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Monday, December 31, 2007 3:07 PM CST


Job is doing wonderful. He has been off the vent since yesterday morning and doing just great. He is off the Versed and Fentanyl drips which have been replaced with oral Ativan and Morphine (to help with withdrawal affects).

He got to go on his first road trip in months. He was able to be free from his IV pole and only had a little oxygen and a wheel chair. It was just a trip up and down the halls of the PICU, but when you have been confined to a room for months, that is a good first step. It won't be long until we are going to the play-room and the garden. It probably will not be too long before he moves out of PICU either and into a regular room. That will be a great victory day.

Today PICU was a little short handed so they took our favorite nurse Amy away from us so she could care for another child (who is very sick and she is very good) and gave us an IV nurse who only works the floor occasionally. We found out that Job is the healthiest kid in PICU. Can you believe it! That is a miracle!!

Job has had such a good response to the treatment for the adenovirus that they are moving him into the maintenance phase of treatment which is a lot easier on his little body.

Also, the bronch and biopsy did not show any sign of rejection. His lungs are just doing wonderful. There is a reason we waited so long...we were waiting on just the perfect set of lungs...picked out by the hand of God.

Dear Lord, please comfort the family who gave Job this priceless gift and please walk close to them in this very difficult time. There is no way to thank them enough for choosing to give such a wonderful gift during such a tragic time.


Friday, December 28, 2007 6:07 AM CST

****NEW PHOTOS****

Job is doing much better. Yesterday he had a bronchoscope and a left chest tube placed to drain fluid off his lungs. The docs said that his lungs looked much better than before. After the fluid was removed, Job just felt so much better. He was awake for the rest of the day. He asked to open the rest of his presents (he had got too tired on Christmas to open all his presents) and he wanted to watch a movie. He sat up in bed and watched about three quarters of Pirates of the Carribean 3 before pooping out around midnight.

His ate yesterday too!!! He asked for a Petit Jean hot dog and ate the whole thing with a carton of milk. He was asking for all kinds of foods. While he watched his movie, he munched on cheese-toes and a coke. I have added a PHOTO to the photo album of him.

Thanks for all the prayers. Maybe we will be able to come off this vent again SOON.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007 7:18 PM CST

Go to this website and click on Perry County www.headlightnews.com

All of you in Perry County Arkansas go out and buy a Perry County Headlight, or use the website above. There is a great story about Job on the front page.

I hope all of you had a Christmas as wonderful as ours.

Job had a very nice Christmas. He was awake and able to open his presents with his sister. We brought Nicole's presents up here to the hospital. They enjoyed it. Job had already received the best gift he could have gotten, His new lungs. Which was a gift for all of us. Job has been smiling today and he has the most wonderful smile. He has been sleeping a lot today but when he is awake he is really awake and communicating with us.

Yesterday he had a lot of fluid in his chest and they had to insert a tube much like the one for the pneumothorax for the air inside his chest walls. This time it is fluid. They drew a pint and a half out two different times. They are drawing some out every four hours.

Thanks for continuing to pray, God is truely awesome. May God bless each of you, and may this coming year be a wonderful and blessed year.

Love to all,

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 6:31 PM CST

All of you in Perry County Arkansas go out and buy a Perry County Headlight.
There is a great story about Job on the front page.

I hope all of you had a Christmas as wonderful as ours.

Job had a very nice Christmas. He was awake and able to open his presents with his sister. We brought Nicole's presents up here to the hospital. They enjoyed it. Job had already received the best gift he could have gotten, His new lungs. Which was a gift for all of us. Job has been smiling today and he has the most wonderful smile. He has been sleeping a lot today but when he is awake he is really awake and communicating with us.

Yesterday he had a lot of fluid in his chest and they had to insert a tube much like the one for the pneumothorax for the air inside his chest walls. This time it is fluid. They drew a pint out two different times. They are drawing some out every four hours.

Thanks for continuing to pray, God is truely awesome. May God bless each of you, and may this coming year be a wonderful and blessed year.

Love to all,

Monday, December 24, 2007 3:20 PM CST

Job did go back on the vent this afternoon. He just kept de-sating even on 100% and his x-ray looked worse than his pre-op one. No one is worried right now, they believe he just needs a little more support after his trip to the OR this morning.

Monday, December 24, 2007 8:04 AM CST

Job is headed back to the OR this morning for the replacement of his Broviac (central line). It has been looking pretty nasty for about a week and they decided the best thing to do was to replace it. Only the outside, surface of the skin is infected. Doc said hopefully this will be the last procedure until the removal of the trach. I was glad to hear him say that.

Job has continued to be off the vent since 3:00 Friday, but he may have to use it today due to this procedure. We were able to decrease the Fentanyl from 3 to 2 yesterday without any trouble.

Merry Christmas Eve!


Saturday, December 22, 2007 11:07 AM CST

Update: Different Photos

Job has been off the vent since 3:00 yesterday afternoon. He is doing wonderfully. Doc says that as long as he is doing well then we do not have to go back on vent. He is getting 70 percent oxygen right now, but they want to wean that down. Remember room air is 21 percent oxygen. They are bringing in a gadget called a blender to aid with allowing a higher flow of air with less oxygen to help us with the wean.

We were able to stop Presidex, one of the three sedation meds, successfully yesterday. He is on .1 of Versed and 3 of Fentanyl. We plan to start weaning them tomorrow or Monday.

His swelling is going down and he sat on the edge of the bed unsupported for ten minutes today. He is moving his legs a little bit also. He had gone a long time without even being able to wiggle his toes or move his legs any at all. It is still very slight, but it is movement. Hopefully soon he will be able to turn himself over in bed and get himself comfortable. That will be wonderful.

God Bless you all. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. I also hope you are not trying to shop this weekend LOL.


Friday, December 21, 2007 4:48 PM CST

Great news!!! Job's blood work and liver tests show improvement. The things they were watching related to the adnoivirus have turned around and gown the opposite direction. That shows that he is responding to the treatment. It is a once-a-week med, so they will give it to him again next week and see how things are then before deciding how to proceed.

Also, the results of the lung biopsy show no signs of rejection nor infection. This is also wonderful news. He is spending more and more time off the vent. So much in fact that they have removed the fancy smancy vent and replaced it with a home vent. The doc said that Job no longer needed the cadillac vent.

Thanks so much for your wonderful prayers.


Thursday, December 20, 2007 3:58 PM CST

Job made brownies this morning. However he hasn't been feeling very well. He's been more tired and sleepy. We think it may be due to his liver function and all the medicines that he currently taking.

In order keep his body from rejecting his new lungs, Job's immune system must be surpressed. This makes it more challenging to fight an infection such as the adnoivirus. We still have more battles to fight. Thanks for your continued prayers.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 12:57 AM CST

Job had his one-week-post-transplant bronchoscope. His new lungs look good. They took a few tissue samples to check for rejection and also will run cultures to check for infection especially the adnoivirus.

Job's liver is causing some concerns. Some enzymes that are usually 10-15 are 3000. Docs believe it is adnoivirus in liver so they began treatment yesterday. Problem with treatment is that is could be toxic to kidneys. Please pray about these issues.

Job is feeling great and plans to bake brownies with Becki tomorrow.


Monday, December 17, 2007 8:45 PM CST

Job is doing great. It is wonderful to be able to talk to him. He has not been coherent since that first weekend in Sept. Although he had some awake moments since then, you could not really communicate with him. He is so clear headed it is really surprising since he is still on so much sedation medicine. We have a lot of weaning to do, but hopefully it will go fast.

We started back the trach collar trials (going off vent) today. We had took a break yesterday because he was having a little trouble keeping his oxygen saturations. He has done really good today. I think they are planning to remove the art line tomorrow.

He is so ready to get out of this hospital and that bed. He kept asking when he could go to the garden and when he was going to go home. He doesn't realize how close we really are to doing those things.

God Bless,

Sunday, December 16, 2007 7:06 AM CST

All is going great. Job spends 2 hours on and 2 hours off the vent right now. He was asking for Cocoa Pebbles this morning. Once he starts eating good then the NG tube can come out. He is still on quite a bit of sedation right now so that will probably be a little while.

He has been having some difficulty holding his oxygen saturation, but hopefully will work itself out. We have turned his oxygen up to 55 percent.

He did get both chest tubes and the extra central line out yesterday. There is a photo of his stitches and chest tubes in the photo album now, but be aware that it is a tough photo. Nicole thought we should say "viewer discretion is advised". She watches too much House.

Praise to God. Give Him all the glory for this miracle.

Saturday, December 15, 2007 8:53 AM CST

Everything is going just fine. We have all been wondering if Job actually realizes what is happening. Yesterday, after I changed his trach, he asked me if that was the last time. That sure told me that he knows exactly what is going on right now. He is doing really well off the vent. Last night he DID NOT want to go back on after his hour off. Rob said he was off for two hours this morning and again done great.

The biggest issue we have right now is helping him get comfortable. He want to turn on his side so bad, but he still has two chest tubes. He has also had his chest cut open so we have to be so careful about that. On top of all of that he is SO swollen. The little boy just can't find a comfortable position and gets so frustrated. He still cannot talk and we try our best to read his lips, but sometimes are unsuccessful and that is aggervating for him. I told him soon, very soon, he will have his voice back and be able to get up out of that bed. But you know what, aren't those wonderful problems to have. Just wonderful.


Thank you Lord for all You have done for us. Thank you for Job's miracle.


Friday, December 14, 2007 2:51 PM CST

So far the day is going wonderful. We keep getting little glimpses of Job's sweet personality. He snarled his lips at me once and blew me kisses another time.

One of the pulmonary docs came by a few minutes ago and said that he's got a call from pathology. The lung tissue sample from Job's donor lung that they have been studying seems to have a fungual infection called Histoplasmosis and NOT TB. We haven't received official word on this yet, but it wonderful news. They were already talking about starting him on the treatment for TB this morning. The treatment for TB is very hard and long.

