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Tuesday, June 21, 2005 12:00 AM CDT

We had a really wonderful Father's day.
All the dad's were there!!
The boys played outside, we grilled way too much food.
It was just a wonderful day.
One year ago we were on the sandy beaches of Florida, meeting the most wonderful family!
Davis Family we love you- hope all the Corbetts had a great fathers day espically III because this is your first one.
GOD is Good all the time!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 6:59 AM CDT

It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you all the Miss Emma Grace earned her angel wings yesterday.
It saddens me so much to lose another child. Miss Emma Grace fought a good fight, she had an amazing spirit, I was forever changed after spending time with her. Her strength will forever live on.
Please pray for this family.
Stop by their web site, http://www2.caringbridge.org/ar/emmagrace/
Leave them a message to let them know your praying for them.

Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:30 AM CDT

Summer is here, at least School is out!! Woo Hoo.
No offical trip plans, but I'm sure mom has something in mind!!
We'll be at the lake next week, I can wait. I'm ready to do some fishing, fishing and more fishing. I'll let you know if I catch any.
Austin says that summer will fly by and school will be starting for me before i know it. I'm ready!!

Please still remember Miss Emma Grace, she needs lots of special prayers.
Have a great weekend,
Myles & mom
P.S. Go Mavs Go!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:07 AM CDT

Shots for Kindergarten, dog’s that bite, and King Snakes

Friday mom took off work early to take me to get my last shots for school, We had a nice visit with Dr. Floyd, and the nurse was quick with the shots! They hurt a little, but I’ve done this needle stick so many times before that it was NO PROBLEM. Next we went to sign we up for school, that was pretty fun, I got some more stickers, and got to look at a book about snakes. So Scary!
After that mom and I picked up Austin, Clayton, and Kyle at school. Austin and a group of his friends were going bowling later. Finally we were ready to pick up the girls (my favorite part).
When we got there they were not home from school yet, so I jumped out of the truck and ran to look at the puppies, well the momma dog, jumped out and bit me on the leg, mom came running and took me in to look at the bite. It was not bad, she cleaned it up and put a band aid on it, but I can say for sure I will never bother that dog again.
I guess Austin’s party was fun, I didn’t get to go, I stayed with mee maw.
Saturday mom and I watched a movie about snakes, it was Scary, Ok not real scary, but as snakes go, it was mildly scary.
Last night mom and I were having snuggle time, and we were watching some show about King Snakes, (are you seeing a theme here?) Any way dad comes in to tell me good night and I ask him if king snakes ware a crown? Mom thought it was funny.
The meds I’m taking for the dog bite taste yucky! But I only have 9 more days left.
Special thanks to Dr Aimee, you totally rock, and I like the way you asked mom about my cancer, and mom just rattled that stuff off, I should have taken a nap!!
Oh one more thing, if my mom asks anything about the super nanny, tell her you don’t know! That lady scares me!!!!!
Love you all,
Myles & Mom
Special Prayers for Miss Emma Grace, she is doing some better, but still needs lots of prayers.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 7:52 AM CST

We had a great time in Memphis!! The zoo was way cool, and mom even enjoyed Graceland.
But best of all we got to meet Miss Emma Grace, she is also battling Neuroblastoma, (for several years now) she looked great! Momma Trish brought her out to the Peabody to see the duck with us, we all went way up on top of the Hotel to see where the ducks live. She has been in Memphis for a very long time, but great news is coming in and we pray that they will be able to go Home, Home soon.
Check out her site, and send up some prayers for her.
Oh yeah and we left Austin on the roof, it was so funny, but mom didnt think so, she made us wait for him in the lobby.
Yesterday was 4 years since my bone marrow transplant; mom and I celebrated with Oreo's and Milk!! Austin and dad didn’t join the party because Austin was very sick! He even got to stay home from school today! I'll have to remember that one for when I need to skip school.
Everything else is going pretty smooth, just kicking back and enjoying the nice weather. Been doing a lot of thinking about going fishing, Maybe some Deep Sea Fishing, Yeah!!
Maybe later this summer.
Well I better let mom get to work.
Myles & Mom
P.S. Miss Emma Grace, it was an honor to carry your cup, and let you barrow my sunglasses! I pray that you are home soon. I was humbled to finally meet you, You are an amazing little girl,~ God Bless you!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 9:00 AM CST

Did you get the balloons that mom and I sent to you,on Saturday. I picked blue, and yellow, Mom picked Orange ones.
We went up to the park and we let the balloons go, my blue one raced high above the others, reaching you first. It seems like yesterday, we were playing in clinic, and driving the staff up the wall.

I miss you, mom and looked at photos of us Friday night, some of them we look so happy and healthy in, like that weekend in Hot Springs, when you played in the pool, but I couldn’t get in yet, cause I was not far enough out of treatment.
Then there are photos of you in clinic, starting treatment again.
Even though you didn’t feel good you always had time for me.
Mom says it’s because of you and many other Angles that I’m still here, that you all went before me finding the best treatments, It’s because of you that so many other kids have a better chance of beating Neuroblastoma.
Thank you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2005 8:17 AM CST

Myles is 5 years old.

Doctors said we'd never see this age!
I'm glad they were wrong!!

I cried, Myles never understands way I cry.
He does not understand happy tears.

I'm so thankful for all the Girls that came, and all the wonderful cards he recieved.
Also for the gifts, Myles was glad to make his deposit.

Thank you to Joyce for the wonderful photos.

Thanks for checking up on us.
Love to you all,

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:24 AM CST

Monday is the the day,
5 years Old Woo Hoo!!
Mom will cry, wait and see.

