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To Bettee Hornyak:

We want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Grace(DiRocco) & Harry McKee (Ann's sister and her husband

Grace DiRocco <gdirocco@neo.rr.com>
Canton, OH USA - Wednesday, May 18, 2011 0:25 AM CDT
Josh you are now with Jesus and you will no longer be sick or in pain.
McKayla Gesmond <bmccorkle2@yahoo.com>
Elizabeth, PA USA - Monday, April 4, 2011 8:42 PM CDT
I'm praying for joshua Lemus' recovery.
Isabel davis
Ontario, Ca US - Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:27 PM CDT
I'm praying for joshua Lemus' recovery.
Isabel davis
Ontario, Ca US - Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:27 PM CDT
This is to Jessica Combs,

I'd just like for you to know JESSICA "That God" is with you,and that all your friends are sending their prayers and best wishes to you, and we will continue to pray for your healing and to be strong, and fight to get well. In JESUS sweet name we ask for full recovery.
Your friend, through your parents, Connie Dykes
Your, friend "Connie Dykes

Connie Dykes <connie72443@att.net>
Weatherford, TX USA - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 12:23 AM CST
My thoughts & prayers go out to Alyssa Hutchens & her family. I even put her on my church's prayer list.
Barbara Friend <barb.friend@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, Mo United States - Tuesday, March 1, 2011 10:00 PM CST
I am looking for Misty Schulz
Joe Ann Schulz <harjoschulz1@juno.com>
St. Charles, Mo USA - Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:53 PM CST
Sally, you do not know me; I'm a friend of Midge; how blessed you are to have her as an aunt. My heart has had
a hard time wrapping aound what you and your husband are
going thorough: I can only imagine. But what a testimony
you are of the difference the Lord can and will make in our lives. Thank you for that and your faithfulness to stand on His promises. Isa. 45:3 is one of my favorites:
"I will show you treasures in darkness..." Please know
of my prayer support; how very special is that the Lord
"binds our hearts in Christian love."
June DePriest

June DePriest <depriest47@aol.com>
Clinton, MS USA - Monday, January 10, 2011 3:57 PM CST
My prayers are with you and your family.What a beautiful precious little girl you are with such personality!

Robbie Crump[ <rpbcrump@juno.com>
Houston, Texas U.S.A. - Sunday, October 17, 2010 9:04 PM CDT
May God and his healing touch be with you and I pray he continues to surround you with his love and support. This message his for Brad Johnson and his family
Bob Hilleshiem <bobhilleshiem@yahoo.com>
Red Wing, Minn U.S.A. - Tuesday, October 5, 2010 5:41 PM CDT
Thank you for the updates.
Sheryl Johnson <sherylkj1435@yahoo.com>
Hudson, wi us - Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:22 PM CDT
Hoping to touch base with others.
Susan Burdan <suzibinfl@cfl.rr.com>
Ocala, FL USA - Wednesday, September 22, 2010 10:12 AM CDT
Our love and prayers are with you, Monica, keep fighting - we know that God will put His healing hands on you.
NORA & JIM MCFADDEN <macnora@cox.net>
norfolk, va usa - Monday, September 20, 2010 8:49 PM CDT
Bob were so sorry you have to go through that surgery, we hope and pray all goes well. You must be some one special that god chose you to go through all that. hang in there Dick and Jo Haire
Dick and Jo haire <jmhaire@hotmail.com>
Battle Lake, MN USA - Saturday, September 18, 2010 8:50 AM CDT
Just wanted to say that even though we didn't personally know Bradley Brock who recently went home to be with Jesus,
We felt we knew him thru all the folks at Cassidy and Crossroads Methodist churches who surrounded him with love and prayer. We are praying for you family. He is with the father, sitting in his lap right now.
God Bless you,
Terry and Butch Thacker @Lighthouse Ministry Center

terry thacker <lighthouseminctr@setel.com>
Elkhorn City, ky usa - Sunday, September 5, 2010 3:18 PM CDT
i want be part angelsister group because i want be incluedingin the group iwill listen to erin stark and kathy piglow
kelly garrison <kellymg@1084charter.net>
applevalleymn, - Thursday, September 2, 2010 7:03 PM CDT
Hi Genny ryan was at the station and keeps us updated on you. I know you will find a heart soon. We all pray for you and i am looking forward to seeing you at the station again.
Joyce Oyler <j-oyler@hotmail.com>
Marion, Indiana America - Saturday, August 14, 2010 3:05 PM CDT
Hi Kristin, hope your doing well. We girls here haven't forgotten you all. We are glad to see how much Allyson has grown up. With such love from you and your family and God's caring for her, it wouldn't be any other way. We send our best and say that you are missed also. It has been a long time. I thought I did not have your email address or the address for Allyson's webpage.Glad I found it and will be able to keep in touch. Take care and say hello to Mr. Kelso for us and the girls.God bless.
Isabel Carrillo <seabeegirl92@hotmail.com>
Oxnard, CA - Saturday, July 17, 2010 9:41 PM CDT
Looking for Ronald Woodside guestbook
Beth Miller <peka37@charter.net>
Albert Lea, MN USA - Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:18 AM CDT
I am a first time visitor to the site.
Rod Davidson <davidsondesignsrpd@bresnan.net>
Billings, MT 59102 - Friday, June 25, 2010 11:24 AM CDT
Don't know how many "faithfuls" are still reading this site, but we are very excited to announce that we exceeded our goal of 6000 tickets this year! We made it to 6600 and still counting! Thanks to the love and support of so many wonderful friends and "friends of friends" who just wanted to HELP out the NFED this year! We are blessed to have you in our lives with your continuing love and support! God bless you!

With love to all..
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, March 4, 2010 12:15 AM CST
Happy Birthday to Allyson! You are a gift from God and we are so grateful to be part of your family! You were born in the wee hours of the morning on December 22, 2004, and our great "love affair" began the very moment we saw you! Your life has not been without challenges, and you will continue to have those, but your shining spirit is always present. You are brave, smart, funny, and you love to laugh and play! God has richly blessed us with your life. Thank you for coming to us! Happy Birthday big girl! We love you,
Teetay and Geep :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Tuesday, December 22, 2009 8:22 AM CST
Happy 5th Birthday Ally - although we've never met I hear all about you from your "Teetay". She tells me how beautiful and smart you are. Have fun on your birthday and eat lots of cake and ice cream!
Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Tuesday, December 22, 2009 6:11 AM CST
Terri, you are so right - this has been an incredible journey - an admirable venture - and a truly successful endeavor. I am just constantly amazed at what your family has accomplished with Ally - what a story! You, your family, and your loyal friends, have been an integral part of any of the help Ally has received. You are the QUEEN of mother and grand mother. You are an example to us all. I love you for all that you do, and the guidance you give me.
Pam Thompson <pamelatc@verizon.net>
Fairfax, va usa - Friday, December 11, 2009 7:48 PM CST
Happy first day of school to all the kids out there!!!! Make new friends, study hard, learn new things, and make smart decisions. I am so proud of you all!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, September 8, 2009 5:41 AM CDT
Greetings to everyone,

I realize that "only a grandmother" would probably read the entire JOURNAL HIStory ON Ally's website, and that is what I just did! I had mentioned to a FB friend recently "discovered" that she might want to read Ally's website. I decided I would go back in "time" and read it myself. What a journey our Ally and her mom and dad and sister/and all of us have been on for over four years. What wonderful accomplishments and strides have been made by Allyson....from the beginning days when all the grandparents were there taking turns feeding her "baby ounces" of milk every three hours/to the feeding clinic in 2006 where Ally "began" to learn to EAT so she could be removed from the feeding tube/to her early interventions, speech, OT, PT...you name it....she has made REMARKABLE progress. Even though there have been an ARMY of helpers along the way, her most positive and influential force has been Kristin, her mom. I am so proud of YOU, Kristin, and so grateful to have been part of this journey with you and Allyson. I just wanted to say that publically once again.

Have a great BEGINNING of school everyone.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay4r3@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Sunday, September 6, 2009 5:02 PM CDT
Hello, hello! Thanks to the power of Facebook and spending so much "local" time with Kristin and the girls here in NoVA, I have not posted in a LOOOONG time.... But, I was just looking up something for Mom and it caused me to re-visit the first - very first - page of this CaringBridge web site from Dec. 2004. Wow, what a journey we have had since then and it was bittersweet to read all the entries from the early days after Ally's birth, when things were so shaky and uncertain as to how Ally would "be". I teared up a bit then chuckled... For many who KNOW Ally know that we need not worry about HER -- she is an angel, rock star, funny, silly, strong and an amazing, amazing little gal!! So proud of you Ally... you have come so far. And for your devoted and strong and 1000% loving and dedicate mother, well, she is just absolutely the BEST. I am so proud of you, Al, your mom, your wonderful big sis -- and the cloth we are all cut from. THANKS to my own mom. You made us who we all are :)

Lots of love and happy (almost) back to school!!

Aunt Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Oakton, VA - Monday, August 24, 2009 8:42 PM CDT
Hello all,
Please keep the Henne Family in your prayers tonight. Kathleen Henne, age 46, died Aug. 11th from complications of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I taught TWO of Kathleen's children six and five years ago. She and I became friends through a "teacher/parent" relationship, but she became MORE than that. She was especially interested and concerned when Allyson was born and she has kept in touch over the past five years attending the RALLY for ALLY every year. Her funeral will be this Saturday. Her oldest son, Connor, called me in tears last night to tell me about his mom. He and I were both in tears throughout the conversation. I taught "him" in 8th grade, and because of his reaching out to me in grief, I was very touched. One never knows the "right words" to say to a young man, 19 years old, but we talked for quite some time. It was a moment in which I realized "one continues to be a teacher" long after the chalkboard "dust" has settled. I will be with the family tomorrow night at the WAKE and again this Sat. at Kathleen's funeral. There will be a reception at the Henne home after the funeral. I will be there, too, and when I told Connor I "would be there" he said, "I hoped you would. My mom loved you."

Well...what an understatement. I loved HER, too, and I love the whole family. Please pray for their strength and courage in the coming days. Connor is a second year at Indiana Univ., and Tim will begin William and Mary in a few weeks....Catherine is a Jr. in high school, and Brooks is a rising freshman in high school. They are great, great kids who have been raised "right"...what a wonderful legacy for Kathleen.

Thank you for giving me this moment to talk about this family.

Kathleen was a frequent visitor to Ally's website, so I am sure Ally doesn't mind sharing her space.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:38 PM CDT
Hello all,
Please keep the Henne Family in your prayers tonight. Kathleen Henne, age 46, died Aug. 11th from complications of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I taught TWO of Kathleen's children six and five years ago. She and I became friends through a "teacher/parent" relationship, but she became MORE than that. She was especially interested and concerned when Allyson was born and she has kept in touch over the past five years attending the RALLY for ALLY every year. Her funeral will be this Saturday. Her oldest son, Connor, called me in tears last night to tell me about his mom. He and I were both in tears throughout the conversation. I taught "him" in 8th grade, and because of his reaching out to me in grief, I was very touched. One never knows the "right words" to say to a young man, 19 years old, but we talked for quite some time. It was a moment in which I realized "one continues to be a teacher" long after the chalkboard "dust" has settled. I will be with the family tomorrow night at the WAKE and again this Sat. at Kathleen's funeral. There will be a reception at the Henne home after the funeral. I will be there, too, and when I told Connor I "would be there" he said, "I hoped you would. My mom loved you."

Well...what an understatement. I loved HER, too, and I love the whole family. Please pray for their strength and courage in the coming days. Connor is a second year at Indiana Univ., and Tim will begin William and Mary in a few weeks....Catherine is a Jr. in high school, and Brooks is a rising freshman in high school. They are great, great kids who have been raised "right"...what a wonderful legacy for Kathleen.

Thank you for giving me this moment to talk about this family.

Kathleen was a frequent visitor to Ally's website, so I am sure Ally doesn't mind sharing her space.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:37 PM CDT
Ally...Your song brought tears to my eyes! You have been blessed with a beautiful voice. My mama used to sing that song to me every morning to get me up for school!You took me back many years ago!! Who knows...you and your sister might be on American Idol someday!! You go girl!! Hugs from Texas...Anna Rainwater
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
Lewisville, Tx USA - Saturday, August 8, 2009 10:16 PM CDT
Greetings everyone!

Since Kristin has not posted anything about the RALLY for ALLY yet, or the National Family NFED Conference in Williamsburg the following week, I'll do a brief "catch up"...

Drum roll, please! The RALLY for ALLY has raised up to this date over $13, 800 and we're still counting. Many donations were sent directly to the NFED and many have comem into family members after the Rally, so we're hopeful and optimistic that we will reach the 2009 goal of $15K!!! Thank YOU for helping us get there! The funds go to the most respected organization, NFED, and they help with research, family assistance, cooling vests, dentures, and many other areas. We are so very proud to be part of them and that they are in our corner as well.

AFTER the Rally on July 18th, Jerry and I hosted the out of town NFED families who had joined us for the RALLY and their kids for a "little dinner" at our house. We also hosted the NFED staff members, Carol, Malinda, Mark and Meredith (Malinda's family)as well. It was a wonderful time to "wind down" with some delicious Texas barbecue brisket, a few margaritas, and lots of playing outside time for the kids. It was a perfect ending to a magnificent day! Again, our thanks to our many friends who came to the RALLY, helped with the RALLY, donated items for the Silent Auction and Raffle, and pitched in with your hands and hearts. Without your support and help the Rally would not be the success it is and has been each year since its inception in 2005. God bless you all!

The NFED Conference was the following week. In between the Rally and the conference we "toured" all the main attractions in DC with the out of town guests including the Smithsonian, the Washington Monument (been up there lately? Beautifully redone!), Memorials, Mount Vernon, and a tour of the Pentagon including the 9/11 Memorial which is tastefully created. On Wednesday, Kristin, the girls and I drove to W Burg for the conference for the next four days. As always, the conference is very meaningful with many moments to pause and reflect on so many challenges for so many kids. The most outstanding part is what we take away, and that is the hope, and the comfort that each and every child affected by Ectodermal Dysplasia has a chance to make it and each child proves it over and over with their talents, their intellect, and their WILL to accept and overcome. The Talent Show was especially fun this year with both Ally and Morgan singing solos. Ally took the house down with Zip A Dee Doo Dah and got a standing ovation! Afterward, she said, "Why are they clapping so much?" Morgan was a big "stagefright" at first, but belted out her renditon of Tomorrow from Annie, the musical. Many of our friends' children played the piano, and sang, and told jokes, and just generally showed off their many talents. There is no "competition" and no prize...yet, the prize is that EVERYONE participates and is loved and so well received!

We were home by 7 PM Sat. night in time to wish Mark a happy birthday. He was just getting home from a business trip and was glad to see his girls!

I began my "Reagan care" duties this past Monday, so we haven't slowed down one bit. Hope this fills in some of the gaps of the past weeks.

Ally is doing well this summer and took swimming lessons, put her face in, blew bubbles and has enjoyed the water all summer! Her precociousness continues to give us great joy, and sometimes amazement. She "records" everything mentally...nothing gets by her and she will remember things that were just barely mentioned days later. What a wonderful brain she has!

Hope everyone is having a great summer wherever you are. Our love goes out to you.

Love to all..and best wishes to all the "rising freshman" who are leaving for college this month. Good luck and God's speed as you being this new phase of your life's journey.

Terri/Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, August 1, 2009 2:45 PM CDT
Just thought I'd drop in and visit Allyson and see how she is doing.
Jane Corrie <postseason@atmc.net>
Southport, NC USA - Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:11 PM CDT
Hi everyone!
The Fifth Annual Rally for Ally is Sat., July 18th, at Nottoway Park in Vienna, VA from noon til four P.M. WE hope to see you there! We have lots of great silent auction items including beach houses, teeth whitening, fabulous restaurant gift cards, wines, Scotch, beach bags, concert tickets, signed /autographed books, and much, much more! The barbecue will be served starting at noon with hotdogs and "stuff" for the kids! There will be games and crafts and a face painter as well! We are hoping to exceed our last year's goal with your support and help!

Many NFED families are coming to town this year just for the RALLY for ALLY from as far away as Kansas and Canada!

Looking forward to seeing all of you there Saturday!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Wednesday, July 15, 2009 4:42 PM CDT
Counting down the days............. I cna't wait!
Aim-a-lita <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Monday, July 13, 2009 7:37 AM CDT
Happy Baptism Day to Reagan!

Ally's YOUNGEST cousin will be baptized this afternoon wearing her GREAT GRANDFATHER's christening dress made by his mother 101 years ago! It has been worn by all the grandchildren and "most" of the GREAT grandchildren. The seams of this dress hold much character and dignity that will surely be passed along to Reagan Frances! We are anticipating the events of this day with great joy! Family, friends, and loved ones will spend the afternoon enjoying Reagan, one another, and some scrumptious food!
And....then we focus on the RALLY for ALLY next Saturday!

These are the very best of times!
With love to all,
A very proud "grandmother" Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, July 12, 2009 7:58 AM CDT
My heart goes out to this brave family! Losing a child has got to be the most difficult thing and I will pray that the coming days offer them peace.
Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Sunday, June 28, 2009 7:49 PM CDT
Little Vivienne is resting in God's arms today. Thank you for the prayers and you may continue to pray for her parents and sister, Ella Rae and brother, Sully....they were a "family" at HOME for about a WEEK. Vivi was a beautiful little girl with shiny, blonde hair and chinadoll features. God will hold her close as His tiniest angel.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Friday, June 26, 2009 6:26 PM CDT
Abundant prayers for Vivienne!

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:01 PM CDT
Hello everyone!

I'm writing to ask you to collectively pull together in prayers for a little girl named Vivienne, born June 8th to Mara and Brian, Ashli's and Kristin's good friends. Vivienne has just been diagnosed with Trisomy 18. She is ver small and fragile and needs your prayers to make her days on this Earth as peaceful and content as they can be. She has a brother, Sully, and a sister, Ella Mae. They are too young to understand yet that God has given them a sister, but He will soon take her to be one of his tiniest angels. Please keep the family and little Vivienne in your prayers as they face the challenges of the coming days. They are strong, loving parents, but we know this is the worst nightmare that no family ever expects to befall them. Thank you in advance for your love and support of the many who come to this website for energy, solace, and spirit. Today we ask you to speak Vivienne's name when you pray.

Thank you.
With love to all for the blessings and bonds we share.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 1:00 PM CDT
Happy Father's Day weekend to all the DADS in our lives!

I always remember my Dad on this day. He taught me many things, but the most memorable are the ones I seem to live by...."Press on Pilgrim" comes from my Dad's stoic nature. "Finish what you start." That says it all! And, "It is just as easy to do something right the first time and you don't have to do it over." always rings true. "Keep your gas tank half FULL, not half empty." That is my "keeping my glass halfful philosophy, too!" "Treat people the way you wish to be treated." "Err on the side of kindness." Wow...I didn't realize I would recall so many! Thinking of you, Dad!Thanks for giving me the nickname "Rock"...it still WORKS! :)

Happy Father's Day to Jerry aka Geep aka Jerome aka Junie aka "Chicken House"....you are a good Dad, husband, and friend. Thank you for the zillion hours of "doing things for me" over the past 38 + years!

Happy Father's Day to Mark! You show kindness and love to your family and you have totally "accepted" the communication gene that came to your girls! You are a good Dad, and I'm proud of you! I love my son in law! And, I love your "address" for the NEXT THREE YEARS, too!

Happy Father's Day to Tom! You have shown such love for Thomas that it seems hard to imagine that Reagan will not just wrap you around her little finger soon! You are a hands on Dad and a good role model for Thomas and Reagan. I'm proud of you as I watch you in your multiple roles as husband, Dad, friend, and son in law! I love you!

And, happy Father's Day to all the dads we know who might be reading this website. I hope your special day of recognition will provide you with validation for the job you're doing and the one you might have completed long ago!

Wishing everyone a great weekend of sharing love with your families.

Love to all,
Terriaka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, June 20, 2009 7:47 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to Morgan! I wrote this earlier today, but it is now "gone"....a very big 8 year old now resides in Ally's world! Ally is the greatest "fan" of her big sister and emulates her every move! So, Morgan, you'd best beware of making all the RIGHT MOVES! Love and joy to you on this day!

We love you,
Teetay and Geepie :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Tuesday, June 16, 2009 7:35 PM CDT
Happy Memorial Day to everyone!

Remembering the men and women who serve our country in the armed forces on this special day....THANK YOU to each of them. Please pause for a moment today to remember your loved ones as I remember mine...especially Jerry, my husband who served in the Air Force with two tours in Viet Nam, 13 air medals and a Distinguished Flying Cross and memories he chooses not to share.....my brother in law, Loren, Chaplain in the US Army, my son in law, Mark, who is serving in the Navy currently and has had numerous tours to Iraq in the past decade....memories of my Dad, who enlisted in the Army during World War 2 and served as a photographer with many pictures of the war in France and Germany...and Jerry's uncle Norbert, who was also in WW2 and kept prisoner for many months but lived to come home and tell stories about his experience....

To the many others who have served and given and sacrificed. Today is YOURS and you have my gratitude for your sacrifices.

God bless America and thanks to all. Fly your flags high today!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, May 25, 2009 8:45 AM CDT
Happy Mother's Day to everyone in Ally-land!

I am so very proud of both my daughters, Kristin and Ashli, as "moms" they raise the "bar" every single day! I think each one of us has learned a great deal about "special mothering" from Kristin even though she never set out to become anyone's "role model mom." The way she handles the day-to-day challenges in her own life with a smile and a happy spirit have become a model for many of us! "BIG LOVE" to both my girls on Mother's Day! I'm grateful your love and friendship!

Twenty - four years ago Kristin gave me a little book entitled: Mother, You Are Always in My Thoughts. She was 14 at the time and as "moms" we don't always "think our fourteen year olds are paying attention." She selected a specific poem in the book and she wrote on the page: "I'd settle if I were only 1/2 of you!" What a wonderful compliment that was at the time. Little did she know she would not only be "1/2 of me" but she would be "all of me and then some!"

The poem is appropriate today for all the moms out there who have little children emulating them, or BIG grownup children who really were "paying attention" when you least suspected it.

The poem is entitled: "For you, Mom"
"Ever since I've been old enough to remember,
You have been there whenever I needed you...
To share my troubles
To laugh with me
When I was happy
To love me most
When I was hurt...
So many memories...
Memories I hold most dear,
And that will be cherished forever.
For not only have you been my mom
And my best friend,
But also the woman
I most want to be like in life."
....by Debbie Avery

So, remember "moms"....somebody is watching you! Don't "mess up!" And, today when I read that poem again after so many years I realized how very blessed I am to have two girls who chose to "pay attention" and learn from me. I know they learned from my many mistakes, and some of my successes. What I know they learned was that they were loved and supported every step of their way. Now, they are the guiding hands for their children.That is the best gift a MOM could ever have on Mother's Day!

"Pass it on...pay it forward"...whatever one wishes to call it!

I'm thinking of my mom today with joy and sadness. She taught me many things about life, but mostly to PRESS ON when things seemed tough. I'm thinking of how fortunate I was to have my mom in my life for over 60 years!

Wishing everyone a beautiful Mother's Day and I hope you are surrounded by "love" and "those who want to be 1/2 of you someday!"

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, VA US - Saturday, May 9, 2009 5:56 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day weekend to all the very special ladies in my life... Especially MY mom(!!!!), amazing sister(!!!), my aunts and sisters in law and numerous mommy-friends! I am blessed to have such support and inspiration from my own mother and sister, and wish all you moms out there a relaxing and fun weekend :)

Can't wait to celebrate Mom's Day at my house tomorrow with Teetay, Kristin and the kiddos!! Yay, spring weather will be great too!

And as Teetay has said.......... RALLY FOR ALLY is July 18th!! We're ramping up and looking forward to another GREAT year -- join us!

Lots of love!

Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Oakton, VA - Saturday, May 9, 2009 1:12 PM CDT
Greetings everyone!

I had to read the newest journal update to learn that Mark has a new job! That must be a sign of the "busy times" we're having! I knew the "job" was in the "works" but I did not know it was a "done deal!" OBVIOUSLY, I am not "complaining" about the news of Kristin, Mark, Morgan and Ally remaining here til 2012!! You won't hear any complaints from me! But, SERIOUSLY, and not "selfishly" I am so glad that they are in such a good place for "school and community" for Allyson and Morgan to thrive, as well as their own lifestyle! They're involved in a terrific church family that is very positive and active for all of them! Allyson is receiving the BEST possible care and education through the early intervention program Fairfax County offers as she continues her educational journey. And, of course, Morgan is receiving excellence in her second grade year in Fairfax. Being one of the finest school districts in the U.S. I cannot stress enough how important that is for the children! Yes, I may be a "bit prejudiced" as it is MY school district, but it is also TRUE that it is at the TOP of the rankings natiionwide! I'm delighted to be part of their lives and to enjoy the singing concerts in church, the sleepovers, the outings, and just knowing that we have this "new normal" to embrace and celebrate! I hope Mark is thrilled with his new position starting in June!

It's a rainy weekend, but the flowers are growing each day so we must be thankful for the raindrops!

Had a sleepover night with Ally and Morgan last night and we had bunches of fun, as always! The evening included some outside playing, scootering, riding tricycles, bicycles, and chalk drawings in the driveway! When Geep came home from work he was greeted with a chalk sign that read: "Welcome to Teetay's House! Wha hoo!" :) Brought a grin to his face....

I hope everyone is having a wonderful spring weekend wherever you are!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)
RALLY for ALLY - July 18th - Nottoway Park! Don't forget!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, May 2, 2009 11:45 AM CDT
Greetings everyone!

I had to read the newest journal update to learn that Mark has a new job! That must be a sign of the "busy times" we're having! I knew the "job" was in the "works" but I did not know it was a "done deal!" OBVIOUSLY, I am not "complaining" about the news of Kristin, Mark, Morgan and Ally remaining here til 2012!! You won't hear any complaints from me! But, SERIOUSLY, and not "selfishly" I am so glad that they are in such a good place for "school and community" for Allyson and Morgan to thrive, as well as their own lifestyle! They're involved in a terrific church family that is very positive and active for all of them! Allyson is receiving the BEST possible care and education through the early intervention program Fairfax County offers as she continues her educational journey. And, of course, Morgan is receiving excellence in her second grade year in Fairfax. Being one of the finest school districts in the U.S. I cannot stress enough how important that is for the children! Yes, I may be a "bit prejudiced" as it is MY school district, but it is also TRUE that it is at the TOP of the rankings natiionwide! I'm delighted to be part of their lives and to enjoy the singing concerts in church, the sleepovers, the outings, and just knowing that we have this "new normal" to embrace and celebrate! I hope Mark is thrilled with his new position starting in June!

It's a rainy weekend, but the flowers are growing each day so we must be thankful for the raindrops!

Had a sleepover night with Ally and Morgan last night and we had bunches of fun, as always! The evening included some outside playing, scootering, riding tricycles, bicycles, and chalk drawings in the driveway! When Geep came home from work he was greeted with a chalk sign that read: "Welcome to Teetay's House! Wha hoo!" :) Brought a grin to his face....

I hope everyone is having a wonderful spring weekend wherever you are!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)
RALLY for ALLY - July 18th - Nottoway Park! Don't forget!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, May 2, 2009 11:44 AM CDT
Happy Birthday, Ashli!!!! I am thinking about you today and hoping you enjoy all your birthday celebrations!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 7:52 AM CDT
Hi all,
So enjoyed my day with Thomas and Reagan...and the aftenoon with Ally....having FOUR grands is remarkable...and I do enjoy their every antic/antics!

We are hoping that all can join us for the RALLYfor ALLY in July...July 18th...at Nottoway Park in Vienna, VA....we will welcomeyou with OPENARMS~ Believe it!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetayre@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:52 PM CDT
SAVE the DATE for the FIFTH Annual RALLY for ALLY!

July 18, 2009
12:00 til 4:00 PM...
Nottoway Park, Vienna, Virginia

Fun activities, food, music, children's entertainer, raffle, Silent Auction items galore and of course, the guest of HONOR, Allyson Glenn Kelso will be there with her entire family!

If you would like to be involved in the setup, prep, raffle donations, Silent Auction items...please contact one of us: Terri, Kristin, or Ashli. If you have a beach house to "donate" a week, or a house in the mountains...?? If you own season tickets to the Nats or the Skins' games, those, too, make great Silent Auction items....

Last year we had many new items for the Silent Auction, so if you have "thoughts" about other things, please let us know. Be CREATIVE! Think out of the BOX! We're open to all suggestions and donations for the auction and raffle!

Looking forward to seeing you in July if not before!

Love to all on "Tax Day"...!! :)
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, April 15, 2009 7:32 AM CDT
Greetings to all !

Happy Passover and Easter celebration days! And, welcome to springtime flowers!

We are anticipating a wonderful day with the whole family tomorrow after church. There will be food, festivities, EGG HUNTS, and lots of playtime for the four "grands"....well, Reagan won't 'exactly play' but she'll hang out and SLEEP while everyone else is frolick-ing! :)!!

We had a wonderful time on our cruise....plenty of delicious gourmet food experiences, great entertainment, and lots of sunshine time! We were very lucky as we embarked our ship....we still don't know "why" but we were upgraded to a huge room on the 10th deck with a sliding glass door, balcony, chairs, tables, kingsize bed, and a big bathroom. We realized later that it was a handicapped room...so now we will "know" what to ask for in the future! There was a "welcome letter" for someone named "Elizabeth" and her bags arrived at OUR door, but we never saw her and we had the room the entire week! Like I said, "we got lucky" but still don't know why it worked out that way! YAY for "good mistakes!" :)

Kristin, Mark, Morgan, and Ally have been in Hilton Head this past week with Grandma and Grandpa soaking up some sunshine at the beach. They arrive home later today. I haven't seen "my girls" in two weeks, and that is a very long time in my book! I've spent this past week doing fun things with Ashli, Thomas, and Reagan. We had a great Thursday at a NEW music class and then lunch at a Mexican Restaurant!

Looking forward to warm weather days and lots of outside time in the coming weeks. I hope all of you will enjoy this weekend and that you are spending it with loved ones!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahool.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, April 11, 2009 8:32 AM CDT
Great picture of Ally. Can't wait to see her in a few months. We will be praying for her procedure this week. We understand the dislike of hospitals. Our advice (from experiences with Tyler), Versed is a WONDERFUL thing! We will look forward to hearing how it all turns out.

Hope the cruise is a wonderful, Teetay.
Love to all of you!

DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Sunday, March 29, 2009 3:32 PM CDT
Greetings to all!
What a beautiful "Ally photo" on the homepage! I just saw Ally this afternoon and she was 'eyes open' and "bare boonie"...she had gone pottie and somehow she just simply did NOT want the panties back on..hence "bare bottom"....she sang karaoke with her tshirt on and 'bare bottom'...I wonder if this is a sign of the "times"??? ha...She and Morgan celebrated my upcoming birthday next week since I will not be around..(shhhh....we are going on a cruise to Central America) ...so complete with cupcakes and c ards that sing and a lovely gift, we "celebrated"....the Karaoke was fun. Ally and Morgan both sang High School Musical 'hits' but Ally was the one BELTING them out! The girl LOVES the microphone!

Celebrated yesterday with Ashli, Kristin, Thomas, and Reagan...they did not do Karaoke, however!
Fun times ahead....four grands, life is good, and we will see blue skies and sunshine for the next 10 days!

Enjoy your PRE Easter week and we will think of you.
Ally has another exam under anesthesia on my birthday at Children's Hospital. I will miss being there, but I believe Mark is going with Kristin this time. This visit is to check her teeth, not her eyes like it was last week. Pray for COMfort for Ally as she is now reaching the age where she "really doesn't like hospitals"....it was bound to happen, right??

Thinking of you all with love and wishing everyone a great beginning to springtime/flowers/showers/and outside fun!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Friday, March 27, 2009 8:14 PM CDT
What a wonderful picture on the homepage!!!! Ally, I can not believe how long your hair is getting. And your eyes are glowing too! It is so nice to see them open :):) Thanks for starting my Friday off right!!!

We have had a busy few weeks and now that Zach's adoption is final we are celebrating with a small party at the house on Sunday. Then, Zach is having his ear tube surgery on Wednesday and we hope that will help with all the colds and ear infections he has been getting. I know, daycare is one of the mian causes, but since he has had fluid in his ears since birth I am so anxious to see if there are any improvements.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Aimee and the boys <enoughof thesnowalready@whereisspring?.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Friday, March 27, 2009 7:38 AM CDT
It has been awhile since I have checked updates on your family. Wow--I would love to meet these cousins in person! Congratulations on new baby! Congratulations on ticket sales for NFED. Your family is awesome! I'm especially grateful for your friendship and support of my kids. It's wonderful to have them connected with such genuinely caring folks! You are often in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings to you all! fh
Frankie Huxman <fhuxman1279@yahoo.com>
Newton, KS US - Sunday, March 22, 2009 9:51 AM CDT
Happy first weekend of spring everyone!

We are having slightly warmer temps in the Mid Atlantic, but looking forward to a continuous string of WARM weather days ahead!

The days/weeks have been very busy since the arrival of Reagan Frances three weeks ago! She is a good baby and does all of her activities on "cue"....eats/sleeps/coos/wiggles/makes creaking door sounds/ and is only slightly "fussy" when she's hungry! She sleeps through Thomas's antics and noise which is a great thing! It's been fun being with her these past few weeks. She went to Thomas's music class last Thursday and pretty much slept through the entire event. He continuously ran over to "check on Baby Reagan."

Ally has had a bad rash (is there a good one?) this past week and has been fighting that with a fever and no school since Tuesday. She's improved each day, and has had lots of "chair cuddling time" with her mom! I was with her Thursday so Kristin could volunteer at Morgan's after school CHESS CLUB. We played lots of "Barbies" and even changed their dresses to fool Morgan. So, Belle bacame Jasmine, and Emily became Cinderella...and I lost track after that! By the end of the afternoon, Ally was "tired from her busy day" and we were cuddling in the big chair watching a Dora movie!

Morgan's weeks are busy with her gymnastics, chess club, and piano lessons. She also has homework each day and a spelling test every Friday. She's doing very well in school and seems to enjoy the variety of activities! Last Friday she and Ally had a sleepover at our house, and as usual, Morgan got some "special treats" after Ally went to bed...we watched Space Buddies, a dog movie about Golden retrievers going into space...and we had special Shamrock cookies with our warm milk! It was a fun sleepover night! The following morning we went to the theater to see "Thumbalina"...complete with popcorn and sprite!

As I reflect....these "moments" are treasured...just doing the ordinary is extraordinary sometimes. Today, Kristin and "the girls" and I are going to the "mall playground with the tree house" per Allyson's request. She's been "in the house" all week, and she wants to get out and play! Thomas is taking swimming lessons with his Dad this morning. Last week he freaked out when he saw the BIG pool, but hopefully, he'll be enthusiastic today! I took him to his Dad's hockey game last Sunday morning and he was "all over it" for five minute intervals...then, he would get distracted until I pulled him "back" into the game! He loves "playing hockey" in his basement! Reagan has entered a very active family....she has no idea what all is in store for her as she grows up!

Please pray for Rick F., the brother of a teacher friend of mine...he was diagnosed with leukemia a couple of weeks ago. He is very young, and has a young family. Please pray that his meds will bring him to recovery.