No we don't want another fungus, but if the lung had not been positive for the fungus then they would have been forced to start treatment for TB. However, he cannot have both this fungal infection AND TB at the same time. So you see how this positive works in our favor.

I can't wait to hear the official news.


UPDATE: 5:45pm - We've received the official news that it is NOT TB. We now have to wait to hear from another group that we can lose the masks (well, we'll still have to wear those little earloop masks for Job's protection but not these goofy ones) and gowns. He's finally settled down but when he was trying to scratch his face, I went to help him and he would give me a thumbs up or thumbs down to show which way he wanted me to scratch (that was his idea, I didn't ask him to do that). He's back on the vent now so that he doesn't wear himself out but he did a fantastic job for his hour off it.


Friday, December 14, 2007 7:13 AM CST

They took Job off the vent for an hour this morning. He done really good. He was a little scared and wanted to go back on, but he done really well. He went back on the vent a little under an hour because that is what he wanted.

The plan for the day is to have him on the vent for three hours then off for one though-out the day. He is still on 35xygen.


Thursday, December 13, 2007 1:19 PM CST

Dr. Sweet says Job will be taken off vent within 24hrs. cause he's doing so well. Can't wait. Thanks for all the support we couldn't have made it this far without it.


Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:59 AM CST

Job had a wonderful night. He is initiating all his own breaths. The vent is giving him 40xygen and helping him with volumes and pressures, but he is taking all the breaths himself. Before transplant, the vent was giving him 36 breaths per minute! Also, the docs took out two of the four chest tubes this morning.

The night was wonderful and peaceful.

KATV finally posted that news clip on their website. The link is http://www.katv.com/news/stories/1207/480158.html entitled "PERRY COUNTY BOY RECEIVES LUNG TRANSPLANT". (Thanks Tim Metcalf).


Thursday, December 13, 2007 1:12 AM CST

Mark was cleaning Job's mouth and he said, "Do you like that buddy?" and Job nodded yes! It wasn't just one nod, he nodded four or five times pretty quickly. It just looked so darned normal and to my knowledge, the first response of any kind we've had since the surgery. His nose is itching so I've gotta run.

Stats: 7.47 60 97 45 bp 127/79, oxygen still at 40% and 6 breaths per minute (clicking at 32).


Wednesday, December 12, 2007 3:42 PM CST


Infectious disease docs just left. They are really concerned that the donor lungs had Tuberculosis (TB) and/or some sort of fungus. They have took cultures, but both are slow growers. TB take months to grow actually. They really want to start Job on a treatment plan for TB in a few days when he is stronger. The problem is, that the treatment for TB is a 9 month series of hard drugs that slam his liver and interfer with his immunosuppression meds. They haven't had a case like this before but are putting their heads together to come up with the best solution for the problem.

He is also positive for the adenovirus in his sinuses, but it is not in his blood stream. WHICH IS GREAT. It is a VERY serious when it gets in your blood stream and immunosuppressed.

So there are our prayer requests. We need to keep fighting for Job's health. But you know what, they can't say any of this will remove him from the transplant list!! LOL

One more thing... in a couple of days, when Job is strong enough for a trip, they are putting us back in PICU!!

God Bless,

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 11:40 AM CST

All I have heard about the bronch this morning is that they were able to remove a few more clots, but there was one that they were not able to remove. So he will probably have another bronch tomorrow.

I heard that the spot that KATV ran on the 6:00 news last night was wonderful. I WISH WISH WISH they would post it on their website so I could see it. Sarah sent them an email and asked them to. However, interestingly the video clip from the article they ran back in Oct. has shown back up on the "KATV Most Requested eVideo" list. I thought that was cool. Click Here to see that old article.

I will let you know when I hear anything else.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007 8:38 AM CST

Job blood pressure has stabilized and is now 114/70 - just where they want it. Dr. Sweet, the transplant doc, just left and told Rob that he thought all looked good and that he will have another bronch this morning to try and remove the rest of the clot in the left lung. Job lost a LOT of blood during the night. He received 3 units of blood, platelets, and plasma. Dr. Huddleston, the surgeon, said that he looked and sounded good. He didn't expect him to look this good. He said he had a really awful start to this whole thing and rockier than he ever imagined... then come in this morning and he's better than he imagined.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007 6:32 AM CST

They opened him up and found that the bleeding was coming from his chest incision, not from his lungs seeping. About 100 places where they cut and stitched on him. They cauterized those places and got all the bleeders stopped. There were a lot of blood clots in that fluid around his heart. While in his chest, the doc noticed that one lung was not inflated so they done a broncoscopy and found a blood clot. They were able to get about 70% of it and will do another broncoscopy today to get the rest.



Tuesday, December 11, 2007 11:24 PM CST

10:48 - They are getting ready to open him up....he had an echo that showed a pocket of fluid/blood around his heart. Normally they just put a needle in and pull fluid out but since just had major transplant surgery dr huddleston wasnt comf with that. They will sterilize his room...bring in staff with him and open him up to look at everything good and get all fluid. I dont think they are panicked...just need to fix.

11:10 - Job just crashed after they opened him up. His blood pressure and heart rate dropped and they began CPR on him.

11:25 - Have good blood pressure and heart rate.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:36 PM CST

Surgery is over. Surgeon said everything went well and he was pleased with how well everything went and looks. The biggest concern is that they found that Job tested positive for a virus in one of his cultures that were taken over the past few days. They were already too far in the process to turn back once they found out, but may have rejected the lung offer if they had known. However, on the other hand, Job has a better chance of recovery with his new lung than with his old lungs. The virus probably would have caused his death with his old lungs.

Now, with all of that said, GOD IS IN CONTROL and it is in HIM that our hope is found.

Praise God for today's victory. We will be able to see Job around 7:00.

God Bless,

UPDATE: We have been able to see Job two at a time and he looks fantastic! His cheeks are in full color and his numbers are looking so good that we are having a hard time understanding them (we used to be excited when the pPeak got under 60 and now it's 31!). There are still some very tough times ahead so please continue your prayers but we are so very grateful for all the concern and the genuine love shown to our family during the dark times and now during this great event. I'm so impressed with the people here at SLCH. There have been more doctors and nurses stopping by and showing such joy and giving hugs and congratulations than I can count and more than one have been either in, or near tears with emotion. Job has such a huge fan club that he is going to get a big head with his celebrity when he wakes up. I can't WAIT!

Aunt Tammy

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:18 PM CST

The have both lungs sewn in and have another hour of clean up and close up to complete in surgery. After that, the surgeon will come out and talk with us. We will have another hour break after that, then we will need to go to the CICU waiting room and wait for his nurse to come and get us.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 1:05 PM CST

Nurse just left. Lungs are on their way and should arrive at 1:30. The doc has uncoverd Job and began to work on getting him ready again.

Everything is going fine.

UPDATE 2:21 - I believe everything is going fine. We haven't heard anything else, so we assume all is going according to plan.

UPDATE 2:30 - LUNGS ARE HERE AND THEY ARE SEWING IN THE FIRST ONE!!!!!!!! It was too foggy for them to be transported in a helicopter so they rushed them here in an ambulance.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 12:45 AM CST


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 9:49 AM CST

All is going well. Job has been prep'd for surgery and the doc was scrubbing up I believe. The lungs are scheduled to arrive at 11:30. Job will be on a heart/lung machine during the surgery. This will allow his blood to be artifically ventilated during the surgery.

update 10:30 - SURGERY HAS STARTED!!!

UPDATE 11:00 - the heart transplant team is causing a delay and so the lungs will not arrive until 1:00.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 6:16 AM CST

Lungs have been accepted for Job!!! He is scheduled to go to the OR at 8:00 this morning.

PLEASE PRAY that these are acceptable lungs and for a successful transplant. PLEASE PRAY.

UPDATE 8:11 - Job is in the OR

Monday, December 10, 2007 1:17 PM CST

Job had a rough night and is having a tough day. He kept desating last night and the docs were convinced his low hemoglobin was the cause. So he got some blood this morning, which brought his hemoglobin back into normal range. His vent pressures have been in the upper 70s most of the day, but are back in the upper 50s right now. Hopefully they will stay down. They are concerned about his abdomin again and sent tests and x-rays off checking on things going on there. His chest x-ray still looks the same. His white count was down to 18.3 today which is one good thing. At least we are gaining ground regarding the infection.

UPDATE 8:20 p.m.: Job has been doing much better this afternoon/evening. The blood really help him keep from desating and his peak pressures have been in the upper 50s for several hours. Right now as I am typing this they are in the mid 60s, but because he is awake and stirring a little. That is the main reason we have to keep him so sedated, because his peak pressures go up when he moves. Thinks have been a lot better since I made the earlier post.

I've been thinking a lot about what it means to wait on God... when really what choice do you have but to wait. Maybe waiting on God means more that just passing time. Maybe it has to do with your attitude and outlook. Maybe it is about continuing to be obedient to God. Being obedient to God about other things, things that have nothing to do with the situation at hand. Trusting God... trusting that God's word is true and His way is the right way.

I sometimes want to make excuses for my own sins by saying that God understands and will forgive my weakness. He understands that it is tough right now and my compromise in this area or that area will be overlooked. I have a right to be depressed, angry, frustrated, rebellious, etc. Does having that attitude actually show trust or "waiting" on God? If I trust God, then I will be obedient to Him in the worst of times. I will believe that He has supremacy over all things (col 1:18) and that he hears my prayers.

I have determined that I will not use this suffering as an excuse for sin. I will trust God and do my best to fear God and be obedient to Him. Afterall, that is the whole duty of man (Ecc 12:13).

God Bless you all and may He lead you all in His truth and righteousness. May we all learn to trust God and be obedient to Him in the worst of times.


Sunday, December 9, 2007 9:39 AM CST

White count is a little higher today at 21.5. Job pulled his NG tube out during the night and that have had a tough time putting it back in this morning. He has had a nose bleed and it just won't seem to stop. The NG wasn't in the right place so the nurse just took it out and is giving him a break before she trys again.

