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Congratulations on your baby. Hope to see you soon.
Kellie Lund <susanelund@netzero.com>
Wrenshall, mn carlton - Sunday, March 23, 2008 0:47 AM CDT
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2007 and beyond.
Love from

Love from Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Sunday, December 31, 2006 0:43 AM CST
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Love from Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:56 AM CDT
Just Popping in to say G'day

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Love from Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Saturday, March 4, 2006 6:11 AM CST
Hey Dylan and family!
I am a member on the SB message board and from there found your website. My daughter Nadia and Dylan share the same birthday- January 29, 2004!! But Nadia seems to be about 12 hours younger :) You are a cutie, especially in that snow suit having so much fun on the snow tube carosel!
I'll be praying for you as you work to find the right Miralax dose and all the "fun" that comes with it!
stop by our Caringbridge site and leave a message for us too! www.caringbridge.org/va/nadia

Shannon Zaichenko
Chesapeake, VA USA - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:36 PM CST
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Love from Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 0:36 AM CST
Hey Karen, Ken
I was not aware Dylan had gone through so much. I am glad he is well now and that you guys are doing well.

kevin johnson <kidkjbikerider@sbcglobal.net >
houston, tx usa - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:25 AM CDT
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Kaitlyn's site

Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Friday, July 15, 2005 5:10 AM CDT
Hello Karen. Glad to hear Dylan is doing great! We too had tx as LPCH. My son, Matthew was 23months though. He is doing great and will have been NED for 2 years in Aug. We are going to the conference in Chicago-I don't know if you have ever gone but you are able to get a wealth of information.

We hope and pray all remains great!! P.S. we too went to Hawaii in Dec.

Love & Prayers,

Debbie Hume (www.matthewhume.com)

Hume family <hume@thegrid.net>
San Luis Obispo, CA USA - Sunday, July 10, 2005 7:46 PM CDT
Wow! I just stumbled upon your page and read your history. We have similar cases! It isn't very often I find other caringbridge neuroblastoma sites with babies diagnosed under 1 year old.

My son Carson was born March 21, 2004 and diagnosed with Neuroblastoma August 23, 2004 at 5 months old. He didn't have any symptoms; I just requested a scan b/c his belly was so big and they found it. He completed chemo/surgery in Nov/Dec '04 and has been cancer-free since. He also has physical therapy; he didn't put weight on his legs at all until he was 9 months old. However, they are dismissing him b/c his is age-appropriate now and took his first few steps a few days after turning 15 months! He still prefers crawling right now, but takes more and more steps everyday. His website is www.caringbridge.org/ks/babycarson if you would like to look. I'll bookmark your site and keep track of Dylan. What a cutie!!

Kristi, Matt and Carson Toews www.caringbridge.org/ks/babycarson <toewsk@yahoo.com>
Lawrence, KS 66047 - Friday, July 1, 2005 7:13 PM CDT
Hi Daylan, you are such a cutie. May god continue you to bless you to stay healthy and strong with each passing day.I will be praying for you and your family.
Delarea Radford <race989@verizon.net>
Philadelphia, Pa United States - Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:06 AM CDT
Just checking to see how you all are doing. Sounds like life is good. Same with Patrick! I pray that Dylan, Patrick and all the others remain N.E.D. FOREVER. Take Care.


Lori Weismann <Lori4ups@aol.com>
Cupertino, Ca USA - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 6:13 PM CDT
Karen - I knew Ken in college, and Poke Taylor sent me your Caring Bridge page after Dylan was born. I checked it often over the last year to see how you all are doing, and your family has been in my prayers. Many blessings to you in 2005!
Shay Ralls Roalson <shayroalson@alumni.vanderbilt.edu>
Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:30 PM CST
So good to hear all is going healthy and strong. What a great way to start the new year and hopefully that trend will continue. I look forward to meeting Dylan (and Sasha) some day. Big hugs in this crazy and busy world! and a SUPER HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Mendy Mattingly <mm20ski@san.rr.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Friday, January 7, 2005 9:47 AM CST
Thanks for keeping everyone posted on Dylan and Sasha. 2004 sure proved challenging. Wishing you all especially Dylan a 2005 full of miracles and success with the braces.
Susie Cabral Nicholson
- Monday, January 3, 2005 8:01 PM CST
I am glad to hear that he is doing so well. Please keep us updated.
Melinda Bogan~Friends Of Allie~ <mkb977@hotmail.com>
West Carrollton, OH USA - Sunday, January 2, 2005 10:09 PM CST
I am so happy to read your entry - I've been checking and hoping for a Christmas update! I'm not surprised that all the stress, hormones, and fatigue caught up with you a few months ago...I can't imagine what you've all gone through. I hope you all have a wonderful vacation (well deserved, I might add!) and a 2005 filled with peace and love.
Mina M. Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Friday, December 31, 2004 7:21 PM CST
Little Dylan,
Hi there. My name is Hannah Biehle and I am 14. My baby cousin Morgan is one and she has neuroblastoma. We understand how your family feels. I just wanted you to know you are in my prayers as well as a lot of people touched by your story. Hope your Christmas is filled with love.
Hannah Biehle

Hannah Biehle <onetreehillchick@hotmail.com>
North Vernon, IN USA - Thursday, December 2, 2004 8:39 PM CST

my name is anna mcnamara and i love you wed page and i have my own wed page. i have r.s.d and i maed my page because of the rsd from my faily and friend and pepol to go on it
it is
i love doing the updane on it and i do it on mondays or tuesdays and somthtime on wednesdays and i love raeding you updenat and i wish you can go on it. and i hope you can be all haely for live. and i am preat for you 24/7 and and and i do not now if you now the the baend jump5 it is a christan one and i love this sign it call god bless the usa
and here it go
If tomorrow all the things were gone

I hoped for all my life.

And I had to start again

just my family by my side.

I thank my God above

to be living here today.

Cause the flags still stands for freedom

and they can't take that away (e).


I'm proud to be an American

where at least I know I am free.

And I won't forget the man who died

and gave that right to me.

And I'll gladly stand up next to you

and defend ourselves today.

Cause there ain't no doubt of this land [lamb ?]

God Bless The USA

From the lakes of Minnesota

to the hills of Tennessee.

Across the planes of Texas

from sea to shinning sea (e).

From detroit down to Houston

and New York to LA

It's part of every American heart

It's time to stand and say (e).

i love have it go.
may god bless you and you faily


anna mcnamara <amcnamara@entermail.net>
allnetown, pa uas - Monday, October 4, 2004 6:30 PM CDT
Hi Guys!
Just read your latest entry and fell in love with the final few paragraphs. What a wonderfully fresh perspective. I think your friend nailed it on the head. We are so looking forward to spending time with you guys in the near future and rejoice often in Dylan's continuing recovery. Always know that we, and many others, continue to pray and think of your family often, and that we love you guys with all our hearts. Shane and I can relate to watching the little one blossom and grow right before our eyes. Tavito is the most beautiful blessing that God has bestowed upon us, yet, and we are eternally grateful. Anyways, thanks for your continued strength and for taking the time to update your journal for those of us who love to check in with ya'.
Lots of love to you all.

Tavo, Shane, and Tavito Casado <casadoo@katewwdb.com>
San Lorenzo, CA USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:06 AM CDT
I am in awe of your family, and all that you have been through with precious Dylan. I will be praying for his complete recovery.
Hi Sasha, I can see that you are very sweet with your baby brother. Can you give him a kiss from us?

Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Monday, September 6, 2004 11:16 PM CDT
What a lovely essay you shared with us. You are all in my thoughts so often, and I'm so happy to hear that Dylan is thriving so well. Here's to the hope that the tests show no active NB cells, and prayers to mom and dad for patience in dealing with 2 active little ones!!!
Mina M. Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 11:56 AM CDT
Hello Karen and Family,

I love the "Welcome to Holland" poem. I sent it to a few friends. What a beautiful way to discribe some of the pain you have gone through. I am so happy to hear all is well. (((HUGS))) Jayne Kwon and family

Jayne Kwon <jkwonusa@yahoo.com>
Almaden Valley, CA USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 10:48 AM CDT
Hello Karen and Family,

I love the "Welcome to Holland" poem. I sent it to a few friends. What a beautiful way to discribe some of the pain you have gone through. I am so happy to hear all is well. (((HUGS))) Jayne Kwon and family

Jayne Kwon <jkwonusa@yahoo.com>
Almaden Valley, CA USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 10:48 AM CDT
Hello Dylan!
My name is Jenna and I came across your website. You are the cutest, and happiest little guy! I absolutly love your smile, you are so strong, and so brave for someone who is your age and has gone through alot like you have! You truly are an inspiration and a Fighter! I love making and meeting new friends. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I will be back again soon.
Your friend Jenna

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 4:12 PM CDT
Hi...My son had NB too. He is NED as well! We live really close too you and also did some treatments at Stanford. Im REALLY glad to read that you guys are doing good! You can check out my son Patrick on his caringbridge too. Take care!
Lori Weismann www.caringbridge.org/ca/patrick <Lori4ups@aol.com>
Cupertino, Ca USA! - Monday, July 26, 2004 11:09 AM CDT
Wonderful News.....answer prayers.
Just wanted to say Hi"
Lou/mom to sherry/grandmother to josh (12)

Lou <skiptolou@juno.com>
Knoxville, TN USA - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 4:32 PM CDT
What fantastic news! What a special little boy you have. So glad things are looking up for you and your family.
Lynn Rose-Cambrian 2000/2002 Marathon Mommy <rosemlj@hotmail.com>
San Jose, Ca USA - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
hello i just dropped by to say Congrats! & Go Dylan go!!! i wish all the little ones could be Blessed like that. I will you keep you in my prayers in hope to say some day,what i do about Chad. STILL NED, 21& a half yrs!( but whos counting) lol. Good Luck on the other small problems,God Bless &
Prayers Always

Karen Louchart- mom to Chad had stage 4s @ birth <hipreciuos@aol.com caringbridge.org/tn/chad>
Johnstown, Pa USA - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 7:13 AM CDT
The picture of Dillan and Sasha is great. I'm so glad of the progress Dillan is makeing. GO DILLAN GO !!!!!!!!!!
We will keep you family in our prayers.
Sweet Hugs From Grampa amd Gramdma Sweet!!!!!!!!!

Gene and Gail Sweet <gailsweet@zoominternet.net>
Ashland, OH U.S.A. - Sunday, July 18, 2004 3:56 PM CDT
It sounds like Dylan is doing wonderfully well.
So happy to hear that.
Colleen - Kaitlyns mum


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Rockingham, WA Australia - Sunday, July 18, 2004 7:22 AM CDT
This is such great news! I know you and your family are going to have so much fun in the next months. This is such a fun age for both your kids. Enjoy!!!


Jayne, Young, Max and Madeleine <jkwonusa@yahoo.com>
Almaden Valley, CA USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 7:45 PM CDT
This is such great news!! We are so happy to read that Dylan is home and that all of you have been able to enjoy several fun filled activities as a family. We continue to be inspired by the strength of your family. You serve as role models to us all.

Lydia, Steve, and Drake <lhultqui@netapp.com>
San Jose, CA - Friday, July 16, 2004 8:10 AM CDT
Dear Ryu's -
Such wonderful news! I am so encouraged and glad that you are all enjoying family life together and relishing in bonding and going out together! I know Dylan's illness has been hard on all of you, and this wonderful time together is your precious reward!! I will continue to have you all in my prayers and thoughts! Wish you all love and kisses from across the ocean!

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
- Thursday, July 15, 2004 7:44 PM CDT
Dear Ken and Karen,
Such wonderful news!
It's great to hear he is home and enjoying family life.
Take care. Thinking about you always.

Wanda <rwcm00@yahoo.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 2:18 PM CDT
Hi Ken and Karen-
We were so happy to hear that the surgery went well for baby Dylan. We have been thinking of you guys-our prayers are with you. We hope he gets to go home soon- Love to Sasha too.

Joy, Steve, Max, Zoe and Bryce <joy3268@aol.com>
Larchmont, NY USA - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 2:34 PM CDT
Hi Haren and Ken,

We keep checking on your family here, on the other side of the Ocean... We are so happy to see that Dylan's surgery is a success. We are so amazed with the strength you both show facing Dylan's health problems. It is incredible what the love for your children can make you accomplish... Hang in there, it is looking better everyday. Lots of love from the four of us, Dominique

Dominique Kabel <dkabel@yahoo.com>
Chartres, France - Friday, July 2, 2004 2:42 PM CDT

I'm so happy to hear that Dylan's surgery was successful. Thanks so much for sharing your journal - it makes one realize the importance of family, friends, love and prayer. I pray for Dylan often and wish you and Ken continued strength and support!

Lisa Schiltz <lisaschiltz@att.net>
Mountain View, CA 94040 - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 12:43 AM CDT
Yipee!!! Such good news!! Stay strong everyone! I know that the journey has been long, and the recovery phase will be even longer, but I wish the sweet and lovely Dylan only good memories going forth!
With Love

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
- Friday, June 25, 2004 6:27 PM CDT
Karen and Family-

I'm very happy to hear that Dylan's surgery was a success. I'll continue to keep him in my prayers and pray for a quick and problem-free recovery! Take care!


Melissa Stone <meonlys@sbcglobal.net>
Pittsburg, CA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 2:38 PM CDT
Karen and family,
we are very happy to hear that Dylan's surgey was successful! We wish him a speedy recovery with as little pain as possible and that his bladder starts working on its own again very soon.
much love to all

Luciane, Andy , Lucas and Isabella
Mountain View, CA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:32 AM CDT
Happy to hear it was a success. I'll pray that Dylan recovers quickly and does not feel so much pain.
Antioch, CA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 1:26 AM CDT
Hi Karen, so glad to hear things went well. Now you just have to get through the recovery period! It sounds so stressful and I'm sure you could use some TLC. Wanted you to know I was thinking of your family and praying for you.
Rosalind <rosalindo@comcast.net>
Los Gatos, Ca USA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 0:09 AM CDT
Great news! I'm so happy to hear that the surgeon felt the surgery was so successful. I hope Dylan's recovery is swift and that he's home before you know it. What a strong little boy.
Mina M. Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 1:26 PM CDT
Hope the surgery went well. Talk to you soon.
Abby and Matt Speltz
Houston, TX - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:31 AM CDT
Dylan and Family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Hope ever thing went great and hope recovery is even faster!

Christina Gonzalez <chistina28@yahoo.com>
San Jose, CA - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 5:16 PM CDT
Thinking of all of you and hope Dylan's surgery went well. Before you know it he'll be home with you again.
Rosalind, Elyas & Isabelle <rosalindo@comcast.net>
Los Gatos, Ca USA - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 3:54 PM CDT
Hi Karen! Just checking in on Dylan. I hope all went well. Your family is in our thoughts.
Dawn, Michael and Gwen Goei
- Tuesday, June 22, 2004 8:09 AM CDT
Hi Karen & Ken,

Just checking in to see how Dylan's surgery went. You've been in our thoughts. Hope everything is fine and the result what you wanted and prayed for. Keep up the strength and spirit.

