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I am so glad to hear that you will be coming home this week!!! WE miss you!!! Keep getting better and better!! Love ya! Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Tuesday, November 8, 2005 2:20 PM CST
I tried to write you last night but Gavin turned the computer off. I bet you are just counting down the days before you get to come home...we all are too!!! We miss you and look forward to seeing your sweet smiling face. I love you.
Aunt Kaci <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 1:46 PM CST
I am sooooooo excited!!! Congrats Lacey!!!! You are one strong and great little girl, I think you and God are good partners!! Sounds like you together can do anything! Remember Phil 4:13 and keep on trucking! Look us up when you get home and we will get together and PARTY!!!! Johnathan would love to see ya and chase you around! You both take care and stay strong! Love ya both, Julie
Julie Prado <juern97@yahoo.com >
Malvern, AR USA - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:49 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know your on my mind. I pray for you to stay stong and I hope today your counts were good and you find out when you will get to come home... SMILE that fantantic smile..

paula lane <lanepk@sbcglobal.net>
Monticello, AR usa - Monday, November 7, 2005 5:00 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know your on my mind. I pray for you to stay stong and I hope today your counts were good and you find out when you will get to come home... SMILE that fantantic smile..

paula lane <lanepk@sbcglobal.net>
Monticello, AR usa - Monday, November 7, 2005 5:00 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know your on my mind. I pray for you to stay stong and I hope today your counts were good and you find out when you will get to come home... SMILE that fantantic smile..

paula lane <lanepk@sbcglobal.net>
Monticello, AR usa - Monday, November 7, 2005 4:59 PM CST
Oh Chelli Lacey looks soooo good! I am so proud of the two of you! I know GOD has great plans for you both and I am so glad to read about the great progress! Maybe we can meet up when you all get back! Well I better go and run down Johnathan, haha. You all take care and be safe! God loves you and is with you! Love to you both, Julie
Julie Prado <juern97@yahoo.com>
Malvern, AR USA - Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:15 PM CST
Hi Lacey,
What a darling little Tinker Belle you are! We are so happy to hear that you are doing so well. Just keep up the good work! Love and Prayers, Nina

Nina Pudil <pudil2831@netzero.net>
Cedar Falls, IA U.S.A. - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:39 PM CST
Lacey ,
I love the Halloween picture... Keep getting stronger.... You are in my prayers!!!!! love and hugs

Ms.Paula Lane

Paula Lane <lanepk@sbcglobal.net>
Monticello, AR USA - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 4:01 PM CST
G'day Lacey,
We love your halloween picture.
You look so good.

Colleen - and Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 2:06 AM CST
I am glad that you had a nice halloween even if you were in the hospital. Know that we are thinking and praying for you everyday. Carrie and Chase
The Wellenberger's <the_wellenbergers@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, November 1, 2005 11:06 PM CST
Dear Lacey and Chellie
just got a phone call from Texas, Jordan is still 100% donor after two years post transplant. Now, I can breath easier. I have already had two candy bars and just got off the phone from ordering a cake for Jordan tonight. We are going to have a 100% donor party tonight at our house. Just wanted to let you know.

love susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 2:01 PM CST
Lacey and mom
I am so glad you enjoyed the Halloween party at the hospital. When we were there, Jordan loved it. He asked me if we would be going back for Halloween and I told him not this year. We did get to have lunch with Ms. Terri Boyd (transplant coordinator) when we were there and Jordan just loved seeing her. I wish you could have met her. She is a wonderful person. I am so glad that you are feeling so much better. I will be so glad to hear when you get home. Well, I hope you are having a pleasant and wonderful day and I will be thinking of you during your central line removal. I know you will be glad to get home.

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 12:37 AM CST
Please come home soon! We miss you!

Lorla <laurakaymcafee@yahoo.com>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 7:57 AM CST
I completely forgot to tell you happy halloween when I wrote you earlier today...so HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I hope you got lots of candy! Gavin was a turtle. Have a great halloween night....don't eat too much candy : )

Aunt Kaci <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 9:02 PM CST
Hey! Happy Halloween!! Did you get to trick-or-treat any? We are taking Savannah tonight. She is going to be Elmo!! I was a sad to hear that you will be moving! But we all want what is best for you!!!! We will say a special prayer for you tomorrow with your surgery. I love you very much! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Monday, October 31, 2005 3:16 PM CST
hello lacey,
I was very happy to read that you might be coming home in 2 weeks, that is awesome!!!I am glad you got to go out and have a boat and train ride, that sounds like lots of fun! You keep being strong and we will see you soon. I love you.

Aunt Kaci <Kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 1:05 PM CST
hey guys,glad to here you are doing so good.hopefully you will be home soon.thinking of you and praying for you.
linda b-3gold

linda burks <linda-rn@msn.com>
- Sunday, October 30, 2005 6:28 AM CST

It sounds like you have a gaudian angel in Ms.Bonnie... God always knows who to send at what time of our lives.. We just have to listen...It is good to see you were able to get out and see part of San Antonio. I will be coming to San Antonio in Feb. for a preschool conference. Keep getting stronger , Remember God has a mighty plan for your life. Your in my prayers...
ms.paula lane

Paula Lane <lanepk@sbcglobal.net>
Monticello, AR usa - Saturday, October 29, 2005 9:30 PM CDT
hi sweetie,
I am very glad to read that you are doing so great! Hopefully it will not be too long before you come home. We will continue praying for you. I love you!

Aunt Kaci <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:27 PM CDT
Glad to hear you had such a fun day Wednesday. I hope you have a great weekend. I hope to see you really soon!!!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
P.S. Happy Halloween!!!

Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Friday, October 28, 2005 3:08 PM CDT
WoW!! I got chill bumps reading the website today. It's so neat that God has the master plan and everything happens for a reason. While we'd love to know why on many occasions knowing God has everything in His hands happening on His time table sure is a blessed assurance! Love Ya'll. You all are constantly on my heart and in my prayers.
Aunt Rhonda <rhonda.cox@ccsonline.org>
Downsville, LA USA - Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:21 PM CDT

Glad to see you have good news and things are going good. I pray for you each day. Keep getting stronger...
ms.paula lane from head start

Paula lane <lanepk@sbcglobal.net>
Monticello, AR USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:40 PM CDT
Hey lacey and Chelli!!! Two weeks? Wow! Can't wait to see you both!! Please pray for Caleb! Scans are November 9!! Nervous? YES I AM!! God will give me strength on that day. Pray,pray,pray!! We love you both!!! Laurie :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:00 PM CDT
Hi Lacey---- glad things are looking better--- hope you get to come home soon---- lots of prayers and love to you.
PLAQUEMINE, la U.S.A. - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:10 PM CDT
Hey! Things are sounding sooo good!! We will keep praying that they stay that way! I get to stay late at school tonight. We are having parent teacher conferences. Have a good night and rest of the week. Love,Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:57 PM CDT
Hi Lacey!We just wanted to say hi and let you know that we are thinking about you. We are reading about park rangers this week. In math, we are starting to count money-just pennies, nickels and dimes. We are also reading some scary Halloween stories,we may even try to write one. We think of you everyday and we miss you!Stay strong and get better real fast so you can come back home soon!
Love, Ms. Moore and your friends in 2nd grade

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:54 PM CDT
Dear Lacey and Chelli
It was good to finally meet you I am sorry we had to meet each other in the hospital. I am so glad that you are feeling better and out of the hospital. We got home late Sunday night and Jordan could not believe how cold it was here. He was just amazed at how the weather had changed. Jordan's dr. appointment went good, we had a scare with the blood work but after drawing more labs it all came back normal. I had a quick nervous breakdown and lost all my normal brain cells but I think I am slowing gaining consciousness again. This appointment was hard on Jordan and hard on me as well. We had a lot of testing and Jordan really did not understand why, all that he knew is that he was hurting from it. We still have to wait on the donor test to come back which will be back in 14 days they had to send it to North Carolina. I have you in my prayers daily and if you need anything please let me know. I know it is hard being away from home but I know deep in my heart that children such as yourself and Jordan have something special planned by "God" and he is going to protect and heal you and you will be back in school with your friends just being able to be a "young kid" I am thinking and praying for you

love your star city neighbor and studio 6 neighbor
susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:51 AM CDT
Hey Lacey and Chelli. I am so glad, Lacey, that you are feeling better. I have been checking your website and praying for you everyday. I know you will be so glad when you get to come home. You and Mom both. I hope that day is very soon. You keep fighting to get well and keep that gorgeous smile on your face and this will all be in the past before you know it. If you ever need ANYTHING, Chelli, I'm just a phone call away. God bless you all.
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:17 AM CDT
Hey Lacey It's great to hear that you are doing so much better. I know that you and Mom are glad to be out of the hospital. We will all keep praying that you will be back home soon. There's nothing better than sleeping in your own bed , is there? Soak in all the prayers, sweetie. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, October 24, 2005 12:50 AM CDT
Hey cute Lacey Mae! I heard you have a baby boy now. What's his name? Preston? I can't wait to meet him- is he as cute as you? Tell him and Lacey Mae hi- I'm sure Macey Shae is reading your webpage every day and missing you tons. See you soon- I miss you!
Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, October 24, 2005 9:18 AM CDT
G'day Lacey
Just wanted you to know we visited your page today.

Colleen - and Kaitlyn's mum <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Sunday, October 23, 2005 9:17 PM CDT
I am thrilled you are doing better. Keep getting stronger and stronger. Your website is my 2 year old daughter Catie's favorite site out of all that we visit each night. She has to look at all your pictures every night. God Bless, Carrie, Chase, Catie, Matt
The Wellenberger's <the_wellenbergers@comcast.net>
- Saturday, October 22, 2005 11:53 PM CDT
Thank goodness you are having a better day. You keep fighting this and staying strong. There are so many people back home and all over the state (and surrounding states from reading others messages) that love, miss and constantly lifting you and your family up to GOD. I get so mad when I think of what this disease has done to you and your family and others. Lacey you are such a beautiful little girl. You both inspire me with your determination, will, and strength! Thank you for taking the time Chelli to post Lacey's progress on here. I check daily on her. Know that you are in my prayers daily!
Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, Ar USA - Saturday, October 22, 2005 7:47 PM CDT
I hope you feel better!
Have a great day.

Mary Cate <scroggins5@cox.net>
- Saturday, October 22, 2005 5:27 PM CDT
Hey! I am so excited to hear that you are doing so well! I was worried about you!!! I pray that things continue to improve and you get to come home really soon! I love you bunches!!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Saturday, October 22, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie, I am praying that things are improved. You've really had a rough weekend! Keep your chin up and don't give up the ship! You are a strong girl and God Loves You (so do we). Take care.
Love, Aunt Cecilia and Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Friday, October 21, 2005 12:40 AM CDT
Hi Lacey! We are all thinking about you and praying for you. We hope everything is going better today. We miss you!
Love, Miss Moore your friends in 2nd grade

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:18 AM CDT
Hey Lacey and Chelli, I hope things are still going better. We have been praying really hard. You amaze me at how strong you are! I love you bunches!!! Love, Mrs.Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:35 AM CDT
Lacey Mae, I think about you and pray for you everyday. Love you and miss you bunches. -Steph
Stephanie Messick <messicksa@archildrens.org>
LR, AR - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:38 PM CDT
LaceyMae and Chelli,
I am praying that by the time I send this, you are feeling much better. We know about the bumps in the road to recovery, but since you are such a brave and strong little girl, we know that with God's help you are going to soon be well and strong. In God's love, Nina

Nina Pudil <pudil2831@netzero.net>
Cedar Falls, , Iowa U.S,A, - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 8:00 PM CDT
Lacey Mae and Mom,
I have been checking your site each day, I am sorry you have had a rough weekend. I will be sure to share your need for prayer with my church family in Monticello. I will be praying for you both. God is an awsome God.... He loves you .... just trust in him with all your heart.... be strong....
Paula Lane

Paula Lane <lanepk@sbcglobal.net>
Monticello, AR usa - Monday, October 17, 2005 10:32 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I am so sorry that you have had a rough time. I knew that something must be wrong when your Mom had not updated the website. So, I just started praying harder. I am glad that you are better now. I will pray that the worst is over for you and Mom. Hang in there, girlfriend. Love you lots, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, October 17, 2005 8:57 PM CDT
Hey girls!! Sounds like it was a rough weekend. I am glad to hear that things are better! Mrs. Christy and Mrs. Heather are keeping me updated. I think about you guys all the time. We are praying for you! Love you lots!
Love, Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.ent>
- Monday, October 17, 2005 8:13 PM CDT
Chelli and Lacy Mae, Sorry you had a bad Friday. Glad your feeling better. Hang in there, you'll be home soon. We are thinking about you!! Love ya!! Laurie and Caleb :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Monday, October 17, 2005 5:01 PM CDT
Hi Lacey
Just wanted to drop by and wish you a very Happy Halloween! It’s our first Halloween in America and we love seeing all the huge pumpkins and decorations! We hope you start to feel better soon, hang in there sweetie. Your in our prayers. Take care, stay strong and brave.
Love & Hope
Melissa and Dylan xoxo

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Dylan’s website

Melissa <dylan_newyork2005@yahoo.com.au>
New York, NY USA (Home is Australia) - Monday, October 17, 2005 2:17 PM CDT
Lacey, wow what can I say. I have been praying for you here alot lately. I have 2 nephews and a neice that attend JBE and so I looked your name up on Caring Bridge. Don't ever give up the FIGHT! I am currently living in Star City and so Ill be sure to post more on here later. Have faith in GOd and you will go far!!!!!!
Krystal <krystal06_72076@yahoo.com>
Star City , AR - Monday, October 17, 2005 2:16 PM CDT
I am so sorry you had such a horrific week, but so glad that you are feeling better. I include you in my prayers every day.

Hugs and Prayers, Lisa

Lisa Gondek <lgondek@aristotle.net>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, October 17, 2005 12:09 AM CDT
Hey, I'am glad you are doing better. I know you are glad to see Dad and Aunt Rhonda. I sure wish I could be there. I hope you keep getting better so you can come home. I miss you very much. Paw Paw & Uncle Tommy saids Hi and to get better, and they Love you. Keep strong both you and your Mom. Every one is praying for you both, Love you very much. Maw Maw
Carol White <cajufarm@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, October 17, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
Hang in there Lacey. I'm thinking of you daily and sending many prayers your way!
Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Sunday, October 16, 2005 10:32 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie, Everybody at HBC sends their love and they also said tell you that EVERYONE is praying you will soon be well and home. I know you were glad to see your Dad and Aunt Rhonda this week-end. Harold & Hunter send their love and prayers to you and your Mom. Love, you very much, MeMe
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox2@Netzero.com>
Downsville, La USA - Sunday, October 16, 2005 2:19 PM CDT
hello lacey, i just wanted to let you know we are praying for you and we love you soooo much!!!
Uncle Gordon and Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <Kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 3:21 PM CDT
Hi, Lacey!
I just wanted to say hello and let you know we still miss you around here at JBE! We all hope you are feeling better and getting stronger so you can come back home real soon. We made a BULLDOG sign to take to the pep assembly today. We all signed our names and we signed your name, too.We miss you!
Miss Moore and your friends in 2nd grade

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, October 14, 2005 1:41 PM CDT
Lacey Mae- I miss you so much! It is not the same around here without you riding the bike around the halls. I am looking foward to you coming back to AR- I know you are! Give mom a hug and tell her that I'm here if she needs me.
See you soon- hopefully very soon! Love ya!

Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, October 14, 2005 9:38 AM CDT
Still praying for you! Love, Lis
Lis Geoghegan <LiveInSpirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:53 PM CDT
Hey I am so proud of you both!!! Sounds like the Lord is blessing us all! I know you are excited and it will feel good to get out a little. Johnathan's test all came back normal and we praise God for it! I am so excited for you and Lacey!!! I can't wait to get together and have a little party for our two big survivors!!!! Love ya bunches and you are always in my mind and my prayers!!! Love ya Julie Prado
Julie Prado <juern97@yahoo.com>
Malvern, AR USA - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:42 PM CDT
That is wonderful news, maybe you will be at the motel when we get out there. We are leaving sunday night after I get off work. I get off around 10:30 sunday night and we should be san antonio bound by mid night. I am so glad that you are doing so well. Jordan and I were in the hospital for over 2 12/2 months when we were there. I am so glad you are doing so well, tell your mom that we will hopefully see you "Monday".

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 1:49 PM CDT
Lacey and Mom, I have had the most wonderful days taking care of y'all. I will not forget you, Lacey. I love your Halloween decorations (especially the ghost). Your horse loving nurse, Julie
Julie Luke <lukej@uthscsa.edu>
San Antonio, TX USA - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:11 AM CDT
hi lacey, I am so glad to hear that you are doing so great! We are all so ready for you to come home. I love you very very much!!!!
Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 10:08 PM CDT
My name is Ms.Paula , did you go to head start in Star city??? I think you were one of my students???? If so just say so in the update so I will know... I left there in 2000. I think you were in my class... either way I want you to know that I am praying for you.. I came across your site on Chase welllenbergers site he is a very good friend of my son lukes. I am sure you are the same Lacey.... I pray for calmness for you and your mom. My e-mail is listed. Let me know...
love and hugs
Ms. Paula Lane

Paula Lane <lanepk@sbcglobal.net>
Monticello, AR USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 10:07 PM CDT
Lacey and Chelli, Thinking about you!! I really miss you both! Love to you both! Laurie and Caleb :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 8:23 PM CDT
Hey sweet girl! I am so thrilled to hear that you are doing so well. I hope you get to get out of the hospital soon. Have fun on you pass! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <cmrown@tds.net>
- Monday, October 10, 2005 2:03 PM CDT
Hi Lacey! We are so happy to hear you are doing so well! Just keep getting stronger and stronger! We are getting ready to start reading "Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night" this week. In math, we are still working on skip counting-counting by 3's is giving us some trouble. I hope your school work is going well. We miss you and hope you are back home real soon!
Love, Ms. Moore and your 2nd grade classmates

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 1:47 PM CDT


GRETNA, LA UNITED STATES - Monday, October 10, 2005 12:36 AM CDT
Lacey Mae- I Miss You! It sounds like you are doing great. Yea! You better get home soon- I bet Macie Shae is missing you. She's not melted is she? We are praying hard for a cure for you and are looking foward to celebrating with you when you come back! Love you bunches and bunches!
Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, October 10, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
Hey Lacey.
I attend Homesville Babtist Church with your Aunt Ronda, your grandparents, and your cousins. I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. Stay sweet and keep your faith. :O)

Julia Taylor <Liljulz2005@aol.com>
Farmerville, LA 71241 - Monday, October 10, 2005 1:02 AM CDT
Dear LaceyMae,
I'm glad that you are doing so well. Your smiley, cute face always makes me smile right back at you! So...here's a hug to go with it.

Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Sunday, October 9, 2005 5:56 PM CDT
This is the best news ever. I am so very thrilled that it is going so well. I know there is still this 2 week window to make sure it accepts the transplant, but God is definately taking great care of you. I will try to call you and moma later today, when I get home from work. I love you all.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 5:22 PM CDT
So thrilled that Lacey is doing so well. I know that is an answer to many, many prayers. We continue to pray daily for Lacey's complete healing. God Bless, Carrie and Chase Wellenberger(www.prayforchase.com)
Carrie Wellenberger <the_wellenbergers@comcast.net>
- Saturday, October 8, 2005 10:29 PM CDT
Praying lots for you! Love and hugs, Lis
Lis Geoghegan <LiveInSpirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Saturday, October 8, 2005 9:11 PM CDT
Lacey & Chelli
Hey GUYS!!! I am so glad to hear things are going well. Lacey, you better get your days and nights straight or when you come home you will drive the boys crazy!!! But I don't imagine they will mind, as long as you both are home and doing good. Lacey, you are so brave and strong, I am so proud of you and God keeps answering those prayers. Just keep up the strong fight and you will be home soon. Much love to you both!

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, ar - Friday, October 7, 2005 7:47 PM CDT
Hey guys glad to hear such great news!!! I really miss you guys and I am soooo glad Lacey is doing great! Keep up the good work mom and remember to clean, clean, clean! ha ha You know what I mean! Well I better go and get my school work done! Love you guys bunches!!! Julie Prado
PS Johnathan is also doing great and is keeping us all on our toes!! He is eating us out of house and home, Praise God, and is acting like a normal 2 1/2 year old! I am just now hoping to keep all bones in one piece! haha Love you bunches and keep strong. Phil 4:13 Remember!!!!

Julie Prado <juern97@yahoo.com>
Malvern, AR USA - Friday, October 7, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
Hi Lacey! I'm so proud of you! You are the strongest little person I know. Just keep it up and you and mom will be home before you know it. Lots of hugs and prayers!
Mrs. Beth

Beth Hankins <bhankins@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, October 7, 2005 9:36 AM CDT
Hey Lacey You are such a strong young lady! I am so proud of you. It is great that things are going well. Just keep improving everyday. Prayers are coming your way constantly. I love you, Mrs. Burnett

glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, AR usa - Friday, October 7, 2005 8:34 AM CDT
hey lacey and chelli, hope everything continues to go great. im glad that the transplant went well. my thoughts and prayers are with you guys. take care and be safe.
Love, stephanie elsby (3gold)

Stephanie Elsby <seelsby@msn.com>
Benton, AR USA - Friday, October 7, 2005 2:38 AM CDT
Hey girl! Now the transplant is over, it's our prayer that it will be smooth sailing from now on. Wish you could be here to watch one of Harold's football games. But next year, you will be here - and Vacation Bible School, too. Love you both, MeMe & BoBo
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox2@netzero.com>
Downsville, La US - Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:19 PM CDT
Lacey Mae,

I am so glad to hear that things are going well!!! I am so glad that your Mom is keeping us updated with your website. Please give her a big hug and tell her Thank You. Remember God is control and he is taking care of you and we here at JBE are still praying for you. lTake care sweetheart.

Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcityk12.ar.us>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, October 6, 2005 2:40 PM CDT
Lacey - I am so proud of you! I hope that you start feeling better soon. We miss you in clinic and hope to see your smiling face soon. Love ya!
Patty, Hemonc clinic <dickinsonpk@archildrens.org>
- Wednesday, October 5, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
I hope you pal'd up nicely with the littl pink bear Dakota got for you. Seldom we get the opportunity to pick out girl things. Dakota will be in San Antonio for a couple more weeks. Praying specifically for those cells to start smiling soon!!

Sharon & Dakota Hawkins <hsdr@cebridge.net>
Cabot , Ar usa - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 1:13 PM CDT
Dear Lacey
Just wanted to check on you this morning. I hope you are feeling better today. Tell your mother I said hello and that we are praying for you all. May the Lord bless you with a very very good day and I hope you are feeling better. Just think, this is post-transplant day 1 and counting!!! See you in a few days

susan villareal
mother to Jordan

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 10:46 AM CDT
Lacey & Chelli,
Congratulations!!! I was so happy to hear that the transplant went well. Sorry, that you were a little sick, but otherwise, Tim said it went great! Those prayers really work! We are continuing to say prayers daily for you both. WE love you so much!

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, ar - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 5:59 AM CDT
Congrats on your new yankee blood! dont forget your southern roots! how neat that the CB came from NYC with the diagnosis date being 9/11 -- a rebirth for Lacey! What a wonderful day! Hang in there guys -- you will be home in no time!!!!
Kori Gordon (always a 3gold pharmacist at heart!) <tennishog@hotmail.com>
Santa Monica, CA - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:22 PM CDT
Hang in there Lacey. We miss you like crazy in Arkansas and hate to here that you don't feel good. Love and miss you!
Laura McAfee RN <laurakaymcafee@yahoo.com>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:35 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear that the transplant went well. But I am so sorry to hear about the headache and sick tummy. I hope you feel well soon. I know you need your rest so I will check in on you again later. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family and group of friends that love you and keep you in their prayers constantly. And that includes me too. I am praying for your continuing progress and I know you will be better soon. We love you, Lacey!
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 1:19 PM CDT
Good Morning! Today's the BIG day. We'll just never realize how many prayers are actually being said for Lacey today. She's touched the lives of so many! I know she's blessed mine big time! Continue to have faith Chelli.
Lots of Hugs & Lots MORE prayers! Beth

Beth Hankins <bhankins@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 10:07 AM CDT
Dear Lacey and Chelli
I have been thinking and praying for you so hard today and this weekend. Transplant day, I was a nervous wreck, I was just amazed at the whole process. I started checking for GVH just a few hours after transplant. Jordan did not start getting GVH until we got back to Arkansas. Lacey I am so sorry that you are not feeling well but baby just hold on and just in no time you will be up and about and feeling so much better. The Lord has truly blessed you and your family with sending you to such a loving and caring doctor as Dr. Wall and the staff at Methodist Children's Hospital. Jordan said a special prayer for you and is anxious to meet you when we get out there, that is if you are up to it. We will also be staying at Home Gate when we get out there. chelli, don't forget about drinking coffee with me one day, if you can. I have a big can of coffee packed just for the trip. Please, if there is anything you need or a question that you have, you have my number day or night it does not matter what time just please call me.
As I told Jordan, Jesus is going to guide those new cells all through your body until they find a new home so they can start growing and making you feel better. Jordan says a prayer for Lacey every night and every morning. Jordan really does not remember much of his hospital stay. We stayed in the hospital in arkansas and Texas so long, that when we came home Jordan did not want to stay he wanted to go back to the hospital, he felt like the hospital was his home. Our love, prayers are with you. Try to have a good and blessed day. Tell Dr. Wall the staff that we said hello and will see them on October 18, 2005.

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 9:46 AM CDT
"Lucy" & Chelli,
Good morning. Today is the big day, and I have been thinking about you and praying for you both. I am praying that everything will go good. You both are stong and I have heard, sometimes "stubborn", but hey, that is a good thing. Sometimes we have to be! haha Chelli, please call or have Tim call when the transplant is finished, I would like to know how everything went. God is in control and will be with you and will guide the doctor and nurses hands. We love you both, so much and ya'll are precious friends. Much love to you both. David, Heather, Cody & Michaela

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, ar - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:45 AM CDT
Hello Lacey and Chelli, Iam glad you are doing good. I will call you tomorrow after the transplant. Hope and pray all goes good. I'am putting a box in the mail for you both. Hope you like it LaLa. I think you will. I sure miss you both. Paw Paw said to tell you hi. We both Love you very much. Stay strong, be good ,and you get them girl. You are a tuff little cookie.Chelli you hang in there, you to are tuff,and strong, God will help you both through this.He is good, and he is looking after both of you.Faith! Love you both Maw Maw and Paw Paw.
Carol <cajufarm@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, October 3, 2005 8:48 PM CDT
"Lucy" & Chelli,
Hey girls!!!! You know that we love and miss you so much!!! We are saying special prayers for you everyday! We will especially be saying a special prayer for you both and the doctors and nurses tomorrow morning. Ellie Mae, Mr. David said hello and he loves you! Just know that everyone at church is praying for you! Chelli, hang in there and lean upon God, He will carry you both through this. Much love to you both. David, Heather, Cody & Michaela. P.S. Lacey, Michaela and Cody has both said a special prayer for you. We love you.!!!!

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, ar - Monday, October 3, 2005 8:30 PM CDT

I'm glad you are having better days. We are all praying for you and your mom. I know you are taking good care of each other. It sounds like you are having fun with your new friend. There are lots of people in Arkansas thinking about you. We love you.

Joy Stewart - -Mrs. Marche's Mom

Joy Stewart <joy8502@yahoo.com>
Warren, AR - Monday, October 3, 2005 5:30 PM CDT
Hi Lacey! Just wanted you to know that we are all thinking about you and praying for you. Stay tough-we hear you are doing great!We all miss you!
Love, Ms. Moore and all of your friends in 2nd grade

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, October 3, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Lacey & Chelli,
I am really glad things are going so well for you guys. Just wanted you to know I miss you. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.

Karonica <karonicalf@yahoo.com>
Monticello, AR USA - Monday, October 3, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Good Morning you two! I'm so thankful you're feeling a little better! All those prayers are working big time! Just hang in there and keep being so strong - you're such a blessing to us all. Mason picked up a piece of paper off of the table during BTC last night and said "I think this is Lacey's!" It's probably the one he kept thumping at you that night while you were trying to watch the movie - think? He held it in his little hand really tight! Corey did a great job with the devotional last night too! Have a good day today! Love & Prayers! Mrs. Beth
Beth Hankins <bhankins@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, October 3, 2005 9:38 AM CDT
Hi Lacey Hang in there sweetheart!!!! I will pray that your fever goes away and that you start feeling better. I check your website every day so thank Mom for keeping us posted. I miss you. Love, Mrs. Burnett

glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, October 2, 2005 1:20 PM CDT
Hey! Sorry to hear that you have had a bad night. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better though. You are one tough little girl! Is it from having 3 brothers? Ha! Ha! I know those brothers think the world of you and so do I! We are praying for you. We love you!!
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Sunday, October 2, 2005 12:13 AM CDT
MALVERN, AR USA - Saturday, October 1, 2005 10:32 PM CDT
Hey, sweet girl! I pray things are still going really good, and want to remind yiou that everyone here is praying constantly. We love you two. Please hang in there and all this will be behind you before you know it. Love you both, MeMe and BoBo
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox2@netzero.net>
Downsville, La USA - Saturday, October 1, 2005 5:51 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
You continue to amaze me! I wonder just how a person your age could be so brave but then I realize that you are a child of God and He is watching over you every minute of every day. Your faith is a sustaining one. Stay strong and never forget to pray. We are keeping you lifted up in prayer daily. Love to you and Mom. Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin.

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Saturday, October 1, 2005 3:22 PM CDT
Hey Girl
This is Bro. John and we just said a prayer for you and had said one earlier as we emailed and tried to send to this but I guess I don't know what I am doing sometimes, Ha. But as you see I found out how to now. We have and will contine to pray for you and Mom. You are missed and we look forward to your return home. We are praying for the Doctors and Nurses as well. Keep your chin up and trust in Jesus your Saviour. He will bring you through. Wish I was there with you. Will pray again today and again tomorrow for you. Love Bro. John and Janet

John and Janet Marlar <beau@netstorm.net>
Star City, Ar USA - Saturday, October 1, 2005 12:02 AM CDT
Hi my sweet girl. You are doing so great. I am so very proud of you. God is certainly watching over you and helping you through this every bit of the way. You're always in my thoughts and prayers. Your moma too. Stay strong and know how much you are loved.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Saturday, October 1, 2005 9:25 AM CDT
Hey guys! I am so glad that Lacey is cruising right along! She is an amazing girl! We miss you in the clinic. Be sure you post some pictures of the TinkerBell costume! I'm sure she will be beautiful. You are both in my prayers.
Patty, Hemonc clinic <dickinsonpk@archildrens.org>
- Friday, September 30, 2005 9:10 PM CDT
So glad to hear you are feeling good! We love your new and improved website! The song is very neat! We will continue to check in on how you are doing and we will be praying for you! With love...The Crowder's

Todd, Lisa, Lindsey, Reece and Dawson! <tllcrowder@aol.com>
Bentonville, AR - Friday, September 30, 2005 5:51 PM CDT
"Lucy" & Chelli,
Hey Guys!! I am so glad to hear that things are going so well. It's all those prayers!!!!! Lacey, Michaela sure did enjoy talking to you the other night. Even though she didn't say a lot. haha Chelli, I will try to call either today or tomorrow and talk with ya! I know ya'll are in good hands and with the Lord to watch over you, everything will be fine. We are continuing to pray for both of you!! Take care, WE love you both.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Friday, September 30, 2005 5:21 AM CDT
We miss you too! Praying for everything to go smoothly and you get home soon. Glad they're taking good care of you... we knew they would. Love you tons and tons Lacey Mae!
Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Thursday, September 29, 2005 1:15 PM CDT
Hey Lacey and Chelli,
I'm so glad that everything is going well. I'm also very thankful that you are surrounded by great people there, especially your doctor. I will be so glad when all of this is behind you all and you are back home with your friends and family that love you all so much. I'll check in on you again later. Chelli, if you need anything, you have my number.

Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:18 AM CDT
Hello there,
We are so glad you had good trip to Texas. Our prayers are with you as you continue your treatments. Our family has a "Praise the Lord" as Melissa's scans and tests came out really good last Thursday. She is on her own for the next 6 months. Hugs from our family, Nina

Nina Pudil <pudil2831@netzero.net>
Cedar Falls, Iowa U.S,A, - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:58 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I am so glad that you did so well getting your central line put in. I was thinking and praying for you all day yesterday. I am so glad that you like Dr. Wall and the staff. They are all great!!! I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day.

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
"Lucy" & Chelli,
Hey guys!!! Hope all is going well. I just wanted to tell you that we are praying for you and miss you both. Michaela said that she is bored since Lacey has been gone!! She said that it's no fun! I told her that before she knew it, that Lacey would be back and they would be playing and ripping and getting into trouble!! haha I will try to call sometime today. Lacey continue to be strong and fight like you always have. Chelli, if we can do anything for you from here, let me know. Love ya'll

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:39 AM CDT
So good to see that things are going well!!!

Hugs and Prayers, Lisa Gondek, CARTI Kids volunteer

Lisa Gondek <lgondek@aristotle.net>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 4:29 PM CDT
Hi Lacey! I love your website! You're just too cute did you know that? You and Mom take care of each other, ok. Love you bunches! Mrs Beth
Beth Hankins <bhankins@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3:56 PM CDT
Lacey Mae, I miss you! Glad things are going well and hope this all goes fast...
We miss you tons and tons- it's not the same around here without you. Tell mom not to get too crazy once you go inpatient. Their social worker doesn't know how to calm her down yet! :)
Praying for you to do GREAT!

Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 10:06 AM CDT
Hey Lacey and Chelli,
I am so glad you both had a good trip. We will be praying for you and your quick recovery. I will check in with you later to see how things are going. Love, Marche'

Marche brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
, - Monday, September 26, 2005 12:28 AM CDT
Hey "Lucy" & Chelli,
Good morning guys!!! I hope that all went well with you this weekend. Christy and I made it to the airport to pick the guys up a little late, but they were o.k. We got to shopping and lost track of time. So what else is new, huh? Everyone at church is praying for you. We really missed you both yesterday. Bro. John printed out your schedule and made copies for everyone to keep up with you and know what is going on in your life day to day. We are going to have special prayer especially on the days that something is scheduled. Well, I just wanted to say hello and say that we love you both very much and miss ya bunches. Take care and we will be in touch later.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Monday, September 26, 2005 5:22 AM CDT
Dear Lacey and family
I am so glad that you made it out there. I was worried with all the bad weather. I am so glad you like Dr. Wall she is a wonderful person and doctor. The whole staff is wonderful. You will be taken very good care of. I am in the process working with Traci about getting our housing information together. I hope we will be staying at the same place you are. I will be saying extra prayers for you on 9/27. You are a special little girl and you have so many people praying for you. You are going to be back in Arkansas and going to school and having fun with your friends in no time. Tell your mother I said hello and when we get out there I want her to go with me to drink a cup of coffee. My husband does not drink coffee so maybe your mom can take a break and go drink coffee with me to get a break. Please call me if you need anything. I gave Dr. Wall my cell, home and work number to pass on to you.
See you in less than three weeks.

