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I can't believe how quickly Christmas is coming around. It won't be long now!



Post Pals - Putting a Smile on Childrens Faces

viks <>
- Sunday, November 23, 2008 12:05 AM CST
I know you probaly don't check this anymore but i wanted to be sure that you knew that we hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Miss you guys and hope to here from you soon. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Monday, January 7, 2008 6:31 AM CST
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and we wish a great Christmas. Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Missy, Jeff and Dalton
Missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Sunday, December 2, 2007 9:01 AM CST
Just wanted to wish yu all a happy holidays.
Love and miss you all, missy, Dalton, and Jeff

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, December 18, 2006 6:27 AM CST
Hope everyone is well. I haven't saw you post on the yahoo pbt message board in a while. Happy Holidays! Hugs, Angelique and girls
angelique parker <>
ohio - Sunday, December 17, 2006 7:09 PM CST
i know you don't post any more but i hope you still read guest signs. We hope all is well your way and love an miss you all. love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker hill, wv - Saturday, November 11, 2006 8:37 AM CST
Thank you for your prayers for Harlei. I hope all is well. I haven't saw a recent post on yahoo pbt. Let me know when you get a chance. Hugs, Angelique Parker
angelique parker <>
ohio - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 10:52 AM CDT
Hoping and praying everything is ok. I saw your post on pbt yahoo group. Thinking of you often. Hugs, Angelique Parker

angelique parker <>
ohio - Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:24 AM CDT
Hello, Just a short message to say

Love Viks

v <>
- Sunday, September 17, 2006 11:59 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear that all is well.
Love and miss you all,
Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Friday, July 28, 2006 5:25 AM CDT
hope all is well.
we hope to here from you soon.
Love and miss you all,
Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:33 AM CDT
Hope your summer is going well. Just checking on you all.
Love and miss you all,
Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, July 6, 2006 2:42 PM CDT
Happy Fther's Day Kevin!!!!!
Girls i hope your spending the day with your daddy.
Love and miss you all.
Love, missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:54 AM CDT
Hello Girls, are you all out of school yet??? Dalton's last day is tomorrow. I hope you all have a great summer and get to spend sometime with your Daddy. I hope all is well for all of you. Love and miss you all. Love Missy, Jeff and Dalton
Hey Kevin would love to hear from you, we do not have caller ID so we don't answer unless you leave a message so give us a call.
Miss all of you!!!!

missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Monday, June 5, 2006 6:05 AM CDT
Oh Jen, I'm so sorry to hear all this news. we will keep you and the girls in our prays and those two family's also.
love and miss you all,
Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
i hope oyu are doing good with your cancer. i wish you the best of luck. i know you dont know me but i give you my love.i know how you all are feeling, my dad had cancer andi was so misserable.
Brooke Brown <>
Montpeiler, Ohio U.S.A - Monday, May 22, 2006 11:00 AM CDT
Hey guys,
how are you all doing. I hope all is well with you all and hope to hear form you soon.
Love and miss you all,
love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Monday, May 22, 2006 6:07 AM CDT
Happy Mother's day to you Jen.
you are a great one.
Love and miss you, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:19 PM CDT

Thanks for putting a note on here about Katelyn. I talked with her aunt last night and they started radiation yesterday and she did really well. They will do it again today and then come home for the weekend. Monday they will start chemo on her. They are an amazing family and I just don't understand why this has to happen to families like this! I will keep you updated as to what's going on with her! Thanks for the prayers!!

Luci Pennington <>
Martinsburg, WV - Friday, May 12, 2006 1:27 PM CDT
I hope you all are doing well.
Just checking in on you.
Love and miss you all.
Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV 25413 - Monday, May 1, 2006 3:42 PM CDT
Hello Girls, Jen, and Kevin
We are wishing you all a great Easter Day.
We hope today is a great day for you.
Love and miss you all.
Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:49 AM CDT
YAY KAELEI!!! That is awesome news...I've been praying for you and I am so relieved that everything came back clear! Enjoy the last few weeks of school before summer break! YAY!!!
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Friday, April 7, 2006 2:29 PM CDT
I am so, so happy for you! And I want to thank you too. So many of the Caring Bridge children I follow have not been doing well lately. It was so nice to read a happy message! It really brightened my spirits -- even though I'm a stranger!
Tracy Stanley
Ramsey, MN - Thursday, April 6, 2006 2:52 PM CDT

Jennifer, what an amazing entry. you brought tears to my eyes. being at ACH you do catch a glimpse. unfortunately, those there can all relate to something that has happened to our children or what is scarier that something can happen to our children. our blinders were removed when we were told our girls had a brain tumor. you begin to live in a crushed world. love is so bright yet at times it gets so hard to breathe.

give Kaelei a big hug from me. and Holli, too. and Jen, momma in the bt world, the biggest one i send to you.

lisa savannah's mommy <>
- Wednesday, April 5, 2006 7:05 AM CDT
YaHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. What great news what great news. God has bless you Kaelei. You are such a strong little girl ( well your not so little any more) but you always have a smile on your face i think you could teach us around you that when things seem so crazy in are lives that we need to just step back and look at life the way you do everyday. You are a very specail little girl and i'm so glad to be apart of your life. i love your hole family and wish you all the best. What ever you do in life please don't lose that smile and happyness.I'm just so happy for you Jen and Kevin. What a amazing little girl you created. Jen your words always make me see things in a different light, and make me want to cherish every moment of life. You write with such passion and love. Well i really better get ready for work but i could not wait to get up this morning and check you page i just knew it was going to be great news. Way to go Kaelei, keep smiling. love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, April 5, 2006 6:22 AM CDT
i am praying for you all. God bless.
- Tuesday, April 4, 2006 10:48 AM CDT
wishing you the best at ACH. thinking about you guys. and missing you.
lisa <>
- Tuesday, April 4, 2006 8:19 AM CDT
It was so great to see you in the gift shop today. I have been thinking about you a lot. I can't believe how tall Kaelei has gotten. She is a beautiful young girl. I am praying for peace tonight as you await the MRI results. What a long night this will be! I also pray that you will have yet another clean scan!! Hope to see you tomorrow! Good night!
Patty, Hemonc clinic <>
- Monday, April 3, 2006 9:34 PM CDT
hello guys, i hope you all were not in the path of those bad storms they are talking about on the News. We are thinking and praying for you. Love and miss you all, missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, April 3, 2006 6:05 AM CDT
well i'm glad you can be alittle relived. Good luck tomorrow and tuesday. You all will be in our thoughts and prays. i will be checking in on you. i will be thinking of you. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
miss you alot Kevin and would love to hear from you.

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Sunday, April 2, 2006 8:42 PM CDT
Kaelei is in my prayers this morning......
Tricia / Angel Wings
GA - Friday, March 31, 2006 9:15 AM CST
Oh Kaelei, we are thinking of you and praying for you. I know God is going to give you a clear scan. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, And Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 8:15 PM CST
Hey girls, glad to hear all is well. Hope you have a great spring break. Dalton has spring break the week after Easter Sunday. He is going to start Karate today, he is so excited. Well i have to get ready for work i was just checking in on you all. Hope to hear from you soon and again have a great time off from school. Hey Kevin we hope you are doing well also, don't work like a dog to much. Love and miss you all Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:13 AM CST
Hey Ladies!

I am thinking of you daily and lifting you in prayer! Please email me! I am worried about you!!

Love and Prayers,

suz <>
- Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:36 PM CST
hey guys hope all is well. Love and miss you, Missy,Jeff, Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, March 13, 2006 3:05 PM CST
Where are you?? I miss you!!!

Always praying!!

suz <>
- Tuesday, March 7, 2006 0:19 AM CST
hey guys, just checking in to see how things are. We hope all is going well your way. We are all doing fine. Miss and Love you all, Love Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Monday, February 27, 2006 3:20 PM CST
Hey girls, hope things are going well for you all and for your daddy. It is really cold here. I was just checking in to see how things were. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Love and miss you all,
Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, February 20, 2006 1:15 PM CST
Hey y'all,

Hope things are going well with all of you since you haven't updated in a while. Eventhough I don't sign here often, I do still check up on all of you!

Sending lots of love and hugs,

Paige Miller <>
Ruston, LA - Monday, February 6, 2006 12:55 AM CST
Hey girls, Jen, and Kevin, Just checking in to see if all is well. Hope life is treating you all great.Hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:02 AM CST
Hey Jennifer, just checking to see if you had forgotten about the pictures. Mom said she hasn't received any yet.
Hope all is well. Tell Kaelei and Holli I said Hi.
Love, Christine.

Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:15 AM CST
Hello Girls, I hope your having the same great weather that we are and that you are enjoying it. I hope school is going well. Hope to talk to you soon. Have a great week.
Love, Missy, jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Friday, January 13, 2006 5:55 AM CST

BUNKER HILL, WV - Thursday, January 5, 2006 12:40 AM CST
Hello girls are you all back to school today?? Dalton goes back today and he can not wait. If so have agreat day. Jen, Let me know if you got my email, i'm having problems with my email.

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 6:04 AM CST
Happy New Year!!!!

You are always in my thoughts and prayers - even though I am awful about signing in!!

God bless you forever!!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
- Sunday, January 1, 2006 5:38 PM CST
Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Sunday, January 1, 2006 4:46 PM CST
happy new year Girls, Jen, and Kevin, I hope the new year bring great things to you all and that life turns a new and better leaf for you all. My thoughts and prays are with you all. Love Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Sunday, January 1, 2006 4:32 PM CST
Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Saturday, December 31, 2005 7:59 PM CST
Hey Jennifer, Here's Mom & Dad's address:
1074 Hatchery Road
Inwood, WV 25428
If you have any extra pictures, I would love to have one each of the girls. You can just put them in with Mom & Dad's. That's If you have them to spare. Thanks so much.
Glad you all had a good Christmas and I'm glad to hear Holly is feeling better. I hope you girls have a great time with your Daddy. We just came from Mom & Dad's. Everyone here had a pretty good christmas. Well, I'll let you go. Thanks again Jennifer. Love, Christine

Christine <wvcavalier>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 4:23 PM CST
lOVE, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Sunday, December 25, 2005 9:13 AM CST
Just incase I do not get on here tomorrow.
I'm sooooo glad the girls are going to get to spend sometime with there Daddy. It is great he has sometime off. Jen i hope you have a great holiday and that the new year brings great things to you all. Kevin i hope the same for you. We miss you all and love you very much. Well i have alot to do before tomorrow so i better get to it. We had a great time tonight at my parents and we go to Jeff's tomorrow. Love you, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:21 PM CST
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Hugs,thoughts,and prayers, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Saturday, December 24, 2005 10:14 AM CST
Hey girls and Jennifer, I just wanted to wish you all a "Merry Christmas". I hope you get everything your wishing for. Nice picture girls. You're both getting so big and so pretty. Love, Christine
Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Saturday, December 24, 2005 7:06 AM CST
Hello all,
Great picture, you both look great and so grown up. Hope you all had a great week end and there is only one week untill christmas. Are you ready. Me NOOOOOOOOOO. Miss and Love you all. Missy, Jeff, And Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Monday, December 19, 2005 6:12 AM CST
Hello all,
We were just cheking in. Hope all is well with everyone. Ok girls are you ready for Christmas it is only about a week away. We hope you have a great holiday and that you get to spend time with your mommy and your daddy. With all our love and prays, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunkerhill, wv - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 5:49 AM CST
Hey girls,Jen and Kevin,
We hope all is well for you all and want you to know we are thinking of you and that you are in are prays. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 7:13 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!! Kaelei I hope you feel better and i'm sure if you grandmother is like my mother she probl. set a plate aside for you for later. We love and miss you all and hope you had a great day.
Kevin and Lisa I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and we miss yu all to. Love you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, w - Thursday, November 24, 2005 4:22 PM CST
Hello all, Just checking in to see if all is well. It is almost Turkey Day!!!!!!!! We are all doing well here. Love and miss you all. Dalton Got his first report card on Monday and is doing great and the teacher said at the Conf. that he is an Angel in class. LOL i found that funny of course because he is not that way at home. LOL Well hope to hear from you all soon. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, w - Friday, November 11, 2005 5:25 AM CST
Hello Girls and Kevin,
We were just checking in to see if all is well. We are all doing fine and I hope things are the same your way.
Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Friday, November 4, 2005 5:53 AM CST
Hey girls and Kevin,
Hope all is well your way, we are doing fine except for all this rain. Have you all been getting alot of rain?? Hope the girls are doing well in school. We were just checking in. talk to you soon, Love and mis you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 6:01 AM CDT
Hey Girls,
We were just checking in. We hope all is well.
All is well this way, hope to hear from you soon.
Love and Miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Monday, October 17, 2005 6:02 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei!
Congrats on the clear scans!!! Glad to hear that your appointments went smoothly!

With love,
Joanne and the Dream Team
~Bridge of Dreams ~
~The Prayer Bears~
Ones Who Care

Joanne’s Corner
~Simply Joanne~

Joanne <>
Singapore, Singapore - Friday, October 14, 2005 8:57 AM CDT
YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO, Jen,Kevin and Girls I'm so glad that all is going well and that Kaelei is tumor free. It is just great news!!!!
Ilove the butterfly's on the home page.
Well i'm at work so i better get back to it, I was just checking to see if all was well. Again I'm so happy for you all. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 11:36 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear everything went well with Kaelei's appointment! What great news!! Take care of yourself and of those beautiful girls you have!! I think about you guys often. David Powell is here holding a gospel meeting this week and I thought of you. You babysat his kids alot, didn't you? Well, Ashley is getting engaged and Nathan is a freshman in college. Hard to believe, huh? Hope everything keeps looking up for you!!
Luci Pennington <>
Martinsburg, WV - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 9:42 AM CDT
Just checking on the MRI. We hope all went well!!!
we will check back soon.
Hey Kevin we sure do miss you give us a call.
Love and miss you all, Missy, Dalton, and Jeff

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 5:37 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know that your in our thoughts and prays today. We are praying for a clear MRI.
Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

P.S. Dalton does have asthma

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:58 AM CDT
Hey girls and Kevin,
I hope you are having a great weekend. I just wanted you to know that we will be thinking and praying for a clear MRI. Dalton has been on a breathing machine sence Thur., He is on it 4 times a day. and also may have to use a inhaler will fine out about that on Monday. He has been doing very well yesterday and today. He may have asthma.
Well we were just checking in and want you to know that your in are thoughts and prayers. Love and miss you all.
Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Sunday, October 2, 2005 11:35 AM CDT
Hey, Girls and Kevin, Glad to hear that all is well. We sure do miss you all. and we will be thinking of you come Oct. but i'm sure that God will Bless us with another great scan (MRI). Glad to hear you are both doing well in school. Dalton is still doing well as far as I know, we have not had teacher conf. as of yet. He oves it. Jen I know what you mean about being so busy, they have me working 4 10hour days and with the nephews having football games seem i have no time!!! Well hope you all have a great week. Love and Miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Sunday, September 25, 2005 4:08 PM CDT
Hi Jennifer,Kaelei&Holli has been along time since I have contacted you have been on mind so came to view Kaeleis,s site and was shocked to learn Holli has diabetes. Holli am so proud that you are handling your pump so well keep up the good work. Kaelei will be thinking of you on the 4th of October and feel that you will get another good report. Holli am so sorry things worked out the way they did because we did not get to take you fishing as we had planned,your a girl after my own heart nothing better than a beautiful day and a fishing pole and waiting to see if that fish is going to take your bait and the excitement to see what is on your line. Happy Birthday to both of you girls did think about you! Jennifer am glad to have you in our life even if it was for a little while you are a special lady and am glad i had you as a daughter-in-law.We are doing pretty good. Tricia did get her diploma on the 16th of May with her class! So proud of her. Tricia & Michael are no longer together enough said there. Larry is still working in Arkansas. Jennifer & Tom are doing good and all the grandkids are growing like weeds. I,m doing good though different with just me & Larry here. Anyway wanted to let you know I was thinking of you all. Kaelei & Holli be good and take care will always love you both. Love you to Jennifer, take care and will visit your site again soon Shirley
Shirley Bunch <>
Granby, Mo United States - Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:48 PM CDT
Hello all, How are things going??? Hope school is going well for the girls. and hope everything else is going well for you all. We where just checking in. You our in are thoughts and prays, and we will be waiting to hear about the MRI. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, September 22, 2005 8:47 AM CDT
Hey Girls and Kevin, We were just checking in to see if all was well. i hope that Kaelei had a great birthday party. Hey girls how is school going? Dalton just loves it, he was sick on Monday and still wanted to goto school. Well i better get ready for work i hope you all have a great week and we will be thinking of you as the MRI get closer. Love and miss you all. Love missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:49 AM CDT
Hey girls,
I hope your party went well for you Kaelei!!! We will be praying for a clear MRI that is coming up. hope you all are doing well. Well i was just checking in on you all and wanted you to know your in are thoughts and prays. Love and miss you all. Love Missy, Jeff, and Dalton.

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 6:34 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei

Sue <>
Colchester, Essex, England - Saturday, September 3, 2005 8:27 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei! I can't believe how big you have gotten! It seems like forever since I have seen you. You better come and see me when you are here for your MRI and clinic appointment. If I'm not in the clinic PLEASE have them page me. I really want to see you!
Hope you had a great birthday. I can't believe that you are 9 years old!!!!
Love Catherine

Catherine <>
- Wednesday, August 31, 2005 2:27 PM CDT
Hello everybody. I thought I'd pop on here and say hey.
Glad things are going well there. Kaelei and Holli, I'm glad you got to see your Daddy and had a good time. Everybody here is good. Tiffany just loves school. I think her favorite part is riding the bus. Brandon is adjusting to going to middle school. says he likes it though. Jennifer, the days sure are flyin by. I'm still trying to figure out where the summer went. Our kids are growing up so fast. I hope things continue to go well for everybody there. Kaelei, hope you have a good time with your party. Love and prayers, Christine

Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:43 PM CDT
Hey girls sounds like you having fun. I'm sooo glad you got to spend sometime with your Daddy. Kaelei the team singing for you that had to be great!!!! Hope your party is fun this weekend. Jen sounds like your really busy. School for Dalton is going pretty well, He comes home excited and is ready to go in the mornings.
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 3:29 PM CDT

viks <>
- Monday, August 29, 2005 3:52 PM CDT
Hi Kaelei,
Sorry this is a bit late, but I was away on vacation, hope you had a GREAT Birthday,

Sue <>
Colchester, Essex, England - Monday, August 29, 2005 11:04 AM CDT
Well i hope you girls had a great week at school. Dalton had his first day of Kindergarten and he love it, got right on the bus with no problems, I was pretty lost without him all day, but I got alot of house work done. Well I hope you guys have a great weekend and that you get to see your Daddy.
Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Saturday, August 27, 2005 8:50 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAELEI!!!!! I hope you have an AWESOME 9th birthday!!


Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:39 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAELEI!!! Have a fun day!! Hugs,thoughts,and prayers, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:52 AM CDT
Ronnie, Temi and Nina <>
- Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:38 AM CDT
I'm sooooooooo glad to hear that school went well, you two girls are great and i know that you will have lots of friends. Jen well you did not say any thing about you bus run so I'm hoping that it went well also. Well Dalton starts Kindergarten tomorrow moring and I already have had some tears rolling just talking to him about it this week.
Well i better get going I'm off for the next couple of days and Dalton and I are spend the day at the pool, then we goto meet his teacher tonight. Dalton says to tell the girls Hello and Happy birthday to them both. Talk to you soon, Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:02 AM CDT

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:53 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAELEI! Hope today is a wonderful day for you! May all your dreams and wishes come true!

Save me a piece of the cake!

lots of love from Louisiana,

Paige Miller <>
Vivian, LA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:50 AM CDT

Hi Kaelei

Wishing you a fun filled day


USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:22 AM CDT
Happy Birthday!!! I hope that you have a wonderful day filled with lots of sunshine and happiness.

Angel Kay
Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel Kay
- Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:20 AM CDT

Angel Cathryn <>
Bay City, MI USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:44 PM CDT

love & hugs from
Angel Winks
Simply Enchanting Angels

Suzanne <>
KY - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:21 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Kaelei , Enjoy opening all those gifts.

Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel Jezzy <>
Noblesville, IN USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 8:40 PM CDT
Hey Kaelei and Holli, just stopped in to sey hey. Glad you had a good first day of school the other day. Tiffany starts kindergarten on Friday. I thinks she's excited. Brandon will be going to middle school but his school's not ready yet so he'll start on Monday. Kaelei I hope you have a Great B-day Thursday. Take care. Love, Aunt Christine
Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 5:24 PM CDT

Debbie <>
Osceola Mills, pa U.S.A - Monday, August 22, 2005 2:04 PM CDT
Hi Kaelei!
I heard your birthday was coming soon and wanted to drop by to wish you a happy happy birthday! May all of your birthday wishes come true! :)

With love!
Mystical Angel
Simply Enchanting Angels

Mystical Angel <>
- Monday, August 22, 2005 11:43 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei!

Happy Birthday and all the best.

Angel Edith
Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel Edith <>
Geislingen, Germany - Monday, August 22, 2005 4:06 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei I heard it was your birthday soon. So I wanted to stop by and wish you a very Happy Birthday.

Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel Dollyjess
Adelaide , S.Aa Australia - Monday, August 22, 2005 2:11 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Kaelei
Have a wonderful Birthday with lots of presents and cake. Don't forget the icecream! God bless you on your special day.

Angel Lilly
Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel Lilly
Balitmore, MD USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 11:19 PM CDT
Hi Kaelei I heard it was your birthday soon. So I wanted to stop by and wish you a very Happy Birthday. I hope that you get all that you ask for. Hugs to you Love Angel Whispering

Angel Whispering Simply Enchanting Angels <>
Tampa, Fl - Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:42 PM CDT
Happy Birthday

Angel Hiding <>
- Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:20 PM CDT
Jen, Kevin, and girls lots of hugs and prays going out to you all.
I hope all goes well today at school for the girls and Jen i hope you find all your stops. Remember no child left behind as the news poeple say. LOL
I'm sure they will come home with lots of new friends, I mean there is no way that kids could not all but love these two great girls.
Dalton starts school on the 26th and he just can not wait myself however i'm sure i will be crying my eyes out. Dalton he will probl. just get on the bus and say see you later Mom and Dad.
Well i better get ready for work talk to you soon,
Love and miss you all, with all our thoughts and prays, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Friday, August 19, 2005 5:53 AM CDT
Jennifer, believe me, I didn't come on here to argue with you. I'm just concerned for the girls is all. When you say these things about Kevin it's just upsetting. I really can't believe that he would act this way. All I can really do is continue to pray for all of you. Hello Kaelei and Holli. I hope that you have a good first day at school. Love and prayers, Aunt Christine
Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:45 PM CDT
Hey girls, just want to tell you that i hope you have a great first day at school tomorrow. Sounds like you had a great weekend. Holli I'm glad to here that all is going well your pump.
Hey Kevin if you get a chance give us a call. We miss you.
Holli and Kaelei just remember no matter what may be going on between your Mommy and Daddy that they love you and are always there for you.
Love and miss all of you, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:58 AM CDT
Jennifer, it sounds like you girls are doing well with all the obstacles being thrown in your direction. Holli seems to be catching on to using her pump. I think you are doing a wonderful job with your kids. Make sure you inform Kevin of appointments and any important stuff. That's about all you can do. Been there and done that! Hang in there! Still praying and thinking about you.
Martinsburg, WV - Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:32 AM CDT
When he starts to miss them he'll say something? give me a break. Kevin has been a diabetic for what 22 yrs. now? I think he knows quite a bit about the subject. Holli is old enough to talk to her dad about what's going on. Kevin is a great dad and always has been. Kaelei and Holli, always know that your daddy loves you and cares for you both very much. Also remember all of your family here in WV do also. Love and prayers, aunt Christine

Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:09 PM CDT
Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you Holli!!!!!
Sorry i'm a day late. I hope you had a great birthday and that things are getting better. I hope all of your wishes come true. Your a great little girl and 8 years old I can not believe it. Well i better get to work. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, August 15, 2005 5:57 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS!!! Have a great day and many many more healthy happy birthdays!!! Thoughts,hugs,and prayers, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Sunday, August 14, 2005 6:54 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLI!!! I can't believe you are 8 yrs old! I hope you have had a great birthday!


Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Sunday, August 14, 2005 5:05 PM CDT
Lots of hugs coming your way from us, We hope they help with all that your sad about!!! Not much longer for your bithdays. I can not beleive it, i can remember the day your mommy and daddy went to the hospital to have you Kaelei, and I can remember the day we got the call that you were here Holli. I really hope you girls have a great birthday. and I hope you have a great summer, what is left that is. Well I have to be getting to work. Love and miss you all. Love, missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, August 11, 2005 5:55 AM CDT

Love Viks

viks <>
- Monday, August 8, 2005 11:15 AM CDT
Hey Girls! One more week until time to celebrate some important birthdays! Don't worry Kaelei...I am still signing on daily to give you girls made it very clear at church last week to do that every day! I hope you girls have a great week and great birthdays!!


Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Sunday, August 7, 2005 9:57 PM CDT
Hey there!

I check on you guys a couple of times a day, but never have time to write. I am vegging out today though so wanted to sign on while I had a chance!

I am glad to hear you gals have been able to manage Holli's diabeties so quickly. I know that can be a huge transition and often takes alot of time to get the right balance. You gals just took it all in stride! You are awesome!

I am going to be sending you something and wondered if the address on the site is the correct one? If not, please email me the one to use. Okay?

God bless you, Jennifer. You are a wonderful Mom and I thank God for bringing our families together - regardless of the circumstances that drew us to one another.

Take good care, have fun, laugh as often as possible, love one another and live life to the fullest!!!!! God bless you all!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, August 6, 2005 8:13 AM CDT
Oh Jen that is so great. and it is great that they have set up payment plan for you. We know all to well (latly with Jeff's med's) that medical bills can put a real cloud over your head. but I guess life goes on and God will provide. Hope you all are having a great summer. Love and miss you all. Love, missy, Jeff, and Dalton

Hey Kevin we hope all is well for you and hope to speak with you soon.

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, August 4, 2005 5:50 AM CDT
Hello Girls, sounds like you had a great time on Sat. I hope you keep having days like that before the summer is over.Jeff is doing a little better, he has another appt. for the 11th, we will see how that goes. Dalton he just can not wait untill School starts, He just found out that the little boy next door will be going to kindergarden also, He thinks that is great that they will get on the bus together and be in the same class. They just grow up so fast. Way Tooooooooo fast. Well i better get ready for work. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 5:48 AM CDT
Hello girls, I hope you are having a great week. Hey Jen, your sister was her at work for a interview yesterday, I keeped thinking I know this lady and then it came to me it was Sabrina, It took her a little bit to remember how I was. Are the girls ready for back to school, Dalton can not wait, we got some of his supplies the other day, they start on Aug. 26th (crazy to start on a friday) well i better get back to work. talk to you soon. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Friday, July 29, 2005 2:24 PM CDT
I just reread the journal history. what kind of 'retard' thinks you are asking for money or thinks that you think this is the end of the world. floors me how selfish people can be. God forbid, others out there think of you and the girls, and they don't have the attention. for those imbiciles, type 1 diabetes is life threatening. personally, jennifer, i think you are handling this extremely well. mortality in your face. what a champion! this site is for kaelei, her mommy, and her family. that means her sissy (as savannah used to say). with kaelei comes the ones she loves, and that means Holli and you. as Cassie would say...they are 'B's'. you can fill in the next four letters. Cassie has also learned a short fuse with those that 'don't get it'.

i talk about cassie's asthma on savannah's site. it is stuff we must deal with. also life threatening. i watched one child suffocate due to a brain tumor. i, from experience, know the fear. to hell with the others. they are only here to spy. i was just thinking...if savannah was here, she would tell me to tell you to send those people to her and she would karate chop them because they were stupid. leave it to a five year old. they have much more sense than us adults.

can't wait for this weekend!!!

lisa <>
- Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:21 PM CDT
You know, some people are so ignorant. They get a thrill out of upsetting people. I don't get it. Jennifer, you handled that quite well! I did not take it as you asking for money at all. Any kind of information you can get to help you and the girls is being a responsible parent. People need to get a life!! Keep that kind of attitude and don't let people bring you down!
Martinsburg, WV - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 2:39 PM CDT
Good girl! What a great attitude you have. You are definitely showing your girls how to grow into strong women who can handle anything! Don't let the turkeys get ya down!

Have a great week!!

Christi <>
Dove Canyon, CA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:40 AM CDT
Jennifer~~Glad to hear that Holli's appt went so well! Still thinking and praying for all of you everyday!

To the people that can't leave well enough alone~~~~~BUZZ OFF! Even if Jennifer did ask for money, how is that affecting you? She didn't ask for money, just information and I even emailed her to get the specifics of the medication so I could send her some information, SO THERE! Got something to say, use my email address to say it. Jennifer is just one Mommy in this world trying to do the best that she can for her children, so why not leave her alone? Pick on someone that can come back to you on your level of meanness! Jennifer is just too sweet to do that, but I'm not. Email me, I dare you. And by the way, use your real name, coward!

Sorry, Jennifer, but I am so tired of going to websites and the threat of stopping the journaling because of some jerk is heartbreaking! It takes an idiot to try and bring heartache to others when their heart is already aching. You keep up the good work and I will email you soon with the info that I have! Take care and YOU GO, GIRL!

Lots of Love from Louisiana,

Paige Miller <>
Vivian, LA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:55 PM CDT
Hey girls, Glad to hear all is well. Way to go Holli!!!!!
I'm glad to hear you spent sometime with your Daddy and Lisa. Sounds like you have some fun things coming up in the weeks ahead. I only read in your entries that you were asking for information, not money. But i guess sometimes people see things different. Well you all just keep doing what your doing and I hope things are change for the good with You, Kevin, and the girls. Because they need you both.

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
suz <>
- Sunday, July 24, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Hello girls! I sent some hugs your way. My thoughts and prayers are with you always.

Bridget Akins <>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, July 23, 2005 8:53 PM CDT
Hey girls Dalton and I put in a few more hugs for you. Jeff's mom just love the picture that you posted. Jeff goes back to the Doctor tomorrow lets hope the test show things are getting better. Please have the girls tell Kevin and Lisa Hello from us, Jeff would like to call him, hopefully we will have long dist. services back soon. I'm glad to see they are spending sometime with Kevin. And i hope things are getting better between the two of you, for the girls. Well I better get back to work i was just cking in.
Love and Miss you all, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, July 18, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
Jennifer, Just wanted to stop by and say Hi and that we think of you guys often. Love the new pic! The girls have grown up so much! They are just adorable. We will keep you guys in our prayers.
Martinsburg, WV - Monday, July 18, 2005 9:49 AM CDT
Hugs from Aunt Dori!! I love you girls! Holli, you are amazing, you are so smart and so beautiful. You are doing such a great job with your shots. Kaelei, Goliath is missing you! See you girls tomorrow! Love you...
Aunt Dorian <>
Centerton, Ar USA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 9:52 PM CDT
((((((((HUGS)))))))) for the girls! Have a great week.
Julie <>
MO - Sunday, July 17, 2005 9:00 PM CDT
Oh, Jen they are some great pictures, You look great and the girls look so grown up, even Kaelei looks different from when they were herein WV with there Daddy. I'm So glad they got to go see there Daddy, and i hope that things turn around for them and there Daddy. Hey Girls sounds like you had a great time going Skating, I use to love to Skate but i would probl. fall right on my face if i tried it these days. Sounds like you had a great time with your Daddy also. I'm so happy that the last couple of days have been great for you and i hope that things keep going in the right direction. Love and Miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Friday, July 15, 2005 10:38 AM CDT picture ;) Nice to know what Mom looks like too! (Sorry if you posted a pic before..I've been kinda MIA) The girls have gotten so big...what cuties you all are! Wow..rollerskating..haven't done that in YEARS! (There's a reason too..LOL!..I don't stay upright on them very well!)
Heather Grell <>
Nisswa, MN - Friday, July 15, 2005 8:31 AM CDT
What a great picture!! Such a happy bunch, with all that is going on. Enjoy your day. Hugs,thoughts,and prayers, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Friday, July 15, 2005 8:23 AM CDT
Hey, Jennifer! I have been checking in on you and haven't had time to write. Wow! More doctors, medicine, etc. You are a very strong person to have to go through everything you've been through. You have to do what you have to do when it comes to your kids. Hang in there! It sounds like you're doing a wonderful job. Tell your mom, dad and Dorian I said hey! I'm still praying for you!!
Luci Pennington <>
Martinsburg, WV - Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:48 AM CDT
Hey girl's sounds like you had a great time yesterday. Holli i'm soo proud of you for getting all this information on your sugar and doing so well with it. Holli and Kaelei, I'm not sure what to say about your daddy, I just can not get what is going on with him. I really not sure what to say, we love your daddy very much and all of you also. Im not sure what is going on with him and all i can say is i hope he calls soon and that he turns the frown on you faces back the way it should be. With all our love and prays, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 5:59 AM CDT
Jennifer, I went through the same thing(sorta) with my ex and our kiddos. He went 17 weeks without seeing them and over 2 months without talking to them. It was his and his wife's choice to do that. I tried to tell him that he wasn't hurting me, but he was hurting the kids. Stubborn man that he is, he still didn't listen. He only found out about the kids being sick from his wife's friend at the pharmacy when I got a script filled. How sad? Oh well, it was him that lost out, not us, we still trampled on with our lives. One day, Daddy will see what he has missed and the hurt he has put on the girls and then and only then will he be sorry. I am there with you on your decisions. I have been in those same shoes. Know that you and the girls are in my thoughts and prayers. God will see you through all of this. Kiss those girlies for me! They are such cuties! If you need to talk and vent, email me and I will give you my phone number.
From someone who's been there,
lots of love,

Paige Miller <>
Vivian, LA - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 0:59 AM CDT
My heart is hurting for you three! Please know that I am here - always praying and always caring! Remember also that the Lord stops holding our hands during the walk of life and He carries us instead when our burdens are just too heavy! You are deeply loved and appreciated!!

Jesus loves you three so much and so do I!!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:31 PM CDT
Just wanted to send HUGS your way....
Heather Grell <>
Nisswa, MN - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 2:12 PM CDT
I went in and gave you all a few hugs today, i hope that will help with what your sad about. I'm so sorry and i hope thing turn around soon. Well i was just checking in to see how Holli was doing with everything. Kaelei don't worry your still in the spot light, but sometime Holli needs alittle light also. You both are great and we love you both the same.
Well i better get the house clean, I will ck in on you all later. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Sunday, July 10, 2005 10:43 AM CDT
Hey girls, Holli I'm so glad you are catching on so quickly on how to take care of your suger. Your a trooper just like your sister you both handle your medical problems so well. Jen i hope that the fridays appointment shows that you all have a handle on Holli's suger. Well I better get going you all have a great weekend.
Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Saturday, July 9, 2005 9:19 AM CDT
You three girls are totally AWESOME!!!

May God bless you and keep you tightly wrapped in His loving arms as you adjust to another hiccup in the road!!!

Much love and tons of prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, July 7, 2005 8:36 PM CDT
Wow...Holli you just amaze me...I don't think I could give myself shots...I guess if I had to I would but you just jumped right in go girl! I am so amazed at how you just jumped in and got all that information so well too! Mommy too...that's a lot of info and stuff to deal with. Hopefully all other things will settle down and work out for the best :)
Hugs to you guys

Heather Grell <>
nIsswa, MN - Thursday, July 7, 2005 2:33 PM CDT
Hey girls and Kevin, Holli I'm sorry you will have to go thru this, I'm sure if you call your Grandma here in WV she will be a big help and once things sink in, I'm sure your Daddy will be a big help to. Jen Sometimes Men deal with things in a crazy way. I'm sure Kevin will be there for Holli to help her get thru this, He more then anyone knows what she is going thru. We will be praying for you all. Sounds like you have a fun trip coming up!!!! That is great and it is great that it put a smile on the girls faces. Well i better get to work I read your entry the other day and just got back in this morning to write in the page. I did not have time to at work when i read about Holli. Again i'm sorry to hear about this. With all our love and prays, Love, ,Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, July 7, 2005 6:07 AM CDT
Now this stinks! Both of your girls are awesome and you too, mom! My cousin who is close to Harlei was dx w/ diabetes type 1 (she was 15)last year and the drs admitted her upon finding out her sugar level was over 500 to the same hospital Harlei is treated at and Harlei told her "now i'll show you the ropes" HAHA!!:) No matter how awful the situation is kids are always able to smile and make us smile.

Wow, that is great about the park passes! Have alot of fun!!!!!!

Hugs,thoughts,and prayers, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:58 PM CDT
I found your site through Suzi Pohl and just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and your daughters. You must be a wonderful mother to care so deeply for your girls.
Lauren <>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 3:52 PM CDT
Hey guys :)

That stinks about Holli's dx...I know tho that you all will work thru it just fine. You all are such troopers. Take care of yourselves :)

Heather Grell <>
MN - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:34 AM CDT

I am sorry about Holli. If there is a good thing about this it is that you noticed things were not quite right with Holli and got her in and now you can get it under control.
You are in my thoughts and I will continue to pray for you and your girls.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:15 AM CDT
Just found your website through other pages. I read a little from the history and praying for you and your family.

Brandi <>
- Tuesday, July 5, 2005 9:56 PM CDT
Wow what an inspiration you all are. My prayers are with you and your family during this trying time. It's so tough isn't it, my little boy is going through something like Kaelei's disease except undiagnosed. There brains and little bodies are fighters!! Take Care and God Bless!

Rachele and Zach <>
Shakopee, MN USA - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 6:25 PM CDT
Hey Jennifer, Kaelei and Holli!!

Rest assured we are praying up here in MN! I added your website address to ours, so I am hoping our prayer warriors will jump in to pray for you gals as well!

You are loved and greatly appreciated!! God bless you!!

Love and Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 3:36 PM CDT
Hoping that all goes well today. It seems that just when one thing gets resolved, another pops up. You are all doing a great job handling things, though!
Anne Teddlie <>
Decatur, Ga - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 3:14 PM CDT
I just found your site. I grew up in NW Arkansas. Out near Devil's Den State Park.
I wish you all the best.

Julie Remington < >
Broken Arrow, OK USA - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 12:46 AM CDT
Hey ther Jen and girls, I'm so srry to hear that Holli may have to go throw in life what Kevin did, We will praying for her and If it is just remember the doctors know alot more about it these days and how to controll it. But we will be praying that it is not. Please keep us updated on Holli and I hope you all have a great summer. seems like everytime you think things are ok, something hits you in the face. Hang in there, You and Kevin both, you all have been throw so much, to much. We love and miss you all.
Love and miss you, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, July 4, 2005 1:04 PM CDT
Hey Girls, How are ya? I love seeing you at church girls are the sweetest things ever!! I'll be praying for Holli and hope it is nothing but a coincidence, but either way know that we are all here for you and will keep praying!! Hope you guys have a good 4th!
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Monday, July 4, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
I'm glad to hear that your having a great summer. Sorry you girls did not get to stay with your Daddy. We are doing pretty well. and the summer is been pretty good so far. Jeff has some medical conditions going on that he has been fighting sence Nov. hopfully it will be getting better for him soon. Dalton is Swimming like a little fish also, and that is a big difference from last year. He is really into the Nascar thing and has to watch the Races every weekend. Well I better go now, and again glad to hear the summer is going great.
Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Saturday, July 2, 2005 3:54 PM CDT
Glad to read you got moved in and are enjoying summer. Have a happy safe 4th. Hugs,thoughts,and prayers, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Saturday, July 2, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
I was just checking in to say Hello and I hope you are all having a great summer. Miss you all and your are in are thoughts and prays. Hope to hear from you soon, Love and Miss you all. Love Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:47 AM CDT
Hi Jennifer,

I ran into your mom last week...I should have told her to have you give me a call. I hope you and the girls are settling into your new home and getting into a routine again. Drop me a line to let me know you and the girls are doing well. Talk to you soon...

Kathy Humphrey <>
Rogers, AR USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 4:03 PM CDT
Hey guys, how is your summer going. We hope it is a good one and that your doing lost of swimming, Dalton can stand up in my sister pool know by him self, so that makes things easier, i don't have to hold him the entire time, he would not even get in with just a float last year, he like a hole new kid this year. Has it been hot there, last week was soooooooooo hot and they say the rest of this week will be to. Well i hope your are having a great summer time off and let your daddy know to give us a call. Well i better get ready for work. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton and (bill) LOL i had to put that in.
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 5:58 AM CDT
Hello from MN. It's been AGES since I've been able to check on you all. So glad that scans have been clear :) YAY! I am sorry things are tumultous for you right now. LIke someone else said, as long as you and the girls dad show them how much you love them...they'll be fine!
Take care of yourselves!

Heather Grell <hiyah75@yahoo. com>
Nisswa, MN - Friday, June 17, 2005 9:53 PM CDT
Hello, We were just checking in to see how things are. Hope you are having a great summer.
Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Friday, June 17, 2005 5:56 AM CDT
Oh Jen, I'm so sorry things did not work out. But sometimes we have to see whats on the other side to know what road to take next. I'm glad to hear you are all doing well. I had heard there may be problems ( not what they were) with you and Chris. Again I'm Sorry, Just know that as long as you and Kevin show the girls that you are always there for them and you love them very much, all the other stuff whatever it may be they will just learn from and they will always know there loved by you both. Everything happens for a reason and we hopefully learn from it and move on to new and better things.
Dalton says to tell the girls Hello!!!
Well i better get ready for work. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prays. You also Kevin, we think of all of you all the time. keep your selfs safe and loved.
Love and miss you alot, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 6:08 AM CDT

I'm very sorry to hear you're going through so much! Please write. I'd love to see you and the girls! The pool is just calling your name (small as it may be!!) :)

Kathy <>
Rogers, Arkansas USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 8:35 PM CDT
Hi from rainy MN!! You are always in my thoughts and prayers!!

God bless you!!


suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, June 4, 2005 5:55 PM CDT
just found your
link...we have
been to GKTW, too

sending your lots of love

Craig, Lauren, and Helen


helen <>
- Saturday, June 4, 2005 6:53 AM CDT
Hey girls and Kevin just checking in on you all to see how your doing. We hope you had a great Holiday Weekend. hope to here from you soon and we miss you all.
Love you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, May 30, 2005 7:45 PM CDT
Hi Jennifer, Kaelei and Holli!! It's been so long since I've seen you or talked to you. Please drop me a line--I'd love to see you all. Not a day has gone by since Kaelei's recurrance that we have not prayed for you! Faithfully, the kids and I pray for Kaelei, every night. I love you guys and miss you! Please write when you have time. Have a great Memorial Day Holiday weekend!
Kathy Humphrey <>
Rogers, AR USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:52 PM CDT
Hi Kaelei,
Just popped in to let you know I'm thinking of you today,
Image hosted by

Sue <>
Colchester, Essex, England - Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:24 AM CDT
Hi girls,
Just stopping in to say Hi and hope your week goes well.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Monday, May 23, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
You NEVER EVER have to apologize to me- you know that. I love you like crazy you crazy woman! lol. Now go clean your house!! lol.
hugs and kisses,
(I know I'm signing our own guestbook- kinda silly- just wanted this to be in context with her post.)

Kaelei's mom <>
Neosho, MO USA - Sunday, May 22, 2005 8:07 AM CDT
Hey Ladies!

It has come to my attention that I have not been doing a very good job of being a friend to those I love lately. So I am here to say to you - I am deeply sorry!

I don't always make it to your site every day or sign often, but please know that my thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS still wrapped around you! And they ALWAYS will be!

When two women have shared their heartaches with one another as we did over the pain our girls were going through, there is NO WAY we can ever walk away! I love you three and will forever carry you in my heart - regardless of how often I sign on your website or send an email.

Please know I am ALWAYS here for you and love you more than words can say! God bless you and thank you for your friendship and love!

Much Love,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, May 21, 2005 7:28 PM CDT
Hey ladies, Glad to hear from you. Nice to here all is well. Last week of school, how great!!!! Hey Jen Happy belated Mothers day. I ck in once or twice a week now, just hopeing to here how life is. Dalton will be 5 on the thursday time fly's. We took him to the bush race (nascar) on Friday in Richmond he just love it, we all had a great time. I took pictures but there is a problem with my disk so i'm hoping this guy at work can get my pictures off it for me, if not i guess i will cry alittle more, i know that is crazy but there memories that you can never get back other then in your mind and i don't have much of one anymore. But anyway glad to here you are all doing ok and hope to hear from you soon. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Hey Kevin

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, May 16, 2005 11:20 AM CDT
After having a restless night with my 12 year old daughter Stephanie who was diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytoma 8 months ago I bent down on my knees and prayed once again for full recovery. She had a very mild headache last night and when I gave her motrin she vomitted. Headache was gone. It made all sorts of alarms in my head go off. Six weeks after Stephanie's first surgery in September her tumor grew back entirely and then some. This time it extended into her brain stem. Her first surgery was 16 hours the second one was 12. She reassured me that this headache was unlike her other headaches with pressure this one was very slight. She definately does not want me to take her to the doctor she claims she is fine and that this was probably just post radiation swelling going down and it made her a little nauseas. I can't help but get nervous. How does one know the difference between normal recovery vomitting and regrowth? I asked God to send me a sign to let me know that this is just part of her recovery and it will take time to heal completely. When I signed on the internet this morning I googled recurring pilocytic astrocytoma and Kailee's story is what I found. I found your journal and poems to be VERY COMFORTING and that your website was my sign from God telling me to try to be patient and take recovery one day at a time and always live life to the fullest. Thank you so much for sharing your journey! May God Bless you and your family!
Ivy Mcgee <>
Jersey City, NJ United States - Monday, May 16, 2005 9:41 AM CDT
Jennifer and girls ~
Not sure that you will remember me Jennifer -I am from DWLZ. I have been reading this site for a long time and always enjoy hearing about the girls. When I read that you were not going to continue, I was sad, but understood. However, I would check in, just in case you posted. Today I had a nice surprise. You all will continue to be in my prayers. God Bless!!

Arcadia, CA US - Sunday, May 15, 2005 10:46 AM CDT
Happy Mothers Day! Have a fun day with your girls! Hugs,thoughts,and prayers,Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Sunday, May 8, 2005 12:11 AM CDT
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Yours was the first Caringbridge site that I ever read. I met you at iVillage so many years ago when Cameron was getting ready to start chemo for his "residual" tumor. Thank you Jennifer for sharing with us, I never would have found Caringbridge or MACS if you hadn't. And you also helped so many of us "meet" Suzi Pohl and her wonderful family. So, thank you again. I hope you will keep in touch from time to time. Lots of Love!!!

Sheri & Cameron <>
Lafayette, LA - Sunday, May 8, 2005 9:20 AM CDT
Well, I guess I really won't know what's going on. Now you are forced to have to call me as that is the only way I will know anything about you my sister or my neices.

Love ya Sabrina

Sabrina <>
Ranson, WV USA - Friday, May 6, 2005 9:10 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your life with us. I do pray that everything continues to go well for you and Kalei and Holli. You have all been through enough and now it is time to sit back and enjoy the girls and your new life. I will keep your family in my prayers.
Take Care and God Bless!

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Monday, May 2, 2005 9:53 AM CDT
I am so sad that I won't get to hear about the everyday wonderful things going on with you girls, but totally understand why you need to take a break. Know that I think of you often. Take care, Jessica
Jessica Cook <>
St. Louis, mo - Friday, April 29, 2005 3:14 PM CDT
Well i will miss reading about you guys and feeling that i'm close to you even when you are so far away and i really hope that you stay in contact with us. Kevin has been apart of our lives for so long that we think of him as a part of our family, so that makes you all apart of our family also. I will still ck in from time to time to see if you have update. Please feel free to email me or call at anytime, i will email you with my phone #. I'm Not sure what else to say, it will be different not cking in all most everyday just waiting to see what new things the girls are up to, but i do understand. Well i better get back to work. Love and Miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Friday, April 29, 2005 11:33 AM CDT
I still stop here daily to read about Kaelei and your family. I don't always write b/c I'm sure you know how it is.. always busy. I enjoy reading about how kids still embrace life and all in it despite being diagnosed with a crappy tumor. Whatever you decide I will still visit. Have a fun weekend! Hugs,thoughts,and prayers, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:57 AM CDT
Hey Girls!!! I'm at school right now and instead of doing my work ... I thought I'd get on and see how you were doing. It was so awesome to see ya'll at church a couple of weeks ago! I'm glad I got to get my hugs and talk to you for a minute...hope everyone is good...I'll check in on ya later!


Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Friday, April 22, 2005 3:18 PM CDT
I So gald that things are going so well for Kalei, she is a cutie, I hope and Pray things will countiue to keep going so well.
With God love,
April and "Angel" Mae Mae and Mimmie and Boys <>
- Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:40 PM CDT
Hey girls, sounds like you are enjoying this nice weather. We have been doing the same, I love to just sit out side in my swing and just take the day all in. Glad to hear all is well your way. Well I was just cking in on you all. I better get back to work. Love and Miss you all, Missy, Jeff, And Dalton.
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 11:49 AM CDT
I know lwhat you mean with the mess. We have decided that her room could be messy (to a point) and that she would not leave her stuff everywhere but at least her room can be her space. It is hard to do, because I want every room in my house to be picked up, but remember when we were kids, and our rooms were always messy. We also are going to start a chore list and she will get money for certain chores rather than just an allowance, she needs to earn her money. Try that and see if that helps. Good Luck.
Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Monday, April 18, 2005 9:01 AM CDT
Something made me look at your photos today and they are so precious. Some are hard to look at, but it certainly shows exactly how far Kaelei has come. I just want to give her a big hug and tell her how proud I am of her (strange because we have never met.) So, give her a hug from MN!

Have a great week and weekend.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:09 AM CDT
Hey guys i was just cking in on you to see how your doing. I hope you are having great weather like we are. It has been so nice here the last few days. Dalton had his first soccer game, he loves it. He went today for shots for school and goes next week to sign up for school, Can you believe that Jen, he is starting kindergarden already.
Well i better get going i will ck in again later. Love you and miss you all, Love Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Hey Kevin give us a call.

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, April 11, 2005 3:54 PM CDT
PRAISE THE LORD!!! I am so incredibly happy for you all! Thank you for the awesome news!!!!
suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 7:09 PM CDT
WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO So glad to read those words, no sign of tumor!! GREAT!!! Hugs,thoughts,and prayers it stays that way, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:32 AM CDT
That is the best news! I am so very happy for you and Kaelei and Holli also. What a great relief for you and know you can relax and have a great summer. Thanks for keeping us updated on your family.
Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 9:09 AM CDT
WAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! That is great!!! Thank you GOD for hearing our prays. I'm so happy for you all. I'm off to bed, Just want to ck in and hear the good news i knew i would. Love you all and Miss you, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 10:05 PM CDT

Just wanted to pop on to let you know I think about you all the time and always hold you up in my prayers!!

Have a safe trip!! Yikes!! With my boys, it's "Are we there yet?" the entire way, so I pray for your sanity as well!!

Lots of love and God's blessings!!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Sunday, April 3, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
Hey girls, We will be thinking of you tomorrow and praying for a clean MRI. That is a great picture of the girls on the home page. Dalton was upset yesterday because he miss soccer, well they cxl becasue of the Rain. Well we are just waiting and praying for a safe trip home for Jeff and My Dad, they are on there way back from the Race.
Hope you have fun seeing all of you friends when you have the MRI and will ck in later on you. Love and Miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Sunday, April 3, 2005 6:41 PM CDT
Sending many prayers for the MRI. Have a safe trip and many hugs with your extended "family" :) Thoughts and prayers, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Saturday, April 2, 2005 9:12 PM CST
I'm glad to here they made it safe and sound. I'm sure they will have plenty of stories to tell you. and even if the time they were here was short i'm sure they will never forget it. I hope you all are having a nice day, as we are, finally no RAIN!!!! Well Dalton starts Soccer on Sat., He is Sooo excited. Please tell the girls he says HELLO. Well i better get back to work i was just cking in to be sure they made it throw all that rain and storms the news was talking about. Love and Miss you all, Missy, Jeff, And Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:16 AM CST
Glad to hear the girls are on their way home. I think about the girls a lot and miss seeing them at church but I hope things are going good where you live now!! Tell the girls hi and that we all love and miss them. We'll be praying for Kaelei's mri...everything will be just fine!

Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 6:40 PM CST
Hi Kaeli! I'm just stopping by to say hi and let you know that I'm thinking of you! Did you have a good Easter? Did the Easter bunny bring lots of goodies? He brought me, my favorite...Peeps! YUM! :) I hope you have a GREAT week! God bless and *warm hugs* ><>†<><
Image hosted by
Lighting Children’s Lives
Caged Kids
Raise Awareness

*Jennifer C* from Lighting Children’s Lives, Caged Kids & Friends of Allie/Raise Awareness <>
Eugene, OR USA - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 3:28 PM CST
Jen it was great to see Kevin and Kaelei, while they were here. Please let Holli know that we are sorry we did not get to see her, Jeff and Dalton were sick on Sunday so we never made it over to see her. Hopefully the next time. If you think about it tell Kevin to give us a call. Thanks, I will keep checking, to see your posting that they made it home save and sound. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:52 AM CST
May the Lord quiet your heart as you await the day of tests and scans.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <>
- Monday, March 28, 2005 2:01 PM CST
Jen thanks for the info. about the phone. I was going to call his mom's this morning, but Kevin and Kaelei (wife and kids) came over this morning, Oh it was so great to see them. they were hear for awhile, Holli wanted to stay with her grandma and pappy so we have not seen her yet. but we might try to stop over there tomorrow evening to see her. Kaelei is getting so big, it was great to hear her laugh. I'm just soooo excited to see them. (wish you could have been here to) but life changes, it is just hard to adjust to that. And of course they came right in the middle of me cleaning, so i was just a petty sight/ LOL, but that is ok. Dalton got so ecited when he seen them come throw the door, he went and go the picture of him,Holli,Kaelei, and Erin from when you were here last and had to show it to Kaelei. Well i better get this cleaning finsh. Talk to you soon. Love you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Saturday, March 26, 2005 4:00 PM CST
Hi Kaelei sweetie, I hope this finds you (all of you) doing well and that you have a good weekend and great Easter!