Julia, Terrence, & Samantha <j_yee2001@yahoo.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:56 AM CDT
You've been in my thoughts and prayers today. I hope Dylan's surgery went well and that Dr. Albanese did as good a job on Dylan as he did on Nicklaus! Best wishes for a speedy recovery for you all.
Cathy West, mom to Nicklaus - NBIII survivor! <westcathy@sbcglobal.net>
Modesto, CA - Monday, June 21, 2004 10:39 PM CDT
Karen and family,
we are thinking of you all today that Dylan is having his surgery and wishing that all goes perfect.

Luciane, Andy, Lucas and Isabella
CA - Monday, June 21, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
I am thinking of you all today, the day of Dylan's surgery. How wonderful it must be to have seen that the chemo did its job in significantly shrinking the tumor! My prayers are with you all that today's surgery go smoothly, and that mom and dad hang in there for it. Much love to you all.
Mina M. Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA - Monday, June 21, 2004 10:10 AM CDT
Hi Karen

My thoughts and prayers are with you. May surgery on the 21st go perfectly. You must be very proud of your family and the strength and courage you have all shown.

I love the pictures of Dillan and Sasha. They are so sweet. Take care.

Janine Crossley ex-Cheap Tickets <jcrossley@xtra.co.nz>
Wellington, New Zealand - Sunday, June 20, 2004 5:50 AM CDT
Go Dylan! That the tumor has shrunk so much is such great news. I will be thinking about you and saying special prayers that the surgery goes well on Monday. Much love to all of you.
Jenn Henkel <jhenkel1@yahoo.com>
Morrisville, NC - Thursday, June 17, 2004 2:18 PM CDT
Hi Ryu's -
Keep your chins up and know that together as a family you can overcome any obstacles that come your way! You all have proven what fighters you are! My love to all of you!! X0X0

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
- Wednesday, June 16, 2004 7:16 PM CDT
Such great news on the size of the tumor! I'll keep you all in my prayers.
Joyce Stephens
Antioch, CA - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 5:18 PM CDT
Hello Ken and Karen,

Good luck with the upcoming surgery. I will be thinking about you and Dylan and hoping for the best. It seems that Dylan is a fighter, just like his dad. That famous Ryu tenacity we all know so well.

John Cochran
Orlando, FL USA - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:51 PM CDT
Hey Ken, Karen, Sahsa and baby Dylan-
We will be thinking of you guys next week- Our prayers will be with Dylan- he is absolutely beautiful! We cannot wiat to meet him. Keep up the great attitude!
Love, Joy Steve, Max Zoe and Bryce

Joy <joy3268@aol.com>
Larchmont, NY 10538 - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 2:27 PM CDT
My prayers are with you all that Dylan is cancer free after his successful surgery on 6/21. Prayers for Sasha, mom and dad too. All the best, and thanks for continuing to keep us posted.
Mina M. Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 1:39 PM CDT
My prayers are with you all that Dylan is cancer free after his successful surgery on 6/21. Prayers for Sasha, mom and dad too. All the best, and thanks for continuing to keep us posted.
Mina M. Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 1:39 PM CDT
My have they grown! They truly are beautiful. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

Antioch, CA USA - Monday, June 7, 2004 7:42 PM CDT
Hi Karen, Ken, Sasha and Dylan -
After reading the good news and seeing how beautiful the babies are all I can is...Congratulations on everyone's incredible strength. What a wondeful team you all are...what a beautiful family! Keep smiling and stay strong, my prayers are with you all!

Love, Joleen

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
- Monday, June 7, 2004 6:49 PM CDT
Hi Karen & Family, yeh!! June 21st is the day. I'll be saying prayers for all of you. Have faith in the doctor's, most of them have little ones and will treat Dylan with the most respect, love and caring you would want. I'll look forward to the positive results of the surgery.
Rosalind <rosalindo@comcast.net>
Los Gatos, Ca USA - Monday, June 7, 2004 9:45 AM CDT

MORGAN HILL, CA USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 3:47 AM CDT
Hi Karen- just checking in and seeing how Dylan is doing. He made it through the chemo!! Each success is a building block to his longterm good health and happiness. I'm sure you're happy to have him home. Take care.
Rosalind <rosalindo@comcast.net>
Los Gatos, Ca USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:02 AM CDT
TRIUMPH!! That is one strong boy you have there!
Kudo's to the great nurses, doctors and most especially the wonderfully supportive parents!

Joleen <jchun@asbhawaii.com>
- Wednesday, May 19, 2004 6:40 PM CDT
Hey Guys! Glad to hear that Dylan is home. From his photo, I can see that he's becoming such a strong and handsome, happy little boy. Just know that our whole East Bay/ SoCAl family is constantly asking about you all and keeping you all in our prayers. We know that God has tremendous things in store for all of you. May he continue to bless you and strengthen you always. And, as always, please let us know if there is any way that we can be of service to you.
Lots of love from the three of us.
PS- Happy belated Mother's Day, Karen!

Tavo, Shane, and Tavito:) <casadoo@katewwdb.com>
San Lorenzo, CA USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 7:02 PM CDT
Keep strong! There seems to be Good News and Bad, but I think the GOOD outweighs the bad. It's sad to hear all the challenges that Dylan will need to overcome, but I am certainly glad we live in this modern miracle age. Today, with all the breakthroughs in technology, anything can be fixed/cured. Just keep smiling and encourage your baby to grow and overcome.

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
- Friday, May 14, 2004 1:37 PM CDT
Happy Mothers' Day, Karen. You're all in my thoughts and prayers.
Mina M Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:22 AM CDT
Happy Mothers' Day, Karen. You're all in my thoughts and prayers.
Mina M Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:22 AM CDT
We wish for you a Mothers Day filled with peace and serenity, may the joy of your children overwhelm the difficult things you face in the days, weeks and months ahead. We think of you often and wish Dylan a fast road to full recovery.

Kalani, Maria, & babies Kalena and Nainoa <mariaasullivan@hotmail.com>
Kailua, HI USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 4:21 PM CDT

We wish for you a Mothers Day filled with peace and serenity, may the joy of your children overwhelm the difficult things you face in the days, weeks and months ahead. We think of you often and wish Dylan a fast road to full recovery.

Kalani, Maria, & babies Kalena and Nainoa <mariaasullivan@hotmail.com>
Kailua, HI USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 4:20 PM CDT
Dear Karen,
Continue to stay strong and fight the obstacles ahead of you. My prayers are with you and I wish Dylan to be rid of this awful cancer! I am so thankful you have such a wonderful support network!!! Stay strong my friend, you and your family are always in my thoughts.

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
- Wednesday, May 5, 2004 1:15 PM CDT
We are praying that these last two rounds of chemo are a piece of cake for Dylan. He is a strong little boy. He must take after his parents and his big sister. : ) Hang in there. We are sending you all our love.
Jenn & Geoff Higgins <jhenkel1@yahoo.com>
Morrisville, NC - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
We are praying that these last two rounds of chemo are a piece of cake for Dylan. He is a strong little boy. He must take after his parents and his big sister. : ) Hang in there. We are sending you all our love.
Jenn & Geoff Higgins <jhenkel1@yahoo.com>
Morrisville, NC - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
Glad the MRI went so well! I'm sorry you're facing more chemo - I know how disappointed you must feel. But you've got the right attitude - the less tumor that's left to resect, the better!! I'll be praying that Dylan gets through these last 2 rounds with no complications and that the chemo kicks that tumor's butt ;)
Cathy, mom to Nicklaus, 15 months old - NB III survivor from LPCH, almost 1 year NED! <westcathy@msn.com>
Modesto, CA - Friday, April 23, 2004 1:09 PM CDT
Dear Baby Dylan... we pray for you to be through with chemo and ready to begin all the amazing developmental milestones in a baby's life. You'll crawl, walk, jump for joy... and run from your big sister very soon! Karen & Ken we pray for your strength and fortitude, you are a remarkable family.
Patty, Gabe & Sophia Hagar <patty_hagar@hotmail.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 11:01 AM CDT
Karen & Ken,
We're praying the results of the MRI are that the tumor has shrunk and it can be removed. We pray that Dylan fights off the infection and that you have a special Easter celebration. Here's a definition I found for Easter:
"Dreaming about Easter, suggests that the worst of your problems are over. You will experience joy again after a period of darkness and sadness. You need to walk with your head held high and stop being ashamed. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes resurrection and spiritual rebirth."

