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Hi Kate! I came upon your website recently through another web site on brain cancer. My mother was also diagnosed with a stage 4 GBM on July 12,05. Her web page is www.caringbridge.com/visit/judi. I love reading all of your journal entries. What a positive attitude. You sound like an incredible woman and are staying so strong. Thank you for sharing your story. Much love and peace to you and your family!
Prior Lake, MN - Monday, October 31, 2005 8:22 AM CST
Hi Kate,
I'm Petra Gamatero's mom. She introduced your website to me and am touched by how strong you are in dealing with what you're going through. I must say that we're so fortunate to have GOD in our lives and He's making it much easier for us to deal with it. Having TRUST in GOD is so awesome and HE draws me closer to HIM. Yes, it's true that we gain our strength and courage by HIM. If it's not for my strong FAITH I would not be able to handle what I'm going through. We are HIS light that shine!!!
I've started a website here too. Thanks to you and Petra. I'm at www.caringbridge.org/visit/violetalapot.
My prayer for you is that you will continue to be strong because GOD is your strength!!! Vi

Violeta Lapot <veelapot@hotmail.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:30 PM CST
Hi Kate I wanted to thank you for helping my best friend Ron Norton. He is also my top employee so we have been hit with a double whammie. Your encouragement and advice has been wonderful and I just wanted to thank you for sharing such a painful and personal thing. Any advice for the friends?

Jim Holcomb

Jim Holcomb <jim@rotoco.com>
Carlsbad , CA USA - Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:28 PM CDT
Hi Kate!

Happy to hear you had a good scan! Also, it was great talking to you last week. My week is going much better - I have caught up on the much needed sleep! You MUST get on Oprah! You have a story to tell, girlfriend! I almost called you last Friday (I think it was Friday!) Oprah had on a guest that is Donna Karan's best friend who, since 2002, has dealt with a stageIV GBM. I also had recently read a story about this woman - I think it was in People magazine. She, like you, had a very inspiratinal story. I love the new family picture! Hi to Brian! Love,

Paula epping <pepp1976@mchsi.com>
Chaska, MN - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:35 PM CDT

MARINETTE, WI USA - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:35 PM CDT
You crossed my mind today...glad to see you're livin' on the edge by flirting with gas grills. Stay hot. (no pun intended)
Yate for da rip!
Love ya, Betty

Beth Ellingson <bettyellingson@yahoo.com>
Woodbury, MN USA - Monday, October 24, 2005 3:31 PM CDT
Hi Kate--I read your site every week and am happy that all
is going well for you--except for the grill experience.
Be careful, girl!! You truly are an inspiration to all!!
I talk to your Mom often and plan to have lunch with her
sometime this week. Say "hi" to your family! Love Shirley & George

Shirley Barlass
Janesville, WI USA - Sunday, October 23, 2005 9:54 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
I think it was fate that we met at Lisa's wedding. I hope to help you accomplish your goal of getting on Oprah...and you have, once again, reminded me to make the most of every moment. Thank you.

Debbie Alpert
Sherman Oaks, CA. USA - Friday, October 21, 2005 6:47 PM CDT
Dear Coach Kate,
I had a great time working and spending time with you at volleyball. I can't wait for next year!! I like how you always encourage everyone to do their best and I hope that someday I can be as good a volleyball player as you. You are a real life hero to me because you are brave and confident. I am praying for you everyday.
Love, Angelina

Angelina <pdonaldson@aol.com>
- Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:31 PM CDT
Hi Kate-
Thanks for all your notes to Donna. You guys are sister soldiers. Donna enjoys the notes and your constant encouragement.
As for you, keep up the good fight to live and to love while pursuing His Highest for you.

With our Love and prayers,
The Gleasons

Gary, Donna, Rebecca & Carina <grgleason@aol.com>
- Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:06 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
I loved watching you play volleyball with the girl's yesterday (Wednesday) at school.Awesome serving! You are a lot of fun to watch and I loved how you played hard,laughed a lot and just enjoyed being in the game. Just like life right? I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and working with you in some capacity next year. I am truly inspired by your spirit. Thank you for being a witness to so many in your journey.

Gina <pdonaldson@aol.com>
- Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:49 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I loved watching you play volleyball with the girl's yesterday (Wednesday) at school. Awesome serving! You are a lot of fun to watch and I loved how you played hard,laughed a lot and just enjoyed being in the game. Just like life right? I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and working with you in some capacity next year. I am truly inspired by your spirit. Thank you for being a witness to so many in your journey.

Gina <pdonaldson@aol.com>
- Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:47 AM CDT
Kate, I don't know how I found your site. I have a friends daughter that has lukemia and some how I got to you.:) I love you journals, you are so inspiring. I lived in San Jose for 4 years and enjoy hearing about the great places you go. I so enjoyed heading to Napa. I wish you well for many years to come. Know that I am praying for you and your family. Enjoy the fall there.

Moon <afmoons @cablone.net >
Moorhead , MN 56560 - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:04 PM CDT
Kat-O...just checking in..... I recognize some faces in those photos....except they all look sober, unlike 20 years ago! Well all looks good........glad you're well.
Jeff Nordyke <chefjjn@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, October 16, 2005 5:32 PM CDT
I was looking for photos of your new hair style!! lol
Jean A

Jean Arnold
Janesville, WI USA - Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:54 PM CDT
Forget about asking strangers before I hug them - - I hug everyone!!! And, I wish I could hug you right now for reminding us all of what is truly important. Life gets way too busy. When I watched my grandkids in their front yard this weekend playing "baseball," I knew I needed to thank God for one more precious day to enjoy them. Take deep breaths, enjoy each day and know that there are lots of people continuing to pray for you. We all get strength from your journal.

Louanne Trueblood
Oklahoma City, OK United States - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 8:45 PM CDT
Hi Kate. Glad you continue to do well. I remember when one of my son's friends passed last February from glioblastoma. She was 12 and so was he....he told me he wasn't afraid to die but wanted to be cremated....and for me to make sure everyone wore bright colors to his service....I was in the car driving so I was a bit stunned and had to think carefully before I spoke...but what dawned on me was this little person was looking at his own mortality and understanding how very fragile life is....because without missing a beat he asked to be taken to the skatepark so he could join his friends.....he did and I told him how very proud I was of him and that his attitude alone was inspiring....but he was already out the door and skating...I know he doesn't take life for granted, he's just very busy living it......many of us are put in unique situations where we do have to re-evaluate, you do it with grace and candor and continue to spread the inspiration...always keeping you in my thoughts and prayers Kate. God Bless,
Kathy-mom to Dave-glioblastoma fighter!

Kathy <joy2jak@adelphia.net>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
Hello Kate,
I was told about your condition well over a year ago from the Belchers and periodically read your journal entries. I am inspired by your progress, tenacity at beating your cancerous condition and your writings! I have been a lurker until now and this is my first post. I appreciate your no holds barred writings! Thanks for your continual contributions to the world and sharing your being with me and all your family and friends that follow your stand for life!

Patrick Landrum <pat@jupiter.com>
Fremont, CA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:31 PM CDT
I hope you have a beutiful life and your story gives me hope in my life
David <Fugrag01@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:36 PM CDT
Morning Kate: I have been thinking of you so much today that I knew I needed to tell you that. Your entry on meltdown was interesting. So many of us do exactly that and you are right, at the end we are not good for anyone, slowing down is difficult but needed. You continue to inspire all who know you and those who have come to know you through this website. It just is not right somehow, but I know you have come to terms with this in your own way. As the season change here in Colorado I am reminded of how the earth renews itself and we need to do the same. I am in love with my grandaughter Sofia, you would be too I know. I would send you a picture but have not quite figured out how to do that on this website. I know your days are ever-changing good and bad, but that is the way it is. My love to you and your family---Linda
Linda McBride <linroy7@comcast.net>
Fort Collins, CO USA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 10:51 AM CDT

Patti Barber <pbarber@lifetouch.com>
- Tuesday, October 4, 2005 6:01 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
Thanks for sharing so honestly. You are amazing! Whether you put it into overdrive and charge thru at Mock 10 or whether you choose to sit on your couch for the next 7 weeks and do nothing else. You're Wonder Woman because of WHO YOU ARE and not for WHAT YOU DO!! You've proven yourself above and beyond!!! When this sinks in...update your checklist with the following..."Allow for meltdowns when necessary (it's good for the soul); Breathe (even better for the soul); Slow down and say NO from time to time (it works for sooo many of us!!!); And...last but not least..."THROW CHECKLIST OUT!!" Here's a challenge for you...have an amazingly UNPRODUCTIVE day!! I dare you! Take VERY GOOD care of yourself. And remember...You're amazing no matter what you choose to do or choose NOT TO DO!!

patty ortiz <patty5258@Yahoo.com>
- Sunday, October 2, 2005 9:42 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
It's Kim Adams (Joey Adams' wife in Mayfield, KY). I just want you to know that I continue to pray daily for you and your family. Joey is doing good, on Sept. 21 he had another MRI and everything looked good. We keep on praising God for all of His goodness and blessings. I was reading in Philippians the other day and came across a verse that stated "Don't worry about anything, PRAY about everything". How true! I keep on reminding myself of that on a daily basis. Kate, continue to live by faith and not by sight.
In His Love,

Kim Adams <alexanderloop@yahoo.com>
Mayfield, KY United States - Saturday, October 1, 2005 9:11 PM CDT
hi kate,
im monasheila sabes from manila philippines. i also have a sister who had a glioblastoma multiforme IV. she had gone two operations and she was advised to have a radiotherapy and a chemotheraphy, but we was not able to have the therapy until now because we just belong to a poor family. her last operation was last aug 30. the doctor said we must start the therapy 2 weks after the operation. we had already seek help to our relatives but also they are poor and just give us a little that made us a great help. my sister really wants to live or just prolong her life because of her one year old daughter. pls help us,,, i had read some of the text of your journey,,,but wasnt able to read all bec im just renting this computer... a lot of people really loves you...and that GOD answers prayers. i dont know if u will respond to my letter but im hoping and praying.

monasheila <monasheila30@yahoo.com>
manila, philppines - Saturday, October 1, 2005 4:05 AM CDT

RIVERSIDE, CA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:32 PM CDT
Kate its good to hear that ur a strong person and you made it through somthing that noone could imagin......My name is Rayan Im 18 years old i live in Ontario/CA my father just went for his third operation ....and i think im goin crazy hes the only friend i have and if i loose him i wouldnt know what to do .......i work and take care of my family pay the morgage and car payments with my 2 full time and 2 part time jobs ...... lol not a life for a teenager .... what can you do though ..... i took everythin for granted before my father was dignosed with cancer ..... this is his third time having parts of the tumors removed from his brain ..... its hard goin 2 the hospital and seeing someone you love very much in so much pain ..........but that only makes you think how strong the person really is ......to all those people that are reading this and going through this living nightmare ...... Your not alone .......theres alot of people that feel your pain and know what your going through ..... try to get as much councling as you can...... and live your life to the fullest ......NEVER GIVE UP !!
Rayan Kaake <Justmarried32@hotmail.com>
Cambridge, Ont Canada - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 8:36 PM CDT
Hallo Kate,
hier schreibt Harald aus Deutschland, habe Deine Story noch nicht gelesen , da es dafür heute schon zu spät ist.
Meine Frau Sonja ist ebenfalls 2004 an einem Glioblastom multiform erkrankt. Melde mich wieder und viele Grüße !

bergmann <info@bergmann-bau.de>
otterndorf, germany - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
So happy you are doing good and staying clear!! I didn't get a chance to talk to you at BSF yesterday. Boy, I thought Karen was talking about you at first!! Don't you love her? HOpe you are enjoying BSF as much as I do. See you Sunday!

Carrie Myers <cmyers@santarosa.edu>
Windsor, CA - Thursday, September 22, 2005 2:00 PM CDT
I have just been diagnosed with GBM stage 4 and I am scared, scared but am trying to read all of the success stories in the hopes of blasting Tony the Tumor out of my head or shriveling him up to nothing! Thanks for the support and I will be back!
Trish Feld <trishfeld@hotmail.com>
Waterbury, VT USA - Thursday, September 22, 2005 7:39 AM CDT
Kate like you I was diagnosed with a GBM IV in Nov'2004. I am a mother of two young boys and as a result of surger lost peripheral vision. I am slowly readjusting to the visual loss. I have not had any chemo or radio as yet and have been taking supplements, eating well and sensibly, meditating, praying and searching for a reason/cause. Tomorrow I will have to decide on whether to have radio and chemo as the tumour seems to have been stable up till now. Best wishes Sophia.
Sophia Palavidis. <s.palavidis@optusnet.com.au>
s, n a - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:50 AM CDT

PAM HILTON <hilton1949@wmconnect.com>
SPRINGFIELD, MO. USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 2:42 PM CDT
Hoping and praying everything continues to go well Kate.
I think it's fantastic you were contacted to give some input on a rather overlooked cancer....bringing awareness to this beast is so important....you'll be great! That is something as a parent I try to do for all the new parents coming into the program...facilitate and bring awareness and hope as well as the different options and so forth...glad you are given the opportunity to help! Hope that there are no more leaks in the Burke house! So very sorry you and Brian lost your friend....I guess there's a bigger plan we can't see quite yet...I just trust God will let it unfold when we see him....many blessings to you and your family.
Kathy-mom to David GBM fighter

Kathy <joy2jak@adelphia.net>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 12:28 AM CDT
Dear Kate,
You are such an inspiration! God has blessed with you with so many gifts. I love reading your guestbook because you are so uplifting. You really should write a book!!!
your cousins from Wi.

Mike and Arlene Hoard <ahoard@new.rr.com>
marinette, wi usa - Monday, September 19, 2005 5:52 PM CDT
So glad your doing well. My son was diagnosed with GMB in Nov. 04. He's doing well but it's been an emotional experience for us all that love him, wife and two samll children. How do you begin to start a journal like you have done?
Connie Thaler <congar45@twcny.rr.com>
Rome, NY Oneida - Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:54 AM CDT
So wonderful to see you at the Summer Meeting. Thank you for all you do - for all you are - and for continuing to inspire everyone!
Holly and Steve

Holly Suhi <onword2@comcast.net>
Murrieta, CA 92562 - Monday, September 12, 2005 5:13 PM CDT
Hi Kate
Awesome news!!! You look amazing! Cute story to share: we asked Bryce (8 yrs) what is daddys middle name - knowing his 1st name is Donald {Don} Bryce replies - I don't know - DUCK! Like Donald Duck. We laughed so hard. He obviously has my sense of humor.-hee hee. Kids sre doing great - Bryce is playing pop warner football - Boston will be playing Flag Football and Sophie is the cheerleader for now. We would love to see all of you.
Miss you
Julie Whitman

julie whitman <julie_whitman@liz.com>
anthem, az usa - Monday, September 12, 2005 3:45 PM CDT

So glad to hear that you are done with the chemo. AWESOME, BABY!!! I don't know if you follow college basketball, but this a favorite saying of Dick Vitale and truly fits the sentiment here. Love you, Patty

Patty Butzer (Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
oak Creek, WI USA - Monday, September 12, 2005 11:55 AM CDT
Hi Kate - I am so thrilled at how well you are doing! I have a 12 year old son who is fighting the same battle as you. Bryan was diagnosed in October 2004 and has done the surgery, radiation, temodar and has now moved on to BCNU & Irinotecan (he had a recurrence in the last month). I was so happy to read about how well you are doing - we are hopeful that Bryan's progress will follow this path as well. God Bless You!
Nancy Opremcak <nancy.c.opremcak@accenture.com>
Basking Ridge, NJ USA - Monday, September 12, 2005 11:47 AM CDT
I am looking forward to reading about your journey. I was just diagnosed August 9th after a tonic clonic seizure with subsequent craniotomy and am now on IMRT radiation and Temodar for GBM....I am 46 with a 13 year old son...
Cathy Rusher <gcrusher@frontiernet.net>
Lake Havasu City, AZ USA - Sunday, September 11, 2005 3:56 PM CDT
Kate, your journal is so inspiring and gives me hope for my sister, age 46, who was diagnosed after a grand mal seizure 8/9/05, had surgery (tumor removed from occipital area, but some left in temporal area) 8/15, and started Temodar and IMRT radiation treatment on 9/8 in Las Vegas (6 wks., 5 days on, 2 days off each week). I would be interested in hearing from any other GBM 4 survivors in the Las Vegas/Arizona/SoCal area, to share info and support. We continue to be very hopeful, while trying to get used to the reality of her prognosis.
Candy McGowan <candypmc@yahoo.com>
southern California, USA - Sunday, September 11, 2005 11:23 AM CDT
my husband too has just had surgery for a GBM grade 4 he is only 44 yrs it was on his right frontal lobe, they could not remove all of the tumour, we are awaiting his radiotherapy and hopefully he will be offered chemo too. Iv told him to be strong as i have read many surviors tales and we live in hope. we live in the United Kingdom and it is hard to find surviors in this country
kerry baker <kery2162baker@aol.com>
England, - Saturday, September 10, 2005 1:56 PM CDT
THERESA GOING <going1@cox.net>
Ca U.S. - Thursday, September 8, 2005 11:10 PM CDT
I got a few strange looks in the Little Rock airport when I did the woo hoo bit - - but who cares?! I'm excited for you. Loved your message about STUFF. You are so right. I just moved, and the message about too much STUFF got through loud and clear. You have it right - - family and friends - - the only things that really matter. God bless. Stay strong
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Edmond, OK usa - Thursday, September 8, 2005 2:32 PM CDT
All of these wonderful baby steps are turning into wonderful milestones. We cheer all the way!
Love and prayers,
Sharon and Fred

Sharon Bobolz <plankroad@aol.com>
Janesville, WI USA - Thursday, September 8, 2005 11:09 AM CDT
Hi my name is Christina Riedmiller I am a 30 year old woman of 2 wonderful boys and husband that I love more than life. Your story is such and inspiration to me you are a true survivor!!! I was diognosed with a low grade glioma they never said what kind. It is 4.5 cm. I started having numbness in my legs and things and they did and mri and found this. I still haven't seen the ns it's only been a few wks. But I am feeling great never had any headaches or seizures which is weird from the things I have read. I would appriciate prayer it is so powerful!!!! I will do the same for you and your family. I agree so much with you we never know our last moment on this earth so we need to cheris our loved ones!!! Like the song says live like you are dying! I am so happy for you I love happy endings. I am sure you have alot of more wonderful years to come. God bless you.
Chrissy Riemiller <chughes5@cinic.rr.com>
Cincinnati, oh. us. - Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
Way to go Kate!!!! We love you. Ron & Susie
Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:30 PM CDT
Kate, You are awesome!
Tami Eells <tamide61@hotmail.com>
Menifee, CA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 5:36 PM CDT
Hi Kate! I'm so happy to hear you're done with chemo! Woohoo! I've thought about you so much this summer, and just had the chance to check on you now that work is slightly calmer. That is just awesome news! You remain an inspiration to me - thank you for the reminders of what is important in life.
Ann Jesse-Schwabe <ajesseschwab@madison.k12.wi.us>
Middleton, WI USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 12:35 AM CDT
OOOH!! OOOH!! My hands are in the air over my head as I type this with my toes!!! I like to say, "Pump It Up Woman!!!" You ROCK!! Here's to the end of chemo! CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!! Celebrate this ending with a twix bar or two....or three...or four!! You deserve it!
patty <patty5258@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, September 7, 2005 12:30 AM CDT
OOOH!!!!! OOOH!!!!!!
Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, WIL USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 9:27 AM CDT
Hey Kate,

Glad to hear of the news of your test results. Your strength, faith and spirit are an example to all of us. Quite simply, you rock Kate!!!!!!!! Miracles continue to be around us. Smile, (like I need to say that to you!!), Patty

Patty Butzer (Jesse) <Butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, Wi USA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 9:15 PM CDT
Hi Kate, You are awesome - your spirit, commitment and strengh are amazing. You continue to inspire me and the many people who connect with you. You look terrific in the recent photos and incredibly happy! Keep it up - we all need to keep you and your family in our prayers. Love, Beattie
Beattie <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR - Saturday, September 3, 2005 2:18 PM CDT
My husband was recently diagnosed with GBM (July 05) and has started temodar and has completed his 12th radiation treatment today, only 18 more to go. I have really enjoyed reading your story and many others and it has given me some hope. I'm praying for you and I'm hoping everything goes as well for us as it has for you.

We have two boys, ages 10 and 5 and i just can't imagine my husband not being here to watch them grow up.

Dana Stanley <dana.stanley@halliburton.com>
Duncan, Ok USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 3:46 PM CDT
Kate- Thanks so much for sharing what is going on with you. I am so happy for you and yet feel your sadness for your friend. As alway you touch my heart.
Can't wait to see you!

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Friday, September 2, 2005 12:11 AM CDT
After talkin with ya at family camp this summer, I've now had 2 opportunities to see my Ovarian cancer friend to see what we can do to provide her the hope and the outlook you have. She's struggling.
Luv,Gib Godwin

Gib Godwin <jbgodwin@direcway.com>
Lorton, Va USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 6:48 AM CDT
Kate -
We were asking Brian about you today. He showed us this website. So glad to hear things are good. We are keeping positive thoughts going your direction. God bless.

West Park School <llavoy@nvusd.k12.ca.us>
Napa, ca - Thursday, September 1, 2005 4:03 PM CDT
So glad to hear about the clear scan. I check your site every few days and news like this makes my week. Keep the faith, you continue to inspire me. Thanks
Randy Gowan <R.gowan@mchsi.com>
Medina, MN - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:30 PM CDT
Kate- so happy for your clear scans. I do understand the mixed emotions...David has lost two friends this year from GBM...his friend Melissa from NJ, passed in February at 12 years old...and his friend Brittany passed this past June...also a GBM and she was 17. He, having a GBM since 5/03 and experiencing a reccurance in 5/04....has had to face his own mortality at a very young age....one thing I've learned, we are, each and everyone of us, very different physiologically.....miracles happen all the time...God has it mapped out...not us. I know that being upbeat and having a fighting spirit is defineley an asset....but many of his friends that have passed had that spirit....I think to go on and live, really live your life and do so with kindness and a true zest is what's so important...but your friend...Shari...that breaks my heart. As a mom, I remember when my cancer gave me a ten percent chance of living...I was so lucky...I cannot imagine what she must be going through emotionally and her family. I will be sure to keep her in my prayers....you too! And your family! And I too believe they will find a cure for this beast....Hugs...
Kathy-mom to David-GBM

Kathy <joy2jak@adelphia.net>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 12:55 AM CDT
Kate & Brian:
WOW! To learn of your battle set me back. I have read many of the entries and your journal. I always knew you were amazing but this confirms it. My heart and prayers are with you and your family. You are so loved Kate and the pouring out of that love shines through on this website. To have Brian by your side and your children is an inspiration for you I am sure. You two were influential in my life and I so enjoyed my time with you, always up, always fun. Your faith is strong and I know will bind you even more to the love you have within you. I am praying daily for you as are so many, you are a fighter and that is what you have to be. Love, Linda

Linda McBride <linroy7@comcast.net>
Fort Collins, CO USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:41 AM CDT
I have continued to follow your website after meeting you in Minneapolis last month. You are truly an inspiration. You continue to help me put into perspective the things which are important in life and the things which are not. You have touched my life and you will always remain in my thoughts and in my prayers. Have a fantastic Labor Day weekend!! :)

-Chris Ulrich

Christina Ulrich <ulrich5000@hotmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 8:55 PM CDT
Kate, my mom (Donna) has an appointment to see Dr. Henry tomorrow 8/31, although we have had to be a very squeaky wheel. Hope seems to ebb and flow with each passing day. I wanted to thank you for calling my mom when you did. It was what was needed that day at that time. I will continue to pray for Mom and all of those affected by GBM's. Keep us in your prayers as the road ahead is a long and trying one.
Renni Belter <diverren@aol.com>
Orlando, Fl - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:57 AM CDT
Second opinion says both doctors saw a shadow. I am to go for MRI tomorrow. Had unusual horrible headache Aug. 1 and 2nd. Went to emergency room with husband. Did spinal tap, CT scan, EKG and came home still in pain and BP 205. Vomited or dry heaved all 2nd day and then third day was better. Now just light headed. Would like to know how you felt. Thanks for sharing.
Sylvia Clifton <sclifto@bellsouth.net>
Nashville, TN USA - Monday, August 29, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
Hi, Kate. Always inspired when I read your jounal. Sorry that Bob and I had to miss the reunion at Duck Lake. We're hoping to get back to California this spring for a visit and more wine. We'll stay away from the calamari, though.
Much love, Jill

Jill McCartney <jillmc@southwestmsu.edu>
Garvin, MN USA - Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:36 AM CDT
Kate your spirit is living proof of what matters....living. May your journey of wellness and healing keep on keeping on!!
I try not to read too much about statistics...I know it's hard when you're researching different clinical trials or just keeping up to date on GBM's....but you learn to sift through some of it and do exactly what you did....move on! Hugs and Prayers!!
Kathy-mom to David-GBM

Kathy <joy2jak@adelphia.net>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 7:08 PM CDT
Hi Kate!! WELCOME HOME!!! Thank you for the updates of your travles this summer. Our God is so good!! Kate when you wrote about the night you were honored at the summer meeting it brought me to tears,even tonight my eyes well up as I write you. Praise God for you!!! I hope you know how much you are truely loved not just by your Lifetouch family but by everyone!!Kate you have not just touched hundreds, but you have touched thousands.So many have had the priviledge of knowing you for a long time, while others like myself have only known you a short time. Your faith and courage has blessed so many. I have read so many who have signed your guestbook who now have hope.I thank God for those who have been brought to the reality of Jesus Christ in their lives thru your testimony.Thank You!! I know that I speak for so many who would agree with me that we also give you standing ovations!!GO KATE GO,GO KATE GO!!!! I was sorry to hear about your Calamari episode, I wonder what it is that causes the reaction??? I was at the grocery store tonight and saw "O" magazine- remember Oprah?? How about it Kate?? Work at CB has kicked into overdrive with both Seniors and Underclass at full throutle, I love this time of year!!, so much going on!!!
I am sure you agree that summer went way to fast. My daughter starts 7th grade on Monday,lipgloss and all! When do your kids start? These kids grow so fast. Kate I am going to get going ,I want to share one more thing first I went to a garage sale on Saturday and found a little plaque that reads"One Day At A Time", and at another house found a cute little angel figure down her on knees praying that looked like it was patch quilted together and it says "A Day Hemmed in Prayer Seldom Unravels" Kate I leave you with those- Take good care of yourself and your precious family- Love in Christ- Fran Sutherland

Fran Sutherland <Franlikesmail@aol.com>
Pleasanton, Ca United States - Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:36 PM CDT
Hey Kate, You continue to inspire people all over the world. Your abilities are remarkable. Two minutes on your website can generate a months worth of positive thoughts!!Amazing. We continue with the prayers. Gods miracles are everywhere. I promise I will only enter this once this time. As you may have imagined, my computer skills are small!! Love your spirit, Patty
Patty Butzer (Jesse) <butzfun@AOL.com>
Oak Creek, Wi USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
My husband Mark wrote to you on Aug 12th when he told me about your web page. As he said, my mother (age 75) was diagnosed with GBM grade IV on July 1st, 2005 when the pathology report came back after her surgery (June 27th). I ‘m learning a lot about GBM from reading your journal. My mom is in her 5th week of treatments and is doing quite well. You are an inspiration to me and my family and give us hope that my mom will be around for a while. I’m anxious to hear how your MRI scan comes out at the end of the month. My prayers are with you and your family.

Cindy Costello <markcostello@juno.com>
Newbury Park, CA USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
Hey girl, I find myself constantly thinking of you and how amazing you are. I wish I had a computer at home so that I could write to you more often. I have been neglectful in getting to this site and reading the updates too. Sorry for that. Sounds as though you are getting along good, I will keep praying for you and yours. All my strength and love. Colleen
Colleen Wehmeyer <colleen.wehmeyer@ppwi.org>
Menomonee Falls, WI USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
Hi Kate! Just wanted to say hello, as I've been away and haven't read your journal in a while. Just was catching up. I'm glad you had a great trip and retirement party (sounds amazing). Sorry to hear about your new fish allergy. Did I tell you about my friend who LOVES shellfish and in her 20s developed an anaphylactic allergy to it? Since then she has been threatening to buy a big lobster, get herself to the nearest emergency room and announce "I am about to go into shock" before strapping on her bib and going for it. It was great seeing your next-door neighbors in So Cal. Aren't they the cutest? I'm already missing my annual trip to No Cal. Dunno how I'll get through the year, but hope I can get there next year and see you too. Love to you and your family and your Hennessy neighbors.
Jan <janflyz@yahoo.com>
Barcelona, Spain - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:28 AM CDT
Dear Kate,
It is with hope that I read your web page. I have a friend who is battling a similar tumor. Your brave and personal story gives us hope for him. My prayers are with you.


chicago, Ill USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 8:13 PM CDT
Again, I just want to tell you what an inspiration you have been to me. Your words and advice really helped me get through my own tumor ordeal. I don't know if I would have handled everything with as much grace, dignity, and humor if it weren't for you. All is well with us. I am able to eat whatever I want, so now I've gained back much of the weight I lost. Darn it!! But, no school pic for me this year. I still can't move my bottom lip so I have a little crooked smile. Life has definitely taken a different course for me. Thank you for everything. We hope that the boys will be playing basketball (or football the way Colin plays) again this year together. All our love to you and your family.

P.S. - Tell Brian that our door is always open to share a glass of wine

Elizabeth Willis <EbethWil@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 1:27 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
Ron and I are spending a wild Friday night in Eden Prairie (that means we're doing nothing!) and just wanted to say hi. So great to see you in Minneapolis. Now that Ron's retired we're looking forward to some fun LT Alumni Club gatherings with you and Brian.

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Friday, August 19, 2005 9:41 PM CDT
On the fly ...... thanks be to God!!

Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, WI USa - Thursday, August 18, 2005 8:58 PM CDT
Hi Kate-

I was truly inspired by your journal. My husband, Doug, was diagnosed with GBM in April of this year. Thus far he is doing GREAT and even returned to work on Monday (8/15). We are also receiving treatment with Duke and consult with MD Anderson. I pray that my husbands outcome can be as positive as yours. He is very optimistic and a fighter. I pray for you and your continued good health. God Bless you and your family. Take care.

Karen Pope

Karen Pope <popek@hitachimed.com or jpopekpope@alltel.net>
Aurora, OH USA - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 4:45 PM CDT
Hi Kate - It was good to see you and Brian in Minneapolis. I think about you guys often, but this is actually my first visit to the website. As you can imagine it was a bit of a tear jerker listening to your retirement speech, but I know that although "officially retired" that you'll still be the mastermind behind any of Brian's future successes :} You know I love you guys! Also - I have an employee of mine (great guy - Rey Palop) whose wife is currently battling cancer (chemo, etc.) and as we talked about their situation yesterday, I though of you, and what an inspiration and influence you are and have been. I shared some of your experience with Rey, and will be providing him the link to your website so that he and his wife may share in some of your triumphs and inspiration. Well, I have to go deal with some of my own battles - like the photographer who said "butt crack" several times and in front of the principal a few days ago (didn't seem to think it was inappropriate) - gotta love it, huh! Days like that make me think about retirement!
Give my best to the family,

Doug Suhi <dsuhi@lifetouch.com>
Valencia, CA United States - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:30 PM CDT
Dear Kate -
It sure was great to see you, Riley and Colin at your Mom's. You sure are doing wonderful, and as I said, I know your calling is to provide love and inspiration to others. You go girl!!! We pray each day for your continuing and wonderful progress. We could not get over Colin with Devin. That was a sight to behold! You do not see many little boys truly love babies as he does. You brought your children up to be such loving ones that it is a wonderful tribute to you and Brian. Devin will officially be Kristi and Jon's on Wednesday, the 17th. We are all going up to Minnesota that weekend so we certainly will have something wonderful to celebrate. Take care. Our thoughts are always with you and Jenny. Sharon and Fred

Sharon Bobolz <plankroad@aol.com>
Janesville, WI - Saturday, August 13, 2005 1:03 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
I ran into your cousin Leslie while teaming on a NASA program and she shared some of your experiences. I appreciate the shared knowledge and information. My Mother-in-law was diagnosed last month with the same thing. Luckily her family noticed a deterioration in awareness, communication and motor skills and took her to emergency. 5 days later she had brain surgery and is now undergoing radiation & chemo therapy. It's quite hard on the family and acquiring information on what others have discovered as well as knowing how others cope with the situation is very helpful.
Out prayers are with you and your family as well.

Mark Costello <markcostello@juno.com>
Newbury Park, Ca - Friday, August 12, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Hi Kate!

It was great talking to you on Sunday - and I am happy to hear you are back home and settled back in for your last treatment! Hip! Hip! Hooray! It's a quiet week in the neighborhood here - lots of people getting in their last minute vacations before school starts - I especially miss Bub and Sue and their kids, but I know they are enjoying vacation time at the lake. I'm having a good week - energy level is great! Will talk to you soon!

Paula Epping
Chaska, MN - Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:41 AM CDT
Oh Kate it was so good to read your update! So very happy for you! You are wise and inspirational....praying that MRI comes back clean and you can embark on the next part of your journey. I too often feel if Dave finishes up his chemo (sometime in March if scans remain clear..) will that mean he stands a chance for it to come back?! I don't know anyone who hasn't had the thought cross their mind when dealing with such an aggressive cancer...faith...hope....and moving forward! Keep us updated on everything!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers always!!
Kathy-mom to David-GBM

Kathy <joy2jak@adelphia.net>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:42 AM CDT
Kate and Brian:

Great to see you in Mpls. You both looked great and it was obvious you enjoyed interacting with everyone at Lifetouch, and they loved seeing you both. I'm on the road, in Phoenix ,and Mike and Kim Christman send their best wishes.Can't wait to see you again in San Diego. Paula is doing well and I loved seeing your photo with her on her site.All the Best DaveP

Dave Peterjohn <dpeterjohn@lifetouch.com>
Excelsior, Minnesota USA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:40 PM CDT
We miss you guys already! Sullivan is doing roll call every morning and no one is answering him... Soon he will be back to "Hi, Mom!" and life will be less interesting.

I'm glad you made it home safely. You look mahhhvelous, darling! Give the kids and Bri hugs from us. We'll have to set up that ski trip soon.

Jen-bob <herefido@charter.net>
Janesville, WI 53545 - Monday, August 8, 2005 10:25 AM CDT
Hi Kate

Your story gives me much hope. My mother has been diagnosed with a secondary Brain tumour. She is awaiting Radiotherapy, but we are also looking into alternative treatments.
I wish you all the luck in the world...

Sarah Wiech <tswiech@gmx.net>
Landshut, Germany - Saturday, August 6, 2005 8:31 AM CDT
Hi Kate, I am a 46 year old mother of two boys aged 9 and 5 and was diagnosed with a GBM 4 Nov 2004. I have suffered vusual deficits from the surgery and have had no chemo or radio as yet. What treatment regime were you subscribe and were there any side effects.
sydney, nsw australia - Friday, August 5, 2005 9:36 PM CDT
Kate, I am so glad that you are truly a success story. Ever since Carolyn asked for prayers for you I have had you on my prayer list. I know that God does answer prayers and thank you for the inspiration you have been to so many through this hard time. May God continue to use you in his service.
Janet Theriault <jtheriault@alltel.net>
Live Oak, Florida USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 6:30 PM CDT
We were just told about three weeks ago my brother has lung cancer that spread to part of his brain. We've never had this situation in our family before. But reading others stories, like yours gives me a little more hope for my brother. It just seems like doctors are taking so long to do his surgery. After reading your story, and others, I want my brother to hurry and have his surgery so he can start recovering, like you. But from this day forward you will always be in my prayers. And I will keep you informed as well as to see how you are doing. God Bless
Madeleine <mexicano@etcrier.net>
Bakersfield, CA USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 5:32 PM CDT
Wow Kate - it was great seeing you in Minneapolis! I'm only sorry I didn't get to chat for a few minutes. The way you live is such an inspiration. I am grateful that our paths crossed for a short while at Lifetouch and I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Be well. Warmest regards...Nancy
Nancy Ess <nankayess@netscape.net>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
Hello Great Kate- It was so nice to read your last entry. I should know better than to read your journal at work. I started to cry reading about your award. You are amazing!
I hope the rest of your trip is wonderful.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
Hi Kate, It was great to see you in Minneapolis, at the picnic. You look healthy, happy and optimistic! I am so sorry I missed you on Friday, on stage, being honored by all of your Lifetouch family. What an honor! And how lucky we all are to have you and Brian in our Lifetouch family! You have shown courage, faith and spirit to all of us. I will be thinking of you as you go through your chemo.
God bless. Love, Beattie

Beattie Stabeck <BSTABECK@AOL.COM>
Portland, OR USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 10:29 PM CDT
Dear Kate,
Hi! It's Kim Adams (Joey's wife from Mayfield, KY). I just wanted you to know that I continue to pray for you and your family. I have been keeping up with your journal entries and it sounds like you all are having a GREAT summer! Things are wonderful in KY- Joey is doing amazing. He finishes his radiation next Monday. He is so excited. He has gone back to work building houses(no climbing on rafters yet!) but has not gone back to the firestation. His oncologist says that he is doing so well that after radiation he can start driving again and that he will be able to return to driving the ambulance. His co-workers at the firestation are AWESOME! They have worked every shift for Joey (he has not had to use 1 sick day yet). Kate, it humbles us tremendously that people are willing to give so much of themselves to help out our family. What a wonderful act of love and loyalty! You are still such a huge inspiration to me and Joey. I have told you before but I feel so blessed that God has put you in my life. Cancer sure does help you to put things into perspective. Our lives have changed for the better and Joey and I are growing so much in our spiritual lives. I feel God's presence so strongly and I am praying boldly in faith that He will keep His arms around you and Joey and shield you completely from the cancer. Happy Summer!
God Bless,

Kim Adams <alexanderloop@yahoo.com>
Mayfield, KY - Monday, August 1, 2005 9:56 PM CDT
Kate, you have given me hope in our future. My mom was diagnosed with GBM a month ago. She has had surgery and is undergoing chemo/radiation. I know the prognosis is bleak but you given me hope. We are praying for the intercession of John Paul II to bring our prayer to Jesus for us. We will pray for your continued health. God Bless, Judy
Judith Alberto <jalberto5@comcast.net>
Blackwood, NJ USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 7:48 PM CDT
Kate - You continue to inspire me. Bob and I have had some trying times here in Arizona, but reading your entries always helps me put things in perspective. All of the things we hope to accomplish seem so impossible sometimes, but you always give me courage to keep moving forward. After all, if we never have hard times, then it would be impossible to appreciate the good times. Stay strong. I love you!!!
Ryan Sherman <rsherman79@mac.com>
Scottsdale, AZ United States - Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:21 AM CDT
It was wonderful seeing you in Minneapolis. You look great, and I know how much everyone loved seeing you. You continue to be my hero! (Did they get a picture of you in the dinosaur suit in the video?) I'm sorry I didn't get to see that because I was in the secondary meetings. Hang in there this week with the chemo and know that AT LEAST one prayer every day comes in your direction from me. You are a wonderful witness to us all - - and aren't we lucky to work for a company that lets us be that?!

Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO 64151 - Friday, July 29, 2005 4:40 PM CDT
Hi Kate, so nice to read an update from you. What a way to be honored! How cool was that? Very cool. I want to see the video when you return to Cali, so I'm inviting myself to the viewing. Will there be one? I'll bring wine (I know Brian's favorite) and/or twix bars? Enjoy the rest of your time with family. You rock woman! Love you, Patty
Patty Ortiz <patty5258@yahoo.com>
Concord, Ca - Friday, July 29, 2005 9:06 AM CDT
Kate- -You're Back!
I'll bet I'm not the only one here grazing this journal waiting to see how your trip home is going. It's a long time between July 2nd and July 28th for us who are so interested in your great progress and who are not presently on vacation. Your recent decription of your wonderful tribute from Lifetouch was an inspiration to the hard work you gave them for 14 years and the exceptional friends you have there. Thank you for sharing all those precious moments to all who get our inspiration from your journal. Don't ever forget for a moment that you have EARNED all the acolades you receive and we who are out here are just trying to take your example as to how to deal if or when we are faced with adversity

Louise Hasbrouck <HASZ@comcast.net>
Petaluma, CA USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Dear kate, my husband has just been given the devastating news of his gliomas brain tumour grade 4, he is just 49 your case history gives me hope that stuart will come through this, he starts radiotherapy treatment in two weeks for 6 weeks every day for ten minits, also along side this he will undergo chemotherapy. The tumour is situated in the parietal lobe which controls speech and motor sensory functions.
glasgow, scotland - Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:02 AM CDT
You give hope and inspiration to many others. Thank you for sharing your story.
Annelize <rhinodrs@netactive.co.za>
Cape Town, SA South Africa - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:59 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
Just dropping in to let you know I'm thinking of you and keeping those prayers coming! Hope you're enjoying your summer and your family and feeling well. Dave is doing great, he's been in New Jersey visiting family and friends and is due home tomorrow...every time I call to check on him...he's in the ocean or out on his bike...so happy your both doing so well and the attitude and spirit from you and my son is so very important and you both do it so well! God Bless!

Kathy <joy2jak@adelphia.net>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 3:44 PM CDT
Hi Kate!

It was so great getting together with you and Brian last Tuesday! I have not stopped talking about it since to my friends! Everyone is so excited to hear that we were able to get together! Hope the rest of your week went well and you are now enjoying time with the kids in the UP! Summer vacations go by quickly, don't they?!! Will keep in touch!

Love, Paula

Paula Eppping
Chaska, MN - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:56 AM CDT
Kate and Brian - It was wonderful seeing you at the meeting this week. You both look great! (Brian - I certainly don't want to leave you out of this!!) Kate - you are such an inspiration. Your inpromptu speech on Friday was beautiful! The love for you filled every corner of that auditorium! Last night Mo looked radiant on stage getting her award. You would have been proud!

Enjoy the rest of your time with your family in WI / MI! I will be praying for you as you start your next round of chemo!

Love - Jan

Jan Haeg <jhaeg@lifetouch.com>
Edina, MN - Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:32 PM CDT
Hi Kate. It's so great to see what God is doing in your life and mine. My husband was diagnosed in November 2004 and is still going strong. He has the same attitude you have. We have a 2, 5, and 8 yr. old. Everyday I see Mike with them is a gift. Keep up the fight...with HIM on our side we can't lose. www.caringbridge.org/md/mikem
Deanne Messinger <messinger0563@peoplepc.com>
Jenison, MI USA - Friday, July 22, 2005 5:37 AM CDT
Hello Kate,
It was such a pleasure meeting you, Brian, Mo, and Karen for lunch at The Local! I read your Caring Bridge page (what a fantastic website) and your positive attitude is truly an inspiration. I will continue to follow your success story and will keep you in my thoughts and in my prayers. Enjoy the rest of your week in sunny Minneapolis!

Best Wishes,
-Chris Ulrich

Christina Ulrich <ulrich5000@hotmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN Hennepin - Thursday, July 21, 2005 2:21 PM CDT
Kate, I so look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis. It has been too long. Kim and Jilly may arrive in time to see you too. We are very grateful that you are able to make it to the summer meeting. We miss you, and give thanks for your progress. You remain in our prayers.
God Bless.
Mike and Kim

Mike Christman <mchristman@lifetouch.com>
Fountain Hills, AZ USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 6:25 AM CDT
Kate I have to confess I have not visited since before the 4th but if I had known you were going to be going to the UP.. I would have found out where you were at... I was in Curtis, ( my Mom calls it little Lifetouch) for the 4th and many our your Lifetouch Family was there. Lets see.. All the Gowan's, Kim Clark, all the Gordon's, all the Erickson's, and many more. I only hope you had a wonderful time in my neck of the woods...
Your in my prayer's
Mary Z

Mary Zagelmeier <maryzag01@aol.com>
Loves Park , il usa - Monday, July 18, 2005 6:51 PM CDT
Hi Kate!

The Griffins send their love. Thank you for sharing your testimony last week at Redwood Christian Park. You inspired us all. We will keep you in our prayers and look forward to future reports.

Wes, Joy, Hannah, and Caleb

Wes and Joy Griffin <Wes@ILITeam.org>
Carrollton, GA USA - Monday, July 18, 2005 4:21 PM CDT
Kate, best wishes for continued good health. My wife, Mary Ann, was dx on 4/17/02 with GMB. She ,too, has had a happy ending to a dx that no one thought she could beat. Thank you, Jesus. Bob C. Mullins,SC
Robert H. Corley <RHCORLEYLAW@AOL.com>
Mullins, SC USA - Monday, July 18, 2005 7:25 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I just found your story on virtual trials. My son (14) was diagnosed in Nov. 2004, with a GBM. He was on Temador and it quit working for him. He had a cancerous brain tumor when he was 3 1/2 and had radiation at that time, so that is not an option for him.
We took him to Duke medical center and the Dr. there sugested a regime for our Drs. to follow. So far he is tolerating it quite well and we are trusting the lord to make it work.
It is quite refreshing to read a recent survival story. Thanks for sharing.

Dianne Kennedy <rjts1mom@comcast.net>
Jenison, MI USA - Saturday, July 16, 2005 9:45 PM CDT
Thanks for sharing your fight. My mom was diagnosed yesterday and it's good to know that the future isn't as bleak as it seems. She has a CB site also, which has been a help as her family is now around the world.
Sheri Pederson
Bloomington, MN USA - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:53 AM CDT
Hey Kate...

I found your site through another and another and so on....

My son also has a CB site, and we DO live in the UP of MI!!! It is the most beautiful place on earth I think! A great place for reflection and time for non city living!!! I will continue to follow your journey and check in to see how you are.


Linda Jorgenson <mommylindaroo@yahoo.com>
Ironwood, MI - Monday, July 4, 2005 10:03 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
I just saw the link to your site in Chance's guestbook so I thought I'd stop by to say hello. I live in SE Michigan and I know exactly what you mean about the UP...it's so beautiful and peaceful up there. In fact, we're heading up to go camping next week throughout the UP and a few places in Canada. I hope you enjoy yourself when you're here! I will keep you in my prayers and will pop in to say hi again soon. Take care!

Hugs & prayers from Candy Belanger <zacheric02@msn.com http://www.braintrust.org/umbrella.htm>
Livonia , Mi Audrey's Umbrella - Monday, July 4, 2005 11:33 AM CDT
Hi Kate, just dropping by to wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and safe 4th of July! Keep up the spirit! Sending prayers of continued wellness and healing! God Bless.
Kathy-mom to Dave

kathy cummings/david fitting <joy2jak@adelphia.net>
boynton beach, fl usa - Monday, July 4, 2005 5:49 AM CDT
Kate- You Go Girl!! Awesome news on your latest scan.When I read your enrty the song came to mind "Nothing is to difficult for thee"!! Our God is so AWESOME!! Absolutely nothing is to difficult for Him!! Kate you are SO amazing!! I loved the pictures of your trip, you are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Wow!! You have some traveling comming up!!What an Awesome time you will have with your kids this summer!! Family Camp will be Great and your family reunion and then the summer meeting!I wish I was going to the Summer meeting,I had the privilege of attending the Winter meeting in Flordia- (my first)Talk about totally blown away!! What a wonderful family we work for,I call it family because it feels like family. Kate you have been with Lifetouch longer than I have and I know you agree with me that it feels like family! Hey the Winter Meeting is in San Diego, Lord wiiling I will be able to attend!!(if for some reason I'm not my picture will be in the yearbook!!, they took my picture in Florida).Kate I was reading your guestbook and ran across the entry about Oprah- YES!! YES!! YES!!,I know you are very busy for the next weeks but Wow!!,if God wants it to happen it will! How cool would that be??? Have the best time ever in all your travels this summer, I continue to pray for you and your precious family and have the others you have asked us to pray for on my prayer list.Today I think of Lance Armstrong set out for his 7th Tour De France victory.I Praise God for the VICTORY we have in Jesus Christ!!!I went and bought fireworks for my daughter(o.k. for me too) today for the 4th of July and I always think about how our light shines for Jesus,are we like the beauitful fountain that has so many beauitful bright colors that when everyone see's they ehh and ahh or is our light a dud that catches no ones eye that just fizzels out and smokes? Kate, Thank you for your Bright Shining Awesome light for Jesus that has truely blessed and encouraged so many of us!!!Enjoy,Enjoy, Enjoy!!!!
Love in Christ- Fran Sutherland

Fran Sutherland <Franlikesmail@aol.com>
Pleasanton, Ca United States - Saturday, July 2, 2005 11:22 PM CDT
Best wishes Kate for a great time in the mid-west. You will probably eat at the Bear Trap in Land-O-Lakes! Six women will be spending a few days with a friend on Pioneer Lake in August. Ron and I leave for an Alaska cruise on Monday. We have been looking forward to it for months!
Gods blessings on you and your family.