Thinking of you all with love and hoping that your first spring weekend will be special in every way. We are one week away from our "vacation"....we leave next Saturday for a cruise to Central America. "All my bags are packed...I'm ready to go....etc.!"

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Saturday, March 21, 2009 7:48 AM CDT
Congrats to the Kelso and Company on raffle tickets. You guys are awesome! Virginia is the lucky state so that's why we'll head there this summer! I want to congratulate everyone that contributed to the Kelso sales --- you all can be commended for your support of the NFED. As fellow NFED members, we appreciate it also.

Hope all of you are feeling better. Give hugs from us in Kansas!

DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Thursday, March 19, 2009 10:10 PM CDT
Hooray for YOUR support! Hooray for us! Hooray for funds contributed to the NFED through the raffle ticket sales that will help children and families affected by Ectodermal Dysplasia!

We are proud to be part of the NFED and so very proud that you, our dear friends, family, and extended family members are sticking with us as we travel Allyson's "journey road"...

God bless you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and friendship!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, March 12, 2009 6:02 PM CDT
Oh what a week it has been!

Reagan Frances entered our world on Feb. 27th and we have not "stopped" since that day. I was with Thomas at his house while Ash and Tom and Reagan were still at the hospital. During that time we had a Mid Atlantic "snowstorm" which dumped 8/10 inches in various areas. Thomas stood by the door MONDAY, as I told him, his sister was coming home. He kept saying: "Snow?Snow?" It was so very cute. But, HOME they did come in the SNOW and all was well in the George household. And, the beat goes on...Thomas REALLY wants to hold Baby Reagan and intermittently, he wants to "put her back." (WE'RE NOT SURE WHERE HE WANTS HER TO GO BACK?)

It's been a fun week of loving "one more grandchild" and loving the JOY of the interaction of the Big Brother with her.

Ally and Morgan have been great cousins and have visited Reagan and Thomas more than once.

I'll be in touch.
Grand "Teetay" reporting out...

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, March 9, 2009 9:29 PM CDT
I hadn't looked at the other photos before I posted. Wow, Morgan took a great picture with her newest cousin. She will be an awesome babysitter one day. It is obvious she is very proud!
DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, Kansas USA - Tuesday, March 3, 2009 10:45 AM CST
Congrats to Ashli, Tom, and of course Thomas. It will be so exciting to meet both Thomas and Reagan this summer. We can't wait. I'm sure Thomas and Andrew will be great buds as well as Grant and Reagan. Glad everything is going well.
DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, Kansas USA - Tuesday, March 3, 2009 10:43 AM CST
K -
Thanks for posting the pics. She is gorgeous as are all of you! We love you BIG!!

Holly Crandell <holly.crandell@mac.com>
- Monday, March 2, 2009 8:03 PM CST
March's LION brought in a bout of snow to our area and brought Reagan home on the same day! Reagan Frances has now entered her own dwelling with her big brother and her dog and cat! She seems pretty content with Nala giving her a "nod" and Thomas sharing "his lovies" with her. (Imagine that?) Thomas and I "cleaned and shined" for Reagan's arrival home today and he thought "CLEANING" WAS THE MOST FUN! They have a lightweight vacuum cleaner so he was actually able to push it around. He loves to "pick up specks" on the floor, so I think he was made for the cleaning routine! Now, everyonen is 'back together' and we plan to have a "Thanksgiving type of feast" for dinner. The hospital food was less than adequate, so Ashli and Tom are both looking forward to a good dinner, I think!

The sun is out...the temps are frigid....and the snow is piled high and quite beautiful! With temps dropping into the single digits tonight, this white stuff will be around for awhile! I know the "out of school kids" are loving it!

We are blessed and we thank you for your continued support and love. Ally and Morgan are coming for another visit tomorrow if there is no school, I think.

In the meantime, stay warm and feel the love!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, March 2, 2009 2:29 PM CST
Wow! What a perfectly precious little girl! Calen can't wait to meet her! Love the name. Congratulations Tom, Ashli, and the rest of your wonderful family.
Pam Thompson <pamelatc@verizon.net>
Fairfax, VA The Best! - Monday, March 2, 2009 8:06 AM CST
Love this pictures!!!! Congrats to everyone. Reagan is one very lucky little lady.
Giant HUGS!!!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Monday, March 2, 2009 7:35 AM CST
Congrats to Tom, Ashli and Thomas on the new addition to their happy family. Reagan, you are one lucky little girl to be a part of this wonderful family.

Such beautiful, smiling, happy faces on Geep and Teetay - a fourth grandchild to love - such a blessing. Congratulations!!

I see by the weather that the Noreaster is heading your way - safe travels to all.

All the best

Nancy Zembal

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Monday, March 2, 2009 6:17 AM CST
What happy faces! I guess you can all tell we are "over the moon and back" with a fourth grandchild! Morgan and Ally and Thomas are going to be the BEST big brother/and cousins in the world! Ally held Reagan, too, and maybe you will see that picture next time!

Happy times ahead for our whole family!

Love to all and I hope our snow does not keep Reagan from coming home!

Terri aka Teetay:)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, March 1, 2009 8:15 PM CST
Hello everybody!

Rodni's here! and her name is....drumroll...Reagan Frances George! She entered our world at 12:37 today on Feb. 27th...weighing 7 Lb. 10 oz. with a "bi lo baby girl" face...MY mother, Gee Gee aka Gran, would be so very proud that Ashli and Tom used her given name for Reagan's MIDDLE name. My mother did not live to "see" Ashli and Tom married, but she loved Ashli very much and was so happy to meet Tom, a Philly fan of sports, in the city of Brotherly Love. When they met, she asked him in her little "Southern accent"..."So, Tom, how is it that you live in the city of Brotherly Love and those EAGLES fans are so "D" mean?" Tom smiled, and he somewhat accepted her observation of her views....
And, now his daughter is named after Great Grandmother Frances...how proud she would "be" that she made it into the "family NAME"...and how proud she would be of Tom and Ashli..and "how forgiving" she would "be" that Tom is a true Eagles' fan. With great love I write this tonight..."names" are so very important and to know that Reagan Frances George "carries" something "on" with her is very valuable. Her name means "Little King" or "little ruler"...and I think MY MOM, Frances, would have liked that. She had SPUNK and she certainly passed that a long.
God be with Reagan and Ash and Tom tonight in the hospital..and with me with "Thomas" tonight/and tomorrow and the next day and the next.....etc.!!
What a joyous day it has been!

New life...new times...new energy. (it sure TAKES the pressure off me! ) Thank you for smiling with us tonight.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay:)

terri <teetay4r3@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Friday, February 27, 2009 8:51 PM CST
Today's the day! Baby Girl George joins our family circle!

Thank you for your love and support, and always PRAYERS, for our family. We will give you the "drum roll information" later today!!

Love to all and happy birthday to Baby "Rodni" George!!!
Teetay :) (Terri)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Friday, February 27, 2009 7:04 AM CST
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read the details tomorrow!

Aimee <itissnowingAGAIN@Iwantspring.com>
EP, MN - Thursday, February 26, 2009 6:49 PM CST
Greetings to all!
"Twas the night before Thomas' sister was born...and all through the house, not a speck of dust anywhere, not even a thorn..the cradle was ready with teddy bears galore....and Thomas was singing, ELMO WANTS MORE!" So, tomorrow is the big day and we are all in high gear excitement mode! You will be hearing about Baby Girl George's birth on this site! Ally gives "permission" to share her space with her littlest cousin!

Thank you for your love!
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, February 26, 2009 6:32 PM CST
Greetings to all!
The "countdown" is on for the arrival of Baby Girl George this Friday! I have "my list" and I'm checking it "off" as I prepare to move into the George home this Friday to take care of Thomas for the weekend while his mom and baby "tister" are in the hospital. We will all be there for HER arrival at the hospital! Kristin, Geep, PopPop, and me! I will take Thomas over Sat. morning to MEET his sister for the first time according to the PLAN! Ally and Morgan will meet her over the weekend as well....you can imagine everyone's excitement!

Have a great rest of the week, and stay tuned for the big announcement!

Love to all,
Proud Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Tuesday, February 24, 2009 7:39 AM CST
Love that "head up Ally" home page pic --- PRECIOUS and SO PRETTY! Hoping that everyone does what they can during these tough times to support the NFED with raffle tickets all in honor of Ally!! Much love and thanks to you all in Al-Pal land for your constant support and love for our family. We are blessed!!
Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 18, 2009 8:38 PM CST
Happy Valentine's weekend to everyone!

Thomas's "big two year old birthday party" was yesterday and the "cast of thousands" just kept coming! It was a "sort of open house event" as most of Ashli's and Tom's friends had not ever visiting their new home! Thomas was in RARE form all day and was as hyper, upbeat, and silly as I've ever seen him! Ate JUNK all day (well...it WAS his birthday party!) and topped it off with homemade ELMO cake and "cookie monster" BLUE cupcakes! And, there were 20 little BLUE mouths to prove how tasty COOKIE M. was!

We had a short "break" in the afternoon for Thomas to nap and then we rallied again in the evening for the celebration of Geep's birthday and PopPop's birthday which were both last week. To top it all off,Jerry and I celebrated our 38th anniversary! It was quite a day with lots of festivities going on at the George home!

Morgan and Allyson are BOTH singing in church this morning and I can hardly wait to hear Ally sing "I've Got the Joy,Joy, Joy, Down in My Heart!" I am sure she will put her own little "dance spin" on the song like she did the last time! She gets SO excited when she's singing. Morgan will not tell me the name of her song as she wants it to be a surprise! All I know is that she will sing it with ONE less tooth this morning. She's keeping the tooth fairy pretty busy these past months!

Tonight is sleepover-night for the girls and tomorrow I will take all three "grands" to Thomas's music class. Morgan and Ally will be "visitors" for the class since there is a holiday from school. "Thank you Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Washington."

After music class we are going out to lunch....yes, all THREE grands...you know I'm a risk taker! Morgan promises to "help me with the children." I am sure it will be just fine!

After a busy week of subbing (everyday!) this weekend was a wonderful high point! Now, all we have to do is WAIT for February 27th for the little "George girl" to join our family. February is turning out to be a REALLY BIG MONTH of things to celebrate!

Do I hear a song coming on? "Celebrate NOW!"

I hope you are having a great weekend wherever you are and that you are sharing it with loved ones.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Sunday, February 15, 2009 7:35 AM CST
Happy Birthday to GEEP!

Those "numbers" just keep rolling around! Have a happy day taking care of Thomas "all day"! What a wonderful way to spend your birthday! Plus, a gathering with friends tonight...and more "celebrating" Saturday AFTER Thomas's two year old parteeeee!!! What a great week!

Teetay/Terri :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Tuesday, February 10, 2009 7:44 AM CST
Greetings to all!

I'm going to have to "speak to Kristin" about the Christmas trees that are still on the homepage! So much has been going on that I'm sure she'll "get around to it" before Valentine's DAY comes!

Allyson's new tubes are "in" but the doc couldn't put the larger tubes in the left ear. But, the larger tubes did go in the right ear and that was a good thing! Ally said: "I got new tubes, Teetay!" (like it was a new pair of shoes!) Cute! I got the girls off the bus yesterday afternoon since Kristin is enjoying a "girls' weekend" in VA. Beach with many of her "California girls" who now live in VA. I know she will have a wonderful time reuniting with her old friends! The girls and I played and played until Mark got home around dinner time. They were already eating dinner when he arrived. Morgan was anxious to watch Shark Tales with her Dad after Ally went to bed!

Thomas' birthday party is next week, a bit earlier than his REAL birthday, so to be SURE to have it before his baby sister arrives the end of this month! Can't believe I'm saying "end of this month"....it's almost time!

We have warm temps this weekend, so it will be good to get outside and enjoy some sunshine! There is still frozen precip in my front yard...perhaps this weekend it will completely go away!

I have had great response to RAFFLE ticket sales and I am so very grateful for your continued love and support. Keep 'em coming! I enjoy doing my "raffle work" for the NFED!

Thinking of you all and hoping everyone is having a great weekend.
Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)
And a BIG Happy Birthday to GEEP this week! And to "PopPop" this week!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Saturday, February 7, 2009 8:47 AM CST
Hope the surgery went well. Thinking of you all!!!
DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Friday, February 6, 2009 5:07 PM CST
Ditto, ditto! Ally, you should be out of surgery now and I have been thinking of you for the past several hours! Hope the stellar doc got that left tube in good and right this time! Love you lots, my super strong beautiful niece - YOU ROCK!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Aunt Ash, Uncle Tommy, Thomas and "Rodni" :) <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, February 3, 2009 12:36 AM CST
Thinking about Ally today as she gets her tubes replaced!!!! Lots of hugs from a very chilly Minnesota!

Aimee, Jim, Tyler and Zach <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, February 3, 2009 7:49 AM CST
Happy Super Bowl Sunday to everyone!

It has been a SUPER week! We went skiing last weekend with Kristin, Morgan, and Ally and had a SUPER time! Morgan learned to ski for the first time, (and I checked it off my "bucket list" to ski with her!) and we all enjoyed the WATER PARK and swimming pools at the resort. Geep loved his bonding time with Allyson while the three "girls" skied the mountains! I had not skied in five years so I was quite tentative, at first...but it is like "riding a bicycle" and once I was UP the lift and down the slope a few times it felt very natural, once again! Having skied most of my adult life, it was a goal of mine to ski with, at least, ONE grandchild! I hope to do it again before the winter says its farewell to us!

The past week has been busy with subbing, Thomas Thursday, and being with friends! Ashli and Tom are "preparing" for the arrival of Baby Girl George the end of this month. I will be with them "for awhile" after she is born to be that "extra set of hands" until Ashli has fully recovered and they are ready to go SOLO!

The SNOW in the MidAtlantic was the big news this past week! The ICE on top of it was even bigger news. The ICE kept kids out of school Wednesday, and we grabbed another day at the ski resort! ON the final day "all the girls" did snow tubing. I'd never participated in that sport...Morgan LOVED it...Kristin "liked" it...Ally hated it....and it was the most out of control thing I'd ever done, so my adventure into speeding down the mountain sitting inside a piece of rubber, spinning and turning backwards while cascading up/down the sides of the "little island" I was placed in was short-lived. I GLADLY went INSIDE the lodge with Allyson! (she also hated it!) I can check that off the "list" too!

Hoping that everyone will have a great Super Bowl Sunday and that your team makes you proud this evening! I'm looking foward to the commercials and the half time show with the BOSS!

Say a prayer for Allyson this week as she gets new ear tubes this Tuesday. We have a "snow event" predicted for that date, but hopefully, it will not be too difficult for Kristin to get to Rockville for the procedure. This is Ally's 12th surgery under anesthesia! Keep her close in thought!

Many of you have already rec'd my "mailing" about RAFFLE TICKETS for National Ectodermal Dysplasia MONTH. Thank you in advance for your support of this cause to raise funds and awareness of ED Syndromes. And, thank you for the EARLY response I rec'd in my mailbox yesterday! I already have 250 tickets "sold" and I'm hopeful that number will rise, rise, rise!! Thank you for your love and support of Allyson and our family.

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, February 1, 2009 7:50 AM CST
Happy Inauguration Day everyone!

Wherever you are, I hope you will enjoy the excitement of a "new" beginning for America! Regardless of "politics" I know that everyone wants President Obama to be "successful" in future decisions and will have the wisdom and grit to lead our country in these troubled times. It is with great pride that I celebrate AMERICA today!

There's a destiny that makes us brothers...(a favorite quote of mine) None goes his way alone,
All that we send into the lives of others
Comes back into our own.

I pray that this will be TRUE for our country and its people.

We will be joined by Kristin, Morgan, and Allyson shortly to watch the Inauguration festivities, eat chili and clam chowder, wave our flags, and celebrate the HISTORY that is occuring in our lifetime. The flags are planted firmly in the soil in my front yard, the fire is crackling, and the red/white/blue cookies are baking!

We were fortunate enough to attend an Inaugural Ball during the Clinton era, but tonight we will watch and "dance" from our living room! Wishing everyone a great day!

God bless the new administration, God bless the men and women in the military, and God bless America!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:47 AM CST
Happy almost Friday!
It is days like this when I wonder why on earth I live in MN! Today the ACTUAL temperature was 25 BELOW ZERO when I left the house for work. It is so cold that your nose hairs freeze as soon as you get into the cold air! When the cold air hit Zach his face was like "what the heck was that???" It has not been this cold since 1994!

Not too much is new with us - daycare is going well, Zach is over his colic, and we are settling into our new routine. We still have an hour left of 24 to catch up on (that goodness for DVR) but both Jim and I are so excited that it is back on the air. Between 24, Idol, and Scrubs, we have a ton of TV to watch. Now if we can just get Zach to bed before 8 we may actually get to SEE some of what we have recorded - HA!

Missing all my VA peeps!!!

Aimee <Itisjustplaincold@wishingIwereinFL.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Thursday, January 15, 2009 7:33 AM CST
Greetings to everyone!

It has been a busy "beginning of the year" thus far! We have enjoyed sleepovers with Allyson and Morgan, a "private" movie with Ally (Curious George), a new music-together class with Thomas, and even a lunch and movie with Kristin this past week! All the Christmas decorations are back in their place "labeled" carefully for next year. In between I have been subbing, and I have enjoyed the interaction with the students.

Ashli and Tom are preparing the new "baby room" and it is coming together nicely! Thomas now boldly says:"TISTER!" ANd, he knows that she is still "inside" and will point as Ashli's belly!

Kristin, Mark, Morgan, Allyson, Geep and I are going skiing the end of this month. It has been on my "bucket list" to ski with my grandchildren at least ONCE! I'm hoping that I still have my "ski legs" and that we will be sliding down the mountain together! It will be Morgan's and Allyson's first "attempt"....Morgan is very excited over her first ski adventure. Kristin was about Morgan's age when she learned to ski. I'll never forget it! It was on Geep's 40th birthday that we all went skiing together for the FIRST time. I was the only "skier" in the family at that time, and the first few hours were "miserable." Everyone in the family spent the morning on their bottoms in the snow! By mid afternoon, everyone was upright! Hallelujah!!! :)!!! I'm hoping this will be a great adventure for everyone! (and that I am not the one on my "bottom" this time!)

Thinking of you all, and wishing you a very happy new year. God's blessings on our country and the new administration. May this be a positive beginning for our country.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, January 12, 2009 8:40 AM CST
Thanks to all of you in Allyland that said prayers for Grant Huxman before, during, and after surgery. Everything went very well and he has the cutest little pug nose and connected lip. We kept saying, "All Grant wants for Christmas is a new front lip.". Well, he got it. Again, thanks to you all.

As for you Kelso's --- Happy New Year! Glad to hear all the birthday celebrations went well. Just another year, right? Great to talk to you over the holidays Kristin. We'll try again before we see you in July. Get those Huxman vacation plans going --- (Teetay and Ashli I'm sure will help also). Looking foward to seeing you all in half a year --- it will be here before you know it.

Love to all of you!

DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, Kansas USA - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 11:03 AM CST
Happy New Year to all!

These first few days of 2009 are promising to be just as filled as the final ones of 2008!

Morgan attended a three day "Drama Camp" this past week and had the role of Alice in the Tea Party Scene.....there were "two other Alice roles" shared by the students, but Morgan's scene was the BEST! She has a flair for the "dramatic" (ya think?) and spoke her lines with great enthusiasm and gusto! She truly put "animated" into her scene! Ally was a reluctant "viewer" of the scene as she wanted to READ her Dora Books during the show! We had to contain her with fruit snacks and lollipops! However, once it was OVER, Ally said, "Morgan, you did the best!" Gotta love the "sister love!" Teree and Pammie joined us in their "surrogate" roles as 'special aunts'.....we celebrated with hamburgers for lunch!

We also had two nights of "celebration" this week...the 30th we celebrated Kristin's birthday at HER house taking her favorite dinner...can you spell STEAKS?! She opened presents and was for a short while the "center of attention" on her 37th...!!! We had a "sleepover" ....of course, Morgan always has "me sleep in her big, pink bed" where I become her "human pillow"...! Geep didn't mind being in the basement on the big inflatable mattress all to himself!

The next night, Happy New Year Night, we were at Ashli's and Tom's house where Geep and I kept all three grands so the "parentals" could go out for a fine dinner! Thomas and Ally went to bed 'on time' but Morgan got to stay up as "long as she could"...and she made it past 10 PM as we watched some of the New York "variety" and played games and drank hot chocolate! It was a fun evening for all, and I think the "young people" had a lovely time being "out and about" sans kids! :) Geep and I have had so many "new year's celebrations out" that we really enjoyed just being HOME with the grands!

January 1st...cold, cold day here, so I stayed IN my own house and UNdecorated all day! It doesn't take THREE days to UN do Christmas decorations, thank goodness! I labeled my tubs and boxes very CAREFULLY this year, so next season I won't even have to THINK about where to put things...I labeled each box EXACTLY. I find the "older I get" (did I say that?) the less motivation I have for pulling it all out and decorating....however, once it is "done" I love the Christmas-house-feeling! Once the FREEZING temps have mellowed, we'll get those lights off the bushes in front..that is the only thing left to do!

Today, I am going to Babies R Us with Ashli and THomas to pick out some "sister" items for Baby George's new room that is being painted and organized today by Tom and his Dad. Later, I'll see the Despereaux movie with Morgan, Allyson, and Kristin! Another fun-filled day ahead!

Here is wishing each and every one of you the very best in the coming year. Hoping that all the problems facing our country can be resolved one by one and we will move in a positive direction. I've started keeping a "Happiness and Gratitude Journal" as of January 1st...only positive thoughts and words will cover the pages, and I am sure your names will be reflected there!

"There is a destiny that makes us brothers...none goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others...comes back into our own."

Thank you for the past year of CARING.

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Saturday, January 3, 2009 8:15 AM CST
I haven't signed on in awhile, mainly because I've been fortunate enough to be close to Ally and her family in the past year. What great strides Ally has made, and she is so full of spirit! I wish everyone a happy new year, and may it be full of great things for everyone in the Kelso and Matus families, and another year of magnificent progress for Ally. See you soon! Love, Teree
Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Friday, January 2, 2009 8:59 PM CST
Happy New Year to all the Caring folks at this site! Kristin had a very special birthday - especially with Morgan's superior performance as Alice in the tea party scene from Alice in Wonderland. Morgan was THE BEST! Tell your mom to look for a congrats ecard coming later today! What a wonderful and inspiring family! I am proud to know you all. Love, Pam
Pam Thompson <pamelatc@verizon.net>
Fairfax, VA The Best! - Friday, January 2, 2009 12:47 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTIN, my sister, BFF and inspiration!!

Have a super day and can't wait to celebrate with you tonight -- Passion Fish... YUM!! And FUN!

And thrilled to see that Grant Huxman is home and seems to be doing well from his cleft surgery - gooo Grant, you little ones are troopers!

Lots of love!

Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, December 31, 2008 9:20 AM CST
Happy Birthday to Kristin, supermom, superwife, superdaughter, and superfriend to all!

I recall 37 years ago when you first POKED your head out in a small Catholic Hopsital in Southern Taiwan weighing over 10 pounds and stretching 22 1/2 inchest long! I wondered if you would be the next "girl Michal Jordan" (although he wasn't even known then!) or if "things grown in Texas really were bigger and better".....although you were "made in Japan and produced in Taiwan"....!! After knowing you for the past 37 years and watching you grow in to your own adult person, I can say:"Yes, you are bigger and better regardless where you started!" I am so very proud of you as a daughter, and as I watch you love and support your family, I am even prouder! Once you made a little speech which went something like this:"I am proud of who I am and what I plan to be...." (something like that) I hope you KNOW how very true those words are today! You are admired by so many for your fervent love and support for Ally, Morgan, and Mark. You are respected by your diligent, perseverance to help, guide, and role model what all "moms" and "parents" SHOULD be. You are held in the highest esteem by everyone who knows you in person and on this website. Grab some handfuls of happiness for yourself today as we "see" Morgan perform in Alice in Wonderland, have our special LUNCH out, and prepare for the New Year's celebration at Ashli's house later on!

God bless you on your birthday and I hope the coming year brings you joy, love, and the TIME to enjoy it all. I am, after all, your BIGGEST FAN and "mother"...!!!

Love you, Kristin!
Happy Birthday!
Your Mom/Terri/Teetay :)
lookingforwardtokeepingthreegrandchildrentonightsotheparentscangooutandhaveanadultdinner. com :)!!!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:42 AM CST
Happy BIRTHDAY EVE to my favorite plucky chicken! I hope you have a wonderful birthday/New Year's Eve tomorrow. I'll be celebrating with you in spirit!
Friends +++,

Aim-a-lita <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:27 AM CST
We are so into our GALA mood, but we want to do SHOUt outs for GRANT Huxman as he had his cleft lip revision surgery tomorrow.,.,.God love this little BOY as we wish him the the very best..

Love to all, Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Monday, December 29, 2008 7:07 PM CST
Hi and a belated Merry, Merry to everyone in Ally-land!

Thoughts and prayers go out to our little buddy, Grant Huxman, as he undergoes his cleft lip surgery today in Kansas City. We are thinking of you Grant, DeAnn, Chris and all the Huxman boys!


Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Monday, December 29, 2008 8:54 AM CST
Merry Christmas Eve to you! And Happy all other holidays to everyone!

Ally's FACE on the homepage "says it all...." she had a GREAT birthday gathering with many of her friends, teachers, and neighbors helping her celebrate! She's not "much into opening presents" but she sure likes for them to be OPENED FOR HER!

Christmas EVE morning began very early for all of us as we gathered at the "mall" (on Christmas Eve, you say?) at 7:30 to SEE "Santa" when he first arrived! We were lucky...no lines, no hassle to park, and no crowds! It was a lovely visit with Santa and I believe Morgan told him "everything" she wanted and "specific colors"...and Kristin told Santa what Ally wanted as she became shy and a little fearful being so close to the BIG MAN! Then, it was off to Thomas's house to deliver gifts to be opened in the morning! He and Ashli were making a Kahlua cake...yum, yum, hic, hic! :)!! Finally, I am home making my "sides" for tomorrow's FEAST which will be at Kristin's house in the afternoon.

KNOW that you will be in our thoughts and our Christmas prayers as we have a very blessed "Savior" Day! Thank you for continuing to be part of our journey and our extended family. And, in the words of Tiny Tim..."God bless us each and everyone!"

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 11:37 AM CST
Today, I received the Christmas letter and photo from you and your Grandma Teetay. Allyson you have grown and accomplished so much since you moved away last year. We are so, so proud of you and we miss you and your family very much. Keep up the good work, we are all rooting for you!
The Denette Family
Keith, Nicole, Hunter and Isabella

Nicole Denette <Nicolerd_2@hotmail.com>
Port Hueneme, CA USA - Tuesday, December 23, 2008 6:04 PM CST
Happy Birthday to Allyson!

What a gift you are to our family and the "extended" family we've "gathered" on your website! You are a bountiful spirit (and one day that will be the name of my book about you..'going to start writing it any day now!)and you bring joy and hope to those who know you!

It was wonderful decorating gingerbread houses with you at your school last week and celebrating with your teachers and friends at your party, Saturday! You hung in there with all "craziness" of the party day! There is lots going on this time of year and you are handling each day pretty well!

"Rewind back" to four years ago when your beautiful body popped into the world and we saw you for the very first time! Yes, we knew there were/and would be challenges in your life, but what we didn't know then that we do now is how well YOU WOULD TEACH US to handle each one of them. Through your many surgeries and "trials" you have proven to be one tough little girl who loves to laugh, play, learn, and grow. Your teachers are amazed at your mental abilities and your family is impressed and so very proud of you! As you continue to work with your teachers at Terra Centre in learning to "read and write" in braille, and to use your cane for walking, and to figure out things for yourself, we will be forever beside you with encouragement and support and love. You give to us your love each day, and for your life, we are grateful! Thank you for teaching us about the truly important things in life and how we can "see" more clearly now as we watch you operate with STYLE!

I am proud to be your grandmother and I know that rings true for the rest of your "grand parentals" who love you very much. Like the phrase in the Radio City Music "show"....you don't find the "gift"...the GIFT finds you! Thank you, Allyson Glenn Kelso, for FINDING us to be your family! Happy 4th birthday, and God bless you as you continue to GUIDE our way through "your eyes."

With great love and admiration for my granddaughter, Ally!

Teetay aka Terri :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, December 22, 2008 6:15 PM CST
Happy Birthday Allyson! Can't wait to read all about your birthday party and all the fun birthday celebrations!! I bet you had a wonderful time celebrating #4 with ALL of your family!!! We miss you and love you!!

Jack, Dani, Gage and Mackenzie

Dani Van Natta <daniellev16@verizon.net>
VIRGINIA BEACH, VA - Monday, December 22, 2008 6:00 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Ally! When I think back to the day you were born I can hardly believe 4 years have gone by. Thank you for teaching me the meaning of life - FAMILY first - and the rest will just have to wait. You are just the cutest little girl and I love talking to you on the phone. Have a wonderful birthday with all your FAMILY around you. You are in our thoughts and we are celebrating with you from a very cold Minnesota. I am so proud of you!!!
Your far-away "Aunt" Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Monday, December 22, 2008 11:05 AM CST
Happy 4th Birthday Allison!!!
The Lutz Family
- Monday, December 22, 2008 10:34 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my precious little friend. Have a GREAT day and even better year ahead. :)
love Norma

Norma MacDonald <normadirt@eastlink.ca>
Canada - Monday, December 22, 2008 9:59 AM CST
HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY, ALLY!!!!! Oh Al-Pal, where does the time go?!? I remember this day 4 years ago so vividly, when you entered our world as such a gift and blessing. You have triumphed over so much and conquered many challenges, and continue to amaze and impress me ;) everyday. You are one SMART, sweet and spunky little gal, and I am honored to be your Aunt! What fun we have had over the last year with you close by in VA and I can't wait to be a part of more fun and special memories! Special hugs to you on your 4th birthday!!! Oh, and Thomas sends along a hug, a kiss "lean in" cheek to cheek and a big wrestle-style hug, too!

We love you lots big Al-Pal gal! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Aunt Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Oakton, VA - Monday, December 22, 2008 5:41 AM CST
Greetings to all on this very chilly Sunday morning!

It has been such a busy December that I don't know where to start! From the beautiful "Angel Alert" program last Sunday, to sleepovers with the girls, decorating the house for the holidays with TWO Christmas trees, my Thomas days, and in between LOTS of subbing, I have been literally RUNNING through the days!

We had our family photo done last weekend and many of you will receive one in my Christmas letter soon. To have "nine" people all dressed up and smiling at the SAME time was quite an effort, but we managed in between meltdowns to get a good snap!

Everybody in our family has passed the same "bug" back and forth over the past weeks, but everyone seems to be on the mend now! We had an "early" Christmas dinner at our house last Sunday complete with prime rib, but NOT turkey! It was a fun time with all three grands playing in "high gear!" Their spirits certainly fill the house!

Thank you for your prayers for my nephew, Joshua, who is continuing to recover from spinal surgery. He is improving each day and finally his pain is under control. He will have many months of rehab to get all his functioning strength back.

I hope everyone is enjoying this next-to-last weekend before Christmas. We will continue to celebrate the "season" with Allyson's FOURTH birthday next Saturday. Today, Kristin, Morgan, Allyson and I will visit the NATIONAL Christmas tree and see all of the STATE trees on the downtown mall. We plan to be there when the lights come on!

Thomas' eyes will surely light up this Christmas morning when he finds Santa's goodies under his tree. He was too little to "care much" last Christmas, but he'll be into it this year! And, there might even be a few EARLY gifts for his "tister" who will appear in February!

Thinking of you all with love and gratitude for being on our journey these past FOUR years of Allyson's life, and those of you who have been "with us" spanning many more years than that. Wishing you all the goodness of the season.

With love,
Terri aka Teetay:)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Sunday, December 14, 2008 7:37 AM CST
Hello, everyone! This one is for Aimee, and we are praying for your new little one that his health issues will be identified and that he will be helped by the physicians who are treating him.
Next: Thank you for your prayers for our grandson, Joshua. It is Friday evening, and at this writing, he is doing quite a bit better. He is at home, enjoying a big queensize bed, where he can stretch out his long frame. He has to have bedrest because he has a small opening at the base of his 22" incision, which is draining. That sometimes happens with the kind of surgery he had for kyphosis. 19 vertebra were straightened with a small brace and the bones were fused with new bone tissue which will grow and strengthen around each one. Josh had so much muscle due to weightlifting and athletics, that his doctor said he was exhausted from the 6+ hour surgery, because it was so hard to get through all the strong muscle. Because of that, he has had significant muscle spasms and pain, which Teetay has already written about. His home meds now, given by his mom, have gotten the pain under control, so that worst pain is about 3, and it's mostly between 1-2 on a scale of 10. His doctor says the surgery was successful and he can expect full recovery, but it is an intensive and difficult recovery period--physical therapy for at least 6 months. Please continue your prayers for him. Mom Leslie has been a "brick" as we like to say in our family throughout it all!! Josh told her, "not one of my nurses in the hospital was nearly as good as you are, Mom!" She'll remember those words forever, because it was a REALLY difficult 6 days in the hospital! Anyway, I wanted to report this good news to everyone who has held us in their hearts and prayers.
Kristin, loved the new updated webpage, and especially the singing of the little ones! The pictures are terrific, and Teetay told me today of Allyson's jokes she came home and delighted everyone with! What a charmer she is!
At this holiday season, we are aware of all the blessings we have, but are also aware of the suffering and pain in so many lives. We offer prayers of thanksgiving, of course, as well as prayers of concern and asking for those whose lives are experiencing many difficulties.
Since I'm not a prolific writer, I do want to wish one and all a Happy and Blessed Christmas!
Love to all, and thanks for your prayer support for our family. Dale

Dale G. Pugh <dalegpugh@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Friday, December 12, 2008 6:05 PM CST
Happy Friday!
I wanted to post some GOOD news.......we just received word from the adoption agency in Florida that the Termination of Parental Rights hearing took place this morning. The courts granted permission to terminate the birthfather's rights!!!! The birthmother's rights terminated when she signed the papers. That means hopefully in the next 30-45 days we can finalize Zach's adoption!!!!!! What a GREAT birthday present that would be for me!

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts!

Aimee, Jim, Tyler and Zach <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Friday, December 12, 2008 9:14 AM CST
Dear all,

I know there is a world of caring folks who read Ally's website, so if you will lend a moment to add my great nephew, Joshua, to your prayer list I would be so grateful. Josh had spinal surgery last week to correct an extreme curvature called Kytosis. He is a big, 6 ft. tall teenager, and while he is receiving the best care, the medical team cannot seem to get his "pain meds" right for his body size. He's been in SERIOUS pain since his surgery and his hospital stay has lengthened as a result. He is anxious to "get home" and "begin home teaching" while he is recuperating. Please pray that the pain will subside and that the meds will work correctly so that he can go home. Thank you for your always caring thoughts and prayers.

And, have a wonderful December of "ANTICIPATING" the birth of the Christ Child and "Santa excitement" and all the glory of this beautiful season. God bless you all.

With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Monday, December 8, 2008 7:29 PM CST
I'd like to add a name to the prayer list........please say a little prayer for my baby, Zach. We don't know what is wrong with him and are trying everything we can to figure it out. A long list of doctor appointments are on the agenda - ENT, GI, neurologist. My job is not very understanding and if we don't get some answers soon I am at risk of losing it. Jim and I could lose everything if that happens so whatever praying you are able to do we would really appreciate it.
Thank you!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Thursday, December 4, 2008 4:49 AM CST
Hello everyone!