Sorry for so long updating, mom has been busy, or so she says. The Radio A Thon was totally amazing, I had the best time. Everyone was so nice, and it was way cool to be on the radio!
Jeff at the station was so cool, He was lots of fun, and the station was full of Ladies!!! Vickie, Wendy, Rena, & Laura, were so much fun! Of course Saba was at the block party taking up donations, she is my favorite!! Kevin with the bar-b-q, is now my new best friend. He and I had so much fun, he helped me get a few autographs, and we drove the Tide Race Car. Thanks Kevin it was awesome hanging out with you!!
All those the came out and worked the pumps, thanks!
Ok now on to some important things, MY birthday is one week from today, I know it’s going to be big. Mom has went all out, I don’t want to give away the details, because I want you to come. Just please join me Sunday February 27, 2005 2:00 pm At bikini bottom.
It will be a blast.
I actually can’t wait to turn 5, some many wonderful things happen after I turn 5. I will for sure get to go to school, Mom can’t keep me from going, She Has to let me go. Woo Hoo, I can’t wait. Also I get to go to camp this summer, a whole week with out parents, or with out my parents… Austin gets to go too, he’s not as excited as I am, I’d call him a momma’s boy but I get into trouble for that.
Don’t forget Sunday,
Love, Myles & mom

Thursday, February 3, 2005 12:02 AM CST

Tomorrow is the big day!
The Point 94.1 1:00 in the afternoon!!
Be near the radio, and be ready to make a donation!
Mom says that in no way am I allowed to sing any Ray Stevans songs!!
Darn it all, I think a few bars of "Sitting up with the dead" or "It's me again Margret" would go well.
I sent Jeff (the DJ) an email hoping he'd have some girls there!!
I'll give a shout out to all My Girls in Glenwood!
Any way Hope you all are tuned in!
Myles & Mom

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:04 AM CST


The Doctor's words were, I couldn't ask for things to look better.
YES!! Not that we expected anything different.
Now for those of you who don’t know Myles this may require a bit of imagination.
Myles by no means was worried about this visit, in fact he was counting down the days till the visit. Now you may know that after a he gets his blood work he gets to pick a prize from the toy closet!! Well that was all the motivation he needed. Special thanks to Nurse Melinda for calling and knowing that he needed an IV, so only one stick!!
I explained to Myles that this would hurt just a little and if he would be very still, it would be over in a snap!!!
Nurse Melinda did an excellent job of explaining each step, and taking all the time Myles needed. It went off with out a hitch!! The needle was in the house was taped up and we were out of there and down to Radiology to wait.
And boy did we wait!!
We got there at 8:15 and it was 10:30 before we got to go out to the MRI. But not to worry, Myles kept us all entertained. He made up this game called Questions... He tells you he is thinking about something, maybe its round and has a handle... you I have to try to guess what he is thinking about, we played this game over and over, Lisa, Joyce and even the Nurse joined in.
When we finally got our selves over into the MRI, they were giving Myles the sleepy meds, The nurse and the Tech thought he was asleep, they called out his name and banged the machine, no response from Myles, The Tec starts Myles into the MRI, and Myles says WAHT... followed by a giggle. This was the first MRI Myles had had in over 3 years, and the first time I was able to sit in on it. They offered me a magazine, but I chose not to read, in fact I just sat there, thinking… about what you may ask?? Well at first it was the list of things we still needed to do before we left the hospital, and then I noticed the Tech pointing to the screen and for the first time I thought what if something shows up on this scan? And then God gently reminded me, this is Finished!!
This was finished a long time ago when I turned this over to him, I trusted him to take care of Myles, No reason he would stop now.
So I spent the next 45 minutes being thankful for all he had done and all he had seen us though!!

It was so different being in clinic now, I recognize the looks on the parents faces, I know the feelings and stresses that they carry, but I felt so out of place, as Myles ran around the room, jumping over toys, and his full head of hair waving in the wind. Made me thankful that we are ending our journey, but reminded me that prayers for those still going through this living nightmare are always needed.

We also made a fun stop by the Make A Wish office!! Myles had a ball telling them all about his trip, reliving each moment!! Saba asked Myles what his favorite part was, he said… ridding the jet ski, and fishing, and swimming, and feeding the fish, and playing in the sand, and going out to eat!!
They asked him if he’d like to tell about his trip on the radio a thon that will be coming up next month!!
He left there with a few added toys to his collection.

Now the trip home got interesting, it was raining, really raining hard, and I tried to keep focused on the road and the many cars that crowded the interstate. But Myles, not a care in the word, recited the entire (I believe) Poppie movie. Fights with Bluto, finding pappy, and Sweet Pea placing the star on the tree. It was funny to say the least!!
Oh no, that was not enough; we also had to re in act a couple of Ray Steven songs, to see if mommy could keep from laughing!!
Not going to happen. Especially when he says, it’s me again Margaret, I know it’s you Margaret, want to hear me bark like rein tin tin??
Not to dispute the doctors word, But Myles will never be just a normal boy!! He is special, not because he had cancer, not because he survived cancer, but because he is mine!!
Thank you all for your continued prayers!!
I’ll let Myles share his thoughts about the day soon.
Special thanks to Lisa Rollins for sitting in with us, reminds me so much of the Old days, when Myles and Dillon raced up and down the halls together!!
And to Joyce, for tagging along all day with us, I know it was not fun, but I would have been lost without you!!

Monday, January 3, 2005 9:08 AM CST

Happy 2005!!
We had an amazing Christmas! Myles of course was so excted, I was not sure he'd ever fall asleep! I dont believe I've ever seen any boy so excited over and over again!!
It was a joy to watch him open his gifts!!
He and Austin took turns picking out a gift for the other to open. Truly a wonderful!!
The Snow was an added treat!! We had so much fun playing in the snow. I pulled the boys around behind the fourwheeler!!
Awesome Family Fun!!