Linda & Chris Stevens <lschwefler@hotmail.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, April 8, 2004 2:59 PM CDT
Thanks for the new photos. So nice to see more of Dylan. I think the photo of Ken and Dylan hanging out is SOOOO cute! It's like Dylan is one of the big guys!!

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
- Thursday, April 8, 2004 12:48 AM CDT
Dearest baby Dylan,

So sorry to hear you're not feeling good fighting infection. You're a very brave and strong baby. Fight the bad guys with all the strength you have. Your mommy and daddy are doing everying to help you and you have many many friends cheering you on and praying for you. Your friend Samantha can't wait to see you and play with you. Please tell your mom to let us know if there is anything we can do to make you feel better.

Julia, Terrence, and Samantha <j_yee2001@yahoo.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 4:54 PM CDT
Karen and Family,

Michael, Gwen and I will be thinking of you and your family. We are sending Dylan lots of get well vibes! xoxo

Dawn, Michael and Gwen Goei <dawn@ballistech.com>
Los Gatos, - Saturday, April 3, 2004 5:42 PM CST
I'm so sorry you, Dylan, Ken, Sasha need to go through all this pain. I definately got teary eyed this morning when I ready your last entry. Please stay strong and FIGHT for your precious baby boy. I know what a strong woman you are and I know you are up to the task! Take care my friend...my prayers are with you!

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
Honolulu, HI - Friday, April 2, 2004 12:49 AM CST
I am visualizing and praying for a shrunken, shriveled tumor that is far from requiring more chemo. What a strong little guy Dylan is...after this, he will be capable of accomplishing ANYTHING.
Much love from the Harkeys

Mina Moshfegh Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 8:01 PM CST
Karen and Ken,
We are happy to see that Dylan is reacting well to the chemo! We are amazed by your strength and are sure that it helps Dylan be strong too.
You are on our thoughts.

Luciane, Andy and Lucas <luciane@aol.com>
- Monday, March 22, 2004 10:07 PM CST
I love Dylan's new picture, what a little angel you have! I am so happy to hear about Dylan's progress this week! We will be keeping you guys in our prayers and can't wait for more updates. Please give hugs and kisses to both Dylan and Sasha from Henry and I!
Heinrich, Kimberly and Henry Marquez

Kimberly Marquez <k_ravas@yahoo.com>
Los Gatos, CA usa - Friday, March 19, 2004 12:24 AM CST
I love this latest entry - I can tell your spirits are high. You must be thrilled to be able to breastfeed exclusively - cheers to you for pumping in the beginning to make that possible. All the best to you all.
Mina Moshfegh Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, ca USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 7:55 PM CST
Ken, Karen, Sasha and little Dylan...All of you are in our continued prayers. The picture of Dylan is sooo nice...What a cutie pie! I wish you all the best
Love, Whitley and Zane

Whitley Thibert
Los Gatos, Ca USA - Monday, March 15, 2004 8:46 PM CST
It was so nice to talk with you at the Welcome Tea. I love the new picture of Dylan, he is ADORABLE!!! Know that you and your family are in my prayers daily. It sounds like you will need some extra prayers this week, don't worry, you've got them. Take care of yourself.
Denise Sanguinetti <dittywitty2@yahoo.com>
Los Gatos, CA U.S.A. - Sunday, March 14, 2004 9:35 PM CST
Karen, Ken, Sasha & Dylan ~
I am sooo proud of all of you for your strength and determination. You guys are all pulling together as a family and together are INVINCIBLE. My heart and prayers go out to all of you. Keep strong and take care of the little one. I am so sad that he has has to suffer so much, so young...but maybe that means he will have have a worry free super healthy rest of his life!
With Love, Joleen

Joleen Chun <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Friday, March 12, 2004 1:03 PM CST
What a cuttie! He looks so peaceful. What a remarkable and stron guy! We send many hugs and prayers for all of you.

Ed and Lupe Inzunza
- Monday, March 8, 2004 4:22 AM CST
Karen and Ken, What a beautiful baby boy you have. I am so blessed to have met him. You two make good babies. Karen, it was so great to see you. You look wonderful. I pray that I might one day have the stregnth that you have. I am happy to help you and your family in any way. The Almaden '99 and '01 playgroups are more than happy to help! Hugs, Jayne Kwon
Jayne Kwon <jkwonusa@yahoo.com>
Almaden Valley, CA USA - Saturday, March 6, 2004 6:04 PM CST
You are a beautiful, bright-eyed little guy and I bet your sister is really proud of you! Have fun being at home - you have a GREAT mom & dad!
Love, Cindy, Jeff, & Charlotte Ash

Cindy Ash <cindyash@email.com>
Falls Church, VA USA - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 11:25 AM CST
Karen I used to work with you at PMCG. I'm really sorry to hear about all that you and your family are going through right now with baby Dylan, but he sounds like quite the little fighter. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you during this time and that you will get through this.
Linda Johnson <ljohnson@netapp.com>
San Jose, CA - Friday, February 27, 2004 4:57 PM CST
Ken + Karen-

Wonderful news that Dylan is finally home. Its got to be great to finally have the whole family under one roof after these crazy first couple of weeks.

Abby and Matt Speltz <aspeltz@houston.rr.com>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, February 23, 2004 3:27 PM CST
I am thinking of you often, Karen and check in to your Web site to hear of Dylan's progress. You a a strong woman, Karen - your will astounds me. Know that my prayers are with you and I've been lighting candles for Dylan's recovery.
Jennifer Massaro <jennifer.massaro@supportsoft.com>
Los Gatos, CA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 10:31 PM CST
I wanted you to know I was thinking of you all. I'm sure it was so nice to have Dylan home. Take care of yourself and know we're thinking of you.
Rosalind, Elyas and Isabelle <rosalindo@attbi.com>
Los Gatos, CA - Friday, February 20, 2004 5:58 PM CST
Dear Karen,
Your little Dylan is quite a fighter! Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers daily. My little boy is almost 6 months old, so I know how special the bond is between mommy and baby. Hang in there and remember that the Lord has a beautiful plan for Dylan's life. (Friend of Denise from your mommies group!)