Since this is a site for CARING, please extend your prayers to my nephew, Josh, who had spinal surgery today and came through it very successfully, however, it will be a long rehab period for him. He had 19 vertebrae "straightened" with pins/rods/and the "works" to straighten his back. The condition is called kytosis. He was in surgery over five hours, but he is resting well tonight. He's a big, strapping, 15 year old who loves to play football, but will probably settle for "tennis" after this surgery. That's OK by him since his grandfather, aka Uncle Poppy, is an avid tennis player. Josh will be home from the hopsital in about six days and his recovery at home/and physical therapy will be over the extended months. Please put his name in your prayers tonight that he will have a complete recovery from this very serious surgery. Josh, as you might have figured out, is my sister's second oldest grandson.

YAY for doctors and medical miracles. We've seen many of them over the past nearly four years of communicating through Allyson's website.

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Wednesday, December 3, 2008 6:33 PM CST
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We sure did and got a lot accomplished over the weekend. The holiday decorations are up; the lights are on the house; the tree has been decorated. We had a few "issues" with the tree this year......it seems to be a bit lopsided and kept falling over when we would let go. After 3 trips to Home Depot and a new tree stand we finally got the tree up and decorated. When Zach woke up from his nap and was taken over to see the tree his face lit up and his eyes were so wide open I thought they were going to pop out of his head!!!! He was looking at it and you could just tell that he was thinking "WOW! That is soooooo pretty!!!!" Tyler's room is just about painted - THANK YOU, DAD! The last wall should be done by the time I get home from work today. Even that project turned out to be larger than expected. Tyler picked a navy blue and after 7, yes 7, coats, it is finally done. Needless to say, my dad did not exactly plan to be painting the entire 10 days he was here.

Operation "daycare drop off" was a success this morning. Zach starts daycare today and it is apparent Jim and I have some kinks to work out in our morning schedule. It will take a few days to get us all used to our new routines. Now, we just have to get Zach to sleep through the night so we don't have to wake up and feed him!!!!

Work should be busy for the rest of the year and before you know it, it will be NEW YEARS 2009!!!! I hope everyone has a great week!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Monday, December 1, 2008 8:50 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

You are among our greatest blessings and "we" thank you for being part of our lives every single day!

Today will hold some very special moments....we are "hosting" Thanksgiving for the first time in 13 years. When Kristin and Mark married 13 years ago we began "going to their house for Thanksgiving at various addresses"....this year we all live in the "almost same zip code" so the parentals get a "turn" at having everyone at our table! And, what a "table" it is going to be! Geep and I began preparing food last night, and Kristin and Ashli are bringing their favorite dishes, too! We have much to be thankful for this year....we are warm and we have clothes and food, but most importantly, we have one another! The anticipation of Baby Girl George in February heightens with each passing day! Spending time with Morgan, Allyson, and Thomas is the highlight of my days. Last weekend's trip to NYC to see the Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall was spectacular, and to share it with the "girls" made it even better!

Indulge me a "grandmother moment" if you will....during the show last weekend, Allyson was nestled in my lap. I "spoke" to her throughout the show describing to her the things she could not "see"....sometimes we were "silent" just listening to the music, other times, I gave her a blow by blow of the activities on the stage! She tapped her feet, and clapped her hands appropriately. At one point, I "realized" that I was the "voice" of the Musical spectacular for her...and it was a "moment" to cherish. And, like the message of the show...."you do not find the GIFT, the GIFT finds you"....Allyson is truly a GIFT who has found her family, and we thank God for her every day. Thanks for letting me have that "grandmother moment...." :)

Our thoughts and prayers are with the men and women serving in the military far from home this Thanksgiving season. Continued prayers for those in public service including the new Administration who will lead our country for the next four years. May God give each one the wisdom to help all Americans.

God bless you all today and throughout the coming holidays....again, thank you for being "with us" on our journey.

With love to all, and Happy Thanksgiving wherever you are!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Thursday, November 27, 2008 7:51 AM CST
Hi everyone!
It has been a while since I have had any time to write.....here is what we have been up to.

We had our final adoption post-placement visit this morning. The report will get written up and sent to the FL courts. The "TPR - termination of parental rights" court date is December 12th and that is when the courts will officially terminate the birthfather's rights. The birthmom's rights terminated when she signed off on the paperwork 24 hours after Zach was born. We just learned that we can not finalize the adoption until 90 days AFTER the TPR date so that puts us into next year for Zach's official "GOTCHA DAY."

We are still dealing with terrible colic and acid reflux but have learned how to incorporate this into our nightly routine. Jim and I take turns every 30-45 minutes because the crying can really wear you down. During the day Zach is a very happy and smiley baby so it just breaks your heart at night to see him in such pain. I think Tyler has learned how to tune out the crying!

We are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with my parents and we have a lot to be thankful for this year! My mom has been here for almost a month and it will be sad to see her leave. We have really appreciated the help! Jim's parents arrive on Dec 20th and Zach and Tyler will get spoiled all over again!

Before we know it, Chanukkah and Christmas will be here and this is the first year that I feel so unprepared. There are not enough hours in the day for me to get my shopping done and who knows what would happen if we did not have INTERNET SHOPPING!

We have put my dad to work while he is visiting and his job is to paint Tyler's room. Tyler has outgrown the "stars and planets" and is moving on to a baseball theme. His whole room will be MN TWINS and I certainly hope he likes it for YEARS to come!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Much love,

Aimee and her boys <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, November 25, 2008 1:03 PM CST
Happy "almost"Thanksgiving everyone!

We are headed to the BIG APPLE tomorrow morning with Mark and Kristin and the girls to see the RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Christmas spectacular! We hope to do some ice skating and take in a few museums/focus on KID friendly activities, and stroll the city sidewalks taking in all the sights! Morgan and Allyson have never been to New York City, so they are VERY excited! It will be a whirlwind weekend and a COLD one, so we're preparing to bundle up bigtime!

Back home Sunday afternoon to "gear" up for Turkey Day, and the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and all the festivities that the season brings! We will be hosting the "family" for Thanksgiving Day and we will surely recall our many blessings....you are among those blessings. Thank you for being "with us"...!!

With love to all, and a happy weekend ahead!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Friday, November 21, 2008 5:17 PM CST
Good morning everyone!

The days are flying by as we get into the "full blown holiday season"....I was in a few stores during this past week and there were crowds everywhere! Not sure what this says about the economy, but the lines were long!

I'm looking forward to my Thomas "day" this week. I am taking him to a new "music spot" called Jammin' Java and he will play instruments, dance, and singalong with "O' Susannah"....we've seen her once before and he really liked her! The new session of music classes on Thursdays begin AGAIN after the holidays, so "O Susannah" will be our interim! It's been fun selecting just the "right" Christmas gifts to match Thomas' personality. It will be fun seeing his face light up Christmas morning!

Allyson and Morgan and I had TWO sleepovers this past weekend...one at my house and one at their house Sunday night. Kristin, Mark, and Geep went to the Redskins/Dallas game (does anyone know who won????!) so I slept at Morgan's and Ally's house so they could be out "late" for the game. Allyson told me she "liked being called Allyson"....when I asked her "why" she responded, "I don't know!" I guess there is something about the RING of her WHOLE name! She was into her Dora books Sunday and I think she read every one of them.

Morgan was very "into" her new Molly, American Girl movie. It was about a girl living through World War II. The content brought on some very "serious" discussions including one about the new President Elect Obama. Morgan DECLARED in no uncertain terms that she knows what Pres. Obama needs to do FIRST when he's President! And, this is it:

"President Obama should make sure that the word 'BABIES' is taken off ALL Aveeno products so that ADULTS will know they should use them, too! (continuing on...) I think ADULTS should be able to wash their hair and bodies without getting BAD soap in their eyes just like BABIES."

So, take that, President Obama! Out of the mouths of babes...get that "Aveeno label" right up there on your agenda! Forget the economy, the war, health care, housing market, and building a strong democracy....Morgan has spoken! Aveeno products for EVERYONE! (aren't children's comments just the best???)

Also, during the Molly-WW2-movie, MOrgan had many things to say about "war." One.."I don't want my Daddy going back to the war."
Two: "I think I would be scared if we had blackout drills."
Three: "Why do we have wars? Why can't people just get along?"
Four:"Molly was very brave. I want to be brave like her."

So....you can see how thoughtful Morgan's comments were as they related to the movie and the ideas it put in her brain. I wouldn't give anything for those moments of "reflection" when she lets me know her thinking. That is the BEST sharing!

I'm subbing at a new school this week and enjoying my time with new faces! I guess I've found out I can "branch out of my comfort zone." :)!!

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday. It is our coldest day of the year thus far with some snow flurries lurking nearby!

Kristin, Mark, Jerry, the girls and I are headed for New York City this weekend to see the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes Show (that's a mouthful to say!) and probably do a "zoo trip" if weather permits, and/or take in one of the many Children's museums, and treat ourselves to some special New York "food." We are looking forward to our "getaway" to the Big Apple!

Thinking of my friend, Alison Baker, as she spends some final moments with her grandmother who suffered a massive stroke yesterday.

Have a great rest of the week!
Thinking of you all.
With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Tuesday, November 18, 2008 7:31 AM CST
It is with great pride that I celebrate and thank the many Veterans who gave their service, love, and lives to the United States of America.

I salute you all with this greeting entitled "High Flight."

"Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings. Sunward, I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth. Of sunsplit clouds and done a hundred things you have not dreamed of. Wheeled and soard and swung high in the sunlit silence hovering there. I've chased the shouting wind along through the footless halls of air and flung my eager craft up, up the long delirious burning blue. I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace where never lark or even eagle flew. And while with silent easy step I've trod...the high...untrespassed sanctity of space...life up myhand and touched the face of God." John Gillespie Magee,Jr.

Thank you to my Dad, Berner E. Grant, USArmy,WW2, Norbert Tasler, USArmy, WW2/POW, Jerry's uncle who is 97 years "young"...Jerry F. Matus, USAF, VietNam, Loren D. Pugh, USArmy, Chaplain,VietNam Gordon Cook, USAF, VietNam, John Taylor, USArmy, VietNam, Pat Siemon, USAF, VietNam, Jon Peterson, US Coast Guard,John McKay, USAF,and to the young active duty servicemen and woman, we salute you for your continuing service: Mark Kelso, USN, Glenn Kelso,USN, Josh Reyher, USN, Laura and Dave Linderman, USAF and to those whose names do not appear in this space...thank you ALL and God bless you in all that you do to ensure that our freedom prevails.

Remembering all the Veterans on this very special day.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 8:11 AM CST
God BLESS America, and let's all hold hands and work together...for a better tomorrow.
Thinking of you tonight on a night of celebrating America and all that we stand for "together"...
Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay:)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Tuesday, November 4, 2008 10:42 PM CST
Happy Voting Day to everyone! Our lines were long first thing this morning but we voted, got our free Starbucks coffee, and made it to work only 20 minutes late today!

On the adoption front, NO NEWS yesterday was good news for us! The birth father did not file anything with the courts so now we are just waiting for a court date to officially terminate his rights. This date is just a formality because he can not file anything at this point. So, that means CHUBBY CHEEKS/CHUNKY MONKEY (as we like to call Zach) is officially OURS! We attempted to celebrate last night with a decadant chocolate cake but chunky monkey had other ideas and wanted to cry during the celebration. We are relieved beyond belief and can now just enjoy our time with Zach and Tyler as a family of 4! Thank you all for your prayers and support over the last 7 weeks. It has been a whirlwind for us and we are so happpy to have this part over with. Now, we just need to have one more post-placement visit by a social worker and then a court date can be established for finalization. We do not have to go back to FL for this and we will be able to have a conference call with a judge. We have been told this may not happen until next year due to the holidays but we are fine with that. It is really just a formality because NO ONE can take Zach away from us now!!! YIPPEE!!!!

Much love from Minnesota,

Aimee, Jim, Tyler and Zach <ZachIsOurs@OurFamilyIsComplete.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, November 4, 2008 8:06 AM CST
Happy "the election is almost over weekend..." to all!

I will be glad to have "different rhetoric" to listen to after Tuesday's election, is the "electorate" can let it go and move forward REGARDLESS of the outcome! I have done more research and followed all sides of this election more than any other one in my lifetime, and I still have questions and doubts. However, I will not STAY home and play "marbles" by myself. I contend it is my duty, my right, and my responsibility to let my small voice be heard. I hope you feel the same way!

This past week has been filled with many activities including the on-slaught of Halloween! Thursday's music class had all the little ones dressed in their costumes. Thomas was a "moo" and wore his costume even though he took off his "head piece with horns" every chance he got! Friday afternoon Thomas's school had a little "party" and 'parade'....however, there was NO "moo-ing" for Thomas. He was a skeleton (in skeleton pajamas) and NOT A COW! His Daddy wore is "cow hat" over his "winning Philies" cap. Pop Pop, from Philly, was with us, and we had a joyful time!

Then...it was OFF to Burke to have an outdoor "picnic" supper before trick or treating with Ally and Morgan! We had pizza, salad, chili, cornbread, and lemonade in the DRIVEWAY! Couldn't believe it was WARM enough to do that on Oct. 31st! Morgan was a black cat complete with tail and ears and "claws"....Ally was Tinkerbell complete with little green, shiny slippers on her feet. At first, Ally did not want to be part of the "frivolity" as it was so loud! She did eventually warm up to the idea of receiving CANDY from every house/and hopefully,her favorite: LOLLIPOPS! She asked everybody's name when she went to the door and told them : "Hi, I'm Ally, Tinkerbell!" Earlier in the day, Morgan had taught her to say:"Trick or Treat, smell my feet...give me something good to eat." I don't think ALLY said it once !!!!(good girl, Ally!) The night became CHILLY, so I walked Ally home before the older kids finished the entire community of houses. Morgan could BARELY carry her BASKET of candy home it was so heavy. (now, to get rid of it all????)

By the time Morgan and Kristin returned home, Ally was "fast asleep" dreaming of her LOLLIPOPS!

Sat. morning I was up early to proctor the SAT testing at a nearby high school. My first time to do this...and one gets "paid" for proctoring, so it was an enjoyable experience and I earned a little $$ for "reading the directions." Not a bad gig! I was home in time to meet Ashli and some of her old friends from out of town,Helen, specifically, at a new place called Jackson's in Reston Town Center. Thomas "joined us at the bar" and ate chips and guacomole "with the girls" while sipping his lemonade! A boy has to "learn" sometime! His favorite activity was walking outside on the "walls" and jumping off the ends! I think the "bar talk" was BORING to him! ha!

Topping off Saturday was a fantastic steak dinner prepared by "Chef Geep" while catching up on shows I'd taped during the week. Didn't watch the SNL "finale" yet as Daylight savings and my pillow were calling my name earlier than the 11:30 timeframe! Look what I have to look forward to today???

It's a beautiful, sunny fall day in Virginia! Looking forward to the shower Theresa, Ellen and I are giving for Jo, Pam's daughter in law, this afternoon. Her baby girl is due in December! And, after that Theresa and I are "off" to hear one more POLITICAL speech at George Mason University!

Happy weekend to everyone ...and continued prayers go out to Hyatt's family. I hope God will give them the strengtha and courage to face the coming days.

Thinking of you all with love...

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Sunday, November 2, 2008 7:42 AM CST
Lots of good wishes and prayers are in order from this caring site. So, my good wishes and prayers go out to all. Ashli, so glad to hear you are having a girl - now Calen and Ciara have "mates"! I hope to see your new home soon and make a visit to the Kelso's to hug those girls! Love, Pam
Pam Thompson <pamelatc@verizon.net>
Fairfax, VA - Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:20 AM CDT
Prayers please... for Hyatt Nolan, 35-yr old mother of 2 girls (3 yrs and 4 mos) who suffered Cardiac Arrest on Sept 11th and has been in a vegetative state since that time. She has been moved to Hospice care. We pray for Troy, her husband, and sweet girls, and that there is a miracle for her recovery or that God's work is swift and he brings her home.


Thanks... we've got some good prayer warriors out there!!

Aunt Ashli and the PINK baby "Rodni" in my belly! :) <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, October 29, 2008 8:46 PM CDT
Greetings everyone!

It is a COLD October day today, and it looks like it is time to crank up the olde fireplace tonight! We've had a string of beautiful days to enjoy the crisp temps, but today has felt more like 'winter' than fall! I hope the Trick or Treaters will not be too chilly Friday evening.

I plan to go to Thomas' school to see his "little parade" Friday afternoon. He will be "moo-ing" as he parades! He also gets to wear his costume to music class Thursday and that will be fun to see all the little ones dressed up. Friday night I will join Morgan and Ally and the "Legendgate Friends" for trick or treating around their community. That means I will leave tubs of candy on "my doorstep" with a big "Happy Halloween" sign suggesting each "trick or treater" take TWO pieces of candy! Since I won't be here, and Geep will be at work, I won't really know if the first group cleans it out or not, will I??? Maybe Timmie the cat could watch over the TREATS! Ya think??

We had a great Saturday at Ashli's with ALL three 'grands' there in silly, playful moods! Allyson and Thomas "wrestle" together quite "roughly"....Thomas has learned this from Ally's grabbing him, and he now grabs back and they roll and tumble in the floor! Morgan had to "sigh and leave the room" a few times exclaiming, "I cannot take any more of these babies!" (such an exasperated "40 year old" cousin! ) We took a few pictures attempting to get a really good shot for a Christmas card photo...not sure that happened, but we did snap a few decent shots! Hard to get all THREE children looking at the camera with big cheesey grins at the same time.

I've been doing a bit of subbing and as always I enjoy being with the kids and walking out of the school "empty handed" but not "emtpy hearted"...a great feeling of FREEDOM! :)

Thinking of all of you and especially the NFED crowd celebrating in New York City this for the big Halloween Bash..wish we could have made it this year, but we'll try for NEXT?? Maybe everyone's schedules and pocketbooks will be in better shape next year!

We are loving the news of "pink" in our family next February...and we would have loved BLUE just as much! It's fun to anticipate the arrival of a tiny one, no matter what! I did go out and purchase a few "pink" items to get Ashli and Tom started on their PINK journey!

Thinking of you all as this month draws to a close and Election Day is upon us. I hope and pray that there will be positive solutions to the problems and challenges our country is facing. And, I pray for the men and women in the military that their direction will be pointed toward "home" in the near future. God bless them all.

With love to all...
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, VA usa - Tuesday, October 28, 2008 9:26 AM CDT
Hi everyone!
It is a cold morning here in Minneapolis! Congrats to Ash, TG, and TG3 - looks like ruffles and pony tails are heading your way.

We are on the final countdown to see if the birth father will pursue his threats to contest our adoption. We have until Sunday to continue to hold our breath. After that, a court date will be assigned to officially terminate his rights. Our finalization probably won't take place until next year but that is just a formality once this first court date takes place. We are anxiously awaiting Sunday so that we can officially welcome Zachary into our family. Your continued thoughts and prayers are so appreciated!!!! Today we will complete our first "post placement" visit with the assistance of the MN adoption agency. FL requires 2 visits once the baby is in your home. A social worker is coming over this morning to see how we are all doing. We will put on our happy faces, cover the bags under our eyes with LOTS of makeup, and show her that we are all doing well!!! I am sure she expects us to be exhausted so there will be no surprises there.

Being parents to a newborn after an 8 year lapse has been quite the challenge......Jim and I knew we were not going to do well with the lack of sleep but we were really unprepared at just how poorly we would handle the 4-5 hours a night (total with lots of breaks in between) we are both managing to get! Zach is a pretty fussy and high-maitenance baby with a severe case of colic. Needless to say, we are ALL working hard to adapt to HIS schedule.

My mom arrives on Sunday to help us out for a month and we are really looking forward to the extra set of hands. OOPS - the prince is waking up - AGAIN. Have a great day!

Aimee and her BOYS (Jim, Tyler and Zach) <SleeplessInMinnesota@NewBaby.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Monday, October 27, 2008 8:40 AM CDT
Congratulations Ashli, Tom, and Thomas! I have to admit, my first thoughts were "poor Thomas, with all those girls around him". I'm sure he'll survive - maybe even love it. We are looking forward to meeting Thomas and "Rodni" this summer. Can't wait. Take care all of you!
DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Sunday, October 26, 2008 10:17 PM CDT
Good morning, everyone!

Here is the website address for more information and support for Carol Decker and her family. It is a heart wrenching story and they need prayers, love, and support if you are able to give any of that to them. Thank you for your caring!

Have a great week ahead!
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Monday, October 20, 2008 6:55 AM CDT
Greetings from the Mid Atlantic and the coldest night of the season so far!

What a great weekend it has been! While Mark and Kristin and Morgan attended the UVA/UNC game yesterday in Charlottesville, Ally and I had a day and whole night together! She doesn't often get to be the "only one" at our house, so she rather enjoyed the special attention! Thomas did come over in the afternoon for some play and they did their "usual" I WANT THE SAME TOY routine! Mostly, they play well together! I took Ally to a Nick Jr. movie in the morning and she enjoyed the "Wonder Pets" cartoons and sang the songs with the animation! UVA "won" their game so there were some happy fans on the drive home!

This morning was extra special as Kristin, Mark, Morgan and Ally joined a Methodist church in Burke. I was there to "snap" a couple of pictures of their smiling faces as they made their "join the church vows"...!! This afternoon Morgan and I went to see the Beverly Hills Chihauhau movie...it was quite comical and we shared some real laughs over it! Like the quote: "I said MEXICAN, not 'mexican't'....." Guess you had to be "there" but Morgan thought that was an especially funny phrase!

I am going to post some information tomorrow about a young woman named Carol Decker who delivered a baby in June by C-section and became very ill. The end result of the blood loss was amputation of both her legs and one arm, and complete loss of sight. She has a husband and a toddler and an infant. I came to know of her through a friend we've met through the conferences we've attended. Her story is devastating, but I want to share it with you. Hopefully, through this magnificent website of CARING there will be some prayers and help from your heart to Carol Decker's family. I will post the website tomorrow. I do not have it available to me right now.

I hope everyone is enjoying fall beauty, warm sunshine, and the love of friends and family. God bless you all!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Sunday, October 19, 2008 6:47 PM CDT
Hi! I love the new pictures, and I know you had a fun weekend. Kristin and Mark, Auntie D. forgot ya'lls 13th anniversary, and I am so sorry. brain cramp .... Mea culpa ... Anyway, Congratulations to you, and we send much love, however belatedly! We are sorry about Thomas' broken footie, of course -- but I know he'll heal and be okay before you know it. Kisses and Love to you all, Aunt Dale/Aunt Grammy
Dale Pugh <dalegpugh@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GAusa usa - Monday, October 13, 2008 3:19 PM CDT
I am writing today to ask for prayers. My boss's husband has been battling pancriatic cancer among other things for the past few months. She received a phone call this morning that he is getting worse and that he could pass away any time now. He is only in his early 50's and has 2 grown children and 3 grandchildren. Please keep Penny and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Robyn <rphop@aol.com>
va usa - Friday, October 10, 2008 8:15 AM CDT
Happy Anniversary --- a day late. We're sure you had a great one. The picture on the main page of the family is beautiful!!! The weather looked perfect for your day at the pumpkin farm (or whatever they are called on the east coast). You'll have to catch up on our blog - many appointments and such happening. Hope things are going well for Ally. Still hoping we can catch up on the phone one of these days. I'm going back to work on the 21st, so our "day" times are coming to an end shortly. Say hello to everyone and greetings to everyone in Allyland!

DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2008 10:43 PM CDT
Happy 13th anniversary to Kristin and Mark!

Lucky 13! I hope your day of anniversary memories will be a great one! And, I hope you will celebrate "in style" tonight with a family dinner "out" recalling the day you said your very BIG "I do's!" Thinking of you with love and the VERY BEST WISHES for "another fifty or so years"...

Geep and I are very proud of you both!

Love you,
Mom/Teetay/Terri :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Tuesday, October 7, 2008 7:07 AM CDT
Happy Fall weekend to all of you!

What a fun weekend it has been so far, and it isn't over yet! Having Morgan and Allyson for a "sleepover" last night put all the "bad news of the week" in perspective....debates, broken economy, price of gas etc.....but two little girls were happy as could be eating their "Chinese chicken and noodles" last night and having Tiramasu and Dipping dots for dessert! They can certainly put one's priorities in order! Geep was home in time to join Morgan in "HER big chair" (she commands it when she's at our house) for some popcorn and cuddling time! Ally and Morgan had played outside with both of them on tri/and bi cycles! Ally was PUSHING the pedals all around the cul de sac while Morgan practiced riding her bike withOUT training wheels! The bike at my house is "smaller" than her new one, so she was able to practice putting her FEET DOWN without the assist of the T. wheels. She was quite proud of herself! When I attempted to "help" Ally giving her a "push" she told me to "Stop Teetay, I can do it myself!" LOVE that spirit in her!

Morgan always joins us in bed for some snuggling time and cartoons when she first wakes up, and this morning was no different. However, just before 7 A.M. we "heard singing" from the other room! It was ALLY awake and "singing" to herself....she apparently SUNG HERSELF BACK TO SLEEP since I finally had to wake her at 9:30!! Morgan had a birthday party at an ice skating rink today,and Ally and her mom were going to do something together! I joined Ashli and Thomas for a jaunt to a fall festival (actually Octoberfest) in a nearby community.....Thomas WALKED the entire area "and only occasionally held our fingers" along the way. He's an independent little guy!

Tomorrow will find all of us at the Cox Farms Fall Fun with pumpkins, and play areas, and hayrides, and slides, and apple pies....and music! We are going EARLY to "beat the crowds"....yeah, right??? We did this FALL event last year when Thomas was only 6 months old, but this year we will all be there! I am sure it will be the icing on the weekend-cake!

Please continue to keep Aimee (Number One girl) and her new son, Zachary, adopted in Florida just days ago, in your prayers. The Moore family is "back" in MN with son-Tyler so the WHOLE family is together! I am sure it has been an overwhelmingly happy time for them!

And, please also keep the Lacki family from Chicago in your prayers as they are in San Francisco still while their adoption of Tessa is completed. Bless these young people who are expanding their families by adding their love to the children.

I've been away for over TWO weeks in September, so the month just sort of "disappeared"...I'm hoping that October slows down a bit.

And, an EARLY happy 13th anniversary to Kristin and Mark! Wow...lucky 13 is here! October 7th is the anniversary date and I want to wish them the very best things ahead for the coming year!

I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful fall weekend.

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, October 4, 2008 5:56 PM CDT
Happy autumn days to all on here. So glad to hear that Ally and Morgy-Lu are a-okay along with the rest of the gang. I am loving all the new photos.

We have finally settled into our new home, and new schools here in the southern Puget Sound. The kids absolutely LOVE their new schools. D has adjusted and made friends so quickly and has 3 girls that are head over heels all over him from his class. It's quite amusing. He comes home "exasperated" stating that "they are always hanging" on him in school at recess. It is just too cute.

Hope all is well on the east coast. We may be bringing in an addition to our home via the adoption route, but won't know more about that for a good year. Looks like it's a huge possibility though. Always have open arms in this family. :)

Much aloha from the great northwest!
-Cat and the clan

Cat <catpotter2001@yahoo.com>
Olymipa, WA 98503 - Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:11 PM CDT
Happy 50th Anniversary to "Aunt Grammy" and "Uncle Poppy"...aka my sister, Dale, and bro in law, Loren! TODAY they celebrate 50 years of marriage! We are in Atlanta helping them celebrate this magnificent milestone! My nieces, Terri and Leslie, have planned events for the entire weekend and we are enjoying reuniting with old friends of theirs that we have not seen in many, many years. TONIGHT will be the "grand finale" party with over 70 friends attending. I was the maid of honor in their wedding as a "teenager" and I have not seen some of their friends since that day. "What a difference 50 years makes?!!" It is wonderful to celebrate all anniversaries, but to commemorate a GOLDEN ONE is quite spectacular. In the "day and age" where marriages "come and go" it is especially meaningful to know that folks do STICK together for such a long time!

So, happy anniversary to Sister and Loren and we are wishing you much happiness as you begin the "next 50"....

Thinking of you all, and praying for Hyatt's family as they continue to hope for a miracle.

I sure miss my "little peeps" in Virginia, but I will be home soon and ready for some big HUGS!

With love to all from Atlanta!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, September 27, 2008 8:42 AM CDT
I write today to ask for prayers...for someone who I do not know and never met, except through this blog and the recent tragedy that struck her family. For those wondering, this comes from a friend of a friend.

I know there are prayer warriors out there, and many of who read Ally's blog, pray for her and so many, and never even post who you are (and that's a-ok). So I thought it fitting to post Hyatt's story here, and I am sure Ally won't mind ;) Perhaps this hits "close to home" since my husband's family was struck with a similar tragedy when he was 5 years old, and his sisters were 4 and 1 week old. If you have a moment, please take a look at Hyatt's blog -- she is a beautiful 34 year young mother of a 3 year old and 4 month old. You'll have to start at the very beginning, with the post on Sept 11th to get the full story. I warn you, this is a painful blog to read, and I visit it for updates each day praying for a miracle right along with Hyatt's family and close friends. Ally's website is a reminder of the circle of love and the power of the human spirit, and that bonds do exist in this world with those whom we have never met.

It's a tragic reminder of how fragile we all are and how life can change in an instant. Again, this is an emotionally consuming blog, so read with caution-


Thanks, for Hyatt, for Ally and all of of those who face challenges in their daily lives.

Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Oakton, VA - Wednesday, September 24, 2008 1:00 PM CDT
Congratulations to all the "baby lovers"...!! Wow, babies are just popping out everywhere! God is good!

Best of wishes to Elinor, Zachary, and soon to "be" Lacki baby....and of course, to Heather's unborn child! And, as you can probably imagine we are "over the top" to know that a "Rodney" is on the way. (I never really got used to Lester, so Rodney is even harder to say)

So much has been happening....a week at the beach with friends was very special and we had glowing sunshine every single day! We were blessed with NO hurricane damage!

We returned last Sat. with an immediate trip to see Thomas, and then ready to hit the Skins' game Sunday with Morgan. Monday, I hit the road to "work" at 6:30 (did that feel right??? NO!!!) and then to see Allyson and Morgan in the afternoon. I've tried to get in lots of "grandchildren" time this week since I'm leaving again tomorrow for a week in Atlanta. I will attend my "big number" (47?) high school reunion and spend a few days with my LIFELONG friend, Lynda. Midweek, I will change my location to my sister's home (Aunt Grammy and Uncle Poppy) to help them celebrate their "50th" wedding anniversary! It will be a wonderful week of catching up with the "old" friends and celebrating a wonderful milestone in Dale and Loren's long life together. I recall their wedding so vividly as I was a "teenager bridesmaid" and thought it was the most fantastic thing I'd ever done! Their other wedding attendants will also be at their "gala" so I'm anxious to see them...it's been 50 years since I saw them. You know that saying: "I see dead people." Well, my new saying this coming week will be: "I see old people!"

It is going to be a wonderful week, I'm sure! This past week has been filled with subbing days, grandchildren afternoons, Thomas-Thursday, and getting ready for my early A.M. departure tomorrow! Fall temps have come to the Mid Atlantic and the air is crisp. I hope this trend continues!

Thinking of the new "moms and dads" tonight with much love, and saying prayers for the babies who have joined the lives of these loving people!

Wishing you all a happy END of September!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, September 18, 2008 6:21 PM CDT
Prayers and happy, positive thoughts need to go out to my best friend, Rebecca (aka Little Reb... Reba..) and her family as they are VERY CLOSE to also sharing in the baby news JOY! Like Aimee and Jim, they have been in the adoption process for a while, hoping to have a wonderful addition to join big sister Alina in their family. Well, they are CLOSE, very CLOSE, and things could happen for them and the birth mom in CA to deliver in the next couple of weeks!!! Cross your fingers and hope that they have a another healthy baby girl(!) in their lives very soon. What lucky, special and blessed babies these wee ones are to be joining such amazing, loving and supportive families!!
Thanks :)

Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, September 18, 2008 6:48 AM CDT
Love all of this great news out there in Allyland!! So excited for Tom, Ashli and Thomas - can't wait to see pictures of "Rodney" and now the news of Zachary James Moore!! That little guy is one lucky fellow! Congrats Jim, Aimee and Tyler. Can't wait to meet Zachary and now the fun begins.
Love the new do Kristin - very styling!
All the best to everyone out there in Allyland.
Your friend

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Thursday, September 18, 2008 4:06 AM CDT
Thank you thank you thank you for the sweet words on Ally's home page! We are beyond excited! Our brains are mush so we decided to cap it off with some champagne. (I need something to help me sleep tonight.)


Baby pictures tomorrow, hopefully!

Aimee and her boys (Jim and Tyler) <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:05 PM CDT
Hee hee, ok, that was a joke! Now the world knows and I can celebrate in all this BABY JOY that is surrounding us in Ally-land! I am thrilled with the news of baby Elinor, "Uncle Josh's" baby girl (she's a beauty, too!) and soooooooo excited for Aimee, Jim and Tyler and the arrival of baby Zachary in FL! WHAT A BLESSING! That is one lucky little guy, and I am so overjoyed for you Aims. Thanks for all the updates!

So now you know that Baby Dos... aka Baby George... aka Baby RODNEY (don't ask, this is a TG thing... many of you remember "Lester", right? This is "Rodney"!)... we are excited for the news and hope that Thomas will be just as thrilled with is 2nd birthday present (HA HA HA.) And no, for inquiring minds, if it's a boy we are not naming him T4.

Hugs to you all in Ally-land and I can't wait for you all to see pics of Kristin's HOT MAMA HAIR! She is a woman on the go, always smiling and doing she can for her girls but, she did find time for a new hot mama AUBURN hair-do this week. You look fab, KDMK!!

Ok, and for the loyal prayer folks out there... You may have heard... I am watching Morgan and Ally all weekend so pray for me!! tee hee. I just don't want to break anyone ;)

Lots of love!

Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
currently in Birmingham missingmy boys like crazy (except Rodney, I brought him with me), AL snooooozefest - Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:30 PM CDT
I am WHAT?!?!??!
AGMG <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Oakton, VA - Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:25 PM CDT
OMG! I just got the BEST news..........my sister's neice, Lauren, was diagnosed with Leukemia and then her sister Sydney also got diagnosed. Well, today, Lauren got her "certificate of completion." She is CURED!!! No more cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! WHAT A HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Tuesday, September 16, 2008 2:42 PM CDT
Good morning!!!
It's a cooooolllllddddd morning in MN - 39 degrees right now and I feel the need to break out the BLACK BOOTS today! (Ash- you know you are smiling right now) We had to cover the tomato plants yesterday too just in case. Our sprinklers went off at 5 am and Jim jumped out of bed to turn them off. Otherwise we would have had a very frozen ground by 7 am.

School is off to a good start and we are preparing for Tyler's spelling test on Friday. Today we are going to "test" Tyler to see how responsible he can be. After he gets off the bus he is supposed to come straight to our house (instead of the neighbor's). This means he has to use the garage code to let himself in and then remember to shut the garage when he gets into the house. Jim will be home before the bus but we are testing this out to see how Tyler does. We hope that towards the end of the year he can accomplish this task. The school time changed for us this year and the bus drops Tyler off 20 minutes before Jim gets home from work. We will see if Tyler can handle 20 minutes in the house alone at some point this year.