Friday, December 17, 2004 10:45 AM CST

New photos 12/17/04

Hey everyone,
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere I go!!
But still no signs of Frosty. There is a hint of maybe a flurry or two next week!! Maybe mom will get us a snow board for playing in the snow!
I only get to put in a few lines, and mom has something to say.
Special thanks to The Davis’s of Pensacola Florida, for the Christmas gifts. Even though dad and mom has not let us open them yet. Mom said she let us call you when we get to open them.
Speaking of gifts, I can’t wait for the jolly ole fellow to get here; I’m totally doing a count down, 8 more days. Back a week or so when we went to my carti party to see Santa, my dad told me that the guy up there in the red suit was not the REAL Santa. I’m not buying it though. I’m so sure he is the real thing. Mom just laughed when dad said that he (DADDY) was really Santa. It was pretty funny to think of dad in a red suit and ridding a sleigh.
The weather here is very cold, it was 9 degrees on Monday, that is really cold.
We are going caroling Saturday night. And then back to church for our party. I get to give Sarah her gift, I hope she likes it!! Sunday night Sarah and I are in a play at church, I’m a Shepard, and Sarah is Mary. I bet she’ll be the best Mary, since the First Mary. Don’t tell mom, but I found the toy stash…. Heee heee.
Ok I guess I’ll turn this over to mom.
Thanks Myles,
Just this week on Monday we found out that a young man from our community was diagnosed with Leukemia, He is in the sixth grade. As most of you know the devastation of hearing the news that your child has cancer, please pray for this family. I’ll post more after I’ve had a chance to talk with his parents.
Also please remember little Emma Grace, things seem to be perking along about like they should be, but looks like they’ll be spending Christmas in the hospital waiting for the grafting and growing of cells!!
Myles we be performing this Sunday night at church, for some reason he didn’t get any speaking lines, that’s really funny since he cant seem to keep his mouth shut, and Austin the quiet one, is the narrator. Austin had a part in the Christmas program last night at school, he was awesome!! Yep that’s me a proud momma!!
We all visited the lights at Iron Mountain Marina last week, all the money raised goes to the Make A Wish foundation. It took Myles about 10 seconds to have those ladies wrapped up!! When we left he said MOM those ladies were nice, I make girl friends every where I go. He still talks about his wish trip as if it just happened!! Thank you Make A Wish!!!

Myles has a doctor’s visit on January 5 2005; it’s time for his one year check up. He’ll have a blood draw, urine level test, and then he’ll be put to sleep for a MRI of his pelvic. I can’t help but worry, not so much about anything showing up on scans, but more about, how Myles handles this as he gets older.
Thank you all for checking on us. God continues to Bless us.
Have a safe and Merry Christmas!
The Wilder’s

Monday, November 29, 2004 8:43 AM CST

We had the most awesome Thanksgiving!!
Mom cried, is anyone suprised???
I'm so in love with Alana, mom promised to get some photos of us on here tomorrow! She is an Angel!! Saddly she had to go back home to Brownsville. We only got to spend a few days together. But she'll live in my heart forever!
I'm going to be a wise man in the Christmas play at church, I'm so excited!! Austin is in the play, but he just has to read some stuff, kind of like telling everyone what to do! He seemed ok with it, even though he has a play at school and a basketball game comming up.
Time to settle down and plan my Christmas list?? There are so many things I want. Some trains, a buzz light year communicator. Mom said when I was smaller I use to think I was BuzzLightyear. Ha Ha.. that's a hoot.
Anyway, I'm not too worried about my list, mom and dad get help from the big man, and I'll see him this weekend, and he'll make sure I get the Good Stuff!!
I'm out of here for now.
Myles & MOM

Monday, November 22, 2004 12:50 AM CST

Good afternoon everyone, I'm doing just great!!
The day after tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I can't wait.
Andy and Amy are coming from Brownsville. Andy loves to play with me, even though he a big person. Mom says he's just a kid at heart. I even cleaned up my room so we could play trains. The new photo on the home page is pre-clean up stage.
We have a very busy week. Tomorrow night we have a Community service at church, and mom said that I could sit with Sarah. Sarah is my girl friend, at least one of them, I have 4.
I know what your thinging, but I think at my age it's ok to have more than one. besides I only see Sarah at church. I need a girl friend for when I'm not at church.
Any way, mom's birthday went pretty well. She didnt tell anyone that I told her about the party. She did a great job of acting suprised! Way to go mom!!
Basketball season is going pretty well. Mavericks are doing ok. Kings, are not looking so well, but dont tell Austin!
We watched a few games the weekend. Austin is going to play his first game in December, in some kind of tournment. And then their season starts in January. I cant wait, there is always lots of girls at the games.
I love girls!!
Oh, well I guess I better get going, Mom says if I'm good all week she'll take me to see the Sponge Bob movie, Keep your fingers crossed!!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving,
I know I will,
Love to all,
Myles and Mom.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 7:23 AM CST

Dont tell anyone but my mom's birthday is Saturday, I think she will be 95 or something close to that. Dad is planning her a suprise party, but we are not telling her. Luckly dad trusted me with this information, and we all know I CAN keep a secret!! Besides mom knows how to ACT suprised.
I'm pretty sure dad wont know I'm the one that spilled the beans.
My big brother started basketball, he thinks he so awesome, but I've got news for him, he's no Peja!! GO KINGS!!
Wont be long till Thanksgiveing, and boy do I have a list of things I want, oh wait that is next month!
Opps, Mom and Dad always let us tell things we are thankful for, mom always cries, every year! Her thankful list changes, but she is always thankful for me, Austin, and Dad.Sometimes she goes on and on, but she says we've got so much to be thankful for.

The weather here in Arkansas finally cooled off, I'm really hoping for some snow. Maybe just maybe!
Well mom thinks she needs to get to work, so I'll be back later on.
Myles & Mom

Monday, September 27, 2004 12:39 AM CDT

Hello all, it's me Myles.
I finally got mom to sit down and get some new stuff on here!
Dad left on Satuday, to go to Florida, to help with the clean up. The wonderful family that helped with my wish, is letting my dad shower at their house. Thank you to everyone that prayed with me, about IVAN! He made a big ol' mess, but everyone I knew was safe. Although their houses suffered some damage every one was ok!!!
I miss my dad, but I like getting to sleep with mom. While I was sick mom always let me sleep laying on her chest, I still love to do that, but dad wont let me (unless I feel bad). So I'm getting lots and lots of snuggle time with mom. Mom says that dad will be gone for about two months, she acts like that is a long time??? I think she really misses dad, she did a huge clean up on the yard after he left, she was throwing things, and fussing about the mess. I bet dad will be gald she did all that clean up when he gets home. Mom made Austin sweep off the car port, and even made me pick up my toys. I hope she dont want me to do that every day!!
Nanna and Poppa said that they wanted us to go to Bass Pro in the next couple of weeks, Mom said that I would NOT get to feed the fish there, like I did in Florida!!
I'm pretty sure she is wrong, but we'll see.
Mom said it's almost time for a check up. I like going to the hospital, but I hate getting poked, Mom always brings me a cool new book to read,and the nurse lets me get a new toy, if I'm a big boy!! Let me tell you, you would'nt be feeling so big if some ol' nurse is trying to stick a needle in your arm!! I'm gonna get some different tests, so I dont know exactly what to expect.
I'll keep you posted!
Well if you all would please keep my dad, and all the folks in Florida in your prayers!!
I'm out of here for now.
Myles and momma

Friday, August 27, 2004 10:45 AM CDT


There are a few new photo's in the photo album check them out!