Jean Arnold
Janesville, WI 53546 - Saturday, July 2, 2005 5:53 PM CDT
Dear Kate,
Congratulations on another clear scan, on being done soon, on turning 39 and mostly on staying so positive. I can relate to your question on purpose. You know, though, that your purpose has to be to continue to inspire and draw others to faith through your shining example, your amazing humor and incredible writing and speaking ability. I STILL think you need to shoot for Oprah! Happy summer - have a great trip to camp and Wisconsin. All our love, Dave, Leigh and the kids

Leigh Phillips <leigh94070@yahoo.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Saturday, July 2, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
Dear Kate, You are such an Encourager and I know the Lord has so many special "projects" for you to accomplish here and for His Kingdom. Carolyn sent such a reassuring Prayer update and I was pleased to hear that you are slowly coming to an end of the chemo sessions and then receiving the MRI's. It is amazing how the Lord has guided you and the doctors to find the answers you needed. Have a wonderful summer and will be checking on your progress..God Bless You and your family. In His Love, Shirley
Shirley Ware <USCG6@aol.com>
San Mateo, Ca USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 6:56 PM CDT
Dear Kate..........reading your last entry this morning, and some Guestbook entries, has made me think how your challenges have brought out feelings and faiths we've never known about each other in our family of dear friends.
Faith, courage and the ability to rise above!
What should you do now? God will guide you every day and show you what you should do. In the meantime, just keep raising your wonderful kids, loving them and your husband with all your heart, and the rest will simply fall into place.

I wish you continued peace of mind and much love.
Vera :)

Vera Gale <vera_gale@rsconst.com>
Foster City, CA USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 12:26 AM CDT
The best part about your most recent entry is that you and I both know the answer - GIVE IT OVER TO GOD. He is the one who is driving our lives. It is the easiest answer but the most difficult to follow.
Everyone of us has some kind of "hurricane" in our lives that knocks down trees, turns roofs upside down, and takes everything away. God knows we are not perfect, God knows we struggle with understanding his purpose, and yet, he is there every step of the way. Sometimes God puts us in situations to help us gain greater insight to his purpose and sometimes God puts us in situations to help others. I don't know what situation God has put you in but it sure is a light for others to see. Thanks for helping keep the light on (Did I just quote some hotel slogan?)

Stay strong and keep writing what you are writing.

Chris Arrington <arringtoncs@earthlink.net>
Menlo Park, ca - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:43 PM CDT
Kate - I just read your recent entries - there is no question -- he has plans for you! (I have know that for years!) As I read so many of the recent guestbook entries there are so many people that appreciate your energy, faith and outlook. Keep writing your messages because through your word you are helping many families world wide! Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks! Congrats on the clean scan!!
Jan Haeg <jhaeg@lifetouch.com>
Edina, MN - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 9:58 PM CDT
Dear Kate...I found you through Drew's CB site...my son David was dx with GBM in May 2003....one thing I have learned through this journey is FAITH and HOPE are very important! But remember this...each and every person is physiologically different...what works for one may not for another and so forth...kind-of like how some people respond differently to anti-biotics...also...the statistic thing...only #'s....and gosh they really can get you down...I spoke to a very nice man when David (my son) relapsed last May..his name is David M. Bailey...he is 9 years clear of GBM and he is amazing. He was also on the temador treatment. My son did not respond to temador, however...he seems to be responding to a different protocol that The Duke Tumor Center has him on.This type of cancer calls for us to be advocates and really look into all the research out there and keep our ducks in a row...I think you have a wonderful spirit and a beautiful family!!I'll be keeping you in my prayers and thoughts as you travel the journey to healing and wellness! God Bless.

Kathy Cummings-mom to David Fitting <joy2jak@adelphia.net>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:05 PM CDT
It was an answer to a prayer that I found Kate yesterday. My husband was diagnosed with GBM in May and is in the middle of his radiation and first round of Temodar. As you know, there is so much doom and gloom on the internet. I was looking for a "good" story, one that I could hope for the same results with a long survival. I came across Kate and e-mailed her. I heard back from her right away and before I knew it I was on the phone with her. She is a breath of fresh air and just what I needed. It turns out she and my husband had their tumors in a similar place. My husband shares her same positive attitude that I know is a big part of it. I will continue to pray for Kate and ask you to do the same for my husband, Robert. I would love to hear from anyone else out there with anything to share. Thank you, Kate.
Lynn Frost <Lmfrost1@aol.com>
Malvern, PA - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
Dear Kate and Brian,
I have not made an entry for a long time but have been keeping up with your great progress and have kept up on your wonderful journals. Kate, you should have no doubts about Gods plan for you. You are doing his plan daily by your example over adversity and by your testamount to so many others. I believe the fact that Ijust read that your journal has been visited 46,813 times. I believe that should make it clear what Gods plan is for you and you are carrying out this plan abundantly.

Louise Hasbrouck <Hasz@comcast.net>
Petaluma, ca - Monday, June 27, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
I want to thank you for sharing Brian with Paula and I when he was in Minnesota for meetings. Our conversation was very meaningful to me. You and Brian have been an inspiration to Paula and I in our journey. I am looking forward to meeting you and reconnecting with Brian when you visit Minnesota in July. Thanks.

Joe Epping <jepping@aol.com>
Chanhassen, MN 55318 - Monday, June 27, 2005 12:17 AM CDT
Hi, my name is Ana. I'm looking after my partner that was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme and at the moment I feel lost, angry, frustrated, I don't know! I also need help and don't know what to do.One month ago, our lives were normal and than suddnly, someone decided to shake our world and do the most horrible things to us.
I will be thinking of you too, and wish you all the best.

ana <paulaw41@hotmail.com>
swindon, uk - Sunday, June 26, 2005 5:49 AM CDT
Yes, we do believe in miracles! What a testament you are.
Love, Sharon and Fred

Sharon Bobolz <plankroad@aol.com>
Janesville, WI - Saturday, June 25, 2005 11:46 AM CDT
Dear Kate,
I am so EXCITED as I write this message to you. Joey had an MRI done yesterday and everything was CLEAN! The doctor even said that it looked GREAT and that Joey looked GREAT! You know how some doctors are, they don't use the word GREAT a lot when talking about GBM. It was the best news that we have heard since starting this journey. To God be the GLORY! You are right Kate, we are going to beat this thing. It messed with the wrong people! I want to thank you for our wonderful phone conversation and for the prayer that you said for Joey and our family. Words cannot describe how much it meant to me. I look forward to our next chat. You and your family are in my prayers everyday.
God Bless,
Kim Adams

Kim Adams <alexanderloop@yahoo.com>
Mayfield, KY USA - Saturday, June 25, 2005 8:23 AM CDT
Kate-O! Great news, sweetie! You are so amazing! Sorry I have been out of touch. This job totally cuts into my social life--believe everything you hear about being a resident. Just wanted you to know that I think about you lots and pray always for your health and joy! Keep up the good work. You are loved.

Marci Radke <mdrun@aol.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:06 PM CDT
Hello Kate!
So great to hear your good news! I so enjoyed our visit at the lake and time with the girls....seeing you made the trip for me. Bri and the kids seem to be doing so well.
What a testiment! As always you are in our prayers!
Lisa and Dave

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:08 PM CDT
Hi Kate and Brian:
Just read the news! Great way to start my day.We all look forward to seeing you in Minnesota in a few weeks. Thanks again to Brian for his visit with Paula and Joe.It meant alot. All the best -Dave Peterjohn

Dave Peterjohn <dpeterjohn@lifetouch.com>
Excelsior, Minnesota USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 7:27 AM CDT

I found your page through the virtual trials website. My 5 year old son was diagnosed with a GBM when he was 4. He, too, is doing amazingly well. The power of prayer is amazing. Attitude is everything. Keep up the good fight. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.


Gina (Drew's Mom) <OneAngelsMommy@aol.com>
Montpelier, VA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:56 AM CDT
Kate, I found your page through virtualtrials.com. Glad to hear about the clear scan. My dad also has a GBM IV. Prayers to you and your family that your scans continue to stay clear.

April Larkin <alarkin@vzavenue.net>
Seaside, CA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 5:48 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
What a great way to start my day - CLEAN SCAN FOR KATE! You're my hero! I'm sure the memory issue is frustrating but knowing you, you'll find a way to improve that situation also - maybe hire a full time assistant to follow you around and they could do wash and cleaning while you're nappping???? Sounds good to me! We're off to Banff next week in Reva but are all set up with computers, etc, so will follow your updates on-line. Love, Susie

p.s. we have Paula in our prayers.

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:22 AM CDT
Hi Kate,

I was so happy to read your story on the Virtual Trials website. My husband was diagnosed last fall and he also gets his treatment at UCSF. It is so inspiring to see how well you are doing, and really gives me hope. Thank you for posting your story, and congratulations on your clear scan! Waiman's (my husband) next MRI is June 27, and we look forward to good results as well. You and your family are in our thoughts, and if I can ever help you out, just let me know. Hang in there and keep up the positive energy!
--Laura Hartog, wife of Waiman (diagnosed GBM 11/22/04), mom to Rowan (8), Nathan (6), Elizabeth (4) and Peter (18 months).

Laura Hartog <hartog-ng1@comcast.net>
Los Gatos, CA USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:28 AM CDT
Hi Kate,

I was so happy to read your story on the Virtual Trials website. My husband was diagnosed last fall and he also gets his treatment at UCSF. It is so inspiring to see how well you are doing, and really gives me hope. Thank you for posting your story, and congratulations on your clear scan! Waiman's (my husband) next MRI is June 27, and we look forward to good results as well. You and your family are in our thoughts, and if I can ever help you out, just let me know. Hang in there and keep up the positive energy!
--Laura Hartog, wife of Waiman (diagnosed GBM 11/22/04), mom to Rowan (8), Nathan (6), Elizabeth (4) and Peter (18 months).

Laura Hartog <hartog-ng1@comcast.net>
Los Gatos, CA USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:28 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
Yippeeeeeeeeee!!! We are very happy for you. We wanted you to know there are lots of power prayers coming your way.
Love all ways,
Talia, Nico, Mario,& Deanne Narduzzi
P.S. Say hi to Riley and tell her to have a fantastic summer - Talia

Talia and Deanne Narduzzi <narduzzi@prodigy.net>
Santa Rosa , CA USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 0:14 AM CDT
Hi Kate, I am so happy to hear your good news!! I was thinking about you all day yesterday. I know that your strong faith and positive attitude, is, what is healing you!
Don't worry about being forgetful - I sure don't! Take care, keep the faith. Love, Beattie

Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
- Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:27 PM CDT
I celebrate with those who are fighting this desease right now. I pray for my brother Onix Perez who is still fighting with it. I know we'll see you soon, my beloved brother!!!
Jocelyn Perez <JoPerez4@aol.com>
Rincon, PR USA - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:11 PM CDT

Congrats on the great news! I am so happy for you. You are a power of strength and I plan to follow your lead the whole way!

Kristine Fontana <paptana@comcast.net>
Lake Bluff, IL - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:38 PM CDT
Hip Hip Hooray!! What great news. I certainly felt you were doing incredibly well when you came to all of those kindergarten events and still kept up with the best of 'em. It sure seemed as though you were functioning right back at 100% Pure Kate...OK, OK, after reading your last entry...maybe 98% Pure Kate, but, hey, that's fantastic. As all of your friends say, it happens to the best of us and eventually to all of us as we age. You are just experiencing that mild confusion a bit early and it's always difficult to be compromised in any way. I am very happy and excited for the Burke Family. Big summer hugs and love to Riley and Colin (read, read, read!)
PS-Yep, traveling is a perfect way to celebrate!!

Joanne Borovoy <bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:30 PM CDT
We are delighted to hear the great news! I am not surprised!
You have got the RIGHT person on your side!
Much love to you all...

Kim and Michael Christman <kchristman@mn.rr.com>
Fountain Hills, AZ USA - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:29 PM CDT
Good Morning Kate!

I was just reading some of your guestbook entries as I have been thinking about you and the scan you had yesterday! I am so very, very happy to hear your continued good news! Good girl - girlfriend!!!! Again, it was so great meeting Brian last week and also talking to you! Joe and I both send you two our love - and we will talk to you soon! I know you will take it easy this week while you are taking your chemo. You know what needs to be done to keep you on track! Thinking of you daily and sending warm, loving thoughts your way to CA!


Paula E. <pepp1976@mchsi.com>
- Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:03 AM CDT
Thank you so much for the message. It was so good to hear from you. I feel like I have a million questions for you. Joey and I are thrilled that you got a clean scan today! I look forward to talking with you. Thank you for sharing your phone number. Our phone number is (270)376-5888. May God continue to walk this journey with you and your family. A dear friend shared one of her favorite bible verses with us right after Joey got his diagnosis. It has brought our family much hope and comfort. 2 Kings 4:8-37 (Elisha and the Woman from Shunem) When there was no time to waste, she saddled a donkey and took off toward the Holy Man. Even in her distress, she proclaimed that "All Was WELL". Even though her eyes saw one thing-her spirit saw another. Kate, I know that you will keep proclaiming that "All is WELL." Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for responding to our website. We are blessed to have such a tremendous support system from friends and family but nothing compares to talking to someone who has walked in our shoes. We are so happy for you! I will talk with you soon!
God Bless,
Kim Adams

Kim Adams
Mayfield, KY United States - Monday, June 20, 2005 9:37 PM CDT
Bravo,Bravo for the clean scan!!!!!
Jean Arnold
- Monday, June 20, 2005 8:23 PM CDT
Hi my name is Kim Adams. I found your website one night and stayed up until the "wee" hours of the morning reading it. My husband was diagnosed with a glioblastoma Grade IV tumor last month. He is 32 yrs. old and a picture of health. We were high school sweethearts and have been married for 9 yrs. We have 2 children. Our son is 7 and our daughter is 2. Our entire life changed in half a second when we were told the news. I feel a connection with you because my husband is SO STRONG and POSITIVE about this. He is an inspiration to me and everybody that knows us. I can tell by reading your journal entries that you have a very stong faith like us. I want you to know that your journal entries have been such an inspiration to me and have given me great hope. I believe that with God all things are possible. I will be remembering you and your family in my daily prayers. My husband has a caringbridge website too and it has brought us so much comfort during this difficult time. His name is Joey Adams and we live in Kentucky. We would love to hear from you if you have time. We just got home from Houston, TX. We went to MD Anderson for a second opinion. The Dr.'s were wonderful. He starts radiation and temodar this Tuesday. I know that God has a plan for our family and for your family, too! God Bless!

Kim Adams
Mayfield, KY United States - Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:25 PM CDT

I am a 17 year gbm survivor and I ran acros your story on v'trials. I am proud of you and the fight you are winning... wishing you the best and the encouragemrnt to Keep On Keepin' On and to Love the time.

Matthew Fullerton
Wichita, KS - Sunday, June 19, 2005 11:40 AM CDT

I have been reading your journal since you started it. It makes me feel like I saw you yesterday instead of the decade it has been. You are filled with as much life today as you were in those wild years back then. I am proud of you, inspired by you and I am still laughing with you. Thanks for sharing your humorous thoughts, trials and accomplishments with us over the year. I am so happy that you went back to Europe. Those still remain some of my best memories. Love you, miss you and happy belated birthday.

Pam Weir <pmweir@uwalumni.com>
Chicago, IL - Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:30 PM CDT
Hi Kate - - Glad to know you're thinking positive. I needed a dose of that, and as always, your journal blessed me. Love the pictures - - you're as pretty as ever. Great family photo. Will we see you in Mpls.? I hope so.
Love and prayers.`

Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Saturday, June 18, 2005 8:44 PM CDT
Loved seeing the new pictures! I do need a new 40" computer screen to view them properly. Your new funky "do" looks terrific. You look so cute, I wonder how Brian keeps his hands off you. Looking forward to seeing you Sunday.

Still keeping the prayers for you, Jen & Ben going; now I'll add Donna.

Love you to pieces,

CB <itscburke@aol.com>
San Carlos, CA - Friday, June 17, 2005 7:22 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie, it's Bergie. Decided to visit your website tonight for a dose of postive thoughts. I lost my sweet Dad on Monday and the Memorial Service is tomorrow. I want to share a little story that I think you might be able to relate to. My dad died suddenly Monday evening; my sister, sister in law and Chris drove out to my parents lake home to deliver the news to my mom in person (She happened to be away from my Dad). It was quite late. We got home in the early morning and I was concerned about how our middle boy Benjamin (9 years old) would take the news. He is very sensitive and internalizes everything. I layed down next to him as he was waking up and said "Good morning Buddy, How are you?" "Good" he replied. "Do you remember what happened last night?" I asked. "Yes, Grandpa Dean Died . . . Can I Have a sleepover tonight?"
At times like these, when life is hard and I just want to hide under the covers and sleep all day, the innocence of a child stirs me to realize that life does go on.
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you beat this with courage and continue to be the mom to your beautiful kids with their ever present needs.
Love, Beth

Beth (Bergland) Johnson <bergiethegardener@yahoo.com>
Orono, MN USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:51 PM CDT
Hi Kate, I too, missed your weekly update! Glad you are doing great and sticking to the positive side of the street! Hope your scan is clean on Monday - you are in my prayers, as always. Love, Beattie
Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, ORb - Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:35 PM CDT
Hi Kate - I just sent up a prayer for Donna and for you for a clean scan and strength for next week! I'm glad you decided to stick with the positive - look where it's brought you so far! Your faith and outlook are incredible - hold on to them tightly.
Ann Jesse-Schwabe <ajesseschwab@madison.k12.wi.us>
Middleton, WI USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:47 AM CDT
Hi Kate, could you go back to writing weekly updates? The latest was a week over due. I know, you're busy helping to encourage the "world." Yes, that is important, but I'd still like to read a weekly entry. Call me selfish. God Bless you...your ability to encourage is a blessing to witness. Keep keeping the MRI's clean as a whistle. Will be thinking of you on Monday. Know that Paula and Donna are in my prayers. Love you.
patty <patty5258@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Hi Kate, Stay strong and be POSITIVE!!! I'm thinking and praying for you right now. BIG HUG...now go have some fun:)
Yolanda Menendez <caryo2u@yahoo.com>
Corpus Christi, TX 78408 - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
Thankyou for the update Kate. "Break a leg" on Monday. Theater talk, you know!I'm adding Donna to my prayer list.

Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
- Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:02 PM CDT
Hi Kate and all - Just had to finally sign in even though I always read it and keep up with your wonderful progress all of the time. You are just one amazing girl, but then, we knew that about 35 years ago! Keep up the great recovery! I am having Camp Nana this week with Amanda and Sydney as they are going to our church Vacation Bible School. What fun we are having, and what fun we are having with our little Devin. He was a gift from God that we love and cherish. Just to let you know that a little prayer is said for you and Jenny every day. We love you.
Sharon and Fred

Sharon and Fred Bobolz <plankroad@aol.com>
Janesville, WI - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 9:52 AM CDT
Hi Kate:

It has been a beautiful couple of days in southern Wisconsin. About time!

I just came from a Donnie Osmond concert at the Janesville Performing Arts Center. Wonderful show. The Janesville/Beloit Symphony played with him. It got pretty loud for this "old" person but I enjoyed it anyway! My kids will laugh when they are told I listen to "some screaming guitars".

Prayers are with you and your family always.


Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Saturday, June 4, 2005 10:48 PM CDT
Hi Kate- Welcome Home!!!!HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO YOU!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!...(I am singing to you-ya know Kate I love to sing-but our good Lord has not blessed me with the gift of being able to carry a tune)I am so happy to hear that you and your family enjoyed your trip! What a true blessing it was for God to provide the trip for you.I look forward to hearing more about your trip and seeing photos! As we celebrate Memorial Day weekend I reflect on how truly blessed we are to live in a land where we have the freedom to Worship. I think of how to me Kate you are such an example of our Freedom in Christ.THANK YOU for who you are and for inspiring all of us!-Take good care!You and your precious family are in my prayers.
-Love in Christ-Fran Sutherland

Fran Sutherland <Franlikesmail@aol.com>
Pleasanton, Ca. United States - Sunday, May 29, 2005 10:37 PM CDT
Happy Birthday - - a few days late. I'm a May birthday, too! Mine is just a LITTLE past 39 - - but I do vaguely remember that one! Loved reading about your trip. I continue to keep you in my daily prayers. Love and hugs. See you in Mpls.
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 2:33 PM CDT
Happy, happy, happy birthday Kate!! Well, I don't think I can repeat your birthday wish as many times as Patty did (!!), but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. CELEBRATE!! Lots of love to all of you. Your trip sounds as though it was incredible. Hey, I was amazed when Colin told me the Eiffel Tower was his favorite part of the vacation. What a guy! Hugs for Riley and Colin. Birthday hugs for you too.
Jo Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 8:38 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:13 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:12 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:12 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:12 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:09 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I have been thinking of you today as it is your birthday and I don't know if you remember, but mine as well. I am having a vague recollection of celebrating "our birthday" a bit early before leaving for the summer break up in EC. You have certainly given me a different perspective on life in general and most certainly on a day like today as I celebrate the big 4-0! I am happy to be here and where I am in life versus "what I don't have" which is truly nothing!!! Anyway, my boys, husband and I continue to pray for you daily. You, yourself ,are a birthday gift to all of us who are lucky enough to know you. God bless you. Love you much, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:09 PM CDT
I hope you have a birthday filled with the love and happiness you truly deserve. You are extremely loved, this is evident through these entries. Your journal entries truly inspire me. Remember that you are in our hearts and prayers everyday! Happy Birthday!!

Rob Villano <rvillano@lifetouch.com>
Concord, CA , CA USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:18 PM CDT
You look MAAAAAAAAVELOUS, darling. Happy Birthday. I barely remember 39. You are right; Each birthday is a blessing. In fact, lately Kimmo and I have been talking about our many blessings, and giving thanks each day. Knowing you, having you as a friend is something we always mention as a life changing blessing. Please give our love also to Brian, Riley, and Colin. Take good care, and we hope to see you soon.
Mike and Kim Christman <mchristman@lifetouch.com>
Fountain Hills, AZ USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:07 PM CDT
You look MAAAAAAAAVELOUS, darling. Happy Birthday. I barely remember 39. You are right; Each birthday is a blessing. In fact, lately Kimmo and I have been talking about our many blessings, and giving thanks each day. Knowing you, having you as a friend is something we always mention as a life changing blessing. Please give our love also to Brian, Riley, and Colin. Take good care, and we hope to see you soon.
Mike and Kim Christman <mchristman@lifetouch.com>
Fountain Hills, AZ USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:56 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE!!! You and my Dad have the same birthday! I would just love to be 39 again:) Love, Beattie
Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:17 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Kate. You're in my thoughts today as you are every day. Keep smiling!
Gene Krebsbach <gkrebsbach@lifetouch.com>
Northborough, MA USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
Happy Birthday or Joyeux Anniversaire mon amie...Don't want you to forget the French you picked on your super fantastick European Vacation.
Have a spectacular day..I'm thinking of you right now!!
Big Hug:)

All my best,
Yolanda M

Yolanda Menendez <caryo2u@yahoo.com>
Corpus Christi, Tx usa - Thursday, May 26, 2005 1:55 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Kate, Remember its not the age its the mileage. I'll be thinking of you today and everyday.
Randy Gowan <Rgowan1@lifetouch.com>
Medina, MN USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Kate! 39????? Right. I've been using that for a couple of years as well, and nobody believes me. (You don't need to tell people you're older than you really are, the bouncers at the club will probably let you in at your "real" age now.) Have a great day! Save me some cake... lots of icing please.
Mike Lawson <mlawson@lifetouch.com>
Lima, Oh - Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:59 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Kate!! We're CELEBRATING your life today - you do the same! Love, Ron & Susie
Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Thursday, May 26, 2005 8:19 AM CDT
Have a great day tomorrow Kato! Missing you.

Geno in Saint Paul <gdkalligher@yahoo.com>
Saint Paul, MN USofA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:41 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Kate! We wish you a wonderful 39th birthday! A day filled with love and laughter! A day that celebrates you and everything else that's wonderful in the world!
Love, Beth & Doug Gowan

"O God, I thank You for this day of life
for eyes to see the sky
for ears to hear the birds
for feet to walk amidst the trees
for hands to pick the flowers from the earth
for a sense of smell to breathe in the
sweet perfumes of nature
for a mind to think about and appreciate
the magic of everyday miracles
for a spirt to swell in joy at
Your mighty presence everywhere"
M. Edelman

Beth Gowan <bethg@lifetouch.com>
Okemos, MI USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 6:18 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE!!!!!!! From Sharon at the CJ Territory. My prayers are with you as always!
Sharon Pittillo <spittillo@lifetouch.com>
Concord, CA USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 5:55 PM CDT
Happy Birhtday Kate!

I read your journals regularly and pray for your continued great progress.

All the best.

Robert Lazar <robertl@bsharp.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:31 AM CDT
Hello Kate, Welcome back home. Its great to have you back!!!
Sounds like the trip was really enjoyable, I'm really happy for you. Happy Birthday,and here's to many ,many more. Look forward to seeing you in 5-6 weeks.Best Regards Dave P

Dave Peterjohn <dpeterjohn@lifetouch.com>
Excelsior , Mn USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 11:57 AM CDT
Hey Kate! Have a great birthday this week! Thanks for the encouraging words in your journal. Just think, if you would've done the conga dance the other night...you might've lost a pound or two...ha ha! Hang in there, your week of chemo is half over.
Renee Pilkenton <rpilk@sonic.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
Your comments yesterday really hit me. As human beings we seem to only do what we should do when we are in real trouble; otherwise we take the easier path. Glad you are forgiving yourself and moving on. Have a great birthday

Ron Harvey <rharvey@lifetouch.com>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Monday, May 23, 2005 10:47 PM CDT

Happy birthday! Great photos! My hair looks just like yours except a bit shorter! (I can't comb it the "trump" way yet) Have a great birthday!

Kristine Fontana <Paptana@comcast.net>
Lake Bluff, IL - Monday, May 23, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Kate - HAPPY BIRTHDAY on THURSDAY. Make it a great day and even a better year to follow! I am happy to hear you had a great family trip! I am sure everyone capture wonderful memories!
Jan Haeg <jhaeg@lifetouch.com>
Edina, MN - Monday, May 23, 2005 9:12 PM CDT
Welcome Home!
I am so glad you had such a wonderful time! Sounds like the kids are becoming world travelers. Put some photos up- when you have time. Take extra good care this week-
Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks!

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:30 AM CDT

Just (finally!) got the pictures back from our trip. I'll be emailing you a couple of great pics of the kids and one of you and me. We are definitely related.

Bon voyage! Have a wonderful trip--sounds like a great time.

Much love, Jill

Jill McCartney <jillmc@southwestmsu.edu>
Garvin, MN USA - Sunday, May 8, 2005 10:06 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
What an awesome trip you and Brian are going on - and what an adventure for Riley and Colin. I am so happy to hear that you are going and not letting that darn disease get you down! What a fighter you are and you are winning! Have a blast! Look forward to some new photos and journal entries when you return. Enjoy Enjoy, Beattie

Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR USA - Monday, May 2, 2005 8:05 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
Great news on your scan! I laughed when I read your journal entry because Ron and I have just completed our first "road trip" in Reva - that's the name of our new 40 foot RV. While you were spinning around town in your porsche we were rambling around the Upper Peninnsula in our RV which is powered by a 9 liter Caterpiller diesel, about what they use in a cement mixer. Quite a contrast! I want you to know that we have it well broken in - we managed to put a hole in the wall, break an awning in high winds, we broke one of the slide-outs, we lost our electrical panel that tells us what our batteries are doing so we didn't know if our batteries were charging or not, one of our levelers got stuck, we tracked tar on the carpet and almost lost the TV that's stored in the basement when the compartment flew open while on the road! Needless to say, it was a learning experience and an adventure. Of course, my engineer fixed everything! Now we're ready to visit you in CA - look out!

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Sunday, May 1, 2005 8:58 PM CDT
Just want you to know that you are still "way funny" and I thought of you last week when- Yes- I did buy a pair or RED little spike shoes. thinking that you would say - why would you even question wearing those in Clarion, Iowa- - town of 3000- THANK YOU KATE
just to let you know- Mike was so VERY honored to have been able to share the tape of you and Brian at Easter. Our Congregation was so moved and the pride in Mike's heart for you Kate--- was so special. The members in our church that day took on a new light (mostly that the Gearys were there ! HA) Truly- Mike has made it his mission- to be in that church every sunday with his wife (with sleepy eyes) and that cute little red headed daughter of his. it is from you kate and the prayers we send you every night. Sometimes- I would like to say- Meghan we are not sending prayers- we are sending how we feel about someone and how that person makes us happy and we would like God to hold onto that and then please send that message to them. amen- so Amen Kate - Love deb and meghan. and thank you too- for making Mike send Prayers

deb geary <dlgeary@mchsi.com>
Clarion, Ia - Friday, April 29, 2005 0:48 AM CDT
Kate... I just got a new car and the next time someone says "nice car" I'll be sure to tell them it's your's. Your last message really got me thinking about why I bought the car. Seat heaters in Arizona...what a moron. Love you!

Bob Gale <beegegale@aol.com>
Belmont/Phoenix, CA/AZ USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:21 PM CDT
Kate - I have to tell you I just spent about 30 minutes reading your past few week's entries and now several of the guestbook entries. (It's like old home week reading notes from so many Lifetouch friends! How cool is that!) I am sure Jeff and Randy had fun seeing you along with the weekend with Mo, Wendy, and Julie!

You and Brian are such an inspiration! I can hear it in your messages and your tone in which you write -- you are living out God's plan and touching THOUSANDS of people. What a gift you are! :)

Jan Haeg <jkhaeg@earthlink.net>
Edina, MN US - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:57 PM CDT
I watched your video and you are so amazing, and such an inspiration!! I hope to see you at the family reunion this summer - I'm going to try my hardest to get out of a few days of summer school to come. You're always in my prayers. Give my love to Brian and the kids. See you soon.
Love you,

Marjory McCartney <marjory-mccartney@uiowa.edu>
Madison, WI - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:23 PM CDT
Hey Kate, Brian and Family,
Congratulations on the great news. Thanks for continuing to share your insights with us all. You all are truly an inspiration. You remain in our prayers.
Kevin/Dawn Voreis

Kevin Voreis <kvoreis@lifetouch.com>
- Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:00 PM CDT
Wow. Talk about a woman that has her priorities straight…A far cry from the rumbling, stumbling days in Eau Claire. I am humbled by the faith and spirit that you have. You are no different now as she were 20 years ago (that’s weird to say)...As Julie the cruise director in college...you continue to serve your next journey…that of your plight to fight your next challenge and help others along the way. Kate, albeit a short and simple toast to you, I wanted to let you know that I am here for you in whatever capacity....dave "where the hell have you been" youngbauer. Love you, youngy
eagan, mn - Monday, April 25, 2005 11:10 PM CDT
Hi Kate: I have not talked to you in at least 15 years but I knew you at UWEC (I lived with Jayme & Marci)and then I found out about your illness from Anne and Missy (my sister-in-law). Small world huh! Happy to see the good scan results. Keep the FAITH! You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Jenny (Schmidt) Lorge <jenny.lorge@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN USA - Monday, April 25, 2005 10:39 PM CDT
Hi Kate
I watched the video. So awesome!!! You look great with dark hair. Praise God for the great scan and praise you for giving God all the glory. We would love to see all of you.
xoxoxoxo The Whitmans

julie whitman <julie_whitman@liz.com>
anthem, az - Sunday, April 24, 2005 10:45 PM CDT
Hello Kate and Brian:
Its Sunday night and the weekend is winding down. I just checked your latest entry and saw the clean scan. Great news!!!I saw Paula a couple of days ago , and she said you two connected for an hour an a half. I knew you'd hit it off.Sally and I rented the movie Sideways Friday night and probably saw many areas close to your hometown. Beautiful country! I gotta run , my 14 year old is hounding me for the computer. He is clearly not impressed with my typing skills, an fondly refers to me as a PC paramecium. I reminded him that the only thing that will stand between him and his driver's permit next year are comments like that. We all look forward to seeing you this summer, keep your great attitude , its infectious. Time to sign off now, talk to you soon.

Dave Peterjohn <DavePeterjohn @MSN.com>
Excelsior , Mn USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 8:03 PM CDT
Hi, Kate. Bob and I had our first wine party after visiting the wine country. You and Brian would have been--well, proud, I think, and probably more amused. Imagine us Minnesotans twirling the wine in our goblets and saying, "Sure, you betcha, this is good wine. Goes well with the hotdish, you know." (We did not serve hotdish.)

Bob sends his greetings. We're both keeping track of you and we love the pictures.

Much love,


Jill McCartney <jillmc@southwestmsu.edu>
Garvin, MN USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 6:35 PM CDT
Hey Soul Sister! This is your big sister, Paula!! Did you realize when we talked last Tuesday that we are both Gemini (in case you ever read the daily horoscope?) We are twin sisters separated at birth!!! Joe and I went out shopping for tandem bikes yesterday - and ended up making a purchase - a very cool, "meant to be" meeting with a sales rep from a company in Eugene, Oregon! Joe and our son, Tyler, are on their way there to pick it up right now....just got a call...will call you soon!


Paula <pepp1976@mchsi.com>
- Sunday, April 24, 2005 1:26 PM CDT
Hi! Kate! Mary Zag here, how is everything in sunny CA.? I wanted to tell you what I am doing tomrrow.... I am meeting my brother John and his wife Lorrie in Chicago and we are going to a Cubs game. It is very very cold here and I may have to bring my mittens. We may have to drink a lot of beer to keep warm or to not realize how cold we are. LOL Afterwards we are meeting Mike Bradbury and Sharon for dinner. Wish you and Brian were here to go with us....
You take care and your always in my prayers.

Mary Zagelmeier <maryzag01@aol.com>
Loves Park, il us - Friday, April 22, 2005 8:43 PM CDT
Kate and Brian Can't tell you how many times I wonder how your doing. I read your updates Kate and if anyone can beat this,it's you. Never give up !!! Judy fought the glioblastoma in 93. Treatments are so much better now. We could take a trip to Western Iowa,that will make anyone better! Lonnie
Lonnie Rogers <lrogers@lifetouch.com>
Marion , Ia usa - Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:39 PM CDT
Hi Kate- Isn't our God GREAT!!! Ya know what I thought of when I saw the picture of you guys on the train ? , the kids story of "The engine that could" ,when he went up the steep hill he would say "I think I can,I think I can.Then he went down the hill I knew I could, I knew I could. Great news on your lastest scan!! Kate I hear everyone cheering you "We knew you could , we knew you could!! As God as our conductor, He keeps us on the tracks of life, sometimes we don't know where the tracks are going to lead to, but He always keeps us from all the junk on the tracks that could cause us to derail. Sometimes the journey He has us on seems hard, but I know you know with Him we can!! I am sending hugs! Take good care, the Little League Banner was cool too! You and your precious family are in my prayers. Love in Christ- Fran Sutherland
Fran Sutherland <Franlikesmail@aol.com>
Pleasanton, Ca. United States - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:49 PM CDT
Praise the Lord!! He is so-o good. You have been in our prayers and so many have asked how you are doing-Christy and the Pogues. I am so excited for all of you. We'll keep on praying. Love you guys. Dave and Barbara Shelton
Barbara Shelton <davidmshelton@comcast.net>
Foster City , CA USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:13 PM CDT
Kate and Brian-
We are SOOO glad to hear this wonderful news about the scan. Praise God!!! You are in our prayers and we miss you guys!
Doug and Krissie Andrews

Krissie Andrews
Belmont, CA USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:57 PM CDT
OK. My second entry, I feel like a regular. I checked in today to get the expected news on your scan. I look forward to many more updates like this one. Remember, the best things in life don't have to CHANGE. By the way, what's this in Wendy's entry about you picking her up at the airport. I had to rent a car.....Maybe next time.


Jeff Shackelford <shackfamily@charter.net>
chesterfield, MO USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 9:03 PM CDT
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! How can you know how much you influence our daily lives and inspire us each day when I haven't told you. We are in constant awe of your attitude and strength and KNOW God has plans for you that will take a long and healthy lifetime to complete. Thank you also for meeting with our neighbor and friend Frank who shares your illness. You have of course totally impressed him as you do all who cross your path and we will be bringing him to Spring Hills with us this Sunday! With our thanks, love and heartfelt prayers--Carol and John Crawford
Carol Crawford <carolcr1@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 9:58 AM CDT
It's spring in Kansas City; flowers and trees are budding, and it always reminds me of second chances. Loved your comments about how God forgives us and allows us to move on. Isn't that wonderful?! God is good - - all the time. Hope all the hives are gone, but you'll always have the Tropical Tums, just in case. Loved it! Love and prayers to you and your family.
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:54 AM CDT
Hi Kate!

Just finished week 1 of radiation and chemo - so far, so good in terms of how I feel. My husband, Joe, told me Thursday evening that he feels like he has the "old Paula" back! While I don't like being called "old" (smile), I knew what he meant, and it meant a lot to me that he said those words! I WILL try calling you this weekend. I did recieve your information you sent to Dave Peterjohn - I hope to start reading through it this coming week. Nutrition and eating the best foods for this illness is what I am really interested in learning more about. I often wonder why cancer medical staff don't counsel cancer patients in healthy eating other than passing out the brochures given from the American Cancer Society that simple states over and over to "eat a balanced diet" -whatever that means! Oh well, I shouldn't be too critical - I am new into this whole cancer thing and I can't be too critical - it's just the teacher in me seeing flaws in the education piece!

Anyway, if you get a chance to visit my site this weekend, look to the message I got On Friday from Anchorage, Alaska. It is from my next door neighbor when I was growing up. She was my babysitter when I was in elementary school (I grew up in Iowa) and she is a nurse in Anchorage. She has been communicating with me on the caringbridge site, and take a look at what she has now done at her hospital now that she has discovered Caringbridge! It made me cry tears of happiness that she took the bull by the horns and is helping so many people who are in need of making connections with friends and loved ones as they work on healing.

Anyway, hope to connect and TALK to you this weekend - most likely Sunday evening! I'll let Bub and Dave PJ know I'll be calling you!

Paula <pepp1976@mchsi.com>
- Saturday, April 16, 2005 6:31 AM CDT
Hello Kate:
Love the picture on the train! You guys all look great and that sweet smile of Colin with grandma. Very Nice. Take care and we continue to pray for you and your family. The video was great!

Pamm <masglf@aol.com>
Riverside, ca usa - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:27 PM CDT
I spent this last weekend with Julie, Mo, Kate and her family and I have to tell you I was blown away at how well Kate looked and the energy she had. She hasn’t skipped a beat. Ok, I have to admit I didn’t recognize her at the airport with the new dark hair color (I was looking for a blond) and every once in a while she would be talking and forget what she was talking about, but aside from that Kates’ energy level and positive attitude is what truly amazed me.

When I first learned about Kates illness I prayed and asked God “Why Kate? Why not me instead. Kate has this terrific husband and two beautiful children, she is a wonderful friend, wife and mother and we need more people like her on this earth. Spare her and use me instead.” After this weekend I came to realize why she was chosen. It is because her faith is so strong, her attitude is so positive that we all have so much to learn from her and this experience she is going through. I know (and I am sure God did too) I would not have handled it with such grace and inspiration.

So thank you Kate, for your friendship, your inspiration and your strength. Brian, for being Kates Rock, for loving my friend and for putting up with us girls this weekend. Riley and Collin, for being such great kids. But most of all, Thank you Kate for bringing forth and making clear to me what is most important in life: Belief in God, relationships and love. I am blessed to have you all in my life.

I love you guys! Wendy.

Wendy Richters <wrichters@lifetouch.com>
Hudson, WI - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 10:27 AM CDT
Hi Kate – just finished reading the latest in your journal and thought it’s probably time to write now! You are such an incredible person with such an incredible attitude! I admire you so much for that and I know you will conquer this and we will all learn from you in your fight. Stay positive Kate and keep up the journal – obviously you have many people out there listening to you. I’ve talked to Brian at each of the meetings but we miss seeing you! Thinking of you everyday – I have your family card at my desk.
Kathy Hoffman <khoffman@lifetouch.com>
Saint Michael, MN USA - Monday, April 11, 2005 9:49 AM CDT

It is amazing how much you are in our thoughts (everyone you touch) and how much your life and adventure is an inspiration.

At church, we are in the middle of a series on "Tough Questions." And yes, today's tough question was, "Does God do bad things to good people?" And I am sure this is a question that everyone who knows you has asked. For believers the usual response is that "God doesn't do bad things, but there is a reason for everything." And for many of us, we don't go much further. And for those who don't believe might say, "If there is a God, why would he let bad things happen to good people?"

Today's message truely described how God has allowed your journey and experience to be such an inspiration to so many people. God does not do bad things to good people but he gives us a choice of how to respond. This is how he shows us his love. He did not create us to be his puppets but gave us free will to experience his love. When something bad happens, we have two choices, we could respond with negative, destructive, or angry responses. Or we could respond with love, purpose, forgiveness, and joy. The first choice would only have us to continue to dwell on what was so bad. The second choice is what brings us closer to God. This is how we experience his love. It is truely in these times when we have to make that hard choice; continue with negative or distructive behaviors or, take the hand of God and experience his love the way he promises.

Thanks for reminding me of the choices God gave me and the love he so much wants me and everyone to experience. By taking God's hand and accepting his journey, you have allowed so many of us to experience God's love first hand. And let me tell you, it feels good.

Chris Arrington <arringtoncs@earthlink.net>
Menlo Park, CA - Sunday, April 10, 2005 10:27 PM CDT
Hello Kate and Brian:
We just returned from spring break vacation, and I wanted to check in with you. I got the package you sent to me for Paula, and got a chance for deliver it. Paula and Joe were very appreciative. Thanks for all your notes and help with them, you've made a big differance. I thought about you over our vacation, in the most unlikely circumstance. One day our family went to Busch Garden's in Tampa Fla. My daughter Kelsey(age 12) did some research over the internet,and found out Busch Garden had two of the top ten roller coaster's in the USA. Munto and Kumba. She double dog dared me to ride both of them with her, and as a parent I'm sure you realize you have to accept a double dog dare from your kids at any time. As we approached Munto, I knew I was in trouble. This gigantic coaster looked like it was designed by a sadistic chiropractor who was in a foul mood. I offered Kelsey the option of bumper cars or unlimited ring toss to no avail. She was determined to make me ride. My last ditch effort to escape this ride was to present my AARP card, to the ride guides , but they said many old people like me had succesfully riden the Munto. Thanks alot. As I was strapped in,I thought of you taking the ski jumps in Tahoe. I'm looking forward to seeing you in Minneapolis, and I double dog dare you and Brian to join Kelsey and I on a ride on our local rollercoaster,or a nice lunch at a resturant of your choice.My treat. Looking forward to seeing you,Keep the faith!!!Dave P- P.S. Munto and Kumba were great!!!

Dave Peterjohn <davepeterjohn@msn.com>
Excelsior, Mn Usa - Sunday, April 10, 2005 8:17 PM CDT
Good Afternoon, Kate, from San Mateo. Our Bible Study group meets in my home every Monday afternoon and your family picture is among our special prayer requests..We have grown to 15 women and I can only envision where God would like us to congregate when we run out of room here..a wonderful problem to have. Thank you for your up-date and I love the fact that you donot like to lose..so that is why we keep striving for the best in us..God Bless You and the people who are helping you with so many things in your life and continue to know we are praying for the Lord's guidance along the way to healing...In His Love, Shirley Ware
Shirley Ware <USCG6@aol.com>
San Mateo, Ca USA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 4:14 PM CDT
Good Morning Kate!

Just want you to know the inspirational words you sent to me this week, "Bring it on!" have become my mantra. I updated my Caringbridge journal this morning and have a special mention of you in it. I saw Bub this morning and he thinks it is great that you and I have connected. If you read my journal from this morning, you will see I don't start treatment until Monday the 11th. I will definitely call you next week some time once Week 1 is out of the way! Many of our neighbors are now also reading your journal and they think we seem to be "Twin sisters separated at birth" - however, I am your OLDER sister! tee hee! I hope you have had a great week and will talk to you very, very soon!

Paula from MN

Paula E. <pepp1976@mchsi.com>
MN - Saturday, April 9, 2005 11:02 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I don't know if you remember me, I am Judy Benjamin-Raley's Daughter. We have crossed paths a few times over the years with Lifetouch. The most memorable would be when we were pregnant together at one of the summer meetings. I am so glad that my mom emailed me your site. I honestly hadn't heard anything since last summer, at which time I prayed and gave my faith and hope to God that He be with you. It's funny when you work with people and meet people in the corporate world, you never really get a chance to know them on a spiritual level. When I saw your Easter video, (my mom told me to get a kleenex, always listen to mom) well wouldn't you know it I began to cry. But my weeping was not in saddness. I am so happy to know that God IS with you and your faith is so strong!

Over the past year, my husband and I have been part of planting a new church. Our first service was Easter. We have a website if you would like to visit. (www.reelchurch.org) If you go to the link about our Easter service my husband is the worship leader (orange shirt). If you look at the baptism link, you will see me getting a bit wet.

Anyway, your faith is inspirational. Thank you for taking the time out to share that if you truely give your life to Jesus, you will have life! God Bless and Keep you!

Andrea Morgan (Andi) <andi@reelchurch.org>
Peoria, AZ USA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 10:03 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I love sports also, so I loved your analogy, with one exception...the only one who loses in the end is the enemy! For us "to live is Christ, to die is gain." That spells VICTORY! Rah! Rah! Wait a minute, cheerleading has never been my forte! I do want to cheer you on in your "game" though! You're doing great, you inspire the other "players" and you'll never be taken out of the "competition" until you've finshed the "race" the Coach has called you to! Just listen to Him, depend on Him and He will give you the strength you need.
To the world, it looks like our son "lost" his battle with Leukemia! The leukemia didn't win, and neither did the enemy! Phil is more fully alive than ever, and completely out of the reach of the enemy's tactics anymore! He experiences TRUE VICTORY each day now! He is the biggest WINNER of all!
Hang in there! Your VICTORY was assured the day you gave your life to Jesus Christ!

Diane Shore <diane@dcshore.com>
Chino, CA - Friday, April 8, 2005 10:37 PM CDT
Matt Rochotte forwarded your website to me and I have just
spent the last hour catching up (since my retirement, I've
really been out of the loop), WOW, what an inspiration you are to all of us. Reading your journal brought back so many
memories (especially the hair falling out stories, and the
friends from LNSS and all their support and love). I too
believe in the power of prayer. May the Lord bless you and
your family as your angels watch over you.

Lots of Love

Judy Raley <az01jraley@msn.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 10:54 AM CDT
I am catching up on your entries after being "unplugged" for a few days. Your Easter video was truly special. It was really neat to share it with my oldest son. We watched it together and he got to see you and put a face with the wonderful person that we pray for all the time. Your presence and words touched my soul. I pray for your continued strength, optimism, and healing.