I love looking at the happy faces on this website! I hope the girls are enjoying school.

My dear friend, Kristin, has become obsessed with Facebook :) but through her obsession I was able to chat with a VERY OLD friend from high school! It was great to catch up with MARK's old girlfriend this weekend!

Have a great day!!!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, September 9, 2008 6:51 AM CDT
Hi everyone,

We are headed to the beach tomorrow "in spite of" Hanna and Ike and Josephine..."we do not plan to be stupid about it" but we are going to NC for a week at the BEACH and HOPEFULLY sunshine with friends! Should be a good time...and we are all packed up and ready to go! Thinking of you all as we "endeavor to have this September vacation"....stay tuned on how it turned out!

Loved seeing those smiling faces of the girls this afternoon at the end of their week! And, yesterday with Thomas "the eating fool boy" was terrific....it doesn't get much better than this!

Today, I "turned down" a LONG TERM SUB position in the county...I just cannot imagine "working five days a week" as an English teacher...."sorry guys"....

Hoping everyone is having a great SEPTEMBER and week ahead...
We'll be in touch,
Love to all,
And AGAIN, thanks for being with us.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Friday, September 5, 2008 9:11 PM CDT
Love those beautiful BACK TO SCHOOL faces!! Precious, and so happy that all the kiddos are having a good week back - yay!

KDMK - enjoy the few hours ALONE and quiet each day.... you deserve it :)

Love you all!!!

Aunt Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Oakton (yes, Oakton -the burbs!!) , VA - Wednesday, September 3, 2008 10:00 PM CDT
Happy back to school day, everyone! Tyler has a few tummy pangs this morning and I think it is just him being a worry wort..........what if I don't make any new friends? What if I have too much homework? What if I miss my bus?

Tyler usually goes to before and after school care everyday but this year he will only go in the mornings. School does not start for us until 9:40 and ends at 3:40. Since Jim or I work until 4 it seemed silly to send Tyler to after school care for just 30 minutes. Thank goodness for wonderful neighbors who are willing to let T hang out with them until one of us gets home. We changed the code to the garage to something Tyler can remember and perhaps next year he can let himself in.

Our babies are growing up so fast and right before our very eyes!!!! Good luck to all the kids returning to school today and good luck to all the teary-eyed moms as they watch their babies head off to another school year.

Teary-eyed mommy (Aimee) <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, September 2, 2008 6:48 AM CDT
Happy Labor Day to all and happy "back to school" to all the happy students and teachers!

We have had a "fun-busy" last few days! Morgan and Allyson both went to their school Open Houses and met their teachers and new classmates. Both girls have some "old friends" in their classes this year, so they are happy about that. Allyson is going to miss "George" - her "best friend" last year. He is in a different school this year. She and Anna are the only two girls in the class! Morgan was excited that several good friends are in her second grade class, and exclaimed that she LOVED her classroom and new teacher!

Morgan spent the last three days/nights at our house, and Allyson spent two with us as well! We took long walks in the "forest" to see and feed the geese, and made several final trips to the swimming pool. Morgan is a "diving board diva" by summer's end. She now does "twists and twirls spins" coming off the board. What a difference a year makes! Allyson, too, has become very comfortable in the water and that is a big PLUS over last summer. Hard to believe the "lazy crazy daze of summmer" are ending. They were a far cry from "lazy" as we did so many wonderful things starting with our Atlanta trip, Outer BAnks beach week, Chicago and Iowa City, and the final week for Morgan was with Grandma and Grandpa in N.C. In between all of that were fun times in the pool, seeing movies, eating out, and making memories! I don't think any "little people" were bored this summer!

Thomas loves his cousins and when he is around Ally and Morgan he simply jumps right into the mix of it all! He reaches for Morgan to pick him up, and he and Ally do their share of "grasping" the same toy and demanding it! Thomas kicked off the Labor Day weekend by attending Penn State's first opener. I heard that he hung in there until half time. I guess the "score" was just getting too big for him to handle!

We are eagerly anticipating our beach week starting the 6th and are hoping that Gustav will be gone and Hanna will slow herself down while we're beaching it. My thoughts and prayers go out to our friends along the Gulf Coast, and especially Susan, Elina, Margaret and Don. I hope you have found higher ground and clearer areas. Thank goodness for the evacuation this time.

And in the words of Goethe: "There is nothing worth more than this day." Enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend, and I hope you are spending it surrounded by loved ones.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Monday, September 1, 2008 7:29 AM CDT
Greetings to all of you out in Ally-land and happy last weekend of summer! It is really hard to believe that another summer has passed and that it is time to send the children back to school once again. Off to start new adventures, make new friends, learn new and exciting facts...all the fun that comes along with going to school! We have attended both of our Open Houses here in Va. Beach and are all set for school to begin on Tuesday. I can't believe Gage is going to be starting 6th grade! We met with all 7 of his teachers and I was very impressed. He is going to be one busy 6th grader and it will be very different for him...I can only hope that he takes it all in stride and does not get overwhelmed with the difference in homework requirements as well as the classroom work. Much different and a HUGE step up from 5th grade in NH. Time will tell and Jack and I will do our best to help him be successful. Mackenzie's teacher is very nice and will be a perfect fit for her. The school is great and will challenge her quite a bit, but she will do just fine. I am sure they will both have jitters on the first day...especially because they will be walking in not having met many people that attend their schools. They have made some friends in the area, but unfortunately they go to other schools. It is always an adventure that is for sure.

Sounds like everyone in NoVa. is doing well and doing much of the same to gear up for the beginning of school. How fun for you Kristin to be co-leader of Morgan's Brownie troop AND a Sunday school teacher! You will be great at both and the kids lives that you touch in both new adventures will be forever changed.

Congratulations on the final Rally total!! What an amazing outpouring of love! It was a wonderful time again this year and we look forward to next year's event as well!

We don't have much planned for the weekend either. Laying low, getting the kids all organized, picking out the first day of school outfits...THAT is always an adventure, maybe barbecue a little and enjoy some down time as a family. Jack has been in San Diego all week, so we are anxious for him to return home. We hope you get to make it to the football game tonight! Have a wonderful weekend and a wonderful beginning to the 2008-09 school year! Can't wait to hear all the first day of school stories!


Dani Van Natta <daniellev16@verizon.net>
Virginia Beach, VA - Friday, August 29, 2008 7:39 AM CDT
Greetings to all of you in Ally-land!

As the "last REAL week of summer passes by" we are trying to "do" as many fun things as possible! Kristin, the girls and I, visited a Water Park a few days ago that turned out to be SUPER FUN! Many water slides, plus a "kid friendly area" where Allyson could stand up and play by herself! (well, not exactly, by herself!) It was a beautiful semi-cloudy day with no humidity and low temps so that made it perfect for all of us! The "Dipping Dots" ice cream topped it off! In between all of the fun stuff, Kristin has been gathering BACK TO SCHOOL supplies for Morgan (she will get Allyson's list today) and preparing for the TWO Open Houses this afternoon!

After the Open Houses, the girls will have a sleepover at our house while Kristin and Mark and Geep go to the Redskins/Jacksonville game tonight. We are hoping the RAINS that have come to our area will not stop their plans for tonight. I've pulled out all of the "water repellent wind breakers" that I own for them to wear as the "California Kelsos" do not have RAIN equipment! Remember? It doesn't RAIN in CA very often! They will decide their plans later today depending on the deluge of rain and how motivated they are to travel to Fed EX Stadium to see this pre season opener! The sleepover will take place "rain or shine"...! The sun always shines INSIDE the house!

Thomas and his parents are headed for College Station this weekend for the first big Penn State game. Their Philly family is joining them for the weekend, so I know it will be festive and fun for all! Thomas visited his "new school" Monday for a few hours of "practice" and he did very well. The teachers said he "excelled" in behavior for a "first day". He will begin there full time after Labor Day. I will continue to keep him every Thursday for music class, and possibly some other days as well. It is so "easy" to get to their house now that they are only five miles away from my house! YAHOO!! They are pretty "settled" in their new surroundings. Back to Thomas...I was waiting to pick him up from his nap. When he woke up from his little cot, he spied me, did his little shy smile, and ran over to climb into my lap. None of us had ever seen "how" he woke up at school, so it was fun to watch. He just sort-of-bolted-up and there I was!

Allyson and Thomas and Morgan have the most fun playing! Thomas gravitates to Morgan as a "big cousin" and wants her to pick him up! He and Ally do their share of "rough housing" on the floor and Allyson wants to HUG him around his neck constantly! They have their "moments" when they both want the same BALL! (even though there might be twenty balls in the room!) Typical cousin fun! Last week, Kristin, Morgan, Ally and I enjoyed a "DIP" in Ashli and Tom's hot tub while Thomas was taking his nap. We were actually the first ones to "christen" the hot tub! Fine water!!!

Jerry and I are looking foward to a week at the beach in North Carolina starting Sept. 6th. I hope Gustav doesn't change our plans! We are going to the beach with good, good friends and are anticipating no crowds, plenty of sunshine, and some excellent seafood!

School starts in Virginia next week, and there is always a bit of "nostalgia" for me that first week. It's wonderful to see the shiny faces walking to the school busses knowing that there is a new beginning ahead for everyone. I know Morgan's second grade year, and Allyson's Preschool year will be great for them. Ally will be attending classes in the afternoon this year and will be with the FOUR year olds! (she's still 3)

Our thoughts and prayers are with Donna Harris and her family. She lost her mother last week. Continued thoughts and prayers with the Woodzells who are on a little vacation after the passing of Susan's mother. And, wonderful, happy thoughts go out to the Huxmann family on the birth of their fourth SON, Grant! I love that name! (my maiden name, you know!)

Best wishes to all the "school kids" as this new year begins, and special BEST wishes to my "former students" who are starting their SENIOR year! Wow! Where did that time go? And, best wishes to my nephew, Taylor, as he begins his Senior year. There are adventures ahead for each of you!

Love to all, and a happy LaborLESS day weekend to all! We will probably share some family time, have a barbecue, and enjoy these last days of summer.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Thursday, August 28, 2008 8:09 AM CDT
shoot - me again! I meant to say "food induced COMA" not comO but the stupid BACK button did not work.


Aimee <NeedToWorkOnMyTyping@IsItTimeToGoHomeYet.com>
EP, MN - Friday, August 22, 2008 2:24 PM CDT
Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!
The picture on the homepage is just WONDERFUL. Everyone looks great! And, I think the pic of Ally on the photo page is one of her best ones YET. Her face looks so clear, her eyes are open, her hair looks full and is getting long......

We are also gearing up for school. Tyler starts on the 2nd and next week we will drop off school supplies and have a parent/teacher conference. It is State Fair time in MN and it is always a lot of fun. Absolutely everything you can think of to put on a stick is sold there - fried twinkies, alligator, fried cheese curds, spaghetti, pancakes, salmon, deep fried oreos, pickles, pork chops, the list could go on and on (I think I gained 5 pounds typing it too). The best food fare, in my opinion, include Sweet Martha's cookies, pronto pups, and the #1 favorite - mini donuts. It is really heaven in a bag (not actually on a stick)!!!! We will go "sample" the food on the 31st and return home in a food-induced como that evening. It is a good thing we have September 1st to recover!

We have decided to sign up with another adoption agency, this time in FL, and are hopeful that the additional exposure will bring us a new bundle of joy soon. Please keep us in your prayers as the wait is now going on almost 3 years and we are starting to get impatient.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Aimee, Jim and Tyler <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Friday, August 22, 2008 2:22 PM CDT
We love you, and we'll see you again before long!
Pam & Jack Forshey <pamjack1@nc.rr.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 8:46 AM CDT
Greetings to everyone in Allyland!

It's been a crazy week since the Rally....gee, was that "just" last week??? I am not sure the "final tally" is "final" yet as donations for the NFED are still coming to us! Thank you one and all for your generous support of the Fourth Annual Rally for Ally! Without your love, friendship, and contributions we could not do this!

Ally was a little trooper at "her Rally" and since her big sister was off to N.C. with Grandma and Grandpa, Ally got to have her own "special/private sleepover" at our house last Monday. It isn't often that she can be the "big girl alone at a sleepover" so she felt quite special!

Not sure what happened to "Tuesday and Wednesday" last week, but by Thursday we were in the full-on-Ashli-Tom-moving-mode"....Packers came Thursday/movers Friday/and if you've never seen a "load up and unload" in one day, it is quite an experience! Tom and I were 'packing' alongside the 'packers' to expedite things more quickly, and both of us were complaining about our fingers 'hurting' from all the packing paper/unwrapping/smashing boxes down/etc.!! Thomas spent the night Friday night at our house since "his room" wasn't ready for occupancy! He did very well, and only cried out once about 4:30 AM. I was in such a "deep" sleep, that I grabbed him, cuddled him, and plopped him down in our bed for the rest of the night. He made it til 7 AM!! Yahoooo!

Oh, and Thursday night AFTER the packers left, Ashli, Kristin, Teree, and I went to the American Idol concert! It was a blast and we got to see all our favorites perform!

Then, Saturday....that was just yesterday, right??? Geep and I helped Ash and TG UNpack (that was when our fingers hurt!) and put things away. By the day's end, the kitchen was "done" and all the rooms had the right stuff in them. The family room TV was hooked up, sofas arranged, bookshelves in place...and it looked like HOME !!! Thomas as great fun exploring all the new spaces, up/downstairs/out on the screened porch/into the big back yard/up the hill/down the hill/around the walkway/down the street checking out NATURE! The UNusually cool August days/nights allowed the George family to leave their windows open so they could listen to the crickets! Ashli said she felt like she was on a campout! I think they like the "burbs"....no sirens, no horns, no street lights coming into the windows.....just crickets, deer, squirrels, and lots of open space!

By the end of yesterday, we were seated around their table enjoying a scrumptious meal of steak and chicken prepared by GEEP on their outdoor Jennair grill! Geep was first to try it out! (TG didn't mind one bit!) Now, as we were "seated" we were barely able to string two sentences together we were all so tired, but the "yums" and "oohs" over the food made up for it! Home late last night, I missed Michael Phelps record breaking evening! (I'll watch reruns!)

Had a chat with Morgan today/still in N.C. and Kristin and Mark and Allyson are there now to pick her up. She has had a wonderful time I am sure with Grandma and Grandpa and I know they have built worlds of memories together! She said she was so excited to see her mom and dad and ALLY!

Please keep the Woodzells in your prayers during the coming days. Susan's mom, Lois, died early yesterday morning after several weeks of "slowing down" and was in the care of Hospice. The funeral is Tuesday morning, and I know that Susan will probably share some wonderful words about her mom just like she did back in the winter when her dad died. It has been a difficult 2008 for the Woodzell family, so please send an extra prayer out for them. I know they would appreciate that!

Off to see Lion King tonight at the Kennedy Center! Although I've seen it, I have not seen it at the Kennedy and that spot is a special one! Thinking of you all as we enjoy another beautiful "summer" day withOUT summer temps! I hope this weather trend lasts!

Happy NEW week to everyone!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)aka "Move-a-tay"...:)!!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Sunday, August 17, 2008 1:22 PM CDT
Congrats to you all! Robyn filled me in on how wonderful the Rally was this year. I am sorry we missed it but we were definitely there in spirit. I hope you having a great week!!!
Giant MN hugs!

Aimee (and gang) <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, August 12, 2008 11:06 AM CDT
I've been thinking about Rally for Ally /09, i hope we can make it
It was GREAT seeing you all in Iowa.

Norma MacDonald <normadirt@eastlink.ca>
Antigonish, N.S. Canada - Monday, August 11, 2008 1:12 PM CDT
Congratulations on another successful Rally for Ally!! Just read and viewed all of the pictures on the website and I felt like I was actually there (I was in spirit for sure). Glad that the weather was perfect and that you made your goal. What a wonderful event filled with so much love and support for Ally and her family. Glad that I could be a small part of it from Minnesota.

I'm already thinking about July 18, 2009 and what Rally for Ally creations I can come up with.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures and story about the day.

Your MN friend
Nancy Zembal

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Monday, August 11, 2008 6:46 AM CDT
Just wanted to drop a quick note for it is late, but wanted to thank all of you for a wonderful time today at the Rally! We were all so honored to have been able to attend together and to be able to spend time with all of you! Thanks to all that put in their time, donations, food prep, etc. to help make today so successful!! I am marking next year's date in my calendar and will be sure to plan accordingly! We are so blessed to have been able to share in your lives and in this event. WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Jack, Dani, Gage and Mackenzie Van Natta

Dani Van Natta <daniellev16@yahoo.com>
Virginia Beach, VA - Saturday, August 9, 2008 11:32 PM CDT
Can't wait to hear how the Rally for Ally went. I'm sure you had a wonderfully successful day (hopefully it was nicer than here where it rained almost all day and we got about an inch). Looking forward to reading all about it and seeing pictures. Miss you all from Kansas --- we're sending hugs!!!
DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Saturday, August 9, 2008 9:00 PM CDT
What a wonderful day I know that Kristin will write about it on the website....what a great time for everyone involved in the RALLY for ALLY...old friends, new friends, and just plain "old" regular friends! Thank you all for coming to the Fourth Annual Rally for Ally with your love, your support, and your appetites! The BAR B Q wasgreat...and "how bout those hotdogs?" ...Fun, Face painters, music, and lots of time to meet/greet Ally and find new friends.
Thank you to our Rally WARRIORS: Susan and Steven, Theresa, Kimberly, Kate (Miss Megaphonegirl! you go!), Morgan, (helping Kate on the megaphone)....Nancy and Dick E.,and our new best friends, Sharon and Glenn, who were so very helpful.

Thank you ALL for coming and celebrating Allyson and meeting and greeting others who are affected by the same EEC Syndrome. There will be a "drum roll" of how well the Rally for Ally "went' in the near future.

A special thanks to Carol Agne, Director of Developement, for the NFED for being with us AGAIN this year. We could not do this event without her help. God bless you, Carol.
And, we want you and the entire NFED STAFF to be here next year on July 18th.

Yes, NEXT year's RALLY for ALLY date is "set"...July 18th.

I sure plan to be there...hope that you will be, too!

Love to all of you who contributed your time, your effots, your cookies, your food, your auction items...and all the "etc" that you KNOW who you are....you are in our wonderful circle of "family we choose" and we thank you OH SO MUCH.
We know what it "takes" to put this event "on" each year, and we are hoping that you will be part of us for MANY years to come.

Again, we thank you. And the "drum roll "tally will come later...

God bless you all,
Terri aka Teetay:)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, August 9, 2008 8:41 PM CDT
Greetings to everyone in Ally-land!

Last night was Morgan's Bible School "show" (as she calls it) and it was spectacular! It was "Surfing with the Beatitudes" and all the songs/motions/dance moves were upbeat! Even the minister joined in the finale! Morgan's group of 7-11 year olds did five songs complete with motions! Of course, she was quite the "animated one" with a grin that wouldn't stop! Allyson "danced" in the pew when Morgan's group was singing! She will probably be in that Bible School "show" next year! After the performance, there were games and pony rides for the children. Allyson has now ridden her FIRST PONY! She loved it! Yesterday was one of those 25 "hour" days....it started for me before 6AM driving to DC for my Thomas "day"....then to Burke in serious RUSH HOUR (no one was "rushing" but me!) TRAFFIC to get to Burke for the Bible School extravaganza. The 30 minute "drive" took 90 minutes!

Finally, "home" by 8 PM....and Geep and I continued putting things in place for the RALLY. All of us are in full-speed-ahead-mode this week, and it is all coming together nicely! We loaded up Susan and Steven's truck this morning, plus two cars, and we have Kristin's car left for the remainder of the items, and we'll all SET for our OFF loading in the morning! So many generous contributions for the raffle and Silent Auction have come in from friends near and far. We are humbled by your love and support of this FOURTH ANNUAL RALLY FOR ALLY! We are hoping this is the BIGGIE of them all, especially since the WHOLE FAMILY and extended family will be with us! Our family, the Kelso family, and Tom's Philly family will all be here! Morgan and Ally will have so many "cousins" they won't know what to do with all of them! Bet they'll have fun "trying" to figure it out!

Morgan is all geared up to sell raffle tickets and distribute Rally for Ally "reminder bands" tomorrow. Ally is saying over and over, "Rally for Ally".....she has no concept of what it really is, but she will know as she grows in the love of so many how incredible an event this is for the NFED in her "honor." Carol Agne, Director of Development, NFED organization, is arriving today. We will thoroughly enjoy her helping hands and support once again this year!

And, like Mary Kaye Richter, founder and Director of the NFED, said many times at the recent conference..."If you hold me back, I cannot move FORWARD!" So, here's to another day of "moving forward"....another "rally" of "moving forward"...and another REASON to move forward and her name is Allyson Glenn Kelso.

Please keep Donna Harris' mother in your prayers. She is in her final days due a brain injury, but she is comfortable, talking, and she knows who Donna is! God bless her long life.

This weekend's weather forecast has smiled upon us....low temps, low humidity, no rain....and there will be lots of food, beverages, sides, and goodies tomorrow for the RALLY! If you haven't planned to come, maybe you should change your mind right now??? We will welcome you with open arms!

Happy "RALLY WEEKEND" to everyone! I'm sure there will be pictures posted of the event SOON!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Friday, August 8, 2008 9:38 AM CDT
I will write about the "day before" the RALLY tomorrow...stay tuned...we are in FULL Rally FOR aLLY MODE..(WHY DO WE HAVE ALL THESE CAPITALS?) and we want you to be partof this event!

Love to all, and hang in there with us...
Teetay /Terri :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Thursday, August 7, 2008 10:06 PM CDT
I'm really wanting the picture of Morgan, Ryan, Allyson, Tyler, and Zemery. What a great heads up shot of Allyson again. When you get a chance, please send it my way. Thanks!
DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:55 PM CDT
I am reaching out to all the wonderful people who read this amazing site. Prayers are needed today for my bosses husband. He was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer a few weeks ago, which has now spread to his liver. Today they found a tumor in his brain. He is only 52 years old and his wife is not yet 50. They have 2 grown kids and 3 grandchildren (one that was born only 2 weeks ago). Please send your prayers out to Penny and Eric Stephens as they need all the prayers they can get.

Thank you all

Robyn <rphop@aol.com>
sending my thoughts and prayers, VA - Tuesday, August 5, 2008 1:33 PM CDT
Great to hear how the end of your trip went and that you are all home safe. I can't express how awesome it was to be able to spend a whirlwind 3 days with all of you. The time is precious each year but always makes us know we must attend the next year for those miraculous few days!!! It was wonderful to see you all, hug you, and share in a small portion of your lives. I was on the computer this morning and opened up a caring bridge site (a different one) and Andrew said, "Ally." I asked if he wanted to see a picture of Ally and of course he said again, "Ally." So, we came to get the update. The family picture on the main page looks absolutely amazing --- and Ally is so heads up! It is great to see that. Again, we truly were amazed at Allyson's persistence, perseverence, and her ability to bring a smile to anyones face around her. She is a blessing to all who know her! Thanks for helping make our vacation outstanding!
DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Tuesday, August 5, 2008 9:31 AM CDT
What a beautiful set of pics!!! Love that home page one - awesome smiles all around!

Love you! :)

Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:06 AM CDT
Greetings to everyone!

We are "home" from the NFED Conference and our vacation "days" in Chicagoland! It's easy to "say" that it was a wonderful conference, but harder to explain what those three shared days really feels like and means to us. The reunions with "old friends" made the days even more perfect by sharing breakfast, lunch, dinner, pooltime, and late night "talks" with friends, especially DeAnn and Chris Huxman and their three adorable boys! Spending time with Norma and Brother Joe was terrific as well, and especially our last night's dinner together learning more about one another! Meeting new friends and holding them close at the end of the conference made its closure bittersweet. And, HOPING that many of our NEW and OLD friends will attend NEXT YEAR's RALLY FOR ALLY since it will be the week before the National NFED Conference/destination/Williamsburg, VA! We are hoping that the close proximity to Northern Virginia will allow many out of towners to be with us at the RALLY before attending the conference in W/burg NEXT YEAR! Many folks said they were planning to do just that!

The NFED staff is absolutely amazing. Their tireless efforts to make the conference workshops, sessions, speakers, research, medical personnel, "etc" available and useful made it a perfect match for everyone. The Coralville Marriott was a lovely venue for the conference, and especially since we got to even "witness" a couple of weddings on closing day! The KIDS CAMP was "the best part" according to "you know who" and the final song, "You've Got a Friend" sung by ALL the children put tears in our eyes and warmth in our hearts. Allyson was "on stage" holding hands with her new friend, Kathie, and singing along! Morgan did perform her song, "My Day" at the Talent Show (singing) and she did not experience stage fright like she thought she might. We were very proud of her! Allyson told her that afternoon when she was practicing: "You can do it, Morgan!" (is she Morgan's biggest fan?)

One of the most educational sessions was the one that was EEC specific and both men and women who have lived with EEC were involved in the session. It was very informative and interesting to hear of some of their issues and challenges along the "way" and how they dealt with them. It was a pretty good snapshot of some of the things that could be in Allyson's future. Everyone was very open and candid with their contributions. Thanks, especially, to Jack, Virginia, Olivia, and Norma. You are all ROCK STARS TO US!

Visiting with the Leis family in Naperville on the first leg of our trip was fantastic! We walked along the river, went to the park, swam at Centennial Beach right smack in the middle of Naperville, and had the most delicious "Chicago pizza" in the world! It was a whirlwind visit at the Leis Casa, but a memorable one! Morgan and Allyson cannot wait to go back! After the conference Kristin, the girls and I spent a couple of extra days in the Toddling Town of Chicago seeing as many of the MAIN sights in about 30 hours! (who needs sleep?!) It wasn't too hot, and Allyson exerted her "independence" (or is it stubborness??) and would NOT sit in her stroller, Kristin and I INSISTED that she "walk" and not be carried all over Chicago. There was great resistance to that, at first, but finally, she realized we meant "business" and those little legs walked "miles" alongside of us holding our hands, or just tagging along! Morgan, on the other hand, had NO PROBlem GETTING INTO THE STROLLER to make her "walk" easier! Hopefully, the "walking around the city" will continue to be a breakthrough for Allyson and she will not "demand" to be carried when she is outside in the elements! We enjoyed Navy Pier, Millenium Park and its waterfall/play area, the Children's Museum activities, and the 94th floor of the Hancock Building including the SKYwalk! At one point, I wanted to take Morgan and Allyson into the gift shop, and Ally was too busy playing on the "steps"....and Morgan had her audio tour program on through her earphones, and she said, "No, Teetay, I don't want to go into the gift shop....pause,pause...I want to keep LEARNING!" (music to my ears!) So, she continued her audio "tour" and I went to the gift shop alone!

Yesterday was a LONG day....starting with our efforts to find a GAS station in DOWNtown Chicago before driving to O'Hare. I guess "Chicagoans" don't need GAS, as the stations are NOT plentiful! We had a long delay out of Chicago putting us "off course" for our connection at JFK, but miraculously, the "connection flight" was the PLANE we were already "ON" ....so it worked out. Only took 14 hours to get "home" from our hotel departure to my front door! The girls played, snacked, ate, watched cartoons, made new friends who were also waiting....so they handled the delays pretty well. I think Kristin and I were more tired than they were until we had to literally WAKE them up this morning!

Always good to be "home" and now we are in FULL speed ahead for the RALLY next week, August 9th! Ashli has, of course, been working on preparations while we were away, and now we will begin to pull it all together. We're hoping for RECORD CROWDS, so if you haven't told us you are coming, please do let us know soon! We want to be sure to have plenty of food and fun for you! There will be MUSIC TOGETHER and a face painter, games and toys, a playground, and lots of friendly faces! Chance Auction items are piling up, and the SILENT AUCTION items are amazing this year....beach houses, Nats tickets, REdskin tickets, golf bag, luggage, leather jacket, and MORE MORE MORE! Please do join us!

With love to all....see you August 9th!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:59 AM CDT
Hello everyone..

I know you assume that there will be a "lot " Teetay words, but HONESTLY ...after a 14 hour "travel day" back to DC/VA I will just have to say:

"I will be back tomorrow"....

However, all went well with the Conference...just not our Jet Blue flight back..(so much for more "inches" between seats!)

Love you all for your support and continued caring...Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Wednesday, July 30, 2008 0:08 AM CDT
Hi Everyone!

Just a quick note since you might be wondering just where everyone is!?!?!? Kristin, Mark and the girls and Mom & Dad had wonderful time at the NFED conference (ended on Saturday) in Iowa City. Morgan was very into the "boys" (Tyler Huxmann, Zemery Dennis) and also sang at the talent show. Ally and Morgan had a blast in the day camps and also went ice skating(!!!) one night - Ally too - you goooo, Ally, go! I am sure Kristin will have a full update but I know it was a wonderful reunion with the Huxmanns and other special families from past years, and meeting need families, too, of course! Kristin, Mom and the girls headed back to Chicago for a couple of days of fun and touring around before flying home tomorrow. It has been an action packed week for them and I can't wait to get even more details.

Thanks for all your kind words and well wishes for our friend Kris Baker (Pam's daughter) and for my family as they have been on the road this past week.

What's next on the agenda? RALLY FOR ALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you haven't seen the Evite, email me! We're looking forward to a great day and big crowd and lots of fund-raising for the NFED! Can't wait! See you on August 9th!

Love to you all in Ally-land... and thank you always for caring :)

Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Monday, July 28, 2008 6:47 PM CDT
Hi! Just checking in and thinking of you as you all have been at the NFED Family Conference. Hope that you had a blast and were able to reunite with many friends (and had fun celebrating Mark's birthday on Friday!)! We were just on the NFED website and saw on the HOME PAGE that the Rally for Ally was listed!!!!!!!!!!! Wow! What great press! We're so excited about the Rally and can't wait to see you again soon. Love and BIG HUGS to all!
Aunt Mer, Uncle Glenn, and Cousin Spencer
Chesterfield, VA USA - Sunday, July 27, 2008 6:01 PM CDT
Thank you for all your prayers - which worked! Kris was able to come home from the hospital after being in critical care two days and post partum for two days as the placenta was finally removed and the bleeding stopped. Unfortunately, the next day she was readmitted with fever indicating an infection. Finally discovered was a condition referred to as "c-diff" - a bacterial invasion of the intestinal tract, considered highly contagious and dangerous. You can read about it by googling the condition. She may be coming home this evening if the infectious disease doc says OK - finally to spend time with her two children and husband. My wonderful friend Terri made a yummy chicken and rice casserole, green beans, and spaghetti sauce with garlic bread and angel hair pasta and came over with my other wonderful friend Theresa - and this was the day before Terri was heading out for the conference. Calen is healthy and wonderful - as is his "big" sister, Ciara - now 14 months. The grannies and other relatives and friends have been pitching in to take care of the babies. I have been "kicked out" and relieved by friends and relatives for last night, today, and tonight. Ally and Morgan continue to flourish as they become accustomed to their new digs. They were over here last week for some pool and play time with "Teetay," "Pammy," and "Teree"; a good time was had by all.
Pam Thompson <pamelatc@verizon.net>
Fairfax, VA The Best - Friday, July 25, 2008 4:55 PM CDT
Hi all,

Just a brief "request" to those of you in Allyland...please, please pray for my good friend, Kris, she is Pammie's daughter, and she just had her second baby last night...a boy, and she is in serious/critical condition today. She lost a lot of blood, but the little boy, Calen, is fine. She will be in the hospital for a few days and she very much wants to hold and feed her little boy. I have known Kris since she was 12 and this is a very serious time for the family. Please add them to your prayer list as they have been part of our "family" for a very long time. Pam, the "Grammie Pammmie" HAS ALLY'S WEBSITE, as her homepage. Now ...that's what friends are for.! So JOIN us in helping them through this difficult time!

Thanks to all of you,
Love toalll
Terri aka Teetay:)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, July 20, 2008 10:36 PM CDT
Good morning to everyone in Ally's world!

Where are these "lazy, hazy, days of summer going?" They haven't been very LAZY days, but extremely enjoyable ones! We've all been "busier than usual" (whatever that means) with summer activities and trips and moments to share!

I've had some great Allyson, Morgan, and Thomas "times" and I love them all! So many specifics too numerous to mention....music class with Thomas continues to be a "hoot" now that he actually PERFORMS his groovey moves to the tunes.....Allyson and Morgan and I shared some special pool time this past week at Pammie's pool! Morgan demonstrated her "diving" techniques (or is that a belly flop?) into the deep water, and Allyson was content to "spin around holding my hands" and then returning to her STEP! Allyson wanted to have a "sleepover" at our house, and Morgan wanted to go home to have "moose tracks icecream" (ah....the "decisions" kids must make!)...but it ended up Morgan stayed for the sleepover and Allyson went home instead! Morgan was then "treated" to an outing at Fairfax Corner for CA PIZZA dinner and running through the water fountain spouts! She was hesitant, at first, but a lovely little girl about 10, grabbed her hand and helped her run through the first time! Thereafter, Morgan was the one "helping the younger children"....kids are amazing with their lack of inhibitions about just being together at play! Wonderful to observe!

Today, we celebrate Mark's birthday (which is later this week) before we head for Chicagoland and Iowa City for the NFED Family Conference. WE are especially excited this year as both Mark and Geep will be joining us! This will be the first conference for both of them! I am sure they will find it just as inspiring as we have over the past four years! (we missed last year due to the feeding clinic, but that doesn't count!) Kristin, the girls and I, will have a couple of days in Chicago /Naperville with our dear friends, Kathy and Alan, and then proceed to Iowa! Never been to "corn country" but I know we will love it! AFter the conference is over, we return to Chicago for some more fun time at the zoo, Millenium Park, Pier 39, Hancock Building, and, of course, the AMERICAN GIRL STORE where we will have dinner one evening! Morgan is "over the top" about that experience! We are hoping to see "Little Reb" and Alina and David who have just moved to Chicago from San Francisco! It is certain to be a fun filled week!

Once home, we will continue to gear up for TWO important events....in chronological order....the RALLY for ALLY on August 9th (in case you forgot to mark your calendars!) and Ashli and Tom's move to Oakton the following weekend! We are even going to manage to pull ourselves away for the American IDOL concert, and a performance of the LION KING! After all these events are "over" we will "slow it down a bit" (did I really say that??) UNTIL SEPT. rolls around and we travel to the beach "a-gin" for a quiet week! (did I say quiet?) I hope your summer in unfolding in fun and memorable ways!

Congratulations to Kris and Miles upon the birth of a baby boy born last night. His name is Caylen and he came into the world weighing about 9 pounds! This is Pam's second grandchild, and first boy grandchild joining Ciara who is 14 months old! Welcome to the Baker/Thompson world, Caylen!

Thinking of you all today with love. Enjoy your Sunday and have a great week ahead!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)
And if you have RALLY questions, or offers of auction/raffle items please do contact Ashli, Kristin, or me! My "rally" holding-room is getting FULLER by the day, there's still room for more! Thank you for caring!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, July 20, 2008 7:37 AM CDT
Hi all!
I was just reading the update and looking at the new pics. Even though you say Mark and Glenn are IDENTICAL twins, I can STILL tell them apart - hee hee!!!!!

Love you all!

Aims <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Thursday, July 17, 2008 3:13 PM CDT
Checking on Allyson
Gabriele Weber <gweber@chevron.com>
Burnsville, MN USA - Monday, July 7, 2008 8:42 AM CDT
Greetings to everyone in Ally-land!

