite sure if I was being exorcized the 1st day or what. As soon as she left the room on Day 1; I started praying out loud in Jesus name to get out of my body since it didn't belong there etc....I was doing so with great conviction as you can imagine. As a passionate person I MEANT it! Well, I didn't realize there was a microphone in there and they can hear you in the other room! (duh) So that started things out with a laugh for me. (Note to self always look for cameras and microphones when entering strange rooms!)

What is that saying? That which does not kill us, makes us stronger. Those of you that keep telling me you couldn't do this, I say you could. You gain strength, courage and confidence from every experience which makes you stop, look fear in the face, and do the thing which you think you cannot do.
It is funny, my neighbor and I were talking about how you read about these people that get diagnosed with cancer and they start really living their lives to the fullest. She told her co-workers that "Brian and Kate ALREADY live that way!" We have traveled extensively, jumped out of a plane at 13,000 feet, we have been scuba diving, been cliff diving, SO many fantastic things. I really and truly have had a very full life at the young age of 38! My point is, if you are himming and hawing (never got that phrase, not even sure why I just wrote it)about doing something you really want to do.....DO IT. Take the vacation, write the letter, apologize, say I love you.....need I continue?
The stuff you are worrying about?
LET IT GO. In 1 year...chances are it really won't be a big deal.
Live life.
Enjoy yourself.
It is later than you think.

Monday, July 26, 2004 9:06 PM CDT

So I am in the gym, on the stairmaster enjoying my August "Self" Magazine. (Enjoying it mostly due to the fact that it is not one of the 25 cancer books I have staring me in the eye on my coffee table. I need to keep the other 24 hidden while I read one so I don't feel overwhelmed.) I look down on the cardio machine....
I check the readout out of curiosity rather than the former way I looked at it. (To see if I had hit the 500 required calorie burn before I leave- check)It is amazing how perspectives change.
I digress again.
On page 52 of my magazine I see that August is "NATIONAL HAIR LOSS AWARENESS MONTH"
Thought number 1: Cool! I will fit right in this month.
Thought number 2: Who in the heck came up with this? Do they think that if they lost their hair....that people are NOT already aware of this???? I mean come on! Where do people come up with these things? I imagine that person has a bad comb over (Come to terms...shave it..you are bald) OR a really bad rug....for which I say...Come to terms...shave it....you are bald.
Another thing that caught my eye was the poll they took that indicated a majority of women would rather gain weight than lose their hair. Interesting. Again....I re-state how perspectives change in an instant. I will wear scarves and hats the rest of my life willingly...joyfully...if I can keep my life.
I realized I neglected to share with you how much my 1st month of meds were. 1st MONTH........$9,000.
$9 GRAND! Now....thank GOD I have insurance and only paid $2,000, but what do people do without insurance? I guess we need to pray for those people that might be in that category. How very scary for them.
I had my best day yet on chemo and radiation. I think the physical activity really helps as well.
By the way...I lied. I choked down the essiac tea....And have been this whole time.(Much to CB's joy) I mix it with orange juice.
Katrina is researching nutrition now. She scared me today when she talked about a book she read that insists on a 4 month restrictive diet of raw everything and no animal products. (Berries and nuts?...wow....a WEEK of that would be pushing it.) Lets pray this treatment works so I don't have to go there!
We will be scheduling our trips to Duke soon and I will let you know when that happens.
I am counting the minutes until tomorrow when my family returns from the mid-west. It has been a long week. Brian had an incredible time in MPLS and is emotionally drained. He is appreciative from the bottom of his heart. We are both in awe at how wonderful Lifetouch is and has been. We love you guys a lot.
I will write again this weekend sometime. Until then go pat the guy with the rug and tell him "bald is beautiful!"