Tony Lukas <tlukas@wi.rr.com>
Burlington, WI USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
Kate - You are so inspiring! Once again, starting my day off with your words of wisdom sets me free from all the "STUFF" that isn't from HIM! We missed you at home group last night. Love to you and your family - Barbie
Barbie Young <Barbaras@ssmhvac.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 10:17 AM CDT
Hi Kate! I just read your latest entry, and I know that you are mostly up and positive and strong, and I know that everyone goes up and down (except this weird emotional-flatlining ex-boyfriend of mine, `ut that's another story) and perhaps you wrote that in what a friend recently called a microcosm of down. I'm sorry about your banging your head and the)pain and fear it caused. I'm glad you know that everyone is out here supporting you and rooting for you (root.. like trees, support and ground.. allowing the rest to grow), because it's true. I think of you every day, and have my yellow bracelet to remind me of you and to remind me to live strong. On New Year's Eve this year I decided my theme song for the year was the "Age of Aquarius/Let the Sunshine" Medly by the 5th Dimension, which I highly recommend you listen to over and over, especially when they burst into the "Let the Sunshine" bit and then keep going like they just can't stop. I try to listen to it every day, and when I do, I want to hear it again. I like the double meaning of "Let the sun shine" and also "Let the sunshine in". I know you let in and give out sunshine all the time. Keep going!! Love, jan
Jan Fleischer <janflyz@yahoo.com>
Barcelona, Spain - Thursday, April 7, 2005 7:30 AM CDT
Hello my dear friend. I found myself at my office at 9:30pm tonight- working too hard-- I went to your web site and read your entry-- as always I am grateful for you messege, your spirit and perspective. I know you are a winner. You and yours are in our prayers.
Love to you and the family-- love the new photos.... the kids are so big- they have grown since Christmas.
Lisa and Dave

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:44 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
I want to share with you that I had a time trying to view your video, I have a stone age computer(that is calling me to bring it up to date)and could only get 22 seconds of the video. I had taken a few days off work to spend time with my daughter while she was off school on Easter vacation. I checked your web site last Thursday evening and clicked right over to Springhills, I patiently tried every which way to view the video, I had to wait until Monday at work. It was so cool we crowded into Pat Loftus office and we watched it. I feel that was what God had wanted,Kate you and your husband Brain were AWESOME!!!I know that it is God in both of your lives, I thought of how we are to be salt and light to the world.In Matthew 5:14-16 where Jesus teaches about salt and light- verse 14 starts"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.15-Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.16-In the same way'let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Kate and Brain both shine so brightly for Him!! As I watched the video and listened to both you and Brian I thought how AWESOME!!I pictured God using this video to bring people to the reality of Christ!-WOW,WOW,WOW!!!!!Kate through your journal pages and the video God has worked through you to reach hundreds of people as He works a miracle in your body.I am so glad that you enjoyed your time with your family-and your brother driving so far, what an example of love!Ya know when I read that I thought how many people would of used not being able to get out on a plane as a reason not to come out?? But your brother knew where he wanted to be and got there!!Kate your strengh inspires me,take good care, I am sending a big hug!! God Bless you and your wonderful family.Love in Christ-Fran Sutherland

Fran Sutherland <Franlikesmail@aol.com>
Pleasanton, Ca United States - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 8:40 PM CDT
hey you-/as i am sure that you know- mike and I have been keeping tabs on you!! As you have shared: that you enjoy emails from the ones you love-- (which are those geary's from clarion): We also find comfort in the writings that you share with all of us. Because, as you well know_-you have a support system that could easily reach the moon and back.--Well- Kate- I just wanted to say hi and we love you much much- Pretty much up to the moon and back. deb geary
DEB AND MIKE AND MEGHAN GEARY <dlgeary@mchsi.com>
CLARION, IA USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 0:55 AM CDT
Hi Kate,

I'm a friend of Paula's from Minnesota. She showed me your website today and I just wanted to let you know that you can count on me as one more of your prayer supporters. I'm learning alot from Paula and I know she is learning alot from you. You have a beautiful family. God bless.

Mona <lael@rconnect.com>
Northfield, MN - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 6:53 PM CDT
Hello Kate, John & Carol Crawford are my neighbors,
Frank T. Richard <frichard@sonic.net>
Santa Rosa, CA usa - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 2:12 PM CDT
I loved being able to see you and Brian on your church video. You did a great job and I'm sure it touched many people. I loved when Brian talked about Easter and the risen Christ being so real to both of you. Easter is my favorite time of year now because it reminds me that He is Risen and that Hope always remains in seeing our son again! You two are awesome! Thanks for sharing!

Diane <diane@dcshore.com>
Chino, CA - Monday, April 4, 2005 5:15 PM CDT
Dear Kate,

You are a wonderful person. I have been reading your website and you are truly an inspiration. I think of you all the time and pray for you and your family. Every time I think of you I picture your great smile and you laughing. You are so much fun to be around.... remember the days of Petey, Devo, and I bartending at the OLD HOME?? The many parties at the Antigo boy's house? Best wishes to you and your family! Love, Janet (Tomany) Voss (from Antigo)

Janet (Tomany) Voss <jvoss@new.rr.com>
Appleton, WI 54942 - Monday, April 4, 2005 9:25 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
My sister, Sue Cornish-Lifetouch, put me in touch with your website. I have read you journals and I am in awe of your strength. My best friend, Polly Boyd-Agresta-47, was diagnosed with the same illness in January. I am hooking her up with your site and know she will gain strength from reading your journaling. May God bless you and your family.

Dana L. Snider <edph_ds@omeresa.net>
Wintersville, OH USA - Sunday, April 3, 2005 4:55 PM CDT
BRAVO!! BRAVO!! Now, close your eyes, and smell the roses we are tossing at the computer screen =) Thank you so much for sharing the link, and for updating everyone on the site. We just got an email with the photos of "McCartney's do Monterey" and it looks like a wonderful time was had by one and all. All our Love and Prayers.....
Kevin, KC, Amanda & Sydney Bobolz <kcbobolz@wi.rr.com>
Oak Creek , WI USA - Sunday, April 3, 2005 2:28 PM CDT
Hi Kate!

Paula here(Bub's neighbor!). Just finished reading your most recent journal to update myself on how you are doing. You run circles around me, so that gives me hope for my situation! My energy level is quite good, but the oncology nurse told me the other day that it is the steroids I am on to take the swelling down from surgery that gives me the good energy. However, my exercise seems to be just trying to get out and walk a bit each day - I have to really pay attention to my footing, however, because of the vision stuff that seems to continue to improve slightly each day. Once I start radiation and chemo next week, I will touch base again (probably try to call) so we can chat about your experience with it and "share notes!" I did a sneak visit to school on Thursday to see my students (7th and 8th graders) before they embarked upon their spring break. It was awesome seeing them, and they had so many questions. Their biggest wish is that I return yet this spring to teach....I just don't know when that return date will be, if at all this spring.....so I would also like to "bend your ear" about work or when you felt like you could "get back to some normal type routine" once you started treatment. Have a great "rest of the weekend"

One more thing...thanks for your kind words that you write and I read in my guestbook!

Paula <pepp1976@mchsi.com>
- Saturday, April 2, 2005 8:14 PM CST
Well Kate,
I have been one of those people who for some reason haven't signed your guestbook, but have been sharing your journey since I received your Christmas letter. I have always loved your sense of humor and appreciate your humor and courage now more than you know. Riley's pictures with her Dad are so beautiful, what an awesome young lady she is becoming. We miss you and Bri and what you to know that our prayers are with you. A group of ladies from church recently read "When God Weeps", growing through our suffering. Someone asked if we knew anyone who had been an example of Gods blessing through their suffering...
"Kate Burke" was the name that came to mind. Thank you!!!
Sending our love, The Gonzalez Family

Lori Gonzalez <ladajus@hotmail.com>
Suisun, Ca USA - Saturday, April 2, 2005 8:05 PM CST
Hi Kate, just wanted to say a quick HI and let you know you were missed Sunday. I am glad you had such an AWESOME time in Monterey. How special that your brother and his family drove all the way just to be with you. Thanks to you and Brian for continuing to be such an inspiration. Love, Mary
Mary Fletcher <dmdsfletcher@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, Ca Sonoma - Friday, April 1, 2005 7:01 PM CST
Dear Kate and Brian,
Kate, we have never met, but I pray for you and for your complete healing. I pray for you to have the strength (and the God given grace!) to be a Mom to your kids and a wife to Brian while no doubt feeling tired and preoccupied some days. (Who doesn't?!!). I have been so encouraged by your strength and your testimony of God's love to you and your family during the last year and a half. I like to remember that God loves me no matter what (I tell this to my little ones all of the time). I marvel at his committment to me even when I question what he is doing in my life. Your faith has been an outstanding demonstration of loving him back. Give a hearty hello to Brian. We have not talked together in years...we knew one another from 1st Baptist, San Mateo. Much Love to you and your family. I will continue to pray for complete healing and peace of mind in the meantime. Best, Joanna Ennis

Joanna Ennis <joanna.ennis@verizon.net>
Pacific Palisades, CA USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 5:41 PM CST
Kate: I have been reading this jounral since my friend Kathy sent it to me, long before we started to attend Spring Hills. I just want you to know how much of an inspiration you are to me. You have touched my heart and soul on so many different levels. Your courage and strength and especially your faith is amazing. Thank you, God Bless You.
Terri Ford <tmacford@yahoo.com>
Windsor, CA - Friday, April 1, 2005 3:12 PM CST
Dear Burke's
I just watched the video,you're very special people!!!!
Your love and trust in God overwhelms me. I am in awe.
You guys are naturals on the camera. I just wanted to tell
you that before I forgot. Love Pat

Pat Loftus <ploftini@aol.com>
Hayward, Ca - Friday, April 1, 2005 2:56 PM CST
Kate & Brian, I love you both!!! Your support and true love of God helped me two years ago(and still does) when dealing with Larry's terminal colon cancer. Kate, when you came to our house to pray with Larry personally was such an AWESOME testimony to your obedience to our Father. Last year when we (KB territory) learned of your brain cancer, fear struck me immediately as I could not picture Brian, Riley and Colin without you. The prayers that have been offered up for your family nationwide (worldwide) are a tribute to your earthly parents as they raised such a wonderful woman. You make cancer look easy. But we know it is not. From the beginning you believed that God would heal you and so have others. I praise Jesus for showing us how to give to others and thankfully accept whatever may come our way. Thankfullness is a heavy load at times, it is the only way to be, for how could we even know what next our Father would ask of us. Your journal has been a light for so many I am sure, your inspired words and sometimes lack of brainpower (yeah right)hit home. They are meant to. How else would God be able to reach the millions out there so connected to global communication. My family is doing well, Jared's running track (a sprinter just like me), his grades and attitude have been going skyward, Joshua's a typical 3rd grader, but he can tell you we have a God of second chances. Kimberly will be coming home from Maui at the end of the month after a 15 month absence, but the most fantastic news is Stephanie will be graduating from U of Cal Berkeley this May. YAHOOOOOO! Continued LOVE & prayers everyday to keep you Burkes afloat with the grace of God.
T. Michelle Beam <toymichelle@sbcglobal.net>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 1:53 PM CST
Hi Kate
Just catching up on your journey. Thank you for allowing all of us to witness God through your incredible life. Just a little funny to make you smile - Sophie , who is 3 now, came in the house to tell me that Boston said BUTT and asked if he was going to get applesauce in his mouth. She really meant tobasco sauce. Needless to say, he didn't get either one. Always praying - love to all of you!
Julie Whitman

julie whitman <julie_whitman@liz.com>
anthem, az - Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:46 PM CST
Hi Burkes,
I just watched the video on your church's website. It was truly inspirational. Your faith has helped me see there is always hope. By the way, Brian you are a rock.

Randy Gowan <R.gowan@mchsi.com>
Medina, MN USA - Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:02 PM CST
Carol and I follow your journey and are in awe of your strength and determination---keep it up; your writing is wonderful---interesting and very conversational which is great; one of my goals in retirement is to write about the McCartney farm and the life and times from as long ago as I know---there are several issues that I have to deal with--one is my memory that isn't getting any better and another is the actual writing--although I have the McCartney trait of thinking we can do anything; writing is actually one of my weakneses, but nethertheless I feel compelled for the McCartney ancestors to give it my best shot. Reading your journal gives me encouragement for many reasons and I thank you for that.

Your family trip to Monterery sounds like much fun---perhaps one of these years if it becomes a tradition we could join in

Uncle Mel <melvin.mccartney@charter.net>
madison, wi usa - Thursday, March 31, 2005 8:16 PM CST
Dear Kate, Brian & Kids
Just another little note to let you know that we are all thinking about all of you and love you very much. Kate give Brian a big hug from me.
Love the Girls from CB

Pat Loftus & Karen Schmidt <ploftus@lifetouch.com kschmidt@lifetiuch.com>
Hayard, Ca - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 12:40 AM CST
Hi Kate,

I have thought about you often, but was unaware of your website. I read some of it today and WOW, what an inspiration you are to the rest of us.
Your children have grown so much,(the last time I saw them, the youngest one was still in a stroller) what a beautiful family you were blessed with.
I have always admired your ability to be so positive about things,and it's nice to see things have not changed.
Take care of yourself.

Judy Oktay <joktay@lifetouch.com>
Tulsa, Ok USA - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:40 AM CST
Kate- I had sent you an e-mail at your authors e-mail address and decided today to sign your guestbook.I pray for you and your family and Praise God for the AWESOME witness you have been for Him. It is His strength,His peace that surpasses all understanding, we in ourselves can do and accomplish nothing. Kate you are such an example of how God works miracles and brings peace in the middle of a storm.Your faith has not wavered.I have had days that I think how could anything get worst and SHAME ON ME- because just when I start to feel the worst for myself and take it before God,He will bring you to mind and I am humbled and let God know that I am sorry for letting myself even get to that point. Everytime that I read your journal I am truly inspired and blessed,Thank You. Kate I think it is so cool that you made a video for your church!!(I wish I could see it!)It is awesome that it was shown on Easter.I am anxious to hear all about your trip with your family down to Monteray(don't think I spelt it right but you know what I mean).I send you a Big hug- it would be nice if people hugged each other more. Kate I feel like I know you but have only met you once when you came down to my office(CB TERRITORY)to attend a meeting.I remember as soon as you entered the front door you lit the place up, God has given you such a wonderful energetic personality! I do look forward to hearing all about your trip.-Take good care-Our God is an Awesome God!!
Fran Sutherland (C.B. Territory) <Franlikesmail@aol.com>
Pleasanton, Ca United States - Monday, March 28, 2005 10:34 PM CST
What a wonderful "sermon" you gave us in your latest journal entry. Isn't Easter the most wonderful time?! It was so gloomy here on "good" Friday, and then the sun came out on Sunday morning as if to say "He is risen!" And that same risen Christ is holding you in his arms right now through the prayers of all of your many friends. Hope you didn't eat too many jellybeans! Keep smiling.
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Monday, March 28, 2005 4:20 PM CST
We are Kendra Campbell's parents [Ken and Jean Dickinson].
We met you at your church last September ['04] when we were in California visiting Kendra, Doug, Courtney and Audrey.
Kendra keeps us informed about your thrilling experiences and the continual victories you receive through Christ.
May God continue to Bless you and yours with His richest blessings.

Ken Dickinson
Spring Arbor, MI U.S.A. - Monday, March 28, 2005 2:23 PM CST
Hey there!
Hope that your Easter was as wonderful as ours. We missed you at church, however, wanted to let you know that the video was so awesome - such an inspiration and reminder of God's love and presence in our lives. Thank you for sharing. By the way, you guys are naturals in front of the camera - remember us when you get to Hollywood!!!:)
Love, hugs and continued prayers,
Kendra & Doug

Kendra & Doug Campbell <dougandkendra@sbcglobal.net>
Petaluma, CA - Monday, March 28, 2005 12:57 AM CST
Hi Burkes,
Hope you had a great Easter. Lots of people attended both services yesterday. Your video was very very powerful!!
God is doing great things in your family....thanks for being such an inspiration to those around you.

Carrie Myers <cmyers@santarosa.edu>
Windsor, CA - Monday, March 28, 2005 12:50 AM CST
Good Morning Kate -- A few days ago I sent a note to a whole bunch of my camp buddies in MN ...and I know that your journal this weekend touched many of them. One of my friends, Anne, wrote to me this morning ...she said: Thanks for the message re: your friend Kate. If you say she is an amazing woman, I know she is.
I read some of her story and am not only inspired by her but believe she & I have had the "get it" experience the same week! I had a very similar realization as Kate as I left the Bascilica last night for the Easter Vigil service.

So, thanks for sharing your wisdom and strength ...you'll continue to be in our prayers Kate. Love, Mary

Mary Burnett Jurgens <jurgens@prodigy.net.mx>
Mexico City, Estado de Mexico Mexico - Monday, March 28, 2005 9:15 AM CST
Christ is risen!! Christ is risen!! Alleluia.

Jean A

Jean ARnol <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:18 PM CST
Hi Kate,
I received a note from Susie Harvey this morning, in fact the second one she has sent about you. I worked for Susie in Cleveland, and later moved to Cheyenne, WY, managing the territory out here. I don't know when you worked for Lifetouch, if we might have been there at the same time, but you look very familiar to me when I see your pictures.

Some personal Christian wisdom I'd like to share with you - eight and a half years ago, my husband passed away at age 42 from congestive heart failure due to a diabetic cardiomyopathy. One thing I continually heard(much to my irritation)was that God never gives us more than we can handle. In my heart I believe that God doesn't give us any of it. On the contrary, it's the devil trying to shake our faith and belief in God. Perhaps a naive way to look at things, but it has made me stronger knowing that the Lord would never test us, only something or someone threatened by the strength of His love would try to change that. What a beautiful faith and love for God you have.

I wanted you to know that I will keep you in my prayers through your journey. We have a prayer chain at our church and I will ask them to add you to the list. I truly admire your faith and courage and urge you to hold on tight.

Barbara Smetana-Spier <babswyo@hotmail.com>
Cheyenne, WY USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 8:22 AM CST
I've been a voyeur for too long, time to write! Remember singing in the girlscout tent? "Today as the blossoms still cling to the vine. I'll taste your strawberries. I'll drink your sweet wine. A million tomorrows shall all pass away. Err I forget, all the joy that is mine today." Wanna harmonize with me? Abrazos y peace -Quince

Rochester, MN USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 8:06 AM CST

RIVERSIDE, CA USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:48 PM CST
Hi Kate,
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter. You continue to amaze me with your strength and positive attitude. It is no wonder you are winning your battle.
Love, Beattie

Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, - Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:32 PM CST
Hi Kate and Brian and Riley and Colin,

Hope you had a blessed Easter in Monterey with family. We love you guys and will hopefully see you soon. Just want you to know that I continue to pray for a complete healing for you. Strength and courage are always in the prayer, but I'm always led back to ask for that complete healing and I will keep lifting you up in prayer. Love Denise

Denise Becker <ldbecker@sonic.net>
- Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:23 PM CST
Hi Kate and Family,
You don't know me, and I've never met you, but I have heard your inspiring story, and have read a few of your journal entries--You are as beautiful and as inspirational as Susie Harvey (Ron's wife) says your are!! Your strength and faith are marvelous. I just want you to know that our best wishes and prayers are with you for a joyous Easter, and a successful battle with this disease.

Ron and Barb P. <rpederson3@mn.rr.com>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:02 PM CST
Hope you are doing well. Helene and I continue to keep you, Brian, and your famuly in our prayers. Keep fighting the fight.Everyone in Atlanta and Region 3 are thinking about you.

Bill Cox <wrcox@bellsouth.com>
Atlanta, GA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:06 PM CST
Your message is so powerful and uplifting. God is at work in our lives every day, and so often we don't even recognize it. You are a constant reminder of the blessings received by those that are faithful to Christ. We are all at different points on our journey with our faith. I hope you realize just how far your story carries all of US on our journey. Have a Great Easter!!

Jym Daniel <jdaniel@lifetouch.com>
Austin, TX USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:26 PM CST
Dear Kate,
You had been in my thoughts for about two weeks and I knew our Lord was telling me to communicate with you. Then, out of the blue, I get an email from S. Harvey and I was introduced to this wonderful sight! What a blessing!! You truly are an amazing person, but I learned this many years ago. Let me explain. It was several years ago, (When you get to my age, they tend to run together) you were kind enough to assist a new TM in the LV territory in Las Vegas. At the time, I was the RSM. You were quite anxious to get your own territory and we had this discussion a few times. During one of these discussions, you told me that you had a close family member who was ill, you were going to get your territory, you were going to get married and you were planning to have a child....all in the same year!
I remember telling you to be patient and at the same time thinking, " this girl is asking for a nervous breakdown". But soon after, I saw you at a meeting and you had accomplished all of those things......and you still had that smile and energy. You were an inspiration to me then and now you are inspiring many others. Thank you.

Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
Kevin/Dawn Voreis

Kevin Voreis <kvoreis@lifetouch.com>
Fort Worth, TX USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:24 AM CST
Happy Easter Kate and the whole bunch of you. Have a great time in Monterey. I have been out of touch for a while.....but think of you often. You are a inspiration to all.
Much lovem

Carol <tackett@mcn.org>
Sea Ranch, CA USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:24 AM CST
Dear Kate, Brian and Family, It sounds as though your Easter will be very special this year having your whole family with you in Monterey!! We just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you and wish you all a very "Happy and Blessed Easter" We Love You!
Pat, Karen and Donna from CB <Ploftus@lifetouch.com and Kschmid@lifetouch.com>
Hayward, Ca. USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:54 AM CST
Hi Kate, I have been reading all of your entries in your journal and your guestbook for such a long time I figured it was time to add my entry also. Your words and faith are such an inspriation to all! I have been reborn with Christ and have witnessed miracles that he can perform in the lives of anybody who is willing to let him in. We pray for you and your family every Wednesday night at my Bible Study. Keep the faith and the entries coming because it is something we all look forward to reading. "I will not let the Word of God depart from before my eyes for it is life to me for I have found it and it is health and healing to all my flesh" (Proverbs 4:21-22) God Bless.
Paul Enstad <ennergator@msn.com>
Richfield, MN - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 11:01 PM CST

I'm making good on my promise last weekend to sign the guestbook. THANKS SO MUCH for the hospitality during my brief visit. Spending time with the Burke family is as good as it gets. Please thank Riley for the wonderful card and tell Colin that I'll try and find a wrestling video to help him win the matches with Brian.
I came home with such an enormous amount of pride in being considered one of your friends and can't wait to come back and spend some time in the wine country with the sun shining.
I forgot to mention during my visit that when Graceann began to say her own bedtime prayers last spring, we asked that she put you on her list of people to ask God's blessing. You and my aunt Natalie (who was diagnosed with cancer about the same time as you) were the first two people she ever asked God to bless. To this day during her bedtime prayers, she still prays "God bless Kate". After our visit, I'm so happy to tell my daughter that God listened and answered the prayers for both you and my aunt.

Love you

Jeff Shackelford <shackfamily@charter.net>
St. Louis, MO USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:22 PM CST
Kate, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. So when I got to work this morning and received the email from Suzie I new today was the day. You are such an amazing person and I so admire how you've overcome this obstacle. I can't hardly believe it's been 10 years since I was out there working with you and Brian. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Mike Fream <mfream@lifetouch.com>
Fort Wayne, IN 46818 - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:18 PM CST
Kate, I recieved a nice email and sent to a few Lifetouchers who may not have known this venue was available to "visit" with you. You speak the truth, are honest with the battle, and give all of us a sense of purpose. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family daily. I will have a chance to see my 3 kids this weekend and will let them know of your encouraging words and heart for life. Easter is the time of spring and flowers and growth. The spring in your step, the scent of "Life" and the continued growth in the Lord will see you through to a fulfilled and joyous time. All the Best, Chuck
Chuck Stark <cstark@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO Usa - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:52 AM CST

Susie sent an email out to a few lucky "Lifetouchers" and from there it was forwarded to me by Chuck Stark. What a beautiful website and words written by you. Thank you for your deadication to the Lord and the inspiration you are providing for all of us. I am sure he is very proud of his child in you.

I know you already are but...God bless you as you travel the path.

We love you!!!

Matt Rochotte <mrochotte@lifetouch.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:27 AM CST
Dear Kate:
I want you to know that we are praying for you. I can't tell you what an encouragement you are to me. We send along our very best wishes for you and your entire family.

Charles Dewell <DewellYachts@aol.com>
Marina del Rey, CA USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 11:48 AM CST
What an inspiration you are. It is awesome to see the work that God can do and is doing through you. Missy and I have you and your family in our prayers as you continue to fight this battle. May the Lord continue to give you and your family peace through this storm.

Curt D. Malone <cmalone@lifetouch.com>
Tyler, TX USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:59 AM CST
Hi Kate:

Really thinking and praying for you and your family as you fight the good fight. God Bless from all the BL team at Lifetouch

Bob leader <bleader@lifetouch.com>
Richmond, VA USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:01 AM CST
Hi Kate,

It has been an inspiration reading your guestbook, I am a colleague from LNSS and, while I saw you many times, am very sorry that I had never gotten to know you personally. Through your guestbook, your many friends' comments of love and admiration, I think that I have an idea of the wonderful person that you are. I sincerely hope to have the opportunity to meet you personally in the near future.

All the best to you, your beautiful family and friends as you continue to fight the good fight. All of the folks in our territory and region will hold you close in our thoughts and prayers and be sure that we are so very proud of your spirit and courage.

We ask God to bless you, but it is obvious that He already has.


Randy Freeze

Randy Freeze <rfreeze@lifetouch.com>
Roanoke, VA USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 7:45 AM CST
Dear Kate,
It is so nice to hear you are making it through each day so positively! We pray for you and hope you are doing well. With love, R C & M

Rob, Tanya, & Max Christman <robchristman@comcast.net>
Spokane Valley, wa 99037 - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:24 PM CST
Hi Kate,
I loved your explanation of it being like going from the "lecture hall to the lab." Great stuff! I always loved the lab part more in high school, that's where we got to talk with our friends while working on the project, sort of like our fellowship now out in the real world!
Your faith is amazing, your writing is awesome, and my prayers remain with you! Keep writing! You are inspiring so many!
"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow"

Diane Shore <diane@dcshore.com>
Chino, CA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:29 PM CST
Hi Kate, ok so it has been a while sence I has wrote you a note. I am glad to here about the poss. of the morning shows, do you think you will get cosmo? Could you imagine you could let your daughter know "Mommy made it into cosmo" I will be praying that it is God will to use you in this way. you would be a perfect person to get on TV and praise God for eveything he has done in your life. WOW.
When I first herd about your illness, I was shocked, but knew God had a plan for you. what that could be I really did not know.
But now when I see your Web page and see all the people you are touching with the word of God. WOW. AND NOW maybe tv .. God is good and he does have a plan. So now that I have figured out your life, I guess I should work on mine, yeah that will be fun.
I was just kidding about Cosmo.maybe it will be PEOPLE Cool.
God Bless you and your family.
still figuring out life,( but it is not about me, I once read that in a book)
Elizabeth Molder

Elizabeth Molder <dmakmolder@peoplepc.com>
Petaluma, ca USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:41 PM CST
K&B&R&C -

So, I want to know when we're hitting the sleds again at Tahoe Donner. I know it's been a couple of weeks, but it sure was great to run into the four of you.

Colin, I think the two of us hit that fence harder than anyone!! Thanks. Still feeling a little sore!!

Stay brave Burke clan.



ken markey <kmarkey@gmail.com>
aptos, ca usa - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 5:00 PM CST
First of all, you truly amaze and inspire me! Your ability to give God all the glory is infectious. I was reading your journal entries and came across the name Susie Harvey. I did a double take.
Why? you ask. Well one of my best friends from high school, her name is Barb Levering, has an amazing connection to you. Barb's mom's maiden name is Sue Harvey. Six months after your brain tumor journey began, Sue was diagnosed with the exact same tumor you have. I have shared your story with Barb and with Sue. This past weekand I had dinner with Barb and she asked for your caring bridge website. Sue's site is www.caringbridge.org.mn.susie. Sue has four beautiful daughters and is like a surrogate mom to me. Sue's husband, Bill Lurton is the retired CEO of Jostens and he is the reason, other than my amazing marketing genuis:)) I interned and then worked for Jostens. Isn't this like 6 degrees of separation?
Anyway, could you please send a copy of your Christmas letter to Sue:
her address is Sue Lurton, 3135 Jamestown Road, Long Lake, MN 55356.
I know that you got together with Mary, Anne and Jenny about a month ago. Sorry I did not make it, my father is battling a very aggressive colon cancer and I had a doctor appt with him that day.
I pray for you continually, not only for your healing, but for all the hearts that are touched and softened by your incredible faith, your refreshing sense of humor with this whole challenge and your amazing ability to give HIM the glory.
Keep sharing your story. Have an amazing Easter.
Love, Beth

Beth (Bergland) Johnson <bergiethegardener@yahoo.com>
Orono, MN USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:23 AM CST
Kate, I just want you to know that we have been praying for you and now that I have read your website all I can say is WOW!!! How do people get through things like this without their FAITH? Yours is so contagious and genuine. You seem like an amazing person. I know you know about our dear friend Paula and often I am getting my hope and strength from you (and God of course, He is a given in my life.)Keep up all the great things you are doing. Often I ask myself what kind of person I would be if something like this happened to me. Probably not who I would want to be, but what an inspiration you are to all of us. I have shared your story with many. May God's healing and strength always be with you and your family. Happy Easter.
Sue Roper (Bub's wife)

Sue Roper <slwescot@ties2.net>
Chaska, MN usa - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:04 AM CST
That was so cool having you brave the crawly germs of 40 kids so you could visit our class. Boy, do we miss you being in the classroom. You must hear this a lot, but WOW!! you look great (not that you didn't look good before!). Despite the chemo, surgeries, ups and downs, and the amazing amount of energy your battle takes from you...you manage to continually be vibrant and healthy.
Also, thanks, really!?!, for sending in big old donuts for snack on this rainy day...buzzzzzzzz.
As always, big hugs for Riley & Colin...and Bri too.
Love, Joanne

Joanne Borovoy <bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 8:19 PM CST
Hi Kate,
A couple of months ago I wandered to the Spring HIlls web site to see what was happening in the ole church. I saw a comment about prayers for you in the newsletter and reference to a web site. Was I ever blown away when I went to your site and read up on all that has been happening in your life!! Nothing slows you down, does it?! Your vibrant enthusiasm for God and life is contagious and you are truely an inspiration. Thanks! Dan and I have been reading the updates on your web page ever since we found the site. We are keeping you and your family in our prayers. God Bless! Julie Takasugi

Julie Takasugi
Snohomish, WA - Monday, March 21, 2005 7:40 PM CST
Kate - I love your entry from yesterday! Hmmm... What was in that spot before... Good question... :) I will have to agree with the lady in the restroom. The song yesterday - FOREVER was so powerful and made a huge impact on me too. God is good!
Barbie Young <barbaras@ssmhvac.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 1:41 PM CST
Hi Kate,

It was great seeing you and Brian this weekend. Your kids really cracked me up. "why don't you kids go our and play in the rain" I'll have to use that one on Alyssa. Thanks for the hospitality, I loved the bunks. Definitely better than the Ritz.

Randy Gowan <R.gowan@Mchsi.com>
Medina, MN USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 10:33 AM CST
Kate, in all of this time of REGULARLY reading and being blessed by your website updates, I have never signed your guestbook to let you know I'm there all the time!! Aaaagh! You may have a hole up there, but I have mashed potatoes in there sometimes. Or lead! Here's something dear and interesting! I told Brenda, the beautiful and very smart young woman who does my nails, about you and your website. Every time I get my nails done, she asks, "Did you see Kate's last update? Wow!" Then we have a precious conversation about how much it means to us! She has said many times that although she doesn't even know you, she looks forward to every word you write and has learned so much. Now, her mom is having chemo......
We just never know, do we? But, God does! We love you dearly and pray for you daily!

Ann McCartney <ann@azagent.com>
Scottsdale, AZ USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 8:52 AM CST

So GREAT to see you and Brian--and Riley and Colin. Bob and I had a wonderful time with you. THANK YOU for spending the day with us. That's a treat that we will cherish.

Your children are wonderful--full of life and personality, just like their parents. Colin will undoubtedly become a fantastic wrestler and I'm sure Riley will be the smartest designer/artist to come out of the Bay Area. You and Brian must be constantly entertained by those two--although I'm sure they get plenty of entertainment from their parents, too.

We came home to a foot of snow--a shock after the week of spring sunshine in California. Don't you miss the cold and shoveling snow????

Please give hugs and kisses to everyone. Much love, Jill

Jill McCartney <jillmc@southwestmsu.edu>
Garvin, MN USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:08 PM CST
Hi Kate! Just was going through my messages and read your kind words from today. Joe and I will be calling you! I've had a great feeling day - working with the kids and their homework right now! Looking forward to calling you...some plans are in the making by us right now for perhaps my treatment to begin at the U vs. this other hospital from Friday's visit - and still plan on sticking to the Mayo visit this Friday. I am ready to begin, but we are needing to feel more comfortable in where and who starts the treatment. We will talk to you about this! Talk to you soon, my friend!


Paula Epping <pepp1976@mchsi.com>
Chaska, MN - Sunday, March 20, 2005 6:52 PM CST
Hi Kate, So good to read your website. Your faith is so strong and that is what will take care of you. Ben and I add you in our prayers often and we speak of you frequently.
We were over at our Dolton Ave. home last Sunday for the family dinner and it brought back memories of all the Burkes nextdoor. Our love and best wishes, Grace and Ben Schnereger, San Carlos, CA.

Grace W. CumminsSchnereger <Grqcecummins@aol.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:10 PM CST
Dear Kate,

Hello, this is Paula from Minnesota and I thank you so much for your note to me today. I live across the street from Bub and Sue Roper and down the block from Dave and Sally Peterjohn. Sally and I have taught together for 20 plus years! I know you know these wonderful people and I am curious to know your connections to them.

Anyway, I just got back from my first radiology consultation. There is so much being thrown at me, I'm afraid I'm not very good at tracking all information. My husband has been wonderful with "asking" the questions and being the voice because I really feel so overwhelmed with information that I don't even know what to ask. I am going to Rochester next Friday for a second opinion on treatment from a Mayo Clinic physician. I go back to the doctor on Monday for MRI to take a look at the remaining part of the tumor and how close it is/or if the swelling has gone down from the location of my right optic nerve. That is what I am dealing with right now with my vision deficits and I pray that I don't have to be faced with a decision to begin the aggressive radiation (which I am ready for!) at the expense of losing my sight in my eye due to the location of the remains of the tumor and the proximity to the optic nerve because of the swelling/pressure. Perhaps I am not making sense, because it all does not make sense to me. However, thanks so much for your note today. I feel I have made a new friend and look forward to email conversations. I was out in San Francisco and near you (Sonoma) on Saturday, February 26. At the time, I was experiencing some difficulty (I had a seizure on the "streets of San Franciso" on Friday, where paramedics had been called. I recovered, and did not need to go to the hospital. However, it was my second episode in a week of feeling weird, and the following Friday I found out that I had the darn tumor, and last Friday - voila! brain surgery and removal of my right temporal lobe! I'm overall feeling fine - a little tired by evening- and am determined to get my vision back on track. So, my dear new friend, thank you for your kind note. I look forward to continued contact. Have a very nice weekend.

Paula Epping

Paula Epping
Chaska, MN - Friday, March 18, 2005 5:11 PM CST
Hi Kate........so happy to return home to find out that you had another "clean scan"!! Just read your most recent letter. Pardon me, but, you ARE WORTHY!!
Gone last few weeks in NZ/Australia and the best trip yet! What beautiful, clean and friendly counties! What a wonderful example they set! We enjoyed our yellow bracelets on our trip and telling people about them! Several asked, and, we told them about the origin and you!

Vera Gale <vera_gale@rsconst.com>
Foster City, CA USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 6:22 PM CST
Hi Kate, I am way behind but CONGRATULATIONS on the good news. You are so amazing! I love and miss you so much. Please know that you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers! Peace to you, Marci
Marci Radke <mdrun@aol.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 7:10 PM CST
Hi Kate,
It was soooo good to see you, Brian, the kids and your friends in Truckee! Wish we could have had a longer visit but just to see your smile was enough. Ron and I had a great time watching Chris ski in the Jr Olympics. We took him out to dinner one night and he was telling me about an SUV he saw at Boreal with a Lifetouch sticker on it. I told him that that was probably yours. He was disappointed that he didn't get to meet you. He was involved in our little movie and thought it would have been cool to run into you while skiing. I don't know if I ever told you this, but Chris ran in the LT fun run with your name on his shirt - and, he won, much to the disappointment of MANY OLD Lifetouchers. Those dang 18 year old runners! Please thank Brian for helping us connect - you look great and we were so pleased to hear about your recent scan. Much love. Susie

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 6:03 PM CST
Hi Kate, every time I log on I am overwhelmed with emotion. You have a beautiful way of putting this all in perspective. I have just passed this site to a former student of mine-I was her second grade teacher. She was recently diagnosed with a rare kind of cancer that has invaided both of her hip joints . Two hip replacements later and continuous Chemo she still manages to keep a positive attitiude. I know that your words will inspire her to keep on being strong. In fact I really could not think of any better reading material for her . You really are inspiring! I am so happy to hear about your blood test results. Keep on Keepin' on girl! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Jayme
Jayme Martin <jayme.martin@bvsd.org>
Boulder, CO - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 6:02 PM CST
just wanted to say hi from iowa and god bless the spirit of hope and happiness you send through your messages. i read them to the little meghan " alias- mike geary with red hair"- she seems to understand your goal to beat this and the strenth you hold-better than any "grown up" does. meaning- god hears her mommy, he will help her, plain and simple that is the answer,- Probably just like your precious, busy- angels! faith in the eyes of a child- can mend all sad hearts. any way- just saying hi-and mike and I have been keeping close track of you - and if you ever attempt to handle The household by yourself again ---I know that we and about a thousand other people, who love you and brian, are going to come out there and have a little "time out" with you!!!!!
we are sending so much love- you would have to jump up and say YAHOOOOOOOOO!---Deb,Meghan and mike GM Geary

Deb Geary <dlgeary@mchsi.com>
Clarion, Ia usa - Monday, March 14, 2005 0:18 AM CST
Hi Kate,

What great news on your most recent doc visit - you truly have a miracle in the works and am I sure strong prayers, strong faith and can't lose attitude will help you beat this disease. Please know that Suzy, myself and our kids are praying for you. I have been following your jouney on-line as well as with conversations with Dave PJ, Youngy and Devo - sorry for not writing sooner but please know you are constantly in our thoughts. You truly have a champion spirit - and always have! God Bless and believe!

Bub & Sue

Bub <don.roper@chrobinson.com>
Chanhassen, MN 55318 - Sunday, March 13, 2005 3:51 PM CST

I want to let you know that I've been checking in on your site and keeping you in my prayers every day. Your journal is so inspiring, thoughtful and funny! Know that I am sending you love and light from up here in Humboldt!
Have wonderful weekend!

Sheila Rocker Heppe <srh@humboldt.edu>
Arcata, CA - Friday, March 11, 2005 3:02 PM CST
Hey Kate,
Great to hear the good news!! Tahoe was a blast, it was such a bonus to see you, Brain, Riley and Colin. Please say hello to Mike and Carol(that is too funny, I just realized they have the same name as the Brady Bunch parents) and our two retro guys, Riley and Keaton. Hi to Victoria too! Take Care and keep up the good work. Love you guys!

Karen McDevitt <karen@southersmarsh.com>
Boston, Ma. 02360 - Friday, March 11, 2005 12:38 AM CST
Can you hear our screams of joy??! We love you!!

bob and yvette <ybinx@yahoo.com>
Woodside, CA USA - Friday, March 11, 2005 8:39 AM CST

NOVATO, CA USA - Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:47 PM CST
Hi Kate, Patty's sister Ann here, very, very happy to hear your good news! Of course you are a success story with your faith and attitude! You will be an inspiration to all who are fortunate enough to hear you speak! Oooh, look at all my surprise marks - I truly am so happy for you and believe you already have and will continue to help people everywhere look at the positives in their lives and not let the other stuff bring them down. It's not worth the time and energy! I can't wait to keep hearing more good news for you!

Ann Jesse-Schwabe <schwbfam@chorus.net>
Middleton, WI USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:14 AM CST
OK Kate, I am saving the note you wrote to us yesterday...just in case you become so famous that your little signature becomes worth millions!! I knew her when...
I am so excited for you. Even if nothing pans out, you still get to relish the idea of all of those incredible possibilities. Wonderful! Hope I see you on the big screen (or at least the on TV). You would do a great job.
Hugs and smiles for Colin and Riley. Love, Joanne
PS~Thank you for the ants...I think!!??

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 8:49 PM CST
Great News! Katrina told me the news yesterday as she was returning from your Doctor visit. It's hard to keep quiet when the news is so exciting. You've had an amazing year (WOW!) of ups and downs and you know where all the glory goes. I'll be watching for you on the Today Show! Keeping you in our prayers.
Helen Woizeschke <helen.woizeschke@sbcglobal.net>
Lake Jackson, TX USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 8:44 PM CST
Hi Kate,
I just got back online and am getting caught up on your journels. It was wonderful meeting you at Mike and Cris' around Christmas. Cris told me of your good news last night and just read your other exciting news now. My prayers continue to be with all of you. Continued success!!!

Joni Maresch <mnj@ticon.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 6:58 PM CST
Hey Kate;
I heard the great news. I'm sure you will update your website, but in the meantime I had to send you a note. I was thinking so much about you last night when I heard Brian's voice mail about your diagnosis and your positive focus. From the beginning, you knew that you would beat this cancer and you are doing it! Those of us who know and love you also knew if anyone could do it you can. Kate, I know you will beat this and you continue to get proof of that. Keep hanging in there. You go girl! :-)

Ann Yekaldo <ayekaldo@lifetouch.com>
Woodbury, MN - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 8:32 AM CST
Hi Kate, as I mentioned when I signed on last time I used your journal entry for I think it was 2/9 as a sort of devotional for my Bible study group, it was so great to see someone that is actually putting into practice what we all study in the many, many Bible studies that we all attend. The women were amazed and they all wanted your web site. God is using you in ways that you won't even know. Keep your faith strong and don't forget that you are in His Tight Grasp - Love ya, Denise
Denise Pogue <poguefamily@adelphia.net>
Encinitas, CA usa - Sunday, March 6, 2005 4:27 PM CST
Love the helmet! And Riley is a real beauty, just like her mom. Actually, that Brian cleans up well, also! I continue to think of you daily and send prayers your way. Keep on keeping on!
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Friday, March 4, 2005 11:06 AM CST
Hi Kate, Have a great time skiing in Tahoe. Wish I was there! Ron and I just finished up the Nordic Ski season and are now busy planning our first trip in our new RV. Think we'll head toward California - how big is your driveway? Love, Susie
Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Thursday, March 3, 2005 7:21 PM CST

SANTA ROSA, CA - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 6:15 PM CST
Just wanted to check in. Brian stopped by when he was in town in early Feb. It meant alot to see him and catch up. Tell him thanks again. I have been out for a month now and will head back on Monday. Hope you are doing well....loved the pics....great family....smiles. Keep up the fight girlfriend.....if anyone can beat it..you can. Take care.
Nancy Dahl <ndahl@lifetouch.com>
- Tuesday, March 1, 2005 9:14 PM CST
Hi Kate - so glad to hear this round was a little better for you. I have to tell you - we got the ant farm for Taylor to do her science fair project with. We didn't see the directions which told us that if you put them in the fridge, they will slow down. Instead we tried to dump them in the little tube. Ants everywhere! You should have seen us all shrieking and jumping around trying to keep them from getting all over the house! Sadly, they all died rather quickly. Tell Riley I loved her hair at the dance. Hope to see you guys soon. Love, Leigh
Leigh Phillips <leigh@babesboats.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:11 AM CST
Kate...LOVED your new photos how adoreable :), hope the ants made it to Karen & Joanne's class if not you're in trouble haha. Keep up your inspiration to all of us we love you.
Anita Rackerby <Gardengirlanita@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA Sonoma - Monday, February 28, 2005 11:34 PM CST
Hi Kate -

You're all looking mighty fine! I love reading your journal entries - always gives me pause to reflect. I hope I'll see you in Santa Rosa when I visit next month. Take care, Nancy

Nancy Ess <nankayess@netscape.net>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 4:33 PM CST
Hi Kate! I got your website address from Mom this week--actually my cousin Paul grabbed the phone from her and told me the "right" way to do it--kind of funny. Anyway, I spent the past few days getting reacquainted. It was nice to "talk" with you again and I was reminded of scenes from years past that I had stored away somewhere in my memory--volleyball camp, our trip to France, hot summer afternoons at the McCartney pool, and lots of others. I had hoped to write something inspirational or comforting, but I think you are getting all you need from a higher source. Good for you! Take good care of yourself and know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Mary Kay (Coleman) Kellogg <marykay@kelloggsoft.com>
Omaha, NE - Friday, February 25, 2005 1:14 PM CST
What wonderful pictures! Everyone looks great, and what a beautiful young lady Riley has become.
Your in my thoughts and prayers,

Karen Donahue <sassy1ked@hotmail.com>
Monroe, Ia - Friday, February 25, 2005 9:08 AM CST
Hi Kate, You and your family look awesome on top of one of the most beautiful places on earth!! What a cool family photo!! I think of you each and every day and pray that you will beat this cancer - if anyone can do it - it would be YOU! Keep up the fight! Love, Beattie
P.S. Riley is so grown up and so pretty, gee...I wonder who SHE looks like??????????

Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
- Wednesday, February 23, 2005 5:34 PM CST
Katie B. How cute are you in the helmet! And I can't believe how grown up Ms. Riley is...what great photos. Thanks as always for sharing your journey. Dave and I met with the priest this week to talk about our wedding and he had such wonderful questions for us... made me think of you... Take extra good care this week-
Big love to you!
Lisa and Dave

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 10:22 PM CST
Mom & I have just spent some time looking through your website and we're just amazed at your strength and attitude. I guess it runs in the family-- your mom was one of our very favorite teachers-- still is! We think of all of your family often as we drive by the farm on Milton-Shopiere. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Jenny and the rest of your extended family.

The Barlass Family <bbarlass@ticon.net>
Janesville, WI - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:03 PM CST
Hi Kate,

John Shaw on this end. Territory Manager in SE Ohio and had the pleasure of attending TM "training school" with you.
Just wanted to drop a line to you and say that my thoughts and prayers are - and have been - with you. I have a younger brother that had a brain tumor when he was 10 years old. They did not give him much of a chance to make it through the operation and chemo. Even at 10 he was too stubborn to let it take him. I am happy to report he will be celebrating his 46th birthday in April and even though he has had 2 other reoccurences - that the doctors didn't think he would make it through - he remains stubborn enough to not let this thing get the best of him. Good luck to you and all of God's blessings to you and your family.