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Monday, September 26, 2005 1:15 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie, What a great bit of news I got when I went to this web site today! Glad to hear that you all are in San Antonio. It seemed like it would take forever but the wait is well worth it. Praying all goes well for you and that you go home completely well. Tell mom hello and to hang in there. Love and kisses.
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Saturday, September 24, 2005 6:18 PM CDT
hi sweetheart, I hope you enjoyed your flight. I miss you already!!! Uncle Gordon says hi "little boy" (ha ha)!!! I Love You!!!
Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, September 23, 2005 9:22 PM CDT
Hi La La and Chelli, Was good to talk to you today, glad things are going ok. I also am glad you are going to move. I hope all goes well. Tim you and David have fun trying to get out on a flight tomorrow.Things look bad on TV at the airports. Hope not where you are. Chelli give Lacey a big hug and kiss for me. Love all of you. Mom/MawMaw
Carol <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR - Thursday, September 22, 2005 6:42 PM CDT
Hi Lacey! Some of your friends at JBE wanted to send you a few messages:

Lacey, We love you. We want to know when you are feeling better. Everybody wants to see you. I know that you are in a hospital. I want you to come back to second grade so we can play. Love you, Adrienne

Lacey, we miss you a lot. We wish you could come to school. Love, Deanna

Dear Lacey, I like your music. We are friends. I hope you come home soon. Love, Carlie

Dear lacey, I miss you and I bet you miss me. Love ya, Megan

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, September 22, 2005 4:12 PM CDT
Hi Lacey! We miss you! You are in our thoughts everyday.
Love, Ms. Moore and your classmates at JBE

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, September 22, 2005 10:26 AM CDT
This is Chase's mimi and I sat next to you and your mom on the plane to Dallas. Hope your daddy was there to meet you when you got to San Antonio. I think it is really funny that Chase's mom Mrs Carrie was your big brother Josh's teacher. Have you ever seen the Charlotte's web book report quilt on the third grade hall at Jimmy Brown. Your brother's square is in it and I was the one that put it all together and quilted it for the class. God has a way of making everybody connected, doesn't he? Hope your time in San Anonio goes well and you are back at home in no time. We will pray for your whole family!

Ginny (Chase's Mimi) <ginnyw99@flash.net>
Arlington, TX - Thursday, September 22, 2005 7:39 AM CDT
Hey Lacey and family, We have never met, but I have been keeping track of your progress since you were first diagnosed in 2001. I was your brother Josh's teacher at the time. And then that next summer, my son Chase was diagnosed with Leukemia. My mom sat next to yall on the way to Dallas tonight, how weird is that? I am really glad you are on the way to San Antonio so you can get this behind you and go on with the fun stuff of being a kid. We will be praying for you and our other friends from ACH who are down there too. There is another boy named Trey Brown who started radiation today, and Caleb. Maybe yall can keep each other company and sane while you are down there. God Bless, Carrie and Chase Wellenbergerwww.prayforchase.com

Carrie Wellenberger <the_wellenbergers@comcast.net>
Monticello, AR 71655 - Thursday, September 22, 2005 0:15 AM CDT
Chelli and Lacey Mae, I am so glad you are heading off. We are right behind you!! Caleb is feeling better and will have his dose of chemo this weekend, we should see you in about three weeks or so. Pray for us!!! I will be thinking about you!! Chelli, I still want us to have a coffee break when we get there!! See you soon. We have Faith Caleb will be okay. It's easier now than it was. Lacey, don't forget our game of UNO!! Love to you all!! Laurie and Caleb :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 12:29 AM CDT
Hey Lacey I am so glad that everything is falling into place for your trip to SA. God is always in control and He takes care of us, doesn't He! I will be praying for a safe trip for you and your Mom. Love you very much! Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 8:36 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Today is my birthday and I couldn't have gotten a better gift than the knowledge that you will soon be going to San Antonio for the transplant! Just knowing that you are well on the road to getting better makes me so appreciative of Our Lord. I bet you are excited as well as anxious. God is in control so all will be well. I hope to get to see you while you are in Texas. I've always wanted to visit San Antonio so this may be my chance. We will continue to keep a prayer vigil for your complete recovery. Tell Mom to be sure and keep us posted on your progress. Much love to you and all the family.
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 11:15 PM CDT
So happy to read that you don't have to wait any longer than some day this week for your trip to San Antonio! Will be checking your web site for more good news. Our little Melissa goes to Iowa City for scans on Thursday.
Our family's Love and Prayers are with your whole family, Nina

Nina Pudil <pudil2831@netzero.net>
Cedar Falls, IA USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 4:45 PM CDT
oh my gosh! have a great trip! we love you Lacey Mae! tell the "girls" hi for me -- I hope they get to make the journey!
Kori Gordon <tennishog@hotmail.com>
Santa Monica, CA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
Are you freaking out? I'm working on a flight right now. We will MISS MISS MISS you Lacey Mae! Are you taking Lacey Mae and Macie Shae? If so, you better take good care of them. I know how well your dad does- leaving them in the back of the truck to melt! I didn't get to take new pics before you left, so tell mom to take some and put them on a CD. Then I can tell her how to get them on your website. Love you tons Lacey Mae!
Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 2:12 PM CDT
Oh how cute you are Lacey Mae! I'm the mother of Dakota Hawkins who is also a patient at ACH. We are venturing to San Antonio early Wed. (tomorrow) for treatment of Dakota's GVHD. Hopefully we will see you there.
Prayers to you and your family.

Sharon Hawkins <hsdr@cebridge.net>
Cabot, Ar - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 10:21 AM CDT
You may get some rain from the hurricane, but SA is far enough in that you shouldn't be in danger of more than that.
We'll be praying for a safe trip full of healing. Do you know Dakota Hawkins? www.caringbridge.org/ar/keepthefaith/index.htm They are going to SA for treatment this week as well. Please pray for great healing for him as well. Hugs and prayers, Lis

Lis Geoghegan <liveinspirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 10:13 AM CDT
Please do not be afraid, I realize that a non related donor is a scary thought but God is in control. With Jordan's non related donor his was only a 3.4 out of a perfect 6 match. The Lord will protect Lacey and you during this journey of your lives. Dr. Wall and the staff at Methodist are wonderful. There will be a lot of care involved but being parents of "cancer kids" we are used to all the extra love and care that it takes to make our children "Cancer Free". I am so excited for you all, I know your nerves are shot because mine were and mine are now just waiting to go to texas ourselves. I am constantly keeping you and lacey and your family in our prayers. May the Lord bless you with a safe journey to Texas and a safe stay in Texas. If there are any questions, I may be able to answer please do not hesitate.

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:52 AM CDT
Dear Lacey and family
Just heard the good news. God works miracles and when he does, do they ever come as a blessing in many many ways. I am so glad that you got the phone call. We celebrated Jordan's two year transplant "brithday" on Saturday, September 17, 2005. His transplant took place on September 17, 2003 at approx. 9:30 a.m. We had a cake "shrek" and balloons. Now, I think my nerves will finally calm down after we get to Texas and come back home. Going out there always makes me nervous just like when we have to go to ACH for clinic. Well, Lacey hope you have a blessed and happy day. May the Lord be with you and your family during your trip to texas.

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Monday, September 19, 2005 8:38 AM CDT
I heard the good news. Taking pics of Lacey on Monday before you head off to Texas! Love you all...
Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, September 16, 2005 5:14 PM CDT
Hi Lacey! I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you. We all miss your smile around here in second grade and hope that soon you will be back here with us. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers as you prepare for your trip to San Antonio!
Love, Ms. Moore

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, September 16, 2005 3:31 PM CDT
Hi Lacey Mae and Family
Sorry to hear that you will have to wait another month to take your trip to San Antonio. We are praying that all goes well during this month!
Love, Nina

Nina Pudil <pudil2831@netzero.net>
Cedar Falls, IA USA - Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:48 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I am so glad that you are feeling well. I'll pray for your chemo to go quickly and easy for you. You and your Mom and family are always in my prayers. Miss you and love you. Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:39 AM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae! Just thinking about you today. I'm bringing my camera Monday so we can take pics. Miss you and am praying things speed along so you can get to Texas.
Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:12 AM CDT
Dear Lacey and family
I remember those set backs all too well. We have just gotten Jordan's October appointment approved through insurance other day. Like you said, it is the Lord's timing for Lacey to go to Texas. Insurance is good and bad in several ways, I think my ambition in life is to become and Insurance specialist so I can sit at a desk and stamp "approved" or disapproved" sort of like that credit card commercial telling everyone "no" ha ha. Just wanted to check in on you and hope you have a blessed day.

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:35 AM CDT
Hey Lacey and Family,
I just wanted to write and say Hi!!!! Joel and I are so happy to have made new friends! We had a lot of fun with ya'll this past week! Lacey, you are such a wonderful little girl, and I hold a very special place in my heart for you! Joel took my bracelet, so I need to get another one. He wears it everyday to support you! We are praying for you everyday! Oh yeah, Shelli, thanks again for the haircut!

Ashley Bennett <ashleydiggs2001@yahoo.com>
Franklinton, LA USA - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 2:07 PM CDT
We had a good trip home. We watched the video we recorded of you and Maeson Cole and we couldn't stop laughing. We got electricity Sunday afternoon. It is sooo nice. I'm going with Aunt Rose and Uncle Mike to New Mexico this weekend to see Jared. It's gonna be a long ride!! Well, I love you and I'll talk to you later. Tell, everyone we said hello and we love them. We'll call later.

Amber Vernon <doubletakeplus1@juno.com>
Franklinton, LA USA :-) - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 1:58 PM CDT
Hello Lacey,
It has been a while since I have wrote to you. I am back at school and really wishing that you were here in Ms. Moore's room with me. I think of your pretty smile and it makes me happy!! I have been checking your website and was glad to hear that you are feeling better. You are in all of our hearts and in all of our prayers. Stay strong, and God will do the rest!!
See you soon'
Mrs. Tina

Tina Wygal <twygal@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR usa - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 12:45 AM CDT
Still thinking of your family daily.
Brandy Haley <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, September 12, 2005 9:34 PM CDT
Still praying for all of you!
Lis Geoghegan <LiveInSpirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Monday, September 12, 2005 4:36 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I am so glad to hear that you are feeling so well. I think about you every day and check your website for updates. I am sending prayers and hugs your way every day. I miss you very much. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Friday, September 9, 2005 8:35 AM CDT
Dear Lacey

Just thought I would check in on you and your family. I know it is a hard just sitting around and waiting on insurance to do what they got to do, but like it happened for us, it will happen for you. They called me at work on August 28, 2003 telling us they had Jordan and stem cell donor and my husband left that night and Jordan and I left the next morning. We were on the 7:30 a.m. flight to San Antonio and by 3:00 p.m. on August 29, 2003 we were in San Antonio and August 30, 2003 we were hospital bound for about 2 1/2 months. We are thinking of you and like I tell Jordan every 17th of the month, we celebrate another month post transplant for Jordan we either gets cup cakes or a cake and ice cream. I tell him he has two birthdays one for which he was born and the other for when the Lord blessed him with a donor. You will be able to celebrate you birthday transplant date real soon. May the Lord bless you with a wonderful and happy day.

susan villareal
mother to Jordan villareal
September 17, 2005 will make 2 years post transplant

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 1:54 PM CDT
I have thought about you a lot! You are still on our prayer list at church (Calvary Baptist) and we pray for you often! I hope you have a great day! You and your family will continue to be in my prayers.

Justin Beth Woodard <justinbwoodard@yahool.com>
Warren, AR Bradley - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 8:18 AM CDT
Hi Lacey and Chelli! This is difficult for us that Caleb needs radiation before he heads to San Anton. but just 12 more and we are on our way. Save us a room!!! Chelli, we will need a coffee break when we meet yall over there. I will feel so relieved when Caleb is done and all is clear. Please pray for Caleb!!! Lacey Mae, lets play a deck of UNO cards!!! We love you all and will meet you there!!! Laurie and Caleb :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 8:07 PM CDT
It's us again, Lacey. We have more messages just for you!

Dear Lacey- We miss you very much. We will be glad when you come back. We love you! From Montana

Dear Lacey- We miss you very much. I hope you get to come to school this year. From Megan

Hi Lacey! How are doing? We are having fun over here! I hope you are having fun too. We had a fire drill this week. We are having free time now.WE MISS YOU! From Carlie

Dear Lacey- We miss you very much. I wish you could come back to school. From Reagan

Hi Lacey- Get well soon. We miss you. From Justin

Dear Lacey- We really miss you. We think about you a lot. We will always be your friends. From Deanna

Dear Lacey- We miss you so much. We want to see you so bad. You are my best friend. From Cassie

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
- Friday, September 2, 2005 1:10 PM CDT
Hi lacey! Here are a few notes from your classmates:

Dear Lacey- We're having fun at school today. We wish you were here, Lacey. I hope your're doing fine. From Jared

Hi Lacey! How are you doing? We miss you and we hope you will be back soon. Get well Lacey. I hope you are having a good time at home. Bye! From Bianca

Hi Lacey! I hope you are having fun. I hope you are feeling better! From Kaitlyn

Dear Lacey- We miss you. We love you, Lacey! From J'marea

Hey Lacey! I hope that you feel better. We do miss you. We want you to come to school and we will have lots of fun! From Adrienne

Angela Moore <ang99@seark.net>
- Friday, September 2, 2005 12:57 AM CDT
Hi Lacey Your class came to music today. I will be glad when you can come to music with them. I hope that you are feeling good and getting to sleep late every morning. Take care and know that I miss you very much. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, September 1, 2005 8:22 PM CDT
Dear Lacey

Just got to thinking about you. I hope your day is wonderful and full of joy. Do not be afraid of going to San Antonio, for it is a very wonderful hospital. You are going to really like Dr. Wall and the nurses there. Just remember if you are feeling up to it, we will come and visit you in October. May the Lord bless you with a wonderful and happy day.

susan villareal
jordan villareal's mother
September 17, 2005 will make 2 years since transplant

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, September 1, 2005 12:25 AM CDT
Hi, Lacey! I just wanted to let you know that y, August 22, 2005 0:08 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
It's been a while since I've had time to write. So much is going on around here! Uncle Tommy and Aunt Cathy were here Friday afternoon and they are supposed to come again today. We're really enjoying seeing them often. Hope things are going on schedule for your trip to Texas. Maybe I'll be able to get to San Antonio to visit with you and your mom. Take care, we care.
Love and kisses, Aunt Cecilia and Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
hi lacey! Youre web page is pretty cool, it is the first time I have been to see it in a while. I just wanted to drop by and say Hi and I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. Better go, Gavin is waking up and I have to start getting ready for church.
Aunt Kaci <kaci@startron.net>
Star CIty, AR USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 7:46 AM CDT
Dear Lacey and Family
I have not checked in for a few days but I have been on the phone with Tracy Torres (transplant coordinator) and dr. Wall at methodist hospital and our insurance getting everything ready for october. I really do not know what we are going to do about the cost of gas but the lord will provde us a way, he is wonderful and he will bless us with a way financially to get Jordan to Texas. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Jordan was suppose to start the ABC program at school tomorrow but they called and said the room is not ready so he will not start school until August 29, 2005. I am so glad that you are feeling so much better. If I did not tell you on Halloween the each floor has a halloween parade and all the children dress up and go from floor to floor getting all their halloween treat and goodies. Each child gets dressed up for Halloween. Dr, Wall and Dr, Grimley and all the nurses dress up and it is really nice. If by chance your not feeling up to going, someone is assigned your "goody bag" and after the parade they bring you your "goodies that they collected" Mona is a wonderful woman who we call "granny" she comes in each morning to bring books, toys etc. She is such a wonderful woman. Just talked to her a few minutes ago and I told her to keep a special eye out for when you get there. Well, got to go back to work. May the lord bless you with a wonderful and blessed day.

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, August 18, 2005 12:27 AM CDT
We are praying for you. I think your mother and my wife might be roomies in Texas. Well, not really roomies, but making the trip around the same time. Thats another prayer going up for your mother. ;-) Just kidding. My wife is really sweet and she just loves you. Get back on your feet so we can get this going. ok? ok.
Adam Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:58 AM CDT
You all are certainly in the center of my prayers. I know that God is already preparing things for yours and Laceymae's arrival in TX and He will watch over Tim and the boys too. I know it will be extremely hard to be apart from one another . Oh, but what a great reunion it'll be when you bring a healthy little lady home! Love, Lis

Lis Geoghegan <liveinspirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Monday, August 15, 2005 10:57 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I hope that you are feeling well today. I know that you are getting prepared to go to Texas in a couple of weeks. I will pray for your entire family during this time. Take care and I miss you very much. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:13 PM CDT
Lacey...We will all be praying for you and your Mom on your trip..
We love you!
Jesus loves you!

Grant, Alli, and Savannah's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Sunday, August 14, 2005 8:04 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Well another week has come and gone hasn't it? Seems the time just flies by! I was elated to hear of the update on your trip to Texas. Tell Mom to let us know the particulars and I will try my best to make a visit while you're there. Take care and know that there are lots and lots of folks thinking of and praying for you. Love you a lot.
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Saturday, August 13, 2005 11:27 PM CDT
Keep being strong and know we all love you here in Star City!

Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, August 13, 2005 5:39 PM CDT
Wow. I can't believe the cord blood transplant will be as early as beginning of September. That is wonderful news. Does the paperwork say how long the process will take and how long you will be in San Antonio? I pray God continues to watch over you during this procedure, since you will be the first recipient is the US to get this. You're always in my prayers and thoughts. I love you
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL US - Friday, August 12, 2005 5:59 PM CDT
Hi Lacey,

My name is Lacey too (but you're definitly the cuter one! :)). I'm 20 and live in CO. I linked to your site from another CB site and thought I'd sign your guestbook. You'll be in my thoughts and I'll be checking back for updates.

Take care,

Lacey <lil_turtle7@hotmail.com>
CO - Thursday, August 11, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
Dear Lacey, Mom and family, God is a great God and He will be with you every second of everyday. I am praying for you and I ask God to hold you in the palm of His hand. You are in our thoughts and prayers in Alabama! Safe trip and God bless!!
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 7:36 PM CDT
I am so excited that the time has come for you and Lacey to go to San Antonio. Do not be afraid but I know that is hard for I was a nervous wreck (still am) The one thing I did find out that the chemo that Jordan received in San Antonio was 100% more powerful than what he got in Arkansas. Jordan never lost his hair or got sick in Arkansas from chemo but once we got to Texas and he received 8 days of chemo, that is a whole different story. We are leaving for San Antonio on October 17, 2005 we have to be in clinic to see Dr. Wall on October 18, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. We will make a special visit to see you if Lacey is up to or allowed visitors. If you have any questions or concerns or just what to expect please let me know. This may be a long process and stay in Texas but always remember this is Lacey's chance of life and Dr. Wall will do her best to make Lacey healthy and a normal child like she deserves.

love susan villareal
jordan's mother

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:23 AM CDT
Hi Lacey Mae and Chelli - I have some t-shirts for your trip to San Antonio - they are from our CARTI Kids trip to San Antonio just last month - let me know what size you wear (they are children's sizes) and when you will be at Clinic and I will bring them to you. I'm sure you are nervous and excited about the trip (all at the same time) Just remember you have A WHOLE BUNCH of people praying for you!
Lisa Gondek, CARTI Kids volunteer <lgondek@aristotle.net>
Little Rock, AR - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 12:57 AM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae! I LOVED seeing you in clinic. It always makes me day to see you and get hugs. You have the best hugs! I'm going to miss you when you go to San Antonio, but know you are going to the best place. I'm sure Lacey Mae and Macie Shae will keep you company though. You better be sweet to them- they have social workers down there too! :)
Have a great day- love you!

Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 4:52 PM CDT
Hi Lacey Mae,
Just checked in to see how you are. Happy about the good counts, sad about the bad ones. I apologize to see that my last e-mail got on your web site twice. Don't know how I managed that, but am not too computer savvy, Hope you feel better today. -- Nina

Nina Pudil <pudil2831@netzero.net>
Cedar Falls, IA USA - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 2:52 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
I finally got a few minutes so I can write and let you know we haven't forgotten you. We have been visiting sick for the past month every chance we are off work. We even visited Uncle Tommy and Aunt Kathy Saturday! I hated hearing your counts were low but that usually happens doesn't it? We'll pray that all goes well with your next blood tests. You continue to be in our prayers and thoughts. Love you bunches.
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 4:14 PM CDT
Hi my sweetheart. Know it's rough when your blood and platlets are low and you can't do exactly what you want to do.But the good news is that it's usually only about 1 week long. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I love you my darling.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL US - Sunday, August 7, 2005 12:00 AM CDT
Hi Lacey Mae,
You are a real cutie! Love your Cabbage Patch Dolls. We gave one to our little great-granddaughter for Christmas last year. She is also a Neuroblastoma survivor. She is cancer free at this time. Melissa B. was diagnosed on September 20, 2002. Had her stem cell transplant April 10, 2003. At the present time she is cancer free. Praise the Lord! She was a stage III.
We live in Cedar Falls, Iowa, but do have family in Star City. I found your web site on Kaitlin's, from Australia, web site. What a small world!!!
You are in our prayers along with all other precious little people who have this nasty disease.
In Love and Prayers, Nina Pudil

Nina Pudil <pudil2831@netzero.net>
Cedar Falls, IA U.S,A, - Friday, August 5, 2005 7:41 PM CDT
Hi Lacey Mae,
You are a real cutie! Love your Cabbage Patch Dolls. We gave one to our little great-granddaughter one for Christmas last year. She is also a Neuroblastoma survivor. Melissa B. was diagnosed on September 20, 2002. Had her stem cell transplant April 10, 2003. At the present time she is cancer free. Praise the Lord! She was a stage III.
We live in Cedar Falls, Iowa, but do have family in Star City. I found your web site on Kaitlin's, from Australia, web site. What a small world!!!
You are in our prayers along with all other precious little people who have this nasty disease.
In Love and Prayers, Nina Pudil

Nina Pudil <pudil2831@netzero.net>
Cedar Falls, IA U.S,A, - Friday, August 5, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
Still praying for you!
Lis Geoghegan <liveinspirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Friday, August 5, 2005 5:06 PM CDT
Dear Lacey

Saw where you will be in Ms. Moore's class when school starts. She is my cousin and a wonderful teacher and you will "love her". She is so sweet and very nice. She really makes school fun. I hope you will have a blessed day. I forgot to tell you that in Texas there is a wonderful woman "Mona" that is the adoptive grandmother of the children on the Transplant floor and she comes around daily to bring toys, etc. She is so wonderful you will love her. If I had a scanner her at work I would send you a picture of her. There is also a PT there "fernando" he is also wonderful. You will really be in good hands in Texas. Jordan loved Texas for the "food" was great. They really make sure that the kids get whatever they want to eat. Jordan started getting "PBJ wraps" out there so now everyother night we make enough PBJ wraps to last for about 2 days. Well, better go and get back to work.

love susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
Hey Lacey
It was good to finally see you yesterday in clinic. Wish we would have had time to actually meet each other but we had a long day yesterday. Jordan's appointment was at 11:30 but it was not until 2:30 that we got to see Dr. Becton and it was about 4 when we got to leave. Everything is good, good report, now we are checking our list off getting ready to go to Texas. We do not go back to ACH until we get back from Texas. I got to try to call Dr. Wall today and see exactly how many days we will be out there. I hope everything went fine in clinic yesterday. Well, got to go get some work done. Hope you have a blessed and peaceful day.

love susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
Hey cutie girl! Glad you are doing good, just wanted you to know we are thinking of you and praying for you here in Alabama! Take care... ((BIG HUGS)) Patsy Whaley
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 11:35 PM CDT
Lacey, The new web site is just toooo cool!
We love you!

Grant, Alli, and Savannah

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:46 PM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae, I had so much fun racing down the hallway with you the other day. You are SPEEDY!! I'll see you in the clinic!!! Love you!!! _-Steph
Stephanie Messick <messicksa@archildrens.org>
little rock, ar - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 4:18 PM CDT
Hi, Lacey! I love your new website. It's awesome!!
I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm keeping you in my prayers.
Angie from Wisconsin (aunt Cinda's friend)

Angie Perkins <aperkins3@marykay.com>
Bristol, WI - Monday, August 1, 2005 8:32 AM CDT
Hello Tinker-Lacey!!!! What a great new background for your web site. I am so thankful that you are feeling well. I love to read your guestbook and check out all the far away places that have folks praying for you. You are famous all over the world. Have a great weekend with your family. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:46 PM CDT
I like your new website. It is very cool! I pray everything continues well for you!
Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:21 AM CDT
Hey Laceymae and Chelli!! I am so glad your week of chemo went smoothly. I pray the upcoming weeks will be an easy one for you all. Caleb is doing great!! Maybe ready for chemo week after next. Still anxious about getting the transplant done!! God can move mountains! I have seen it happen in Caleb and Cody's life. Pray and have faith this transplant will work for Caleb and Laceymae!!! Love you bunches!!! See ya soon!!! Laurie :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 9:49 PM CDT
Hi Lacey, it was so good to meet you and visit a little today - hope you had a good afternoon and I will look forward to another visit.

Hugs and Prayers,

Lisa Gondek <lgondek@aristotle.net>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, July 29, 2005 8:27 PM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae! I love your new site. Awesome. Have a good break from ACH- we'll miss you though. By the way- your green hair is crazy!
Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, July 29, 2005 11:46 AM CDT
Hey sweet girl, So glad you are doing well. We're definitely praying about your SA trip! I love the web page changes! Rain, rain go away, dear sweet Lacey wants to play...Love, Lis
Lis Geoghegan <liveinspirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Friday, July 29, 2005 11:21 AM CDT
Dear Lacey

I haven't checked in for a while but you have never been far from my heart, thoughts and prayers. I spoke to a few people other day about trying to get some help for you and your family and Jordan to help both of us when we go to San Antonio. Keep your fingers crossed that these people will help us. Tell your mother I said Hello. I am so glad that you are feeling so much better and that the cancer cells are going down. That is so so wonderful. We have to go to Hemoc clinic Tuesday at 11:30 will you be there? If you are maybe you and Jordan can finally meet each other. Jordan is going to get to go see the Wiggles August 9th, 2005. He loves the wiggles. Well, I am so glad that everything is going so well. Just remember you will love the nurses and Dr. Wall when you get to San Antonio. Traci Torez is the transplant coordinator and you will love her. DR. Wall is great. There are so many nurses there that you will just love. We will be out there in October for a week and if by chance your out there we will come by and see you. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

love susan villareal
mother to Jordan

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar 71667 - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:13 AM CDT
Hey Lacey!
I just love your new web page.. I haven't checked it in a while, since I have been able to see ya! I'm so glad that you had a blast at VBS, we are so glad that you and your brothers and cousin came. You are doing terrific! Keep up the good work. You know that you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. You keep fighting girlfriend.!!! Lots of love to ya! Mrs. Heather, Mr. David, Cody & Michaela

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:26 AM CDT
I'm glad you are feeling pretty good and met a friend at the clinic. That always helps to make the time go by. I hope you keep on doing well.
Denise Ward <deniward@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:26 PM CDT
I just found your site and wanted to say how beautiful Lacey is! :) I'm glad the counts were good this time and I hope that she continues to do well.
Sara and ~Emily~ <waffle13@sbcglobal.net>
Angels on Earth, - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 12:06 AM CDT
Hello Lacey! I just found your site and wanted to tell you that I will be keeping you in my prayers. You have the best smile and I just love your freckles! So cute!! Take care!
Melinda~~Angels on Earth~~ <melinda_isaac@hotmail.com>
Tampa, FL - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:42 AM CDT
We are friends of little Mitchel Baughman who is at St. Jude's and just want you to know that we are praying for you from Oklahoma. God is GOOD, ALL the time!
Ian & Deanna McDonald and family <deannam@cableone.net>
Bartlesville, OK USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:38 AM CDT
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:29 AM CDT
I just found your site from some friends of mine and I wanted to come by to say hello!! You are sure a strong and beautiful girl!! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Jennifer ~Angels On Earth~ <pinkribbonmom@gmail.com>
Loveland, CO - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:51 PM CDT
Hi Lacey & Chelli,

I'm a friend of Caleb, Cody, Laurie and Adam Sims and want to wish you hugs and prayers for continued success. I hope I will be able to meet you sometime when I am up visiting Caleb and a few other friends.

Hugs and Prayers,

CARTI Kids Volunteer

Lisa Gondek <lgondek@aristotle.net>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:44 PM CDT
Lacey Lu, How are you cat woman? It was great to see you at church on Sunday! You all did such a great job. Did you get to play your game yet? If so, how did you like it? Tell mom as soon as she has those pics to bring them to me so we can get them on your site ok... Hope all is well with all of you... Lots of love Mrs. Christy, Mr. Steve, Mandi, & Logan
Christy Ballard <ballard@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:34 PM CDT
G'day Lacey
Just wanted you to know we came by to see your lovely smile again. You've certainly captured a piece of my heart beautiful girl.
Love Colleen - Kaitlyn's mum


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:25 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Your new web page is great! I was impressed at the different places you got messages from. Wow, even as far away as Canada! Way to go Girlfriend!!!!!!!!!! Glad to hear that the counts are up enough for you to get treatments again. We're pulling for you brave girl.
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:58 PM CDT
Hey Lacey,
This is the Taylor family from Downsville,we check up on you all the time,as well as praying for you daily. We are interested in buying some bracelets from you. You can e-mail us at dwnsvll@aol.com.

Doug <dwnsvll@aol.com(caringbridge.org/la/princessashley)>
Downsville, LA USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 5:51 PM CDT
Hey Lacey, I love the new web page! It looks great! I am thinking of you! Stay sweet! Love you, Stephanie
Stephanie Dyer <stephldyer@yahoo.com>
LR , AR - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 2:00 PM CDT
Lacey..love the new page..Grant and Alli love the bear shaking his "booty"..
We love you..
Stay stong!!
God Bless!
Grant, Alli, and Savannah's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR uSA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
I found your site from Angels on Earth. I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for your AMAZING strong princess warrior!!!

Sara *Angels on Earth* <mthoroughman@verizon.net>
Seminole, FL - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:55 AM CDT
Hey girl! It was great to see you yesterday! Johnathan's lip is fine, so do not feel bad! He soon forgot about it and went on his way!! I am praying for you all the time and I know you are strong enough to make it through it all!! Hey Mom if you need to talk just give me a call or drop a line and we can "hash" it out! ha ha My number is 501-332-6705 or juern97@yahoo.com Love you both! Take care and thanks for the fun and laughter!! Love ya Julie
Julie Prado <juern97@yahoo.com>
Malvern , AR US - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:27 AM CDT
What a beautiful and strong girl Lacey is. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Angela ~Angels on Earth *- -HEATHER GRACE

natick, ma - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:07 AM CDT
I just came across your site. Lacey is in my prayers.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:37 AM CDT
I was just introduced to your site. I hope that the chemo does it's job and gets the cancer OUT. That's good news though that there isn't too much cancer. I'll be thinking of you!
Kari (Angels On Earth) <zfamily00@hotmail.com>
Wauwatosa, WI - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:04 AM CDT
Hugs and prayers coming from Virginia!
Carole <cmfranklyn@yahoo.com>
Springfield, VA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:01 AM CDT
What a beautiful little girl and how brave you are. All the best to you and big hugs from Canada.
Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:41 AM CDT
I'm praising the Lord for the great scan results.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Monday, July 25, 2005 11:29 PM CDT
Hey Chelli and Lacy Mae!!! Praise God for GREAT results from the scans!!! I love the web!!! So cute! Caleb may be going to the clinic Friday for Blood. We are getting ready for transplant!!! See ya soon! I'm glad LaceyMae is having a wonderful time!! Love you all bunches!! Laurie :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:10 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
I'm finally getting around to writing a note. It sure was good seeing you the other weekend. You were in great form! Hope all goes well today at the clinic. Looking forward to seeing you swim next time I come up. You remain in our prayers. Love to all, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:22 AM CDT
Hey girl! I was so excited that you got such a good report at the doctor. It sounds like you are having a great summer. We had VBS a couple of weeks ago. Savannah had a lot of fun like you are. I love you bunches!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Saturday, July 23, 2005 4:17 PM CDT
HI Lacey
Aren't you just gorgeous!
We will add you to our NB list of great kids.
Love Colleen and Kaitlyn


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Friday, July 22, 2005 11:44 PM CDT
Dear Lacey

I am so glad that you are feeling better. My little boy used to tell me that he "felt yucky before blood and plaletes" but afterwards he would always say "can we go to krispy kreme" that is when I knew they were doing what they were suppose to do. We will also be going to San Antonio in October for Jordan's dr. appointment. You are going to love Dr. Wall and the nursing staff. There is a PC there Fernando (Jordan loves him) we call him about 3 times a month. Don't be scared, you are going to be fine and love the nursing staff. The rooms are so big and if you love a big bathroom well you will have a big bathroom all to yourself. At Halloween all the floors in the hosptial have a halloween parade and all the children from each floor get together and dress up and go from one floor to the other getting candy, toys,etc. Let your mommy know that every other monday, there is a parent session, where she can go eat pizza, etc, and get to know and talk to all the other parents there. This really helped me with Jordan. We will definetly make it to see you when we get to San Antonio. Praise the Lord that you are feeling so good. Continue to smile that beautiful smile and remember you are almost there, not too much longer and all this will be behind you.

love susan villareal
mother to jordan villareal dx JMML 2003
2003 stem cell implant
september 17, 2005 (2 year anniversary)

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Friday, July 22, 2005 1:21 PM CDT
Hello Lacey: From one cancer survivor to another, hang in there girl. I've been fighting breast cancer for 14 years.
I'm on my first regememt of chemo at the present time. I'm not so great at the computer so I hope I'm doing this right. Good luck with all your future treatments, I pray for you each night since your grandmother told me about you. You can e-mail me your updates. I am your grandmother's godchild. Best of luck Lacey.

Neila Bourg Swann <neilma2000@yahoo.com>
Luling, LA - Thursday, July 21, 2005 5:00 PM CDT
Hi Lacey Great news on the good report!!! I hope that you continue to feel well. Have fun playing Dogopoly! Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:47 AM CDT
Thank goodness for great news! I just wanted to say and let you know that I have been thinking about you all! I just want to echo what Carrie wrote -- who is watching the girls while you are swimming? Love all of the new pictures -- you look great Lacey Mae! Can't wait to see you when I get back from this "great adventure" we are on!
Kori Gordon <tennishog@hotmail.com>
Santa Monica , CA - Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:03 AM CDT

You are a beautiful little girl! I love your smile! I am so happy your chemo is working. When I had chemo, I imagined there was a pacman figure inside me and it was eating all of the bad stuff up! Good luck, I am praying for you!