Melanie Mann <gemmann9200@aol.com>
Buffalo, NY USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 9:06 AM CST
We are so happy about the good news. Praise the Lord that Dylan is a fighter. We will continue to pray for all of you.
Isabel Burge & Bertha Vega (relatives of Shane Casado)
Fremont, CA USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 0:10 AM CST
I was so happy to read your entry filled with all that great news - Dylan's home, morphine's almost done, and of course those 2 wonderful test results. Keep up the great work Dylan (and mommy daddy and sis, too!!!)!!!
Mina Moshfegh Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Thursday, February 19, 2004 10:09 AM CST
Yahoo! I'm very happy that Dylan is home already. God Bless...
Agustin O. Gubuan III <boyette_g@yahoo.com>
Hsinchu City, Taiwan - Thursday, February 19, 2004 6:11 AM CST
Karen & Family - so glad you get to take Dylan home for a couple days. What a great sign! I will keep the energy flowing north - angels all around you my dear! Kisses and hugs your way. A long road ahead, but a journey so worth traveling. Mendy
Mendy <mm20ski@san.rr.com>
San Diego, CA - Thursday, February 19, 2004 0:07 AM CST
WHAT GREAT NEWS! Welcome to the fresh air Dylan. We are praying for you and your faimly every day. I bet you are bigger now, from when I met you @ Stanford. We are so happy that you get to come home and be with your mommy, daddy, and Sasha. Oh yeah, and your two doggies. Congrats Karen, Ken, Sasha, and Dylan! What a milestone!
Christina, Gustavo, and Jacinda Gonzalez <chistina28@yahoo.com>
San Jose, Ca U.S. - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:16 PM CST
WOOOOOHOOOOOO! What great news, you guys! I am so happy to hear that Dylan gets a break from the hospital and gets to check out his domestic digs. Thank God for this wonderful blessing! He is certainly using you as an incredible conduit to touch many lives through the words you leave us on this website. I'm sure I'm not the only one who looks forward to checking in frequently, each week, to see all the great ways that Dylan can amaze us. Keep it up, Dylan! You literally have folks around the world sending their positive thoughts and prayers your way. We love you!

Tavo, Shane and Tavito Casado <casadoo@katewwdb.com>
San Lorenzo, CA USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 9:54 PM CST
Hi!!! We are so happy to hear the news of Dylan's coming home. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you...Karen, Ken, Sasha and most especially Dylan!!!!
Auntie Dorian, Uncle Chito, Darlene and Lorra Alcantara <dorianellenalc@aol.com>
Stockton, CA USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 5:01 PM CST
Hi Karen, Ken, Sasha and Dylan,
We're thrilled about your good news. All those prayers around the country are coming true! With hope, you will all be spending less and less time at the hospital and more time together as a family. We're so proud of your strength! Love,

Linda & Chris Stevens <lschwefler@hotmail.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:12 PM CST
YAY! I am so happy that you get to take Dylan home finally! :)
Dawn, Michael and Gwen Goei <dawn@ballistech.com>
- Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:07 AM CST
Congratulations on being able to take Dylan home!
Paula Gardner (Jenn's friend) <paula.gardner@valueoptions.com>
NC - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 8:55 AM CST
Dear Karen & Ken,
We are still praying for all of you. So great to hear that things are improving for Dylan! Take care and have a GREAT 2 days home with the baby!!!!
Suzanne, Quinn, & Chase

Suzanne Mello <suzannemello@hotmail.com>
los gatos, ca USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 0:30 AM CST
Yay!!! Dylan gets to go home! Congratulations!!!
Joyce and Chad Stephens
Antioch, CA 94531 - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:37 PM CST
Hi Karen & Ken, I wanted to say "hi" and let you know I'm thinking of you. I'm so glad that Dylan will be home for a few days. It sounds like his new "independence" is quite exciting on the one hand and stressful on the other. Please let me know if you ever need someone to sit with him in the eve. especially, late, I'd be honored to do so. I'm very comfortable in a hospital setting and understand your need for peace of mind. Take care, god bless.
Rosalind & Elyas <rosalindo@attbi.com>
Los Gatos, CA USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:31 PM CST
What great news to hear about baby Dylan coming home. I am so excited for you guys. It must a relief to have some time with him in your own home, and good for Sasha too.

Take care

Shelley Botchek <shelley@tableau.com>
Brookfield, WI - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 9:14 PM CST
Congratulations on bringing Dylan home!! Enjoy your family time -- I won't say good luck because I'm sure it will go well.

Our thoughts and prayers are always with you -- it is so great to have something to give thanks for!

Love, Cindy, Jeff & Charlotte

Cindy Ash <cindyash@email.com>
Falls Church, VA USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:15 PM CST
Karen & Ken-

We really treasured our visit on Sunday with you both and to be able to see sweet & precious little Dylan in person!

Our prayer is that your current 24 hour watch schedule at the hospital will end soon so that all three of you are home again!

Sonia & Steve Chen <swoochen22@yahoo.com>
San Ramon, CA - Monday, February 16, 2004 6:15 PM CST
Dear Karen, Ken, Sasha, Dylan, Louie, and Mandy,
What a marvelous family! I remember your comments at Jenn's wedding about the specialness of the Henkel family... your little group has it all over us for courage, faithfulness, strength, and enduring love. I check your journal each day to keep up with Dylan's progress, and it pleases my heart to see the mountains he has ascended and won! God is with you and will continue to give you the wisdom and stamina needed to get through this. Your family is rarely out of my mind and always in my prayers. Much love, Dorothy Henkel

Dorothy Henkel <dhenedu@yahoo.com>
West Hills, CA USA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 9:49 PM CST
Just be strong. I know its hard for you and Ken to deal with all these issues that keep coming up. But, I know you can do it! You are a fighter and Dylan is lucky to have you there beside him. Take all the help that is offered to you without reservation, because someone will always be there to lend additional help and moral support. You, Ken, Sasha and Dylan are in my prayers.
With Love,

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
Honolulu, Hi - Sunday, February 15, 2004 8:46 PM CST
Karen, I hope we aren't limited on how many times we can sign the guest book...I just read the last few journal entries and congratulations on the baptism. If I could bottle your strength and energy and put it in a tube to Dylan, he'd be running by now! You, my dear, are truly amazing...as is he (I see that he listened to me when I said "be strong little one!") More hugs and kisses your way.
Mendy Mattingly <mm20ski@san.rr.com>
San Diego, Ca USA - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:56 PM CST
To: Karen, Ken, Sasha and Baby Dylan,
Congratulations on your beautiful little boy! Wanted to let you know my heart goes out to all of you. Henry and I think about you every day. I wish you the best and my prayers are with you. If you ever need an extra pair of hands just let me know. Lots of Love, Lauren

Lauren Morehouse <lauren81m@sbcglobal.net>
san jose, CA usa - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:16 PM CST
happy to be reading the good news, if he is anything like his dad he is tougher than he looks, still in our prayers...just want to know one thing was he named after one certain musician?
kevin thome <kthome@pdq.net>
houston, tx usa - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 8:36 PM CST
Thank you so much for sharing with us your wonderful day with Dylan. I was so glad to hear that his stomach went down. What a tough little guy! Just hang in there and the good days will help you get through the bad ones. I am sending you tons of love and keeping all of you in my prayers.

Jenn Higgins <jhenkel1@yahoo.com>
Morrisville, NC USA - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:18 AM CST
Karen, Ken, Sasha, and Dylan,

You have the whole Sarah Circle at Trinity Presbyterian praying for your family and for your continued strength. And my family is so proud of you! Thank you so much for sharing your mix of blessings and challenges with us so we know what to pray for. Dylan is an amazing baby.