Angel Chris {Gooch's mom} and all your friends at ~ Smile Quilts ~

- Friday, March 25, 2005 8:40 PM CST
hey Jen & girls just got through to your link from our website and wanted to let you know I am praying for you too. Didn,t know the girls had gone to WV till I read it in here, hope they have a great time with their Dad and they have a safe trip. Jennifer you are a GREAT daughter-in-law and am so glad Chris found you. Don,t worry to much about the girls and their trip, I know that,s easier said than done. Will be talking to you soon, I love you all already and am blessed to have you and Kaelei & Holli become part of our family. lots of love Shirley
Shirley Bunch <>
Granby, Mo USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 5:21 PM CST
Oh, Jen i'm so excited to know that the girls and Kevin are coming to town, I hope they will have time to see us. I tried to call Keven's cell last weekend and it just keeped telling me to try again later.I'm sure you will miss the girls every much and they will miss you. I really hope to see them will there here. Well think happy thoughts and they will be home before you know it. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Friday, March 25, 2005 3:17 PM CST
Hi Jennifer, I just read your post here and on the PBT yahoo page. My daughter also has an astrocytoma but a little lower (C3-T1). Her MRI is on Tuesday and let me tell you I am going through the same kind of worries right now as you are - everytime she complains that her eye or neck hurts, or that her eye is drooping more than normal, and every time she falls down I think "the tumor is growing" and this always happens just a few days before the MRI. I am praying for Kaelei that her scan is clear and that she is feeling better soon.
Shelly, Jenna's mom (
Hanover, MD - Friday, March 25, 2005 10:33 AM CST


Post Pals <>
- Friday, March 25, 2005 3:48 AM CST
Dear Jennifer,

I just read your post on the ped bt list. I know all about those MRI nerves. I will be praying for all of you.


Andrea Passarella <>
NJ - Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:16 AM CST
Hey girls, i just found out how to get on your page from work. I have not been able to get on line for a few days, our cumputer crashed, should be back up and running tonight or tomorrow. but in the mean time i'm glad i found out how to get on from work. I tried to call your Daddy on Sat. but it just keep telling me to try again later, I wish i would have gotten throw, because i see you all were with him. well i better get back to work. i'll ck in later. We will keep you in are prays for the MRI, but i know it will come back all clear. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:05 PM CST
Hello guys! Even though ya'll aren't looking forward to the trip to Little Rock, I am looking forward to seeing you. I bet Kaelei has gotten so tall. Jennifer, I cannot imagine the stress you have prior to MRI's. Especially one that has been postponed. I get stressed when Jake has a cold! I can't imagine. You are a very strong person and a great mother. Kaelei and Holli are so blessed to have you as a mother. I am praying for a clean MRI and for God to give you peace and rest each day. I can't wait to see you! Love, Patty
Patty, Hemonc clinic <>
- Friday, March 18, 2005 9:15 PM CST
Hey girls, great to hear from you again. Jen I know Kaelei's MRI will show clear and we are praying for her. And for Holli and her fears. It is probl. from the fact she is at the age that she can really understand what is going on with Kaelei. That and with all the changes in her life, even the good ones sometime it makes kids think of thing in a different light. I'm sure that your words will ease her mine, because you are so great with making things understandable. There both strong girls and will be fine. Are they read for some warm weather. We sure are. Well i was just cking in on you all and need to get ready for work and i will be praying for you all. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Friday, March 18, 2005 5:47 AM CST
Hey girls, great to hear from you again. Jen I know Kaelei's MRI will show clear and we are praying for her. And for Holli and her fears. It is probl. from the fact she is at the age that she can really understand what is going on with Kaelei. That and with all the changes in her life, even the good ones sometime it makes kids think of thing in a different light. I'm sure that your words will ease her mine, because you are so great with making things understandable. There both strong girls and will be fine. Are they read for some warm weather. We sure are. Well i was just cking in on you all and need to get ready for work and i will be praying for you all. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Friday, March 18, 2005 5:46 AM CST

Hiya, sending some hugs and love to a wonderful Princess

Lots of love

Post Pals

Post Pals <>
- Thursday, March 10, 2005 1:08 PM CST
hey girls, great to hear from you. I have been pretty sick myself this week. Have not been up to talking on the phone so have not gotten to call and ck on how our Daddy is feeling. Chicken Pox yuck!!!!! I remember having them in the 2nd grade and it was not fun at all. Jen as far as that being a sign* well prob. a good one meaning she is fine. Well I have to try and get ready for work, the first day this week i will be there sence monday. We miss you all and I will ck in again later. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Jeff
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:00 AM CST
Hey grils just cking in on you all and was cking on the MRI. Well i hope you get to post soon. We heard that Daddy is not feeling well hope he is better soon. We will try to call him this week. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, March 7, 2005 6:04 AM CST
Hi girls,
Just checking in to see how the MRI went and let you know I have been thinking of you. Take care and hope you have a super duper weekend.

Jenny B. <>
Nisswa, MN - Friday, March 4, 2005 3:14 PM CST
Hi Kaelei! I'm just stopping by to say hi and let you know that I'm thinking of you!! I hope you have a GREAT week! God bless and *warm hugs* ><>†<><

Lighting Children’s Lives
Caged Kids
Raise Awareness

*Jennifer C* from Lighting Children’s Lives, Caged Kids & Friends of Allie/Raise Awareness <>
Eugene, OR USA - Thursday, March 3, 2005 0:37 AM CST
Hey girls, I hope all is well and that things went well on the MRI. I was just cking in on you. We are suppose to get a good bit of snow today and tomorrow. How about you? Well i better get ready for work. i ck in later.
Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Hey Kevin, will be calling you soon

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, February 24, 2005 5:29 AM CST
Hey Ladys and Kevin, I was just cking in to see if you have posted yet. I will asome that no news is good news!!!!
well i hope you all are having a great week and we will ck in again later. I need to get ready for work.
Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Friday, February 18, 2005 5:46 AM CST
I was just cking in on you all, Hope the trip was a safe one there and back. I will ck in again later for the good news. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

Hey Kevin

missy <>
b, WV - Wednesday, February 16, 2005 5:46 AM CST
Hey girls, we will be thinking of you today and praying for you, although i know it is going to be good news. Love you all and will be cking in for your message.
Love and miss you all, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, February 14, 2005 5:46 AM CST
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!! I hope that your day will be extra Blessed. JESUS loves you,Monica
Monica Martin <>
Livingston, Louisiana USA - Sunday, February 13, 2005 8:15 PM CST
We too, will be praying for excellent test results.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <>
- Wednesday, February 9, 2005 8:13 PM CST
It was nice to see a new post. I check often but don't leave a note all the time, but please know that I think of Kaelei often and I am so happy for you that she is with you and doing well. It is nice to hear that the girls are spending more time with their dad. You can never get that time back-good for Kevin. It sounds like you girls are doing just wonderful and I am happy for you. Take care and I will say an extra prayer for Kaelei on the 15th. Keep us posted when you can.

Jenny B <>
Nisswa, MN - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 4:52 PM CST

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 5:46 AM CST
Oh my gosh!

When I opened our guestbook and saw your note, I just cried. I have missed you so much!! And then when I came here and saw the new address, I cried again. I have wanted to send the girls cards, but knew the address I have is wrong now. Thank you so much!! I am just thrilled!!

As always, Kaelei will be in my prayers - as you, Holli, Chris and Kevin are!! And I have no doubt the scan will come back perfectly clear!!

I love you guys!! Take good care and know I am so looking forward to you being up and running again!!

Love & Hugs,

suz <>
- Sunday, February 6, 2005 9:08 PM CST
Hello guys! Wow, so much has happened in your lives since I read last. Congratulations on you marriage and your move. I am so glad that the girls are doing well in their new school. I really miss you guys. It has been so long since I have seen all of you. I know that is really good news for Kaelei. Next time ya'll are close to Little Rock please stop by the clinic. There are still a few of us around that you will know. You will be in my prayers. Love, Patty
Patty, Hemonc clinic <>
- Thursday, February 3, 2005 2:13 PM CST

I know im early, but

Happy Valentines Day

Love Viks from Post Pals

viks <>
- Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:37 AM CST
I got chills reading your first journal entry. My son had a pilocytic astrocytoma on his left occipital lobe. This was two years ago. He was resected. He's doing well now, but I worry the sucker is going to come back. I'll be praying for Kaelei and if you ever want to keep in touch, please feel free to email me. Kaelei is precious.
God bless,
Loriann Zello

~*~Benji's page~*~ <>
Ocean Springs, MS - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 9:05 PM CST
Hello girls did you have any snow, we had a little, enough to go sled ridding, Dalton did not like it one bit, maybe next year. He rather ride the fourwheeler. We will be think and praying for you,I know the MRI is coming up i just can not remember what day, so we will say a extra pray for you each night from here untill we hear about the results. But we know that there going to be good ones. We are going to call you Daddy this weekend, so maybe you will be with him and we can talk to you, I know Dalton will like that, he is always asking when your going to be at uncle Eddie's again so he can play with you. Well i better get things ready for the morning. We love and Miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, January 24, 2005 7:48 PM CST
Hi Kaelei!! I'm just stopping by to say hi and let you know that I'm thinking of you! I hope you have a GREAT weekend!! God bless and *warm hugs* ><>†<><

Lighting Children’s Lives
Caged Kids
Friends of Allie

*Jennifer C* from Lighting Children’s Lives, Caged Kids & Friends of Allie <>
Eugene, OR USA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 1:44 AM CST
Yay! Girls you came to church!! It was great seeing ya' are as cute as ever. Kaelei, you crazy girl, thanks for the hugs. You are too sweet!
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Monday, January 17, 2005 4:45 PM CST
Hey Girls!
Just checking in to see how you are doing. I hope you are all doing well. I miss seeing you at church! Hopefully you can come visit sometime!!

Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:01 PM CST
Hey girls, How is it going? I hope you are all well!!! We where just cking in to see if all was well. Miss and love you all..Missy, Jeff, And Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:43 PM CST
Hey girls just checking in . I hope all is well .We sure do miss seeing you all at church. Jennifer you should call me some time and maybe we can go to lunch or something.Hope to see you soon.
Jerrie Manes <>
Bella Vista, AR - Monday, January 10, 2005 10:48 AM CST
Hey ladies!! I miss you!!! Can you hear the whining in my voice all the way from Minnesota??

I seriously do miss you all very much, but I am praying your absense here on the website only means there is great happiness, joy and love happening there in your home.

God bless you and take good care of each other!!

Love and many prayers

suz <>
- Friday, January 7, 2005 7:04 PM CST
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Saturday, January 1, 2005 12:04 AM CST
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Saturday, December 25, 2004 9:49 AM CST
Hey, Girls How are you doing? We spoke with your Daddy last night and he said you are going to spend the next few days with him, We hope you have a great time with him and that you girls,Mommy and I think his name is Chris have a great Christmas. We miss you all and love you. There is only a few days left untill christmas. Well i better get to work.Your Daddy gave us the greatest Christmas present by calling and telling us you are all doing well and you girls are doing well with the new changes in your life and that you have already made some new friends but then who would not want to be friends with you two great girls. Love and miss you all. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 6:06 AM CST

Merry Christmas Kaelei and family. We pray it will be your best Christmas ever. We're keeping you in our prayers.

Smile Quilts Angels and all your friends at Smile Quilts <>
- Tuesday, December 21, 2004 0:05 AM CST
Hey girls, how is the new house and school? I hope all is well. Has it snow there yet? just a few showers here. Are you ready for christmas? Well we were just checking in, love and miss you all. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 5:55 AM CST
Hi Ladies. I hope the move and wedding went well. Enjoy the holidays! Lots of hugs,thoughts,and prayers, Angelique and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 7:02 PM CST
Hello Ladies!!! Just checking on ya'll and wanting to hear all about the wedding. I hope the strep didn't stay too long and that everyone is feeling good now. 17 more days 'til Christmas! Wahoo!!!
Lots of Love!!!

Sheri & Cameron <>
Lafayette, LA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 4:24 PM CST
Hey girls just thought I would check in and see how things are going.It was a beautiful wedding and I am so glad that you thought to invite us.Give us a call some time just to visit or we can go to lunch or something.Talk to you soon.
Jerrie Manes <>
Bella Vista, AR - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:15 AM CST
Hello girls, Just cking in on you. I hope you are doing well in your new home. Are you ready for Christmas, have you gotten your tree??? We are getting ours this week end i think, Dalton can not wait for the tree and the lights. That is about all he is excited about he is not ask for much. Well we hope you are all doing well and will ck in again another day. Love and miss you, Missy, Dalton, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Friday, December 3, 2004 5:44 AM CST
Just checking in to say Hi and I hope you had a good and happy Thanksgiving day.
Hope the wedding and move went well and the girls are adjusting.
Take care and have a great weekend.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, December 2, 2004 8:53 AM CST

I am so anxious to hear how the wedding went and how things are going in the new house, new town, new life!!?? Please know that we are praying while we wait to hear!! (Nosey, huh?)

With major hugs and smooches for everyone,

suz <>
- Tuesday, November 30, 2004 2:40 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving!!
The Pohl family - Kyle, Suzi, Gavin, Kegan and Bracken <>
- Thursday, November 25, 2004 1:28 PM CST
HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!!!!! We hope you all have a great turkey day. miss you all. I can't wait to get to my mothers and eat. Welll i have to get over there and help cook so i will ck in again later. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

P.S. Kevin I hope you are eating some turkey with some friends. Love and miss you

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, November 25, 2004 7:44 AM CST

We hope this Thankgiving Day is
Filled with laughter and love.
You are in our prayers today and
always. God bless you.

Angel Gloria and Smile Quilts <>
Owings Mills, MD USA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:56 AM CST
Good morning girls, Are you all off school this week?? School here is off wed.-sun., I was just cking in to see how you all wer doing. Miss you all!!!! I guess you are packing for the big day. Hope you have a great holiday and when you see your Daddy,tell him we said Hi and we miss him too. Well i better get ready for work, love and miss you all, Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Jen good luck with your new Marrage, I just wish you and Kevin could have work things out, but that is just the way live goes sometimes I guess.

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 5:53 AM CST
I just stopped to say "Hello!!" We love you and pray for you all daily!!

God bless you!!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, November 22, 2004 6:45 AM CST

Heather , mom to Brianna dx ALL in remission, daughter to Pete, dx CLL and still waiting for a match for transplant....
Syracuse, NY USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:34 AM CST
Good morning girls, (hello Kevin) Kaelei you have came a long way. you are a very special and brave little person. Jen you are so great with your words. Are you all ready to eat some turkey!!!!! it is not far away. well i was just cking in to see how you all were doing. I better get ready for work. Love and miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 5:42 AM CST
Oh Jennifer!! You're "rambling" has so touched my heart. You are an awesome and incredible women and mother. I thank God that I "met" you and have gotten to speak with you and correspond with you over the last couple of years.

Your precious girls, especially Kaelei, have also touched my heart!! I remember you and I talking on the phone way back when - Mearan was very ill and at the time, so was Kaelei. It was so moving to share our pain together as we talked that day and I want you to know from that moment on, you and your dear family became deeply rooted in my heart and will remain there forever!!!

I pray for only the very best for you and your family as you embark on this new life. You all deserve every smile, laugh and the greatest happiness imagineable and I sincerely pray that for you!!

Please keep in touch once you get moved and always remember you all are loved and prayed for by the Pohl family in MN!!!

God bless you always!!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 11:42 PM CST
What a wonderful post Jennifer! I have only been reading your site for the last 2 yrs and didn't truly understand all of what Kaelei has gone through. Wow! I only wish you and your girls the utmost happiness in your "new" life.
As I have said before I appreciate my girls now and the last 2 years because in my little world, there are no sick kids. But since I have become a caringbridge reader, I don't take my girls for granted anymore. Oh sure, some days I do, but not for long. Thank you for always reminding me of what I have and that it could be taken from me in a heartbeat.
Hug those kids and as you always do-enjoy them, kiss them, read to them, play with them and tell them that you love them.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Monday, November 8, 2004 8:48 AM CST
Kaelei is a miracle!! For what she has endured and what she will accomplish now and in the future. And 17 yrs from now when you write she has been tumor free for 17 yrs I will still think she is a beautiful miracle. Keep up the fight and giving us hope and inspiration!! Lots of hugs,thoughts,and prayers, Angelique Parker

angelique parker <>
ohio - Sunday, November 7, 2004 9:20 PM CST
I have thought about you a lot but haven't been to the site in a while. Congratulations! I am very very happy for you and hope that you will bring him the next time you all come and let us approve! :) I am thrilled to see how well the girls are doing and pray that each day is joyful for you. Give Kaelei a hug and let her know how much we miss seeing her- and you! All my love and prayers...

Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:10 AM CST
Hi Kaelei!
Congrats on the report card!!!! You must be so proud! lol
~Joanne's Page~
Care Mail!

Joanne <>
- Wednesday, November 3, 2004 1:27 AM CST
Hey girls, sounds like you had a great Holloween, we sure did. Dalton changed his mine and was a football player, he look so cute. We had the annual hounted trail at Aunt Vicki's, wish you guys could have been there, she really goes all out, and uncle Eddie scrared the pants off all the kids with his mask, as always. Well you all have a nice week and I will ck in again in a few days. WAY TO GO ON THE REPORT CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Well I better get ready for work. Love and Miss you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 5:49 AM CST
Hey there! Been awhile since I signed in..just hopped on to say hello. My sister and I are 2 years apart and let me tell you..we fought like cats and dogs...constantly when we were growing up (we shared a room on top of that) But today...she is my best friend. We still don't always see eye to eye, but we are so close. We both know that if the other one needs us, we'll be there..anytime anywhere.
I'm living proof that they'll grow out of it!

Heather Grell <>
Baudette, MN - Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:14 PM CDT
Good Morning Girls,
I was just checking in to see how you are all doing. This should be a fun weekend for the girls since Halloween is on Sunday! We are carving pumpkins on Friday and my little girl already picked out which pumpkin is hers. It is so fun to watch the excitement on her face. Kids are happy not because of the car we drive or if we have the niccest house on the block, they are happy when we as parents, spend time with them. My daughter is always telling me that she just wants to be with me. So that is what I am giving her this weekend. So it will be good.
Happy Halloween Jennifer, Kaelei and Holli

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, October 28, 2004 11:33 AM CDT
Good morning Girls. Just a few more days untill Holloween!!! Are you ready. It is starting to get cold here. How about there? well i was just cking in to see how you are all doing, I better get ready for work. Tellyour Daddy we said Hi and to call. Hope to see you soon, Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:40 AM CDT
Dear Jennifer,

I have a son who was dx w/ a brainstem JPA January 2001. His last MRI showed small growth. I would *love* to talk to you. Please e-mail me if you have a chance.

So glad Kaelei is doing well.

God bless,
Andrea Passarella

Andrea Passarella <>
NJ - Sunday, October 24, 2004 7:11 AM CDT
Hoping this finds you doing well. May the move go off without a hitch, the kids make new friends fast, and may you and your new hubby be happy.
We're keeping you in our prayers.

Angel Chris {Goochs mom} ~ Smile Quilts ~

- Friday, October 22, 2004 11:20 PM CDT
Congratualtions jennifer! I hope wverything goes well for you and the girls on your move. It is amazing where life takes us isn't it? I hope that Kaelei continues to do well. As for the girls not getting along, I don't know what to say. I have 2 girls also. Katrina is 5 yrs old and Ella is 5 mnths old. At this point, Katie loves her little sister ( she has wanted a baby sister for about 2 yrs now). The only think I can tell you is that they will outgrow it and to love them indiviually (sp). Good Luck!
Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Friday, October 22, 2004 3:48 PM CDT
Good morning Girls, hope you are having a great week. Just cking in on you. Has it been cold there it has been here. Well i better get ready for work. Love and miss you all. Love Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, October 18, 2004 5:53 AM CDT
Congratulations!!!!!!!! Big hugs to you all. Glad Kaelie is feeling well..

Heather , mom to Brianna dx ALL in remission, daughter to Pete, dx CLL and still waiting for a match for transplant....
Syracuse, NY USA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:41 AM CDT
I hope your move is safe and have a fun time exploring your new city. I'm glad Kaelei hasn't had any more episodes. Lots of thoughts and prayers, Angelique Parker and girls

angelique parker <>
ohio - Thursday, October 14, 2004 10:57 AM CDT

We are here in Minnesota praising God for this wonderful news and praying for you all!!

Love and Prayers,

The Pohl family - Kyle, Suzi, Gavin, Kegan and Bracken <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 9:02 PM CDT
sorry for the two postings i thought i hit back instead of post because i had more to write. when i was previewing.
love you all, Missy

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, October 11, 2004 7:48 PM CDT
Hey Girls, Glad to hear that your doing well in school and that Kaelei you have not had any more spells. Are you all ready for Holloween? Dalton sure is he has already had his costum on several times, pretending to fly all throw the house, he is going to be buzz light-year.
Jen, I'm not sure how to respond to you news, I'm happy for you if he makes you happy and treats the girls right, and i'm also sad in another way because i guess i always thought(hope) that you and Kevin would work things out and get back together. I guess now all I can do is be happy for you and hope that Kevin will find someone to make him happy also.
As long as Kevin is always apart of the girls life I guess i can learn to be happy for you.
We love you all and miss you so much!!!!!!
Please when you see Kevin have him call,e-mail,write, or something, We would but we have no info on how to get in contact with him.
You can call also, write,e-mail, I would love to here from both of you. Well I better go, Love and Miss you Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, October 11, 2004 7:34 PM CDT
Hey Girls, Glad to hear that your doing well in school and that Kaelei you have not had any more spells. Are you all ready for Holloween? Dalton sure is he has already had his costum on several times, pretending to fly all throw the house, he is going to be buzz light-year.
Jen, I'm not sure how to respond to you news, I'm happy for you if he makes you happy and treats the girls right, and i'm also sad in another way because i guess i always thought(hope) that you and Kevin would work things out and get back together. I gues now all I can do is be happy for you and hope that Kevin will find someone to make him happy also.
As long as Kevin is always apart of the girls life I guess i can learn to be happy for you.
We love you all and miss you so much!!!!!!
Please when you see Kevin have him call,e-mail,write, or something, We would but we have no info on how to get in contact with him.

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, October 11, 2004 7:30 PM CDT
COngratulations! Alhtough I haven't signed in in AGES...I check often! It's so nice to read that the girls are doing well! Once again, congratulations on your upcoming marriage :) Wishing you lots of happiness and smiles!
Heather Grell <>
Baudette, MN - Monday, October 11, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
hey girls, and Kevin, Hope everything your way is going ok. Things here are just fine. does it feel like fall there yet? It sure does here, but i like that kind of weather. Hope you are doing well in school. Well we were just cking in, I better get ready for work. Love and Miss you all, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, October 11, 2004 5:41 AM CDT
Hello Girls & Jen, Sounds like your doing better Kaelei, Thats great and hopefully it is what the Doc. said. Sounds like you all are very busy. Keep up the good work in school. We were just cking in to see what all was going on there. Pretty busy here to. So did you all have any problems with the hurrican's, (Darksville) near your grandma and Pappy's got hit pretty hard but no one was hurt to bad, Thank God!!! Well i better get to bed we will ck in later. Love and miss you all. Hello Kevin. Love Missy, Jeff, And Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:03 PM CDT
Just thought I would check in and see how everything is going. I am glad everything went ok at the Dr. See you girls at church.
Jerrie Manes <>
Bella Vista, Ar - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:53 PM CDT
Praying for you guys!
Martinsburg, WV - Monday, September 27, 2004 1:00 PM CDT
Praying for you.
Jennifer <>
Wichita Falls, Texas - Saturday, September 25, 2004 9:24 PM CDT
Hi! I was stopping to see how your appt. went. Hope all is well!! Thoughts and prayers, Angelique Parker

angelique parker <>
ohio - Friday, September 24, 2004 7:45 PM CDT
Have a fabulous weekend!!!


suz <>
- Friday, September 24, 2004 5:28 PM CDT
I am just checking in to see how the Dr. visit went on Monday. You have been in my thoughts all week.
Take care and God Bless.....

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Friday, September 24, 2004 9:09 AM CDT
Praying for you - as always!

Much love,

suz <>
- Wednesday, September 22, 2004 9:41 PM CDT
Good morning Girls and Kevin, Kaelei you are in our thoughts and prays. I hope they can find the problem and fix it quick. You just hang in there sweetheart. Well will ck in later. Love and miss you all, Love Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 5:56 AM CDT
Without a doubt, I am praying - every day - for Kaelei, Holli and for you, Jennifer!! I may be too busy and nuts to call or write on a regular basis, but my thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with your precious family - daily!! Now I just have something more specific to lay before the Lord!!! Thank you for sharing your needs!!

Much love,

suz <>
- Monday, September 20, 2004 5:33 PM CDT
Have a marvelous weekend, Ladies!! I hope you were able to sleep in this morning - instead of getting up sooooo early for school!!

Big hugs,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:43 AM CDT
Hi girls,
Sorry I haven't checked in lately. I had a baby girl this summer and I have been very busy getting back into caring for a newborn. I have a 5yr old also. Anywho, I have gone back and read your journals and it sounds like you had a great summer and all is well health wise. I am so happy for you Kaelei. Stay strong and healthy and have a wonderful weekend.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Friday, September 17, 2004 8:51 AM CDT
Hello ladies!!!
I havent had time to sign in lately, but I am always thinking of and praying for you all!
Sounds like things are going good, and school is off to a great start!
Have a wonderful day!

Emily <>
Sabina, oh - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:58 AM CDT
Hello Ladies!!

Just stopped to remind you how much we love you!!

God bless you!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 7:48 PM CDT
Hi Kaelei! I'm glad that you're doing well! Take care and keep smiling!
Joanne <;>
- Wednesday, September 8, 2004 0:36 AM CDT
I'm so glad to see that the girls are doing so well in school. Way to go Kaelei keep up the good work. Say Hello to your Daddy for us. We miss you all and love you.
Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 10:32 PM CDT
Hey, girls we were just cking in to see how you all are doing? and If school is going well, I'm sure that you are all busy. Well I better get to work. We will ck in later. Hi Kevin, we hope you are doing well also!!!!! Love you all and miss you!!!!! Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 5:53 AM CDT
Hiya, just saying a hello, I have a few jokes for you today, this time about bears

Q: What do you get if you cross a skunk with a bear?
A: Winnie the Pooh!

Q: Why do bears have fur coats?
A: Because they'd look stupid in anoraks!

Lots of love and big…


viks <>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 7:08 PM CDT
I too check on the Pohl family. Suzi is great inspration to us all. My son Eli has Leigh's disease. I just thought I would stop in an say hello.

Eli's Page

Ann <>
Brighton, Co USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 2:01 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Kaelei!!!!

With a kind heart, The RAOK Group

Dana Sanford <>
Spring Arbor, MI - Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:55 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Pretty sounds like you had a wonderful party!! Hope you have a good day:)

Nashville, TN - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:00 AM CDT
Sorry it is a late one Kaelei But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like you all had a great time. I can not believe you are getting so big!!!!!!!!!!! The years are just flying by. Love you all and Happy birthday again, sorry it was a late one. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, August 23, 2004 6:02 AM CDT
We are also from Ark. My husband is from Prarie Grove and I grew up near Devil'Den State Park. We are now in Broken Arrow, OK. (South of Tulsa)
We are new to the Caring Bridge family and just checking in with different families.
Have a great day now.

Julie Remington <>
Broken Arrow, OK USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 11:57 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS!!! have a great day and many many more healthy happy birthdays!! thoughts and prayers, angelique parker

angelique parker <>
ohio - Saturday, August 21, 2004 10:01 AM CDT
I am so happy for all of you for the great news! I think of you and pray for you every day.

Bridget Akins <>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:59 PM CDT
WAHOOOOOOOOO! I am so excited (and thankful) for you all! I am sure that there could be no better news for you!

Heather Grekk <>
Baudette, MN - Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:52 AM CDT
oh kaelei!! i am so happy for you! i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for clean scans always! when my daughter harlei stop doing mris with sedation they went alot smoother and im sure yours did too. have fun cuddling with mom and sis and enjoy your summer!! thoughts and prayers, angelique parker

angelique parker <>
ohio - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:22 AM CDT
I am SO,SO happy for you kaelei.I can only imagine how much joy is in your momma's heart.I hope you and Holli have a good day at school tomorrow.Morgan went to open house last night and did really well so maybe she will do good tomorrow.Have a good B-day party on Sat. and let me know all of the cool stuff you get.see ya soon
Jerrie Manes <>
Bella Vista, AR - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:44 AM CDT
GREAT NEWS!! Sounds like Kaelei did an awesome job during the MRI. I let out a little whoop of joy when I read the website this morning. LOL We'll be keeping you guys in our prayers.
Martinsburg, WV - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:54 AM CDT
Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Kaelei!!!!! Jen I'm so happy for you and Kevin, and i'm sure you both are just so greatful. Thank GOD for giving her a clean MRI. Have a great week to you all.
Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:54 AM CDT
Praise the Lord!! Awesome! Incredible! Marvelous! Fabulous! Fantastic! Wonderful!! Tremendous!! Outstanding!! Thank You, Jesus for healing this precious girl!!!

My heart is overjoyed for you all at this powerful news!! Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives and for sharing your family.

With love and lots of praise,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:08 PM CDT
we were just cking in, to see if all was well. I hope you have had a great trip down and back and that the MRI was ok. We will ck in again in the morning.
Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:53 PM CDT
We are thinking of you tonight and hope you had a safe trip and we are hopeing for the best results on the MRI tomorrow. Love you all and your in are prays. We hope Kaelei did ok with having the MRI. Have a safe trip back!!! Love you and miss you, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, August 16, 2004 9:37 PM CDT
i hope you have a safe trip and great mri results. many thoughts and prayers, angelique parker
p.s. happy birthday holli!

angelique parker <>
ohio - Monday, August 16, 2004 5:20 PM CDT
You will be in my thoughts and prayers constantly today and tomorrow!! God bless you all!!
suz <>
- Monday, August 16, 2004 4:58 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Holli!! I hope you had a great birthday. Your birthday is almost here Kaelei! I hope you guys have a fun birthday party next weekend. As I've said before I love it when you sit w/ me at church. You are the sweetest things ever!! See ya soon!
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Sunday, August 15, 2004 8:11 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Holli" the big 7 I can not beleive that you are 7 years old, and that Kaelei you will be 8 soon. I can not beleive that you all have been gone from WV that long. Well anyway I hope you have a great birthday and Kaelei I will be back on to wish you one very soon.
Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Friday, August 13, 2004 9:22 PM CDT
Hello girls! Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about all of you. My prayers are with you every day. I know your MRI will go well. Have a safe trip to Little Rock.

Bridget Akins <>
Frisco, TX - Friday, August 13, 2004 3:35 PM CDT
Hello Miss Kaelei and family - I am so excited that I get to see you next week. I have missed all of you so much. I'm glad I've been missing you though - that just means you're healthly. You have been in my thoughts and prayers many times since your last visit. Have a safe trip to LR and I'll see you Monday morning!
Patty Dickinson, Hemonc clinic <>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:29 PM CDT
Hey girls sorry it has been so long since I have written. It has been pretty crazy around here for a while.I hate to see it when Morgan starts school. Are you both ready for school? I am afraid that Morgan is going to have a hard time with the whole school thing but we will just have to see how it goes. I hope you both have a good B-day party and get lots of presents.We will be praying for your next MRI .You are all in our prayers.See you girls soon
Jerrie Manes <>
Bella Vista, AR - Monday, August 9, 2004 11:06 PM CDT
Hey Girls, sorry i have not sign in awhile but we changed from aol to msn and i just got everything set up. Jennifer don't fell bad about going a little crazy now and then, I'm not sure of why your not a little crazy everyday, I know i would be and also how you deal with everything you have with Kaelei. I'm not sure how you or Kevin got throw all of what you have so far. Well We will be thinking of you all and keep you in our prayers for the up coming MRI. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, August 9, 2004 9:31 PM CDT
mri times are always so hard but i will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. i'm glad you are having nice weather. it's always so special to see your children all sweaty but having a great time! thoughts and prayers, angelique parker

angelique parker <>
ohio - Monday, August 9, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
Dear Jennifer,

We have been talking alot in church lately about stopping and praying right then and there when someone asks you to pray for them. I would like to do that right now. I hope you do not mind?!
Dear Heavenly Father - I lift this dear family up to You and ask for Your special healing touch. I pray for little Kaelei and ask that you would keep this special girl cancer and illness free. I pray for long, happy healthy lives for each one in this family.

I pray, Father, for a healing of Jennifer's heart too, Lord. Please rid her tender and loving heart from every huge and slight fear or concern she may have in regards to her babies.

I pray for great peace and abundant joy for Jennifer, Kevin, Kaelei and Holli forever, Father. Please hug them and carry them right now and always.

I thank You, Father for bringing this dear family into my life and for blessing me with their friendship and inspiration. You are AWESOME, Lord and I praise You always!! In Jesus' precious name I pray all of this, believing and giving You all the power and glory!! Amen!

I love you, Jennifer. I will continue to pray for all of you! I am here if you need me! Forever!

- Saturday, August 7, 2004 11:11 PM CDT
Jennifer, Your family is always in my prayers, but I will be saying a special prayer for the upcoming MRI and for you in particular. {{{hugs}}}
Martinsburg, WV - Friday, August 6, 2004 9:58 AM CDT
Hello, Hello, Hello!!! :)
Hi gals!
Sounds like your summer is just flying by! You have certainly had soem fun times this summer! And kaelei, you learned to swim !!!! That is wonderful!
School will be starting soon! Are you girls excited? or would you rather have a little more summer?

I am glad that you have decided to continue on journaling, and not let those few other people get to you! You hit the nail on the head when you said, that they can CHOOSE not to come and read it if they dont like what you write! This is your place! Not theirs! We are here to support you!

I have been and will continue to pray for the upcoming MRI, and that God will calm all fears and those pesky butterflies in your stomach! I pray you feel His arms of love wrapped around you!
Blessings and hugs!

Emily <>
Sabina, OH - Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:01 AM CDT
AMEN, Sister!!

You know that over the years with our website, I have had people say some nasty and hurtful things about what I've written too, but like you said - No one forces anyone to be a part of your life (or ours) by reading the websites and if they don't like what is written, they should stop coming to read it. As care givers for our babies, these journals are our places to vent and let go of everything. Not an open door for criticism from anyone!!

Jennifer - please know that I have ALWAYS been incredibly blessed by your journals and have come to love and appreciate you and your family through reading them!!

Vent away, my dear friend! I am here in MN reading what you write - and praying and loving you all because of it!!

God bless you forever!!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, August 2, 2004 7:43 PM CDT
Hi sweetie,
Im sosoos soory its been so long since Ive been by.It wont happen again. Glad that you are having a pretty good summer!and that you are doing well.

sam ( <>
- Friday, July 30, 2004 1:34 PM CDT
Kaelei, Holli, and Jennifer,
I am glad to hear that you girls are having a fun summer! School will be starting again soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you awaitng your next appointment.

Bridget Akins <>
Frisco, TX - Friday, July 30, 2004 11:35 AM CDT
I am so happy that everything is going so well for you. You and the girls are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I don't think I have your email address anymore, can you send it to me when you get a chance? Talk to you soon.

Bridget Akins <>
Frisco, TX - Sunday, July 18, 2004 2:54 PM CDT
Hey Kaelei and Holli!! Kaelei, I'm glad you are doing so awesome!! I love seeing you girls at church. And especially my hug from Kaelei every time after church!! Kaelei I hope you are eating a bunch of chicken legs! :-) See Ya Wednesday.
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Monday, July 12, 2004 5:52 PM CDT
Hey Ladies!!

I am so happy to hear you got your goodies and enjoyed them!! I have never met you in person, but the love I have for you is very real. Your family will forever be in my heart!

Much love and prayers,

suz <>
- Monday, July 12, 2004 8:33 AM CDT
Hi Jennifer, Kaelei and Holli!! My goodness, it seems like forever since we've seen you! I miss you guys so much!! Disney misses you girls too! She tried emailing you a few months ago, maybe we didn't have the correct address. I hope you know how much we love you guys and would love to see you SOON!! Looking at your pictures, you've grown so much. I'll try contacting you soon!! I hope you all are doing well!
Kathy Humphrey <>
Rogers, AR USA - Saturday, July 10, 2004 1:44 PM CDT
Hello girls, I hope your having yet another glorious day. I sure did enjoy the movie last night, so what if I was the only dude in the house. WOOHOO ! Get 'er Done . I'm glad I was there. Well I'm gonna get to work hope to see you tomorrow, just remember:
"If it looks good,you'll see it;
If it sounds good, you'll hear it,
if it's marketed right, you'll buy it;


Kevin McDonald <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Saturday, July 10, 2004 10:49 AM CDT
Hey, Kaelei and Holli, Sounds like you had a great 4th of july and a great time with your Daddy. I'm sure he had just as much fun if not more watching the fire works. Well have a good week we will be thinking of you all. Jen sounds like you had some much needed quite time.
Love and miss you, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, July 8, 2004 9:45 PM CDT
Hey girls, hope your having a fine day. I had my share of fun this weekend, woohoo watch out for them sparklers. I'm glad we got to be together. I miss you when your gone, 'till next time be good for mama. LOVE YA .....DADDY
Kevin McDonald <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 12:08 AM CDT
Well, it sounds like your camping trip was a great success! We will be praying for the upcoming MRI... and u r right jen, never to early to start praying! I hope you girls are enjoying your summer break... have a great week!

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 8:33 AM CDT
Why do bears have fur coats ?
Because they'd look stupid in anoraks !

What do you call a big white bear with a hole in his middle ?
A polo bear !

Love Post Pals

viks <>
- Monday, July 5, 2004 10:16 PM CDT
Hi Jennifer, Kaelei and Holli!

Watch for the mail, girls!! We sent you some fun stuff we sure hope you like!! We are hoping for big smiles on those adorable faces!! Jen - you will have to let me know what you see when they open their packages! We want details!! ha!

Thank you for the lovely song you posted on our site, jennifer. As you probably guessed after reading our site for so long, music is a HUGE part of our lives and is very healing for me in particular. The song you posted was beautiful and wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to type it out and for sharing it with us!

You 3 ladies are in my heart forever!! God bless you always!!


suz <>
- Wednesday, June 30, 2004 10:47 PM CDT
Hello sunshine, Hope you are doing good on this fine day.I'm glad you girls had a glorious weekend, can't wait until this weekend. FIREWORKS !!!! WOOHOO I'll see ya soon LOVE DADDY.
Kevin McDonald <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:11 AM CDT
Beautiful, Jennifer! You are awesome!!
suz = your lonely wife <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:07 AM CDT
Hey ladies! Hope all is going well! Sounds like the girls are havin a great time with daddy! That is wonderful! Have fun on your camping trip! Hugs and blessings to all of you!

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Monday, June 28, 2004 4:05 PM CDT
Hey girls, hope you had a good time . I'm workin' like a dog. See you soon. Love ya'.....DADDY
Kevin McDonald <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Sunday, June 27, 2004 1:11 PM CDT
Hey girls hope you had a great time with your Daddy and a great time on the camping trip. Sound like alot of fun!!! Well we were just cking in and we will talk to you later. Jen Don't fell bad about venting sometimes, I don't know how you have done all you have and still keep going, Just remember your stronger then you know and you help others throw your words. God does not give us more then we can handle. Even if you think that you can't. Well talk to you later Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Sunday, June 27, 2004 11:10 AM CDT
Hello, I hope your having a glorious day just wanted to say I love 'ya. Keep smilin'


Kevin McDonald <>
Bella Vista, AR. USA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:05 AM CDT
I love you and I am praying!
Brainerd, Mn - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 10:33 PM CDT
Hello Girls, so are you having a great summer. Is it hot there? sure is here! Well i'm glad to see that you all are doing well and you also Kevin. We miss you all and love you so much and you are in a prays. Have you all been swimming yet? We went one time. Make sure you make the most of the summer because school will be back in sooner then you know. Talk to you all later. Love Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 8:53 PM CDT
Hello sunshine, hope your doing good today. It stopped raining so I should see ya' at the park tonight. 'till then ADIOS. LOVE DADDY
Kevin McDonald <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:27 PM CDT
Hello girls ! I hope your having fun on this glorious rainy day. I had the best father's day ever yesterday I'm glad I could be with you. WOOHOO ! Have fun see you soon Love Daddy

Kevin McDonald <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Monday, June 21, 2004 10:10 AM CDT
HI Ladies!!

Awesome! Incredible!! Fabulous!! Marvelous!! Tremendous! Wonderful!! Miraculous! Amazing!!!! Astounding!!! Great!! Terrific!!! Stupendous!!

There are just not enough big huge, gigantic words to describe this news!! I am thrilled beyond measure and praising the Lord for the blessing and miracle. Praise the Lord!!

Jennifer - I remember like it was yesterday talking with you on the phone that one time. We were rejoicing in our time with our girls, not knowing what the future would hold for either of them, yet trusting the Lord with our precious babies!! I love you and have continued to pray for you since I first "met" you and your family. You, Kevin and the girls will always be in my heart!

God bless you forever, dear family!!

Love and Prayers,

Suzi & family <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, June 21, 2004 8:02 AM CDT
Way to go Kaelei! I hope you are having a wonderful summer!
Lots of Love!!!

Sheri & Cameron <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, June 21, 2004 3:59 AM CDT
Hello sunshine see you in a little bit
Love Dad

Kevin McDonald <steve.fisher@kennametal.ccom>
Bella Vista, AR usa - Sunday, June 20, 2004 2:02 PM CDT
Hello sunshine see you in a little bit
Love Dad

Kevin McDonald <steve.fisher@kennametal.ccom>
Bella Vista, AR usa - Sunday, June 20, 2004 2:02 PM CDT
Hey Kaelei girl, how are you on this fine day? It's been slow at work for me this week so I've been just sitting and thinking of you girls alot. All while I'm getting paid WOOHOO! Only in America. So a couple of days ago I said to myself "self you need to look at Kaelei's web page", so I tried but it wasn't working so I called mama and she hooked me up with the right address. So here I'am today and as I read I realize how much I've missed out on. I realized just today that I have never signed your guestbook. Where have I been.....For months I've wondered was all the time at work worth it? Now all I can say is NO-WAY.... Now all I can do is sit and wonder why wasn't I there for this or that...Now all I can do is hope that I can make up for the lost time with you girls. As your mama says "YOU ARE MY LIFE" . I'AM SORRY I can't wait to see you again LOVE DADDY

mama I wish I could have been the hand to hold, now I'm living with the choices I've made.

Kevin McDonald <>
Bella Vista, AR. USA - Saturday, June 19, 2004 3:07 PM CDT
Jennifer, Kaelei and Holli,
Wow, I can't believe it's been a whole entire year! My that has gone fast. It just seems like a couple of months ago that we were doing her "off-therapy" scans. I'm so glad that you and the girls are doing well and that Kaelei is doing spectacular! I miss seeing you as often!

Catherine Redinger <>
- Thursday, June 17, 2004 9:36 PM CDT
Hi Jennifer! I am still with you! I just haven't been signing in lately! I am happy to hear it has been one year. Y0u seem to still have the reality that anything can happen. No one knows what tomorrow brings but you enjoy today and believe in the things that are going great! I will continue to pray for Kaelei's healthy years ahead.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH USA - Thursday, June 17, 2004 7:06 PM CDT
I am so glad that Kaelei is doing so well.It is so funny to see Kaelei and Holli at church because when all the other kids are out there play and running around they are sitting in the grass playing with Marisha. Throwing grass and walking around with her.They are just the sweetest things.If you all ever need anything we are always here and you are always in our prayers
Jerrie Manes <>
Bella Vista, AR - Thursday, June 17, 2004 9:36 AM CDT
Wow! Sounds like you all had a great weekend! That is so great that your girls love all those "nature" things... me... i am a big chicken, so i would not even think of touching a crawdad, or tadpole... eewww... lol!
You all take care... will be prayin that you can dig out your house!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:13 PM CDT
Hi Jen, and girls!
Wanted to stop and say hi! We think of you often and pray for you all daily! I pray that God will calm any fears you have, and take care of this hand thing. I pray for great reluts from the mri!
Cant believe schools out! I am sure you are all going to enjoy sleeping in, 4:15 has to be the pits!
And what a blessing that the girls will be able to be with you at the cafe! That is great!
Well, take care! Enjoy the coming weekend!
Love & prayers!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Thursday, June 3, 2004 3:02 PM CDT
Hello, Glad to hear that you all are doing well. I hope that what is going on with Kaelei is nothing bad. I'm glad to hear the girls are doing well with life, Im sure that it is hard for you all. But hopfully it get better each day. Please tell Kevin we said hi if you get a chance. we love and miss you all. Dalton is getting so big and bad and is driving me crazy signing his ABC's he just learn them all, but i just remember what you always say and i take it all in and tuck it away as a great memory. Well i better go for now. We miss and Love you all, Give me a call if you get a chance or email a number to call you, I would love to talk to you and catch up. Love, Missy, Jeff and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 8:34 PM CDT

I get nervous signing guestbooks (for fear I will sound stupid), but figured I better go for it anyway. I have tried to email the link e-address with no luck (they came back undeliverable) and sent postcards to the girls, but have no idea if they made it either. I MISS YOU SOOOOO MUCH!! I am so glad to see you journaling again. You have been on my heart for years and I love you so dearly. (see now I am sounding stupid - my worst fears realized)

Please know you are always in my prayers - always! And if I can do ANYTHING for you, please call, email or whatever. I am here for you - forever!!

P.S. Please let me know if the girls got their cards. If so, I will send them more!!! Kiss them for me, please!!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 6:51 PM CDT
Just wanted to sign the guest book to let you know that we are keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers.
Martinsburg, WV - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 11:49 AM CDT
hello :)
I am glad that the girls have adjusted well. Will tuck a few extra prayers in for Kaelei re the episodes.

Heather Grell <>
Baudette, MN - Monday, May 31, 2004 11:57 AM CDT
Hiya, a few jokes to try and make you smile this weekend.

What are prehistoric monsters called when they sleep?
A dinosnore!

What do elves do after school?

Where do tadpoles change?
In a croakroom!

Love Viks on behalf of everyone at Post Pals

viks <>
- Sunday, May 30, 2004 11:32 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei! I'm just stopping by to say hi and let you know that I'm thinking of you! I hope that you are having a GREAT week! God bless and *warm hugs* ><>†<><
My website!!

*Jennifer C* from Lighting Children's Lives <>
Eugene, OR USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 2:14 AM CDT
hey guys! just stoping to say hi! have a great week!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:43 AM CDT
Hello guys, we were just cking in on you all. So how are you all? were doing ok. Miss you all. Give us a call sometime. Love and miss you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, Wv - Sunday, May 23, 2004 11:36 AM CDT
Hello, I thought I would stop by to leave some jokes for you, I hope they make you smile.

Love Viks and Everyone at Post Pals

Q: How do you know that cats are sensitive creatures?
A: They never cry over spilt milk!

Q: What do you get if you cross a cat and a gorilla?
A: An animal that puts you out a night!

viks <>
- Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:01 AM CDT
Hello! I was just thinking of you guys and thought I would say hi! We miss you in clinic. I hope that everyone is doing great. Kaelei, I can't wait to see you next time you come to clinic.

Patty <>
LR, AR - Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:32 PM CDT
Mothers Day Prayer

I Pray for you that on this special Mothers day,
God fills your heart in a truley beautiful way.
And may, He in His reach from heaven above,
Flow the wonderful family spirit, of His love.
I pray He grant, truley sweet and Angelic care,
That you may know, He is, always there.
I pray within God's great vast Love for you
In life, daily onward, In all that you may do,
You feel His love, His strength, His peace,
This Mothers Day blesses a spiritual release.

Have a Blessed Mothers Day

Chris Ullrich - Bella's Grammy <,>
- Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:31 PM CDT
Hey girls! For once I had more than a minute to just stop and read your update, thought I would sign in and say hi! Hope all is going well down there!

Take care!
HUgs and blessings!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Sunday, May 2, 2004 2:03 AM CDT
Just thinking of you all today and hope all is going well. I was so glad to get to see you the last time you were here. I had been praying for good scans and it was wonderful to hear they were! Love you...
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:57 AM CDT
Hey Girls, Sorry it has been awhile sence we have ck in but life has been busy but i'm sure you know all about that.We hope you all are doing well and that you have a great EASTER. Tell Kevin we all said HI, We miss you all and hope to hear from you soon. Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:11 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei hope things contiune to well with you
Carla <>
Newburgh, Indiana USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:57 PM CST
Hi, Jennifer, I saw your post on the pediatric brain tumor site. Benji is tumor free. He too had an Pilocytic astrocytoma that was completely resected. He just went over one year post DX.
I'm praying for Kaelei, that all continues to go well for her. Thanks for posting about Savannah. I've been checking her website for updates. She and her family are in my prayers also. If you ever want to talk, my email is
God bless,
Easter Cross

The Zellos, Rick, Loriann, Josh, Benji, Grace, and Little Bitty(our beloved kitty!) <>
beautiful Biloxi, MS - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:06 PM CST
Thanks for sharing Savannah with us. As with any child, she has touched my heart and I hope (for a miracle) that she goes peacefully and pain free. I pray that she is with her mommmy for many more days to come.
I hope this finds you all enjoying Spirng. I don't know what kind fo winter you have but in Minnesota, Spring is the best, next to Summer.
Have a great weekend and (early) but Happy Easter!

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Friday, March 26, 2004 10:53 AM CST
Just flew by your website and want to say how inspirational your fight with this desease is. God bless you and your life with his peace and presence as you continue to love and give and believe in tomorrow. Guess we can understand as our daughter Naomi has a BSG too...
Siegfried <>
Hannover, Germany - Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:43 AM CST
Praying for Savannah, Kaelei, and all the children affected by this monster, cancer. Thanks for sharing Savannah's site with others and asking for prayer....She truly is a precious little girl as I am sure your Kaelei and Holli are. God bless you and your family.
Lisa Wells <>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 1:50 AM CST
Glad you are back on the Ped BT site, we need you....great Page here, and Great to read you are tumor free!!!

Much faith and love

Mary A Dorschel <>
suffolk, va - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:31 PM CST
Hey girls how are you all doing, I hope great!!! We were just cking in on you all. Love you all and miss you.
We will be praying for the little girl in your last posting, God help her family to get throw this. Love you Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:04 PM CST
I am so glad that this part of your journey is coming to an end. Hailie, you have been quite the trooper through all of this. I'm praying that you and Holli will be able to have many fun adventures in the years to come.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <>
- Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:10 PM CST
Hello, Some jokes for you today,

What's a teddy bears favourite pasta ?
Tagliateddy !
Why shouldn't you take a bear to the zoo ?
Because they'd rather go to the cinema !
What is a bear's favourite drink ?
Koka-Koala !

Love Viks

viks <>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 5:55 AM CST

I have never meant you - but you have sent e-mail messages and poems/jokes for the last 3 years. I really appreciate you sending these wonderful items to me. I hope all is well with your son. You are all in my prayers. God bless.

Kelley <>
Omaha, NE USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 6:47 PM CST
we are praying for you and always remember nothing is to big for God. sometimes we wonder why we have to go through what we do why troubles sickness and burdens are on all of us it makes me think of that song theres always a rainbow after a storm so look up have faith and just think he knows how to keep us on our knees. love cindy
cindy parker <>
newport, nc 27850 - Friday, March 12, 2004 11:16 AM CST

I was so relieved to find your website. I have not found ANYTHING encouraging until I came across your site. I brought my son Tyler to the emergency room at Children's Hospital on Dec. 12, 2003 with what I thought were flu symptoms. After 5 hours and an MRI I was told he had a brain tumor. A pontine tumor that looked to be a stage 2. On Saturday the 13th Tyler had a good day at the hospital visiting family and decorating a small Christmas tree. On Sun. the 14th he had a 5 hour surgery and they drained the cyst and removed only 20% of his tumor. He has many "handicaps" from the tumor and surgery. No feeling on the right side of his body, not being able to grasp with his right hand or lift the right foot very well. Lost hearing in left ear. No tracking to left in left eye and not blinking that eye as often as right eye and not being able to fully close the left eye. Not being able to breath well out of left side of nose. Slurred speech. Lack of strength, balance, endurance. He is in PT and OT.

We just got back from our Make a Wish Trip to Disney World in Orlando and from meeting Tracy McGrady of the Orlando Magic basketball team. This was an awesome trip. I read about your trip to Disney World too!

But it is so sad and scarey to see Tyler like this. Tyler turned 14 on Nov. 14 (his great Grandma Rose's birthday). He had his usual hotel birthday party. But all his friends swam and played miniture golf and watched movies and played indoor football while Tyler laid in the bed with a washcloth on his head and a 102 fever even after taking an aleve. One month to the day he had surgery for a brain tumor. Unbelievable! Tyler has played 2 seasons of basketball and 2 seasons of football every year since kindergarten. We were constantly getting phone calls for Ty to play on other teams for their tournaments because Tyler's basketball skills were well known. We even had college coaches wanting him already... And his favorite thing to do when not playing basketball and football was jumping on our backyard trampoline.

Tyler overcame so much last year as well. On Labor Day 2002 he had a Scooter accident and broke both ulna in both arms, both radius in both arms, bashed in his forehead, broke his nose and sent his week old braces into his upper gums. Tyler worked hard all that next summer to get ready and get his baskeball skills back so he could play for the YMCA and his Jr. High team. The first day of tryouts, Tyler was diagnoised with his brain tumor... SHOCK!!! But like I said your website and Kaelie's story is very encouraging. So thank you!

I have an online prayer group. I have had my ANGEL group for over 8 years. Most of us have true angel stories. We take prayer requests and pass them along to our friends, family, churches, prayer websites etc. So the prayer request reaches 1000's in just a few days. We will keep you and your daughter in our prayers.