Please help me pray for a little girl named Breanna Bradshaw. She is fighting for her life and needs a miracle from God. Please stop right now and say a pray for her complete restoration of health.

God Bless,

Saturday, December 8, 2007 10:41 AM CST

Job's white count continues to rise. It was 21.4 this morning. His hemoglobin is low at 7.3; CO2 is 151; ph is 7.28. A bacteria did grow out of his trach aspirit, but so far everything is clear in his blood and urine cultures. They started him on the antibiotics Vanc and Timenton yesterday. He hasn't had a fever, and his x-rays still look okay even though his vent pressures keep bouncing up into the 60s.

Dear Lord, please have mercy and compassion on Job and heal his little body. Restore him to perfect health. In Jesus name I ask. AMEN


Thursday, December 6, 2007 10:15 AM CST

Job's white count is elevated to 20,000 today. That indicated an infection somewhere. They have taken blood cultures and other tests to try and find out where the infection is located. His vent pressures have been slightly higher also, but his x-ray looked just fine. UPDATE: Infection is in Job's Trach

Isaiah 38:16-19
...You restored me to health and let me live
Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish.
In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction.
You have put all my sins behind your back.
For the grave cannot praise you,
death cannot sing your praise;
those who go down to the pit cannot hope for your faithfulness.
The living, the living - they praise you, as I am doing today.

This was a praise of Hezekiah after the Lord healed him of his illness.

God bless you all,

Isaiah 56:10
...I [the Lord] say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.

Isaiah 49:8
This is what the Lord says: "In the time of my favor I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you;..."

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 1:45 PM CST

Isaiah 40:27-31
Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel,
"My way is hidden from the Lord; My cause is disregarded by my God?"
Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not be faint.

Those last few lines are some of the most popular Bible scriptures around. Ranks right up there with John 3:16 probably as far as popularity goes. It is listed above from the NIV Bible, but most would recognize the KJV version better. It goes like this: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Whether you call it "waiting" or "hoping" it all amounts to the same thing. You are looking towards God for your salvation. Depending on God for your deliverance and victory. Seeking Gods help and none other.

I am encouraged by this scripture for two reasons today. The first is the reminder that it IS scriptural to wait on God. So many miracles in the NT were immediate. Jesus went around healing people immediately. The apostles healed people immediately. I get discouraged thinking that my lack of faith is causing Job to continue in his suffering. If only I had more faith, then Job could be healed immediately. However, this Bible verse reminds me that waiting on God's timing is scriptural. It does not show a lack of faith, but instead builds perseverance which is a fruit of the spirit. We all need to grow in perseverance.

The second reason this passage encourages me lies in the 27th verse. This verse is never listed with the later verse. As a matter of fact, I don't remember ever reading it before. Certainly if I have read it, it never meant what it meant today. Jacob and Israel are God's chosen people... His kids. They were discouraged and feeling like their problems were hidden from God. Like their issues were too small for God's concern. They were tempted to give up on their hope that God would help them. God reminds them how mighty He is. God created the earth and does not grow tired and weary like we do. His purposes we cannot comprehend. This He promises... if we (as His kids) keep our hope in Him and Him alone, then He will renew our strength. We will soar on wings like eagles. We will keep praying for Job's Miracle and not grow weary. We will sit in a hospital room for days on end separated from our family and not grow faint.... In Christ alone our hope is found.

God Bless,

Isaiah 33:6
He will be the sure foundation for your times. A rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge. The fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.

Monday, December 3, 2007 11:23 AM CST

As you see, I added some new photos. A ministry called The Jeremy Project ( www.thejeremyproject.org ) came and took these photos. A local church donated the money for Job and other kids to have their photos taken. I was very happy with how the photos came out.

Thank you for all your continued prayers. Our hope and trust is still in God and He will deliver Job from this suffering one day.

God bless,

Sunday, December 2, 2007 0:25 AM CST

All is going fine here. Job is doing well and stable. Grandma returned from Michigan yesterday. She had a good visit with my brother and sister. Rob and Nicole are going home on today (Sunday). We are trying to get Nicole back in school before she gets too far behind. Her teachers have been sending work to her though. They will be back in three weeks for Christmas.

That's about it. Nothing really happening. All is calm here. Just waiting on God's miracle and deliverance.

God Bless,

Thursday, November 29, 2007 11:08 AM CST

Prov. 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart
but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails

Two things I ask of You, O Lord
do not refuse me before I die:
Keep falsehood and lies far from me;
give me neither proverty nor riches
but give me only my daily bread.

Otherwise, I may have too much and disown You
and say, 'who is the Lord?'
Or I may become poor and steal
and dishonor the name of my God.

Above are a few scriptures that stood out to me today. I hope they touch you as well. I have many plans, plans to do this and that. Plans for Nicole, plans for Job, plans for Rob, plans for my career, plans for my money, plans for my marriage, plans, plans, plans. May all my plans fall in the ditch and the Lord's purpose prevail. That is really all that matters anyway.

Job smiled at me yesterday. It was a precious gift from God. Praise God Job is alive to fight another day. Praise God for the strength He has given all of us to persevere this storm.

God bless you all.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 1:29 PM CST

Thanks to everyone who joined us in fasting and prayer. We anxiously await the Lord's mighty healing power.

Job is fine and still about the same.

God Bless,

Monday, November 26, 2007 8:16 AM CST

Jeremiah 17:7-8
But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord
whose confidence is in Him.
He will be like a tree planted by the waters
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.

Job had a good weekend. The only excitement came on Friday night when he pulled his chest tube out. We just laughed knowing that the Lord was going to take it out sooner or later, we just didn't know how or when. They took x-rays and all is fine. Its just another tube that I get to mark off my list as gone.

Tammy came to visit for a few days and took Grandma back to Michigan with her for a week. She really needed the break. Hopefully she will have a great visit and get plenty of rest.

Rob and Nicole are scheduled to return home next weekend. I sure pray that we are all going home together. Please Lord.

Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me oh Lord, and I will be healed;
Save me and I will be saved,
For you are the one I praise.

Dear Lord please heal Job, save him from this sickness and disease. Nothing is too big a task for You O Lord. Please deliver us from this prison. Raise Job up out of that bed and set him free from this pain and suffering. Please Lord, we beg you for mercy and compasion. In Jesus name we ask. Thank you so much for continuing to keep Job in the palm of your hand. Thank you for the miracles that you have already done by sustaining Job's life and keeping him strong. Protecting his mind and emotions. Thank you for keeping him from death and thank you for restoring his health. Priase you for the miracle you are about to do. May you get all the glory. AMEN


Thursday, November 22, 2007 10:34 AM CST

Prov 3:5-8
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on you own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight

Do not be wise in your own eyes
fear the Lord and shun evil
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones

Interestingly that is exactly what Job needs this morning, "...nourishment to...[his] bones." Remember, your blood is produced inside of your bones, and Job's blood is low. He is getting a blood transfusion today. So fearing God and shunning evil will bring health to your body. Dear Lord please teach us to fear you. Teach us your ways. Give us an undivided heart so that we may fear You. Lead us in all understanding and remind us to always acknowledge You.
It is SO difficult to see Job suffer. He is so miserable. PLEASE LORD HAVE MERCY ON JOB. We ask this not because we are righteous, but because you are full of mercy and compasion.

Dear Lord, I am so thankful for all that You have given us. I thank you for my wonderful, loving husband that you have blessed me with. Thank you for two great kids. Thank you for giving me a wonderful mother who stands by me no matter what happens. Thank you for your provisions. You have taken care of us financially in a miraculous way. Putting it on the hearts of your people to provide for us during this time in our lives. I pray that we have many opportunities to return the gift to others.

I thank you for the suffering. I think you for leading us to a realization that life is not about pleasure and entertainment. Thank you for showing us that life is about You and fulfilling your purposes. Thank you for the mighty victory that you are going to bring about. Thank you for Job, a mighty warrior for you. Thank you for Nicole, a true gift. Thank you for giving us the boldness to speak your word and your mighty Holy Spirit. Thank you for your healing and wonders.

Thank you for all the wonderful people who are praying and helping us in so many different ways.



Thursday, November 22, 2007 10:34 AM CST

Prov 3:5-8
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on you own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight

Do not be wise in your own eyes
fear the Lord and shun evil
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 10:47 AM CST

Job's peak pressures are high today. They are in the lower 60s. His stomach is distended again and the thought is that it is pushing up on his diaphram and causing it to be harder for him to breath. The docs are discussing starting the paralytic again. We are praying that it is not necessary. They are also starting a laxative that might help also. His hemogloin is low again too. I think it is 7.6, but they do not want to give him another blood transfusion. They are discussing other options. We are constantly praying that God direct the doctor's hands and decisions in everything that they do and choose. Our only hope is in God. He is the only one who can deliver Job. He is the only way out. He is our Healer and Deliverer.

Gen. 2:7
The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being.

Ez. 37:9-10
Then he [God] said to me, "Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain that they may live." So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath entered them and they came to life and stood up on their feet -- a vast army.

Psa. 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

Dear Lord breath into Job's nostrils the breath of life so that he can begin to live. Bring his bones back to life so that he can be a mighty soldier for you, so that he can praise Your Holy Name. Bring the breath from the four winds and breathe into him so that he may come to life and stand up on his feet and praise you. You are his only hope.

Psalm 146:5-8 Blessed is he whose help in the god of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them - the Lord, who remains faithful forever.


Sunday, November 18, 2007 7:54 AM CST

Job is still doing about the same. We did increase the sedation a little to keep him from getting so frustrated about the restraints. We have to keep him restrained so he will not pull the NG tube out of his nose. That is how he gets his food and he needs that nutrition. He is not awake enough to eat on his own. We tried it once last week when he pulled the tube out, but he wasn't getting enough calories. It breaks all our hearts to see him fighting against the restraints. Just makes you want to cry. So the increase in sedation is a good decision right now.