Love, Cindy, Jeff, & Charlotte Ash

Cindy Ash <cindyash@email.com>
Falls Church, VA USA - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:04 AM CST
I will keep baby Dylan and your family close in my prayers. I will ask for special prayers from the Carmelite Monestery in Santa Clara for Baby Dylan.
Lydia Porwol (friend of Reberta) <RPORWOL@AOL.COM>
- Tuesday, February 10, 2004 5:42 PM CST
Karen -
I really enjoy reading your journal entries--makes me feel like I am right there with you all. I am so pleased at how strong your little boy is. He is getting larger and is definately a fighter. You and Ken are wonderful parents. You stick by each other and Dylan and Sasha and I know NOTHING can be an obstacle. Your Family will weather these trials and be so much stronger in the end. I'll say this for you---you got a fighter in your little one. Keep strong my friend!
Love, Joleen

Joleen <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
Honolulu, HI 96818 - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 2:23 AM CST
Congratulations on your new son! Hope all goes well for you and Dylan. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Amy Bayudan <amybayudan@yahoo.com>
Oakley, CA 94561 - Monday, February 9, 2004 7:34 PM CST
Dear Karen, Ken, and family,
It's great to hear some positive news about Dylan's recovery. Know that you're in our thoughts and prayers, and that we wish you and your family all the best.
Love and prayers,
Mar & Gordon

Mar (Calibo) and Gordon Ladle
Milpitas, CA USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 3:31 PM CST
Dear Karen and Ken: We are good friends of your mother from 'Hitachi". Congratulations on such a handsome little man. Our prayers go out to you and your families during this difficult time. Just know that Jesus is watching over your precious Dylan. We will keep him in prayer. God Bless you and you lovely family. Sincerely, Rachel Vega, Gloria Montes, Leticia Michals and Shulay Kay.
Rachel Vega <Rachel.Veg@HGST.Com>
San Jose, Ca Santa Clara - Monday, February 9, 2004 10:56 AM CST
My family and I will pray for you. We are a Las Madres family. Alyssa is almost 5 and my boy, DYLAN (a beautiful name!!!) is 3. God Bless Dylan and your family
Leanne Dougherty <leftydoc2001@yahoo.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Sunday, February 8, 2004 3:21 PM CST
Karen and Ken,
It is sad to hear the news. Dylan will always be in our prayers and wish for his full recovery.

Imelda Calibo and children: Lulu&Troy, Maricar&Gordon, Christina&Oliver <imee_286@msn.com>
Milpitas, CA USof A - Sunday, February 8, 2004 12:51 AM CST
Hi Karen and Ken,
Brian and I are thinking about Dylan and your
family. Please let us know if we can do anything at all.

With love, Karen and Brian

Karen Fox
6439 Pfeiffer Ranch Ct., CA United States - Sunday, February 8, 2004 12:34 AM CST
Our love and prayers to Dylan and your family. God bless ........
Troy , Loyloy and Kristen Ruiz <loyloyr@aol.com>
Vallejo, Ca. U.S.A. - Sunday, February 8, 2004 1:43 AM CST
Our love and prayers to dylan and your family. God bless ........
Troy , Loyloy and Kristen Ruiz <loyloyr@aol.com>
Vallejo, Ca. U.S.A. - Sunday, February 8, 2004 1:43 AM CST
Hi Ken and Karen

We are grandma Paculba's friends in Hitachi. We are very much elated of baby Dylans condition and the only way we can help is through prayers. Good wishes to your family especially to your two little cute angels!

Ernesto & Mercedes Hidalgo <ehidalg@attglobal.net>
Union City, Ca US - Saturday, February 7, 2004 7:33 PM CST
Dear Karen & Ken,

Dylan and Sasha are two of the luckiest kids in the world -- for the miraculous love and care you surround them with. Our thoughs, love, and prayers are with Dylan and your family.

Tisha Narimatsu & Andrew Lang <tishan@mac.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Saturday, February 7, 2004 2:47 PM CST
our thoughts and prayers are with you all. jim and alana sabatte
jim and alana sabatte <raiderjim1232@yahoo.com>
hollister, ca - Saturday, February 7, 2004 2:45 PM CST
Dear all, you don't know me, but Mina shared your site with me and and wanted to let you know I am praying for you and your baby Dylan. He is a beautiful baby boy and looks like a fighter. You are so courageous to be keeping this diary and staying as strong as you seem to be. I am definately in awe of your strength and hope that Dylan can go home soon. His Baptism was a wonderful thing to do.

I don't know what your faith is but I hope this bible passage helps.
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2

Shelley Botchek <shelley@tableau.com>
Brookfield, , WI USA - Saturday, February 7, 2004 10:36 AM CST
Dear Ken, Karen and Sasha,

What a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations on his birth.

My heart goes out to all of you during this difficult time. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Please let us know what we can do to help you. We would be happy to do anything.

With Love,

Jayne, Young, Max and Madeleine Kwon

Jayne Kwon <jkwonusa@yahoo.com>
Almaden Valley, CA USA - Saturday, February 7, 2004 9:50 AM CST
What a beautiful baby boy - nice, big rosy cheeks too! Just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking of you and baby Dylan everyday. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Carrie & Brooke Walton (from playgroup) <carrie_walton@hotmail.com>
Los Gatos, CA - Friday, February 6, 2004 8:51 PM CST
Oh Karen. Congratulations on Dylan's baptism! I got teary reading today's (Friday) entry. I'm so impressed by your ability to stay so strong during all of this. My prayers are with Dylan, that the doctors are indeed over-reading those scans, and that the bone sample shows up negative for cancer. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you to see your little one in pain...at the same time you must be so proud of him for being such a strong little guy.
Peace to the Paculbas and the Ryus...
much love, Mina

Mina Moshfegh Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 7:31 PM CST
We await anxiously for your daily reports. How nice it is to hear the good things of your time spent with Dylan in between these very difficult times for you and your family. We are singing this light of mine and hoping Dylan will be home with you all very soon.
With much love and aloha,

Kalani, Maria and twins Kalena and Nainoa <mariaasullivan@hotmail.com>
Kailua, HI USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 2:02 PM CST
Hi Karen, Ken, Sasha and Dylan, Congratulations on Dylan receiving the sacrament of Baptism today! What a very special day it is indeed. Thinking of you all.
Paula Gardner <paula.gardner@valueoptions.com>
Apex, NC USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 1:13 PM CST
Dear Karen and Family,
Congratulations on your new addition! You are a wonderful family and Dylan is lucky to have you all. He looks good and strong. You are all in our prayers.

Joyce and Chad Stephens
Antioch, CA USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 11:03 PM CST
Hi Ken,Karen,Sasha and Baby Dylan... The recovery of Baby Dylan is always in our thoughts and prayers.
Al and Luz Quijano <ALQLIMBAS@AOL.COM>
Daly City, CA USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:41 PM CST
Dear Karen and family,
Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!! What a little sweetheart. Rosalind Achkar is a great friend of mine and has been keeping me updated on the baby's progress.God bless and take care.Suzanne,Quinn, and Chase

Suzanne Mello <suzannemello@hotmail.com>
los gatos, ca usa - Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:39 PM CST
What a beautiful baby! So much hair! And such a big baby too!
I was sorry to hear that your family is going through such a difficult time now. You are truly blessed with so many friends and family and I am sure they will help you get through this tough time. You have always been such a wonderful friend to everyone that I'm sure in your time of need all that love will return to you.
Most people will walk into a room full of people and head toward the most popular person or the easiest person to talk to. It always amazed me that you would walk into a room and head toward the person who looked the most like they needed talking to, whether they were uncomfortable, bored or whatever. You are so selfless in your giving and that is part of what makes you such a special person.
My family is keeping you and your family in our prayers. God bless!