Jody <>
Omaha, NE U.S. - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:00 AM CST
Such great news on the clear scans and the peppy girl after surgery. We have Cameron's port in that jar too. I wanted him to take it for show & tell, but he decided against it. I hope Holli is feeling better.
Lots of love!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, February 23, 2004 7:31 PM CST
Great new on the clean scans!! We're doing the happy dance here in NY for you.

Heather and Brianna Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Monday, February 23, 2004 11:22 AM CST
I tryed to write on the 19th but someting was wrong with my pc. Great news Kaelei, we love you and are so happy for you. Hi Holli we love you also and hope things are well for you. Happy Birthday Jen, I'm sure that it may not have been a great one in some ways but great in others. I'm so Happy for you all, about Kaelei's great news and i just cried when i read your entry, about looking at the port in the jar. Well i just wanted you all to know we are all thinking of you all and love and miss you. We will be praying for you all. Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Saturday, February 21, 2004 12:26 AM CST
I am a friend of deannas and we have been praying for her I go to the same church as deanna well I guess I did I just moved my husband is in the military and he just got deployed so I am learning a new area. I hope she is doing well.
Kelly Gardner <>
Beaufort, sc - Saturday, February 21, 2004 7:13 AM CST

Kaelei, this is cause for great celebration and thanks to God. We are so happy for you to be rid of your port and all the great news.
Have a wonderful spring and summer. Enjoy the freedom and that goes for your family too!
Hugs, Angel Sprite

Angel Sprite and all your Smile Quilts friends. <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 12:13 AM CST
Praise God!!! Praise God!!
I am so thankful that God has many many prayers! This is the most wonderful news!

I just cant stop beaming! I am soo happy for all of you!
Kaelei, you are such a strong brave little girl! I want you to know how proud of you I am! You've come a long way~ and this is just wonderful news ~~~~
sorry to hear that holli has pink eye... but none the less, I hope the 3 of you celebrate this weekend!
Take care!
We will still ck in on you and always be praying for you!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Friday, February 20, 2004 3:43 AM CST
YAHOO! That was the best journal I have read in a long time. You brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy that Kaelei's scan was clean and the surgery went remarkably well. Now you can go on to be a "Normal" family. You put a lot of perspective into your last few journals and I do have to say that when I get angry or fustrated with my daughter (5 yr old), I stop and think that there are some parents out there that would love to have the chance to spend one more night with their child and I am taking it very granted. I take a deep breath and we disuss why she is in trouble and that I still love her and she goes to bed happy. I love my little girl so much and I truly don't know how you have gotten through everything. Please know that you have taught me how to be a better parent and that I will never take my girl for granted again. Enjoy the rest of the week and have a great weekend.
Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, February 19, 2004 3:47 PM CST
I am very happy for you!!! Hopefully things will start looking up for everyone and you can put this in the past! (Hakuna Matata!!) You'll still be in my thoughts and prayers though! Congratulations, Kaelei!!

Luci Pennington <>
Martinsburg, WV - Thursday, February 19, 2004 11:28 AM CST
Kaelei, Jennifer and all - I was so happy I popped in today to check up on you all. Wow the port is out!!!! How amazing is that. I personally know what a milestone that must be. I'm so glad and I thank god that Kaelei is doing so well right now.

Meg is doing well too. She still has her port - though we only use it at MRI time for the contrast. She'll be starting middle school in the fall - and is showing some interest in the boys!! Oy vey!

Thanks for updating the book - please give Kaelei and Holli our love and hello!

Springfield, IL - Thursday, February 19, 2004 11:06 AM CST
Hey girls! I just wanted you to know, that you are in my prayers! I am thinking of you now... and praying that the MRI went great, and that hopefully tomorrow, your port comes out! yeah! Praying for a safe surgery!
Jennifer, I pray for you and kevin as well... I know that this must be hard on you both~! But from the sounds of it, some closure will be good for you! I will be praying for you!
Safe travels home! Will ck again tomorrow to see if you have posted the results yet... take care! God bless!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 8:48 PM CST
Hello ladies! Just wanted to leave a quick note to let you know we're praying for a good MRI and a morning de"port"ation so you can get back home to Holli. Cameron always missed Austin real bad when he'd have to be in the hospital. Have a safe trip!
Lots of love!!!Cameron's Page

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, February 16, 2004 7:50 PM CST
Hello, Kaelei we will be thinking of you this week and praying for good results again and for the port surgery to go well. Hi Holli, hope things in you life is well also. Jen, my thoughts and prayers are with you this week, with everything with Kaelei and with what you have to do on Friday. You are so strong and I do not know how you make it throw each day with all you have to deal with. If you need to talk just call. Love and miss you all, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Sunday, February 15, 2004 6:04 PM CST

Happy Valentines Day, From Everyone at Post Pals

viks <>
- Saturday, February 14, 2004 11:48 PM CST
Hey Kaelei & family.. just wanted to drop in to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day and remind you we are keeping you in our thoughts & prayers....

Angel Chris {Goochs mom} ~ Smile Quilts ~
- Friday, February 13, 2004 10:43 AM CST
Jennifer, Kaelei & Holli!
Wow! You have a place of your own again! That is great! And the girls have their own rooms! That is wonderful! Please know that you are never far from our thoughts and always in our prayers!
We will certainly be praying for the upcoming MRI etc... to get her port out is a huge step! And so super exicting! That is cause for serious celebration!
You girls take care! We are praying for you all, and I look forward to your next post!
Love and hugs!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 7:08 PM CST
Glad to hear that things are going well. Praying for clear scans!
sam ( <>
- Tuesday, February 10, 2004 4:55 PM CST
If I could heal the world, kaelei would be the frist.
Jeff Gilliland
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 6:44 PM CST
Just thinking of you all today and praying for great scans, again! Glad to hear about the house, I bet it's nice to have your own place. Hope to see you when you're up here!
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, February 9, 2004 9:17 AM CST
Glad to hear all is going well. Will keep you all in my prayers, especially as that trip to Little Rock draws close.
Pittsburgh, PA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 4:06 PM CST
Hi girls, glad to hear all is well. I am so happy that you found a house and you are all getting settled. What great news for Kaelei. You are always in my thoughts and will continue to be.
Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, February 5, 2004 8:38 AM CST
Hello again i was glad to read the new update and that everyone is doing great. I'm sure the girls are just loving the fact they get there own room. Glad to see they had a great christmas and a great time at the lion king. We will be praying for Kaelei to have another great MRI and to be able to get her port out, I'm sure she is excited. Well we will ck in again later. Love and miss you all, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, February 2, 2004 6:36 PM CST
Hey guys, i guess you are updating, the back ground has changed but nothing is there as of yet. I'll ck in later. I hope you all are doing well (including Kevin) tell him to give Jeff a call. well i guess i will ck in later to see how you all are doing. love and miss you all. Love, Jeff, Missy, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, February 2, 2004 1:08 PM CST
Thinking you are probably updating while I am typing. Since the background has changed but no update is written. I will check back later for update. Hope all is going well for the girls. Are they coping ok with the separation. That has to be so tuff on them. Not to mention you. Take Care of yourself.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH USA - Monday, February 2, 2004 9:00 AM CST
Hey Kaelei, I just wanted to drop in and see how things are going by you. My son gets his port removed tomorrow & I hope and pray all is going great for you and yours will be out this month sometime too like your mom said!!!!

Angel Chris {Goochs mom} ~ Smile Quilts ~
- Sunday, February 1, 2004 5:56 PM CST
Hey there girls!!!
How is everything going? Just stopped by to say hi and to check for an update. Hoping no news is very good news.
Lots of love!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, January 26, 2004 8:57 AM CST
Still thinking of you all..............................

Jeanne Brown <>
- Wednesday, January 21, 2004 10:18 AM CST
Maddie <>
- Monday, January 19, 2004 7:14 PM CST
Hey guys! I was just thinking about you and thought I would drop in to say hello. It has been so long since you've been to clinic. I really miss all of you. Just a few more weeks though. I hope you all had a happy holiday season. See you soon.
Patty <>
- Monday, January 19, 2004 6:56 PM CST
WOW What awsome news!!!Im so happy for you!
sam ( <>
- Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:04 PM CST
Just cking in to see how you all are. Hope you are doing well and i will ck in again later.
Missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Friday, January 9, 2004 2:17 PM CST
hi girls!!
Just stopped in to say hi!
Have a great weekend!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Friday, January 9, 2004 12:02 AM CST
Still thinking of you Kaelei! Hope all is going well with school. Have you had much snow there? How about the Lion King? Was it awesome? Love and prayers headed your way from OHIO!
Jeanne Brown <>
- Thursday, January 8, 2004 4:39 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know that i was thinking of you. I hope all is well.
sam( <>
- Thursday, January 8, 2004 12:04 AM CST
Just popped in to say "Hello"! I miss you very much and pray everything is going well! You are in my thoughts every day and my prayers as often!!

With lots of love,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 2:47 PM CST
Hello Ladies!!!
I'm guessing you all are back to school. Did you have a fun break?
Lots of love!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 10:08 AM CST
Dear Kaelei
Prayers coming your way from London UK. I pray that you will have the complete healing and the miracle cure and clean Scan as well
God Bless
Robert; Parent of James,
FOR EVER AN ANGEL (20th June 1993 – 26th October 2002)

Robert Haddad <>
London, UK - Monday, January 5, 2004 4:37 PM CST
Yay for clear scans!!!! Happy new year!

Heather Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Saturday, January 3, 2004 9:19 AM CST
Jen and girls...
I hope you all had a wonderful chritmas/new years....
I am pretty sure your lion king trip is this weekend... have a great time!
Cant wait to hear all about it
love and hugs...

emily <>
sabina, oh - Friday, January 2, 2004 2:54 PM CST
So glad to hear your scans were clean. I'm praying that you enjoyed wonderful time with your family and friends this holiday season. Blessings to you in Christ.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 12:31 AM CST
We hope you all had a great Christmas and that Santa was good to you all. We had a good Christmas and Santa brought way to many toys. We love and miss you all. Hope to talk to you soon. Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Friday, December 26, 2003 6:36 PM CST
Hi Girls!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Glad to hear the scans were clear - Cameron's next MRI is Jan.7. Was Santa good to you gals?
Enjoy your vacation!!!
Lots of love!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Thursday, December 25, 2003 7:10 PM CST
Hey Kaelei! Always thinking of you... I wish you a merry Christmas! Santa's visiting tonight.
In Christ,

Lindsey ~
- Wednesday, December 24, 2003 9:54 PM CST
"We wish you a merry Christmas! We wish you a merry Christmas! We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!" (be glad you can not hear me actually singing this to your family!!)

God bless you always and FOREVER!!

Love and Prayers,

The Pohl family <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 11:58 AM CST
Jennifer@! I am sooo happy that God has been answering more prayers! The clean report is such a blessing! It will be great to hear that her port is going to come out~

I pray you all have a wonderful christmas!

Just the other day, I was wondering what was going on with the Lion King! I was thinking that you all were supposed to go in November. But this will be exciting! The girls will be tickled when you tell them!
Have a great time

Merry Christmas!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 1:26 PM CST
Merry Christmas to all!!
sam ( <>
- Tuesday, December 23, 2003 12:13 AM CST

Love everyone at Post Pals

viks <>
- Monday, December 22, 2003 6:45 PM CST
Wonderful new for you at Christmas time. You have a lovely site.

Kimberley Clayton <>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Saturday, December 20, 2003 0:56 AM CST
wAHOOOOOOOO! yay! I am so excited for you guys!
Heather Grell <>
Brianerd, MN - Friday, December 19, 2003 3:47 PM CST
Great news!!!!!!!!!, are you all ready for christmas. I hope you have a nice one. We will ck on you later.
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:36 AM CST
Oh Praise the Lord!! I am so pleased and excited about this news, Jennifer!! We are doing a happy dance here in Minnesota for Kaelei!!!!

Even though I don't sign in, you are always in our thoughts and prayers! Please know that!!

We wish you a very merry Christmas and a new year plum full of love and joy!!

Love and Prayers,

The Pohl family <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:53 AM CST
I am so happy about Kaelei's results! What a wonderful early Christmas gift! Take care, Jessica (NCCS)

Jessica Cook <>
- Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:52 AM CST
What wonderful news! It is amazing what a Dr.'s visit will do for a family. I am so happy for you Kaelei! I may not sign in everyday or every time I check, but know that you are always in my thoughts.
Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy each other.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:33 AM CST
Dearest Kaelei

I gently wrap warm thoughts of you
in my little christmas prayers
For Heaven to smile on you
For Angels to watch over you
and the love of Jesus to fill your heart

Have A Merry Christmas
God Bless You And Your Family This Holiday

Chris Ullrich - Grand daughter dx with AML M5 <,>
Hemingford, Ne USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:28 AM CST
We will be praying for a clean MRI sweetie!!
sam ( <>
- Friday, December 12, 2003 2:07 PM CST

Hi Kalei,
What an awesome trip to see the LION KING! I saw it in New York not that long ago with my two neices. I know you're going to love it! The music is phenomenal.
Have a wonderful Christmas Sweetie. I hope all of your wishes come true.

Angel Gloria for Smile Quilts <>
Owings Mills, Md USA - Friday, December 12, 2003 11:34 AM CST
Hi there...just stoppin to to say hello and Happy Holidays. Still been checking up just not stoppin in to say hi but thought I would today. Enjoy your time off from school girls!
Heather <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, December 11, 2003 12:42 AM CST
In my thoughts and prayers.
Angel Julia's Uncle Jeff <>
Freedom, PA USA - Monday, December 8, 2003 1:11 PM CST
I love the new pictures!! I did not realize how young she was. I hope ya'll had a great Thanksgiving. We miss you.
Patty <>
- Wednesday, December 3, 2003 4:26 PM CST
Hello, I'm glad to here that Thanksgiving was great and that you all were together, and that Kevin was not alone. Sounds like the girls had a great time to. We miss you all and will be praying for Kaelei's MRI to go well. Hopefully George, my sisters husband will be back from Iroc (guitar) this weekend, he said it is a mess over there and he can not wait to get home. Well i will ck in again later. Love you all, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, December 1, 2003 6:58 PM CST
I was just thinking about you all today and hoping your Thanksgiving went well. I pray for you often and wish you all happiness and joy each day.
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, December 1, 2003 9:46 AM CST
HI there! I pray you all had a wonderful thanksgiving!
How are things going? I am praying for you all each and every day jenniffer!
Take care!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Sunday, November 30, 2003 4:10 AM CST
Hope you all are having a great Thanksgiving and that you all are with family. we miss you. Hope to hear from you soon, Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
bunker hill, Wv - Thursday, November 27, 2003 12:34 AM CST
Hope y'all have a nice thanksgiving.

DeAnna andChase
- Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:52 PM CST
Have a Happy Thanksgiving you all!!
sam ( <>
- Monday, November 24, 2003 3:05 PM CST

Hey Kaelei,
Have a beautiful Thanksgiving Holiday Sweetie,

Angel Gloria for Smile Quilts <>
Owings Mills, MD USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 7:48 PM CST
Hey Kaelei. Have I ever signed on here? I think I have, but I'm not sure. I hope that this Thanksgiving finds you in happiness and joy. And that 2004 brings smiles, giggles, and carefree laughs! You deserve the very best, so I am sending tons of prayers and thoughts YOUR WAY!!
Maddie <>
- Saturday, November 22, 2003 8:39 PM CST

I have not been by in awhile and I decided to stop by and see how things are. Sorry about the move...but glad the girls are handling it well. Thinking of you for your upcoming MRI.

Susan and Jake

- Friday, November 21, 2003 2:34 PM CST
Got your site from Ashley's webpage. My son Nicholas and Ashley met in chemo clinic 1 1/2 years ago. Nicholas is 2 1/2 and suffers from bi-lateral Wilms tumor (kidney cancer) We will keep you and your family in our daily prayers.

Karrie & Nicholas Marino <>
Arlington Heights, IL USA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 2:54 PM CST
hey girl,
I haven't heard from you in a while. Hard road ahead, but then you know what hard roads are. You and the girls are survivors. You have all proven that. Some weekend you and the girls have to come visit us in Russellville.

lisa hurley <>
russellville, ar usa - Thursday, November 20, 2003 7:54 AM CST
Hey jen! I just wanted to stop and say hi, and let you know, that I am thinking of and praying for you! You and the girls are never far from my thoughts! Please do let us know your addy when you get settled!
Or at least one we can send things to, where someone will get it to you! Also, are you going to keep your email the same?
have a great day!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 2:27 PM CST
Hello, I'm so sorry that you had to tell the girls, but it sounds like there taking it as well as they can, as long as you and kevin keep showing them you love them they will get throw it, but are you and kevin doing ok with it all. Is he staying at the house for now? Well we will be praying for you all and miss you all, If you need us you know where we are and Please call or write anytime. Love, you and wish we could be there for you, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Sunday, November 16, 2003 11:11 AM CST
I'm sorry Jennifer. I missed your entry early Oct. about the separation. Please know you all will be in my prayers. Please let us know your address when you get settled in. Take Care and I hope God can guide you back to happiness and make all the problems go away.
Jeanne Brown <>
- Saturday, November 15, 2003 10:55 AM CST
Hey there! I am praying for all of you jen! God knows your needs, and I pray that you can take comfort in knowing that He will meet your needs!
I imagine you feel a little overwhelmed at this point, but know that God is there with you!
I will keep cking on you to see how things are going!
Always praying for you all!

emily <>
- Saturday, November 15, 2003 4:19 AM CST
I'm lost....I must have skipped an entry or something? Where are you moving to? I knew sometime ago you wanted to move back where Kevin's family is? West Virginia , I think. Hoping you have a wonderful weekend and thinking of you as always. Take Care!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Thursday, November 13, 2003 10:09 PM CST
Hi girls,
Just checking in to say "Hi" and see how you are all doing. Any luck finding a new place yet?
I love checking on my little girl before I go to bed. I always give her a kiss and say good night. I love that part of my nightly riual.
Hope all is well with you and your girls.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, November 13, 2003 4:04 PM CST
Just checking in. I hope you all had a good weekendC!
Sam Kelly (aaryns mommy) <>
- Sunday, November 9, 2003 6:05 PM CST
Well put Jennifer! Sleep time IS the best time to bask in our babies wonderful existance - all other times they're just so busy. How's the house hunting going?
I think about you gals often and I'm glad to hear everyone is doing good.
Lots of love!!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Saturday, November 8, 2003 10:24 AM CST
what a beautifull entry..brought tears to my eyes. Sorry I haven't posted in so long...I check often. Six months..Praise God for that!


Heather Grell <>
MN - Thursday, November 6, 2003 9:32 PM CST
Hello i was just cking in. Hope all is well and if either one of you need to talk, just call myself or jeff.
Love you and miss you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 1:38 AM CST
I'm happy to hear that everything is looking good for Kaelei and that her MRI was clear. Braces are probably the least of your worries right now. I'm sure separating is hard but at least you have family to lean on. Let them help you whenever you can. You have a loving family that will help you! Let them!!!! I think of you often and hope things work out for you!! If you need to talk you can e-mail me! Love ya!!
Luci <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Monday, November 3, 2003 11:38 AM CST

Glad to hear your dentist visit went well and that you're doing
a great job of keeping the cavity monsters away.
Hope you have a bright, sunshiney day!

Ellen (aka Net Angel) <>
Hug Giver and Hope Builder from Massachusetts,

sam and Aaryn( <>
- Friday, October 31, 2003 11:10 AM CST

KEVIN, mt - Friday, October 31, 2003 7:21 AM CST
I am so glad that everything is going well for Kaelei, except for the braces. But it is not as bad as it used to be, which is good.
Have you had much luck finding a place yet? If not, I hope you will soon and that all goes well for you and the girls.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, October 30, 2003 3:29 PM CST
Glad to hear that all is going well with Kaelei, the pic are just great they have changed sence the last time you all were here. Hope you all have a great Holloween!!!!!
miss you all and Love you, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, Wv - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 9:29 AM CST
Hey there! That is great to hear NO cavities!!! Yeah!

I know you are very busy jeniffer... so dont feel you must post every day! We are here to love and support you !
I will be praying about the orthodontist etc...
Take care... have a great day!

emily <>
- Wednesday, October 29, 2003 8:29 AM CST
The school pictures are so cute...not cheesy at all! Good news about the dentist and no cavities!!
Martinsburg, WV - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:45 AM CST
Great news on the scans! Congratulations! Are you ready for Halloween? i hope school is still going well. Take Care and Have a great week!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 4:31 PM CST
What wonderful news about the MRI!!!
Praying for you guys.....DeAnna & Chase
- Tuesday, October 28, 2003 4:00 PM CST
great to hear of a clear scan those always make me feel much better!sending prayers your way!
kevin, mt - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 2:40 PM CST
Hi Jennifer!!!
Hope you all had a good weekend! I am sure you are busy trying to find somewhere to move to etc.... I am praying about all those details for you!

How is school going girls? Are you learning lots? Next thing we know it will be thanksgiving, then christmas! How time flies!
Almost all the leaves on our big tree out front have fallen... it was soo pretty this year! Now, we need to get out there and rake em up!
Well, I just wanted to stop and say hi! You have a good week!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Monday, October 27, 2003 8:12 AM CST
So happy to read about the clear scan!! Sounds like you've the staff at the hospital are wonderful people! We will keep you guys in our prayers!
Martinsburg, WV - Sunday, October 26, 2003 5:30 PM CST
So happy to read about the clear scan!! Sounds like you've the staff at the hospital are wonderful people! We will keep you guys in our prayers!
Deanna <>
Martinsburg, WV - Sunday, October 26, 2003 5:30 PM CST
Yay!!!!!!!!!! Happy dance in NY for the clears scans :-)
Hugs to you all,
Heather and Brianna
Syracuse, NY USA - Sunday, October 26, 2003 11:26 AM CST
Alright Kaelei, we are so happy for your clear MRI, Sounds like you had a great time visting with all the nurses and doctors that you love. So are you and Holli ready for Holloween, Dalton is going to be Mickey Mouse. Well we will talk to you all later, Love you and miss you and Praying for you all, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:22 AM CDT
Wahoo! A clear scan! That is wonderful news! Praise God for that!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:49 PM CDT
Hi there! Praise God for the answer to many prayers for a clear MRI!! God is sooo good! And to get the news that soon her port can come out! That is great!

I am happy you made it home safely! Take care, have a good week... well, what is left of it!

emily <>
sabina, oh - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:37 AM CDT
Just wanted to let you guys know we are thinking and praying for you. Have a safe trip and hoping for good results on the MRI!
Martinsburg, WV - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 7:43 PM CDT
Hello, hopeyou have a safe trip there and back and we will be thinking of Kaelei, and praying for all the test to be positive again this time. Love and miss you all, and we are still praying for god to help you throw everything else that is going on too. Love You, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 6:44 PM CDT
HI everyone! We are praying for you all today! For great MRI results, as well as a safe uneventful trip home! Will keep cking on you throughout the evening, to make sure you made it home safe!
Have a good trip!

emily <>
- Tuesday, October 21, 2003 2:43 PM CDT
Go Kaelei Go!!!
Saying prayers and crossing fingers for a good MRI report!
Have a safe trip!!!
Lots of love,

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, October 20, 2003 6:19 PM CDT
So very sorry, Jennifer. Praying for all of you and that the neighborhood stays safe. Keep trusting the Lord. I love you and the girls very much.
Barbara <>
Rogers, AR USA - Friday, October 17, 2003 5:09 PM CDT
Just wanted to come by and say a BIG HELLO hope you are all doing ok.
- Friday, October 17, 2003 2:14 PM CDT
Just ckd in on you guys! Moving is the pits! No fun at all! But I pray God will lead you to the right place at the right time!
You all have a good weekend! Praying for the upcoming tests! Have a safe trip!

- Thursday, October 16, 2003 9:07 PM CDT
Just checking in and would like to tell you how sorry I am about your seperation. I am sure it wasn't an easy decision you had to make.
Good luck finding a place. I hope you can leave soon because of your new neighbor. Everyone deserves a second chance, but it is so hard to do that when it comes to our kids.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:37 AM CDT
Jennifer, I hope you can find a new place soon. Aren't you glad people like that have to register now?
On a happier note, I saw the picture of Kaelei's LoveQuilt - did she get it yet? It is so beautiful. I saw pictures of some of the squares that were made for Cameron's. He should be getting it sometime after Christmas.
I hope you all are doing well, I just wanted to stop by to say hi!
Lots of love,

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:03 AM CDT
Hey guys! How are you all doing? We are good... it has been raining all day here! :( no playing outside! it is wet wet wet!
Just stopped to tell you all hi! And let you know, you are being thought of and prayed for!

- Tuesday, October 14, 2003 12:37 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know you and the girls are in my prayers. Praying for the upcoming MRI and that God open and close doors regarding your marriage.

Much Love,

Marlene Haller (from PBT) <>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, October 13, 2003 10:23 PM CDT
Hi. Even though I don't post messages, I check Kaelei's website every few days. I like to keep up with what's going on with you. I just read about your separation. I'm sorry - I know it's hard. (I'm going through the same thing right now.) It's hard on kids, but they are tough. They adapt. Remember, you're not alone in this even though it sometimes feels like it. You have friends and family (and God) to help you - let them. If you want to talk, I'd be glad to.
Laura (Josh's mom) <>
Garfield, AR - Monday, October 13, 2003 9:00 PM CDT
HI guys! Just stopping to say hi, and to say I hope your weekend was good... Have a great week!

- Monday, October 13, 2003 12:52 AM CDT
Hi there...I've been following ya for quite some time but haven't actually signed in lately. Please know that you will be in my prayers. Seperation is never easy and I pray that God will give you the words you need to tell the girls.
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Sunday, October 12, 2003 8:40 PM CDT

Hi Jen and K~
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and praying for Kaelei's continued good health and that you find a safe place to raise your family.


Angel Gloria (Smile Quilts) <>
Owings Mills, MD USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 3:27 PM CDT
Hey there! Jeniffer... You will all always be in our prayers... but more so now, at this time when prayer is so needed! I will certainly be saying prayers for you and Kevin, but also for the girls, who will need lots and lots of prayer, love and understanding during this time.

Not to change the subject, but I about fell off my chair when I read about the flyer you recieved! I am very thankful that where you live, they are apparently required to let the neighborhood know when someone like that moves in! It is absolutely necessary I think! How else are we to protect our children!? I will certainly be praying about this as well! Not just for your family but the entire neighborhood!
You all have a good weekend!

- Saturday, October 11, 2003 5:22 AM CDT
That is just crazy Jen, I can not believe that they let those people out, i know everyone should be given a second chance but anyone how would hurt a child needs to stay locked up. Well anyway keep a good eye on the girls, i know you always do, We shore are thinking of you all at this time and hope that things work out for the best what ever that may be. We will be praying for Kaelei's next MRI to show the best. Love you all and miss you, please let Kevin know where think of him to, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Friday, October 10, 2003 10:08 PM CDT
I just wanted to check in and say I am thinking of you and your girls. Many prayers headed your way and I hope you all pull through this okay. Take Care & God Bless,

Chuson (
Arlington, TX USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 1:21 PM CDT
I'm glad that Kaelei is doing well and i hope that her and Holli always remember no matter what that you and Kevin Love them so much. I'm going to e-mail a letter for you and kevin both so be shore to read it. did not think i should write it here. Love you all and miss you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, October 9, 2003 9:21 PM CDT
Jennifer, I wish you the best with what lies ahead. It couldn't have been an easy decision to make but it also doesn't sound like a hasty one. I know you've been asking for prayer for a while now, and I kinda figured this was why.
I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and I thought of you - Fayetteville was showing lots of rain.
How long does Kaelei have to keep her port? We finally got Cameron scheduled to have his removed on Oct.21. It would have been sooner but his counts bottomed out in July from a virus and sinus infection causing him to need a platelet transfusion. Now his counts are all in the normal range, except the platelets are still a little low. Anyway, I wanted to sign on to say hi and let you know you're being thought of.
Lots of Love!!!!
Cameron's Page

Sheri <>
Lafayette, LA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 5:40 PM CDT
Just cheking in! Hope all is going ok.Prayers are with ALL of you during the dificult times now and ahead.

sam and Aaryn(
- Thursday, October 9, 2003 4:02 PM CDT
So very sorry to hear about Pam. I pray her family finds some sense of peace. Hoping this finds you doing well and wishing you all the best and a Happy & HEALTHY Halloween from everyone at Smile Quilts

Angel Chris and all your friends at ~ Smile Quilts ~
- Wednesday, October 8, 2003 11:01 PM CDT
Hey there@! Just wanted to take a minute to stop and say hi, and let you know, that you are thought of! Have a great day!

- Tuesday, October 7, 2003 11:54 AM CDT
hi everyone,Just a note to say hello and hope everyone is doing okay. We miss you very much andErin misses Kaelei and Holly.Tell the girls we love them. hugs and kisses. AuntVicki and Uncle Eddie and Erin.


Aunt Vicki , Uncle Eddie and Erin Mcdonald <olgal500>
Inwood, WV Berkeley - Saturday, October 4, 2003 6:18 PM CDT
Big hugs and prayers to you all.
Heather, Mommy to Brianna
Syracuse, NY USA - Friday, October 3, 2003 9:22 AM CDT
Just wanted to sign in and say I hope things are okay with you. I would be worried as well (how can us cancer moms not worry????) and I wanted to send you some (((hugs))). Maybe you should discuss it with her doc? That might alleviate some of your concerns. Take Care and keep us posted.
Chuson (
Arlington, TX USA - Thursday, October 2, 2003 3:31 PM CDT
Hi there,

I check up on you guys often but have been relaly bad about signing in..I imagine that if I were in your shoes I'd be struggling very hard not to panic as well...You guys are in my prayers. I love the pics of her when she was small!

Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 9:33 PM CDT
We are always praying for all of you, but will add extra prayers for these changes, God knows what your needs are, and He will meet them!
Also, we've been saying extra prayers for this "accident" situation! And now the hand... I have not been in your shoes, but I can imagine that every little thing, your ears perk up and your mind starts to go a mile a minute! S0, I am saying prayers for you that God will calm your fears!
Have a good evening!

- Wednesday, October 1, 2003 7:04 PM CDT
WOW 11 stitches! I hope your ear is feeling a little better.The pics are great.
sam (
- Tuesday, September 30, 2003 2:23 PM CDT
OH arent those pics of little Kaelei so precious! She looks so little! Dont they grow up tooo fast!!!!!
You guys take care!
Have a great day@1

- Tuesday, September 30, 2003 12:49 AM CDT
Hello, how are you all, sounds like Kaelei was not doing well, sorry about the stiches, and the other problem but i'm shore that it will be ok, Sounds like she is having alot of fun with the horse's and i'm shore that it was fun watching her, i can not wait to see the pictures of that, and the pic you just put up are great she was and is still the cuties little thing. Love you all and we will ck in again later. Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, September 29, 2003 6:29 PM CDT
Hi Kaelei,
We hope you are feeling better.
Take care,
DeAnna & Chase
- Sunday, September 28, 2003 7:14 PM CDT
Kaelei, Holli, Mom & Dad,
Hi guys!
Hope your afternoon was not as eventful as yesterday... yikes!! I bet your ear hurts!!!
How did your horseback riding show go? I bet you are an amazing horseback rider! That is sooo cool! Hopefully mom will be able to put up some pics of you on the horse, so we can see how great you look!

I will be praying for the "accidents", and also that precious little ear! YOu all take care!
Hugs, and blessings...

- Sunday, September 28, 2003 5:54 PM CDT

You are such an inspiration. You truly are a trooper. You don't know me, but your story has definitely touched my heart. I know in my heart that you'll be fine. You will definitely be in my prayers. Make sure your Mom keeps us posted ok? You have the entire country on your side sweet child. Take care and God bless you.

Hamilton Twp, NJ US - Sunday, September 28, 2003 11:52 AM CDT
Hey there! You guys have a great weekend!

- Friday, September 26, 2003 8:22 AM CDT
Just coming by to check on you and to say hello. Hope all is well!
Tacoma, wa USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 12:43 AM CDT
Kaelei, you are such a trooper! You have gone through more things in your life then I ever will, and you come out shining. I know everyone who reads this site is very proud of you and very happy that things seem to be going well. Enjoy school, make lots of friends, and learn lots!
Take Care and God Bless....

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
Hey everyone!!! I am soo happy that you are all home safe and sound! I will be praying for you while you await the results!! You guys have a good evening, and a great week at school/work!!

- Monday, September 22, 2003 0:09 AM CDT
Hi Jennifer! I'm glad ya'll are back home. A sleep study just does not sound like any fun to me, but way to go Kaelei for being such a good girl for it! I hope you have a nice weekend - what's left of it. Cameron's next MRI is October 1 - unlike Kaelei, he doesn't care to see ANYONE at the clinic. We'll be praying for clear scans for Kaelei on Oct.21 too.
Lots of love!!!
Cameron's Page

Sheri & Cameron <>
Lafayette, LA - Saturday, September 20, 2003 11:52 PM CDT
Glad to hear the sleep study went well, I remember the times Bradley had them done. He would have a few mini seizers and still does. He kicks his little legs every night when going to sleep. So I know what you are going through. His brain waves are opposite of what they are suppose to be due to the injuries he had as a infant. He still has a lot of behavier problems, and probably always will. Kaeilei will be in our prayers. Thanks for keeping us posted. Linda
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO. USA - Saturday, September 20, 2003 11:25 PM CDT
Hey guys! I have been praying for you though I havent signed for awhile... sorry! I am praying now that you returned home safely! And that all went well!
Will be chiecking for yoru update!
Have a great weekend!

- Saturday, September 20, 2003 3:57 PM CDT
Good Luck! I hope all goes well and you have a safe trip back! Glad to hear Kaelei is doing well in school. How are you feeling? Any better? Will check on you Monday. Sorry I have been neglecting you. I check alot of times but don't always write. Sorry!
Jeanne Brown
- Saturday, September 20, 2003 8:33 AM CDT
Hey Ya'll,
Just checking in since I couldn't get through on the phone hope everything is well. Hope Kaelei and Holli enjoy their new FROG stuff. Kaelei that was the closest mom would let me get to the real thing, more to come during the holiday's. Kolt is loving school, Dylan isn't he comes home with about 2-3hours worth of homework I think he's not getting it done in class either, the teacher has sent some things home to sort of stated he is easily distracted in class. Needless to say he failed the last couple of tests and had to be taken out of football for a week, and really hating life now. We are about to get a bunch of rain AGAIN!!! Isabel's path is coming straight towards us and the kids are out of school tomorrow and 1/2 a day today. Give us a call or e-mail us we miss you. Jen put a pic. of us and of the kids from when you were here in March in the e-mail. I want to see them. Love ya.

Sabrina, Dylan, Kolton <>
Martinsburg, WV US - Thursday, September 18, 2003 8:02 AM CDT
Karen's friends mother shared a prayer with us, that I would like to share with you and Kaelei. It's called DON'T QUIT:
Don't Quit -
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit - Rest if you must, but do not quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a fellow turns about, When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup. And he learned too late when the night came down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out - The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar, So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, It's when things seem worst that you musn't quit.(Just call on Jesus).
REMEMBER NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT. You are in our prayers. GOD bless you all.

Frank father of Pam ( <>
SYOSSET, NY USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:01 PM CDT
Hello all, Just stopped in to see how you ware all doing. miss you all and hope your doing well, Good luck on friday we will be thinking of you and praying for you. Hope you have a safe trip there and back. well i will ck in again later, Love Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, September 15, 2003 4:27 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie Kaelei!

Lots of Love!!!
Cameron's Page

- Saturday, September 13, 2003 11:27 AM CDT
hi guys

boy we could really use less homework too.i think my son has the same problem he gets tierd in class and doesent get it all done then it comes home but with all the tests they have to study for it makes it for a long evening!ikika has a mri for october too and we hope this year to get to stay home for christmas "we have been in the hospital the last 2 years! hope you get to feeling better i hate it when the docs dont know whats wrong!!!!!

KEVIN, - Saturday, September 13, 2003 7:55 AM CDT
I'm sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. I will keep you in my prayers. Hope school, bus driving, work and everything else is ok. Have a great weekend. And if I don't get these girls birthday presents out on Monday I am going to shoot myself. (just kidding) I just can't seem to keep up with internet, work, kids and running around. I really apologize. Take Care!
Jeanne Brown
- Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:28 PM CDT
Hi there,
Glad to hear that you are stil doing well. Aaryn has his MRI in October to actually its on Helloween!!! Ill be back to check on you!!

sam and Aaryn(
- Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:33 AM CDT
Hey!! I check your website daily for updates I just dont always sign the guestbook! Glad Kaelei and Holli are doing good! Enjoy school!! Just stopped in to say hi! Have a great week.
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 6:02 PM CDT
I am so sorry that I have not signed in for a while. I broke my arm this summer and have not been around. Pretty much the only time I amm on the computer is when I am at work and that has been limited this summer. But please know that when I can, I check your site, but I always have Kaelei in my thoughts and I hope things contine well for you. Enjoy school and make many friends.
Take Care and God Bless!

Jenny <>
Nisswa, - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 2:38 PM CDT
Hi Jen! SOrry to hear you are still not feeling well! I will be praying for you!

Glad Holli is doing great in school... and praying for kalei!

You all take care, and have a great day!

- Tuesday, September 9, 2003 10:13 AM CDT
Hi There
Glad to hear things are still going farelly well. Mom hope you start feeling better. Just want to say HELLO!!

sam (
- Friday, September 5, 2003 12:41 AM CDT
Hey Kaelei. I was just thinking about you and your family today. Hope mom starts feeling better soon. We miss you, but when we miss you around here, it means you must be doing good. Hope to see you on your next visit. Give everyone a hug from me and know I still pray for you everyday.
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 11:55 AM CDT
Hi Jennifer!
I came by to check on you, are you feeling better?
I'm so glad the girls are enjoying school and making friends. Enjoy your 3-day weekend!!!
Love from Louisiana!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
Hi McDonalds!! Glad to hear the kids are enjoying school! Are they both in 1st grade? Hope the birthday party went well. It was last Saturday, right? I have a package I will try to get out today UPS. The bus is definetly no fun place to be in hot weather. I will say some extra prayers for your health Jennifer and hope all clears up. Do your girls play soccer at all? We have soccer & hockey right now and what a busy schedule it is, especially with school. Oh well, isn't that what a mom is all about - THE NUMBER ONE TAXI DRIVER!! Take Care and have a great holiday weekend if I haven't checked back by then.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 8:48 AM CDT
HI there everyone! How are you all doing?

Sooo happy to hear that the girls have good teachers this year! And already making friends! They are in first grade this year correct? Wow!

Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well jeniffer! Yuck a gallbladder... I will pray that is not what it is! Also, praying for you to feel better!

Good deal on the school bus, except of course for the crazy heat!! Today is supposed to be our hottest day of the summer... round 95-95 with 98% humidity.... needless to say, the air is on, and I am not going outside unless necessary! lol!

Well, you guys take care ~ we love you and think of you always!
prayers, hugs & blessings...

- Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:11 AM CDT
Hey girls,
glad to hear that school is going great and that kaelei has found a good friend that is just so great, so i take it that the girls are in different classes. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAELEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was just ckin in talk to you soon. Love you all, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, August 25, 2003 8:04 PM CDT
Hi there,
Just wanted to stop by and say a BIG HELLO!Im so gald things are going well.

sam (
- Monday, August 25, 2003 7:08 PM CDT

Hi Kaelei and Holli I look at your journal all the time but do not write in your guestbook much. I wanted to say I am happy you both are loving school and Kaelei I am happy you made a friend in school. What is your friends name? Holli do you have any friends in your class? I know last year in kintergarden you were both in the same class but now you are big girls and in your own class which is great. I hope you girls share your friends and have fun in first grade. Remember school is so cool! Love and hugs, Jessica

Jessica <>
- Sunday, August 24, 2003 9:15 PM CDT
Happy Birthday to Holli and Kaelie. Hope you have a great school year. Glad you are making friends. Bradley spent a week with me a week before school started. He is in 5th grade already and loves it. He says Hi!Stay cool! Ithas been to hot!
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:42 PM CDT
Hello Kaelei and Holli. Happy Birthday to both of you. Thought I'd check in and say hey. Hope you have a GREAT B-Day party. Love Ya!!
Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 7:46 PM CDT
Hi girls!!! How are ya?

How is school going? Are you enjoying making new friends? I sure hope so!
Have a great weekend!

- Friday, August 22, 2003 12:08 AM CDT
Hey girls, are you ready for SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they start school here on monday, i hope the holli had a great birthday and that kaelei will have a great one on monday!!!!! I just wanted to ck in and say HI. We will talk to you later. good luck with the first day of 1st grade to the girls, and good luck back on the bus route to you Jen. and Kevin try not to work like a dog to much.
Love you and talk to you later,Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, August 21, 2003 8:09 PM CDT

WAPAKONETA, OH - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 2:23 PM CDT
So, how was school Ladies? Today is Cameron's 4th day of 1st grade and he's liking it much better than days 1 & 2.
Enjoy your week!
Lots of love,

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 11:08 AM CDT

Happy Birthday 8 days early!!!!! :) You don't know me but I'm a friend of Maddie's. I just to tell you to have a great birthday and stay the brave one you are! Have a wonderful day!

Mpls, MN USA - Sunday, August 17, 2003 11:49 AM CDT
Well I haven't got caught up yet on the updates yet from getting back from vacation. Colorado is a wonderful, beautiful place to go. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GIRLS. I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR PARTY. Take Care and know that I am still thinking of you.
Jeanne Brown
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Friday, August 15, 2003 10:19 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Holli!!!!

Sheri ~
- Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:19 AM CDT
Just stopping in to see how things are going! Hope you had a great birthday party!LOTS OF LOVE,
sam (
- Wednesday, August 13, 2003 6:36 PM CDT
Hey Kaelei, how are you doing? I hope you all are enjoying your summer!!! Did I ever tell you we found some bunnies in our backyard recently. Actually, our dog did - the kids were in the pool and she was barking like crazy under the pool deck. Finally when we checked there was a bunny nest with a baby bunny in it. Then after more looking through it we found 2 more. So since I have 3 kids and there was 3 bunnies, they each named one. We left lettuce and water and carrots out there but it was never touched so we dont think the mom came back. About 2 days later we took them in to feed them and we had them a week, feeding them kitten milk from a kitten bottle or dropper. They were SO cute! They called them Jean, Robin and Nibbles. My son Gooch called his Jean, named after Jean Smart in XMen. They opened their eyes while we had them and by the end of the week we had them they were running all over, more running than hopping. My husband was convinced they were going to grow up and bite our fingers off, so we turned them over to a Childrens Museum that is a wildlife rehab center near us. I hope they are being taken care of, if they werent already released. I know the kids loved them and they really were cute!! That was our thrill for the summer – hope you are enjoying yours!

Angel Chris & all your friends at Smile Quilts Smile Quilts Website
- Monday, August 11, 2003 2:33 PM CDT
Hey guys just thought we would check in.I bet both of you are ready for school.I wish you both a happy birthday and hope you have a fun party.We missed you at church and hope to see you soon.Enjoy your last week of summer break.
Jerrie,morgan,and marisha manes <>
Rogers, AR - Monday, August 11, 2003 12:39 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei, I'm one of Maddie's many Aunties, Paula, and she directed me to your website. Wow are you a beauty! Just wanted to day Hi, and stay strong! Sounds like you have some exciting events coming up, your birthday party, your birthday and school! That is a lot of excitement. Kaelei, we have now added you to our prayer list and know that there is much power in that! Be good to your family, and whether we are related or not, you should know you have a great big "family" of those of us who care out here in the world rooting for you! Happy Birthday!, Paula
PKillen <>
Omaha, NE - Monday, August 11, 2003 10:31 AM CDT
Hi, there Kaelei,
I love your web page. I understand that some birthdays are coming up this month. I hope you and your sister have special birthdays. My son Benji will have his MRI on the 25th. I think your mom is right. That HAS to be a good sign!! I'm praying for you!!!

Loriann Zello(Benji's mom) <>
San Angelo, Texas - Sunday, August 10, 2003 11:12 PM CDT
Hey! Im a friend of maddies and found your site on hers. Well im just here to wish you well and hope you have tons of fun getting back to school! allright well Stay strong!

mpls, mn usa - Sunday, August 10, 2003 10:50 PM CDT
Hey! Im a friend of maddies and found your site on hers. Well im just here to wish you well and hope you have tons of fun getting back to school! allright well Stay strong!

mpls, mn usa - Sunday, August 10, 2003 10:50 PM CDT
Hey! Im a friend of maddies and found your site on hers. Well im just here to wish you well and hope you have tons of fun getting back to school! allright well Stay strong!

mpls, mn usa - Sunday, August 10, 2003 10:49 PM CDT

I was so happy to hear Kaelei's MRI was all clear!! That is wonderful news!! I'm sorry I haven't been able to tell you this before now. Our phones have been out since Monday -- fried by lightning. Anyway, I hope the girls have a great birthday celebration and that they have fun year of school!

I'm right there with you seeing my childhood toys popular again. I can't believe it's been about 25 years since I played with them. How fast time goes by!! Maddie is all about Hello Kitty, too. It's fun buying things for her....knowing I'll have fun playing with them, too.

Take care,

Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Sunday, August 10, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Hey guys! Sooo happy and thankful for the great MRI results! Praise God!

Birthdays/School starting... so much excitement....!!! Cant believe a yr has gone by already!

Jen, I really dont know what to say about kaelei's comments about dying... I bet you about fell over the first couple times she said it. Maybe with the recent deaths of some people she knows, she has just associated sickness with death... and she might have been looking for a confirmation from you that all is ok.... I think that death is a very difficult thing for kiddos to really grasp... and especially if they were thinking about their own.... :(
My heart just breaks at the idea of her even thinking of such things! We will pray about all this!

I am just thankful right now, that she is doing so well... and that the Lord is blessing you all with great test results!

And jen, you wouldnt be a normal human, if you didnt get a little "worried/emotional" at these test times.... although we all know she is doing great.... the thought is always there.... and we would all hate to see you guys going through that again! Little Kaelei is such a trooper... she has handled all this with grace/style/and a smile!!!! :):) bless her little heart!
Ok, enough blabbing...
you guys take care... will talk soon!
love, hugs, blessings & prayers coming your way!

- Saturday, August 9, 2003 7:52 AM CDT
Hello all great news on the MRI, i'm not shore of what to say about, Kaelei's thoughts, maybe she is just trying to work her way throw the lose of some of the kids that she new this may be her way of trying to understand it all. I'm sorry Jen i'm just really at a lose for words i really don't know how you deal with it all, and then a question like that????? Well i'm really glad for the great results and i will ck in again later, love and miss you and we will be praying for you all, love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, August 7, 2003 8:51 PM CDT
Hey Jennifer. I was thinking about you all today and just read your entry. I'm glad for the good news. I've been praying for it. Kaelei is strong and is getting in touch with things that go on around her. Kids do much better with those things than we do. All my love and prayers and yipee again for the news.
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Thursday, August 7, 2003 9:12 AM CDT
Hey!! Just checking in.....glad everything went good in LR!!! See ya at church.
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Tuesday, August 5, 2003 11:47 PM CDT
Hi my name is Cherryl and my son was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 1996. I came across you webpage via a link found on Lindsey Nicoles website and wanted to stop in and let you know we will be praying that you receive great MRI results.

Cherryl Kirby <>
Wellington, FL USA - Tuesday, August 5, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Hi guys...I am really bad about signing in but I check on you guys all the time. The Lion King...oh how fun! That is one of my favorite movies! Will pray for a good, safe drive for you and clean scans!
Heather <>
Brainerd, mn - Monday, August 4, 2003 9:42 PM CDT
Kaelei and Jennifer,
I want you to know that I pray for you every day. I know that you will receive good news this week. Have a safe trip back. I love you guys.

Bridget Akins <>
Rogers, AR - Monday, August 4, 2003 8:16 PM CDT
hello all we are back from vac. and we had a great time. That is great about the lion king and we are thinking of you right now and will be praying for good results and a save trip home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss you all and will ck in again later. love you Missy,Jeff, and dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, August 4, 2003 7:57 PM CDT
YEAH your going to see the Lion King!!! December will be here before you know it and we can't wait to hear all about it! Glad to hear about your lazy Saturday (those are the best kind!!)
Martinsburg, WV - Sunday, August 3, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
HI girls!! Mom and Dad too! :)

Just checking in on ya... we are certainly praying for a safe trip, as well as great results! I am thankful that God has given you a great peace this time! That has to be a huge blessing compared to trips in the past! Of course there will always be that nervous feeling... but I pray that God will help with that as well!

So, travel safely, enjoy saying hi to some old buddies... and we look forward to hearing the results when you get in!!

Blessings, and hugs!

- Saturday, August 2, 2003 10:13 PM CDT
What a beautiful girl you are!! I just came across your website- my daughter, Maddie, checks in on you- and I am so happy you are doing well. We will be praying for you that your MRI brings terrific news!! Safe travel, and may God continue to bless you and your family.
Julie- Maddie's mom

Mpls., Mn - Saturday, August 2, 2003 7:37 PM CDT

What a beautiful little girl you are!! I hope you have a great time at the Lion King..sounds like you all are really loved. Enjoy the mini vacation and know we will be saying extra prayers for another good MRI on the 5th.

With Love,
Susan and Big Jake Griffin
- Saturday, August 2, 2003 2:41 PM CDT
HI there guys!!! Another week has come and gone... school is getting closer and closer! I think we start the 20th! YIKES!! How bout you guys? You all have a great weekend!

- Friday, August 1, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
That is so awesome!!! I have heard that it is an incredible show. Wishing you the best, always.
Jessica Cook (NCCS)
St. Louis, mo - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 4:49 PM CDT
Awesome! You all deserve a mini vacation, don't you think? Glad to hear things are going well, we sure miss you! Give Kaelei a hug and tell her we are counting down until she comes to see us again.
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 12:47 AM CDT
How wonderful that you get to go to the lion king and to have a place to stay too... there are good hearted people in the world......sometimes we forget that. I hope things continue to go well for all of you.
Sharon <>
Dardanelle, ar - Monday, July 28, 2003 5:46 PM CDT
Hi Jennifer! I am so happy that you get to go to the Lion King. My Aunt went last night in Chicago and my boss saw it a couple of months ago in Columbus. They said it was great! I am so happy for you. You will so much enjoy it. Especially the girls. The only thing my then 2 year old son liked at disney was Lion King at Animal Kingdom. I thought it was soo cool! Well Congratulations and if you don't hear from me soon I will be going on vacation to Colorado for 1 1/2 weeks. Have a great week. Also, I searched my van and was totally worried that the Post office lost that card but I ended up finding it in my desk later. I will get it out today or tomorrow. Sorry for my lack of organizational skills. It didn't have a stamp on it so I probably put it to the side to find one. Love to all.

Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Monday, July 28, 2003 8:44 AM CDT
Jennifer - that is such good news!
We missed the Lion King Show at Disney since Cameron had that nosebleed. I know you gals will have a great time, I'm so happy for you!!!
Lots of love!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Saturday, July 26, 2003 9:46 AM CDT
Oh my goodness!!! I am soo excited for all of you! That will be absolutely wonderful! I can imagine how excited the girls are... you know you will be hearing about for months... lol!
Well, you all have a wonderful weekend!

- Saturday, July 26, 2003 4:39 AM CDT
Nobody deserves those tickets more that you all do! I am so happy for you all!! Now to have to wait is going to be the hard part!! I bet tonight it will be hard to sleep! ENJOY ENJOY!!!
Nicole <>
Tomah, WI - Thursday, July 24, 2003 11:01 PM CDT
that is great, i can remember when the movie came out and i came home from work one day and found Jeff and Kevin watching it on tv/vcr. i'm shore it will much better to see it live. hope you all are having a great summer. i will ck in later on you. Love, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Thursday, July 24, 2003 3:54 PM CDT
Hello there,
I work at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis (I'm the assistant to the President). I am so thrilled you are coming to see the Lion King at our theatre! After reading your initial email, I immediately looked you up online, and I have to tell you -- I am SO impressed with your family. Both of your daughters are amazing, and I am anxious to meet you when you come to Memphis. I also want to say that you are an exceptional mother - you handle this unbelievably difficult situation with grace, strength, and humility. You are truly an example to all of us. Thank you for sharing your story.

Sarah Stepp <>
Memphis, TN USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 3:51 PM CDT
Hi Kaelei,Holly and Jennifer,
Just sitting here in clinic thinking of ya'll and how much we miss you. Can't wait to see ya'll next time you come. Congrats on the Lion King. Need a nurse to escort ya'll? LOL
Love, Charlotte

Charlotte Weddle <>
Sherwood, Ar Usa - Thursday, July 24, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
Hi Kaelei! We're back from Cameron's Wish Trip. Give Kids the World is so great! We had a wonderful time. I looked for your star, but I couldn't remember when it was that you were there, and my neck got tired of looking up, so I never found it. I put a couple of pictures on Cameron's webpage, but I'll update about the trip later.
Well, I better get going. Tell Mommy thanks for the tips about Disney, it really helped!
Love you Bunches!!!
Cameron's Page

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 10:18 AM CDT
HI there everyone! Glad to hear you had a good time with your friends! Fellowship is sooo needed! But it is often the thing we neglect in our busy schedules!
We are always praying for all of you!
Have a great day!

- Thursday, July 24, 2003 8:57 AM CDT
HI there McDonald family! How is everyone? I pray you all had a great weekend! We sure did! Just wanted to stop in, say hi, and let you know, we are thinking of you and praying for as always

- Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:06 PM CDT
Just stopping by to say Hello.Always thinking of you!
sam (
- Monday, July 21, 2003 3:50 PM CDT
Hey Guys good to see entries from you again on the list. Keep up the good fight. I see nothing wrong with asking for tickets for the Lion King. Hey your girl has been through a lot, she really deserves it, You guys need to go to Big Sky Kids in Montana. It is great Hilary and Bobby had loads of fun!
Monica Moore and Hilary <>
Paragould, AR USA - Saturday, July 19, 2003 11:01 PM CDT
Kailei, you are in our hearts and minds! We hope that your life path is long and has many new adventures waiting for you - very happy and fun ones!
Kirsty Clare (m/o Jasper) <>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Saturday, July 19, 2003 10:22 PM CDT
Hello McDonald Family!! Sorry I haven't signed the guestbook lately, but know that you guys have been in my thoughts and prayers! I was just checking out the photo album and your girls are just too cute! Have a great weekend!