Sometime I just don't know what to say. I wish I could get on here and explain how Job is getting better and better, but he isn't. I still realize that we are on miracle ground just for the fact that Job is doing as well as he is. That he is still here and still fighting. The vent pressures are still in the 50s and his CO2 (130s) and other things are still very critically high.

We are all feeling the weight of this long hospital stay. It doesn't take much to get feeling hurt, argue among ourselves, or just want to sleep all the time. We continue to turn to God to give us the strength we need for another day, another week, another month. God is all we have to depend on right now. I know that He will get us through all of this.

I am sorry that I haven't been updating the website on a regular basis lately. I need all your prayers so much that I want to continue to keep you all in the loop of the goings on here in St. Louis. I just sometimes don't know what to say.

Dear Lord, please heal Job and deliver him from this bed and this hospital room. Please have mercy and compassion on him and on us. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN


Thursday, November 15, 2007 10:19 PM CST

Hello, Thought it was time for a new update.
Job is doing fine.
Wednesday morning Job’s vent P-Peak pressure was in the 30’s all morning. Which is the lowest it has been in awhile. That was the number that was 81 when they gave Tina the DNR speech. It has been in the 50’s since I got here today. But it will come down again. His CO2 was 126 this morning.
He is resting right now. He has rested pretty good all afternoon. He doesn’t like the restrains of course, but he has been continually pulling the NG tube out. Awhile ago he said, “Grandma” and I said, “What baby” and he said. “I love you” I said, “I love you too” and of course I had to take off the restrains. I just slipped my arm under his little head and held him for awhile. I asked him if he would leave the NG tube alone but he didn’t say anything. The restraints are still off and he hasn’t messed with it. But I’m watching just in case. Ha ha.
Love to all, thank you for all of your Prayers.

Monday, November 12, 2007 7:27 AM CST

Yesterday had half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast. His peak pressures have been the lowest in weeks, still extremely high for the average bear, but better for Job. They stayed in the 40s all day yesterday.

They took his arterial line out yesterday too. It became unreliable so out it came.

This morning Job's PICC line broke off at the hub. We are unsure as to what happened, but are waiting on the IV team to decide if it is salvageable. I will be surprised if it is and bet that it will come out today.

Everything else has been going fine. He is still getting fed through the NG tube so the pancakes and PB&J were just for pleasure really.


Thanks for all the prayers.

Saturday, November 10, 2007 10:41 AM CST

Isn't that wonderful!!! I am so excited about it. He woke up this morning and asked the nurse for pancakes, and she asked the doctor and he said YES. Even on .2 Versed and 3 Fentanyl this boy is an EATER!!! IT is a MIRACLE!!! I am telling you folks that Job is ALREADY on miracle ground!!!

Two and a half weeks ago his heart stopped for 8 minutes and they thought he only had days left and now he is asking to have his back scratched and is eating pancakes. Two and a half months ago they gave him 48 to 72 hours and here he is still fighting and fighting waiting on the Lord to restore his health. PRAISE YOU LORD for all the wonderful things that you have already done in Job's life and all of our lives.

I will post new photos in the next couple of minutes.


Friday, November 9, 2007 12:55 AM CST

I received the following email from a friend of mine. Please everyone join with me in prayer for this little boy.

My Friend Phyllis has a 4 y/o nephew that is sick with rapid growing brain
tumors, 4 that they know of if more have not grown. The "doctors" only gave him a month 2 live 3 months ago. He has been hospice care at home. He has recently been growing worse daily and in a lot of pain with headaches. I know I sent out a prayer request when she first told me but she would like for YOU to continue to pray for GRAYSON because she sees the miracles in JOB. I think it was last year when Grayson underwent surgery for his brain tumors and had them removed without any complications but they have grown back with vengeance. Please remember Grayson and his family in your prayers.
He lives in Ripley Tenn.

Thanks so much.

Bridget L. Dillinger

Dear Lord please restore the health of little Grayson. I curse these tumors in Jesus name and command them to die and shrival up and disappear by the power and authority of Jesus Christ. AMEN

Another person who needs a miracle is Audrey Davis. She is 16 and needs her health restored by the power of Christ also. In Jesus name I ask that this be done.


Thursday, November 8, 2007 11:10 AM CST

Below is an email from Florence. I believe it sums up todays events well:

Hello all……..

Look back in your email files from me and see that it was not too long ago that I sent you an email saying Job was in grave danger—struggling for the chance to hold onto life. Even as recently as this past week, he was still having difficulties that were very serious and could have made the difference in life and death.

Well, I am sending this email to say to you------GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE!!! Without even really knowing it, seeing it, or being sure of it, Job has been coming back to us little by little. I have to share with you today’s events………….Job pulled his NG tube out last night twice---this morning docs agreed since he was able to ask for and take drinks of sprite that they will do a 24 hour test on ensure/liquid meds/sprite………..NG TUBE IS OUT!

A few mintues ago while trying to help nurse turn Job on his side the left chest tube broke off at the hub---everyone panicked and thought OH NO………..did an immediate chest x ray and his lung is FINE—LEFT CHEST TUBE IS OUT!

Job has not required any insulin for many days—last blood sugar reading was 89!! He is on only light sedation, he moves around-talks some—smiles and has shown no signs of lasting effects from his ordeal on his brain!!! Job’s vent pressures are in high 40’s this morning!! WOW!!

Please stop whatever it is you are doing right now---nothing is as important as giving praise to OUR LORD who sits on the throne, loving us, giving us grace, and answering our prayers. Thank Him for Job’s Miracle today. Prepare to see more and more---believe that Job will be completely healed. Most importantly, make sure your heart is right with the Lord of Lords who is able—bigger than everything in your world—healer of our souls, healer of our bodies—and Saviour of the world. Talk to you soon!

Florence Rappold

Tuesday, November 6, 2007 4:00 PM CST

THE GUESTBOOK IS BACK! I don't know what happened, but we lost the guestbook for a while. I contacted Caringbridge and they restored it from yesterday's backup.

One of Job's tests came back positive for C-diff (clostndum diffiule). It is an infection of the intestines. They have started him on an antibiotic called Flagyl to treat it.

Thanks for everyone's continued prayers.


Monday, November 5, 2007 7:19 AM CST

Job's white count is FINALLY down today. It was 20.5 yesterday and today it is 19.1 today. It has been steadily increasing over the past several days so it is great to see it not only stop the incline, but even decrease some. He is down to 50xygen on his vent. We have been gaining some ground on his swelling. His other numbers this morning are:
ph = 7.32
CO2 = 114
pO2 = 109 (this is finally getting close to normal. It has been >200 for a while.)
BUN = 18 (this is normal. He has been very high, >50, since 10/18)
NO INSULIN - He hasn't had any insulin in almost two days. His body has been regulating itself.

OK, I have saved the best news for last. THEY HAVE STOPPED THE PARALYTIC and have decreased the sedation meds a little. He gave his dad kisses yesterday and told him that he loved him. Later on last night, he opened his eyes and saw me. He smiled and said (without me saying anything), "I love you." It was the most wonderful words that I have ever heard. He has been communicating a little otherwise too. Once he asked to sit up in bed for example. He is still on a lot of sedation, so the communication and movement is still minimual, but wonderful just the same.

Thank you all for your wonderful prayers.

Psalm 40:1-3 (NIV)
I waited patiently for the Lord
He turned to me and heard my cry
He lifted me out of the slimy pit
Out of the mud and mire
He set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand
He put a new song in my mouth
A hymn of praise to our God
Many will see and fear
and put their trust in the Lord


Saturday, November 3, 2007 10:41 AM CDT

How can we have faith that God will deliver us and restore Job's health when so many other kids lost their battles. They were from good homes. They had good christian parents who believed that God is our healer. How can we still believe? How can we still have faith that God is going to heal Job? What about all these others?

Are those your questions? I have found myself asking the same questions many times. I do not have the answers. God has not explained everyone else's situation to me. God's ways are above my ways. All I know is what God speaks to my heart. All I know is how He encourages me to keep fighting. To keep my eyes on Him. To keep my hope in Him. I cannot explain the death of the innocent, but I am not required to. Praise the Lord that I don't have to understand it all.

This is what I do know. I know that I am going to fight this fight will all my might, with everything that I have. I will keep my eyes focused on God and not on what is happening in that hospital room. I will keep my hope in God, not in Job's physical body and not in doctors. I will keep fighting in the physical and the spiritual.

Psalm 33:16-22 (Tina's version)
No doctor can save by the magic of his medicine.
No body is healed by its own power.
A transplant is a vain hope for deliverance,
despite all its great wonders, it cannot save.

But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him,
On those whose hope is in His unfailing love,
To deliver them from death
and keep them alive in famine.

We wait in hope for the Lord.
He is our help and our shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in His Holy Name.
May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD
Even as we put our hope in You.

We are not required to explain the world, just to be faithful in God and to keep our hope in Him. The hope that He has called us. May God strengthen you, so you can remain faithful in your personal situation.


Saturday, November 3, 2007 8:15 AM CDT

Psalm 27:13-14
I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living;
Wait for the Lord
Be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord

White count is up to 19,000 today. CO2 is 102 and ph is 7.31. They do not know where the infection is yet.

God Bless,

Friday, November 2, 2007 10:37 AM CDT

Job's white count is elevated (16k) so they are doing trach cultures and urine cultures today. He doesn't have any other symptoms of infection so they are not going to start any additional antibiotics at this time. They took another x-ray of his stomach this morning also.

Job weighed 83 lbs this morning. He weighed 55 lbs several months ago. He is VERY swollen and that accounts for most of that weight gain.

Job FINALLY had a BM today. That is the first one since last Thursday. They had already talked in rounds this morning that if we didn't get any action today then they were going to stop his feeds. He is only getting 6 teaspoons of formula per hour right now, but at least it is something. Maybe we will be able to increase that soon.