Jan Walker <jan.walker@cancer.org>
Little Rock, AR USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:08 AM CDT
Wonderful news!!!! Keep being that strong little girl Lacey!
Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:38 AM CDT
Grant, Alli, and Savannah's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:32 PM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae! I love your new pictures. What a cutie! Who was watching Lacey Mae and Macy Shae while you were swimming? :)
Just thinking about you today and looking foward to seeing you next time you come.

Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:37 AM CDT
Hi. I just wanted to say I've been thinking of you and praying for you. I hope you got good news after your scans yesterday. We love you.
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:05 AM CDT
Hey Lacey and Chelli!! I have been thinking about you today!! I pray that everything went well with the scans!! Love ya bunches!! Laurie :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Monday, July 18, 2005 9:33 PM CDT
Lacey just checking in to see how you are feeling today!
We love ya!
Grant, Alli, and Savannah's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Monday, July 18, 2005 8:11 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I am so glad that you are feeling well. The Dogopoly game sounds like a lot of fun. Do you think that there is a Catopoly, also???? I hope that your appointment goes well for you on Monday. You are always in my prayers. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, July 16, 2005 10:53 AM CDT
Hey girl, Dogopoly? I am intrigued! So glad you are feeling pretty well. Still praying! Big hugs will be sent your way Monday! Love, Miss Lis
Lis Geoghegan <liveinspirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Friday, July 15, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
Hey! Dogopoly, that sounds interesting!! Sounds like you are staying busy and having fun! I will be thinking about you and praying for a good scan! Love you bunches!!! Mrs. Marche'
Marche' Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Friday, July 15, 2005 4:45 PM CDT
Lacey, love the new picture.. You look beautiful! Hope the scan goes realy good!
love ya bunches!!!!
Grant, Alli, and Savannah's Grammy

kay brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 3:09 PM CDT


PLAQUEMINE, LA U.S.A. - Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
I love your new pictures on the website Lacey! Looks like you are having a wonderful summer!
Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:33 AM CDT
It sounds like you had a big time at Maeson's birthday party! Tell him I said "Happy Birthday!" I hope you have a very fun and relaxing week. I will be praying that your scan on Monday goes well. I love you and miss you! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
Star Ctiy, AR - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:51 PM CDT
Hey Chelli and Lacey!! I will be praying for you on the 18th!! Have faith those scans are clear!! Have been thinking about you today!! Take care and will be praying for great results!! I know, I am always nervous when Caleb has his scans done. I bite my nails so bad! Cody,Caleb and me love you all!!! Laurie :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:45 PM CDT
Dear Lacey

I am so glad that you enjoyed the birthday party. I am also glad that you are doing so so well. We are planning to return to San Antonio the week of October 17, 2005, this will be Jordan's 2 year transplant check up. Thought about you yesterday, we were at ACH had several doctor's appointment. Jordan had to get his eyes dilated and that was not good but with the Lord's will we survived!!! Jordan was diagnosed on March 4, 2003 and we left for San Antonio on August 28, 2003. They called use on August 27, 2003 and said we would be leaving out the next morning at 7:00 a.m. my husband left about 3 hours after we got the call so he could be at the motel and air port when we got there. Dr. Wall and Dr. Grimley and the staff there are wonderful. The Bone Marrow department is wonderful. They took such great care of us. I do not know if you have had the chance to meet Dr. Wall but she is a wonderful, down to earth, brillant and straight to the point woman and doctor. What really surprised me the most was we were out there during Thanksgiving and we went to her house for Thanksgiving dinner. That really helped our spirits so much. She made us feel so welcomed. We finally got to come back home on December 14, 2003 just enough time for Jordan to spend Christmas with his family. I am so glad that you are doing so well. I am constantly praying for you and your family. I know this is a very hard time but you are so strong and have so many prayers going out for you that the Lord has something so so special planned for you. Please if there is anything I can do please let me know. May the lord bless you and your family with another wonderful day.

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
Hey Lacey, GREAT news that you get a break from the shots. I marked the 18th on my calendar and will keep trusting God to make you well. I hope you were able to go to VBS and if it didn't work out I know that you and Mom found something even better to do at home. So glad you are doing better. Keep the faith. Hugs, Miss Lis
Lis Geoghegan <liveinspirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 7:51 PM CDT
Dear Lacey

I am sorry that I have not written to you in a while but since school is out we have been going to ACH every Tuesday for speech theraphy and with myself working two jobs, there just is not enough hours in a day to do everything that I would like to get done. I am so glad that you had a good 4th of July. I think of you often and hope you are doing well. Jordan always asked me about you. I thank God every minute of the day for allowing yourself and Jordan and other cancer kids a "Good Day". Just wanted to let you know we are constantly praying for you and your family as well as the doctors at ACH "Hemoc Clinic" for God will continue to bless them with the knowledge and ability to cure this terrible disease. May the lord bless you with a wonderful day.

susan villareal mother to jordan villareal
dx JMML 3-05-03
transplant 9-17-03

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Monday, July 11, 2005 11:22 AM CDT
Hey Lacey!!! It was great to see you the other day! We are always thinking about you and remembering the hall fun we had! I will be praying for you often and hope everything goes well from here on out! I know you are a great, strong, beautiful girl and that God will help you in all the ways you need, when you need it!! Keep in contact and let us know how things are going. I will check your site often and see what Mom has to say! Be good and do not let all those boys have the run of the house! ha ha Love to all of you and be strong! Glory be to God for all he has done and will do to help you through this! If you ever need us, just call or write and we will get back to you as soon as possible!!! If you need anything let us know and we will see what we can do to help! Love you all! Remember Philippians 4:13! Love Johnathan Prado's family, Ernie, Julie, Megan, Liagh, and of course, Johnathan!
Julie Prado <juern97@yahoo.com>
Malvern, AR US - Sunday, July 10, 2005 9:30 PM CDT
Hey Lacey! I just got back from Branson on Friday and am just now able to check your website. I hope you are getting some more energy! Sounds like you had a great 4th! I hope your week has gone well. Love you lots!! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Sunday, July 10, 2005 9:11 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Just wanted you to know we are thinking about you and praying as hard as we can. How did your visit to the hospital go today? Did they give you whole blood? Wish there were something I could do but I can't. All I can do is pray and let you know just how precious you are to us. Keep up the fight, I know you are a tough girl.
Love and Kisses to you and your family,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Friday, July 8, 2005 12:53 AM CDT
Lacey Mae-
I am so happy you had a good 4th of July! Sounds like you are doing really well. I have been thinking about you and hoping that you are having a happy summer! From your pictures it looks like you are! Keep that pretty smile on your face! Miss you! Love, Steph

Stephanie Dyer <stephldyer@yahoo.com>
- Friday, July 8, 2005 8:39 AM CDT
Hi Lacey Your 4th celebration sounded like lots of fun. We had fireworks for Havana, too. We spent the day swimming and eating before the firework show. I hope that you continue having a great time watching movies. Havana and I love to watch "Princess Bride" and Annabelle's Wish". We have seen both of those at least 10 times Just this summer!!! Take care and just soak in all the thoughts and prayers that folks are sending to you. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 10:01 PM CDT
Hey Lacey, So glad you are feeling pretty well and enjoying yourself. I grew up in Pennsylvania and we wouldn't have had any idea what to do with a crawfish! Ick, they are like big bugs. :) Do they taste like chicken? Seems like you had a blast with them though. Keep getting better! Praying for you lots! Hugs, Lis
Lis Geoghegan <LiveInSpirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 7:18 PM CDT
Hey Laceymae!! Hope you all are having a great weekend!! Happy 4th!! I had to show the pics to Adam, he thought they were great!! He loves crawdeads!!! We love you all!! Laurie, Cody, Caleb, Adam
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Sunday, July 3, 2005 2:39 PM CDT
Hey Lacey! I am glad to hear that you are feeling good. I love the new pictures. I hope you have a terrific 4th of July. Enjoy all the fireworks. I love you very much! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Saturday, July 2, 2005 7:54 AM CDT
Hey Laceymae and Chelli! I love those pics!! Crawdeads? yuk! Girl,your tough! It was great to see you all today! Maybe we will see you again. Take care and still praying for you! Laurie,Caleb,Cody :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 6:53 PM CDT
My sweetheart. I can really see by your new picture you are enjoying those crawfish. I also see Uncle Tommy in the background. You are doing so very good. I am so pleased and proud of you. Keep up your spirits and treatments. I love you and hope to see you soon.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 7:53 AM CDT
Hey Lacey!
I'm so glad that you are feeling better! I love your pictures.. You sure did have fun that day and eat a lot of crawfish. They were soooo good, huh? We will have to do that again sometime soon. Thanks for the chip yesterday. Well, I have to get Michaela up and ready, Cody spent the night with his mamaw. I hope everything continues to go well with you and keep on being strong. Much love to you. Mrs. Heather, Mr. David, Cody & Michaela

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Friday, July 1, 2005 7:08 AM CDT
Hi Lacey I love your new pictures on your website. I am glad that you are getting to swim again. Have fun in the pool and inside playing games. I think about you every day and you are always in my prayers. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:18 AM CDT
Well hi Girlfriend. Boy those sure are some jazzy pictures of you on the web site. I really like the do rag! Thing I could borrow it sometime? Glad to hear that you are doing better. With everyone praying for you, how could you not? Take care and know that we care lots.
Love and Kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Lacey Lu, CAT WOMAN!
Hey Sweetie, How are you? I hope all is well. I have you a special gift I need mom to send me your address. I love the new pictures on your site. For some reason I have those same pictures on my computer. HaHaHaHa maybe it’s because they were made with my camera. Keep in touch. You are in our prayers....Lots of Love, Mrs. Christy, Mr. Steve, Mandi, & Logan

Christy Ballard <ballard@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 6:28 PM CDT
Lacey, it is great to hear you will get to swim again! Alli and Grant are wanting to get in the pool today! I got Alli a new swimming jacket she wants to try out! Savannah watched her Uncle Scott swim yesterday and every time he dived, she squatted down and pretended she was diving and just laughed! Keep getting better every day! Enjoy those fireworks! Jesus loves you! Alli, Grant and Savannah's Grammy
Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 9:07 AM CDT
I am glad to hear you are feeling better. I bet that pool is going to feel great!! I miss you!! Take care of yourself! Tell Mom and Dad I said hello!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Tuesday, June 28, 2005 12:46 AM CDT
Hey girl, Sounds like you are doing better. I'm so glad that you can get out some and that soon you can swim again. Keep fighting and praying! Hugs, Lis
Lis Geoghegan <LiveInSpirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 12:21 AM CDT
Hi Lacey. I pull up your Website each day to check on you and glad to know that things are going well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care.
Tammy Dutton <Tammy@GreenLandandTitle.com>
Star City, AR - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:59 AM CDT
Hey Lacey!! Hope your doing well!! Just thinking about you all. Maybe we will be neighbors in San Antonio! Love you all and praying for you. Laurie :) and Caleb
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 10:18 PM CDT
Lacey, It is really hot now isn't it? Staying inside is a great idea! Hope everything is going okay for you!You are such a hero to all of us! Jesus loves you! Take care!
Grant, Savannah, and Alli's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 7:32 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
I have been wanting to write you but time just seems to slip away and I have no idea where it goes. We are looking forward to visiting your grandma, Aunt Cinda, Uncle Tom & Uncle Sid this Saturday. We are planning to head that way right after church and come home Saturday night. It's been quite a while since we all got together. Are you and your family going to be at the Condo? Hope the treatments are going well and that your counts get better. Hope we can make it up to Arkansas soon. I miss you Girlfriend!
Love and Kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 6:42 PM CDT
Hey Lacey!
I am so glad to hear that you are feeling a little better. Sorry it has been a while since I wrote last, but we have been really busy. Cody has been playing ball, or having practice. It is always something. We were gone to Lake Nimrod this weekend. That is what Cody wanted to do for his birthday. We had a good time. I hope that before long you can get back outside and go fishing too. I know that you all like to do that. I hope and pray that you are back to your normal self before too long, running, jumping and just having a good time. Well, you know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers every day. I guess that I better go, I will try to do better in writing to you. Much love to you. Mrs. Heather

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Monday, June 27, 2005 6:07 AM CDT
Hi Lacey I saw more pictures of you in the newspaper this week. They were great pics!!!! I will be thinking of you and praying for you as you go back to Little Rock. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:58 PM CDT
Hey sweet girl! I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. I hope today has been a better day for you. I am going to Louisiana this weekend, so I will check in with you when I get back. I love you very much!!!
Love, Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:06 PM CDT
Hope you are feeling better today!
Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 1:24 PM CDT
Hi Lacey, My name is Lis and Caleb Simms' mom told me about your need for prayer and directed me to your web page. You are very brave! I hope you are feeling better today; that that nasty headache would just go away. I have been a prayer warrior along with many others for Dakota Hawkins, a young boy who had Leukemia. God has wiped out his leukemia and he is getting stronger everyday. It
has been and will continue to be a great battle for him to win, but I know that God has done a huge miracle in his life. God will touch you and heal you too. Try to make the best of this down, indoor time! I'll pray for you bunches and check on you regularly. Hugs, Lis

Lis Geoghegan <LiveInSpirit@aol.com>
Cabot, AR - Thursday, June 23, 2005 9:43 AM CDT
Wow, Lacey! You are a LOT braver than I am when it comes to getting shots! I am not a bit surprised at your courage. You have already shown us what a toughie you are!!! Have a good week watching movies and making crafts with your Mom. Take care and know that I am praying for you. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:15 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Hope the platelets help so that you can get better soon. I know you won't miss being outside especially with the heat. Just knowing I have to go out to work everyday in all that heat is discouraging but I have to work. Hope your counts come up soon so that you can get back to the things you really enjoy doing. I'm looking forward to seeing the things you create during this in time.
Hugs and Kisses from both Uncle Alvin & I.
Aunt Cecilia

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Monday, June 20, 2005 10:08 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I'm sooooo glad to hear that things are going well for you as you go through the chemo thing. Stay cool and have fun with Mom as you play inside. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, June 19, 2005 7:09 PM CDT
Hey girl! I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. I will pray that it continues. You are such a brave little girl!! Keep your spirits ups! I love you very much!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Sunday, June 19, 2005 4:02 PM CDT
Morning my sunshine. Hope the platlets are helping to bring up your counts. Staying inside won't be that bad, especially if it is hot down there right now. Playing games, doing art work or needlework, and watching good movies will keep you quite occupied. Time passes quicker than you realize. Praying for you constantly, and selling your bracelets. Love to you
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 12:11 AM CDT
Morning my sunshine. Hope the platlets are helping to bring up your counts. Staying inside won't be that bad, especially if it is hot down there right now. Playing games, doing art work or needlework, and watching good movies will keep you quite occupied. Time passes quicker than you realize. Praying for you constantly, and selling your bracelets. Love to you
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 12:11 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Well you've had a few days of chemo so I hope you are still doing well. Hope you don't get sick to the stomach or anything like that. I pray for you each and every day that The Lord sends. You are really an inspiration to so many folks who know you and what you have been through. Keep that pretty smile (it's such a winning smile) always. Both Uncle Alvin & I send much love and lots of kisses. Hope to see you soon.
Aunt Cecilia

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 9:33 PM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae,
I hope that your Chemo is going good. I haven't gotten to talk to mamaw or your mom this week, it's been really busy at the bank. I have been checking your website, tho'. Well, I do hope and pray that all is going well with Chemo. You are a fighter and I know that everything will be A-o.k. Much love to you.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:54 PM CDT
Hey Lacey! I am so glad to hear that you started your chemo. I hope things are still going well. I saw your beautiful picture in the paper today!! It has been such a busy summer already! I am hoping things will slow down and I will be able to come and visit you! Tell Mom and Dad I said hello! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <Mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:06 PM CDT
Hi Lacey, I was so happy to see you at the Relay. I miss you and hope you are feeling good and I hope your chemo is going good too. You can write me back sometime if you feel like it. Love Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn McKinzie <cornervillequeen@yahoo.com>
Star City, Ar usa - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:17 PM CDT
I am glad to hear that you are doing well! I am praying for you and your family! Let me know if there is a good time to visit you while you are in LR! Hope to see you soon! Miss you!
Love, Stephanie

Stephanie Dyer <stephldyer@yahoo.com>
LR, AR - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 12:44 AM CDT
Hi Lacey Good to hear that you have started your chemo again. I will be praying that it goes really easy for you and your Mom. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 7:50 PM CDT
Dear Lacey

I am so glad to hear that your platletts were up enough so that you can start "chemo". I remember having to wait approval for jordan's stem cell implant, it seemed like time stood still waiting for the news. Jordan's stem cell came from Europe (it was unrelated) then we had to wait for test results to make sure that it was going to be a match. Jordan's stem cell was only a 3.4 out of a perfect 6. With the God's greatness everything worked out good. I pray everynight that you wake up each morning feeling better than the next. Please tell your mother hello and I know deep down that God is watching over you and Jordan and when you turn into adults there will be nothing that you both can not do if you put your mind through it. I am so touched by your strength, courage and spirit. You are a wonderful little girl who has a full healthy life waiting for you. If there are people out there that does not know how strong and powerful the healing of God is just have them look at you and my son. You two are so special and I am so happy that you are feeling better and getting this chemo treatment out of your way. Dr. Saeler is a wonderful doctor. I thank God every minute of the day for blessing you both with a wonderful day. Keep on smiling for brighter days are just around the corner. Just think this time next year, all this will be behind you and can really enjoy your summer vacation. Please if there is anything I may can do, please let me know. We go to ACH every Tuesdays for speech theraphy and if you and your family need anything please let me know.

May the Lord bless you with a wonderful day

susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com.>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:36 AM CDT
Hey, Lacey. I am sooo glad you are doing great!!! You are truely an angel!!! Keep on smiling! Tell your mom, I said hello. Hope to ya'll soon.

Love ya,
Beth and family

Beth Price <bptprice@yahoo.com>
Winnsboro, LA USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:10 AM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae!!! I hope your week will be a pleasant one! Going to San Antonio? You never know we may be neighbors over there supporting each other! Praying for you and your parents! Hang in there and give all the nurses big hugs for us!! They are such a joy to Caleb!! Love ya!! Laurie and Caleb www.caringbridge.org/ar/caleb
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 11:00 PM CDT
Hey Lacey!
I am so glad that you got to start your chemo today. You know that I told you yesterday that you better hurry up and quit waiting around.hahaha I hope that all goes well with the chemo. I know that it will because you are a fighter. Tell your dad and Shawn and Corey that we missed them yesterday. We will pray that the transplant will be approved here in the US so that you might be able to get what you need to make you all better and fast. Mr. David said to tell Ellie Mae and Bob hi, so Hi. He is soooo goofy, huh? We love you Lacey and hope that everything comes out great. Tell mom and dad to hang in there. Much love to you! Mrs. Heather, Mr. David, Cody and Michaela

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Monday, June 13, 2005 9:35 PM CDT
Hi Lacey. This is Hunter Haley. Wasn't the relay for life fun last weekend. Hope you are having fun being out of school like I am. Keep getting better.
Hunter Haley
Star City, AR 71667 - Saturday, June 11, 2005 9:08 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I saw your picture in the newspaper. You were the "Belle of the Ball" at the relay for life!!! I am so proud to know such a celebrity. Hope that you are having a great week. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar 71667 - Friday, June 10, 2005 1:37 PM CDT
I am going to have faith that you will get your chemo next week!!! I hope you are having a good week. Are you spending all you time in the pool? I know I would be! Love you lots, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, June 8, 2005 4:51 PM CDT
Lacey, sounds like you are off to a busy summer. Take care and keep cool! You are so brave!! Jesus loves you! We are always praying for you!
Love you lots! Grant, Alli, and Savannah's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 11:03 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie, I was looking at the journal entries and realized I had not written since May. Shame on me! We sometimes get so busy that the time goes by and we aren't sure where it went. I was happy to see a note to you from Romania. Wow! You really are popular, Girlfriend!!!! Think you might be a movie star someday? Your winning smile will knock the socks off some boy before we know it! How could anyone resist you when you smile at them? Glad to hear that you are getting in a lot of swimming and playing. All young people should enjoy their childhood because before you know what happened you are in the age group needing to work for a living. What a crock!!!! I wish I could go back to your age! Man would I play and have a good time! Take care of yourself my sweet pea. Hope all goes well next week.
We love you a whole bunch.
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 9:55 PM CDT
Dear Lacey
I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. Keep it up baby, everyday that you feel good is truly a Blessed Day. My little boy Jordan went to San Antonio, Texas for his stem cell implant. We left on August 28, 2003 and returned to Arkansas on December 16, 2003. We go every October to see Dr. Donna Wall and Dr. Grimely and staff at Methodist Children's Hosptial. We will be returning to Texas to see Dr. Wall during the Week of October 7, 2005 for Jordan's 2 year post transplant check up. If you and your family are out there and things are going good and you can have visitors we would love to come and see you. Jordan is going to get to go to the SBC center in San Antonio and meet the players of the Spurs basketball team. He is looking forward to that. Well, Lacey may the Lord bless you with another wonderful day. I am so please that you are feeling so good. There is not a minute of the day that goes by that I do not think and say a prayer for you.

love your arkansas JMML family
susan villareal mother to Jordan 20 months and 20 days post transplant and counting

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 12:35 AM CDT
Hi Lacey I hope that you have rested from your fun weekend. It sounds as if you had a LARGE time!!! Aisha Cook requested prayer for you in our worship service on Sunday. Just wanted you to know that you are still in my thoughts and prayers. Have a good week, tutti-fruit! Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 8:27 AM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae and Chelli!! Laurie here (Caleb's mom) so glad to see you today! Lacey, your smile, I know your parents love to see that smile!! See you soon! Lots of prayers! Laurie :)
Laurie <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 10:35 PM CDT
Hope your doctors appointment went well today. Thank you for being the honorary chair at the Relay Friday. I'm glad you came and hung out with us all night. I loved your purple mask!

Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 9:51 PM CDT
I saw you at Log A Load and you are a very sweet, beautiful girl!!! I wish everyone was as strong and brave as you!! You're in my prayers!!

Katie Thornton <kmt0120@uamont.edu>
Warren, AR 71671 - Monday, June 6, 2005 3:56 PM CDT
Hey Sweet Girl,
I am so happy that you are doing so well! Sounds like you have been busy and having a great time while you are at it!!! I miss you and am praying for you! Tell your family hello for me! :)
Love, Stephanie

Stephanie Dyer <stephldyer@yahoo.com>
LR, AR - Monday, June 6, 2005 11:43 AM CDT
Hey Girlfriend!! I think we have finally recooperated from Relay. We had a Blast staying up all night, huh? You are too funny when you are tired. I guess that we all are, huh? Anyway, I am so glad to see you having a good time, laughing and playing. I hope that all goes well today at the doctor and pray that your counts are up. Well, I better go! Much love to you! Mrs. Heather

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Monday, June 6, 2005 6:00 AM CDT
Hey Lacey! I think I might have recovered from the Relay! I was so glad to see you there and see you having soooooo much fun!!! You made me tired just watching you run around!! I hope I get to come by and see you this summer. Can you believe you are a second grader now!!! WOW!!! Love you very much!!! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <Mbrown@Starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Sunday, June 5, 2005 8:35 PM CDT
Hey, Sweetie! Hope you are having a good day today. I just found your webpage today, now I have a new friend! You will be in my prayers every day. God Loves You!!

sharon balentine <zebkatie22@sbcglobal.net>
warren, ar usa - Sunday, June 5, 2005 8:16 PM CDT
Chuck,Jennifer,Cody,Chase,and Chandler Harrod <baptist4u@yahoo.com>
Oradea, Romania - Sunday, June 5, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
Lacey Lu, Hey Cat Woman! How are you? It was AWESOME having you around last night. You sure had a great time being cat woman, didn’t you? I think when you get tired you get delirious like the rest of us…. Tell Mom & Dad Hi for me. You keep smiling and remember we love you very much. Mr. Steve, Mrs. Christy, Mandi, Logan
CHRISTY BALLARD <ballard@seark.net>
STAR CITY, AR - Saturday, June 4, 2005 3:45 PM CDT
Hey Lacie,
You are a very beatiful young lady and I love stuffed animals as I see that you do too. I am praying for you and I want you to pray for me also.

Marsha Miller,RN,BSN <mmillerrn71671@yahoo.com>
Warren, AR USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 2:34 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I just wanted to tell you to have a great time tonight at the Relay for Life. I am so proud of you. Have fun!! Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Friday, June 3, 2005 9:34 AM CDT
We are believing for your healing! We will have others praying for you too!

Myers Ministries <myersmin@sat-co.net>
Hermitage, AR USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 10:39 PM CDT
Lacey, It sounds like you are very are a very busy little lady! Today I kept Savannah, Grant, and Alli Beth! I was a little busy also, but we had a great time! While Ms. Marche' is at the Relay for Life tomorrow night,Savannah and I are going to a ballgame! Fun, huh! She is a silly little girl! She likes to show you she is "1"!! Don't forget..we love you and pray for you every day! God Bless you! Love from Grant, Alli, and Savannah's Grammy
kay brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:45 PM CDT
Lacey, I have heard alot about you! You are an awesome and strong kid. You are wonderful and have inspired so many people. Keep it up! You are one of God's children and everything is in his hands.
Cassidy Herring <cbh2117@uamont.edu>
Warren, AR USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:06 PM CDT
Lacey, Thank you SO very much for being the Honorary Chair of the Relay for Life! You inspire so many people. I am proud of everything you are doing and congratulate you for sharing your beauty and bravery with all of us.
Tonya Hyatt <tgrayhyatt@aol.com>
Sherwood, AR US - Thursday, June 2, 2005 4:34 PM CDT
Keep up the fight. God is good!
Maribeth Gambill <rmgambill@sbcglobal.net>
Warren, AR USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 3:41 PM CDT
Hi Lacey!
Just wanted to let you know I think about you a lot. You are still in my prayers and so many others. I hope you have a great day today!
Justin Beth Woodard

Justin Beth Woodard <justinbwoodard@yahool.com>
Warre, AR - Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:24 AM CDT
Hi Lacy, I am so proud to hear that you are the Honorary Chair for the Lincoln Co Relay For Life....from what I hear, there couldn't be a more special girl for the job. I also heard that you went to Disney World. Wow....one of my fovorite places to go. I love Space Mountain....and the yummy food too. Did you eat one of those Mickey Mouse ice cream bars? I'd love to hear all about your trip. Have a wonderful time on Friday at the Relay! I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. I know you will get better very soon! Keep smiling, pretty girl.
Laura Vaughn (American Cancer Society employee) <laura.vaughn@cancer.org>
Benton, AR USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 1:13 PM CDT
You looked so pretty last night in your orange outfit. I love to wear orange! You definatly was the prettiest girl at the banquet. I'm glad you came and looking forward to seeing you this Friday at the Relay For Life!

Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 12:39 AM CDT
How are you? I hope you are doing great! I had a awesome time swimming with you at MawMaw & PawPaw's house. You sure are a very sweet girl. My Sister (Exchange) from Brazil sent you a message.. Isn't that wonderful. Someone from South America sending you a message is special, just as you are very special to so many people. Take care and keep in touch with us... Lots Of Love Mandi

Mandi <mandi@seark.com>
Star City, AR - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 11:33 AM CDT
Hi Lacey How was the bandquet? I hope that you had a wonderful time. I know that you will have a good time at the relay for life, too. I will not get to attend this year as my 33d wedding anniversary is on June 3d and my husband has made plans to take me out. I will try to see you some time this summer. Have a great week. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:41 AM CDT
Lacey....Hi sweet girl! Remember us?? Your friends from ACH! We are happy to read you are feeling GREAT! We have been praying for you! Take care and maybe we will see you at clinic soon! Love you lots...God Bless you and your wonderful family! The Crowders
Todd, Lisa, Lindsey, Reece and Dawson <tllcrowder@aol.com>
Bentonville, AR - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:02 PM CDT
Morning Lacey and Family!
Well, summer has finally started for us kids here at Downsville. We've been keeping up with you, and it sounds like things are on the up right now. Wow, you get to cut the ribbon at the relay. That is so cool! And eating crawfish, we love them too! Bet your MawMaw Carol could make a great crawfish pie out of some of them. UMMMM, she's always been such a good cook! It's been raining here, but we're not complaining. Our gardens were looking a little droopy, but now our plants are smiling. Really, we're not kidding! haha Here's a few jokes to share with your brothers:

Q: If a crocodile makes shoes, what does a banana make?
A: Slippers!

Q: What holds the sun up?
A: Sumbeams!

Q: What did the hamburgers name their daughter?
A: Patty!

Lacey, you're at the top of our prayer list along with our "Princess" Ashley. We're praying especially hard right now that your platlettes are up so you can get that chemo to help God make you better.
Keep smiling that beautiful smile!

Ms. Cathy & the 7th-8th graders at DHS <rich_cat@bellsouth.net>
Downsville, Louisiana The Good ol' USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:51 AM CDT
I'll be thinking of you as you go to your doctor on Tuesday! Hope to see you at the Relay For Life Survivor Banquet Tuesday night.
Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 8:21 PM CDT
Hey Girl!! I just wanted to say what a great time that we all had visiting with you and your family at Mamaw Carol & Papaw Kenneth's house. We had a blast and the crawfish were WONDERFUL!!!! We will have to do that again some time. Cody & Michaela really enjoyed swimming and playing with you. Michaela hasn't stopped talking about it yet. Maybe some day you can come play with them at our house too. My thoughts and prayers are with you tomorrow as you go back to the doctor. I hope and pray that everything will be o.k. I hope that you have a good day and tell mamaw and papaw thanks again. Oh, by the way Mr. David said to tell Ellie Mae and Bob hi!! Much love to you and your family

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Monday, May 30, 2005 12:49 AM CDT
Lacey, just wanted you to know that we are praying for you and hope your chemo goes well. Love your pictures...especially your pretty smile and tattoos! Have a great Memorial Day!
Jessica :)
Dubach, LA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:22 PM CDT
Hi my sweet girl. Reading your messages and wanted to say hi. Hope you are doing okay. How soon are they starting your kemo again? I know you will do fine with it. I have sold some of your bracelets already. I still pray all the time for you and love you so very much. Keep strong and trust in God
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I will be thinking of you as you start your new round of chemo. Have a great memorial day holiday with your family. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:00 PM CDT
Wow, Sweet Girl, you really are popular aren't you? Imagine getting a message from Brazil! You have made a lasting impression on so many people. Your smile is like the sunshine, it just lights up the day. Your personality is so uplifting that it makes it hard for anyone around you to feel down. You truly are a blessing in your own way. To say that you are one of our Angels is putting it mildly! Stay as sweet as you are because you bring out the best in all those around you.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Lacey Lu, Hey sweetie. We just got home from MawMaw Carol's house, We had a GREAT time. I know you did! I never seen someone as small as you eat as many crawfish as you did! I loved the crawfish! PawPaw sure knows what he's doing when it comes to cooking some good ole' crawfish! That made me feel right at home! It sure was great visiting with you again. I just sent all the picture to mom, so have her show them to you. Lots of fun pictures from the pool! My exchanged student sent you a message all the way from BRAZIL! wow you are known all over the world.... well I better go... I hope to see you soon... Love you lots Mrs. Christy, Mr. Steve, Mandi, & Logan
CHRISTY BALLARD <ballard@seark.net>
STAR CITY, AR - Saturday, May 28, 2005 3:25 PM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae. So glad things are going well and you are feeling good. I miss you but am glad you are getting to do more outpatient. Hope Lacey Mae and Macey Shae are behaving! :) See you soon...
Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Saturday, May 28, 2005 3:01 PM CDT
Glad to hear you are doing so good Lacey!
Brandy Haley <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:08 AM CDT
Hello Lacey! ! !
My name is Brunna - I´m Brazilian. I´ve been an exchange student by Mrs Christy Ballard a few years ago. She told me about you and how beautifull and blessed you are, so I just wanted to come here to tell you that we, even far away in Brazil, are thinking about you often and keep you on our praiers!
Lots of love from the other side of the world!
Your new friend,
Brunna Barbanera

Brunna Barbanera <brunnabarbanera@sigamnet.com.br>
Campinas, SP Brazil - Friday, May 27, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
Hey Lacey, I am glad to hear that you had a good day. I hope you feel better and get better soon, ok. Love, Sheena Jarvis
Sheena Jarvis <Sheena20_2005@yahoo.com>
Rison, AR - Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:13 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Hope your doctor's visit went well today and that your counts were up so you can begin the chemo. Sounds like you are being a fish. You really like being in the water don't you? Swim a few laps for me while you're at it. Stay strong and you will get over this illness. May you feel The Lord's arms around you each and every minute.
Love and Kisses,
Aunt Cecilia and Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, La. USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:51 PM CDT
Hi Lacey Summer officially started for teachers at 3:00 today. Yipeeeee!!!! I hope that you are doing well this week. I may be on vacation from school, but I will not be on vacation from my thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, May 26, 2005 8:28 PM CDT


PLAQUEMINE, LA U.S.A. - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4:23 PM CDT
Good morning Lacey Mae,
I am so happy to here yesterday went well. You are getting better every day. This is the last day of school and we are all so happy!! I may not be able to write you every day but I will keep in touch with you this summer. Enjoy swimming in your pool this summer and stay strong through all your treatments and I will continue to pray for you all summer. I look forward to having you in 2nd grade next year, your smile will make every day great. Whoever your teacher will be, she will be lucky to have such a strong young lady in her classroom. I go in all the classroom's. Have a great summer sweatheart!!
Love You,
Mrs. Tina

Tina Wygal <tinawygal@starcity.k12.ar.us>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:20 AM CDT
Hi Lacey I am so glad that you are feeling good today. You are so smart to go swimming on such a hot day. I am looking forward to swimming this summer, too. You are always in my prayers, sweet girl. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:00 PM CDT
lacey it was so good to see you and your family in church on sunday. I have heard so many wonderful things about you. i didnt really get to talk to you much but i hope to someday get to do that. i believe you are the bravest person i have ever heard about and i adore you. i have a daughter your age and would like for you to meet her so maybe at church. i will keep you and your family in my prayers.

rhonda lawson <rhondasunni@hotmail.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 9:42 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Just reading the messages written to you is a humbling experience. It really makes me realize just how Blessed we are to have good health. We take so much for granted! I enjoy reading about the other children who are fighting this disease too. Everytime I kneel to pray, I make sure to include all the people who are in constant need of prayer. God is a Loving and Kind God who takes care of all our needs even when we don't ask for them. Please keep on with whatever you are doing that seems to be of help and we'll keep asking Our Heavenly Father to be with you each and every minute of each and every day.
Love and Kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:32 PM CDT



PLAQUEMINE, LA U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:59 AM CDT
Hi Lacey

We are also on our way to Little Rock this morning. Jordan has an Audiology appointment. Jordan has about 70% hearing loss from the chemo and his type of leukemia so he has to wear hearing aids, we are working and learning sign language to help him with understand things. I hope your dr's appointment goes well and you have a safe trip to and from Little Rock. We always have to go to Krispy Kreme after Jordan sees the dr. (that is his treat for being a good boy during the visit) well, lacey keep on smiling that beautiful smile. You have so many people who love you and are praying for you so much. You are such an inspiration especially to me. The Lord is great and he is doing such a wonderful job at guiding the doctors who are treating you and my little boy. May the Lord bless you and your family with a wonderful day.