Myles gave his first, (I bet not last) performance @ church. For those who have seen him lately, he has changed so much, he really looking like a little man now. He looked so grown up on Wednesday, he stood up there with all those girls, and he was in heaven!! He took every chance to wave at his dad and me. And he sang way off key, but he was amazing. I tell you it took me back to 4 years ago, when Dr’s told me not to expect him to live to see 2 years old, and never expect him to be a normal child. Well Myles has proven them all wrong!
He is every bit a normal boy. Thank God!!

Ok Now this come straight from Myles, hi everyone, I’m glad mom has let me loose on this site, I have so much to say… I’m 4 now, I will have a birthday in February and then I will be 5, 5 is how old mom says I have to be to go to school, I told her many other kids go to school at 4, but Noooo, she wont let me go. I’m telling you all when I’m 5 I’m busting out of here. Look out. Oh yeah, and who made up the rule that I can only have one girl friend? There are 17 girls in my group at church, so I believe I should at least get two. Austin doesn’t want a girl friend, so can I at least have his?? Yeah, I wanted to say that I am really enjoying watching the Olympics, last night we watched basketball, and track. I like the swimming and wrestling too.
Mom says her fingers are tried?? What ever that means,So I guess I'll cut this short.
Please remember to pray for the kids that battle cancer everyday.
God bless you all.
Myles & Mom.

Friday, August 27, 2004 10:43 AM CDT


Myles gave his first, (I bet not last) performance @ church. For those who have seen him lately, he has changes so much, he really looking like a little man now. He looked so grown up on Wednesday, he stood up there with all those girls, and he was in heaven!! He took every chance to wave at his dad and me. And he sang way off key, but he was amazing. I tell you it took me back to 4 years ago, when Dr’s told me not to expect him to live to see 2 years old, and never expect him to be a normal child. Well Myles has proven them all wrong!
He is every bit a normal boy. Thank God!!

Ok Now this come straight from Myles, hi everyone, I’m glad mom has let me loose on this site, I have so much to say… I’m 4 now, I will have a birthday in February and then I will be 5, 5 is how old mom says I have to be to go to school, I told her many other kids go to school at 4, but Noooo, she wont let me go. I’m telling you all when I’m 5 I’m busting out of here. Look out. Oh yeah, and who made up the rule that I can only have one girl friend? There are 17 girls in my group at church, so I believe I should at least get two. Austin doesn’t want a girl friend, so can I at least have his too?? Yeah, I wanted to say that I am really enjoying watching the Olympics, last night we watched basketball, and track. I like the swimming and wrestling too.
Mom says her fingers are tried?? What ever that means,
Please remember to pray for the kids that battle cancer everyday.
God bless you all.
Myles & Mom.

Tuesday, July 6, 2004 2:32 PM CDT

Where to begin??

Let me start by saying that the mini van I picked up on Friday was not a Chevy, those of you who were worried, can now sleep with ease. LaVoyce, did actually drive, it was 10 pm Friday night on the return trip, I was spent, and my head was pounding, and we were one hour from home, so he took the wheel, and I slept.

Ok now back to Friday leaving day, the boys were so wound up they couldn't seem to settle down, Gram called me twice to have me try to help calm them down, Nope it didn't work. Packing was finished up and the van was loaded much quicker than I ever expected. Now my plan was to sleep till about 2 am, and then head out. So I lay there in bed thinking I'll fall asleep any second, 8:30 and still I cant sleep, I toss and turn, and now it 8:32 ugh!!!! I was back and forth like that till just after 9, promptly at 11 pm my eyes open and I'm awake, UGH!!

Ok I give up, I disrupt LaVoyce's sleep to tell him I'm ready to go, I cant sleep any way I may as well be on the road, Right? Right!!

So we pull out of the driveway at 11:58 pm. I thought the boys would sleep, and Austin was out before we hit the pavement, but not Myles, that boy was up and a talking, it was two full hours down the road before he gave it up and went to sleep. They woke in Tallulah, when I stopped for fuel. The sun was just beginning to come up; it looked like the start to a perfect day. A little Louisiana Coffee in me and off we go... Dang that coffee is strong, Note to self, do not drink coffee from convent store in Louisiana. I thought Myles would really like to see the Mississippi river, but he informed us that, it was a ravine not a river?? By the time we reached Hattiesburg everyone was hungry, I promptly stopped at the first Waffle House we came by. It was about 7 am so they were not too busy yet. By the time we were ready to leave it was standing room only; people really wanted to get in there. Our waitress was wonderful she took extra care of the boys, making sure they had enough chocolate milk and syrup. The breakfast was just what we all needed to get on our way. We arrived in Pensacola at twelve noon. It was a perfect day. We drove down to our hotel, and of course our room was not ready yet, so we dined at Taco bell, and a quick trip to Lowes. At 2 pm our room was still not ready, so the boys changed into their swim trunks and invaded the kiddy pool. I was of course so worried that they would sun burn even with sun screen on I only let them stay in for an hour. By 4 our room was ready and I begin to carry our luggage up, by the time I had it all in the room, I realized that I packed way too much!!