We are working on our 9th month in the hospital now. Nov 21 will be 9 months exactly. Can you believe it. We have been in St. Louis for 5 months as of Oct. 29th. Its been one crazy year.

"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard." Isaiah 58:8


Thursday, November 1, 2007 9:23 PM CDT

Today was a fine day. It has been over a week since Job "crashed" or "coded" or whatever you prefer to call it. He is stable now, but still in very serious condition. He needs a miracle right away.

Today we switched his arterial line from his left arm to his right arm because of the blanching that was happening. That was in the photo that I have in the photobook right now. We also changed his trach today and that went fine. He is VERY swollen.

They are replacing his bed tonight. His current one will not rotate him correctly. However, there is some concern about moving him. I just ask God to protect him.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 11:08 AM CDT

All is about the same with Job... still just waiting on the Lord to move and restore his health. Still waiting on His timing.

1 Cor 6:19
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?

Haggai 2
...the word of the Lord came...speak...to the remenant of the people. 'Ask them, who of you is left who saw this house in its former glory? How does it look to you now? Does it not seem to you like nothing? But now be strong... be strong all you people of the land, 'declares the Lord,'...for I am with you,' declares the Lord almighty '...My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear. This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and earth, the sea and the dry land... I will fill this house with glory,' says the Lord almighty '...The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the Lord, 'And in this place I will grant peace' declares the Lord Almighty.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 2:24 AM CDT

Malachi 4:2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.

One more day closer.... ONE MORE DAY CLOSER to our MIRACLE!!! That's about all that has changed. Job is stable and about the same.

They did place a feeding tube yesterday and begin to feed him 5ml/hour. That is equalivent to two teaspoons per hour, but at least it is something. They wanted to make sure that his stomach could handle it. He is also on Vancamicin AGAIN because they believe he has an infection at the site if the PICC line. Where the incision is, not in his blood stream. He has no symptoms of an infection except when they changed the dressing it did have some appearance of an infection. So they took cultures and started Vanc.

God is going to raise him up out of that bed and he will be leaping and praising God one day soon. One day very soon. My family will then have a season of peace on every side. I look forward to that day and that season, but its not here yet. We are still on the front lines of battle and are unable to look away even for a minute. Praise God that He is in control. He is on the scene. He does have Job in the palm of his hand. Nothing can happen to Job that God doesn't authorize.

Job's health WILL BE RESTORED. Just you watch and see. God is still the same god that he was for Elijah. He has supremacy even over death. If he has supremacy over death, then all this other stuff is small beans to Him. Its that Holy Spirit power that is going to heal Job. That same power that raised Christ from the dead.

We are watching and waiting for God's perfect timing. Pleading with God to act quickly yet submitting to His will.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 10:00 AM CDT

We had a quiet night here at the hospital last night. Job is just resting in the Lord while we wait on God's timing to miraclously restore his health.

Thank you all so much for your encouraging posts in the guestbook. It is so good to hear from you all.


Monday, October 29, 2007 9:53 PM CDT

Job has had a quiet day. His vent pressures have been between 58-62 and all other vitals have been relatively stable. We are just waiting on God's hand to move for our miracle.

It is really quiet here at the hospital. I remember that day I figured everyone was frustrated about us posting what Job ate and such... I miss those days now. There is nothing hardly that I can do for Job. He is just asleep, but that is easier on him. Sleep on Job. Visit with God and his angels while we wait on your miracle. I pray that God ministers to you in your dreams.


Monday, October 29, 2007 8:16 AM CDT

<<< NEW PHOTOS >>>

They did end up paralyzing Job last night. His morning CO2 was 84 and ph was 7.42. Vent pressures are still in the 50s.

I reworded Psalm 3 as my own personal version and wanted to share it with you all.

Psalm 3 (Tina's version)
O Lord, how many are our woes!
How many things rise up against us!
Many are saying to us, "God will not deliver Job."
But You are a shield around us O Lord
You bestow glory on us and lift up our heads.
To the Lord we cry aloud,
and He answers from His holy hill.
We lie down and sleep because the Lord sustains us.
We will not fear sickness and disease
drawn up against us on every side.
Arise O'Lord, and deliver Job, O my God!
Strike all Job's infirmaties down at the root.
Break the teeth of death off of him.
From the Lord comes deliverance.
May Your blessing be on Your people.


Sunday, October 28, 2007 3:13 PM CDT

Job now has chest tubes on both sides. He is a fighter that is for sure. I believe they are going to paralyze him otherwise known as a medically induced coma. They are discussing it with Rob right now. You know what, God is bigger than anything the doctors, medicines, diseases, or sicknesses can do to Job. God is stil GOD ALMIGHTY. He can lift Job out of all this at the slightest move on His little finger.

UPDATE: We are NOT going to paralyze him as long as his vent pressures hold in the 50s and 60s. PRAISE GOD!!!


Saturday, October 27, 2007 7:31 PM CDT

Matt 28:2-10
At that time there was a strong earthquake. An angel of the Lord came down from heaven, went to the tomb, and rolled the stone away from the entrance. Then he sat on the stone. He was shining as bright as lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The soldiers guarding the tomb shook with fear because of the angel, and they became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, "Don't be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus, who has been crucified. He is not here. He has risen from the dead as he said he would. Come and see the place where his body was. And go quickly and tell his followers, 'Jesus has risen from the dead. He is going into Galilee ahead of you, and you will see him there.'" Then the angel said, "Now I have told you."

The women left the tomb quickly. They were afraid, but they were also very happy. They ran to tell Jesus' followers what had happened. Suddenly, Jesus met them and said, "Greetings." The women came up to him, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, "Don't be afraid. Go and tell my followers to go on to Galilee, and they will see me there."

Everyone Needs a Miracle; He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado; page 43
"Just when the womb gets too old for babies, Sarai gets pregnant. Just when the failure is too great for grace, David is pardoned. And just when the road is too dark for Mary and Mary, the angel glows and the Savior shows and the two women will never be the same.
The lesson? Three words. Don't give up.
Is the trail dark? Don't sit.
Is the road long? Don't stop.
Is the night black? Don't quit.
God is watching. For all you know right now at this moment he may be telling the angel to move the stone.
The check may be in the mail.
The apology may be in the making.
The job contract may be on the desk.
don't quit. For if you do, you may miss the answer to your prayers.

Saturday, October 27, 2007 9:41 AM CDT

The night went well and was uneventful. He was more awake this morning than we want so they increased his sedation meds a little bit. I love him to be awake, but it causes his blood and vent pressures to rise. It also has to be miserable for him, so it is just better for him to sleep through this spot in our journey.

I know that God is going to see us through this tradgey, but man-o-man is it tough. I love to be here at the hospital taking care of my little boy, but it is also the most difficult place to be. I constantly remind myself to keep my eyes on God and not on the circumstances. That is easier to do when I am at the RMH apt. When I am here at the hospital, it is hard to take my eyes off my suffering little Job. I miss him so much and I am so tired of seeing him suffer.

Please God have mercy and compassion on Job and restore his health quickly. I know You are working out Your perfect timing, but I beg for Your compassion in this situation. Please God, deliver Job from his afflictions. Have mercy on us all Lord. Give Job peace as he sleeps and give us all strength as we wait on Your timing and Your mighty hand to move. In Jesus name I plead. AMEN


Friday, October 26, 2007 8:21 PM CDT

The living donor option is off the table for now. They were willing to do it and were meeting to discuss details and even told us to get a potential list together. However, since he crashed the other night it is no longer an option. They said they could not place other, healthy people in danger for a transplant for Job. He is too high risk right now. Thanks to all who were willing to donate. We may re-visit the option later on down the road.

The insertion of the PICC line went well. Job is doing much better than he was this morning. His Ppeak or lung pressures have been 49-51 for several hours now. That is a world away from 82 which is not compatible with life. His pressures hit 82 on Wednesday afternoon when the docs knew that they had to do something. That is when they gave us the option to tell him bye or to sedate/paralyze him to buy a few more days. I was at the church praying about all of that when he crashed. PRAISE GOD for the victory we got that night.

Job is sedated now and on pain meds so he is not suffering. He is not paralyzed right now and hopefully they will not have to do that. As long as his vent pressures stay down, then they will not go there. That's the way I understand it anyway.

Thank you all so much for loving on us and praying for us. I appreciate all the posts in the guestbook SOOOO much. You just have no idea how much those prayers and encouraging words help us.


Friday, October 26, 2007 2:24 PM CDT

The repeated x-ray showed that there was some improvement in the left lung but the right lung was worse. So they successfully placed a chest tube on his right side, but didn't put one on his left side.

They are getting ready to place a PICC line in his arm right now. This is just a fancy IV that can stay in long term and allow more access for meds and such.

We are continuing to sit on the edge of our seats knowing that any moment the GREAT PHYSICIAN will walk into this room and lift Job up out of this bed. This is the God we serve the God of miracles who has authority over everything. God is mightier that swelling, pneumothoraxes, hyperglocemia, hypertension, broncholitious obliterians, bronchectisis, destended stomach, slow bowels, poor eyesight, cataracks, stiff tendons, weak muscles, infections, funguses, etc... GOD IS BIGGER THAN ALL OF THAT!!!

Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)

HEB 10:35 NIV "So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."

Luke 5:17 NIV "One day as he [Jesus] was teaching...and the power of the LORD was present for Him to heal the sick.

Do not mourn for Job and my family but sing praises to God for the VICTORY that we are about to receive. I pray right now that God fill you all with the gift of faith. A faith in a GOD so powerful that He IS able to heal this little boy's physical body. He is able and will according to His perfect timing.

Dear Lord enlighten the eyes of our heart so that we can KNOW the hope in which You have called us, the riches of the saints, and YOUr MIGHTY, and wonderful Holy Spirit Power. That same power that raise Christ from the dead and sat Him on the right hand of God.