susan villareal
jordan villareal mom (20 months and 7 days post transplant and counting)

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 9:29 AM CDT
Hi Lacey This is countdown week at school! I think the teachers are more excited about school being out than the boys and girls. I will continue to pray that your blood counts will improve everyday. You are a real sweetie-pie! I miss you so much. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, May 23, 2005 10:02 PM CDT
Hey Lacey! I wish I was at home swimming instead of at work. But, the good news is we only have 2 days left!!!!!! I am so excited you are going to be in 2nd grade. Tomorrow is end of year awards and I believe there are several awards with your name on them. Have a good day! Miss ya, MRs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Monday, May 23, 2005 2:55 PM CDT
Lacey Mae,
How are you today? I am sure glad that you are enjoying your swimming pool. It has been very hot and the only thing to do is swim. What all do you have planned for the summer? I guess my family will do alot of camping and fishing this summer. That is about all my boys want to do. I hope to see you around this summer. I pray that you keep strong and all your test keep coming back good. You are my hero!!! You are one tough little girl.
Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <tinawygal@starcity.k12.ar.us>
star city, ar usa - Monday, May 23, 2005 11:58 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
I haven't written in a few days but I'm sure you'll forgive me when you find out how busy I've been. I'll have to fill you in when I see you. Each time I go to this web site, I read the letters you've received between mine. What a Blessing to see how many people care about you! How's the swimming? Bet the water feels good when you get in the heat. You'll have to teach me to swim one of these days. Would you believe I can't? You'd think an old lady would have learned by now! Hope your counts continue to be good so that you'll soon be free of this illness. We continue to keep you and all your family in prayer. Love and Kisses.
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Sunday, May 22, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. I worked in my yard all weekend so I'm really tired. Have a great week swimming!!! I miss you. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, May 22, 2005 8:15 PM CDT
Hey Lacey, I’m so excited to know you’re now a 2nd grader. Enjoy Jimmy Brown while you can. I really miss each and every teacher at the elementary school. It’s just not the same at the Middle school. You have got to come over to see my new pet! It’s a turtle. I sure hope my pet turtle is a girl, because I painted her toenails.
I hope you have a wonderful time swimming.
Love Mandi

MANDI B. <ballard@seark.bet>
Star City, AR - Sunday, May 22, 2005 5:00 PM CDT
Hey Lacey,
It was so good to see you and your family again at church this morning. I really enjoyed getting to hold you in my lap. I think the boys were jealous. What do you think? That's o.k. because us girls have to stick together, right? I hope that you get what you need tomorrow to make you feel a little better. I could tell that you were tired. But you still had that heart warming smile. Anyway, I just wanted to sign your book and tell you how glad I was to see you today. You get plenty of rest o.k. Much love to you.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Sunday, May 22, 2005 3:40 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear that you will be in 2nd grade wilth me next year!! My year will be so much better knowing that you will be in 2nd grade.You enjoy swimming in your pool,it sure is getting hot enough for that. We are just about out of school and I think we are all ready for a break.. Have a great day and enjoy the weekend.
Love and miss you,
Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <tinawygal@starcity.ar.us>
star city, ar usa - Friday, May 20, 2005 9:39 AM CDT
Congrats on officially being a 2nd grader!!! Just remember your counts being in the 50's is good and will get better with each passing day. It is just the waiting that drives you insane. When my little boy was getting chemo, we would always have to go in every 21 days for 5 days for his chemo but like you know, we would sometimes already be in the hospital when his time for chemo would come around. I made Jordan a "chemo blanket" for him during his treatments. It was just a simply quilt that had blocks on it and after each treatment I would take a picture of him right after the chemo was done and put a date on it and then transfer the picture on to the blanket. This really seemed to help him. Now he carries that blanket everywhere. I am so glad that you are out swimming and just having fun. You deserve it!! Please tell you mother I said "Hello" I really enjoyed talking to her that night. I could hear you in the back ground, you and your daddy had just come back from the play room. You are such a beautiful little girl with such a big heart and I admirer you for being such a little "trooper" Remember, there are so many people who are praying for you and your family. May the Lord bless you and your family with another wonderful day. Enjoy your summer.

susan villareal
mother to Jordan Villareal (20 months, 3 days post transplant and counting)

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Friday, May 20, 2005 9:36 AM CDT
Lacey Lu, WOW you are a 2nd grader now! Wonderful…I knew you would make it! After all you are such a smart young lady!
I knew you were having a blast in your swimming pool. Ms. Marche told me all about it! I was so excited to know you were outside in the pool!
Oh what about that picture in the paper? I agree with Mrs. Heather… you look great. Mr. Steve, Mr. David,
Mrs. Heather and I should have been on the other side of the camera! Don’t you agree?
Ok Lacey Lu I need to go get these little one ready to play outside. We love you and we are praying that your counts come up. Remember to keep on smiling… Love you lots Mrs. Christy, Mr. Steve, Mandi, & Logan

CHRISTY BALLARD <ballard@seark.net>
STAR CITY, AR - Friday, May 20, 2005 8:54 AM CDT
Lacey Lu, WOW you are a 2nd grader now! Wonderful…I knew you would make it! After all you are such a smart young lady!
I knew you were having a blast in your swimming pool. Ms. Marche told me all about it! I was so excited to know you were outside in the pool!
Oh what about that picture in the paper? I agree with Mrs. Heather… you look great. Mr. Steve, Mr. David,
Mrs. Heather and I should have been on the other side of the camera! Don’t you agree?
Ok Lacey Lu I need to go get these little one ready to play outside. We love you and we are praying that your counts come up. Remember to keep on smiling… Love you lots Mrs. Christy, Mr. Steve, Mandi, & Logan

CHRISTY BALLARD <ballard@seark.net>
STAR CITY, AR - Friday, May 20, 2005 8:54 AM CDT
I am so glad to hear that you are out swimming and having a great time. Your picture turned out great in the paper, can't say that for myself, Mr. David, Mrs. Christy or Mr. Steve, but yours was great! Lucky you that you are finished with school and congratulations you passed to the 2nd grade. There was never a doubt in my mind that you would. You are a super smart and tough little girl. Well, I have to get ready for work, but we will keep praying that your counts come up so that you can start getting your chemo. Much love to you.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Friday, May 20, 2005 6:07 AM CDT
Hello pretty girl! So, you are a big 2d grader now!!! We have 4 books of music to learn in the second grade! One of the books for 2d grade has DISNEY music. I'll be you already know all of those songs!!!!
Have a good Friday and have fun with Mom. I miss you. Love, Mrs. Burnett

glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:30 PM CDT
Good morning Lacey! How are you today? I hope you are doing well. YOu got great news from the doctor I see. I am so thankful for that. A lot of prayers were answered that day. I am so sorry I missed your cookout this past weekend. I was moving into a new house and was very busy. I saw Mrs. marche' and she said everything was so good. We had nine weeks awards assembly today. IT has been a very busy day. WE only have 4 1/2 days of school left. I can't wait to be home for the summer. Have a good day today. Miss ya lots! Love, Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:25 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,

Saw your picture in the paper. A beautiful picture. You are such a cutie. Jordan and I cut the picture out and put it in his prayer book. He keeps it under his bed and at night he gets it out and we pray for all those in it. I hope you had a restful and relaxed day yesterday. Just wanted to check in and hope you have a blessed and happy day.

susan villareal
mother to jordan villareal (20 months, 2 days post transplant and counting)

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:27 AM CDT
I am so glad to hear the good news. I hope you and your Mom have a restful day and do nothing. School is almost out and we will all get to do that. I saw your picture in the paper, you looked soooo cute. It was good to see your great smile!!
Love you,
Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcity.k12.us.ar>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 1:14 PM CDT
Hey Lacey. I haven't been on the computer in a few days because it was messed up so I just now heard all of the good news. I am so glad Saturday went so great for you all. I am especially happy about the scans reporting such GREAT NEWS! I know that God has really blessed you. I am just so happy that you are doing so well and feeling so well. One day this will all be over and you will be stronger for it. I am so proud of you. You have a wonderful family, a wonderful doctor, and wonderful friends. You are a lucky little girl. We are praying for you and I know they are working. Love you all.
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10:10 AM CDT
Good Morning, Lacey! I hope that you and Mom have a restful day today. You two deserve a sleep-in day. I am still thinking of you. Luv ya Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 9:27 AM CDT
Dear Lacey

Wonderful news, Praise the Lord. The Lord has wonderful things in store for you and your family. We had our 3 month check up at ACH yesterday (an all day event) everything is good, blood work was wonderful. Now we are getting ready to go back to Texas for Jordan's two year check up. I remember when Jordan first got dx. I was mad at the world, I had people telling me to turn it over to the Lord, but I was mad and frustrated and just in shock that this was happening to my baby. It was not until I talked to a young lady (patient) at ACH that showed me how to turn it over to the Lord and with a lot of praying and questions and of course screaming and crying, that I know now that the Lord is in control and is wonderful. Lacey, you and my son,Jordan, and all other cancer kids are just true inspirations for us all. I came close to having a nervous breakdown during Jordan's treatments and like yourself, he was strong and kept right on going without missing a beat. I pray everynight and everyday that one day I may be able to be as strong and courageous as you all are. God has something very special planned for you and that's why you are such a strong, beautiful little girl with a million dollar smile. I am so glad that everything went so well. God is wonderful. Lacey enjoy your day and may "The Lord Bless you and your family with a day of rest and enjoyment" that you all deserve.

susan villareal
mother to Jordan (20 months post transplant and counting)

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 9:03 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Isn't God Great? I was soooooooo happy to read the news on you. I knew you were a strong girl! Just keep on keeping on and we'll keep the prayers going up for you and your family. I really do like the new pictures on the web site. Hug those dolls for me.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 8:22 PM CDT
Good for you. My little girl was 7 months old when she was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Stage III in her abdomen and spinal column on 7/11/2001. She has been in remission since Thanksgiving 2001 and is almost able to walk unaided.
Our prayers go out to all of you, we've been there and support form everyone is what gets you through it all.

Tim Bero <timbero@athenet.net>
Appleton, WI USA - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 3:22 PM CDT
I am so excited to hear the WONDERFUL news. God is so good and he has listened to everyone pray for you!!!!!! I have been telling you that you were gonna get better and you keep proving me right. You are so strong and you have become my hero!! I am so proud of you and your family for being so strong through everything. Keep moving along and all of your other test results will be just as great.
Love and miss you,
Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcityk12.us.ar>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:03 AM CDT
Hey sweetie! WOW WOW WOW! I was so excited when I heard the good news on your scan. I put the picture of you and Logan on my computer as my screensaver! You are one popular girl, aren’t you? I see your bracelets everywhere!!! All the little kids I baby-sit said a special prayer for you this morning. WE LOVE YOU BUNCHES!

Love, Mrs. Christy & Mr. Steve

CHRISTY BALLARD <ballard@seark.net>
STAR CITY, AR - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:20 AM CDT
I was so excited when your Mom called me yesterday and shared your good news. God is definately smiling down on you and your family. Keep your faith strong and God will provide!! I love you very much and will see you this afternoon!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <Mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:14 AM CDT
Yea, Lacey!!! Yea, Lacey!!! Yea, Lacey!!! Great news on your scans. I am so happy for you and your family. God is certainly good, isn't He? Have a great day tomorrow. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, May 16, 2005 11:06 PM CDT
I am so glad your Dr. appointment went so well. You are doing great. We didn't get to come Saturday because we were keeping Savannah so Mrs. Marche could be there. Keeping up with her is a full time job - - but soooo much fun. I have one of your bracelets and plan to sell some in Warren. Remember - we all love you and are praying for you.
Joy Stewart

Joy Stewart <jstewart@seark.net>
Warren, Ar Bradley - Monday, May 16, 2005 10:55 PM CDT
Hey! I heard the GREAT news that the tumors are shrinking! That is WONDERFUL!!!!!Those prayers are really working. Mamaw Carol called and told me. I don't know if you heard or not, but we raised $5800.00 at your benefit. I was sooooo excited. There are a lot of people that care about you and for you. Mr. David said to tell Ellie Mae and Bob (Mason) hi. He is really funny, huh? He's just a big kid. O.k. I have to go now, Cody has a ballgame. I just wanted to say that I'm so glad everything went well today. Much love to you and your family. Mr. David & Mrs. Heather

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Monday, May 16, 2005 4:45 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
I talked to Maw Maw and she told me all about Saturday. What a boost to everyone's feelings just knowing that there are so many caring people in the world! I am praying that all goes well today with the tests. Hang in there, you are a strong girl. I will write more later. Hope to see you soon.
Love and Kisses, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Monday, May 16, 2005 10:45 AM CDT
Hi Lacey I just want you to know that I am thinking of you today as you have your scans. I pray everything will be wonderful. I'll check your website later today. It was so good to see you Saturday. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, May 16, 2005 10:35 AM CDT
Good morning Lacey,

I am so glad to hear that Saturday went well and that you enjoyed yourself. Today is a big day for you and we will all be praying for you. My little boy has to go to Hemoc clinic tomorrow. So, say a little prayer for him that his tests results come back good. Keep on smiling that beautiful smile. Have a good day.

Susan villareal

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Monday, May 16, 2005 8:45 AM CDT
Good morning. Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you. This is a big day for you. We are praying that everything will come out good today. You are so strong and brave. Don't lose those qualities. Tell mom or mamaw to call me and let me know how your scan went, o.k. Love you lots!! Mrs. Heather & Mr. David

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Monday, May 16, 2005 6:25 AM CDT
It’s me again….. I wanted to thank you and Mom for coming over to get your picture made with us. We loved having you here. You feel free to come over anytime you wish. Make sure you tell Mom THANKS for me, ok? The pictures came out GREAT! I bet it’s because you were in them. I’ll be looking forward to hearing about your scan tomorrow…. Good luck and keep smiling… Lots of love Mrs. Christy and Mr. Steve

CHRISTY BALLARD <ballard@seark.net>
STAR CITY, AR - Sunday, May 15, 2005 9:12 PM CDT
I am so glad that your cookout went well, even though we had a little rain. It didn't dampen our spirits. Don't tell your dad that I said he was right. He kept telling me everything was going to be fine and work out. I am so glad that you were well enough to come to the cookout. Everyone enjoyed seeing you. You are truly a special little girl to a lot of people including me and Mr. David. Mr. David said to tell Ellie Mae "Hi". We were so glad that you and your family came to church this morning. There were a lot of people that wanted to meet you and they had the chance this morning. Also, thank you for coming over and taking the picture that we will put in the paper. We really enjoyed visiting with you and your mom again. Well, I know that tomorrow is a big day for you and we will say an extra prayer for you that the scan will turn out o.k. and that you can take the next step. Hope you have a good nights rest and we love you and are praying for you.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Sunday, May 15, 2005 9:00 PM CDT
Lacey, It was great visiting with you yesterday! We sure had a wonderful time.
You were doing such a GREAT job helping me with serving those drinks! I know your little hands were so cold digging in all the ice. I don’t think we would have made it without your help. Keep smiling.
I hope all goes well with your big scans in the morning. I’ll say an extra special prayer for you. I love the new pictures. I remember playing with my cabbage patch baby. She was such a special doll to me.... Just as you are to so many people… Love you lots Mrs. Christy

CHRISTY BALLARD <ballard@seark.net>
STAR CITY, AR - Sunday, May 15, 2005 5:29 PM CDT
hi lacey

i'm soooooooooo glad to hear that you are doing better every day hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think about you alot and i keep you in my prayers. i just ordered 5 of those pretty bracelets so that lexi, kylie, anna, tara and i can all have one to wear. i love you lacey, you are truly a "special" little girl. come see me sometime.

phyllis knight <phyllis55us@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, May 14, 2005 11:32 PM CDT
Lacey, I love the new picture.When Savannah's Aunt Kim-Kaye was little she was very attached to her Cabbage Patch Kid. So now Alli Beth has one also that she loves!Ms. Marche' brought us our dinners. They were very good. I heard you had a little rain! I love my bracelet. I bought my nephew one and people in Woodlawn are asking about them.
We love you Lacey! Keep that beautiful smile!Savannah, Alli,and Grant's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Saturday, May 14, 2005 10:45 PM CDT
Hey Lacey! I hope that you had fun today. Wish I could have been there. I'm so excited that you are almost done with radiation! I can't wait to see you on Monday! You need to keep someone in a good mood because he's likely to be VERY tired!
Love Ya! - Catherine

Catherine Redinger <RedingerCatherineL@uams.edu>
- Saturday, May 14, 2005 7:15 PM CDT
Hi Lacey It was soooooooooo wonderful to see you at your cookout. I have missed you at school. I am glad that I got to meet your Mom too. Girl, you had Star City hoppin' with the tents and cookers and all the people who came out to see you. Lacey, you are a special little person. I love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, May 14, 2005 12:02 AM CDT
Hi my sweetheart. You are doing so very well. I am so pleased that the radiation treatments have gone great, and especially pleased when your moma told me how good you were eating. I know you must be very, very excited about the cookout and auction tomorrow, on you behalf. You will get to see a whole lot of people who are willing to help out in various ways, and who love you and are praying for you all the time. Enjoy your day tomorrow. So wish I could be there, but my heart will be there with you all. I told moma to call me after your test Monday and fill me in. I love you and all the family very, very much and constantly pray for your recovery.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Friday, May 13, 2005 2:00 PM CDT
Good morning Lacey,
I am so proud of you!! God has really blessed you and your family. I finally got on of your braclets, they are all over the school. The students are supporting you in every way. Hope to see you Saturday.
Stay strong pretty girl,
Mrs. Tina

Tina Wygal <twygal@starcity.k-12.com>
Star City, ar usa - Friday, May 13, 2005 1:47 PM CDT
Good morning Lacey I am seeing your bracelets all over school. You are a real celebrity! I hope that today is a good day for you and your Mom. Prayers are coming your way from all over the U S. Love you and miss you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:32 AM CDT
Hey Lacey

My little boy, Jordan, just wanted me to let you know that he said a special prayer for you last night before going to bed. He prayed that you would be able to jump, run and play like you did before and that you would be healthy and happy. I showed him your picture and he calls you the "butterfly girl" because of your tattoos. Now he thinks he needs a tattoo "ha ha" Hope your day is blessed and you have a lot of fun.

your star city neighbor
susan villareal
mother of Jordan Villarael (18 months post transplant and counting)

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:24 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie, Every time I go to the web site for an update on you, I get really emotional. So many folks are concerned about you and your progress. I wish I could be there Saturday but I can't so I'll just pray all goes as planned. Glad to hear you are feeling so well. Keep up the fight, you are so strong. God is good!!!!!!!!!!!! Love and kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:55 PM CDT
Hi to all who love Lacey. One of her supporters is interested in the *MAE OUR GOALS BE CONQUERED silicone bracelet that is on EBAY, here is the item #4993352673
It's a buy it now item.

We love you Lacey!!

Guinnevere <kgpsimons@yahoo.com>
Denison, TX 75021 - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 5:22 PM CDT
Thanks to a good friend, Glynetta Burnett, I have added you to our prayer chain in Coos Bay, Or. You can see us at;
www.coosbayonline.com or www.shoreacres.net or www.bandon.com We will be praying for your whole family and for the BBQ and auction to have great weather. Hugs to all of your family and to you, brave girl!! Marianne

Marianne Catlett <catlettm42@verizon.net>
Coos Bay, OR USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 4:37 PM CDT
Hey Lacey! I really enjoyed studying with you yesterday! You are too smart!!!! I will see you again today! I promise I won't work you too hard!! Love ya!,
Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, May 11, 2005 12:07 AM CDT
Hey Lacey
My name is Susan Villareal and I am also from Star City. My four year little boy "Jordan" was diagnosed with JMML leukemia on March 4, 2003 and underwent a stem cell implant in San Antonio, Texas on September 17, 2003. We have spent many many days and nights on 3 Gold at ACH just like you. Dr. Becton is his doctor. Just looking at your pictures on your web site, you are a very beautiful young lady. I called and talked to your mother once when you just got back from your trip. We are praying for you everyday and everynight. You look so good. My little boy had to be isolated for over a year(well 18 months) he could not go out without a mask, no public places what so ever. He could only go to the hospital and back home again. He just started pre school about 3 weeks ago and is loving it. I know it may seem hard right now but honey, it will get better. You will be able to do all the things that you once loved to do again really really soon. I tell my little boy that the lord blessed him with two birthdays (actual date of birth and transplant day). I think you are so courages and strong and I only wish I had the strength that all "cancer" kids have. You are a very remarkable person. You have so many people praying for you and your family. Keep smiling that beautiful smile and I hope the cookout and auction goes very well.

your star city neighbor
susan villareal
mother to Jordan (18 months post transplant)

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:51 AM CDT
Hey Lacey I am looking forward to seeing you at your cookout on Saturday. I love wearing my bracelet everyday. It reminds me how wonderful and brave that you are. Have a great day. Love you and miss you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:23 AM CDT
Good morning Lacey! I am so glad you are doing so well. Your are such a strong person. I hope to come to your cookout on Saturday. I can't wait to see your smiling face. Keep getting stronger everyday. We miss you and love you here at JBE. LOVE YA, Mrs. ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:04 AM CDT
Hi Lacey. I love your new pictures. You are the strongest little girl that I know. I am so glad you are able to stop your shots. I know you must have dreaded that every day. I just know that you are going to get a good report when they do your scans again. God has brought you so far and he will continue to bless you and your family. Keep up the good work. We love you!
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR 71667 - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 3:49 PM CDT
Hi Lacey, I love your new pictures, it looks like you have tattoos on you head...that's pretty cool! I also wanted to let you know that I bought one of your bracelets from ebay just now...sweet! The message says that its for your dream trip?? Where do you want to go? I hope you get to go...I think I want to goto Sea World this summer for our dream vaction, we will just have to wait and see! Hang in there sweet thing--
Love & prayers,

Guinnevere Simons <kgpsimons@yahoo.com>
Denison, TX 75021 - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 3:33 PM CDT
Hey Lacey Yeah!!! No more shots! You are doing so well and you are such a special young lady. Keep improving, tutti fruit! Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar 71667 - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 1:30 PM CDT
Hey girl! I LOVE the new pictures on your webpage! It does my heart good to see that beautiful smile! I'm also overjoyed to read how strong you have been with your treatments. Continue to stay strong, Lacey!!
Love, Mrs. Suzi

Suzi Davis <suziqdavis@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:18 AM CDT
Hello Lacey Mae!! It was great to meet you and your mom yesturday!! Caleb is active today!! You be strong!! You and Caleb can beat this!! You two are very tough! See you soon at the clinic! Have a great week and keep smiling! Laurie :)
Laurie Sims <LSims71@cs.com>
Lonoke, AR USA - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:27 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie, It sure was good seeing you this past weekend. The treats you made for Maw Maw and I were great! I would never have known that you could cook!!! I hope next weekend is as good for you as this past one. We will continue praying and you continue fighting this thing and all will be well. God is so good! He is answering prayers isn't He? By the way I really like the new picture of you and the Cabbage Patch Kids. Love and kisses to you and all the family.
Love, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Monday, May 9, 2005 7:13 PM CDT
Hello Lacey! I have heard alot about you over the years. You are on our prayer list at First Assembly here in Star City. I just found out about your web page today and I think it's great. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Penny and Shiloh Jordan
star city, ar usa - Monday, May 9, 2005 4:12 PM CDT
Hey Lacey!! I love the new picture!! It is soooo cute!! I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. I wish I could come out and see you!! Maybe I will be able to soon! Be carful with the buckets!!!!! Love you lots!! Mrs. Marche'
Mrs. Marche' <cmbrown@tds.net>
- Monday, May 9, 2005 3:27 PM CDT
Hey Lacey! Your pictures are so good. I love the picture with the cabbage patch dolls. When I was a little girl, my nickname was cabbage because I had so many cabbage patch dolls! I was out of state for a few days and I wore your bracelet and I had a few people to ask what my bracelet stood for and I would tell them this story about a precious little girl named Lacey. I am so glad you are feeling as well as you are. Keep getting stronger. Miss ya---Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Monday, May 9, 2005 2:42 PM CDT
hey LaLa, I'm glad you are feeling good. Aunt Rhonda told me she saw you Saturday and you were doing good. Sorry you hurt your leg, I hope it feels better soon!! We are praying for you constantly!!!!! KEEP THE FAITH!!!! LOVE YOU LOTS, Mr. Lamar and Mrs Shelia
Shelia Hancock <spike18fast@aol.com>
Choudrant, La. - Monday, May 9, 2005 11:37 AM CDT
Oh Lacey I LOVE your new pictures on your website. What an absolutely beautiful smile!! I hope that you and your Mom have a good day. I miss you. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, May 9, 2005 11:30 AM CDT
Lacey, falling off a bucket? Now that is a new trick right?
Hope it did not hurt too bad! I hope you were really sweet to Mom on Mother's day, but from what Ms. Marche's says..you are always sweet...
Good Luck on your dr. visist!! Jesus loves you and we all do too!! Savannah, Alli, and Grant's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Monday, May 9, 2005 9:50 AM CDT
Hi Lacey I love my new bracelet. I bought one from Corey yesterday. I hope that you are doing well. Have a great weekend. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, May 7, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
Good morning my sweet girl. I am so glad to hear all is going great. Mom called me to tell me the bracelets are in. She is sending me some, to sell up here. I can't wait to get them. I told her I have (9) CD's from our trip to Disney World that I would be sending her or maw maw. They can get copies made for each other. I continue to pray all the time for you and for all of the familie(s). I love you and miss you all the time.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL 60031 - Saturday, May 7, 2005 1:58 PM CDT
Lacey, Ms. Marche' said your bracelets are here. I am looking forward to getting one.
Alli is putting makeup on me this morning. You would not want to be here fot that experience. Ms. Marche' told her to not put any on Savannah yesterday when she was here. Have a great weekend. Alli, Grant, and Savvannah's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Friday, May 6, 2005 9:02 AM CDT
Hi Lacey Ms. Ashley had your bracelet on yesterday. I love it. I want to buy one, too. I hope that you have a good day today. I miss you very much. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Friday, May 6, 2005 8:24 AM CDT
Hi Lacey, It sounds from everyones letters to you that your doing wonderful. I'm so happy to hear that, and I hope you get to go home soon, I want you & your mom to meet my baby boy, and Piper misses you too. Piper wants to go back to the church and slide on the waterslide, remember last summer? That would be good if it was hot, its still to cool for me, I like it to be in the 100's before I play in the water! Oh my...my cranky boy is awake, I better go for now, although I should be asleep myself, I can't sleep and now I really can't sleep...I've a grump master living in my house!! Your in my prayers, tell your mom hello for me, hope to see ya'll soon, Love Guinnevere & Family
Guinnevere Simons <kgpsimons@yahoo.com>
Denison, TX USA - Friday, May 6, 2005 0:04 AM CDT
Good morning sunshine! I am so glad you are feeling better. I love your bracelet. Your brother brought me one today. I will wear it all the time. I will be away for a few days so I will write you back on Monday. Continue to get better and I will pray for you everyday.Miss you buches! Lots of Love, Mrs. AShley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, May 5, 2005 10:41 AM CDT
Good morning Lacey,
You are doing so great. I really enjoy reading the news that your Mom writes on your website. You are so brave and I'm proud of you.. Keep rolling along and you'll be better before you know it..
Love You,
Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usa - Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:55 AM CDT
Good Morning Lacey Have another good day today. Keep smiling because you have lots of folks thinking of you. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:25 AM CDT
Hello Lacey,
I am so happy to hear things are going well. I told you that you were so strong and you just keep proving me right!! You are amazing.
Love you,
Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usa - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 1:43 PM CDT
Good Morning Lacey I am sooooo proud of how well you are doing. Have a great day today. Miss you and love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 8:22 AM CDT
Good morning Lacey, hope you had a good night sleep. I sure had a good time while you and your brothers were here yesterday. I had fun playing wig out with all of you.You are getting good at that game. Hope today will be just as good as yesterday.You are a tought little cookie, you hang in there cause everyone is praying for you and God is hearing all of them. He has been very good to you through all of this. He is holding you in his hands and is helping you keep strong. God is good, he love you and will watch over you, cause you are his little angel. Love you Maw Maw
Carol <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 8:00 AM CDT
Hello to Lacey and family. I wanted you all to know that I'm still here and praying for you. I know you had a great time in the land of Disney. Did you get to see Mickey Mouse? Take good care of yourself and know that you are loved by so many people.
Alice Lindsey
Wilmar, AR USA - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 3:19 AM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae! Thank you so much for the bracelet! They are just too cool! I must say that I'm impressed that you were able to get Dr. Saylors to actually wear his! You and your family are all so special to me! I'm glad that you are doing so well and are staying out of the hospital this time! You are such a trooper and are doing so well through all of this! I love you! Catherine
Catherine <RedingerCatherineL@uams.edu>
- Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:51 PM CDT
Hey Lacey,
I'm so excited about you feeling better! I got a special call today from your "Angel" Ms. Amy. She is very nice and she is very excited about being your angel. I told her that you are a special little girl and that SHE is lucky to have YOU! She is sending us something very special for the auction that we are going to have for you on the 14th. We can't wait and are getting so excited about the auction and cookout. Remember to tell all of your friends and family to come to PBNB in Star City on the 14th for your cookout and auction. We have plenty of tickets to get rid of! Ms. Brandy came by the bank today to show us your bracelets. They are really cool!!!! Can't wait to get one, tell Mamaw Carol to bring us some by. Well, gotta go for now. Will keep in touch. Have a good night.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:30 PM CDT
Hi Lacey. I am so glad you are feeling good. I just wanted you to know that I love your bracelets. I bought one today and I'm wearing it now and thinking about you all everyday. When Mitch came in from work today and saw my bracelet he asked where his was so I'm going to buy another one. We love you and your family and you all are in our prayers.
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 5:48 PM CDT
Hi Lacey -
I hope you have had a fantastic day. I have to apologize. I had something for you that I had thought I sent out last week - but found it in the bottom of my briefcase. I mailed it out yesterday. I am so happy to hear things are going well for you.

I just thought I would share a few things with you that might be good for you to know about this week. This week is National Hug Week, National Family Week, National Pet Week, and National Eat Dessert First Week. So what that means is -
after you have had your dessert, then you hug your family and your pets!

Have a great week! With love from Minnesota, "Angel" Amy

Amy Kamarainen <amy@kamarainen.net>
Eagan, MN USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 3:17 PM CDT
LITTLE ROCK, AR USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 3:00 PM CDT
Good morning Lacey!
I am glad to hear that things are going better for you. I am really excited about the cookout and hopefully seeing you there. Have a safe trip today.
Love and miss you,
Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usa - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
Good Morning Lacey I hope that you have a good day at Little Rock. I am really looking forward to May 14 and getting some goodies from your cookout. Just keep getting better every day. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:52 AM CDT
Hey Lacey,
I'm sorry it's been a while since I have signed your book, but I have been really busy getting everything ready for your cookout on the 14th. Mr. David and I are really excited about it and have a lot of neat things ready for the auction. You are a celebrity and don't even know it. Everyone has been super in helping us out and giving us stuff to make it all possible. You are a special little girl to us and to everyone we have come in contact with while doing this. So glad that your treatments are going well and that you are feeling good. Keep up the good work. You have to be better by the 14th because we need you there!!!! Take care and tell mom and dad to hang in there, everything will be o.k.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Monday, May 2, 2005 9:32 PM CDT
Hello Lacey,
I hope that the rest of the week goes better for you!! Hang in there and stay strong. Remember that we here love you sooooo much and are very proud of you!!
Stay Strong Pretty Girl,
Love, Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usa - Monday, May 2, 2005 2:41 PM CDT
Hey Lacey I hope that you are having a good day today. Hang in there, girlfriend!!! Miss you. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, May 2, 2005 1:23 PM CDT
Good morning Lacey! I am sorry to hear you did not have a very good day Friday. I hope you are feeling much better today! Keep fighting to get stronger. I am excited about getting one of your bracelets! Have a good day and feel better. Love ya lots, Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Monday, May 2, 2005 10:09 AM CDT
Hey Lacey I just got home about an hour ago. I have been out of town so I haven't been online. But, I thought of you and prayed for you every day. I am sorry that you have had a little set back, but I know that you will bounce right back. Take care and know that I miss you very much. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centrutyel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, May 1, 2005 6:04 PM CDT
Sorry to hear that you are not doing so well. I pray that you will get better. Know that prayer is very powerful and you have so many people praying for you. Wishing the very best for you and your family and know that our prayers are with all of you.
Penny Allemand <paul57@mobiletel.com>
Cut Off,, LA USA - Sunday, May 1, 2005 11:33 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie, I just read the update on the web site. I really hated to read that you are having trouble. If you do exactly what the doctors say, you'll lick this thing yet! We keep you in prayer daily as well as a lot of other folks. Tell everyone hello for us and stay strong. We love you more than you'll ever know.
Love and kisses, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Sunday, May 1, 2005 0:08 AM CDT
Greetings from Angie in Wisconsin! I'm still praying for you and your recovery. Keep positive and think good thoughts. Aunt Cinda also keeps me posted on how you are doing. Many people love you!
Love and Prayers, Angie from Wisconsin

Angie Perkins <aperkins3@marykay.com>
Bristol, WI - Saturday, April 30, 2005 8:17 PM CDT
Morning my sweet girl. I've been touching base with your mom. Guess we expected the neutropenic to kick in, after the kemo round. Hopefully it won't delay you too long to start back on the radiation. Keep strong, and stay well. I pray for you constantly. I love you and miss seeing you. Love to mom, dad, your brothers, maw maw and paw paw.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Saturday, April 30, 2005 1:14 PM CDT
Hey girl! I am so glad your treatments are going well. I love you and hope to see you soon.

Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Thursday, April 28, 2005 3:43 PM CDT
Lacey,I am proud the treatments are going okay for you. I just wish you did not have to have them . You are much braver than me..Take care! We love you! Jesus loves you!
Alli, Grant, and Savannah's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, April 28, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
Good morning Lacey. I am so glad your treatment went well. You are so strong! I am so glad you were able to go fishing. I love to fish in our pond. Keep getting stronger. I miss you Lacey! Love, Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:04 AM CDT
Hi Lacey, We're so glad to hear you're feeling good!! Lots of people are praying for you. Matthew and Adam said hi!
Love 'ya, Randy, Holly, Matt & Adam

Holly Montgomery
Monticello, AR - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 2:45 PM CDT
Good Morning Lacey It is wonderful how well you are doing with your treatments. I love your Mom's journal - she is letting us know the great things that are happening. I will not be online for several days so I will miss getting to check on you. Keep improving and I'll check on you in a few days. Take care. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:04 AM CDT
Good morning Lacey!! I am so proud of you for being strong while taking your treatments. I love your web-site. Your mom keeps us all informed. Stay strong Lacey, JBE is praying for you!!!