Martinsburg, wv - Friday, July 18, 2003 8:38 PM CDT
HI jen!!! How are ya? Glad to hear all went well! And that you are back home safe and sound. :)
I think the girls would love to see the lion king! I contemplated taking the boys when it was here, but with our upcoming trip to disney, I knew we could not afford it, and they will have to settle for the show at the AK... so kalei liked that eh? I think the boys will too!
Well, tell Kaelei, and Holli, we said hi, and send hugs!!1
Take Care!

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Thursday, July 17, 2003 7:02 PM CDT
Kaelei, I stumbled upon your website and am glad you are doing so well! I'll keep you in my prayers!

- Thursday, July 17, 2003 11:34 AM CDT
just cking in i hope the girls like the pictures from when you all where here, i'm shore you could tell the ones that the girls took. i think the one of kaelei and eddie turn out really good and i'm shore that kaelei like that one. well i will ck in later, Love you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 9:10 PM CDT
Kailei, It was so sweet of you to tell us how much you miss us all. We really do miss you to! You are a precious little girl. You and your family are in my prayers. I look forward to seeing you soon.
- Wednesday, July 16, 2003 5:00 PM CDT
It was so great to see all three of you yesterday! I really miss getting to see you every Monday in clinic. Kaelei is so special and so sweet. It has been such a blessing to take care of her and to get to know all of you. You all will remain in my prayers. See you soon!
Patty Dickinson
- Wednesday, July 16, 2003 4:25 PM CDT
Kaelei, Holli and Jennifer - It was soooo good to see you yesterday in the clinic. I really miss seeing you all so often, although I know you don't miss making the trip that often! Kaelei looks so wonderful! I'm so proud of her. Hope everything went well with your appointment. Kaelei's little speech really touched my heart! It is something that I will always remember! Love you all!
Catherine Redinger <>
NLR, AR - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 7:55 PM CDT
Hi! How is everyone doing
? Good I hope! We are all good, enjoying the summer! Before you know it, we will be getting school supplies gathered, etc.... Can you believe how fast time flies? Well, just wanted to let you know, we are always thinking of and praying for you all!

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 12:29 AM CDT
Hi there! I just wanted to stop in to see how Kaelei was doing. She is such a beautiful girl.
I had no idea you added my sister Pam to your site. Thank you so much for your concern and support. Your whole family is in my prayers.

Karen Capozzoli <>
Glen Cove, NY USA - Monday, July 14, 2003 4:34 PM CDT
Glad to hear thing are going well. I love the pic on the front page.I was just thinking of you,

sam (
- Monday, July 14, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
Glad things are going better for you all. Iknow how it is with behavier problems Bradleys have gotten worse, but then some days are good. He realluy gets hateful at times really gets on a persons nerves really have to have nerves of steel. Hang in there will be praying everything stays good. Linda
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Sunday, July 13, 2003 11:47 PM CDT
Hi Jennifer-thought I would visit Kaelei's site. Very nice. What a beautiful girl. Good luck with everything.
Paula (Mitch's mom <>
Vancouver, Wa USA - Saturday, July 12, 2003 9:05 AM CDT
Hey there girls!! And kevin too!! :):) Just stopped in to say hi, and have a good weekend... it is beautiful here today.. how bout there?
Hugs to all of you!
Love, blessings & prayers!!!

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Friday, July 11, 2003 4:46 PM CDT
I continue to pray for you all daily...
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, July 11, 2003 9:57 AM CDT
Hello glad to hear that Kaelei is doing well, and i wanted to let you all no that i sent out the pic for you vist and a new pic of dalton today so you should be getting them soon. hang in the with the job problem maybe the other one cloing will give more work for kevin's plant. well i was just cking in on you all and tell everyone there hi from everyone here. we just got a pc so please not my new email address. love and miss you missy,jeff, and dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, July 10, 2003 10:39 PM CDT
Jen, I am sooo glad to hear that Kaelei is feeling so good. That certainly brings a smile to my face!!! :):):):):)

We are praying for the upcoming tests... and will be praying for this job situation! That is the last stress you all need right now!

Take care! Hugs, blessings...

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:00 AM CDT
Hey guys!!! How ya doing??? Just stopped in to say hey.. and you are in our thoughts and prayers!!!

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Wednesday, July 9, 2003 9:35 PM CDT
I just looked back - I have not signed on here since May 1st. Please know that does not mean I don't think about you all and pray for you often. You are always in my thoughts and prayers! Always!

Did you girls get the postcard we sent from Wisconsin?

I pray all is well for your family and that your summer would be filled with love, joy and peace!

Love & Prayers,

Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, July 9, 2003 9:13 AM CDT
I am so happy that your daughter is doing good. I am pleased and appreciatative that with what you have gone through, you found the time to add my daughters' link on your web site. We will continue to pray for your little girl and appreciate your prays for my little girl. (No matter how old they get, they are still our little girls). I have been told that "Prayers have scientifically been proven to work". From our lips to GODs ears.
Frank father of Pam ( <>
SYOSSET, NY USA - Monday, July 7, 2003 2:35 PM CDT
Hi Jennifer and family,

I haven't left you a message in some time - but I still keep you in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Kaelei looks beautiful in her cap and gown. She's growing so fast. Love all the new pics. I'm really glad to read that the last MRI looked good.

Meghan is doing really well. Four months off chemo and she couldn't be happier. She's doing karate and swim team this summer. Her walking gets better every day and she really seems to be getting more and more strength back. We are just a few weeks away from MRI time again - eeek - but I'm feeling very positive and I'm not going to let it get me down. Next week both the kids go to "cancer" camp - they are really looking forward to it. I'm not sure I am!

Love and hugs to the girls!

Shannon <>
Springfield, IL - Monday, July 7, 2003 1:08 PM CDT
The picture of Kaelei in her cap and gown is so cute. Glad to see you back on line. How did your t-ball season go? We are done now - yahoo! I did the petition on the cancer stamp - very easy! Please sign it if you haven't done so, people! Have a great week. Love to all!

Jeanne Brown
- Monday, July 7, 2003 10:44 AM CDT
Hey girls!! Sounds like you had fun on the 4th ... were the fireworks pretty cool? We saw some that were really awesome!!!

Glad to see you are back online jen...
Hope you guys have a great day
Love and Hugs...

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Monday, July 7, 2003 10:20 AM CDT
Hi Jennifer! Glad you're back! Thanks for the link to the petition for a Childhood Cancer Awareness Stamp. I sent it to everyone in my address book!
And for the girls...

Lots of love!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, July 7, 2003 9:36 AM CDT
Hey guys hope you had a great 4th, we went to the races then to my brothers the guys next door to them puts off some pretty great fireworks. the pic are great and i love the one of Kaelei in her cap and gown!!!!!! sorry i have not sign in for awhile but i have been cking in though. Well just wanted to say Hi and love you. Love, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Saturday, July 5, 2003 9:47 AM CDT
OH JEN!!! I thought hey.. maybe there are new pics in the photo album.... I have to tell you that the pic of you and baby kaelei... brought such a smile to my face!!! It is beautiful!!! Sad how fast they grow isnt it?
Ok, take care now!

- Thursday, July 3, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
hey... i got a chance to use the computer here, and wanted to wish you a happy 4th again!!! The new pic of kaelei is adorable!!! You all take care, and be safe!!
Love, blessings & prayers,

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Thursday, July 3, 2003 11:42 AM CDT
Happy 4th!
lindsey <>
- Thursday, July 3, 2003 11:21 AM CDT
Hi there,
Wishing you a happy and safe 4th of July!!!

sam (
- Wednesday, July 2, 2003 4:44 PM CDT
Have a great 4th of July, McDonald's!! Still thinking of you as always......................

Jeanne Brown
Wapakoneta, OH - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 10:57 PM CDT
Hey Kaelei! I hope ur ok. Love always in Christ,
Lindsey <>
Henry County, VA - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 7:11 PM CDT
Hey girls!! I wanted to stop in and say hi real quick, we are heading out of town for the 4th, and I wont have any access to the net for a few days... so I wanted to tell you to have a great 4th of july, and I hope you get to see some great fireworks!!!

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Monday, June 30, 2003 11:09 AM CDT
Hey girls!!! How are ya>>>> hope all is going well... just stopping in to say hey.... and to say I am thinking of you and praying!!! Have a great day!!!
love, em

and family <>
sabina, oh usa - Sunday, June 29, 2003 10:25 PM CDT
Hey there! What a nice thing for those people to do... to loan you that car! They must be wonderful people! Good luck to you, Laura
- Sunday, June 29, 2003 7:17 PM CDT
Hey there! What a nice thing for those people to do... to loan you that car! They must be wonderful people! Good luck to you, Laura
- Sunday, June 29, 2003 7:17 PM CDT
Hi Kaelei! Keeping you in my prayers!
Lindsey <>
HC, VA - Sunday, June 29, 2003 11:56 AM CDT
I am thrilled to see that things are going well there.
I just wanted to drop by and wish you a safe and healthy 4th of July

Angel Chris and all your friends at Smile Quilts
- Sunday, June 29, 2003 10:30 AM CDT
HI Kaelie! My name is Lindsey. I'm going to start visiting your site and signing your guestbook! I hope you are feeling well. So, ya like SpongeBob? I do too! My room has everything in him. Like curtains, comforter, etc. Keeping you in my prayers. ~Love 'n Hugs~
Love always in Christ,

Lindsey <>
Henry County, VA - Saturday, June 28, 2003 11:38 AM CDT

Just a quick thank you for your website. My niece (age 4) was diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytoma two years ago. She had the tumour operated. Two weeks ago, having had an MRI scan, it turns out the tumour has started growing back and most likely she will need another operation. Reading Kaelei's story brings hope to us all in this difficult time.
Good luck to Kaelei and her family for the present and future.

Line <>
London, England - Friday, June 27, 2003 8:37 AM CDT
Jen, God is sooo good!! It never ceases to amaze me how He provides for, cares for, and loves us!! I am rejoicing with you in the results!!!
Happy to hear you are all having a great summer so far!!! Have you guys seen finding nemo? It is a goodie! The kids loved it!
Well, take care..... are you still tballing? We are supposed to finish up this week!
YOu all take care, we love you and are praying for you all!

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:56 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei,
I'm so glad to hear your MRI was fine! Have a fun summer!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:19 PM CDT
Wow wahta great news on the MRI!!Im so glad things are going well.
sam (
- Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:01 PM CDT
Hello guys! Just stopping by to say Hi and I join everyone else in their joy at the MRI results! Hope you are having a fun summer!!
Martinsburg , WV - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:39 PM CDT
It was really good to see the both of you. It's wierd not seeing you all the time. I'm so happy about the MRI. I know you were scared and I'm glad the good results can give you some relaxation now. You have really fought hard and hung in there, I really admire you. All my love and prayers...
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, June 23, 2003 8:57 AM CDT
I am so happy the MRI turned out great. Kaelei and your family have been in my prayers. Taken care give the girls a hug from Bradley.
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Friday, June 20, 2003 11:50 PM CDT
Great News! So happy for you all. Have a great summer. My computer is in the midst of breaking down, i think. So I may not be able to check in as often but don't think I am not still praying for you because I always will. How's the t-ball going, Holli & Kaelei?
Jeanne Brown
- Friday, June 20, 2003 4:27 PM CDT
I was so happy to hear the great news (from the brainstem group). Enjoy every moment with your beautiful daughter and celebrate this miracle! I will pray for Kaelei's continued health.

Karen Capozzoli <>
Glen Cove, NY USA - Friday, June 20, 2003 9:43 AM CDT
Great news! So happy for you guys!!!
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:52 PM CDT
Great news Kaelei!!!!!! on the MRI and i'm shore you had fun seeing everyone again. Sounds like you,Holly, and Daddy had a great day. Hope you all are having a great summer. Well i will ck in on you later. Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, June 19, 2003 4:52 PM CDT
Praising God for the good results on the MRI. I will continue to pray for you.
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Thursday, June 19, 2003 1:48 PM CDT
Thinking of you all...
Nicole Wanke <>
Tomah, WI - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:28 PM CDT
Praying all went well there with the MRI....
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Wednesday, June 18, 2003 3:19 PM CDT
Hoping to see an update soon! Enjoy your day together. Glad the trip was safe. Take Care!
Jeanne Brown
- Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:48 AM CDT
I'm hoping and praying for a stable MRI for Kaelei. I understand completely your "MRI jitters", as Alex's first post-chemo MRI is coming up on June 30th. I am already anxious and there are times when I can't stop thinking about it. Good luck!
Adrienne Urbanek, m/o Alex, age 5, JPA, <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:59 PM CDT
Praying for clean scans.
Nicole Wanke
Tomah, WI - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:02 AM CDT
Praying for Kaelei to have a good MRI scan tomorrow. I know the waiting is difficult, but as you said, prayer does help.
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:29 PM CDT
Hello ladies... kevin you too!!!!
I know you are trying to remain calm and positive, as far as i am concerned you are doing an excellent job!!!
Thought I would ck in and see if you had posted anythign yet.. and you had...
I am happy to hear you made it safely... you certainly dont miss these trips do ya???
I will be cking to see what the results are...
Just wanted to let you know, we are there with you in thoughts, and prayers...
Here is a big hug to all of you!!!

- Monday, June 16, 2003 7:16 PM CDT
Hi Jennifer,
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and keeping you all close in my thoughts and prayers.I hope all went well with your trip. Take care.

Jessica Cook (NCCS) <>
- Monday, June 16, 2003 1:33 PM CDT
Hi Guys! Sorry I haven't been able to sign on very often. My computer is on the blitz. I'm not sure what is going on with it. I try to check on kids and then all the sudden it shuts down and it is so slow! I am praying and thinking of you all. Have a safe trip and Clear MRI results. People in Ohio love you Kaelei and are praying for your continued good health. Take care and have a great summer.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Monday, June 16, 2003 1:02 PM CDT
Hey girls sorry I haven't signed in a while.I pray that you have a safe trip and that all is well with the MRI .We will see you when you get back and Kaelei and Holli enjoy your summer break.
Jerrie and Morgan Manes <>
Rogers, AR - Monday, June 16, 2003 9:48 AM CDT
Sometimes you've got to let it out. That's what we're here for - and to pray. I'll be looking forward to the next update.
Lots of love and prayers!!
Sheri & Cameron

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 8:55 PM CDT
Hello sorry i have not sign in lately but i have ck in on you. We will be praying for your sefe trip there and back and for great results on the MRI. Jen don't feel bad for being scared and letting it out on the web site, you have every right to do so and i'm not shore that i could be as strong as you have had to be. Well i better go and i will ck in on wed. to see if you were able to post the results. Love and miss you all, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Sunday, June 15, 2003 11:41 AM CDT
Praying for clean scans on the 17th!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Sunday, June 15, 2003 9:53 AM CDT
Praying for you and clean scans!!
some one who cares
- Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:33 PM CDT
HI guys
how is everyone?
Hope you girls are enjoying your summer so far!
It has rained here so much lately we have missed a lot of our ball games... how are yours going? Are you guys having a blast playing??
We have been and will continue to pray for all of you and kaelei's upcoming mri!!!!!
We love you, and think of you all the time!
Love, hugs, and lots of prayers!!!

emily and family <>
sabina, oh - Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:51 PM CDT
Hey Kaelei - I hope things are going well there, and I hope you know we are all pulling for you and praying for you, especially on the 17th!
~ Gooch's Site ~ * * ~ Adopt A Kid's site ~
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:32 AM CDT


kevin, MT - Monday, June 9, 2003 8:01 AM CDT
Kaelei - just wanted to stop by and leave you a little something to start off your summer...

Lots and Lots of Love,
Sheri & Cameron

Cameron's Page

Sheri <>
Lafayette, LA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 9:55 AM CDT
Hey Kaelei!
Have a great summer!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Friday, June 6, 2003 12:58 AM CDT
Maybe you can start enjoying summer now. Hopefully it is nice there. How is t-ball going?

I wish I could win the lottery and spread my money around to all the sick kids families to help them out. It sounds like someone has been very thoughtful. God bless them. Take care and I will be saying extra prayers for Kaelei.

Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Thursday, June 5, 2003 7:30 PM CDT
Hi Guys,
Glad to hear you are feeling well. I will certainly be praying for you on the 17th. Sorry I have not been by for awhile but I have not been feeling well. I hope you have a great summer!!

sam (
- Thursday, June 5, 2003 5:47 PM CDT
Hey guys!! Well, your last day of school is here! Can you believe it? We thought went the year flew by! What do you think! We are certainly praying for the up coming tests, and will continue to do so! Have a wonderful day!
hugs, and blessings!

- Thursday, June 5, 2003 12:05 AM CDT
Hi Jennifer! Sorry I haven't signed in lately, but I do check on you both often. I hope you all have a great last day at school.
Have a wonderful summer!!!
Lots of love,

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 9:34 AM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for Kaelei, as always. Stay strong and rely on others when you don't feel strong. Love always...
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, June 2, 2003 11:06 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei,
Hope you are feeling good. We just wanted to stop and say hi.

DeAnna and Chase <>
Ga USA - Sunday, June 1, 2003 5:30 PM CDT
Hope all is going well. Is school out yet? My son has been out for a week and my daughter still has a week left. Can't wait to enjoy Mondays with them. (Mondays are my day off work.) Hope you can get lots of swimming in this summer. My kids just love to go swimming. Hope to hear from you soon but understand your position. I got a card in the mail to you today, Jennifer. I wish I could do more. Take Care and have a great weekend. It's raining here so I think it is cleaning day, YUK!

Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Saturday, May 31, 2003 9:39 AM CDT
Hello girls how are you all doing? almost time for summer break Whoooooooo!!!!! for you all, hope you all are well. Sorry we mis Kevin when he was home but it was good to talk to him on the phone!!! Well i was just cking in and we will talk to yu soon. Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker Hill, wv - Friday, May 30, 2003 8:00 PM CDT
Hi guys! Just stopping in to say hi, and wanted to tell you to have a great weekend! Love, and hugs coming your way

- Friday, May 30, 2003 5:19 AM CDT
Hey guys!! Sounds like busy times at your house!!! Our house is busy too! Baseball season always has us running around like headless chickens, but thank goodness it is for a short time! Our last games will be the first week of july, and hopefully things will settle into some kind of routine after that!
I am happy to hear that you will be able to drive the bus at least a little this summer! Would have been nice if it could have been earlier so as not to break up the whole day, but like you said, at least you can all sleep in!

I am very sorry to hear about Kevins grandmother. Hugs!!

We will certainly be praying for his job situation, and for an excellent outcome at kaelei's appointments in june! Will be in touch before then!!!
Take care!!
Love and hugs!!!

- Wednesday, May 28, 2003 1:31 PM CDT
just wanted to stop in and see how you where doing and say hi! :-)
Heather and Brianna Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9:03 PM CDT


Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 1:11 PM CDT
Hey guys!!! Just stoppin in to say hi, and let you know we are thinking of and praying for you all! Hope everyone is doing good!
Can you girls beleive that school is almost out?
Our boys are excited!!!
well, you guys have a great day!

- Sunday, May 18, 2003 10:13 PM CDT
I was just cking in to see how you all were doing. we are, all doing fine. We are about to goto jammin-jim for Dalton's b-day party he will be 3 on monday, how time fly's. well i hope the girls are having fun with t-ball and we will talk to you soon. Love,Mssy,Jeff, and Dalton.
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Saturday, May 17, 2003 11:50 AM CDT
Hey Jennifer! I was just thinking about all of you and how much I miss getting to see you. I'm glad Kaelei and the rest of the crew are doing well. I have been praying for you all and will continue to do so. Know that we are here if you need anything!
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, May 16, 2003 8:42 AM CDT
Hello, I hope you had a great Mothers day Jen because you desv. it. Everything here is fine and i hope things are going well there. glad to hear that kevin is getting some extra time in. hope the girls T-ball is going well, Georgie and Camdan has had most of there games rained out. well i have to go or now i will ck in another day. love you all and miss you. Love, Missy, Jeff, and dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 9:20 PM CDT
Hey guys@!!@ How are ya? Jennifer... happy late mothers day!
I hope you had a great weekend!
It was starting to get hot here too, but today, we had to turn the heat back on!!! yikes!!!
have a great day!

- Tuesday, May 13, 2003 5:08 AM CDT
Just stopping in to say HI. Hope all is well.
sam ( <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 7:30 PM CDT
What you said is so true! Being a mom has been the best job I could ever have. The love I have for my daughter is endless. Every night when I put her to bed, we sing a song that I made up when she was a baby. WE call it the "Body Song". It starts like this....
I love you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes
From the tips of your toes to the top of your head
I love your feet, they help you walk
I love your legs, they help you run
I love your knees, they help you jump
I love your arms because I can hug you
I love your hands because I can hold them
I love your eyes, they help you see
I love your ears, they help you hear
Your nose helps you breath and smell
and your mouth helps you, breath, eat and talk
But most importantly, what I love about you the most is right here (Pat her on her heart) and thats your heart.
I love you to pieces and pieces and I lcve every piece of you.

And now when I put her to bed, she always wants me to sing that to her and I do. Whats neat about that is she sings it with me.
Thanks for letting me share that with you.
Happy Mothers Day-a day late.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Monday, May 12, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Hello, I found your website featured on Cameron's. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. I have two children, Robert and Robbin and I consider each day they are with me to be blessed. Thank you for sharing your story with others, I will check on you regularly, and would like to help in any way possible.
Angie Martin <>
Conway, AR USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 8:44 AM CDT
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, JENNIFER. I hope you have a blessed day even with Kevin gone. I'm glad he was able to pickup some hours this weekend. Hope you have a sunny day in AR. Take care.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Sunday, May 11, 2003 1:26 PM CDT
Sam Kelly (aaryns mommy) <>
Tacoma, Wa USA - Saturday, May 10, 2003 0:01 AM CDT
Hi Kaelei and Jennifer! I must say that going this long without seeing you really seems strange! I miss both of your smiling faces. The clinic just isn't the same on Monday morning. I must say I caught myself looking for you in "your" bed in the infusion room when I walk by there! I'm glad everything is going well. Have fun playing t-ball. If you take any pictures of the girls in their uniforms, please save one for me!
I'll see you guys next month!
Brandi's babies are doing fine so far. I'm not sure when she goes back to the doctor. She has been feeling pretty well, just tired.

Catherine <>
- Wednesday, May 7, 2003 11:38 AM CDT
Just stopping in to say Hi. Glad all is well.
sam ( <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 5:00 PM CDT
Hey guys!! Even though you may be unable to ck the site every day, we still think of and pray for all of you every day!
Hope everyone is doing well!!!
Have a great day!
Love n Hugs!!!

- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 9:16 AM CDT
Hello, We were just cking in. hope te girls are having some great t ball games. Jeff, Dalton, me, my brother, and his kids went fishing on sunday that was pretty fun and interesting, Jeff and Elizabeth were the only ones to catch any, We did not put a hook on Dalton's just left the litte yellow rubber practicing fish on his but he thought he was really caching something, iwas fun and peacfull day, i how all is well with all of you. talk to you soon. Love, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, May 5, 2003 8:20 PM CDT
Thinking of you girls as always. Wishing we lived closer so that we could meet you. Hope the rain stayed away for you this weekend. Today was absolutely gorgeous. I bet you can't wait for summer to come. Especially since you all can spend some quality time together! Now that Kaelei is feeling great and doesn't have to go to chemo. Have a great week and hope to hear from you soon.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Sunday, May 4, 2003 8:12 PM CDT
Hey guys!!! Glad to hear you were able to play a few games already! Our kids just started practice last week! They love it! And we enjoy watching the games as well! :) Wish I could see you girls play... I bet you are great~ well, you guys have a great weekend together! will be praying about the nightime choking!
love and hugs!

- Friday, May 2, 2003 4:46 AM CDT
Hi from MN! Your family is in our thoughts always and we continue to pray for you during our morning devotions! Take good care and know we care!!!

Love & Prayers,

Suz & boys <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, May 1, 2003 10:34 PM CDT
Hello, glad to hear things are going well for you all, i am sorry to hear that Kevin has not gotten any overtime, bad for the pocketbook but probl, some worth wild time for the family. Well i was just cking. talk to you soon. Love, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:11 PM CDT
Glad all IS going well! Hope you all have more fun t-ball games. Take care and have a great weekend! Thanks for the update.
Jeanne Brown
- Thursday, May 1, 2003 5:26 PM CDT
Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. Let me know if you need anything, I continue to send my prayers.
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Thursday, May 1, 2003 4:30 PM CDT
Hi, just checking in to say "Hi". Hope all is well with you. It's Wednesday, but never to early to say have a "GREAT WEEKEND"!
Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:01 AM CDT
Hi! Hope all is still going well. Thinking of you as always........... Hope the girls had a game and had lots of fun! We'll be looking for pictures of them in their t-ball uniforms! Ha !
Jeanne Brown
- Tuesday, April 29, 2003 10:20 PM CDT
Hell, gald to hear that everyone one is doing well and things are better. i was just cking in. Well i better get off and goto bed. Tell Kevin that Jeff got bet sunday racing by a 16 year old girl, in a dragster. talk to you all soon love, missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
buker hill, wv - Monday, April 28, 2003 9:21 PM CDT
Hi, Just checkin in. Glad to hear everyone is doing ok.
Thoughts and prayers are with you all.

sam ( <>
Tacoma, Wa USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 1:12 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that we miss you! It's wierd with you not being here on Monday! Thinking of you and always sending prayers...
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, April 28, 2003 9:58 AM CDT
Just stopping by to say hello!! You are in our thoughts and prayers!!

Click here to Visit Davin's World

God Bless!!
The Rucker Family

Rushell, Shauna, Davin, & Tuesdey <>
Garland, TX USA - Sunday, April 27, 2003 11:12 AM CDT
What a game huh? I bet you'll get to play lots of T-ball this summer! Wish they would've had some of that kinda stuff where I lived in the summer time! Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, April 26, 2003 9:30 PM CDT
Just wanted to say Hi and let you know we've been thinking about you guys!! Sounds like T-ball is so much fun!!

Martinsburg , WV - Saturday, April 26, 2003 8:34 PM CDT
Hey guys!!! Glad to hear you are feeling better! Feeling icky is terrible!

Bummer bout the t ball game! But you are right, they will get their fill of games! Have a great weekend, hanging out with each other!
love, hugs n blessings,

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Friday, April 25, 2003 6:33 PM CDT
Thinking of you, as always.................
Jeanne Brown
- Friday, April 25, 2003 3:53 PM CDT
Hey guys!!! Sorry to hear you are not feeling well jen... hope the pkg cheered you up a little! I had been thinking about you all week, and got on here to say to hi, and found out your werent feeling good. Isnt it amazing how God lays people on our hearts when they need our prayers!

Did you girls get to have your first t ball game>? I bet it was a lot of fun!

WEll, you all take care... get well soon jen!
love, hugs n prayers,

emily <>
sabina, oh - Friday, April 25, 2003 4:24 AM CDT
Just stopping in to see how everything is going.Hope everthing is ok. Thinking of you.

Sam and AAryn Kelly <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 10:49 PM CDT
Hope your feeling better soon! Take care of yourself!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, April 24, 2003 8:48 PM CDT
Hey Kaelei and Jennifer,
Just wanted to let you we missed you this week!!!! But glad you are not coming because you are doing so well! Rebekka and I pray every night for all my patients. Love ya, Charlotte

Charlotte Weddle <>
Sherwood, AR USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 3:04 PM CDT
Sorry that you are not feeling well. It's the pits to be sick and still have to function.
I just checked in and see that you won't be able to post for a while and I hope that everything is ok. Sometimes we just need to take a break. Go for it! I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers and know that we will continue to be here for you.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, April 24, 2003 2:53 PM CDT
Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know how much I missed you this week. It did not seem like Monday without you in clinic. I hope that you are enjoying your new freedom. You are such an inspiration to me. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Tell Kaelei we all said hi. See you in a few weeks.
Patty Dickinson, hem/onc clinic <>
- Thursday, April 24, 2003 9:58 AM CDT
Oh, I do hope you are feeling better by now. Kaelei and Holli good luck at your t-ball game. I hope you have lots of fun and lots of home runs!!! Take Care
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH USA - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 9:48 PM CDT
Hello...I hope this finds you feeling better and able to enjoy the T-ball game :) I check on you all often..just been really bad about signing in :)
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 9:16 PM CDT
Hi there, I have been following Kaelei's story for a while now and I love to hear about her.

My kid has about 100 beanie babies (how did we get so many!!) so if there is any one Kaelei particularly wants just let me know and I will see if we have it

love from merry (in the UK) wishing you all the best

merry <>
Toddington, glos UK - Monday, April 21, 2003 9:27 PM CDT
Just thinking of you and wanted to tell you have a nice day and I hope you are feeling better.
sam kelly ( <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Monday, April 21, 2003 12:20 AM CDT
Hope you girls had a fun Easter, Bradley didn't get to go on any Easter hunts this year he had a cold and was not feeling well. I will keep Kaeilie in my prayers and pray that the spot does not grow that it is just scar tissue. Have a great week. Love you all! Linda
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 11:37 PM CDT
Happy Easter girls, hope the easter bunny was good to you and that you had fun hunting eggs.
Dalton had a ball hunting the eggs and playing with the play-doh that the easter bunny got him. Have a great game on thursday.
Love, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:44 PM CDT
Happy Easter!
Heather and Brianna KLine
Syracuse, NY USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 0:33 AM CDT
Hey Kaelei!! Happy Easter! Hope you had fun at the Easter Egg hunt you went to today. Sounds like you're having lots of fun playing t-ball. Let me know when your games are I would LOVE to come to one of them! Well, I better go..see you soon!
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Saturday, April 19, 2003 9:50 PM CDT
Hey guys!! Hope you are all doing well! HAPPY EASTER@!!! Hope you girls liked the baskets we sent!
Just stopped in to say hi, and let you know that we are thinking of you, and praying for you!
Have a blessed weekend!

- Saturday, April 19, 2003 4:21 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Just stopped in to see how you are doing! Have a WONDERFUL Easter!Thank you for signing Aaryns book.

Sam Kelly ( <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 12:57 AM CDT
Hugs and prayers to you and hope you have a very blessed Easter :-) Watching and waiting is soooo hard. May God make it easier for you, to be able to concentrate on enjoying your children and life, vs what you cannot control. I know this is easier said than done, and moms will worry no matter what. I wish you all the best.
Heather and Brianna KLine
Syracuse, NY USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 11:59 AM CDT
Hi! Just wanted to wish you guys a Happy Easter and let you know we will be thinking about you!

Martinsburg, WV - Friday, April 18, 2003 9:31 AM CDT
Hello my name is Jenna, and I love Kaelei's site. She is a real inspiration. I was born with a rare boen disease and i am having a rough time right now. Her sire encouraged me.
Great smile Kaelei!

Jenna <>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Friday, April 18, 2003 1:11 AM CDT
Hey there, I am glad to see that you are doing well. I cant believe the doctors would leave things - such vitally important things - open to misinterpretation like that.

I hope that what Amie & I set out to do with the Adopt A Kids Site is working, and you have more people praying for you and visiting your site. I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy & Healthy & Blessed Easter/Passover/spring time, whatever you prefer!!

~ Gooch's Site ~ * * ~ Adopt A Kid's site ~
- Thursday, April 17, 2003 11:58 PM CDT
This verse is literally what gets me through each day. God will never give any of us more than we can handle in this life and He will always make a way out from under anything that comes our way. Kaelei and your family are in the incredibly capable hands of God and He is looking out for you all!

1 Corinthians 10:13 - "No temptation has seized you, except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

Love & Prayers,

- Thursday, April 17, 2003 0:16 AM CDT
Oh Jen and Kevin, I'm so sorry that there now saying that the tumer is still there, that is crazy to tell you that she was tumer free and now say that it is still there. I can not even amagin what you are going throw right now, Just remember that she is strong and doing great right now and she is a fighter, and that they are saying that it has not gotten larger. but they should not have told you it was gone if it was not. I will be cking in to see what you find out. I will be thinking of you and praying for you. Try not to think about this on sunday and have a great EASTER. Love, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker hill, WV - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:18 PM CDT
I just read your update on the bsg yahoo group. (I joined after our daughter died from a bsg... I only wish I had known about the support and tremendous knowledge from the wonderful people in that group before thisngs got so bad). I just sit and read everyones entries... wishing and wondering... thinking about the "what if's." Then I remember what my daughter told me, she once asked, "Mommy, are kids supposed to be sick?" When I told her, "No, honey," her immediate response was, "Well, God picked us to be sick." And that is what I have to tell myself on a daily basis... God picked me to have two children who would touch the lives of thousands of people then leave this earth.

Nothing seems to make sense with these tumors. I only wish that the doctors could give more difinitive information. I remember when Noelle was first diagnosed. Her MRI was sent to Dr. Fred Epstein up at Beth Israel Hospital in New York. I did not hear back from Noelle's neurosurgeon here in NC about what Dr. Epstein had to say. Finally, I called Noelle's neurosurgeon here in NC and he sent me a copy of the e-mail correspondence between he and Dr. Epstein. Dr. Epstein was willing to see Noelle. Then at the bottom of the note to me were the words... Dr. Epstein was in a fatal biking accident just days after reading Noelle's MRI and he passed away from head injuries. Wow... there went our hope.

I even called Dr. Epstein's office in New York. The receptionist never said the he died, but said that she wasn't sure if he would ever practice again. Just a few months ago I heard that Dr. Epstein is alive and recovered from that horrible accident. Then I read this week on the bsg group that 20/20 is going to do a special on him this Friday night. For the medical community and parents of children with brain tumors this is wonderful news. For our family..... well, it just wasn't meant for Noelle to see Dr. Epstein. (God did indeed pick her to be sick).

I sure hope you are able enjoy your Easter season. May the Lord bless all of you and give you the miracle that you so desire.

Yours in Christ,

Wendy Baber <>
Winston-Salem, NC - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 8:46 AM CDT
I would be a little concerned too by the news that there is still a tumor there. Definately find out the answers you need. I'm not sure how often the MRI's are but I would think you might want to keep a close eye on it for a while so you can be on top of it should it start growing. Can they not have surgery again and remove what is there? Or is that not possible? Hope your worries will be put to the side. Enjoy the wonderful break you have right now and no more trips every Sunday to Little Rock, YEAH!! Have a wonderful Easter if I don't talk to you before than. Love and hugs to Kaelei and her family.

Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta , OH U*S*A* - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 8:27 AM CDT
I hope all went well yesterday. I know this has been a long journey for Kaelei and everyone else in the family and I hope now this journey is over and a new one is just beginning.
As always, thank you your sharing your family with us. May you have a blessed Easter.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 2:08 PM CDT
I know what you have must been going through right now, my prayers are with you...I hope MRI went well...Thank you for sharing info and good luck
- Tuesday, April 15, 2003 4:13 AM CDT
I am so happy for you and your family that Kaelie has had her last chemo. I am praying her MRI will be normal and that they stay that way. Give the girls a big hug from Little Bradley and myself. We love you all and miss you. Linda and Little Bradley
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 0:24 AM CDT
Hope all went well today. Have a great week. I hope the weather is as nice there as it is in Ohio. Take care and always know i am praying for you.
Jeanne Brown
- Monday, April 14, 2003 7:27 PM CDT
Ill say a little extra prayer that your MRI comes back with great news. Have a happy easter!

sam ( <>
tacoma, wa usa - Monday, April 14, 2003 3:27 PM CDT
Hey sweetie, I am glad to see that you are doing well. Let me take this opportunity to wish you a Happy & Blessed Easter and let you know how much everyone cares about you and everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you and is praying for you.

Angel Chris and all your friends at Smile Quilts
- Monday, April 14, 2003 0:35 AM CDT
Mom its only normal to be nervous but its gonna be all good news!!
Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Monday, April 14, 2003 0:34 AM CDT
Lots of prayers for you and Kaelei! I hope all goes well with the MRI. Have a good trip, and I will check back soon.
Tonya <>
- Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:18 PM CDT
Kaelei, GOOD LUCK tomorrow and tuesday!!!!!!!!, we are thinking and praying for you to get a clean bill of health, I just no that GOD is going to make it a good one. Hope you all have a safe trip there and back. and Jen i hope that the other things that are going on in life turn around for you all soon, just keep hanging in there and never give up!!!!!
I just had to tell you Dalton has been in under wear for the last 3 days and doing very well i told him i was not buying anymore pull ups and he has been doing great with just the underwear. LOL just had to share that i'm so prowd of him. Love you all and miss you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, WV - Sunday, April 13, 2003 9:31 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!!

Click here to visit Davin's web page

God Bless!!
The Rucker Family

Rushell, Shauna, Davin, & Tuesdey <>
Garland, TX USA - Sunday, April 13, 2003 5:56 PM CDT
Hi! It's Lisa (Luke's mom) from the pediatric brain tumor list. I just wanted to send my well wishes for the upcoming MRI. Luke has one this week as well. I'll be praying for clean scans for both of us!
Lisa M.
IN - Sunday, April 13, 2003 8:17 AM CDT
Kealie looks GREAT. yOU GO GIRL.
tAVARES, fL lAKE - Saturday, April 12, 2003 11:32 PM CDT
Jennifer, Just wanted to let you know that we are keeping you guys in our prayers! {{{hugs}}}
Martinsburg, WV - Saturday, April 12, 2003 8:36 AM CDT
Hey girl, You two hang in there, things will get better, you all have been throw so much, and have become stronger for it. so just hang i there. I will be praying for you and thinking of you. Love you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Friday, April 11, 2003 10:13 PM CDT
There must be something in the air cause me and my hubby had it out last night too! No matter how thankful you are for things it still requires alot of patience and organizational skills to get thru each day with kids and doing the everyday household things. I will pray for you if you could please say a little prayer for me and my hubby. Ha HA! I'm searching for a real cheap vacation I can go on with a girlfriend. RELAXATION is all I want on a beach somewhere! Have a great weekend and remember times do get better and you can work it out.

Jeanne Brown
- Friday, April 11, 2003 8:24 PM CDT
YA! NO MORE CHEMO!! I'll say an extra prayer for you both right now!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Friday, April 11, 2003 7:52 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know how excited I was that Kaelei is finished with chemo. I hope lots of fun awaits you this summer! Take care, Jessica Cook (NCCS)
Jessica Cook (The National Children's Cancer Society)
- Friday, April 11, 2003 4:32 PM CDT
How wonderful to be done with chemo!! Praise the Lord! I am so incredibly happy for Kaelei and for your family!!!!!!!!

You are ALWAYS in my prayers! Have a fabulous weekend!!!!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Friday, April 11, 2003 9:16 AM CDT
Im so glad you are done with chemo. You have had such a tough time. Just thinking of you.

Sam ( <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Thursday, April 10, 2003 6:21 PM CDT
Hey guys! The new pics are great!! Whoever made the spongebob cake did an excellent job! I am sure she was delighted! Praying for great results next week, so you can begin spring and summer on a fresh start! You all have a great day!

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
End of chemo - very cool! Way to go! Hope you have a great spring and summer. Alex is looking forward to his end of chemo, too (in August). Only a few more months!!!
Adrienne Urbanek <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 8:50 PM CDT
the pic. are great and that cake, well they did a great job on it, and it looks like a hole lot of cake. Kaelei we are so prowd of you, way to go. Love you and talk to you soon.
Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 7:43 PM CDT
- Tuesday, April 8, 2003 5:55 PM CDT
Hooray!! Sounds like you guys really did it up for the "Last Chemo Party" LOL That Sponge Bob cake looks so cool! Way to go Kaelei!! You are such a trooper and you more than deserve that special day!

So glad to hear Kevin wasn't hurt in the car accident. I can't imgaine how scary that must have been for you on the other end of the phone not knowing what was going on.

We will continue to keep you guys in our prayers!

Martinsburg , WV - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 1:25 PM CDT
WOO HOO!!! HIP HIP HOORAH!!! I am soooo happy for all of you that chemo is over!
Sorry to hear that yesterday was not smooth and uneventful, but none the less, it is behind you now! Praise GOD!!!!

Now, you can all get ready for a fun summer full of t-ball, swimming, picnics, sidewalk chalk, lightning bugs (do you have those there? some people dont!:) ) and everything else that you love to do in the summer!!!

Have a wonderful day guys!!! Cant wait to see the pics from you last tx celebration!!!


emily <>
sabina, oh - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 9:17 AM CDT
Congratulations again! I'm so glad I got to be there for the last treatment party! What a milestone. You have been a wonderful caregiver and have been a role model for many others in teaching commitment and patience. I continue to pray for you all and look forward to seeing you again next week. Yea Kaelei!
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 8:41 AM CDT
Susan Wensel
- Tuesday, April 8, 2003 8:24 AM CDT
Big hugs to you all and Doing the Happy Dance for you in Syracuse, NY because...NO MORE CHEMO!!!!! Yippee!!!!
HEather and Brianna
Syracuse, NY USA - Monday, April 7, 2003 10:26 PM CDT
Kaelei I am so happy for you .You have been such a trooper through this whole are a very strong little girl and we are all so thankful that you are doing so well.Have fun this summer and have fun playing teeball.We will enjoy watching you and Holli and Samuel.See you soon.
Randy ,Jerrie and Morgan Manes <>
Centerton, AR - Monday, April 7, 2003 9:34 PM CDT
ALRIGHT KAELEI, WAY TOGO, YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN THIS SUMMER, WITH T-BALL AND JUST HAVING A CHEMO FREE TIME. I bet that was nice to have Kevin and everyone there for that special moment. Sorry that there was a little scare, but it is all over now. Can not wait to see the pic. love you all and will ck in soon, i'm getting the pic.from you visit devlp. tomorrow and will send them ASAP for the girls. we will ck on you agian soon. Love,Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, Wv - Monday, April 7, 2003 9:33 PM CDT
Kaelei! I am so happy for you! No more chemo - hooray!!! I'm so glad you got to get an "end of treatment" party - it sounded great! What a way to end chemo though, with all those reactions, but thank God it's over! I'm so proud of you!
Lots of love from rainy South Louisiana!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, April 7, 2003 9:23 PM CDT
- Monday, April 7, 2003 6:19 PM CDT
Jen, you are right, there never seems to be a dull moment at your house!!! I am so thankful Kevin is ok.
WOW!!! As I type you all should be at chemo! How exciting!! Your last one! You have come a long way Kaelei!!! And you have been such a strong little trooper during this whole ordeal! And always smiling! You really inspire me!
And so do you jennifer! You just keep on going! No matter what comes your way, you dont just give up, you truck on!

I am sooo happy for all of you that this will be your last every week trip! Have a safe trip back guys!!!

Always praying! Blessings, and hugs!!!

emily <>
sabina, oh God Bless the USA!!! - Monday, April 7, 2003 9:16 AM CDT
Hello, Glad to here that Kevin is ok. Thank God, and your right never a dall moment!!!!!
Sounds like the girls are going to have a great summer with the t-ball, Although i would love to to see Kevin coaching LOL, i'm shore that is something in its self, well the team should never be board, with Kevin as a coach.
have a safe trip tonight and back tomorrow, YEEEEEEE Kaelei, this is the last one!!!!!!
Love you all, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Sunday, April 6, 2003 9:27 PM CDT
Jennifer - so glad Kevin was not hurt in the accident. I can imagine how freaked out you were hearing all that over the phone. My husband (truck-driver) called me yesterday after a tornado passed in front of him on the interstate and flipped another 18-wheeler into the median.
Sounds like the girls will have lots of fun playing that T-ball - I'm so happy for Kaelei being able to do that! I hope you have a good trip tomorrow and that the chemo goes well for Kaelei. You're in my thoughts and prayers!
Much Love!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Saturday, April 5, 2003 9:57 PM CST
Alright Kaelei, i guess you all will leave tomorrow for the last Chemo Yahooooooooooo.
Jen i bet you can not wait, no more everyweek drives. But i'm shore you and Kaelei will miss the time together, and the friends you have made there. Jen about the ck thing i think i would have to fight that, and tell them they made the mistake and they can take a small paymnt from every ck but not more then i can aford, there at fault and if it was the other way around they would probl. take there good old time getting the money to you. That is hard to beleive that Kevin's work would go to no overtime at all, it is just not right.
Well you all have a great last chemo and a safe trip there and back. Love you and miss you all, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, Wv - Saturday, April 5, 2003 7:31 PM CST
This check thing does not sound right! Shame on them. I'm sure I can send something your way to help out. Of course, like everyone else on the planet it seems we live check to check but have no serious matters we have to attend to; so eventually I plan to have a cushion.


WAPAKONETA, OH - Saturday, April 5, 2003 10:19 AM CST
Hey, I bet your glad chemo is almost over!! Congratulations on that! Kaelei,you have made it so far and we continue to pray for you and your family! Hope to see you soon.
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Friday, April 4, 2003 11:10 PM CST
hi guys!!! It is sunny and so springy here today!!! Just beautiful!! Hope it is gorgeous there too! Have a good day, just stopped to say hi, and let you know we are thinking of you!

- Thursday, April 3, 2003 12:40 AM CST
Ugh!! I can not believe that they would make YOU pay for THEIR mistake!! How totally unfair! I will certainly keep that situation in my prayers. Great news about the last chemo treatment coming up...definetly cause for a HUGE celebration :0)
Martinsburg, WV - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 9:11 PM CST
Hey guys. We have been without a computer for a couple weeks, well about a week i guess but it seemed like forever.... arrrgghhhh... gotta love em eh? But we havent stopped praying for or thinking of you just because of that! You are always thought of and prayed for! I had to laugh at the sweet tart. I am sure she wasnt doing anythign and it just got in there... I can picture her innocently saying that. What an angel!
I am sooo happy that this is your last treatment kaelei!! Sorry to hear that last weeks didnt go so well! We will be saying extra prayers for a smooth last treatment!
Also, wow on the moving idea... We will pray for that as well! That is a big step. I know you will lean on the Lord Jeniffer, and do what he leads you to do!
I cannot believe that about your check!!! Praying about all these things for you, here in ohio! YOu guys have a good day!! We love you!
Blessings, and hugs!!!

- Wednesday, April 2, 2003 8:58 PM CST
Hi Again! If they messed up they should be able to work with a smaller % of payback than 1/2 your check. Come up with a plan that works for you and talk to them about it and they might just be ok with that. Do it soon so you don't get too stressed out about it. Take Care!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 7:54 PM CST
Hi! Oh how I laughed at the sweet tart story :) Will say an extra prayer about the moving situation and now the $$ one with the school. Is what they offered to you even legal? Hope all turns out ok for you all.
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 1:07 PM CST
Hello from Minnesota!

Just dropped by to say "HI, How are you?" I apologize for being absent so much lately! 3 trips to Colorado in 6 weeks has about wore me out! I am trying to get back to normal and settled back in. Your family is always in my prayers and thoughts, though! Always!!!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:39 AM CST
Hi There

My name is Sam. I just wanted to let you know that I will be
checking in on you every now and then to see how you are doing hope that is ok with you! You sure are a cute little girl.

TACOMA, WA USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 8:07 PM CST
Hello, Kaelei Just one more and then it is over except for the 2 month MRI's, Keep smiling sweet heart. Hello Holli how are you?
Dalton says Hi my girls.
Well i have not gotten the pic. done yet other things came up and i did not have the money to get them devlp. yet. well i was just cking in and i will talk to you later, have a good week to you all. Love,Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 7:54 PM CST
What a cute story!! Reminds me of the time that I was babysitting my nephew and he put a lego up his nose and I panicked and had to call my mom to come and help me get it out. I was about 30 at the time. But I am glad that was all it was. Take care.
Jenny <>
Nisswa, - Monday, March 31, 2003 1:41 PM CST
COOL BORDER FOR CARINGBRIDGE! U*S*A* Sounds like Kaelei was missing the hospital scene so she thought of a cool idea to try to get there, Ha, Ha! She's beginning to sound like Raymond from everybody loves Raymond. He stuck something up his nose when he was a kid - if I wasn't so old and my memory was good - i could remember what and how he got it out. I'll have to watch another rerun of it to remember i guess. God bless these precious, funny memories you are making. I thought about taking my boys to the Piglet movie and didn't. I may want to rethink that. Have a great week. Hope all goes well at chemo and school. Have a safe trip.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Sunday, March 30, 2003 8:29 PM CST
Hi! I was laughing out loud at the sweet tart story! That Kaelei sure is funny! We really enjoyed your visit here! It was so nice to see our kids playing together. Kaelei has a great sense of humor and Holli is just so sweet! Conner keeps asking when "those two girls" are coming back to see him! LOL It snowed here today....ugh!! I thought we were done with it. Hope you guys had a good weekend!
Martinsburg, WV - Sunday, March 30, 2003 7:45 PM CST
Hello, I'm glad to here that you got the sweet tart out, I could not stop laughing while reading this, and Jeff just gat a big kick out of it to. It sounds like Kevin has a good plan about going to school, he should ck into a grant through the govr. or into a school loan throw Salle Mae, that is were i got my loan for school and you don't have to pay it back untill you finish school and sometimes hey give you 6 months after you finish before you have to pay back to loan and the paymnts are pretty low, dep. on the amount you get.
Well it is snowing here, and the guys don't now what to do with themselfs sence Racing was suppose to start today. it was 70deg. yesterday and now it is snowing, crazy!!!!
well we will ck on you later, Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Sunday, March 30, 2003 10:02 AM CST
Glad you got the sweet tart out of your nose Kaelei! That is never a good thing! :-) Have a good weekend.
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:16 PM CST
As always, thinking of you...
Tried to call today but didn't get an answer. You should be getting a package tomorrow so be there so you can sign for it. Emailed you about it. Hope all is well and see you Monday!

Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, March 28, 2003 1:34 PM CST
Sounds like you had a great trip. Family is very important and it is hard if one side lives her and the other there. Good Luck on your decision making and I will pray for you on it. But it sounds like you may have already made your decision in your head and this would be a compromise since Kevin moved from his family to your family. Have a great and restful week.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 5:50 PM CST
Hello, Glad to here you all are home safely and that Kaelei is doing well. Jen i'm not shore what to say on the moving back thing because i for one would love to have my two best friends and there kids here with us again. But i now i would not want to leave my family either, and i'm not shore how Kevin did it. I hated it when you all moved but i no know that it was the best thing for Kaelei. Ireally am at a lost for words for you, because as i said i want you to move back, but that is a dec. that you have to make. I love you guys and i will be praying for you.
Tell the girls that Dalton says HELLO, and he can not wait to see them again, when every that may be. Love you guys and i wish i could give you some adv. but i can not be abjective in this mater. Love, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11:28 AM CST
OOOOOOpppppps i put the wrong e-mail address in there.
Missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Monday, March 24, 2003 5:42 PM CST
Hello, Glad that the flight was ok. We had a great time seeing you all last week, and Dalton can not stop taken about ( His Girls) as he puts it, well i hope Kevin and Holli had a safe drive home and that you and Kealei have one today. Can't wait to see you all again. I will probl. get the pic. devlp. this weekend and send them out the first of the week, i will let you no.
See you soon, Love, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, March 24, 2003 5:40 PM CST
Hope you all had a great time and made it home safely. Can't wait to hear about the trip. Have a GREAT week!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Sunday, March 23, 2003 7:22 PM CST
Hi Jennifer! Just checking in on you. I hope you had a wonderful vacation! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Lots of Love!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Sunday, March 23, 2003 11:22 AM CST
Hey guys!!! Glad to hear you are enjoying your time! We are of course praying for you, and for safe traveling home! Enjoy your last couple days there... we look forward to hearing from you when you get home! love you!!
- Wednesday, March 19, 2003 10:06 PM CST
You have such a beautiful little girl, WE are praying for you and your family. god bless your family
wi - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 9:19 PM CST
WAPAKONETA, OH - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:59 PM CST
Our prayers for safe travel are with you!! I also pray you have the time of your lives and enjoy every second of your vacation!

Hugs and Love,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:27 AM CST
- Monday, March 17, 2003 7:54 AM CST
Hi Kaelei! So glad to see things are going well there. Just dropping by to check up on you and leave you our thoughts and wishes. You dont have to be Irish, I'm not, to have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Saturday, March 15, 2003 4:14 AM CST
Have fun!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Friday, March 14, 2003 10:51 PM CST
WAPAKONETA, OH - Friday, March 14, 2003 5:08 PM CST
feel better soon!
Heather Kline
- Friday, March 14, 2003 8:07 AM CST
Hi Kaelei! I hope you're feeling better from that strep throat! No fun! You deserve a vacation! I hope you have fun! Just wanted to let you know we're thinking about you!
Lots of Love!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:29 PM CST
Hey guys!! Just stopping to say hi, have a great day! Hope your throat is feeling better kaelei!

- Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:39 PM CST
Strep throat is no fun...I used to get it all the time...Popsicles are wonderful when you have strep throat! I hope you get better really soon! You were really brave...I don't like shots..I really don't think I'd like one in my behind! Get better soon!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:24 PM CST
Thank goodness it wasn't anything serious.I am so glad that it is almost over and then you all can enjoy not having to go to the doctor every week.Have a good trip,be safe and have fun.We will see you when you get back.
Jerrie and Morgan manes <>
Centerton, AR - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 2:45 PM CST
What a brave young lady you are! I hate the strep throat. Chase suffered with it for a long time because the doctors wouldn't listen when I asked them about him having strep throat. Finally they swabbed him & guess what? It was positive. We hope you feel better real soon!
Take care,

DeAnna and family <>
Ga USA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 1:42 PM CST
Hello, What a nite, Glad to hear that it is not to serious. that is great about the basketball team!!!! And Jen you have been around Kevin so long that you are starting to talk like him. WoooooHooooo, that is so funny. well the weather man said that the weekend is suppose to be nice out. I hope Kaelei gets better before the trip!!!! well i have to get going Dalton has a hair appt. and i'm shore he will come home with some diff. color hair, the lady how does his hair always spikes it up with some colored jel. See you all Sat. we all can not wait, just three more days, are you pack yet. LOL have a great and safe plane ride. All you all are leaving to go back o the 22nd and that is Jeff's b-day. Love you, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
bunker hill, Wv - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 7:55 AM CST
Oh my gosh, what a night. I am so thankful it is nothing more serious. Have fun packing and getting ready this week. I hope the sun is shining and warming things up there. Take Care and know that I always pray for your precious Kaelei.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 3:50 PM CST
Hey guys!! Wow what a nite eh? Here I was just thinking I would be leaving a message, glad things went well etc... no wonder i was feeling lead to pray for yall last nite!!
Kaelei, you are such a brave little girl! I cry when i have to get a shot, and always when i need an iv!! I am very proud of you!
Sorry to hear you have strep! It is a real bummer! Good thing about it is, you get to eat all the popsicles you want!!!
Almost scary how fast things can change eh?
Well, we will be praying as usual, and for an extra speedy recovery.
Good luck with getting everything ready for this weekend.... talk to ya soon!

- Tuesday, March 11, 2003 9:58 AM CST
Just stopping by to check on you guys. So glad to hear Kaelei's counts are back up! I don't know if I'll be able to get back on here by Saturday so I wanted to wish you guys a safe trip. Can't wait to see ya'll LOL
Martinsburg, WV - Monday, March 10, 2003 9:06 PM CST
Greetings from Phoenix!
I have been following your wonderful family for some time (through Mearan's website). You all are a great inspiration. Have a great vacation and enjoy your family time.
LeAnn Burbank & family

Kevin & LeAnn Burbank <>
Phoenix, AZ - Monday, March 10, 2003 10:53 AM CST
Good Morning, McDonald Family!

I am so excited you guys will be able to go on this trip. Praise the Lord! You deserve all the happiness and fun you can handle!!!! I pray the week of packing and prep will fly by smoothly for each of you. Have a marvelous time!

Love & Prayers,

- Monday, March 10, 2003 7:37 AM CST
Hey guys... we are praying for a no problems day at chemo, and safe travels home this afternoon! Just letting you know we are thinking of you! Blessings & Hugs!!

- Monday, March 10, 2003 7:34 AM CST
The pictures are great, Bradley just loved them. I know what you mean about the moods kids get. Bradley has been very moody and he has alot of anger and gets very hateful. I usually can sit and talk with him the thing that works best with him is a great big HUG! Hope you have a great trip. You are in our prayers. Linda
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 11:47 PM CST
I hope the basketball game went well. Well i have been showing Dalton a pic of you guys and teaching him your names, he almost has is down pat. Vicki left me borrow the pic of you all together and i had it scanned by a friend and printed on photo paper and put it in a frame and you can not even tell that it is not the original. Dalton keeps forgetting Kevin's name he calls him Jennifer's boy friend. Is that cute or what. LOL He keeps telling Jeff that you guys are coming to see him soon.
Well i hope that your trip to chemo was good and you have a safe trip there and back. Well we will probl. be at Kevin's mom and dad's on sat. when you all come in, i hope that is ok i don't want to be intr. on there time, Vicki will have Dalton during the day while were at work. She watches him on tues.,thurs.,and sat.
Well hope you all have a great week and a great plane ride, have fun packing!!!!
Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Sunday, March 9, 2003 6:15 PM CST
Hope you had fun at the basketball game. Did they win? Thinking of your safe trip to chemo and home again! Have fun washing and packing clothes this week. I know you've been wanted to go to WV for a long time. I am so happy you finally get to go. Hope the sun is shining there today! Take Care!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta , OH - Sunday, March 9, 2003 4:11 PM CST
It is certainly true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Those pics of Kaelei really touched my heart. It must have been so hard for you to see her like that and I really admire you for your courage and determination! Well we are certainly looking forward to your visit to West Virginia! Can't wait to see you and Kevin and the girls! Have a great Sunday!
Martinsburg, WV - Sunday, March 9, 2003 7:13 AM CST
This is most certainly the best page I have seen yet. How do yo do such great work and still keep up with the family? God loves you dear. I thught I was looking at pictures of my daughter, Shannon. Same surgery, same age. Same story... Weird uh? Shannonis turnig 4 on ST Patrick's Day. School is doing beter than my husband and I at the otty training thing. We also have a two yr. old who hates the potty.
Sorry to bable. I love the page keep up the good work and thanks for the inspiration to look ahead.
Lisa m/o Shannon

Lisa <>
Florida - Saturday, March 8, 2003 10:15 PM CST
Hey guys!!! Wow... one week to go eh? Are you excited? I sure would be!! It was gorgeous here today, nice, warm and springy... but someone is predicting snow this week! Enough of the white for me!! I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend... have a safe trip to treatment this week! Blessings, hugs & prayers sent your way!

- Saturday, March 8, 2003 10:03 PM CST
hello,how are you guys doing, are you packing yet, only one more week and you will be here for us to give big hugs and kisses to. we can not wait. we can not wait to hear Kevin say WayyyyHoooooo and worken like a dog. everyone here is getting so excited to see you guys.

I can not tell you how brave you two are to have to had seen Kaelei throw what you had to, i don't know if i could have done it.
and like a few of the other entries stated there is just something in Kaelei's eyes that is just amazing.
Well the weather is clearing up and i hope will stay that way for when you guys come here. WayyyyHoooooo just one more week!!!!!!!
can not wait to see you love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Friday, March 7, 2003 8:05 PM CST
Wow, those pictures do say a lot don't they? I have read this site now for a while and those pictures really put in into perspective. Kaelei should be very proud of herself. She has come a long way.
I hope you all have had a good week and enjoy your weekend.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, - Thursday, March 6, 2003 4:35 PM CST
Hey everyone!! How are ya?? We are freezing!!! So much for my thinking that spring was almost near!! in the 50's one day, and last nite, and today, we have had freezing rain so bad that there was no school!!!! Of course the boys didnt mind... but they will when they dont get to have spring break, and have to go to school longer at the end of the year because they have missed sooo much! YIKES!! But, we are doing good, hope all is well with you guys!!! Have a great day! Hugs!!!

- Thursday, March 6, 2003 11:49 AM CST
Those pictures say so much and make me realize how strong children really are.Kaelei you have been through so much and have come so far.I am so proud of you and you are always in our prayers.
Jerrie and Morgan Manes <>
Centerton, AR - Thursday, March 6, 2003 8:35 AM CST
WOW Kaelei those pictures tell a lot!'ve been through so much! You are so STRONG even when you were a baby!!!! Hope to see you soon!
Natalie Johson <>
Rogers, AR - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:50 PM CST
I hope this finds you doing well and feeling good.
Lots of people are thinking of you.
Hugs and prayers,

~ Gooch's Site ~ * * ~ Adopt A Kid's site ~
- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:55 PM CST
HI guys!! What is up? Not anythign too exciting here! BUT... yesterday it was in the 50's!!!! YEAH!!! Spring is going to come soon!!! We cant wait!!! Just wanted to stop in and say hi!! Hugs and blessings!!

- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 2:54 PM CST
Hello there...sorry I've not been writing when I check on you guys. Hang in there...don't think it's unusual to have "downs" after what you folks have been through. You are always in our prayers. God bless each of you.

Marilyn Hollis <>
Lowell, AR USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 10:14 AM CST
I love reading about Kaelei before I met her. She was extraordinary from the beginning, wasn't she? What a blessing. Thank you for sharing your memories. I am so glad she is doing so well and continue to pray for her healing and your strength.
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:00 AM CST
Hugs to you!!
Heather and Brianna Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:32 AM CST
Seeing the miracle God has done in Kaelei by looking at the pictures when she was so sick, makes my heart sing! I praise God for the healing He has provided for your precious girl! I am ever thankful to have "met" you and your family. You are a huge testimony and blessing to us!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 10:17 AM CST
Hey guys!! I love the new pics!!! What a brave little trooper she is! Jen, is that you in the pic with kaelei? Anyways... you all have a wonderful day today k! Hope you guys are still on the mend, and feeling better every minute! HUGS!!!!!!

- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 8:33 AM CST
Hi Kaelei! Happy Mardi Gras from Louisiana!!! Today is called "Fat Tuesday" so we're going to eat some yummy King Cake that Cameron got from his SMILE Buddy from the hospital. Cameron has to get transfusions today so he can't go to the parades.
I love your pictures - you've always been a little cutie, haven't you??? I see you and Cameron have that same battle scar on the back of the head - what a thing to have in common huh? I hope you and Holli are being good for Mommy, give her lots of hugs!!!! We love you!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 8:00 AM CST
I really enjoy your website and love seeing the great pictures. Kaelei and Holli are both so beautiful and such a joy. They brighten my day. We missed you at church and especially the hugs. I check your website constantly looking forward to new entries but I Don't feel very comfortable signing the guest book. Just remember that we are always there checking up on you even if we don't sign in. Looking forward to more new pictures. Hope you are feeling better. Love Connie Callaway
Connie Callaway <>
- Monday, March 3, 2003 11:03 PM CST
Hi! The pictures are wonderful..what a cutie...there's something about those eyes of hers that just "grab" ya. I am so glad that things are going so well for her! Hope you feel better soon!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, March 3, 2003 8:47 PM CST
Thanks for letting us see those pictures. It is sad and joyful all at the same time. How relived you must be since you (Kevin) found them. What a story this will make for when she is older. She will know exactly how things were. And that incision~ouch! But look at how far she has came. Continue to fight ~ Kaelei, your doing GREAT!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Monday, March 3, 2003 8:20 PM CST
I have been keeping track of your progress, god bless keep stong..
nicole <>
wi - Monday, March 3, 2003 6:56 PM CST
Just checking in! Your girls are so beautiful. You must be so proud. I pray that nasty depression lifts and you have a wonderful day!
Christi Hamilton <>
Dove Canyon, CA - Monday, March 3, 2003 11:54 AM CST
HI guys!!! I was sooo happy to see new pictures on your site!! Jennifer, I can not believe what a tremendous change there is in Kaelei!!! Certainly brings a smile to my face!!! The girls are both so beautiful! There smiles are very contagious! We are constantly praying for all of you!
Love and hugs,

- Monday, March 3, 2003 11:24 AM CST
Cute pictures! I also check in every day but don't always sign in, but I will make it a point at least once a week. Please know that Kaelei is in my thoughts however.
Have a wonderful week and I hope you feel better!

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Monday, March 3, 2003 9:50 AM CST
You have some very beautiful children. I check in with your page every morning but I don't believe I have ever left a message before. Just remember that even though I don't leave a messgae I am here, checking and praying.

Tammy Hagman <>
Lester Prairie , MN USA - Monday, March 3, 2003 8:36 AM CST
Keep taking things one day at a time -- remember that spring, the season of rebirth, is just around the corner!
Susan Wensel
- Monday, March 3, 2003 7:57 AM CST
Hi! Jennifer, Just wanted to let you know that you've been in my thoughts and prayers alot lately. That Holli sure is a funny girl! The new pictures are so cute. Looks like you guys had a ball!! We are really looking forward to seeing you guys when you come down to WV. I know that is all Jason has been talking about for a while. He was really excited to get to talk to Kevin the other night! Have a great Monday :0)
Martinsburg, WV - Monday, March 3, 2003 7:16 AM CST
- Sunday, March 2, 2003 11:04 PM CST
HI all,
I found out about your website through the Pohl's. I have been checking on your family for about 1 year and have had you in our prayers. I can not imagine the roller coaster ride you have been on ... don't ever apologize for your "down" time! Anyway, I will continue to keep tabs on you. I wish Kaeli the best life (& God) has to offer!
The Burbank's

Kevin & LeAnn Burbank <>
Phoenix, , AZ - Sunday, March 2, 2003 10:11 PM CST
Hey Jennifer!!
I meant to email you with Maddie's website address but kept forgetting. I'm glad you remembered it! You have a GREAT memory! I check Kaelei's site everyday and keep y'all in my prayers. I loved pictures! They are priceless. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Sunday, March 2, 2003 10:00 PM CST
Hey Kaelei and Holli!! We missed you at church today! I love looking at your website...such cute picutures!! Hope to see you guys soon!
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR - Sunday, March 2, 2003 4:40 PM CST
Sweet pictures!

DeAnna <>
Ga USA - Sunday, March 2, 2003 4:28 PM CST
Hey jennifer I just thought that I would say hi.I think I look up your site about everyday I just don't sign a whole lot. Most of the time I don't know what to say.But I will try to do better.I hope you get well soon.Have a good week and a good trip.
Jerrie Manes <>
Centerton, AR - Sunday, March 2, 2003 2:56 PM CST
Hi, Jennifer. I've been looking at the Cancer Kids page and reading this story and that one, mostly the ones about Wilm's Tumors, so I don't know why I stopped on this one. I read and read other people's stories and eventually the journal entries get further and further apart and the writers tell about how their babies are healed. I read yours and your last entry was today. Don't worry about your house. Who cares? It's more important to spend time creating memories with your kids than it is to have a clean house. That's what my mom always said, and I had a happier childhood than she did.
April Ostberg <>
Bakersfield, Ca Kern - Sunday, March 2, 2003 0:55 AM CST
Hello Kaelei, I found your page through Camerons and I just wanted to stop and say hello. You will be another page that I will try to check on. There are just way too many. Take care and tell mommy that I am another mommy who can never remember where she put anything!

Wilmer, Al USA - Saturday, March 1, 2003 9:31 PM CST
Hello me again, Sorry for all the mistakes and mispelled words but i'm have trouble with the webtv letting me go back to make corrections,
P.S. Tell Kevin i do not thinks that he is going to be doing any racing at Mason-Dixion, that is watching or driving unless we get a heat wave!!!!!! LOL love missy

missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:58 PM CST
Hello, Jen i get very upset with Dalton and sometimes i fell i have went over the line, and i fell like a bad mother, just hang in there i think it is a normal mothering thing, sometimes things are just to much. as lng as they no we love them that is all that matters. and about your weight and come her to see Kevin's family and friends, we do not can what you look like we just want to see all of you and besides, his family could not hav ask for a better person to be the mother of his childern, you are great with them and that is what they will see not your weight. and if it make you fill any better i have not lost any of my weight from having Dalton and then some so just what untill you see me, SMALL JEANS ARE LONG GONE, but i'm happy and that is all that matters. Like i said we all just want to see you guys!!!!!! well 30 something inch last week another 10 to 12 this week and the almonack says 52 inch for next week,I HOPE NOT. So when is your spring break when are you all to get back here in the big WVA.
see you soon, Love Missy,Jeff,and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:51 PM CST
I am sure that Kaelei will look back and remember all the good things! You'll be in my prayers :)
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, February 27, 2003 12:12 AM CST
Hang tough Jennifer. You are a wonderful mother!!! Parenting is so tough under the best of circumstances- and you guys have had so many challenges thrown your way. Maybe some time to yourself on a regular basis to regroup, or some counseling or help from an ed specialist? I will say a prayer for your strength, patience and endurance.
Heather, mommy to Brianna
Syracuse, NY USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 12:06 AM CST
Hi Jennifer. I came over from Mearan's page sometime back--I haven't been here in awhile but something made me check in today. I think I hear mothers across the country standing to say amen! You just expressed the frustration of every parent on the planet. I have a friend who lost her son to leukemia in the fall--She is a very Godly woman and I asked her how she sometimes just didn't rip her other kids' heads off. (Not literally, but you know what I mean) She said losing her son made her appreciate every day, but it didn't change the daily frustrations of dealing with her other kids. She still gets mad, sad, frustrated and down right angry!

My middle daughter had heart surgery at 4 days old, she's fine now, but for a time we were I need to tell you that she is my most "challenging" child? I'm not sure if God gave her a little extra spunk to survive what she had to endure, or if He gave it to her to test my patience...and test my patience, she does. Sometimes I literally have to walk away because she makes me so angry I want to slap her face. I do believe in spanking my children, but I never want to slap them--sometimes restraint is difficult. (OK, all you pacifists out there, don't go calling Child Protective Services :)

It's the age old problem. "I love you so much I would die for you, but you're driving me so nuts, I want to kill you." You're not alone. Moms (and dads) everywhere can relate. I will pray for you. Didn't mean to ramble so long. Have a good day.

Christi <>
- Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:54 AM CST
You will always have my understanding and my fervent prayers, Jennifer!
- Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:26 PM CST
Hi, this is my first time stopping by, I read your first entry with Kaelei's story, and WOW she has been through alot. I hope you all have a fun vacation, hey and about the weight gain, I am right there with you. My daughter has Leukemia, and I think the stress has taken toll on my body! I read that you also went to Disneyworld on your Make a Wish trip, We went in Jan 02 it was the greatest. I think I could live at give kids the world. ITS MAGICAL! Take care, I will check in more often now I have found your page.
Tonya <>
SLC, UT - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 4:16 PM CST
Hi Kaelei! You can send some of that snow down here! Cameron and Austin have never seen snow. The one time it did snow here, 2 years ago New Year's Eve at midnight, they wouldn't wake up. Then by the morning it was gone. Oh well, maybe next year. I hope you have fun playing in the snow. We love you gals!!!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:28 PM CST
Hi there Kaelei! Just wanted to drop in and check for an update and see how you are doing. You know lots of people are thinking of you!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:55 AM CST
Sorry i forgot about your b-day Jen, Happy b-day. Hey i'm 29 and only one more year untill i see that BIG 30, Jen you need to sit down and take all of Kaelei's journal entries and write a book, the way you write and see things and the way you make very thing so understandable even the big medical terms is so amazing. Well i better get to bed. Talk to you soon. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, Wv - Friday, February 21, 2003 10:04 PM CST
That Teddy Bear story brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderfull story and a special gift she will treasure the rest of her life. Yeah!
Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, - Friday, February 21, 2003 3:51 PM CST
I just found out you had a website. I love the pictures! I think of you often, luckily don't see you very often! You know what that means around here- the less we see you, the better their doing. You are such a strength for Kailei and I am so glad to get to witness that. Continous prayers and thoughts...
Carrie Calhoon <>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, February 21, 2003 9:15 AM CST
Happy Birthday! It will be great fun to hear about the girls growing up..those memories are priceless. I know i haven't signed in in a while...but I check often. The pic of the two of you is wonderful! I hope your birthday dinner is fanstastic!! I so admire the strength and courage that you have shown during this journey.
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:24 PM CST




WAPAKONETA, OH - Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:02 PM CST
I love your Kaelei memories. They are priceless. Keep them coming. I miss Mearans memories, but I know that Suzi has tons on her mind and right now it is about Kyle staying safe and his journey he now faces. I to, like the turtle backgournd. Once again, thanks for sharing your family with us.
Jenny <>
Nisswa, - Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:49 AM CST
Jen, The turtles are great there really cute!!! and i can see the the screen better on the webtv with the turtle theam. The pic of you and Kaelei is so cute and brings back old memories of when you all live here. and the night she was born, you guys playing cards in the hospital room before she was born. We can not what to see you all soon. We got so much snow here, and i need to go dig my truck out so i will see you later and tell Kevin Hello.
Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:15 AM CST
HI Guys!
Love the new pics and the turtle background :-) Very cute!
We recently lost all of our favorites too, which is why I havent stopped by to say hi in the past week or so. We got a huge snow storm and are burried in snow- luckily, we didnt get as much as our neighbors. About 1/2 hour north of us (Fulton NY) got 4 feet in 48 hours! Crazy! But that is central NY for ya.
Heather and Brianna Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 3:33 PM CST
Oh Jennifer! I am so pleased that you are writing Kaelei Memories. I praise and thank the Lord that I wrote my Mear Memories. These are precious gifts worth more than gold, diamonds or millions. What a blessing it will be to us through the years to read over these memories; laughing, crying and recalling. Praise the Lord!
suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:46 AM CST
Hi Jennifer! I just love the Kaelei and Mama picture - it is so precious! You have some beautiful babies!
Lots of Love!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:22 AM CST

It's always good to get Kaeli updates!

Sue Otterson <>
Kent, OH USA - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:51 PM CST
Hi McDonalds!! Glad to hear you and Kevin had a great Valentine's Day! I bet the girls enjoyed their parties at school as well. What fun it is to get a new bedroom. And a newly painted one is just as nice! Any particular theme they went with? Jennifer, you wouldn't believe what my house looks like. I've been cleaning for days and can't seem to get the paperwork thing in control. I am such a pack rat! I have people coming to stay with us this weekend and next and I'll be cleaning until they get here I'm sure. I don't even live as busy as a schedule as you. I have no idea how people accomplish all this. I wish I was more like Suzi - she is so organized and such a clean freak! Oh, well! Take Care and have a great week! HAPPY PAINTING!! We already have a two hour delay tomorrow! Yeah!! We have so much snow we don't know what to do with it all!
WAPAKONETA, OH - Monday, February 17, 2003 10:38 PM CST
Hello Ladies! Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day and 3-day weekend! Looking forward to those new pictures. You're in our thoughts and in our prayers!
Lots of Love!

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, February 17, 2003 7:28 PM CST
Kaelei and Jennifer -

I hope that last week's treatment went well. And that you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Meghan has had a longer than expected break from chemo due to the nasty flu bug. She's doing much better now and is expected to start up another round this Thursday. She's been taking an after school drama class and has been taking swimming lessons as well. She really enjoys the swimming. She's ready for spring!

We continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

The Heisler Family <>
- Monday, February 17, 2003 1:08 PM CST
suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, February 17, 2003 7:40 AM CST
Hey guys!!! I sure hope you had a nice valentines, and a great weekend!! I too saw a show about arkansas childrens on discovery health!!! What a small world eh!!! Thought of you all the whole time! But what else is new!! Well, just wanted to say, that I am praying for and thinking of you all!

- Monday, February 17, 2003 5:55 AM CST
HI! I just watched a documentary about Arkansas Children's Hospital on Discovery Health. WOW! I felt even closer to you guys after seeing that.

Large hugs and sweet kisses to each one of you!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:32 PM CST
Good Morning!
It's sunny and cold here in MN! How is your weather in AR? Did you eat all of your Valentine's candy? My boys have most of theirs gone already!

I pray you have a great weekend, full of smiles and giggles!!!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, February 15, 2003 9:36 AM CST
Happy Valentine's Day Ladies (and Dad)! Looks like you're having a rainy day too. Well, it's better to eat all that Valentine chocolate inside anyway! Lots of Love and Prayers from Louisiana!
Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Friday, February 14, 2003 8:24 AM CST
Hi Kaelei, Holli & Jennifer!

Our computer is up and running again, so I will be back on here checking to see how the McDonald family is doing.

I would never laugh at you, Jennifer. You probably had more snow than we do!! You can still see grass here in MN!

Take care and know we love you and continue to pray! Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Friday, February 14, 2003 6:24 AM CST
HI guys!!!!
Hope you all have a wondeful day!!!
Blessings and hugs! Love,

- Friday, February 14, 2003 5:41 AM CST
Kailei, I have been meaning to sign your guestbook for months. You drive right by Russellville, where Savannah lives, everytime you go to clinic. We go on Tuesdays's for chemo. I still haven't forgotten about inviting you guys over one Sunday on your way to LR. We need to do it soon. Did you get to play in the snow? Savannah didn't want to go outside, but her big sister Cassie sure did. Last year when it snowed we made snow angels. We only got 3". Darn, we needed a little more to make snow angels. If it snows again in Russellville I am going to cover my whole yard in snow angels.
Lisa Hurley <>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 4:43 PM CST
Hi Kaelei! Just wanted to drop by and say hi! We sent you and Holli a special Valentine surprise from Cameron & Austin - hope you gals like it. Have a Happy Valentines Day! Lots of Love!
Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:34 AM CST
Hi Kaelei! Sorry it has been so long since I have signed on. I have been very busy! Besides catering to my 2 sick sons last week with a husband out of town. I have been thinking of you! I am happy you were able to make it to chemo. Not much longer now at all! You take care and don't get anymore bad bugs!

Jennifer, I hope you and Kevin have an enjoyable evening! I'm sure it will be real nice especially with Valentines day this weekend!

Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, Oh - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:44 PM CST
Hey guys!!! Glad you were able to make it safely to chemo! I pray all went well, and you had a safe return trip as well! Can you believe your days of traveling to chemo are almost over? I am sooo happy for all of you! Jen, I too would be freaking out over the snow! Although we get snow off and on all winter, it is usually only 3-4 inches!! This year, it seems that as soon as the snow finally melts, more comes... and the kids have missed sooo many days of school because of the snow, i am afraid they are going to have to start making them up! :( what a bummer!
No mention of anyone feeling icky any longer, so i assume the bugs are all gone?! I hope so! We are always praying for all of you! I am happy you will all get some time together this weekend! Enjoy yourselves!!!
God bless!

- Wednesday, February 12, 2003 10:26 AM CST
Hello all, glad that you made it ok to chemo and i hope you made it back ok. Jen it is ok for you to have a day of just being a little off. We have been gtting snow everyday not alot but everyday. well i hope you and Kevin have a great weekend you desv. it. Well Kaelei the chemo is almost over. hope to see you all soon. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
bunker hill, wv - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:56 AM CST
Just wanted to drop by and leave you some Valentine’s thoughts & wishes & PRAYERS. Hoping things are going good for you today. I hope you’re getting new guestbook messages since you have been listed on Adopt a Kid’s Site, Amie & I are trying to get as many people thinking and praying as possible

Chris - Gooch's mom
Gooch's Site
Adopt A Kid's site - just click on Caringbridge on the left
- Wednesday, February 12, 2003 1:11 AM CST
Hi there, I hope things are going well there.
Please know lots of people are thinking of you and praying for you this Valentine's Day!!!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Monday, February 10, 2003 11:41 PM CST
Kaelei and Holli,I hope you both are feeling better.I think everyone has gotten sick here latly.We hope to see you at church soon .Have a safe trip home.
Jerrie and Morgan Manes <>
Centerton, AR - Monday, February 10, 2003 3:06 PM CST
Hello Kaelei... Just wanted to stop by to say hello and give you a big hug. I belong to a group of ladies who stitch virtual quilts for children. When you have a moment to spare please stop by Quilts of Love by clicking on the graphic and have a look around. We would love to make you a Quilt of Love of your very own.
The Quilting Angel's

Gramma Mimi (Quilts of Love) <>
FL - Saturday, February 8, 2003 0:40 AM CST
Hi McDonald Family!

Just wanted to stop by and say "Hello". You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We love you! I hope everyone is feeling better! Take care!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Friday, February 7, 2003 12:57 AM CST
Dear Jennifer,
I just found your website, and very glad that I did! My little girl Caroline, who is 10 years old, was dx in June of 2001 with a highly aggressive astrocytoma. She had a successful surgery, 6 weeks radiation and 10 months of aTemodar (oral chemo). She has been doing wonderfully, but to make a long story short, she has been rediagnosed. She actually had a JPA!! I read your entries with great intrest!
You and your wonderful Kaelei have been through hell, but you both sound like real champs! I laughed and cried my way through every one of your entries. I could identify with so much of what you are feeling. You can feel so alone, and people think you just need to "get over it". We thought for a year and a half that our Caroline was going to be taken from us because of the pathologists misktake. If we had not moved to another area, we would problay still be in the dark.
While we are hugely releived with the news of a low grade tumor, I still live in a certain amount of fear. She had radiation, which can cause new malignancies, or God help us leukemia. Caroline was on a new chemo, which was not as toxic as some of the others thank God! To be honest, I switch from being mad and prfoundly grateful (actually I am always prfoundly grateful for my baby) I am so sorry that your little one has had to undergo what no child should have to go through! I pray that she will be totally healed, and that you and your family can get some peace.
I did not know that a JPA could come back as a higher grade tumor.Caroline's was also located in the cerebellum, and she receives MRI' (brain and spine) every 4 months. I must admit that I find myself watching her for any sign or slip, when I know in my head that the chances are low that the tumor will reoccur, at least that is what I have been told by the doctors. Well, thank you for your website, it was very helpful to me,you are the first parent that I have "talked" to who has a child with a JPA. Please take care, and you and your family are in my prayers.
Karen Powell

Karen Powell <>
Charleston , SC Charleston - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 7:10 PM CST
We hope you made it for chemo and back safe, i'm shore the drive was not great but just think not much more longer and Kaelei will be done. YAAAAAAAAy!!!!!!!! it was nice to talk to kevin the other day on the phone and for him and Jeff to get to talk it has been awhile, we all can not what to see you all in March if you get to come. Well Holli i hope that the pink eye has gotten better and i hope no one else in the house got it. Well i will ck upon you all later. Love Missy,Jeff, and Dalton / and (bill)
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, February 3, 2003 9:00 PM CST
WAPAKONETA, OH - Monday, February 3, 2003 7:02 PM CST
Hey guys!!! sounds like some awful things are going around at your house!!! We will be praying for the health of all of you!!!
I know you hate to miss chemo... your soooo close to finishing, who wants to postpone your final treatment!!!!
You guys are never far from our thoughts and prayers!!!!
We love you!!!

- Monday, February 3, 2003 5:49 PM CST
Sorry to hear about the pink eye. Hope you guys don't get it too and everything goes ok at the docs today. We have to go in today to for Brianna's appointment (counts and checkup)
Heather and Brianna Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Monday, February 3, 2003 8:20 AM CST
I am so happy the tumor is gone and pray it does not come back. I hope you girls get over your coughs it is no fun being sick. You have been in our prayers since day one. Little Bradley sends his love he misses everyone. Love you all! Linda Boudreau and Bradley
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, Mo USA - Saturday, February 1, 2003 10:49 PM CST
Hi Kaelei. I hope Chemo went well this week! Did you have fun at school? We had one day off school with all the snow. But the ice skating has been fun! I hope all is well to have Chemo on Monday because the sooner you get it the sooner you are done! Take Care and have a GREAT weekend!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 03:54 PM (CST)
your in our prayer.
Lynn, PA - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 09:55 AM (CST)
Hello, to you all. Sorry to hear that the girls have been felling under the weather. Dalton had bronccitous the other week, he is better now. Sorry i have not wrote for a while i was out of town for work, in DC and was it ever COLDDDDDDDDD, it is not much better here at home either, well it was alittle worm today. Jen i do not know how you keep up with everything. Hang in there!!! Well i was just cking up on you guys, and i hope you all get better soon. Love and miss you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 09:12 PM (CST)
Hugs to you all! Hope those coughs get better and that rash goes away soon. Brianna used to get what was called a chemo rash-red and bumpy that is caused by different meds. She is home from school for the 3rd day in a row becuase it is so cold here- temps below zero plus the windchill- yuck!
talk with you soon!
Heather and Brianna Kline
freezing in Syracuse, NY USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 10:15 AM (CST)
Hey guys!!!!! It is saturday!! YEAH! I hope you are all feeling well enough to enjoy it! Just wanted to stop and let you know, we love you!

- Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 11:03 AM (CST)
Hi Kaelei! Did your sister recover yet? I hope so! I hope you have a great weekend! Still thinking of you as always!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 09:58 AM (CST)
Hello, I read about Kailea from Brian Adam's update to Brethren Online.

Please know that Kailea and all of you are in my prayers.

Mike Baughman <>
Tulsa, OK USA - Friday, January 24, 2003 at 02:02 PM (CST)
Sorry I haven't signed on in a while. Things are pretty nuts here, but that is no excuse. Please know I am still checking on you all and of course praying. Take care and always know we love you!
suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 11:50 AM (CST)
hey guys!! thinking of you this afternoon!!! It is soooooo cold here! Are you guys getting this nasty cold weather?? It is usualy cold here in the winter but NOT this cold!! BrRRRRR!!! Well, hope all is well! You guys have a great day!

- Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 11:25 AM (CST)
Hey guys!!! I hope everyone is feeling better!!! Glad you made it home safe!!! Always praying and thinking of you!

- Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 12:25 PM (CST)
I have been reading your story now for a few months but have never signed on. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and I am so very proud of you! You beat it! Keep up the good work and stay healthy.
What a marvelous mom you are! You have a kept up a very postive attitude throughout everything. Thank you for sharing your family with us.

Jenny <>
Nisswa, MN - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 08:48 AM (CST)
Well first off - glad to see things are going well there!
Secondly - thanks for helping us spread the word, we are thrilled to have 204 kids adopted out of 303. We appreciate it!

Chris ~ Gooch's Site
Adopt a Kid's site Here

- Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 09:33 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei! I am so happy that Chemo went good. Although you now have to suffer with a sick sister! I hope she feels better soon:-) Maybe you could watch her favorite movie with her. I'm sure she has done alot of nice things for you when your sick, Right? Do you have any snow right now? We have a few inches. Mainly it is just freezing! I mean 0 degrees! Wow is that cold. My daughter has been ice skating everyday on her Uncle's pond for the last week. We should have another good week at it.
As always, praying for the last day of Chemo to coming flying by. Take Care always!

Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 04:08 PM (CST)
Way to go Kaelei on breezing through that chemo! Cameron will be going tomorrow for his. Are you counting down the treatments to the last one? I know we are! Just 3 more of Vincristine and 1 more round of pills. Cameron will be finished on March 5, 12 or 19th, depending on his counts! Poor Holli having to be sick - that's no fun! I hope it goes away quick! Have a great week! Lots of love~Sheri
Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 11:40 AM (CST)
HI Jennifer!! That is AWESOME news about Kaelei!! Our Sunday school class has been praying for Kaelei for a long time and it was a collective "Praise the Lord!!" when we read your entry about the tumor being gone!! Hope to see you guys when you get down here to WV!! By the way.....Jason says to tell Kevin Hi and that he has some wood that needs to be cut whenever you guys get back to WV!! LOL
Deanna Reardon
Martinsburg, WV - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 11:55 AM (CST)
Hi Guys..stoppin in to say hello! I hope you get over your sniffles soon..they are no fun! Have a wonderful week this upcoming week!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 08:44 PM (CST)
HI Kaelei and family,
My daughter Brianna and I have "adopted" you and will be checking in on you from time to time. I am so very glad to see that you are doing well! You are such a strong little girl and so is your mommy and the rest of your family! Chemo is some tough stuff! Brianna had leukemia and had 2 1/2 years of chemo and is OT and in remission now. We look forward to becoming cyber buddies with you and your family :-) Have fun in the snow and we will talk to you soon! (we live in NY and have acouple feet on the ground- my sister lives right near lake Ontario and they got a couple feet in 1 day last week!)
Heather and Brianna Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 03:36 AM (CST)
Gooch's Mom is quite a lady. I see her signing in everywhere. I hope you take her up on her offer. I think it will be a superb program!!

Thinking of you always! I am still so overjoyed with your news. Thanks goes to God. He heard our prayers and answered them! Hope you have a safe trip tomorrow! Take Care!

Jeanne Brown
- Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 09:51 PM (CST)
We are so excited for you now your tumor is gone. Take Care We Care! Gods Blessings to you.

Angel Craving Wings
Mb Canada - Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 03:25 PM (CST)
We dont know each other, but my son has leukemia so I know how important people's well wishes and prayers are. I'm trying to raise awareness to sites like yours so that more people will check in and give you love, and support. Soon you will be getting messages here from someone who has "Adopted" you and your site (unless you dont want to participate...) Please know many people are thinking of you
Chris ~ Gooch's Site
Adopt a Kid's site Here

- Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 01:24 AM (CST)
Kaelei - we are thrilled to hear the tumor is gone!! Just wanted to drop by to see how you are doing and remind you that everyone at Smile Quilts has you in their thoughts & prayers.

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Friday, January 17, 2003 at 10:47 AM (CST)
Hi Kaelei - just wanted to stop by and say hi! Did you get snow? It is cold enough here in the South, but we're having a dry spell, so it's just cold, not fun!!! I hope you have a great weekend!
Lots of Love,

Sheri ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 09:47 AM (CST)
I am so happy God has answered all our prayers for you. May he continue to bless all of you always.
Marilyn Hollis <>
Lowell, AR USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 07:57 PM (CST)
I learned about your illness from a fantastic lady named Laura Pratt who asked me to pray for you daily. I feel many people's prayers have truly been answered and I pray God will continue to bless on a daily basis.
Bobbie Griffith <>
Centerton, Ar Benton - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 07:15 PM (CST)
That IS GREAT NEWS.Kaelei you are a strong and brave little girl. You and your family have always been in my prayers from day one and will continue to be.Yall are just like family to me and I will always be there if you need anything.BIG HUGS to you and lil' sister,and i will see you soon.

Love, Uncle Randy
- Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 10:56 PM (CST)
May god continue to bless and lay his healing hand on Kaelei and your family.

I have been heavy hearted since my 11yr old son was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor on 11/21/02. He is currently going through radiation and chemo. From one person to another your web page had came across my hands and after reading your story I have found a sence of peace. For that I thank you.....
I am so happy for your family and the news of your FANTASTIC progress.
You have touched our hearts and we dont even know each other. I cant thank you enough ----
With much respect

Penny Wanna <>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 09:23 PM (CST)
As Kevin would say WAHHOOOO, This is great Jen, I told you there were just to many people praying for GOD not to answer us!!!!!! This is just such great news!!!!!! we miss and love you all. Tell Kevin, Jeff said Hi and geat news!!!! see you soon, Love,Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 09:49 AM (CST)
Jennifer Just read your post and it took me a few minutes to get my thoughts together. We have a wonderful God who has answered our prayers. He knows what you, kaelei and your family have suffered. Sometimes he gives us trials so that we become stronger, but it sure is hard to understand at the time. I will pass the good news onto my grandson so that he can say a prayer of thanksgiving. I know that you will have a wonderful day and please know that we are rejoicing with you. Bud and Judy
Judy Terrell <>
Bella Vista, AR - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 08:26 AM (CST)
Jennifer ~ Just read your message with tears in my eyes! Yes, I will say a prayer thanking God for being with Kaelei, and hoping she continues to do well! You all have been thru' so much, I do hope now you can have a few moments to breath and take care of yourselves!

Miracles do happen, and prayer is awesome!!

Jerry MacKinnon (capersyall - DWLZ)
CA USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 12:44 AM (CST)
Hi Kaelei,
I am so happy for you! I hope you continue to stay Tumor free. I have a daughter named Ashley. She is 4 years old and has a Pontine Glioma(brain tumor). She is doing very good. I pray for the day when I can say her tumor is gone. You are a beautiful little girl. I love your birds.
If you ever want to visit Ashley's web page it is
she would love to hear from you.
Again Congratulations!! God Bless you and your Family. I will pray you remain tumor free!
Norine, Al, Andrea, Al jr. and Ashley

Norine Carro <>
Chicago, ILL USA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 10:59 PM (CST)
Miracles really do happen! Kaelei, I continue to pray and thank God every day for these miracles.
Bridget <>
Centerton, AR - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 10:35 PM (CST)
HOORAY! I have been following Kaelei for quite awhile now, I just haven't been too good at signing in. I'm so happy for you and I can just imagine that your cheeks are sore from smiling so much! I'll pray for her ongoing health--right after I thank God for taking care of your sweet girl!
Christi <>
Dove Canyon, CA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 09:35 PM (CST)
I was so glad to hear that the tumor is gone!!! God does work miracles. I just wanted to stop and check in on you.
Chuson Marsh ( <>
Arlington, TX USA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 04:06 PM (CST)
Sabrina e-mailed me this morning and told me the good news!!! That was the first e-mail I read this morning. I couldn't have started my day off any better!! Congratulation!! Tell Kaelei to keep strong over the next few months!! It's almost over. I'll keep praying for you!!
Luci Pennington <>
Inwood, WV - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 02:35 PM (CST)
Praise God - I'm so happy for your wonderful news. I pray that God continues to bless you and keep Kaelei safe and healthy.
Shannon <>
- Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 12:30 PM (CST)
I'm so happy for you. Your struggle to get this far is inspirational.

Kate <>
N. Chelmsford, MA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 08:07 AM (CST)
WWAAHHHOOOO! Praise God! What relief you must be feeling! I am SO happy for you! I have been following you guys since a few months after I found Mearan's site. Congratulations!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 09:15 PM (CST)
Way to go Kaelei! I'm so happy for you. It's little girls like you and mom's like your Mom that make my job wonderful! God is AWESOME!
Catherine <>
- Monday, January 13, 2003 at 07:40 PM (CST)
Jennifer and Kaelei - what great news!!! I shrieked with excitement when I read your post - and I was on the phone with my mom and about made her deaf!! I am so happy for you! God is SO good! Much love ~ Sheri (Cameron's Mom)
Sheri Sheppard ~ <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 05:55 PM (CST)
Jennifer!!!! That is AWESOME news!!!! Yes, yes, yes God is so good!!!! I'm am so happy for you all!!!!
Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 04:17 PM (CST)
GOD IS SO GOOD!!! That is just the best news.I am so happy for you kaelei.There are so many prayers going your way and god is so good in answering them.Kaelei and your family are always in our prayers.We are all crying with you and we are always here for you and your family.Have a safe trip home
Jerrie and Morgan Manes <>
Centerton, AR - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 01:34 PM (CST)
Oh Jennifer!!! Praise God!!!!! Thank you Lord!!!! Thank you for the answer to many many prayers!!! God is good.... all the time!!!

Oh i just wish I could be there to hug you, and blubber with you!!!! That is by far the best news I have had in a long time!!
Wow!!! I am almost speechless!!!!
Kaelei, I am so proud of you!!! You have been such a trooper through all of this... Good job!!! Just think, you are almost finished now!!! This has been a long time coming!!! I am sooo happy for all of you!!!
I pray for safe travels home, and when you get there, enjoy some special family time rejoicing in this latest great news!!!

We lov eyou all!!!

- Monday, January 13, 2003 at 01:24 PM (CST)
That is by far the BEST news I have gotten all week!
FANASTIC!! Mom, breathe a sigh of long awaited relief and stop worrying about sounding like a "blubbering idiot!"
Everyone at Smile Quilts has Kaelei in their prayers and is so happy to hear the tumor is gone!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Monday, January 13, 2003 at 01:13 PM (CST)
Oh Jennifer! Praise the Lord! This is wonderful news! Tremendous news! Praise God! My heart is overwhelmed with great joy for Kaelei and for you! God is AWESOME!!! Hug and kiss that little princess and tell her congratulations from us!!!!
suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 12:47 PM (CST)
EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT NEWS!!!! I just came from Mearan's page and told her I couldn't stop thinking of you guys today. Then I checked here and tears just started coming. Prayers are working. I am so happy for you all! PLEASE TELL KAELEI SHE HAS DONE A GREAT JOB!! Not much longer to go now. Have a safe drive home.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 11:57 AM (CST)
Hey guys.. Hope you had safe travels!!! We are praying tonite for a precious peace to overwhelm all of you! We pray things will go smoothly and that sweet kaelei will not be scared... although i must say I would be too!!! Those machines can be scary!! And mom, to sit and wait for results has to be agonizing, so I pray God will fill you with thoughts of Him, and how much He loves you all. How He is holding Kaelei in the palm of His hand, and has everything under control!!!
Looking forward to hearing from you!! Praying for amazing results, and blessed peace for all of you!!!
We love you!!

- Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 11:25 PM (CST)
I will keep you all in my prayers -- especially tomorrow! I hope so much that you receive good news! Maddie's MRI & BTC has to be rescheduled. We received a call from the hosptial Friday afternoon, and I found out that they didn't have her down as needing general anesthesia during her MRI. They aren't going to be able to do it tomorrow -- which means we have to wait at least two more weeks for brain tumor clinic as well. I'm very upset & aggravated about this. You know how much we anticipate the MRIs and then suddenly to have it ripped out from under us is really hard to take!! Anyway, take care & have a safe trip.

Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 11:07 PM (CST)
we are think of you all tonight and praying for you to have a safe trip and for good results tomorrow, i now that they will be, i'm shore you have already left but Jen please think positive, because as i said before with all the people that are praying for you guys GOD has now choose but to hear us, there is to many of us for him not to. We will be thinking of you tomorrow and i will keep cking the page for the up date. Love you guys and miss you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 06:50 PM (CST)
I will be praying and thinking of you all tomorrow. THINK POSITIVE:) I hope you do get to hear the news very soon. I can only imagine the heartache until you know something. Take Care and I hope you arrive home safely.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 03:35 PM (CST)
Good Morning Jennifer and Kaeilie I will be praying for you tommorrow I am sure you will have very good news. Also special prayers are for the other families . Keep us posted. We love you all. Linda
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 10:33 AM (CST)
Good Morning!

How is everyone doing? How is the weather in AR?

To sign up to make a square for Kaelei's quilt, you need to be specific about the pattern you will use, so I have been trying to decide on just the right one. This quilt is such a great idea! I can't wait to see what it looks like completed! Kyle says I should start making memorial quilts for people like the one I made for Mearan, but I don't know if others would be interested in that.

We continue to hold your family up in prayer. We especially pray for peace in your hearts in regards to the MRI on Monday. Do you have other prayer needs right now? It's always nice to know specifically how to pray for someone.

Sorry! This turned into an email note instead of a guestbook entry! Have a great day and a fantastic weekend!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 08:51 AM (CST)
I thought that Alex and her family sounded familiar and sure enough i found them. If i type in i do get the latest update on Alex. I hope everyone can stop by and let them know that you are thinking of them. Thanks for the info. Jen.
Jeanne Brown
- Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 05:26 PM (CST)
- Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 07:49 AM (CST)
Jen we will add this family to are prays, and for Kaelei for the 13th's MRI, with everyone who reads this page praying for them we are shore to be answered. Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 09:39 PM (CST)
HI guys!! SOrry for not writing for a while. But, not writing doesnt mean I am not thinking of and praying for you always! Hope your week back to school and work is going good! We have snow again!! About 6 inches or so! I think the boys and I may go out to build a snowman this afternoon!

You guys have a great day!
Love and hugs!!

- Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 01:10 PM (CST)
I will be on my knees, praying for this dear family. Thank you for alerting us to their needs.
suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 09:16 AM (CST)
Will add them to my prayers. Thinking of you all.
Heather Grell
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 09:15 AM (CST)
Hoping you have all enjoyed your break and wishing you a wonderful week. We have lots of snow. I am going to try to take the kids sledding maybe today after school. Still praying for great results for the MRI. Take Care!
Jeanne Brown
- Monday, January 06, 2003 at 07:37 AM (CST)
Happy new Year!!!!!! Sorry it is so late but the webtv was down for a little bit. I hope you all do find a way to come to WV, We can not wait. Don't worry about the MRI Jen, like i'm shore that you are, Because it is a new year and it is going to be a GREAT won. See you all soon, Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, Wv - Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 07:48 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei and family, hope that this weekend finds you all happy and having a great time. Meghan turned 10 this week - though she was down and out on her birthday as her back was hurting. We think maybe she overdid it playing in the snow. I know your mommy is filling up with MRI jitters - know that we're thinking of you even more this week and are sending you lots of love, good thoughts and prayers. I just believe with all my heart that you are going to receive a good report once again. I know you are really looking forward to finishing chemo. Meghan is so ready for that day. She's getting closer - but she still has about 5 months to go. (She's doing 18 months). Keep well and give your mom a big hug from me.

P.S. - Sorry I didn't sign up for a square - uhhhh - you don't want me sewing, I can't even sew a button on a shirt! LOL. God Bless,

Shannon Heisler <>
- Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 03:27 PM (CST)
Happy New Year! Stopping in to say Hello and to wish you a wonderful New Years..may 2003 bring you much happiness and healing!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 10:36 PM (CST)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! to you too. I'm so bad about not posting in the guestbook. Sorry!! I do check Kaelei's site everyday and pray for you guys faithfully. I pray that this year is y'all's best ever!! That God miraculously heals Kaelei and that He blesses your family beyond your wildest dreams!! What time is Kaelei's MRI? Maddie has hers at 8:00am on the 13th. We have to be at the hospital at 6:00am, though. She has to be put under general anesthesia to do hers. It was no surprise to us that when they had to do the first MRI when Maddie was diagnosed -- they could not sedate her with the IV sedation. They gave her the highest dose of the medication they could, but it didn't work. Maybe we'll give the IV sedation another try sometime this year. General anesthesia really scares me!! Take care,
Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 09:19 PM (CST)
Happy New Year guys!!! What a year we have ahead of us!!! I am very excited for this year! Cannot wait until i get the great news that your chemo is over!!! That will be wonderful!

We are as always praying for and thinking of you all! You guys take care!!!

- Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 10:50 AM (CST)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 08:24 AM (CST)
HAPPY NEW YEAR to the MCDONALD FAMILY.I hope this year is all you expect it to be.You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily.Take care and keep the faith.Love from Dalton's Nana.
INWOOD, WV 25428 - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 11:33 AM (CST)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! We pray for God's blessings for each of you in this coming year!!!

Love & Prayers,

The Pohl Family <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 10:29 AM (CST)
Happy New Year Kaelei!!! What an exciting year this will be for you - especially when that yucky chemo is done. Cameron is looking forward to that too, although he'll be finished in March now instead of February because his counts are always too low to start his next round. But anyway, know that we are praying for you, and we love you very much! Here in Louisiana we celebrate the New Year with LOTS of fireworks - I can still hear our neighbors popping away!!! I hope you enjoy the last few days of your Christmas vacation!!! Give mommy a great big hug, 'cause you know she's the best!!!!

Love~Sheri <>
Lafayette, LA - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 12:21 AM (CST)
Happy Late Christmas and Wonderful New Year vibes for your whole family!! It sounds like you all had a great holiday. Know that I'll be thinking of you as this next MRI (milestone) draws near. We know how stressful this can be - but you are doing every thing possible to draw a good report and I have every belief in my heart that you'll receive one. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
The Heisler Family <>
- Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 10:06 PM (CST)
Glad to hear that you chrismas was a great one. We are praying for your MRI, but we now that it is going to be a good one, So Jen you just hang in there. We miss and love you all!!!!! Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 07:16 PM (CST)
HI everyone!! Happy to hear that your holiday was wonderful!! Time with family is always a special time!

I have been and will continue praying for the results of the MRI, and certainly for all the nerves of your entire family! I pray that God will wash over you a precious peace, that calms all fears, and keeps your thoughts on Him and the good things He has planned for all of you!!!
We love you all!! Have a wondeful day!!!

- Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 01:21 PM (CST)
Glad to hear your holiday was enjoyable for everyone. How lucky you are (and what good parents you are) to have children who appreciate and enjoy their gifts! I am praying daily for good MRI news. All the hard work, discomfort, and inconvenience that you have endured during this round of chemo just HAVE to be worth GOOD THINGS. You are safe in the gentle hands of the world's best-ever-all-time-champion healer, and He loves Kaelei so very much. I trust that His care for her will be perfect.
Cristy K.
- Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 10:50 PM (CST)
Prayers are on their way for the upcoming MRI.
Jerry (capersyall)
CA USA - Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 06:57 PM (CST)
My heart truly goes out to you, Jennifer. I understand the torture of waiting and wondering. The hardest part for me was waiting for the results once the tests were done. When the doctor from the Mayo Clinic diagnosed Mearan with Batten and then tested to confirm, we had to wait for weeks to find out he was wrong. The test on Mearan's eyes took well over a month to receive results. It's plain and simply torture.

Please know that I am always here praying for you all. For Kaelei, I pray for a complete healing. For Holli, I pray for understanding. For Kevin, I pray for wisdom and guidance. For you, Jennifer, I pray for God's great peace and awesome comfort.

I love you all so much! Take care and have a fantastic weekend!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 09:24 AM (CST)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 05:21 PM (CST)
I will be praying for Kaelei and her family. I pray for supernatural healing in Jesus' name.
Angela Robertson <>
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 11:04 AM (CST)
This is late and I apologize! I HOPE YOU ALL HAD A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! I just wasn't able to make it to the computer yesterday. Lazy me! Girls - did Santa come to visit you? He made it to our house alright! Have fun playing with all your new toys. I will continue to pray for excellent CT results! God Bless you all.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoenta, OH - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 11:01 AM (CST)
Merry Christmas McDonald Family, We hope it was a good one and we miss you guys. Are christmas was just great. Hugs and Kiss to you all. Love you, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, Wv - Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 08:17 PM (CST)
Merry Christmas, Kaelei, Holli, Jennifer, & Kevin!
The Pohl Family <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 10:09 AM (CST)
Well, I thought I'd be the first to sign your guestbook today, but looks like Emily beat me to it, oh well! Merry Christmas Kaelei! Cameron's cousins live up there by you (kind of) and they tell us there's snow! You're so lucky - all we get here is yucky rain. You girls have a great Christmas, and have lots of fun opening all your presents!
Love~Sheri <>
Lafayette, LA - Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 01:09 AM (CST)
Girls it is 1am on christmas morning!!! I am too excited to sleep!!!
Just wanted to wish you a merry christmas!!!
LOve and hugs,

- Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 12:06 AM (CST)
Hey everyone!!! I am happy to hear your travels home went good! And soo happy that you didnt get sick this week!!

Christmas is almost here! Our household is so excited we can hardly sit still!!!

I wish I could have been there to see you girls playing with all your dress up clothes. I would have to dress up too! I waited and waited and waited to finally have a little girl to play dress up with, and now i just need to wait a little longer till she is big enough!

Well, you guys take care, and have a very very merry christmas!!!
We love you!!!
Hugs and blessings!!!

Your angel family
sabina , oh - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 12:20 PM (CST)
Glad to hear chemo went well yesterday. Now you can FORGET IT and enjoy the holiday together! Your family is in my prayers.
Cristy K.
- Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 02:02 AM (CST)

Toto <>
Lyons, KS USA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 11:01 PM (CST)
Praying for a clear path to get you girls safely home!
Much Love ~ Sheri <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 04:29 PM (CST)
Praying as i type jen!! Will talk to you soon!
Blessings, love and hugs!!


- Monday, December 23, 2002 at 10:23 AM (CST)
Girls!!! Are you as excited as we are???? We cannot wait!!! There are aproximately 54 hours left until it is christmas morning!!! YEAH!!!

I am happy to hear the rest of your week went pretty well. I am praying that chemo this week wont be so rough on you!

Well, lots to do, and I should get to bed! It is after 1 am!!! Yikes!! I am almost too excited to sleep!