Sunday, July 25, 2004 8:56 AM CDT

YAHOO! Much better night last night. I didn't get sick! I did wake up at 2 FEELING like I might, but praise God I managed to get back to sleep!
I guess heavy garlic the night before might have not been the greatest of ideas. Now I just feel nauseated like I did when I was pregnant! (I can deal with that)
I went to the gym yesterday and had an excellent workout. My neighbors thought I was whacked, but I HAVE to have a strong body to fight this. Plus I really do love working out. I miss it. My friend Cris said to me "Of course you got sick. You eat clean, hardly have sugar, no alchohol....then you put poison in your system...it is saying 'get this OUT of here!'"
BLAND food is the ticket.
I am going to close with parts of an e mail that Katrina sent to me. It is so special because it is her ephiny (sorry no spell check on this thing...and even though I have brain cancer I STILL am type A with no time to get a dictionary) on how our whole life can be orchestrated for a purpose.
I have been thinking about what has happened over the last few weeks and I have to say that I am simply in a state of shock. Things really hit home for me today when we spoke with Henry (Dr. Freidman). That the acknowledged "best doctor" in the world for GBM is putting you on his VIP list because of people that I have met is simply incredible to me. When I think back to what has made this possible, I know that the last few years of my life have all been about preparing me to help you with this. What an amazing plan God has for all of us. I can point to fifty things-meetings, conferences, organizations I have joined- that have put me in contact with just the right people to open these doors.
(Later she goes on to say.......)
What strikes me through all of this is that if GOd can put this complex a plan in place that enables me to help you, there must be an incredible plan for you. There would be no plan this complex for me, if it weren't all about enabling you to fulfill an extraordinary plan. These kinds of things don't happen to ordinary people and you certainly aren't ordinary!
You are an incredible woman with an incredible mission (even if we don't know quite what that is yet). I am convinced you will move mountains through this illness and I am looking forward to being along for the journey (even though it is just in the passenger seat!)

If that is not the greatest example of God's plan for our lives I don't know what is! How special to see her give credit where credit is due! This is much bigger than us guys. Lives are being changed and seeds planted EVERY day!
That makes this all worth it! (I didn't sign up for the whole sick and hair loss thing though...I guess I need to read the forms more thoroughly....darn my impatience!)

Saturday, July 24, 2004 8:10 AM CDT

2:17AM....2:38AM....4:10AM....Every time that I got up last night to go throw up. I was so sure that I could beat that. I tried from 2:00 AM until the 1st time to talk myself out of it. Until the mouth watering was so bad I thought I was in the dentist office and they had that little sproket thingy in my mouth ("o.k....rinse!")
I also think I made the mistake of making "my last supper" a chicken and garlic (heavy on the garlic) pizza.
I am paying for it now. I expected that powerful Zofran to knock out ANY and ALL nausea.
Lets just say I am nursing some water and a few soda crackers right now. I will NOT be drinking my essiac tea anymore. I wouldn't be able to keep it down.
It is a bit depressing that I worked for 4 years to get my body JUST where I wanted it. I was fit working out 5 days a week with weights 2 days. I ate clean didn't smoke and rarely drank. Now...I haven't worked out for 4 months (besides walking but that isn't working out to me) and am putting something so vile in my body that it is literally making me sick. And then there is radiation.
So far...so good! Pretty uneventful yesterday. You can see the mask I use if you click on the picture section. Maureen my neighbor took a couple shots. I have several more and cannot figure how to get them all on the sight without moving the others off.
I guess I won't lose my hair for a couple of weeks. It will be in spots where the beam goes (3 maybe 4) should be an interesting deal! I did the visualization of Colin taking his "guys" and fighting each other and smashing against one another. This is what the radiation will do for my residual disease.
I hope to report that tonight goes much more smoothly.
Thanks for all the support.

Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:59 AM CDT

Good Morning from the human pin cushion! Let me explain. I have awful veins. Really. 2 days ago I had to give blood and then do that cat scan (they both had to use the same vein on top of my left arm) then yesterday as I did the MRI the nurse HAD to use the same one because of the intense shoot of contrast that they had to do for a special study (SPORE program) he couldn't use my hand. I was in the MRI machine for 1 1/2 hours, by the way. ANOTHER place claustrophobic people would not like....the cage comes over your head and you go in this narrow tube. They tape your head down and put ear plugs in (Hold a toilet roll paper (empty) in your hand take your thumb and proceed to put it inside. Lovely....lets just say I WISH I could memorize things. I get through one line of a song or scripture and cannot go on! (I would NOT be a good POW)
I digress....So THEN I have to go upstairs to meet with ANOTHER nurse who needs to what???? Draw more blood. She poked me 4 times looking for something...anything that would cooperate. She was getting frustrated. She was SOO nice and wonderful and admitted NOW this is an ego thing for her because she TEACHES people how to do this. Some of you are going...oh my gosh...4 times? Well...I told her keep going. They had to get it for this study and it will be greatly altered once I start pumping the poison tomorrow! So..yes....she had to use the same vein as everyone else. I am certain it will be on strike for my weekly blood tests on my white and red blood count.
Good thing I am not a drug addict.
(Oh..listen to me..all cocky...no...not a drug addict...you are just going to pump a TON of poison in you with the hopes that it might POSSIBLY break the blood brain barrier and kill the remaining disease left!)
My meeting with Dr. Prados went very well. He is so wonderful and his sense of humor really shined through. He is such a compasionate man and so gentle and encouraging that I actually broke down and cried in his office when he said part of the reason I am tired is not only due to being weaned off steroids (so much for the olympics for me...who is Barry Bond's attorney again?) but because I have basically learned an entire new language the past month with so many new words and my head is spinning because of the situation I am in. We have had to make so many huge decisions in a very short span of time. I am on overload. I don't know what happened but I lost it. He said it is o.k. to cry sometimes.
I don't have to be super Kate ALL of the time. (As my Aunt Mary Carol put it...just be Kate lite for awhile)
Those of you that know me, know that is pretty hard for me. Instead of multi tasking 10 things at once I can only do 7 right now and after radiation that might drop to 5....THAT makes me cry. My memory is not great. I can deal with that. It is weird to not have a WHOLE YOU, that you are used to. BUT. Then I stop and praise GOD for the good things in this...and there are so many blessings that happen each and every day. I thank God for the fact that I shouldn't have my motor skills or speech affected from radiation. WOW. That is a TRUE blessing. I watched so many handicapped people go in and out of the neurooncologists office yesterday that are not as fortunate as I am. Please pray for them too. You would think they must get discouraged and yet....we are all so greatful to be alive at this very moment.
I will be taking temador (the chemo) and zofran (for nausea) and celebrex (I know this is an arthritis medicine, but it is a potent anti-angiogenic agent which can inhibit new blood vessel growth and development)and of course all the extras like stool softeners (for that lovely constipation that happens)Something tells me enemas may become my new best friend. Amazing what you are willing to talk about with a life-threatening cancer. I have no shame.....those of you from college say..."No kidding Kate-o look at Old Home Bar and Pioneer!"
Which reminds me....those of you that are coming out of the woodwork from college and high school and every where....Thanks for writing! I am blown away by the daily e mails from someone else. THAT is amazing and has encouraged me. I am getting letters and e mails from as far as Barcelona and London and Ireland!
Think of me at 10:45 west coast time tomorrow as I start radiation! (Think I will glow after a few weeks?)
Love and thanks to you all!

Monday, July 19, 2004 4:15 PM CDT

I just got back from my cat scan. (Why cat and not dog?) What an experience! That iodine going in is a trip. You feel this warm sensation and your throat feels like it is closing a bit as well. I am sure glad the tech warned me that it will feel like I wet my pants! I would have thought I did! Then they pull out my plastic mask (picture Hannabel Lectur from Silence of the Lambs)which is what I will have to wear every day for 6 1/2 weeks. It is a hard plastic net like device that was made to mold exactly to my face....very tightly. They bring it out and screw it on to a board so you cannot move an ioda. I cannot even open my eyes or mouth. All of you that are claustrophobic out there now have sweaty palms don't you!?!
They will use this for my coordinates. Wednesday I have an MRI at UCSF and will meet with Dr. Prados. Friday at 10:45 am I begin my radiation.
Katrina and I had the privilege of talking with Dr. Henry Freidman last night. (Who insists that we call him Henry) Sunday night at 10:30 PM his time! The man must not sleep!
He convinced me to NOT add Tarceva to my protocol right now. He is not sold on just how effective it is. It would be ethically wrong to start a trial and not complete it (a full year)if we find something else that will work better after my treatments.
We don't have time to fly out and see him this week so we will go to Duke mid way through treatment. I love him. He looks at me and thinks "She is curable" Not "She is a goner because she has a GBM" Like so many other Doctors would do.
He made it very clear to us that most patients get who they get there, but because of Katrina's ties to some very important people he is willing to take me on personally. I cannot express to you my heart. I stand in awe of what is going on right now.
I will write more mid week after we get my MRI done and find out what is happening inside my head! (Brian's dream come true!)
Until then.....