Love and Hugs,
Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usa - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:13 AM CDT
Good Morning, Lala, Sounds like you're having fun at home! Did you catch more fish than Mom or Dad? Sorry we missed you Saturday, but was really excited that you were going home. You get that sinus problem whipped, then let me kno how. My allergies are terrible. We are still praying and believing for a miracle. God is sooo good. Love you, MeMe & BoBo
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.com>
Downsville, La USA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
It seems that you are doing well according to the update your mom has on the web site. God is so good!!!!!!! Everyone is praying so hard and it seems to be working. You keep up the good work and take care of yourself and the rest of us will do the praying. Glad to hear that you went fishing. Did you catch anything? Get a good night of rest and enjoy tomorrow.
Love and kisses, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:56 PM CDT
Lacey, I enjoyed visiting with you yesterday. I loved looking at your Disney pictures. I hope all goes well with your treatment today. I hope to see you again soon. I love you bunches!!
Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:43 AM CDT
Lacey, I hope your treatments go ok today. I will say an extra prayer for you today. Love you, Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:24 AM CDT
Hey LaLa. God is so good. He is at work. Glad to here you are doing so well. We all are praying in agreement that
God is going to do a great miracle. Have faith and believe!! Keep your eyes on Jesus!! Matt 14:29-32 We Love you all!! Mr. Lamar and Mrs. Shelia

Shelia and Lamar <spike18fast@aol.com>
Choudrant, La. - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:57 AM CDT
Hey Lacey Mae! How are Lacey Mae and Macie Shae? Did you let them breathe after being zipped up in a bag in the back of a truck! Shame on you Pappy! :)
Just thinking about you this morning and missing you. I'm going to download my pics I took of you tomorrow and email them to mom so she can put them on your site. Love you tons!

Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:20 AM CDT
Good Mornng Lacey I am so happy to hear how well you are doing. Mrs. Marche was so happy to get to see you yesterday. I hope every day just gets better and better. Love you lots! Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:32 AM CDT
Hi Lacey,

Just wanted to let you know I'm still thinking about you and praying for you. I'm glad you are getting your treatments outpatient. You are a bright shining star and your beauty is endless. Take care and remember Jesus loves you....so do we.

Colleen Holleman <Colleen.Holleman@us.army.mil>
Rison, AR USA - Monday, April 25, 2005 12:16 AM CDT
Hey Lacey! I am so glad you are getting to go play with your mamaw. I hope your treatments go well this week. I have been out at workshops so I missed writing you. You are such a sweet, beautiful, and strong girl. I am so proud of you for being so strong! Keep fighting hard Lacey. We all love you and miss you at JBE. Love ya lots---Mrs.Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Monday, April 25, 2005 11:26 AM CDT
Great news from the doctor on Lacey. My family and I will continue to pray for little Lacey as well as you and your other family memebers. To God be the glory.


Stan Nelson (Man on the plane)

Stan Nelson <snelson540@aol.com>
- Monday, April 25, 2005 11:13 AM CDT
Good Morning Lacey I am so glad to hear that you are getting to play and go to Mawmaws. I am already looking forward to summer so I can play with Havana - my granddaughter. Take care have fun today. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, April 25, 2005 9:31 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
We've been away for Camp Meeting since Friday. We just got back tonight. While we were there we prayed even harder for your complete recovery. Hang tough, Girlfriend, you are one strong cookie! Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and all your family.
Love and kisses, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 9:23 PM CDT
Our church, First Baptist, East Camden, AR has Lacey and her family on our prayer list. May God bless you through
these treatments with strength and healing.

Charles & Gayle Simpson <c.g.simpson@sbcglobal.net>
Warren, AR USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 8:26 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear you are back home. I bet you sleep a lot better now being in your own bed. We are stilling praying for you!! Love you! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.su>
- Sunday, April 24, 2005 6:23 PM CDT
Hi Lacey Just wanted you to know that you are on our prayer list at the Methodist Church at Star City. I know that you are glad to be back home in your own bed. Take care and tell Mom that we are praying for her too. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city , ar usa - Sunday, April 24, 2005 4:35 PM CDT
Hi Lacey. I'm glad you're home. I hope you continue to feel well. I hope you all are getting plenty of rest too. Talk to you later. Love you.
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Sunday, April 24, 2005 4:15 PM CDT
Hi Lacey It is so good to hear that you will get to go home everyday during your treatments. You are doing great, girlfriend! Just keep that pretty smile going! Love you lots, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, April 23, 2005 11:46 AM CDT
Lacey, Today Alli and I went to see Ms. Marche' and Savannah after school was out. Savannah loves to play outside. I bet she would love to have gone to Disney World with you, but her legs are much too short, right? We hope you are doing well with your treatments. We love you!
Alli, Grant, and Savannah's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, April 22, 2005 10:50 PM CDT
Hello Lacey! I am praying that all your treatments and test will continue to work out for you and your family. You are one lucky young lady to have so many people who care for you. That wonderful smile makes us all LOVE YOU!!!!! Stay strong.
Love You,

tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usa - Friday, April 22, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
Lacey, I hope your treatments are still going well. I hope I will be able to see you soon. Take care of yourself and your Mommy too!! She's a good Mommy isn't she!! You are lucky to have such a wonderful family to take care of you! Love you bunches!! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <Mbrown@starcity.12.ar.us>
- Friday, April 22, 2005 12:18 AM CDT
Hey LaLa. I'm so glad you had such a good time on your trip. And that you are feeling so good. We pray for you ever day ever time God bring you to our minds(constantly). God is so good and I know he Loves you very much and that you are in His Loving hands. I am praying that by Bible School you are well and feeling great and can come and stay with Aunt Rhonda and come to Bible School!!!!!!!! Love Ya!!Mrs Shelia
Shelia Hancock <spike18fast@aol.com>
Choudrant, La. - Friday, April 22, 2005 11:29 AM CDT
Good Morning Lacey I hope that you and Mom have a great day today. I am praying for your tests and treatments to be easy for you. Have a great day. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Friday, April 22, 2005 8:30 AM CDT

DOWNSVILLE, LA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:32 PM CDT
Hey! I am so happy to hear that there is some good news! I am going to come see you tomorrow! Is the afternoon ok? Call me and let me know! Miss you! Love, Stephanie
Stephanie Dyer <stephldyer@yahoo.com>
LR, AR - Thursday, April 21, 2005 5:25 PM CDT
Hey Lacey, I am so glad your treatments are going well for you! I like to hear that you are feeling good!! We miss you and love you!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Thursday, April 21, 2005 3:06 PM CDT
Hi Lacey,
It sounds like you had a great trip to Disney. My girls want to know if you meet Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty). She is their favorite.

I am so glad to hear that you are feeling good and eatting. Since here are a few more joke for you for National Humor Month.

What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck? Milk and quackers.

Why is basketball such a messy sport? Because you dribble all over the court.

Wishing you joy and happiness this week. Keep smiling! With love from Minnesota - "Angel" Amy

Amy Kamarainen <amy@kamarainen.net>
Eagan, MN USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:22 PM CDT

We are glad that you are doing so good. A whole bunch of folks in Warren are praying for you.

We love you!
Joy Stewart (Mrs. Marche's Mom)

Joy Stewart <jstewart@seark.net>
Warren, Ar - Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:38 AM CDT
Good morning Lacey Mae! I will be thinking of you as you go through you treatments. Stay strong and God will take care of the rest!!
Miss you,
Mrs. Tina Wygal

tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usa - Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:55 AM CDT
Good Morning Lacey I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you during your treatment days. You are an amazing young lady. You and your Mom are in my prayers. Take care. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:41 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
It seems that we are getting good news on your treatments. God us good isn't he? Everyone in our church who is praying will continue to do so. You can't possibly know how happy everyone is when I am able to tell them good news about you. You are strong and know that God is with you. Until next time, take care Girlfriend.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:28 AM CDT
hi lala, we are so glad to hear you are doing so good. We will try to call you later. We love you sooo.... much!
Aunt Kaci, Uncle Gordon, and Gavin

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:13 PM CDT
Hey Lacey, I was so happy to hear that things went well at the Dr. I bet Mickey Mouse was very glad to see you. Keep being strong and we will continue to pray for you.
Love You and miss you,
Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usat - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:20 PM CDT
Hey LaLa!! I'm glad you had a great time at Disney World!! I love you and we're hoping to come see you soon. Talk to you later. Love You!!!!!

~ Amber

Amber Vernon <an_vernon@hotmail.com>
Franklinton, La. USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:32 AM CDT


PLAQUEMINE, LA USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:08 AM CDT
Yeah Lacey!! I knew you were a tough girl!! You stay strong and feeling good!! We miss you, love you, and are praying for you!!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrow@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:51 AM CDT
Hi Lacey I'll bet you are still thinking about your wonderful trip to Disney. I haven't seen Corey this week yet, but I'm sure he will tell me all about the fun you guys had. So glad that you are feeling good. Have a great week. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:46 AM CDT
Hi Lacey, I'am so glad you had a good time on the trip. I too had a good time. We got to do all your Mom planed to do. We saw a lot of things that was very amazing. Everyting was so good. I sure had a great time with the family and Aunt Cinda. Hope to get up there soon. You are such a strong little girl. You did so good on our trip. I know for a fact that you had a great time. All of the smiles you had on your face just made my days.I Love you very much, Maw Maw
Carol <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:36 AM CDT
Hi Lacey, I'am so glad you had a good time on the trip. I too had a good time. We got to do all your Mom planed to do. We saw a lot of things that was very amazing. Everyting was so good. I sure had a great time with the family and Aunt Cinda. Hope to get up there soon. You are such a strong little girl. You did so good on our trip. I know for a fact that you had a great time. All of the smiles you had on your face just made my days.I Love you very much, Maw Maw
Carol <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:35 AM CDT
Hi Lacey. I am so glad you had such a good time at Disney World. I am also very happy to hear that you got some great news from your doctor. We have been praying for you and your whole family and I know the prayers are working. I am so thankful that you have such a good doctor. Talk to you later.
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:31 PM CDT
Hey! That is wonderful news!!!! I am so excited. I can't wait to see your pictures from Disney World! We miss you terribly and love you bunches!!
Love, Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Tuesday, April 19, 2005 2:39 PM CDT
You don't know me, but I taught your mom math in high school and taught with your Aunt Rhonda. My little granddaughter is 5 so I know how much fun you little girls have. I've been keeping up with you, and we are praying that you continue to feel better each day. Your photo is beautiful; you could be a model. Give a hug to your mome.

Annette Daniels <jaandjgd@bellsouth.net>
Marion, LA USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:32 AM CDT
Good morning Sweetie,
I was sooooooooo happy to hear the latest news. God is good!!!! Our prayers seem to be working, but then we knew they would. I can't wait to see all your pictures from Disney. It's a great place to visit. I'm trying to talk Uncle Alvin into going there on our next vacation. Do you think I'll be able to? I know he would enjoy Epcot and some of Disney. Keep up the good work.
Love and kisses, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 11:08 AM CDT
I'm so glad you had a fun time! I can't wait to take my children some day. You are on our prayer list at Calvary Baptist Church in Warren. We will all continue to pray for you. You are a special little girl!!
Justin Beth Woodard

Justin Beth Woodard <justinbwoodard@yahoo.com>
Warren, AR USA - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:31 AM CDT
Good Morning Lacey! What wonderful news for you from the doctor. I am so glad that you and your family had a great time on your vacation. I will pray that good things continue to happen in your life. Miss you and love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:27 AM CDT
That is great news from Dr. Saylors! I know you had a great time at Disney World. I can't wait to hear all about it and to see all your pictures. Hope to see you soon!
Love, Stephanie

Stephanie Dyer <stephldyer@yahoo.com>
LR, AR - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:45 AM CDT
Lacey, I bet you had a great time at Disney World!!
We thought about you a lot!!
We love you and Jesus does too!
Savannah, Grant, and Alli's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 10:57 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie, Heard that you had a blast in Florida. I'm a bit envious as I wasn't with you but am happy for you. I'll be coming up soon to see you. Hang in there Girlfriend. There are so many folks praying for you that you wouldn't believe it. Tell everyone hello for us.
Love and kisses, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 10:04 PM CDT
Welcome home, Lacey! I thought about you and your family often during the past week. I hope you had a wonderful time at Disney World. I also hope your doctors appt. went well today. I hope to see you soon!!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
, - Monday, April 18, 2005 5:16 PM CDT
Welcome home Lacey! I am so glad you are home. You better get rested up, I am sure you and your family is so tired! I can't wait to hear all about your trip. Love ya---Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Monday, April 18, 2005 11:35 AM CDT
Lacey it was a pleasure to meet you and your family on the plane headed back from Atlanta to Little Rock on SUnday evening, April 17, 2005. I throughly enjoyed my conversation with you and your mother and pray that God will continue to heal your body so that you can remain a strong and spirited little girl. My family and I will pray daily for your speedy recovery and I will never forget your excitement about your Disney World experience.

Peace & Blessings,

Stan Nelson & Family! :-))

Stan Nelson <snelson540@aol.com>
Springfield, VA` USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 8:37 AM CDT
Welcome Home Lacey!!! I hope that you and your family had a blast at Disney. I have thought about you every day. Can't wait to hear about your fun time. Take care. Love, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:20 AM CDT
Hey Lacey! I am a cousin to Mrs. Marche'and have been keeping up with you. We have your picture up at Potlatch now and I've heard the story about the "big" bike you won at Log-a-Load. Take care and I hope your having a wonderful trip. We are praying for you!
Kenna, Kyle & Krista Sparks <kenna_sparks@sbcglobal.net>
Warren, AR 71671 - Friday, April 15, 2005 5:23 PM CDT
Hey Lacey,
I talked to Mamaw Carol today and she said that you are having a blast. Going to Epcot today, what fun!!!! I can't wait to see all of your pictures. Hope you have a safe trip while there and on the way home. SEe ya soon!

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, AR - Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:01 PM CDT
Hey Lacey,
I talked to Mamaw Carol today and she said that you are having a blast. Going to Epcot today, what fun!!!! I can't wait to see all of your pictures. Hope you have a safe trip while there and on the way home. SEe ya soon!

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, AR - Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:01 PM CDT
LACEY, I pray you are having a good time and are feeling great!! I am ready to hear all about your trip. Mrs. ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, April 14, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
Hi Lacey. I hope you are having a blast at Disney World. We are all praying for you. Have a great day.
Tammy Dutton <Tammy@GreenLandandTitle.com>
- Wednesday, April 13, 2005 2:38 PM CDT


PLAQUEMINE, LA USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:59 AM CDT
Lacey Mae and her crew...
Just thinking about you as you fly and wishing you have the best time ever at Disney. You are in my prayers and I am always here when you need me. All my love...

Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:45 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie, Bet you are having the time of your life at Disney. I don't blame you, I would too. I've been thinking of you all day and just wanted you to know. I keep praying for you and won't ever stop. Keep up the fight and I'll keep up the prayers.
Love & Kisses, Aunt Cecilia

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:08 PM CDT
DOWNSVILLE, LA - Monday, April 11, 2005 7:46 PM CDT
Lacey, I know by now you are either at Disney or real close. I just wanted to let you know I am saying lots of prayers for you and your family while you are having fun!! Have a great time. Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Monday, April 11, 2005 2:39 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
My trip to Women's Retreat was cut short because the lady who rode with me had an emergency phone call to come home. Her 99 year old mother was having medicalproblems. That means we got there and had to turn back but I wouldn't have had it any other way. She needed to be with her mother in her bad times.
TOMORROWS THE DAY!!!!!! YEAH!! I still wish I were going with you but will be praying that you have the greatest time ever. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back. Take care of MawMaw, would you?
Love and Kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Sunday, April 10, 2005 10:22 AM CDT
I hope you have a great time at Disney World! It is GREAT!!! HAve fun! Mrs. Sassy
Sassy Socia <ssocia@rison.k12.ar.us>
Rison, AR USA - Sunday, April 10, 2005 10:06 AM CDT
Hey Lacey,
I know that you are too excited about leaving for Disney! It was really great to see you yesterday at Mamaw Carol's, your smile just made my day. Cody & Michaela was excited to finally get to meet you to. You go and have the best time ever at Disney! Make sure that Mamaw Carol takes her medicine before she gets on the plane, so that she doesn't get sick(haha). I will be praying for you and your family! Ya'll take plenty of pictures and I want to see them when you get back. Have fun and be safe! Much love to you all!!!!!!!!!!

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Sunday, April 10, 2005 8:56 AM CDT
Hey Lacey,
I know that you are too excited about leaving to go to Disney. It was so great to see you yesterday at Mamaw Carol's. Cody & Michaela enjoyed finally meeting you to. You go and have the best time ever and take lots and lots of pictures. I want to see them when you get back. I will keep praying for you and your family, especially Mamaw Carol, as she gets on the plane, make sure she takes her medicine before she gets on the plane. Much love to you all.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Sunday, April 10, 2005 8:52 AM CDT
Have a great time at Disney World! We will be thinking of you, having all that fun!
Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR 71667 - Saturday, April 9, 2005 9:15 PM CDT
The day is almost here!!! I bet you are can't sit still, can you? I have a wonderful time! I love you! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Saturday, April 9, 2005 4:11 PM CDT
Hey Lacey Tomorrow is the big day for you and your family. I haven't been to DW since 1992. I am ready to go back and take my granddaughter who is 3. Be sure and get some good pictures and have a ball! Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, April 9, 2005 11:39 AM CDT
Hello Lacey, I hope you enjoyed all the goodies you got today. Jordan was so excited to bring them to you. I bet you can't sleep from being so excited about Disney World. I know I wouldn't be able to. I stopped by your Mammaw Carol's today and gave her the pictures from you birthday party to give to you. I love the one of you in the tunnel. It is so cute. Well it is way past my bedtime!! I will see you when you get back! I love you bunches!!! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k2.ar.us>
- Friday, April 8, 2005 10:08 PM CDT
Lacey, I am so excited! I can't sleep because you are so excited about going to Disney World!I won't get on a plane..but if they brought Disney World to Cornerville.I am there!!You have enough fun for me..Savannah, Grant and Alli Beth!! Grant and Alli went last year and Grant still talks about it!!!We love you and will think of you every day and how much fun you are having! Jesus loves you and we do too!
Savannah, Grant and Alli's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@td.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, April 8, 2005 5:08 PM CDT
hope you have a ball at DW -- I have never been, so I will be anxious to hear about EVERYTHING and to see pictures! thanks again for sharing your birthday cake with my little boy -- now when we drive by ACH he always says "yummy cake"! see you soon and love you lots!

Kori Gordon (3goldpharmacist) <hgordon40@comcast.net>
LR, AR - Friday, April 8, 2005 3:09 PM CDT
hope you have a ball at DW -- I have never been, so I will be anxious to hear about EVERYTHING and to see pictures! thanks again for sharing your birthday cake with my little boy -- now when we drive by ACH he always says "yummy cake"! see you soon and love you lots!

Kori Gordon (3goldpharmacist) <hgordon40@comcast.net>
LR, AR - Friday, April 8, 2005 3:09 PM CDT
Hey Lacey May! I just discovered your website and those beautiful pictures! I see that you are headed to Disney World, soak up some sun for all of us and bring us back some sand. We love you Lacey!
Lora P. <lorajonparker@aol.com>
3-Gold, - Friday, April 8, 2005 3:04 PM CDT
Hey Lacey! Are you having fun today? I am going to drop some things by your Mawmaw Carol's this afternoon. We hope you enjoy all of it. Only 3 more days until Disney World. I hope you and your family have a blast. I am praying for you all!!!!
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Friday, April 8, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
Hey Lacey Boy, it is almost time to go to Disney. I told Corey to have a good time and to be nice to you! HaHa I have you and your family in my prayer journal for a safe trip. Miss you and love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Friday, April 8, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
PLAQUEMINE, LA U.S.A. - Friday, April 8, 2005 9:01 AM CDT
Hi Lacy,
My name is Katie and I am 13 years old. I was reading your journal and guestbook and just wanted to say "hi". I think that you are very lucky to get to go to Disney World. I have never been but lots of my friends have gone and they all loved it...let me know how your trip goes. I will check your guestbook and journal later on. Gotta run..school time..
Your penpal,

Katie <cheernaster729@aol.com>
Little rock, ar pulaski - Friday, April 8, 2005 7:56 AM CDT
Hey Lacey,
Hope that you had a good night last night. I talked to Mamaw Carol yesterday at the bank and she said that you were doing good, and that you are too excited about going to Disney. That is great!!! I told her to put me in her suitcase with her so I can go with you. We are still praying for you and praying that you will have a safe trip and a good time.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Friday, April 8, 2005 6:05 AM CDT
Hi Lacey....sounds like you had a fun day today! I am glad you got to go to the park and I know you will have TONS of fun at Disney!! We are thinking of you and send our thoughts and prayers and ((((BIG HUGS)))) from Alabama!! Have a wonderful trip!!!!
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 11:03 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie, I won't be writing for a couple of days because I am going to a Women's Retreat. I'll get a message out as soon as I get back. While I'm there I'll ask all the ladies to have a special prayer session for you. Have fun at Disney World. Just wish I would be able to join you all. Go to It's a Small World for me. That's one of my favorites. Told you I could be a kid there!
Love and kisses, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine , LA USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 9:02 PM CDT
Hey Lacey, I was SOOOO disappointed that I didn't get to come out to see you today. Savannah was sick and I didn't get to go to school today either. She is doing better now though. I am so glad you got to go to the park today. I remember catching caterpillars when I was your age. It was fun to me too. I always liked the way they tickeld my arm. Only only 4 more days until you head to Disney World. Say hello to Winnie the Pooh for me. I really like him. I will see you when you get back from your trip. Have a great time!!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Thursday, April 7, 2005 8:54 PM CDT
Hi Lacey I didn't get to check your website today when I was at school. Our computers were down. I thought about you all day. I am so excited that the Disney trip is almost here. You are going to have so much fun. I am happy you are feeling good, too. I'll check on you tomorrow. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, April 7, 2005 4:35 PM CDT
Hi Lacey! We were just checking on you. We know you are counting the days until you go to Disney World!! Hope you have a great time!! Love and prayers, Randy, Holly, Matthew & Adam
Holly <Hmontgomery@drewcentral.org>
Monticello, AR - Thursday, April 7, 2005 3:09 PM CDT
hey lay lay!!! i hope you have a great time at disney land. we sure do miss you!! we are praying for you at church in our ga class. i hope you don't catch all the catapillars. ha-ha. we can't wait to see you again. it will soon be camping out time again at aunt Rhonda's. have fun, we love you--shelly, daniel, randal, james, and debbie smith.
Shelly Smith <dlsmith65@bellsouth.net>
downsville, la usa - Thursday, April 7, 2005 1:01 PM CDT
Hi Lacey,
Just wanted you to know that you are still in our prayers and the people of Summit Baptist in Pine Bluff are praying for you too. Disney, WOW!!! what a great trip. Have a great time and enjoy every minute of it.

Debbie Hinkle <hink40@yahoo.com>
Pine Bluff, AR USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 12:16 AM CDT
Morning sweetheart. I am really looking forward to going with you, the family and maw maw to Disneyworld. We will see to it that you have a great time. I will see you Monday, in just 4 days now.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 8:45 AM CDT
In this life we will have troubles, however the Lord helps us through each and every one.


Trey Roberson <troberson@yahoo.com>
Springfield , MO Greene - Thursday, April 7, 2005 8:29 AM CDT
Good morning Lacey,
Glad to hear that you are doing better. So, you got to go to the park, cool. I bet that you had a good time. Just think in a few more days you will be having a blast at Disney. Just wanted to know that we are continuing to pray for you and your family. Much love

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Thursday, April 7, 2005 6:06 AM CDT
Hello Lacey just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers. I am so happy that you are going to Disney! Have a good time for me too..OHH say HI to Eeyore if you see him for me he is my Favv.I have his picture on my prosthetic leg I like him so much..Have Lots of Fun!! Take care and God Bless You and Your Family..
Shelly Atkinson <purplefrogs1971@yahoo.com>
Rison, AR USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:08 PM CDT
Lacey, It is night time. I hope you are resting well. You need lots of rest for your big trip. I did not get much rest today. Savannah, Grant, Alli and I played in their playhouse that their "Grump"(that is a funny name for a grandpa isn't it) made for them..I ate a lot of pretend food they made me..Savannah even fed me some plastic Army men. So now I need to rest!! You rest well sweetie! We love you! Jesus loves you! Savannah's Grammy
Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:38 PM CDT
We continue to pray for Lacey that if it is God's will, that these next procedures will work. We include all your
family in our prayers because we know this affects all of

Charles and Gayle Simpson <c.g.simpson@sbcglobal.net>
Warren, AR USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 9:53 PM CDT
Hey Lacey,
I know that you are counting the hours and days until you get to go to Disney. I am sooo jealous. I hope that all of your family will have a great time. I think Mamaw Carol should hide me in her suitcase, so i can go with you. You have a great time and remember that we are all praying for you to get better soon. Much love,

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
Hi Lacey! I am so excited you are going to Disney World!!! Be sure to give Mickey Mouse a greate big hug! You are going to have so much fun. We are all saying a prayer for you every night. Take care and enjoy yourself next week.
Randy, Holly, Matthew & Adam <Hmontgomery@drewcentral.org>
Monticello, AR USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 2:13 PM CDT
Hi Lacey,
I am sure you and your family will have a great time at Disney next week. We went last October for the first time and had a blast. I sent you a package today that you will need for your trip. It should get there by Saturday.

Take care and laugh often. You, your Mom and Dad and brothers are in my thoughts and prayers. With love from Minnesota - "Angel" Amy

Amy Kamarainen <amy@kamarainen.net>
Eagan, MN USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 2:07 PM CDT
Hi Lacey,
Just a quick note from Covington, LA to let you know that you and your family are very much in our prayers. Your Great Grandmother Mary White, Ms. Molly Magee and myself are proud of you and even though I have not met you personally I love you and pray GOD will continue to hold you in the palms of HIS hands.

I hope you enjoy Disney World and have a great time.

We Love you!

Trish O'Neal <trish@maxfoote.com>
Covington, La USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 1:53 PM CDT
Hi Lacey. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.
Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 12:58 AM CDT
Hi Lacey and family,

Rhonda Cox gave me your website. My daughter Ashley has cancer and is at St. Jude. We wanted to let you know that we lift you up in our prayers and check on your site daily. Have a wonderful time making memories at Disney world. We leave April the 20th for Ashley's wish trip there. Get all the rides warmed up for us. Just remember, God is the great physician.

Valerie Taylor www.caringbridge.org/la/princessashley <vah9776@yahoo.com>
Downsville, LA USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 12:15 AM CDT
Hi Lacey! Hope you have a lot of fun at Disney World, wish I could go with you! We think about you every day. I pray God will watch over and take care of you because you are one of his precious children. Love Miss Martha & Mr Ronnie
Martha Sullivan <sampsimo0@tds.net>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:41 AM CDT
Good Morning Lacey Mrs. Marche said that she had such a good time with you yesterday. I know that you are getting excited about your trip to disney. Take lots of pictures of everything you see! Have a good day. Love you, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
Lacey, You are going to have so much fun at Disney World. I am so excited for you, that is where I want to go this summer on vacation. I have been there before and I loved it. YOu are going to have so much fun riding all the cool rides and meeting all the characters. I wish I could be there with you. Be careful on the teacups.... they made me sick!!! Take lots of pictures so we can see how much fun you and your family had. We miss you and love you lots Lacey! Love, Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:18 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I love you so much. Have fun at Disney World.
Love, Justin

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcitythat you have a good time at Disney World.
Love, Sonny

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:56 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I hope you have a very happy day. I hope you have a fun time on the roller coasters.
Love, Taylor

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
, - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:55 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I love you, Lacey. I hope you come back to school. We all love you. I hope you had a good time at your party. I hope you have a good trip to Disney World.
Love, Terica

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:52 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I hope you have a good time at Disney World. We all love you. I hope you had a very good birthday.
Love, Wesley

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get better soon.
Love, Nicole

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:49 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
We all hope you feel better. I wanted to come to your party but I couldn't. I want you to know that I am going to Disney World too.
Love, Jarrell

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:48 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I know your going to Disney World. I know you are going to have fun.
Love, Montana

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:45 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I hope you have a great time at Disney World.

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:41 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I know you are at home right now, but if you get sick our class will be there for you. I wish you lots of fun on your trip.
Love, Nannie

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I heard you are going to Disney World next week. I hope you have fun and bring me something back from Disney World (just joking).
Love, Curtis.

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:38 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I hope you have a good time at Disney world. I hope you have a fun time on the rides.

Mrs. marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:36 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get better soon. Everyone misses you and wants you to come back to school. I hope you have a good time at Disney World.
Love, Cody

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:35 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get better. I hope you like Disney World.
Love, Myranda

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:33 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I am someone who heard about you through your teacher's mom. You must be very brave! I hope you and your family have a wonderful time at Disney World! I'm sure it will be a lot of fun. I will continue to pray for you; you are very special to so many people.

Justin Beth Woodard

Justin Beth Woodard <justinbwoodard@yahoo.com>
Warren, AR Bradley - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:32 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I hope you have a fun time at Disney World. I hope you get better. Have a fun on your trip. Love, Zach

Mrs. Marche's 1st grade <mbrown@starcity.12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:31 AM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I hope you have a fun time at Diseny World.
Love, Chase

Mrs. Marche's 1st Grade Class <Mbrown@starcity.12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:29 AM CDT
Dear Lacey, I hope you get to feeling better. Please come back to school. I hope you have a good time on your trip. Love, Kaitlyn
Marche Brown's 1st Grade Class <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:27 AM CDT
Lacey, Have fun on you trip to Disney World. It is very fun. I've been there before. Love, Jayln
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:22 AM CDT

PLAQUEMINE, LA USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:12 AM CDT
Hi Lacey,
My friend Sandy who goes to your church just sent me an e-mail about you. I hope you have a blast at Disneyworld!!!! Tell Mickey and the gang that Wendi says hello. If you don't mind, I am going to put your name on the prayer list in my Sunday school class this next week. I hope that everything works out for you and your mom and dad. Keep up your spirits and keep your faith strong.

Wendi Slay <wennipoo@msn.com>
Tulsa, OK United States - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:12 AM CDT
You are an Angel Lacey. We are praying for you and your family's strength. Enjoy your trip to Disney World!
Brenda, Angie & Deshunda Henry
White Hall, AR AR - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 9:07 AM CDT
Good Morning Lacey!! I had a lot of fun with you yesterday!! I love to see your big smile and laugh. You brighten my day everytime I come and see you!! I hope you have a fun day today. It looks like we will be inside because it is yucky outside!! I will see you Thursday!!! I can't wait. Love, Mrs. Marche
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 9:05 AM CDT
Hey Lacey!!
WOW! Disneyworld!! I know you are going to have so much fun! I'm still thinkin' about you, girl, and you've been in my prayers. Have a great time with Mickey and Friends. I would love to see pictures of your trip!
Mrs. Suzi

Suzi Davis <suziqdavis@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 9:01 AM CDT
Hi Lacey. DisneyWorld!!! How awesome is that!
Jesus loves you and I do too, you are such a little angel! Praying that you will be all well very very soon!

Sandy Pendergrass <Sandy.Pendergrass@arkansashighways.com>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 8:51 AM CDT
Lacey, What a beautiful young lady you are! I have never been to Disneyland but I hope to get there someday. I know you will have fun, enjoy your trip. Take care of You, God bless You. Namaste
Ginger House <ginger.house@pba.army.mil>
Sheridan, AR - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
Hello Lacey, Enjoy your trip to Disney. It will be so much fun. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Peggy Rainwater <Rainwat@SEARK.net>
Sheridan, AR USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 7:57 AM CDT
Hi Lacey,

Just wanted to say "HI" and to wish you a wonderful trip to Disney. It's a wonderful place and I know you will have a lot of fun. We are still praying for you and your family. Let your little light shine for all the world to see! God bless you. Remember Jesus loves you so very much.

Rick and Colleen Holleman

Colleen Holleman <Colleen.Holleman@us.army.mil>
Rison, AR USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 7:37 AM CDT
Hi Lacey..... I hope you have a wonderful time in Disney! We are still praying for you and I know God hears our prayers for sweet little "angels" like you!! Have a GREAT trip! Lots of ((((hugs))) and prayers from Alabama!!!!
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 11:20 PM CDT

MARY SPURLOCK <mespurlock@bellsouth.com>
DOWNSVILLE, LA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 10:47 PM CDT
Hello Lacey,
It's been awhile since Katlin and I have written to you, but you have been in everyone of our prayers. DISNEY WORLD!!!! How wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful time. We are praying for you everyday.

Donna & Katlin Taylor <Taylorstrucking@tds.net>
Rison, AR USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 8:48 PM CDT
Hello Lacey I am a friend of Marche' Brown. we go to the same church. You are on our Prayer list and My Prayer is that GOD will hear our prayers and that you will be better soon. Pat Copeland
Patricia Ann Copeland <patsy37@seark.net>
Warren, Ar. 7Ar usa - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 7:24 PM CDT
Hello Lacey! I am Mrs. Marche's cousin (there are a lot of us) and I live far away in Indiana. I just wanted you to know that people this far away are praying for you too! I went to Disney World a long time ago and loved it. I know it's gotten even better since then and you'll have a blast! We'll all keep praying and I know Mrs. Marche' will keep us updated on you!
Becca Spencer <rebeccalspencer@hotmail.com>
Jasper, IN - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 6:48 PM CDT
Lacey, Grant and Alli and I went to the park today and had a picnic!Grant and Alli are Savannah's cousins. We are so tired. It was a lot of fun..but not like the fun you will have at Disney World!
Savannah is staying with Grammy tomorrow.I have to vaccum really well! She thinks she is a human vaccum cleaner.
Jesus loves you! Savannah's Grammy!

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 5:12 PM CDT
Hi Lacey. I just wanted to say thank you for inviting us to your birthday party. We had so much fun. That was our first time to go to Chucke Cheese. The best thing about it was seeing you have such a good time. I hear you are going to Disney World. Mitch and I are going to take Ken and Gage there someday. I've never been so you'll have to tell me all about it when you get back. If you see Snow White, tell her hi for me. We pray for you and your family every night. God is such a good God and I know he is watching over you all. We love you. Have fun and take lots of pictures!
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 3:36 PM CDT
Dear Lacey,
My name is Bryan Sellers and I am the pastor at Valley Landmark Missionary Baptist Church in Spokane Washington. I use to pastor at Central in Warren. Marche Brown has been keeping us updated on your condition. I want you to know that we are praying for you and your family. I hope you have a great time at Disney Land. God Bless!