AAAHhhh to sit and relax, Nope not yet, it was dinnertime. Gram, Grandpa, and Austin wanted pizza; LaVoyce, Myles and myself wanted SEAFOOD. So the three of us went out to Barn hills, and brought back pizza for the other three. We spent a few hours on the beach as the sun was sitting; it was wonderful for the boys to finally get to sink their feet in the sand. Austin and I did some shelling, and LaVoyce and Myles enjoyed the waves. I took a beautiful photo of the sun sitting. Night fell on great first day.

Sunday was father's day, Austin and I got up early and slipped out to walk on the beach, we found some really nice shells and had a good time just the two of us. We stopped by and enjoyed breakfast in the lobby of the hotel; Austin had his first Krispy Kream donut. He was hooked. We all enjoyed a fathers day lunch together, grandma got a lesson in what Buffet means!

At 1:30 we finally got to meet Willa, she was our Make A Wish contact in Pensacola; she did all the work on getting our fishing trip and all the extras done. She met us in the hotel lobby, She brought Myles a Percy battery operated train, and some other things for the beach, and she brought Austin a snorkel set. Corbet III and his wife Kat also met us there. They were so nice, and seemed so glad to meet us. We followed them out to Crobet JR's house there we were to enjoy a meal fit for royalty. We also met Corbet SR. This was an amazing family. Kat is also expecting Corbet IV, he will arrive in November. Plans were to cook out on the deck, but a storm blew in and changed those plans to cooking in the garage, and eating in the house. The food was out of this world. I don't even know how to explain it was so good. I even went back for seconds of salad!! Myles was a hit; he slid down the slide road the Jet Ski Corbet III even let him drive!! He did not want to go! Austin did ride the Jet Ski and slide once, but he was not as adventurous as Myles. The Davis family really went out of their way to make Myles's day, they had cheeto's, laughie taffy, and white cake with white icing, and on top Nancy had made a sail fish out of chocolate, which Myles begged for all afternoon. We returned to the hotel with plenty of food for Gram and Grandpa to enjoy, the staff had moved us into a bigger room that was right over the kiddy pool. Austin and Myles had just enough energy to go to pool one more time. I was exhausted, and we had to rise early to meet Willa, to get to our fishing boat early the next morning. At the Dock was Corbet III and Captain Bill ready to take us fishing. We first stopped and caught some live bait, this was super fun, for the boys, you just dropped your line over the edge of the boat and lifted it up, and on all five of your hooks were baitfish!! Myles really enjoyed this. We sat sail about 8 miles off shore and Captain Bill got us right over a site that was full of Red Snapper and Amber Jack. Myles and I reeled in the first one, and we thought it was a whopper, Seconds later Willa reeled in one that made ours look like a baby, LaVoyce caught a huge Amber Jack, Austin and Corbet were reeling them in too. We spent several hours there, and the fish were plentiful, Austin caught two that were over 10lbs. Captain Bill and first mate Robert, tried to hire Austin!!

He was the Man!!! A dolphin stayed right with us most of the trip, coming very close to the boat, I believe I could have touched him a couple of times. Myles had retired him self to the a/c cabin, he was still warn out from the night before.

We had a perfect day fishing, I lost count of the fish, but we caught our share, back at the dock, Robert cleaned enough for us for one meal, and Corbet took the rest to freeze so we could bring it home.

Sadly we had to check out of the hotel and head to Destin, the beach was waiting for us there.

As we crossed the Bay Bridge a sad site did we see, Dad favorite place to eat was closed!!!!

Our hotel room was very nice, the boys had their own space, the view of the ocean and pools was breathtaking. The staff had left some goodie for everyone, kits and swim stuff for the boys, chips and snicker for all.

We all washed up and headed to Longhorns for dinner, Steak was ordered by all except me I went for the shrimp!! YMMMY!

Everyone needed a doggie bag!!

Breakfast was provided by the hotel, Thankfully, because breakfast buffet was $16.95 per person.

Tuesday we lounged on the beach, Myles totally loved the ocean, he and I went way out just ridding the waves. Austin had one of those bogie boards, so he was really ridding the waves. He got really good on it before we left. Myles bought one of those round tubes, and just lazily took in the day. We built a small sand castle, and visited with a man who was building an alligator. We headed back to the room just before lunch. Just after we got in the room a thundershower blew in. The boys and I ran into town for a burger, and back to take a dip in the pool. Tonight we enjoyed dinner at Captain Dave's on the gulf, Everyone had steak, except me I had crab legs....

There was a beautiful view of the water, and of this man building an anatomically correct mermaid. Thankfully he covered the right parts.

A heavy down pour stated as we left and every one got soaked.

Wednesday, we had to be at the dock by 6 to catch a fishing boat, to do some fishing in Destin. Our Captain kept us right near the bay, and we caught some huge Red Fish, the big ones had to be turned back, because they are the ones that spawn.

We were able to keep two of the smaller ones. After about 2 hours of fishing Captain Ron took us to the jetties to snorkel, that was so much fun, there were only a few others there and we got to see some really cool sea life, crabs, calms, all sorts of fish, we were even able to feed them and have them eat right out of our hands, so neat!!!

Myles really enjoyed the fish nipping at his toes, Austin was in the thick of the hermit crabs, and fish, he and LaVoyce really enjoyed the snorkeling, back at the dock we gave Captain Ron the red fish as we all ready had plenty to eat. Back to the hotel to freshen up as to get to Bass Pro Shop in time for the feeding. Myles was able to go up on the tank and help feed the fish, there were all kinds of salt-water fish in the tank, and Myles fed them cigar fish, and shrimp. Sid at Bass Pro gave Myles a hat, and we all took home some neat stuff from there. Down the street from Bass Pro, Sid arranged for Myles to go to Build a Bear Workshop and build his own bear. Chi, was his special helper, She helped Myles pick out a bear, Myles chose a puppy, He picked out sounds and a heart then stuffed him bathed his, and dressed him in a fishing out fit, and named him Fisher, it was such a treat for me and Myles. We went back on Thursday and Austin built his own bear, he named him Rufus and dressed him as a sailor.

Our day was really made when we sited it; Dad favorite place to eat was not closed just moved!! YEPPY, we ate at Captain Kidd's that after noon. I had crab legs lots and lots of crab legs.