Special prayers, thoughts, and many memories are being sent into the lives of those who loved Great Grandma Janet, mother of John and Tim, grandmother of Mark and Glenn, and great grandmother to Morgan, Allyson, and Spencer! She was blessed with 90 years of good health, great friends, and the love of family. I will not forget Janet and her love for "stories" of things past. She had an enthusiastic interest in my "junque" wall which included a World War One helmet, "silk stockings" from WW2, and many other artifacts from the past. She gave me a tiny, antique matchbox once, and I still cherish it. I will remember her with love and such good feelings as she has now joined the ranks of "angels" watching over us. She is in good company with Mother/Gran/Gee Gee, Dad/Grandaddy/Nanny/Papo and others who have gone before us. I will keep John, Tim, Mark, Glenn in my prayers this week especially.

Love to all of you who care,

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, July 7, 2008 8:33 AM CDT
Dear all,
Our thoughts are with you all today as you grieve the loss of someone special in your lives. May the strength of family and friends get you through these difficult days. May you celebrate the 90 wonderful years of Grandma Janet's life and know that she is someplace special watching over you all now.
Much love from MN,

Aime, Jim and Tyler <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Monday, July 7, 2008 6:15 AM CDT
Our sympathy, love and care goes out to the whole Kelso family and friends of Janet/Great Grandma... I was fortunate to be in Great Grandma's presence on numerous occasions, and what a loving, kind, tender, sweet and really "with it" lady she was! I know the Kelso family is grieving today, as this is a sudden loss of a wonderful lady with whom we were fortunate to have with us on this earth for so many years. It's a blessing to have "grands" with us into our adult years and to Mark, Glenn, John, Tim and Lydia, I hope that you find many smiles and peaceful moments in the many memories of your mother/Grandmother that will be with you forever.

Thinking of you during this difficult time with love...

Ashli and Tom <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Washington , DC - Monday, July 7, 2008 5:48 AM CDT
Kristin, Mark and Family - prayers surround all of you as you grieve the loss of Mark's grandmother Janet. May all of the wonderful memories of her life bring you peace as you celebrate her life later this week.

Take care and God Bless

Nancy Zembal

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Monday, July 7, 2008 2:36 AM CDT
Greetings everyone!

We are "baaaaacccckkkk" from a wonderful whirlwind Atlanta trip visiting Aunt Grammy and Uncle Poppy and all the Atlanta nieces/nephews! We had such a great adventure visiting and "climbing" Stone Mountain, riding a gondola to the tip-top, checking out the largest and most amazing dinosaur bones at Fernbank Science Center! However, probably the "best part" for Allyson and Morgan was pool time with their cousins, jumping and splashing in the pool and hot tub at both Terri's and Leslie's homes! And, the crafty-day with Aunt Grammy and the younger cousins was VERY special. They made necklaces, pictures, stickers, and artfully painted birdhouses to commemorate that special day! Great food, good talk, lots of laughs and hugs made our five days memorable for us all. We know the "cousins" will remember their time together for a long, long time.

Arriving home Monday, we hit the ground "running" as they say! Morgan had a sleepover with us Monday night as Kristin and Allyson had her "team craniofacial appt." at Children's all day yesterday. The highlight of yesterday was Morgan JUMPING OFF THE DIVING BOARD into the deep water and swimming to the ladder in the DEEP END! She bobbed up each time "laughing" at her progress! She exclaimed at the end of her jumping session: "I just had to BELIEVE I could do it!" She's certainly come a long way since her swimming lessons last summer. I am so proud to have been a part of it. In the afternoon we saw Kung Fu Panda and the "message" of the movie was: "Just believe and you can do anything." Morgan picked up on the "message" as it applied to her.

Allyson returned from her appt. saying the doctor told her, "You're just fine!" I am sure Kristin will write details of the team meeting at Children's.

I am anxious to see Thomas tomorrow....he's grown leaps in the past days and he is a "dancing fool" with her shoulder antics, happy feet movements, and bobbing of his head! Music just makes him "move" all over! His vocabulary now includes the word "no" I understand. (Grrrrrrreat!) But he is also working on "Teetay" and I cannot wait to squeeze him tomorrow!

We are preparing for our departure to the beach this Sunday for a week of fun and relaxation with the whole family! Wonder if any one of us will know how to slow down? We'll SEE???

Thinking of you all with love and hoping your summer is filled with fun memories!

Remember...RALLY for ALLY, August 9th! Contact one of us if you have ideas for Silent Auction items or Raffle! (almost anything goes!)We hope to see you there!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:14 AM CDT
Welcome back from Hot-lanta, ladies! Ally -- I am thinking of you and your mommy as you spend hours at Children's in DC today with the whole Craniofacial Team and your "review". Can't wait to hear how it all went! And, Thomas can't wait to play at the pool with you and Morgy-lu this Thurs. Fun, fun!

See you all soon... and getting excited for our week at the beach - yippppee!!
Lots of love-

Aunt Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:34 AM CDT
Happy REAL birthday to Morgan!

What a fabulous weekend of celebrating we have had! The birthday girl has certainly gotten the MOST out of her 7th birthday thus far....and today is the "icing" on the CAKE as she finishes first grade with her friends, and then we go out to Red Robin for lunch! She is looking forward to her "ice cream sundae" in a margarita glass! Now, there's a thought???!! So, the beat goes on...more birthday TODAY and more presents! We've stretched this out for several days!

Kristin, the girls and I leave for Atlanta Wednesday where I am SURE there will be "more" birthday festivities with Aunt Grammy and Uncle Poppy in the lead! We are looking forward to our reunion with everyone in Atlanta...the great nieces/nephews have never met Allyson in person, so this will be a very special time!

We had a wonderful FATHER's DAY with all the "dads" at Kristin and Mark's house! Grandpa K and Geep were treated royally, and Mark, too! Unfortunately, Tom had to "work" so he was absent from the festivities. We topped off our afternoon at the swimming pool trying to cool off from the summer heat!

I hope everyone will have a great week! And, happy BEGINNING of your REAL retirement week to TEREE! It was wonderful celebrating your events last week!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Monday, June 16, 2008 7:55 AM CDT
HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY, MORGAN!!!! I am glad you could "take my call" bright and early this morning -- sounds like you're off to the start of a great day!! Happy last day of school, enjoy lunch at Red Robin and more presents (!?!?) and then the POOL!! Wishing you a fabulous #7 and a wonderful year ahead!

Great to see everyone for some Father's Day fun at K's house yesterday -- and watching Ally & Thomas romp around, play, "argue" and fight over cars and balloons - silly cousins!!

Love you lots!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!

Aunt Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Monday, June 16, 2008 7:53 AM CDT
Happy birthday to baby plucky chicken!!! I hope you had a wonderful party and I hope your gift arrived on time. Unfortunately for all my friends who have girls, they will always get clothes because it is the only reason I have to purchase those adorable outfits. Boy clothes start out cute when they are babies but then they just get boring!!!!

We celebrated an early father's day yesterday by going to see Walking With Dinosaurs. It was an awesome experience and really made you feel like you were back in the dino era. Today we played putt putt and will have a nice barbq tonight. Tomorrow will be another quality family day and then it is back to work on Monday. UGH!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Saturday, June 14, 2008 5:53 PM CDT
Hi All! I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote, but I love checking in every day or so. Things have been busy here. We've been out of school a week and successfully completed that, graduating another senior class, and all of those other "end of the year" things.

Steve's been in Korea for the last two weeks working at Everland (Google Everland Korea - a Disney-like park) where he's programming new water ride controls. He's scheduled to return in a week or so but one never knows with this type of project. Their website has interesting pictures and info. but what cracks me up the most is the description of their Diving Pool; the Internt tag line is "show your great diving pose and swimming skills to your lover!" I hope he stays away from the area of the park! Our hope is he'll be back a few days before our planned July 1 departure to Jamaica. After this school year I'm going...with or without him!

I'm also looking for a time when I can get all four boys here to SA for some summer fun. They are all tied up in baseball until the end of June so I guess it will be July too. That will be fun and it's too bad Morgan and Ally can't join in to add some "girl power" to the experience. I know the boys would love that!

Anyway, Happy Birthday love to Morgan, love to Ally and Thomas and all the family, and wishes for lots of summer fun and safe travels. Who knows, our paths may cross before that first bell rings bringing to the start another school year!

Jackie Horras <jackie2fish@hotmail.com>
San Antonio, TX - Saturday, June 14, 2008 9:30 AM CDT
Happy 7th Birthday to Morgan!

"Where does the time go?" (I recall my mother saying that many times, but it seems a bit more REAL now that I'm a grandparent!) It seems as if it was just a "few minutes ago" that we were screaming down the road to Chesapeake to be there for Morgan's birth.....five weeks earlier than she was expected! With pillows in hand, we waited at the hospital until she showed her tiny body joined our family and our world! And, what a "world it is"...(theme here?) ...now the joke has gotten to be:"Morgan/world/Morgan/world"....and I'm actually GIVING her an INFLATABLE "world ball" for her birthday! I think is it appropriate that she has her OWN WORLD symbol! We are anticipating her birthday party today with her Virginia friends, both sets of grandparents, Aunt Ashli and Uncle Tommie, and Thomas, of course...and little sister Allyson! We are also looking forward to Father's Day tomorrow and continued celebrating with everyone. It will be "many days of presents" for Morgan as her birthday weekend progresses!

Happy EARLY Father's Day to the 'men' in our lives...wish you all a great day and honoring you for the BEST role in the universe....PARENT and especially "Dad"....!!

Happy Weekend to everyone with love!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Saturday, June 14, 2008 8:17 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY DAY TO MORGY-LU!!! Although the real day is this Monday, today we will party like rock stars at Morgan's 7th (!!!!!!!! what?!?!) birthday party - hooray! And I mean HOOOOOO-RAY since I think that fits the Horton Hears a Who theme! We're looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting some of Morgan's new VA friends who I have not yet met. And of course, Thomas-BUBBASSSS(!) can't wait to give Morgan a big 'ol Happy Bday high-5!

Lots of love to you all and see you in a bit!! :)

Aunt Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, June 14, 2008 6:45 AM CDT
Hi Cyberfriends!!!
Yesterday was a beautiful start to June despite the very violent storms we had on Saturday. It was over 80 degrees and sunny which was a rare treat for us. If anyone watches John and Kate plus 8 (we love that show) and you saw the latest episode, we decided to steal their idea. Jim, Tyler and I went to the lake to walk around. We went to a really nice outdoor restaurant on the water and ate a ton of appetizers and then we went to Licks Ice Cream Parlor where we ate ice cream for dinner. We had to stres to Tyler that ice cream for dinner is NOT normal and is just a special treat we will do once a year. He had a lot of fun and chose the Superman ice cream in a wafle cone dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. Hey - if you are going to have ice cream for dinner you might as well go all out, right?

Another rare treat for us was seeing 3 deer in our backyard. This has happened a few times over the years but each time I just stare in awe of these beautiful creatures.

It is so hard to believe that today is Tyler's last Monday as a FIRST grader. The year seemed to have flown by way too quickly this time and I am starting to get that "my baby is growing up before my very eyes" feeling. Baseball is in full swing and our time is divided between karate twice a week and baseball twice a week.

I hope everyone has a great first week of June! We love and miss you!

Aimee (and gang) <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, Mn - Monday, June 2, 2008 12:12 AM CDT
Love that face on the homepage, too!!!

Some of you do not know that Allyson is a little comic! She is really coming into her own special personality and sometimes, she literally cracks us up! Like last week when she and Morgan were at our house for the weekend....she "takes in EVERYTHING".....so when she got home she was telling her mom about the "sleepover"...

Kristin asked her what "Geepie" did at the sleepover...and she replied..."He made pancakes.....macaroni and cheese....played toys....puzzles....cars with me....changed my diaper....played outside on my tricycle...." Then, she paused...and said, "Geepie went night-night on the sofa!" Kristin started laughing as she told me this. I said, "Allyson has NEVER seen Geep sleeping on the sofa!" (she's always in BED by the time he reaches the sofa!) However, I rememebered that on Saturday morning I did ask Geep (Jerry) how long he stayed on the sofa Friday night, and ALLYSON HEARD ME SAY THAT APPARENTLY, so it became part of her "sleepover story"...!!

Another moment was while swinging outside...she and Morgan were "racing" to see who could swing the highest. (bet you can guess who started that game?) I was pushing Allyson and Morgan was pumping herself...and I would SHOUT out...."And the winner is......!!!!" Morgan would SCREAM her name...Ally would SCREAM her name! After several "races" of "and the winner is".....Allyson BELLOWED OUT, "Captain Pepperoni Pizza!" (where did that come from?) So, we laughed and laughed and continued the "race game" for nearly half hour of "and the winner is" just to get her to say it again! What a bountiful spirit she is, and she and Morgan do play very well together. Morgan gets very amused and tickled by Allyson's antics!

It is a beautiful June 1st in the Mid Atlantic after our horrendous stormy day of thunder and lightning and tornado watches yesterday! My friend, Pam, was having her grandaughter's FIRST birthday party by the pool yesterday, but alas, the rains came! So, today is the "rain date" and it has all the appearances of being a perfect day for a little girl's first birthday. Thomas and I are going to the party this afternoon!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and will begin to enjoy the goodness of summer this month! We are looking forward to Morgan's 7th birthday in a couple of weeks, our trip to Atlanta, and we are headed for the beach for the first week of July! (and that's just the beginning of the summer!) Thinking of you all with love,

Don't forget : Rally for Ally is August 9th, Nottoway Park in Vienna, VA! We start at NOON! Come and join us for lots of fun, food, festivities, fellowship, and all for the NFED!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Sunday, June 1, 2008 8:50 AM CDT
I know, I know...it has been a long time since I have posted on the website; however, that does NOT mean that I have not frequented the site to keep up to date on all that is going on! Love, love , LOVE Ally's smiling face on the homepage! It brings a ray of sunshine to the day :) We have been very, very busy...much like all of you and there has not been much down time at all. The survey person was here on Friday to take inventory of all of our household goods and reality is beginning to set in that we ARE really leaving New Hampshire. I don't know if I am excited yet or not, and I blame that mostly on the fact that when the moving truck leaves it will still be another 3 weeks until we REALLY leave NH and head to our new home in Virginia BEach. Anyway, it was so nice to read Kristin's update last Friday and to hear of your fun Mother's Day getaway despite the damp weather. The kids have been asking about the Rally and cannot wait to attend again this year!! I for certain am looking forward to seeing ALL of YOU in August at the park!! It will be here before you know it :)

Well, just wanted to drop a quick hello while I had a few minutes on the computer. Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and that the month of June gets off to a great start for everyone. Thinking of and missing all of you!

Dani Van Natta <daniv16@verizon.net>
Hooksett, NH - Saturday, May 31, 2008 8:04 PM CDT
I love that face on the home page!!! Preppy, smiley Ally- what a doll face!

See you gals tomorrow... Aunt Mer and Spencer too! Looking forward to it :))

Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Friday, May 30, 2008 6:42 PM CDT
Happy END of Memorial Day weekend to all!

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend as much as we did with the "little girls"....from Friday to Monday it was "jam packed" with activities and play and singing songs and swinging and feeding the geese and swimming pool time....and a fabulous visit to the historic Glen Echo Park yesterday for a "mini broadway production" of GOOD NIGHT MOON! Now ...you would not "THINK" that the children's book, GoodNight Moon, could be a musical...but it was! We had front row seats and were gloriously entertained by five enthusiastic actors singing and dancing their way through the story! Allyson loved it, and Morgan said she was 100% "impressed"....quite a nice event! The park is lovely, and we took it all in....Morgan's "best" souvenir was a TYE DYED t shirt that she made herself with the craft lady! She is now a bonafide "hippie" girl!

Allyson sang the words to every single song on the "WEE SINGS GOSPEL" songs in the car on the way home.She has only heard this CD a few times, but she did not miss a word! She and Morgan sang and entertained us on the drive home!

I told Kristin and Mark this afternoon when they picked up the girls that they should be VERY PROUD of them as there was not one "blip in the radar" the entire weekend! They were happy and content and lovable and not one "whine" from anyone!

Last night while watching the Memorial Day Concert from the DC mall, Morgan blew me away singing every single WORD of the Star Spangled Banner....I had no clue she knew the words! I knew that she "knew" America the Beautiful as she sung it every day for three years at Mary Law Private School in Calfornia....but I did not know she knew our National Anth....she proudly told me she had learned it in her "new music class." WE watched the concert together and had some very "soulful and mature" conversations about the MEANING of Memorial Day and the many military heroes she has in her life. One by one...she asked me to name them....and what they did...and the part of the military they were in. Her interest was as intense as her ability to understand big concepts. It was truly a special moment for us. And, once again, when the Viet Nam Memorial was shown on the television....she turned to Geep and said, "Geep, I'm GLAD your name is NOT on that wall!" I am thinking that will be the "title" for my children's book....the one I am writing in my head! Allyson, of course, was fast asleep during the concert, but was up happily this morning READY TO GO!

Remembering so many who have sacrificed so very much for our country....with love, and pride, and gratitude. God bless America.

Happy last week of MAY! Where did this month go??? A few minutes ago I was in "Chicago" for Kathy's birthday and now it is almost JUNE and SUMMER.....and all the special things that we have planned!

Looking forward to seeing you at the RALLY for ALLY, August 9th, Nottoway Park, Vienna, VA (same place as last year....) Please join us for a wonderful afternoon for a great cause....the NFED! (National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias)

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Monday, May 26, 2008 6:15 PM CDT
Wow..so many big words....and to say that I am proud of "my girls" just goes totally UNsaid.....the work that Kristin does with Allyson is phenomenal...and to know that she is in the BEST hands of the Fairfax County School system also warms my heart. After all...this is "my" school system and they are PREMIERE in educating all children and truly NO CHILD is left behind "long before" that was a buzz word. I am so proud of Allyson's progress in her new environment. I know this will continue to help her achieve forward and positive movements.

So happy for the house location of Ashli and Tom...but gee...you know what? I would continue to drive into DC to see my "Thomas boy" every Thursday. Believe me.

I want to pause for a moment on Memorial Day....when Allyson and Morgan arrived at my house today, Morgan was "full" of "why" we have Memorial Day. I was happy to provide additional personal family info on the GREAT people in her life who have served this country in WARS very long ago....so...here goes:

Thank you to my DAD, Berner E. Grant, US Army, WW2, ....and he served with ONE EYE/BLIND IN THE OTHER ...and he became the photographer for the US ARmy Times....at 36 years old/blind in one eye/ he served his country. Thank you to MY DAD!

And, to Jerry's favorite Uncle....he was captured in WW2 and held in a concentration camp...came home with a great sense of humor and work ethic...and is living today at age 95.

To my husband...Jerry aka "Geep" who served in Viet Nam and is a very decorated "hero"....(he doesn't like to speak of it)....he is a Red River Rat meaning he flew MULTIPLE missions over the NOrth of Viet Nam....in the F/4. Jerry has lots of "war stories" and he doesn't speak of most of them, but he also holds tight to Col. Jimmy Stewart's WINGS...and it is quite a story. Bless you , Jerry, for your service. And, you have the WALL PLAQUES to prove it! God bless you!

Godspeed and love also to my brother in law, Loren, aka "Uncle Poppy" to the little ones....he served as a US Army Chaplain in Viet Nam...he rode Jeeps along the BlackHorse Road and dodged numbers of bullets. Loren aka Uncle POPPY's job was to heal and counsel the wounded and tired...and I know his "consolence" was of great healing...Thank you, Loren!

And to my son in law...and his twin...thank you for your efforts to clean up the Iraqi war...I appauld you, and for you, Mark. I especially thank you for your dedicaton and courage shown over your MANY tours. God bless you as well!

To our many, many friends...thank you for your service to this great country....WE WILL PREVAIL!

Thinking of you all tonight with lots of red/white/and blue...
Two little girls are sleeping well tonight after a BIG play day in the "CUL DE SAC'.... such fun that they have "FRIENDS" when they come over.

And, yes...it doesn't get much better than this...or does it???
Thomas should be here...ha...and then it would be a perfect page.

Love to all...and bless all of the service members who have given so very much in their efforts to make this world a better place. God bless America every day!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Friday, May 23, 2008 10:09 PM CDT
Happy Holiday weekend to ALL! And yes, as Kristin mentioned, we are remembering and honoring all our military service men and women... it's an easy reminder as to what this weekend is REALLY all about living in DC and seeing all the "Ride the Wall" (Veterans Memorial Wall) motorcyclists zooming around DC and all the others who are proudly waving the American flag. Us included!

We have had a busy few weeks ourselves, with a trip to Disney, work travels, and house hunting (well, that has been over the last 6 months!).... We're proud, excited (and a tad stressed ;) to report that we have a contract on a home in Oakton! That's near Fairfax/Vienna for you non-NOVA peeps... and to put it in better perspective, it's about 10 minutes or 5 miles from TEETAY AND GEEP! So, you can just guess who is the MOST EXCITED GRANDMOTHER IN THE WORLD!! ;) We're looking forward to the move, the yard, the space and really, really settling down. This is "the" house for years to come. Hooray! I think Kristin timed it after seeing the house today, and we're still about 30 minutes from her (stupid traffic lights) but plenty more "meet in the middle" spots to meet and hang out and get the kiddos together.

I'll be reaching out with more RALLY FOR ALLY details in the coming days... but mark your calendar for SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th, 12-4 PM! We're looking forward to another successful event!

We're headed to Philly for the long weekend for a long overdue trip to see Tom's family and also to celebrate our niece, Gina's, 3rd birthday. It will be so fun to have all the cousins together!

Love and hugs to everyone... Especially to my sister, who contiues to amaze me with her mothering of her girls, and super big hugs to Morgan and Ally! Best part of today was hearing Ally's adorable giggle as she walked along the patio brick wall at our new place and let me swing her around. Silly girl!


Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Friday, May 23, 2008 6:42 PM CDT
Your story about Allyson is so heartwarming and uplifting, it brought tears to my eyes. God gave you a very special child and you have risen to the occasion. She exhibits the strength of her parents and extended family and she will continue to amaze us all as she grows. There are no hurdles she will not be able conquer because it's what all of you do as a family. What a tough little cookie she is! She will never know that she is in any way different than anyone else because of excellent parenting and the support and education you have received from the NFED. Looking forward to seeing all of you at the Rally for Ally in August.

Carol Williams <ccw92347@cox.net>
Herndon, VA - Friday, May 23, 2008 6:35 PM CDT
If you wish to read the Allyson "story" ...go to the NFED website:

Click on the link that says "Support" and scoll down to the words: "Meet the families"...

Allyson's "story" written by Kristin is right there!

I am so very proud of "both girls" featured in this article, but especially the MOTHER who wrote it about this specially spirited child we love....called Allyson or "Ally"...

Several people have asked me how to access this story, so that is why I'm posted this information now...

And, don't forget the Rally for Ally, August 9th, Nottoway Park, Vienna, Virginia!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 6:29 PM CDT
Once again another weekend has gotten away from me! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new pictures!!!!!

We are looking forward to this weekend where we will celebrate our 3rd anniversary at the world's largest indoor water park in the Wisconsin Dells. We will be staying at the Kalahari inn in the African Queen Suite. Jim's parents are coming with us and we are all very excited to get away for the weekend. Let's hope the week goes by as fast as this past weekend did.


Aims <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Monday, May 19, 2008 6:20 AM CDT
Happy "birthday weekend" to Tom and Loren!
I hope your birthdays have been just what you wished them to be! Looking forward to seeing TG later today when I get my hands on Thomas for the first time in ten days!
Yes...we're 'baaaaaacccckkkkk' from a lovely week at the beach! Mother's Day weekend with Kristin, Mark, Morgan and Allyson was fun, but the weather was "less than cooperative" so we found things to do "inside"....we did manage a short jaunt to the BEACH just to determine we were too COLD and windblown to enjoy it! Unfortunately for them, the weather did not improve until the day they left! It did brighten up Tuesday and remained pretty sunny throughout the rest of the week! We have "tans" to prove it. Our good friends joined us Tuesday through Saturday and we had some lovely pool/beach/hottub/dinners and just hanging out "time"....no real agenda at the beach!

Arriving home yesterday afternoon gave us the evening to catch up on IDOL and Dancing with the Stars ....both shows coming to a finale this coming week, so our "catchup time" was IMportant!

I hope many of you are on the NFED mailing list and received the latest flyer from the organization featuring Allyson's "story" and many photos of her journey. It was the BEST piece of mail I opened yesterday! I knew that Kristin had been asked to "write Allyson's story" but I had no idea that it would be sent out in a mass mailing....there she is with her "little NAM" (remember that?) in one of the photos, and playing with a beach ball so "grown up" in another. What a wonderful "story" Kristin wrote capturing parts of Allyson's three year journey.

And, for another piece of "small world info" regarding Allyson...one of my teacher friends who used to teach at my school is currently working with Allyson using assistive technology. She had worked with her for a few weeks without the realization that Allyson was my grandaughter. After checking with another colleague, she learned that "Yes, Allyson and her family had moved to Fairfax County!" Santina is her name, and I'm thrilled that she's connected to Allyson and her future progress!

Looking forward to this afternoon when I will see all three "grands" complete with Thomas' new haircut! I hope your weekend has been a lovely one wherever you are!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Sunday, May 18, 2008 7:21 AM CDT
Happy Mother's Day to all my favorite moms!!! I hope you all have a great day. I just got homemade crapes for breakfast, some wonderful home-made gifts, and my very own iPOD since Tyler has decided my shuffle is now his. Time to go play on iTunes.

Kristin - it has been WAY TOO LONG since we have spoken. We need to set up a phone date very soon! I love you!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:41 AM CDT
Hello everyone in Ally-land!

The days have seemingly flown by these past weeks from one event/activity to another! And, to think the "school year" is nearly to an end as well. I still count time by the beginning/ending of an academic year. (old habits die hard!)

It was great seeing Grandma K yesterday aka "Maria" at Kristin's and Mark's home! She and Grandpa K are here for a few days as Grandpa K has meetings at Quantico which is nearby. Allyson and Morgan were having such fun playing with Grandma and probably thought they were in "Grandma heaven" having both of us there at one time! It was fun to help and watch Allyson do her newest puzzles where she SPELLS the words with LOWER case letters to match the picture in the wooden puzzle box! She was very good at it, and we didn't know she could recognize the lower case letters as well as she did. (school perhaps?) We played outside with the hose while Allyson "watered the plants" and Morgan ran through the water wearing her bathing suit and a smile! It was a very WARM day and "water play" was sooooo fun!

I've had several subbing days this week and have enjoyed the variety of subjects including math and science! Just ask me whatever you need to know about biomes, photosynthesis, compounded interest, and ratios and you will see that "Yes, I am smarter than a fifth grader!" I really enjoy being with the students even at this "icky" time of year when tests are pressing down their necks and summer vacation is lurking in their eyeballs! Ah....ya gotta LOVE Middle Schoolers!

We are headed to the beaches of the Outer Banks this weekend for an entire week! Kristin, Mark, Allyson and Morgan will spend four days with us and we will celebrate Mother's Day ON THE BEACH! Then, Tuesday, some good friends are joining us for the rest of the week! I have never been to the beach in MAY and we are truly anticipating beautiful weather and good times in the pool and hot tub and riding bikes and playing horseshoes and other games! Then, it will be BACK to REALITY and a little more "work" before the school year ends for good.

Ashli and Tom and Thomas are having a grand time in Orlando. Thomas is infatuated with the ducks and is perfecting his "quack quack" sounds...he and Ally will have to compete for the LOUDEST QUACKER! This will be the longest time that has passed without seeing Thomas since his birth...I'm not sure I can stand it! I could not be a semi-annual grandparent...that is for sure!

The sun rays are calling my name and I think some Vitamin D is in order this afternoon, so out I go to sit in my chair in the sunshine for awhile!

Thinking of you all as you enjoy your happy days of springtime and flowers and blue skies ....and POLLEN...and birds, and chirps, and POLLEN....and the rebirth of this glorious season!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 1:24 PM CDT
Hi all!

Since we're Disney bound tomorrow, I wanted to drop a very early HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY note to all my favorite moms out there... namely, MY mom, my amazing sister and wonderful Aunts! You are all so dear and special, and I am grateful for the fabulous, strong women in my life.

Have a wonderful week.... what fun times! Grandma and Grandpa visit, Spencer's 5th bday bash then of course, the OBX getaway! Get some R&R and soak up the sun!! Can't wait to do it again with you in July :)

Have a happy week and super big hugs to my Al-Pal and Morgy-Lu... fun to see you both at Morgan's performance yesterday (you were great, Morg!) and Ally, thanks for crawling up into my lap :) (even if it was just to be closer to Thomas!!:P )

See you next week! WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYWORLD! Yahhhooooo!
Love you lots-

Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 5, 2008 8:36 PM CDT
HI, Virginia Family,
It's been quite a couple of weeks for all of you, and I have chuckled at all the "events" with children that came your way. I, of course, do not chuckle over Allyson's plight with her eyes, and I know that it not just an Allyson issue, but affects everyone. Light sensitivty can be searing in a little one with opacified corneas, and I hope they'll find some drops with an anesthetic quality to cut down on some of the friction, etc, that exacerbates the light sensitivity. As for "Thomas and company's" refusal to sit in high chairs, I love that one ... I can remember our grans pulling the same act between one and two! Do you suppose it's "in the code" somewhere? :)
Ya'll all have a wonderful Mother's Day and enjoy the memories and laughs! We will have a celebration here, and celebrate Motherhood and Terri's 46th birthday as well! Take care and be safe, Love to all, Aunt Dale/Aunt Grammy

Dale Pugh <dalegpugh@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA usa - Monday, May 5, 2008 2:01 PM CDT
Hello! We have kind of lost contact but just wanted to say that I think about you and your daughter. I am so glad we got to meet. Charlotte is doing well, she has shot up. She caught up with other kids her age so she is not the shortest but average. We are in Roatan Honduras. Leaving Russia was hard but we really felt that it was time for us to leave. Russia is still in our Hearts and I think if God was to lead us back we would go. Serving here in Honduras we are very happy and busy. Both Charlotte and Nila have adapted to life here as children do. God bless
Sarah Laird <clint-sarah@ccroatan.com>
Sandy Bay, Honduras - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 11:37 PM CDT
Happy belated birthday to you Ashli! Sounds like you had quite the celebration! Such a wonderful family - and a strong and loving support group - lots to celebrate. All the kids, and adults, look wonderful and happy. Hugs to all, Pam
Pam Thompson <pamelatc@verizon.net>
Fairfax, VA - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 5:18 PM CDT
What a wonderful END of April and "almost" beginning of MAY it is!

Celebrating Ashli's birthday last evening in Arlington at Rio Grande with FOUR children was quite an experience for all! I don't think Ashli remembers "eating" her dinner...for the first time EVER, Thomas simply "refused" to sit in his high chair and eat....Brooke, his little girlfriend was there, also, NOT siting in her chair....Nana Dot and Meredith were present..(I think they were sitting in their chairs)..Kristin, Mark, Geep, Morgan, Allyson, and me....everyone holding a child for the sole purpose of EATING! Of course, Morgan did "sit" and eat properly with her big fat STRAWBERRY topped with whipped cream "mega drink"....at one point, Morgan, the "babysiter," had the three little ones on the floor reading to them. But, then, Brooke wanted ALL the books...so the READIng STOPPED! Are you getting the picture??? Mark arrived slightly later, but Kristin had ordered his dinner which amazingly arrived at the SAME time...when I glanced across the table, I said to Kristin, "How did you get Mark a maragarita so rapidly?" Her answer..."I took yours, Mom!"

Oh well..."anything" for my son in law, right?!!

And to think, all of this activity took place before 7PM, so we were home in plenty of TIME to watch IDOL!!

I told Ashli this was the "birthday" of her future...crazy, hectic, filled with laughter, mess, unfinished conversations, sips of liquids, bits of food, squirmy children, and ALL GOOD FUN! Ya gotta go with the flow!

Hugs to all four little ones who made the night so fun...and wishes to Ashli as she begins her 35th year of life...what a lovely number! (Happy 34th once again!)

Music class tomorrow and our usual picnic afterward...and then, I have an amazing weekend planned.....but it's a SECRET, so you'll have to "wait" for details after it's OVER!!

Thinking of you all with love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 6:59 AM CDT
Hi and THANKS for all the birthday wishes!! I am really IN my 30s now -- and it feels great! Sure beats the alternative, eh? So why not CELEBRATE!??!?

Can't wait to see Al-Pal and Morgy-lu (and their parents ;) tonight for our margaritas and grub - yum, yum!

Love you all!

Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 29, 2008 11:34 AM CDT
HAPPY BDay Ashli!!!!!!!! I can't believe I used to drive you to school - ha!
Love ya!

Aimee, Jim and Tyler <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
FREEZING cold EP, MN - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 6:39 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to Ashli!
Thirty four years ago today just after noon her pretty face joined our family! Oh, what a proud BIG sister Kristi was! And, what JOY Ashli has added to our family, year after year....as a toddler her Grandaddy called her "Bulldozer" as she simply "ran everywhere" to and fro....and she's pretty much been doing that ever since! It will be wonderful celebrating your BDAY with you later today ....the Rio Grande will not be the "same"...

Love and hugs and a huge HAPPY DAY to Ashli!!!

I love you, Ash...
Your Mom aka Teetay :)
Love that picture of Thomas loving Morgan this past Sunday...what a fun day that was!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 5:01 AM CDT
Just got back from picking up my t-shirt! We have snow on the ground, 30 mile/hr winds and with the wind chill the temperature is a balmy 18 degrees. UGH!!! Jim is running on the treadmill and Tyler is watching TV. So much for the "fun" run!!!
Aims <wheretheheckisspring@sickofwinter.com>
EP, MN - Saturday, April 26, 2008 9:42 AM CDT
Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I have not posted in a while - my new job is keeping me extremely busy! I woke up today thinking what a great day it was. After all, it was Friday. However, when the weather man said the temps today would be a high of 45 and that we would actually be getting SNOW (yes, you read that correctly), my mood started to sour. I feel like SPRING is NEVER going to get here. We have only had 3 really nice days where the temp got to around 70 but other than that it has been just a miserable winter/spring so far. I bet Nancy Z. is glad she is still in Arizona! Tyler has 43 days of school left and has YET to wear shorts since last OCTOBER.

This weekend we will be running/walking in Tyler's school fun run. I told Jim if it was snowing I was picking up my t-shirt and sitting in the car until the boys are done with the 1 mile fun run!!!

Sunday Tyler is in a karate tournament and we are looking forward to seeing him compete. This is a different kind of tournament then he has been in - it is a team competition and he and another boy have been practicing their form (aka routime) for over 2 months now. They are really good!!! Hopefully they will place and win a trophy to add to Tyler's collection. The school had a contest to see what the school's name should be and we just found out that Tyler's suggestion WON. The team name is "The super awesome people that destroy you in karate." We were cracking up last night when the karate director called to tell us that was the winning name!

I hope everyone has a WARM and beautiful weekend! We will be thinking of you as we bundle up in our winter coats AGAIN.