Saturday, July 17, 2004 9:58 AM CDT

Well.....I am back from Redwood Christian Park Family Camp and back on the computer! The good news is that the computer did not burn up with all of the use it has gotten the last few weeks. It was a great time though it took EVERYTHING I had not to do the zip line! (Truth be told, I WOULD have, but I only had 2 days this year and other things were planned!)
Katrina has been hard at work "fed-exing" and delegating. My pre and post op records went to Duke (after a slight mishap) and then my path slides went the next day. By now Dr. Freidman should have everything he needs to be the 2nd consult. Katrina has located a friend's plane to be ready at a moments notice should we need to report to Duke pre-treatment.
As it stands right now, I am scheduled for a cat scan and blood work Monday. (Here in Santa Rosa)
Wednesday I go down to the City for an MRI to kick off the treatments. I have been accepted into the "SPORE" program at UCSF. This is basically UCSF doing my scans every 8 weeks and tracking my progress. We plan to meet with Dr. Prados after each scan to discuss immediately as they will be on the computer. Now I can collect my very own library of Brain pictures on CD! (That could be quite the event at a dinner party. I will be known as the dork who instead of whipping out family vacation pictures, shows her brain scans. Please promise me you will tell me to stop if it ever comes to that! Do you think I can get any money on E-BAY for these?)
Many of you have e mailed to ask about the kids. They are doing very well. I think Riley was more upset pre surgery. She is of course concerned and Colin is a tiny bit more clingy, but they truly are doing excellent. Brian is a rock. He continues to amaze me. He is taking the kids back to the Midwest tomorrow for a week. (I cannot go due to treatments)
One thing we laughed about the other day was:
Q: How do you make GOd laugh?
A: Tell Him your plans!
I am sure that you have seen this little essay written by an unkown author:
What cancer cannot do
Cancer is so limited.
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot destroy peace.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot surpress memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot invade the soul.
It cannot steal eternal life.
It cannot conquer the spirit.

Well....I guess that is it for the update. If we ever figure out how to use the digital camera we bought for the office I will get a picture of me on this website. (I know, I know. Scary that we run a business)
I am still doing well emotionally. I am trying to not only survive this ordeal, but survive it joyfully. I am merely handling what was put before me. Trust me, hearing you have terminal cancer is not "good news". It does not have to be the end of my life however. It certainly has been the catalyst leading me to reevaluate myself. I am not asking "Why me?" I am spending countless hours wondering "What can I learn from this experience?"
Have a fabulous weekend. I will update this early next week!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 9:15 AM CDT

Good morning friends and family!
If you are reading this I am happy about 2 things. Me...the technically challenged actually updated this page correctly. And secondly, the e mail telling you what to do worked! (Thanks to Katrina)
Today is a good day. Katrina coordinated with UCSF records to get my pre and post op material and films and all records overnighted to Duke to Dr. Freidman. A phone consult will happen today and we will find out if I need to jump on a plane to see him or we can wait until after my treatments are done.
I am catching a ride with Mike Kovatch(a family that has been a God send) to family camp at 5 tonight. I will be down in Santa Cruz for 1 1/2 days. It will be nice. It is a Christian camp and it centers me. Many of you have commented on my strength and peace during this. Do you realize it is ALL coming from God? How else could I maintain my sense of humor and positive attitude? I hope you guys don't get offended with me being honest about that, but it is truly the case. Most success stories I read are about Christians! These stories will teach you that life is not about "why me' but "try me"
I hope that you will learn that beating this disease isn't only about curing it, but living with adversity in such a way that I can inspire those I know. People are winners because of the way they live not because they don't die.
(I wish I wrote that but read it....I learned in High School always give credit where credit is due.)
Enough of the soap box....(I am ready for Hyde park in London)
Live an inspiring day today.....you never know who is watching.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 1:54 PM CDT

Hellllooooooo!!!!!!!!!! (Said like that Seinfeld episode)
Even though we are still in "Hurry and wait mode" I really needed to update you guys.