Friday, October 26, 2007 9:35 AM CDT

Job is not doing well. This morning's x-ray showed a pneumothorax on both lungs. That means there is a hole in both lungs allowing air to escape out of the lung and get caught in his chest on the outside of his lung. They plan to put in chest tubes this morning, but are going to do one more x-ray at 10:30 prior to placing the chest tubes.

God is still in control and Christ has supramacy in ALL things.

BTW, Nicole and I got back to St. Louis yesterday morning. So we are all here now.

God Bless,

Thursday, October 25, 2007 10:37 PM CDT

Well yesterday at 8:39 p.m. Job crashed and was without a pulse until 8:47 p.m. I was on instant messenger conference with family and friends. They all want to know everything all the stats etc. I noticed his pulse/oxygen level was dropping. So I posted that his oxygen was down to 79. Then I heard the Nurse call for a crash cart and he started doing CPR on Job. They worked on Job for 8 minutes before I heard them say, “We have a pulse”. The team worked like a precision tool in the hands of God.

The Dr. said don’t expect for Job to wake up before morning. At about 3:00 a.m. Job opened his beautiful brown eyes. He had to have restraints put on his arms because they had to put an arterial line in his left wrist to more accurately measure his Blood pressure, and also to keep him from pulling on other lines.

Today they took him for a CT scan of his brain, chest, and abdomen. CT scan did not reveal anything wrong with brain, or anything new wrong with his chest.
So Praise the Lord.

Blood not circulating well enough in his stomach to allow his intestines to perform correctly. So that is the reason for the extended stomach, which pushes up on the lungs causing high peak pressures. These pressures had reached 81 and that is why the Doctors had given us the 2 choices. They said Job simply could not continue with such high pressures. They said that Job had been standing on the edge of a cliff and when they started the sedation medicine it pushed him over the edge. Therefore the crash.

Job is stable now and continues to be in the hands of our awesome God. God had prepared us for battle before the battle had begun. I had anointed Job and the room again about two hours before. Tina and her friends had went to the church and had been praying for Job for about 2 or 3 hours before. Tina had requested that I read Psalm 18 to Job 5 minutes before. God knew what was going to happen and He had us prepare.

You can’t tell me that we don’t serve an awesome God. One who cares and loves us.
He is so wonderful, so marvelous. He is my hope, my salvation. Without Him I can do nothing. With Him I can do all things. He is our HEALER.
Love you forever in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 6:41 PM CDT

The Doctors came in and said we had 2 options.
(1) sedate Job put him in a medically induced coma
(2) call everyone that wanted to tell Job bye
They said without sedation he had a few days left.

So we need everybody to pray.
Like we have said before "Man has to come to the end of all they can do" Then God will step in and heal Job.

We need your prayers,

They started the sedation and Job crashed. They called for a crash cart and went to work on Job for about 10 minutes. I heard one of them say, "we have a pulse" even though after it was all over they said they never lost it.
I was in the room beside Jobs bed or in reach of it the whole time.They didn't get to the paralzing medicine.

I just want to thank you all for your prayers.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 11:52 AM CDT

It seems that the living donor option is not a closed issue afterall. The doctors came back to Rob after meeting with the surgeons this morning and said that one surgeon is willing to do it. There are more things to discuss and they will hae another meeting tomorrow, but they did tell us to go ahead and put together a list of potential donors. We do not have any specific criteria except the blood type of O+ and probably the shorter the better because size is still an issue.

Rob is O+ and other than that, we have only had three other people offer to donate a lobe to Job and one of those was not O+. Well, that is not much of a list but there it is. I would be surprised if God heals Job in this way, but how do I know how God is going to work. We will continue to pursue this avenue until God or man closes the door.

Dear Lord, please order our steps. Please guide our decisions along with the doctor's decisions and give us all the wisdom to make the right choices for Job. Restore his health dear Lord, as I know You will.

GOd Bless,

Monday, October 22, 2007 6:27 PM CDT

Job had a pretty good day today. No drama anyway. His tummy is very extended and tight. Everything else is pretty much same for the past few days.

Mom and Dad traded out today. Dad will stay here for two weeks and spend time with his precious little boy. Mom will spend two weeks in Arkansas with her precious little girl.

Rob found out that a living donor isn’t possible for Job. A lobe off an adult lung would be to large for Job.

God is still in control, He has a plan, He is still on the throne, He still does miracles.
You know we say these thing over and over until they kind of loose there pizzazz. But, you know what? You can say them every minute until Jesus returns and they NEVER become less true. Praise God Halleluiah God is still God. Same today, yesterday, and forever.

Thanks for all of the Prayers and all of the support. May God Bless each and every one of you.
Love, Grandma

Saturday, October 20, 2007 10:50 AM CDT


Job is GOD's Responsibility

That is what God told me night before last. Job is God's responsibility, not mine. God is working out his perfect plan in this situation and I just have to depend on HIM.

I was freaking out just a bit thinking about going home. I believe that it is in God's plan that I go home for a little while and Rob come here, but man-o-man its going to be tough. Tough to be away from my boy. Tough to not be involved in all the decisions and issues that arise moment by moment. I know that Rob and Grandma will keep me informed, but it is just not the same as being here.

Night before last at about 3:30 in the morning I was sitting beside Job's bed. He was sound asleep and all was quiet. I remembered that a friend of mine had gave me a sermon on Prayer by Corrie ten Boom. I loaded it on my MP3 player and sit here in the dark listening to it. She talked about how so many times we pray about things and then continue to carry the burden of those things around. She said one night she had a vision from God and in this vision He reminded her that once she prayed about an issue, then it ceased being her responsibility and became God's responsibility. I sat there with tears streaming down my face. Yes, Lord... JOB IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!! Not mine. I have no idea what meds to give or not give. I don't know how to help Job except by turning him completely over to GOD. God is the only way Job will ever survive. God is his only HOPE. My only hope. But you know what... ever since I posted Eph 1:17-13 on the website I have been continuing to pray it. I pray it before I go to sleep each night. I am reminded that part of it says "...I pray also that they eyes of my heart may be enlightened in order that I may know the hope to which He has called me..."

This is the hope in which God has called me to be faithful. The hope that Job will get victory. The hope that Job's physical health will be fully restored. This is the HOPE that God gave me when placed it on our hearts to name him "JOB". That hope has carried me through the worst of times. I want to know that hope even deeper than I ever have before so I will continue to pray that God enlightens the eyes of my heart. Adding to that always is the prayer that I may KNOW the mighty POWER of God. The same power that raise Christ from the dead. That is the POWER of the Holy Spirit that will ultimately restore Job's health.

I stood in "rounds" this morning listening to the doctor tell how Job's lungs continue to get worse and that there is nothing that they can do. That there is no text book nor documentation that tells them how to treat Job and how to tweak his vent. He said that he is in end stages of terminal lung disease and he needs new lungs and doesn't have a long time to wait for them. I just listened telling myself the entire time GOD YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR JOB!!!


Thursday, October 18, 2007 11:51 AM CDT

CO2 100 PH 7.23

Good Numbers, not great, but a lot better than in the 150's or 170's.
Job had a pretty good night. He didn't sleep right through, but rested well enough. I had handed him a ball to play with to keep his mind off of pulling on his leads. I was setting there watching him and he looked at me and threw me the ball. So then we played catch for a good while. His eyes are opened and bright. He communicates with us. That is if he wants to. lol He hasn't been communicating with Physical Therapy very much because he knows she will put him to work. But, as soon as she left then he gave Mary (his Nurse) a high five.
From 4 a.m. until 6 a.m. he was pulling and fidgeting. Not fast but keeping me busier than I wanted to be at that hour in the morning. Got me stressed out. But I managed to control it.
At six he ate some yogurts. then at 9:00 he ate breakfast
of pancakes and sausage with syrup and butter. Drank some milk and then he was ready to rest again.
Waiting on God as patiently as I can. Today I haven't been as strong though. So as soon as Tina and I switch out I need to get rejuvenated. It seem like I am running out of juice faster and faster. Almost 8 months in PICU is taking it's toll on Grandma. lol
Thank you Lord Jesus for carrying our load cause this little bit I must carry on my on WHAT!! I don't have to carry nothing but the cross! Halleluia!! thank you Jesus! I just need to feed on your word and rely on you. I'm going to the Apt. and feast on the WORD and be rejuvenated.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007 8:27 AM CDT

CO2 = 128 ph = 7.32

Job had a FANTASTIC night. He was so peaceful all day yesterday and all night last night. He is communicating better this morning than I have seen him do in a long time.

Praise God for having mercy on us and restoring Job's mind and relieving him of his anxiety. Praise God.

Thanks for all your prayers. We are continuing to pray that Job WILL NOT need any type to psych drugs. Please help us pray that God continue to relieve Job of anxiety without medicine and that He continue to restore Job mentally while we wait on His perfect timing for Job's Miracle.

God Bless,

Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:50 AM CDT

"CO2 = 114 and all is well"

That is the message I received from Grandma this morning. She spent the night with Job at the hospital last night. He is back to his pre-sedated self and is quite the handful to care for. He is still not back to the way he was before he had that set back in Sept. but we are hoping that his CO2 will continue to come down and he will get back to himself a little.

He is still very sick and the high CO2 throws his little body's chemical balance out of whack. This causes him to be restless, confused, and very tired. The docs believe that just being in the hospital for so long also has its own set of problems (PICU psychosis) which is understandable too.

I was surfing on the internet yesterday and came across some history on the printing and translating of the Bible. I was reminded of how little time the Bible has actually been available to everyone. I think we take it for granted now days to have numerous Bibles around, access to various translations, Bible software, and free internet tools. You can buy a Bible today for pocket change or read it on the internet for free. Within seconds, on websites like www.crosswalk.com I can find every instance of any word I choose in dozens of translations/versions. We can study the Bible today like no one ever has been able to before. If I want to learn about "baptism", in minutes I can have every scripture in front of me that mentions any form of that word (baptise, baptist, baptism, etc). I can read them all together and in no time have a good understanding of the types of baptism (water and Holy Spirit) and how it was used and instructed to be used.