Bryan Sellers <bryan_sellers@msn.com>
Spokane, WA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 2:43 PM CDT
I am so glad you are going to Disneyworld again. Hope you have a wonderful time. When you get back you will have to let me know what you did. I was really excited to see you at church Sunday. I was visiting and didn't know a lot of people there. When I saw you there I felt better. Enjoy your trip.
Terri Norton <fatmama254@yahoo.com>
Star City, ar usa - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 2:09 PM CDT
Dear Lacey,
I am the cheerleading sponsor at Warren High School. The cheerleaders recently went to Disney World this summer. They had a blast, make sure you ride the tea cups and watch the parades. I am praying for you. Kelly Brown

Kelly Brown <ladyjacks1996@yahoo.com>
Warren, AR USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 1:59 PM CDT
Dear Lacey,
You don't know me, but I am a teacher at Warren high School. I heard about your story and wanted to let you know that I have a little girl about your age, her name is Allie Grace. She would love it if you said hi to all the princesses at Disney World for her. Our prayers are with you.
in Christ- Brandi Bennett

Brandi Bennett <brandikbennett@yahoo.com>
Warren, AR 71671 - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
Lacey, I hope you are feeling better today. I will keep you in my prayers. Love you, Ms. Donna Bennett
Donna Bennett <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usa - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 1:31 PM CDT
Hello Lacey! I hope you have a great time at Disney world next week. I'm sure that Mickey will be excited to see you again. We here at JBE are still praying hard for you and will keep you in our prayers. Love you, Mrs. Tina

tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usat - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 1:27 PM CDT
Lacey, These remarks are from the children in Mrs. Pam's First Grade Room at JBE: Madison Spence says she hopes you feel better. Tye Brown said he hopes you have a good time at Disney World, Robin Turner said she is waiting for you to come back to school, Cassie Burns said to tell you she misses you, Reagan White said she wants you to get better, Danquarius King said he hopes you feel better soon, Laresha Erwin wants you to feel better. All of the class is thinking about you , however, some are to shy to speak up. We are remembering you in our prayers and thoughts. You and your family have a great time at Disney World. Take lots of pictures that you can share with us.
We love you, Mrs. Pam's Class

Pam Haley <haleyp@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR Lincoln - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 12:39 AM CDT
Good Morning! I hope you have fun at Disney World! Cinderella's castle is my favorite and "It's a Small World". We are praying for you at Shepherd Hill Baptist Church. (Savannah's Grammy's church)Love, Trish :)
Tricia Biggers <triciabiggers@yahoo.com>
Woodlawn , AR USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 10:46 AM CDT
Good morning, sweet girl, Disney World, huh? Well, you all go and hae a BLAST! Get lots of pictures and remember it all, 'cause I will want to hear all about it when you get back. Hunter told me last night that he got to go to Chucky Cheese and it was fun! Hey, BoBo and & I are still praying. We love you, lots, MeMe&BoBo
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.com>
Downsville, La USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 10:37 AM CDT
Hey Lacey You will have soooooo much fun at Disney World. I am thinking of you and your Mom EVERY day. Love you lots, Mrs. Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 10:31 AM CDT
Hey LaLa!!
Hope you have a good day. We love you and we're thinking about you. Love you lots!!!!!
Love, Uncle Walter, Aunt Martha, Amber, Erica, and Ethan

Amber Vernon <doubletakeplus1@juno.com>
Franklinton, La. USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 10:26 AM CDT
Hi Lacey, This is Alice Lindsey with my two grandsons, Chandler (4years old) and Isaac (one year old). We wanted you to know that we are thinking about you today. We are making plans to go on a little trip to the park for a picnic. We read that you are making plans for a BIG trip that sounds like so much fun! We pray for you every day and we can't wait to hear all about your trip.
Alice Lindsey <peyton@seark.net>
Wilmar, AR USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 10:07 AM CDT
Good Morning! I hope you are feeling a lot better today. I know you will have a great time at Disney. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Tracy Nichols
Warren, AR - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 9:40 AM CDT
hey lala,
how are you doin? did you have fun at your birthday party sunday? i did it was lots and lots of fun!! Im glad i got to go and see you. i had been a while since i have came to see you. well i guess i will tlk to you later. luv ya. hilary

hilary <sprintchic94c@aol.com>
- Tuesday, April 5, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Hey sweetheart!! I hope you slept well last night. I said a very special prayer for you and your family. I know you are so excited about your trip to Disney World. I wish I could go!! I have never been. You will have to have enough fun for both of us!! I will see you this afternoon. Love you bunches, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 8:41 AM CDT
Lacey, Disney World..How Cool! LOTS OF FUN! I am going to send you a little surprise in the mail so you can buy something really silly! I will get Ms. Marche' to give me your address at home. Savannah will be jealous so have enough fun for her too! We love you, Lacey! Jesus love you too!
HAVE FUN! Savannah's Grammy!

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 8:24 AM CDT
God Morning Sweetie, I just read the update and wish your doctor's visit would have been more positive. You are such a Blessing to all of us! More of us should learn from you because you are so strong and loving. Have a blast in Disney World, you deserve it. Wish I could go with you because I can become a kid when I'm there. Can you picture me as a kid? I can dream can't I??????
Love and kisses to you, Mom and Grandma.
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 8:11 AM CDT
Lacey, have a lot of fun at Disney! We went this summer and Grant and Alli Beth had so much fun! Grant says the Buzz Lightyear ride is the best. Alli Beth really liked the fireworks. We are still praying for you!
Davy, Kim Kaye, Grant, & Alli Beth King <kbrown-king@seark.edu>
Rison, AR USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 8:06 AM CDT
Hey Lacey,
I'm so sorry to hear that your appointment didn't go well, but you know what, I am going to pray that much harder. I hope that you have a good time and enjoy yourself next week in Disney. I know that you had a blast the last time that you were there. Tell Mickey and Minnie and everyone that we said hello. You have a job to do and that is to have a great time. Think you can handle that? Much prayer and love.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 5:51 AM CDT
Lacey, I thought about you alot on your birthday! I have tryed several times to send you a message but I could not get my computer to work right! I am really glad to hear that you had a great birthday. You know that you were born on my birthday. Happy belated birthday!!!I am praying for you every day. I miss seeing you everyday. I love you, Ms. Charlotte (your sub)
Charlotte Stone <cctstone@seark.net>
Star City, AR Lincoln - Monday, April 4, 2005 9:16 PM CDT
I heard about your party. I know it was lots of fun. Did you eat lots of pizza - I'll bet Mrs. Marche did. She loves pizza. She keeps us up on how you are doing. We all love you and are praying for you.
Joy Stewart (Mrs. Marche's Mom)

Joy Stewart <jstewart@seark.net>
Warren, AR - Monday, April 4, 2005 6:44 PM CDT
Lacey, I hear that you had a GREAT party! Ms. Marche' said it was a lot of fun!
It sounds like you are having a lot of fun! I heard she took a lot of pictures!
Keep having a good time!
Jesus loves you! Savannah's Grammy

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Monday, April 4, 2005 5:36 PM CDT
Hey Lacey, I had so much fun with you at your party yesterday!! I could tell you had a lot of fun too!! I am coming out to see you tomorrow. I can't wait!! I am sending up lots of prayers for you!! Love you bunches!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar - Monday, April 4, 2005 3:31 PM CDT
Hi Lacey- Thinking of you!!!! Love forever- Ms. Andrea
Andrea Thomas <athomas@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Monday, April 4, 2005 3:09 PM CDT
Good Morning Lacey I know that today is an important day for you. I will think of you as you go to the doctor. I miss you at school. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, April 4, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
Good morning Lacey. I am so glad to read you were able to go to church yesterday. I went to church with my grandma. I sure hope that your doctor visit goes well today. I will say a special prayer for you today. Miss ya lots---Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Monday, April 4, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
Hey Lacey!! It was so good to see you at church yesterday, I was hoping to meet you, but you got out of there to fast! Maybe the next time you come I can meet you! Take care of yourself and see you soon.
Cynthia Maxwell <cynthia@ben-pearson.com>
Star City, AR - Monday, April 4, 2005 8:54 AM CDT
Good morning, sweet girl, I heard you had a GREAT birthday party yesterday. Sure wish I had felt up to coming. We are praying for good reports on all your tests today and that you can get all the chemo behind you and start to really getting well. Remember, God loves you and is always with you. Love you, MeMe and BoBo
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.com>
Downsville, La USA - Monday, April 4, 2005 7:09 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Glad to hear that you were able to go to church and thank The Lord for all He has done. Everyday is another step toward getting completely well. Good luck tomorrow on your tests. I'll check in later and find out what the doctor said. Remember Jesus loves you and so do we.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Sunday, April 3, 2005 8:44 PM CDT
Hi Lacey & family, It's good to hear that your doing great! If your weather has been like ours, then you need to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Piper & Fisher send there love, although Fisher has been soo grumpy today...I don't know what we are going to do with him. Kirk & I send our prayers too. Hug your Momma for me, and I'll check back soon. Enjoy your weekend!
Guinnevere, Kirk, Piper & Fisher <kgpsimons@yahoo.com>
Denison, TX 75021 - Sunday, April 3, 2005 4:33 PM CDT
Good Morning Lacey! I am so happy to hear that you are getting to go outside and play and enjoy the beautiful weather. That is great that you were able to go to church today too!

Here are a couple of little holidays for the month of April that I thought you might enjoy knowing about. Did you know that yesterday was National Peanut Butter and Jelly day? Today is National Find a Rainbow Day - I hope you find all your rainbows! And April is National Humor Month. So keeping with that theme - here are a few jokes for you -

What did Tennesee?
The same thing that Arkansas.

What state is also a small soda?
Minnesota (mini - soda)

Why do dolphins swim in salt water?
Beacause pepper makes them sneeze.

Have a great day today. I will be thinking and praying for you tomorrow and hope all goes well. With love from Minnesota - "Angel" Amy

Amy Kamarainen <amy@kamarainen.net>
Eagan, MN 55123` - Sunday, April 3, 2005 10:36 AM CDT
Good morning Lacey I am so glad that you are going to get to go to church today. I am going to my church, too. I am praying that tomorrow is a good day for you. In the mean time, enjoy the sunshine outside today. Miss you and love you, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, April 3, 2005 9:09 AM CDT
Hi Lacey,
It is so great to hear that you are doing so well. I am very glad that you are well enough to go to church today, go and remember to thank God for answering prayers today.
Get plenty of rest today because tomorrow will be a big day for you. We will keep remembering you.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Sunday, April 3, 2005 8:33 AM CDT
Hi Lacey, glad you got to play alot today and you get to go to church tomorrow, that is great!! We are praying for you in Alabama and send you ((BIG HUGS)) and hope tomorrow will be a great day for you too! Take care!!!
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Saturday, April 2, 2005 11:30 PM CST
Hey Lacey,
Just wanted you to know we are still praying for you every day. I was reading all your email, and wow people all over the country are praying for you. Hope you keep feeling better everyday. All our love and May God bless you!!!

Shelly Quarles <shellyq11@netzero.com>
Carlisle , IA USA - Saturday, April 2, 2005 9:01 PM CST
Hi Sweetie,
It doesn't seem like a week since we saw you but it has been. Just look at the improvements you've made in that week! Hope everything goes well Monday. Remember we love you lots.
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Saturday, April 2, 2005 8:36 PM CST
Hey Lacey,
Hope that you are still doing good. I hope that you can get outside for a little while today, it's so pretty out there. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and still remembering you daily in thought and prayer. Good luck on Monday.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Saturday, April 2, 2005 11:19 AM CST
Hey Lacey! I hope you get to go outside and swing today!! It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. . . just like you!!! I can't wait until tomorrow! I will see you at 3:00!! I know you are excited too. You have a great day! I love you! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, April 2, 2005 10:34 AM CST
Hey Lacey The weather should be perfect for you to get to play outside again. I hope that you have a fun day. You are in my prayers EVERY day. Love you, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, April 2, 2005 9:57 AM CST
Hi Lacey... Glad to hear you are doing much better. We are still praying for you and send love, ((hugs)) and many prayers to you from Alabama!!!!
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 11:47 PM CST
Hi, Lacey! So happy to hear your counts are up.My prayers will continue until you are healed. I love reading all the entries on your website. Stay strong! Angie from Wisconsin (aunt cinda's friend)
Angie Perkins <makeupgal@wi.rr.com>
Bristol, WI USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 7:44 PM CST
hey Lacey,
I just got in from baseball practice and asked mom to check on you. Hasn't it been a pretty week to play outside. I'm glad you are home! I still pray for you every night.

Hunter Haley <gbhaley@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 7:42 PM CST
Hi Lacey! You don't know me, but my husband is your grandparents' service man (Randy). We have all been praying for you and I am glad to read you are doing better!! Take care and have a wonderful weekend!!! Your friends, Randy, Holly, Matthew & Adam

Holly Montgomery <hmontgomery@drewcentral.org>
Wilmar, AR USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 3:03 PM CST
Hi Lacey! You don't know me, but my husband is your grandparents' service man (Randy). We have all been praying for you and I am glad to read you are doing better!! Take care and have a wonderful weekend!!! Your friends, Randy, Holly, Matthew & Adam

Holly Montgomery <hmontgomery@drewcentral.org>
Wilmar, AR USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 3:01 PM CST
Hi sweetheart. Wow, you counts are super. I know you are not looking forward to going back in Monday for your next round of kemo, but then there will only be four more after that.... Stay strong and healthy so you bounce right back and can continue with your school work and playtime. Have mawmaw or moma call me after they get the scan results. I'll be praying extra strong during Monday and always, of course. I love you my little darling.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 1:24 PM CST
Hello Lacey,
I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Riayn's Gammie in Louisiana. I can't believe you're eight years old! Boy does that make me feel old. I remember when you were just a little bitty thing playing with Riayn. What a fine young lady you're turning out to be. Riayn's Mom told me that you had this website, so I thought I'd check up on you. So glad to hear that you're feeling good, playing outside (when it's not raining!), and working with your teacher to keep up in school. That's great!
I'm helping a teacher (Valerie Taylor) at Downsville who's daughter is a patient at St. Judes. I have her classes while she has to be away, and she has a website with caringbridge too.(www.caringbridge.org/la/princessashley) We've learned that laughter is a great form of healing, so Ms. Valerie's classes put jokes in a joke-bucket at school for Ashley, and we send her doses of laughter through her website. I bet it would just be the thing for you too, so we're going to share the laughter with you and your family too. So here's your first dose of laughter from the 7th & 8th graders at Downsville High School:

Q: What's green & makes holes?
A: A drill pickle!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Isabel who?
Isabel out of order, I had to knock!

You and your family are now in our prayers along with our little Ashley.

Ms. Cathy & the 7th-8th graders at DHS <rich_cat@bellsouth.net>
Downsville, LA The Good ol' USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 11:48 AM CST
Lacey, I am so glad you are feeling so good. Mrs. Marche' keeps everyone posted on how you are. We all really miss you and are lifting your name up in prayer everyday. I hope today is another great day for you and your family. We all love you, Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 1, 2005 9:38 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey You are one special lilttle girl! I am so happy to know that every day you are improving. Have a fun weekend! Love, Mrs.Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Friday, April 1, 2005 8:13 AM CST
Hi Sweetie,
Well here it is, the end of another week. It warms my heart every time I click on to this web site and see all the loving messages people from all over have sent you. That shows just how special you are and how many folks truly love and care. I have a book I want to bring you next time I come up. It is a great book for you to read a part of daily or have Mom read it for you. Keep on doing what you are doing because it seems to be working. Take care and hope to see you soon.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, La USA - Friday, April 1, 2005 8:09 AM CST

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Friday, April 1, 2005 6:40 AM CST
Hi Sweetie,
Way to go! It's great hearing your counts are up. It's also good to know you are feeling better and are able to play outside a bit. Keep up the fight. It's also heart warming to read all the email messages you are getting. That shows lots and lots of people care about you. Until later, girlfriend.
Love and Kisses,
Aunt Cecilia and Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Thursday, March 31, 2005 8:58 PM CST
Hey girl! We sure do miss you at school. I enjoyed studying with you yesterday. I will see you this afternoon around 3:30 okay!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <Mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, M - Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:12 AM CST
Hi Lacey I am home from school today. I took a personal day to stay with my granddaughter. I hope that you are still doing really good. I can't wait until I get to see you again. Have a wonderful day. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, March 31, 2005 11:51 AM CST
Hi. I am so glad you are doing so well. These past few days have been some beautiful days to get out and play. We hope to get to come see you sometime this weekend. I will call first to make sure you feel like company. Talk to you all soon.
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:58 AM CST
Hey Lacey, I'm so glad to hear you are feeling well and able to enjoy being outside. Have fun girl!!!! -Steph
Steophanie Messick <messicksa@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:16 AM CST
Lacey, It's so good to hear that you are doing so well.
Mrs. Marche gives me updates on you everyday when she comes to pick up Savannah. I pray you just keep getting stronger and healthier! Lots of love.
Jesus loves you!
Mrs. Christy

Christy Ballard <ballard@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:14 AM CST
Hey Lacey! So glad that you are continuing to improve everyday! You keep up the fight. You and the Lord are doing wonderful things. We are continuing to pray for you daily and think about you all the time. Keep fighting! Love ya.
Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:20 PM CST
I'm so glad you are feeling like playing outside! I think that's one of the best medicines! keep up the great recovery!! Love--Kim
Kim Blaylock <kblaylock1@hotmail.com>
Star City, Ar USA - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 6:15 PM CST
Hey Lacey,
I am happy that you are doing well. Still praying for you...stay strong!

Randy Phillips <lumberjacksbaseball@yahoo.com>
Wilmar, AR drew - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:59 PM CST
Hi Lacey. I had such a great visit with you, moma, daddy, mawmaw, pawpaw and everyone. I knew if I got you eating some real good food, you'd get better. There was no bigger thrill than loading up the truck to take you home last Saturday. Really enjoyed dying the eggs with you and all the boys and Easter morning. Wish I could have stayed a lot longer. I hope to be back soon. Keep up your great counts and enjoy playing, but be careful. I love you so very much and constantly pray for you and everyone else. Talk to you soon. Love ya
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:46 PM CST
Hey Lacey Mae. I'm on Spring Break but came in today b/c there weren't enough social workers here. Glad to see you are gone! :)
Hope you have a wonderful break from us- I miss you!

Carrie <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:32 AM CST
Hi, Lacey.

I go to church with Ms. Debbie Hinkle, who sent me your web site address. I am so glad you are feeling better. I am praying for you.

Beckey Howard <Beckey.Howard@ipaper.com>
Rison, AR Cleveland - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:21 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey I know that you are having a great time playing. I am sooooo happy that you are feeling better. Hurry back to school so we can see that beautiful smile. Miss you Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:17 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey! WOW WOW WOW - that is all I can say. When I read about how you were doing last week at this time compared to now - all I can say is WOW. You are AMAZING!! What a strong girl you are. I am so glad that you are getting out to play and have fun. That is great. Keep on getting better. I sent you a little something yesterday so you should have it by the end of the week. Take care. With love from Minnesota - "Angel" Amy
Amy Kamarainen <amy@kamarainen.net>
Eagan, MN USA - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:05 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey!! I am so glad to hear that you are home.I know you are very happy to be home and sleeping in your own bed,and also playing with your family. Keep getting better and we will see you soon at JBE!! Miss you and will see you soon. Love, Mrs Tina
tina wygal <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usat - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:31 AM CST
Hi Sweetie,
Sorry I haven't been in touch but things are pretty hectic this time of year for me. I'll be glad when April 15th has come and gone. What a pleasant surprise when I read that you had gone outside and played! Praise God! Stay strong (which you already are) and we'll keep up the praying. Tell everyone hello for us.
Love and Kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:22 AM CST
Hi Lacey,
So glad you are home! Nothing like sleeping in your own bed is it. Keep getting better!

Brandy Haley, American Cancer Society <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR 71667 - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 5:06 PM CST
Hi Lacey, I am thrilled to hear that you are home. I have been praying for you and have requested prayer for you at my church(Olive Street Baptist Church). Many children and teachers at our school love you and we think about you and pray for you every day.
Miss Christie Ashcraft <cashcraf@yahoo.com>
Pine Bluff, AR USA - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 2:43 PM CST
i go to the first assembly of god church in star city and we have sent up many prayers for lacey and her family and will continue GOD is OUR SOURCE and he is our great physician... may GOD BLESS..
star city , ar america - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 11:57 AM CST
Good morning Lacey. I am so happy you were able to play outside yesterday. Maybe today will be another great day for you. Keep getting better. We miss you---Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 29, 2005 9:52 AM CST
Hey sweetheart!!! I am so glad you got to go outside and play yesterday!! It was a beautiful day to do that. Today seems like it will be even better!! I will see you tomorrow okay!! Love you very much!!! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 9:35 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey I always check your website during my planning period. Boy, I am so glad that yesterday went so well. Keep on improving girlfriend. I miss you very much. Have another great day. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:51 AM CST
Hey Lacey & Chelli! Haven't been online in a couple of days. Glad to hear you are home. We sure do miss you and are praying for you each and every day. Glad you had a good Easter, Haley & Zach hunted eggs in the house too. We will be praying for you, miss you. Love, Micha, Haley, & Zach
Micha <micha12003@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR - Monday, March 28, 2005 9:56 PM CST
Hey, sweet girl!! I am so glad you are finally home! I know your family and friends are very happy! I pray that you continue to grow strong and healthy with each passing day!
Love and prayers,
Cyndi LaMarche

Cyndi LaMarche <cyndi.lamarche@arkansas.gov>
Bastrop, LA US - Monday, March 28, 2005 3:32 PM CST
Hey Sweetie, I am John David Loftin's mama. I just wanted to say "HI" and let you know that John David and I both are keeping you in our prayers. Stay strong and keep sharing that beautiful smile of yours. We will talk to you soon. Love, Ms.Gena and John David Loftin
Gena Loftin <cloftin@seark.net>
Star City, Ar - Monday, March 28, 2005 2:01 PM CST
This is my first time to visit your web page- you have so many people that love you and want you to get well soon! I want you to know that I love you too and that I have been praying for you. I miss seeing your sweet face and your beautiful drawings, so stay strong, keep getting better, and I'll see you in Art class soon! Love, Mrs. Suzi
Suzi Davis <Suziqdavis@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR - Monday, March 28, 2005 12:06 AM CST
Hi Lacey,
I was in Star City all weekend--were you there too? Saturday was a pretty day, but Sunday was a horrible rainy day! We went to church and had a great lunch and then stayed inside all day long. I should have come to your house to play CandyLand!
I'll see you soon,
Ms. Casey, hospital school teacher

casey brown <browncm@archildrens.org>
little rock, ar usa - Monday, March 28, 2005 11:11 AM CST

I work at the American Cancer Society and have hear about you.....you sound like a very brave little girl. I have an 11 year old daughter and she has asked all her friends at school to pray for you. You are the reason all the volunteers and staff at the American Cancer Society work so hard to find a cure for cancer - we will keep trying. In the meantime, keep your spirits up and remember that you are an inspiration to us all!

Laura Vaughn <laura.vaughn@cancer.org>
Benton, AR USA - Monday, March 28, 2005 10:37 AM CST
Hi Lacey! I am so glad that you are home and doing great! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and a great Easter holiday. You are in our thoughts & prayers every day!
Vickie Huddleston <vhuddleston@uaex.edu>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, March 28, 2005 9:22 AM CST
Hey Lacey We are back at school and we miss you. We know that you will be back soon to sing with us. Take care and have a good day. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, March 28, 2005 8:51 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey! I am so glad you are home and feeling better. We are back in school today. I am glad you had a great birthday and were home for Easter. We all love and miss you here at JBE. I was out of town last week so I did not get to write you, but i thought about you and prayed for you all the time. I hope you have another good day. Mrs.Ashley
Ashley Hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
star city, ar 71667 - Monday, March 28, 2005 8:39 AM CST
Hi Lacey, I know you had a good day yesterday. I enjoyed playing the game, and beating the boys too. They just can't beat us girls.Aunt Cinda made it home, sure was good seeing her. Hope we see her very soon again. How was your night? Will see you in a little while, got to do my work. You get some rest so we can beat those boys again.Love you lots MawMaw
Carol <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR - Monday, March 28, 2005 8:22 AM CST
Hi Sweetie,
It sure was good seeing you home!!! Have you made any of your gummy treats yet? I will have to see if I can find more of the powder to mix so that you can make lots and lots of them for you and your brothers (Mom, Dad, PawPaw and MawMaw too). I am so thankful that God has gotten you well enough to be home with the family. There's no place like home! We'll come up again soon for a visit and hope it will be a longer one this time. Until then keep up the fight and we'll keep up the prayers.
Love and Kisses,
Aunt Cecilia and Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Monday, March 28, 2005 8:01 AM CST
Lacey:Happy Easter! It sounds like you had a lot of fun! Savannah did too! Ms. Marche' had her dressed so pretty. She will have to show you some pictures of her.I pray you just keep getting stronger and healthier!
Jesus loves you!

Kay Brown <kbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:36 PM CST
Glad to hear that you made it home yesterday. Glad to hear that you are feelin better. We hope to see you soon. We'll call you later on to see how you are. LOVE YOU BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!!!!!! talk to u later. don't give mom and dad too hard of a time :) Luv ya, Erica

Erica <e_noelle87@hotmail.com>
Franklinton, La USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:04 PM CST
Lacey, I am so glad you are at home and I hope you have a great Easter. I have been praying for you every day and just because you are home now does not mean people aren't still praying. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep getting stronger! Love, Jessica Bagley (Mrs. Marche's future sister-in-law)
Jessica Bagley <Jessica.Bagley@smail.astate.edu>
Woodlawn, AR - Sunday, March 27, 2005 4:56 PM CST
Happy Easter Lacey! I can't tell you how happy I am that you are home now. You are a very strong and courageous young girl and are so lucky to have such a loving and supportive family. It is clear from reading this board that you have a lot of people praying for you and you mean a lot to everyone. Have a great night and know that you are always in my prayers. With love from Minnesota - "Angel" Amy
Amy Kamarainen <amy@kamarainen.net>
Eagan, MN USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005 4:55 PM CST
Happy Easter Lacey!! I hope that you have had a wonderful day.. I was sooooo excited to hear that you had been doing so well while we were gone on vacation. I checked on you through Mrs. Rhonda at the bank. She kept me informed. I am really thrilled that you have come home and are doing better. You keep fighting! Prayers are constantly going up for you and your family, and it is evident through your progress. We will keep you in our prayers and will continue to check on you daily. Tell your mom and dad to keep us all informed. Happy Easter, Lacey. P.S. I was gone on your birthday, so I didn't get to wish you a happy birthday on Thursday, but I thought about you, so I will have to wish you a belated one and sounds like you had a great time and day.
Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Sunday, March 27, 2005 4:41 PM CST
Happy Easter Lacey!! WOW, you are home. I am so glad!! Lots and lots of hugs for you. I love you!!!! Love, Mrs. Donna
Donna Pennington <dpennhq1@yahoo.com>
Star City, Ar USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005 4:07 PM CST
HAPPY EASTER, LACEY!!! Mrs. Marche said that she was going to go see you soon. I told her to give you a hug for me. I'll continue to check on you every day. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, March 27, 2005 1:20 PM CST
Yay Lacey! I'm so glad you got to come home. I know everyone will be so happy! We hope you have a happy Easter. You continue to get better so you can get back to school and see your friends.
Cynthia Maxwell <cynthia@ben-pearson.com>
Star City, AR - Sunday, March 27, 2005 6:05 AM CST
I don't know of a braver or more couraeous girl than Lacey Mae! You are a true insperation and all of God's people are with you. I hope you feel God's love for you, sweet girl. Be brave and fight the fight. You are the light of the world and we shall follow.
angie from wisconsin <makeupgal@wi.rr.com>
bristol, WI usa - Sunday, March 27, 2005 0:57 AM CST
Yeah Lacey!!! I'm glad that you are going to be home for Easter. I'm know that your family is so happy that you and your Mom are home, too. Sleep tight. Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, March 26, 2005 8:46 PM CST
I am guessing from reading another message in your guestbook that YOU GOT TO COME HOME!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! I hope this means I can come see you soon!
Love, Mrs.Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Saturday, March 26, 2005 4:40 PM CST
Hey! I missed you today! I came to ACH during my lunch break but you guys had already left! I know you were ready to get out of there! I am have been showing you off to the people I work with and they all think you are too cute!!! Have a Happy Easter! Love, Stephanie
Stephanie Dyer <stephldyer@yahoo.com>
LR, AR USA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 4:01 PM CST
Good Morning Lacey I am so glad that you had another good day yesterday. Keep improving! Love ya lots Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, March 26, 2005 12:24 AM CST
Lacey, It sounds like you keep having great days. I know that you and your mom are very glad. I hope the good days keep on coming. Have a happy Easter! Mrs.Sassy
Sassy Socia <ssocia@rison.k12.ar.us>
Rison, AR USA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 10:00 AM CST
Lacey, Mrs. Pam has been gone since last Friday. I checked my emails and found out that I could write you. I want to wish you a late Happy Birthday. You are in our hearts and prayers. Keep being a strong girl and we will see you back at school before you know it!!! Love, Mrs. Pam Haley
Pam Haley <jphaley@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:36 AM CST
Hi Lacey, I'm glad you are getting better. You have to go to bed early tonite because the easter bunny is coming. I hope you have another good day. Love Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn McKinzie and Ms. Amber <cornervillequeen@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR usa - Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:29 AM CST
I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. It is just too cool!!! how much your counts have improved. Keep doing well and I'll see you soon!

Karonica <karonicalf@yahoo.com>
Monticello, AR Drew - Saturday, March 26, 2005 8:15 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey! I hope today is another good day for you! Maybe you will be home soon! I know Mommy and Daddy will be thrilled to have their sweet baby at home! Have a good day! I love you and miss you! Mrs. Marche
Marche Brown <Mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Saturday, March 26, 2005 7:51 AM CST
Hey Sweet Girl! This is such a neat website! I am glad to hear that you are feeling better! Have you played with all of your birthday presents yet? I hope you get to go home today! I miss you and love you! Love, Stephanie
Stephanie Dyer <stephldyer@yahoo.com>
LR, AR USA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 7:42 AM CST
Hey Lacey!! I am sooooo excited to hear that you had another good day!!! Those counts sound wonderful!!! I am praying really hard that you will get to come home by Monday! I know your Mommy and Daddy are excited too! I love you very much! Have a good night and sweet dreams!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City , AR - Friday, March 25, 2005 9:39 PM CST
Hello Sweetie,
Every day we get more good news. Praise God! With all the people who are praying for you, how could you not beat this thing? Glad your birthday was a good one. Next year will be even better. Hope you get to go home soon. Keep up the fight. We will continue to keep you in prayer. Just look at what prayer has done so far!
Love and kisses,
Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia & Alvin Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 8:19 PM CST
Hi Lacey I have been gone from home all day today, but you have been on my mind and in my heart. I hope that you had another good day today. I'll check on you tomorrow. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Friday, March 25, 2005 7:54 PM CST
Hi Lacey,
Just wanted to send you warm wishes from the American Cancer Society. I've been telling all my co-workers about you, so you are likely to be getting messages from all over Arkansas. Just know that we all are thinking of you daily. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Relay For Life in Star City...so keep getting stronger.

Brandy Haley <brandy.haley@cancer.org>
Star City, AR 71667 - Friday, March 25, 2005 3:35 PM CST




Kathelene Bryan
Downsville, La - Friday, March 25, 2005 3:17 PM CST
Hey Lacey girl. I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday. I want you and your family to know you are always in our thought and prayers! I am so glad you are having a good day. I love you!!!!! Mrs. Donna Pennington
Donna Pennington <dpennhq1@yahoo.com>
Star City, Ar USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 11:10 AM CST
Dear Lacey, After reading your story in the Lincoln Ledger, you have been in my prayers. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and that you have many more. This is my belated Happy Birthday wish for you. May God bless you and your family.
Star City, AR 71667 - Friday, March 25, 2005 10:53 AM CST
Good Friday to you, Lacey!! You sure are growing up. Eight years old, now?? Wow, before you know it, you will be driving a car, flying in space... you might even be the President one day (will you take me on a tour of whe White House?). Donald Duck, Goofy, and Mickey Mouse are jumping up and down to see you again. I can't keep them quiet. They are chattering around me all the time. I need your help with those guys. You keep on getting better, young lady! Everybody at Holmesville Baptist Church is praying for you, pulling for you, and praising God for answers to prayers for you.
Jerry T. Whitman <jtw@windsong.net>
Choudrant, LA. USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 8:46 AM CST
Good morning La La, Hope you had a good night. I just got on to read all your entries. Girl you or a popular girl, and loved by many people. God sent you to us for a very special reason, to touch many peoples lives. You are my very special person and I love you very very much. I will see you today, maybe you need another BIRTHDAY today? You had a great day yesterday, all thoes people that made your day fun. Alex was so funny, he sure can sing good. Hope God holds him in his heart, like he has you in his heart. Hope you had a good night. I bet you dreamed about all your parties you had for your birthday. I enjoyed all of them with you. Love Ya Maw Maw
Carol <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR - Friday, March 25, 2005 8:30 AM CST
Good Morning Sweet Girl, God is answering all those prayers for you. We are delighted that you had a good birthday (and even had a special birthday song) Maybe you will soon be home and can have another party with your brothers and cousins. Harold and Hunter are going to MawMaw's on Saturday I think. I watched them practice baseball yesterday. Have a great day. love you bunches, MeMe and BoBo
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.co>
Downsville, La USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 8:04 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey!! So glad to hear you had a good day yesterday! Hope you have another good day today. We are praying for you to get well and come home soon! Starr says hi and come back to school soon!
Cynthia Maxwell <cynthia@ben-pearson.com>
Star City, AR - Friday, March 25, 2005 8:01 AM CST
God Bless you on your birthday. We are praying for you.