There was still more fun for this day, We met Captain Katie, she and her crew took us on a dolphin cruse, This was so neat, we came up on three dolphins, parents with a baby, they stayed right with us for a long time, we also got to see a pirate ship go by, but I didn't see anyone on the plank-thankfully-

Back at the dock, the boys got shirts and hats to take home with them.

Willa took us back to the hotel, and we slipped into our swim gear to take a dip in the pool

Thursday we had another lazy day, at the pool on the beach, we did a little shopping, for lunch we took our Red Snapper to Harbor docks, Corbet had arranged for them to cook it for us. And boy did they, it was so, so good, everyone got theirs fried and I got mine blackened, there was so much food, and trimmings, it was way more than we could eat, but we did our best. Thursday night we ate at Rum Runners, it is a dueling piano bar, everyone had steak, I had a burger, and it was one of the best burgers I had ever had. Mark the owner fixed the boys Shirley temples; Gram thought we were letting the boys drink alcohol. Not. Back at the hotel it was time to start packing, and getting ready to leave. The boys fell asleep pretty quickly. LaVoyce and I took our one walk on the beach; we talked about what a nice trip it had been and what a wonderful time we had.

Friday we took in our last free breakfast and were on the road back to Pensacola, to meet Willa to take us to meet Corbet to pick up our fish. Corbet did an amazing job with our fish he labeled everything so I would know what I was cooking. He also gave us a copy of his book, what a treat!

We also visited a fish market on the last stop of the trip; we were give 3 lbs of shrimp to take home.

And just like that we were on our way home, the week was over.

This trip will stay with us for a lifetime, we met folks, and made friends that we would not have if not for the wonderful folks at Make A Wish!

Thank you!!

The Wilder's

Monday, June 28, 2004 8:39 AM CDT

We are home, and I have so much to get down here, but first duty calls, and I have a bit of catching up to do, so come back a little later and I'll have the details of our "Perfect Make A Wish" trip down....


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 7:26 AM CDT

Those of you who know me, Know I AM NOT A LAKERS FAN.
So I must say it was sooooo Cool to see the Pistons win the NBA championship last night. Now you may be wondering why I'm not a Lakers fan, I mean, they do ware one of my favorite colors, and yes Derek Fisher is from Arkansas. Well I don’t really have a good reason, (In my best 4 year old voice) I just don’t!! It was really cool to see the Piston win, and yeah, Corles is a former Razorback too, so I could view it as a win, win situation... OK OK so I'm feeling it today, WAY TO GO PISTONS. Yes I admit I didn’t think they could do it but hey they really got out there and played their hearts out!!!

OK on to the really important stuff... MAKE A WISH TRIP is two days away. I'm feeling the crunch; the boy’s bags are totally packed, other than toothbrushes. Last night they were watching the game with me and I heard Austin ask Myles, "What is the first thing you want to do when we get to Florida"? Myles said UHMMMM, watch the sun set!! Then they were quickly back to fighting! It's going to be a fun 12 hours in the car.

LaVoyce's parents finally decide to go with us, Myles was so glad, both the boys are very close with them, it will be wonderful to have them with us on the trip. It will also give LaVoyce and I some time together, we have a favorite place that we were hoping to get to go "alone" while we are there.

So things are lining up, I pick up the rental van on Friday, and hopefully will get a few hours sleep before we pull out at 2 am Saturday morning.


Monday, June 14, 2004 8:08 AM CDT

Thank you, thank you, and thank you to all who turned out to help our church by playing in the 3 on 3-basketball tournament. It was a huge success. Jake, Lavoyce and I went 1for 3, yes one win, I guess I should mention that the one we won was a no show!! We got beat by some really good teams. LaVoyce said he was really feeling his age. For me it felt good to get out and bounce the ball around again. Some of our games put the NBA to shame. It was all in good fun.

For those of you planning a summer vacation, don’t tell your kids, just wait till the night before and spring it on them, why you ask? Kids (especially 4 year olds) have not concept of time, Marking he days off the calendar has helped, but Friday cannot get here soon enough!! Austin is all about time, his questions are: If we leave at 2 am what time will I get in the pool??
Oh to be 10 again!!
I gain a new respect for my parents everyday!!!

Please remember us as we travel.

God Bless you all

Friday, June 11, 2004 7:22 AM CDT

As if I can keep track of time, The Make a Wish party was amazing, and I had a good cry, Myles got his wish, and on June 19 we will be off to the white sands of Destin Florida. One of the big surprises was that one of the board members of the Make a Wish of Pensacola, saw Myles’s picture and story and wants to meet him. They have invited us to their home on the beach at Pensacola, and are cooking a meal fit for kings, and a queen (that’d be me). They are also taking us out on their yacht on Monday, and then taking us fishing later in the week. They are making such a fuss over us. I’ve been doing double duty brushing Myles up on saying thank you. He is already such a loving child that I know he’ll steal their hearts.

My number one goal on this trip is NOT to say we'll do it next time or maybe later, If the boys want to do it, I darn well am going to do my best to make it happen!! Even though Myles is in full remission for 3 years now, I know full well that there may NOT be a next time. So many times we have done things and I’ve put things off or didn’t let the boys do it because I didn’t think we had the money. I’m gonna be a yes MOMMA on this trip.

Ok for those of you worried/hoping that LaVoyce will some how be changed by spending the week in a Chevy, don’t hold your breath, he has spent 36 years as a Ford man It’d take more than a week and he will only drive .1% of the time, yes I have control issues AKA motion sickness AKA fear of letting some one else behind the wheel, lets just say that I’m not a good passenger, at all! Nothing personal to any of you I may have ridden with, I just do better if my hands are on the wheel. Nuff bout that!!

For those who heard Myles asking for UVA last week, it means Grape, I promise it does. He wanted some home made Grape Ice Cream.

Special Thank you to Tom Bowen and all the CREW at TAB learning for the Game Boy, the boys are over thrilled. It will defiantly come in handy on the trip.

Don’t know if I’ll get back to this before we leave, as I will be busy stuffing zip lock bags, Yes I pack in zip lock bags, it allows the boys to find things easy and you can put a day in each bag. Thanks MOM for that tip!