John Shaw <jshaw@lifetouch.com>
LANCASTER, OH USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:25 AM CST
Hey! Kate remember "THE COACH"? That song they played.. Put me in Coach I am ready to play..... The TV just had that on.. that is what it is like at Publishing right now.. Julie and I are busy with the books and we are keeping them moving for you! Just was thinking of you and wanted to say hello girlfriend!!!! Love You!
Mary Z

Mary Zagelmeier <maryzag01@aol.com>
Loves Park , il usa - Monday, February 21, 2005 8:27 PM CST

I don't know if you remember me but I work in the plant in Loves Park. I was the Customer Care Mgr. when we met about 7 yrs. ago and we talked about Wisconsin because I lived in Janesville at the time and you are from Milton! I think of you often and want you to know you and your family are in my prayers.Yearbook season is upon - but please know all of us in Publishing still have time to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


Julie Haucke <j.haucke@insightbb.com>
Rockford, IL usa - Monday, February 21, 2005 7:44 PM CST
Even though I do not know you (I do Ann McCartney's nails)personally, I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to read your awesome messages. I dont think I have ever known a person who is able to give so much love and inspiration to others as you do. Those that know you personally are truly forunate to have you in their lives. I have a tendency to focus on the negative parts of life and you have been instrumental in helping me focus on the positive.
God bless you
Brenda Bentley

Brenda Bentley <Blh59@cox.net>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Friday, February 18, 2005 9:43 AM CST
Hello dear.... Just can't stay off the slopes can you? Good thing they didn't offer Heli-skiing. Glad you had an exceptional family time. Thinking & praying for you daily. Press on sister friend...I am making progress on our compilation. I have been reflecting back on my own journal as I read yours. Everytime I read the entries after a chemo round (yours or mine) I can feel my mouth watering and taste that wonderful metallic flavor-yuck. But when you get past the first couple days and finally have a good day isn't it overwhelming to just feel normal again? What amazing bodies god has created for us! Love and Hugs. Dawn
Dawn <dmcdonald@dwave.net>
- Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:58 AM CST
Kate and Brian,

You are amazing people! So happy you enjoyed Tahoe. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with each one of you. I look forward to seeing all of you in the near future. Kate, you are an inspiration to everyone of us. You are a blessing.

Much Love,

Julie Newberg

Julie Newberg <julesnewberg@aol.com>
San Ramon, CA USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:47 PM CST
Dear Mom,
I LUV You soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
I hope this scary thing will not come back!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luv, Riley

Her Daughter <riri611@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, ca U.S.A. - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:32 PM CST
Kate and Brian, I have avoided getting on your site because I couldn't stand the thought of what is going on with you but today I was getting on line to do something else and my finger hit the wrong button and your website came up - boy if that wasn't a God thing, I have had you constantly in my prayers and those of our family and friends but reading your journal is the most amazing blessing I have encountered - I'm going to print out today's entry and read it to my Bible Study group as we are studying James and it really fits right in. Brian your smile and funny little chuckle are always brought to mind whenever I think of you and I want you to know that we pray for you also as you are watching the love of your life go through this trial, I can't imagine how you do it aside from the strength God gives you! We LOVE you both and pray and think of you very often. If you need anything please let us know and don't be afraid to ask. In His Tight Grasp - Denise & Scott

Denise Pogue <poguefamily@adelphia.net>
Encinitas, ca usa - Monday, February 14, 2005 2:33 PM CST
Dear Kate! I wanted you to know that I have been thinking of you and praying for you!
Love you and your large bright smile!

Mary Zagelmeier <maryzag01@aol.com>
loves park , il usa - Sunday, February 13, 2005 12:16 AM CST
WOW! Skiing sounds like fun. The snow will be fantastic! When you referred to jumping??? Yikes, boy did I cringe. You know, if you stay on the ground, you will not lose as much time heading down through the gates! Hang time will slow you down. Oooooopppps! Sorry, I do not want to give you any ideas just because you got a new helmet! Have fun!
Nancy and Ralph Medina <rlm_sharks@yahoo.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Saturday, February 12, 2005 5:40 PM CST
Hi Kate,

I met you a few years ago while watching Victoria and Riley do gymnastics with my Aunt Carol. I think you're absolutely amazing and I am constantly checking your website to read your updates. Thank you for your strength Kate! This world needs more strong, amazing, Christ-centered women like you. Your faith in God inspires me to lean on Him for every detail, just as you have done! Keep up the good fight! Your faithful readers need you! Praying for you always.

Robin Scott <robintheteacher@sbcglobal.net>
Lake Forest, CA. USA - Saturday, February 12, 2005 3:09 PM CST

Kate, I hope you and your family really enjoyed the ski weekend. I've thought of you often and my prayers are with you and your family. I saw my neighbor and your old college buddy Don "BuB' Roper this morning, and he sends his best.Stay strong, we love you!

Dave Peterjohn <davepeterjohn@msn.com>
Excelsior , Mn USA - Saturday, February 12, 2005 1:11 PM CST
Hey, Kate. I have not checked in here since November. Sorry, no good excuses for that. So glad to hear you remain strong in your faith. It is Saturday morning and earlier Dad was making his morning rounds through the house, checking on the kids and admiring their peaceful innocence as they slept. You know the feeling you get when you watch your kids while they sleep? As a father you just want to hug them, protect them, and whisper in their ears that no matter how tough life is, that everything is OK. As I admired Cali and Reed as a father this morning, I was reminded of you. It is so encouraging to know that you have your faith firmly in place with a Father in heaven, that despite all the challenges in your life right now, He reigns sovereign, checks on you each day, reaches out to you and is whispering that everything is ok. Continue to seek that whisper, Kate. And continue to seek His face.

On a lighter note, I will never forget the first time we met. You b-lined across the room to me at a winter meeting and shared with me a Dr. Follick commment/comparison. Remember? Well, let's just hope that comment doesn't carry through to the end now, eh? (wink) ;-)

It's all good.

Barry, Kenda, Cali and Reed Robinson <msuspar10@earthlink.net>
Perry, Mi USA - Saturday, February 12, 2005 7:54 AM CST
Hey Kate, I pray this finds you in good spirits. As you go through each day, I pray for your energy and strength. You are an inspiration to many.

May GOD keep you.

Milton Dodd <Mdodd@lifetouch.com>
- Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:00 PM CST
Well, Brian told us it's about time that we actually sign in. We've been reading and hanging with you all the way - just haven't let you know!!! We hope you know how inspirational and often times humorous you are. Eveyone we know reads your entries and is amazed by your courage. We just saw your "big angel" here at our office and miss having him with us - no one has a laugh like your Bri! He now wants the "ladies to do a calendar" We'll send you a copy when it come out. Kate, we all love you and everyone in the office says to say Hi. We think of you often and you and your family are in our prayers.
Pat Loftus, Karen Schmid & Donna Camera <ploftus@lifetouch.com or kschmid@lifetouch.com >
Hayward, Ca. USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 2:23 PM CST
Hi Kate, I hope you ALL have a blast in Tahoe (I am jealous)!! What an awesome place to spend a Valentines
weekend. Have fun, ski safe and wear the helmet! Love, Beattie

Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR 97229 - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 6:32 PM CST
You are a true inspiration! What a beatiful family you have. I saw Brian in Orlando, but he was busy visiting with so many that we did not get a chance to talk. Keep up the fight! All your frinds in Region 3(GA& Florida) have you in our prayers.

Bill Cox <wrcox@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 6:18 PM CST
Hello my dear,
I know, I know, I must get a computer.
It was so great to see you. You are exactly the same vivacious chick as always, minus some hair, but unbelievably awesome. It is astonishing how incredible you look after all your body has been through. Just gorgeous pics by the way too. How could I have forgotten my camera...such a dork.
I reflected all the way home on all of the inspiring things you told me and also on the grace and strength you showed. I knew that when we visited you would be just as eager to talk about my life as yours. You are one of the most giving people I know.
I left your Mom's knowing that there are many, many more wonderful days for you, that you will conquer this cancer and probably be written up in some obscure medical journal or something.
Thank your Mom again for me, the chili was awesome. Now I know why you laughed at me when she offered the chili and I said "no thank you". I thought we were going out to eat. It finally dawned on me on the ride home.
Kate, my prayers are with you and your family as always. (Hey Dawn, sorry we missed each other also, my prayers are with you too!)
I love you, Colleen

Colleen Wehmeyer <colleen.wehmeyer@ppwi.org>
Menomonee Falls, WI USA - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 3:37 PM CST
I don't know if you will ever know the number of people that are thinking about you and praying for your miracle every single day! We all check everyday to see if you have an update for us --- waiting for the inspirational words that you share with us. Isn't that crazy? We should be the ones sending you the inspriational words! As always, you are the one to give back more than you recieve! I hope you feel the love. Have a wonderful family day.
Your Colorado friends wish you and yours the best.

Denice Shook <dshook@lifetouch.com>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 7:46 AM CST
I hope this finds you doing well. I am sorry for not having written until now (other than the flowers). You know how it goes when you're trying to run a territory. We think and talk about you all the time, of course wondering how you're doing. I talked to Brian when we were in Orlando he was in good spirits. You just don't know what to say at certain times (at least I don't).
I realize that we haven't known each other for very long but I consider you and Brian as family, I wish you nothing but the best in the future. I know how strong willed you are and this is just another challenge to overcome. If there is ever anything I can do for you and your family please feel free to ask. How about a visit to the Great Northwest, we'll put you guys up for however long you'd like.
Well I'm starting to ramble on now, I'll stop and say bye for now. Say hi to Brian for me too okay.
Neil Hicks and the LS Territory

Neil Hicks <nhicks12@hotmail.com>
Seattle, Wa United States - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 4:48 PM CST
I hope this finds you doing well. I am sorry for not having written until now (other than the flowers). You know how it goes when you're trying to run a territory. We think and talk about you all the time, of course wondering how you're doing. I talked to Brian when we were in Orlando he was in good spirits. You just don't know what to say at certain times (at least I don't).
I realize that we haven't known each other for very long but I consider you and Brian as family, I wish you nothing but the best in the future. I know how strong willed you are and this is just another challenge to overcome. If there is ever anything I can do for you and your family please feel free to ask. How about a visit to the Great Northwest, we'll put you guys up for however long you'd like.
Well I'm starting to ramble on now, I'll stop and say bye for now. Say hi to Brian for me too okay.
Neil Hicks and the LS Territory

Neil Hicks <nhicks12@hotmail.com>
Seattle, Wa United States - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 4:45 PM CST
Hi Kate,
I am Susie Harvey's Mother and I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you today and every day. I have seen pictures of you and your beautiful family. Keep up the good fight !!
A mother loves her daughter and loves those that she loves. Nancy Zagelmeier Kolbe

Nancy Kolbe <kolbezag@lighthouse.net>
Newberry, Mi USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 7:01 PM CST
Hi Kate,
My friend, Susie Harvey, told me about you. You are truly an amazing woman and an inspiration to all!! I wish I was fortunate enough to know you. There is someone praying for you and your family in the UP of Michigan. Sincerely, Mary Randolph

Mary Randolph <merando@lighthouse.net>
St. Ignace, Mi USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 5:24 PM CST
You popped into my thoughts so strongly this morning, and I immediately had a thought that you might need a good word or two - - so I prayed - - and now I'm writing to echo Holly Suhi's comments. All that steam from that train engine just might blur our focus on the ONE. Thanks for reminding us of that. My thoughts, prayers and love - - every day.
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, CA - Monday, February 7, 2005 2:28 PM CST
Hi Kate,
I often read your journal entries but usually don't make an entry, because I struggle for words. However, this morning as I was thinking about you and studying my Bible, it was so clear that cancer is a false god, flying in the face of the life and healings of Christ Jesus, who proved in every way imagineable that God, GOOD is the only power over man. Jesus saved us from having to worship (believe, fear) false gods. Bless you for obeying the first commandment and refusing to bow down to any power other than God, Good.
You ARE whole and perfect in God's image. Cancer is not the truth of your being. It's a lie about you. You don't have it, and it doesn't have you, because you are and always have been God's child. Remember, the "devil" (evil information appearing real) is "a LIAR and the Father of it." When fear seems to have a grip over you, think of it like a speck of dust trying to put out the entire sun of Truth and Love. Not a chance - God has you in His/Her grip.
Love you,
Holly Suhi

Holly Suhi <onword2@comcast. net>
Murrieta, CA USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 12:13 AM CST
Kate, I have been keeping up with your progress through Louanne Trueblood and Brenda Kirk. I cannot open a bottle of Napa Valley wine that I don't remember my one and only trip to California and the warmth I felt from you. You also showed me strength so I am confident you are on the "right track".
Marlene Klare Lifetouch Publishing <mklare@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO US - Monday, February 7, 2005 11:29 AM CST
Dear Kate - It's been awhile since we've talked ...but I wanted you to know that you and your family have been in our prayers each week since I learned of your battle with cancer. Since the day we met out at that convention in CA, you've held a special spot in my memories of Lifetouch :-). Almost immediately we connected on a "camp" level ...we knew the same songs and shared a few laughs. Although it was a simple connection ...it told me you were a "real" person who cared about others and weren't afraid to be yourself! And now that you're going through this very difficult struggle ...your TRUE spirit and self are shining through more than ever!! You are truly an angel here on earth Kate. Keep fighting the fight against this disease ... and we'll keep praying for you and your family.
Un beso y abrazo grande xoxoxo Your friend, Mary B.

Mary Burnett Jurgens <jurgens@prodigy.net.mx>
Mexico City, D.F. Mexico - Monday, February 7, 2005 9:23 AM CST
Kate - I hope you are doing well, your thoughts are an inspiration to us all. My mother gave me a small glass paperweight that I keep in front of my computer and look at every day - thought you might appreciate the sentiment. "Every step of the journey is the journey."
Nancy Thorne <nthorne@lifetouch.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 8:34 AM CST
Using the train idea to illustrate what you are going through was great! It's writing like that that will help others express what they might be dealing with, but have no words for it. Thanks for sharing. I could relate to it so much, after going through similar emotions when our son was battling Leukemia. I thought, what's this "five-year" survival rate?...I knew that childhood Leukemia was very curable, but I also struggled with what that whole "five-year" thing was all about. I used to think, if he was 70, that wouldn't be so bad, but he's ten! I didn't like those numbers!
I would never want my story to paint a bleak picture, because my son lives in heaven now and he is better off than any of us here, but what I really want to share is that no matter what, no matter what the number of years are, God is bigger, greater and more powerful than any of it. He is our Provider. He will take care of everyone, those that move on, those that remain behind. Children need their mother, and the thought of leaving yours is beyond anything you want to even consider. I pray for your healing. But, living without my son was beyond anything I ever wanted to consider...I didn't know if it would even be possible. It is. God is a healing God, He is healing our hearts, and we know we will see our son again. I pray you will have 50 more years with your children, but no matter what, we will have eternity together because of Jesus Christ!! Isn't that the most awesome thought of all? It is my Hope, and I know from reading your writings, it is yours also!
It is always inspiring to click on your site and see where you are on your journey...thank you for sharing with all of us. I hope you got your needed rest!

Diane Shore <diane@dcshore.com>
Chino, CA - Saturday, February 5, 2005 8:53 PM CST
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Jean A

Jean Arnol < jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Friday, February 4, 2005 9:44 AM CST
Hey Party Girl!! I'm sure you need a few nice naps and lovely pampered days to recover from your wild adventures back home. You know how that adrenaline kicks in when you're having fun...! Rest, relax and revive yourself. Hugs for you, plus lots of wishes for sweet dreams. Love, Joanne
PS-If you're wondering why Colin came home covered in flour, well let's just say he was having tons of fun! Snuggles for Riley XOXOXO.

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 0:06 AM CST

Rest is what you need for your mind and spirit. I know you are good at taking your naps. I know how hard it is to have to slow down. I can't seem to do it myself these days, but we must do it for our health. Feel better soon!

Kristine Fontana <paptana@comcast.net>
lake bluff, il - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 8:43 PM CST
Hey Kate, I just checked in on the website and wanted to tell you how gorgeous you look in the photos. I read your latest posting and will pray for your healing as we have been here in my household. Please know the gift you have and how strong it is. Your spirit is overflowing into the lives of everyone who knows you and MANY, many other people. Love and prayers, Patty
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 6:29 PM CST
Dear Kate, If there was a way to bottle energy, I'd send all I have to you. Sleep tight and rest assured that you are in my thoughts constantly. Much love. Susie
Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 1:00 PM CST


RIVERSIDE, CA - Monday, January 31, 2005 10:12 PM CST
Rest, rest,rest! May you have comfort and healing Kate.

Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbc@global.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 10:05 PM CST
Love & prayers, Kate, we'll be praying hard for you & your family, Sandy Inserra's & Ann Inserra Horn's dad & mom
Tony & Nancy Inserra
West St. Paul, MN. USA - Friday, January 28, 2005 4:58 PM CST
Hi Kate,
I am a friend of Sandy Inserra's. She is a great friend and one of my angels. I recently lost my 21 year old son in a car accident and I would never have made it thus far without my great friends (all angels). I will never understand why this has happend, but I to believe things happen for a reason. An older gentleman friend of mine called me several days after my loss and told me that God needs young angels to take care of the old angels. Somehow that made me feel better. God bless your courage and I will keep you in my prayers.
Dorle Blackwell

Dorle Blackwell <ddblackwell@hotmail.com>
Litchfield, MN 55355 - Friday, January 28, 2005 1:20 PM CST
Hi Kate, I'm Stacy one of Rosie's friends, I've been reading your entries and you are awesome, I think of you often when I'm reading the Bible and I want to share this with you - I completely thought of you with this one..It's in Romans 5:(2nd paragraph - The Message Bible) We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary - we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!!
This is totally you! You definitely are tempered steel of virture - and you just keep rounding up containers....keep it up you are an incouraging and strong woman..........

Stacy Henderson <stacyh6792@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA - Friday, January 28, 2005 12:51 AM CST
Hi Kate,
Just wanted you to know that we ordered that snow storm especially for you on your recent trip to the Midwest! It sounds like you had a great visit with family and friends. We continue to think about you each and every day. Lots of love, Susie & Ron

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Friday, January 28, 2005 10:20 AM CST
Hey kate we are praying for you. We are realy happy to hear you are doing good missed seing you at church happy to hear your doing so well. you are a inspiration to us all .
Rachelle&Rowland Morey From church <Pepsimama282000@yahoo.com>
Santa Rosa , Ca Sonoma - Thursday, January 27, 2005 1:15 AM CST
Kate, Just checking in to see how you're doing.
God Bless you, we're still praying for a miracle!
Lots of Love,
Gail Ring and family

Gail Ring <Ringusa@aol.com>
Grass Valley, CA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:51 PM CST
So glad to hear you had a good visit home. Everyone who grew up in the midwest needs a taste of mother natures best once in awhile, it makes you remember the hardy stalk we all come from. Some how it was much easier to handle as a kid, don't you think?
Prayers and love,

Karen Donahue <sassy1ked@hotmail.com>
Monroe, Ia - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:10 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know I'll be out of the neck brace early next week after the goodbye you gave me at the bus station...
Your little sister
- Monday, January 24, 2005 10:52 AM CST
Hi Kate: So happy for you that Wisconsin showed its finest weather for you! Gods blessings on a great week.

Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, wi usa - Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:52 PM CST
Well Kate, you are even more courageous, much braver and way stronger than I ever thought...you had both Colin and Spencer at the same time!! You ARE amazing! Actually, I love them both and it was fun to hear little Mr. Netherda's take on your surgery. Welcome home. Hugs to Mz. Riley. Love, Joanne
Joanne Borovoy <bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:19 PM CST
Hi Kate, Glad you made it back from the frigid north country! Hope tomorrow goes well for you. You never cease to amaze me with your strength, courage and last but not least, your sense of humor! Welcome home. Love, Beattie
Beattie <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR - Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:04 PM CST
Hey Kate!! Congratulations on your latest clean scan...You continue to inspire and give us so much faith---miracles can happen!!! One of Zach's favorite babysitters (as well as his first crush)was diagnosed with Ewings sarcoma, just after Thanksgiving (Sammi is only 14 years old and was not given a very favorable prognosis). I hope to get both Sammi and her family "dialed in" to your website so that they can see how faith,prayers and a positive attitude can make such a huge difference! You ROCK!!!
Sue Northen <snorthen@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Sunday, January 23, 2005 0:15 AM CST
Good day!
Kate, I was just writing to let you know how beautiful you and your family look. It's amazing to see how your family has grown throughout the years. I look forward to coming back from school and seeing your Christmas card! I still haven't forgotten the Polar Express book that you gave to my family years ago for Christmas. I also wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and if you ever need anything to let us know. I know it's been awhile since you've seen us, but we still love and care for you!

Ali Donahue <alissa-donahue@uiowa.edu>
Iowa City, IA USA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 12:01 AM CST
Hello Kate"O" Just rolled back into to town. You look fantastic! It was so great to see you & your mom. Isn't it amazing how time changes nothing in the human spirit....wow. I know you are going to come through this stronger than ever. What a fulfilling afternoon. We didn't solve all of the world's problems at the Cracker Barrel but we definitely made a dent :) Cancer do's and don'ts, 101 ways to tie a scarf, etc.etc. I love you dear - I'll be emailing. Dawn (Tonto I missed you!)
dawn <dmcdonald@dwave.net>
- Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:41 AM CST
Aloha...Loved the new photos I was jealous :) and laughed at the photo of Brian and the kids after seeing an Eel.It reminded me of Allie seeing a snake in the Maui ocean.(you couldn't pay her to swim in the ocean after that hahaha).If you take a day drive for fresh air come see me as I am now working in the Occidental Post Office I'll even buy you and your chauffer lunch at Negri's.Love you and the family :)
Anita <gardengirlanita@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, Ca Sonoma - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 11:14 PM CST
Hi Kate, I just wanted to drop a line to say hello from someone from your past. I taught at MHS for 33 years. Not sure if you will remember me or not. I certainly remember you and your enthusiam. Your smile can light a room. Your family picture is certainly breathtaking. I will keep you in my prayers. Take care and hugs. Mrs Dabel pj121448@aol.com
Paula Dabel <pj121448@aol.om>
Fort Atkinson, wI USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:42 AM CST
Hi Kate, Thank you for your thoughtful web-site. Today, John and I didn't see you and Brian at church at the 9am service. We wondered what was up. Guess you could say we were worried! :-) Anyway, it was such a gift to be able to go to the website and get an update on all the good news and blessings going on in your life. Please know that you are in our prayers and thoughts and we know God has you in His Big, Strong and Loving hands. Sorry WE failed today to remember that! hahaha We very much appreciate you in our church family. Your presence and inspiration and example of pure faith, mean a lot to all of us. God Bless you and we pray for your continued healing and good health. Connie and John van Groos
Connie and John van Groos <conconvg@hotmail.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 10:06 PM CST
Kate- Thanks so much for the wonderful entry this week....and the photos...you look so happy and healthy--it warmed my heart to see you on the slide with your kids.
You rock... Enjoy your trip home!

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 1:04 PM CST
Woo woo...??? Nooo, it's a gigantic and heartfelt Hip Hip Hooray!! I just love good news. Love to all, Joanne
Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 10:10 AM CST
Dear Kate,
I was in our church service this morning and thinking a lot about you. CB had sent us a lovely photo of you all for xmas and I felt God asking me to contact you so here I am. Also just read your journal and your great news. You really are an inspiration to us all. Keep up the good fight and God will be there for you as well as the great work you are doing as a messenger for him. God bless

Jo Odell(Rich Ambidge's sister <ODELLS@KELSEYAVE.CO.UK>
Chichester, UK - Sunday, January 16, 2005 9:21 AM CST
Hi Kate, So great to hear about your scan!!!! Not surprised. I was looking at your pictures from Hawaii - It looks good to those of us in the midwest right now. It's been below 0 for a couple of days. Enjoy your trip to Wisconsin - bring warm clothes. Enjoyed seeing Brian last week - trust me, he wasn't always drinking wine. I saw him working very hard during the meeting. :-)Love and prayers. Susie
Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:43 PM CST
Kate- I am so happy to hear your good news! I've been thinking about you all week and finally had a chance to check the site. God gets extra thanks tomorrow!

Patty's sister Ann.

Ann Jesse-Schwabe <schwbfam@chorus.net>
Middleton, WI USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:07 PM CST
Kate, I'm soon glad to hear of your Good news. I Pray for you and your Family. I too had a brain tumor, I was 31 and was told to get my things in order.I'm so greatful to say I'm now almost 51 and have seen my two beautiful kids through many precious times. My son went to Cal Poly on a Football Scholorship and I never missed a game.My daughter has grown into a beautiful women.So, I too beleive in Gods grace. I'm keeping you in my heart and prayers!!!
Diana KLine <klinediana@hotmail.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 6:31 PM CST
God bless you and your family Kate. Yes miracles really do happen, I am a walking talking miracle myself and if it weren't for my faith in Jesus and his power, I don't beleive I'd be here right now. Lots of love and faith to you and yours.
Robert / Bonnie Adams <twoadams@comcast.net>
Santa Rosa, Ca USA - Saturday, January 15, 2005 6:04 PM CST
Hello Kate!!!Finally got the web site from Chris the other day and wanted to contact you and let you know we have been praying for you and your family. By the looks of your guest book you have many friends doing the same. Isn't GOD great!!!!You have always been a very strong person with a great attitude and I thank you for that because you make the people you touch that much stronger.
We hope your testing goes well this week.
I had a brief visit with your mom just before christmas during a holiday open house walk, it was nice to see her.
Keep up the great attitude!!!!You are an inspiration to all of us. God Bless Gary and Cheryl

Gary and Cheryl Getchel <getchel@charter.net>
Milton, WI USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 8:27 AM CST
My love , thoughts, and prayers surround you and your family at this difficult challenge in your life. I too feel that ATTITUDE is every thing and how you look at any situation. It has gotten me through many tough situations and I'm a better and stronger person because of them. Lean on others and surround yourself with love, laughter, friends, and family. May God bless you each day with continued stamina and fight.
Mary Ellen Bakken (Milton) <mebakken44@hotmail.com>
Madison, WI USA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:48 PM CST
Karen Donahue <sassy1ked@hotmail.com>
Monroe, Ia - Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:19 AM CST
Ditto to the woo-woo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patty Butzer(Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com >
Oak Creek, WI USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 10:19 PM CST
Woo Woo, Kate!

Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 10:00 PM CST
Yeah Kate! Woo! Woo! You are so right! Only when we wait on God's timing do things work out for the best! Although I need to tattoo that on my forehead. It's awesome about your church and I am so excited and thankful for your scan. Have a great day.
Karen Platt <klplatt@comcast.net>
Pleasanton, CA USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:59 PM CST
Hi Kate, Brian, and family - I just heard about this site from my sis, and it's very cool. It's just amazing where God meets us sometimes, isn't it? I know that our situations are different, but I was asking God to heal my eyes, and he did me one better....he healed my heart instead. It sounds like that's where you are at, and it's amazing to hear your story. Your character is really shining through right now.
I was married in 2003, and my wife (Kjirsten) and I just had our first kid 3 weeks ago today. His name is Jack Dillon Tuohy, and he's pretty cool.
I miss you guys. Love, John, KJ, and Jack

John Tuohy <jp2e@comcast.net>
Half Moon Bay, CA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 5:44 PM CST
You are right many people that have played such an important role in making us who we are today we talk to only once a year exchanging holiday greetings and photos.
How sad that makes me feel. As I watch our families grow I reget the time and distance that has today's life has put between friendships. Remember the time you had to take Ali to the dentist because I had to photograph in Lenox,Ia??? or roller skating at the kids skating party to get points for the wellness plan. The best gorging ourselves on the free dinner you won at a winter sales meeting. My friend I think about you every day and my families prayers are with you. Can you hear the bell? I believe.....

Karen Donahue <sassy1ked@hotmail.com>
Monroe, Ia USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:41 PM CST
Hey Kate! Thanks for the awesome Birthday present of a clean scan. You always know just the right gift. The last few years as I get a little older I find myself lamenting another birthday. Then I read one of your journal entries scolding people for doing that and it's completely changed my attitude about birthdays. From now on I will celebrate and rejoice in each year that I'm alive and well on this earth.
Bob Gale <beegegale@aol.com>
Belmont, CA United States - Monday, January 10, 2005 9:04 PM CST
Kate, just wanted to let you know how much you inspire me every day. I have been sharing your entries with many people in my office as well. I bet if every person you inspire through this journal lit a candle it would be brighter than the sun. Keep smiling. I love you!
Ryan Sherman <ryan@gear-whore.com>
Belmont, CA USA - Monday, January 10, 2005 5:33 PM CST
Hi Kate, here is a blast from the past, cannot believe this is how we are to be reunited....tumors suck. I can actually picture you writing all of this and hear your voice...same inflection and volume as in 1984! YIKES! (You look fabulous by the way!) I heard from Colleen what you were going through. I work as a speech pathologist in rehab at Mayo clinic and boy, you sure sound great for everything you are going through! Attitude IS everything. I will keep you in my prayers, weird thing is I was just thinking of you before Christmas.....vibes I guess. I see some emails from UWEC I need to write down and get in touch again....Bobbi, Becky, Dawn, Patty, Colleen....you guys still make me smile. Keep on keeping on Kate, Gina
Gina Mitchell (Stephenson) <mitchell.gina@mayo.edu>
Rochester, MN USA - Monday, January 10, 2005 1:34 PM CST
Hi Kate, best of luck for a good scan this week. Thinking of you and your family, loved the pictures. Joan Larson, Mom's friend..
joan Larson <jolarson@bytehead.com>
Howards Grove, WI usa - Monday, January 10, 2005 1:00 PM CST
Hi Kate. Thanks for the attitude check reminder today. Real life is mostly mundane, the struggle, our choice is to live it victoriously with joy. Our motivation is knowing that God loves us, knows us and perfects us! One day the mundane will be swallowed up by Glory! It is good to read about your challenge and how you are facing it. Blessings to you and Brian.
John Becker <jmbecker@aimint.net>
Bristol, UK - Monday, January 10, 2005 5:46 AM CST
Hi Kate,
I was just reading your latest entry and laughing out loud. I also read it to my husband. Your story of Brian being away on business and you home with the kids reminded me of the time my husband was gone for a month on business and all three of our boys got the chicken pox, but not all at the same time! I was in the house for three weeks with sick kids...my husband sent me flowers...with a sympathy card! I needed it! I guess I also needed an attitude adjustment! :) I love reading your entries and am encouraged by your faith in our God, as are many others, I'm sure!
You're in my prayers,

Diane Shore <diane@dcshore.com>
Chino, CA U.S.A. - Sunday, January 9, 2005 5:33 PM CST
Happy scanning Kate. We will all be thinking of you in between snack, center, circle, choice time and every other minute of the day. Love and luck, Joanne
Big hugs and snuggles to Colin. Slobbery kisses and hugs to Riley!!

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Saturday, January 8, 2005 6:49 PM CST
Hi there Kate, Mom has been sending us updates via snail mail, but now that we are back in the ether we wanted to sign in and say that everytime that we look at our livestrong wristbands we think of you and send our best !
Melanie & Drew Burke <mdburke@direcway.com>
Willits, CA USA - Saturday, January 8, 2005 11:36 AM CST
Hello Kate

I have the privelege of having Dawn McDonald as my good friend. She told me of your fight and about this web-site. Just wanted to let you know that many thoughts and prayers come you way everyday. I feel I know you just a little from the stories Dawn tells and I know you will win this battle. Best wishes and caring thoughts to you and your family.

Diane Meissner <dmeis@tznet.com>
Chili(Marshfield), WI USA - Saturday, January 8, 2005 10:14 AM CST
Hi Kate. Just wanted to let you know I gave Brian a HUGE hug at the meeting from Lisa and I to give to you!!! So, make sure he gives you that hug and a KISS from ME!!! We love you!!! Hope the 10th is a positive scan day!!! Love, Larry and Lisa.
Larry and Lisa Mayo <Mayoll@aol.com>
Cooper City, FL USA - Friday, January 7, 2005 3:22 PM CST
Hey Kate,

I've spread the word of your story to many friends and family, some of whom know you and many of whom do not. The number of people networking for you is truly astounding. We do get back from life what we have put in and this is so evident in your story. You have brought the old UWEC crowd back together and it so terrific to hear those voices again. Seeing the word lid in Dawn's note just brought a huge smile to me. We are praying for you daily and love you so very much. I've posted your name at our church and think of you over and over every day. Keep up the fight. You are truly the one who can beat this.

Patty Butzer(jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Thursday, January 6, 2005 4:53 PM CST
It was so wonderful to hear your voice, that was all the confirmation I needed to know that you are okay...no actually you are great! Checking your journal daily and reading the notes from the E.C. girls has been inspiring - great memories! My prayer chain for you continues to grow. You can't even imagine how many people your life has touched through this. Be strong, keep believing and don't lose the humor (laughter is the best medicine). Fair warning...check your mail soon. I Love You sister!

Dawn McDonald <dmcdonald@dwave.net>
Marshfield, wi usa - Monday, January 3, 2005 8:29 PM CST
Kate: Wow, I just received your card and the first news of your illness and wish you and your family the very, very best. Your courage is inspiring as is your faith. Your story makes all the little problems we all face everyday pale.

I will be thinking of you and willing your sunny disposition to get you through this.

Kathyrn Nordberg and I are still in touch and we had dinner together in Minnesota over the holiday. I'm so glad to have had the chance to work with Kathy and all of the great people, like you, she put me in touch with at Lifetouch.

Take care.

Karen Kluesner
Anchorage, ak usa - Monday, January 3, 2005 3:15 PM CST
Kate and Brian,

Happy New Year! May you and your family enjoy the blessings of the year's renewal--rejuvenation, regeneration, re-invigoration--all the possibilities that come with such renewal.

Thanks for sharing the excerpt on HOPE. So true!

Here on our prairie lake, we can look out to the frozen ice, but there's no snow. A very unusual Minnesota winter. In fact, just a few days ago it was 58 degrees. I'm still cold, though, just as I was on those summer days on the farm. Some things never change.

Much love to you all from the Minnesota prairie. Jill

Jill McCartney <jillmc@southwestmsu.edu>
Garvin, MN - Sunday, January 2, 2005 8:49 AM CST
It's midnight, New Year's Day. Patty Jesse and I finally connected by phone this evening (after a couple of days of phone-tag), and she told me what was going on in your life. Even before our conversation ended, I had the home page of your website, with that amazing picture of you with your beautiful family, reflecting back at me from my computer screen. Patty was right--I spent the next 2-1/2 hours reading through your journal. I've been going through some personal difficulties in the last few weeks, as Mike and I are discussing our plans for separation after 15 years of marriage. Great timing is everything! Your journal has given me a new sense of hope for the future. I have been blessed in so many ways, and having some amazing friends throughout my life has been one of the biggest blessing a person can have. As if God has called to each of them personally, I have had many old friends come back into my life recently, to give me comfort and to help me see the positive things my future holds, and to realize how much the people who love us mean to us; and He has clearly done so a thousand times more for you, and deservedly so. You are an inspiration to us all, Kate; and, if anyone can beat this disease, it's you. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I would also love to see you here, in Wisconsin on your upcoming visit, and I know Patty will keep me posted. I hope you can spare a small bit of time with all of us. Heck, I might even have to break out the photo album from Spring break--I remember something about a sock launch off the hotel room balcony. God bless you and keep you strong! Becky

Becky Majewski (Schilling) <majewski@mcw.edu>
Oconomowoc, WI USA - Sunday, January 2, 2005 0:38 AM CST
Dear Kate and Brian,
My sister, Karen Platt, is an old friend of yours Brian. We are here in Pleasanton right now, and Karen was telling me about your site Kate. It is awesome! I finally got some time this evening to sit and read a lot of your entries. Many of the emotions and things you are going through are very familiar to me. Our youngest son, Phil, went Home three years ago after battling Leukemia for many years. He was sixteen. As I read of your tremendous faith and courage through this battle you are now facing, I also remember our son. How people deal with times like these without a strong faith in God is beyond me. Right before Phil left this earth, he said to me, "Mom,I think God is healing me. This cold is really feeling a lot better. I'm going to feel good tomorrow." (He talked of the "cold" because he had a sore throat at the time.) Phil left us about 15 minutes after saying this, and I know that he did feel better "tomorrow." It is such a comfort to me when I think of the final moments we shared on this earth as being moments where he felt God healing him after such a long battle. He felt better than he had in a very long time. I could, and have writen volumes with all that we experienced with him and how God saw us through each and every day, and continues to give us the strength each day to live without Phil now. Phil's life and eventual home-going has changed our lives in ways we never could have imagined. It has given us a purpose and a wonderful new way of looking at this world...it truly is not our home, we are only passing through. This experience has cemented our belief in that. We not only believe in God, we believe God. God's healing power is beyond our understanding. God is healing my heart from the greatest devastation of my life, and that same power is available to heal you from a cancer that is very life-threatening. We prayed for Phil's healing until the end, and I believe God did heal him, it was just his time to leave this earth. I too have a website at dcshore.com if you are interested in our journey. It is the journey through grief and beyond, and thanks be to God, we are much more in the beyond now. I will continue to check in on you and enjoy all that you are sharing with all of us. Karen was so impressed with all that you have written, as am I. I know that your strength is only possible because it comes directly from heaven above!! Our God is an awesome God, and He will take care of you and your family as He has ours! We cannot know His ways, but we can know His character--He is ever faithful.

Diane Shore <diane@dcshore.com>
Anywhere U.S.A., CA U.S.A. - Friday, December 31, 2004 0:32 AM CST
Dear Kate and Brian,
I wanted to wish you a Happy Anniversary even if you don't end up celebrating it together. Remember that it is only a date on the calendar and that you celebrate your love and life together every single moment. This holiday was one of the happiest and closest my family has had in a few years. When you have gone through (or are going through) challenging times, you truly appreciate what you have. Have a joyous New Year and give Riley and Colin a big hug for me. I'll see them both on Monday.
Lots of love,

Karen Holtman
Healdsburg, CA USA - Thursday, December 30, 2004 8:28 PM CST
Just a quick note... my second son, Daniel, is 2 months old and ramping up for feeding time (again!). I just spoke with Patty on the phone for the first time in more than 10 years. It's you who put us back in touch. And with any luck, we'll all manage to slow down our busy lives long enough to remember the things that really matter -- like making time to connect with the wonderful women we met and lived with freshman year. These are friendships we must treasure. It's good to read notes from Patty, Colleen and Dawn. Your journal is incredibly inspiring and that's because you're an incredible woman. I admire your strength, passion, faith and zeal for life. I will write you more later... you see, my son doesn't cry... he screams. Feeding time. Take care. My prayers are with you and your family. I have no doubt that you will be the one to beat this. Love, Roberta

Roberta Worrell (Bobbi Lind) <rworrell@startribune.com>
Plymouth, MN - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 8:28 PM CST

I was doing a little post-holiday shopping and ran into Colleen Harris. The thrill and excitement of seeing her ( she is as gorgeous and wonderful as ever) quickly faded when she informed me of your situation. My immediate memory of you was that of pure joy with laughter, laughter and more laughter. The UWEC days seem like another lifetime but even then you did everything at 110%. The spirit you posess is indescribable and both you and your story are the most inspiring thing to come my way in a long time. You are truly serving your life's purpose by touching the lives of so many other people. I began praying for you the day that I found out about your disease. My two boys, ages 11 and 9, go to Catholic school and they will all pray for you there and at our church. Prayer is a very powerful tool. I saw a neat quote today when I was reading a magazine at my sons dentist office and wanted to share it with you ( this is from memory so cut me some slack but you'll get the idea) "The world is round so when you feel like you've come to an end, remember it is really just another beginning". I would love to see you when you make it back to Wisconsin, so if Colleen makes the journey to wherever you are, I will make it with her. God bless you and your beautiful family. We will be praying for you daily.

Patty Butzer (Jesse) <butzfun@aol.com>
Oak Creek, wi 53154 - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 2:52 PM CST
Kat-O....Paul T is coming to visit for New Years. We will raise a glass....I mean we will raise many glasses to you and yours. I'll see if he remembers the words to the R.E.M. song that we created together on our way to Staffords Lake house way back when. Almost peed my pants thinking of it. All my best in the New Year.
Jeff Nordyke <chefjjn@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 9:18 PM CST
Hi Kate,

I am Patty Jesse's sister, Ann. You may remember meeting me a time or two when I visited Patty at UWEC (and shared a few beers and Pizza Pit pizza with green olives, or maybe Taco John's after bar time!) Patty ran into Colleen Harris (who was wearing a leopard print vest, by the way - she is still exactly the same!) at the mall today, who shared your story with Patty and gave her your web address. I've just spent the past 1 1/2 hours reading it from the beginning. Your spirit and faith are incredible! I believe with you that you can beat this, and I will include your name in our church's prayer book this Sunday. I live in Middleton with my family, not far from Janesville, and I am marking my calendar to say a special prayer for your sister this week as well. I hope the new year brings good news and restored good health to both of you! As I read your journal, I can hear you talking, feel your faith, and see the spark of your great sense of humor - that's especially the thing I remember about you from back when, and I have always believed that faith and the ability to laugh at life are the two most important gifts we can carry with us on our journey here. I will continue to check in to see how you are doing, and I will pray for you and your family for continued strength!

Peace to you all,

Ann Jesse-Schwabe

Ann M. Jesse-Schwabe <schwbfam@chorus.net>
Middleton, WI USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 2:42 PM CST
Greetings and Happy Holiday's from your former home.....Iowa. As I type this i can't help but think of the time you went out of town on business and left me with the keys to your apartment....(dumb move!) I still thought the place looked better after we moved all of your bedroom furniture to the living room and living room furniture to the bedroom....it really was nice. I still remember the message on my answering machine a few days later....."Jimmy! my clothes are in the living room and i am sleeping in the in front of a picture window....just get over here and change it back #$%@!"

Reading about your journey has given a new meaning to this holiday season, you are in our thoughts and prayers up here in Iowa. The strength and courage you have shown is absolutely amazing, stay strong! Thank you for giving me so many smiles......i just hope that they don't turn into wrinkles!

Jim Caffrey <damdonzi@tdsi.net>
Boone, IA 50036 - Monday, December 27, 2004 1:28 PM CST
I just got home from Christmas dinner with the Countrymans and after getting Peter (3) and Rachel (6) down to bed and watching Nick (9) and Danny (11) play cribbage with Rick, I decided to read Christmas letters. Oh Kate, I am so sorry. As I write this, I turn to my prayer card on St. Peregrine the patron saint of cancer. We have a good friend (father of 3), age 39 who is battling cancer. We truly have seen the graces of God with him. There is no doubt in my mind what miracle of God can happen through the power of prayer. Kate, you are such a survivor! Of anyone I know, you have the energy and the faith to beat this!
As I have gone through this Christmas season, I have thought of you every time I have read the Polar Express to my kids. Remember you gave that to me when we worked at West together. Did you see the movie? I know that you still hear the bell!
Rick and I will keep you in our daily prayers. Every week I get together with some friends to pray the rosary for the man I mentioned earlier. I will pray for you too!
We didn't get around to sending Christmas cards out this year. Please keep in touch. My e-mail is mc@dfcco.com and if you feel up to it, please call me at (651) 690-5878.
As Rick and I are writing this together, we feel your strength and know that you will get through this. Although time and miles have kept us apart, you truly are one of those special people that have touched our life!

All our love,

Marie and Rick

marie and rick countryman <mc@dfcco.com>
st. paul, mn ramsey - Saturday, December 25, 2004 11:41 PM CST
My dear Katydid....guess who? It is Tonto (aka Colleen Harris Wehmeyer). WOW, I am stunned...I received your christmas card yesterday and was of course shocked. Then I realized....this is Kate and she will be the one to pull through. I have prayed at least 10 times for you already. You are the one person who is stong enough, funny enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, caring enough, gregarious enough to beat it. In my christmas card I told you how I was looking through old college pictures and laughing. Not only at our ridiculous hair and fashion sense but of course all of the memories. You are truly a special, warm, empathetic, magnetic person. I felt it immediately when I met you.

Brian and I are doing well, this year has been good to us. We are re-connecting in a very positive way, something we needed. Your card made me realize sooo much. I thank you for being you and heping the rest of us in the craziness of today's society realize what is important. I've spent a good hour trying to read all of your entries....(I don't have a computer at home so...) You are simply amazing. I've laughed a lot and of course reflected alot on our entries. Your story touches me deeply and makes me want to go and live every moment in a more loving, giving way. I can feel the joy of Jesus with you. What a wonderful thing.

I woud love to see you even for a moment when you are home over January the 15th - the 22nd. I know it will be a hectic time for you and your family, but I would love to come and be a support for you. Let me know.

p.s. I am on my in-laws computer,please take note od my work emial address

I love you my dear friend. My love and prayers to your adorable, gorgeous family!!

TONTO, Colleen

Colleen Wehmeyer <colleen.wehmeyer@ppwi.org>
Menomonee Falls , WI USA - Friday, December 24, 2004 6:12 PM CST

Yes, it is me! I am sending you warmest wishes for a blessed christmas ...I was fortunate enough to receive a call from Jimmy Caffrey and he shared the news of your journey....I wanted to send along my contact info and reach out to you....as I was reading your journal all the fond memories of your soul and spirit came alive again to me....I am so thankful to connect with you again and share in the joys of what looks and sounds to be an amazing family and life that you have made for yourself...good for you AND them!....honestly, there was never any doubt that would be your path,...you are special and always were...something different in you that I am so thankful to look back on and cherish....as for me, life is well here in Atlanta...just turned forty and am thankful for all that God has blessed me with...if there is a chance after holidays...drop a line or call my home office number at 800-336-0897. I pray that you are blessed with much love and joy that will surround you during this season and always - you have always provided that for everyone else in your life...God bless you and keep you always in His heart - Much love to you and yours - Dino

Dean Pallas <pallasdean@hotmail.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Friday, December 24, 2004 11:49 AM CST
Hope you and Brian and the kids have a great holiday season. Glad you got to get away to Maui. Take care and hope to see you both soon.

Orren <orrenwelch@yahoo.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, December 24, 2004 11:36 AM CST
Season Greetings from Michigan. We are visiting my Mom for Christmas - we've opened both cottages which will house 7 adults and 6 dogs. The temperture is 0 and we have about two feet of fresh snow - in other words (for those of us that love winter) it's beautiful. My sister Mary will turn 40 on Christmas day so on the 26th we're having a birthday party with 60 people! Ron and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and send you prayers of good health for 2005. Lots and lots of love!
Ron & Susie <szharvey@aol.com>
Curtis, Mi - Friday, December 24, 2004 9:17 AM CST
Thanks for the lovely Christmas letter and picture. Pictures are wonderful at this time of year. Keep up the good work.You are an inspiration to many people.
Tomorrow we head to your mom's to keep up the Christmas eve tradition---sorry we'll miss you and family this year but we'll catch you next Christmas.
LOVE from the madison McCartneys.

Uncle Mel <melvin.mccartney@charter.net>
Madison, wi usa - Thursday, December 23, 2004 9:53 PM CST
The Big O
I just opened your Christmas letter. This was not to be in the cards for katydid and squirrel. But I know as I knew for myself (2 years cancer free 11/27) that you will survive! God will take care of you as you have taken care of everyone all of your life. My life would have taken a different course if it weren't for my freshmen roomie and summer camp partner..I'm having a flashback...Jump or Dive?, Think of you and Sigh - who is sigh?, Can I wear your cowboy hate Gene? We'll sing a line and you sing it back...Later Baters...
I can't begin to count the memories. I have to look through your journal and get updated on your happenings. I love you Kate and know you will overcome this hurdle. Celebrate the season and rejoyous in all you have been given. Stay strong and positive as you have always been.