Debbie Riley <rilrey@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 7:57 AM CST
Hey LaLa, Praise God!!!!!! You are feeling better. It want be long before you will get to go home. God has heard everyones prayers and are answering them. God is there with you and loves you very much. I am still praying constantly. Love you!! Have a Happy Easter. I hope the Easter bunny is good to you. Mrs. Shelia
Shelia <spike18fast.com@aol>
- Friday, March 25, 2005 7:43 AM CST
Hey LaLa, Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is great to here you are feeling better. It want be long before you will be able to go home. God loves you and hears everyones prayers. He is there with you all the time. Still praying for you constantly!!!! Love Ya, Mrs. Shelia
Shelia <spike18fast.com@aol>
- Friday, March 25, 2005 7:34 AM CST
Hello Birthday girl...sounds like you had a fantastic birthday and you felt good tody too, that is GREAT!!!! It's really good to hear that you are better, and will get to go home soon. I know you don't know me, but I have been praying for you and I will continue to so. Hope you get some rest tonight, I know you are probably too excited to sleep. Take care sweet girl, (((HUGE HUGS))), love and tons of prayers are coming your way from Alabama!!! :)
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 0:20 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LACEY!!! Sounds like you had a pretty good day! We hope tomorrow is even better!
Davy, Kim Kaye, Grant, & Alli Beth King (Ms. Marche's family!) <davyandkimking@tds.net>
Rison, AR - Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:18 PM CST
Oh Lacey, I am soooo glad you had a good day! It sounds like you had a great birthday. I like to hear that you are smiling!!! You know how much I like to see you smile! I can't wait to see that smile in person! You keep getting stronger and I pray you will have an even better day tomorrow!!! You and your family are in my prayers. Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:07 PM CST
Happy Birthday Lacey, we are all praying for you to get better real soon. Love, Sharon Dietz & family (friend of Donna Curry).
Sharon Dietz <sharond999@sbcglobal.net>
Warren, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 6:47 PM CST
Happy Birthday Lacey, I hope you liked your balloons and stuff that I sent you. I hope you have had a good birthday. I hope you are feeling better today. My brother Dreyton says happy birthday and he hopes you are feeling better too. Love Kaitlyn McKinzie
Kaitlyn McKinzie and Ms. Amber <cornervillequeen@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR usa - Thursday, March 24, 2005 6:42 PM CST
I know you probably don't know me, but I have heard so much about you. Mrs. Amber and Mrs. Tammy at Phillips office help keep me updated. I hope that you are feeling well. I just wanted to let you know that you are a special little girl, and that so many people are praying for you. God has great plans for you. You will remain in my prayers.
Lindsay Altman <lindsay_altman@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR Lincoln - Thursday, March 24, 2005 5:48 PM CST
I hope you have a good dat and a very Happy Birthday.

Love you,
Joy Stewart
Mrs. Marche's Mom

Joy Stewart <Jstewart@seark.net>
Warren, AR - Thursday, March 24, 2005 5:09 PM CST
Happy Birthday My Princess your a whole 8 years old today and getting more beatiful every day.Just because your 8 don't think I want still run off all those boys remember I have backup.I love you and hope you feel alright momma said you were having fun and are feeling I'll be there in about an hour don't tell mom though she already says i drive to fast,I just keep telling her I'm trying to get to my two lovingly women in the house love ya whole bunches see you in a bit LOVE DADDY
TIMOTHY BROCK <tcbachoe@seark.net>
Star City, AR - Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:55 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Lacey! What a pretty girl you are! Always think positive and dream BIG! Hope you get lots of great presents and know that even strangers are praying for you!
Jan Walker <jan.walker@cancer.org>
Little Rock, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:40 PM CST
Happy Birthday Lacey! Hang in there girlee. You have many friends here at the American Cancer Society office in Little Rock and we say a little prayer for you every day. Stay strong. Lyn Hicks
Lyn Hicks <lyn.hicks@cancer.org>
Little Rock, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:39 PM CST
Happy Birthday Lacey! Sending lots of love, hugs & kisses to you! Hug your moma for me.
Guinnevere, Kirk, Piper Klaire & Fisher Kaeb <kgpsimons@yahoo.com>
Denison, TX USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:33 PM CST
Happy Birthday! Hope you are having a GREAT day. God bless you.
Tracy Nichols
Warren, AR - Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:28 PM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LACEY!! Hope you are having a terrific day! I'm sure your nurses won't mind a bit kicking your balloons out of the way! Have a GREAT day!!
Much Love!

Kim Blaylock <kblaylock1@hotmail.com>
Star City, Ar USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:20 PM CST
Happy Birthday! We miss you at school Lacy. Get better soon. I pray for you every night for God to make you better.
Hunter Haley <gbhaley@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:17 PM CST
Melissa Cherry <MACherry@skycasters.net>
Rison, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 3:39 PM CST
Happy birthday Lacey!! I saw your picture in the Ledger today. Hope you are having a good day. Love forever-
Andrea Thomas <athomas@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 3:23 PM CST
Hi Lacey,
I visited my Aunt Cecilia Castania yesterday in Plaquemine and she told me about you and your condition. I have just read all of the messages that have been sent to you since March 15. I want you to know that I will also pray for you and your recovery. I will check your website to see how you are doing and I wish you and your family the very best. My prayers are with you and hope that you have a wonderful birthday today!
Love your new friend, Penny Allemand

Penny Allemand <paul57@mobiletel.com>
Cut Off,, LA USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 3:21 PM CST
Happy Birthday Lacey!!! I know you are having a great day. I am glad to hear you have been doing good!!!
Tell Mommy I said hello.

Love ya,
Beth, Trey, Camryn, and Keegan

Beth Price <bptprice@yahoo.com>
Winnsboro, LA USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 3:20 PM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LACEY! I hope today is a very special day for you. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:09 PM CST
Happy Birthday Lacey! I hope you feel better soon. I say a prayer for you everyday. You are a sweet friend to me. I miss you.
Callie McGee
Star City, AR - Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:52 AM CST
Happy Birthday, Lacey!! You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Charlie and Dee Cole <lcjudge@centurytel.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:46 AM CST
Happy Birthday, Lacey!! Get well soon so you can come back home!
Jane Newton <jnewton@uaex.edu>
Star City, AR 71667 - Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:42 AM CST
Amber, Tammy, Amy & Phillip @ Phillip Green's Office <Amber@GreenLandandTitle.com>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:51 AM CST
Chelli- I'm so glad Lacey had a good day yesterday and I hope her birthday is even better. I just wanted to say I think you are one of the strongest women I know. I don't know how I would hold up in everything your family has been through these past few years. I just hope that you know we are here for you all. If you need anything, give us a call day or night. Just remember even if you are the only one in the room, you are not alone. Love you.
Christy Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:26 AM CST
Happy Birthday to you Lacey! I wish I could see all of your balloons. I bet they are so pretty. I've been seeing your guestbook and you have a lot of people that care about you! You are a very lucky and special girl. You always have been. I hope you have a great day and I hope you continue to feel better. We love you.
Mitch, Christy, Ken and Gage Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:19 AM CST
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday dear LaLa Happy birthday to you!! I am so excited yesterday went so well. I pray you will have the best day ever!!!!!!!! Love Ya, Mrs. Shelia
Shelia <spike18fast.com@aol>
- Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:08 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LACEY!! I hope you feel great today. Enjoy your birthday and have FUN!! Love, Mrs. Sassy
Sassy Socia <ssocia@rison.k12.ar.us>
Rison, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:49 AM CST
Lacey, We just wanted you to know we are praying for you to get well very soon. Sarah and Jacob miss you at school. I'm saving you a blue sucker at the office.
Sarah, Jacob, & Cindy Glover

Cindy Glover <lincocircuitclerk@centurytel.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:44 AM CST
Good Morning, Birthday Girl!!!We were soooo pleased to hear yesterday was better. All those prayers are being answered. We pray that you have a WONDERFUL birthday everybody has to step on a balloon to get into your room. You and Mom have a great day. Bet you can beat Mom at Candyland every time. Our love and prayers are with you constantly. Love you bunches, MeMeand BoBo
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.com>
Downsville, La USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:25 AM CST
To Lacey, We are praying for you ,we love you and May God Bless you. Athalia and Frederick King & Family in Jackson, Ms.
Athalia King (D.D.S.) <akfamily@jam.rr.com or office AthaliaKing@ssa.gov>
Jackson, Ms. Hinds - Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:10 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LACEY!I bet you are really excited.Balloons everywhere..HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! WE ALL LOVE YOU!!
Savannah just left my house.I think she knows it is your birthday. She was silly today! Happy birthday!

KAY BROWN <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:06 AM CST
RHONDA ,KAITLYN, & KYLI MCCOOL <rhondamc@netstorm.net>
STAR CITY, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:58 AM CST
Happy Birthday Lacey

Becky, Samantha, Sara and Shelby <rbcchestand@yahoo.com>
Whitel Hall, AR Jefferson - Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:30 AM CST
Happy Happy Birthday, my sweetheart. You put as may balloons as you want in your room.... I am so pleased to see great progress. Keep it up. I am flying in this evening and will see you sometime tonight. I can't wait. I love you.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:26 AM CST

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:20 AM CST
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Lacey! Happy Birthday to you!!!! Just image your class singing that to you today! It sounds like you had a really good day yesterday! I am so glad! I missed writing to you when I was gone for a couple of days! I hope you have an extra special day today! Make sure those nurses spoil you extra today! I bet they like the balloons! I love you and miss you and . . . . HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <cmbrown@tds.net>
Star City, AR - Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:41 AM CST
Glad to hear that you had a good day yesterday. I hope and pray that today will be even better and each succeeding day will continue to be better until you are completely well. Have a great day. Hope you got all those balloons out so the nurses will have to kick their way in!
Love and kisses, Aunt Cecilia and Uncle Alvin

Cecilia & Alvin Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, La USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:23 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LACIE! My name is Angie from Wisconsin. I'm friends with your Aunt Cinda. She has kept me up to date with your progress for the past 4 years. You're a very special young lady, so courageous! I will pray for you every day until you're healed. Praise God! Have a beautiful day:)
Angie Perkins <makeupgal@wi.rr.com>
Bristol, WI USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:04 AM CST
"HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY"!!!!! Hope you have a fantastic day today! Wishing you the "best birthday" ever and sending lots of prayers and ((((hugs))) from Alabama!
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 6:20 AM CST
Becky Graves <becky-graves@sbcglobal.net>
Pine Bluff, AR USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 6:05 AM CST
James and Sandy Whitaker <sandywhitaker@hotmail.com>
Downsville, LA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 5:47 AM CST
Dear Lacey, I hope you get better soon! My momma told me that she would bring me to see you as soon as you are able to have visitors. My momma just found out that you had a website, now that we know, I will try and send you a note every day. I really hope you are feeling better. Please come back to school, I miss you. Love Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn McKinzie and Ms. Amber <cornervillequeen@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR usa - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:08 PM CST
Hello Lacey, I am Alice Lindsey and I worked with your Maw Maw and Paw Paw for several years. We all worked for Banks Poultry and sold a bunch of stuff for chicken houses just like the ones at your grandparent's house. I heard you were going to have a birthday soon and I wanted to send you a Happy Birthday Message. I bet you will have some birthday gifts to open, so get a good night's sleep and have fun on your birthday.
Alice Lindsey <peyton@seark..net>
Wilmar, AR USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 7:29 PM CST
well well where do i begin. i dunno how much i can fit on here but i'll try to keep it short. first of all, as a little girl i grew up with Crohn's Disease. so i was very sick as well. i am now 23 and i have had 2 surgerys and at least 2 ft of my intestines removed. i am in remission now and doing jus fine! my heart goes out to you, you are a very brave little girl. and i know you will be fine! you are so precious. i never thought my tummy aches and pain would go away:'( but with prayers anything is possible. And besides it sounds like you have a mommy and a daddy sent from heaven. you are so lucky! my mommy died when i was only 3 so all i had was my older sister and i thank heavens for her. i will keep you in my prayers you can beat this i know you can!!! best wishes,rachel
Rachel Picou <chrisnrach2004@aol.com>
houma, La. - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 6:39 PM CST
Hi sweetie, i guess you are feeling better today. I seen where you played candyland with a new friend. That's great! WOW, you are almost 8 years old, how exciting!!! Hurry and get better so you can have a birthday party.I love you very much!
Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 6:14 PM CST
Hi Lacey
It was a lot of fun playing CandyLand with you today. We both won two games--wow! I think it is so neat that you go to my grandpa's school. I think he would be proud of how smart and brave you are. I will bring you some pictures of my bad little dog so you can see her. I will wave at your school on Friday when I go to Star City.
Have you ever been to the big Easter Egg Hunt in Star City? When I was 7 years old, I won the grand prize! It was a Hot Wheels. My picture was in the Star City paper and everything. It was so fun.
I'm sure we'll play Candy Land again sometime!
Your new friend,

casey brown <caseymbrown@hotmail.com>
little rock, ar usa - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:26 PM CST
hi i hope u get well i will pray for u
raven arcement
ocean springs, mississippi united states - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:09 PM CST
Lacey, I sure hope you are having a good day! Hope your fever is down and your belly is not hurting any more! Jeremy, Haley, Mackenzi, Chuck and I love you and hope you are better!
Becky Graves <becky-graves@sbcglobal.net>
Pine Bluff, Ar USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:21 PM CST
Chelli - Hang in and be strong your doing a great job being there for Lacey.With god and the strong family support you have you can achieve all things. every one will keep praying for you ,Lacey remeber to give mama a hug every night she really needs it.
Becky Hestand <rbcchestand@yahoo.com>
White Hall, A.R. USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:57 PM CST
Hi Lacey. I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you all the time and we say a special prayer every night for you. I really miss you all since we don't live next door anymore. As soon as you are well and feel like company we would love to come see you. Ken saw your picture in the paper and said "She's pretty." And he's right! We love you.
Mitch, Christy, Ken and Gage Johnson <christyjohnson1125@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 11:18 AM CST
Hey LaLa, I'm sorry your tummy hurt you yesterday!! I was just checking to see how you were doing. I'm glad you felt like reading. I pray today will be a wonderful day and you will go walking in the halls and I pray right now that if your tummy is hurting it will stop and will not hurt you anymore today or tomorrow on your birthday. We pray for you constantly and churches all around the country will be praying for you tonight. I hope I can come with Aunt Rhonda soon to see you. Love ya!!!! Mrs. Shelia
Shelia Hancock <spike18fast.com@aol>
Choudrant, La. - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:42 AM CST
Good morning Sweetie,
Thought I'd take a few minutes to write you before getting as busy as a bee. I have a lot of folks asking about you and praying for your recovery. I really need to get this web site address to them so that they can send messages to you. I hope and pray you will have a good day today but an even better one tomorrow. Your birthday card will arrive late because I didn't get it out in time.
Love you lots, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:40 AM CST
Good morning my sunshine. Sure hope your stomach is doing better. If sitting in the tub works, than keep it up. Just ONE more day till I see you. I will be there TOMORROW afternoon around 5 or 6pm. I can't wait till then. I love you so much and praying you get better
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:07 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey,
I'm sorry that you were having trouble with your tummy yesterday. I hope today you have a much better day. I have told a lot of people about you and have asked them to visit your website. I noticed that some already have. Just know you are in the prayers of so many and we are all praying for you to get better real soon so you can go back to school and be with your friends and your wonderful teacher (I can tell she loves you very much from all of the entries she has made). Get better soon!!
Love and Prayers,

Cyndi LaMarche <cyndi.lamarche@arkansas.gov>
Bastrop, LA US - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:03 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey....hope you feel better today than you did yesterday! Just know that the good Lord is watching over you, and we are all praying for you to get better and come home soon! I hope you have a very happy b-day tomorrow!
Hugs and Prayers sent your way...

Cynthia Maxwell <cynthia@ben-pearson.com>
Star City, AR - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:03 AM CST
Lacey, I have been praying for you and just wanted to say that I hope you have a better day today and a very happy birthday tomorrow....I love you with the love of the Lord!
Paula Byrd <byrdnest@tds.net>
Rison, AR United States - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 7:18 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey I hope that your tummy doesn't hurt today. Have a good day. I will be thinking of you all day today. Love Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 6:57 AM CST
Hi Honey,
Just read your update. Hope the tummy is doing better. I wish I could be up there on the 24th for your birthday. Maybe we'll be able to make it up this weekend to see you. Hang in there, you're a fighter, so we know you'll win this battle. We love you and are praying for you.
Love, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:31 PM CST
Hi Lacey... sorry to hear you have not felt very good today. I sure hope tomorrow will be a much better day for you. Just wanted you to know ((BIG HUGS)) are sent to you, and LOTS of prayers from Alabama!!!! Hope you have a good nights sleep!
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:43 PM CST
hi sweetie, I am sorry your belly has been hurting today. I hope it begins to feel better soon. I am really excited for your birthday too. I have already got your present. You will have to hurry and get better so we can all celebrate it with you. We miss you and love you very very much.
Uncle Gordon, Aunt Kaci, and Gavin

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:03 PM CST
Looks like your site is well visited. There is alot of people praying for you from all over the country. That's a neat thought isn't it, that God is hearing prayers from so many states and from sooo many people. I just wanted to say I love you and tell you I'm feeling better which means Saturday when we plan on coming up to MawMaw's I can come and see you. I can't wait to see you! Kids from school are always asking when I'm going up to see you to see if they can come too. I told them they have to wait until you feel like company. Then we're going to take the bus!!!! (Not really).
I love you and praying for you too,
Aunt Rhonda

Rhonda <rhonda.cox@ccsonline.org>
Downsville, LA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:35 PM CST
Hope you are still walking the halls and playing. I'll be there in just 2 days now to see you. Keep up the great progress. I love you and am constantly praying for you.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 1:21 PM CST
HEY LaLa!! what are you doing? im just sitting here writting you to see how you are doing? I saw you got up and walked yesterday. that is so GOOD!! well i just thought i would write and see how you are doing. i will tlk to you later. remeber i love you. tlk to you later
Hilary <sprintchic94c@aol.com>
Choudrant, usa - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 1:16 PM CST
Hi Lacey Way to go on the walk down the hall yesterday!!! I hope you feel well enough to do that again today. Love and prayers Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:14 AM CST
To: Lacey and the Brock Family

I said a prayer for you that God will keep you in his loving care. Keep the faith!

Gracie Neal
Arkadelphia, AR USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:12 AM CST
Good afternoon Lacey!! Just wanted to say hello and let you know all the girls here are thinkging about you. All of the nurses are saying prayers for you. Also, Tara thinks about you often and hopes you are doing better. Hope to see you soon.
Terri Norton <fatmama254@yahoo.com>
Star City, ar us - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 11:54 AM CST
Hi Lacey, I got your name from a friend of my husbands. He ask that we add you to our prayer list and keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. We have done this ans sure hope you are feeling better very soon. I will also add you to our special prayer list in my Sunday School Class at The First Baptist Chruch in Prescott, AR. Our class is called the Tulip Class and the walls are painted purple. I am sure you would like . Remember, there are many prayers being said for you each day. All of them are for you to be well and strong again.
Libby Olney <libby.olney@ipaper.com>
Prescott, AR Navada - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 11:16 AM CST
Hey LaLa, Glad to here your feeling better!!! I just wanted to check up on you this morning. I hope you have a great day!!! I am still praying!!!!!!!! Love Ya!! Mrs Shelia
Shelia Hancock <Spike18fast.com@aol>
Choudrant, - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 11:03 AM CST
Hi LaLa, Glad to here you had a good day yesterday. I hope to see you some time today. Paw Paw is on call. When he gets home I will come up there. I love you, keep getting better. Love MawMaw
Carol <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:51 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey!!!!!I am a good friend of Jeremy Graves.Ijust visited you new web page.So glad to hear you are doing better.I will keep you in my prayers and i know Jesus will look after such a sweet little girl.Stay strong and look after your parents.They need you.
Gary Turner <gary.turner@pba.army.mil>
Pine Bluff, AR USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:54 AM CST
HI Lacey..I read you are trying to "walk" the halls. That is great news! Keep up the good work! We are all sending lots of prayers for you. Jesus loves you!
Take care of yourself and Mommy!

Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornerville, AR USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:17 AM CST
Good morning sweet girl, Sure glad you went for a walk yesterday. Maybe you will feel like going to the playroom for a bit today. Maybe you and Mom can play a game on the Nintendo - bet she can't beat you, can she? Hang in there. We love you very much and are anxious to see you. Love, MeMe and BoBo
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.com>
Downsville, LaUSA USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:15 AM CST
Hey Lacey Mae,

Expect something in the mail in the next few days. We love you and we're praying for you.
Love, Uncle Walter, Aunt Martha, Amber, Erica, and Ethan

Amber Vernon <doubletakeplus1@juno.com>
Franklinton, La. USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:53 AM CST
Hello Lacey, I work with your Uncle Gordon and we all have you in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there sweetie. I will keep a watch on your Uncle and make sure he behaves himself! All of the guys from Production Maintenance at the Arsenal want to tell you hello and that they are also thinking of you and your family.
Julie Pruden <julia.pruden@pba.army.mil>
Grapevine, AR USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:53 AM CST
Good morning SUNSHINE!!!!! You keep up the good work.I heard that you walked yesterday (YEAH)Don't be trying to out walk your Mom. We pray for even more improvement today. We love ya and will continue to see how awesome that our God is.
James and Sandy Whitaker <sandywhitaker@hotmail.com>
Downsville, LA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:25 AM CST
Way to go Lacey!!! U keep up the good work!! I'll be sure to give God a BIG THANK YOU tonight in my prayers!! Cuz he is definitley answering them!! I hope you & mom sleep good tonight! Good night sweetie!
Love--Ms. Kim

Kim Blaylock <kblaylock1@hotmail.com>
Star City, Ar USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 9:55 PM CST
Hello Sweetie,
I just read the latest news and was over joyed to know you were able to be up and about today. Keep up the fight. We continue to hold you up in prayer daily.
Have a great night.
Love, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA. USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 9:44 PM CST
Still praying each day is better!!! Keep hanging in there!!
Kelley and Savannah Bearden <beardenkelley21@yahoo.com>
Downsville, La. United States - Monday, March 21, 2005 9:41 PM CST
Hey sweetie, sounds like you had a great day. That is sooooo... good. Have a wonderful night. We love you so much.
Uncle Gordon, Aunt Kaci, and Gavin

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 8:33 PM CST
KYLI MARIE MCCOOL <rhondamc@netstorm.net>
STAR CITY, AR USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 7:37 PM CST
Good evening Lacey!!! I am so glad you had a good day!!! Keep getting better. I love you! Ms. Andrea
Andrea Thomas <athomas@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star Cityt, AR USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 6:29 PM CST
Hi Lacey....I hope you get well soon, and I'm praying for you!
Wayne Jett <cynthia@ben-pearson.com>
Star City, AR - Monday, March 21, 2005 5:52 PM CST
Hey Lacey, you don't know us, but you're on our prayer list at Yorktown First Baptist, and they gave us your website at church yesterday. Our daughter Starr is in the first grade as well, but in Mrs. Newton's class. Know that we are praying for you daily, and hope you get better real soon!
David and Cynthia Maxwell - Alexis, Starr and Dalton <cynthia@ben-pearson.com>
Star City, AR - Monday, March 21, 2005 5:51 PM CST
RHONDA MCCOOL <rhondamc@netstorm.net>
STAR CITY, AR USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 5:35 PM CST
Yea !!!! I am so glad you got up, walked and are playing today. This is what I want to do with you in just 3 more days now. I'll be there on your "BIRTHDAY". I am so very proud of you. Keep it up my sweet gir. Love you so much.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 5:24 PM CST
Hey Lacey you don't know me but I know Cory. He was in my Kindergarten class. I hope you get to feeling better!!! My mom works with Mrs. Heather Andrews at PBNB.Great job on walking in the hallway and sitting up in bed. My mom and I will keep checking up on you.
Kaitlyn McCool <queen_of_gymnastics_2011@yahoo.com>
STAR CITY, AR USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 5:14 PM CST
Hi, Lacey. You don't know me. I am a friend of Mike and Debbie Bagwell's, and I just wanted you to know that I will keep you in my prayers and hope only the best for you. This web page is a neat idea.When I look at the vast amount of messages that have been left, I realize what a blessing your life is to so many. Hang in there with your positive attitude, and many, many of us will be praying for your recovery. When you are feeling better, if you have not seen the movie Because of Winn Dixie,put that on your "To Do" list. You will love it. Take care, and God bless you and your family. Dixie Miller
Dixie Miller <dldmiller@aol.com>
Weatherford, TX USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 4:04 PM CST
Hey Lacey,
This is Mr. Ramsey & Miss Janet from your Aunt Rhonda's church. We are praying for you daily. You are VERY PRECIOUS to GOD and us!

Ramsey & Janet Istre <ristre@mghospital.com>
Downsville, La 71234 - Monday, March 21, 2005 1:25 PM CST
We just wanted to let you know we are praying for you daily. Reagan wanted to tell Lacey "HI"!
Brandy White <brandywhite@centurytel.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 11:09 AM CST
Hey Lacey, This is Mrs. Shelia from Holmesville Baptist Church, Aunt Rhonda's friend. We think about you and are praying for you every day. I know God will make you better very soon. JESUS loves you more than you ever will know and so do we!!!! Love ya, Mrs Shelia and Marsha
Shelia Hancock <spike18fast.com@aol>
Choudrant, La - Monday, March 21, 2005 9:58 AM CST
Good morning lala, i hope you had a good night last night. Have a great day. We love you very much!
Uncle Gordon, Aunt Kaci, and Gavin

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 9:42 AM CST
Hey Lacey,

Good morning. Hope that you had a good night and hopefully have a good day. I see that Ms. Rhonda (from PBNB) left you a message. She is right, we are looking for you to be at the Relay in June. We are doing what we can to help find a cure. It's all about you Lacey and all of the other people that are sick. We believe in you and what we are doing. Be strong Lacey and we will be fighting for you also. I gave Mamaw Carol 3 of our bracelets for herself, your mom and dad. Tell them you want to see them. They state "4 the fight" that's what we are doing fighting cancer. We love you and are praying for you daily. You are constatly in my thoughts and prayers. I won't be able to check in anymore this week, we are going on vacation, but I will try to get in touch with Ms. Rhonda and see how you are doing. Be strong, Lacey and keep fighting. Love you.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Monday, March 21, 2005 8:26 AM CST
Good Morning sunshine. Hope your day and night went well yesterday. I talked to your moma on the phone Saturday to see how you were doing. This was after the doctor had come in, so I got the info. Moma didn't put a new note out yesterday. Because she was too busy playing games with you, I'm hoping. We all love you so much. Just 3 more days and I'll be there to see you. I love you and am anxious to see you. Be strong and get better my sweet girl.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 7:40 AM CST
I'm really glad that Lacey's counts are up and her fever is doing better. I will keep her in my prayers.

Karonica <karonicalf@yahoo.com>
Monticello, AR Drew - Monday, March 21, 2005 7:38 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey I hope that you are going to have a great week. School is out for spring break and I will be keeping my little granddaughter, Havana. I will think of you and check on you every day. All of Star City is praying for you. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Monday, March 21, 2005 6:54 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey, I hope you are still doing better. I am fixing to be leaving out for a few days and I just wanted to leave you one more message. I love you and miss you! I am praying really hard for you! Keep your strength up! I will write to you as soon as I get back (Wed.) Love you!! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Monday, March 21, 2005 4:56 AM CST
Hi Lacey, I just learned about this website and you being sick. I wanted to let you know you are in my prayers. I hope you get better and can come home real soon.
Trinity Bolen <lilblue32479@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 0:06 AM CST
Greeting precious little one. I don't know you except in prayer. My name is Wayne and I count it a blessing to be writing you. I know some one who is my bes friend and he knows and loves you very much. His name is Jesus and he said he would not leave us alone but would be with us. You may have a few days of weakness and sickness ahead but I am asking and believing God for a miracle. We will be beliving God with you for a quick recovery.
God Bless and keep you,
Evangelist, Wayne Grant

Wayne Grant <wayneg1@bellsouth.net>
Bogalusa, La US - Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:45 PM CST
Hi sweetie, sounds like you are doing better, I am so glad! Just wanted you and your family to know, we are praying for you and thinking of you. Our church will be praying for you, and so will I. Hope you have a good night's sleep and a good day tomorrow! Lots of love and prayers coming your way from Alabama!!!
Patsy Whaley <rkwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:28 PM CST
I just wanted to tell you good night! I hope you had a good day today! Sweet dreams little girl!! I love you!
Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:21 PM CST
RHONDA MCCOOL <rhondamc@netstorm.net>
STAR CITY, AR USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:06 PM CST
Hey Lacey and Chelli! This is the first time I have visited your site. I saw Aunt Kaci and Corey today and asked about you and she told me about it. Sounds like you've had a better day today. Haley and Zach says hello! We love you and miss you! Hope you have a good day tomarrow, Micha
Micha <micha12003@yahoo.com>
Star City, AR USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:54 PM CST
SHELLY QUARLES <shellyq11@netzero.com>
CARLISLE, IA USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:58 PM CST
hey sweetie, we just wanted to tell you goodnight and we love you very much.
Uncle Gordon, Aunt Kaci, Gavin, Shawn, and Cory

Kaci White <Kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:28 PM CST
You do not know me, but I am going to be Mrs. Marche's sister-in-law very soon. I want you to know that I am praying for you, and so are the members at Center Missionary Baptist Church in Woodlawn. I know this is a tough time in your life, but Jesus hears all of our prayers. Keep strong because I know Mrs. Marche wants to see you back in school. She misses you so much. Remember Jesus loves you!

Jessica Bagley <Jessica.Bagley@smail.astate.edu>
Woodlawn, AR - Sunday, March 20, 2005 7:44 PM CST
Lacey, Hey there. Just wanted to let you know that we at Bethlehem Church, Star City out on Hy114 are praying for you and that God will bless you with His Spirit's presence to strengthen you and let you know that you are never alone and that He is always there, Heb. 13:5. I like that verse when I feel alone. Also Deut. 20:1 Let us know when we go to battle as you do each day with the cancer that He will go with you as He did Israel of old. You are going to be a great reader after all the message I saw and read. Love and Prayers Bro. John and Janet
John Marlar and Janet Marlar <beau@netstorm.net>
Star City, Ar Ar. USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 7:43 PM CST
Lala, This web page is a great idea for all of us, who love you, to keep in touch. You are on our prayer list at the Baton Rouge Seventh-day Adventist Church. We have a group of Prayer Warriors who have had many prayers answered and we are praying hard for your recovery. I know that the Fortners from the Little Rock Church have you on the prayer list. Aunt Kate's church is praying for you also. Prayers do help so we won't give up and don't you either. I am more than willing to do a blood transfer if and when needed. If my bone marrow is compatible, I sure do want to give you some. Until next time.
Love and kisses, Aunt Cecilia & Uncle Alvin

Cecilia Castania <clcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, La USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 6:16 PM CST
This is a great way to keep concerned family informed!
Cecilia Castania <ckcast@bellsouth.net>
Plaquemine, LA USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 5:59 PM CST
Hi Lacey! Sounds like you started the weekend off good. I'll check back to get a report on how the rest of your weekend went! Know that I am thinking & praying for you!

Kim Blaylock <kblaylock1@hotmail.com>
Star City, Ar USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 2:22 PM CST
Hey Lacey, I hope you are having a good day. I will be leaving to visit my grandparents in Louisiana tomorrow morning so I won't be able to write you until Wednesday. I will try to call your Mom and check on you though. I pray for you often during the day. Tell Mom and Dad that I am praying for them too. I love you bunches. Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City , AR - Sunday, March 20, 2005 1:51 PM CST
Hi Lacey I hope that you are having a good day today. You are a special little lady and I think of you often every day. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Sunday, March 20, 2005 1:35 PM CST
Hey Lacey, How are you doing today? My mother Babysits Savannah. Mrs. Marche' has told us all about you! I hope you get to feeling better. Always remember that you are in our prayers and that God loves you. Love Mandi
Mandi Boudreaux <mandi_boudreaux@hotmail.com>
Star City, AR USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 12:56 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey, I hope you had a good night. Have a wonderful day, we love you!!!
Uncle Gordon and Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:38 AM CST
I am a friend of Mrs. Marche's. She has told me what a special and wonderful girl you are. My family is praying for you and hope you feel better soon. God Bless You!
LaVaughn Socia

LaVaughn Socia <lavaughnsocia@hotmail.com>
Star City, AR - Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:10 AM CST

KAY BROWN <bkbrown@tds.net>
CORNERVILLE, AR USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:06 AM CST
Hope that you are still resting well, hear that the fever and blood count is better, what an answer to prayer. You have become a celebrity in the Holmesville Community, everyone is praying for your recovery. We all love you and hope that you have a great day!!
James and Sandy Whitaker <sandywhitaker@hotmail.com>
Downsville, LA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 6:48 AM CST
Hey Lacey,
Hope you have a good day. When I look at your guestbook, I see there are people all over the U. S. that love you and will be praying for you today. You're loved by so many.
Tell your Mom & Dad to hang in there - we're praying for them too.
Joy Stewart
Mrs. Marche's Mother

Joy Stewart <jstewart@seark.net>
Warren, AR - Sunday, March 20, 2005 6:36 AM CST
hello hope you are feeling better today sounds like you are doing better keep it up. god bless you and i am praying for you.

david andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
star city, ar - Sunday, March 20, 2005 6:00 AM CST
Glad to hear the good report. Hope everything continues to improve.I know that it's hard, but keep fighting. You and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, AR - Saturday, March 19, 2005 10:53 PM CST
hey lala, i am soooooo.... happy to hear how good your Dr. said you are doing~that's G-R-E-A-T!!! Unlce Gordon said he loves you very much. Have a great night. Love ya bunches! Aunt Kaci
Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR Lincoln - Saturday, March 19, 2005 9:16 PM CST
Lacey and Chelli-- Hello! We just saw your website for the first time and we think it's great. We are glad to hear you are feeling better and we hope that continues everyday until you are back home! We love you and are keeping you and your family in our prayers. Love, Linda and Nikki
Linda Scott and Nikki Kelley <ms_nicoles@hotmail.com>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:13 PM CST
Hey Lacey, I am glad you are resting and your fever isn't so high. Maybe Mom can rest while you do! I hope you all have a good night. I am praying for you! I love you! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:47 PM CST
Hey Lacey Mae! This web site is really neat. I hope that you are feeling better today. Glad to hear that you were able to sleep some last night. I hope to be able to get in there and see you next week! I love you! You are the best! Love Catherine
Catherine Redinger <RedingerCatherineL@uams.edu>
- Saturday, March 19, 2005 2:51 PM CST
hi lala,
I am so glad you had a better night last night. I hope you are having a great day too. I sure do miss you. I
Love You!!!!!!!! Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <Kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 1:48 PM CST
I am so glad to hear that you and Mom got some much needed rest. Maybe your fever will stay down today. Love you bunches!! Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, - Saturday, March 19, 2005 12:33 AM CST
Hi there from Kat and Mary. Hope Lacey is resting some today and the fever will stay down. We love you guys and
will be praying for all of you. Tell Lacey to hang in there.

Mary Spurlock <mespurlock@bellsouth.com>
Downsville, La USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 12:17 AM CST


Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, AR A - Saturday, March 19, 2005 12:00 AM CST
Hi Lacey I am so glad to hear that you got some rest last night. I hope that you and Mom have a great day today. Love, Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Saturday, March 19, 2005 10:17 AM CST
Hi Lacey,
I hope you are feeling better...I know that your mom & grandma Love You Dearly and because of all this LOVE for you, you need to get well and get home young lady.

Love You from California, Uncle Tommy......

P.S. Our little black dog "Sabrina" said to tell you,
HI! Lacey

Thomas Rousseau <tomerous@yahoo.com>
San Bernardino, CA San Bernardino - Saturday, March 19, 2005 10:01 AM CST
Hope that this morning brings a day full of sunshine for you and your mom. I hear that you are feeling a little better, you continue to keep your spirits high. We love you so much, have a wonderful day!!!!!