I don't think we appreciate the days we live in enough. I think too many of us just take it all for granted. I know that I have. God is a just god. Which means He judges us all according to our own abilities, personal situations, and circumstances. He sees that we have more availability to His word than any other people since the beginning of time. He knows most of us have Bibles laying on our bookshelves, on display tables, or thrown in the back of closets. Maybe we carry it to church each Sunday or maybe we haven't touched it in years. Maybe you don't even have one, but God knows that in America you have access to them for just a few bucks. A cup of Starbucks coffee or a pack of cigeretts.

I wonder what God thinks about our neglect and unappreciation for his Words? I know that I have had to ask for forgiveness for my own complacency and laziness. Why do we go for such long periods of time without reading it? Are we just not interested in what God has to say? Do we think we already know it all? Is it too hard to understand? Do we even know why? Whatever your reason, I ask you to think again and to appreciate living in the age that we do. Pick up your Bible and spend some time reading with God. God's words are the bread of life and will give you the strength to get through the trials of life.

May God bless you all and I pray that God gives you a new hunger and thurst for righteousness. A new desire to spend time with Him.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 9:13 AM CDT

CO2 = 96 ph = 7.43

Job's CO2 is under a hundred for the first time in weeks!!! Praise God for that. Job is waking up and moving around and communicating more. The Clonidine is really wearing off. He hasn't had fever either since yesterday evening.

We have came to realize that the doctors intentionally put Job under by prescribing him .6 mg of Clonidine every eight hours. They had to know what that would do to him. It is very frustrating when you feel that your ignorance to medicine has been taken advantage of. In any event, we continue to depend on God for Job's health care. God is ultimately in control and has Job in the palm of his Hand

One of these days God's Shekinah Glory is going to fill that hospital room and our boy is going to be restored to complete and perfect health. One of these days. I pray that God gets all the glory and man gets ZERO. I pray that many lives realize that our God, the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Lion of Judah is true and real. That He is the only true God and Mighty is His name... Jesus.

God bless you all.

Saturday, October 13, 2007 11:13 AM CDT

Job is still running fever. It was 102 at 4:30 this morning and then got back up to 101 point something around 10:00. We have all the antibiotics going and we are now on isolation. Isolation just means that the staff has to gown up before entering Job's room.

Job's CO2 is down to 116 which is wonderful. Yesterday it was 113, so we are praying that it stays down. There is some debate as too how much all this sedation has helped bring that CO2 down, but it is hard to tell and pulmonary says there is nothing proven that sedation alone brings down CO2. He hasn't been working against the vent or having anxiety of course, because he is asleep, but also his pressure levels are down too, which is playing a part too.

We stopped the clonidine all together today rather than just decreasing it. It has blood pressure affects, and his bp was too low to even give him the last three doses so we just stopped it.

We believe also that the Risperdal is causing the sedation also, as well as swallowing problems. He sat up this morning on the edge of the bed, holding himself up unsupported except for balancing on his tray table, took a piece of bacon from his tray and took a bite. He chewed and chewed. I gave him a bite of sausage, and he chewed and chewed. I gave him a drink of milk... he was able to swallow the milk, but not the food. I ended up having him spit it out and he still even had the bacon in his mouth that I thought was long gone. At first I thought this was a sedation issue, but it seems that if he is awake enough to sit up, feed himself, and chew his food, then swallowing would be the easy part. I discussed all this with the doc and they agree with his dad and I that we will stop the Risperdal tomorrow.

The doc didn't want to stop it today, because we had stopped the clonidine today. She was afraid it would be too tramatic on his body to stop both at the same time.

Please continue to pray that Job gets over this infection quickly.


Friday, October 12, 2007 11:02 PM CDT

Job ran a fever today. It got up to 101.8, but Tylenol brought it down.

We met with the docs today about Job's treatment plan and level of sedation. He is way too sedated. Last week we are trying to handle anxiety, now we can't wake him up to eat. We were also having a difficult time getting the various doctors to LISTEN to us. It is very frustrating when they want to tell you that you son is less sedated than yesterday, when you are telling him the opposite is true. Then they were acting like the anxiety was NEW. We have been dealing with this anxiety since his CO2 shot through the roof, but again no one would listen.

So we had a big pow wow today about communication and sedation. Of course they had to mention that if he has some neurological damage then it would cause him to come off the LIST, like if there is something new happening. I have been harping about his anxiety for weeks now and because I get their attention last week, then they all think he has some new neurological problem going on.

The meeting went very well and I know that our communication will be better. We all have to stay on the same page because that is in Job's best interest. We are decreasing the Clonidine from .6 to .4 mg every eight hours. Then decrease it again the next day.

Please pray that Job doesn't have an infection and that God restores his health QUICKLY. I know God has a perfect plan and His timing is accurate.

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 11:22 PM CDT

Job's story will be on the 5:00 news today (10/10/07) on KATV, channel 7 in Little Rock ( KATV News Story ) Once you get to this article then click on the little video camera to the right of his photo to watch the video clip.

YEAH, the news clip is wonderful. I am so glad they posted it on the website so I could view it too. That's so much fun. THANKS KATV!!!!!

Don't forget you can still view the St. Louis Fox News “Hot Dog Stand” Story too. It aired in August.

I also have the origing KATV news clip that aired two years ago on his other website www.jobs-miracle.com if you are interested in watching it.

I had a good talk with one of Job’s pulmonary doctors this morning about the PICU psychosis. The thought is this, that although high CO2 and low ph has the same symptoms has PICU psychosis, if the medicine Risperdal helps Job get better then it would mean that he did have some PICU psychosis going on. If it doesn’t help him, then he didn’t have any PICU psychosis happening and all his symptoms were due to his high CO2 and low ph. There is nothing more they can do to lower the CO2 without putting him in a medically induced coma and we do not want to go there.

His pneumonia that he developed last month has cleared, the fluid is no longer on his lungs, and the inflammation is better. However his bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) are very advanced and continue to prevent his lungs from recovering and healing from this last hit. That is the demon that has been haunting us for years now. With each pneumonia, his lungs are left with less function ability. It is a downward spiral with BO. It causes a higher risk of pneumonia and each case of pneumonia advances the BO. All of this causes a phenomenon called bronchiectasis which is destruction and widening of the large airways.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007 2:56 PM CDT

Job's story will be on the 5:00 news today (10/10/07) on KATV, channel 7 in Little Rock ( KATV News Story ) Once you get to this article then click on the little video camera to the right of his photo to watch the video clip.

I John 3:21-23, 5:14-15
Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God, and receive from Him anything we ask, because we obey His commands and do what pleases Him; and this is His command: to believe in the name of His son Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded us.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us and if we know that He hears us – whatever we ask – we know we have what we ask of Him.

Job is sleeping almost all the time anymore. He is really drugged up, but at least he is still getting up to eat. Maybe that’s just all he needs right now is rest. His numbers were about the same as yesterday and we are thankful for that…CO2 = 142 and ph = 7.28.

One last scripture that I will leave you with to give you a little thought for the day.

I Samuel 15:22-23
“…To obey is better than sacrifice
And to heed better than the fat of rams
For rebellion is like the sin of divination
And arrogance like the evil of idolatry…”

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 2:16 PM CDT

Job's story will be on the 5:00 news today (10/10/07) on KATV, channel 7 in Little Rock (www.katv.com).

Tuesday, October 9, 2007 8:38 AM CDT

Consider it pure joy, my brother, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

Rob and Nicole went back home yesterday evening. It sure was sad to see them leave. In two weeks, Rob and I are going to switch places and I will stay with Nicole for a while and he will be with Job. I haven't been home since May.

Job is still fighting and about the same. His CO2 was 140 this morning which is the lowest it has been in maybe almost two weeks. His ph was 7.29 which is also improved.

I am so ready for our Deliverer to step into this room and give us VICTORY.

Love you all,

Monday, October 8, 2007 2:25 PM CDT

Things are about the same here. We had a good visit with Rob and Nicole.

They want to start Job on a new medicine called Risperdal. We have strong differing opinions in our family regarding this medicine. One thing I know though, God is bigger than any of us, any doctor, and any medicine. God is still on the throne and still has Job in the palm of his hand.

Jesus Christ has supremacy over all things. (Col 1:18)

God bless,

Saturday, October 6, 2007 7:41 AM CDT

Job had a fairly good night.
He was very fidgety until 1:45 a.m. Then they gave him a sleeping pill called AMBIEN. He was asleep within 30 minutes. So from about 2:00 until 6:00 he slept pretty solid.
They had already given him Benadryl, Clonidine, & Adivan none of them calmed him down. When he is fidgety he pulls his vent tube off, or pulls at his Broviac.

His blood sugar had gone back up to 212 so they gave him 18 units of Lantus Insulin at 9:00 p.m. This morning it was 151.

CO2 is 159 this morning PH 7.27. That is one of the main reasons we want him to get a good nights rest because he blows off more carbon dioxide. It should be below 45.

He will get to see his Dad Rob and his Sister Nicole today Mom Tina should be picking them up at the airport right now.

Thank you for all of your prayers. We are encouraged by them and the things you write in Job’s guestbook. All of you are truly a blessing. I would have thought most people would have given up on us by now. Lol Not really. But, it has been a long time. Thank you for sticking with us during this trying time.

God also continues to encourage us. I saw a cloud in the PERFECT shape of a white Dove, head, wings spread, tail spread, it was HUGE. Right outside Job’s window. Tina was at the Apt. I was on Instant Message so I IM’ed her and told her to look. She got to see it too. Talk about being blessed. It was like God was saying, “I’m still with you don’t be discouraged”

May God Bless all of you sweet People
Love you,

Friday, October 5, 2007 7:08 AM CDT

5:00 Pulled bandage off of Broviac, had to change it
5:30 CO2 151 PH 7.25

Yesterday they checked Job's blood sugar and his Glugose was 224, normal is 65 to 199. They gave him an insulin shot and plan to give a shot each day unless they can get it down below 180. This morning it was 177 so praise the Lord for that. He is not diabetic, the steriods have caused his blood sugar to be out of whack. When he gets off the steriods, or on a lower dosage, then it will go back to normal.