Dawn <dmcdonald@dwave.net>
marshfield, wi usa - Thursday, December 23, 2004 2:03 PM CST
Happy Holidays Kate.....My first thought after spending some time reading your journal was WOW!!! Brian, your children,family and friends are truely lucky to have some one like you in their lives. So many people will go through this horrible disease and not get "it". You definetly understand what a life changing experience Cancer is and are an incredible example to all of us. As a fellow Cancer survivor I can only give you my admiration and words of incouragement.
You talked about there being one to survive all types cancer and you being that one for stage 4 GBM. Hopefully I can add to your strong belief of survival. When I was diagnosed with stage 4 Gallblader Cancer and given no hope by the doctors my Dad had some very powerfull but simple words for me. He said that a parent is not suppose to bury his child and this father is not about to bury his son " YOU WILL BEAT THIS"!!! Now Brian knows my dad and when he tells you to do something you do it.I also have a very close friend named Sally who was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and given no chance for survival, her fourth bout with Cancer. Both Sally and I are able to say that we are Cancer free and some day you will be able to say those words. Kate " YOU WILL BEAT THIS ". You are in our thoughts and prayers.
The Richardson's

Randy Richardson <rrclight@aol.com>
Sparks, Nv US - Thursday, December 23, 2004 1:33 PM CST
Hi Kate, I'm Karen Platt a friend of Brian's from the early yrs. Thanks for always sending me a Christmas update, although this one was a whopper! After I recovered from the shock of it I began to read some of your journal entries and I am overwhelmed by the feeling of how lucky the people are who know you personally and get to be around you on a daily basis. You are a riot! And I think that is such a wierd thing to say about someone who is documenting their experience with brain cancer. But, I am not sad as I read your writing I am joyful, inspired and feel a vicarious new appreciation for life. Thanks for sharing it! You are awesome.
Karen Platt <klplatt@comcast.net>
Pleasanton, Ca USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:44 PM CST
Hello Kate,
I am an "old" friend of Brian's from his CAD, First Baptist Church of San Mateo days. (Hi Brian!) I am here at my mom's house (Pat Murphy) and read through her Christmas cards and was so inspired by your words, I wanted to hear more. So I checked out your guest book and your journal. Saw some familiar names, Chris Arrington, broke my heart in high school. I've recovered! How amazing to have so many people inspired by what you are allowing God to do through your pain. I love how God, in His awesome ways, takes something as we see as tragedy and turns it into something beautiful. Thanks for sharing, especially to us who don't even know you. I will pray for you and your family. Prayer is an incredible tool that changed our family. Wow, Brian, you found a wonderful person. What a lucky dog you are! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Carolyn (Tuohy) Leslie <carolynleslie@adelphia.net>
Encinitas, CA USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 7:51 PM CST
Hi Kate,
Just another "prairie" girl writing to wish you all a happy holiday and nothing but the best for you and your family in the New Year! I read Sara's e-mail and I also remember the good times we had swimming at the McCartney's. It seems like a million years ago. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts. Please tell your mom, brother and sister that I say hello and that I am keeping all of you in my prayers.

Tami Biordi (Arnold) <tamala363@aol.com>
Round Lake Heights, IL USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 11:42 AM CST
I have been on your site a few times before, just looking at photos and reading the log from that day. I honestly never looked at the logs from your guests, as I didn't think that I could handle to read them and not cry. Well, I was right! Last night I sat down to read your Christmas letter with Shad, (I look forward to the letter and photo every year!) and you always seem to amaze me. Your message is so positive and touching. (I cried again!) As I finished the letter- I had to read it again, this time out loud. I wanted to make sure that both Shad and I got something from this letter. Many times I find that Shad and I, along with many others really do take life for granted at times-life is too short to be unhappy or to worry about the material things. I want to make sure that the relationships in my life are positive and that I am truly happy with myself and the choices that I have made. You made be see that time and time again. I wanted to thank you for bringing me back to reality and for being the woman that you are. You are my hero, and have been for some time. Even before all of this happened. I thought to myself-I want to be like her. Heck-who wouldn't? Thank you for all that you and Brian have done for me. I would be lost without Lifetouch, and our awesome family. I just wanted to take this time to say Merry Christmas and that I love you both very much! Wishing you all of the love, hope, joy and strength! -Lacey B. Hey, where is the spell check? =)-I know Brian can relate!

Lacey Burdette <yrbks4u@aol.com>
Headlsburg, CA USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 1:53 PM CST
Hi to the whole Burke family,

We have been aware of your situation through Matt and Chris Shear, but I have been reluctant to intercede in your affairs. I know that lots of questions can be cumbersome and exhausting. My mother died to cancer 12 years ago and I understand your determination to live and you have so much to live for. I just read, for the first time your testimony to Christ and your galant struggle to survive. I am so impressed and I too believe you have the best attitude and faith to make it.

I have been through the platelette process many times for my mother. Even though I have an auto immunne disease and cannot give blood, my platelettes are awesome. If I can help you in that process in anyway, I would be pleased to make you one of my blood relatives. I am certain that Myles would feel the same.

Please know that we would be happy to help with anything, being only 3 houses away, especially with rides for the kids. Catrina is a licensed baby sitter and I am sure she would be happy to help in any way that she could for free.

We pray for you daily at home and we have had my Catholic school praying for you since last May and Myles' Catholic Church as well.

God bless all of you.
Dee Andrea

Dee Andrea Ellis <mellis1066@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 2:10 PM CST
Kate, Brian, Riley and Colin,

I hope you all have the BEST Christmas ever!!

I am sure it was hard for you to step down as a TM, Kate. However, the KB territory is very fortunate to have you pass the torch on to Brian! What a smooth and seamless transition that will be for all of your great employees and your customers.

Enjoy the holidays, your family and friends!

Love, Beattie :)

Portland, OR - Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:57 PM CST
As I read your latest entry, I was glad to know that you've given up some responsibility for awhile - - and I LOVED Ann's quote! Don't worry, we'll all try to see that Lifetouch survives without you, but just for awhile! Good luck, Brian. Loved your thoughts about letting others go first. In this season, we all need to try that! I hope your holiday season is all that you hope for. My love and prayers.
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Saturday, December 18, 2004 8:48 AM CST
Happy, happy holidays to Colin, Riley-Pie, Kate and Brian. Quite a terrific crew, those Burkes! Thank you for making my day by voicing your thanks to us in your journal. That means so much to us, makes us smile. Also, loved your latest "by the beach" family portrait. You four are looking mighty good! That's what a great trip to Hawaii does to you. Next trip...I'm offering to carry your bags and be sort of a teacher/valet. What do you think?
Love, hugs and happy wishes to you from me. Love, Joanne

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 11:08 PM CST
Merry Christmas to you and your family Kate. My prayers continue to be with you all.
Jean Arnold

Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 9:43 AM CST
Hello Kate and Brian, Thank you for all your giving support this past week. We are very blessed to have your help. Stay strong and win this battle. You are in my prayers. Jennine from RLS.
Jennine Covey <coveyfamily4@yahoo.com>
St. Helena, CA USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:43 AM CST
Hi Kate & Brian,

My thoughts and prayers are with both of you and your precious children. They are truly God's gift to us. I pray for you every night and morning and believe that this is the only answer. May God protect you and keep you safe.

Brenda Kirk
Kansas City, Mo USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:31 AM CST
Kate, don't you EVER stop fighting or underestimate your worth!! People like you make our world a better place and this year YOU have given even more to all of us!
Have a beautiful Christmas Season!

Aloha with love to you and your family!

Vera and Chuck

Vera Gale <vera_gale@rsconst.com>
Foster City, CA USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 6:17 PM CST
So I just logged onto your sight and felt my exhale of relief fill me as I read your latest journal entry. It's been too long! As always, I read with this silly smile kind-of stuck on my face and a glassy eye, watered over with tears of thankfulness that you are the amazing woman you are. How great to hear your trip was perfect. I can only imagine what good medicine that must have been for you all.
So your last sentences were to be sure you tell the person in your life who may be fighting cancer to keep on fighting. Sometimes I take it for granted that you have all the strenght built into you genetically, or something.. so hear me loud and clear. You keep fighting this beast; you are amazing; you are inspirational; you are a survivor; you WILL beat it.. as I told you way back when, I can invision no other outcome. I love you, my family loves you and we pray for you every single day!! can't wait to see you on the 18th ( I am assuming you guys will be there!)
As always, love and prayers,

Yvette Phillips <ybinx@yahoo.com>
Woodside, CA USA - Saturday, December 11, 2004 0:21 AM CST
Hi Kate,

Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. I am so happy for you and your family. Just wanted to let you know I have had the pleasure of coaching your nephew Charlie. What a great kid. You should have seen the smile on his face one Saturday morning when he was in the middle of the lane trying to heave the ball up to the rim. Talk about "Priceless". It is so nice to see Jenny because I have not seen her in so long. Next year you will have to come back and cheer your little nephew on.

Take care and have a great Christmas. You have given so many the gift of hope, faith, and inspiration to live evry day to it's fullest.

Dennis Campion and family

Dennis Campion <denniscampion@hotmail.com>
- Friday, December 10, 2004 9:52 AM CST
Hi Kate. We haven't met but I am a cousin of Brian's - E. Felch's daughter, Pat. CB gave me this address and I just wanted to be in touch with my thoughts for you and the family. Your positive energy is inspirational. You go Girl! Sending good vibes from Athens, Greece.
Patricia Felch <pat@agathe.gr>
Athens, Greece - Thursday, December 9, 2004 2:05 AM CST

RIVERSIDE, CA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 11:14 PM CST
Hi Kate,
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful trip! We're all anxious to hear about the fun and warm weather. We had a rain/snow mix in Minneapolis today - bet you wished you were here! Lots of Love, Ron & Susie

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Monday, December 6, 2004 8:15 PM CST
Hi Kate, I've missed you at church these past few Sundays and had to check in with your guestbook to see what's been going on with you. I Just found out you've been in Hawaii!! Hey, how fun or what?! I bet the boys had a great time! I'm praying for you, and I have an interesting article on Ancient Healing Oils used in the Biblical Era that I think you might find interesting. With Love
Brenda Reed <buzzingbrenda@starband.net>
Healdsburg, CA 95448 - Sunday, December 5, 2004 7:25 PM CST
Hi Kate, I am thinking about you everyday and am thrilled for all of you, to be in Hawaii. What an awesome place to be in December!!! Hope you have a blast! Come home rested, relaxed and ready to continue your fight. You are
an inspiration to all of us. Love, Beattie

Beattie <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 10:28 PM CST
When you see this you'll be back from Hawaii - - all tanned and beautiful. I continue to be inspired by your e-mails, and I am so proud of you for being so positive. Love and prayers!
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 5:12 PM CST
Hi Kate: Marci was home this pass weekend. We had loads of fun. She showed me caringbridge. What a wonderful web site. I am praying for you and have added your name to our prayer list at church (St. Anthony's, Oconto Falls, WI) I just returned from Medjugorje and had a wonderful trip. I will ask the Blessed Mother to intercede to Jesus, to send many blessing your way. Love and Peace, Mrs. Radke
Ruth Radke
Oconto Falls, WI USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 11:50 AM CST
Don and I just came back from Kauai. We went for our ten year anniversary - can you believe 10 years! I remember our
inexpensive celebration with you in Las Vegas at that french restaurant. I have not been to a french place since that time. Enjoy your vacation - it is one more beautiful place that God has given us.
Always praying - The whitmans xo

julie whitman <julie_whitman@liz.com>
- Sunday, November 28, 2004 9:15 PM CST
Hello KB-- I am so glad you are going to Hawaii! What a joy to spend time in such a wonderful place with your fabulous family. I was thinking today about all the things that I am grateful for and what strange and wonderful year this has been for me. YOU are one of the people I am most grateful for. Please know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Love to all!

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Saturday, November 27, 2004 1:46 AM CST
Aloha Burkes! I miss talking with you, but I do see Riley with some regularity! Have a fabulous time on the Islands...don't bother looking up my X!
Love you and thinking about you all the time,

Kate Gohl <kcjgohl@aol.com>
Windsor, Ca - Friday, November 26, 2004 10:16 PM CST
Hi Kate,

Happy Thanksgiving to the Burke's! Lucky you with that Hawaii trip. We're sitting here in Michigan with 5 inches of fresh snow on the ground. Go figure. I continue to enjoy your updates and pray Mt. 8:17 over you often. Enjoy the sunny islands in the Pacific. Press on, Kate.

Barry, Kenda, Cali and Reed Robinson <msuspar10@earthlink.net>
Perry, Mi USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 2:03 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family. We are all so happy for you and my boys I have said what they are thankful for and mine is to you, Brian and your children thankful that you are enjoying the day together. Now, the things that are ahead of us, the old hustle and bustle of the joyeous Christmas season. Take Care you guys.
Love you,
The Coleman Family

John and Deb Coleman <coleman9441@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, wi usa - Thursday, November 25, 2004 12:11 AM CST
Hi Kat-o! Just showing off your web page to my family and we all want to send our prayers! I love you dearly. Thanks again for another day of hope and inspiration to us all. Happy Thanksgiving, doll.
With love and prayers,

Marci Radke <mdrun@aol.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 9:49 PM CST
Hi Kate and Family,
Just wanted to say hi and let you know that our family thinks and prays for you often. Your courage, faith, and positive outlook is amazing. You're a special person Kate and I know if anyone can beat this, you will!Thank you for your words of encouragment. Have a blessed Thankgiving and a wonderful time in Maui:)

Rob Christman and Family <RChristman@Lifetouch.com>
Spokane, WA USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 7:05 PM CST
Aloha Kate, Brian, Riley and Colin,
Stuff yourselves silly with all of that good Thanksgiving food and then have a fabulous time in Hawaii. We will miss our daily visits with Riley and the whole class will miss Colin...so I am sending tons of hugs over the internet! Enjoy, enjoy!! You all deserve a relaxing journey to the Islands. Love, Joanne

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 6:04 PM CST
Hi Burkes,
We have been out of "the country" and heard from Bret that you had a great scan!! God is good! Everytime we glance down at our yellow bracelets we say a prayer for your continued great progress! You have so many people praying for you.Have a wonderful relaxing vacation. Aloha Love the Myers

Carrie Myers <cmyers@santarosa.edu>
Windsor, CA US - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 5:42 PM CST
Hi Kate. Lisa and I just wanted you to know that we are THANKFUL at thanksgiving that we have YOU as our friend!!! You are so much a part of LIFE and, we treasure that life with you EVERYDAY!!! Have a wonderful time in Hawaii. We love you, Larry and Lisa.
Larry Mayo <mayoll@aol.com>
Cooper City, FL USA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 3:19 PM CST
Hi Kate, I finally have time to read your website of your life since July, 04. We go to Spring Hills Church together. I want you to know that you were an inspiration to me when I attended the "Stop & Smell the Roses" workshop. As you may know I have been helping my father who is blind and lost his leg to a motorcycle accident. By the way, the pancake/auction was a big success and dad will be walking again on 12/1-this time on his prosthesis) You helped me to realize that I need to keep my focus on God and not get lost in the "tasks" which seem so necessary when caring for your loved ones. While those tasks may still need to be done; they don't need to be made more important than our relationship with the Lord. I heard your latest wonderful news from Kim in our small group,(a clean scan!!) and I cried tears of joy for you! Way to go girl! The Lord is amazing. Could you use a handmade knitted hat? I'd be happy to make one for you. Love, Brenda Reed
Brenda Reed <buzzingbrenda@starband.net>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:56 PM CST
Kate: Beege gave me your website sometime ago and I lost it and today is the first time that I logged on. First of all, I have to say that you are an excellent writer and should consdider writing a book. Second and foremost you are truly amazing, although I only had the pleaure of meeting you and your husband only once, I feel like I know you through Beege, there was something about you that told me how much you love life and your life. You are a true inspiration, and I for one can definitely relate to the gym thing, everyone thought I was crazy when I was going through my ordeal that I went to gym everyday. To me it was something that I still had conrol of since I had to relinquish control of everything to my doctors and God. And I truly believe that it was my doctors of course, but all the prayers my faith in God, the love of my family, friends, support from people that I didn't even know that got me through. I just can't believe that you are able to do half of the things you do, because I felt like I had hardly any energy. but this isn't about me, it's about you. YOU ARE AMAZING AND TRUE A INSPIRATION AND FEEL SO BLESSED THAT I HAD THE HONOR OF MEETING YOU!!!. Keep up the great attitude and keep those clean scans comming. And by the way I am inviting myself to your 2006 bash and crashing at Beege & Ryan's (they don't know it yet). My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family always..
Isabel (Izzie) Vizueta <mizziev@comcast.net>
New Jersey, NJ USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:52 PM CST
It's always a great day....especially when you're reminded of the magnificance of GOD's work! I'm thrilled for all of you...Kate, Brian, Riley and Colin. Your family has been a GODSEND for all of us who eagerly await each week for your progress report and experiences with your family.
I have a new found appreciation for both by simply hearing about the JOY, HUMOR, FAITH... and above all... the GRACE that shines through your family and friends.
Happy Holidays....so much to be thankful for this year!!!!!!
Love and Light for you Kate***********************

Tracy Baer <baer_t@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:35 PM CST
Kate, What a pleasure to read the latest update. We have been thinking of you and the family often. I love your continued winning attitude. Hang in there! I know you will win this battle.
Virgil Lamb <vlamb6@comcast.net>
Eugene, OR USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:32 PM CST
What a great way to get a message out to friends!!! (This is the first time I have visited) You have an awesome attitude and outlook, and I look forward to seeing you in MAUI in a couple of weeks!!!!!!!

Janie Bare <jbare@rrmginc.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 3:37 PM CST
Kate! I thought your scan was NEXT week and just clicked here to see if you changed your mind and had anything to say before NEXT Tuesday only to find that it was THIS week and you've had EXCELLENT results! Wahoooo! I am so happy for you! I'll be next door, by the way, on either the 18th or 19th of next month, so I'll look forward to Brian coming over in his pj's to borrow some eggs.. hee hee. Congratulations!! Love,
Jan <janflyz@yahoo.com>
Barcelona, Spain - Thursday, November 18, 2004 9:37 AM CST
Did someone say FRUITS?? Kate...you truly cheer me up every time I read your entries. I can't wait to party till the cows come home in 2006. Do we really have to wait that long??
Bob Gale <beegegale@aol.com>
Belmont, CA United States - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 4:45 PM CST
Dear Kate,
God has singled you out as an example to us all!! You're the best and should be very proud!! We are!! Plus, we all know how good fruits and nuts are, so enjoy!

Vera :) xxoo

Vera Gale
Foster City, CA USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 1:36 PM CST
Praise God!!! I am so elated to hear the news of your scan. You have definitely been in my prayers and will continue to be. Hey - let me know some specific things you can eat. I have a very empty, lonely basket here at my house that is waiting to be filled for you and your family. Lots of love and "air hugs"!:)

Kendra <dougandkendra@sbcglobal.net>
Petaluma, CA 94954 - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 12:29 AM CST
Kate, Brian, Riley and Colin - November 15 will do down as a very special day for all of you! God continues to answer our prayers!! It was great seeing you a few weeks ago and see your radiant smiles!! (Happy belated birthday to Colin!) Love ya --
Jan Haeg <jhaeg@lifetouch.com>
Edina, MN - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:08 PM CST
Dear Kate,
An excellent scan. What wonderful words!
I'm so happy for you and your family.
And I'd like to know HOW you got that time definition out of Dr. P - he REFUSED to elaborate with me! Arm twisting? Pinning down on the floor? Bribery? What WAS it??? He's a well-sealed keeper of speculation that one.

Again, I am more happy than words can express for you!

eliza <ebell_bt@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA DSA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 9:39 PM CST
So very happy for you. You don't know me, but I have been
following your story for months. My sister-in-law also has
GBM. You have reached out to her, so I want to reach out to
you. Congratulations on your recent scan results. I pray
for you every night along with Kristine. We all will have a
very thankful Thanksgiving. KEEP LIVINGSTRONG!!!
God Bless You. Luana Cioni

Luana Cioni <Threeputt9@aol.com>
Highwood , Il USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:05 PM CST
Oh Kate - that's great news! Why do those doctors have to be so obtuse. I'm glad you nailed him on what that means. You are our miracle child. I'm so happy for you. Keep up the good work and share your nut diet! Love Leigh.
Leigh Phillips
San Carlos, CA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:48 AM CST
Bravo, bravo!!!! Jean Arnold
Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:34 AM CST
I know your scan will be spotless!! My fridge is covered to the max as well. Every Christmas when I get the new photos I make a new 'collage' for the fridge and can't bear to throw the old ones away, I have years of friends and children tucked away in boxes!
Thanks for all your support, it's a circular world.

andrea cutting <andreacutting@comcast.net>
lake forest, il usa - Monday, November 15, 2004 10:41 AM CST
Hi Kate, my fridge is cluttered with pics also. I couldn't imagine opening the door without seeing my kids or nieces and nephews. I also like the quick escapism I get from seeing grandpa's cabin. Good luck today.
- Monday, November 15, 2004 8:38 AM CST

I am praying for you tomorrow. We need to keep kickin butt to those nasty cells. Only positve thoughts! I tried counting down the minutes along with the MRI machine noises! It kind of went faster!! Good luck!

kristine fontana <paptana@comcast.net>
lake bluff, IL - Sunday, November 14, 2004 9:41 PM CST
Dear Kate,
I've actually "met" you through Katrina who I met via the braintmr email list and then at the 5k walk/run for the NBTF. She is one amazing woman and I guess it takes one to know one as everytime I come to read your update, you have a huge smile, such a strong spirit and a wonderful energy :)

I did have pangs of jealousy though when I saw your picture with Dr. Prados! Don't you just want to give him a big old bear hug? He has been my doctor for the last 2.5 years and has always been the voice of reason, calm and assurance.

Many thoughts and prayers to you Kate and hopes that your scan comes back beautiful :-)

eliza <ebell_bt@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA United States - Sunday, November 14, 2004 11:40 AM CST
Hi Chica
I am here, I always have been. But I have been in denial that something so huge could happen to such a wonderful person..therefore have never placed an entry. I never knew what to write. I want you to know what a great friend you have been. Even though the "girls" do not do our annual trip any more, I think of you daily. Praying that the good Lord keeps you in our lives. I remember our trips to Vegas, the wine country, Chicago, Jamaica, Put-it--in-me-bay....I miss Us getting together as if we have never been apart. Kiss the kids, and let Riley know she is invited to the next girls night out.

Wendy <wrichters@lifetouch.com>
Hudson, Wi - Friday, November 12, 2004 9:27 PM CST
Kato - Thanks for the latest journal entry. What are you going to do with all those profession speaking fees you'll be earning in 10 years? Ah - that's right you live in the wine country. Can't wait for our visit to come soon enough...
GK <gdkalligher@yahoo.com>
Saint Paul, MN USofA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 7:13 PM CST
It is a beautiful fall day in southern Wisconsin. Gods blessings on you and your family!
Where might I find a copy of "On the Loose". It would be great for our Sunday School program. One in Christ, Jean Arnold

Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, JWI 53546 - Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:27 AM CST
Hey Kate,
Thanks again for your sweet and beautiful letter. It was very appreciated. It was so great to see you at school the other day. Geez, you look fantastic. Only you could invent a new female balding pattern that is so unique and creative! Too adorable! It's terrific that you are driving again. You know we love you and that our kindergarten kids proudly raise their yellow bracelets into the air and constantly send good thoughts your way...and everyone knows how powerful just one kindergarten kid can be, much less 38 of the little critters. Greetings and hugs for Riley and Colin (I'll see you two tomorrow at school).

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 6:11 PM CST
Hi Kate & Brian,
I haven't met you yet Kate, but my children & I pray for you and your family. I actually went to gradeschool with Brian (cute but mischievous :), and just was inspired to see how he's been blessed with a beautiful wife and family who trusts and loves the Lord. Ephesians 1:18-19 "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe."

Lynne (Mark) Wong <lwong@alphabeacon.org>
Redwood City, CA - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 3:16 PM CST
Thank you for your email. I'll talk with my teachers and we'll work on a best time for you to speak with our girls. I'll get back to you soon. We'll also add your name to our prayerboard :) Love, Barbara
Barbara Johannes
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 9:59 AM CST
Kate! We had a 'double rainbow' here in Rochester, NY, (just before it started snowing!!!) I thought of you and the beauty you bring to the world. Keep up your spririt- You and Brian and your family are constantly in our thoughts!
Margaret Salatino <mbhanley@rochester.rr.com>
Rochester, NY - Monday, November 8, 2004 6:44 PM CST
Kate, At a time when we are supposed to lift you up, you turn it around and lift us up. I would be more than happy to take your hand and live on the loose..... God has given you such a great gift and everyone of us gets to enjoy it everytime you speak to us. Thanks for being you and staying so focused on God and his plans for your life. You are and have changed so many lives through your ongoing testimony of faith.
Chris Arrington <arringtoncs@earthlik.net>
Menlo Park, CA - Monday, November 8, 2004 3:23 PM CST
Hi Kate, So bummed to think you you have a sore back. Sounds like you put the time to good use singing to your kids in bed. I'm known in the Aquabats circle for knowing words to all songs especially from years back but I only wish I had heard "On the Loose". Such a great message. Now I'm anxious to hear it as music. Keep it up. Your spirit is undaunting. If it starts to slip, tons of us are out here constantly lifting you with our prayers. Love, Louise
Louise Hasbrouck <HASZ@COMCAST.NET>
Petaluma, Ca USA - Monday, November 8, 2004 8:46 AM CST
Hi Kate, I love monty Python. you kill me..I just want to send you good wishes and Lots of prayer sence I see it is a few days between entries from you. I Pray God gives you the strength to continue puking and sobbing and sweating and mouth watering... OH I mean to keep going you have touched so many people as I read your guest book there are people that dont even know you get inspration from your words. I pray that God touches each one of there live...cuz there has got to be a reaseon for this...and now I am wondering why there is not a SPELL CHECK on this thing. oh well I will send it off anyhow..draw strength and know you are so LOVED and thought of DAILY. I love you. Elizabeth
Elizabeth Molder <Kagemolder@peoplepc.com>
Petaluma, CA USA - Sunday, November 7, 2004 8:25 PM CST
Hi Kato! Sorry I haven't written for a bit but, wow, do I miss you. I am so inspired and in awe of all that you are doing. You are amazing! I would give anything to be able to spend 46 hours with you on a Greyhound bus again. : ) We've come a long way, huh? Keep the faith, girlfriend. Stay strong and know that I am praying for you and your family always.
I love you, friend.

Marci Radke <mdrun@aol.com>
Dayton, OH - Sunday, November 7, 2004 12:18 AM CST
hi again Kate! Great to hear of your good trip to Dana Point. Sister Janet is down near there. I think she will send greetings soon since I gave her your website. You are incredible. Love always, Sara B.
Sara Barlass <sbarlass@twcny.rr.com>
Syracuse, NY USA - Friday, November 5, 2004 1:30 PM CST
Hi Kato, just wanted to check in and say hi. You look so great, and sound great too. I talked to Betty, she said you guys had a great visit. Your attitude just amazes me, and certainly makes me want to be a more positive person with all the tiny, insignificant things going on in my life that I shouldn't even be worrying about.
I also just read Krully's message. Don't kid yourself, he was a slacker at Pioneer. He never poured any drinks, he just stood there with his hands in his pockets, scamming chicks!!!
Love you Kato,

Mary Windsor <mtwinzy@yahoo.com>
Cave Creek, AZ - Friday, November 5, 2004 11:44 AM CST
Congratulations on all of your hard work. Thanks too for turning me on to Caring Bridge... it has been a god-send. I wish the best for you and your family.

Lance Hanson/Principal at RLS <lancer550@mac.com>
St. Helena, CA USA - Friday, November 5, 2004 10:48 AM CST
We have never met, but I am a corporate LNSS employee. I have been reading your journal and guestbook entries since I first learned of your diagnosis. What a RELIEF to FINALLY receive your latest entry!! I was beside myself with worry! However I should have known better! Nothing keeps you down for long, now does it?
I am so amazed by your strength, humor and faith. Especially your humor. How can a person have a "bad day" after reading one of your entries? Your humor alone can chase away any clouds and make each day brighter.
When you come back to Mpls. for the summer meeting, please stop by corporate as there are several of us who would like to meet you.
Keep up the good fight, Kate. There are so many people pulling for you!
(I look forward to your next entry....but please, try not to go so long in-between entries!)

Terri Koivisto <ctkoivisto@earthlink.net>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 1:20 PM CST
Kate - Although we have not yet personally met, I attended STOP and Smell the Roses last weekend. As a guest of a great friend, Diane Ehni, I was introduced to a wonderful group of women who share the word of God and not only share the word but live it. Your story and the courage you shared with those around you has touched my soul. I have during the past weeks since the retreat stopped and listened to the plan that God has for me, but more important than that is I have allowed myself to be open to what is next. Thank you for the courage you have been given and the courage that you have shared with those around you. I will keep you in my heart and pray for you and your family. Much love to you
Cheri Plattner <plattner@comcast.net>
Petaluma, CA USA - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 12:58 AM CST
Hi Guys
I was just thinking about you and praying that you read or see something funny that just makes you laugh and smile!

I pray for strength for you every day! xoxo The Whitmans

julie whitman <julie_whitman@liz.com>
anthem, az - Saturday, October 30, 2004 3:44 PM CDT
So - - what's wrong with HUGE PRINT?! You continue to make me laugh and inspire me. God is so good to all of us. I continue to send prayers and love your way!
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Friday, October 29, 2004 10:53 AM CDT
Hi Kate. Just a quick hello to you and Brian and the kids. Hope all is well today and this note finds you in good spirits. Lisa and I were both re-baptised this past Sunday and our pastors message that evening was, "AMAZED"! Like are you not amazed in what Christ has done for all of us? With that in mind our prayers are still with you every day and night!!! We love you dearly, Larry and Lisa.
Larry and Lisa Mayo <Mayoll@aol.com>
Cooper City, FL USA - Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:42 AM CDT
Hey you! Not a day goes by that we do not think of you! I did not tell you but we have had your picture(s) posted in our office since July! I love looking at them as do the others. Keep on progressing! Hope to see you in December at the Region meeting! Bye!
Nancy and Ralph Medina <rlm_sharks@yahoo.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:17 PM CDT
Hey Kate! Mary Zag here ... I wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and sending lots of prayers.. Take care of you your beautiful self..
Love ya

Mary Zagelmeier <Maryzag01@aol.com>
Loves Park , il us - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 6:18 AM CDT
Hi girlfriend. So good to catch up with you tonight here on your site. I left a message last month after our houseboat trip (not the same w/o the Burkes) but I don't think it posted. Anyway, while all the chicks were having our girltalk, Leigh mentioned the "MOM" story you wrote in your journal. She encouraged all of us to check it out. I did that very same day we got back and it really made me pause. My mom was arriving that next week and despite our 2K miles between us we have done an incredible job of staying close. But I knew I needed to hug her a little tighter, listen a bit closer to her, and make sure she knew how deep my love is for her. Now I typically do that anyway but let me tell you, your story inspired me. I cherished our time together unlike ever before. And I think of you, your mom, your sisters (all of us) okay and the brothers, and say a prayer thanking the big guy for putting all of us here for each other. Don't forget your tickets are here waiting for your next flight (and they do still have the little white bags onboard). Love you tons. You rock
debbie fletcher <debfletch@earthlink.net>
los gatos, ca usa - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:55 PM CDT
Hey Kate! At long last, I have gotten to a computer and the internet. Borrowing a friend's until mine is up and running again. You look terrific and I knew your journal entries would be just as vivacious as you are in person and fun to read, despite the difficulty you face everyday. I love ya kiddo and have the best memories of swimming at the McCartneys. I'll write again later. My prayers are with you. Alice and Marv definitely send their love and prayers too....no computer there. Well, OK there is FARM DAYTA or some crazy thing like that in the dining room buzzing all the time. They call and tell me what the weather is in central NY from Wisconsin! Even if I look out the window and say, "no, dad it isn't snowing here!" He insists it is because farm dayta says so!! Love and hugs. Sara B.
Sara Barlass <sabarlass@aol.com>
Syracuse, NY USA - Monday, October 25, 2004 11:26 AM CDT
Kate- Everytime I read your journal I am inspired by your insight and humor...and your great photos...what a FOX! The scarf works for you -- you don't look sick! I am so sorry that we will not be seeing each other next week... but in Dec. FOR SURE!
Big love to all

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Sunday, October 24, 2004 12:29 AM CDT
Readers Digest...HA! Brian ordered that from Megan when she was selling magazines for school. It was supposed to be sent to the office. He was sooooo excited about it. So, you are not becoming your mother...Brian IS!(Nothing bad about that Jean, you know I love ya). Yeah Brian. I love your journals.
Maureen <MegsMom527@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA - Friday, October 22, 2004 11:34 PM CDT

I have been reading your guestbook entries for about the last hour. Wow, how great to have the support of all these people-and I thought I was popular. I am sorry that It has taken me so long to let you know I was thinking of you. I have thought of you often since I heard what you were going through. Reading your entry from today just shows your zest for life-I really do admire you as I did even when you were 3 sheets to the wind off all the free cocktails I supplied you at the Pioneer. I will pray for you and your family everyday and vow to write again!!! Krully

Chris Stevens <christopher.stevens@nmfn.com>
Kohler, WI - Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:18 PM CDT
Hi Kate-
What a beautiful and insightful young woman you have grown up to be! I haven't seen you in years (remember, I used to babysit for the three of you). Your faith in God is such a powerful inspiration for all of us. Thank you for sharing this journey with all of us - we will keep you in our prayers and pray for your continued healing.

Jane (Weberpal) Brown <mjbrown@deloitte.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 3:00 PM CDT
Kate, What awesome, generous friends you have!! OZ territory, donated money to you, that they would have spent on Karen's birthday...WOW!!! We all know you have alot of out of pocket expenses, for things not covered by your health insurance. The Friends of Kate account is happy to tell you that $12,000 has been donated, so far. I am sure as you continue to fight your fight, your friends will continue their generosity.

Friends of Kate...

friends of kate
- Monday, October 18, 2004 11:00 PM CDT
Oops, I spelled "different" incorrectly!! Excuse my spell check! Love, Joanne
Joanne (the poor speller) Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 11:52 PM CDT
Soooooooooooooooooooo, did you feel a bit differernt this weekend??? 'Cause there are now around 40 kindergarten kids with a very powerful (yet hyper) kind of energy wearing the yellow bracelets in honor of you and anyone else they know who needs their amazing (still hyper) vibes. Talk about terrific luck, our bracelets came in early...right on the day we sent out our letter sharing your website with our class. Yep, pretty powerful. I was thrilled that some of the children already knew all about the meaning of LIVESTRONG and could share it with the rest of the class. So...did you feel stronger, or just more, hum...hyper??
Big old sloppy hugs for Colin and Riley. Love, Joanne

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 5:18 PM CDT
Hi Kate - I probably haven't talked to you in 15 years..wait, that can't be real, cuz that would make us old...anyway, I went to UWEC, we were in Speech class together - I met you through Marci and Maureen. I just saw those two at Maureen's today, and they shared your story with me. You're in my prayers. You sound as strong and energetic as ever. Keep it up. May God give you the strength to fight this, and win.
Laura (Petesch) Koppa <koppahouse@msn.com>
Milwaukee, WI USA - Saturday, October 16, 2004 10:07 PM CDT
Dear Kate:
It has been a long time and I'm sorry under these circumstances. What a wonderful young lady you are. (I know your parents had something to do with.) I spoke with your mother who told me of your website. You are an inspiration to so many!! I know it is difficult, but keep up the positive attitude. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Carole Madden <daca@ticon.net>
Janesvile, Wi usa - Saturday, October 16, 2004 12:50 AM CDT
This web site is terrific, Kate! We'll set one up soon for Ben (our 8 year old boy who also has a GBM). Life has been a real challenge, but Jesus and the many prayers we've received have lifted us up and gotten us through it. Please pray for no tumor re-growth as he starts his new chemotherapy. Take care, Kate! Our prayers are with you!
Ruth Masters <guymasters@kingwoodcable.net>
Kingwood, tx USA - Friday, October 15, 2004 7:51 AM CDT
kate- I too, of all your support friendships- have said a prayer every morning and night. hopefully god has listened and passed on to you that hug and strenth and that uplifting spirit we have always felt from you. from the day i met you !!!!- brian looks like mike- wow we are happy = now we have babies , that aren't babies and now you are going through all of life's most testing moments- please feel my and Meghan's smiles for you and belief!! Love DEBBIe geary
Deb Geary <dlgeary@mchsi.com>
Clarion, Iowa usa - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:10 PM CDT
You've always been a role model for so many people...and now more than ever your faith, perserverence, enthusiasm, and positive attitude continue to inspire. We love you and continue to hold you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Amy and Dean Hershman <ahershman@lifetouch.com>
Dublin, OH USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:22 PM CDT

I have been read your website since the day I found out about you. I am Robin's friend from chicago. As you know I have GBM as well. I have your phone number and I will call you soon. I am about 6 weeks behind you in treatments and I want to hear all about you trip to Duke and MD Anderson. I think about you often and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'll call soon.


Kristine Fontana <paptana@comcast.net>
Lake Bluff, IL - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 2:29 PM CDT
Hi Kate:
I just wanted you to know how sorry Nat, Todd & I were that you were unable to attend their wedding. I was looking forward to meeting you ! My thoughts and prayers are with you every day.
Jean Phelan (Nat's Mom.....Todd's mother-in-law...hee hee!)

Jean Phelan <jeanphelan@fifthdistrict.com>
New Orleans, LA USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
Hey Kate:
We missed seeing you at church on Sunday, but glad that your trip is going well. I think of you all through the day, especially with my yellow bracelet on my wrist. I plan to keep it on until you are free from all of this - not IF you are, but WHEN you are. God has already used you in so many ways to touch the lives of others, I have NO DOUBT that He plans to continue to use you for MANY, MANY years to come! Thanks for sharing your heart and what you are going through, both the good and the bad. You continue to be my "spiritual hero"! Consider yourself "hugged"!!!!
Love ya,

Kendra <dougandkendra@sbcglobal.net>
Petaluma, CA USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 11:49 AM CDT
i think we need a thurs night out on earl street in EC with anne, mary, and jenny listening to you play your flute sitting on an upside down milk crate. oh, and maybe we could get the yellow pages out and look for taverns that are open past two a.m. oh, and maybe you could fix us a HAMBURGER in the kitchen for an after bar "snack." you have really taught me a lot.

keep pointing people to Christ...judging by your guestbook, i would say you already have. i am so glad He saved our sorry butts.

mitchell <pamshouse@tampabay.rr.com>
tampa, florida - Monday, October 11, 2004 12:40 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
You are an inspiration to your friends, your stromg belief and committment to God, is powerful! You will win your battle - we ALL know it and believe it!

Have a blast in France!! Love, Beattie

Beattie <bstabeck@aol.com>
Minnetonka, MN - Saturday, October 9, 2004 8:55 PM CDT
Kate, you're as awesome as ever and much, much, more. Thank you for your note. We were shocked and then heartened when we realized how strong your faith is! If anyone can beat this, you can. We are so proud of you! Your journal is just like you - fun, alive,zany, incredibly witty and wonderful,not to mention wise with some serious spiritual nourishment! The devil's gonna regret this if he doesn't already! (Your brainpower has multiplied exponentially if anything!) You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Our love to you, Brian, Riley and Colin.
Suzanne Burleson <bdburleson@cox.net>
- Saturday, October 9, 2004 1:21 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
Up until now I have been a lurker. Ever since Rob told me about your illness and this website there isn't a day that I don't think about you and visit your website. Your journal entries are a testimony to the inner strength you possess to beat this. It just takes one step at a time.

Kelly Lazar <to_mum@hotmail.com>
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Saturday, October 9, 2004 0:37 AM CDT
Si se puede. You can do it. You have already been different than 90% of people in terms of your reaction to this (myself included). Your awesome attitude and faith in God will see you through. Rest up and eat a few croissants.

Carol Kovatch <Carol@kovo.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 10:07 PM CDT
Hello Kate and family. You have all been in my prayers. I am amazed and humbled by your strength and faith. I am glad that you are so willing to share your ups and downs and how God is carrying you through this.

I work in Human Resources (Minneapolis) for Lifetouch. If there is ever anything that I can do to help you, your family, or your territory, please let me know.

Kirsten Van Hulzen <kvanhulzen@lifetouch.com>
Eden Prairie, MN United States - Friday, October 8, 2004 1:25 PM CDT
Hi Kate....I have been thinking of you and did not know how to get to your website and then...Duh...thought I could get it from your office. Marc and Heather said they saw you in S.F. I am praying for you and looking forward as I watch this miracle in you and your family. Thanks for giving back.
Nancy Wheeler <nekellyw@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, ca usa - Friday, October 8, 2004 1:12 PM CDT
Dear Kate, I am a little slow in finding out about your Web-site and I am amazed at this way of communicating with you...Our Bible Study group meets in my home each Monday and we pray for you on a regular basis..now I can give them up-to-date info on your progress. So happy you can go to France and enjoy a time away..You and your family are in our prayers as you travel. God Bless always, Love, Shirley Ware
Shirley Ware <USCG6@aol.com>
San Mateo, Ca USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 12:52 AM CDT

As always you have a smile on your face which is great! It's been a few years since we seen each other, I believe at the 4th of July in Milton. Reading through your journal makes one realize how precious life, family, friends, and faith are. Seeing all of the guestbook entries shows that you are in many prayers and thoughts, keep fighting Kate!

Steve Quade

Steve Quade <stevequade@inwave.com>
Janesville, WI USA - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 2:04 PM CDT
Greetings from a not related cousin, if that makes sense!
You know, Melvin is my only first cousin, so does that make you a stepcousin, cousin-in-law,cousin once removed? Whatever!

I received your e-mail through the Homemakers Group here in Janesville. Mickey Arnold shared your testimony to your Mom, so beautiful. I don't see Jean very often but keep up with her and the family through the Homemakers Group. Ron used to call the group "The Home Wreckers". He does have a great sense of humor.

My thoughts and prayers go out for you and your family Kate.
Jean Arnold

Jean Arnold <jmacoa@sbcgobal.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 1:38 PM CDT
You are doing soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
well! I miss you soooooooooooooooooooooo much! Have
fun in France, and rember come see Riley and
you'll smiley!LOVE YOU! LOVE, Riley

Riley Burke <RiRi611@AOL.com>
Santa Rosa, ca America - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 9:19 PM CDT
Reading through your journal, it is clear the wonderful woman of faith you have become. Your grace, strength, and sense of humor come through just as they always have. The pictures are great, your smile is just as I remember it. Sounds like you got some really good news - that is awesome. Your mom has always been a special lady and she looks great. Please know that the Lukas family is praying for you and thinking of you often.

Tony Lukas (Nancy, Nate, and Adam) <tlukas@execpc.com>
Burlington, WI USA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 8:33 PM CDT
If you get to log onto your site in NC, call me at 919-225-6998. My home phone isn't working and you gave me the wrong cell number! I want to meet Wednesday morning!!
Safe travels,

beth ellingson <bettyellingson@aol.com>
durham, nc usa - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 12:38 AM CDT

I'm soooo excited - my bracelets finally arrived! I've been waiting for almost a month now. I've already given them all away and plan to order more. I'm sharing your story with folks as I pass the bracelets out. God is using you to touch the lives of so many people. I thank God for you every day! Hang in there - we're keeping those prayers coming.

Love ya,

Kendra <dougandkendra@sbcglobal.net>
Petaluma, CA USA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 10:30 AM CDT
Wow! Looks like you are handeling this little adventure with the same faith and gusto you handle everything else in life. You are a great testimony for the Faithful One. You inspire me. Jim M has been keeping me posted, but I wanted to say hi and have you to know that you have praying friends in Las Vegas too. Say hi to Brian for me too.
Larry and Shirley Stewart <Larry@PAPIMIcenter.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, October 4, 2004 1:04 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
The old Milton telegraph gets to all of us eventually, no matter where we live these days. You are truly an inspiration---I always knew those McCartney girls were tough chicks! What knocks you down only serves to make you stronger when you get up---and you got up and running! The whole Sessler crew, McNally crew, etc., send their love and prayers.

You are an inspriration to many. I will share your story with a dear student of mine who is suffering from cancer now. I know your positive outlook and words will help her as she goes through the battle. Thank you for you. God Bless you and stay strong.

Lynn Sessler <lsessler@new.rr.com>
Appleton, WI USA - Sunday, October 3, 2004 11:05 AM CDT
Hola, Kate! That's the most excellent news about your scan!!! I've been telling my Belgian friend who lives here about you and she remembered when it was and asked about you on the 28th. She was really happy to hear the good news, too. I bet you didn't know you had a Belgian in your corner! I didn't realize you'd have another year of chemo ahead, and I'm sorry to hear that so far it's all pukey. I hope it gets better for you! Meanwhile, since you're going to be quite the jet-setter, I've decided that three days is a ridiculously short amount of time to be in Europe after that 15-hour flight, so you and Katrina must swing by Barcelona on your way home. It's super close to Cannes. I mean, I looked on a map, and it was only a couple of inches! That can't take more than an hour and a half to fly between, can it? OK, so let me know when you'll be here so I can talk to the mayor beforehand and get something done about all this public cigarette smoking! (I've been meaning to do it for ages anyway, so, really, it's no bother.)

Jan (don't call me senyora) <janflyz@yahoo.com>
Barcelona, Spain - Saturday, October 2, 2004 7:24 AM CDT
My dear Kate- I am so sorry to hear about the late night vomit...It is a hard concept to think that being sick will make you well....
Have an amazing TRIP- Know that I am thinking of you.

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Friday, October 1, 2004 9:24 PM CDT
Okay - - now when I'm getting up at night for a "rest stop" I have to not only pray that you're sleeping and having good dreams - - now I have to praying that you're not vomiting! Chin up girl - - God has you in his great big strong hands. Love and prayers - -
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 4:26 PM CDT
Hey Kate. Your spirit is soooooooooooo wonderful!!! This is your hurricane friends Larry and Lisa. Our first weekend in 6 weeks without a worry or the weather DOG after us!!! Just to let you know we love you and are thinking of you as always. Enjoy your trip to Cannes!!! How cool!!! We love you, Larry and Lisa. Hi to Brian and the kids!!!
Larry and Lisa Mayo <MAYOLL@AOL.COM>
Cooper City, FL USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 3:30 PM CDT
Hey Kate:

"Vomit Girl"??? Only you could make a funny out of throwing up. You amaze me - the way you deal with some of the toughest times in your life is unreal - God is definitely at work in and through you. Hey if I were you, I'd go for every bit of attention you can get on the plane. Air travel is sure not what it used to be - just a big Greyhound in the sky! If nothing else, you might get some extra bags of peanuts!:) We'll be praying for safe travels and positive experiences on this trip. Hope you have a blast at Nasa - Doug sure did. Hang in there babe!
Love ya!

Kendra <dougandkendra@sbcglobal.net>
Petaluma, CA USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 12:12 AM CDT
Kate, first time writing something. We have been praying for you so much. We just want to tell you how much we and all our small group love you. You have been such an incredible testomony of faith. Both humbling and uplifting me constantly. We will continue to thank our Lord for healing you and continue to trust him for your total long term healing.
Jim and Madeline Levoe
- Friday, October 1, 2004 11:53 AM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking and praying for you...your vivid description brings back memories! I can tell you that with your positive attitude I do believe that you too will one day look back on this as just a memory! Hang in there...we are all pulling for you!

Mikie Burdick <Mburdick@lifetouch.com>
Morgan Hill, CA - Friday, October 1, 2004 10:59 AM CDT
Hey Kate:
Yehaw!!! I'm elated to read your latest journal. Our God is so awesome and so are you! My parents returned to Michigan on Tuesday - I was sad to see them go. We had such a wonderful time. They loved meeting you. You are such a joy and an inspiration to all around you!
Lots of love, hugs and prayers,

Kendra <dougandkendra@sbcglobal.net>
Petaluma, CA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:26 AM CDT
I can't tell you how elated I was when Riley and Colin gave me the incredible news on Monday. Hopefully all of you can take a big deep breath and relax for the first time in almost a year. Just know my thoughts are always with all of you. You are loved by so many.
Karen Holtman

Karen Holtman <Klholtman@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA Sonoma - Thursday, September 30, 2004 8:56 AM CDT
You ROCK girl, Way to GO! Keep up the great work and I know that we are all pulling for you!