Remember us as we travel, pray traveling blessing for us.

Blessings to all and I’ll have new photos up when we get back.


Thursday, May 13, 2004 11:28 AM CDT

Wow it’s already the mid of May, where does the time go.
Austin is so ready for school to be out, he has had a great year. I’m not so sure what he has planned for he summer, but I can assure you it will involve a lot of water!! I continue to be so amazed at how different my boys are, and I guess that makes since, LaVoyce and I are very different, Austin, is so much like his dad, he is very private with his feelings, and thoughts. Getting Austin to talk is a chore, Myles on the other hand, I have to beg him to stop talking. Just last night we were laying on the couch watching the ball game, it was way past his bedtime so I told him to be really quiet and watch the game, hoping he’d fall asleep. Well much to my surprise (not) he begin singing, a song he had just learned at church, he sang it over and over, and insisted that I learn and sing the song too!! Ok I got the song down finally, and he was silent for a few seconds, and then he remember that he had a memory verse he had to practice for next week’s service, so I listened as he recited the verse perfectly at least 20 times, and oh yes learning the verse myself!
Even if he talks himself to sleep, I love every second of it!!
Besides that is what snuggle time is all about.
Way to go KINGS, great win!!!
Next Saturday, May 22 at 1 pm will be Myles’s Enhancement party, it has been very hard for me to keep the secrete from him, He is going to be so surprised. The Make A Wish foundation is granting his wish to go to Destin and stay on the beach. They have a few other surprises in store for him too. But I wont tell them until after the party.
God bless,

Make A Wish Foundation grants wishes to children 2-18 who have/had a life threatening illness.

Monday, April 26, 2004 9:43 AM CDT

What a weekend, yes I did spend most of it laid up on the couch watching too many basketball games, but who could blame me, with so many good games on. Myles and Austin nearly took each other out in the Mavs vs. Kings game, Austin hates anything to do with the Kings, Myles of course loves the kings, he did feel a bit torn at the beginning, but any excuse to fight with big brother, is good enough reason to jump on the kings band wagon. I really wanted to Mavs to win, I mean come on we needed a series here! Dad of course rolled his eyes every time he came in the house and the game was still on. I did let him watch what ever he wanted, as long as it was before 1 pm, and if he did get control of the remote, I insisted he click back ever 3 or 4 seconds to see who was winning. Sunday he gave a 20-minute overview on how he feels that 90% of the games are rigged, I know he was hoping that the boys and I would give in and let him watch some fishing, but we didn’t.

On a different note, We have settled into church, we have been searching for a new home for over a year now, we have visited many church’s, and shared the many miracles of Myles’s battle, and how God healed much more than just Myles’s cancer, he healed a family, but daddy was ready to settle into a “home”. It is the church that he grew up in, and he feels great about being there, God really blessed daddy Sunday morning, (we all got a blessing out of it). During lunch Myles announced that God lives in his heart, I asked Myles how God got there, and Myles said, I asked him to move in there. LaVoyce and I had been talking to Austin a lot lately about God and getting saved, Austin just turned 10, but is such a private child. I guess Myles picked up on it and decide that God needed to live in him. Myles just doesn’t miss much, especially when some one other than him is getting attention.

On another note things seem to be lining up for LaVoyce starting out on his own after all these years, is a big step, I have believed he could do it for years, but he just needed that little shove to do it, (someone telling him he couldn’t). I have no doubt that he will have success, He does such amazing work. I do pray that his back holds out till he gets a helper, he believed that he could handle the next few days by himself, I think it was just some trim work, but he will be needing a helper before he starts building a house. I know God will provide, someone in time.

On the last note, LaVoyce and I were discussing some other Neuroblastoma kids, and how blessed we were that Myles had done so well. So few of them had even survived NB, and the ones that had were suffering so many side effects. I said do you every wonder why? Not the why I wondered when Myles was sick, but why God healed Myles, Why were we so blessed, I could think of so many others that seem so much more faithful, so much more spiritual than me. (I was absolutely not complaining, but it made me think back to a young Christian that I once was, and how I wondered “IF” God “really” performed Miracles anymore, Now I have no doubt, I look at one every day)
Now I look around and everything seems like a Miracle, so many things that I took for granted, or thought were just LUCK, I now see as Gods handy work!!!

OK two more things and I promise I’m done, Please remember Emma Grace Hampton in your prayers, Myles and I have not had the honor of meeting her yet, but God has a funny way of bringing us together, she has NB stage 4 and she relapsed just a little while back, she got good reports in her last scans, and bone marrow, these folks have strong faith that God is working a miracle for them. Last but not least, there are so many kids out there battling for there lives, against cancer, pray for these children, the parents, family, caregivers, and the Doctors. Pray that God will be with each one, guiding them, comforting them, and never forsake them.

Counting my blessing today, and everyday,

Friday, April 23, 2004 7:33 AM CDT

The Relay for Life was a treat for us, Myles did just great. He walked/ran the Miracle Mile, and we got to meet Roger Riley JR parents, what an honor that was. The survivor walk was so awesome Myles walked with Kayla (Neuroblastoma survivor), Kayla’s mom and a sweet lady named Jesse. It was amazing to see all the survivors make that first lap, everyone was cheering and clapping. Next year we’ll plan a little better and be there for most of the evening. Daddy and Austin had made other plans for the evening so we had to leave right after the victory lap. We met so many nice folks; everyone was so good to us. Myles felt like a KING, really he did, in fact he insisted we call him you majesty the rest of the evening, he even wanted me to find him a kings crown, Ok maybe I’m crazy but I think that is taking it a bit far.
Austin got a new bike that evening, and attended a birthday party of a classmate on Saturday; Myles ran around behind him and made me feel really guilty for not getting him a new bike also. Yes I bought him a new one on Monday. He called everyone in the neighborhood to come see his new bike, He was so proud, at bed time he thanked his daddy for the new bike, saying it was the bestest gift ever!!
Have a blessed weekend,