James and Sandy Whitaker <sandywhitaker@hotmail.com>
Downsville, LA USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 8:16 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey I am glad to hear the good update. I hope you have a great weekend! Our prayers are still with you and your family. From Holmesville Baptist Church We love you!
Kelley Bearden <beardenkelley21@yahoo.com>
Downsville, La. 71234 - Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:45 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey, I am praying you had a good night. I hope your fever is still down. You have a great day for us okay!! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:34 AM CST
Good morning Lacey,
Hope that you had a good night. I said a little prayer for you last night. Hope you have a good day. Be strong and remember God Loves you and so do I.

Heather Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, AR - Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:48 AM CST
Hi sweet girl, ((BIG HUGS)) and lots of prayers from Alabama! Glad today has been a better day for you!!! We are all praying for you and pray that each day you will feel better. God hears our prayers, and to read your guestbook, you have TONS of people lifting you up to the Lord and He hears those prayers. You have such a "sweet smile" and I know you must be such a wonderful little girl. You are being thought of and prayed for here in Alabama! Hope you have a good night sleep and a really good day tomorrow!
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 10:59 PM CST
Hello Lacey, I am a friend of Ms. Marche'and I am a grandmother of a little girl just like you. When my grand daughter is sick, I feel so sad, because we can't go to the park, ride the 4-wheeler or do any of the other things we like to do together. So, Dear Lacey, I am going to pray really hard that you feel better soon so you can do the things that make you happy.
Alice Lindsey <peyton@seark.net>
Wilmar, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 10:30 PM CST
Hi, Lacey! Tonight we celebrated Mrs.Marche's brother-in-law coming home from Iraq at our house. Savannah entertained us with her new walking skills and she can also point now! That makes us laugh. I hope you will have some laughs today! Jesus loves you! Mrs. Kay Brown
Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Cornervile, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:54 PM CST
Hi! Glad to hear you felt like getting out of bed. I hope you continue to improve. Keep your sweet smile & stay strong. We love you!
Linda & Rachel Pardue <lindapardue7102@yahoo.com>
Downsville, Louisiana USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:48 PM CST
hey sweet girl,
Corey brought home a whole bunch of cards for you from all of the kids in his class. You have lots of reading to do. I will try to get mawmaw to come get the cards and your presents to bring to you next time she comes up. I was so excited when mom said you were doing better today. Uncle Gordon says "good night and I love you". Shawn and Cory said to tell you that they miss you and love you, mom, and dad. Well it is past my bedtime, so have a great night and sleep tight. I love you bunches and bunches!!! : )- Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:46 PM CST
Hey Lacey,
We hope that you are feeling much better. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Your mawmaw (Carol) has told me what a fighter you are. Keep it up! We have told many people about you and your website. Keep fighting. We will be checking your website often and keeping in touch with your mamaw (Carol). We would like to know how to donate blood to you. Tell your mamaw Carol to let me know.

David, Heather, Cody & Michaela Andrews <andrews4@netstorm.net>
Star City, AR - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:23 PM CST
hi lacey,i'm mrs donna daughter my mother told me about you.my family and the friends i work with are praying for you and your family we hope all will turn out well for you.i really like your pictures your a beutiful little girl.i hope you feel better soon.
becky hestand <rbcchestand@yahoo.com>
whitehall, ar usa - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:17 PM CST
Lacey, I talked to your mom earlier and she said that you were fever free! YEAH!!! I hope you can stay that way all night. It is almost my bedtime. I just wanted to tell you goodnight! Have sweet dreams. Tell Mommy I hope she gets some rest too! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:12 PM CST
Lacey, I talked to your mom earlier and she said that you were fever free! YEAH!!! I hope you can stay that way all night. It is almost my bedtime. I just wanted to tell you goodnight! Have sweet dreams. Tell Mommy I hope she gets some rest too! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:11 PM CST
Hi Lacey, Maeson and I are looking at the web sight. Well you know he is! Paw Paw was looking but he went to bed when I started to write. He saids "Hi" and he loves you and misses you.I sure hope your night goes better then last night. All of yell need some good sleep. You hug Lacey your baby tight and give her a big kiss and sleep good, and don't let the bed bugs bit. Love,Kisses and Hugs from Maw Maw, Paw Paw, and Maeson
Carol White <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:06 PM CST
Dear Lacey, I'm a friend of Me-Me and Rhonda. I have
said many prayers for you and will continue to pray for
God's healing power. You just hang in there. I know
you're a brave young lady and I send sweet sweet love to you.

Maxine Jackson
Farmerville, La. - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:52 PM CST
Thank god for the blood and platelets. I pray tonight goes well and all weekend. Can't wait to see you. Love ya my sweet girls (you, your moma, and your mawmaw)
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurenn, IL USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 7:15 PM CST
I am so glad you are feeling better Lacey!!!! I wanted to jump out of my chair and do a cartwheel when I read your Mom's update! (Now wouldn't that be a funny sight!) You keep on getting better for us okay! I love you!
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 5:07 PM CST
Hi Lacey! You don't know me, but I know your teacher Mrs. Marche'. She let me know about you and I just wanted you to know that I and my church family are praying for you all the way from Spokane WA. The news today is very encouraging and I will check on you often. You are in our prayers.
Jill Sellers <sellers.jill@principal.com>
Spokane Valley, WA USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 4:34 PM CST
Hi Lacey! You don't know me, but I know your teacher Mrs. Marche'. She let me know about you and I just wanted you to know that I and my church family are praying for you all the way from Spokane WA. The news today is very encouraging and I will check on you often. You are in our prayers.
Jill Sellers <sellers.jill@principal.com>
Spokane Valley, WA USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 4:33 PM CST
Hi Lacey,
This is Mrs. Donna Taylor again and Katlin and we just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better today. You were at the top of our prayer list last night and will be until you get to come home. We are praying for your family also.

Donna Taylor <Taylorstrucking@tds.net>
Rison, AR 71665 - Friday, March 18, 2005 4:04 PM CST
hey lala,
I hope you have had a good day so far. hurry and get better so we can come play "scene it" with you again. We had so much FUN last time!!! I hear Gavin waking up from his 3 minute nap(haha), so i better go. love ya bunches!!!
Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 2:55 PM CST

IDA HUTSON <ercellthut@yahoo.com>
WHITE HALL, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 2:51 PM CST
Oh, Lacey, You keep fighting for us okay!! We love you very much! Love, Mrs. Marche'
Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 2:41 PM CST
We are praying for you here in Houston TX!
Melissa Pickering <pickering_m@earthlink.net>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 2:35 PM CST
STAR CITY, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 2:13 PM CST
Hi Lacey! Linda gave me your website address & has been keeping me updated on you. I'm sorry that you are having a bad day, but stay strong & keep your faith & I'm sure in no time you will be up running around & playing with your friends, & by the looks of your site...you have several!! Tell your mom to stay strong, too! I'm praying for you & all of your family. I'm also praying that God will give all of your Dr's & nurses the knowledge to make you better really fast!

Kim Blaylock <kblaylock1@hotmail.com>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 1:59 PM CST
Hi my sweetheart. Come on now, you have to beat this. Tell moma or maw maw to call me to let me know what information I need to donate blood for you. Hopefully I can go anywhere to do this. Otherwise I will do it right there at the hospital next weekend when I see you. I'm ready, willing and able. Just 6 more days till I'm there to see you all. Love you and praying a whole lot for you and all of the family.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 1:38 PM CST
Hi Lacey. I just wanted to say hello. I am praying for you every night. I know you a strong girl and you WILL get through this.

Love ya,
Beth, Trey, Camryn, and Keegan

Beth Price <bptprice@yahoo.com>
Winnsboro, La USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 1:25 PM CST
Hello, this is Necie, ReRe's daughter. ReRe did not think she could find the web site so I am saying "hello" for both of us.
Thought & Prayers,
Necie & Almareda

Necie Reed <neciereed@hotmail.com>
Conway, AR - Friday, March 18, 2005 12:10 AM CST
Hope you and momma are getting some sleep after what you went through last night.
I wanted to write you to let you know just how much I love you,momma is always telling me how lucky we are to have each other but God knew what he was doing,I am the very lucky one to have such a strong spirited daughter to hold and to give all my love to.You make me smile when i'm down you have a very special gift for making peoples days a brighter day. Well there is so much I could write but I always have you and momma with me even when I'm working and can't be there tucked right here in my loving heart.
hey by the way don't forget to run your mile and those push-ups [ha ha]

TIMOTHY BROCK <tcbachoe@seark.net>
- Friday, March 18, 2005 11:32 AM CST
We just want you to know that everyone at PBNB is praying for you and thinking of you. Your website is really neat. We have enjoyed seeing all the entries from day to day. Stay strong & courageous!
Love & Prayers,
PBNB Employees

PINE BLUFF, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 11:24 AM CST
Hello Lacey,
My name is Russell Altom. I am a friend of your parents & grandparents, Kenneth & Carol White. I just wanted to let you know, you are being thought about and you are in more people's prayers than you could ever imagine. I hope you feel strength from all the prayers being sent to heaven for you.
May God bless you & your family.

STAR CITY, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 11:17 AM CST
Hey Beautiful Girl, I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I'm here for you if you need anything. I hope you start feeling well soon. -Love, Steph
Stephanie Messick, Child Life Specialist <messick@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, March 18, 2005 10:45 AM CST
Lacey, I'm a friend of Mrs.Marche. You are in my prayers and the prayers of so many. Stay strong, keep fighting and praying. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us... STAY STRONG.

Christy Ballard <ballard@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 10:21 AM CST
Dear Lacey,
You don't know me, but I received an email with a link to your beautiful webpage and I wanted to drop you a line to let you know that you are in everyone's prayers. I can tell you are a very special little girl and that you are loved by so many people. Stay strong, sweet girl, and remember that God is watching over you and he loves you very much.
All my love and prayers,

Cyndi LaMarche <cyndi.lamarche@arkansas.gov>
Bastrop, LA US - Friday, March 18, 2005 10:18 AM CST
Hey Lacey! I hope you are doing well today. We miss you very much here at school. My class is thinking of you. You are always in my thoughts and in my prayers.
Love, Mrs. Kari Newton

Kari Newton <knewton@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR Lincoln - Friday, March 18, 2005 10:05 AM CST
Good morning Lacey! Hope you are feeling better today. I really miss your sweet smile here at JBE. Your in my prayers.Love you, Mrs. Tina
Tina Wygal <twygal@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar USAt - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:21 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey. This is Mrs. Ashley again. I wanted to let you know I hope you are feeling better today. I am going to be gone to Indiana for a few days and I will write you as soon as I get back. I will say a prayer for you everyday. Miss ya bunches---Mrs. Ashley
ashley hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
star city, ar usa - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:20 AM CST
I got an email from a friend - Heather Andrews. As she mentioned your illness so I added your name to our prayer list. I'm a member of Antioch Baptist Church in Conway, Arkansas. Our prayers are with you.
Jesus Loves You, David and Stacy Jordan

David Jordan <david.jordan@medicaid.state.ar.us>
Conway, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:20 AM CST
Hi Lacey Just want you to know that I am thinking of you this morning. Have a good day and I miss you. Love Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Friday, March 18, 2005 9:12 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey! I just got your webpage address and your pictures are so cute!! Hope you have a good day today! I am saying a very special prayer for you- remember I love you and miss you at school. Love ya Ms. Tammy White ( librarian at JBE)
Tammy White <twhite@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:44 AM CST
hi lala. Shawn is sick this morning, so mawmaw couldn't come in to get your presents to bring to you. But we will send them as soon as we get rid of this bug around here. I hope you have a GREAT day today. I love you!!!!!!!
Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR Lincoln - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:41 AM CST
He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase.
To added affliction He addeth His mercies,
To multiplied trials His multiplied peace.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father's full giving is only begun.

His love has no limit, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth and giveth and giveth again.
(Annie Johnson Flint - Streams in the Desert)
May God's peace be with you and your family - Your are loved and cared for by the GREAT PHYSICIAN!!

Brenda Abernathy <wcpso@yahoo.com>
Oak Grove, LA USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:25 AM CST
Hey Lacey,

It's is Ms. Janna from Aunt Rhonda's church. I want you to know that everyone is praying for you and a quick recovery. You are a very special girl. I love you and will be checking on you regularly. Concentrate on getting better and know that Heaven's gates are being stormed with prayers for you. Love ya,

Janna <jwc025@yahoo.com>
Downsville, LA USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:13 AM CST
How's our BIG girl this morning? We pray that you had a better night than your day yesterday.Keep up that spirit and just know that TONS of people are praying for you. Keep us posted. Love you, MeMe and BoBo
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.com>
Downsville, La USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:03 AM CST
Hi Lacy; My name is Ed Dennard and I'm a Holmesville Baptist church member. I have followed your journey with your disease and I know the Lord is following you as well. You are in my prayers and the prayers of so many. So keep fighting and praying.
Ed Dennard <abullseye516@aol.com>
Farmerville, LA USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 7:51 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey,
I hope you had a good night last night. I said a special prayer for you this morning. We are fixing to start our day here at school. I love you and miss you!
Love, Mrs. Marche

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 7:41 AM CST
Hi Lacey, I go to church with your Aunt Rhonda and MEME. I want you to know that you are in our prayers daily and that you are truly a special little lady. My husband starts our prayer chain at church for you alot so I feel like we are the best of friends. I love you and keep up your spunk!!!!!!!!!!sandy & james *

James and Sandy Whitaker <sandywhitaker@hotmail.com>
Downsville, LA USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 6:51 AM CST
I don't know you or your family, but someone cared enough to send a link to your website to others & it somehow made it to me.
I pray that God will touch you with a powerful healing touch. And, that He will guide your doctors each day as they care for you and treat your illness. I'm also lifting prayers for your family, that they will receive the strength they need to face the days ahead.
Hopefully, you will have more good days than bad.
God bless you & your family always.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Lisa Parker
Cullman, AL US - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:57 PM CST
Hi Lacey, I know you don't know me, but, I live in Delaware and a friend of mine from Alabama sent me an e-mail about you and your illness and asked that we pray for you. Honey, things make look gloomy at times, but, know that there are tons of people that are praying for you and that you are in God's precious hands. He will take care of you and your family. I pray that you will start feeling better real soon.
You are in my thoughts and prayers,

Christine Trader
Delmar, DE usa - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:53 PM CST
Hey Lacy, I go to church with you Aunt Rhonda and have seen you there for VBS. We are all praying for you and know that through God you can get better. I think that you are truely an inspiration for all children. I bet God has big plans for you.We love you and will pray for you everyday!!! Happy St. Patricks day!!!! Kelley
Kelley Bearden <beardenkelley21@yahoo.com>
Downsville, La. United States - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:47 PM CST
Lacey, I am a member of Holmesville Baptist Church. We are all praying for you and hope that God will decide that you need to beat this again. I also pray you have more "good" days than "bad".
Melissa Carpenter <southpaw899902@yahoo.com>
Downsville, LA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:46 PM CST
hi lala. we love you and miss you, hope you get better soon so you can come home. It's bedtime for us, so goodnight, have a good night!!!
Shawn and Cory

Shawn and Cory Brock <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR 71667 - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:21 PM CST
Hi! I am related to mrs. Marche'. I helped at your school last year, I did your lunchroom duty sometimes. I was friends with Mrs. Amanda that helped in Mrs. Stephanie's room. I hope you are feeling a little better everyday. Keep your spirit up. I am praying for you.
Mrs. Sassy

Sassy Socia <ssocia@rison.k12.ar.us>
Rison, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:12 PM CST
hey sweetie!!! You really have a neat web page. We are just now getting settled down for the night, had to get Gavin to bed and give bubba(corey) his spelling test for tomorrow. I have some gifts here for you from corey's teachers, I will send them with mawmaw in the morning. I hope you have a better night and I love you very very very much!!!
Aunt Kaci

Kaci White <kaci@startron.net>
Star City, AR Lincoln - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:11 PM CST
Hi Lacey,I am a friend of Deb Hinkle and just received an email from her. I am so sorry you are having such a bad day, but many people are praying for you and God will take care of "little angels" like you. Our church will be praying for you too. Hang in there honey! I will be checking on you here at your website. ((BIG HUGS)) from Alabama!
Patsy Whaley <ronaldwhaley@bellsouth.net>
Hanceville, AL. USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:54 PM CST
I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you! I am fixing to go to bed for the night. I hope you sleep well and have happy dreams! Love, Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City , AR USa - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:48 PM CST
Hello Lacey and family,
I'm a friend of Mrs. Marche's mother in law, Mrs. Kay Brown who sent me your website. I know that God is still in the mircle making business. At the age of 22, I had surgery and couldn't have anymore children. Twenty two years later in December 2001, he sent me a beautiful 2 year old daughter. We had one son at the time and he was 24 years old when Katlin came along. Our prayer is he sends you a mircle too. We will be praying for you and your family everyday.

Donna Taylor <Taylorstrucking@tds.net>
Rison, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 7:46 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I received your information from Mrs. Joy Stewart. I wanted to let you know that God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12. Remember this is just a test. You are already an Angel. God is still in control. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep the Faith.

Katie Tatum
Warren, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:45 PM CST
Lacey I will pray for you constantly. Never give up and try to keep smiling. That comes from my son. He also had cancer and is now 28 years old and about to get married. He has a beautiful daughter from a previous marriage. I truly believe that when the hard times come our angels are watching over us and carry us thru. Many times over the years they have seen me thru what I never thought I could do.
Katye Halliday <katye@hinestrucking.com>
Curtis, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:35 PM CST
I talked to your mom today and she told me you had a tough one. Maybe this new medicine will make you feel better. We had a busy day at school today. It just isn't the same with out you. I love you very much! I hope you have a better night tonight. Love, Mrs. Marche

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 3:26 PM CST
Lacy I use to go to Holmesville Baptist Church and then my husband and I moved to Monroe. I am so sorry to hear about this news. I just pray the Lord will bring you through this as he did the last time and maybe this time a lot faster and this will be the last of it. We just don't know why these things happen but the Lord is with you and he loves chidren. God Bless You
Beatrice Woodall <Beatrice.Woodall@centurytel.com>
Monroe, La United States - Thursday, March 17, 2005 3:14 PM CST
Hope all is better by the end of today. We just learned of this site and will be checking it often. We are thinking and praying for Lacey. Tell her we miss and love her.
Terri and Karonica <fatmama254@yahoo.com>
Monticello, ar drew - Thursday, March 17, 2005 3:12 PM CST
Hi Lacey! I am a friend of you Aunt and Uncle, Rhonda and John Cox. I have worked with John for many years. He told me of your illness and treatment. My family and I will be praying for your recovery. I have looked at your web site and it is obvious that you have many friends and loved ones that are anxious for you to be back home with them. God bless you and keep you safe. Love, the Ellingburgs
David Ellingburg <dwehome@cox.net>
Metairie, La USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 3:08 PM CST
Hi Lacey. Mrs. Marce' has been sending prayer requests out for you through email. I hope that you are feeling okay today. I will be sending the same email to everyone I know. You will end up with so many messages and prayers. You are a beautiful little girl and I will be praying for you.
Melissa Cherry <MACherry@skycasters.net>
Rison, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 2:50 PM CST
hope you get better

Savannah Bearden <savvyshoes9@yahoo.com>
downsville, la u.s. - Thursday, March 17, 2005 2:06 PM CST
Hey Lacey,
You don't know me but a co-worker here at Warren High School (Joy Stewart) sent an e-mail to us about the hard times you are going through. I want you to know that I am praying for your strength and healing. You are not in this battle alone...hundreds of prayers are in action and I pray that God will heal you. Keep strong and believe!

Randy Phillips <lumberjacksbaseball@yahoo.com>
Wilmar, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 2:01 PM CST
Lacey, This is Mrs. Tina. I miss your wonderful smile and your great hugs. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Get to felling better!
Love you, Mrs. Tina <twygal@starcith.k12.ar.us>
Star City, Ar usa - Thursday, March 17, 2005 1:41 PM CST
Hey Lacey! This is Mrs. Ashley, This website is so cool! I am so glad we can keep in touch with you. I really miss seeing your smiling face at school, but I know you need to be at a place that can help you feel better real soon. Everyone really misses you here at JBE. I need you to hurry up and get better so you can help me keep your class in line while I am there for counseling, you know who I am talking about...all those crazy boys! I am so glad you are with people who are taking good care of you. Lacey, you have a lot of people who love you and are praying for you and your family. I hope you feel better soon. I love you and miss you---Mrs. Ashley!
Ashley Hawkins <ashleysbates@hotmail.com>
STAR CITY, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 1:22 PM CST
Good Morning LaLa - Sounds as if the day started badly, but I pray things are much better now. Hang in there, girl, because I know how TOUGH YOU ARE! Everyone down here is praying. You and Mom give each other a big hug for me and remember, I love you both very much. Love, MeMe
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.com>
Downsville, La USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 11:43 AM CST
Morning sweet girl. Looks like you had a rough night and early morning. Hopefully the new medicine will bring down the fever, and bring the white cells up. Keep up your great fight and spirit. God is watching and I pray he gets you back to snuff really quick. I'll see you in a week from today. I love you very much.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 11:33 AM CST
Lacey, I was Mrs. Marche's high school counselor. I work with her mother at Warren High School. Children's Hospital is the greatest place to be when you don't feel well. My son was there when he was 3 because he was very very sick. But everyone prayed for him just like they are doing for you AND he got completely well. He is now 20 years old! They take really good care of you there. So, I KNOW that with God's blessings and your doctors that you, too, will be much better very soon.(I love your web page--they didn't have this when Wesley was sick.)I am praying and thinking of you.
Marnette George <georgemarnette@yahoo.com>
Warren, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:21 AM CST
TERRY, MS - Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:06 AM CST
You all are in my prayers. I am praying that God would hold Laceymae up in his lap and nuture her back to health. He loves you!

In His Care,

Christine Wright <cchwright@aol.com>
New Orleans, LA USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:01 AM CST
Hi LaLa well Mrs Donna and Mr Ben just looked at your web sight. They think that is the neatest thing. Just got off the phone with Mom. She said you had a bad night. Your fever don't need to get that high, 105.3 is too high. You take your medicine so it will come down. Maybe the doctors can find out what is wrong and fix it. Love from Donna ,Ben, Maw Maw , Paw Paw and of course Maeson
Carol <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:45 AM CST
Hi Lacey
Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you! Hope you are having a good day today! Ms. Kim is in my Sunday school class. My family will continue to pray for you and yours please remember Jesus' phone is the only one that is never busy---He is listening! I love you
Ms Dusty

Dusty Holderfield <saberlady72065@yahoo.com>
Hensley, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:06 AM CST
Good Morning Lacey! I love your website. I'm glad that you had a good day yesterday and I hope today is even better!!! Happy St. Patrick's day. Love Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:47 AM CST
Good Morning and Happy St. Patrick's Day, Lacey,
I hope you had good night and are feeling better. You are a tough and strong little girl. We are seeing lots of green today. We are going to read a story about a Leprechaun today. We are also going to make one and write a story too. I am going to send them to you so you can make one too. We miss you, Lacey, and love you bunches! Keep smiling for me!! I love you! Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:36 AM CST
You seem like such a sweet and wonderful girl. I am so sorry you are having to go through this illness. You be strong and remember that God is looking over you and taking care of you. I just wanted to let you and your family know I was thinking and praying for yall.

Jennifer Williams Pearl, MS
(friend of Mrs. Marsha's sister)

Jennifer WIlliams <Jennifer.A.Williams@ssa.gov>
Pearl, MS USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:33 AM CST
Hello Lacy,

You don't know me but a friend of yours has put you on our prayer list at church. We are all praying for you and we know God will always be there for you. We are also praying for your family. God Bless!

Angie Palazzi <apalazzi@rison.k12.ar.us>
Rison, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:30 AM CST
Lacey, hope you are feeling better. You and your family are in my prayers. God bless you.
Tracy Nichols
Warren, ar - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:28 AM CST
Hi Lacey,

I hope you are having a good day. When you need extra strength just lean on Jesus...He loves you very much. I'm praying for you and your family.

Colleen Holleman <Colleen.Holleman@us.army.mil>
Rison, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:23 AM CST
Hello Lacey,
This is Ms. Tammy from the office, I miss that smiling face of yours here. You are in my prayers and thoughts every day. We serve such a awesome GOD!!!! He will take care of you. Love, Ms. Tammy

Tammy Manning <tmanning@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:20 AM CST
I am a friend of Ms Debbie Hinkle and she let me know that you are not feeling well. We all hope you feel better soon. You are in our prayers
Alice Owen
Pine Bluff, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:17 AM CST
Lacey: You don't know me, but a friend of yours has told me about you, and it is all good! Just wanted to let you know that a lot of folks have been and will continue to pray for you. Just take it one day at a time and know that we all are pulling and praying for you!!!
Joe W. Rauls <Joe.Rauls@AFBIC.com>
Rison, AR United States - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:16 AM CST
Hello Lacey! This is a really neat site! I am Ms. Marche's sister-in-law (and of course Savannah's Aunt!). I hope you have a good day. My Sunday school class is praying for you really hard. I see where you have a baby you take care of. My little girl, Alli Beth, has a cabbage patch named Isabelle and we are always having to change her diaper (I hope your baby is a little better behaved than Isabelle). God bless you and your family!
Kim Kaye King <kbrown-king@seark.edu>
Rison, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:02 AM CST
Hey Lacey. I'm a friend of Mrs. Marche's. I'm praying for you and I've emailed friends in several cities and states who will be praying for you too. Remember, our God is GREAT!, and he has a plan. ben
Ben Garner <Ben.Garner@potlatchcorp.com>
Warren, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 7:53 AM CST
I am Mrs Marche's sister and she let me know that you are not feeling well. Just wanted you to know that there are alot of people here where I live in Mississippi that know about you and want you to feel better. We pray for you everyday.

Reeca Mincy <butterflyrlm@aol.com>
Brandon, MS USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 7:50 AM CST
Hello pretty girl. I am a friend of Ms Debbie Hinkle and she let me know that you are not feeling well. Just know that you are in my prayers. Love to you and your family.
Billie Jean Davenport <davenportb@jrmc.org>
Pine Bluff, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 7:13 AM CST
I am a friend of Mrs. Marche'. My mother was her babysitter from birth until she went to school. She's like my little sister. I just want you to know that I am praying for you and your family and I hope you have a great day today. I am going to ask many others to pray for you as well. You are in many thoughts and prayers and you are loved.

Debbie Hinkle <hink40@yahoo.com>
Pine Bluff, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 6:59 AM CST
Goooooooooooooooooooood Morning LaLa How are you this morning. I.am sitting here on your web sight,just taking up space, just to let you know how much I love you. Paw Paw ,Maeson, and I are looking at your sight. Paw Paw likes it he look at all of it and thinks that it is very pretty. Your pictures came out very good. How was your night? Hope you had a good one! I will talk to you later when I call. Did you take care of your baby? Hope she keep you warm.You are being a good Mom to her.Her new clothes look good on her,now she is in PJ just like you. I better go Marson wants something to eat. Love You very very very Much Maw Maw
Carol <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 6:56 AM CST

You don't know me, but I really feel like I know you. Mrs. Marche's is my "little girl" and I have heard a lot of great things about you from her. You are beautiful and just remember that a whole bunch of people are sending you their love and prayers. Keep up your great spirit.

Love you,
Joy Stewart
Mrs. Marche's Mom

Joy Stewart <joy8502@yahoo.com>
Warren, - Thursday, March 17, 2005 5:00 AM CST
Hi Lacey, I am Miss Marche's mother-in-law, but more importanly, SAVANNAH'S Grammy. I hear you are a brave little lady. I saw your picture on the webpage. You have a beautiful smile. I hope today, you will have a good day!
Jesus loves you! We all do too!

Mrs. Kay Brown <bkbrown@tds.net>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:11 PM CST
I am so glad to hear you had a better day today. I hope tomorrow will be even better. I am so glad we can keep in touch this way. I have more cards to send you that some of the other classes have written. I will try to get them to your Mammaw tomorrow. Have a good night and sleep tight! Love, Mrs. Marche'

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:09 PM CST
Wow, look at all of your emails!! You sure have a lot of folks who care about you and want you to get better. I love the pictures that are out there now. Hope today was better and no extra bathroom trips or throwing up. Sure hope you are eating more today as well. You must build your strength up. I love you and can't wait till I see you next week.

Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurnee, IL USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 4:59 PM CST
Wow! Did your whole class write you a note. That is really neat. They'll enjoy writing you and I know you'll enjoy hearing from them. I'm not sure if we'll try to call today. I've lost my voice. I'll try to find it soon so we can talk. If you find it for me let me know.

Love you,
Aunt Rhonda

Rhonda <rhonda.cox@ccsonline.org>
Downsville, LA USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 4:33 PM CST
Hello Lacey,
This is a long lost cousin of your Mom's. Hope you can keep your strenght up and keep fighting. You have a lot of people who love you and I know are taking real good care of you.

Gloria Canova <fgc@teche.net>
Morgan City, La - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:16 PM CST
Hi Lacey We are singing songs about springtime in music class. Get better soon and come back to school to sing with us. Love Mrs. Glynetta Burnett
glynetta burnett <gburnett@centurytel.net>
star city, ar usa - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 2:42 PM CST
Hi Lacey- I miss your sweet smile. Hope you have a good evening. Your pictures are beautiful!!!!
Andrea Thomas- school nurse <athomas@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 2:34 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you come back to school someday. I miss you.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:25 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get better soon. You come back to school.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:23 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get to feeling better soon. When you get better please come to school.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:22 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
What is up with you? I love you! Get better soon!

Marche brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:20 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope that get better real soon. We love you all. We send this note to you so you will remember us.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:18 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you feel better soon. I love you, Lacey.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:17 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I wish you would feel better soon. I really love you, Lacey.

Marche Brown <Mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:16 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
We hope that you feel better soon and all of us love you!

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star CIty, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:14 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I love you, Lacey. I wish you would get better. I wish you would come back to school.
Love, Tamikia

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:12 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get better. We hope you come back to school.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:09 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I miss you very much. I hope you get better soon.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:08 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get better soon, Lacey.
Love, Taylor

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:06 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get better soon. I miss you a whole lot.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:04 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you are taking good vitamins. I hope you are having fun. I hope your getting better.
Love, Chase

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:02 PM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get better soon.
Love, Cody

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:58 AM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get better. Please come to school again. I hope you come back.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:57 AM CST
Dear Lacey,
I miss you! I love you, Lacey!

Love, Samantha

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.K12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:55 AM CST
Dear Lacey,
We all miss you! We all love you! We all hope you feel better!
Love, Jarrell

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:53 AM CST
Dear Lacey,
I want to come back to school. I hope you get better and get to feeling better.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:52 AM CST
Dear Lacey,
I hope you get to feeling better. I want you to come back to school. I love you!
Love, Terica

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:51 AM CST
Dear Lacey,
We miss you so much at school!! I hope you are feeling better today. Your mom said you liked the basket we sent. We are glad that you enjoyed it. I hope I will be able to see you soon. I need a hug from you!!!! Keep smiling for us! We love you very much!!! Love, Mrs. Marche' and your 1st grade classmates.

Marche Brown <mbrown@starcity.k12.ar.us>
Star City, AR USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:44 AM CST
good morning lacey mae! what a cute website! your mom and carrie did a great job on your website! I love your pictures -- you look so beautiful! hope you start to feel better soon! love you lots!
Kori Gordon (3goldpharmacist) <hgordon40@comcast.net>
LR, AR - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 11:37 AM CST
Good Morning, Lala, Sure hope today is better than yesterday. Heard you had a new cabbage patch doll with pretty blond hair and your birthday - that is neat! Speaking of birthdays, what do you want for yours? It will soon be here, won't it? Then you will be as old as Harold. Bobo and I both send our love as well as hugs and kisses.
Love you bunches, MeMe

Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.com>
Downsville, La USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 11:16 AM CST
Hey Lacey Mae. What do you think about your new website? Mom did good, didn't she? I hope you feel better today than you did yesterday. I'll have to come bug you later! I am proud of you, you are taking it all in stride. Love you tons...
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:19 AM CST
Hi LaLa.MawMaw gave me your website page. I couldn't wait to go out and see it. It is great and we can talk often this way. I'm coming in to see you next weekend, so watch for me to come visit. I can't wait to see you, mom, dad, mawmaw and everyone else. I want to hug you and lay with you, like we did on mawmaw sofa last time. I love you very much.
Aunt Cinda <cinda50@prodigy.net>
Gurenn, IL USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:12 AM CST
Hi LaLa I just looked at you web sight. It is so nice. I love you so much. Hope you enjoy your cabbage baby. She is special just like you. Love You Maw Maw
Carol ( Maw Maw) White <cftcinc@seark.net>
Star City, AR USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 8:41 PM CST
Hey, Lacey Mae, I love you. aren't you something - having your own website! That is really neat, but I am anxious to see that beautiful smile and get a great big hug, so I hope to see you soon. Remember, Jesus loves you and I do too. Bobo and I are praying for you every day. Love you, Meme
Bobbie Cox <bobbiecox1@Juno.com>
Downsville, La USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 8:21 PM CST
Hello Ms. Brock! Time to perk up little girl. I'm ready to hear that silly laugh. It brightens my whole day. Please feel better soon! Love ya. Lorla
Laura McAfee RN <laurakaymcafee@yahoo.com>
Hot Springs, AR - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 6:48 PM CST
Hey Lala!! Heard you were having a rough day. I'm really sorry and I hope you'll talk to me soon. Take it easy on Mom. She loves you with all her heart. Make up often.
I like your new website. I'll check it often but between you and me I'd rather talk to you either on the phone or especially in person. Hurry and get not nutrapinic so we can come see you.

Love you,
Aunt Rhonda

Aunt Rhonda <rhonda.cox@ccsonline.org>
Downsville, LA USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 3:44 PM CST
Hey Lacey, my name is Jordan! I am Whitney's best friend. I hope enjoyed all your goodies that were sent to you. I'm steadily keeping you and your family in my prayers!! Dont lose hope and remember Jesus loves you so much and He is soo proud of you! I am too, i am 17 and have Diabetes but that is nothing compared to what you have to go through! I know this may seem hard right now but please dont let a little bump in the road get you down. Keep Smiling!!!!
Jordan <jordanmccurry2004@yahoo.com>
West Monroe, LA United States - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 3:23 PM CST
hey beautiful girl!! this is Whitney, i came to see you with Mrs. Cox! i miss you much! i had a blast hanging out with you! i was going to write you a letter but then they told me you had this webpage thing so thats cool! so what have you been up to lately? im going to come visit you again soon i hope! whenever Mrs. Cox goes again i told her that i had to go with her! i hope you are doing well! im am always praying for you! you are such an awsome little girl, you enspire me sooo much! when i was with you just that little time you lifted my spirits! just hang in there! you will fight this! i believe in you and i love you! well ill be emailing you! Love and prayers, Whitney

P.s Jesus has GREAT plans for your life!!

Whitney <malibubarbie8005@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 15, 2005 3:19 PM CST
Lacey Mae, I am so proud of you. I know it's hard to do all this again but I will be right beside you while you go through your treatments. I love you so much.

Mama <tcbachoe@seark.net>
- Tuesday, March 15, 2005 12:40 AM CST

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