Love ya
Mary Z

Mary Zagelmeier <maryzag01@aol.com>
Loves Park , il usa - Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:48 AM CDT
KATE.....................PRAISE GOD......................
Mrs meekins told me today at school the good news..I am so happy for you the family and for all of us that gets to have more of you.
I knew God had more plans for you...Speaking may be one of them...
if it is I would love for you to talk to the kids at my Christian school in Petaluma ( where jill teaches) to show them what a real life miracle looks like . and to explane the power of prayer..stay positive..yeah like you can be anything but...
and we will never stop praying and prasing GOD for you and your family....love to all...Elizabeth (a former Springhills member)

Elizabeth Molder <dmakmolder@peoplepc.com>
Petaluma, CA USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:44 PM CDT
My sister forwarded your website to me. Growing up in the big town of Milton, I heard often that you were an incredible (not to mention fun) person. Reading your journal helped me realize how "incredible" you have remained. It also reminded me of a conversation your sister and I had about you when we were in high school. Both being the youngest, I'm not sure what got us going, talking about wearing our sister's clothes, or parent's rules, etc...all I know is that the conversation ended with her saying (about you) "Yeah, she really is cool!"
Your faith has given this phrase even greater meaning!!
Our prayers are with you. Congrats on the good news.

Lisa (Nodolf) Lieder <followlieder@msn.com>
Oshkosh, WI usa - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:01 PM CDT

you ROCK!!!! Way to go and GREAT JOB!!!
Your courage at grabbing the situation and setting the course is an inspiration for all of us as we set about our path in daily living ! Thank you for sharing....and the beat goes on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sue Kennedy <SueKennedy01@msn.com>
Ashland , OR USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 8:13 PM CDT

Deanne told me when you were diagnosed with your illness. I was so upset. I can't imagine what you and your family have been going through. I have read some of your updates and find it remarkable how strong you are. I find myself in tears and then other times laughing. You have a great sence of humor. I'm so excited to hear the good news. It's wonderful! You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers.

God Bless, Jacqueline

Jacqueline Berryman (Steve and Deanne's friend) <Amanndamom@aol.com>
San Mateo, CA 94404 - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:55 PM CDT
Dear Kate,
What wonderful news. Keep up the good work and all your friends will keep up their prayers. Keep singing...............

Joan, Lisa Straubs mom <toonajws@cs.com>
w.wildwood, nj - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 6:49 PM CDT
Burke Family: God is good, and his goodness has been witnessed to us all by this miracle. YOU ROCK! But, He Rocks even more. You all remain in our thoughts, hearts and most importantly, our prayers. THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE! LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD!!! :-)
John & Rebecca Durney & boys <rmdy@thegrid.net>
Yreka, CA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 4:09 PM CDT
Hallelujah!!!!! Awesome news Kate - We'll keep praying.

Lindy Crawford <ciannasmom@yahoo.com>
santa rosa, ca - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:43 AM CDT
Praise our Soverign and Merciful God!!! I can't help but think of this verse for you as our family and church have prayed for you: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 We are so excited, Kate, and isn't a great comfort to know that through our life journey we are in "good hands" - Praising God for your witness of faith, joy, and peace, Becky
Becky Hanson <becky@redeemersr.org>
Santa Rosa, Ca - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:20 AM CDT
Praise our Soverign and Merciful God!!! I can't help but think of this verse for you as our family and church have prayed for you: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 We are so excited, Kate, and isn't a great comfort to know that through our life journey we are in "good hands" - Praising God for your witness of faith, joy, and peace, Becky
Becky Hanson <becky@redeemersr.org>
Santa Rosa, Ca - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:17 AM CDT
This is such great news! Shall we start booking the speaking engagements? Look forward to seeing you in Texas next week.

I agree with Aunt Caroline, ditch the hat, you look great!

Helen Woizeschke <helen.woizeschke@sbcglobal.net>
Lake Jackson, TX USA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
GREAT NEWS!!! So happy you have taken the first big step, you can call it remission if you want!! Hopefully you will also get a break from treatments for a while too, enjoy.

Andrea Cutting <andreacutting@comcast.net>
Lake Forest, IL USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 8:12 PM CDT
I believe in miracles, Kate - you are living proof! Yes, you and Brian will enjoy those grandchildren too. Keeping you close in my thoughts...Nancy
Nancy Ess <nankayess@netscape.net>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 5:34 PM CDT
kate, we are friends of the platts' and cris gave the fantastic news yesterday. we've never met, but i certainly feel like i know you. we've been praying hard for you all. the power of prayer is phenomonal!! congratulations to you, your husband, your children, your family and friends and your dear mother. we will keep praying!! HUGS!

matt joni and nolan maresch <mnj@ticon.net>
janesville, wi usa - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:29 PM CDT
kate,we're friends of the platts'and cris gave me the fantasic news yesterday. even though we don't know each other, we have been praying so hard for all of you. the power of prayer is phenomenal! congratulations to you, your husband, your children, friends, family, and your dear mother! we will continue to pray hard! HUGS!
matt joni and nolan maresch <mnj@ticon.net>
janesville, wi - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:17 PM CDT
Thank You GOD for reminding us the power of faith and prayer
Thank You Family and Friends for reminding us the power of a collective whole...prayer, intentions, LOVE
Thank You Kate, Brian, Riley, Colin for reminding us of the power of grace in HIS name through tribulations.
I'm grateful to be a wittness to the miraculous gifts that comes from FAITH, FAMILY, FRIENDS.
God's continued blessings for good health and happy hearts to you and your family Kate. Love and Light...Tracy

Tracy Baer <baer_t@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:40 AM CDT
We are SO HAPPY for you and with you!
It's all about God, friendship and love!
Kate, you've kept us all together and helped us all keep the faith!
There's a song, "It Is No Secret What God Can Do"!

Love always,
Vera & Chuck :)

Vera and Chuck Gale <vera_gale@rsconst.com>
Foster City, Ca USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:05 AM CDT

I am so happy for you and your family. God definitely works in mysterious ways and all your prayers from all your friends have helped pull you through. I can see your beautiful smile from Wisconsin. Go hug your kids. They are so lucky to have a mom like you.

Take care,
Dennis Campion Family

Dennis Campion <denniscampion@hotmail.com>
Janesville, WI USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 8:41 AM CDT
One other thing since your nephew got me up at this hour with a bad dream and request for water (with ice) ...

Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can
To all the people you can
As long as ever you can.

Jen <herefido@charter.net>
Janesville, WI - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:38 AM CDT
Glad to hear the wonderful news from you last night!

I don't quote scripture, but I'm enclosing words from one of our great presidents, Theodore Roosevelt, to inspire you further as you move onto the next stage of your successful fight with this cancer:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

Keep fighting the good fight.
Hugs and kisses.

Jen <herefido@charter.net>
Janesville, WI - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:36 AM CDT
Hi Kate!

Your Lifetouch Family in The WI territory (The Great State of Wisconsin) is still sending you tons of love and good wishes!! You are a true inspiration to all of us. Keep the good fight going! :-) We love you! We will continue to keep you in our prayers and thoughts.

Dave Strickland ANd the Whole WI crew.....Every single one of us . :-) <dstrickland@lifetouch.com>
Waukesha, WI USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:32 AM CDT
When asked how he prays, a mystic friend replied "I say thank you". Let's not let up people.
Ross aka "Master" <trk7397@earthlink.net>
Arcata, CA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 1:03 AM CDT
Kate, You have as much hair as Dr. Prados and he doesn't wear a hat! What is wrong with this picture? YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL! You don't need hair!


Carolyn Burke <itscburke@aol.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 11:46 PM CDT
So glad to hear your fantastic news today. We knew in our heart of hearts it could be no other way! We will keep on praying for your continued recovery...and look forward to seeing you in that red suit!

Steve, Deanne, Sydney and Ian Belcher <deanne.belcher@comcast.net>
Redwood Shores, CA - Monday, September 27, 2004 11:06 PM CDT
It was great to hear your news after I returned home from work tonight. I thought about you and your family alot today, and said many, many prayers. I am sure last night and this morning was very----long. Anyway, it is so amamzing what God does and what a powerful person he really is. I explained the good news to John and the boys and told them to now say a prayer thanking God for giving you this gift of great news today. Keep strong, and continue on the road of a healthy recovery. Your a fighter girl, and we all can certianly see that.
Love, Hugs, and Prayers to you all.
John and Deb Coleman

John and Deb Coleman <coleman9441@sbcglobal.net>
Janesville, wi - Monday, September 27, 2004 10:16 PM CDT
HIP HIP HOORAY!!!! There's nothing as wonderful as good news and you deserve it!! I am thrilled for you, Brian and the kids. I hope you celebrate tonight. Now, you must continue to get good news after each MRI, so you can just continue those celebrations right up until you are partying with your grandkids (Yikes! Grandkids!!! First, you have to get through the teen years with the dynamic duo!).
With much respect and love, Joanne
Hugs for Riley and Colin!! XOXOXOXOXOXO (OK, you too Brian!)

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 9:52 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
You have been in my thoughts ALL day, I am so happy that you got a good report today!!!! I know you are on your way back to your healthy self. Love, Beattie

Beattie <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, or - Monday, September 27, 2004 9:07 PM CDT
We just heard the GREAT news! Ron and I send our SMILES and love to you and your family. Hope you're celebrating!

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:46 PM CDT
Remember the verse I have sent to you a couple of times, how appropriate it is this very moment: "I will bring health and healing. I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security." Jeremiah 33:6

Enjoy the peace that passes all understanding!

Love you,

Mary Graaskamp <grassfam@cvol.net>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:32 PM CDT
Kate - I have read every entry with great interest - today's is the BEST news! "God gives us many gifts. He gives us the ability to overcome hardship and turn that experience into a strength. One can chose to blame God for the hardship or praise God for strength." You are a testament to the latter! GOD IS GREAT!
Jan Haeg <jhaeg@lifetouch.com>
Edina, MN - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:17 PM CDT
I AM SOOOOO HAPPY RIGHT NOW, GOD IS SOOOO GOOD. I'll share the news with all I know. Way to go, keep it going!!!! I love you.

Anne Millington <annedrew@charter.net>
Eau Claire, Wisconsin - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:03 PM CDT
Kate, I am sooooo happy for you, was thinking about you all day long.You are just amazing!!!!!! Congratulations!!!
Michaela Codding <markwest98@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA 95404 - Monday, September 27, 2004 7:58 PM CDT
Yahoo!!! I am so happy for you. I logged on tonight just to see what you wrote...couldn't have been better news! Yippee!!!
Chicago, IL USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 7:32 PM CDT
You're my hero Kato. WAY TO GO! Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
geno <gdkalligher@yahoo.com>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 7:22 PM CDT
Praise God in all his glory for your great news. We will continue to pray for you!! I know your positive attitude and wonderful insight has done so much for so many, and God will continue to bless you!!! I check in here frequently to get uplifted from your journal, and have been praying for you since Bret made the announcement the first time. Congratulations, and again, Praise God.

Terry Gardezy
Spring Hills Family :)

Terry Gardezy <tgardezy01@yahoo.com>
Santa Rosa, CA - Monday, September 27, 2004 7:13 PM CDT
Great News Kate! You are definitely on the road to remission! Your faith and positive attitude will continue to guide you along. Keep doing what you're doing because you're doing it well.....It's working!! We continue to keep you, Brian and the kids in our prayers.
Jim and Karen Boyce <H2oboyce@cs.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 6:14 PM CDT
We are so HAPPY for you. We all know that God is great and almighty!! I have praying extra hard for you all day. Great news!!!

Carrie Myers <rcdccmy@aol.com>
Windsor, Ca - Monday, September 27, 2004 6:13 PM CDT
WOW, WE ARE SOOO EXCITED! ALL I THINK IN MY MIND IS THE SONG (SARAH AND I HAVE BEEN RECITING IT!) "MY GOD IS SO GREAT, SO GREAT AND SO MIGHTY.... THERE'S NOTHING MY GOD CANNOT DO FOR YOU!" I'm sure you'd rather read that than have me sing it!!! Can't wait to see you on Friday!,
Laura and Sarah Skiles <lspmprd@cs.com>
Rohnert Park, CA USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 5:59 PM CDT
Kate & Brian,

Congrats on the good news (we knew it would be)! Sleep good tonight and we will keep saying our prayers. Looking forward to your next words of wisdom.


Van & Cathy

Cathy <vargiros@sbcglobal.net>
Danville, Ca USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 5:58 PM CDT

Great news on your track to recovery.

Mafu is with you!

Robert Lazar <robertl@bsharp.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Monday, September 27, 2004 5:47 PM CDT
Hey Kate! Got your site address from steve charles camp email - Thank you for your graciousness at RCP and for who you are in Jesus. I will continue to pray for you and look forward to seeing you all next July.
Rick Harrell <Brooksidefree@hotmail.com>
Redlands, ca usa - Monday, September 27, 2004 5:07 PM CDT
Kate, hope all is going well, I get weekly updates from Whitey at the Y and from the Platts' whenever I see them. It is great to see all the friends that you have that have registered, I even saw Whippers name out there! Hope we can all get together next time you get home. Mom sends her prayers, she would e-mail but has never owned a computer.

Take Care,


Pat Weberpal <patrick.weberpal@micorp.com>
Milton , WI - Monday, September 27, 2004 12:24 AM CDT
Hey Burkes!!!
I tried to get to this site after July Redwood Christian Park Family Camp, but couldn't get in- duh- you just used your first name!!!
Your journal is wonderful. I wish we could see you and hug you all! Here up north, you remain in our prayers- You Kate for healing, recovery and God's mercy, and the rest of the wonderful Burke family for patience, trust in God's will, courage and enduring strength. God's love is so great, he has your beautiful family wrapped in his loving arms.
Things are good up here in far-northern Cal; John, Gabe & Aaron wish the best for Colin and look forward to seeing him at next year's July camp. Kate, I look forward to seeing you! Bald or not!
I know there isn't much we can do from way up here but keep you in prayer, but if you need anything at all, please call on us if we can be of any help. We think of your beautiful family often, so know you have prayers coming from this part of the world, too! Gotta run for now, but now that I know where to find your page, I'm here!! Keep fighting, Kate, we're all here to lift you up! My love, Rebecca for the Durney Family

John & Rebecca Durney <rmdy@thegrid.net>
Yreka, CA USA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:24 PM CDT
Sending you our love, prayers and HUGS tomorrow.
Maureen, Doug and Megan and all the puppies!

Maureen <MegsMom527@aol.com>
Down the street, - Sunday, September 26, 2004 10:19 PM CDT
All of my students are praying for you tomorrow (get that through in the public schools). We love you tons, and can't wait to hear the great news. God is good!!!

susan arrington <sarrington@mpcsd.org>
menlo park, ca usa - Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:51 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
Just a quick note to let you know that we have lit a candle and send a prayer for you and your family as a family tonight before putting the boys to bed. I once again love your wit, your spirit, and most of all your great personaility. Best of luck to you tomorrow. I will be thinking of you every minute of the day.

John and Deb Coleman &boys <coleman9441@sbcglobal.net>
janesville, wi USA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:30 PM CDT
Friends and Family: We are busy working on Kate's scrapbook. Please e-mail me with the most outrageous stories of Kate, and pictures if you have them. Riley...please send me some silly stories too. Kate, my verse of the week that I pray with you in mind: "The Lord is my strength and shield; My heart trusts in him and I am helped; therefore my heart exults, And with song I shall thank Him." Psalm 28:7. Your web site always encourages me; it is one of my devotionals! We continue to pray for complete healing. God will be with you on the 27th!
Wendla Dyer <wendla@pacbell.net>
ROHNERT PARK, CA USA - Saturday, September 25, 2004 11:58 AM CDT
Thanks for the relationship advice yesterday Kato - as always a conversation with you is more than a joy. Sending you tons of positive thoughts for great news on Monday. I'll be back to subtle begging and grandiose promises during church tomorrow. Your friend forever,
Geno <gdkalligher@yahoo.com>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Saturday, September 25, 2004 8:13 AM CDT
KB as always you are in my prayers--- but especially this week- and MONDAY-- oh my big day! I have faith that you are well on your way to being cured/healed...
Enjoy your evening...
Biggest LOVE

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA USA - Friday, September 24, 2004 11:52 PM CDT
Hi Kate, Brian, Riley and Colin,

It was great to see all of you this week! Kate, you look terrific and I can tell from talking with you, you feel better too! After spending a few days in your office, your staff is doing an awesome job!! They all miss you and are working their tails off for YOU!

Even though you are going through some very difficult times, I know, you know, that you have alot to be thankful for. Your darling kids, Brian and your Lifetouch family in KB and thoughout the U.S. are all pulling for you because we all love you!!

Take care and keep up the good fight!

Hugs, Beattie

bstabeck@lifetouch.com <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR - Thursday, September 23, 2004 8:16 PM CDT
Kate, It has been so long since I have seen you...probably since H.S. I am so sorry to hear of the struggles you have faced or may be facing. God is there with you, as you already know. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. My best friend, Wendy Cleasby, was diagnosed in May-04 with Breast Cancer. I will be walking in the Chicago "Race for the Cure" on Oct 2nd. I am going to add your name to my cause.
Your Friend, Emily (Kind)Gutierrez

Emily (Kind) Gutierrez <emily65@charter.net>
Harvard, IL - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 11:36 PM CDT
Best of luck! You are in our prayers!
annie stewart
green bay, wi usa - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 11:27 PM CDT
Kate- O:

How about a Eau Claire Reunion in the Spring?

Petey Peterson <mikep@kretzlumber.com>
Antigo, WI usa - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:26 PM CDT
You have always been bigger than life to me. And now, even in your trials you inspire me. Whenever I'm looking for a retreat or an encouragement, I go to the Psalms. 106:1 says "...Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." And for you, I give thanks!

Ellen (Dunham) Cedarblade <ecedarblade@hotmail.com>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:36 AM CDT
Sending you thoughts and prayers from our family here in Chicago. We appreciate all your advice and assistance as we battle the evil alongside you and many others around the globe. I want everyone on your website to know what a wonderful thing you did reaching out to our family. Thank you for taking the time to seek Kristine out, knowledge is power!Have a great day and livestrong!

andrea cutting <andreacutting@comcast.net>
lake forest , il usa - Monday, September 20, 2004 10:51 AM CDT
Hey mom, you are doing sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well. I hope you
get well soon! You are great mom! Have a great day

Riley Burke
SantaRosa, ca America - Friday, September 17, 2004 7:00 PM CDT
Sorry N'awlins didn't work out for everyone. So many were looking forward to seeing you at Todd's wedding. Your sister Jen and my Mom keep me posted. It's an honor to call the Mc Cartney women, friends. Please know many more prayers are coming. Keep laughing...you are an inspiration to us all. God Bless!
Maureen (Campion) Merkatoris & Jim, Carolyn, Joseph & John <campmerk@yahoo.com>
Green Bay, WI USA - Friday, September 17, 2004 3:41 PM CDT
Hi Kate,

I finally got this e-mail address from my younger sister Maureen and wow am I impressed and honored to be in your guestbook. I have been getting weekly updates from Mike Platts or Dan White on how you are doing. I read my 3 little girls books every night and we always say a prayer for you. They wonder who is Kate and I tell them a wonderful friend that went out of her way to take me to school each day in high school. Imagine the questions they have. They are Halie and Kylie which are twins and are 4 years old. Abbigail is 2 1/2 and we have a new son Jack that is 5 months old yesterday.
I was looking forward to seeing you so very much at Todd's Wedding. I had my flight canceled and I feel terrible that I could not make it because I wanted to see you very much. I did talk to your mom briefly after mass a couple weeks ago. What a fantastic lady.

I think you are the most inspirational person I know and my family will continue to pray for you daily.

Dennis, Lisa, Halie, Kylie, Abbigail, Jack and my mom

Dennis Campion family <denniscampion@hotmail.com>
Janesville, WI USA - Friday, September 17, 2004 1:07 PM CDT
Kate-I ran into Brian at drop-off this AM at Riebli and he gave me this incredible website. It was my honor to sit here at my computer and read and read for close to 2 hours instead of doing what I thought I needed to do this morning. As others have said, you and your family are inspirational. As I read your entries, I was reminded of a poem that I love by Edgar A. Guest. Here it is:

It Couldn't be Done

Somebody said that it couldn't be done
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it!

Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it;"
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure,
There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.

You are so strong and beautiful. I think of you often. You'll do it.

Katy Kotval <katykot@aol.com>
Windsor, CA 95492 - Friday, September 17, 2004 12:28 AM CDT
Hello Katie!!!!!!
I ran into Chris Platts yesterday and she passed on your webpage...I have been inspired by your writings and of course seeing your beautiful smile again! My prayers for your health are continuous and my good friend and co-worker Sister Mary has a direct line!!!!!You should start Feeling GREAT oh, right about NOW! Thank you for sharing these life
lessons...for they help give life meaning and what everyday
truly is about! Think about it, we had this thought pattern when we were children -To drive around in a car...Awesome
-To have no control...Fun and Free
- To have Faith ...Everything will be just fine!
I look forward to staying in touch! Love, Becky

An old friend! Becky (Gallun) Masotti <boopboop-e-do@excite.com>
Janesville, WI usa - Friday, September 17, 2004 11:32 AM CDT
Hey Katie - - watch out for that "riding a bicycle" line. That's what they told me in Maui, but riding a bicycle down Haleakala wasn't quite the same. Do you think it was because it had been 40 years since I'd done it? Thanks for the reminder about updating wills, etc. It was tough for me to do several years ago (and I just remembered I need to update again!). Loved the picture of your mother - - what a beauty! Now, I see where you get that great smile. Still praying for you every night when I take my "one-function break" from sleep. Love to all of you!
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Friday, September 17, 2004 9:51 AM CDT
I'm laying in bed reading your journal like an Oprah book of the week and thought WOW I've got an idea; we should all write to Oprah and put you on the show. You have proven to be an inspiration to everyone who has logged onto your web site. Why not go for Hollywood oops I mean the Big Apple fame! Who get's 10,000 hits on a web site. I say we all email Oprah so you can inspire millions GO GIRL...
PS Looking forward to you speaking at my event. I love your attitude & P.S. I'm serious about Oprah!Reach for the stars they are within your reach.

Anita Rackerby <gardengirlanita@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Friday, September 17, 2004 0:20 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I am continually amazed by your spirit, humor and perspective. God has you on a journey of "tempered steel" right now, and the result is an unbelievable strength. You are an inspiration indeed. Kenda, Cali, Reed and I continue to pray for you, Brian and the kids each day during our family devotions. Fight the good fight.

We love you!

Barry, Kenda, Cali and Reed Robinson <msuspar10@earthlink.net>
East Lansing, MI USA - Thursday, September 16, 2004 6:09 PM CDT
Hi Kate...........sent a message this morning that has not appeared? Just testing now......will write again.

Vera :)

Vera Gale < vera_gale@rsconst.com>
Foster City, CA USA - Thursday, September 16, 2004 5:19 PM CDT
Hi Kate...........sent a message this morning that has not appeared? Just testing now......will write again.

Vera :)

Vera Gale < vera_gale@rsconst.com>
Foster City, CA USA - Thursday, September 16, 2004 5:19 PM CDT
Hi Kate and family. It's the Mayo's from the wonderful HURRICANE state of FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We just love the wind and rain. Just wanted to say hi and that we love you!!! We are actually going to get out of town for a weekend to get away from the storms. I have actually thought about drinking again however, Lisa decided we do NOT need to go there!!! We love and miss you!!! Love, Larry and Lisa.
Larry and Lisa Mayo <Mayoll@aol.com>
Cooper City, FL USA - Thursday, September 16, 2004 4:17 PM CDT
Dearest Kate and Brian
Bob has been keeping me up to date on the situation and (obviously) this website. I haven't had time to look through the entries yet but I wanted to say hello and that I am thinking of you all. It is wild and strange how life carries us along and the challenges that we are faced with. Never did I think as a kid that this is where I would be. I am so glad that you have the support and love that you have (that we all have if we can see it).
All my love to you
Ann Lawson

Ann Lawson <annmarie_rtsg@yahoo.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, September 16, 2004 11:03 AM CDT
SACRAMENTO, CA USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:11 PM CDT

After many weeks of waiting we got our yellow bands. Anne, Paige, Tim and myself are wearing them with you in mind. My son, 9 years old, has committed to pray for you every night at bed time. He insists to keep his band on day and night. The band helps me remember to pray for you every time I look at the yellow. Our verse of the day is:
Phillippians 4:4-7 .. 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand. 6 Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We are praying for you and your family everyday.
In His Love,

Bill Anaya <william.anaya@efi.com>
Livermore, CA USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 2:30 PM CDT
Love you guys. Continuing to pray for your healing. It's a blessing to read how God is working on you in the midst of these circumstances. We do all want to be in control. Yup! Yes, it is freeing when you know you are not. It's just challenging to practice that freedom at all times. When we say, "We are yours Lord"-- DO we REALLY MEAN IT and comprehend it??? I'm convinced God works in amazing ways when we say it and really mean it. I must go but will leave you with a verse I love...Isaiah 40:31 "Those who Hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." May the Lord fill you with peace, strength and victories on a daily basis. Love, D
Denise Becker <ldbecker@sonic.net>
- Wednesday, September 15, 2004 2:09 PM CDT
Dear Kate,
Ahhh...My prayers are with you too)))
Mario, Deanne, Talia, and Nico are friends and have share your story and asked us to join in your circle of prayers on your Healing Journey. I hold you and your family in my heart with the most tender love and draw upon and radiate to you all the healing energies that I can source that they may radiate to and through you and be available as they are most needed.
May this Healing Journey ever open your heart to an ever deepening lovingkindness and compassion and appreciation for the gifts and miracles of our precious lives.

Joel Levey
Seattle , WA USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 0:47 AM CDT

Brian called me a "lurker" so, I've decided to let you know I was "lurking." Lisa Straub gave me the site info. I think I was just scared about your cancer. I know you can beat this, you are a strong and courageous person! Cancer doesn't have to be a "death sentence" if you educate yourself (WHICH I KNOW YOU HAVE!!!!), prepare yourself, and fight like hell, you'll come out stronger than you were before! I just wanted to let you know that we (Kaley, Sarah and Dave) are thinking about you daily.

K8 Andersen

Kate Andersen <k8aroo@earthlink.net>
Santa Rosa, CA 95403 - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:25 PM CDT
We continue to pray for you and your family, and have "passed you around". Love in Christ, John and Effie Anderson (Mary's parents)
John and Effie Anderson <johnnef@c-zone.net>
Paradise, CA USA - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 12:29 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I sent out CFC materials all day and actually set a date for my first campaign soliciting. I would like to invite you to attend my first kick off if you are not busy and you're feeling well enough. It will be next Tues. Sept 21st at the US Postal Service in Petaluma 1150 N.McDowell Blvd from 4:30-11pm I will have an agency faire and you are welcome to pop in at any time and promote the caringbridge web site.You don't have to stay long, you can speak and run or hang around for a personal tour of the facility. if you can't make it don't worry I have a ton of speaking engagements I am setting up.
During the kick off what I will be doing is pulling employees off the workroom floor to fill out pledge cards and listen to guest speakers.Last year this office alone raised $56,000.00 for CFC. I really want to promote your web site. If you decide to come just show up and park in the employee parking lot,you will see glass doors where someone can let you in. Maybe Carol Kovatch would like to drive you down, I'll even give you a private tour of our processing facility.Brian and the kids are welcome as well we can give them ice cream and send them on a tour to keep them busy. My work number is 778-5359, Love you guys!

Anita Rackerby <gardengirlanita@aol.com>
Petaluma, CA USA - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 0:30 AM CDT
I'm watching the Packers tonight put it to the Carolina Panthers, they seem to be "Playing With Inspiration," and it reminds me of you. Playing With Inspiration is exactly how you're getting through this challenge and through life. Brett Favre is known for how much he loves the game and loves life. Take a play from his playbook and win the game. PWI will be a new motto for me. Thanks for the inspiration.

Final Score
Kat-O= 24
GBM= 14

Jeff Nordyke <chefjjn@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, September 13, 2004 11:12 PM CDT
Thank you,THANK YOU for perspective. You are one of the chosen few.
Thinking about you and praying for you everyday.

kate gohl <kcjgohl@aol.com>
windsor, ca usa - Monday, September 13, 2004 10:30 PM CDT
Hi Kate, Brian and family; The constant reminder that you make us aware of is family in so very important. As the days go by, it seems this is more and more the case. I had a visit by all three kids, (Shelley from San Jose, Stephen from San Diego, and Robert from Santa Barbara) and my lovely wife this weekend in “Fabulous” Fresno!!! It was a surprise!!! Yea! Go figure, Fresno? Nevertheless, we count our blessing everyday, and we help count yours too! We could hear the bell all the way from here! Keep ringing down that path of success!
Nancy and Ralph Medina <rlm_sharks@yahoo.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:53 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
Greetings from Eden Prairie and the Harvey House. We have a big old dinner bell that Ron's parents recently gave us. His mom used it to call him home for dinner when he was a little boy. We rang it loud and long when we read your journal entry this week! I'm sure most of the neighbors thought we'd lost it - but that's nothing new! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family each and every day! Love, Ron & Susie

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:21 PM CDT
Kate, I am so glad your Mom is in Santa Rosa with you! Wish you would put a photo of her on your website. I picture her as "WONDER WOMAN". She has to be terrific to have raised you. You were so cute to remind all of us to call our Moms. Your spirit and kind words are one of the many reasons we all love you. Keep up the fight - you are WINNING!! Love, Beattie
Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR - Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:55 PM CDT
Hi Kate, Brian and Kids,
Just want you to know we're with you in spirit!
Holly and Steve

Holly Suhi <onword@aol.com>
Apple Valley, MN USA - Sunday, September 12, 2004 5:24 PM CDT
Dear Kate, We have your name in our, Book of Intentions. You will be kept in our prayers.
Our love, Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross

Sr. Mary Jean Gauthier
Green Bay, WI U.S. - Saturday, September 11, 2004 6:47 PM CDT
Kate and Kate's Mom,
I just want to thank you for helping to make Kate the wonderful woman she is - you must be so incredibly proud of her. My mother is gone, so I just wanted to take time to thank you for all you are doing for Kate, for your courage and strength and faith AND for providing her with another reason to stay positive. Sounds like you both deserve each other so hugs and kisses to both of you. Love,

Leigh <leigh@cxocommunication.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Saturday, September 11, 2004 2:08 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
Prayers are answered, and as we continue to pray, more of your prayers will be answered and before you know it...you will be all better!!!!!So glad treatment is over for awhile.My sister went through pretty much what you are going through with cancer, only this was 23 years ago. Treatment wasn't as great as it is now. Our daughter Brittney is stationed at Bethesda National Naval Hospital, in Washington D C. She is a hospital corpsman, working on ICU floor. If you have time, or need a tour guide when you are there, I am sure she would be willing to help you out. My heart goes out to you and your lovely family. You write so well and just sound like one incredible person!!

Arlene Hoard <AHoard@new.rr.com>
Marinette, WI - Friday, September 10, 2004 9:51 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
Congratulations on finishing radiation!! My family prays for your strength daily.

What a wonderful tribute to your mom. You are right. She is truly an awesome woman. She has been my, and my family's strength during many difficult times. We love her dearly as well. Keep the faith.

Kristi & Jon Schneider
Madison, WI USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
Don't double enter journal entries because you are impatient and click too quickly (CHECK
IPSWICH, ma - Friday, September 10, 2004 11:03 AM CDT
It is amazing with all you have going on that you can still micro-manage all the way here to the East Coast. I saw a small article on AOL that Micro-managing is back "in" Just to let you know as usual you are ahead of your time!!!
Here we go...Call Mom and tell her I love her (CHECK), Smell Roses (check), Appreciate your children (well...they are being a little difficult with back to school and all) (ALRIGHT CHECK), Tell friends how much they mean to you..You mean so much to me and obviously ten million other people (CHECK) Love you!
PS Just to tell you that I look at my picture phone every day at the pictures that we took with the girls during our visit your first week of Radiation. How is it that you look better now????????????

IPSWICH, MA - Friday, September 10, 2004 11:01 AM CDT
It is amazing with all you have going on that you can still micro-manage all the way here to the East Coast. I saw a small article on AOL that Micro-managing is back "in" Just to let you know as usual you are ahead of your time!!!
Here we go...Call Mom and tell her I love her (CHECK), Smell Roses (check), Appreciate your children (well...they are being a little difficult with back to school and all) (ALRIGHT CHECK), Tell friends how much they mean to you..You mean so much to me and obviously ten million other people (CHECK) Love you!
PS Just to tell you that I look at my picture phone every day at the pictures that we took with the girls during our visit your first week of Radiation. How is it that you look better now????????????

IPSWICH, MA - Friday, September 10, 2004 11:01 AM CDT

I have already told you this but here it is for everyone to read...I admire you so much and was so happy to be able to see you ring the bell(and take a picture of it too). I am so proud of you. Thanks for letting me take alot of those pictures along the way,( I still wish I was in the operating room to take one or two) and will miss the conversations in the car to/from radiation. Love you lots.

Maureen <MegsMom527@aol.com>
The Best Neighborhood in Sonoma Co., CA - Friday, September 10, 2004 2:24 AM CDT
Wow I just read on the web site this organization is a CFC agency which means they receive donations from an organization similiar to the United Way. What a coincendence since I am on a detail for the Postal Service running the CFC fundraising campaign for Federal employees . I will promote caringbridge an hopefully when you are feeling chipper you can come and speak to a group of Federal employees to also promote caringbridge. Give me a call when you feel better.And I promise I won't jabber on an on on your guestbook entries like I have done tonight.707 526-5925. PS HI Riley I see you and Jonathan are in the same class again, we'll have a fun year:)
Love you,

Anita Rackerby <gardengirlanita@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA Sonoma - Friday, September 10, 2004 1:00 AM CDT
Wow!What a beautiful web site and inspirational way to keep in contact with those who love you.I have never seen anything like this and really enjoyed reading your journal. I saw Brian at the Open House and just learned about your being ill.All I can say is I felt like choking up and crying when I found out but know you will be a survivor because you have a great postive outlook on everything in life.You and Brian have always been Riebli Parents I love seeing you are always laughing smiling and happy. I'll never forget your daughter asking if you were coming to my house for martini's haha I don't even drink the darn things it was those great margarita's she meant. Anyhow, I am going to ask the prayer group at the post office to put you in their prayers(mine as well). They prayed for my girlfriend who was trying to adopt and guess what Terri ended up with two babies one month apart different parents...long story. But it did reinforce my belief in the power of prayer. Keep up the journal and stay positive and thank goodness I never had to eat any of those chips and salsa hahaha. LOVE you and your whole gang xoxoxo.

Anita Rackerby <gardengirlanita@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA Sonoma - Friday, September 10, 2004 0:39 AM CDT
And all this time I thought that the constant ringing in my ears was from the 40 "sweet" voices of the kids in our classroom, but NOOOOO, it's Kate Burke ringing out the end of 6 1/2 weeks of radiation. I'm with you. I love to elevate any great moment into a celebration. Party on!!!...and yeah, the salsa in the mask...creative, but yuck!!
Love, Joanne
PS-Hi Riley and Colin. I'm sending tons of hugs your way.

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:37 PM CDT

Had to check your sight once again before shutting my computer down. I'm so glad I did - your bell ringing news is a huge praise! Want you to know that we're celebrating right along with you! LOVED the story about you taking chips in your face mask - you're a riot! Yes, moms are the best. I talked to mine today and am looking forward to having she and my dad here for a 2 week visit as of next week. I recently sent them your web address and they think you are a pretty amazing person. They want to meet you. I'll be sure we connect at church.
Love ya,


Kendra Campbell <dougandkendra@sbcglobal.net>
Petaluma, CA USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:36 PM CDT
I was wondering what that loud clanging sound was yesterday morning. Now I know! That's what those bells are for...to ring loud and clear for all to hear. As the natives say down here in Texas "YOU GO GIRL!" Thanks for the smile and for helping me keep it all in perspective.

Helen Woizeschke <helen.woizeschke@sbcglobal.net>
Lake Jackson, TX - Thursday, September 9, 2004 10:40 PM CDT
Dear Kate,
God bless you for all that you have been through and for all the courage it takes to face every day. I just read your piece about your Mom and I have to give you a big round of applause. Your Mom was my speech teacher and my favorite of all! Yes, you are lucky to have her, but she is lucky to have a daughter like you, too. Our prayers now include you all. Yvonne and David Carl

Yvonne and David Carl <may@ticon.net>
Fort Atkinson,, WI USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:28 PM CDT
Just finished dinner with my girls. Jilly climbed into the dishwasher to help Mommy clean up. We wanted to let you know we continue to share each day with you via the website, prayers, and happy thoughts that come to mind when we think of you. As many have said before, just knowing you continues to strengthen our faith. We are truly blessed to have your friendship. Congratulations for ringing the bell.
Love - Mike, Kimmo, and Jilly

Michael Christman <mchristman@mn.rr.com>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 7:51 PM CDT
Loved your latest update..I called my mom and told her I loved her. You are always making me remember the important things kate. We all love you and look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.
Mark Burket <markcburket@aol.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 3:14 PM CDT
Hey Kate:

Just checking up on you. Did you and your mom get your toes done? Hope that having her here is bringing you comfort and joy. Continuing to lift you up on prayer. Have a great day!

Lots of love & hugs,


Kendra Campbell <dougandkendra@sbcglobal.net>
Petaluma , CA USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 2:28 PM CDT
Hi Kate, I know you mom is arriving in California today! I know you will have a great time while she is with you. She brightens everyone's day. Your journal is such an inspiration. You are so brave and strong. Your faith will never let you down. Oh, sure, some moments we forget who is in charge, but once we remember, we know the hands that hold us are the strongest hands in the universe. We are keeping you in our prayers and I am adding you to the Sinsinawa Dominican prayer list. Love from all the Warrens

Mari Anne Warren <mjwarren@ticon.net>
Milton, Wi US - Thursday, September 9, 2004 2:06 PM CDT
WOW!! I am struggling to see my keyboard as my eyes are filled with tears reading all these incredible letters pouring out support for you and your family. You look great and have a beautiful family. As said by many of the others you truly are an inspriation to me and all of us. Stay strong!!! We are all thinking of you and praying for you.

Chris Hofschild <chofschi@ethus.jnj.com>
Prior Lake, MN USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:12 AM CDT

Keep your spirits up and when you get down just think about Youngy performing his "scare-crow" dance as he did for you and I in the Park by 234 broadway. All of us in the big city of Antigo are praying for you.

Mike Peterson <mikep@kretzlumber.com>
Antigo, WI USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 8:07 AM CDT
Hi Kate - Just wanted you to know that Carol and I are sending all our love and good thoughts to you and hope that our prayers for you, and yours and your family are answered.
Stan and Carol Goodstein <sprdwn@aol.com>
Portola Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:44 PM CDT
You are truely an inspiration, and always have been for the many years that I have known you. The Lord is most definately at your side, and your beautiful families side, guiding you through this. There is not a doubt in my mind that you WILL beat this because He has made you the incredibly strong person you are today...and what a wonderful testimony this experience has and will be for others.
From the first time I met you in London, I knew we would be life long friends, and we both have a lot more life to live. My prayers are with you and your family daily. I love you kiddo. (Mac and Ernie...LOL!!) God bless. Love Rob

Rob Ragusa <robertjr66@aol.com>
Albany, NY USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 2:47 PM CDT
Hi Kate,

Just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers up here in Canada. Get well soon !
Please say hello to Brian.


Greg Eastman <geastman@zesta.com>
Toronto, Ont Canada - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Hi Kate
I received this recently and wanted to pass it on:
Happy moments - praise God
Difficult moments - seek God
Quiet moments - worship God
Painful moments - Trust God
Every moment - Thank God

You look amazing!

Praying always
The Whitmans

Julie Whitman <julie_whitman@liz.com>
Anthem, az - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 0:14 AM CDT
Kate, Don and I are praying for you and your family. I think of you often with love.
Diana Roberts
Windsor, Ca USA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 10:05 PM CDT
Dang Kate,
You're more buffed than both your doctors put together. Whatever is your secret? Oh. Working out, you say? Nevermind.
Keep your chin up. You're bound to have some bad moments. You sure put things in perspective for me though. And I know for hundreds of others. We'll be here for you.

Carol Kovatch <Carol@kovo.com>
Santa Rosa, CA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 8:51 PM CDT
Hi Kate, This letter comes from the whole Conklin Clan in Milton. We wish you the best, and pray for you often, you can do this, with the support of the great family you have and from God. Hang in there, you look great. Jennifer (Conklin)Solem
Jennifer(Conklin) Solem <rjsolem@ticon.net>
Milton, Wi usa - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 8:45 PM CDT
Kate Burke- You look stunning in the photos with your doctors.
I read your latest journal entry and as always teared up a bit. I know this has to be getting to you... and I know you will be ok- thanks for sharing all you are going through! I won't imagine this planet or my life without you in it!
Big love

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 1:10 PM CDT
Hi Kate & Brian:

Doug and I thoroughly enjoyed getting a chance to spend a few personal moments with you guys yesterday. Thanks for letting us just bomb in on you. Even though we've only known you a short time, you made us feel like old friends-something we hope will be the case in the days to come.

Kate - God is using you in a mighty way to touch so many lives all around you - He certainly has gotten MY attention! You have no idea how much of an impact you are having on me. Right now, you are my spiritual hero!

Please know that I pray for you daily. I'm asking God to heal you, although I have to tell you, I think you're one of the healthiest people I know. Your faith, your attitude and your outlook are amazing - you go girl!

Please don't hesitate to call on me if there is ANYTHING I can do to help you out. I'd be honored.

Love ya,


Kendra Campbell <dougandkendra@sbcglobal.net>
Petaluma, CA USA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 12:39 AM CDT
Hi Kate-O!
Thomas J. Garin <tgarin@jd-sales.com>
North Branch, MN USA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 12:04 AM CDT
Dear Kate, It was good to see you looking so great at the party Saturday. When I left I was thinking of you and all the people who write here and say they don't know you. They may have never met you but thru this journal they do know you. You are conducting a special ministry here.
Louise Hasbrouck <HASZ@COMCAST.NET>
Petaluma, Ca - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 9:41 AM CDT
KB- I am thrilled (read jelous) that you get go in the simulator... I Love space stuff.I hope you have a wonderful time.
Congrats on your speaking engagement... you will be awsome.
Love to all!
Lisa T

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA USA - Monday, September 6, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
Hello to the Burke family! Love the new pictures! Riley is such a beautiful girl, just like her mom. Matt came by tonite. He is in town from New Mexico job and said to tell you he loves the haydu..makes him want to perm his.
So just wondering if Brian will be making a tape of the first speech and if you will be in RED? Take care girl as always you and your family are in our prayers always.


Riverside, ca usa - Sunday, September 5, 2004 9:58 PM CDT
Hi there! Hope you and the gang are doing great this labor day weekend. Nancy and I were just talking about you...you continue to inspire us! Go girl go!
Nancy and Ralph Medina <rlm_sharks@yahoo.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Sunday, September 5, 2004 3:45 PM CDT
I simply thank God that you are you! You are touching the lives of hundreds .... thousands. Thank you for sharing your life and your faith.
Aunt Judy

Judy DeWeese <JuDeNAWIC@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX - Sunday, September 5, 2004 11:51 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I wanted to tell you that I am sending a hug.Did you get it?
I know fall is here and we are all soooo busy.But...not to busy for you girlfriend.
You look absolutely beautiful in your pictures,radiant as always.
I can't wait to see you in next couple of weeks.We are going to have a great time.
I just wanted you to know that I love you!See you soon.

Patti Barber <pbarber@lifetouch.com>
Modesto, ca usa - Saturday, September 4, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
If you can inspire Cindy K. to exercise, you really are a miracle worker. Especially at 5:00 a.m. Keep up the good work
Carol Kovatch <Carol@kovo.com>
Santa Rosa, ca - Saturday, September 4, 2004 2:51 PM CDT
Keep up the great spirit Kate! Our prayers for you continue. Thanks for encouraging me as I pray for you!
Charlotte Summer
Nampa, ID USA - Saturday, September 4, 2004 1:38 PM CDT
Kate, My sister told me where to find your website. I read your journals and I'm amazed by your strength,courage, and love of life. I am brought to tears many times as you remind everyone to value life. As I read the guest book and see how many lives you have touched, it challenges me to make a difference in the people in my world. Thanks for the challenges. Our prayers are with you and Brian and your family.
Chrissy(Davidson)Moore <cnd1027@aol.com>
Dayton , OH - Friday, September 3, 2004 8:53 PM CDT
All our prayers are with you Kate, God Bless you and your family!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terry Gardezy <tgardezy01@yahoo.com>
Santa Rosa , CA 95401 - Friday, September 3, 2004 8:02 PM CDT
Kate, Just got a chance to read your most recent journal. Plus a lot of fan fair. You are very well loved by many. You seem to be in great spirits. Glad to hear it. The good news for you is the fall has kicked off as usual and we are as busy as a one armed paper hangers out here. At least you get to miss this part. There is not a day we don't think about how you are doing. Our territory prayers are with you and your family. Love to you, Charles Leeb
Charles Leeb <cleeb@lifetouch.com>
Harrisburg, PA USA - Friday, September 3, 2004 2:09 PM CDT
Hi Kate. After reading so much that you have sent to all of us and so many messages to YOU from all who love you, I am almost without words! I say ALMOST because, as you know me, that would probably not happen! Ha ha....
It is with tears in my eyes and love in my heart that I am letting you know that I think of you and your family every day! It is hard to imagine what you are going through when you tell it with such SPIRIT AND COURAGE!!
I know that your attitude comes from FAITH in GOD and I share that with you from the bottom of my heart!

"Thank you God for Kate, and for being with her and her family every day! Your loving, healing arms are around her!"

Love always,
Vera :)

Vera Gale
Foster City, CA USA - Friday, September 3, 2004 1:50 PM CDT
You have been such an inspiration to me. I'm just an ordinary woman, with no particular aches or pains or ills, and to see your faith and wit while undergoing what you are. The only thing I can say, is you are Amazing. Praise the Lord.
Zoe Jerome <Zoesrock@msn.com>
Caldwell, ID US - Friday, September 3, 2004 12:28 AM CDT
Kate-Your website is my morning inspiration. As we all read your site to gain knowledge about your trial, we gain wisdom about God and life. Thank you! If you can..."Be still and know that He is God!" Remember that you were made in God's perfect image! We pray for complete healing daily! Friends and family: Our church home team gals are creating a scrapbook for Kate. Please e-mail me if you have a special message or photo that you would like us to include.
Wendla and Chuck Dyer <wendla@pacbell.net>
ROHNERT PARK, CA USA - Friday, September 3, 2004 9:37 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
My name is Arlene Hoard, wife of Mike Hoard, son of Harry Hoard, who lived with your mother and family after his parents died back in the 1930's. mike was at Uncle Jim's funeral in Mosinee when he met up with your mother. We recently received a letter from her giving us your caringbridge address. So glad she did. Our prayers are with you they our gracious Lord will continue to give you emotional support and physical healing. Mikes family has always spoken so highly of your mom. I am attempting to do a family history on his side of the family so I should really talk with your mother and get all the dirt on him! He is now 82, ( 83 on the 12th of Oct.) Still sharp as a whip.
You sound like one great person!
Our prayers are with you.

MARINETTE, WI - Thursday, September 2, 2004 4:41 PM CDT
Hi Kate...I saw Brian at Maria Carrillo and he gave me your address. I have thought of you so often as we have also chronicled Mark's son's progress. He is doing very well...although we still don't know the future...but did we ever? Take care. Nancy
Nancy Wheeler
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 4:03 PM CDT
Hi Kate and Brian and KIDS!!! We are preparing for a monster hurricane but, you are in our prayers as we speak!!! Hope all is well this week. Our hearts are with you as always!!! We love you, Larry and Lisa.
Larry and Lisa Mayo <Mayoll@aol.com>
Cooper City, FL USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 12:24 AM CDT
At our first faculty meeting last week, Gary Graves recalled all the kindness (and great food!) you heaped on us when both of our principals were dealing with cancer. We all want to know how best we can show you our love and appreciation. Your journal is a great source of inspiration. Know that our love and prayers--and anything else we can do for you--are yours!
Sharon Boschen for Mark West School Staff <sboschen@mwusd.org>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 11:35 AM CDT
kate, Brian and Family,
I you hope you remember us from your distant past, but Rich has been keeping us in contact with you all and your news. He directed me tonight to your web page.On reading my bible notes tonight, The passage is from Hebrews 4. 16 " Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may recieve mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need "
May this be a few words of encouragement from the Lord for you all.
God please you in your endevours and our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Jo, Steve, Josh and Oliver Odell (nee Ambidge) <odell@kelsey ave.co.uk>
Emsworth, England - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 3:32 PM CDT
My boyfriend and I are fairly new to the church. We are keeping you in our thoughts daily.
I'm a SAHM and if you ever need anything feel free to email me. I know you don't know me but I'm willing to help in anyway I can.