Aimee (and her boys) <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, Mn - Friday, April 25, 2008 12:46 AM CDT
Love you Ally. Thinking of all of you.....you are always in our prayers. IT IS ALL GOOD:>!!!!!!
Crystal Register <theregister5@yahoo.com>
Southport, nc usa - Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:17 PM CDT
Hi there!! Love the playground pics and that Frontier gal ;) Too precious!!! I better see you all this weekend... it has been soooooo long so, let's play!

And just to prove once again that old friends are the best and that Ally and her amazing family and story have a way of uniting people, I have re-connected with friend from middle & high school, and she wasted no time talking with her pastor about Ally and she (and her pastor) have been keeping Ally in their daily prayers. My friend is going through a rough time herself and also has a 5 yr old facing medical issues, but I know her deep faith will guide her through these challenging times. So as we "storm heaven" with prayer for those in Ally-land, keep Amy and her son, MP (Michael Patrick) in your thoughts. Thanks!

Lots of love to you all! See you this weekend... some how... maybe late Sunday? xoxoxo

Aunt Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Monday, April 21, 2008 8:41 PM CDT
Happy Weekend to everyone!

I hope that the beauty of springtime is resting on your doorsteps wherever you are in the country/world! Northern Virginia is not quite at "peak" yet, but the buds and blossoms are showing their spirit! Enjoy your weekend!

Yes, Wednesday's appt. at Johns Hopkins was expected to bear the results that it did, yet, like our good friend, Steven W. wrote..."knowing Johns Hopkinds is such a revered medical facility, we were expecting a miracle"....he went onto write that "we already have a miracle and her name is Allyson and her parents and family and friends who support and love her"....Steven's words always move me and are greatly appreciated. So, on this next step of Allyson's journey, we will, as Kristin said, "Press on"....(I will add the word "pilgrim" to her phrase!:)!!! Allyson really, REALLY enjoyed playing at Thomas' house AFTER music class Wednesday and was reluctant to go home at the end of the day! When Thomas woke up from his nap "crying" she ran upstairs to "help me get him up" and she rubbed his back while saying:"All better, Baby Thomas, all better!" I think we all wish we could "rub Allyson's back" and say "All BETTER" to her sometimes!

This weekend is a relatively calm one for our house as well...there "might" be a sleepover later today with one/or two "girls" dropping in for the evening, or we may postpone it. I am going to a "Tasting party" later today....supposedly with GREAT 'mixers' for appetizers and quick dishes....sort of ODD that I am going to this party as I usually rely on "Mr. Fishy" for my culinary needs!

Our week was unusually busy with me subbing, Geep at his cooking station, and numerous "house projects" going on at the same time. Not sure how we got it all done, but the windows are washed "professionally"...(I didn't know they were in such need of a cleaning until they were CLEAN! I can actually SEE the grass in the front yard now!) ...had the outside of the house painted ....and one upstairs bathroom is being prepared for new installation! (and that was all in ONE week, folks!) I can only imagine that NEXT week could be quite dull if we only have work/school/kids/babyday/music class/etc!!!

It was fun going to Kristin's house EARLY Wed. morning to get MOrgan ready for school so that Mark could leave for work on time...I was out my front door by 6AM and found her sitting in the living room WAITING for me. She had been up for awhile in "anticipation" of my coming over. WE had a delightful morning of breakfast, talking, reading, making her bed, getting her clothes on, and having just the RIGHT hairdo for the DAY! Morgan is quite companionable and always has such interesting things to say! I went back to their house in the afternoon so that I could play with Ally while Kristin "possibly" took a nap after arising so very early. However, no "nap" occurred, but I do think she got a long shower out of the deal!

Susan's sister, Lora, is continuing to put the pieces of her life back together. She's in a rented apartment now, and will be there for at least a year. Still no news on the insurance settlement if there is to be one. Everyone has been so very generous and helpful to her, and I thank you each and every person who has rallied for her through this website. What an amazing circle of love has been formed just because of Allyson...yes, as Steve said, 'ALLY is OUR MIRACLE' and you prove that each time you reach out to her or anyone in her circle.

Thank you again...and God bless each of you,

Love to all with wishes for a great weekend ahead!

Terri aka Teetay :)
RallyforAllyisAugust9thatNottowayParkVirginiaMARKYOURCALENDARS.com !!!!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, April 19, 2008 9:18 AM CDT
Hi Ally!
I was just checking in to see how your eye appointment went yesterday. I have ben thinking about you soooooooo much!!!!! BIG GIANT hugs and kisses from your "Aunt" Aimee.

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Thursday, April 17, 2008 6:17 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know :)

Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:17 PM CDT
Hi Kristin and Ally (and Morgy-Lu and Mark, too!) --

I will be thinking of you and you're early risin' tomorrow.... hope the jaunt to Baltimore is uneventful and traffic -free, and I will have Ally and her eyes :)) in my thoughts all day! Looking forward to knowing SOMETHING in about Al-Pal eyes in the coming days after the docs can take a looksy and see what is going on in there. I love you girls!!!

Morgan - thrilled to talk with you yesterday and hear more about your crazy social life weekend and the party gal you are... and choir, too! Ya know, I am quite the singer in the family (HAR HAR HAR) so this just makes me so happy that you're going to be belting it out on "stage" too! You do have quite the voice... happy your putting your great sounding and talented pipes to use ;)

See you all this weekend! Hugs and have a happy week...it's going to be a sunny and warm one! xoxo

Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 15, 2008 9:25 AM CDT
Greetings to everyone!

Yes! Those newest "girl pictures" are precious! Allyson had such fun playing at the park last Thursday after music class alongwith Thomas and "Baby Brooke"....Thomas held his own in the sandpit while Allyson played from toy to toy at her own pace! At one point, we were on the "foot-motored-merry-go-round" and there were several other grandmothers and toddlers sitting on it when I realized that it was my FOOT POWER that was making it "go"....I had to exclaim to the other grandmothers that I could use a little help from them! It was a funny moment!

Morgan certainly had a big day Saturday with THREE birhtday parties! When I picked her up from the bus Friday we had to go and get "one more present"....she did well picking out just the right things for each friend! She is already looking forward to her big day in June.

The spring days are getting better each day....we might even have two or three in a "row" by next week! The 80s spoiled us over the weekend, but yesterday it was back to "chilly" and "dreary" again! A nice day to catch up on some "home duties" and relaxation time!

Wishing everyone a great beginning to this mid-April-tax-deadline week! Hope everyone has your "i's dotted and your t's crossed" on that RETURN!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, April 14, 2008 4:34 PM CDT
It has been so much fun getting reacquainted with two darling little girls. I haven't had the experience of so many kid-fun activities in awhile. Spinning Morgan while she's wrapped in a blanket on the floor (Teetay didn't see that) and bathtime with shouts of "Redskins! no,"Cowboys!" Morgan took pity on me and whispered to Ally to shout "Redskins" since I was outnumbered. Thank goodness Thomas can't say "Eagles!" yet, although we did try "We ARE - Penn State!" I can see why Teetay says, "It doesn't get any better than this."
Theresa Cover aka Teree <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Tuesday, April 8, 2008 9:39 PM CDT
A little "story" about our trip into D.C. to see the cherry blossoms yesterday..

There were raindrops in the forecast...it was 'misty'...and OF COURSE, Morgan had her "handpainted Sponge Bob umbrella" with her that she had painted at the Nickelodeon Hotel last fall when we were at Uncle Josh's wedding in Florida. Her umbrella is "very special" to her since SHE and her MOM painted it together. She takes her umbrella to school. She takes her umbrella on "rainy day walks"....she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES her hand painted Sponge Bob umbrella.

Yesterday. Rainy day. The umbrella OBviously was with her!

Sometimes when it stopped "raining" I held her umbrella. Sometimes SHE held it. "She" should have continued HOLDING IT! There we were. Beside the Tidal Basin overlooking the Jefferson Memorial. I was taking a picture of Morgan, Kristin, and Allyson with the beautiful cherry blossoms in the background and I felt "something" slip out from UNDER my arm.....it was Morgan's handpainted Sponge Bob umbrella...and there it was, in the TIDAL BASIN floating ONLY momentarily before SINKING to the DEPTHS of the TIDAL BASIN! Tears began falling from Morgan's eyes. I "briefly considered" jumping into the BASIN to retrieve the umbrella, but I "quickly" REconsidered. Tears continued to flow. I apologized profusely. I felt like crying. I told her I was sorry, over and over...tears gradually "stopped"....I assured Morgan I would get another plain WHITE umbrella for her to paint again.

Morgan then said, "Well, maybe I could paint cherry blossoms on the next one to REMEMBER that this was the day I lost my handpainted Sponge Bob umbrella!" (great...let's never forget this day!) Alittle while after lunch, we were discussing the "umbrella" (still) and decided that Sponge Bob was probably very "happy in his WATER environment" and was perhaps playing with Patrick! (you have to laugh when you stop crying!) She told me "Don't worry about it, Teetay...it's okay." (could she see that my heart was aching?)

As of this morning, thanks to the internet a WHITE umbrella has been ordered and in on the way to my address right this minute! We will organize the "painting project" when it arrives!

So...if you are anywhere near the TIDAL BASIN and you see a handpainted Sponge Bob umbrella bobbing its head around...please grab it and you will make a little girl so very happy!!

The blossoms were lovely...and the rain did stop...and Morgan and Allyson both rec'd Cherry Blossom RANGER badges for their participation in the activities...and I got "Grand Teetay booby prize for dropping the handpainted Sponge Bob umbrella" into the TIDAL BASIN!

Have a good day everyone...and do not EVER let me hold you umbrella (even it is not handpainted!) for I cannot be trusted with umbrellas!

Love to all...and smile!
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Tuesday, April 8, 2008 9:22 AM CDT
A big shout out to Kristin, Ashli, and Tom for their big run today! A special congrats to Kristin who joined the "ranks " of "other runners" in her newly-found efforts! I am so proud of you, as always...and proud of all of you!! October Army Ten Miler to come!! YOu go "kids"...

While they were running...well, er uh...we were "sort of running" too....wonderful moments with all three GRANDS and lots of help with extra hands! I was so grateful that Theresa aka TEREE joined us, as Doris and I could not have done it alone! ANd, then, Geep/Jerry came home from "work" and he was the ONE to put Thomas to sleep. Thomas was a bit 'restless' in his new spot, but Geep's big shoulder helped calm him down. Morgan and Allyson ABSORBED all the love they could 'muster' with Doris, Teree, and me and the night went well. Thomas ended up "sleeping with Geep and me" crooked in my left arm for part of the night. (we have to sleep, you know!) He was no "worse for wear" today...(was my arm?)...and all the cousins had a great day. When everyone left this afternoon, I have to admit I was a "bit tired"...(ha ha ha) but filled with the glow and joy of having all that LOVE in the house!

Thinking of you all tonight...tomorrow, we "visit" the cherry blossoms and have a picnic lunch/or restaurant lunch depending on "nature's call"....aka the weather!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)
Ahappyteetayinvirginia.com :)!!tt

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, April 6, 2008 9:13 PM CDT
Hip hip hooray!!! YAHOOOO for Kristin and a big congrats on completing her first official running event! I am thrilled that she was inspired to do more (you either hate it or catch the running bug and want to do more!) and I had funny running the whole way with you! WAY TO GO, ROCKIN MAMA and SIS! I have to give a shout to the "pro" runner TG, who completed his 10-miler amongst the Kenyan winners. HA HA!! Kidding, but, for not having run 10 miles in nearly 2 years, 1:14 ain't so bad! Goooooo all of us! Next up, Army 10 miler?? I am trying to talk Mark into it, too, but the whole "running with men in uniform" really isn't apprealing to him as it did with Kristin. hee hee, duh, she married one!

The kids did all have a great time with Teetay, Geepie and Doris -- and I loved seeing Doris as well! Ally clearly taught Thomas to jump on the bed, and he responds with jumping when asked "what did Ally tell you... jump?!" They are so cute together and super silly and fun to be around and watch the cousin love! They also climb and pummel each other as you see in the photos :) Fun!

Have a great week everyone! I am looking forward to my quick trip to San Diego this weekend to see all by best college girlfriends for a baby shower / girls weekend!

Lots of love!

Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, April 6, 2008 7:57 PM CDT
Yippe K & A! Ash, I know you are a pro at these things....Kristin I am so proud of you for completing your first race and in record time. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!

After 67 degree temps yesterday (the warmest day since early November) today has been in the low 40's and very rainy. We need the rain to melt the snow so I guess we should be glad it is raining.

Yesterday I was lucky to have a "me" day which included, haricut and color, mani and pedicure, and an evening of scrapbooking at the mall. It was great!

Our house project is a bit behind schedule and will hopefully be done by Tuesday. Everything looks better than we could have imagined so I guess we can live in the dirt and dust for a few more days.

This week is my last week of work before I start my new job. I have been BEYOND busy so it really has not even sunk in yet. Hopefully this week will go quickly as I am anxious to start learning something new.

Have a wonderful week!!!!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:53 PM CDT
Who would have imagined that when Allyson was dropped into the quiet pool of our lives that this special child would produce ripples of love and compassion extending well beyond herself. We have experienced the most recent and distant ripple in the case of Susan's sister, Lora Hayes. Thanks to this Caringbridge network and the loving concern of Allyson's family Lora has received prayers and donations from folks she'll never meet or know except for their generous kindness. We can report that Lora is moving into an apartment and is beginning to establish a new life for herself thanks in no small measure to gifts that have come from Ally's friends. We still solicit your continued thoughts and prayers as Lora waits for her insurance company to decide what benefits they will offer toward repairing/replacing the two houses she lost. It's been amazing to see how wide and wonderful the widening circle of love centered in Ally has continued to reach. A lot of evil anger was unleashed against Lora that day but since then an avalanche of goodness and love has snuffed out the bad. God Bless you all.
Susan & Steve Woodzell <swoodzell@verizon.net>
- Sunday, April 6, 2008 2:54 PM CDT
Good Saturday morning to everyone!

This is going to be a GREAT day! Not only is "my x-old-best-friend-Doris" coming to town, we will have the HONOR of hosting all three "grands" in a major sleepover "party" this afternoon/evening at our house! You see, it is the weekend of the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler run in downtown DC tomorrow morning and both Kristin and Ashli are running it! Tom will join them, and Mark will "cheer" them on!

Alas! We get all THREE "grands" for the night so their parents will be "free to run"...!! Yipee! We've never had all three for a sleepover, so it should be very interesting or very "active"...!! I'm counting on it being a good night for all! Doris is so anxious to meet Thomas and to "have a reunion" with Allyson and Morgan. Morgan is already anticipating how much she can "teach Doris" about her world of WEBKINZ! So...the highchair is in place...Ally's special chair is at the table..."special foods" are made and "waiting"....(Thomas eats tacos now!)and.....the toys are assembled in "every room" (let's call them learning stations! ha) of the house...the sun is shining..the tricycles, balls, bikes, scooters, trucks are poised and ready to GO....the temps are warm...the birds are chirping and I don't know how this day could be much better....but we'll "see" how that evolves once the little people arrive midday!

Please continue to keep Susan's sister, Lora, is your prayers. Things are beginning to fall into place for her and she has now rented an apartment as there is no decision yet on whether or not the insurance company is going to pay to rebuild either of her burned houses. But, she made a big decision and is trying to move forward! Also ...please keep my friend who is continuing her cancer treatments in your prayers. There is so much power is our collective positive thoughts!

No surprise "events" this weekend...I think last weekend was "enough" for one month! Oh...this IS April, right??

I heard a quote last night that I wish to hold onto...it goes like this:

"A crisis does not MAKE a hero, it simply DISPLAYS one." I know who I think about with those words... Kristin!

Happy weekend to everyone and I hope the MN folks are thawing out this weekend...and that the Georgia family is not too "wet and wild"......

Thinking of you all!
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, April 5, 2008 8:32 AM CDT
Hi, everyone! I loved the new pictures on the website, and I know Teetay enjoyed that "muggin'" from her grans! Ours sure give us lots of joy!
Sarah and Whitney are having a sleepover here tomorrow night. They will be painting bluebird houses and decorating them to put on our porch. We are 3 weeks away from being able to use the porch as it is pollen time in Hotlanta! We have a good inch of yellow powder covering everything, and the pine trees are yet to come forth! Since we have oaks and birches as well, we're "in fer it!" Also, the girls have never had a "Junk Food Sundae" which was always a tradition with the boys when they came for sleepovers. I believe we came up with 21 toppings for the ice cream last time, so the girls will try for 22 just to top the guys!
Sunday was a wonderful day in that Joshua made his profession of faith at the Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church. I believe Matthew will be in confirmation classes next year, so we will look forward to that occasion with him. The little ones to follow ... but they really aren't "little" anymore, doggone it!
Whitney Elizabeth was in a play at her school yesterday. She was the Mother of Little Red Riding Hood.
She had quite a few lines to say, and articulated clearly without even one bobble! We were so proud, of course!
She had really wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood, because, of course, she has the world's most beautiful red hair! However, she didn't tell her teacher that she wanted that part! She came home from school the day the parts were given out, and told us that her friend, Becca, was LRRH.... Her darling comment was: "Mommy, she really just isn't qualified for the part." We have cracked up over that. But she loves Becca, and so the sting didn't last long, and her part was substantial and she was just adorable, and we had a ball! She told us we were the cutest grandparents at the play! (Maybe she'll run for President some day!) Uncle Poppy and I are feeling better from our bronchitis, and are on the mend! About time! Love and Hugs to everyone, Aunt Dale/ Aunt Grammy

Dale Pugh <dalegpugh@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA usa - Thursday, April 3, 2008 2:18 PM CDT
"To take heart in the simple pleasures of each day...a patch of sunshine, a baby's laugh, or the comfort of being truly understood is to discover the true happiness in life." (Linda Elrod)

I can certainly say that enjoying the events/treats/special moments of the past "birthday weekend" certainly RANKS at the top of "simple pleasures" of each day. And, like the old Abraham Lincoln phrase: "It's not the years in your life that count, but the LIFE in your years!" I'm grateful for joining the ranks of this special "group" by leading the BOOMERS into the world of medicare! The weekend was just about as perfect as anyone could have asked for with the ULTIMATE SURPRISE pulled on me yesterday at a brunch in Arlington! To see the faces of five close friends at the table...and to know that one "face" flew all the way from Chicago to be here ...and another "face" drove all the way from Richmond to be here ...(thank you "Kathy/Kathie" friends!)made it even more meaningful. Like I always say..."You can grow new friends, but you cannot grow OLD friends!" Thank you to Kristin and Ashli for your constant thoughtfulness and making the day so perfect.

To be surrounded by all three GRANDS and have them climbing on me was truly the BEST PART! Thomas and Allyson have their own little "cousin relationship" going on with Ally mimicing Thomas' crawling to be "like him"....and Thomas loves to pull up /on/over Morgan as long as she cradles him in her arms calling him "Bubbas"....(her own pet name for him) ...and YES! It just doesn't get any better than this!

A busy week ahead with positive thoughts for the 10 mile Cherry Blossom "run" that Ashli and Kristin will complete this coming Sunday! It looks like I might have all three "grands" for a sleepover Sat. night so they can get to their "run" early Sunday morning! My dear friend, Doris, will be joining me in "kid care" for the day/night and she's never met Thomas, so she's anticipating that!

Please continue to have Susan's sister, Lora, in your prayers as she continues to "sift through the pieces" of the fire losses. However, there might be some positive news on the horizon once she and her lawyer have finished turning over all the evidence of the fires. She's a strong lady and is doing pretty well at this writing. It is a long process to put everything "back together"...a VERY long process.

Happy April Fool's Day tomorrow...and I hope no one fools you! Remember that happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling....and I am certainly enjoying my "road map" for this journey! Six weeks from now, we'll be at the BEACH for Mother's Day! And, the end of April is Ashli's birthday, so we'll celebrate HER special day!

Love to all!
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, March 31, 2008 9:51 AM CDT

No. 1 Girl <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Monday, March 31, 2008 8:12 AM CDT
Hi - remember me?!?! I am on this site all the time, Ally, but silly me rarely writes because I get to see you all the time now! That is the BEST part! I wanted to jot down this little note to tell you have very proud of you I am each and every day with all that you're doing, achieving and how you're growing into such a sweet, smart, silly and fun little girl! I love spending fun times with you and I am thrilled that you and Thomas have become such the "pals" that you are - music class, ball houses, sharing - and competing ;) - for toys... what wonderful cousin LOVE! :)

It's so much fun having you and Morgan close by, not to mention your Mommy and Daddy, too! :p Can't wait to see you this weekend and play, play, play!

That's all for now... just a little note from your Aunt Ash....I love you, Al-Pal!

Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Friday, March 28, 2008 2:07 PM CDT
Good morning from a not so spring morning here in NH...that is right...winter is still lingering as we awoke to snow falling and ANOTHER day off of school! Got to love it!! My yard was just about completely melted and I was getting anxious for my flowers to start sprouting, but I guess I will need to wait a few more weeks :)

Loved hearing about your busy spring break fun and your wonderful Easter celebrations! How wonderful that you all can celebrate together and only have to travel a short distance...that does not include a trip to an airport!! So nice to hear that Morgan is really enjoying the history that surrounds her every day...she will gain so much knowledge! Hope Allyson's eyes are feeling better and that she is having some good head's up and eyes open days. Loved the Easter pics...thanks so much Kristin!!

Well, I just wanted to check in and let you know I have been thinking of all of you. The house has been on the market now for a month...no offers yet, but we have had LOTS of traffic. Keeping up with the house on a daily basis has become my life's work now because you just never know when you are going to get the call, and with the kids' schedules I try to keep up as best I can. Hoping everyone out there is having a bright, sunny day! Hugs and kisses!


Dani Van Natta <daniv16@verizon.net>
Hooksett, NH - Friday, March 28, 2008 6:33 AM CDT
Happy Easter and BEGINNING of spring to everyone!

We are beginning to see blossoms here in Northern Virginia, and hopefully the temps tomorrow will not warrant wearing a "ski jacket" on our Easter egg hunt!

This past week has been "spring break" from school, so Kristin, Morgan, Allyson, Ashli, Thomas, Geep and I have enjoyed some special outings together! Geep and I had the pleasure of Morgan's company for TWO nights/not ONE (she begged her mother!) of sleepovers this week, and last Saturday night both Allyson and Morgan slept at our house! They are very "at home" here and there's always lots to do. I know that makes Mark and Kristin feel comfortable also, wo they can feel free to have some adult time occasionally!

Geep and I took Morgan to downtown D.C. this week. She wanted to see some of the monuments in person. She's been studying about the "history" of D.C. and exclaimed a few weeks ago: "Teetay, do you know how much history is in Washington, D.C.?" She was particularly interested in seeing and going UP into the Washington Monument. She even told me cows used to graze on the grounds. She's a little sponge with her information tidbits! But, alas! Once we arrived at the monument, we learned that advance tickets were booked through May (who knew?) and 'same day' tickets must be acquired by 8 A.M. each day. So, we were out of "luck" for going inside, but we had a mighty fine LOOK from the ground. Afterwards, we walked along the reflecting pool toward the Lincoln Memorial and Morgan relayed each minor detail about Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech! And, as she has said many times, "I think I'm getting more education in Virginia!" I'm inclined to agree with her. She was very much "into" President Lincoln's Memorial and stated that he "looked much bigger than he did in her Weekly Reader!" I pointed out a few of the MOST important words of the Gettysburg Address to her, specifically, "All men are created equal." That brought on a bigger discussion. I may have to start "studying myself" to keep up with her! Our last stop for the day was a stroll by the Viet Nam Memorial where Geep explained to her that he knew some of the men and women who are on that wall. He never talks of Viet Nam, and it was nice to hear his "small child explanations" to her. She listened intently. At the end of the walk, holding Geep's hand, she said, "Geep, I'm glad YOUR name is NOT on that wall!" Sniff!

Allyson did something this week that I thought was rather "marvelous"....in addition to having a full week of "heads up" and "eyes open" the majority of the time! One day last week while playing, I told her everyone's REAL name as we played...that Teetay was Terri, Geep was Jerry, Mommie was Kristin and so on...I went through the WhOLE family! I did it ONLY ONCE! The other day while playing with Kristin, she starts out with her doll saying: "Hi, what's your name?" When Kristin replied, "Mommie"....Allyson CORRECTED her and said, "No, Kristin!" She continued through the family using our real names Terri, Jerry, Kristin, Mark, Ashli, Tom etc....and with the "right people together in the right family"...she doesn't forget a thing! Smart little girl!

We went to the Reston Petting Zoo yesterday and Morgan and Allyson got to feed a little lamb his bottle! We fed many animals, and Thomas and Ashli came along, too! Thomas crawled around in the lamb/goat/sheep barn and became a very dirty little boy! We cleaned ourselves up best we could to go out for lunch after the zoo!

Then, afternoon came....Thomas was taking his nap at our house, and Allyson and Morgan were playing. Kristin and Ashli left to do some shopping! They were only gone a few hours and I was on "solo" duty with the THREE grands! After Thomas woke up, everyone went outside, where Thomas crawled around in the yard finding more dirt! Allyson played in her car and on her tricycle, and Morgan was swinging from the "tree swing" and riding her scooter! All is all it was pretty "sane" and I must admit not as challenging as it could have been! There were a few times that "everyone" seemed to "need" me at the same time, but I managed to "do it"....so I guess I'm a bonafide inductee into the Grandmother Teetay Circle of Fame! Right??! (I haven't seen Bon Jovi, but taking care of three grandchildren is a close "second"...!!) :)!!

The Easter bunny arrives tonight in various places and after we all attend church services in the morning we will convene back at our house for our "Easter feast" and the big fat EGG HUNT! We are going to mass with Ashli and Tom since we did Palm Sunday with Kristin and "peeps" last week...we are attending the church where Ashli and Tom married, so it will be nice to be there again!

On this "Easter Eve" I have the table set, the eggs are ready to hide, the "baskets" are filled, and most of the food is made/or in progress! Wishing everyone out there in Allyland a beautiful Easter Day and a beautiful beginning of the spring season. Our joy overflows as we think about sharing this season and tomorrow with family and especially the "little people" who make it all worthwhile.

Wishing you the joys of YOUR EASTER and time to be with loved ones!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, March 22, 2008 2:30 PM CDT
Alright Aimee, I don't even know who you are, other than this sight. But, we have one thing in common. I went to a Bon Jovi concert a few years ago in Oklahoma City and it was AWESOME!!!! It took me back to the days of my youth, and as I've been reading about you going, it's been bringing back the memories. I agree, it isn't cheap but it is well worth it.

Greetings to everyone else out in Allyland! Looking forward to seeing some of you within a few months in Iowa. We'll have a blast reconnecting again. Take care. Love the pictures posted and Ally's bright face looking at the camera. Give the girls hugs from their Kansas friends.

DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Saturday, March 22, 2008 2:09 PM CDT
Me again -
So it is the morning after the morning after the concert. I just have to say it one more time.............did I tell you how HOT Bon Jovi is???????? Sorry, Ally! I did not mean to use your website as a means for my personal gratification. - hee hee!!!!

Still Drooling in Minnesota <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Thursday, March 20, 2008 9:05 AM CDT
Hey everyone!
I hope you had a great St. Paddy's Day. Jim and I went to the Bon Jovi concernt last night and I just have to say - IT WAS THE BEST EVER!!!!!!!!! I have absolutely no voice today because I was screaming, singing, and drooling over how hot Bon Jovi is!!! Jim and I had such a great time! Of course, I was up WAY past my bedtime so I am paying a hefty price at work today. But, I have my T-shirt ready to go for casual Friday :):):):) Luckilly, my boss also went so she feels my same pain today!

We saw Horton also this weekend and LOVED it. What a nicely done movie! I also managed to get my painting done and Monday we start a tiling project at home. It has been a year since we have done any house work so it is nice to do something SMALL that will make a BIG impact to the look of our kitchen and laundry room areas.

Well, I must get back to my tea. My throat is so sore but I don't care. If it were not so darn expensive I would go see Bon Jovi again tonight - hee hee!

Hugs from the slowly thawing state of MIN,

Aimee <bonjoviissooooooooooohot@OMG.com>
EP, MN - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:57 AM CDT
Hello! I hope all of us will have a meaningful HOLY WEEK, culminating in our precious Savior's love, grace, and Sacrifice on the Cross for each of us. And my prayer is that Resurrection Sunday will be a special spiritual experience in all our lives, as we hear once again those precious words "He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!"
There is so much consummerism and bunnyism (and I'm not opposed to the Bunny,) which does give parents/grandparents challenges to impart Easter's significance in the lives of our little ones!
I love the new pictures, Kristin, and I also thought the Irish Blessing was something special. It meant a lot that you repeated the words -- and I KNOW our little Mother/Gran/G-G got the ball rolling to send that one to us! :) Loren and I, along with the Atlanta gang, send you Easter greetings and love and hugs! Aunt Dale/Aunt Grammy

Dale Pugh <dalegpugh@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, g USA - Monday, March 17, 2008 4:43 PM CDT
Love all the new pics and adorable HEAD UP ALLY! So fun to be with you all at the Horton movie yesterday, and watch Ally and Thomas and their crawling, running, climbing antics. No wonder he napped for nearly three hours yesterday afternoon - Ally wore him OUT! They are quite a pair, not to mention Thomas' obsession with cousin Morgan -- BUBBBBAAASSS! She sure has him wrapped around her finger ;) They are all so cute playing together - and eating puffs and crunchies galore! Glad everyone had a fun Palm Sunday weekend (Thomas was also a gem in church!) and looking forward to the Easter Egg Hunt/crawl at Teetay and Geep's this Sunday. Fun!

Happy St. Patty's Day to all... and yes, the blessing and link on the home page are beautiful if anyone takes a peek. What a wonderful message! And yes, Gran's 'Irish eyes are smiling' down on all of us today, on one of her favorite holidays!

Thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the Woodzell family - we're thinking of you every day!

Lots of love to you all in Al-Pal-land!

Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Monday, March 17, 2008 9:38 AM CDT
Thinking of my sweet Irish mother today...this was her favorite Irish verse!

"May the road rise to meet you
May the wind always be at your back
May the sunshine wash upon your face
And rains fall softly upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, March 17, 2008 7:25 AM CDT
Happy Palm/Passion Sunday to all!

What a joy it was this morning to watch both ALLYSON and MORGAN "march" down the church aisle waving their palms! It was quite a procession of little ones! Allyson was walking with her "teacher" and Morgan was doing her "shy smile walking" stealing a glance at us as she "marched"..!! After a lovely family dinner last night, (Kristin and Mark's favorite meal by Mr.Meaty!) both girls spent the night. And, there we were UP at 7 and out of the house fed, dressed, hair/teeth brushed by 8:30 to get to the church on time! I haven't worked that "fast" in a long time! Both girls were dressed appropriately, but when I arrived at Kristin's I "noticed" that I had on BLUE trouser socks, and brown pants...when I thought I had on black pants and black trouser socks! So much for my "fashion statement" today??!! I had to laugh at myself. But, the girls were "perfectly" coordinated...it was just me 'messed up'.....

The day continued to be special with a big fat hamburger lunch at Johnny Rockets and then we saw Horton Hears a Who! Ashli and Thomas joined us, and Thomas really liked watching his SECOND movie! Allyson partly watched and partly walked around the aisles of the theater and partly laid down on the floor, but she behaved herself well! Morgan, of course, was "totally" into the message.."A person is a person no matter how small!" We squeezed hands every time that message was pronounced!

It was a great weekend, and I hope yours was special with memory-making as well!

Happy Holy Week to all as we progress toward Easter! After church next week, there will be a BIG EASTER EGG HUNT in our front yard! Morgan has promised to "help Thomas and Ally" find eggs since she's so good at it!

Please continue to pray for Susan's sister, Lora, and hope that she will be able to receive some compensation for her devastating loss this past week. The story is quite horrific, and I am praying and hoping that someone takes mercy on her as she did nothing to create her loss except be connected to the person who did this to her.

With love to all, and many blessings of this season be with you.

Terri aka Teetay:)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, March 16, 2008 6:34 PM CDT
Susan and Steve,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!!! Jim and I would love to help in anyway we can (even from MN) so I just wrote to Teetay and Kristin to see what we can do.

Aimee and Jim <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Friday, March 14, 2008 7:44 AM CDT
Hello everyone,

Please, please, open your hearts with love and prayers for our good friends,Susan and Steve, for their "SISTER" ...whose name is Lora...she has been dealt an incredible blow to her life and family...please, please do contact one of us with AID for her. She lives in Richmond and the two houses she "owns"are now in disrepair. There is NO isurance to cover the costs of rebuilding due to the circurstances. PLEASE offer your help and contact either Kristin or me.

Thank you AGAIN for making Allyson's website one of "Pay it forward"...
Thank God for love, and friends, and working together.

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:15 PM CDT
Love and Prayers going out to the Woodzell family... our dear friends who are facing great challenges these days. We are thinking of you!!!
Hugs to you all out in Ally land!! :)

Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 13, 2008 8:49 PM CDT
Greetings "mid week" to everyone!

I've been a little preoccupied with palm trees, blue skies, and sunshine the past few days as I was on a little "mini vacation" to Miami! Ashli made it possible for me to travel with her on her business trip and stay at the fabulous Doral Golf Resort and Spa! What a lovely place it was! The waterfall-dripping swimming pools were lovely and those little "sippies" with umbrellas sticking out of them even better!

Back home last night to cooler temps, but a beautiful SPRING day today! It was "Thomas day" at music class so I also got to see Ally who was having an "I want yogurt or pizza day" and would not accept the fact that there was NEITHER at music class! Kristin so wants her to enjoy the class as she did in the beginning, but when she's having one of "those days" it's hard to get her involved!

Kristin will have even BETTER news to report on the RAFFLE sales on her next journal post! Our 5500 "total" was a BIGGIE! Thank you one and all for your support in helping us "help the NFED" and raise awareness of the many Ectodermal Dysplasias!

Looking forward to warm temps again tomorrow and an afternoon of playing in the park with Morgan and Allyson! I'm working tomorrow...first time in a couple of weeks - I had to take off to celebrate Thomas' "week of birthday" celebrations and my sister's visit!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, March 13, 2008 5:01 PM CDT
AWESOME NEWS on the raffle efforts! Congratulations!!!!

Aims <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Tuesday, March 11, 2008 2:20 PM CDT
Happy Sunday to all!

What an amazing WEEK it has been! Kristin will be posting the final "tally" for our RAFFLE ticket sales thanks to the support from MANY of you! We are quite pleased with our collective efforts this year! This is just a "teaser"...you'll hear the results from Kristin soon!

This past week my sister came "to town" and we've had the most wonderful five days together. I think the last time we had FIVE whole days together we were probably teenagers! All of our visits over the YEARS have been family-centered and "busy" with "life living" events! It was nice to have Dale (aka Aunt Grammy) all to myself for the past five days! She thoroughly enjoyed her "Thomas holding time" and "reacquainting" with Allyson and Morgan and seeing all the things each "great niece and nephew" can do! We spent every day with a "kid" and by the time Aunt Grammy left today she was "in" with each of them! The "icing on the cake" was last night when she got to sing Allyson to sleep on her shoulder softly humming KumBahYah - about ten verses! The next "icing" was when I put Morgan to bed and she ASKED for Aunt Grammy to come back upstairs as she wanted to tell her goodnight ONE MORE TIME! And....last Thursday she got to see Thomas do his "drumming" at music class and we cared for Thomas all day Wednesday and most of Thursday. She even made butternut squash soup and Thomas slurped it down eagerly!!