Friday, April 16, 2004 8:01 AM CDT

Excitement builds at our place…
Myles has been all wound up al week about the “RELAY FOR LIFE” that he is attending tonight. He’s been telling everyone about the big “RACE”. He had trouble sleeping last night he was so excited, and I bet he was up early this morning, so he may be lucky to make the victory lap, with out being carried!! Nahhh, He’ll keep everyone going I’m sure, I do wonder where all that energy comes from (could it be from the 5 tubes of yogurt he ate)?? I on the other hand, believe I could make it several Miles!!
He has been adopted by a group who will walk for him all night;
What a blessing!!
Wish us luck!!
Have a wonderful weekend

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:44 AM CDT

The joys of having a 4 year old never end.
On Friday we were in for a big storm, the boys were with nana and poppa, so I trekked out before the storm started to pick them up. Austin decided that if I was not scared he’d spend the night with Nana and Poppa. So Myles and I headed home, we arrived under the carport with only a drop or two of rain on the car. Just a bit after we got in the house the storm hit, high winds heavy rain, lighting and thunder. I spent a good deal of the time on the carport watching the storm move through, Myles decided the best spot for him was in his daddy’s lap. LaVoyce took the opportunity to explain to Myles why he should not be afraid of storms. Saturday the weather was not much better, but I had an appointment to get to so off into the day we headed. By mid afternoon the front had moved through and the day was almost nice. Nana tagged along to help with Myles, boy am I glad she did. They snagged cookies while I was at my appointment; he made nana promise not to tell me that he had cookies. M&M cookies, and last time I checked M&M are chocolate!! It didn’t seem to wind him up as much as it normally does.
Mom and I stopped by to get some lunch, and the guy behind the counter talked Myles into eating a chicken sandwich with pickles, so he took one bite of the bun, all the pickles, and a bag of cheetos, Now that was a healthy lunch!
Saturday night we gathered in the kitchen to make “Easter Cookie”, the boys really enjoyed that.
Sunday was of course a wonderful day, The church service was perfect. We arrived home in time to have grilled steaks with Joyce and Saul. The steaks were simply delicious!!
Saul hid eggs in the yard for the boys to find, Myles ran around yelling oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, it was a riot!
Austin found more prize eggs than Myles, so goes the battle of Brothers.
Yes of course the Sunday games, Way to go Kings, kicking the Lakers to the curb!! Myles was way to busy enjoying his egg surprises to watch the game. The chocolate in the eggs did send him into a Sugar/caffeine high that lasted for hours (sleep did not come easy Sunday night)
And then it was back to work on Monday; I always say I need the routine of the workweek!!!
LaVoyce and I picked up the boys around seven and man alive was Myles wound up, nana had give him chocolate (I’m surely seeing a pattern by now). The second I opened the door Myles came running up to me and said mom check out my muscles, I’m so strong, he goes into an amazing impersonation of the California Governor. Then he explains to LaVoyce and me where he got those big muscles, Poppa holds up a bottle of Cocoa butter cream lotion, he squirts some into Myles is hand and he proceeds to rub it into his arms, and then again show us how strong he is (ahh if it were only that easy).
Some how I manage to get him back into his clothes, and loaded into the truck. On the way home he tells LaVoyce and I about when he was a baby and he was this tiny (holding his fingers about an inch apart) he said I couldn’t talk then, LaVoyce and I in unison say “the good ol’ days”, Which only entice Myles to talk more!!
Then the tells me about the birds at nana’s house, he said you know the “pecker birds” When we all laughed then corrected me by holding my chin and saying, Repete after me mom “Pegger Birds” which he expected me to repeat, and again I said it wrong, By this time he is really hysterical, NO MOM,(talking very slowly) P E G G E R BIRDS, you know the ones with a long pegger, Laughter again erupted and he was done with us. I couldn’t help asking again about the Humming birds at nana’s.
He quickly agreed, that they were humming birds with long peggers.
I think I’ll pick up a Pegger Bird feeder on the way home today.
Maybe we’ll have some pegger birds of our own.
Have a blessed day.

Friday, April 9, 2004 7:33 AM CDT

Last night LaVoyce and I had a contractors meeting to go to, it was boring (for me anyway) the food was good (thanks Donald) and I won a cool Ice Chest, so it was not a total loss.
The boys stayed at Grams, Austin was not feeling well and was on the couch watching CSI when we got home. Myles was getting a bath, that boy and his baths!!
Any way I washed him up and we headed home, to catch the two big games that were on last night.... Way to go Mavs, it was a run away, and Austin fell asleep!!
The Kings game on the other hand, was a nail biter, Myles climbed into his watching spot, on my chest (yes he is way too big for that) It was fun to watch him cheer for Stojakovic, Peja didn’t have a stellar game, and sadly the kings lost and slipped to the #2 spot, we're still expecting good things from them in the play offs!!
Myles was saying his prayers that always takes a good 10 min to get through all the things he's thankful for, and his prayer list, well last night right in the middle of praying he stopped, I waited and he just sat there with his eyes closed, I finally said are you done? He said No I'm waiting on my Angel? What Angel I asked? He lets out that sigh, like he cant believe I don’t understand, and says, the one that carries my prayers to Jesus, tonight he had to make two trips, Imagine that!!
Remember Austin today, I'm not sure if he has a bug or what but he didn’t feel much like doing anything yesterday.

Have a blessed Good Friday,

Thursday, April 8, 2004 6:55 AM CDT

Myles's joke of the day,
Did you hear about the robbery at the Laundry mat?
Yeah two cloths pins held up a shirt... by dump bump!!
He was so full of himself last night; he did spend a little time playing in his room with his trains.

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:05 AM CDT

I lost my uncle Hoppy on January the 1, 2004. I was very close with him; He had a long battle with cancer, although his passing was tough, we knew we were sending him into Gods hands.
Last week, Myles said, Momma you know heaven is so "magical" uncle Hoppy is having a wonderful time there, with Jesus. Tears begin to fall from my cheeks, and Myles goes on to describe how uncle Hoppy was welcomed in to heaven by angels. I know Myles is a very bight child, he uses such big works for such a young little man, so you just never know what he'll say next!
Please remember to pray today, and Thank God for the little things,
I know I will.
LaDonna (mom to Myles's)

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