Kathy Gamboa & Steve Koll <kgamboa@sbcglobal.net>
Santa rosa , ca USA - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 12:33 AM CDT
Our prayers are with you and your family - always!

Your brother, Tom, is a friend through St. Thomas More in Elgin, and has shared your fight with us through prayer.

Brian Hoeg <bhoeg@att.net>
South Elgin, IL United States - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:04 PM CDT
Awesome song. I love that one too. Riley called today and told me her name means Brave. How appropriate. She is brave and so are you and Brian. Sorry, Colin is outright fearless. That one doesn't know what fear is. If we could all be that way!!! Si se puede. You can do it.
Carol Kovatch <Carol@kovo.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 8:23 PM CDT
Just thought I'd stop by to drop a line or two to see how things are going. I've been reading the guest book for about three hours (I'm not a very quick reader) and still have about half the messages to read through. It's a good way to blow off work, just don't tell anyone at R&S!!!

All I can say is WOW!

I cannot add anything that hasn't already be said, thought, or communicated, other than I know that you can beat this thing handsdown. As one of my coaches once said in a moment of gravity, "put your head underwater and take two deep breaths and everything will be OK!" Huh!

Looking forward to seeing you and the family this weekend.

All our love and prayers,
Rich, Carolyn and Ian

Rich Ambidge
Danville, CA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:56 PM CDT
Hey Kate, I was wondering if you have anything worthwhile or interesting to talk about in your Xmas letter this year?
Maureen <MegsMom527@aol.com>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 2:16 PM CDT
YOU ARE AWESOME! You have taught us so much; you have taught us how to live. We are so very proud of you and Brian.
Love you to pieces.
Carolyn & Andy

CB <itscburke@aol.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:54 AM CDT
Dear Kate
You are the most amazing person I have ever know. You are a true beacon when it comes to humor and postive attitude. I love you tons!
P.s. I'll be shipping your Aveda goodies today!

maureen landry-konkel <maureen@salonsystems.com>
mondovi, wi 54755 - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:12 AM CDT
Dear Kate,
I have come to know you first through your brother Tom McCartney, who is a dear friend that I first met at our Men's Retreat at St. Thomas More Parish in Elgin, IL. His life and family stories have always inspired me. I initially felt devastated when he gave us the news of your illness with cancer. But, he was also so positive on the kind of fantastic person that you are!! Your journal is proof of the high character that you possess in all respects, especially spiritually. Through you, I now very much know that each day is a gift from God that we must use to the fullest in nothing but good ways. You are a true inspiration to us all. I wish that I could press a magic button to make your illness go away, but only God will ultimately control what happens. May you always fight and keep positive. I pray that it be God's will for you to hold and hug your grandchildren one day!!! God Bless You and your entire Family!!! Most Sincerely, Greg Dembek

Greg Dembek <elgin89@aol.com>
Elgin, IL USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 8:34 AM CDT
You don't know me but I feel compelled to write you a note. I'm actually friends with your sister Jen. My daughter also went to school with Charlie. We just recently left Wisconsin and now live in the Atlanta area. I'm a nurse and used to work in oncology. Jen shared your website with me a while back and I've been checking in with you periodically. Your story has touched my life and your amazing attitude has really touched my heart. I just wanted to remind you what a difference you are making in people's lives. Even in those you don't know ;-). Just thought you should know a stranger in Georgia is also pulling for you. I look forward to hearing how everything goes at Duke, MD Anderson, and NCI.
God Bless You & your family.

Sherri Buchanan <sherbuck@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 9:33 PM CDT
Kate- You have the greatest attitude! You always suck out the positive, while most of find the negative. Best wishes on your Special(ist) Tour. It sounds like you are getting the best treatment available. Thanks for the advise on not taking things for granted. Even during a Fall season, we can be thankful for what we have. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Kate. Love- Alex and Corrie
Alex and Corrie Hames <ripcitynv@aol.com>
Reno, NV 89511 - Monday, August 30, 2004 7:02 PM CDT
Kate...I just got wind of your website from Suzie through Chris R., etc. I knew you were popular but WOW! I'm afraid I can't read everything right now (got a hot lead on a yearbook account!) I will do that later. This should be on the best seller list...what a bunch of wonderful people you have in your life! By the way, I noticed (in picture #2) that in spite of your hair situation, you have not failed to get your nails done. Daaahhhhling...you look maaahvelous! You are on my very special (Catholic...they're good ones) prayer list...reserved for only a chosen few. All of the people at St. John's Notre Dame Church in Folsom are rooting for you too. Keep the faith Sister...you have always amazed us in the past...don't stop now!


Ceil Cutler <ccutler@lifetouch.com>
Folsom, CA Sacramento - Monday, August 30, 2004 10:33 AM CDT
Hi Kate

Your jounal is awesome! You're loved by so many and it doesn't surprise me. I don't believe there is a day that goes by that you're not in our thoughts and prayers. Rich and I would love to help you and your family in any way we can. I don't want to be a pest, so please call us if you need anything. Your strength and your positive attitude makes me cry...With God's help you can beat this! We love you and pray for a complete healing.

Tara & Rich Minnick <tarabella@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA - Sunday, August 29, 2004 6:28 PM CDT
Kate, you are always in my thoughts...
Fandango Nanci <n.soltani@att.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Sunday, August 29, 2004 2:37 PM CDT

Just a quick note to let you know that you are not only in our thoughts and prayers, but (as many others here have expressed) a huge inspiration! Very glad to hear and read that the high-energy, positive, good humored Kate that we met during our UWEC days is putting all of that enthusiasm to good use in fighting and winning against cancer. Your attitude and approach in handling this should be captured and put into inspriational books for future cancer patients!! Keep the faith!!

Jerry and Dawn Rowe (and Madie and Hannah)

Jerry Rowe <jrowe4@wi.rr.com>
Hartland, WI - Sunday, August 29, 2004 12:14 AM CDT

Just a quick note to let you know that you are not only in our thoughts and prayers, but (as many others here have expressed) a huge inspiration! Very glad to hear and read that the high-energy, positive, good humored Kate that we met during our UWEC days is putting all of that enthusiasm to good use in fighting and winning against cancer. Your attitude and approach in handling this should be captured and put into inspriational books for future cancer patients!! Keep the faith!!

Jerry and Dawn Rowe (and Madie and Hannah)

Jerry Rowe <jrowe4@wi.rr.com>
Hartland, WI - Sunday, August 29, 2004 12:13 AM CDT
Hey Kate,
Among all of your other symptoms, your ears must truly be on fire! You are a constant source of conversation and inspiration. You are being channeled with the collective energy and prayers of countless numbers of people. How blessed we are to know you!
I'm sorry that I missed Brian at school yesterday. Please come by with kids in tow on Monday if time permits.
Thinking of you everyday,
Kate G

Kate Gohl <kcjgohl@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, Ca 95492 - Saturday, August 28, 2004 9:08 PM CDT
Dear Kate,
I have listened to all you have said and yes, I am quitting my kindergarten teaching job and going off to become the Lead Sherpa in National Geographic's "Find the Yeti, 'Cause We're Ready" hike up to the top of Mt. Everest. It is particularly amazing, that I was picked as Lead Sherpa, since climbing the stairs in my house 20 times a day is the extent of strenuous exercise I have had in the last 6 months (although I must admit, I do go up those stairs with incredible speed and vigor). After that I am going to participate in Stephen Hawking's Hokey Pokey Research Team to find out if "that's what it's all about". NOT....actually, the truth is, I'll be there Monday to greet Colin and give Riley a big hug. Keep inspiring and keep being strong and determined. Love, Joanne

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Saturday, August 28, 2004 3:29 PM CDT
Hey Kate and Brian - - a quick hello to say how much your journal means to me. Although there's "no time," I'm actually leaving tomorrow for a 2 week vacation. I don't think I've done that in many years (2 weeks at once), and your journal helps me feel less guilty about doing it. I love your inspiration and your honesty. Keep smiling, but let yourself cry or scream when you need to. Love to all four of you - - you continue to be in my prayers.
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:27 AM CDT
Kate, you don't know me, but I read your entries and get inspired from your positive attitude, I pray for you often, and hope we will see you at another summer meeting!
Tracy Hance <Thance@lifetouch.com>
Cincinnati, Oh Hamilton - Friday, August 27, 2004 7:59 PM CDT
Kate, I just heard about your struggle today and I wanted to add my greetings and heartfelt best wishes to you and your family. I'm lucky enough to be Riley's teacher this year. I've heard such wonderful things about her. Email me or call me if you want to talk about anything before school starts. I expect we'll be in close touch.
Lucy Hyde <lucebear@sonic.net>
santa rosa, - Friday, August 27, 2004 4:54 PM CDT
Of all I read (phew!), today I am most moved (challenged) by your authenticity. As a believer, I know authenticity is exactly what God wants from me (with Him, with others, with myself), but oftentimes, it is not what I am. Instead, I'm prideful, guarded, protective, shamed -- Thanks for the reminder.
Jo Ann <typing2@pacbell.net>
San Mateo, CA USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 1:26 PM CDT
Kate--I found your web site through the Fort Alumni Newsletter. Bill (my husband) and I were "teaching friends" of your mother--in fact, I lived in "the house on Janette Street" with her one summer. We are so sorry to hear about your problems--please know that you, your family and your mother are in our thoughts and prayers. Bill and I are both active in the ACS Relay for Life in Fort which raises $$$ for cancer research. This July, our 24-hour event raised over $308,000 (that's from a city of about 10,000). We are passionate in our work to eradicate cancer of all types from the earth. Bless you--great web site--and I can see your mother's sense of humor in your writing.
Jan and Bill Kohls <kohlsjb@idcnet.com>
Fort Atkinson, WI USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 7:36 PM CDT
Hey lady! I have been meaning to sign this for a while now... but each time I try I end up reading on and on and on and then the baby wakes up from her nap! Kate, we just want you to know that you are so very much in our thoughts and prayers. As I told you earlier, cancer has met its match in you, girl! I am just so excited to see what God is going to do in and through you during this time. You and your crazy husband have been so very instrumental in our lives from very early on and it's so clear that you have such a positive impact on each and every person you know. So much love to all of you - xxooo Jess (and Dave and Kayla, too!)
Dave and Jessica Johnson <jessjohnson624@sbcglobal.net>
San Mateo, CA USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 1:30 PM CDT
Hi, Kate.
I'm a friend of your sister, Jen, and am in awe of your family's ability to press on!!
Know you are in my thoughts and prayers...and am a weekly viewer of your amazing website!


Vicky Brasel

Vicky L. Brasel <vbrasel@uwc.edu>
Janesville, WI USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:59 AM CDT
Oh my gosh now I know why you need a nap in the afternoon.....I don't know how you can get through all these letters. I wanted to read all of them but I have to get back to work.

Kate you keep us going....with the help of that tirant Brian around here always asking us if we have work to be done. Just kidding Brian we love you tooooo.

You are our insperation.

Love and miss you lot's,

Cheryl Rea <crea@lifetouch.com>
Healdsburg, Ca - Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:23 AM CDT
Hi, Kate-
Remember me? Your little sister's red-haired freckled best friend from way back when? The one that used to bug you and your friends when you had your pool parties? Hee, hee. We ran into your mom in front of the yogurt section at Woodman's yesterday, she gave us this website. We wanted to let you know that we are all thinking of you back home, but after spending two hours reading your guestbook, I'm sure you can see that's obvious! I often think of the good old days when you and Chris Unruh would try to throw cherries in Jen and my mouths in mid-air while jumping off the diving board into the swimming pool! What a riot... Mike says that he always remembers you with a smile on your face, and hopes that you still posess that quality. Stay strong and know that we are thinking of you.

Shelly (Kucaba) Kier and Mike Lalor <mkier@janesville.k12.wi.us, lalorm@mail.Milton.k12.us>
Janesville, WI USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 8:15 AM CDT
I love you and I am always thinking of you. You are an amazing role model to us all. I only wish I could be half as strong, beautiful, and faithful as you are. Love you lots!!!! XOXOX!!!!
Marjory McCartney <marjory-mccartney@uiowa.edu>
Madison, WI USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 1:47 AM CDT

- Wednesday, August 25, 2004 8:23 PM CDT
Hi gorgeous,
You know, not a day goes by that I don't think of you and say a little prayer for you and your family. Kate, there is strength in happiness and this is exactly why you WILL survive all this. I look forward to the day I can give you a great big hug in person.

Love, big hug and God Bless,

Yolanda Menendez
corpus christi, TX USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 5:38 PM CDT
Si se puede. You're the best.
Carol Kovatch <carol@kovo.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 9:37 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I, for one, am glad you are sharing the Friends of Kate Burke fund information. What a great way for your friends and family to help you out!! This is no time to be proud - your friends WANT to help you and we have a way to let them!
With so many friends, living far away, this is a way for them to be supportive!

Keep up your positive spirit - you are wonderful example to all of us.

BEAVERTON, OR - Monday, August 23, 2004 7:20 PM CDT
Hi Kate,

I just finished reading your journal! It took me awhile, because I found myself pausing quite a bit to reflect upon what you are going through and how incredibly strong, positive, faithful, and blessed you are. God, obviously, has a plan for you, that includes bettering the lives of all of us who know you! Your recent journey has touched me (and many others) deeply and renewed my perspective on what is truly important in life! Thank you for sharing. God is working, you are evidence of that!

I've always loved this quote:

You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.

Our family continues to pray for you, Brian, and the kids. Please let us know what more we can do.

Gina (Shelby's Mom)

Gina Lord
Santa Rosa, CA - Monday, August 23, 2004 2:13 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
Just wanted to let you know that I love you, I think about you a lot, and I know that you will get through this!!...you have what it takes; optimism, strength, faith, and humor.
XOXO's to you, Brian, Riley, and Collin
love, Jen

Jenny Johnson <jennyj1982@yahoo.com>
Columbus, OH - Sunday, August 22, 2004 4:02 PM CDT
Hey Kate,
Thanks for putting the "Go Girl" Friends of Kate fund address on your web site. Uncomfortable! Don't be silly. Why, isn't it way easier putting it on your site than repeating it a zillion times. I am glad to have it and so are many, many other friends.
Riley and Colin, I'll see you really soon! Get ready for hugs! Love, Joanne
P.S. Yes, Kate G...Jeff from Denver IS single (see Aug. 17th entry)!!

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 3:19 PM CDT
Si se puede. I know you took French so in Spanish that means. Yes you can. We all know you can and we're with you all the way. Hey, anybody out there who wants to bring the Burkes meals, please email me. They'll take lobster shipped in from Maine, meat and potatoes from Wisconsin, etc. (I don't want any of you long distance people not to feel included.) The girls gotta eat. Si se puede.
Carol Kovatch <carol@kovo.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 9:38 AM CDT
Dear Kate,
This site is being passed around like a hot potato and I'm so happy to be included. I thought about you so much yesterday when I was writing Colin's name on his library card, his choice card, his calendar card etc. Can you believe it's finally his kindergarten year? Joanne and I are looking forward to our year together again with your wonderful and cherished family. Keep working out and stay strong, so we can get you in the classroom to volunteer!

Karen Holtman <Klholtman@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA Sonoma - Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:22 PM CDT
Kato, what's the deal with the red suit?? Did I miss something? Obviously...
MT <mtwinzy@yahoo.com>
Cave Creek, az - Saturday, August 21, 2004 11:57 AM CDT
Hello Kate, Brian, Riley, and Colin! It's about time we let you know how much we've been thinking about you and to extend our most sincere prayers. It's amazing, already, how many lives you have touched by sharing your journey with us. So many times your inspiration, faith, and strength have helped me (and countless others) put things into perspective. (yes, I have found myself crying tears of joy and sadness at the most unexpected things/events ... commercials, church, something the kids did/said!) Though no one would ever choose this path, what better servant could God select than you?! The warmth you showed our family after moving to California and joining Spring Hills church was so appreciated. When I told my mom about your situation, she said, "oh no, is that the cute bubbly girl who made a meal for you after having Aaron?!" Though she only met you once, you left an impression :) On a lighter note, please know that we are pulling for you 110% and know you will beat this thing! We can't wait to see pictures of you in your red suit! Please also know that I have asked several prayer groups to say prayers for you. They must be working, who would have ever thought a girl undergoing chemo would be working out at the gym daily!! God bless you and both your families through this journey!
John, Carla, Matthew, Aaron, and Rachel Goetz <cajgoetz@adelphia.net>
Solon, OH USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 8:11 AM CDT
Dear Kate,
I want you to know that God has put you in my heart to pray for you day and night. I have also put your name on other church prayer chains. My girls pray for you daily.

Call me if you need someone to watch your children.

Thanks for being a wonderful example and a true woman of God. Love and many prayers, Kim and Family

Kim McKee <kmckee@arilion.com>
Santa Rasa , CA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 3:02 AM CDT
Hi Kate!! Yes, I finally found you!! Thanks for your help...it takes me a little longer as I am technically challenged and usually too embarrassed to ask for help.

I know that we have already let you and Brian know---that you and the kids are in our thoughts and prayers---(you are...every single day)! Really! I don't know that I have thought and prayed about anyone so much...you inspire me so greatly and I pray for God to give you and your family the miracle that you need and deserve!

I am really happy that we have been able to see more of you guys and feel totally blessed that we live so close. You are such an inspiration to so many and I feel very honored to know you! I hope that you will count on us for anything that we can do to help you fight this battle!! You are undoubtly the strongest person I know. If anyone can beat this---its you!!! YOU GO, GIRL....

Sue Northen <snorthen@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 0:16 AM CDT
Hi Kate and a GREAT Friday to you and Brian and of course, the KIDS!!! Lisa and I send our love, thoughts and prayers as we keep you in our spirit each and everyday! For some reason, when you mentioned being in the hammock, I thought of the peaceful time we had in Banff a few years ago at the career trac meeting. The cool wind, that huge fireplace, and most of all, the time we shared together. We ALL need to be more at ease these days. Have a wonderful weekend!!! We LOVE you dearly, Larry and Lisa.
Larry and Lisa Mayo <Mayoll@aol.com>
Cooper City, FL USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 2:04 PM CDT
Kato - Aliens was on tonight and I was hoping you were watching - VISUALIZING yourself as Sigourney!!!!

Wondering if you are getting some HUMOR in your life (aside from the hairdoo visuals) during this "temporary inconvenience". Here are a few funnies...


Hoping you are EXERCISING that most natural Kato-strength - humor!
Loving you,

GK <gdkalligher@yahoo.com>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 4:59 AM CDT
Hi Kate, you don't know me, but I am an old friend of Stephanie Paulson. She told me of your plight. I light a candle and say a prayer for you when I take a little time to be still. I am grateful for your written story to wake me up. You are a healer to so many who are blessed with your words. Saul Bellow once said, "When the striving ceases, there is life waiting as a gift." Your testimony is the prayer I need to hear. Thank you,
Carolyn Robbins <creativesite@earthlink.net>
San Rafael, CA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:15 PM CDT
Hi Kate,

It was great to see you at the gym. I just want to say hi and let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. Stay strong.
Roger Shideler

Roger Shideler <vinoman2@sonic.net>
Cloverdale, Ca USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:49 PM CDT
Kate-O - reading your journal makes me miss you so much! I want to park between The Pioneer and The Old Home in Mitchell's car singing Basia at the top of our lungs! Do you think she still has the blue Escort?

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Cathy Schaefer (Reuter) <catherine.schaefer@gs.com>
Chicago, IL US - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:29 PM CDT
Kate...WOW, what an amazing entry yesterday! Thanks again for the "what's really important in life" reminders (as well as the morning dose of tears)!!!
As you know, Sydney cut off about 10" of her thick locks last month. We are getting ready to send the pony-tail to "locks of love"...but she would love to will it to you. Could your "Hair Dresser on Fire" transform it into a work of art for you? Just a thought. Although, after seeing you on Saturday...you have maintained that radiant beauty we have all come to know and admire!!! Keep up the fight! YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!

Deanne Belcher <deanne.belcher@comcast.net>
Redwood Shores, CA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:54 AM CDT
Jeff from Denver here......Yes....Single!
Kat-O....now that's a tangent and I so apologize for going there! Feel free to ban me from this site as it would not be the first time....or the last. Live Stronger!

Jeff <chefjjn@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:30 PM CDT
Hi Riley and Colin...oh yeah, Kate and Brian too! Today I was at school getting the classroom ready (yikes, already!) and I saw Lisa Straub and asked her for an update on your incredible Olympic-size battle with that nasty cancer and those oh, so invasive treatments. She told me about your journal site. I have read and read and read and I'm happy to say, you are way stronger than the disease that has temporarily interrupted your 7-8 level multi-tasking and slowed you down to a (still above normal!) 4-5 concurrent task level. You are a champ! Hugs all around and we'll see you soon. Love, Joanne
P.S. I knew that Brian was a "keeper"!
P.P.S. In reference to a July 20th guestbook entry about "Jeff from Denver"...is Kate G. (you know who) using this site as a dating service?!

Joanne Borovoy <Bunzmail4jo@aol.com>
Healdsburg, CA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:07 PM CDT
WOW - What an attitude.......and I believe, next to God, attitude is everything! Kate, you come to mind often...and I love the hair!!!
JUDY SAMSON <jsamson@sonic.net>
SANTA ROSA, CA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 5:01 PM CDT
I look forward to reading your entries, they keep me entertained and as always, inspired!
I didn't know Susan A. had a tatoo either, you would think after all these houseboat trips we would have seen it--where is it Susan?
Wow, that was a lot of work for a mohawk, go with the bald look, my father was bald and he always maintained the bald is beautiful theme-stick with that-you look great!


Cathy Argiros <vargiros@sbcglobal.net>
Danville, Ca USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:07 AM CDT
Kate as always you crack me up! God Bless you. I love reading your guestbook too... I didn't know Susan A. had a Tatoo....
I Miss You.
Love you !

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 0:38 AM CDT
You look a lot better than the guy who gave me my first and only (ouch) tattoo.
love you tons!!!!!

susan a <arrington3@comcast.net>
menlo park, CA - Monday, August 16, 2004 10:28 PM CDT
Hi it's me! I like the pictures.
Sorry about the hair though.
Just thought i'd check your site and say hi.

Sarah <sarah.woizeschke@sbcglobal.net>
Lake Jackson, Texas U.S - Monday, August 16, 2004 6:01 PM CDT
Hi Kate!
Wow - did you ever think you had this many friends? Most people never know how many people really care and love them until it's too late. It is really unbelievable to scroll through the many, many messages you receive daily. I'm so glad that you have these connections with the medical community - this is great.

I have this perpetual calendar on my desk and one of the quotes in it by James Barrie that reminds me of you is this..."Those who bring sunshine to the lvies of others cannot keep it from themselves." Thanks for bringing sunshine to so many...there is a purpose behind all of this and I believe that you must also believe this too. You are extraordinary!

Wish I were there and could help you and your family somehow.

Love to you and your family for some quiet, peaceful moments.

Nancy Ess <nankayess@netscape.net>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 4:22 PM CDT
Ok so now you know how I feel with my thin hair...remember how frustrated you guys would be with me for how long it took me to get it to look like I had some hair? Yikes...
I love you...only you could make that look work!

Anne Millington <annedrew@charter.net>
Eau Claire, wi USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 4:05 PM CDT
Kate-O! Nice lid! Oh....ma....gosh, that is hilarious. You are such a sport. Now stay away from the hair spray and scented shampoo from here on, k?
I love you dearly!
Stay strong!

Marci Radke <mdrun@aol.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 3:24 PM CDT
Kate, We all have heard that doctors credit a positive spirit and a strong faith with good outcomes and you are surely proving the point. I love the mohawk and am certain that you will spawn a new look for women everywhere! Keep up that beautiful smile and know that we are praying for you daily down in Texas.
Helen Woizeschke <helen.woizeschke@sbcglobal.net>
Lake Jackson, TX 77566 - Monday, August 16, 2004 11:25 AM CDT
Kate and Brian, Thanks for sharing this journey with us. Your humor and optimism helps keep us all focused on your success. We believe!! I think of you daily with your beautiful smile and shining eyes. Hair? Schmair! I always wished bald was considered en vogue because I think most women would gladly shave their heads not to have to deal with that issue on a daily basis. Perhaps you will start a new trend. Keep the faith, darling and keep smiling. We love you, Kimmi
Kim Wallace <kwallace @lifetouch.com>
SAN ANTONIO, TX usa - Monday, August 16, 2004 10:27 AM CDT
Hi Kate. Lisa and I send our best along with all of the ML TEAM!!! Just know that you are in our hearts EVERYDAY and we love you dearly!!! The fun run was a hoot and we made it for you!!! Will talk again soon. Love, Larry and Lisa.
Larry Mayo & Lisa Mayo <Mayoll@aol.com>
Cooper City, FL USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 7:55 AM CDT

Susie Harvey was kind enough to send me your website. As I sit here reading your entries, I feel like you are in the room with me. Your entries are so you --- full of life, humor, love for all, and your faith in God is evident. I plan to start visiting often just to read the latest "Kateisms". :)

I have your picture pinned up on the wall in front of my desk. It is the one everyone held during this year's fun run. I catch myself looking up at your beautiful smiling face and I smile, too, plus I say a quick prayer for your victory over this cancer and your complete recovery.

I echo Susie and Louanne's thoughts --- you will always be beautiful even without hair! Your beauty comes from within and you touch everyone that meets you (and many that haven't even met you!)

Your battle certainly does put the minor stuff I am dealing with in perspective. I agree --- we need to all learn to lean on God every day. Thanks for reminding me.

Take care and know you are in my thoughts and my prayers!

Jodi Sclafani <jsclafani@lifetouch.com>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Sunday, August 15, 2004 4:07 PM CDT
B and K,

I was able to order the Lance Armstrong bracelets on-line for the Riebli staff (actually, they're back-ordered). Take pride in the notion that your humble public school teachers will be reaching Bono status! My next effort will be to get the teachers to shave their heads as a gesture of support, but don't cross your fingers on that one!

Kate Gohl <kcjgohl@aol.com>
Windsor, Ca. USA - Sunday, August 15, 2004 3:57 PM CDT

One cannot tell that I work in the computer industry or that I can read. I have been sending entries and then have not been seeing them......guess that happens when one pushes the "Return to the Guestbook Entries (do NOT add new entry)...going to fast to read the whole sentance.

I love the new du, and the pictures truly should be submitted for a new Disney character or at least used in those Grinch movies!!

I love this website and yes, I am now in counseling for responding to your messages outloud!!!

I look forward to seeing you in your new red suit, vis a vi your mother-in-law, and hearing what you will have to say about this experience.

I have you in my thoughts and prayers everyday and visualize you without the blob in the head!!

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” E. Roosevelt

Go KATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sue Kennedy <suekennedy01@msn.com >
Ashland , OR USA - Saturday, August 14, 2004 4:31 PM CDT
Kate- You are such a strong woman and spiritual example! If anyone can beat this it will be you. I know you from EC with Tom, Jerry, Paul, Jeff and the boys. Dawn Rowe was my roommate. Those memories alone could keep you laughing! We're praying for you and your family everyday. When this is over, could you be my private trainer!?!
Sandy Voss <sandy.voss@artisanpartners.com>
Cedarburg, WI USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 11:27 AM CDT
Kate, you are a joy and an inspiration. We love you dearly. Keeping you and the family in our prayers. Love Aunt Norma and Uncle Stan
Norma DeWeese <deweesen@aol.com>
Angleton, TX USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 10:45 AM CDT
Kate, you are a marvel! We are praying for you and your family. Love you all, (Aunt)LaDeane and Jim.
LaDeane Griffin <lgrafiti@yahoo.com>
Climax Springs, MO USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 8:41 AM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family. Your attitude makes me proud to have even met you.
Barry Evans, CJ Sales Rep. <baevans@lifetouch.com>
Concord, CA USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:00 PM CDT
You are honestly the most remarkable person I have ever met in my 23 (soon 24) years of life. I have always looked up to you as a kid and whenever I had my teenage/adolescent troubles, you were always there to fit a lunch into your crazy schedule to help me see the bigger picture and to calm my flair for the dramatics! Now, I look up to you as a woman and I can't even begin to describe what an inspirational person you are in my life, as well as countless others. My mom and I talk each day and marvel at how much strength you possess. You may be losing a little hair, but you certainly haven't lost your most important asset, your sense of humor, because your emails have continued to make me laugh. I guess that what makes you the "fabulous Kate" that I admire so much.
My mom sent me the Lance Armstrong bracelet a long time ago and I haven't taken it off since. Every time I look at it, I say a prayer for a speedy recovery for you and a prayer for Riley, Collin and Brian. I've been a little busy so when the first person came up to me and told me how much they admired my bracelet and that they were really pulling for Lance's big win, I looked at them like they were absolutely off their rocker. Yep, had no idea that the whole tour de France thing was taking place in a few weeks. It sounds kind of silly but this bracelet makes me feel more connected to you since I am living a little far from home. I had no idea that it was becoming such a fad here in L.A., but as long as these people are spending money toward a good cause, let the fad continue. I just wanted you to know that I am constantly thinking about you and that I love you and admire you greatly. Sorry to ramble but I know you check this often so I wanted to drop a "quick" (though rather long) note. I'll write you a personal email so I don't have to worry about the length. Take care! Love- Marisa

Marisa Hirsch <marisahi9@hotmail.com>
Santa Monica, CA USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 6:25 PM CDT
While I was reading your encouraging words I couldn't help but think of the parable of the Man and His daughter. Mark 5:38-42
..And they came to the house of the synagogue official and He beheld a commotion, and the people loudly weeping and wailing. 39 And entering in, He said to them, “Why make a commotion and weep? The child has not died, but is asleep.” 40 And they were laughing at Him. But putting them all out, He took along the child’s father and mother and His own companions, and entered the room where the child was. 41 And taking the child by the hand , He said to her, “Talitha kum!” ( which translated means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!” 42 And immediately the girl got up and began to walk; for she was twelve years old. And immediately they were completely astounded….
All I know is My God whom I serve will do something astounding with you. I will keep you and your family in my daily prayers.

Bill Anaya <william.anaya@efi.com>
Livermore, CA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 5:30 PM CDT

Your journal entries are amazing. You have obviously become a wonderful and unique woman. Since I heard about your cancer, I have thought often of the young lady I once knew. You have certainly learned about strength, goodness, and the value of a positive outlook from your mom. Please know that you are in the thoughts of so many friends back in Milton.

Peg Ekedahl
Milton, WI USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 4:00 PM CDT
Hiya Kate! I'm sorry about the hair-loss shock you experienced at the gym. Speaking of hair and the gym, every day I go up some stairs in this oppressive heat and humidity and think that I may have agreed to do the Stairmaster with you in December (I didn't, did I? I just said I'd "go to the gym" with you, didn't I? I mean, can't I just spot you bench-pressing while I munch on Peanut Butter Power Bars or something?). Also, I haven't had a haircut in a while, so if you don't mind some brown frizzy curls, I'll save it up for December, and you can have some of mine. When I was a kid, my bald orthodontist used to ask me to save him some, so this stuff's in demand! xxoo, Jan
Jan Fly <janflyz@yahoo.com>
Barthelona, Spain - Thursday, August 12, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
"God Bless You" Brian for being such a loving and devoted husband. Your compassion for Kate is remarkable and everyone should be so blessed to have such a cherishing relationship such as yours and your beautiful wife Kate!
Loving thoughts for you both. I'm here for you Kate.
From the heart......Tracy Baer

Tracy Baer <baer_t@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:20 PM CDT
Dear Kate,

We are pulling for your complete recovery. Lots of Love from your Brian's next door neighbor since he was a teenager. Grace (Cummins) Schnereger

Grace W. Schnereger <Gracecummins@aol.com>
San Carlos, CA 94070, CA USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:00 PM CDT
Hi Kate, I'm with Louanne - you're going to look great wearing hats! Lots of love and all my energy to you. Susie
Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 2:20 PM CDT
Just think, Kate - - your hair might grow back white like mine, and then you wouldn't have to worry about roots! Your journal is so inspiring! I cry and then laugh and then ponder. What a blessing you are being to so many people. Keep your chin up and don't worry about that hair. You're beautiful with or without!
Louanne Trueblood <ltrueblood@lifetouch.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 1:43 PM CDT
Thank you so much for your update. I wait, anxiously, for your updates, and as I read it with tears in my eyes, and chills on my skin it leaves me feeling so priviledged to know you both. What love, stength, faith, courage....
As always, my love and prayers to you.

Yvette Phillips <ybinx@yahoo.com>
Woodside, CA usa - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 12:15 AM CDT
Hi Kate - I start every day with my cup of coffee and your journal. I miss seeing you and talking to you every morning, but this way I still feel close to you. Last week I had a really fun lunch with Rosie and we talked about how we are always shy about talking in front of people and we always read your website but neither of us had written you yet even though we wanted you to know we are always thinking about you. Brad and I went to Sea Ranch for a few days last week and I remembered our last office meeting there and how much fun it was and as I was walking Bailey (and she was dragging me near the cliffs)I remembered how terrified I was of heights and how you had to hold onto my hand because I was so afraid of falling. You have always been there for us and now when you should be really vulnerable you are still showing such amazing strength and humor. Love you lots - Linda (oops, I'm late for work - Brian said yesterday that I have time issues!)
Linda <marivande@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:39 AM CDT
Jen just told me about our journey. My thoughts and prayers are with you all the way. Your web site is incredible, the information and support overwhelm me. Always remember you have support and prayers to win this battle.

Joan (Bier) Shadel <jshadel@mhsjvl.org>
Milton , Wi 53563 - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:03 AM CDT
All those new hats and scarves will now come in handy. Do a few sets for me at the gym, will you? Heck, a hangnail keeps me from going. You're a studmuffin. Your positive attitude is a great reality check for the rest of us. Si se puede (You can do it). Adios

Carol Kovatch <carol@kovo.com>
- Wednesday, August 11, 2004 10:04 AM CDT
Wow! Brian is sovereign?!?!?!? No wonder we like him so much! Can he get me some lottery tickets tonight? Just kiddin'.

On the serious side, I found a quote that made me think of you. Its from Elizabeth Elliott.
"Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now."

Keep the faith! We love you guys!

Scott <swise777@aol.com>
The 'Hood, CA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:10 AM CDT
Dear Kate, I cannot express the value I'm gaining from your journal entries. Your faith and positive attitude are truly inspirational. You've got a book here ~ go for it. I'm proud to be you auntie-by-marriage! Auntie Judy...
Judy DeWeese <JuDeNAWIC@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 7:19 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I, too, begin my day by reading your journal. I have known, since the day I first met you, that you are the most positive soul I have ever known! You have totally proven it each and every day of your life. Your upbeat attitude will heal all of your ills. You have so many friends praying for you - even friends you haven't met!! WOW you are awesome girl. Keep up your fight, keep smiling, God Bless. Love, Beattie

Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:44 PM CDT
I begin each day with a visit to this site. You are a true inspiration, and never cease to amaze me. I can go from laughing hesterically to crying in a matter of seconds; but always leave your site with such a positive and renewed attitude. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers! You and Brian were missed at my 40th! The yellow bands were proudly displayed in your honor at the Bocce courts!!! Keep up the fight! Lots of Love!

Deanne Belcher <deanne.belcher@comcast.net>
Redwood Shores, CA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 8:42 PM CDT
Hi Kate, I just wanted to say hi even though i just ran into you, which was great. It was a joy to see you and talk.
Just know Im thinking of you everyday with positive, positive, positive thoughts. You look really great, you truly are an awesome person, you will get through this.
Monte's wearing the bracelet, he insisted, and said hes getting you his own special hat, BEWARE!
See you soon,
love ya Debbie

Debbie <lifetouch4u@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, Ca - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:21 PM CDT
Hi Kate, your update today made me cry, but that's nothing new is it? I know how long Brian waited for Miss Right to come along and when he told us about YOU, we knew you were the one. From the start, we loved you as if you were our very own flesh and blood. It is such a joy to see your kids happily married -- you'll see. This dreadful GBM has only made your marriage and faith stronger. You are an AWESOME couple and an inspiration to all who know you. We love you to pieces.
Carolyn & Andy

Carolyn & Andy Burke <itscburke@aol.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:44 PM CDT
Your journal is so amazing--It is so awesome to see how the Lord is working through you to do his will. Your FAITH inspires and reminds me of who's in charge. Thank you!
You are in my prayers...

Petra <petravina@yahoo.com>
Livermore, CA USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:09 PM CDT

Keep on the fight. From north of the boarder my family (Kelly, Mitchell, Steven) are all thinking of you.

Best wishes

Robert Lazar <robertl@bsharp.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:34 PM CDT
Hi Kate,

Well, I am you sister Jen's old neightbor. I don't know if we ever met, but I do know that my mother got to have dinner with you and your family on a visit to the Dairy State. My mother talks like Edith Bunker so she's hard to miss.

I just checked out your website for the first time today and I plan to visit regularly. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.

I see you have a great sense of humor like your sister. That's super and it will carry you through. I hope you have lots of sweet dreams during your naps!

My love,

Maria Gesteland <maria@showoffstyle.com>
Janesville, WI USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:32 AM CDT
Dear Kate
You have inspired me from day one!
If anyone can beat this thing
have know doubt you will...........

Karen KB Territory and proud of it ! <Kpeters@lifetouch.com>
Healdsburg, Ca - Monday, August 9, 2004 9:37 PM CDT
Dear Kate
You have inspired me from day one!
If anyone can beat this thing
have know dougt you will...........

Karen KB Territory and proud of it ! <Kpeters@lifetouch.com>
Healdsburg, Ca - Monday, August 9, 2004 9:35 PM CDT
Kate, I've just read a personal story written by a man fighting lymphoma. The central theme, epiphany really, of his story so touched me that I wanted to share it with you. He says simply...'getting cancer didn't move me to climb mountains but it has made the ordinary feel better than ever'....'there are some of us who simply find renewed meaning in our already existing worlds'. I am reminded of these words when my 2-year old "insists" that I let him do the vacuming; when I go swimming with my daughter and get my hair wet (something I foolishly avoided in the past) or when I have to figure out yet another way to prepare dinner using an over-abundant crop of cucumbers from our garden (actually I can't take credit for the variety of cucumber dishes we've enjoyed this summer; all of that credit goes to Rod....hey, do you guys like cucumbers???). Thinking about you daily. Big hugs to you, Brian, Riley and Colin. Lots of love, Angela, Rod, Olivia and Parker
Angela Hampton <arh@surewest.net>
Granite Bay, CA - Monday, August 9, 2004 3:19 PM CDT
Kate, this is from another roomate of your wonderful caring mom. We haven't met, but you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Joan Larson
Joan Larson <jolarson@bytehead.com>
Howards Grove, WI USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 9:26 AM CDT
Greetings from MN. My name is Elizabeth Langlois and I am Ann Yekaldo's Mom. Ann has told me about her visit with you and i would like to let you know that I am praying for you and so are many of my friends. When Ann and Fred were married I dedicated this poem to them. When I saw your picture with your friends I thought of the poem.I hope you like it.
I'm so glad some times are never lost
and always can be found
stored tight in covered mind,
Closed from light and air,
foodless fare.

I'm so glad some times are never lost,
dipping oar in a clear lake make
ripples like the watered silk
on ribboned child's curls,
silent world.

I'm so glad that times are never lost,
memory forever set
in sunset gold and red.
The night was born anew,
in our view.

I'm so glad some times are never lost,
the birds sing evensong.
Like stars a our love will ever be
hidden in the light,
friendship bright.

My Love and Continued Prayers, Peace,

Elizabeth Langlois

Elizabeth Langlois <tblanglois@aol.com>
No. Branch, MN. USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 5:59 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
Thank YOU so much for allowing us to tag along on your journey! It is so inspiring to watch you walk by faith and draw on His strength. Your encouragement and inspiration is sure reaching out to lots of people!

Diane Ehni
Santa Rosa, CA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 10:53 PM CDT
Hi Kate! David just told me about your battle- Hang in there! I think of you everyday and pray to god to give you the strength and courage to beat the beast!
Judy G. McBane <Juju16@aol.com>
San Antonio, tx USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 12:15 AM CDT
HI Kato,
Just saw Mary Windsor in Cooney and started logging on to your website. You have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since! Your journal entries are so inspiring. I have been sharing bits and pieces with family and friends-you really have help me to come down to reality in this fast paced world-Thank You! You are truly an inspiration. Keep the good faith Kato. I'll be in touch again soon-love, Jayme

Jayme Martin
Boulder, CO USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 10:06 AM CDT
Katester- God do i miss you. it's some times hard to read your entries when you talk about how you feel, cause i feel so flipping bad for you. i'm just imagaing you in bed in the dark, late at night all by yourself while everybody else is sleeping, and then come all the thoughts of the bad stuff we think then trying to think positive. kate this is really hard for me knowing that such a beautiful friend who has the best spirit in the world is hurting (yup, crying right now, it's the "emotional PMS " this month) but it's good to shead tear for someone i care for so deeply. Kate i miss you sooooooo much. Iknow you can get throught anything,but i know how hard it is sometimes. Please buddy, continue the journals (You Know this is the most i have ever been on line) i love to read them. keep up the faith and let God take care of you. and give my love to Bri and the kidders. I love you girly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TRACI& jeremy <fitnhair@astound.net>
Walnut Creek, CA usa - Friday, August 6, 2004 11:03 PM CDT
Katester- God do i miss you. it's some times hard to read your entries when you talk about how you feel, cause i feel so flipping bad for you. i'm just imagaing you in bed in the dark, late at night all by yourself while everybody else is sleeping, and then come all the thoughts of the bad stuff we think then trying to think positive. kate this is really hard for me knowing that such a beautiful friend who has the best spirit in the world is hurting (yup, crying right now, it's the "emotional PMS " this month) but it's good to shead tear for someone i care for so deeply. Kate i miss you sooooooo much. Iknow you can get throught anything,but i know how hard it is sometimes. Please buddy, continue the journals (You Know this is the most i have ever been on line) i love to read them. keep up the faith and let God take care of you. and give my love to Bri and the kidders. I love you girly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TRACI& jeremy <fitnhair@astound.net>
Walnut Creek, CA usa - Friday, August 6, 2004 11:00 PM CDT
Kate, We go to Spring Hills and have actually never met you. My wife and I think and pray for you every day. Your faith overwelms and encourages us, often humbling me when I think of all the petty things I worry about. Thank you and we send our Love in Christ. Jim and Madeline Levoe
Jim and Madeline Levoe <Jlevoe@nwinsure.com>
- Friday, August 6, 2004 11:29 AM CDT
Dear Kate,
My name is Cynthia Sprecher. I am a good friend of your mother's. Your father and my husband, Dale Sprecher, and Doug Morrissette went to the UW together in the late 50's. While the three men (boys?) were playing cards (and doing some schoolwork) the three wives worked to support their husbands. Your father was the most optimistic and fun-loving guy!!

Since your Mom contacted us about your surgery, you have been in our thoughts and prayers. After reading your web-site, I see your beautiful outlook concerning what's happening to you, as a reflection of your parents' values.

Dale and I are part of an obsolete group that still uses snail-mail! However, my life-long friend, Bev Otis, will be happy to print out any messages you send to her address for us and will check the "Caringbridge" web-site for any updates, which she will also print out.

You will be promoted to the top of our "Prayer Chain."

With love and caring,
Cynthia and Dale Sprecher

Beverly Otis (Friend of Cynthia Sprecher) <bvotis@sbcglobal.net>
Madison, WI USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 10:28 AM CDT
Hi Kate! I'm sitting at work reading all your entries. -It's Friday, everyone needs a break now and then ;-) I'm hoping no one stops over right now because of my crocodile tears. The funny thing is, they are not tears of sadness. I'm so moved by all that you have written and by the phenomenal support system you have. God gives us what we can handle and it is so apparent in you. Thank you for teaching us how to LIVE life- through all the good and "not so good" times. Blessings to you and your family!
Sandy Inserra <sti00@hotmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:40 AM CDT
Keep on dancin', Katie dear!

Aunt Norma

Norma DeWeese <deweesen@aol.com>
Angleton, TX USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 4:37 PM CDT
Kate, Sorry we didn't get to see each other at our canceled 20th reunion. I heard about your situation through the grapevine and I wish you all the luck to a speedy recovery.
Whitewater, Wi - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 5:09 PM CDT

Here is the deal. Let's talk about Brian! I am concerned with his returning to work...you won't get to see him as much and God know's he doesn't hang around my office anymore. There has been a void in my life not having him around due to my deep value in his intellect and depth of conversation which is by no means a causerie, but very much the opposite. My prayer is that you get through the day while he is at work...I know it will be a challenge.

Rob Pilkenton <rob@woodpcm.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 3:12 PM CDT

Nancy and I have been reading diligently all of your postings on the web site since the day it began. You have no idea how inspirational they have been for us, but also for all of the people whom we have shared your story. Getting to know you and being on the sidelines as the story unfolds has changed our lives in a much more positive way. You have touched so many lives, and ours is no exception. Life becomes even more so, a series of events relegated to the chronicles of time. Nevertheless, we know life is much more than that. You provide perspective and give it more meaning. For this, we thank you. Furthermore, you have shown the strength and character of a true believer and fighter. Your outlook is remarkably refreshing! We all know that cancer is scary; however, there is no doubt in our minds that this will be nothing more than a bump in the road as you move forward. Hope and faith are enduring no matter what is placed before us. We stand amongst all of the others supporting you and the family. You are our badge of courage!

Nancy and Ralph Medina <rlm_sharks@yahoo.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 0:21 AM CDT
Just want you to know that you are always in my prayers.
Keep fighting.

Gina McCartney <Mrmcc71490@aol.com>
Elgin, Il USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 8:13 PM CDT

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Suzanne and Ron Calloway

Suzanne and Ron Calloway <calloway@svn.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 4:16 PM CDT
Knowing you personally, it was still amazing how many lives you have touched. My finger got worn out scrolling down with all the messages you have inspired all over the US.
God Speed.

Louise Burk (the conservative Burks, we cut off the E" <lumar@gbronline.com>
Lincoln, CA USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 11:15 AM CDT
Hey Kate Burke,
Thinking of you everyday! Hoping to make time to come up soon. You are in our prayers. Love, Brian, Pam and Aidan

Pam Bell <brianandpam@comcast.net>
Belmont, CA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 9:13 AM CDT

Traci and Jeremy <fitnhair@astound.net>
Walnut Creek, CA usa - Monday, August 2, 2004 6:06 PM CDT
Kate, You are truly an inspiration. Your humor in spite of it all is a shining example of your faith. You are in my thoughts daily and my prayers constantly.
Love, your cousin Helen and Fred, Sarah and Hannah

Helen Woizeschke <helen.woizeschke@sbcglobal.net>
Lake Jackson, TX USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 12:59 AM CDT
You were the object of my deep admiration long before this blasted medical condition and that has only been intensified by your "take charge" attitude in fighting this battle. You so deserve the love and support you are receiving. Please add us to that large group who pray for you daily and are here physically to help in any way we can! LOVE YOU John and Carol Crawford
John and Carol Crawford <www.carolcr1@sbcglobalnet.com>
Santa Rosa, ca - Monday, August 2, 2004 11:09 AM CDT
Love you so much. I get so much inspiration from you daily. I loved the picture of you and your girlfriends. I know how much girlfriends have always been part of your life...gotta love 'em. When I come visit I may not be able to bring lobster but we've got a heck of a lot of cheese here in EC. Love you guys tons.