Brenda, Wayne, Nicholas and Justin <brenda_polonio@yahoo.com>
Hong Kong, - Thursday, February 5, 2004 6:32 PM CST
Dear Ken, Karen, Sasha and Dylan,
I heard about your new son's arrival and despite with the circumstances I can see he's a fighter. I'll keep Dylan in my prayers that God will help him go through with all the treatment and before you know it he'll be home with the family. You're strong couple, just have Faith and everything will be allright...take care...Love, Sabina

Sabina Aveno <saveno@keypointcu.com>
san jose, ca USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 5:25 PM CST
To Ken, Karen, Sasha, and Dylan,

We just wanted to let you all know that you have been in our hearts, thoughts and prayers during these trying times. We are amazed everyday at the strength you all exhibit - especially little Dylan. We are all praying that his treatments do their job quickly. He is such a handsome little guy! Henry is really looking forward to meeting his new little buddy and we can’t wait to see you all. Take care and stay strong.
Hugs and kisses to you all,
Heinrich, Kimberly and Henry Marquez

Kimberly Marquez
Los Gatos, CA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 3:59 PM CST
Karen & Family,
Our hearts go out to you during this difficult time. Please know that we are thinking of and praying for your family.

Kim & Bart Vostermans <kvostermans@aol.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 11:37 AM CST
Dear Karen, Ken, Sasha and Baby Dylan,

We are sending all our love and support to you and your family during this very difficult time. Just know that our hearts and prayers are with baby Dylan.

Patricia & Dennis Thompson <pthompson007@sbcglobal.net>
Tracy, CA US - Thursday, February 5, 2004 10:26 AM CST
HI Karen and Ken, My name is Paula, I am Jenn's friend in NC. Just stopping in to let you know my family's thoughts and prayers are with you all the time. You all hang in there.
Paula Gardner <Paula.Gardner@valueoptions.com>
Apex, NC USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 8:22 AM CST
Goodmorning, Karen, Ken, Sasha and baby Dylan. He is such a tiny little handsome guy. He looks very strong and am sure that he will be well soon. Babies are very amazing how they can heal. My prayers are with you for you and your family.
Esther Tucker <Tuckerav3@aol.com>
Turlock, CA usa - Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:55 AM CST
Dear Karen and Family,
Karen, I'm hoping you may remember me and that you won't mind that Mina shared your site with me. We met back in high school through Mina - I am her friend that played tennis at ST. Mina shared your site as she knows I work as a researcher developing a web-based support site for family caregivers of people with cancer. I also have some personal experience with this as well. Any way, I saw your site and just wanted to let you know you and sweet little Dylan are in my prayers, and I'm so glad to see you are able to get the support you need. Keep reaching out - there are so many people there to help you (even people you wouldn't have known all the way out in Wisconsin!). Take care and my best wishes for Dylan's recovery. -Lori

Lori Bernard <llb0009@unt.edu>
Madison, WI - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:56 PM CST
Karen, Ken and Sasha,
I am happy to hear that Dylan is kicking and smiling and getting through the chemo OK. I am also glad that you have such a wonderful support group. Please don't hesitate to call me if I can be of ANY help to you. Think of you all every day.

Maggie Bautista <mbautista@menlomanagement.com>
San Jose, ca usa - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 12:59 AM CST
I got completely teary reading your journal entry about Dylan smiling at you. May the joy keep coming.
Take good care and we look forward to meeting your new little man.
Love Amy and Ben

Amy Tate <amyktate@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 4, 2004 11:15 AM CST
Dear Karen and Family -
First of all, I wanted to let you know that you and your family are in our daily thoughts and prayers. I really admire your strength and Dylan's strength. It is amazing to think of what he has experienced in his short time here. I feel fortunate that we have such amazing hospitals and Doctors in the Bay Area. We know that Dylan is in good hands to help fight this! It is also nice to see how supportive Las Madres has been for you. Lisa, John and Jack Deegan

Lisa, John and Jack Deegan <lisadeegan@comcast.net>
Los Gatos, ca USA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:45 AM CST
What a wonderful new addition to the Ryu family! We are sending you all our love and we can't wait to meet Dylan. He was born into an incredible family. You are always in our thoughts and we are praying for Dylan to get well soon. A big hug to Sasha!
Jenn & Geoff Higgins <jhenkel1@yahoo.com>
Morrisville, NC USA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:17 AM CST
You are all on our prayer list. We pray for strength and healing.

David and Ruth Lewis <lewisdl@dayton.net>
Beavercreek, OH usa - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 6:44 AM CST
Karen and Ken, your combined strength, courage and abundance of love is so inspirational, I'm simply at loss for words. We would like to give a big hug to new big sister Sasha and for baby Dylan, we would like to dedicate the song "O-O-H Child" by The 5 Stairsteps.
Much love, Sonia & Steve Chen
San Ramon, CA USA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 0:56 AM CST
Hi Karen & Family ~ You will be in our prayers. Dylan is a beautiful and strong little boy!
Jennifer and Michael Chen (Sonia's sister-in-law & brother-in-law) <jkchen54@yahoo.com>
San Ramon, CA USA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 0:28 AM CST
We will continue to keep you and all of your family in our prayers.

Love, Isabel Burge & Bertha Vega (Shane's aunt & grandma)

Isabel Burge <izzyburge@comcast.net>
Fremont, CA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 11:52 PM CST
Hi Karen, Ken and Sasha,
I've been reading all your journals and wanted to let you know our prayers are with You.

The news has been very encouraging. You're so lucky to have such a loving immediate and extended family. I'm sure your prayers are being heard.

If there is anything I could do to help please call or email.

Love and Prayers to you ALL.

Kevin Hamada and Jack Wong Jr <kevinhamada@comcast.net>
Bellingham, WA USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 11:45 PM CST
Karen and family,
I wish that I could hug you all and give Dylan a few extra kisses!! (He's cuter than you Karen ;)) So "be strong" little one..."be strong." May angels surround you and all your family. I will check the website often and keep all positive thoughts heading north (and by the looks of this guest book, you have positive thoughts hitting you from every direction!!). Keep singing Karen keep singing...."music has a way of reaching into the hidden corners of the mind and heart and stirring a soul."
All my love, angels, prayers, thoughts, magic, good wishes, smiles, hugs, kisses and anything else I can send that way!

Mendy Mattingly <mm20ski@san.rr.com>
San Diego, CA usa - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 11:15 PM CST
Karen, Ken, Sasha, and Baby Dylan,

What a beautiful baby Dylan is! Our thoughts are with your family during this challenging time. Dylan is truly lucky to be born into such a loving family.

Please do not hesitate to ask for help. We are so close by!


Lydia, Steve, and Drake
San Jose, CA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:37 PM CST
Dear Karen,
You just keep amazing me! You have such incredible strength and energy. Dylan is going to sail through his treatment. He has his mommy's strength. This is a wonderful website. Thank you for thinking of us and sharing photos and information about Dylan.

Laura Murphy-Wilkens <lemurphy@earthlink.net>
Los Gatos, CA 95030 - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:42 PM CST
Karen, Ken, Sasha and Baby Dylan:
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The photos of the little guy are an inspiration to all of us. Please let us know how we can help out!! We love you and please don't be shy in asking for help!

Laurie, Bobby, Bryce and Grant Jones <laurie.jones@twgwines.com>
Los Gatos, CA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 4:00 PM CST
Karen, Ken, Sasha & baby Dylan
More than anything I wish I could give you a hug, a helping hand and enough positive energy to help you power through these difficult days. Keep singing, smiling and find time to take care of yourselves too... with your love and strength he will be healthy and home soon!

Patty Hagar <patty_hagar@hotmail.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 12:30 AM CST
Hello Karen, Ken and Sasha,
Shane has been keeping the family up to date on Dylan's condition and we are all praying for his recovery and for the both of you. He is a beautiful baby -- he looks just like Sasha and we know he is very much loved. You are in our hearts and in our daily thoughts. Love to all of you.

Josie Nelson <josie.nelson@minarik.com>
Castro Valley, CA United States - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 12:28 AM CST
Karen, Ken, & Sasha ~
Congratulations on welcoming the cutie Dylan to this world! I pray for his strength and full recovery. I know he will grow up to be as strong and wonderful as his daddy, with his mom's tenacity!