You all take care... hugs and love!!!

emily and gang
- Monday, December 23, 2002 at 12:09 AM (CST)
Hello there! I'm sorry I have not signed on here in a while. I won't even try to make excuses - I'll just say I'm sorry! Of course that does not mean I have stopped praying for you all. Not a chance of that! I think of you all so often throughout each day and then I stop to pray whenever I do. You are stuck with me!

Did you get the box of goodies we sent your way? I had the Post Office put a rush on it (I procrastinated almost too long!), but they couldn't say for sure when you would get it.

I sure hope you all have a very merry Christmas filled with so much love and happiness! You deserve it! Kiss and hug those babies and always remember we love you!

- Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 10:43 PM (CST)
Hey everyone!!! How are you doing? We are great! Busy but great!! We had a really nice day the other day... it was in the high 50's!!! Then we got dumped on with a huge amount of rain!! But as far as i am concerned, that is much better than snow!!!

Well, it is getting closer and closer!! Can you believe it?

You all take care, and have a wonderful day!!!


- Friday, December 20, 2002 at 08:12 AM (CST)
Hello girls,and Kevin, Christmas is almost here, can you believe it?????? WE hope you all have a great Christmas and Happy New Year and we will be thinking of you and also praying for Kaelei's MRI to have great results, We now that it will because she is strong and unwilling to let anything get in her way of having a GREAT LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! well hope to hear from you all soon and again have a great christmas, Love and miss you guys. Kevin try not to work like a dog!!!!!!! LOL Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 09:55 PM (CST)
OH I am soooo Jealous!!! the 60's????? Man I think it is nice out when it hits the upper 30's!!!! BRRR!

Sorry to hear you got sick kaelei! That is no fun at all! But you are such a brave little girl!!! A lot braver than I am !!!!

That would be great if Kevin can go next week! Nice for all of you! Will be sure to pray about that!!!

Well, glad you are home safe, and are always praying as usual!!
We love ya!!!
Hugs... and blessings!!

- Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 09:53 AM (CST)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 09:31 PM (CST)
HI guys!! I know that God has been answering sooo many prayers lately... and I am just really happy that He is still in that line of work eh??!!! That is awesome news about Kevins shifts... I know that will be a real blessing!!! Praise God!!
So how was your weekend??? Ours was too short as usual... time is just flying by anymore!!! Well, I am going to go and start my baking!!! You guys take care!!!



sabina, oh - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 09:27 PM (CST)
I am searching this site to learn more about Kaelei's condition. I am working on a plan to get some more monetary support for her many medical bills. I need more info., therefore I am researching this site.
Kathi Finley
Valrico, FL USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 08:46 PM (CST)

I am SO HAPPY for you!! It's such great news to hear that Kevin is changing shifts!! I know what a wonderful blessing that is you all. Maddie has an MRI scheduled for January 13th, too -- and then Brain Tumor Clinic on the 14th. We'll certainly keep Kaelei in our prayers. We'll feel even closer knowing we're in the hospital the same time y'all are. We pray you have a wonderful Christmas!!!

In His Love,

Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 09:33 PM (CST)
Glad to hear things are going well there.
My hubby works overnights too and its hard
Everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you and praying for you.
We wish you a Healthy & Happy Holiday!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 12:59 PM (CST)
Wonderful! Fabulous! Stupendous! Great! Slendid! Marvelous! Praise the Lord! Thank You, Jesus!

My heart is singing over Kevin getting on days! Thank you for sharing the news of your answered prayers! Immanuel - God is with us!

Thanks for making my day!

Brainerd, MN - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 01:01 PM (CST)
Wapakoneta, OH - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 05:30 PM (CST)
Hey guys!! Glad to hear you all made it home safe and sound!! God is sooo good about answering prayers!! :) I bet you girls are excited for christmas!! We sure are!! I need to get busy with my baking!! I love to bake cookies and treats at christmas time!! WEll, gonna go catch a nap before work... you all take care!!
Love and hugs to all of you!!! Love,

Your Angel family
sabina, oh - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 01:31 PM (CST)
Praise the Lord for uneventful trips! Life is always so hectic and stressful, so I like to pray for boring days. I pray that for your family as well. God bless you all! Have a wonderful, boring day! (Smile!!)

Love & Prayers,

- Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 07:39 AM (CST)
I'm so glad everything went well.Yall enjoy and take advantage of your rest time you have until your next visit, and I will definately be praying for yall!!!
Uncle Randy
- Monday, December 09, 2002 at 09:46 PM (CST)
Hey everyone! How did things go today? I pray the trip was good and that you are home safe and sound! You are always in my prayers!
- Monday, December 09, 2002 at 04:17 PM (CST)
hi there!!! Glad to hear that you all got some snow!!! I am sure you werent very happy to see it melt so quickly!! What a bummer! But, at least you managed to get a snow day out of the whole hting!!! I am praying for traveling mercies on your way to chemo!!! Will talk to ya when you get home! Blessings!! Hugs!! We love you!

Your Angel Family
Sabina, OH - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 11:47 AM (CST)
HI guys!@ The kids have gone and done it now!!! They keep praying for snow, and here it is!! A lot of it!! When I went into work, there was half an inch.... when I came out, there was 6"!!!!! Not my thing!! LOL!
YOu could say I am not winter friendly!
well, you all take care!

Your angel family <>
sabina, oh - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 02:14 PM (CST)
HI Kaelei and Holli.... this is zach and nicholis!! We asked our mom if she would let us type a note to you! How are you feeling?
WE have been praying for you! It snowed last nite, so guess what? We didnt have school today isnt that cool? It is really really cold outside, so we didnt stay out too long! Do you have any snow? Have a good day ok?

Zach & Nicholis <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 02:12 PM (CST)
I praise and thank the Lord for Kaelei's levels going through the roof like that! WOW!!!! God is so awesome!

You are all in my thoughts and prayers! Always!

- Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 09:15 AM (CST)
HI guys!! I am sooo happy that everything went well over thanksgiving, and that you were all feeling better, and able to enjoy time with friends and family!!! What a blessing!!!

Sounds like chemo so far as I can tell has gone off without a hitch!! Praise God!!!

Kaelei, you are such a strong brave little girl!! I am very proud of you!

Well, I pray you made it home safely! Have a wonderful week, and take care! We love you all!


Your Angel Family
- Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 06:08 PM (CST)
I'm glad YALL had a great thanksgiving! How impressive on the platelet count! WOW!! Now see, everything went ok today didn't it? Why did you think it wouldn't? Hope you made it home safely and can enjoy the rest of the week, even though you have to go to work. Take Care!
Jeanne Brown <>
- Monday, December 02, 2002 at 09:18 PM (CST)
Great news! Go platelets, go platelets! Hope you had a safe trip home and that your week is "routine". Prayers for you!
Cristy K.
- Monday, December 02, 2002 at 07:17 PM (CST)
Hi gang, I'm hoping and praying that today was smooth for you - I know how frustrating those long days can be at the hospital. I hope that Kaelei's infection didn't affect her counts too badly.

Thinking of you,

Shannon Heisler <>
- Monday, December 02, 2002 at 10:31 AM (CST)
Good Morning!

I am so glad you guys had such a wonderful Thanksgiving! Family time is such a sweet blessing! And you are so right about alone time for mommy and daddy!

Did the girls like Harry Potter? I literally jumped and gasped several times during the movie. Bracken jumped, too, so I was afraid he would have nightmares, but so far so good!

My prayers are with you today. I pray all goes well and smooth down in Little Rock! God bless you! We love you!

- Monday, December 02, 2002 at 08:15 AM (CST)
Hi Guys! Checkin' in to see if you all are feeling better! Glad to hear that you are and that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We, too, at ourselves into oblivian..but we go to my in-laws first and then we go eat at my parents..that alone should fill me enough so that I wouldn't need to eat for a week! Sounds like you got a bit of a catnap at the movie theatre! :) HAve a wonderful week ahead and I'll say an extra prayer that Monday goes much better then anticipated!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 06:47 PM (CST)
HI guys!! How are ya doing?

It was soooo good to talk to you the other day Jennifer! I am thankful that you are all feeling better!!

Did you eat too much? We sure did! :)!!!

Well, more snow here...and brrrr is it ever freezing!! Well, you all take care, just wanted to take a second, to say HI!!
We love you!!!

- Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 02:20 PM (CST)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Friday, November 29, 2002 at 08:17 AM (CST)
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Hope your day is filled with love and good food!
Cristy K.
- Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 12:37 PM (CST)
Happy Thanksgiving Kaelei. I hope you guys have a good turkey day and try not to eat to much. We love you and are always thinking of you.
Uncle Randy
Centerton, AR - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 09:19 AM (CST)
Hello Guys,
We want to wish you all a Happy Turkey day!!!!
We miss you all and will be thinking of you tomorrow. I'm glad to hear that you all are felling better just in time to stuff your selfs untill you can't eat any more. You do have a lot to be thankful for, we all do!!
Well i better go for now make sure you give Kevin, Kealei, Holli, and yourself a GREAT BIG HUG AND KISS FOR ALL OF US HERE!!!!!!!!!

Missy,Jeff, and Dalton <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 08:47 PM (CST)
Hi guys!!! Are you all busy getting ready for TURKEY DAY????

Jennifer... your post is wonderful!!! You are such an example to me of how to be a Godly woman, mom, and wife!! May God's blessings on you and your family be over abundant because of your faithfulness, and obedience to Him!

I dont want to make this too long, but I do want to tell you all I am so thankful that God brought us together! The chemo angel program, is truly a work of God. When we "met" we discovered that we had been "matched" up amazingly... such an amazing thing that you knew God's hand was in it! Shoot... all over it! And we arent the only ones... i hear from other angels, that they too are perfectly matched up with their buddies!!

You all have taught me so much, and I have come to love each of you! I cherish the friendship we have! Thank you God for allowing me to know this wonderful family!!!

Kaelei and HOlli... are you guys hungry for some turkey? MMM i cant wait!! I started getting things ready today... lots to do, but mmmmmm the kitchen smells sooooo good!
Be sure to eat lots of delicious things tomorrow!

God bless you all!!!

Have a blessed THANKSGIVING!!!!!

We love you!
Love, Your Angel family

emily <>
sabina, oh usa - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 01:05 PM (CST)
What a remarkable woman you are, to be able to write such a long and sincere "blessing list" in the midst of your situation. I am blessed to observe a true Christian woman facing life with faith and gratitude ...thanks
Cristy K.
- Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 09:27 PM (CST)
I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. You are a wonderful person and a tremendous blessing to me, Jennifer! THANK YOU!

- Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 11:08 AM (CST)
Jennifer, you are a beautiful person. I check daily to read your journal entries. You inspire me! May God bless you and your family always. Our prayers are always for all of you.
Marilyn Hollis
Lowell, AR USA - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 10:59 PM (CST)
I was referred to your site from Mearan's quite some time ago, and have read but not posted. I'm adding you to my "favorites" list that I check daily, so hope to get to know your family better. The only good thing I can think of about being sick is having a legitimate opportunity for both of you to crawl in bed and snuggle up together, share treats like popsicles and soda, and maybe even read a story or watch a movie in bed! Hope you both "baby" yourselves silly and feel better soon!
Cristy K. <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 01:38 PM (CST)
Good Morning! Just stopped by to say hello and to wish you a speedy recovery from being sick! No fun! I check your site often..sorry I haven't posted in a while. Hope you all get better soon!
Heather Grell
Brainerd, MN - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 10:36 AM (CST)
I was going to type good morning, but I just realized the morning is nearly over! WOW! How time flies!

How are you guys feeling? I pray you are up and running again! Being sick is no fun at all!

I was so pleased to hear that Kaelei's platelet level came up. Praise the Lord! Will she have to be checked again before you will know about chemo for next week? It seems so ironic to hope for chemo, doesn't it? But ironic or not, I will be praying.

Have a great day! I love you all dearly!

Love & Prayers,

- Monday, November 25, 2002 at 10:02 AM (CST)
Hi Ladies! So sorry to hear you're sick! And during a school break too. I hope you all get over it soon, so you can enjoy your little vacation! Cameron's platelets are on their way back down again, we'll find out today if he'll be needing another transfusion. Stay in bed for a while, and then you can eat lots of goodies on Thursday! We're praying for you!!!

Much Love ~ Sheri & Cameron <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 08:48 AM (CST)
Hi Jennifer! Hi Kaelei! Hi Holli!

Being sick just stinks! Have you ever seen the cartoon/movie "Osmosis Jones"? It's a wonderful example of what happens within our bodies when we get sick, from the first moment to the last. Some parts are sort of gross, but also it's very interesting. Anyway, I will be praying for healthy bodies for everyone in your family!!!

Thank you, Jennifer, for the lovely things you wrote in Mearan's guestbook. I think you are so very wonderful and I love you too! I consider you a dear, forever friend and trust you with my deepest thoughts and frustrations. I thank God for you, Jennifer! I thank Him for bringing you and I together!

Take care & Get well! I hope you can enjoy the rest of your weekend! God bless you!

Love & Many Prayers,

- Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 07:33 AM (CST)
Jennifer, so sorry to hear that you are both sick!! And especially with thanksgiving coming, and all that you have to prepare! We will be praying for a speedy recovery! Take care, get some rest, and we will talk to you soon!

- Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 06:27 AM (CST)
I'm sorry that you're both sick. I really hope you are feeling better soon so that you can enjoy Thanksgiving with your family. Happy Thanksgiving and I'll keep you close in thought and prayer.
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 01:43 AM (CST)
please please let me know if there is anything that I can do Jennifer. Like take Holli for a day or something.
I pray that you both will get well very soon and all is well with your sweet little family.
Love you

Debi Balint
- Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 09:39 PM (CST)
Good Morning! I pray all is well with your family!? You are always in my thoughts and prayers! I love you all!
- Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 10:37 AM (CST)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Friday, November 22, 2002 at 06:41 PM (CST)
HI guys!! I got off work this morning, and found my car covered in snow!!! It is now almost 9am, and it is still snowing!! YIKES!! Looks like a white weekend for us! The kids and I have to run to the grocery today...brrr....should have went yesterday hahah!
Well, you guys have a wonderful weekend....k?
love ya
Love, Your angel family

emily :):):):)
- Friday, November 22, 2002 at 07:49 AM (CST)
Hey Jennifer... I took some time to check your entries over the past couple of months while I was "computer impaired." It's great to hear what God is doing for Kaelei and for you ALL! He's worthy of all glory and honor for who He IS and how much He loves us and works all things for our good!! Jordan and Hannah have been on my last nerve lately... I need to be reminded life is really not that hard for me. It could be a lot worse. I've been thinking about what you told me about the whining!! You were right! Hannah has entered that era... can't wait for it to pass! LOL! Anyway, have a great Thanksgiving... we all have so much to be thankful for. I pray that God's blessings OVERTAKE you!
I love you and there ain't nothing you can do about it! -Christi

Christi Ward <>
Bentonville, AR USA - Friday, November 22, 2002 at 02:14 AM (CST)
Hi Kaelei! Hi Holli!

I looked out the window this morning to see that everything is white again! We have been snow-free for a while and I was sort of hoping to stay that way. My boys are thrilled! Now they can have snow ball fights and play in the snow!!!

How are you girls doing? How is everything at school? Are you learning lots of great things?

I am so glad to hear you girls like the dolls I made. Mom said you even like to sleep with them. That's wonderful!

Have a great day, ladies! You are in my prayers always! Hug and kiss your Mommy every chance you get! I bet it'll put a big smile on her face!

Love & Prayers

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 07:41 AM (CST)
Hi everyone!! How are ya doing? Glad to hear that your counts are on the up and up kaelei!! I had to pick zach up from school yesterday because he had a tummy ache.... makes ya worry when the caller id says it is the school.... Well, hopefully things are not too hectic with thanksgiving coming! Will keep praying! You all take care! We love you!

Your Angel Family
- Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 08:59 AM (CST)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 07:35 AM (CST)
Just wanted to check in and wish you a wonderful week. I'm praying those counts go up very soon.
Marilyn Hollis <>
Lowell, AR USA - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 08:51 AM (CST)
Hi there! Just wanted to drop in and check up on you.
Praying all is well and you are back on your chemo schedule!
Please know that everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you
and wants to wish you a Healthy & Happy Thanksgiving!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Monday, November 18, 2002 at 11:22 PM (CST)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Monday, November 18, 2002 at 08:50 AM (CST)
Sorry to hear about the counts, if it comes to having to have a transf. can you or Kevin give her blood? We will be thinking about her this week and praying for you. Are you getting ready for christmas yet! We will talk to you later. we love you all and miss you. Love Missy

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, Wv - Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 05:35 PM (CST)
Hey guys!!! Sorry to hear that your counts are too low for chemo this week! We are praying about this now!! The quicker you get this chemo over with the better eh??! Is this transfusion a regular transfusion?
Tonite, it is chilly outside....and we are inside making homemade pizza!!! We love to spend family time together cooking in the smells wonderful! So, I thought while I had a few minutes, I would jump on here, and see how you are doing!
Wish you all could come over for pizza!!! That would be fun!
Well, you are here in our thoughts!!!
We love you, and are thinking of you!!!
Love, Your Angel Family

- Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 04:20 PM (CST)
Me Noah and Beth Ann are saying an extra prayer for you, Kaelei. We love you and want your chemo to end; sooner the better. we are excited about having you and Holli over again.
We love you guys.

Debi, Beth Ann, and Noah
- Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 10:31 AM (CST)
Sorry to hear chemo put off for another week. Even though its not fun the sooner you do it the sooner it is over. I will keep praying! HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND! It is snowing here in Ohio! I'll try to send it down your way! Take Care and tell Holli & Kaelei "Hi" for me!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Friday, November 15, 2002 at 06:15 PM (CST)
Please forgive me for asking, but what does a platelet transfusion include? Is it run through an IV? Will it hurt Kaelei? Is Kaelei is danger of anything because of this? Will you have to drive to Little Rock to have this done, IF the doctor feels that's necessary? I apologize for being so nosey. I just deal better with things if I have all the facts in my head!

Regardless of what Kaelei's counts are or what the doctor says, God, our awesome heavenly Father, is never surprised and He is in control of everything! (I know that you know that, but sometimes I also know it's great to be reminded.)

I am here for you anytime, Jen! My thoughts and prayers are there with you as well! Give those precious babies a huge hug and kiss! I love you all! God bless!

- Friday, November 15, 2002 at 10:22 AM (CST)
20,002 hits! Praise the Lord! How many prayers do you think that equals? Lots, I'd say! God is so good!

Have a marvelous day filled with smiles, hugs and a hundred or so kisses!!!!

Love always,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 09:18 AM (CST)
HI guys!!! How are things going? Hopefully all is going great! Have you heard any more on Kaeleis counts? Will she be going for treatment this weekend?
Hopefully they are up!
We are all doing good here..... thanksgiving is getting closer and closer can you believe it? What a scary thought?!!
Well, going to go, just stopped to say hi! We love you all!
Your Angel Family

- Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 08:52 AM (CST)
Hi Jennifer!

Sorry I didn't sign in this morning. Life at our house has gone wild. (I'll write you about it later!) Whether or not I sign in, please know you are all still in my thoughts and prayers. Every time you come into my mind, I pray, and when we pray as a family at bedtime, we pray for you! What an honor it is to know you and to pray for you! I thank God for bringing you all into our lives!

Have a blessed sleep and a glorious morning!

Love always,

- Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 09:26 PM (CST)
I finally sent the girl's bed dolls today. I am the worst about sending things by mail. Thank God for email and the internet!!! It's totally up to you all to decide whose is whose. Sorry! I sure hope they like them, but like I said before, if they don't - lie to me!

I hope today has been a good day for you all! I continue to pray for Kaelei's counts and her tooth, along with general health and well being for your entire family! You mean alot to me! God bless!

Love & Prayers,

Brainerd, - Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 12:06 PM (CST)
Good morning guys!!!! How are ya doing? I hope you are all feeling well this morning!! We seem to be battling a horrible cold up here!! YUCK!! It is a nice day again though!The sun is out. .... decieving though...cuz it is not very warm!!! But it sure looks nice from in here! LOl! Well, you all take care!!!
Love, Your Angel Family

- Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 08:33 AM (CST)
Hi guys!!! How are you all doing? Sorry to hear about your counts being down Kaelei!!! I bet you were probly not real disappointed in not getting to go to treatment this week!!! I know they can be a real bummer, and not much fun at all...but the quicker you go to them, the quicker you will be finished with them! Keep that beautiful smile on your face sweetheart! You are such a trooper! We love you!!!!
Love, Your Angel Family

- Monday, November 11, 2002 at 12:01 PM (CST)
Good sunny morning from MN! It's cooollddd here, but the sun is shining bright!

How wonderful to be held up by your church family that way! Praise God for His provision and awesome love!

I pray you lovely ladies (and Dad) enjoy this day the Lord has made! He is good and He loves us all! Doesn't that put a huge smile on your face?!

God bless you!
Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 08:56 AM (CST)
Hi Kaelei. I'm sorry your tooth is bothering you. Kaelei you sure are a sweet and very tough little girl. You didn't even act like your tooth was bothering you, i'm just a big baby when it comes to tooth aches.Give your sister a hug for me and tell your mom to hang in there.We love you guys!!
Uncle Randy
Centerton, AR - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 10:04 PM (CST)
Hi! Jennifer, Sorry to hear about Kaelies counts but with Gods help they will go up again. Sorry sabout your tooth Kaelie Bradley has been having problems with his teeth also. He is also having trouble with his eyes. You are doing a wonderful job with the girls. You are always in my prayers. Thanks for keeping us informed. Linda
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 08:01 PM (CST)

Debi Balint <>
Bentonville, AR - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 03:40 PM (CST)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 02:31 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei! Sorry to hear about your low platelets - Cameron's were lower too - 77,000 on Wed, & 65,000 yesterday. I'm praying for you kiddo, that your platelets will come up, and your tooth to not bother you! I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Lots of love, Sheri Sheppard <>
Lafayette, LA - Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 09:26 PM (CST)
Oh Jennifer - Please know that I will be on my knees in prayer for Kaelei throughout the days to come. My prayer will be that her counts will raise to the highest possible and that her tooth will no longer bother her. Thank you for the update. Kiss her for me!


- Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 09:35 AM (CST)
That was the cutest story about Kaelei trying to glue her hair back on. SHe is so smart!!!!!!!!! I would have never of thought of that. I miss you guys so much. I miss talking to you Jennifer, and I miss those sweet adorable well mannered girls. I love you guys and will continue to pray for you and Kaelei.
Debi <>
Bentonville, AR USA - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 09:10 PM (CST)
Too funny of a story. Yes, everyone seems to cut their own hair in their childhood but GLUE it back on! Ha, HA! I would have laughed so hard. I will continue to pray for Kaelei's counts. I hope she can resume chemo on Mon. The sooner to get it over with. Have a safe and happy time on the road! God Bless! I had read that beautiful story before somewhere. It touches my heart so! Thank You for sharing it with us.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 07:34 PM (CST)
maybe she was just getting started on her future plans as a beautision. LOL I think every kid tries the hair cut thing and it is cut and funny. But the fact that her friends wanted to help by glue it back on is so funny. glad to here things are going well except for the pl., have a safe trip and will talk to you when you get back. Love you, Missy

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 04:13 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei! Blame the haircutting on the chemo! Cameron did the same thing last month - out of the blue, just snip, and it was in the front!!! Cameron has to get a blood test today also because his platelets are a little on the low side (77,000). I pray that you both have lots of platelets, and that you have a safe trip to Little Rock. I think I'm more excited about February than I am about Christmas since you and Cameron will both be finishing up the chemo then!!! You are an amazing little girl, and you have an amazing Mom! Lots of love to all of you!

Love, Sheri Sheppard <>
Lafayette, LA - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 12:58 PM (CST)
Good Morning! I am off to St. Cloud for a day of shopping with my neighbor this morning (I've never done this -wish me luck!), but wanted to stop and say Hello before I left! Have a great day! Hugs and kisses to you all!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 07:08 AM (CST)
HI there guys!! Sorry it has been awhile since i signed say hi!!! I went back to work a few weeks ago, and it is catching up to me!!! yikes!! lol!
i was reading the others comments, and suzi just makes me laugh!!!! I to am going to start praying for boredom!!! That really gave me a laugh!! I love it!! Thanks suzi!!

Jennifer, i have to tell ya, i think the hair cutting thing is a girl thing!! No one i know with boys has done it (except nicholis), just girls....course maybe that is cuz most little boys dont have a lot of hair....
but thank goodness it was underneath...and what a sweet little buddy she has to try and glue it back on!!
What a scene that had to have been!
Sorry to hear about the counts! Will be saying some extra prayers!!
Well, you all take care!!
Blessings, hugs, and love...
Love, Your Angel Family

- Friday, November 08, 2002 at 04:07 AM (CST)
Kaelei has touched me tremendously. I know I dont know you or your family and I most likely will never, but you have to know that you are all in my thought and prayers. When I look at that precious little girl I want nothing more than to hug her and tell her that I love her and since I cant, please tell her for me. Thank you for sharing,you have made my day worth living.

Riverside, ca - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 12:55 AM (CST)
I laughed so hard! Mitchell trying to glue Kaelei's hair back on! Too funny! What a good buddy! She better hang on to him!!!!

I am sad to hear about Kaelei's platelets. No - I am mad. You and I just talked about this. Have you ever heard that Veggie Tales song, "God is bigger than the boogey man"? Well God is bigger than tumors and cancer and chemo therapy and all of it. He is in control! I will be praying with you that Kaelei's levels will be high, but above all that Kaelei will be healed!

I wish I could be there to drive you to Little Rock. Wouldn't we have a hoot?

Good night, dear friend! You are a huge blessing to me! I love you all! Kiss those darling girls for me!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 10:43 PM (CST)
Hi Jennifer & family, I am sorry I have not signed in for awhile my computer was down for 2+ weeks. I'm glad everything is going well. I hope Kaelei improves on the headaches and eye problems. I will definetly keep her in my prayers. Love and hugs to you always. Isn't that Suzi something. She has got to slow down. Just like you need to. Good Luck!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 06:27 PM (CST)
Good Morning! Just checked in to see how everyone was doing! At first, I was disappointed you hadn't updated, but then I got to thinking. By not updating, you are letting each of us know you are super busy and need extra prayers for much needed rest and peace of mind. Right?

You got it! My prayer for the McDonald family is boredom. I pray you would be able to enjoy a lazy, boring weekend filled with laughter and love! Sound good?

I love you guys! You are always with me in my heart! God bless!

Love & Prayers

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 09:59 AM (CST)
Guess what? When I woke up this morning, everything was white! It has been snowing on and off all day. It's nice and warm, so I don't know how long the snow will last, though!

Hey Jen - will you trace one of the girl's feet onto paper and send them to me? I am anxious to start on another crochet project!

Please remember I am always thinking and praying for each of you!!!! God bless!

- Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 04:19 PM (CST)
Hey there everyone!!! How are all of you doing? Great I hope!! I pray you had a good weekend...we did....and our week has started off bout yours?

It is raining here, and our yard is piling high with that means this coming weekend, we will probly have to rake them up!!! How fun!!! LOL!
Well, hope all is going good will talk to you soon!
We love you and are praying for you!
Love, Your Angel Family

- Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 12:12 PM (CST)
Hey Jennifer!

I wanted to let you know that I have finished with those surprises. I just need to find a box to ship them in. I sure hope the girls like them. If they don't - lie to me. OKay? Just kidding!

I am praying you all have a marvelous week filled with tons of hugs and lots of love!!!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 10:10 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei! My name is Julie, and I got your info. from my sister, Sheri, Cameron's mom! I have read your story and check your page regularly. It sounds like you are such a strong, brave girl! And you have a wonderful family! Know that I will be praying for you always! I have 3 little girls that like looking at your pictures, and one of them is named Hollie like your sister! She is almost 5 years old. Emily is 6 and Saely is 3. Thank you for sharing your story! God bless you and your family.
Julie Nichols <>
Pyatt, AR USA - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 06:36 PM (CST)
Hi there! I am anxiously waiting to hear how trick-or-treating for the McDonald family went! I bet you two girls were adorable! So - did you get sick from eating too much candy? Not you two! You are way too smart for that - right?

Jennifer - I just reread your journal and I have to make a comment. You and I talked about Kaelei and how things are going at school when we were on the phone. But it sounds like you are blaming yourself in your journal. You need to stop that right now! You are taking excellent care of Kaelei and Holli. You are doing all the things she NEEDS phyically AND some great things she NEEDS just because she is a little girl. She has to live and have fun! And so do you!!!! You are an excellent mom, Jennifer. All of us can see that!

God bless you!!!! We love you and continue to pray!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 09:16 PM (CST) are you all doing...? I pray that you will all have a great weekend! We love you and are thinking of you!
Love, Your Angel Family

- Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 11:44 AM (CST)
Hello there...I'm sorry that I haven't signed in in so long..I do check up often! I'm sorry that you have to have so much done when you visit the dentist..I don't like visiting them either..but I don't want to be toothless either :) ha ha! (that's what someone told me when I was little..that if I didn't go then someday all my teeth would go bad and I would be toothless :) Would make it pretty hard to eat all my favorite foods! Have a warm and wonderful weekend! (hugs)
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 08:57 PM (CST)
Hey Jen, Kaelei & Holli! How was your day? I pray you will all have a peaceful evening and blessed weekend! Hug and kiss each other lots and remind each other of the great love you have. God loves you all!

With love,

suz <kspohl>
Brainerd, MN - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 05:46 PM (CST)
HI there everyone!! Sounds like lots going on at your place!! Glad to hear you girls have a ton of candy...dont eat till you get sick though!! LOL!
Wow....kaelei, I am sooo sorry to hear all that you are going to have to go through with the dentist!!! The dentist is certainly not my favorite fact, i am pretty scared of him...but it always turns out ok, and there was nothing for me to be scared of!!!
We will be praying for the headaches, eyesight, and tiredness, along with the school work....I cant imagine being so young, and dealing with all this....bless her heart!
well, you guys take care...i just got home from work, it is 5 am, and i am going to bed for a few hours before the kids have to get up for school~!!! talk to ya later!
We love you all!
Your angel family

- Friday, November 01, 2002 at 04:03 AM (CST)
Oh Jennifer! It was so lovely talking with you! I admit, I was nervous calling, but I am so glad I did! "Chatting" over email is fabulous, but hearing your accent was way beyond fabulous! You are beautiful!

You and your family are forever in my heart!

Love always,

- Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 09:44 PM (CST)
Hey everyone!!! How are you all doing? Great i hope!!! Boy I tell ya, that Suzi is something else!! I am sooo thankful to have "met" someone like her! Thanks for being such an encouragement to jen, kevin and the girls suzi!!!!! God bless ya!!
Well, ladies....have a good day, eat lots of treats.... love and hugs!!!

Your Angel Family
- Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 09:09 AM (CST)
Good Morning, girls! How are you doing? Are you excited about Halloween? Are you having a party and parade at school today? Have a great time, but remember not to eat your candy all at once!! Belly ache!!!

Hi Jennifer! How are you doing? How is your job? I just wanted to remind you that you are an amazing lady! Those precious girls are so blessed to have you as their mommy. And Kevin - well, he should be thanking his lucky stars continuously to have married such a fantastic lady! I am so extrememly thankful we met and I sincerely appreciate everything about you!

God bless you, McDonalds!

Love & Many Prayers,

- Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 07:15 AM (CST)
Hi Jennifer! I got your messages and had planned to call today, but my heart is so heavy, I would not be good to talk with. I would probably just bawl! My neighbor brought her sweet baby girl over. She smelled like Mearan (Johnson's Baby Lotion) and my heart literally hurts. I agreed to watch the baby on Monday & Tuesday next week, but I honestly don't know how I'll make it. I promise to call when my mood is better. God bless you all and please know how much I care!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 03:41 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei! Hi Jennifer! God is SO good! I was so glad to hear your wonderful news!!! Cameron will be finished with his chemo in February too! We'll be celebrating together!!! Have a great week and eat lots of candy! We love you gals and are continuing to lift you up in prayer!!! God Bless!
Sheri, Cameron & Austin Sheppard <>
Lafayette, LA - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 06:09 PM (CST)
HI kaelei!!!! Holli, mom and dad too! Hope you are all having a good week! WE are .... but it started raining...and hasnt stopped!!! I just wanted to say hi!!! We love you and are always thinking of you!
Love, Your angel family

- Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 02:01 PM (CST)
Good Morning! I wanted to drop by and say "HELLO". I am working hard on some little surprises for the girls. I hope to be sending them by the weekend. I was thinking of them for Christmas gifts, but that is just too far away. So, if it's okay with you, Jennifer, the girls can have them right away!

I pray all went well with chemo this week and that everyone's colds are long gone! God's blessings to each of you!

Love & so many prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 08:09 AM (CST)
Girls, Girls, Girls.... HOW are you? I pray all is going good so far this week! It is raining here!!!! They say we may have snow this coming weekend....yikes!! Course they said that a few weeks ago too....what do they know?! Well, i just wanted to stop and say hi, and to tell all of you I am thinking of you, and praying for you! Blessings!!! and Hugs!! We love you all!
- Monday, October 28, 2002 at 08:13 PM (CST)
Jennifer - I had to stop back and tell you how wonderful I think you are! You are a strong, courageous, God-loving, marvelous mother and woman! I love "chatting" with you and you have come to mean a great deal to me, as well as Kaelei and Holli! THANK YOU for being you!
- Monday, October 28, 2002 at 09:19 AM (CST)
Hello all! How are you doing? I hope you had a great weekend!? How's school? How's work?

We are always thinking of you and lifting you up in our prayers! God is so good and faithful!

Have a fantastic day and marvelous week!

Love Always,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 09:10 AM (CST)
I am so happy for you - sounds like some good news finally came your way! of course I will continue to pray for Kaelei! I stopped by from smile quilts to leave this card! love & hugs Toto

Pat aka Toto <>
Lyons, KS USA - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 05:15 PM (CST)
HI girls!! MOm and dad too!! How are you all doing? Were you able to go to church today? and how are those colds doing? I am praying that they have left!! The weekend went by too quickly as usual!! I am pretty sure, you are now on your 2 weeks off of tx.....but our praying will not change!!! We love you and are always thinking of you! Take care!! Will talk soon! Love,
Your Angel Fammily
- Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 12:35 PM (CST)

BUNKER HILL, WV - Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 03:55 PM (CDT)
I'm definitely praying in agreement with you. God is a miracle working God and He works miracles every day. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. blessings!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 11:14 AM (CDT)
HI are you doing? Are you happy to have a weekend here? We sure are!! Hope you all have a nice, relaxing weekend...just enjoying each other!! You all take care!!
We love you!!
Your Angel Family

- Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 10:14 AM (CDT)
Good Morning, girls! How are you? Are your colds gone? Do you have big plans for the weekend?

It's raining and cold here today, which is not our favorite weather, but that's how it goes in MN. Bracken's school is having a Fall Carnival tonight with games and prizes. It should be alot of fun!

I pray you are feeling much better and that you will have a fantastic weekend!! God bless you, Kaelei & Holli!

Jennifer - How are you doing? Your heartfelt journal and prayer touched me. The love you have for Kaelei and for Holli is awesome! Great hugs and kisses are being sent your way through the web lines! I love you!

suz <>
- Friday, October 25, 2002 at 09:21 AM (CDT)
God is Good! I am excited about your news and will continue to pray for Kaelei!

Betsy Benson
Maumelle, AR - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 09:57 PM (CDT)
We share your joy and keep you in our prayers and thoughts!!
Your friends at Sunshine School

Sunshine Friends
- Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 08:56 PM (CDT)
Roger and I are so happy about the hopeful, wonderful news you received from the doctor yesterday. We know prayers are answered. Love Laurie & Roger
Laurie McPhail <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 10:58 AM (CDT)
Wow!!! That is wonderful news!! I am so happy for you!! I will definitely keep praying for you!! Just remain strong and keep hopeful!! Everything will work out the way he wants it to!
Luci (Everson) Pennington <>
Inwood, WV USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 09:38 AM (CDT)
That is awesome news! I am so happy to hear that! Your prayer was very touching as well. Have a wonderful day!
Heather Grell
Brainerd, MN - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 09:23 AM (CDT)
Jeniffer~!!! I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face!! I am soooo happy, and thankful for the latest news!!! God is good isnt He? Thank you Lord for the answer to many many prayers!
Kaele~ Sweetie, I am soo happy that you were able to get such great news!! You certainly deserve it! You have been such a strong little fighter! I am very proud of you! Here is a great big hug......

Wow!! I think i am actually speechless!!! I dont know what to say! So how about Praise God!!!!! Amen ! Hallelujah!!!!
You guys take care, have a good day!!! We will be praying as usual!! We love you all!
Lov,e Your Angel Family

- Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 08:42 AM (CDT)
What wonderful news!!! God is truly answering prayers and blessing you. We are so delighted for you!
Marilyn Hollis
Lowell, AR USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 11:23 PM (CDT)
Way to go girl!! Miss ya, Think about you everyday and the fun we had making up in the hotel. Dylan and Kolt say Hey! They are starting Karate next week Dylan's football team came in third at the championships. I had to swallow that stuff to. I think they messed up and gave me chalk though if you liked it so much but it is neat to see the stuff go through you. Have a good day
Aunt Brina,SAAAAABREEENA :-) he he
Dylan, and Kolton

Aunt Brina <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 10:07 PM (CDT)
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! My heart is overjoyed with this wonderful news! I just don't even know what else to say - that says alot - me with no words! Jen- PLEASE hug those beautiful girls for me!!!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 09:54 PM (CDT)
What an amazing day and what an amazing prayer! I will pray for Kaelei faithfully. I found your website thru Mearan's. I was touched by the faith of her mom and want to help keep that promise she made to Mearan. So, I will pray for your daughter and for the miracles that we both know are possible with God!
Christi Hamilton <>
Dove Canyon, CA USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 09:31 PM (CDT)
That is GREAT NEWS!!! You all are always in our prayers.Stay strong and keep your faith.Have a wonderful week.
jerrie manes <>
Centerton, AR - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 09:27 PM (CDT)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 08:43 PM (CDT)
What wonderful news for the McDonald family! I am overjoyed for Kaelei and her parents. It is the power of prayer that has caused this miracle. Nothing can compare to the wonderful love of God. We will continue to pray for you, Kaelei and to praise the Lord! Love you, Ms Barbara
Barbara Graham <>
Rogers, Arkansas USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 07:37 PM (CDT)
That is wonderful news! I will continue to have you all in my prayers. We must all cherish each moment that God has given us. Thanks for making my day!!!!!! Miss Jenny
Jenny <>
Rogers, Ar - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 07:07 PM (CDT)
Hi! Kae;ei we are so happy to hear about the news the Doctor gave. Prayer is really good. Bradley says hi! Stay well. Glad you finally got a van I know you have been looking for one for awhile. You are all in my prayers. Brad and Linda Boudreau
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 06:38 PM (CDT)

I got goosebumps reading your post this evening!! I'm so happy & excited for the news you received! Will continue to lift you up in prayer.

Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 06:24 PM (CDT)
HI there!!! I hope you all made it home safely!! And that all went smoothly! You guys have been on my heart constantly the past couple days! Still praying for a good report!! Have a good day! We love you!
Your Angel Family

- Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 10:27 AM (CDT)
Hi Holli & Kaelei! Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you today! I hope all goes well with the test. My daughter has to have a swallowing test in a couple of weeks so I would like to hear how it goes! Have fun at school this week and hope the weather is nice there. Take Care and Keep up the great work!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 08:58 AM (CDT)
When I checked on you all last night, the counter turned to 18,000. Praise the Lord! Think of how many thoughts and prayers that translates in to.

My thoughts and prayers are with you today as you have the swallow study. Knowing is always so much better than wondering!

God bless you, beloved family!

Love & Prayers,

Lots of love to all of you!

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 08:26 AM (CDT)
Hi girls!!! How are you doing today? It is a nice fall day here!!!
We might go out and look at some leaves this afternoon! They are not really pretty this year...someone on the news said it was because we didnt get enough rain. So most are just dying and falling off the trees! Which is sad, because fall is sooo beautiful!
Well, we are praying that all are feeling better, and for safe travels, and easy tests! You guys have a great day! We will talk to you later!
Your Angel Family

- Monday, October 21, 2002 at 10:37 AM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer,

I'm so glad you got a new (to you) van!! That's GREAT news!! We'll be praying for you all this week -- especially for Kaelei's swallow study.

Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 09:16 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! Hi Holli!

How are you girls feeling today? Mom says you have nasty colds. Colds stink, don't they? Especially when they make you miss a birthday party. Do you have to stay home from school today, too?

Guess what? It's snowing here in MN again. My boys, Gavin, Kegan and Bracken really like the snow. They make forts out of it and throw snowballs. The only time they don't like snow is when they have to help shovel it! Yuck!

Kaelei - Mom says you are having a swallow study done on Tuesday. Mearan had one of those tests. She didn't mind it at all. They gave her some food mixed with white stuff called barium and watched her swallow it on a moving x-ray machine. It was kind of cool to watch. They tape it, so maybe you could see it too. You'll do great, sweety!!! You are a strong, beautiful girl!!!

God bless you and always know we are here praying for you!

Love & Prayers,

suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 07:08 AM (CDT)

You have NEVER "taken away from Kaelei's story". You have added to it. Yall are a part of our lives now, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
We love yall!

Jennifer (Kaelei's mom)
Bella VIsta, AR - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 06:10 AM (CDT)
im praying that all the test go well, so sory about missing out on everything today, i know how that feels.hope she is better. I wanted you to also know that mearans ols sight is fine now suzi was able to get it back up and the mom of kayden there is a link on her sight fro him. god bless and know you are thought of. kaydens web page is and his other one with story on it is
always. marta

marta <>
brainerde, mn U.S.A - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 11:16 PM (CDT)
HI jennifer!!! I am soooo sorry Holli is not feeling well...and that you were unable to attend church, and the party> I know the girls must have been crushed!!

I have been and will continue praying about the upcoming test! Is kaelei nervous? I pray she isnt, and that mom and dad will be at peace about the whole thing.

I was just devastated last nite when i couldnt find mears site....Brought me to tears! But I am sooo thankful for a God who is bigger than Computers!!! Amen? Amen!!
Well, you guys have a good day!
Praying for all the usuals, and unusuals, and the cold holli has, and then new tests!!!
Have a great day!
We love you!!
Your Angel Family

- Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 10:28 PM (CDT)
Hey Jennifer! Thank you for making the change and announcement about Mear's new site on Kaelei's web page. I feel badly that our problems have taken away from Kaelei and her story! You have enough on your mind with Kaelei's health and well-being, not to mention every day life with Holli, yourself, and Kevin. You are forever in my prayers!
suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 08:31 PM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer! Mearan's web page was some how deleted tonight. I went back in and made a new web page, but all the journal history and guestbook entries have been lost. Our hearts are broken! Mearan's new web site address is
suz <>
Brainerd, MN - Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 11:39 PM (CDT)
Good Saturday morning girls!!! How are you?

I hope you are having a ball loafing around watching saturday cartoons!! Those are some of my fave childhood memories!!!

You guys take care!! I will email tonite, with some pics, and stories from the carnival at zach's school....if the rain doesnt stop us!! :)
You girls take care now...and give mom and dad big hugs!!!
We love you!!
Your Angel Family

- Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 09:16 AM (CDT)
Hello all! It's Saturday! What's on your agenda today? I hope you can just laze around and do nothing! That's what the boys and I are planning!

We got another 5 inches of snow yesterday morning, but it is all melted now. It's teasing us! The boys had a couple of good snow-ball fights before it was completely gone, though!

We love you and are thinking of you always! Have a FANTASTIC day!!!

Love & Prayers

suz <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 08:31 AM (CDT)
Hi There! Glad to hear you got a van! That's great! Have a wonderful day!
Heather Grell
Brainerd, MN *USA* - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 11:05 AM (CDT)
Hey everyone!! Again I will say thank God for answers to prayer!!! I am soooo happy you found a van and all the blessings that go along with it!!!

Girls, I am sorry you are not feeling all that great!! Colds can be a real bummer@!!! My boys are home from school today....which of course makes them happy! They think they are loafing around watching tv all day...hahah little do they know!!

Tomorrow, we are going to the fall carnival at zach's school! The boys cant wait! It should be fun! Mommy is hoping the boys win a nice chocolate cake at the cake walk! Hahah!! :)
Well, we will talk to you all later, take care....we love you!

Love, YOur angel family

- Friday, October 18, 2002 at 08:36 AM (CDT)
I am glad things are looking up for you guys.
I hope all is going well for Kaelei and that she feels great.
Everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you and wanted to be the first to wish you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts

- Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 07:17 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! Hi Holli!

Guess what? We woke to see a white ground. It's snowing here in MN! Bracken and Pippy are already outside playing in the wet, cold, sticky stuff! Good thing I got the lawn furniture and the boy's scooters and bikes put away when I did.

How are things going for you? The boys have today and Friday off from school. The teachers are in meetings. Are you off also? I sure hope school is going well for you ladies?! No more bully troubles, I hope!

What are you doing for Halloween? The boys haven't decided yet. We never used to celebrate Halloween, so it is sort of new to us. I'll take a picture of them dressed up and send it to you.

You girls are always in my thoughts and prayers. We've never met, but I truly love you both. Take good care of your Mom and Dad and hug each for me now and then! Always remember that God loves you the very most!!!!

Love & Prayers,

Suzi <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 09:48 AM (CDT)
Jen!!! Hey girl!! How is it going tonite? I pray you are all doing well...and enjoying each other! Isnt suzi something else? She is a gem! Too bad we all dont live close enough to meet eh? Maybe some blessed day! Until then...I will keep praying for all of you! Give the girls hugs for me!!!
Love, Your Angel Family

- Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 09:37 PM (CDT)
Bless Emily's heart! How wonderful to see someone so faithful and loving to your family (and ours!)!

I printed out Kaelei's picture to help my boys identify with her, as we lift her up in prayer. The picture also has Holli in it. As her life is so deeply affected by Kaelei's illness, they can identify with her as well.

I praise and thank God for this web site and for the internet, which brings families and people together, who would otherwise have never met. Your family will forever be in our hearts!

We love you all! God bless!

- Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 10:12 AM (CDT)
Hi!! It is me again!! We made it through the first half of the week with no snow....but it was just down right cold at the bustop this morning!!! I think it is coming for sure!!

How is everyone doing today? Great I pray!! Well, take it easy, and I will talk to you soon!
Love you all!
Your Angel Family

- Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 09:06 AM (CDT)
HI there ladies!!! How are we doing? It is brrrr freezin here!! They say we might get some snow at the end of the week!!!! You guys have a great nite!!!
Love, Your angel family

- Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 08:57 PM (CDT)
HI girls....hope your week is going good!!! It is tuesday, and that means nicholis goes to school today!! He is anxiously awaiting his spaghettios for lunch...yuck myself, you couldnt force me to eat them...but hey, he seems to love them! Today is his day to bring snack, so he chose goldfish crackers...mmmm now those i like! LOL! Can you believe they are saying we may get some snow on thursday?? BRRRR!! I hope not!! I was hoping to make it through at least october with no snow!!!
Well, you girls have a wonderful tuesday!!!
Love, Your Angel Family

- Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 10:22 AM (CDT)
Hi guys!!! Just had to say once more....Praise God for answers to prayer!!! You guys have a great nite!!!
Your angel family

- Monday, October 14, 2002 at 08:25 PM (CDT)
Hey ladies!!! How are we this afternoon? Exhausted from the long trip I am sure!

Well, have a great evening, and be sure to give each other a hug for me ok?
We love ya!!
Your Angel Family

- Monday, October 14, 2002 at 03:46 PM (CDT)
Hi there! We are anxious to hear how your trip went. Boring, right? I could just hear my boys after riding in the car that long! "Are we there yet?" "I'm bored!" and on and on! You gals are made of tough stuff!

What is the weather in Arkansas like right now? It's down right cold here! Winter coats and mitten weather already!

We are thinking of you and praying for you always!!!! I am sure that Mearan is watching out for you all from Heaven now too.

God bless you! We love you dearly!

- Monday, October 14, 2002 at 02:42 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! I hope your trip went well. I'm so glad to hear you are having a good time in school! You and your family are continually in our prayers. Have fun decorating those "punkins"! And thank you Jen for signing Cameron's guestbook - it's a little slow as you can see. Have a great week and enjoy that cool weather!! Lots of love!
Sheri, Cameron & Austin - <>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 01:39 PM (CDT)
Hello to all of you!!!
I am checking in on you, to see how all is going?! I am praying for a safe trip to and back! Jennifer, I have told you before, do not feel bad about not updating the site!! We are not expecting you to!! Besides!!! You have many other important things!! We will all be here when you get a minute!
I hope your weekend went well! Ours did, but it is certainly getting chilly!! YIKES!! Before you know it we will have snow! Strange thought eh?
Church today was great!
Well, i will talk to you soon!
You all have a wonderful day!
Blessings, and hugs!
Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, oh usa - Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 08:59 PM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer! I must apologize for neglecting to sign in lately. I went away last weekend and checked on Kaelei on Monday Morning that is when I found out about Mearan. I just could not believe it. It has weighed heavily on my heart this week. But they are such a strong family and they will get thru it with God's help. Anyways, I hope you have a good trip down. Maybe you could get some books on tape from the library and listen to those to help the trip go more quicker. Although Kaelei would have to have her own tape/cd player because I'm sure she listens to her own stuff. Just a thought. I hope you enjoy school this week when you get back, Kaelei. What are you and Holli going to be for Halloween? Take Care!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 08:51 PM (CDT)
Greetings Kaelei and family!

I came across your page from Mearan's and I hope that you are doing well today. I am Mearan's step-cousin and we miss her so. But we will be praying for you and your family. Continue to be strong, you are inspiration to many! Sending you a big hug and hello from MN (where it very cold! *S*).

Tracy & Dave Petry <>
Aitkin, MN - Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 11:03 AM (CDT)
So sorry I spelled you name wrong in my last post, Kaelei. Please forgive me.
- Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 11:47 PM (CDT)
Hi All,
Just wanted to let you know I have just spent the last little bit reading through your journal. Kailei is such an inspiration. I will be praying for your family in the months to come. I know this must be an arduous journey for your family and it is one that probably never really ends. My son, Morgan, has a chromosomal abnormality that is usually terminal. We have been blessed to have him with us for 5 yrs. and are hoping for many more to come. I will pray for the same thing for you and Kailei.

Holly <>
Des Moines, IA - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 11:46 PM (CDT)
HI girls!! I hear you went to the pumpkin patch!! That must have been fun!! Did you get to pick out some neat pumpkins to bring home?
We love fall....the leaves here are changing, it is getting cooler, but still nice.
Last week, I went on a field trip with nicholis' class, to the apple orchard. It was fun, and he got to pick some apples to bring home.
Well, you girls have a great evening!
Love ya!!!
Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, oh usa - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 07:51 PM (CDT)
Jennifer!! Hi! Glad to hear everyone is ok, busy but ok. I bet the girls had a blast at the pumpkin patch.
The Pohl family has been heavily on my heart all week! Especially today! I will continue praying for them at this difficult time.
Since we moved, when we go home, it is a 2 hour drive. And everytime i do it, i think man how does jennifer do it with a 4 hour drive??? I will keep praying that you find the van you are looking for, and that God will give you the strength to get through those long drives!!
You all have a great weekend! I will talk to you soon!
Love, Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, oh usa - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 10:39 AM (CDT)
Thank you, Jennifer, for your thoughts and prayers for our family! We love you so much! God bless!

Love and Prayers,

The Pohl Family <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 11:12 PM (CDT)
Hey everyone!!! The weekend is here!! Any big plans? I think we are just going to hang out around the house, and spend some family time together....!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!! Hugs!!!
Love, Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 05:09 PM (CDT)
HI girls!!! How are you doing today? It is wet and raining here! We managed to get zach off to school without him getting for! Well, you girls have a wonderful day!
Love, Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, oh usa - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 09:18 AM (CDT)
HI everyone!! Here we are the middle of the week where does time go??? Hope your week is going great!!! have a good one! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 03:20 PM (CDT)
HI everyone!! It is tuesday!! Hope you all arrived home safely!! HAve a great day! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, oh usa - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 09:09 AM (CDT)
I hope that things go well or you all today at chemo and that you have a safe trip to and from. We will keep the other little girls family in are prays also. miss you guys and talk to you soon. Love, Missy,Jeff, and dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 09:16 AM (CDT)
Hey everyone!! I hope your weekend is going good! We got some rain here, but we needed it so cant complain!! Just wanted to tell you all hi, and we are thinking of you! Hugs!! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, oh usa - Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 11:07 PM (CDT)
Your little girl, Kaelei, and your entire family are in our prayers. We are members of the Church of Christ in a small community in Tennessee.
Dennis and Teressa Bailey <>
Iron City, TN USA - Friday, October 04, 2002 at 08:19 PM (CDT)
What wonderful news!! Never under estimate the power of prayer! Continued prayers going your way!

(((hugs))) to you all!

Arcadia, CA USA - Friday, October 04, 2002 at 12:04 AM (CDT)
HI guys just stopping in to say hi!!!! Hope you are all having a great thursday!!! Hugs!!! Love you all!
Love, Your Angel Family

emily grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 01:47 PM (CDT)
The power of prayer is often so under estimated. Good news, and may the God and Father of us all continue to bless.
Raymond Fudge <>
Hayden, AL US - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 12:37 PM (CDT)
We have had you in our prayers constantly.... what wonderful news!!! God is so good... Your answer to prayers helps others keep up their faith. We will continue to pray.
Mt. Pleasant Church

Kay Lewis
martinsburg, WV - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 09:46 AM (CDT)
Praise the Lord! We are so thrilled for Kaelei and for your family!!!!! Our prayers continue to be with you all!

Love & Prayers Always,

Kyle, Suzi & Mearan
- Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 03:06 PM (CDT)
I am so happy for you! God IS SO good! YAY!!! What good news!
Heather Grell
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 01:21 PM (CDT)
God is so good and prayer is so powerful. What wonderful news! Thanks for being inspirations to all of us you two!
Amy and Madison <>
Bella Vista, AR - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 09:05 AM (CDT)

We are so happy for the GREAT news!!!! Can you hear us shouting for joy way down here in Georgia????

Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 08:59 AM (CDT)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 08:36 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei, You and my son have the same tumor, but his is around the optic nerve. I am so happy that you are doing so well!! You are a beautiful girl and I will pray for you!!
Christina Weese <>
Glen Burnie, MD 21060 - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 08:27 AM (CDT)
Great News for you all! I'm so happy and know exactly how much this news means to you. Keep up the great spirit and prayers.

We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

The Heisler Family <>
Springfield, IL - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 07:23 AM (CDT)
Praise the Lord!! He is awesome and merciful to his children. I am so happy for our Kaelei girl and for her family. Please give each other a big hug from Ms Barbara.
I love you.

Barbara Graham <>
Rogers, AR USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 07:15 AM (CDT)
Way to go!!!Tumor shrinkage is always something to rejoice about...Lots of prayers abound for all of your family.Kepp up the smiles Kalei...They light up the shadows and bring hope to all of us and the reminder that when we feel unable to go on...We see all of you very special children being so coureageous and still going on...Your smiles are the miracles that light up my world.All our love and prayers...
C Glickert <>
Siletz, OR United States - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 06:24 AM (CDT)

Emily Grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 10:23 PM (CDT)
Kathy Humphrey <>
Rogers, ar usa - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 10:04 PM (CDT)
That is so,so,wonderful.I am so happy and so glad.I can't even imagin how you are feeling.GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! You guys are always in our prayers.You all mean so much to us and we are always here if you need us.Have a good week.
jerrie manes <>
Centerton, AR - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 09:28 PM (CDT)
So? How did everything go? I am not able to get my email messages down here, but I'm anxious to know how Kaelei is doing. My prayers are with you all! Big huge hugs are coming your way from up north! We love you!! God bless!

Love & Prayers,

Suzi & Mearan
- Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 04:36 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei,
I hope you are having a good day. We are praying the MRI results are great! I love your pictures. The birds look like fun.

Tutee & Chase
Ga USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 02:22 PM (CDT)
HI everyone!! I am praying for traveling mercies today after a long couple of days!! Can you believe it is october already? What happened to september? WOW!! It has been hot here the past couple days...cant make up its mind if it wants to be summer or fall!!! Well, looking forward to hearing from you! God bless you all! We love you!
Love your angel family

emily grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 12:14 PM (CDT)
Praying for you guys to get good results from that MRI.
Just wanted to drop in and remind you that everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you!

Angel Chris
Visit Smile Quilts
- Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 09:12 AM (CDT)
Kaelei, we are saying many prayers for you!! Keep smiling sweetie!!! Jennifer, you know we are there in thought and prayer! God bless! Travel home safely!!
Lov,e your angel family

emily grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 04:07 PM (CDT)
Kaelei and family -

Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday and especially today as you have your MRI. These days are just the worst so we're sending some extra vibes to your mom and dad.

Keep your chins up!

The Heisler Family <>
- Monday, September 30, 2002 at 03:07 PM (CDT)
We would like you to know that your in our prayers. I am a member of the Ramstein Church of Christ in Ramstein Germany and the Maxey's informed us of your illness. We will assist and help in anyway. May God bless and comfort you.
Greg Cowart <>
Ramstein, Germany - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 01:49 PM (CDT)
Girls I pray for a safe trip there and back. I am also praying for God to flood you with peace!!! Cant wait to hear from you! We love you!
Love, your Angel family

emily grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 09:12 PM (CDT)
Iwish you good luck .I hope you feel better.
gerradstown, wv united states - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 09:37 AM (CDT)
i wish you good luck. you are in our prayers. we love you very much. i hope you are feeling better.
kalynn mount. pleasant church
martinsburg, w.v. united states - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 09:34 AM (CDT)
i wish you good luck
gerrardstown, wv united states - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 09:25 AM (CDT)
we wish you well good luck
sarah (mt pleasant united methodist church)
martinsburg, wv united states - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 09:21 AM (CDT)

Maddie & I will say a special prayer for Kaelei Monday, but, of course, you all are in our prayers everyday!!

Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 06:41 PM (CDT)
Hi all! YOu guys know you are in our hearts, and that many extra prayers are being offered for you! I am glad to hear that the bus route is going ok so far! Dont apologize for not "reporting in"!! You dont have to! This is for you, to vent, cry, laugh....whatever you need! We love you guys! God bless!
Love, Your Angel Family

emily grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 04:10 PM (CDT)

WAPAKONETA, OH - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 11:08 AM (CDT)
Dear Jennifer and family,
I pray that all goes well for Kaelai's MRI monday. Jennifer, I know how you feel. I get very nervous when Eric has an MRI. I always have butterflies in my stomach and I have sleepless nights. Eric had his last MRI on sept 3rd and the tumor is stable and has been since Dec. We get impatient,but I know stable is good. We just want this monster to go away. I have recently been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I can't believe this has happened,but it could have been worst. Sometimes I feel like im having a heart attack. My heart pounds so fast in my chest. well, take care and you and your family are in my prayers.
Cindy,mother of Eric age 12 dx in Dec 1992 with a cervio-medullary astrocytoma.

Cynthia Richardson <>
Dale City, Va USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 09:39 AM (CDT)

BENTONVILLE, AR USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 09:35 AM (CDT)
P.S. Thank you for your prayers for Mearan as well! We greatly appreciate every single one!
Suzi & Mearan <>
- Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 08:23 AM (CDT)
Hey there! We are home and slowly getting settled back in. You were never far from our minds this entire time, though. We love you and hold you up in prayer continuously. Hugs and kisses from your friends in MN!!!

Love & Prayers,

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 08:22 AM (CDT)
What beautiful girls you have! Sending you prayers of peace and stength for the upcoming MRI.
Mom of Sam, dx BSG JPA 8/00

Ashlea Young <>
Enfield, CT USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 07:12 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei,
I heard you had a good week at school. Are the leaves changing yet where you live? I just got a book of crafts. I'll bet you like to make them too. Well, sending love and positive energy from Connecticut! Love, Cathy Hackett

Cathy Hackett (Angel Sara Rose Hackett's mom) <>
Sherman, Ct Fairfield - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 07:10 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei, I hope all is going good for you. I just wanted to stop in and say Happy Fall from Smile Quilts. Hugs and prayers Sprite

Sprite <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 03:17 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! Greetings from Louisiana! We got lots of rain and wind from Tropical Storm Isidore here in Lafayette, but not as much as in New Orleans! We're hoping it dries up fast before Cameron has to go for his Chemo on Wednesday (Oct 2nd)! Have a safe trip back to Little Rock! We keep praying for you girl!
Sheri, Cameron & Austin <>
Lafayette, LA - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 04:44 PM (CDT)
HI jennifer! How is everyone doing today? Good I hope! How was your first day back at driving the bus? I hope it is going smoothly! It is wet here today! I guess they say we are getting the effects of the hurricane....are you guys? We are supposed to be going on a field trip to the apple orchard today, but i think it may be postponed due to the rain....bummer....well, fall is here...there is no stopping thing we know it will be the snow!! You all have a great day! HOpe your enjoying the fall! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, oH usa - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 08:54 AM (CDT)
Hello Kaelei and Jen,
I love your bear story!! Hope you guys are having a great day! Every day I check your good to see the number of folks praying for you. Hope your next week is a good one and that all your reports are positive.

Marilyn Hollis <>
Lowell, AR USA - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 09:21 PM (CDT)
Hello from Trenton, Florida. I am Nataly Fudge and am 8 years old. I was born in Mexico City, Mexico and speak Spanish and English. I just want you to know that we, my papito and mamí are praying for you. May God bless you.
Philip, Josefita and Nataly Fudge <>
Trenton, Fl USA - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 04:19 PM (CDT)
HI everyone!!! Here we are already half way through the week!!! Hope yours is going well! I believe this is your first day driving bus again jennifer!! Hope it goes great! You all have a wonderful day, and be sure to give each other an extra hug today! We love you all! Hugs!!!
Love, Your Angel Family

emily grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 08:58 AM (CDT)
My "little girl" is 20. She just spent 10 days in the hospital and her mother had to take 12 weeks emergengy famliy leave to take care of her. My prayers and best wishes for you go before God on your behalf.
Raymond Fudge <>
Hayden, AL US - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 07:51 AM (CDT)
Jennifer...that is too cute!! Thanks for putting a smile on my face! You all have a good nite! Love, Your Angel Family
emily grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 08:59 PM (CDT)
Kaelei: Wish I was there to hold and hug you . You are a very special person God does love you.
Peace and LOVE be with us all.

Mike and Kim Hasser & Family. Parents of Korin 3/20/97-5/31/02
Fowler, IN usa - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 11:17 AM (CDT)
HELLO EVERYONE!!! How was your weekend??? I hope it was great! We went to my parents for the weekend! It was a blast! Our weather is definitely cooling down and turning to fall!! We love the fall! Well, just stopped to say hi! We love you and are praying for all of you! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, OH usa - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 08:25 AM (CDT)
Jennifer, Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. I can't imagine what you're going through!! Sabrina keeps me updated now that I see her every week. It's nice to be back in touch with her! Kind of brings back old memories!! Tell everyone I said hello and you're always in my thoughts and prayers!!
Luci (Everson) Pennington <>
Inwood, WV USA - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 08:06 AM (CDT)
Hi Everyone! Hope your weekend has been good so far. Hope you enjoy school this week. It sure has cooled off here in Ohio. Take Care and still praying for you everyday, Kaelei.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, oh - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 04:55 PM (CDT)
Hi!! Just wanted to take a minute and thank you for your thoughts and prayers and for your prayer requests from others!!

We appreciate and love you soooo much! Our thoughts and prayers are still with you, regardless of our situation!

God bless you all!!!

Love & Prayers,

Suzi, Kyle & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 01:54 PM (CDT)
Just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know our prayers are with you. We learned of your family today through BOL. Your website is very touching and shows us of your faith in God. We are members at the Gardendale church of Christ. We will let the members there know about you and ask them to pray for you.
Roger & Tami Nash <>
Mt. Olive, AL - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 09:21 PM (CDT)
Oh Wow! Look at all the new visitors to the guestbook, but more importantly, look at all the new people praying for Kaelei and your family! God is so good!

Love & Many Prayers,

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 01:32 PM (CDT)
Hello Kaelei - My name is Kailyn and I am six years old, too. My mommy told me that you are very sick. I hope you are doing better soon. I will ask God to make you better when I say my prayers tonight. I like your bird. I have a hamster. Keep smiling even when you don't feel good. Love, Kailyn Palmer
Gary, Charla, Derrick and Kailyn Palmer <>
Temple Terrace, FL - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 09:31 AM (CDT)
Though we have never met, you have touched our hearts. Our prayers are with all of you and especially Kaelei as you continue to meet the many daily challenges in yourlives. Truly our God is able to do more than we could ever think or ask and we are confident that His "all seeing eye" is watching over each of you. As they are in so many places, Christians here in south Alabama are praying for you Kaelei (what a pretty smile you have :) )!
Ben May <>
Andalusia, AL USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 08:30 AM (CDT)
I hope and pray that your daughter has the healing of our all-powerful God with her. Whatever happens, it will be His will. in Him, Phil
Phil Pulliam <>
Lexington, KY USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 08:04 AM (CDT)
We will be praying for your family.
Don & Marsha Swanson <>
Lumberton, TX - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 07:58 AM (CDT)
We have just found out about your health problems. Having never met you does not keep us from loving you so much. We are members of the North Valdosta congregation in Valdosta, GA. We are known to the young people as Mimi & Papa. So, let us say that Mimi & Papa are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers - and we love you very much

Richard & Trish Parham <>
Hahira, GA. Lowndes - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 07:31 AM (CDT)
Joshua 1:9. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. You are in my thoughts & prayers. Psalms 27: 14. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
May the peace that passeth all understanding be with you now & may He that careth for you strengthen you.
Love, a sister in Christ,

Donna M. Blythe
Reasnor , Ia Jasper - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 01:04 AM (CDT)
Greetings to the whole McDonald family. Know that Christians across the country (and beyond) are praying to the Lord our God on your behalf. Nothing is impossible for Him. My family will remember yours in our prayers and try to help spread the word.
Scott Wiginton <>
Tomball, TX USA - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 10:58 PM (CDT)
We are hoping that you are feeling better. We are Kevin Maxey's cousins from California. He just sent us an email about your situation and we just want you to know that we will be praying for you.
God be with you!!!!!!!!!
The Stanfill Family

Terry, Paula, Katie and Scott Stanfill <>
Lake Arrowhead, CA USA - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 10:43 PM (CDT)
We will keep you and your family in our prayers. May God bless you.
The Thieles
Rochelle, IL U.S.A. - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 07:50 PM (CDT)
We just saw a request for prayers via brethren online. I pray the Lord will give you all strength through these trying times and restore health!
Paul, Jacquie, Rachćl & Becky Thrower <>
St. Catharines, ONTARIO CANADA - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 06:30 PM (CDT)
Hey Jen,
I have been away for awhile on a work trip and just got back yesterday, I just got update on all that has been going on, looks like things are looking up. Thats great. We will be praying for good results on Kaelei's MRI the week after next. That is great that your going to be able to go back to work and that there going to work with you on having time off for Kaelei, And maybe that will enable Kevin not to have to work as much and be able to spend more time with you all. and i'm shore that it will help money wise. It is hard with both of us working and no medical problems to deal with. so i'm shore it has been twice as bad for you all. Just remb. LOVE and GOD will get you throw anything. We miss you all and hope to see you soon. Keep in touch. LOVE, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton.

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 04:28 PM (CDT)
hello, im glad to hear everything is going good with you going back to work and all. keep up all the good work. it is kinda of funny that we both use to drive bus and are both just now going back to it.
always marta mom to braden4 and kayden T18q+{15 months}
his web links are and

BRAINERD, MN BRAINERD - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 01:23 AM (CDT)
Hey y'all -
My son Kyle, now 18 (!) is 5 years post re-section from a pilo astrocytoma in his cellebellum too! Grade 1 - no chemo or radiation. He's hope to others that long term survival percentages ARE possible!
We both send our prayers and "good vibes" to you and your family :-)
We both really liked the pictures - Kyle wants to get a cockatail (spelling?) too!
We both have faith that you will be getting better soon, and back to having fun.

Kyle and Mom March

March and Kyle <>
Greensboro, NC US of A - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 09:59 PM (CDT)
I don't always open the photo album and look at the pictures when I check your web site, but today I did. I was amazed again at how beautiful Holli and Kaelei are. I just cried. I praise and thank the Lord for all the wonders and miracles of this world and your girls fall in that category!

Love you bunches,

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 04:06 PM (CDT)
Hi there! Just wanted to say hello..I don't post often but each morning I check the website. That is great news about the bus driving job..don't know how you do it!! Have a great day!
Brainerd, MN - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 09:06 AM (CDT)
How exciting to be going back to work! Good for you, Jennifer! I admire anyone able to concentrate & drive a bus full of noisy kids. I'm so glad things are looking up right now. I will pray Kaelei's counts look great as well!

God bless you all! We love you and think of you constantly!

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 08:25 PM (CDT)
Hey Jennifer! I'm glad you posted about today's meeting with the school about driving the bus. I sure was wondering about that...and saying prayers for you! I'm glad it will work out for you to do it.

I'm not real good about signing the guestbook like I should. But not a day goes by that I don't think of you and Kevin and the girls and pray for you.

Have a great rest of the week!

Kathy Humphrey <>
Rogers, ar Benton - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 08:23 PM (CDT)
Hi everyone!! Hope all is going well!!! We had a nice fall day here! In the high 70's! Wont be long, and we will be telling you about the snow! YIKES!! Well, you all take care, and have a wonderful evening! Hugs!!!
Love, Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, oh usa - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 06:46 PM (CDT)
Happy monday!!! How are you all doing today? It is a wet, rainy, gray day here....but we cant complain! We NEED the rain!!! The kids dont have school today, teacher in service day or something. So they are happy to be home. Everyone slept in this morning! Boy was that nice! The boys said to tell you hi! They are going to send some pics from the aquarium, and tell you all about it! Have a great day! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 10:28 AM (CDT)
Kaelei, HOlli, Kevin, And Jennifer!!! Hope you all had a great weekend! Soounds like you have been busy having a good time! The fair certainly sounds fun!! And we love jumping on trampolines too! Nothing like a trampoline to bring out the kid in all of us! HAHA! You guys have a great day! We love ya! Hugs!!! Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh USA - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 11:17 PM (CDT)
Hello Kaelei, Holli, and Jennifer,
So glad to hear you've had a good week. The field trip sounds great. I loved those field trips, when I took my classes on them. Enjoy your two weeks free of trips and chemo.
Hang in there...remember, those who judged are being judged by the Lord. He promises to take that burden for you. You are always in our prayers.

Marilyn Hollis <>
Lowell, AR USA - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 02:23 PM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer!

I just read your update! You have every right to an attitude - good, bad or anything in between!

I loved your journal a couple of weeks ago where you "vented". I cried and looked at how good we have it. There were many areas, but one thing that struck me is we don't have to run Mearan to the Cities every week, which is about the same distance you have to go to Little Rock. I hate those trips and you do it every week.

Please don't EVER feel like you need to apologize for your journals or your feelings. This web site is your place to let go, be yourself, share and vent. None of us should EVER judge you for anything you put on here.

You and Kevin are doing a fabulous job! Kaelei and Holli are extremely blessed to have loving parents like you!

Hug those girls for us up here in MN! We love you and pray for you constantly!

Love & Prayers,

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 10:43 PM (CDT)
Kaelei and Holli, A little bird told me that you girls went on a field trip today to the fair. I bet you, Holli and mom had great time. LOVE, Mr. Bob.
Mr. Bob
- Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 06:36 PM (CDT)
Hi girls how are you? Almost to another weekend already! Hope you are having a great week! I will talk to you soon! Just stopping in to say HI! We love you and are thinking of you! HUGS!!
Love, Your angel family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 06:17 PM (CDT)
Hi! Kaelei Bradley says hi! He asks how you are . I hope you are enjoying school and the bulling has gone away. We both think of you every day. You take care. Linda and Bradley
Linda Boudreau
Washburn, MO USA - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 11:09 PM (CDT)
HI girls!! Glad you made it home safe! I can only imagine that you are thrilled to have the next two weeks off of treatment!! That will be a nice break! I know mom is looking forward to not having to drive that far!! Hope school is still going great! Have a wonderful day! Love and hugs!! Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 02:05 PM (CDT)
Hi All! Always know that we are thinking about you and praying for you! We love you! God bless!
Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 04:42 PM (CDT)
HI miss kaelei!!! How are you sweetie!!! It is monday morning, and I just stopped in to say hi, and to tell you I am thinking of and praying for you today! We love you! God bless!! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, OH usa - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 09:36 AM (CDT)
Hi girls!! You ladies have a safe trip today! I pray things will go smoothly! I am sooo happy you had a great time bouncing on the trampoline kaelei! Sounds like a blast! Keep smiling you beautiful princess! We love you! God bless! Love your angel family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 08:10 AM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer,

Just wanted to let you know that I still check in every day to see what's new. We continue to pray for you all!! Will pray for traveling mercies for your trip to LR.

Love in Christ!!

Suzanne <>
Columbus, GA USA - Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 10:06 PM (CDT)
WAPAKONETA, OH - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 09:26 PM (CDT)
Smiles and Hugs coming your way!!! Have a great weekend!!! Love, Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 09:12 AM (CDT)
Jennifer, Know that you are loved! Feel your heavenly Father's arms wrapped around you right now! From the sounds of it, you have every right to say the things you did. Do NOT appologize! God's opinion is the only one you need to be concerned with. We are not to judge one another. Besides, those of us who have not been in that situation have absolutely NO idea of what we would be doing in the same circumstances. Not to mention, this is YOUR family, YOUR children, YOUR marriage. You make the decisions that you feel are right for you and your family, and others should support you! That is what friends are about! Some may not always agree with a decision, but as a true friend, they are to support you! WE love you all!! Blessings to you all, and may God grant you that sweet peace that comes only from him!
Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, OH usa - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 08:46 AM (CDT)

After reading your recent journal entries, first I wanted to cry. I cannot believe that people can be so thoughtless! So then I got a little angry. How dare they say something like that about a kind, considerate, good natured friend? It made me want to be like the bullies that Kaelei has encountered. But I know that is not the answer. Then I decided what you (and I) need to do is....let them talk! I'm serious! I'm not trying to down-play the seriousness of the situation, because it is indeed a serious matter! But, of all the things that they could talk about, they chose you and your family! I cannot think of a better subject than you guys!! And maybe, one of these days, those who have decided to take it upon themselves to judge what you do (when they have NO CLUE how life is for you and your family) just MAYBE those hurtful words that they've expressed now will turn to words of comfort for you later. My hat goes off to you! Not just for being the wonderful mother that you are, but also for taking a stand against the bullies in a meek and gentle way. Not calling names, not stooping to their level, but letting them catch a glimpse of what you deal with daily. Now, maybe the next time they go to speak, they will choose to be kind. I love you guys so much! I wish I could shield you from things like this! But in reality, it makes us all aware of others, their feelings, and how we should REALLY treat them!

Thanks for being an inspiration to me! Thanks for taking a stand for what is right! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings with people all over the world so we can truly be thankful for what we have!! You should really give thought to writing a book, if you haven't already!!

Kathy Humphrey <>
Rogers, AR USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 07:01 PM (CDT)

I know how frustrated you must be!!! We'll continue to keep y'all in our prayers.

Suzanne -- Maddie's Mom <>
Columbus, GA USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 01:03 PM (CDT)
Hey Jen,
Do not applo. for your entries, you are right on the money with that. I no that there is no way i could get throw all the things that you and Kevin have had to do for the last 6years. and no one should be saying any thing about you. you are a inspr. to me lots of times when my day has been roten i just read you entries and i remb. that my life is great comp. to what you have to do everyday. you are a great person and wonderful with the kids and don't let anyone tell you any diff.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all and miss you alot, Missy,Jeff,and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 10:37 AM (CDT)
Hi! All I know that is when I read your journal entries I see a wonderful person...I CANNOT imagine what you all go thru each day...and when I read all the things you do in a day..makes the little things that I complain or get upset about seem so incredibly petty and selfish. You are so amazing!
Heather G
Brainerd, MN USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 09:32 AM (CDT)
Jennifer, no apologies for entry. You feel how you feel and no one should pass judgement. They will meet with the father in their own time. I will continue to pray not only for Kaelei but you and your frustrations. No one should have to go thru what you are going thru. And only people like you know what it is like. God Bless You.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 08:53 AM (CDT)
Jennifer - you are so right! As you said on our guestbook - AMEN!

Unless we walk in each other's shoes, we should never pass judgement. (I guess Kaelei and Holli aren't the only ones dealing with bullies!)

I'm sure it doesn't help much, but always know that I think you are marvelous!!! Even more importantly - God thinks you are too!

Psalm 23 says, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over."

Your cup appears to be running over, Lady! We love you and think about you and your highly awesome family constantly!

Love & Prayers,

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 01:32 AM (CDT)
HI everyone!! Glad your week went well! I am praying for another good week for all of you! At least your girls lasted a little while before complaining in the morning when it is time to get up! Zach has been complaining since day 2 of school! LOL! I hated getting up! Haha....still do! :) Happy to hear about the bully situation!! Will continue to pray for that as well, along with the eye dr appt!!! Well, you all have a great day! And safe travels back from treatment!!! We love you! HUgs!!! Your angel family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 10:06 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei and Holli, glad school is going great. Kaelei we hope all goes fine Tuesday. You have such a wonderful mommy and daddy. HAng in there. Have a great week. Love Linda and Bradley
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO USA - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 11:32 PM (CDT)
Hi there,
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Labor Day. Have a safe trip to Little Rock. My prayers are for a good report from the doctor and no problems with chemo. Have a great week at school.

Marilyn Hollis <>
Lowell, AR USA - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 09:12 AM (CDT)
Hello Kaelei,
My name is Eric. Thank you for signing my caringbridge page. I hope you are feeling good. I'm having MRI tuesday and will start my 8th cycleof chemo this week. Write me back soon.

Eric W. Richardson II <>
Dale City, Va USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 09:35 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei,
It was so good to see you, Holli and Mom the other day. You looked so pretty and so happy. I wanted to stay and talk to you for a long time. I'm glad you like big school and that you aren't letting the bully bother you. Remember to wear that eye patch--all your friends will want one too. Hope that we see each other again soon. You always make me laugh when I talk to you.

Ms.Sandy <>
Bella Vista, AR - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 08:24 PM (CDT)
Hey guys I am so glad that things are going good at school.It sounds like you both are having lots of fun.I just hope and pray that you get good news at the eye clinic.Enjoy your weekend and we will see you sunday.
jerrie and morgan manes <>
Centerton, AR - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 10:02 AM (CDT)
Hello from Minnesota! How's the weather down there? It's been a beautiful day here! Lots of sun and cool breezes! How was school today, ladies? No mean bullies picking on you, I pray!? What are you learning? Did you get the birthday cards we sent? We think of your family always and hold you up in our prayers constantly!

Love & Prayers,

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 06:29 PM (CDT)
Dear Jennifer...Hi...My name is Kim and I was on Smile Quilts and saw Kaelei's quilt, how beautiful it is! My 7 year old son, Kody is having a quilt made also. Like your preciuos, beautiful little girl, Kody also has a brainstem tumor. His was diagnosed on Jan. 8, 2002 along with severe hydrocephlus. Kody goes to Shands Hospital in Gainesville Florida and like you I checked with St. Judes but there advice was the same...they couldn't help since they have never seen a tumor like Kody' see Kody is the only living person in the world with this type tumor so anything that happens, the dr's will be learning on him. My heart goes out to you, I read your entire journal and I can say...I have felt like you do so many times. My prayers will include Kaelei and your family everyday...Take care and hug your babies for Kody and me! If you would like to see Kody, his web site is

Kim Kruppenbacher <>
Leesburg, FL - Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 12:05 PM (CDT)
Jennifer!! HI hon!! Boy have i had a few late nites!!! too much mountain dew i think !! LOL! It was after midnite last nite when i ckd in on you guys....almost that late tonite! Just dropping in to say hi!!! Hope your week is going wonderfully! Almost to the weekend! Hi kaelei, Hi holli, and hi kevin!! Hugs to all of you! God bless!! Take care! Love, your angel family
emily grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 10:41 PM (CDT)
HI girls! Just dropped in to say hey! Hope you had a great day at school today, and an even better one tomorrow! God bless!! Hugs!! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, oh usa - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 12:05 AM (CDT)
Happy Birthday!! Just wanted to let you know that prayers are being sent your way.
Ginger Friesner <>
Il usa - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 11:05 PM (CDT)
Hi there! I was just checking in. I pray all went well for Kaelei on Monday and that the girls had a great time at school today! God bless you!
Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 08:29 PM (CDT)
Hi all!! I hope everything went well at tx this week! And that you had a safe travel home! Hopefully you will all have a wonderful week! It is sunny here, but cool...for us is about 80 or so~ Feels like fall! I love fall! Dont you? With the changing leaves etc....Well, have a great day at school today! We love you! God bless! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh USA - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 09:29 AM (CDT)
Hi! We are thinking of you today, as always! We pray you are well and smiling! God bless you, Princess!

Love always,

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Monday, August 26, 2002 at 04:46 PM (CDT)
Thinking of you all today. Take Care and have a great day!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapak, Oh - Monday, August 26, 2002 at 08:13 AM (CDT)
Happy Belated Birthday Kaelei! I hope you had a great day!

I'm praying for you today that all goes well at chemo. Our girl is still taking a break from chemo while we wait for her platelet count to come up.

She starts school on Thursday! She was jealous to hear you've already been going for a week. I hope you love it as much.

Sending lots of prayers and hugs to you all!

The Heisler Family <>
- Monday, August 26, 2002 at 07:45 AM (CDT)
Hi girls, and happy birthday Kaelei. I wanted to think you again for inviting me to your birthday party,I had a blast! Both of you are special little girls and will always hold a special place in my heart! If either of you, or your family ever need anything I will always be here for you.Yall have a good day at school tomorrow and I will talk to you later.

Love Always,
Uncle Randy

Randy Manes <>
Centerton, AR U.S. - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 09:49 PM (CDT)
Happy Birthday, Kaelei!!! Happy Birthday, Holli!!! You ladies are so beautiful!! We love you so much and wish you the VERY best always!

Love & Prayers,

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 01:09 PM (CDT)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAELEI. I remb. the day your mom and dad left to go to the hosp. to have you, it seems like it was just the other day and you are 6 years old already, how time fly. We miss you all and hope to see you soon. I glad you both love going to school. and Kaelei the bully that is picking on you, does that just to make his self look bugger, but really he is making his self look bad. just keep smiling and being your beatiful self and he will move on soon or later when he relizies he can not brake you!!!!!! Well happy birthday to you and Holli both and hope you had a great b-day party. love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 11:48 AM (CDT)

I hope you have a very fun happy day!!


Random Acts of Kindness

Yuneek <>
Peo, IL USA - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 11:38 AM (CDT)
WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAELEI!! I hope your birthday is happy, in every way! Love ya, little one!

Lynda <>
Peoria, IL USA - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 11:24 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei,I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.I hope you have a wonderful day. Love and Hugs,Sharon

Sharon {Smile Quilts} <>
Ft.Lauderdale, Fla USA - Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 09:43 AM (CDT)
Hey Kalaei! I hope everything is doing well. I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying school! So am I even though I'm in 9th grade. I wish you the best of luck in school.

Melissa Tabor <>
Pyatt, AR USA - Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 08:27 PM (CDT)
Happy, Happy Birthday!
Marilyn Hollis <>
Lowell, AR USA - Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 10:31 AM (CDT)
Hi! Kaeleie and Holli it is hard to believe you are in school. The time has really flown. Also want to wish you both Happy Birthday. Bradley says hi! He is in fourth grade and he also is bullied at school. It gets him very angry. He will be 10 years old September 30th, and is looking forward to it. Hope the bullying will go away, some children do not realize how they can hurt someone. Keepup the good work and stay as sweet as you are. We love you both. Linda and Bradley Boudreau
Linda Boudreau
Washburn, Mo USA - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 11:41 PM (CDT)
Hi all! I am so sorry (actually angry too) that these bullies are picking on the girls! I will pray for the Lord's protection over the girls and for a softening of the boy's hearts. I will also pray the teachers are watchful and aware. Our babies should not have to be abused at school! Jennifer - how are you holding up with the girls away all day? Are they in the same class? Will the chemo trips effect school for Kaelei very much?

You all are in my heart! I love you and think of you often! God bless!

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 08:07 PM (CDT)

SABINA, OH USA - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 06:58 PM (CDT)
Girls!! I am sooo happy to hear you love school! As far as the "bully" situation goes, I will say extra prayers. I know it is too much for the girls to understand, but people "pick on and bully" other people because they have low self esteem and need to make themselves feel better! So, I will pray for these boys as well. But especially for protection of the girls, physically, and emotionally.
Well ladies...tomorrow you get to go to chuckee cheese!!! What a fun time that will be!! Have a good time! You deserve it after working so hard and paying such good attention at school this weeek!! We will talk to you later! Have a good weekend!!! Love,
Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 06:56 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! I'm a frequent visitor from Dotti's Weight Loss Zone. I've been following your progress since your mom asked us all to pray and keep good thoughts for your family. I'm glad you had a good time at Disney World; it sounded like fun. It sounds like you're doing well in just about everything.
Elizabeth (elizabethann40) <>
Phoenix, AZ - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 06:35 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei, I was so glad to hear that you and your family had such a good time in Florida visiting all those special places!! Your mom says that you love school. I just knew you would; we always had so much fun at preschool. I can't believe that you are almost 6 years old!! My, you've grown up into such a beautiful young lady. Have a happy birthday and I hope that you have lots of fun at school. I say a prayer every day for you, Holli, Mommy and Daddy and hope that you will keep feeling good. Maybe we'll see each other at Walmart some day again.
Ms. Sandy <>
Bella Vista, AR - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 04:53 PM (CDT)
HI there everyone!! It is thursday now! Your first week of school is almost over! Cant believe it huh? Where have the days gone? Well, I was just checking in on you guys....hope everyone is having a good day today, you know we are always thinking of and praying for you! Oh, almost forgot to tell you...the boys might be getting a few fish for pets!! I will keep you posted and of course send pics! We love you guys!
Love, Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 09:21 PM (CDT)
Hey everyone!! I am sooo glad you girls had a great day at school and I am sooo proud of you for standing in line, and following the rules!! This is just the beginning of a long road, but dont blink....It will be time for mom to take you to your graduation before you know it!! The years ahead of you are some of the best of your life! Jeniffer, I agree with Suzi, it is the mark of a good mother! I will keep praying for you! It is a big step when our "babies" venture out there without us in arms reach! But, I know God's Angels are watching over them! I agree also about what a bummer of a way to spend your birthday!! I am sure they are thrilled about chuckee cheese!! We love it too! Although, I always remember to take along some tylenol! Have a great day!! We love you!
Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 10:18 AM (CDT)
Kaelei and Holli, It just seems like yesterday that you two would be with your mother at the bus shop. It don't seem possible that you are both big girls now.I am so glad that you both like school.Work hard and have fun. GOD BLESS,LOVE, MR. BOB.
Mr. Bob
Bentonville, Ar. - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 09:04 AM (CDT)
Oh Wow! That must have been tough sending both of your girls off to school today. I homeschooled Gavin and Kegan for many years. When I sent them to public school for the first time this last October, I felt like I couldn't breathe for a couple of weeks. My youngest son, Bracken will be going to kindergarten Sept. 3rd. and I know I will again go through that same empty, anxious feeling. I think that is the mark of a good mother!!! My heart is with you, Jennifer! You are a great Mom and a wonderful woman!!! Please hug and kiss the girls and hubby!

All my love,

Suzi <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 11:09 PM (CDT)
Hello to all of you! I bet you girls are excited to start school!! Tomorrow is the big day!! How thrilling!! Mom, I will be saying extra prayers tomorrow as you are getting a double whammy of "my baby is leaving for school!"!!! Kaelei, I am glad you like Arfonzo sooo much! I know he was extremely happy to finally meet you! I had told him sooo much about you! Well, big day ahead of you, have a wonderful time! Cant wait to hear all about it! We love you!
Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Sabina, Oh usa - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 08:28 PM (CDT)
I found your link on DWLZ. I enjoy hearing nice updates and I hope everything goes well with chemo soon.
Whitney <>
Mo USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 05:08 PM (CDT)
Hi! I have a lovebird name Twillie. He is green and red with peach colored cheeks, hence they call him a peach faced love bird. My friend Ruthie raised him or her [don't know how to tell the girls from the boys] from an egg. There were four eggs altogether, but Twillie was the only one to hatch. I also have seven cats, Bebe and her children BroBro, CutiePy,Enola, and then there are Gabby, Grouch and Frak. Each name has a story, and if you want to hear the story e-mail me at piggyob@aol. My e-mail name has a story behind it too. Hope the chemo isn't making you too sick. I don't think I could handle it and I am an old lady. Well, here's good luck to you all [especially with that to quote the Crock Hunter "Naughty" neighbor]. God bless, with love

Pat O'Bannon <piggyob @>
Sacramento, Ca - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 04:00 PM (CDT)
Hi there. That Silversmith story was wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I check your site often to see how things are going but I don't often post. I am so glad to hear that you had a wonderful time in Florida!
Take care

Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 11:59 AM (CDT)
Hi there. Just dropped in to check on Kaelei. I'm so glad you had such a great time in Florida. Great "silversmith" story--what an awesome reminder! Tell that precious little girl that there are three (well, two that can actually talk) little girls that pray for her every night. Keep the faith!!
Christi Hamilton <>
Dove Canyon, CA USA - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 10:48 AM (CDT)
Holli hope you had a great b-day and kaelei hope your's will be just as great. not much longer and you will be going to school. I'm shore that it will be great for you and for your mommy to get sometime to do for her self, remember to do a little something for your self each day Jen !!!!!!! You desv. it. Well that is all for now, hope to hear from you soon. Love, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 10:47 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei and Holli. I hope you are having a good weekend. It's the last one before school. I bet you are both so excited. I have a son, Nathan, starting Kindergarten too. This might give your mom some peaceful time at home. She's probably very excited. Ha, Ha. Good Luck on Monday, I hope all goes well. Don't forget there are a lot of people thinking of you.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapak, OH - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 09:59 AM (CDT)
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to let you know I'm keeping all of you in my prayers each day and I'm so glad you got to take your trip and it was wonderful.
I've heard so much about you from our church, Deanna Reardon keeps us updated, May the Lord keep you under his protective wings, I will defintely keep in touch, With Love

Freeda Madigan <>
Martinsburg, WV Berkeley - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 09:45 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! LOVED reading about your exciting trip and all the fun stuff you and your family got to do! And now, getting ready to start Kindergarten, how neat! Cameron will be starting Kindergarten on Tuesday also, if his counts are up enough. I'm looking forward to reading about how you & Holli did at your first day of school. I think about you and your family often, and you are in my prayers. Keep up the good work taking care of your birdies!
Love, Sheri, Cameron & Austin < >
Lafayette, LA - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 09:22 AM (CDT)
HI. Thought I would say Hi to you guys all the way from Texas. I originally found your site thru I have been following your story for some time now. I also have started following Mearan's story as well. I check both websites daily to read the newest updates. You girls are so BEAUTIFUL. Your Mommy and Daddy are going to have so much trouble with them Nasty BOYS!! I just recently starting a journal on Caringbridge. It is I don't have cancer but, sometimes it helps to write things out. I enjoy your journals!!
Cathy Wiggins <>
Saginaw, TX - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 12:28 AM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer,

We check the webpage daily to keep up with Kaelei!!! Maddie loved the pictures of the girls with the birds!!

Suzanne -- Maddie's Mom <>
Columbus, GA USA - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 09:10 PM (CDT)
Hello McDonald clan! Hope this weekend has been peaceful and joyful for you all!

I wanted to let you know that I emailed about the quilt square when you first wrote about it in the journal, but have not heard back from them. So please let me know if you are aware of the specific info on size, etc. I would love to make a square for Kaelei!

You are always in my thoughts and prayers! We love you!

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 02:13 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei,
I found your web through Mearan Pohl web site.
I am glad to read that your count are up. I have been keeping up with your web page when I get home on the weekend. I drive a big truck and pull bellydump on road construction. You are in my prayer. Hope every thing goes well with your chemo.
Hang in there!

Sandy Killian <>
Staples, Mn - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 10:32 AM (CDT)
Hey girls just thought that i would say a quick hi.I bet you all enjoyed having your cousins down.I hope you both have a great birthday.have fun on your first day of school you will have to let me know how it goes.have a great weekend.
jerrie and morgan <>
Centerton, AR USA - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 09:22 AM (CDT)
Hi girls!! I hope treatment went well this week!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLI!!!!! Hope your bday week is going well!!! And miss kaelei.. .yours is right around the corner! Wow!! School is starting next week, you girls have sooo much to look forward to!!!! I know you will all be busy over the next couple weeks, but remember to take a few minutes and hug each other ok?!! God bless!! We love you!!
Your Angel Family

Emily Grennell <>
Mount Vernon, oh usa - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 06:26 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! Hope you are feeling good today. Just wanted to let you know we are still praying for you. How are the birds doing? I bet you are so tired from all that running around disney! Take Care and enjoy the rest of your summer!
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 03:40 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! It's been a while since I've signed in. Reading back through your website, you've had an absolutely amazing summer!! You've done lots and lots of things and gone lots and lots of deserve every bit of it! I'm so glad you got to spend those special times with your family! You guys are very special to me. And I must say, since all of your travels and leisurely time together, you guys look great! So relaxed, so happy. It's an amazing sight for others to see! Jennifer, you ARE an inspiration to me. The strength you have is unbelieveable! You help me realize what I have and what I should be thankful for, and I am truly thankful for you! You know I'm here for you--as well as so many other people--whenever you need me. Kaelei and Holli, I know you have birthdays coming up soon and then school will be starting...WOW! What a year! Have a great birthday. I'll check back with you soon. Loads of love and hugs and kisses!

Kathy Humphrey <>
Rogers, AR USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 09:33 PM (CDT)
Keep your head up. Any girl who is as pretty as you, will beat your illness and be well soon.
Bruce F/O Meredith

Bruce Deker
Sparrowbush, NY USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 07:46 PM (CDT)
Hi everyone!! It was sooo good to talk to you the other day jennifer! I am so glad the trip was so amazing! And, I am happy you are all home safe and sound!! Isnt terrible how fast our little ones grow up!! Well, You all have a wonderful day, and holli, have an extra special birthday week!!! Love, YOur angel family
Emily Grennell <>
sabina, oh usa - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 04:18 PM (CDT)
Jennifer and family,
I'm a lurker on the chilhood cancer board often but I never posted before. My child does not have cancer but for some reason it's always been my biggest fear. I always visit your website and check in to see how Kaelei is doing.After reading about your MAW trip to disney I just read it and cried I'm so glad both of your girls had a great time. I admire what you go through everyday I wish there was no such thing as cancer. This year I started doing my local Relay for Life walk - I walked for my best friend's mother and a clients daughter battling the disease. Next year I would love to walk for all the children on the childhood cancer board. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way by being an outsider and signing your book but I just had to tell you finally how much families like yours inspire to do more for others and thank god for our family and health. Thank you. Jaime

Jaime Lonsdale <>
Plainville, MA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 05:34 PM (CDT)
We are overjoyed your trip went so well! What an adventure!

I have not been signing on, but I am checking your web site and you are all in my thoughts and prayers! Love you bunches!!!

Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 01:40 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei it sounds like you and Holli had a wonderful time at florida. Did the big bunny let you take pictures with him? That is cool you got to go to his birthday party and have a christmas there too. It sounds like a very fun and loving place. I bet you are resting up now cause you had such a blast last week? My name is Jessica and I have a smile quilt also. I have signed your guest book a few times in the past and just wanted to come and check up on you. Love, Jessica

Jessica <>
- Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 05:28 PM (CDT)
Sounds like you had a wonderful trip! what a thing that make a wish foundation is! I wanted to stop in and leave love, hugs and prayers for you and all your family!

Pat aka Toto <>
Lyons, KS USA - Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 06:41 PM (CDT)
What a great trip. Your two daughters are so beautiful. Your trip sounds like it went great. God bless Kaleigh. She is in our prayers and hearts!!!
Cathy Hackett (Angel Sara Rose Hackett's mom)
USA - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 04:15 PM (CDT)
Sounds like you had a marvelous time. So glad you
got to go. Love to each Miss Loretta

Loretta and Phil White <>
Bella Vista, AR Benton - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 09:36 AM (CDT)
It sounds like your trip was absolutely AWESOME. I'm so glad you had a MAGICAL week!!!
Suzanne -- Maddie's Mom <>
Columbus, GA USA - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 06:51 AM (CDT)
Hey Kaelei, Holli, Jennifer ,and Kevin,
Sounds like you had a FANTASTIC trip!! I am so happy
for each of you. I know you will have memories forever.
Disney World is a magical place.
I have missed seeing you! We have been out of town several
different weekends.Girls I wanted you to know that my Bird Kirby is TALKING!! He can say Hi Kirby, and Kirby Kirby!!
I always say Hi kirby and one morning he answered me back HI KIRBY!! I was so surprised. Your birds may surprise you too. You will just have to talk to them and be patient.
My love to each of you and as always you are all in my prayers.
I love you,
Ms Beth

Beth Zabinski <>
Rogers, Ar USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 11:04 PM (CDT)
We are so glad that everyday was magical for you Kaelei. You definately deserve it. We can't wait to see pictures! Let us know as soon as you get them.
We love you guys and are so very happy that everything went just right for Kaelei.
Debi, Noah and Beth Ann

Debi, Noah and Beth Ann <>
Bentonville, AR Benton - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 09:18 PM (CDT)
sounds like you guys had a great time and made lots of great memories too!! glad you got there and back safely. I have been thining of you all and tring to amagin the looks on your faces throw all of the great moments. I'm shore you felt like you all were kids having fun exp. Kevin. I'm glad you got to have this time as a family, I'm shore that is a hard thing to do in everyday life. And like Jeff's mother said now that you got Kevin on that plane maybe you will get him on it again and come see all of us. we all miss you and hope to see you soon. Kaelei and Holli i hope you both have a great b-day. I'm shore the trip was a great part of your month. see you soon!! Love you aunt missy, ucle jeff, and dalton
missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 07:41 PM (CDT)
We are glad that you had such good. Glad your back home.
Keep up the good work. We pray for you May you have many
more good days. So long for now.

Gene And Alice Stapleton <>
Cave Springs, AR USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 07:41 PM (CDT)
Sounds like a great trip... Glad you are feeling so good and had such a good time. Good luck with your next chemo. Spencer has an MRI on the 7th... we're praying for good news!
Julie Mattson <>
Cameron, MO USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 06:55 PM (CDT)
I'm so glad all of you had a wonderful time this past week.No one deserved it more than your family!I thought about you all a lot and kept you in my prayers.Now that you got Kevin on that plane maybe you all will be able to come to WV and see the rest of your family and friends in the near future.I know I would like to see you all again.I feel like you are a part of my family just from reading the updates you post.You do a wonderful job!Your family is always in my prayers.
Jill Canby <>
Inwood, WV USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 06:30 PM (CDT)
We are so glad that you made it home safely.I am so happy that you all got to go and that you had a great time.It sounds like you had a lot of fun.Let me know when you get the pictures back I would like to see them.That is so wonderful about the van.I was starting to worry about your car.We missed seeing you guys at church and are glad that you are home.see ya
jerrie and morgan manes <>
Centerton, AR - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 05:10 PM (CDT)
I just had to sign in and say "WELCOME HOME"! I hope the trip was safe, happy and healthy. Let us know all about the trip when you can. I leave for vacation tomorrow! Bye,
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 08:49 PM (CDT)
Hi Guys!!!! Welcome HOME!! I hope you had a great time!! And a pleasant trip home! I wanted to say hi before it gets tooo crazy around here!! We are loading the truck tonite, and heading to our new house tomorrow!! I dont know how long it will be till my computer is up again, but I will call soon, to get all the details!!! I cant wait to hear about all the fun you had!! Take care, and I will talk to you soon!!! God bless! Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell
Mount vernon (for today!), Oh usa - Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 10:08 AM (CDT)
Have fun in Orlando, say Hi to Mickey and Minnie for us.

Jeannie from smilequilts
Lebanon, Oh USA - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 09:32 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei your birthday is comming up huh? I made a quilt square for your smile quilts birthday quilt. It is very pretty. I am sure you will like it. I am guessing you made it to disney safe and you are in disney right now playing on the rides. Do not forget to see Cinderella and give her a great big hug.
Smile quilts kid

- Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 09:26 AM (CDT)
I've been thinking about you all ever since school was out. We just home from our vacation and I am so glad that you all get to go on one. Disney World is a fabulos place and I hope every one enjoys. Talk to to you all when you get home. Love and prayers.
Betty Smith
Pineville, MO USA - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 09:31 AM (CDT)
BON VOYAGE!! Right about now, you all should be at the airport, and the girls are probably overwhelmed with excitement! I have been and will continue saying prayers for safe travel, and kaelei to feel well! I cant wait to talk to you when you get back!!! God bless! & make some wonderful memories!! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell
Mount Vernon, Oh usa - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 09:18 AM (CDT)
You got it, babe! You are in our prayers for a safe trip and for good health for Kaelei! Have a wonderful time with no worries!!!!

God bless you every second!

Love & Prayers, Suzi
Brainerd, - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 07:42 PM (CDT)
I am so excited for you all. What a wonderful time you will have. I will definetly be praying for a safe and healthy trip. You all deserve it so much. Can't wait to hear back from you. I will keep Liam's family in my prayers also.
Jeanne Brown
Wapakoneta, OH - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 07:30 PM (CDT)
Keep 'hope' in your heart. Your entire family is
in our daily prayers and thoughts. Always...
Love to each of you.

Loretta and Phil White
Bella Vista, AR Benton - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 08:21 AM (CDT)
Thank you Jennifer for reminding me of how precious our children are. Sometimes I forget and I do take them for granted. You are a blessing Jennifer for having the spirit you have and the patience and love for others. You have been such an inspiring person to me.
I love you guys sooooo much and I really miss you.
Liam and his precious family are in my prayers.
Love Debi

Debi Balint
Bentonville, AR Benton - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 10:18 PM (CDT)
Jennifer, I will certainly keep liams family in my prayers. I cannot even imagine what they are going through. I thank God he is no longer suffering!! Thank you for the reminder, that the world will wait, spend a few extra minutes with your loved ones!! I need those reminders every now and then! Have a wonderful evening!! I am sure the countdown has begun...and things are extremely busy!!! Remeber to breath!!!! It will be the time of your life! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell
mount vernon, oh usa - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 09:24 PM (CDT)

Good Afternoon. How are you today? I am great. I work from two to seven today. I got a guestbook entry from your chemo angel Emily yesterday. She seems very cool. You are only lucky little girl to have a friend like that! You are soon gonna be leaving for your trip to disney huh? That will be a blast. Do not forget to take tons of pictures.

- Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 03:08 PM (CDT)
Happy to hear you are all back safe and sound. Will keep praying about kaeleis counts. Moms intuition is amazing isnt it? Will keep all of you in our prayers as you get ready for one of the most exciting things to come along in a while!!! Make a list jennifer, and ck off as you go!!! That is the only thing that gets me through busy times such as these!!! Have a wonderful week! Will talk soon! Love, YOur Angel Family
Emily Grennell
mount vernon, oh usa - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 10:30 PM (CDT)
Hey Kaelei and Holli, this is Dylan your cousin. I'm home now and mommy let me see your web page. I like your birds. I hope you have a good time at diesny world. I hope you feel better. I'll see you when you get back mommy is letting me and Kolton come visit for a couple of weeks before school starts. Mommy can't come, because of money but she says she loves you and will see you soon. I've got to go now.

Love Dylan

Dylan Jenkins
Martinsburg, WV USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 08:36 PM (CDT)
Well it sounds like you all had a great party and a limo ride! WOW!!!, Glad to hear you got the stroller, just in time for the trip. Have a great time!!!!!! And i hope you got the gift we sent to kealei's mial box. well have to go for now. again HAVE A GREAT TRIP AND TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!!!!!!!!
LOVE, Missy, Jeff, and Dalton

The Canby's
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 08:25 PM (CDT)
HELLO!!!! It's me!.......Ms. Rhonda!!!! Aren't you surprised? I am so excited that you have your very own web sight kido! I am REALLY excited about your trip to DISNEY!!!!!YEAH!!!!!!! You and Holly and Mommy and Daddy are going to have sooooo much fun! Remember to take lots of pictures and bring them to me as soon as you get back so we can look at them together! Get a really good one with Minnie! She is my favorite!!!!! I will miss you! Oh, by the way..........Your hair looks MARVELOUS darling!!!!!!! HaHa!
Have a GREAT time and I will see you when you get back!!!!!!

Rhonda Moulder
Rogers, AR USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 08:10 PM (CDT)
Kaelei,I want you to do a favor for me when to get to Disneyland O.K. Tell Mickey hello for me. Love, GOD BLESS, Mr. Bob.
Bob Clark
Bentonville, Ar U.S.A. - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 07:02 PM (CDT)
Hello,Kaelei and family. How are your birds doing? I know they are sweet because my grandson Andrew has one just like yours. Do your birds talk yet? I am so excited for you and your family getting to go to Disney World. I am praying that you will feel wonderful and have the best time ever. I will always love you and your family. God bless you little angel. Ms Barbara
Barbara Graham
Rogers, AR USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 04:47 PM (CDT)
Kaelei hope you have a wonderful time at Disney World. Have lots and lots of fun. Hope you will be feeling better and your counts go up. You are so,so special! Love you lots, Linda and Bradley
Linda Boudreau and Little Bradley
Washburn, MO USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 02:20 PM (CDT)
Kaelei you are in my prayers that your counts will go up. I want you to have fun on this trip and bring back lots of pictures.
I love you,
Debi, Noah and Beth Ann

Debi, Noah and Beth Ann
Bentonville, AR Benton - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 02:09 PM (CDT)
Now you did it! You made me cry! I am so happy you were able to get Kaelei's stroller! What a huge blessing! Praise the Lord! Maybe you could put a picture of it in the photo album when you get back!??!!

Our situations are different, but I am the same way with Mearan as far as going out. The weather must be just right (not too hot, too cold or too humid) and we never take her anywhere unless it's really important - like church! It just seems like every time we take her out, she gets sick. It's not worth it!

Our prayers will be that Kaelei's count goes up and you will all be fit as a fiddle when you head to Disneyland! God bless you all! We love you very much! Hugs and kisses!

The Pohl clan
Brainerd, MN USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 01:32 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei and family!! Hope you have a wonderful trip to Disney World! There is no one like Mickey and Goofy to bring a big smile! We're praying for y'all.
Denise Guillot
Mandeville, LA USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 01:10 PM (CDT)

Hi Kaelei I am Jessica. I also have a smile quilt and that is how I found your site by visiting your quilt. I have my own web page too. It is located at
I like the same things that you like. I would love to become friendly with your family. You are a very special girl. I know another very special girl and her name is Cheyenne. Her page is at I sign her guest book daily and put lovely pictures in it too. I plan on doing that for you also. I love chucky chesse. I bet you had an awsome time. The pizza there is great and the games are fun too. I also think you will have a great time at disney. Are you going to the one in california or florida? I have been to the one in florida and want to go to the one in california. Remember I love you and will check in on you daily just like I do for cheyenne. I also love to get my guest book signed and to recieve emails.