Thomas' birthday "week" was fabulous! His party was yesterday complete with a Thomas the Train GIANT balloon, Curious George balloons and "themes" everywhere! He made out like a bandit with lots of loot including great clothes for summer and even things for next winter! He will be "Dinasaur boy" this summer with his new attire! PopPop came from Philly and brought Thomas' only GREAT GRANDMOTHER, "Gram"....so his birthday was complete with his grandparents and one GREAT one! He was a stitch at his party...by mid afternoon he was literally putting on a "show" just as if he "knew it was all about him"....

Especially for Thomas' DAY we experienced every possibly WEATHER element! In a fifteen minute timeframe, it rained, hailed, sleeted, and snowed, and then the sun came out! I'm not making this up! It was a very strange WEATHER day!

Like my mother used to say when we would leave her house in Atlanta...."the house gets so big and quiet when you are gone." This afternoon, I am experiencing some of that "big and quiet" as everyone has gone home. Allyson and MOrgan spent the night last night and we enjoyed our "girls' sleepover night" again! Allyson was perfectly content as she had had a pretty independent day yesterday was in great spirits! Morgan always likes the "sleepover" routine: popcorn, popcicles, snickerdoodles, pizza from the pizzaman, and a new movie! Allyson played contentedly with her new puzzles and cars and talking and singing with Aunt Grammy! All in all...I think the past five days have been pretty perfect!

UNfortunately, I have to arise VERY early in the morning to catch a flight to Miami. (somebody has to do it!) Ashli invited me to accompany her on a business trip (Thomas is staying with his Dad)to Miami for three days. She will work, and I will sit calmly by the pool and read by book! Not a bad gig, right? The 80 degrees will feel great compared to the freezing temps that arrived this morning!

I hope everyone will have a great week ahead!

And, again, thank you, thank you, thank you one and all for your incredible support of the NFED and helping us raise the most $$ yet for research and assistance to families and children affected by ectodermal dysplasias. We are blessed to have your love and friendship. We are blessed to have YOU in our lives!

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, March 9, 2008 3:25 PM CDT
Happy Birthday to Thomas, the "best boy cousin to Ally and Morgan"....they have TWO BEST BOY cousins, now!!!

Whahooooo!! What a YEAR this has been! Thomas' arrival only maximized the JOY in our family...the CA peeps ARRIVAL in Northern VA maximized it even more...and all the fun we now share on a "regular normal basis"...

Today will be the beginning of Thomas' WILD BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! The "best thing" I've heard all day are Thomas' Daddy's words written in his card...."You are the best son a Dad could have!" YOU ROCK, Thomas!

Love and happy grins all day long! See you at music class...and then for your "big burger" at Whitlow's! What a great day! And, you got to share Allyson's website with your big eyes!! YAY!!!!

Love to all...
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, March 6, 2008 7:52 AM CST
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my niece. Kristin's post brought tears to my eyes. We will continue to be strong and know that things will get better soon.

I spoke to my mother-in-law last night and Sydney seems to be doing better. The infection is starting to clear and they are tying to substitute nutrition so that she can gain the weight back that she lost. Sydney is a very strong child and seems to be in good spirits. I really appreciate all the love and support for my family and I know that they appreciate it too.

Kristin... I put a check in the mail today for the raffel tickets so it should arrive in a few days. I certainly hope that you all pass your goal.

Robyn Hopper <rphop@aol.com>
South Riding , VA - Tuesday, March 4, 2008 12:29 AM CST
Good Tuesday morning everyone!

Today is a special day in our house! My sister, Dale aka Aunt Grammy on this website, is arriving this afternoon for five whole days!!! Whahooooo!! Her "desire" is to just play with "babies and children" and get to reunite with Morgan, Allysonm,Kristin and Mark, and meet Thomas for the FIRST time and reunite with Ashli and Tom, too! The minute I pick her up we are headed to Burke to see Morgan and Allyson! Tomorrow we spend the entire day with Thomas at his house! In between the visits we will enjoy some lovely "Geep orchestrated dinners" and just catch-up as best we can! The much needed "RAINS" have engulfed Atlanta, so she is hoping not to have major delays getting on her flight today!

We are anticipating a "big day" Thursday for Thomas' no. 1 birthday as we celebrate with "the whole family" going to his music class. "Miss Patricia" is gearing up for the CAST of thousands clanging away on the instruments!

And, later this week Allyson and Morgan will have another "sleepover" at our house to spend more time with Aunt Grammy!

I will keep Sydney in my prayers and hope that this little girl will beat her newest challenge. Thank YOU for keeping her in your prayers as well.

With love to all, and good wishes for a great rest of your week wherever you are/whatever you're doing!

Still ONE week to go on raffle tickets! We're may have surpassed our 'goal' by now with the latest tickets, but we're still OPEN FOR BUSINESS until next week! THank you again for supporting this very admirable cause.

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Tuesday, March 4, 2008 7:24 AM CST
****PRAYERS PLEASE****My sister's neice, Sydney, is in the hospital again.  This time they are not sure it cancer related and some specialists were evaluating her today.  She has lost a ton of weight and now only weighs 28 pounds. It will be difficult to fight off infection so any all prayers are more than appreciated!
With love and gratitude,

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Monday, March 3, 2008 6:45 PM CST
Happy "leap" year day to all!

Raffle ticket sales are going well! There is still "time" if you wish to participate! We will announce our collective totals with a "drum roll" when the final tally is in! But, we are "thinking" that we've surpassed last year! Thank you all for your amazing and continued generosity for such an admirable cause, the National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias. www.nfed.org

Talk about "Thursdays with Thomas" excitement????? Yesterday was a DAY to remember! We attended our usual music "together" class. Kristin and Allyson were there, but Allyson had a little sore throat, so she didn't participate as fully. Thomas tried to crawl on her back to make her feel better!

So, back at Thomas' house, he was just waking up from his afternoon nap when I heard SIRENS....LOTS of sirens...LOUD sirens! One quick look out the front door gave me a sight I do not want to repeat anytime soon! There were at least 10 big red firetrucks/ladders/hoses/scurring firemen on the ENTIRE street in front of Ashli and Tom's house! One step OUT the door showed me the "object" of their attention and it was Ashli and Tom's rental house TWO DOORS AWAY! I ran back in the house, got Thomas bundled up in hat/coat/blanket and ran outside to ask the fireman what was going on! I saw no "fire" or "smoke"....it seems there was a phone call "reporting smoke" at THAT address, and since no one was at home in the house, they had to force entry (the front door was a shambles!) to check it out. NOTHING found...fortunately! Ashli and Tom and their tenant all came home to check out the house. Thomas was in "awe" of all the big engines/people scurring around! I realized after being outside with bundled up Thomas for a few minutes that I was only wearing my socks...I'd forgotten my own shoes in all the excitement!

So glad to report...NO FIRE anywhere, but the memory of all those trucks will stay with me for a long time! I was instantly planning "our escape" from the neighborhood had there been a fire! About 6 o'clock three of the FIREMEN visited Thomas' house to "explain" to Ashli and Tom why they had to force entry and to apologize for "breaking the door"....Thomas gave big smiles to them! I was impressed...

"D.C.'s finest" proved to be just THAT! A "housecall" in the big red firetruck just so they could explain the incident ....yes, I'm impressed!

Now, that's a "story" Thomas can relate to HIS grandchildren someday...we will call it "Teetay's SOCKS Were Made for Walking"......well, something like that...you get the idea!

Happy MARCH to everyone tomorrow! Happy birthday month to Thomas! Happy weekend and warmer temps! And I sure hope No. 1 girl gets those holiday lights down before they float away in the meltdown of the MN snows!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Friday, February 29, 2008 7:44 AM CST

We got about 2 inches of wet snow last night but temps are supposed to be 40 degrees this weekend. We are so excited (sad, I know). Maybe I'll be able to get outside and start taking down the holiday lights. They have not been turned on for quite a while but it has been too cold and the snow has buried most of the cords. At least I hope to be able to take down the red ribbons :):)

Nancy Z. and I are having brunch again tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing her and catching up. After that I am going shopping for paint. We are in the process of doing some tiling (kitchen backsplash, laundry/mud room, new mantle with granite tile) and our laundry room needs to be painted. I am thinking about doing a brick red color! Very bold but I love it!

I love the pictures you posted, K. Ally looks wonderful on the home page! I have to take Tyler to the dentist today to pull a baby tooth that just won't come out. It is barely hanging on but the part that is still in the gum is pretty secure. Once that tooth is gone he will look just like Morgan with all 4 front teeth missing. He is really scared to have it pulled but I told him it would hurt less than if he gets hit by a basketball in the face (which happened yesterday)!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, Mn - Friday, February 29, 2008 6:55 AM CST
What a beautiful bright eyed face on the home page! LOVE that photo, Ally! K - send it to me so I can print and frame :)

Thrilled that the raffle tix are selling like hot cakes and a special thanks to all "my peeps" who have sent in raffle donations - you all rock! What an awesome support network we - and the NFED - has. Yay us!

Yes, as many of you can imagine, we're soooo excited for Thomas' first birthday and little family party we'll have next weekend. An dhow special it will be to have Aunt Dale/Grammy here to celebrate with us and have some quality Thomas time. Yipppeeeeee! We'll keep you posted with all the celebration details and photos, I am sure!

Lots of love to everyone in Ally-land!

Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 27, 2008 1:58 PM CST
Good snowy morning to everyone out in Allyland! Was excited to read the journal and hear all that has been going on in Northern Virginia, and all of the fun you have been having with all of your visitors!! How sweet it is that you live much closer to family and friends now that it gives you an opportunity to see so many loved ones...and often!! Yes, it is another snowy morning here in New Hampshire and we are LOVING IT!! The kids were so hopeful that their last winter in NH would be a snowy one, and they have had just that. They are off this week on winter break, which is a relief because the good Lord knows that we don't need any more snow days this year! We are already headed to school until June 23rd; however, winter is not over yet and we still have the spring thaw/flood season to get through :) We heard on the news last night that we have hit a record snow amount this season so far with a WHOPPING 89 inches, but we added another 5 last night...so we are up to 94 inches so far!! They haven't had that much snow since 1886, so the kids think it is pretty cool to be a part of history hear in NH:)
Glad to hear the raffle ticket sales are booming!! Hopefully my check and address labels have arrived. I know I had told you Kristin a few weeks ago that I was mailing the check, and with getting the house ready to go on the market...well, needless to say with all the cleaning and rearranging I misplaced the check! Found it though and sent it off:)
Sounds like you are all doing well and enjoying your time with one another and all of your friends and family. Hard to believe we will be heading into March already this weekend. Where does the time go? Sounds like Ally and Morgan are thriving in their new environment, which is so wonderful to hear...change is never easy, but they have such postive influences in their lives to make it easier! Bet you are all getting excited for T3's big ONE coming up!! Can't wait to hear all about it:)
Well, I best get myself going this morning and see what the kids want to do today! It has been a relaxing vacation so far and just what we have needed...low key, no hassles!! Miss you all!

Dani Van Natta <daniv16@verizon.net>
Hooksett, NH - Wednesday, February 27, 2008 8:48 AM CST
What fun to be back in northern Virginia again, visiting with Morgan, Ally, Mark and Kristin. Our planned long week-end was interrupted by a family funeral in NJ but we truly enjoyed the relaxing time of playing, eating and church-going together, along with a tour of the Pentagon by Mark. It is so reassuring to see them well-established in their beautiful new home and immersing themselves in family and fun. Ally continues to amaze us each time we see her with her vitality and her bright mind! She likes to cuddle now and listen to stories just like Morgan has always done. And now Morgan reads stories TO US! What fun!!! Looking forward to many more happy and much-closer visits to them.
Lydia Kelso a.k.a . Grandma Kelso <lkelso@ec.rr.com>
Southport, NC - Tuesday, February 26, 2008 4:05 PM CST
Happy Sunday to everyone!

And what a "happy Saturday" it was as well! The "girls" plus "Thomas" met at Tyson's for a little strolling, shopping, playing on the playground, and, of course, EATING! Both Ashli and Kristin got to do a "little shopping" by themselves and I looked after the GRAND children! Thomas went "crazy" over the play area crawling around at break-neck-speed from "flower to butterfly to bee"...!! Older children just jumped over him! Allyson holds her own climbing up the slide, waiting her "turn"...and running to the next climbing-toy! Morgan, of course, impressed us with her big gymnastic JUMPS! Morgan has lost another FRONT tooth, so she's "whistling" a lot with her big opening! The "VA toothfairy" leaves a contribution at her house and my house and she finds that pretty cool! When I was driving home after our spontaneous "gathering" I just kept thinking to myself....."This is what NORMAL feels like!" It was a lovely day!

Once home, I was back at work processing my RAFFLE SALES....from your generosity our numbers are escalating each day! Yesterday afternoon ALONE I had over 600 tickets to process with the labels, Allyson's name, addressing return envelopes, and writing a big THANK YOU note to each contributor! I rather enjoy the "processing" as it makes me know that we are doing something productive for the NFED! So, keep the "orders" coming! The drawing is March 13th, so there's plenty of TIME left for you to get some tickets and help children and families affected by ED. Our FAMILY GOAL is to sell 5000 tickets this year! We're not there, yet......but hoping....???????!!!

Remember the words of Arthur Ashe: "From what we get, we can make a living; what we GIVE, however, makes a LIFE."

Thank you for your love and support, and your abiding friendships. I hope the rest of your weekend will be great, and that you enjoy sunshine and warmth wherever you are!

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, February 24, 2008 7:31 AM CST
Greetings to all of you in Allyland. Teetay, I was reading your most recent post and my eyes about popped out of my head when you said Tyler, Ryan, and Andrew had a great time playing with Morgan. I almost couldn't believe my eyes and thought maybe I'd missed something since those are the names of my 3 children. But, unfortunately, we were not visiting DC so I knew my 3 were not playing with Morgan --- hopefully they will be again sometime soon. It did bring back memories of seeing the kids play at our house back in December. We look so forward to seeing you all again this summer in Iowa. We can't wait.

It is so wonderful to hear things going well for Ally and preschool. What a blessing and answer to prayer for an amazing transition. As I always say, she is a trooper and determined -- just like her mother (and grandmother of course).

You've been talking about all the weather out there, I don't remember ever having a winter with as much snow, ice, sleet, etc. as we've had in Kansas this year. Wow, right now I'm hearing the sleet hit the windows as I write this. Another day of slow driving. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten the call that school is not going to happen, so I better get moving for that. Talk to you all again soon!

DeAnn Huxman <cdrthux@mtelco.net>
Moundridge, KS USA - Thursday, February 21, 2008 6:28 AM CST
Happy Monday!
It was so great to see everyone this weekend and I just sad our visit was so short! We had a wonderful time on Friday night and then on Saturday all the kids got to play for a little while. Yesterday we went to Baltimore for a few hours and that was fun too. This morning I am doing laundry so we can pack clean clothes. The weather looks beautiful outside and Jim decided to check on the weather in Minny - actaul temp is zero with a "feels like" temp of -17. It will not be fun to get back to a freezing cold car!!!!

Have a great week!

Aimee and gang <backtoMinny@brrrrrr.com>
South Riding, VA - Monday, February 18, 2008 7:38 AM CST
Happy Presidents' DayS weekend to all!

And, what an active, busy, and fun weekend it has been!

It started out Friday afternoon for me taking the "girls" out to dinner at Glory Days! Allyson ordered her "usual" cheeseburger,but ended up eating her FRIES (that was a first) and ice cream! (okay..a couple of "food groups" in that order!) Kristin, Mark, Aimee, Jim, Robyn, Aaron, Ashli and Tom all "dined" in Arlington and then went to a "nightspot" after dinner! Teetay and the girls were not up nearly as late as they were! Allyson and Morgan both enjoyed the dinner out and Morgan especially liked her "leapin' lizzard" drink! After baths and Allyson's bedtime, Morgan and I enjoyed snuggling up to watch Chicken Little! We made it to the part where he makes the homerun to win the pennant before we had our bedtime! Sleeping on Morgan's new HIGH off the floor "Captain's bed" was fun, and I didn't even mind that she was the "blanket hog" all night long!

Saturday morning began with Aimee and the whole crew for breakfast at Kristin's and Mark's house! Kristin pulled together a lovely breakfast for kids and adults alike! Tyler, Ryan, Andrew and Morgan played well together and before they left for home even Allyson had joined in some of the play!

Mid morning Meredith and Glenn and Spencer arrived just in time to hit the road for the Smithsonian. (that is when I headed my car the "other way" for some serious Thomas-birthday shopping with my coupons!)

This morning "everyone" went to the Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport - there are pictures to prove it! It was sort of a "reunion" as Meredith's parents were also there, coincidentally! What an amazing display of aircraft! Glenn asked Geep to give him the "lowdown" on his F4 flying machine which was on display. In REALITY, one of the last F4's that Geep REALLY flew is displayed at the Hampton Roads Air and Space Museum in Hampton Roads, VA! WE'll have to take "the kids" to see the REAL deal one day ! Our departure from the Air and Space Museum was a bit earlier than everyone else's as we needed to be HOME to take care of Thomas since Ashli and Tom were house hunting again this afternoon! WE enjoyed a couple of hours with "the boy" and he even walked all the way across my kitchen "holding my hands"...that was a "first"....he usually goes "jello legs" after a few steps! What fun it was to have all the grandchildren in ONE day!

And, by the way, Geep kept Thomas Friday night while I was in Burke with the girls. When I asked him "which house" he wanted to "babysit" he replied, "Thomas's house".....and then said, "He's easier!" OH , there will be the DAY he won't say that! And, Thomas was "easy" and went to bed/sleeping without a peep! Geep was proud that he "did it" by himself!

We rec'd good news from Kathy, Jerry's sister, this week. She had noninvasive spinal surgery this past week and she has been relieved of some of the extreme pain she's been experiencing for some time. That was good news to our ears, and we are pulling for "Katie" that ALL the pain will soon be GONE!

Such a wonderful weekend....wonderful to see and be with Aimee and Robyn and their sweet children...always good to see Jim, Aimee's husband....and the added delight of seeing Meredith and Glenn and Spencer after such a long time! Gatherings like these are so meaningful!!

Hoping everyone has a great holiday tomorrow if your work is closed....and a good week ahead!

I know Grandma and Grandpa K are counting the days til their visit next weekend. This will be their first time to see Kristin and Mark's house now that it is "all fixed up"....!! And, there are two cars in the garage and very little "stuff"....!!!!

Thinking of you all with love.
Our RAFFLE tickets are close to 2000, so keep the "orders" coming in! We're hoping to break last year's record of 4500!!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, February 17, 2008 5:40 PM CST
Greetings to all and a VERY HAPPY VAlentine's Day to everyone!

It is a special day for remembering those we hold close, so I hope each of you finds someone to wrap your arms around tomorrow! (and today, too, if you wish to 'start early'...)

Good news for my sister ! We can now "celebrate" the WORD: "Nothing!" Her tests came back completely BENIGN and that is always a great word to hear in association with any cancer scare! Thank God for that blessing in our family! And, even more good news..."Dale aka Aunt Grammy" is coming to visit Northern Virginia and meet Thomas and share time with Morgan and Allyson and the rest of us! We are thrilled that she has booked her March flights and will be here for Thomas' FIRST birthday!! What added JOY to that celebration!

I know that Aimee, "No. 1 girl," is over the TOP with excitement on the EVE of their flight to Northern VA! I hope the "snowy forecast" for MN and the "semi icy/snowy forecast" for NOVA will not IMPEDE her progress to get here! I am sooooooo looking forward to seeing her, Jim, and Tyler Sat. morning when I wake up after the Friday night "sleepover" at Morgan's and Allyson's house! You see, the "grownup kids" are all going OUT, so Geep will be in D.C. taking care of Thomas and I will be in Burke taking care of Morgan and Allyson. IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS! WE are looking forward to our Teetay and Geep "duties"...!!! Aimee and family are coming for breakfast Sat. morning, so I will get to put my arms around them!!!

Wishing everyone a very happy V Day and a great weekend coming up! Please continue to say prayers for my VA friend who is facing her own personal battle with cancer. And ..thank you for the prayers you sent my sister's way. I know God hears your voices!

I had an afternoon visit with Ally and MOrgan this afternoon, and Allyson was her "silly self"....we played baby dolls, but she wanted them all to be NAKED and NO DIAPERS!!! Morgan and I did "her math homework" using a "sorting activity"....she was really "into it" as we used CANNED GOODS - and some were soups!She is a "soup" girl now! Allyson wanted pizza for dinner, and Kristin was "out of pizza" so I went across the street to the store and came home with FIVE "Ally pizzas"....she is a "crazy/eating/fool" these days! WE just wish her drinking matched her eating! Maybe the two will "merge" soon...!!??? In the meantime, she is a PIZZA girl!

Morgan was busy "decorating the family room" with all the Valentines/cards/etc. that have arrived....it was BEAUTIFUL!!

Thinking of everyone as the big day of LOVE celebration arrives tomorrow!
Love to all, and you know I mean it!

"To those who much has been given...much is expected".....thank you for supporting us in the RAFFLE sales and honoring Allyson by your contributions and love.
Thank YOU!!

Raffle sales are going well! But...let us hear from you!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, February 13, 2008 7:02 PM CST
What a BEAUTIFUL picture on the home page!!! Ally, you have such a pretty dress on. I can not wait to hug and kiss you IN PERSON in just 3 more days!!!!! (And, I can not wait to hug your mommy and Aunt Ashli on FRIDAY) Can you tell I am just a LITTLE excited???????

The weather has warmed up slightly here in Minny and this morning we are actually above zero. It is amazing how different 7 degrees feels in comparison to 17 below. By the time we get to VA, if the temps are in the 50's we will feel like SUMMER has arrived - hee hee!

Tonight we will celebrate Valentine's Day with steak and sweet potatoes at the house. We will be on a plane tomorrow night so an early celebration is in order. Then it is back to packing (I don't think I will EVER be able to pack light). Besides - BOOTS take up a lot of room in a suitcase, right Ash?

I hope everyone enjoys their Valentine's Day and gets to spend it with a loved one. I think this is one of my favorite holidays. We are not celebrating some war, the death of anyone, or some other tragic event. Instead, we are celebrating LOVE and FRIENDSHIP.

Hugs and kisses,

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Wednesday, February 13, 2008 7:04 AM CST
Happy "almost end of Geep's birthday" day!

And, what a day it has been! Kristin and Mark hosted a lovely brunch for him this morning and the food that Kristin and Ashli prepared was wonderful! Everything "homemade"...not "nearly homemade" and served beautifully in the dining room complete with "banners" that saluted the man of the hour! All of us fit at the dining room table, including Thomas, and we ATE! ATE! ATE! Allyson has been on an "eating frenzy" this weekend - and for whatever "reason" that is a good thing. We just wish she would DRINK more as that is a deficiency area right now! Geep got some very special gifts including socks, levis, and tylenol...(we are very basic needs people!) and we also exchanged our "Valentine's gifts" since we will not all be together on V Day! Geep and I were then surprised a most amazing gift.....a digital PICTURE FRAME loaded with family pictures from the past to the present with beautiful music playing in the background. We can continue to load photos on it and add music as we wish! It is a living memory of so many "MOMENTS IN TIME!" I've only seen this type of frame once recently when we were in Texas and my sister in law, Kathy, had one! We are thrilled to have this gift that will keep on GIVING!!!

Friday night's High School Musical theater performance was fabulous! We dined "pre theater" at Chef Geoff's downtown D.C. and then "rushed" to get to our FRONT ROW SEATS! We could see the spit flying out of the mouths of the singers and dancers! (what fun!) Morgan even caught a "foul basketball" from one of the numbers and one of the actors mouthed these words to her:"You are so cute!" (Her face then became buried into her coat! - but she LOVED it, too!) The musical was well performed and it was fun to watch such a happy, carefree show with excellent musicians! Morgan spent Friday night with us and was asleep before we arrived home. However, upon arrival "home" she RALLIED long enough to have a snack and snuggle in the big chair over a couple of cartoons!

Sat. morning, Morgan, Allyson and I went to the "big movies" to see CAREBEAR MoviE...this was only Allyson's second BIG movie experience and she did keep her clothes on this time. She was fairly engaged for some of the movie, ate her popcorn, ASKED for MORE, and sat on the steps of the theater. She did not "cry" out for "mama" one time. (Kristin and Ashli were doing a "Let's Dish" session while we were out) Allyson ate pizza and bread and butter for lunch like she was starving, her head was UP, and her eyes were open the entire day! Once home, the day had warmed enough that we played outside for quite awhile. Morgan REunited with her "summer friends" and she scootered and rode her bike with them! Allyson played outside as well, pedaled her tricycle, and played on the swingset ...again "head up" and "eyes open" and no sunglasses for part of the time!

As the afternoon was drawing to an "end" Morgan asked me if she could stay another night....I tried to talk her out of it since I knew her mom and dad probably missed her. She insisted, and picked up the phone by herself, called her mother, and asked if she could have ONE MORE NIGHT of sleepover at our house! Kristin agreed and brought over more clothes when she picked up Allyson after her dinner. By the time Kristin arrived to pick up Allyson she'd eaten another HUGE meal of mac and cheese, corn, blueberries and yogurt! Like I said, she was an "eating machine" this weekend! She is not consuming much liquid, for some reason, so she is continuing to need hydration through her tube at the end of the day. All in all, this past week has been a good one for her. Maybe the whole "routine" of getting into her "school mode" has helped her appetite and her eyes as well. I don't know the "reasons" ....but I'm sure glad to see her doing well. Yesterday afternoon was just about the "happiest" I've seen her in a long time!!ANd, that felt good!

Allyson has an opthamologist appt. in the morning EARLY so Geep will go over to get Morgan on the bus for school. I am subbing several days this week, so it will be another busy week.

We celebrate Anniversary number 37 this Thursday on Valentine's Day....we married in Misawa, Japan on Feb. 14th during a major snow storm! And...oh the "miles" we've covered since that day!

Please continue to hold my sister in your prayers. She will learn the results of her biopsy tomorrow. Let's pray for the big word: "Nothing!" Thank you for your caring!

Raffle tickets "on going"....get in touch with one of us if you are interested in participating in this NFED February Awareness Month fundraiser! Thank you in advance!

With love to all,

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, February 10, 2008 4:22 PM CST
Happy Birthday to Jerry/Geep/Taz/Dad/Mr. Fishy-person!

Hope today is a happy one for you as we celebrate your birthday !!!! We'll be "reporting" in later today with news of all the festivities and Ally/Morgan/Thomas antics as they "play" together on this beautiful sunny Sunday! The chill is in the air, but the sunbeams are radiant!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, February 10, 2008 8:30 AM CST
Happy Birthday to GEEPIE!!! Hey Al-Pal, your Geepie's birthday is TODAY and we're all heading over soon for a little par-tay brunch. You ready? Got your party hat on? Party clothes? Can't wait to see you all!

I know you have had some special Geep-Ally-sitting time lately (he must love havign all his peeps so close!) and we all wish him a special, happy day!

See you all in a few... And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a very cool, fun, super special Dad-Grandfather-Romey ;) and FRIEND! We love you!!

Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, February 10, 2008 8:03 AM CST
4 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!! I just woke up and the wind is blowing like crazy. So, I came downstairs to see what the temperature was - HOLY COW!!! It is -13 with a wind chil of -39 degrees! Looks like we are NOT going out anywhere today!!!

I hope you are bundled up and warm, where ever you are.

Aimee <brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr@didIsaybrrrrrrrrrrrr.com>
EP, MN - Sunday, February 10, 2008 6:50 AM CST
Love the new pics and I CAN NOT WAIT to see the girls (ALL OF THEM) IN PERSON!!!!!!!! 7 more days - woo hoo! Do you think you can hang on to the 80 degree temps until we get there? Now I have no idea what to pack - ugh!

K - I'll call you this weekend so we can lock in our plans. I really am so excited to see everyone and can't wait for our adult night out.


Aimee <onourwaytoVA@in6days.com>
EP, MN - Friday, February 8, 2008 5:08 PM CST
The picture of Ally and her teacher/aide says it all. She looks so happy and confident in that scene.
Stephen R. Woodzell <swoodzell@verizon.net>
- Friday, February 8, 2008 3:02 PM CST
Happy Friday everyone!

Just wanted to say a public "thank you" to the many requests I've rec'd just in ONE week for raffle tickets! I'm at the big number of 300 "sold" in less than five days, so keep 'em coming! I am hoping to surpass my personal goal from last year and with your continued help and support I am sure that will happen! Thank you again for your continued love and friendship!

Tonight is the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL theater production at the National Theater downtown. Ashli, Kristin, Morgan, and Susan and Brooke W., and I are going to see this play! Morgan is "over the top" with excitment and then she gets to have a private "sleepover" at our house! Tomorrow morning I will take her and Allyson to see the CAREBEAR movie - this will be Allyson's SECOND BIG MOVIE experience and I hope she likes it! The last time she went to a big movie in the theater, she took her diaper and pants off and ran up the aisle with a bare bottom! (she was only 2 then! ha) Morgan told me on the phone last night, "There are a lot of thing to do in Virginia. It is a good STATE." So cute..."out of the mouths of babes...."

Again, thank you for your RAFFLE ticket support!

With love to all for a great weekend!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Friday, February 8, 2008 9:48 AM CST
LOVE those beautiful home page faces! (snaggle tooth Morgs and all :) Ally is so bright eyed and happy, happy - YAY!!

Love and hugs... from just 23 miles away :)

Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 7:26 PM CST
Good morning everyone!

When I woke up this morning one of the "first things" I wanted to do was check the final voting results from yesterday's Super Tuesday.....however, it puts all of "that political stuff" into perspective when we witness the devastation in so many areas of our country hit by the many tornadoes. Please keep all of those folks in your prayers since the news reports seems to be getting worse, not better. And, hopefully, all the "political stuff" will work out where our country can receive a worthy leader who will be helpful to everyone regardless of "party" affliations. Thinking of those who are suffereing losses in the southern states and wishing a better day today without more losses.

Love those FACES on the homepage! It was great seeing Allyson yesterday afternoon after her SECOND successful day of "baby school" (her words) with her "head up" and "eyes open"....she ate, and sang, and played, played, played until it was nap time. Kristin had her Fairfax County IEP meeting yesterday, so I got to spend some time with Allyson. Once home, it was Morgan's "doll making class" so "off they went" to get there on time! And, I made my 20 minute drive home. Yes,"that is the best part..."

The Hannah Montana 3D concert movie viewing was a hoot! We loved the "characters on stage" literally TOUCHING us due to our 3D glasses! And, we look rather fashionable, too?? Morgan's tooth was so loose that day I thought she'd lose it during "Hannah"....but she waited til Sunday. She loved having the "Virginia tooth fairy" come again to HER house and MY house! That tooth fairy is a busy one!

Wishing everyone a good rest of the week.

Please continue to pray for my friend here in Virginia who is fighting a personal battle with cancer. And, please add my sister, Dale, to your prayer list as she undergoes a surgical procedure Friday to determine if a recent evaluation has found another "cancer" or hopefully, another "nothing"....her results won't be known until next week. Thank you for these prayers!

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 7:32 AM CST
Way to go ALLY! You rock! So glad things went well. Hope her following days will be fun filled and exciting for her as she adjusts to her new school setting. D's entrance into preschool was similiar, so all in due time. Our kids have to start somewhere right? So glad the transition is going well with her therapists. I know she will just blossom right infront of your eyes.

Well, we saw D's new team. Just his speech therapy evaluation alone lasted over an hour and a half's time. WOW. I believe as soon as the tooth fairy begins visiting (D is ALL about the tooth fairy right now. HAH!), we will see a palate expander being inserted into his mouth. This adventure will be an interesting one for sure with him. And the team. I can't say enough great things. His audiology eval was about the same amount of time as well-long but proved very informative. We begin trial hearing aides in 6 months for slight amplification for educational purposes.

Hope you folks are thriving in VA. I can say for certain, that we have found our "new home" now. Retirement is a definite here. :)

CaT <catpotter2001@yahoo.com>
the great northwest!, WA USA - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 4:28 AM CST
Bless those little precious eyes on the homepage! It's good to see Allyson's "head up"...!!!

"Does Hannah Montana rock? Was it the 'best day ever'??? Was Morgan's squealing and excitement worth it all?" YES! The "3D movie" of Hannah's concert probably put us closer to the ACTION than we would have been in the live performance! The 3D "aspect" had drumsticks hitting us in the face, guitar picks flying in the air, confetti in our hair, and Hannah/Mylie right in our faces singing to us! The WONDER of technology!! It was a super fun day starting with our "Red Robin lunch" with Morgan's favorite foods! After the movie we "surprised" Geep at Wegman's and Morgan watched him cooking langostinos and giving them out as samples. Although she didn't "accept" a sample, I sure gobbled them up! She thought it was fun watching GEEP talk in a BIG VOICE to all the people gathered 'round him! She got her special bag of snickerdoodles to share with Allyson and a chocolate "Superbowl cookie" for her Daddy! (Shhhh....don't tell him..it is a SURPRISE!)

We were blessed with temps in the high 50's today with lots of sunshine! I guess that GROUNDHOG must have been looking SOUTH from PA for the sunshine this morning. Morgan 'wants' more winter...she "loves" it and hopes to have one more good snow and "snowday" from school! The warm rays were a nice respite from our COLDER ones!

I hope everyone will have a delightful "Superbowl Sunday" and that you are happy with the game's outcome! I'll be making some short ribs and watching the game/and commericials/ and hoping no one's outfit "malfunctions" again! :)!! Have a great rest of the weekend!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

AND a big P.S.....if you have not heard from either Kristin, Ashli, or me during the month of Feb. regarding RAFFLE TICKETS, please contact one of us if you wish to participate in this fundraiser for the NFED. I've already sent out my "mailings" and if I "forgot you" please forgive me and do be in touch via email or by phone. We have a BIG BOX of Raffle tickets to SHARE! With our thanks in ADVANCE!!! Love! :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, February 2, 2008 4:37 PM CST
Yay hooray for Allyson and Kristin for a successful "first" day at preschool! Like Kristin said to me, "I'm sort of glad there were a few hitches on the first day, rather than going right into school and then rejecting it the second day!" Ally has no where to "go" but UP with the positives now! She loved the music class again today according to Kristin..I missed it with Thomas as he woke up this morning with PINK EYE! Very contagious, you know! So, Thomas and I had our own PRIVATE music class at his house! It lasted about three hours between his napping and eating! I am so glad Allyson took to the "music and instruments and kids" again today and she even sat beside "Miss Patricia" the singing "leader lady"...(with a beautiful voice)!! I know that Allyson will continue to adjust and thrive in school. Everyone else in her family and all her extended "family members" are "schoolies" so she cannot dodge that "gene"...right??

Our girls night out was super special! We dined on some of the BEST Mexican food in D.C. (and so very "different" from regular Mex. restaurants!)...and we then scurried across the street for the "show"...I snapped pictures without the flash and they all look alike! I was mainly taking them for my friend, Nancy, in MN as she was a big DWST "follower" like we are! I'll send them onto to you, Nancy, but you won't know Wayne Newton from Marie Osmond, unfortunately....the NON flash and the lights just blurred them all!!! Believe me, we really were there!

I had a "sleepover" with Ashli and Tom and Thomas as today was "Thursday with THomas day" so there was no reason driving home just to return at 6 in the morning. Our evening event was so much fun.....and I'm so glad we had the chance to "go out downtown" on a WEEK NIGHT! YAHOO!!