Anne Millington <annedrew@charter.net>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 9:42 AM CDT
My sister, Deanne Belcher, has kept me up to date on your progress. Your courage, sense of humor and faith are inspiring to all. Please know you are daily in my thoughts and prayers.

Debbie Nadel <danadel@earthlink.net>
Agoura Hills, CA USA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 8:16 PM CDT
Hello Kate,

Brooke and I have been thinking about you often. We are both awestruck with your amazing strength and how much love you inspire. You are often in our thoughts and conversations. Funny how little contact we have had with you - but how inspirational you are - actually not funny at all. You are a special person that special things have and will happen to you. We have much faith in the positive approach you live your life by. You will kick the tail out of this new challenge. Our thoughts and energy are with you Kate! Stay strong and know that people from Coast to Coast are full of hope for you and your whole family!!

Your Friends,

Craig and Brooke

Craig Brown <craig@intap.net>
Saunderstown, RI USA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 8:52 AM CDT
Hi Kate,

Wow! I have been so overwhelmed with your informative, funny and inspirational updates and now I am also amazed at all the people who have written in your guest book (who also happen to be very funny).

I really look forward to reading all your entries and following your success. Your have been such an inspiration to me. Your pictures are great, you look amazing (what roots?).

When I am reading all these entries I can't help but wondering how are you going to invite all these people to your 40th birthday party?!
Keep up the good work-you are in our daily prayers.

Van, Cathy, Zach & Alexandra

Cathy Argiros <vargiros@sbcglobal.net>
Danville, Ca USA - Saturday, July 31, 2004 8:39 PM CDT
Hi Kate, I wanted to share the information about the "Friends of Kate Burke" fund that was established last week by many of your friends. I'm not sure you even know about this! So many people had been asking what they could do, and after hearing about all the medical expenses that would not be covered by insurance, we thought this might be a good way to help. Bank of America was nice enough to set up this account so that one hundred percent of the donations will go to you and your family.

Becky, if you'd like to make a donation, please make your check payable to "Friends of Kate Burke" and mail to:
Bank of America
18000 N.W. Evergreen Parkway
Beaverton, Or 97006

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Saturday, July 31, 2004 1:30 PM CDT
Hi Kate, sure missed seeing you at the Summer Meeting! I understand that some of your friends have set up a fund to help defer medical costs that are not covered by insurance. Unfortunately, I did connect with anyone for more specifics. Is there someone I can talk with to get more details?
Becky Gibson <rgibson@lifetouch.com>
St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - Saturday, July 31, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
You are truly awesome. What an inspiration to all. I can't wait to hear your first inspirational/motivational speach when you are done with this horrible disease. You continue to be in my prayers always. Love, Mary
Mary Fletcher <dmdsfletcher@aol.com>
Windsor, CA - Saturday, July 31, 2004 10:48 AM CDT
Good Morning Kate,
I was just viewing your daily journey as I do every morning. I then thought I would go back and view alittle of the guest book and I said to myself"WOW!!" how many incredible people are out there! It sure was great to see the kids and Brian at Cris and Mikes this past Sunday. you truly are blessed with a wonderful family. I love your words of wisdom to everyone and I know you---your a fighter
and will win this battle. Stay strong, live well. I think and pray for you everyday. Love you.

debbie coleman <coleman9441@sbcglobal.net>
janesville, wi usa - Saturday, July 31, 2004 7:46 AM CDT
Our prayers are with you daily Kate, Brian and family. We were proud to walk/run for you at the Lifetouch Kate/Fun Run and we could feel the hopes and prayers fill the sky as we walked the streets on that beautiful Saturday morning. I've never seen so many caring and happy, yes happy at 6:30am after a Lifetouch event on Friday. It sent chills down our backs. Hurry and get well. We love ya! :)
Kay & Johnny Parrish <ktparrpj02@aol.com>
Palm City, FL USA - Saturday, July 31, 2004 6:59 AM CDT
Hey Kate
Hope you are having a great time with your girly friends!
The note regarding Colin was pricless! Oh my yes 5 year olds are grand and just say what they think.
Nice to read your updates and to know mostly the treatments so far have not been to sever on your body.
Hang in there.


- Friday, July 30, 2004 8:45 PM CDT
Kate--your courageous message was very inspiring. Those of us with minor ailments who complain are humbled by your journey. You have experienced illness that most of us can not imagine (and hope never to incur). Your faith will carry you far and inspires me to be a better person. Thank you for sharing and for your continual updates. Godspeed!!
John Fleischer (father of your next door neighbor, Paul, and occasional visitor to Santa Rosa) <vfleisc104@aol.com>
Fullerton, ca usa - Friday, July 30, 2004 7:39 PM CDT
Kate, Know this sounds trite, but you really have been an inspiration to me. Being a college roommate of your Mom's, I can attest to that wonderful family trait of positive thinking! Jean has always found the silver lining. You have also. Another UW-EC grad, just a few years earlier than you! My thoughts and prayers are with you. Laraine
Laraine Schweig <laris@cox.net>
Glendale, AZ USA - Friday, July 30, 2004 5:56 PM CDT
Kate - I continue to be inspired by your amazing spirit. We haven't truly met, but I am thinking of you always. With many good thoughts and wishes for your recovery...love your cousin Leslie.
Leslie <leroche@houston.rr.com>
Friendswood, TX USA - Friday, July 30, 2004 2:07 PM CDT
We Love you guys!!
Bekah and Bryan Pogue <bryan@evfreefullerton.com>
Brea, Ca USA - Friday, July 30, 2004 1:15 PM CDT
I would love to join the 5K this weekend but I broke my foot. No big deal (I'm always breaking something)but walking/running is out of the question. We are enjoying your journal -- what an inspiration you are. Love you lots. Hugs to Brian and the kids, too. Aunty Norma
Norma and Stan <deweesen@aol.com>
Angleton, TX 77515 - Friday, July 30, 2004 1:14 PM CDT
Hi Kate,

We are following your progress and want you to know that our prayers are with you and your family.

Ken and Joy Hoard <jh4639kh@ticon.net>
Port Washington, WI USA - Friday, July 30, 2004 10:31 AM CDT
So ok I don't have a life....this is for your edifacation Kate...HEM AND HAW
[Q] From T Foxe: “I was wondering about the expression hem and haw? Has it anything to do with teamstering? I ask because of the horse team commands for turning left and right (gee and haw). Could it be one of the American expressions placing two unrelated actions together indicating confusion or hesitation?”
[A] Nothing at all to do with teamstering commands, so far as I know. Incidentally, yours is the usual American version of the expression. In Britain, we know it as hum and haw. Either way the phrase contains a pair of words that are imitative. A close relative of the first of these is ahem, indicating a gentle clearing of the throat designed to attract attention; hem more often represents the slight clearing of the throat of a hesitating or nonplussed speaker. Haw is very much the same kind of word, and a close relative of that is haw-haw, which is also an imitative word for a kind of loftily affected way of speaking (as in Lord Haw-Haw, the British nickname for William Joyce, who broadcast for Hitler in the Second World War). In the British version of the phrase, hum is another word for a low inarticulate murmur. Either way, the two words together illustrate very well the hesitation and indecisiveness to which the phrases refer. There are other versions and both are closely related to um and er.
....love, Ross

Ross <trk7397@earthlink.net>
- Friday, July 30, 2004 1:47 AM CDT
Kate-MY white oprah
Jer and I just read all the update letters(thanks to Brian kinda insisting :) we go on line to hear how you are doing) Thanks brian. And you made us laugh our heads off and i shed accouple tears. And before i could even read the caption under the zipper head photo jer said you should ask her if she wants you to do her roots. So it's late now so we will send lots of love and prayers to you & the fam. (i heard your still have girl talk, i miss that) xoxoxoxox more than the world Traci and jeremy :)

Traci and Jeremy <fitnhair@astound.net>
Walnut Creek, CA usa - Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:31 PM CDT
Your strength, positive nature, faith and love will get you through this- I think of you every day when I glance down at the "live strong" bracelet Brian gave me at the meeting- you and your family are in our prayers every day. KEEP SMILING!

Margaret and Mark Salatino <mbhanley@rochester.rr.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:07 PM CDT
Wow. Kate, you should write a book. Today's entry was so fantastic and "spot on" (as they say in the UK)!

I just found out that the San Francisco Marathon has a Brain Tumor team running on Saturday. There is a 5K and Half Marathon and a full Marathon. Anyone up for a run??? I am going to do it! Somehow I will have to find a source for a "GO KATE!" shirt tomorrow! If you're reading this and want to run with me, let me know! You can get info (and register before midnight Friday) at: http://www.chroniclemarathon.com

Katrina Roche <akroche@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 9:20 PM CDT
Hi Kate and Girl Friends! Look for the Fed Ex truck tomorrow morning around 10:00 a.m. They'll leave your package without a signature so feel free to hit the gym in the morning. Enjoy! Love, Susie & Ron
Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, Mn - Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:31 PM CDT
Who can read all the entries Kate?
JohnCapistrant <Jcapistrant@Lifetouch.com>
Livermore, Ca US - Thursday, July 29, 2004 4:18 PM CDT
Dear Kate, The thoughts and prayers of our whole family are with you. Even as a doctor, I still believe that attitude and positive thinking are as, or even more, important than medicine. BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO BEAT THIS! With our love, Leslie, Kurt, and Augie
Leslie Tackett McQuiston <ltackett@lifespan.org>
- Thursday, July 29, 2004 1:13 PM CDT
Hola Amiga. You should consider a total shave, we all know how good looking it is on me.

I thought you would enjoy reading one your prayer warrior's (Our little redhead) rendition of her memory verse from VBS... "John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will not GO TO PARIS, but live a happy life forever"

I guess Kayla is still a little upset at the French for that little disagreement we had over Iraq.

Bill (your fellow Bald person) Krulish <bill@christiancounselingassociates.com>
Santa Rosa, CA United States - Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:55 AM CDT
Kate, I, too, missed the summer meeting for Lifetouch in Minneapolis. However, the word is that you, yes you, Kate Burke, were the highlight of the meeting!! Yesterday, I went into our office to have Jamie greet me, waving your photograph (mask), that was sported by hundreds at the annual Fun Run!! It is a good thing you are photogenic.
It is very obvious that you are loved by ALL!! Love to you, Brian, Riley and Colin

Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:10 AM CDT
Kate, I continue to be in awe of you. This display of love and support for you and Brian and the kids is so humbling, although I would expect nothing less. Naively, I always considered you "ours".. belonging to the "village", but of course, you have hundreds of people who feel the very same way about you and love you for all that you are.
Bob and I were talking, we think this is the kind of thing that could win you an extreme home makeover, darn you! we're the ones who need it!
As always, you are in our daily prayers.
Bob and Vet

Yvette Phillips <ybinx@yahoo.com>
Woodside, CA USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
Kate, Little did you know that you were going to be the highlight of the Lifetouch summer meeting. I didn't go this year, but the "buzz" everywhere is Kate!!! Went into our office yesterday and the first thing I saw was your picture (mask) that was sported by hundreds at the Fun Run! It is a very good thing that you are photogenic! Take care of yourself, Brian and your kids. Have a great weekend with MO, LeeAnn and Karen!! Love, Beattie
Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:11 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I sure missed YOU at the meeting.The meeting really missed YOU.I think I would rather call it Kates' Meeting.It was so awesome Kate!YOUR picture was everywhere.People were talking about YOU.The fun run was about YOU.There was videos played about YOU.YOU are truly loved!Hurry and get well so I can have my spa partner back.I Love YOU!

Patti Barber <pbarber@lifetouch.com>
Modesto, CA US - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 6:53 PM CDT
Hey Aunt Kate~! I hope your doing well~! I saw the picture of you with the bandana on and I think it looks really cool~! You should wear your hair like that from now on~! Riley and Colin were just down here a few days ago and we had so much fun! We all missed you though~!
love always,

Mary McCartney <Marebear923@aol.com>
Elgin, IL USA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 4:05 PM CDT
You would have been so impressed with me, Mark and Lee Ann. First of all, we woke up at the crack of dawn and I didn't have a good drop of coffee in my body (just the crap you make in the hotel room with coffee that looks like sawdust!). Ok and a little more coffee before the big race just to get our hearts started. I'll just say we were tempted to stray off course and hit a local Dunn Brothers coffee shop (at my urging) but we couldn't do it. We really were thinking about you the whole time and dedicated our outstanding athletic performance to you Kate! Yes, maybe we did go the extra mile in front of the camera (throwing water on Mark's head to make it look like he was sweating)but you know Mark, he's such a show off. On a serious note, damn girl - you've got a lot of people who love you!! Keep that in mind.

Ann Yekaldo <ayekaldo@lifetouch.com>
Woodbury, MN USA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 1:39 PM CDT
To clear up Lee-Ann's message. I was running the whole time all! all the way to the 5k mark and Ann Y and Lee- Ann wanted to hit the coffee shop!( I was on a record pace at the time) OK the truth...I felt like my lungs were going to burst after sprinting for the camera on a few feet and I needed "oxygen" badly...( no not the woman's cable network.) Lee- Ann and Anny were constanly looking at my butt so I brought up the rear. :)~
We did make it to the 3 k turn around - seemed like forever! And we thought about you the whole time. You were so missed and there isn't enough room to say how much you mean to all of us. Praying for your quick recovery.
Love Always Mark
P.S. I picked you up a Rolex!:)

Mark Burket <mburket@lifetouch.com>
San Carlos, CA 94070 - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:03 AM CDT
Dear Kate, Thank you for sharing your journal with all of us that care about you and your family. Your updates are special and that smile is hearwarming. Hope the circle of sincere prayers, love and good wishes that extend across the country give you strength and support in the days ahead. We stll owe you a backyard bouquet from Wisconsin...:) Nancy and Dick
Nancy & Dick Eldredge
Janesville, WI Rock - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 10:30 AM CDT
Kate - Your humor, courage and perserverence are an inspiration! Keep up the faith and good luck in your continued treatment. We look forward to your wit and wisdom rejoining us soon with the Mark West Education Foundation. God Bless!
Bill Adams
Windsor, CA USA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:36 AM CDT
Keep plugging away...whenever I think I am having a tough day, I think of you. To bad we didn't have that mask at 504 Washington/234 Broadway in EC. Petey could have come up with some great drinking games!

Devo <patdevine@mn.rr.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 8:42 AM CDT
Kate Kate Kate...excellent lid girlfriend. Only you could pull off such a look and still look fashionable:) Honey, you have been added to the Myers' family and friends daily prayers. You are an inspiration as I read and hear of your story. I can only hope that I have 1/2 the strength to face my own challenges as you have in facing yours. You are and always have been "da bomb"!

With love,
Maureen McGivern Myers
"go bluegolds!" (what the hell is a bluegold)

Maureen McGivern Myers <maureen.myers@frankmayer.com>
Cedarburg, WI - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:38 AM CDT
Hey, all I have to say is don't forget about the witch doctor...

Love and support you, always.

Jen DeGarmo, your sister in cancer <herefido@charter.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 5:23 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
You are such an inspiration. Your positive attitude and outlook on life are contagious - thank you for sharing your journey with us - it helps all of us to be better people and keep our focus on the important things in life and NOW WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE to miss a work out. We are keeping you and Brian and the kids in our prayers!

Kevin Bell <granitebaybells@yahoo.com>
Granite Bay, CA - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 0:12 AM CDT
Kate, wow, your website (passive chat room actually) is heartwarming, inspiring, heartbreaking, informative (that's a reference to all of your college stories) and most of all it brings us closer to you. Livestrong!
Love you lots, Angela and Rod

Angela Hampton <arh@surewest.net>
Granite Bay, CA - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:40 PM CDT
Hi Kate,
This is Vicki, Barry, Sean and Nicholas from N.C. letting you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Vicki Majerowicz-Kelly <barry.kelly@att.net>
Durham, N.C. USA - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:29 PM CDT
kate my dear, since the first time i met cris platts, she has told me about how much she thinks of you!! i feel like i've known you forever. we are storming the heavens with prayer for you. we love cris and mike (who doesn't ?) and we know how very much they love you! you're on prayer lines all over the place. we're pulling for you all.
matt joni and nolan maresch <mnj@ticon.net>
janesville, wi usa - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 8:29 PM CDT
Ok Kat-O this is a post script to my first offer of my brain or parts thereof...After much thought, a 40th birthday and a couple of beers I have come to the conclusion that you will not want this brain! Can you imagine the memories that you will now own....remember I did room in college with Tommy so you will have memories of him........well...naked..... and remember I did share a room with him while our then girlfriends were in Europe so there may be more (thank God I can't recall everything). Also, I did have guy type thoughts about a lot of girls you know and that could be creepy for you and them. I never imagined just what I was offering and how it may impact your quality of life, so with that in mind I think you should hold off for another more suitable brain. Besides since turning 40 last week I've lost a little more hair and I have to get up every night at 3:00am to pee and you don't want that! Live Strong, Enjoy Life, Laugh, Smile and know we're all with you (even those of us from your days at UWEC, go Blugolds??!).
Jeff Nordyke <chefjjn@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 8:17 PM CDT
Ummmmm is this where I sing up for the Escalade? Or was it the trip to Maui? THAT cracked me up! I wasn't surprised to see that it was your bro who said it! Runs in the family! I think what that Jeff guy said about you getting his brain is HYSTERICAL!! I was actually thinking that he was going to say, "but you may have trouble FINDING it!" It is great to read all this and know how VERY much you are loved and the TONS of people who are praying with us all for your full and QUICK recovery! Love you kiddo! April
April Wise <wise4him@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, Ca - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 7:19 PM CDT
Before Mo and K.J. make up a story regarding the 6a.m. "Fun Run" about Anne Y., Burket and me only running in front of the camera, stopping at a coffee shop and then faking sweat by pouring water over our heads and then dashing to the finish line I wanted to set the record straight! You know me and my love of your early morning workouts. Would I ever do such a thing??????


Lee-Ann Correnti (LOU) <lcorrenti@lifetouch.com>
Ipswich, MA - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:06 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I finally (with my son's help) figured out how to get on this web sight. After reading these comments from all your wonderful friends I gotta take a look at your pictures. The quote from your friend in today's journal entry reminded me of another quote I heard today. I had the privelege of sitting in on a seminar at Spirit West Coast given by Steve Saint. His father was one of the missionaries in south America, along with Jim Elliot and three others that were murdered back in the 1950s.
He was telling us how God had worked so mightily through many difficult periods in His life. The jist was "When we allow God to write the story of our lives we may have difficult times that we don't understand, but in the final chapter it will all make sense." I keep hearing from others about how positive and upbeat you are and I believe it because that is who you are. You go girl! But, isn't it wonderful we don't have to go it alone. Our God is mighty, a giver of strength and wisdom and all love. Now I just gotta go look at those pictures. I hope to see you in person real soon. Here are some big hugs. Um um. Marcia

Marcia Smith <mdellsmith@hotmail.com>
Rohnert Park, CA United States - Monday, July 26, 2004 9:38 PM CDT
Hi Kate,

I am following your journey with prayers, tears and laughter.
I also believe God has a special plan for you, but don't you wish He would clue you in on it? Hang tough, it's Ok to cry as long as you can also laugh. Even if it is a short laugh.

Joan Schultz........Lisa Straub's mom <Toonajws@cs.com>
- Monday, July 26, 2004 8:47 PM CDT
You go girl!
Linda Duval <duvalred@hotmail.com>
Lake Jackson, TX USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 5:53 PM CDT
Hello Kate,

My name is Mary Holevas and I am a friend of your brother Tom and sister-in-law Gina. My husband and I think Tom and Gina are real special people so we knew Tom's sister would be very special too! However, I must tell you, after reading "Kate's journey", I want you to know we think you are more than just special. You are one terrific amazing person who God is using as an example to all of us on what life is really all about. As your friend Katrina so eloquently stated, you are an extraordinary person fulfilling an extraordinary plan! I admire your faith, hope,love and experienced peace that you have encountered with your battle. Your positive attitude and humor is very inspiring and I thank you for sharing your feelings so that we may all learn from you.

Both my husband and I will be praying for you!

With Love,


Mary Holevas <holevas3@msn.com>
Elgin, IL USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 3:26 PM CDT
You are such an amazing and incredibly strong spirited person.I have to thank you for your humor....!:)and will be praying for you and your family so much.I know you will be in the best hands possible.You deserve it!!!Happy exercising!!!Does this ring a bell..."You gotta F-I-G-H-T you gotta F-I-G-H-T" You already had it in you back in your cheerleading days!!!!GO KATE ....We All Love you back home! Thanks for all of your inspiring words and updates.Toodles for now.Love Julie Snyder-Peterson

Julie peterson <jjirie@charter.net>
Milton, WI USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 2:17 PM CDT
I'm so inspired by you (and your new hairdo!). Thanks for the updates. I keep telling people around here about you so that now you have all sorts of new friends out here on the Minnesota prairie. We're all sending our thoughts and prayers.
Much love,

Jill McCartney <jillmc@southwestmsu.edu>
Garvin, MN USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 2:07 PM CDT
God's continued blessings on you.
John Gardner <jfgardner@computron.net>
Lake Jackson, TX - Monday, July 26, 2004 1:16 PM CDT

see you soon

Riley Burke <kbliftch@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, ca usa - Monday, July 26, 2004 10:59 AM CDT
Hi Kate, I've decided to stop "lurking" at this moment because I know you're up really early and reading this guestbook and now that it's all your fault I'm craving jelly beans (especially the traditional Brach's ones with the cinnamon jelly beans inside just in case anyone who might be sending me a package or having me at their house in this calendar year can take a hint...) due to a train of thought I was following after a story you told me that I can't work or punctuate at all to save my life except for the odd parentheses and ellipses and because you gave me an anonymous mention in your journal (shout out to Barcelona) I thought I'd write and say thanks for the photos and the explanations and sharing your smile with us all!
Jan (aka Tia Juana, aka Fleischer's Sister) <janflyz@yahoo.com>
Barcelona, Eh-Spayn - Monday, July 26, 2004 9:09 AM CDT
Dear Kate, I just want to thank you so much for taking the time to update this site. We think about you constantly and it eases our mind to hear from you this way. I couldn't wait to get home from Tahoe and check in. Plus this site is a true inspiration - I read the notes from all of your friends and am just in awe. You are so loved and that is not a surprise, but certainly a Sign. Take care of yourself with that bland food and those good workouts! Love and hugs. Dave and Leigh
Leigh and Dave Phillips <leigh@cxocommunication.com>
San Carlos, CA usa - Sunday, July 25, 2004 9:28 PM CDT

- Sunday, July 25, 2004 3:59 PM CDT
I am so happy that your first round went well. Loved the photos!Your smile lights up the room. Thinking about you and yours every day.

Kate <kcjgohl@aol.com>
Windsor, Ca. USA - Sunday, July 25, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
Hey Kate-o! Well, you're on your way with the chemo... and I am thinking about you daily. Keep the faith, girlfriend. I miss you dearly. (By the way, how is it that you can even look glamorous with that nasty mask on? You rock!)
Love you, Kate-o. God bless you all.
Prayers, Marce

Marci Radke <mdrun@aol.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Sunday, July 25, 2004 12:46 AM CDT
We have been getting frequent updates through the moms. We're praying for you daily. Keep fighting.
Kristi and Jon Schneider

Kristi & Jon Schneider
Madison, WI 53705 - Sunday, July 25, 2004 10:20 AM CDT
Hi Kate,

Love the pictures. We all missed you in Minneapolis this year. The party was great, I even danced this year. Miss you, Love and Prayers

Randy Gowan <Rcgowan99@aol.com>
Medina, MN USA - Sunday, July 25, 2004 9:24 AM CDT
Just wanted to let you know you are always in our thoughts and prayers. I really enjoyed spending the day with you, Brian, Chris, and the kids. Now that we are nearby, we are looking forward to many more.
Todd and Natalie <ToddSchliem@Yahoo.Com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Sunday, July 25, 2004 0:07 AM CDT
We love you Kate. We will continue to pray for you.
Bret and Eve Avlakeotes <BretA1@sbcglobal.net>
- Saturday, July 24, 2004 8:54 PM CDT
It is so scary to realize that your brain works better on your worst day than mine on it's best! And the mask thingy. That totally scares me more than the surgery!
Seriously. We love you and are praying for you (with about a million other people)
All our love,
Sharon and Don

Sharon and Don Graham <dreamcar8282@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, Ca USA - Saturday, July 24, 2004 3:14 PM CDT
You look beautiful - Your smile is the one I always picture when I think of you but this time I also saw God smiling at me. I pray that you will read, hear, or see so many things that make you laugh this week.

Still Constipated!
Love You - Julie Whitman

julie whitman <julie_whitman@liz.com>
anthem, az us - Saturday, July 24, 2004 10:39 AM CDT
Kate-o, those pictures are amazing, I can't believe how good you look! Your bravery and sense of humor are an inspiration to us all. I don't need to tell you to fight the good fight, I can see that you already are!! We all love you Kate-o.
MT Windsor <mtwinzy@yahoo.com>
Cave Creek, AZ - Saturday, July 24, 2004 9:49 AM CDT
Kate was fantastic at her first radiation treatment today!(usual sense of Kate humor intact) I was the one who was alittle claustrophobic and squeamish taking the photos of her with her mask on. When she was done, I asked her how she felt and she said "oh, I'm fine, with an aire of 'it was no big deal' to go with that statement.
Keep up the positive attitude girl.

Maureen Butler <MegsMom527@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA - Friday, July 23, 2004 11:46 PM CDT
Hope your ratdition went well today. I was praying right at that time. I hope you feel the prayers of so many who are praying. Rest up.

Carol Kovatch <carol@kovo.com>
San Clemente, CA USA - Friday, July 23, 2004 10:36 PM CDT
hello dear one- I hope all went well today. I have a photo of you in my living room and think about you and meditate on it daily. You are such an inspiration.
love to all and thanks for keeping us posted...

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12 @yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Friday, July 23, 2004 9:29 PM CDT
Kate - you are so loved! The power of all of your Lifetouch friends are surrounding you this week. Keep the faith and we will keep you in our prayers!

Love - Jan, Ken, Danny and Molly Haeg

Jan Haeg <jhaeg@lifetouch.com>
Edina, MN USA - Friday, July 23, 2004 3:56 PM CDT
Kate-Wow you are amazing. I work with your sister Jen at Mercy and I log on to read about you everyday. You are true inspiration to us all! I am praying for you, as is the whole Mercy Marketing Department. God Bless You and you totally ROCK!!!!
Jennie Abrahamson <jabrahamson@mhsjvl.org>
Janesville, WI - Friday, July 23, 2004 2:22 PM CDT
Hey girlfriend....... I was blown away when I saw Brian at the meeting and heard the news and am still in a state of this can't be true...really!!!! We will keep in our prayers and are confident if anyone can kick the @#*^ out of this it will be you!!! Keep in touch
Nancy M. Dahl <ndahl@lifetouch.com>
Blloomington, MN USA - Friday, July 23, 2004 12:12 AM CDT
It looks like it's about an hour before your new treatment starts. In looking over all your notes here it is truly amazing how many people will be thinking of you and the family. Though I am not surprised as you have touched us all in a special way at some point and continue to do so. Since you did not have any correspondence from Portland, OR yet displayed here I could not resist adding myself to the list. An honored list at that. Strength of spirit to you Kate.
Jennifer Johnson <walidjenn@comcast.net>
Portland, OR 97229 - Friday, July 23, 2004 11:29 AM CDT
Hey Kate,
Just checking in from So. CA. I'll be praying this morning for your treatment. I miss you. Keep your chin up girl. You're an inspiration to sooo many. Just think about the Rainbow's End coffee at camp and get a chuckle. Love you.

Carol Kovatch <carol@kovo.com>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Friday, July 23, 2004 8:18 AM CDT
Kate - God speaks through some amazing people. A day does not go by when your story of faith helps me rethink my life. Thanks.
Chris Arrington <arringtoncs@earthlink.net>
Menlo Park, CA USA - Friday, July 23, 2004 0:19 AM CDT

SANTA ROSA, CA USA - Thursday, July 22, 2004 10:33 PM CDT
Hi, Kate:

I'm another one of those who don't know you except through Carol Kovatch's updates, but you have been in my prayers and will continue to be. In fact, our entire Bible Study group is in prayer for you and your family. We all know that nothing is impossible with God and He is just awesome in how He works in our lives. He is working wonders in your life now and will continue to do so.

Donna Overholt <ddonamae@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, Ca. United States of America - Thursday, July 22, 2004 9:40 PM CDT
we are praying for you. Our church is praying for you and I know you are surrounded by the HOLY SPIRIT....SO KEEP ON DOING WHAT YOURE DOING!
love you much
chris McCartney-bulluck
tommy, ashton, ethan, abbigail, evan and Christian-paul:)

chrissy mccartney bulluck <jitlbity@aol.com>
rocky mount, nc usa - Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:56 PM CDT
The boys that know you had good thoughts about you while at the Northern Masters - that was between inhaling brats, slicing Pro-v1's into the woods and downing as many beers as possible. Keep the faith, We're thinking about you!!!

Winzy <bwindsor@microsoft.com>
Cave Creek, AZ - Thursday, July 22, 2004 5:56 PM CDT
Hey Kate,
You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I truly believe a sense of humor will cure anything!
Love to you, Sue

Sue Sloat
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:32 AM CDT
Hi Kate, I don't know about the glowing, but your ears should be burning right now! There are 2000 people in Minneapolis today thinking and talking about you! Love, Susie & Ron Harvey
Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Thursday, July 22, 2004 10:17 AM CDT
Kate: I know you've been doing a TON of research so you may already be aware of this site ... but I was glad to read a lot of survivor stories ... "Young Adults Surviving Glioblastoma" (www.yasg.com). I am confident you will be adding your story to the list! You, and your family, are in my prayers throughout the day - every day. Thanks for keeping us all up-to-date.
In His love,
Lindy (Spring Hills)

Lindy Crawford <ciannasmom@yahoo.com>
Santa Rosa, CA - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 2:23 PM CDT

PORT WHASHINGTON , WI OZAUKEE - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
MILTON, WI USA - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 9:06 AM CDT
Dear Kate, I guess I have been out of the loop awhile since I have been out of town but I went in to the office today and Rosie gave me this address. We have been praying for you and will continue to as a family. We are praying for the kids and Brian too! We serve an awsome God and He knows every part of you cause he made you and He can fix you too! I believe he will and am going to keep trusting Him for the perfect healing and can't wait to sit in a room one day as you present your tesitmony that will reach others. You are so special and God has such an awsome plan for your life and we don't know why but this is part of that plan. Thank you for being such a great example of God's love in people. I love you!
Kim Tortora <angelnana@sbcglobal.net>
santa rosa , ca usa - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:05 PM CDT
OK Kate....Not only did I have sweaty palms but I realized I was holding my breath reading about this incredible "Hannibal" mask....once you got to the part..."then they screw it into a board...." that was it for me. I simply stopped breathing! I thought to myself there must be some additional benefits of this daily ritual. Perhaps, I thought, we could line the inside of the mask with "Victoria Principal's Secret treatments" and just think of it as a daily facial!!! So not only is your beautiful brain healing but we can tend to any of those tiny fine lines...oops...what was I thinking... not that you have any of course...but you can humor some of us older folks who do :-) Love ya and still praying for complete HEALING!!!!
Tracy Baer <baer_t@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 4:25 PM CDT
Hey Kate,
Is Jeff from Denver single?!

Windsor, CA USA - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 11:53 AM CDT
Dear Kate,
Mary told us what you are going through, and we want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. How fortunate that you are a person with such humor to help you get by! Love, Bootie and Jim Tavares

Esther (Madonna) Tavares <estav@execpc.com>
Oconomowoc, WI USA - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 9:52 AM CDT
I just wanted to let you know how much we all miss you here in Minneapolis. You should also know it's going to be 90 degrees and humid here so you got the better end of the weather deal! Anyway, we miss you and love you and can't wait to have you here next year fully recovered!

Ann Yekaldo <ayekaldo@lifetouch.com>
Woodbury, MN 55129 - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 5:49 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
I don't know you but I feel I do. My daughter is Lisa Straub and she talks about you alot. You and your family have been in my prayers, and will stay there. Please keep up that positive attitude and your sence of humor. Hang tough.

Joan Schultz <toonajws@cs.com>
W. Wildwood, NJ - Monday, July 19, 2004 8:26 PM CDT
It has been along time!! Schaefs has filled me in on you and I cannot tell you how sorry I am. I am happy to see your incredible spirit and positive attitude towards life has not changed since college. YOU of all people will beat this thing! You and your family are in our prayers daily. Be comforted in knowing that God has chosen you to carry His cross at this moment in time and He will guide you through this. God bless you!!!

Tammy (Van De Yacht) Fricker <Tammy_Fricker@yahoo.com>
Mequon, WI USA - Monday, July 19, 2004 7:56 PM CDT
Dear Kate,
We never know what life has in store for us, but I'm sorry to hear of your tribulations. I have always admired you for your spirit, determination and drive. It's apparent that come what may you will face this as you've faced other challenges, that is forthright and positive. You and your family will be in our prayers.
Bill & Holly Porter

Bill Porter <billporter@mn.rr.com>
Bloomington, MN USA - Sunday, July 18, 2004 9:46 PM CDT
Dear Kate....I wanted to let you know you have been in my thoughts and prayers many times these last few weeks. I know you are a strong individual and will get through this...
All my love...
Mary Zagelmeier

Mary Zagelmeier <maryzag01@aol.com>
Loves Park, il usa - Sunday, July 18, 2004 5:35 PM CDT
Kate, thank you for sharing...God is so pleased! Isn't that what's it all about, when we he smiles down on us...you're such a reminder...missions is not a field -- it's an experience. I pray for you and the family...for healing, for peace, for wisdom...God bless you all. My daughter, Rachel (now 22) was a youth at FBC under Brian (5th grade, as i recall)...she loved him so much as a teacher...he was one of those folks that really impacted her (special places of the heart!)...I have also forwarded your website to her. I know she too will want to here the updates
Jo Ann Wall <typing2@pacbell.net>
San Mateo, CA USA - Sunday, July 18, 2004 9:46 AM CDT
I never thought I could find humor in a friends brain tumor, but somehow with you Kate I can! I am glad I can laugh ( and cry)..you know how much I love you. You are an inspiration to me. By the way, If Tommy can get an Escalade here, can I get a Jag? Be strong Girl.
Maureen <MegsMom527@aol.com>
Santa Rosa, CA - Saturday, July 17, 2004 10:45 PM CDT
We've been following you through my mom. We've been saying prayers for you and will be looking forward to hearing you beating this soon. We are all thinking about you Kate, and want you to know that you have a bunch of fans pulling for you back here in WI.

Love you Kate, good luck and God Bless you.

Kevin, KC, Amanda, and Sydney Bobolz

Kevin, KC, Amanda, and Sydney Bobolz <kevin@bobolz.com>
Oak Creek, WI USA - Saturday, July 17, 2004 10:12 PM CDT
Kate, Brian, Colin and Riley
Greeting from So. California. Just a note to say hello and that we hope you enjoyed your trip to Santa Cruz.....Wow wish I could have joined you.
Let's Plan for Disneyland next year and I will bring Claire (the little grand girl) from Portland to go. Hey Brian she will be on your side for ONE MORE RIDE ...WET OR NOT...and she loves the big rides. Give Riley and Colin a Big hug and Kiss from us. Love you girl..stay strong and we know GOD is on your side. Yep Try Me Kate...he is finding out this just how MIGHTY this gal is.

Love you

- Saturday, July 17, 2004 2:14 AM CDT
Blessed is the name of the Lord. Kate, it was great to see you on Saturday. You look marvelous. We pray with the kids each morning and evening for you. May God continue to be your refuge in the weeks to come. Let His Light Shine. P.S. Alane already has the resturant picked out for next year with reservations for 6 at 7:00. Dont be late. Love Kev, Laney, Logan, Trevor, Spencer and Trinity.
Kev and Lane <burkecompound@sbcglobal.net>
Auburn, Ca The US of A - Saturday, July 17, 2004 0:57 AM CDT
Kate, my dear friend.
I know how much I love you and it is so cool to read how SO many other people feel the same way! You are an incredible person! Wow!
You, Brian, Riley and Colin are in my prayers...always!
You have lots of warriors ready for the fight and will be by your side through the journey. We will all be ready to celebrate your complete healing!
Much, much, much love!

Kim Christman <kchristman@mn.rr.com>
Eden Prairie, MN US - Friday, July 16, 2004 11:58 PM CDT
You're my rock Kato. Thinking of you often. Praying just as often (usually it's either subtle begging,"please, please, please, please, ..." or barter/trade "I promise to join the priesthood and wash feet in India upon Kate's full recovery"). Can't wait to see your beautiful zippered head soon.
Your friend forever.

Geno Bambino <gdkalligher@yahoo.com>
St Paul, MN USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 9:14 PM CDT
Hey Kate,
You are in our daily prayers ( I told you how it wasn't easy to be added to the list - you're on for life!) along with your family. You are such an inspiration and will and are a special gift to each of us. Heaven is smiling on you with the wonderful message you are sharing as you bear such a heavy burden. Prayers did it for me and they can do it for you. There are alot of people praying for you. How are the kids hanging in there?

God Bless,

Louise, Bob and boys

Bob and Louise Murray
Northfield, MN USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 6:02 PM CDT

We will all miss you next week here in Minneapolis; but know that hundreds of your friends will be thinking about you. We all love you. Ron

Ron Harvey <rharvey@lifetouch.com>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 5:54 PM CDT
Hi Kate, Brian and kids. What an inspriation you are. Stan and I love you and are keeping you all in our prayers. We've put you on all our prayer chains. Our friends are in the praying business, too so expect to hear from them as well. Love you bunches, Aunt Norma (Katrina's mom)
Norma DeWeese
Angleton, TX USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 5:18 PM CDT
Dear Kate- this is great... I love the updates... but mostly I love you! Your strength is such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. I am so blessed to know you!

Lisa Tatum <ljtatum12@yahoo.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA - Friday, July 16, 2004 4:33 PM CDT
Kate - I think about you every day. With much love, and many good wishes, cousin Leslie (Katrina's sister), and my husband David.
Leslie <leroche@houston.rr.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 3:32 PM CDT
Hi Kate!
Ann Yekaldo gave me your webpage and it is so inspiring to read your message - I can just "hear" you talking and see you smiling. You are a such a strong woman and I am amazed by you. Your message about what's really important hits home. Just wanted to connect and let you know that I'm thinking about you and your family as you move through this journey.
Warmest regards, Nancy Ess

Nancy Ess <nankayess@netscape.net>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
Dear Kate, You & the family are uplifted daily in so many prayers. Praise The Lord for "YOU" & your trust in "HIM". God will see you through & supply whatever you or the family needs!! We know of you through the prayer chain at FBC. We our past members, yet they are still family. Prayer is so powerful & our God is so good!! He shall keep you by His side....always. Thank you for shareing with all of us & touching us with your faith. We will keep you in our prayers. Mark & Judy Courting
Judy Courting <Judithabc@hotmail.com>
Sparks, Nv USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 11:19 AM CDT
Kate, What faith! We love you and pray for you to be a survivor. Our love to Brian (my nephew) and to the children. Take special care of them. Love you, Aunt LaDeane and Uncle Jim.
LaDeane Griffin <lgrafiti@yahoo.com>
Climax Springs, MO USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 10:57 AM CDT
Hey Kate, It was great to actually see YOU on Wednesday!!
I swear, you look terrific!! I know you are ready to fight the battle and WIN it! Your spiritually, friends and positive attitude will give you the strength to go for it! Love, Beattie

Beattie Stabeck <bstabeck@aol.com>
Portland, OR usa - Friday, July 16, 2004 10:41 AM CDT
Practicing "sincere prayer for complete healing" for my hero!
John McCartney <jhawkaz@cox.net>
Scottsdale, AZ - Friday, July 16, 2004 10:38 AM CDT
Hi Kate,
Insomnia stricks again! Thought I'd put it to good use and let you know I'm thinking about you............always. Love and hugs.

Susie Harvey <szharvey@aol.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Friday, July 16, 2004 4:01 AM CDT
are you constipated? we are!!!

we love you
don and julie whitman

julie whitman <julie_whitman@liz.com>
anthem, az - Thursday, July 15, 2004 10:20 PM CDT
Hi Kate and Brian and kids. I just want to let you know I have been praying for you through the prayer chain at FBC from the very beginning. You are such an inspiration. Yes, God is truly the God of adversity. He doesn't let us miss it , but he goes through it with us and gives us the victory. One of my favorite verses from Isaiah - In all their distress he too was distressed. Is 63:9 He actually feels our pain. I continue to pray for you daily. Love in Him (Sandy Murray) Doug Andrew's Mother in Law)
Sandy Murray
Belmont, Ca United States - Thursday, July 15, 2004 7:02 PM CDT
Kate...How special it was to see you last weekend. You truly are inspiring to us all. I looked out in the back yard to see this vision of a supermodel and it was you. Ryan and I are praying our little hearts out for your fast healing. We love you more than you'll ever know!!
Bob & Ryan

Bob Gale/Ryan Sherman <beegegale@aol.com>
Belmont, CA United States - Thursday, July 15, 2004 6:49 PM CDT
Hi Kate, Brian, Riley, and Colin,
This is Kim from FBC San Mateo, and former babysitter. :) With updates from the prayer chain, I have been praying for you guys through this whole thing and what an awesome opportunity God is working in. He chose YOU to be His messenger of Love through all of this. It is awesome to read how spirited you are, and that the Glory of that is to God.
Please tell the little ones I say HI! :)
Love and prayers,

Kim Grover <kimberlee.grover@comcast.net>
San Mateo, CA 94403 - Thursday, July 15, 2004 4:18 PM CDT
Dear Kate, we don't know each other, but I am on the prayer chain at First Baptist Church San Mateo, your mother-in-law's church and I have been getting updates on you and have been praying for you since before your surgery! I praise God for your faith and trust in Him ~ you are a great example of living by faith not by sight!! and I am praying especially for your daughter Riley (9 yrs.?) knowing how hard this is for her! So I will continue to entrust you to Our Heavenly Father who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine!
Carol Paoletti <dapcap@hotmail.com>
San Mateo, Ca USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 4:12 PM CDT
God works in mysterious ways, and we are reminded of our mortality daily (not my words, as I am an introverted midwestern catholic) but nontheless, I know it, I believe it, and believe in you! Fight the fight Girl! I'm here if you need me and you are in my thoughts daily,
Love, Betty

Beth Ellingson <bettyellingson@aol.com>
Durham, NC USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 2:45 PM CDT
God works in mysterious ways and we are reminded of our mortality everyday (not my words, as I am an introverted Midwestern Catholic)...nonetheless, I believe it and in you. Fight the fight Girl, I'm here for you and think of you daily!! Love, Betty

Beth Ellingson <bettyellingson@aol.com>
Durham, NC USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 2:38 PM CDT
God works in mysterious ways and we are reminded of our mortality everyday (not my words, as I am an introverted Midwestern Catholic)...nonetheless, I believe it and in you. Fight the fight Girl, I'm here for you and think of you daily!! Love, Betty

Beth Ellingson <bettyellingson@aol.com>
Durham, NC USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 2:37 PM CDT
Kate - Wow - 211 people have read this in just 1 day! You ARE loved! Don't forget to jounel about all of this so you can write that million + book! You can probably use your entries here, but journaling will be useful too!
Leigh Phillips <leigh94070@yahoo.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 11:15 AM CDT
I was given this address to claim either a new Escalade or a condo in Maui. ...I'm confused.

Kate, I'm very proud of you. Your attitude and faith are exemplary. We're looking forward to coming out to see you, Brian, and the kids again soon. We'll continue the prayer chains in the interim.

Tom McCartney <102863@sbcglobal.net>
Elgin, IL USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 10:22 AM CDT
You are a success just the way you are, but I look forward to your 'speaking tour' and to Carolyn having to buy the first red suit!
Love you, Auntie Judy and Uncle Ben

Judy DeWeese <JuDeNAWIC@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:39 AM CDT
You are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Keep up the good work!
Aunt Carol & Uncle Mel <carolmccartney920@hotmail.com>
Madison, WI USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 8:57 AM CDT
Thank you for reminding us that God is good all the time. We are looking forward to seeing how the Lord writes your success story!

Sean, Annette and all the kids.
Lincoln, CA Timbuctu - Thursday, July 15, 2004 8:50 AM CDT
You Go Girl!!!!!!!!!
Kick it's ass!!!!

Scott Straub <Imrscott@cs.com>
SantaRosa, Ca Sonoma - Thursday, July 15, 2004 8:45 AM CDT

MORENO VALLEY, CA USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 1:16 AM CDT
I'm offering any part of my brain that you may need but I must warn you that you may find yourself checking out hot women, thinking about golf and having an unquenchable thirst for beer, not necessarily in that order. ;) Seriously, you inspire me with your strength and I look forward to seeing you and Brian in Denver again soon.

Jeff Nordyke <chefjjn@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:42 PM CDT
I'm a fellow Spring Hills member. It was great to see you singing along with the band at the tent service last Sunday. You are an inspiration in a world where many people blame God when things don't go as planned. I loved what you wrote at caringbridge that beating this disease is not just about surviving it. I am praying for you. Thank you for sharing with us.
Jennifer Alvarez <alvarezgang@yahoo.com>
Windsor, CA USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:18 PM CDT
I am so thankful God put you in our life. What a gift you have been; what an inspiration you are now. I KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE IT. I look forward to hearing your first motivational/inspirational speech about your survival of a deadly GBM. I love you to pieces!
Your favorite mother-in-law -- CB

Carolyn Burke <itscburke@aol.com>
San Carlos, CA USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 12:49 AM CDT
cancer...spancer...it's a dawdle.
Ross <waycoolpictureguy@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, July 14, 2004 12:10 AM CDT
Hi Kate...This is Wendy from Canada...we don't know one another but I am a new friend of Ross (the Master ;))...Ross says we'd get along famously, and in reading about your journey I know he is right. Sending you lots of ocean prayers and healing vibes. I am here in Arcata at the moment, Ross sends his love this morning.
Wendy Harris <wkharris@hotmail.com>
Victoria, BC Canada - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 12:00 AM CDT
As I was putting the book together for you I realized it would only be a short time before your story was included with all the inspiring stories of survivorship! Then it occured to me in only a few short weeks, you have already begun to inspire us all and remind us daily in all that we do, that each breath is a gift, each action should be with integrity, relationships are sacred, and GOD can fill our mind, body and soul with Grace....if we invite HIM. GOD is good, you are remarkable, and I'm grateful for the imprint you leave daily on my life. Love and Light, Tracy Baer

Tracy Baer <baer_t@sbcglobal.net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:51 AM CDT
Kate, I am so glad you found Caring Bridge. I think about you all the time and am glad that I can stay updated and in touch. I am sending good thoughts and heartfelt prayers your way. Keep the faith, Kate-O. I love you, Marci
Marci Radke <mdrun@aol.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:48 AM CDT
You are an inspiration to all!
Keep up the positive attitude.
You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly.
Love to you, Brian, and the kids.
Ann & Jim

Ann & Jim Johnson <apjdesigns@yahoo.com>
Janesville, WI USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
I love you!!!! xoxoxo
Tami Duncan <tduncan1@us.ibm.com>
Des Moines, IA USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
We share the same journey with you. My husband, Greg, is battling cancer too. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Pat Kramer <paspangler@mhsjvl.org paskramer@charter.net>
Janesville, WI USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:12 AM CDT
You are all in our thoughts and prayers
Carol and Jim Tackett <carol@tackett.com>
Sea Ranch, CA USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:07 AM CDT

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