- Monday, July 22, 2002 at 05:22 PM (CDT)
How fun Chuck-E-Cheese was. Walt Disney World will be even better. Have a GREAT time and remember alot of people are still praying for you.
Jeanne Brown
Wapakoneta, OH - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 09:59 AM (CDT)

ROGERS, AR USA - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 08:57 AM (CDT)
I'm so glad you had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese! MAW is a really neat organization. We are going to Disney in October!!! Have a great time!!!!
Chuson Marsh (
Arlington, TX 76013 - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 08:28 AM (CDT)
Hi girls!!! I am happy to hear you were so surprised, and had such a good time! Sounds like it was a blast! I bet you are counting down the days to blast off!!! What an exciting time!! Cant wait to hear all about it! You ladies have a great day!! Hugs & prayers always! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell
Mount Vernnon, oh usa - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 07:30 AM (CDT)
Hi sweetie. So happy you had fun fun fun at Chucky Cheese. Chucky is so cool! What a lucky little girl to get so many presents and a LIMO ride, WOW!!. You deserved every bit of a good time and deserve much more, too. We love you and are so happy you get to go to Disney World. Have a great trip. Don't forget to shake hands with Donald Duck and Goofy.
- Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 10:56 AM (CDT)
Kaelei and Holli,
Hey! I am glad you guys had fun at Chuck E Cheese last night! I bet it was fun riding in a limo! Also, I know you have fun when you go to Disney World next week! Kaelei, I am so glad you are doing well and always stay strong!

Love Always, Natalie Johnson
Rogers, AR USA - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 11:45 PM (CDT)
I'm so glad you had such a great time at Chuck E. Cheese!! I can just imagine how excited the girls were!!! Have a GREAT time at Disney World!!!
Suzanne (Maddie's Mom)
Columbus, GA USA - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 08:43 AM (CDT)
Hello everyone!! Hope your day went well! Just stopping in to say hi!!! Hi!! Are you counting down the days yet? I am sure you are sooo excited! I look forward to hearing all about it! God bless, you are always prayed for and thought of! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell
mount vernon, oh usa - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 11:33 PM (CDT)
Busy times at the McDonald house!! Have Fun!! I will pray things would not get sooo busy & hectic, that you would lose track of what is truly important - The Lord and each other! (as I'm sure you know, it's very easy to do!) God's blessings for each of you today and always!

Much love and prayers,

Suzi & Mearan
Brainerd, MN USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 10:57 AM (CDT)
Hello. I just dropped in to check on Kaelei. I think I got your website from Mearan's site. Have a wonderful time at Disney. My advice: no one is allowed to act older than 10 years old. Goof off, enjoy the magic, and most of all, enjoy each other. Oh, and one more thing--dont' forget the sunscreen! Have a great time!
Christi Hamilton
Dove Canyon, CA USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 10:40 AM (CDT)
Hey there!! Just checking in!!! WOW!! Time is flying by! I cant believe you will all be leaving in such a short time! How exciting! Yet at the same time, I bet mom is feeling overwhelmed with everything to do to get ready!! Jeniffer, I am going to be saying extra prayers for you!! Have a good cry!! Sometimes if we just get it out of us, you will feel a huge weight lifted! A good cry does us all good sometimes! I will keep you all in our prayers as usual!! We are sooo excited for all of you! What a time this will be!! And chuck e cheese to boot! The boys love chuck e cheese!! Kaelei & Holli, you girls have a blast at chuck e cheese! WE love you and are always praying for you! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell
mount vernon, oh usa - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 08:24 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei and Family,
You are going to have a great time in Disney World!! It is wonderful news about your MRI!!!!! I like the new pictures with you and Holly and your birds, they are so adorable. Enjoy the beautiful day.

Sue Hollowell
Aylmer, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 08:38 AM (CDT)
I am amazed at all the enteries you have in your guestbook. You are such a loved and sweet little girl. More strong than most adults I know. +3 That was Beth Ann that put the +3 in there. I can't wait for you all to come over again soon. We love you!

Debi Balint
Bentonville, AR Benton - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 08:31 AM (CDT)
10,000 hits and climbing! Isn't that great? I pray all went well with chemo this week?! How is everyone doing? Have a marvelous day! You are in our prayers always!
Suzi <>
Brainerd, MN 56401 - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 09:25 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei,
I met you a few years ago when we went to Church with you in Rogers. I just wanted you and your family to know we were thinking of you.
Love, Jerry,Danielle,London,Kyler,Tanner & Ryder Verhelst

Danielle verhelst <>
Springdale, AR USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 10:33 PM (CDT)
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 09:32 AM (CDT)
Hello! So happy to hear that results were good! Disney World will be so much fun for you! I have been to Disneyland several times and have never tired of it! While we never figured this out...I recently read of someone who went and their game plan went as this: Get there before the park opens so that your are among the first in the park. While everyone else is starting at the beginning (and working their way through) head straight for the back of the park...and work forwards. For them it worked really well..just a thought! No matter how you do it, you'll have a blast!
Heather Grell <>
Brainerd, MN - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 09:09 AM (CDT)
Hi - I am Pat one of the smile quilts quilting angels and wanted to meet you so thought I would stop by and see your site - what a lovely place you have here! so glad you are joining us as Smile quilts - well sweetie I am off to look at more of your site! love Pat

Pat aka Toto <>
Lyons, KS USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 03:43 AM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer,My name is Sharon and I am with the Smile Quilt Angels.I wanted to stop by and see how Kaelia was doing.I live about 6 hours away from Disney World,the best tip I can give you is to Have Fun,You and the girls deserve a break.
And it really is alright to cry and scream sometimes,it releives the tension we let built up over the stressful days.
Have a wonderful trip.Hugs,Sharon

Sharon (Smile Quilts) <>
Ft.Lauderdale, Fla. USA - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 09:33 AM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer!

I just read your journal and I think you have hit the nail on the head when you "explain" why you may be feeling depressed when life is going fairly well. The life that you and I live is high stress all the time. There is no time for pity parties and crying fits when life is in crisis. But when things slow down and our minds and bodies can "breath" at a normal rhythm, I think we know it's okay to let go. It's okay to cry and scream and be human when things are going well. Sounds pretty "normal" to me!

So go for it! Have a good cry on me! Let it all out! Just be sure you drink plenty of fluids to replace the ones you lose while doing it! God bless you, Jennifer! He loves you and so do I!

Suzi <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 02:41 PM (CDT)
I just wanted to stop and wish you all a Happy un-Birthday! (Remember Alice in Wonderland?) It's a beautiful day! Let's all celebrate! We will be thinking off you today as we celebrate Mearan's birthday and always wishing you were here with us! Kiss and hug each other and rejoice in this glorious day! God bless!
Suzi <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 08:39 AM (CDT)
HI Jeniffer!! Can I just tell you that you are a wonderful mom!!! It is good to hear, that they agree with her treatment plan. It is always good to get another opinion. Helps your peace of mind!! I just wanted to stop in for a quick second, and remind you that you are doing an outstanding job as a mom!!! God bless all of you!!! YOUR ANGEL FAMILY
Emily Grennell <>
mount vernon, oh usa - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 10:39 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei and family...

Can I just say what GREAT news that is about Kaelei's results... I know that GOD is with you and he will keep your beatiful girls with the AWESOME smile wrapped tight in his arms.. I am so happy for all of you, you defintley deserve some good news...... Thanks for the Great pictures you posted Jennifer they are too cute...

Have A Great weekend and God Bless.

Amy <>
Pequot Lakes , MN - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 08:02 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei and family.
Glad to see you have had some great news. That is so good to hear. I stopped by for a visit coming from Mearan's site. We at Smile Quilts are making a Smile Quilt for Mearan and would just love to make one for you too. I love the pictures of you and your sis and the birds. How sweet.
I hope you are having a good day and enjoying some summer fun. Hugs, prayers and smiles, Sprite

Sprite for Smile Quilts <>
Eckert, CO USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 06:40 PM (CDT)
Can I get an AMEN??? Praise God!!! Oh kaelei, I am sooooo thankful that God answers prayers!!! The MRI results still have me smiling several days later! I know mommy is resting a little better!! How is the weather down there? It is nice here right now, not humid today for a change!! :) Well, precious kaelei, you have a great day, you are always in my thoughts and prayers!! Give mom, dad, and Holli, an extra hug today! We love ya!! God bless! YOUR ANGEL FAMILY
Emily Grennell <>
mount vernon, oh usa - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 08:12 AM (CDT)
Hi there your daughter is such a cutie. So happy to hear the MRI results. GOD is looking out for this special little girl. She is very special and an inspiration to all who's viewed her website. Goodluck in the coming days with her chemo. I hope she doesn't get sick from it all.

Deedee <>
bowling green, ky - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 09:25 AM (CDT)
Hi. I've read many postings (including yours) on Yahoo groups. Thanks so much for including your CaringBridge page! This is exactly what we've been looking for to update friends and family about Alex, our 4 year old son. The next time I have a chance, I'm going to create and begin to update a page for him. Alex also has a JPA that was not very operable, diagnosed 4/4/02. Some was resected, but the majority is still there. It's located in the optic chiasm, hypothalamic region, and midbrain. A cyst has also formed extending into the temporal lobe. He's on carboplatin and vincristine just like Kaelei, although a different protocol from the sounds of it. He finished week 6 today (a vincristine-only day for him). His first MRI since starting chemo is in 2 weeks and we're getting the MRI jitters big time. I'm glad to hear of Kaelei's good MRI news! We'll be sure to keep Kaelei in our prayers.
Adrienne Urbanek (Alex's mom) <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:34 PM (CDT)
Jennifer, you are a dear woman! I am so thankful I have gotten a chance to "meet" you. Kiss the girls and hug your hubby tight! God bless your family!
Suzi <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:01 PM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer,
Just catching up with your postings...again, so glad to hear the good news about the MRI results!!!

Suzanne Miller (maddiesmom) <>
Columbus, GA USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 02:25 PM (CDT)
Hey Everyone,

I'm so happy to see things went well, We/ve been praying hard here for you. I let the boys know what's going on, They ask about you guys every week when I call them. They'll be home soon one more week. Your birds are beautiful. Do you take them to play with Aunt Margaret's. :o) I miss you guys very much. I'll call soon. Jen e-mail me I lost your address and need to speak with you about the quilts Love ya Aunt Brina

Sabrina <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 06:37 PM (CDT)
Our thoughts and prayers are with you today as you make the long trip and tomorrow as you go through chemo. You're a trooper, Kaelei! God loves you! Have a safe trip!

Suzi <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 09:26 AM (CDT)
PRAISE GOD FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS!!! WOW!! I am sooo happy and thankful for this news!! Keep praying, and fighting precious kaelei!!! God bless all of you! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
mount vernon, oh usa - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 08:30 AM (CDT)
Hello Kaelei!
My name is Glenda and I'm Cameron's Chemo Angel. I got your website address from his. I'm so glad to meet you and I want you to know that you'll be in my prayers. I'm glad you have a Chemo Angel too. I love your birds!!! I just bought my husband a cockatiel for Father's day. His is a Cinnamon Cockatiel and looks like Justin. Her name is Madame Curie (my husband likes science so he named her after a famous lady scientist). I'm so happy you got your birds! Jennifer, you're in my prayers too as is your whole family. I added Kaeli's site to my favorites so I can check her updates as I'm checking on Cameron.
Keep the faith and never forget for a single minute how very much God loves you!!!
'Angel' Glenda
P.S. I live in Bolivar Missouri, about 65 miles north of Branson so I'm not too far from you all.

Glenda Garrison <>
Bolivar, MO USA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 02:01 PM (CDT)

Bunker Hill, WV - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 11:23 PM (CDT)
Kaelei, I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. Your good news today is exactly what I have been praying so hard for. I know that God knows how special you are and that is why He is watching over you so carefully. You tell your mom not to worry because He is always there and knows what your needs are even before you know. You stay strong Kaelei. You are such a bright light in my life. I love you so much. I hope you know that I am always, always going to be here for you and I will love you absolutely forever! Love, Aunt Dori
Ricky & Dorian <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 10:04 PM (CDT)
I SHALL THANK GOD TOO! I am so happy for you all! I love the birds. We have 2 parakeets but my daughter really wants a parrot. I'm sure you girls will take very good care of them. I can't even imagine how happy you must be right now. Continue on this journey and leave all in God's hands and things will be fine. Love and hugs to all.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OHIO - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 08:32 PM (CDT)
Praise the Lord! There are tears of utter joy running down my face! We are rejoicing along with you at this wonderful news! God is sooooo good!
Suzi & Mearan <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 02:34 PM (CDT)
Hi everyone!! So glad to hear you made it home safe and sound!! We are still praying for you and the results of the recent tests! Kaelei, you are such a little trooper!! You are stronger than most adults I know! Justin, and Blossom, are very lucky birds, to have a family like you! I know you will bring them lots of joy, as well as they will to all of you! They are very pretty! Girls, have a wonderful weekend! Hugs & Blessings to all of you!!! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
mount vernon, oh usa - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 06:21 AM (CDT)
HI Kaelei girl and Holli girl!
Wow what beautiful names you gave to your new friends!! Your smiles warm my heart! Glad you are home. We have been keeping you all close in our prayers.
Love, Miss Beth, Mr.Mark, and Peyton

Beth Zabinski <>
Rogers, Ar - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 12:49 AM (CDT)
hello' all Looks like the girls have gotten some pretty great birds and that they are making them both happy, and it is good to see a smile on kaelei's face. We are still praying for good res. for the mri on monday. There will be a special gift put in the mail on monday to kaelei's mail box, We hope it will help her keep faith. Glad to here of all the fun they have been having, the good year blip, fishing, and swimming. Dalton just got two fish today( hope bill does not eat them) lol. Well good luck on Monday and we will keep you in are prays. Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

Missy Canby <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 06:31 PM (CDT)
hello' all Looks like the girls have gotten some pretty great birds and that they are making them both happy, and it is good to see a smile on kaelei's face. We are still praying for good res. for the mri on monday. There will be a special gift put in the mail on monday to kaelei's mail box, We hope it will help her keep faith. Glad to here of all the fun they have been having, the good year blip, fishing, and swimming. Dalton just got two fish today( hope bill does not eat them) lol. Well good luck on Monday and we will keep you in are prays. Love, Missy,Jeff, and Dalton

Missy Canby <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 06:18 PM (CDT)
Kaelei,those pictures are great I told my wife that you got eyes just like your moms. I bet you and Holli are having a big time with your birds.I say a prayer for you and Holli and mom and dad every night. GOD BLESS. LOVE, Mr. Bob.
Mr. Bob. <>
- Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 03:19 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! Hi Holli!
How lucky those pretty birds are to have two beautiful girls like you to love them and take good care of them. WOW!!

We wish you a happy 4th of July! Won't God be excited to see all the lights going off in the world tonight?! I hope you can see fireworks where you live!

Hug and kiss your Mom and Dad for us! They are very special people that love you both so much! Our prayers are with all of you today and every day!

Love & Prayers,

Kyle, Suzi, Gavin, Kegan, Bracken & Mearan Pohl <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 10:32 AM (CDT)
Hello there...was so nice to meet you in person and to see you visiting with everyone at church services on Sunday. We are praying your MRI results will be good. Love your new pictures...Justin is sooo pretty! Have a wonderful July 4th.
Marilyn Hollis <>
Lowell, AR USA - Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 09:56 AM (CDT)
I hope the MRI results come out okay. I'll be praying for you all. Have a Happy 4th of July! God Bless you!!
Patti Dolan <>
Pillager, Mn USA - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 11:00 PM (CDT)
It's late and my husband is waiting for me to watch a movie with him but thought I would write and let you know I am praying for Kaelei. I am new to the page thanks to Mearan's website. I read thru some of the past entries the last few days and what a wonderful family you are. I will touch base more later. Thinking and praying for GREAT MRI results.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OHIO U*S*A - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 09:58 PM (CDT)
Just wanted to share something with you. We have been to Arizona to see children and grandchildren. Trey is our only grandson and will be 3 on July 15th. He is not required but encouraged to say the prayer before we eat a meal. We got there on Monday evening and sat down to eat. He wanted to say the blessing. After thanking God for his Grandpa Bud and Grandma JJ and all his family members, he asked God to heal all the sick people. He named some people at their local congreation and some people back in Springfield. Then he said please make Kaelei McDonald and Justin well. Tears came to my eyes. Here is a 3 year old thatdoes not know Kaelei. Only that she is sick and he knows that God can heal her if that is his will. Oh for the faith of a child. Anyway wanted you to know that she has prayers for her from family and friends but also from people that she doesn't even know. Hope everything went well with the MRI's.
Judy Terrell <>
- Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 12:21 PM (CDT)
Hi! Just wanted to stop by and let you knoe that you guys are in our thoughts and prayers. Each night when we say prayers with the kids Conner always includes Kaelei in his prayers. Have a safe trip! Love, Jason, Deanna, Conner and Kaycee
Deanna Reardon <>
Martinsburg, WV - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 07:01 AM (CDT)
Dear Jennifer,

Hi!! Sabrina sent me this web address and informed me a bit about Kaelei. I'm so happy to get in touch with you! When I saw the picture of Holli, I was stunned. She looks just like you when you were living in MN! I'm definitely praying for you and will check this website to keep up with all the events. I have two children now,too - two boys, though! God has a very special place in his heart for children! I pray he holds you all tightly. Much love, Brenda

Brenda (Wanous) Koskinen <>
Bemidji, MN USA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 10:17 PM (CDT)
Hey babe girl, Your going to do fine this week,
Dylan, Kolton and I miss you guys very much and think about you everyday. You and Mommy take care on the road. I'll call you soon. Love Aunt Brina and Dylan and Kolton and Sierra, and Boomer and Jerimia the Bull Frog he he

Sabrina Davis <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 07:07 PM (CDT)
Prayers for Kaelei...
Hoping your journey is without trouble and your tests turn out great!! Thinking of you in Iowa!!
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 10:38 AM (CDT)
Hi everyone!! It sounds as though you had an amazing time! How fun! I am sure glad you were all able to get away from it all for a couple days!! I know you have all been enjoying a great week together!! How is your weather doing? It was perfect today! Around 80 with only a tiny bit of humidity!! Sure beats the past several 90% humidity days!! LOL! Oh well, better than snow!! :) Well, have a great weekend! Talk to ya later! Love, emily
Your Angel Family <>
mount vernon, oh usa - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 12:01 AM (CDT)
How wonderful to hear about your time of relaxation and fun!!!! Dealing with Kaelei's medical struggles is enough to have on your plate without worrying about finances on top of it. Our prayers will include requests for showers of financial help raining on your family! Have a weekend full of peace, joy and much love!
Suzi Pohl <>
Brainerd, MN 56401 - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 11:04 PM (CDT)
Hi, you girls are so beautiful. I am glad that you are enjoying the summer. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have been following your story for a little while. I have 2 neices named Holly and Kaylee and they are sisters also. I think that it is so neat. They are just a beautiful as you girls. Enjoy your beautiful summer!
Sue Hollowell <>
Aylmer West, Ontario Canada - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 09:23 PM (CDT)
Hi! I found your website through Mearan Pohl's site. Your girls are stunning! You and your family will be in our prayers! Enjoy your summer, release those worries, and God will take care of everything!
Christi Hamilton <>
Dove Canyon, CA USA - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 07:55 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! Just a quick note to let you know you are in our prayers. Cameron will be going to the Dr. on July 3rd too, but just for chemo - we will be sending positive thoughts your way. Jennifer - you are such an inspiration, I will be praying for God to give you strength, and for healing.
Sheri, Cameron & Austin ( <>
Lafayette, LA USA - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 06:15 PM (CDT)
Hello to everyone!! It sounds as though all of you are enjoying some much needed family time!! The swimming and fishing sound like tons of fun to the boys and I! You all know you are always in our thoughts, and prayers!! Have a great week with mom and dad! Will talk soon!! Oh, and the recent pics are excellent!! Looks like you were having a ball in the rain! Have you ever seen such beatiful smiles? You girls are precious!! God bless! Love, Your Angel Family
Emily Grennell <>
mount vernon, oh usa - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 11:52 AM (CDT)
Dear Kaelei and family.
I found your site thru Mearan's page thank you for sharing your story. You are all in my prayers, it sounds like you are a very loving family and that you have alot of love and support within you all. I hope that your summer continues to bless you with beatiful days.... may the sun shine on Kaelei each and every day.

Amy <>
Pequot Lakes , MN - Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 09:55 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! Hi Holli! I sure hope you girls are enjoying your swimming and fishing adventures! How fantastic! Have a great time and a wonderful week!
Suzi Pohl <>
Brainerd, MN 56401 - Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 05:30 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelie: A short note to introduce myself to you and family. I found your web sight through my Granddaughter Mearans page. Hope this day and every day is the greatest.


Ken Richmond <>
Pillager, Mn USA - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 11:05 PM (CDT)
Hi Jennifer, Kevin, Kaelei and Holli! Glad to hear that you all have been able to spend some quality time together as a family this week and gotten to do some fun stuff! Kaelei I just want you to know (not that you don't already) what wonderful parents you have! You are a very special little girl to me. I'll see you next Tuesday! Remember ... NO SPOTS!
Catherine <;>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 10:52 PM (CDT)
I came here from mearans page. I am so terribly sorry for what has been going on in your busy little daughters life. I will pray for you as well as mearan to get well. I sure hope things work out for you and your lovely family.

Kayla Jacobson <>
Brainerd, mn - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 10:26 PM (CDT)
As I was reading your journal history, I had to stop and thank God for the incredible strength He gives us to get through each day. Our situations are different in various ways, but yet they are so similar. Thank you for visiting our web site and "introducing" yourself and your family. We are truly honored to pray for you and "walk" with you. You are in our hearts forever!
Suzi Pohl <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 03:54 PM (CDT)
Dear McDonald Family:
I came to your page through Mearan's. I am so sorry to hear about your plight but please know that you are all now in my thoughts and prayers. I check in on you everyday and wish that I had more words of comfort for your family. Just enjoy everyday that you have together and know that there are people out here that are pulling for you. I know that I don't know you but by reading your updates I feel as I do. You're all in my prayers

sarah <>
hartford, ct usa - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 01:50 PM (CDT)
Dear McDonald family:
Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you. I cannot imagine what you are going through but I know so many people are praying for you and giving you support. Although I do not know you personally we have kept up on Kaelei's condition through Wendi Shade and Deanna Reardon. We attend the church that sent you the small amount of money our children had collected. I am thankful that you have a website so that we can have a specific thing to pray for. Please know that thoughts and prayers are with you. God does work miracles. I will put a reminder on my computer to pray for you on Monday, Tuesday etc. Kaelei keep that lovely smile on your face honey... God is with you.

Kay Lewis <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 12:53 PM (CDT)
Hi there! I just came over from Mearan Pohls website..your girls are adorable!!! What a little trooper she is..and you...AMAZING! I cannot fathom what it is you all go through but I am so amazed at your strength and optimism! I will pray for you and your family.
Heather <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 10:34 AM (CDT)
Hello to Kaelei's Family...
I just came over from Mearan's page to say hi!! I havent read all your history yet but want to catch up on Kaelei's Story.
Hope you have a great week!

tracy <>
ia - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 09:44 AM (CDT)
jennifer and kaelei,

I hope that you all have a wonderful time will kevin is home.Randy works alot too so I know how it is just to get a few days with him.I was checking your site and morgan saw the pictures of the girls and she loved the one with them in the rain.She wanted to go outside right that moment and play in the rain (even though it isn't raining). I also have been keeping track of mearan's web site that you have posted.Both of you have wonderful families and have so much strength.I prey for kaelei and your family every day.Always keep your faith and keep god close by.

jerrie and morgan manes <>
Centerton, ar benton - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 08:55 AM (CDT)
I feel badly that you have been visiting our site and signing the guestbook, but until today I hadn't seen yours. I just printed out your families' entire journal history. Please know that my prayers are with you and I will be checking & signing often! God's blessings!
Suzi Pohl <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Monday, June 24, 2002 at 07:41 PM (CDT)
Hello Kaelei & Family!
I found your website and wanted to tell you that you are a beautiful little girl and you will be in my prayers. I am a Quilting Angel from Smile Quilts and we love to bring smiles to children. We make very special virtual online quilts and I'd like to invite your Mommy Jennifer to write us and let us make one for you! Mom, come visit our site and see the quilts and let us know if you would like us to make one for beautiful Kaelei! We love to bring smiles! Just click on the card I'm leaving to visit us!
Jean Ilderton
Quilting Angel
Smile Quilts

Jean Ilderton - Smile Quilts <>
Tucson, AZ - Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 03:20 PM (CDT)
Dear Kaelei
You are indeed a lovely young lady. May God Bless you and your parents. Surely we will keep up our prayers for you especially in July to hear the best news ever.
God came on earth and healed many, So we call on Him to come for you and heal you and fill your lives with hope and peace. God Bless

Robert (James' Dad) <>
London, UK - Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 03:23 AM (CDT)
Hi everyone!! We are soo glad to hear that you all had a wonderful weekend!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN! Kaelei, i cant wait to hear what you are thinking about for make a wish! How exciting! I am sure you are all looking forward to next week, and just being able to hang out together! We too hope to meet face to face someday soon! Until is a hug!!! God bless you all!!! Your Angel Family
emily grennell <>
mount vernon, oh usa - Monday, June 17, 2002 at 11:03 PM (CDT)
dont know why I read your journal tonight, but got your name from the ped.brain tumor group and just kept reading. we go to st.Judes next week with relapsed germinoma. good luck to your family, and God bless you. I will add you to our prayers, and hope we all share strength that mothers need. your egg poem is how I feel always, you too from what I read. yours,
MaryAlice D. <>
suffolk, va - Monday, June 17, 2002 at 09:57 PM (CDT)
Kaelei & Holli!! You girls have a good weekend at your nana & papa's house!! Sounds like your having a blast in their pool! Have a happy weekend!
Zachary, Nicholis, & Rebekkah

Your Angel Family <>
mount vernon, oh usa - Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 10:09 AM (CDT)
Jenifer!! I hope you and kevin have a wonderful time together!! The girls will have a blast at nana & papa's I am sure!! & you and kevin need this much needed much deserved time away together!! Enoy it!! Will talk to you when you get back!! God Bless!! Hugs to all of you!

Your Angel Family <>
mount vernon, oh usa - Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 10:07 AM (CDT)
Dear Kaelei,

I hope you enjoyed your blimp ride the other day as much as we enjoyed having you. I hope that in some small way we helped you get the strength you need to keep fighting. Keep up the good work. We are praying for you.
Best wishes,
Mark Kynett
Pilot of the Airship "Spirit of Goodyear"

Mark Kynett <>
Akron, OH - Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 07:20 AM (CDT)
What a beautiful girl you are Kaelei! I hope you have some fun with your Mom every single day.
Dave Tamayo <>
Sacramento, CA 95824 - Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 02:36 AM (CDT)
Hello Jennifer and Kaelei, I'm viewing your websight for the very first time. You, Kaelei, are such a brave young lady. You are always in my prayers, as I ask God to watch over you and help you to fight your battle and win! Hope you have a great wish for the "Make a Wish Foundation".
Marilyn Hollis <>
Lowell, AR USA - Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 08:56 PM (CDT)
Our prayers are with Kaelei and her family. She is a presious and sweet little "angel".
Earl & Pat Mitchell <>
Rogers, AR usa - Monday, June 10, 2002 at 09:36 PM (CDT)
Kaelei, We are praying for a complete recovery.
Jeremiah and Meredith Ginn +family <>
LOWELL, AR USA - Monday, June 10, 2002 at 10:51 AM (CDT)
KAELEI!! Hi there you little trooper you! I just wanted to drop a quick note to tell you, that we are there in thought and prayer with you, as you go through all of this! We are anxiously awaiting the report from your mommy! Keep that beautiful smile of yours on! God bless all of you!

Your Angel Family <>
mt vernon, oh usa - Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 09:44 PM (CDT)
Hey Kaelei, Just thought I'd say hey. Hope you soon get better so you can come and see all your Aunts and Uncles, cousins and Grandma and Pappy here in West Virginia. You're in our thoughts and prayers. Take care. I'll talk to ya later. Love, Aunt Christine, Jimmy & Kids
Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 07:37 PM (CDT)
We're keeping all of your family in our prayers.
Rick Marcotte <>
Piedmont, OK USA - Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 04:39 PM (CDT)
May the angels comfort you when you are in pain and My god give you the strenth to get through this....I am praying for you, that you will be ok.
Jennifer Baker <>
Rogers, AR Benton - Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 03:09 PM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei,Morgan and I miss talking to you at church and when you get better you guys should come over and play sometime.You and your family are always in our prayers and we pray for only good results on the up comming tests.Tell your mommy to stay positive and keep her faith and thing will all work out for the best. We are always here anytime you need anything .
Jerrie and Morgan <>
Centerton, AR USA - Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 09:40 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei! I sure miss getting to talk with you at church. I hope that we will get to do that again soon. Disney talks about you and Holli all the time. She misses you too. I know your treatments are not any fun and I am so sorry that you have to take them! But you don't know how much you are making a difference in the lives of others through your difficult time! You are a very brave girl! So many big people are looking up to you for the strength that you show. You must have learned that from your mother. I love you and pray for you everyday. --Kathy

Kathy Humphrey <>
Rogers, AR USA - Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 02:59 PM (CDT)
kaelei, jenifer, holli, and kevin! HI guys!! Hope it was as nice a day there as it was here! :) I am praying that tx was ok today, and that the nausea was non existent! We are also offering up many prayers for tommorrows big event!! We are there with all of you in thought, and prayer! God Bless!! We love ya!
your angel family

emily grennell <>
mt vernon, oh usa - Monday, June 03, 2002 at 11:01 PM (CDT)
Hey Kaelei, you take care of yourself. Also you need to take care of your mommy and daddy. I will pray for you everyday. I know that the angels are watching over you to make sure your doing good. Take care.
Melissa Tabor <>
Pyatt, AR USA - Monday, June 03, 2002 at 06:00 PM (CDT)
Kaelei, Jennifer and are on my heart and in my prayers for a day filled with the blessings of God's great grace and faithfullness as He promises to be with us through all things. A lady named Mrs. Charles Cowman authored a book "Streams in the Desert" and one of her encouragements was to "put God between your faith and your circumstances and look at them through Him" instead of looking through our circumstance trying to see Him. After 15 years of marriage with one misscarrage, our daughter was born premature with a 20% chance we would bring her home, if she lived she would live with developmental problems, blindness for sure. She is now 15 yrs. old and has 20/20 vision. Great faith comes from great trials it has been said. Even now, I know I would need someone to help me remain focused without fear should a perilous circumstance be allowed once again to threaten me or a loved one. Please be encouraged! Many are seeking God's blessing of healing for your heart and body. Much love and prayer...Maggie
Maggie <>
MN - Monday, June 03, 2002 at 08:08 AM (CDT)
Jennifer, It has been awhile. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. I wish I were writing under better circumstances. Hope she improves and that your doing ok. Take care.


HAGERSTOWN, MD USA - Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 02:42 PM (CDT)
Warm greetings to let you know your updates and requests are special to us as we add our prayers and hope with the Lord, Jesus Christ, who makes constant intercession for all hurting and in need. Ricky and family, as with you and yours have our thoughts and prayers as we trust God to accomplish His perfect will and purpose in these difficult days.
Maggie <>
- Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 08:37 PM (CDT)
Hello, Jennifer!! I saw Sabrina in the grocery store the other day and she was giving me an update on your whole family. I can't believe you're all grown up and have two kids!! (I can't believe I'm all grown up and have kids) I had twin boys on November 25th last year. What a hand full!! I just want you to know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers! If there's anything I can do please let me know!! I will definitely keep updated on Kaelei.
Luci (Everson) Pennington <>
Inwood, WV USA - Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 11:18 AM (CDT)
Hi! Kaelei and Holli, Bradley wanted to say hi and wants to let you know he asks about you. Jennifer you are so strong,lot stronger then I would be in that situation. I pray for Kaelei and you all the time. If ever you need anything do not hesitate. Big Brad is not in good shape so I do not get out much but do keep in contact with some re email. Trust in the Lord he will guide you.
Linda Boudreau and Little Bradley <>
Washburn, MO U.S.A. - Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 08:49 PM (CDT)
Dear Jennifer and family..

I'm so happy to have visited your website! Both of your girls are so beautiful. Prayers are being offered up for healing and peace for you all!

Many hugs to you!

Jeanne (a friend from DWLZ) <>
Marshall, MI - Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 06:40 AM (CDT)
I am praying for you and hope that her favoring her arm is "nothing"... Hugs to you and your family...
Chuson Marsh <>
Arlington, TX Tarrant - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 08:44 AM (CDT)
Hello. I found this webpage through another webpage that was listed on the candlelighters message board. I live in Mtn Home AR and my daughter is being treated at AR Children's Hospital for ALL. I was wondering how you are handeling all the driving. To me, that part is just so hard, to be (for us) 4 hrs away. It is so scary to be so far away. Anyway, maybe we will meet up at the hospital some day. Good luck to you and your little one.
Laura Chism <>
Mountain Home, AR USA - Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 10:27 PM (CDT)
Dear Kaelei and family, my name is Krissi Marshall. I am Mearan Pohl's god-mother. I read your entry in Mearan's guestbook and then visited your site. Kaelei is a gorgeous child, she and her little sister look very happy. Thank you for your prayers for our little Mearan, I love her so much and can't imagine life without her... but knowing that she will be in heaven with Jesus, running, jumping, singing, dancing and playing gives me a peace. I will pray for you and your family every day and I will keep checking your site to read about your journey. If Minnesota is a place you would like to visit, have your Mommy call me and we can arrange a tour... we are more than just snow, I promise! Have a marvelous day and know that people here in Minnesota are praying for you too! God Bless You! Krissi
Krissi Marshall <>
St. Louis Park, MN USA - Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 12:37 PM (CDT)
Dear Jennifer & Family,

I've been checking your web-site almost everyday & you, Kaelei, & your family have been my thoughts & prayers. This verse has helped me through the years.

"Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God: I will strenghthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness". Isaiah 41:10 God Bless you all!

Patti Dolan <>
Pillager, MN U.S. - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 10:18 PM (CDT)
Dear Jennifer & family,
I have read through your entries and am amazed at your strength ... yes, your strength. I can not imagine walking the road you & your family are walking. My father was diagnosed with a brain tumor 10/95. I can relate to how it can literally "turn your world upside down and shake it up"! My father, unfortunately for us, passed away on 9/29/96. It was during his illness that I realized that it was not him that I was concerned about ... we knew that whether God healed him on earth or he went to be with Jesus, he would be just fine ... it was the rest of the family that I was concerned about. Please know that God has you in his hands and is carrying you through this most difficult time and whatever happens ... Kaelei is going to be just fine!!!! Learn to lean on God FIRST and others second. Let us lift our arms in prayer, for you, when you are too tired. Let us surround you with our love & prayers!
LeAnn Burbank & family

LeAnn Burbank <>
Phoenix, AZ - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 03:10 PM (CDT)
My prayers for Kaelei and all the other children suffering from brain tumors.
Peter Simer <>
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 01:45 PM (CDT)
Dearest Kaelei and Mommy:
I weep as I read your journal entry as you so well summed up how we feel. Your daughters are beautiful little girls and I will keep them, as well as mommy and daddy, in my prayers.
Susan (mom to jake 3 y.o. dx bsg 11-2001)

Susan Griffin <>
Boca Raton, Fl - Friday, May 10, 2002 at 06:07 PM (CDT)
Hey Kaelei! Whats up? :-) I just was looking at your web page. I am so glad you are doing good! I look forward to seeing you at church Sunday! Talk to You Later!
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR USA - Friday, May 10, 2002 at 05:48 PM (CDT)
Hey Kaelei! Whats up? :-) I just was looking at your web page. I am so glad you are doing good! I look forward to seeing you at church Sunday! Talk to You Later!
Natalie Johnson <>
Rogers, AR USA - Friday, May 10, 2002 at 05:48 PM (CDT)
Kaelei and family: Hi!! We just checked out your site!! We are so excited to have met you through chemoangels!!! We look forward to getting to know you better!! You are in our prayers and thoughts always!! Have a great day!! God Bless!! Love, Scott, Emily, Zach, Nicholis, & Rebekkah!! :)
Your Angel Family <>
MT Vernon, OH USA - Monday, May 06, 2002 at 02:47 PM (CDT)
Hello Kaelei,
Your mom met my sister in law on the internet(Sheri Sheppard). Sheri told me about you and so I decided to check out your webpage. Your a very beautiful little girl. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. You are very brave and strong for all you are going through. Take care of Mommie and Sister okay.

Regina Donahue <>
Berryville, AR United States - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 03:34 PM (CDT)
Kaelei, I'll be praying for you! I hope that everything goes well. I know it will. God Bless You!
Melissa Tabor <>
Pyatt, AR Marion - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 03:33 PM (CDT)
My little girl, Korin, is also 5 and she has a brain tumor too. She has 3 sisters! One is her twin. You and your sister remind me alot of them. I "met" your Mom on the brainstem group. We are with you in the fight!! Keep up the good work! Have Faith!

Kim Hasser & Family <>
Fowler, IN USA - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 11:12 PM (CDT)
Jennifer, Kevin and girls.
You are in my prayers and thoughts and I admire all of you for you courage and faith in God. Jennifer you are a good Mother with a lot of patience.

Lovaine Manes <>
Rogers, AR Benton - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 09:18 AM (CDT)
I was strenghten by your web site. A child so small, that already has a big and strong heart. I will keep you and your family in our prayers. Keep fighting!!

Patricia Buck <>
Bettendorf, IA USA - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 10:30 PM (CDT)
Dear Kaelei's Mommy,
I was very touched by your website. My daughter was diagnosed with a brain-stem glioma at age 3. I know how hard it can be. Just remember, no matter what the doctors say, when you think you have nothing to hold onto, you always have hope and faith and nobody can take that from you.

Debbie <>
- Friday, April 12, 2002 at 10:03 PM (CDT)
I am very touched by your entries and pray things work out for the best. As a member of the scientific research community, I want you to know that there are amazingly talented people out there trying harder than you can imagine to find effective treatments and hopefully a cure! We aren't giving up so don't you! It certainly helps to see your lovely childs face, to know why we work so hard, to know there are fabulous kids out there who deserve a childhood! Prayers to you and your family!
Lori <>
NJ - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 12:22 PM (CDT)
Hey Kaelei, We have just visited your sight for the first time. Continue to be strong and brave. Also, take care of mommy with extra hugs and kisses.
We love you all.

Amy and Madison Shell <>
Bella Vista, AR usa - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 03:11 PM (CDT)
BENTONVILLE, AR USA - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 08:56 AM (CDT)
BENTONVILLE, AR United States - Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 02:25 PM (CDT)
You and your family are in my prayers.
Chuson Marsh <>
Arlington, TX 76013 - Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 09:11 AM (CDT)
Kaelei, you are in my prayers. What a lovely girl. I think you are my hero, after reading your website. I'm asking my own guardian angel to go to you and watch over you. She's a very special angel named Tessa, and she'll love you because you're such a brave girl and so was she. Good luck in kindegarten.
Trisha Hurd <>
Everett, WA USA - Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 03:21 AM (CDT)
God be with you and your family, My prayers are with you. May God give you the strength to keep going strong.
Letty Sanchez <lsanchez@bentonville,>
bentonville, ar usa - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 10:26 AM (CDT)
Hi Kaelei and Family,
I have been following your story for a short time and you are the bravest person that I know.
You will be in my thoughts and prays always.

Susan Hollowell <>
Aylmer West, Ontario Canada - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 09:37 PM (CDT)
GREAT NEWS ON THE COUNTS, WAY TO GO KAELEI !!!!!!!!! Glad to hear your getting ready for school!! we love you and miss you all,
Love aunt Missy, Uncle Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, wv - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 08:34 AM (CST)
PRAISE THE LORD for the rise in the counts. LOVE YOU, Kaelei and Holli. MR. Bob.
Mr. Bob <>
Bentonville, Ar. - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 08:16 AM (CST)
Your girls are beautiful. May God give all of you the strength to fight this terrible disease. My love and prayers are with you.
Lisa Mother of Shannon DX 5-5-00 <>
leesburg, fl usa - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 10:48 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei. I just wanted to post this entry and let you know that I am praying for you. Please keep fighting and keep up the faith. I know that you can beat this thing. Jennifer, if you would like to e-mail me just to have someone to talk to, you may do so. I had a friend who has had this type of tumor and she was totally healed from it. I know that Kaelei will beat this thing. I pray for her everyday.
Megan Schneider <>
Conroe, TX USA - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 12:09 AM (CST)
GREAT news on your counts Kaelei and we hope they keep going up!!!!!!! Kaelei and Holly we hope you have a great Easter and try not to eat to much candy. I hope Kaelei gets to go hunt easter eggs!!!!!!! Love you all, aunt Missy, Uncle Jeff, and Dalton
Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 10:38 AM (CST)
Hi Kaelie! Our thoughts and prayers have always and will always be with you. Get well soon so you can come to WV and see all of us again soon. Love Doug & Dee
Doud & Dee McDonald <>
Bunker Hill, W Va USA - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 07:45 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei! Hope you are doing well.
Sheri Sheppard, Cameron & Austin <>
Lafayette, LA USA - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 08:07 PM (CST)
Hi!! Kaelei, we are very happy about the news of your MRI. You will be in our prayers. Keep up the good work. Love You!!!
Linda Boudreau and Little Bradley <>
Washburn, MO USA - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 12:12 PM (CST)
Kaelei & Holly, are you eating again? Have you had any chicken legs??? What about a pickle?
Perry &Terri Johnson <>
Rogers, AR USA - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 08:26 PM (CST)
Kaelei, Your fiends at Sunshine School are glad to hear your good news. We will keep praying for your health and happiness. Keep Smiling.
Lowell Collins <>
Bentonville, AR - Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 07:22 PM (CST)
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you . GOD BLESS
Helen L Hummer <>
BunkerHill, WV BERKLEY - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 08:36 PM (CST)
Great news!!!!!! Kaelei we will continue to pray for you and i have pray request going ut for you in Hagerstown at my uncle's church, also. God heard all those pray's for you the other night and he answer all are prays and he will continue to for the next steps in your future to make you well again. WE LOVE YOU
aunt missy, uncle Jeff, and Dalton

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 07:28 PM (CST)
"PRAISE THE LORD" Kaelei we want you to get well so you can come to the bus shop and see all of us drivers. I will continue to pray for you each day. GOD BLESS. Love, Mr. Bob.
Bob Clark <>
Bentonville, Ar. U.S.A. - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 04:58 PM (CST)
Just wanted to wish you all good luck for tomorrow and let you know that we will be thinking of you and making lots of prayers for you tonight and tomorrow, we love you all and miss you. your in are thoughts and prayers.
Kaelei be strong and good luck tomorrow!!!!!
Love you Aunt Missy, Uncle Jeff, and Dalton and BILL!!!!!!!

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV Berckeley - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 05:27 PM (CST)
Just wanted to wish you all good luck for tomorrow and let you know that we will be thinking of you and making lots of prayers for you tonight and tomorrow, we love you all and miss you. your in are thoughts and prayers.
Kaelei be strong and good luck tomorrow!!!!!
Love you Aunt Missy, Uncle Jeff, and Dalton and BILL!!!!!!!

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV Berckeley - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 05:04 PM (CST)
I just wanted you to know that we are keeping your little girl, Kaelei in our thoughts. We recently lost our little boy to a rhabdoid brain tumor. In February, actually, so I know that the struggles don't go quickly, even when everything seems okay. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.
Dawn Anderson <>
Winthrop, MN - Friday, March 08, 2002 at 10:52 AM (CST)
I will certainly be praying for Kaelei!
Dana, Zachary's mom Dx JMML 5/01, BMT 10/01...remission

Dana Doctor
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 07:59 PM (CST)
As a mum of a daughter who has been through a very simlar protcol for a Brain Tumour 6 years ago I feel so much empathy for you, I know your daughters next MRI will be difficult for you all,try to be strong and postive, I will be thinking and praying for you on the 11/03/2002. Your daughter sounds like a very brave and special person just like her mum. Lean on all your family and friends for the support you need. Keep your faith in god.
Pauline <>
LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 01:16 PM (CST)










BENTONVILLE, AR BENTON - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 03:24 PM (CST)
Son of Brad & Linda Boudreau. Also a friend of Bill Davis.
James Boudreau <>
Washburn, MO United States - Monday, February 25, 2002 at 07:39 PM (CST)
Hi! Just found out about your websight and want to send positive wishes and love to your family and your daughter . Will follow progres via your websight. A special hug and kiss for Kaelei from Little Bradley and our family. Thanks for th reports. Linda and Little Bradley Boudreau.
Linda Boudreau <>
Washburn, Mo USA - Monday, February 25, 2002 at 05:19 PM (CST)
I just wanted to let you know that I'm keeping Kaelei and your family in my prayers.
Laura Pratt (Joshua's mom) <>
Garfield, AR USA - Monday February 18, 2002 7:32 PM CST
Happy Valentine's day!!!!! and keep fighting and will keep praying. love you all and miss you.
Aunt Missy, Uncle Jeff, and Dalton <>
Bunker Hill, WV - Friday February 15, 2002 8:16 AM CST
"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY"! Kaelei & Holli. Love, Aunt Christine.
Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Thursday February 14, 2002 6:06 PM CST
Happy Valentines Day Kaelei and Holli. Love, Mr. Bob.
Bob Clark <>
- Thursday February 14, 2002 7:55 AM CST
We are believing God's Word for you! Jesus came that we would have ABUNDANT LIFE!! We receive it!
Love and prayers... Rusty, Christi, Jordan, and Hannah Ward

Christi Ward <>
Bentonville, AR USA - Sunday February 10, 2002 7:46 PM CST
BENTONVILLE, AR United States of America - Thursday February 7, 2002 9:55 AM CST
Love you Kaelei and Holli and miss you very much

Jennifer's oldest sister <>
Martinsburg, WV usa - Wednesday February 6, 2002 6:13 AM CST


BENTONVILLE, AR United States of America - Wednesday February 6, 2002 0:33 AM CST
Great Website. It's very encouraging to see you so possitive. I have been trying to be very possitive as my son also has a cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma and it really seems to be working cause he's doing great. Lots of prayers to you and your family. Drop me a line sometime I would love to chat.

Charlotte Frame (austin_mom_2000 ) <>
Minto, NB Canada - Monday February 4, 2002 6:51 PM CST
Bob Clark <>
Bentonville, - Monday February 4, 2002 12:51 AM CST
Dear Jennifer and Kaelei, We've just read the article in the Daily Record, and are both very happy all's going so well for you and the family...Please bring us a new Poster, so that we can post it at the Donut Shop...Our prayers are with you both. Love, Bonnie & Linda
Bonnie Lehman & Linda Egly - Bella Vista Daylight Donuts <>
Bella Vista, Ar USA - Monday February 4, 2002 11:44 AM CST

BENTONVILLE, AR BENTON - Wednesday January 30, 2002 7:52 AM CST
Dear Kaelie and Jennifer,
I am finally getting a chance to be on line long enough to look at your website. What a great idea. I am glad things are going well and Kaelie has been able to start back with P.T. with Linda. I am sending prayers and positive thoughts your way and wish you both continued strength and love. I really enjoyed the Christmas visit and playing with you Kaelie and your sister Holli. Love,Ellen

Ellen Bruce <>
Fayetteville, AR USA - Monday January 28, 2002 3:13 PM CST
Hello Kaelei, We just wanted to let you know that we are continuing to pray for you. We know that whatever you may have to go through, you can get through it. you're always in our thoughts. Love, Christine, Jimmy & Kids.
Christine <>
Martinsburg, WV USA - Sunday January 27, 2002 7:13 PM CST
Kaelei,your mom is right.You and your sister Holli are two beautiful girls!!! Both of you are getting so big.I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers.GOD bless you.
Inwood, WV USA - Thursday January 24, 2002 4:27 PM CST
Dear Kaelei and family,
What a brave and strong family you are, you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
You are touching the world with your story, thank you and our best wishes always all the way from Australia.

Colleen <>
Perth, WA Australia - Tuesday January 22, 2002 5:40 AM CST
My prayers are for Kaelei, as they have been since she was born.
Rick Taylor <>
Rogers, AR USA - Monday January 21, 2002 7:50 PM CST
Prayers have been requested for each of you, and may the healing of God be brought to you Kaelei . You ALL will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Wendi Shade <>
WV - Saturday January 19, 2002 6:33 PM CST
Jennifer,Kevin,Kaelei,and Holli please know that you are in my prayers!Noone knows why these things happen.I pray that Kaelei will get better and that GOD gives you the strength to get through this.May GOD bless each one of you !
JILL (Jeff's mom) <>
Inwood, WV USA - Friday January 18, 2002 12:58 AM CST
Hello sweetheart we shore do miss you,your mommy,daddy, and your sister. and we hope to see you soon. I have your picture up with a cross and a candle beside it that i light at least once a week. Are thoughts and prayers are with you and you family. We love you and now you will keep fighting. LOVE, AUNT MISSY,UNCLE JEFF, AND DALTON

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV berkeley - Friday January 18, 2002 9:25 AM CST
Hello sweetheart we shore do miss you,your mommy,daddy, and your sister. and we hope to see you soon. I have your picture up with a cross and a candle beside it that i light at least once a week. Are thoughts and prayers are with you and you family. We love you and now you will keep fighting. LOVE, AUNT MISSY,UNCLE JEFF, AND DALTON

Missy <>
Bunker Hill, WV berkeley - Friday January 18, 2002 9:24 AM CST
What a blessing your daughter is. I will pray that God continues to give you strength as you continue Kaelei's treatment. You are truly a special family.

Jo , another friend from DWLZ <>
Lakewood, CA USA - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 11:06 AM (CST)
A friend from DWLZ who keeps you all in her prayers.
Susan Fiordeliso <>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 07:33 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei- You're one brave girl.
I just want to let you know, that across the ocean in a little country called Denmark, my family and I are praying that you'll feel better.
Lots of caring thoughts for you and your familiy.
Love Charlotte from Denmark
(The "From around the World"-forum at Dotti's)

Charlotte Mylendorf <>
Hou, Denmark - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CST)
Hi Kailei and Jennifer...more prayers coming your way from here in Michigan. It's wonderful that you have so much support from family and friends, and the way you are dealing with everything is nothing short of amazing! Believe in miracles, because they DO happen. After all, the "malignant" tumor turned out to be benign, and that's a miracle in itself. Keep up your good attitude...that's half the battle! I will pray that you are directd to the best doctors and caregivers, and for a successful outcome. I think if anyone can beat this, you can. Keep the faith!

Love amd hugs to you and your family (((((hugs))))

Pam Emery (Lulubelle from Dotti's) <>
Wyandotte, MI USA - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 04:56 PM (CST)
We love you sweetheart and are praying for you, your Mommy, your Daddy, and your sister!!! I was glad to see you at church Sunday. You give Mommy and big hug and kiss for me!!!
Ms. Tracy

Tracy Halliburton <>
Rogers, AR USA - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 04:38 PM (CST)

I am so touched that you read of our own story and wanted to read some of yours...I can imagine the fear and stress you must feel right now and I hope that you have a good local community of loving support.

I thank you for taking the time to tell your story here on the website. As another mother of another child battling, it helps to read other stories...especially how far your daughter has come since her debilitating first surgery. We too have such deficits and you give me hope.

God bless,

Danielle McCauley <>
Tustin Ranch, CA USA - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 12:35 AM (CST)
Jennifer - saw your post on the Yahoo pages, I'm assuming you also heard from my husband. I'm glad you started a Caring Bridge - it will be a comfort to you and to those that love you from all over.

Please know that we are praying for you - again if you have any more questions please email me or visit me on the boards.

Prayers and good thoughts -
Shannon and Meghan Heisler

Shannon Heisler
Springfield, IL - Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 07:36 AM (CST)
Jennifer, Hi this is Christy Rogers. You and your family are always in my prayers. I admire you for how strong you are. You are a great example for me. Take care we love you.

Joliet, IL - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 04:14 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei.You are always in our prayers,and are a very sweet and special little girl.We are always here for you and your family anytime you need us.Love Jerrie,Randy,and Morgan.
Jerrie manes <>
Centerton, AR Benton - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 02:40 PM (CST)
I am glad you created this page! You will not believe the amount of support you will get. Our son, Chayton, also has a caringbridge page. The hospital in Minneapolis provides the service to us. Chayton also has a brain tumor, only it is rhabdoid. We were told he has the most rare and aggressive form of childhood cancer there is. The survival rate is 1% without recurrance. Unfortunately, he had a recurrance. After learning more about what your daughter has, because it lays's unpredictable, I pray for your little girl, her sister and the rest of your family. May you be blessed in your journey.
Dawn Anderson, mommy of Chayton <>
Winthrop, MN USA - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 09:30 AM (CST)
Jennifer and Kaelei,
I am so proud of both of you. Continue to draw your strength from God. You are always in my prayers.

Betsy Benson <>
Maumelle, AR USA - Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 04:43 PM (CST)
Hi Kaelei, it's Aunt Dori! I love you so much it hurts. Taylor and Samuel and Grr-Ricky say hi and they love you too! You are so strong and brave. We love you!!!!!!!!
Dorian Manes <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 11:44 PM (CST)
We love you very much. As always, your entire family is in our constant prayers.
Charles Halliburton <>
rogers, AR USA - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 10:15 PM (CST)
Kaelei, I miss seeing you and your mom so much. I look at pictures of you and I ask God to make you feel better soon. I think you are like a little angel sent down from heaven to make everyone who knows you happier. You are a wonderful brave little girl and I love you and your family very much.
Ms Barbara <>
Rogers, AR USA - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 09:09 PM (CST)
Kaelei and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. She is a courageous young lady and we know that she is surrounded by angels and in God's care. We will continue to pray for healing and strength for her and the family. Loving thoughts are with you all.
Sandy and Gordie Johnson

Ms. Sandy <>
Bella Vista, AR USA - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 07:37 PM (CST)
I continue to pray for Kaelie's recovery and for you to keep the faith and courage to do what the good Lord has given you to endure. Always remember footprints in the sand, as I know it is now that God is carrying you..God Bless.. Jenny..
Jenny <>
rogers, ar benton - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 06:44 PM (CST)

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