I'm so very proud of all the things that are falling "into place" for Allyson and the whole Kelso family....Mark is pretty content "riding his bus to the big Pent" DAILY...and Morgan LOVES her "bus ride" and I think she even "survived the two men looking after her..." She did her Math homework with Geep monitoring and she did her daily reading. Of course, he was duly impressed by her reading.

And, Kristin has started her SERIOUS running program to be in shape and ready for the April "run" she plans to do downtown with Ashli and Tom and Mark....(guess who will have all the children?????)....she's determined to get prepared to last the entire TEN miles!!! She can do it! "That girl" can do anything she sets her mind to! WE all know that!

The Woodzells checked in yesterday to "see" how Allyson's first day at pre school. It warmed my heart. It is truly wonderful to have such extended loving family close by....and they are "just down the street" from Kristin and have told her they'd be "happy to be called upon" at a moment's notice! (beware of what you ask for???) I am sure Morgan would love nothing better than to play WEBKINZ with Steven since "she taught him" all about the website this summer!

Thinking of you all tonight as we are anticipating a little ice storm tomorrow morning....while I'm looking forward to a luncheon at my house with two old friends....a former French teacher and a former music teacher? Anyone guessing names????

Love to all of you and special good wishes for a happy Friday school day to both Allyson and Morgan...and a happy Friday with 'his mommie' at home (Thomas)....he cannot go back to his daycare until Monday due to PINKeye!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:04 PM CST
Cute cute cute and more cute!!! Loved the post Kristin...thanks for always keeping us abreast. GO ALLY!!!!!!!

Catherine was asking and remembering Allyson and Morgan today on the drive to drop the big kids off...she always remembers so much detail!! AMAZING!

Hope your girls night was EVERYTHING!!!

Hugs and kisses - Texas sized of course!

Holly & crowd

Holly Crandell <hmcrand@tx.rr.com>
- Wednesday, January 30, 2008 9:19 PM CST
Way to go Ally! I'm so proud of you! School's a great place, and I'm sure you'll realize that very soon if you didn't fully today. I guess that's why I've been in one for the last 35 years!
Have fun making friends and meeting all your teachers. I'm sure they'll be so impressed with all you know (I know I was) and with everything all those Angels in your life have taught you!
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Jackie Horras <jackie2fish@hotmail.com>
San Antonio, TX - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:39 PM CST
WAHHHOOOOO, AL-PAL! You did it! You did it! I know, your mommy is so cool that I would want to hang around her all the time, too, but I know that soon you will see that there is a super cool world of school out there, new friends and lots of fun to be had. I am SO PROUD of you "doing it" all by yourself! And, a huge high-five to Mommy-Kristin too for always(!!!!) "doing it" :) You gals rock and are quite a pair!

See you later! And yes.... I hope MOrgan "survives" her night with the MEN! tee hee!

And, hang on Sushi... breathe... stroke... eat... you can survive more than a week!!!

Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:40 PM CST
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!


the registers <theregister5@yahoo.com>
southport, nc usa - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:32 AM CST
HAPPY 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL, ALLY!!!!!! This is such an exciting day for you and a huge mark in your big milestone category -- you are a bright, funny, loving, silly, curious and smart little girl and I know you will flourish in your new pre-school... or BABY SCHOOL as you like to call it :) I can't wait to hear how day one goes and what and how you did today!! I will be thinking of you all morning! And, Kristin, you hang in there as you send your BIG little girl off to school! Can't wait to see you tonight and boogie on down with DWTS and pre-game at Rosa Mexicano! :))
Love you all!

Aunt Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:57 AM CST
We're praying for a grand day for both Mom and the new student. Another chapter opens in Ally's great adventure.
Stephen R. Woodzell <swoodzell@verizon.net>
- Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:24 AM CST
Hooray for Allyson! We will be praying today that you have an excellent first day at school and that you will adjust quickly and make many new friends. We know that you will shine and dazzle everyone in your class with that adorable SMILE!! We will also say a little prayer for mommy too, because it won't be easy dropping off her baby at school this morning :( Thinking of you all today.

Dani Van Natta <daniv16@verizon.net>
Hooksett, NH - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 6:41 AM CST
Praying for Allyson today as she "ENTERS" preschool! Hoping that today will be as positive as yesterday's experience was for her playing with a baby doll, asking for a diaper for her, and 'jammies' because she was cold! So cute! Fairfax County has the top reputation in all programs, but particularly in the special education area, so I am 100 percent confident that Allyson will SHINE!

So, here's to YOU, Allyson...take your SPIRIT to school and wow 'em big girl!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 6:33 AM CST
Hip Hip Hooray for ALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is a BIG day for you.......we wish you all the success in the world and we are POSITIVE that you will do GREAT things!!!

Kristin- I am thinking about you today as you send your baby off to school. :):):)
Much love,

Aimee (and Jim and Tyler) <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
FREEZING cold EP, MN - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 5:37 AM CST
Oh, Ally, we will be thinking of you tomorrow as you start your first day of pre-school we and pray that all goes well. We know that Fairfax County has excellent preschool programs and we pray that your experience will be a happy and educational one. we are sure you will WOW your teachers with how smart you are! Can't wait to see you soon.

Grandma and Grandpa K a.k.a. John and Lydia <lkelso@ec.rr.com>
Southport, NC - Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:56 PM CST
Hi all!
Only in MN can you go from 40 degress yesterday to wind chills of 30-35 BELOW today! No wonder everyone around me is getting sick!!!!

Hope you all are staying warm, where ever you are!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
EP, MN - Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:51 AM CST
Happy Weekend to everyone!

This week has literally flown by! The Thursday music class with Thomas was "extra" fun because Kristin and Allyson joined us for the class. Allyson was "right at home" and was having a good "head up/eyes open" day! She enjoyed playing the instruments, dancing, clapping, and occasionally just patting Thomas' head! Kristin is going to sign her up for this class on a regular basis unless her preschool program presents a conflict. (that will be determined sometime next week, possibly)

Friday was a school holiday for the kids and I don't "sub" on "teacher work days" (wouldn't that be funny?? I could impersonate a teacher doing report cards...and oh by the way, I SO "do not miss that part"....Kristin had a major hair appt. so Geep and I took Allyson and Morgan to the Jammin' Java Community Cafe for a musical program by "Mr. Banjo Man"....it was filled with kids, music, noise, sippy cups, talking, laughing, and SINGING! The atmosphere pretty much "overwhelmed" Allyson who was GLUED TO MY CHEST for most of the hour. However, a trip to The Noodle Company for lunch perked her up. She'd had a "rough night of waking up" the night before, so she was also very tired. Morgan made up for Allyson's lack of enthusiasm by doubling hers! Gotta love a girl who just "goes along" with whatever the plan is with a big smile on her face! Once home, Allyson crashed for a 'nap'....(which lasted FIVE HOURS! I finally had to wake her up as I was afraid she would not go back to sleep last night)...Morgan and I played Littlest Pet Shop with her new fish, caterpillar, cow, horse, sheep, lamb...etc....then more playing outside all wrapped up on the cold day with her scootering down the lane around the cul de sac....more reading, snacks thrown inbetween...YOU probably "get the picture"....

By the mid afternoon, Kristin had decided that she and Mark would have a "date night" so she went home and brought the girls' pajamas back...Morgan still has clothes here from the summer, but Allyson did not. WE've since decided to just leave some clothes here for those "impromptu" sleepovers which we all love! Of course, upon finding out about the sleepover it "became" the BEST DAY EVER according to Morgan! Our pleasure is doubled when they are over! The night ended with Allyson "coming alive" after her LONG NAP....and the evening went according to plan! AND, Allyson was "back in bed" for the night by 9 o'clock ....

This morning Morgan got another surprise when her mom and dad came to get her....she and her Dad had a "date" to meet Aunt Mer, Uncle Glenn, and Spencer at the Marine Corps Museum about 35 miles south of us. They were driving up from Richmond, and they were all going together. Allyson is not big on "museums" so Kristin opted to stay home and catch up on some laundry. (sounds fascinating, doesn't it??) Morgan was so excited to be going to the museum and seeing Spencer again so soon! It's pretty wonderful having family close by!

Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend...we will be in touch soon about the fundraiser for the NFED - raffle ticket sales! You have been so supportive of this event in the past making Kristin the "big national winner" last year, so I hope that we can repeat our successful sales' goals again this year. There will be info posted on the website soon.

With love to all,

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Saturday, January 26, 2008 3:35 PM CST
Happy Friday!!!!!! I just wanted to check in to see if there was an news from the preschool meetings. I hope they all went well and I am sure Ally DAZZLED them with her many talents!

It is a balmy 2 degrees right now which seems MUCH warmer than the 18 below we had 2 days ago. We may even hit 30 degrees by Sunday and that will feel like a HEAT WAVE at this point. I am hoping that VA will be warmer in 19 DAYS!!!!!

Enjoy the weekend, everyone! Jim and I are having date night on Saturday - dinner and then the comedy club. We are really looking forward to it.

Aimee <solookingforwardtoVA@19moredays.com>
EP, MN - Friday, January 25, 2008 6:51 AM CST
Hope you all are thawing out on the east coast these days. I know the girls had to have been excited by their first real "snow", as were ours when we got ours too. It was such a sweet moment to see both kids glued to the window, noses pressed against the glass in wonderment at seeing snowflakes for the first time in years. :)

Hope Ally's IEP/preschool meeting went well. Have been thinking about you guys as you made your move to a new set of teachers, doctors, etc. We head to the big city very shortly to meet his new craniofacial team and are so happy. We already met the hand surgeon up there, and D will be having surgery this summer- at his request. The new doc was fabulous. After the appmt, he asked "What are you guys going to do to me this time around? You aren't going to hurt me are you?" Such wise words for such a young child to be speaking of. My heart broke for him. He wants his finger fixed, but doesn't realize what it all entails. The team fell in love with him from the instant they laid eyes on him. He's doing well academically too, in the top of his class for reading. Love the ReadWell Program. :)

I met another family with a little girl (EEC) while we were in clinic there the last time. It was such an amazing experience. She was the sweetest girl, very chatty and so very very charming. :)

Hope you all are doing well and hope the Rally for Ally is a huge success this year. I still can't believe she's 3 years old already. Time sure flies doesn't it?

Cat <catpotter2001@yahoo.com>
The great northwest. :-), WA USA - Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:35 PM CST
HI to family in Virginia! ohmygosh, everyone is that area (well almost)!! ... It's been a hectic month or so here, and we, here in Georgia, are freezing our collective you-know-whats-off! Snow and 18 degrees is tough on us "southern types!" We loved the snow pictures of the girls, of course, and we expect Miss AllyBeDally will soon learn to love the white fluffy frozen stuff just like her big sister! I hope you have solved the atrium windows and blinds/shades/drapes problem by now, Kristin! We'll await pictures at some point, and hope Miss Allyson is more comfy now.
Glad you are getting settled now,and know that Mark will enjoy the new challenges awaiting him at the 5 sided bldg. We will be interested, of course, in learning what educational opportunities and interventions await Miss Allyson. I am so delighted that Miss MAK loves her new school and riding the bus and enjoying the frozen world that awaits her from time to time. Our grans absolutely loved our Atlanta 24 hour snowfall until it began to melt and turn to slush! Fun!
I will see the otolaryngologist tomorrow -- My sinuses seemed somewhat healed, but not completely yet. I will be very glad to get to the end of the healing process soon, of course!
Love and Hugs to all of you, and I hope to see you soon.
Hugs, Auntie Dale/Aunt Grammy
PS: If you haven't seen "Runaway Jury" yet - we recorded it and watched it yesterday. (we are often "behind the times" .... it was a very engaging movie - Grisham wrote the book) so we recommend it!

Dale Pugh <dalegpugh@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Monday, January 21, 2008 6:31 PM CST
Happy Snowy/icy/VERY cold Sunday morning from Virginia!

Of course, our "cold" doesn't even begin to compete with what you are experiencing in other areas of this website world! But...single digit temps and near zero chill factors do impact us all!

Yesterday was a WARM, sunny day by comparison! Morgan and I enjoyed a lunch outing at Johnny Rockets, and according to her, "the BEST DINER in the world"...we "rocked" to 50's music using Morgan's "coins" from her pink purse while we ate our burgers, grilled cheese, and fries! Then, we were off to see "Enchanted"...only problem was it was NOT playing at the theater nearest us, so we had to drive a bit to FIND it. Well worth the "drive"....it was clever, funny, entertaining and we enjoyed every single SILLY LINE in it! "Mr. Dreamy" from Grey's Anatomy played his role well....!!!

Then, it was back to the K home to see the FINAL finishing touches Kristin had accomplished in our absence. We even managed to throw a couple of snowballs before they became ICE BALLS with the freezing temps last night.

Back to the house.... Every picture is now hung, and Kristin and Mark and girls were excitedly expecting their OLD high school friends, Beth and David and their children, for a spaghetti dinner! I had just enough time to play "alphabet blocks" with Allyson and watch her roll her cars around before trekking home. The best part is that the "trek" took only 22 minutes!! Yay! No more airports!!

The K "home" looks beautiful with the new pieces of furniture/added decor and warmth of home! Everything has found a place "to live" for the coming years! (I like the plural on that word "year"...!!)

Today, I will spend time with Thomas since it has been an ENTIRE week since I've seen him. I missed my "Thursday with Teetay" this week since I had agreed to a WEEK long subbing job. Ashli did have fun taking him to his music class and Tom even joined them for the hour class of "swaying to the music" playing with his percussion sticks! I am just sure that boy is going to be a drummer!

Morgan and Allyson were so excited to be reuniting with their friends, Katherine and Matthew, and in Morgan's words: "This is going to be the BEST DAY EVER!" Her animation and excitement over "events" is quite contagious and so very agreeable! Allyson was in great spirits yesterday and was playing contentedly while I was there! Kristin does have an appt. this coming week to determine what services Fairfax County will be providing for Allyson's future developmental needs.

Wishing everyone a WARM and happy SUNDAY and a great holiday tomorrow (if you have a holiday tomorrow)...know that you are always near in my thoughts.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, January 20, 2008 8:18 AM CST
So excited to hear about the snow in Burke, VA!!! I remember our first snow in NH and how excited the kids were to be outside playing in it...for hours and hours, I might add!! I am sure to Aimee, who lives in the brunt of what can be very miserable weather it does get a bit old; however, to those of us who have passing moments in such crazy weather it provides wonderful opportunities for very sweet memories : ) We are honkering down inside this weekend too, with below zero temps with the wind chill...BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. We have had 3 snow days already and still have 2 months to get through. Loved hearing about Morgan's pajama theory : ) Up here in NH the tale goes the ENTIRE family has to wear their pj's inside out for there to be no school the next day!! You have to love the superstitions that get started!! I imagine that Morgan is settling well into school and making many new friends. Praying that you will be able to place Allyson in the best environments so that she can grow and develop accordingly. I think you had mentioned that you have some meetings/appointments coming up soon, so I hope that you find the answers you are looking for or at least get some good direction.

I have marked the Rally date down on our calendar and am hoping that we will be able to make it. We might still be in school : ( YIKES!!! Ashli, you know that I am willing to help in any way that I can from a distance : )

Have a good rest of your weekend.


Dani Van Natta <daniv16@verizon.net>
stillcoveredinsnow, NH - Saturday, January 19, 2008 8:19 PM CST
Woo hoo! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. But yes - it gets OLD afer a while!!! We still have about 15 inches or so on the ground and now it is that yucky, gross black color from all the dirt. The temps this weekend are supposed to be obnoxiously cold. In fact, it is the coldest air we have had in several years. They are talking about -15 to -25 degree ACTUAL temps this weekend!!! We have decided to hunker down inside and NOT leave the house all weekend. We are armed with popcorn, movies, pizzas, and a very warm heated blanket. I have also determined that automatic car starters are the next best invention to caller id!

Tyler and I have been battling some MN "crud" all week. We stayed home from work/school on Monday and Tuesday and have really been struggling all week to get back to healthy. We are BOTH looking forward to a 3 day weekend of relaxation and lots of napping. I know for sure that the end of the workday today can not come soon enough!

Our countdown continues until we arrive in VA - just 27 more days. Have a wonderful weekend!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Friday, January 18, 2008 7:00 AM CST
It sure looks like fun is being had in VA! This Texas cousin would love to romp and play and throw snowballs (and then cuddle up on the couch in front of the fire place with Auntie Terri)! The novelty reminds me of the March wedding reception held for Steve and me in Iowa after our San Antonio wedding seven years ago. A late March snow of of 12 inches or so had me along with my Mom & Dad making snow angels while all of the Iowa folks cursed the weather and watched us out of the windows like we were nuts!
I can't believe it's already been two weeks since you were all in Texas for the wedding. The visit was lots of fun, and I know how hard it was for all of you to make the quick trip, so it makes getting to spend time together even more special! I'm already thinking about the next time we can see each other "for no reason!" Take care and enjoy the time you all have together with no need to cram things in! Sending you hugs and loving thoughts from SA.

Jackie Horras <jackie2fish@hotmail.com>
San Antonio, TX - Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:49 PM CST
Save the date! Save the date! Save the date! Save the date!

How's this for plenty of notice....................

The 4th Annual Rally for Ally will be held on Saturday, June 21st
12:00-4:00 PM
Nottoway Park, Vienna, VA (same location as last year)

For questions, thoughts, ideas, donations, etc etc, feel free to email me: ashliagmg@yahoo.com

I'll be in touch with many of you in the coming weeks and months to solicit your help and support :)

Save the date! Save the date! Save the date! Save the date!

Ashli, Rally for Allly Chairperson & super-proud Aunt <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, January 17, 2008 7:08 PM CST
Happy SNOWY evening to all!

Yes, today was a beautiful, fluffy, hanging-on-the-trees snowfall! It didn't get us out of "school early" (I am subbing all week) but it certainly was an exciting DAY for kids in school. Morgan told me her "class was so excited" over the snow, and I ASSURED her that my 8th graders were just as excited and MISERABLE that we did not have an EARLY closing! I "thought" about driving to Burke to play with the "girls" in the snow, but since the roads were pretty icy/snowy and I fishtailed a couple of times even with FOUR WHEEL DRIVE, I decided against the journey. My fireplace, hot tea, and sofa were wonderful companions for the snowy afternoon!

I am so glad that today was a fun PLAY in the snow for the girls...even though Allyson did not "love it at first" I am glad that she "experienced" the white stuff.

ANd, "about those pajamas" being inside out??? It really doesn't work...however, if the whole big white GLITTER freezes over tonight, then we could have a late opening or a day out..who knows? We all wake up in the morning to find out the big news!

I'm excited about the weekend and seeing all the "grands" and taking Morgan to see "Enchanted"...and then she has a big "night" Sat. with Kristin and Mark's OLD friends from high school and their CHILDREN for a dinner and playing! ANd in February, the "No. 1 girl" is coming to town! Good times lie ahead!

Thinking of you all and hoping you are "cozied" in somewhere tonight warm/happy/well fed/and snug!!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)
By the way...GREAT SNOW CLOTHES, girls! YAY, "Dani's Duds".....!!!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, January 17, 2008 7:05 PM CST
Yes, HAPPY SNOW! It sure was purdy :) Glad the girls (eventually) had fun playing in it!! I took Thomas to his new music class session today (Teetay was absent on Teetay-Thursday... uh hem! ok, ok, she was/is subbing all week! Hmmm, maybe we should PAY her!! :) and it was snowing like crazy when we got in and out of the car and Thomas GRABBED at the snowflakes in the air. It was a riot! He was quite bewildered... this time next year he'll be running around with Morg and Ally and fully participating in snowball fights!

Hope everyone is doing well! Yes, I/we are loving having KDMK and gang nearby -- it still doesn't seem "real" and I feel like we have to cram a bunch of stuff in RIGHT NOW before they "leave". Then we pause... and realize we have a few years! Yipppeeeeee! Looking forward to a girls dinner out with Kristin and our good friends, Meredith and Caryn, this Sunday. Ladies loose on a SUNDAY night -- woo hoo!

Love and hugs to all in Ally land!

Ashli <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, January 17, 2008 7:04 PM CST
Happy BEGINNING of the new week to all of you!

Was it the "best sleepover ever?" Of course, it was!

Was it the BEST "Mommie birthday party ever?"
Of course it was!

Kristin "decided" that having her birthday on the 13th was just the REVERSE of the 31st, so it should be that way every year! We "did" it up the way we "do" and she loved her "Hello Kitty" hats and "blowers'...(Morgan and Allyson loved them best!)...We had home cooked "all her favs"....filet mignon (did I spell that right?)...and Chicken, and salmond (not cedar plank, but "regular
)...and twice stuffed "potatoes"...and asparagras....and a great salad...and chocolate cake and carrot cake (mostly for Ashli)...and we actually had a "grown u-p meal" mostly with Allyson only eating part of her meal "in Teetay's lap"...(it was okay!)..but, AT LEAST, Kristin got to eat "meal free" of Allyson and that was a good thing. Kristin rec'd many "presents" and got to open them at will..whenever she wanted to do so! Football was "on" in the background and we now know the Cowboys did now prevail.

Oh WELL! Those "shirts" will work for another year...and now the BOYS and the SKINS can commisserate together. What about "that commaraderie?" Maybe that will be a bonding time.
*you know that I do not care*
Thomas was exposed to "twice stuffed potatoes and broccilli...tonight...he loved parts and gagged others...he'll do okay!

Ally ate Pizza and cantelope..Morgan ate Real chicken and not nuggets///an almost "first"...loved, loved, loved her chicken..."Geepie, how do you do it"?

All in all, it was a pretty good day and no one had to on an airplane to get "here"...pretty cool, huh?

Everyone left by 7 w ith full tummies..."grab bags to go"...and hopefully, lots of laughs in our bellies.

Thinking of you all tonight..
Please add another loved one to your prayer list..MY sister is facing some issues related to cancer and she sees the surgeon tomorrow...HOpeFULLY THIS WILL BE A "BLIP" IN THE RADAR...BUT PRAY FOR HER, PLEASE, IF YOU WILL...

And, I thank you very much.

With love to all...such a happy TEETAYtonight...a crowded house filled with children, love, food,. and laughter.

"it doesn't get any better than this"...
And the 'best -part'???
This will last for a very long time!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:37 PM CST
HI there!!!!! I loved seeing the pictures and hearing about the wedding. Sounds like you had a blast. However, I am not so sure I like the fact that Morgan thinks the 80's is ANCIENT. That made me feel really old!!!

It was fun to see the pic of all the Kelso's - AND - before I read the caption I knew right away that Glenn was next to Kristin. I was so proud of myself that I could distinguish between them even after all these years. I remember back in High School in chemistry (1st period) I would have to memorize what Mark and Glenn were wearing so I could tell them apart. Yes, Morgan, mommy, daddy and I went to school waaayyyyyy back in the 80's!

K&M - enjoy your "date night." If you are not too busy this weekend we should catch up and make plans for our visit to VA. We are getting so excited - only 33 more days!

Giant MN hugs!!

Aimee <numbersgirl1@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN - Friday, January 11, 2008 3:22 PM CST
Greetings to all!

I am "patiently" waiting for the "80's girl" and her little sister to arrive at my house for a "Friday Night Pizza Party Sleepover"....a girls' night! Kristin and Mark are going OUT with Uncle Josh and Kim and we get the "present" of the girls' presence! I am sure glad the "High School Musical" outfit that Morgan got for Christmas helped her CREATE her "look" for today! What a lucky "find" that was! Yay, good ole Macy's!!! ANd, I am sure she will wear it again when we see the musical in February! So many fun events are on the calendar!

Yesterday with Thomas was very special! We went to gymboree for his "class" but we were the only ones there, so there was NO class. However, Thomas played on the gymboree equipment so hard that he fell asleep on the ride home! He plays his little "flirty eyes" with you now when he's about to go to sleep opening and closing his eyes with big grins behind the "look"..!!

Love these new pictures! Kristin looked so pretty at the wedding! Allyson and Morgan wore their matching dresses, and the rest of us "cleaned up pretty well" for the big occasion!

We are looking forward to celebrating Kristin's 36th birthday Sunday finally!! The forecast is for a "maybe snow event" Sunday night, so I guess we'll do the "weather watch" all afternoon between "bites" and "yay football chants"....(I guess you know who is playing???)

I hope everyone has a great weekend ahead!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Friday, January 11, 2008 2:20 PM CST
OH MY -- the 80s are the "new" OLDIES??? **sigh** Morgan looks adorable of course, and Ally on the home page is precious with her Mommy. Hmm, I think I might have been the photog for that one! :) Anyhoo, I guess you/we now know how Mom and Dad felt all those times where we did our "oldies" dress up from the 50s and 60s!!!! Love the pics and updates of course, even though I am more thrilled to hear of the daily events via phone, in person and by a much shorter distance :)))))))

See ya this Sunday for your belated - and much deserved - birthday celebration!! Love you four!

Ash <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
- Friday, January 11, 2008 1:37 PM CST
Wow! I get tired just reading about all the goings-on of this fabulous family! Happy belated New Year to everyone - top of my wish list is for the best of everything for Miss Ally in 2008. I'm happy to read about her improvement. Also, happy belated birthday to Kristin. Your new home is truly lovely - can't wait to see the finished product since I haven't been over there beyond unpacking. The Texas wedding - well, I can't even imagine how spectacular that must have been - and for all of you to be able to go there - most impressive cuz I know it wasn't easy, but it sounds like it was well worth it. I know all the Texas folks were ecstatic to be able to spend some time with all of you. I love the pictures from NC. What a full life you all lead! I hope Mark just loves his new assignment - I know he'll be quite impressive. Love to all, Pam
Pamela Thompson <pamelatc@cox.net>
Fairfax, VA The BEST - Wednesday, January 9, 2008 9:09 AM CST
Happy Primary Day from the Granite State (New Hampshire, for anyone that may not be sure of the name)!! So glad that you all made it back safely from your stately travels and I so enjoyed reading about the all of the wedding festivities!!! Sounds like that was one Texas-sized wedding you all attended : ) I am sure you are settling in now back in NoVa and trying to come up with some sort of new routine for all of you! I am sure Morgan is excited to get back to her new school and her new friends, just as they are surely happy to have her back : ) I will touch base with you later...the results from today's polls are about to come in : ) I have never really got into the whole primary thing and all of the hoopla that goes into it, but let me tell you...living in NH, how could you not?!! It has been quite an experience the past couple of days!!!
Have a great week and if for some reason I do not check in before Kristin's birthday celebration on Sunday...have a wonderful birthday my dear friend!!
Love you!


Dani Van Natta <daniv16@verizon.net>
primarymadness, NH - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 7:20 PM CST
Good morning!

And, I forgot one "important moment" from the wedding weekeknd.....after the Priest said the blessing before dinner, LeAnne took the microphone and announced that she wanted to do something "different"....she said that Scott has asked her to do it. She talked about a "tradition" in their family that started about 37 years ago when Jerry and I married and began visiting our Texas family for special occasions and holidays. I "introduced" a song called "Johnny Appleseed" to them and we always held hands and sang it after the blessing. So, LeAnne told the crowd that "Aunt Terri introduced this song to the family and they sung it at every big meal, so it was only appropriate to SING it at their WEDDING RECEPTION before dining!" I was totally shocked....so most of "our whole family" joined LeAnne and Scott and the bridal party and we held hands and lead the nearly 1,000 guests in singing "Johnny Appleseed"....it gave me goosebumps and watery eyes just being in that moment. THAT song has long been a tradtion in MY family and it began with Aunt Grammy singing it with my nieces over 40 years ago. Funny how a "simple song" can take on importance over time???? Think about it....

THANK YOU, LeAnne and Scott, for REMEMBERING something "small" and making is "big"....!!!!

And ...I"m thinking of you today...
(words to Johnny Appleseed: "Oh, the Lord is good to me..and so I thank the Lord for giving me the things I need, the sun, the rain, and the appleseed....OH, the Lord is good to me.") This is the song that Morgan sang in her preschool with the words slightly changed to: "Oh, the EARTH is good to me"....so she was EXcited that "her preschool song" was being sung at the big wedding "party"...!!

Have a great day...it is to be 71 degrees here today and we are BREAKING all weather records!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay and "Johnny Appleseed"....:)!!

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 7:57 AM CST
Happy 7th day of the new year!

Yes, we're all baaaaaacccckkkk! The Texas "wedding" weekend was fun, fun, fun! It's hard not to have fun reunitng with all the cousins, aunts, uncles, extended family, and sharing in the joy that "family" gives us! It is a wonderful feeling to know that "no time passes" between events and that we pick up 'sentences and stories' right where we left off!

I was so very proud of Morgan, Allyson, and Thomas! So, in AGE ORDER, here goes! Morgan had not seen/or had any contact with her Texas "boy cousins" since Kevin and Sherry's wedding over four years ago when she FIRST presented herself as a "flower girl" (age two)....she knew she would be seeing her BOY cousins and announced to me on the morning of their arrival: "Teetay, I'll hang in there with the boys and I'll just DO WHATEVER THEY TELL ME TO DO." (the boys are 6,8,9, and 1)....I "corrected" her by saying, "Oh,Morgan...that's not EXACTLY the way it should work...do not "do" what they tell you, but be agreeable to play games/activities that they suggest if you WANT to." (girls NEVER do what "boys say"....!!)I think her most recent experience playing with Spencer at the Outer Banks prepared her for "boy playing"....even "x-4"....!!!When the first two cousins arrived, Brandon and Ryan, from San Antonio, they really did not want to get out of their car! Morgan just "hung around" and within less than two hours they were completely organized into playing "store" and "pricing" and "selling" items from Aunt Katie's house/garage/playroom etc! WE had to TIE down anything we did not want to sell including ourselves! The BEST part was that the "store managers" (Brandon at the lead, Morgan, the assistant, and Ryan the other assistant) would give you GIFT CARDS to buy ANYTHING free of charge! That activity lasted for the two days and eventually included the Buffalo (town in TEXAS) cousins in the "company"...!!I think by the end of the weekend the "boys" decided that it wasn't SO BAD to have a GIRL cousin! Morgan meets no strangers and enjoyed her 'dancing' time at the reception even doing the GRAND MARCH with the flower girl and her 'new best friend' called RAIN! (or Reign?) Her adaptability and positive attitude alongwith her very active communication gene endeared her to so many. Morgan finds a way to "fit into just about any situation"...!! Since MOST of her cousins are BOYS, that's a good thing!

Allyson's weekend was pretty positive as well.There were some "mommie hold me moments" but every now and then Allyson could be found in Mary's lap singing songs and playing cars. Mary is a special education/preschool teacher, so she was a natural "fit" for Allyson. Allyson met more relatives/extended familly than she's ever seen, and she was agreeable throughout most of it. During the wedding ceremony she sat "alone" playing with her flash cards and books with her eyes pretty wide open. (and the sun was glowing through the windows...go figure) Allyson even did a bit of "bunny hop dancing" at the reception, ate some snacks, and took a short nap before we took her back to our B and B for a long night's sleep. (Morgan got to stay later at the reception with her parents)

Thomas...except for his "night sleep" he was a perfect boy. He does not like "sleeping away from home" his parents say...he did great on the flights and we never heard a "squeak or cry" from him during the day, but he wanted to be "held" during the night. He allowed just about any/and EVERYBODY to hold him, and he greeted each new set of arms with his big smile!

Wonderful memories were made....great food was tasted...and good times were crammed into the three days, but it all came to a close yesterday afternoon as we traveled homeward. Arriving back in the Mid Atlantic we have temps in the 70's this week. I s ure hope my crocus do not get confused and stick their heads out.

Please keep our good friends, the Woodzells, in your thoughts during the coming days. They are saying their final farewells to Susan's dad who died peacefully Sunday afternoon.

Thinking of you all as the new year unfolds...and wishing and hoping all positive things for you! We are going to resume our "new normal" (whatever that means)and are looking forward to a somewhat belated "birthday party" for Kristin this weekend. It was her CHOICE to "wait and have her birthday" AFTER all the other events had ended! So, we'll celebrate Sunday afternoon with her and family for an afternoon of "football" and FOOD! She's requested her favorites and we'll be sure to provide them!

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, January 7, 2008 9:33 AM CST
Happy Belated Birthday Kristin and Happy New Year. I am so happy to hear that Ally did so well on her travels to NC and I hope that Texas will be smooth sailing. I have to say that I am always AMAZED at what you manage to accomplish day in and day out. To be able to travel cross country, move into a new home, organize a wonderful Christmas and then off to NC and Texas, all the while managing a very hectic family schedule and routine - did I mention AMAZING! Some people I know are scared to go to the grocery store with their little ones!!

I pray 2008 will bring Ally comfort - with her vision and her new surroundings! I know with her wonderful spirit she will make great strides.

All the best wishes for you all in the New Year!!!

Alex Hurley <cajhurley@comcast.net>
Montgomery Village, MD - Thursday, January 3, 2008 10:02 PM CST
Happy New Year from a VERY COLD Minnesota! Temps were below ZERO (actual temps without wind chill) this morning. BRRRRRR.

Teetay - you may need to redo your math to account for the "Aimee-factor." I think you need to take the # of hits and at least subtract a third to account for the numbers of times I check in on my peeps :):):)

Have a wonderful trip to Texas with the whole clan.

Aims <brrrrrrrrrrr@didIsaybrrrrrrrrr?.com>
EP, MN - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 6:12 PM CST
Happy TWO days into the new year!

How's is going for you???!!
Just remember..."the best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched, but must be felt in the heart." And, we feel you in OUR hearts!

We are "on the road again" tomorrow morning....all of us...Kristin, Mark, Morgan, Allyson, Ashli, Tom, Thomas, Geep, and I will head for TEXAS for our niece/cousin's wedding! We are in "shock" that we are all really going to make it given Kristin's and Mark's "move" and Allyson's adjustments/baby Thomas and "all the details" that go into traveling half way across the country just a few days after Christmas! But...it is going to happen! We are well acquainted with "Texas weddings" and this one will surely match the festivity and frivolity of all the others! Believe me..."Texas folk" know how to throw a party!!!

As I reflect on the happenings and events of the past year, and most especially, the past few weeks, I am so very grateful that everything is "falling into place"...once back from the wedding, Mark "goes to work" at the Pentagon, Morgan resumes first grade and riding the bus, and Kristin and Allyson begin their new 'plans' with new caregivers/therapists etc. for Allyson's on going growth. Kristin will look for the BEST pre school for Allyson and one that will and CAN meet her needs. Ashli and Tom will "resume" normal work, and I will be back with "Thursdays with Thomas"...Geep will continue to be the best "Mr. Fishy" at WEgman's...and I will return to subbing and pitching in where I can to "help" the "girls" with anything I can. AFter Jan. 7th..."life will begin to be normal"..(did I just say NORMAL???)

As I also reflect on the past year, I did a bit of math....look at the number of "hits" on Allyson's website over the past three years....it averages over 3,000 "hits" per month in her short life. We know you are "out there" and "with us" and we are most thankful for your love and friendship.

Again, I'm wishing you a most prosperous and happy and healthful new year...and one filled with love of friend and family and the warmth that you give to us everyday.

God bless...and wish us luck on our "on the road again" travels tomorrow....by midafternoon, we will ALL be in TEXAS...separate flights, but landing in the same spot!

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 5:08 PM CST

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