I am healing great. I got out of the hospital 2 weeks ago and every day is better than the last. We had our dear friends "the village" and the Burkes over Saturday for a barbecue. (Complete with jumpy) It was so great to see everyone and reassure everyone that I am doing REALLY well. I think there was a lot of apprehension coming here since everyone knew that the typical prognosis for this nasty GBM is a year or so. I say to you people that know me.....do you REALLY think I am typical???? I think NOT! SOMEONE has to fill the websites as a success story right? That is me. I WILL BEAT THIS. I am strong in faith, in body, and in spirit. I am positive and have spent the last week on the Internet researching. Knowledge truly is power. I have so much hope. Go to www.yasg.com for some stories!
SO.....what is the plan? I have until the 23rd to decide what I will do with my radiation. I have a cat scan set for the 19th and need to go to UCSF for a pretreatment MRI. I had a chance to see Dr. Prados a week ago today who is known as one of the top 4 neuro-oncologists in the country. Isn't it a blessing to have the best right at my fingertips? When I went to get my 44 staples removed he saw me! He did not even have an appt with me but put me in at the end of the day. He spent over and hour and 1/2 with us. He walked out in the waiting room and looked around and said..."Kate Burke???" He had no clue I was the patient. I was bouncing off the walls joking with him the entire time. (I don't think he quite knew what to do with us.)
As of now we are planning on doing radiation with temador and tarceva. This is a clinical trial however that is supposed to open for newly diagnosed GBM patients. It has proven to be successful for recurring tumors. Since they have seen some success, they want to open it to us! It has not been released yet though, so we are on pins and needles waiting since we do not have much time.
Katrina (Bri's cousin) has been sent to us from God. She has been managing my care. I cannot begin to explain her. She is the most organized, intelligent, generous, driven, woman I have ever met. She has connections that go beyond my comprehension as a president of a company in San Francisco. Her friends are venture capitalists that are on the boards of these drug companies. One of her friends is Steve Case (AOL guy and former president of Time Warner) his brother died of a GBM and he told her to get me to Dr. Freidman at Duke. Dan Case had Dr. Prados and also had Dr. Freidman. His personality is much more gregarious and out there like mine. He will walk into a room and say "O.K.....you are TOO YOUNG to die.....lets figure out what we are going to do!!!!!!" I spoke with him on the phone yesterday and he actually speaks much quicker than I do! (Go figure!) Katrina is picking up my stuff at UCSF today to overnight to him and we may jump on a plane in the next few days to see him to decide what to do.
I cannot believe the network of GBM people. All of the sudden they are coming out of the woodwork. I spoke with Klaus Barth's wife 2 days ago. He holds world records in the breast stroke, is a repeat ironman competitor (took 4th overall one year)and is good friends with Lance Armstrong.. Spoke with Scott Free's (Lifetouch) sister who was diagnosed in 1988 and is still alive! On and On and On..... Praise God.
I am very tired by the end of the day. I know I overextend myself, but the more people I talk to the more I learn and the more at peace I am! I think I need to get a pad for my chair at the computer!
People keep asking what we need. I MOSTLY need SINCERE prayer for complete healing. I need prayer for Brian (who is still amazing) and the kids who are doing well. I need my friends and family to rally around me and be positive warriors with me. All of the success stories I have read had very supportive friends and family. I am certainly blessed with that.
Do you know that I have been at peace this WHOLE time? I know God has a plan for this. (I now have material for speaking! ) My mother in law has now told me she would buy my red suit for my first tour! (Do you sense a bribe here???)

I am in for a battle. I will probably be pretty tired and sick the next couple of months. I will be O.K. I really feel this.
Please appreciate what you have. Someone told me the other day that I have become "their perspective" if anything, I hope that is what I can do for you my friends. Wake up and appreciate the fact that you woke up today. Look around and be thankful for every moment. Our life on this earth is but a blink of an eye.
I am humbled and grateful for you and all that you do and mean to me. Life is NOT about stuff. It is about relationships. I might not be wealthy financially but I am wealthy because of my family and friends.
I love you!
p.s.....I will update you when we have definite plans within the week.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 1:46 PM CDT

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