I was so worried about you guys and really wished I could be there during this trying time. But, after finding out about the wonderful people looking after you all and providing such a loving network, I know you are well taken care.

The wonderful outpouring of love you are recieving really goes to show how wonderful people you are. You recieve ten-fold the joy and love you give out.

My heart and well wishes go out to all of you---stay strong for the little one.

Love, Joleen

Joleen Chun <chunj045@hawaii.rr.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 12:01 AM CST
Hey Dylan,

It's so cool that I have a new buddy to hang out with. Remind me to tell you the secrets of driving your parents crazy. Here's a good one for starters. Wait until they are lifting their forks to take their first bite of dinner, then wake up and start crying. Do this every night for a week. I guarantee it will drive them nuts and make them think you have ESP! We are gonna have so much fun, I can't wait!!

Lots of love, Jack Wetherill <jack@wetherill.net>
Los Gatos, CA In The Beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 12:00 AM CST
To Karen, Ken, Sasha, and Dylan,

Just wanted to let you know all of you are in our hearts and prayers during this hard period. Dylan's pictures are so adorable. It is heart warming to know that Dylan seems to be strong and ready to fight. We hope the treaments do their job. We're also glad to hear that your support system is as robust as it is. We know that there are other people close to you to take care of things for you, but we're not that far away and if you guys need anything at all, please let us know. Anything to help the Ryu Clan.
-Ben & Claire

Ben & Claire Botello <Ben@ontherecord.com>
San Francisco, Ca US - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 11:54 AM CST
Hey Dylan,
Lil' T, here, from accross the Bay tuning in to say, "Hey!" Just saw your picture online, with my Daddy, and wanted to send ya a lil' note to say, hurry up and get all better, I wanna play with you. Never fear, buddy, you are in the bestest of hands. Your Mommy and Daddy are the most loving people in the world and they, as well as those awesome doctors, with God's help, will take great care of you. Well, gotta go, Dylan. Don't wanna miss my morning nap. Save one of those cutey-pie nurses for me, will ya'? Love ya!

Tavito Casado <casadoo@katewwdb.com>
San Lorenzo, CA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 11:28 AM CST
Karen, Ken, Sasha & Dylan
Our prayers go out to all of you and your extended families during this very difficult time. It is good to hear that you've got such a wonderful support group by you. We are sorry that we cannot be there personally, but know that you are in our thoughts.

Lisa & George <lmcalo@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:09 AM CST
Karen and family,
I am Linda Schwefler Stevens Mother, and I wanted you to know that I, too, am saying prayers for Dylan and for all of you. I know you all will pull through this roadblock and I hope someday to meet you and your beautiful children. Thanks for being Linda's friend. I know for a fact that prayers do work. Blessings on you and Dylan.

Marcia B. Schwefler <marcia.schwefler@ceridian.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:02 AM CST
Karen, Ken, Sasha, and Baby Dylan,
We want you to know that we are praying for your family and send all of our love and support. We just saw his pictures and boy is he HANDSOME! Looks just like you two. Jacinda gave him a smile and a kiss on the computer screen. Can't wait to meet him and see you guys!

Christina, Gustavo, and Jacinda <chistina28@yahoo.com>
San Jose, Ca U.S. - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:52 AM CST
Dear Karen, Ken, Sasha and Dylan,
We're so glad that there is such an amazingly positive prognosis -- Dylan's a strong fighter! You have no idea how many of your friends in Hawaii are thinking of you from all around the country (and beyond). We pray for your strength and courage for your strong little fella. We love you.

Linda & Chris Stevens (a.k.a. Schweffie) <lschwefler@hotmail.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:05 AM CST

I can't wait to see you and hear your stories about you and your strong brother. I heard your Dad bang on some drums a couple of times, but I never heard him sing. Does he sing well? Tell your Mom and Dad hi and we are keeping Dylan and you in our prayers.

Uncle Tom, Aunt Nancy, Jacqueline and Timothy <tjuhn@jones-boyd.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:35 AM CST
It so wonderful to see how well Dylan is responding to the excellent care and support he has. He looks just like you two, he is soooo adorable I can see how you fell instantly in love with him. Thanks for keeping us in the loop of emails. There are many people on the East Coast who you don't even know who are thinking about and praying for all of you. Since I can't cook for you, I will continue to be there in spirit!
Nicole, Carl and Sophia Palitti <palitti@optonline.net>
Blauvelt, NY usa - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 6:37 AM CST
Hi Karen, Ken & Sasha,

Congratulations!!! Dylan is a handsome boy, and lucky to have such a wonderful family and friends. We're joyed to hear his doing well (already a music lover!), and will continue to pray for him. Please take care of yourselves.

Julia Yee <julia_yee@comcast.net>
Saratoga, CA USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 3:18 AM CST
Hi Karen, Ken, Sasha and Welcome to little Dylan!
We love the photos and It is incredible how much Dylan resembles you guys. Maybe it is a Mom thing, but never in my life could I see family traits in newborns.
We wish you all the best and our thoughts and prayers are with you. You could not be in a better place for Dylan's care. Can't wait to meet him.

Brie, Ted & Sophie Leis <brieleis@yahoo.com>
Los Gatos, Ca USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 3:14 AM CST
Hi Karen & Family,
Its nice of you to send us the photos of Dylan through the mail. I will forward this to our cousins for them to see. Our prayers for the entire recovery for Dylan. Take Care always.
Oscar, Jima & Jinggo Madamba

Oscar Z. Madamba <ozmadamba@pacific.net.ph>
Makati City, Philippines - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:06 AM CST
Dear Sasha, I can't wait to meet your new baby brother! How blessed you are to have a built-in playmate and someone to love and cuddle anytime you like. I look forward to meeting him at our playdates soon. We send our prayers, love and sloppy kisses to you, your mommy, daddy and baby Dylan, Cali
Cali Lackovic <siri.lackovic@verizon.net>
Monte Sereno, CA USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:01 AM CST
Greetings Karen, Ken, Sasha, and Dylan! Dylan Agustus such a remarkable name! My heart and prayers are with you - some time has passed since I've seen you and I hope that I'll be able to attend Dylan's baptism. I'll check this site regularly. Love Tabitha
Tabitha <tabythap@yahoo.com>
the valley, CA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:51 AM CST
Hi Karen, Ken and Sasha. What a beautiful baby! Dylan looks a lot like Sasha, doesn't he. This handsome guy is being prayed for and thought of from all parts of the world. Lots of love to him and your family.
Judy, Daigo and Mona Wakita <judy-daigo@h5.dion.ne.jp>
Tokyo, Japan - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:35 AM CST
Hey Karen, Ken,

Dylan is looking pretty good. It's remarkable how strong they can be. Ours were in intensive care for a month and had all kinds of surgery the first two years. And they were so sickly. Now they surf 10 foot waves and girls chase them everywhere. Well, one of them, anyway. One is still being chased. The other one got caught and is happily married. It's an adventure. It's a rugged world we live in sometimes. You have many friends and family members praying for you.

Ron & Vernelle McElfresh <ron@mcelfresh.net>
Honolulu, HI United States - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:14 AM CST
Hey Karen, Ken and Sasha - Congratulations on the newest precious addition to your family! I wish I were closer to you all. I'm keeping all of you and your families in my thoughts as you support Dylan through this fight. I'm so happy to read that he's responding so clearly to your presence - that's sure to help him heal and come home as soon as possible. Thanks for including me on this email.
Peace, Mina

Mina Moshfegh Harkey <MinaMosh@att.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:01 AM CST

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