They started Job on another medicine called clonidine to help with the anxiety. He was on it before while he was going through detox. The hope is to keep him calm without just knocking him out. It is also suppose to help bring the CO2 down and it did come down almost 20 points.

Rob and Nicole will be here early in the morning. I can't wait until they get here.


Thursday, October 4, 2007 2:36 AM CDT

Thank you for all your prayers. I treasure your prayers because I know they are precious. I know that you are not able to pray for everyone, so when you take just a moment to pray for Job it is a wonderful gift to us.

God is going to see us through this storm because He is our deliverer, but when is a question we all wish we knew. We look for signs from God every direction and get excited for a moment thinking this is the day, but then the day passes and here we are still in the throws of battle. It is okay to get excited as long as you aren't too discouraged once the day is done. One of these days, we will have our victory and walk out of this hospital. One of these days soon.

I have been spending a lot of time reading the Bible, listening for God, praying that He reveal the thoughts of God to me (1 Cor. 2:9-14). As you have seen, I have been sharing some of the scriptures that moved me on here. One scripture that I read this morning, I just can't get out of my head. It is a prayer that Paul prayed for the people of Ephesians, I reworded it just a bit to put it in first person as a prayer for myself:

Eph 1:17-20 (my 1st person version)
I ask the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may He give me the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation so that I may know Him better. I pray also that the eyes of my heart may be enlightened in order that I may know:
(1)the hope to which He has called me,
(2) the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and
(3) His incomparably great power for us who believe.
That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms

Here Paul asked the Lord that the eyes of their hearts be enlightened so they could know God's great POWER. The same power that raised Christ from the dead!!! That is some great power. We need that power right now in this hospital room. If God's great power can raise people from the dead, then it can heal a little boy named Job.

Please join me in this prayer. Pray this prayer for me and my family. I need this prayer to be answered so that Job's health can be restored victoriously. Please help me pray the prayer. Pray it for yourself as well when you pray if for us.

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 3, 2007 4:25 PM CDT

"Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance." Philippians 1:16

2 Samuel 22:2-18
"...The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation.
He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior--
from violent men you save me.
I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise,
and I am saved from my enemies.
The waves of death swirled about me;
the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.
The cords of the grave coiled around me;
the snares of death confronted me.
In my distress I called to the Lord;
I called out to my God.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry came to his ears.

The earth trembled and quaked,
the foundations of the heavens shook;
they trembled because he was angry.
Smoke rose from his nostrils;
consuming fire came from his mouth,
burning coals blazed out of it.
He parted the heavens and came down;
dark clouds were under his feet.
He mounted the cherubim and flew;
he soared on the wings of the wind.
He made darkness his canopy around him--
the dark rain clouds of the sky.
Out of the brightness of his presence
bolts of lightning blazed forth.
The Lord thundered from heaven;
the voice of the Most High resounded.
He shot arrows and scattered the enemies,
bolts of lightning and routed them.
The valleys of the sea were exposed
and the foundations of the earth laid bare
at the rebuke of the Lord,
at the blast of breath from his nostrils.
He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
he drew me out of deep waters.
He rescued me from my powerful enemy,
from my foes, who were too strong for me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007 5:00 PM CDT

Job's CO2 continues to be high it hasn't been under 140 in awhile. Although yesterday he was giving hugs and kisses. Most of the time he just sleeps or is so miserable that he is pulling on his cords etc. We have to watch him like a hawk, because after him pulling his central line out about 1/4 inch, breaking all of the stitches except for one lonely stitch, we can't take our eyes off of him for very long. He is continually pulling the leads off. Yesterday he pulled his vent tubes off and was waving them around as his Oxygen stats plummeted.
The swelling has gone down some, his eyes were so swollen he could barely open them. Now they are where he can see.
He continues to eat good. His Mom and I can just see an Angel waking him up and telling him to eat and then holding him up to eat. Making him eat Peas and Carrots. Because when Job is awake he doesn't like Peas and Carrots. ha ha. As soon as he is through eating he is out again, Just flops back like a sack of potatoes.
We continue to wait on the Lord.
Please continue to Pray for Job's healing, Transplant or Miraculous. and Pray that this little family gets back together.

Love to all, and God Bless you everyone,

Update October 3, 5:00 am CO2 169 PH 7.24
PLEASE Pray that these numbers get in the Normal Range

Monday, October 1, 2007 11:00 PM CDT

Job had a good day today. It was peaceful and he shared a few smiles and hugs. Mostly he slept and ate with not much else in between. He is sleeping soundly now and I pray that he has a peaceful night.


Sunday, September 30, 2007 9:00 AM CDT


Psalm 119:81 TLT
I faint with longing for your salvation; but I have put my hope in your word.
My eyes are straining to see your promises come true. When will you comfort me?
I am shriveled like a wineskin in the smoke, exhausted with waiting. But I cling to your principles and obey them.
How long must I wait?

Exodus 14:13 KJV Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD,

His hemoglobin is at 7.3
CO2 161 and PH 7.26
They are going to give a blood transfusion today. No emergency, but multiply reasons to give transfusion... his O2 was only 45

The will of God will never lead you,
where the Grace of God cannot keep you.

Prayer changes Things, Please continue to pray as we wait upon the Lord,
Love to all,

Saturday, September 29, 2007 9:18 AM CDT


Today is the day of the Salvation of the Lord!

Friday, September 28, 2007 8:20 PM CDT

Hey all. Job had a good day today. God blessed him with joy and with a trip to the garden. He has been passing out hugs and kisses also I hear. He misses his friend Bradly Williams and was asking about him yesterday.

I want to share one of my favorite scriptures with you. I had forgotten about it until mom reminded me of it this morning and I remembered how much I loved it. I love it because it shows a passion for God regardless of these stinking circumstances that we may be experiencing at the moment. After it, please read on because I rewrote my own version of the same passage:

Habakkuk 3:17-19 NIV
Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in my Savior.
The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
He enables me to go on the heights

Okay here's my personal version:
though anxiety does not cease
and there is no smile on Job's lips
though there are no visitors who come
and no sleep to be found
though there is no energy to play
and no hugs from my boy
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in my Savior.
The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
He makes my shoulders strong,
he enables me to carry the burden of my son.

God bless you all,

Thursday, September 27, 2007 11:20 PM CDT

Today was a peaceful day. Job ate and rested well today. It wasn't until around 8:00 that he really started coming out of his skin and yanking at all his cords and tubes. By 11:15 p.m. he was asleep and resting well. I hope we have a good night.

I have something on my heart that I would like to share. Since Rob and Nicole went home in Aug. It is only Grandma and I here with Job. We trade out every 24 hours, so one of us is at the hospital and the other is alone at the RMH apartment. I have been spending a lot of my alone time at the apartment reading my Bible, praying, and worshipping God. I have really been growing closer to God and understanding the Bible more and more. I am thankful that I have this time with God, but sad that it came at such a high price. Why does it have to take tradgey to drive us to our knees. Well, it doesn't have to. Please, I beg you. To everyone who is reading this message, who has a heart for my family, please take this as a warning. Take my family and Job's suffering as your own tradgey so that it doesn't have to be that way for you. Seek the Lord like you never have before. Please don't get me wrong, I am not saying that tradgey is coming upon you all. How would I know such things. I am saying that it shouldn't take tradgey to get us serious about God.

PLEASE, quit playing around and get serious with God. Repent if you need to. Give you life over to Jesus and allow him to wash your sins away with his shed blood. Others need you to get it together so you can help them find the way. Who knows how many days you have left? Who is promised a tomorrow? Who is close enough to God?

I hate that it has taken my little boy suffering to get my priorities straight once again. I had them straight, but somehow I grew complacent and lazy in my relationship to God. I am thankful for a new fire and passion for God, but mourn that it came at such a high price. Please God, have mercy on me and on poor little Job. Please God, have compassion on Job. Heal him tonight dear Lord, and if not tonight, then we will continue to wait patiently for Your timing, but please Lord, restore his health enough that he has joy and peace without medications. That he can play and communicate and love while we wait to see the Salvation of the Lord in our lives. Please dear Lord, have mercy on us. In Jesus name we beg and plead... Amen


Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:40 AM CDT

CO2 = 165 and ph = 7.25

Update Sept 27 Thurs.

CO2 = 127 PH = 7.36

We moved to Room 14 (its bigger)

Well, Praise God that we are still standing on the cliff. I sure would like to back away from the edge, but you know how kids are. Job likes standing as close to the edge as he can possible get. Its a good thing that the Lord has that guard rail up for his protection!!!

I wish things were different here. I wish Job was already healed, but he isn't yet. We are praying that it will be soon. Grandma and I were both spending time with God yesterday morning and He put it on both of our hearts through the Bible to pray for Mercy.

The scriptures that He showed me were:
Matt 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.
Rom 9:15-16 For he [God] says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion." It does not, therefore, depend on Man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.
(Also see Rom 9:18 and Ex 33:19)

The scripture that God showed Grandma was:
Psalm 28:1-2 A psalm of David. O Lord, You are my rock of safety. Please help me; don't refuse to answer me. For if you are silent I might as well give up and die. Listen to my prayer for mercy as I cry out to you for help. As I lift my hands toward your holy sanctuary.

Once we realized that God was directing us both to pray for mercy we were very excited that He was hearing our prayers and directing us on how to pray. Please everyone join us in not only praying for mercy, but showing mercy every chance that we get. For that is the promise... God will show mercy to those who are merciful.

We need God's mercy so much... Job's needs God's mercy.

God Bless,

Monday, September 24, 2007 4:44 PM CDT

The Nurse just called another Nurse in because she couldn’t wake Job
up.Then after shining a flashlight in his eyes several times and running her nail down the bottom of his foot a few times, not getting a response, they called in a Doctor. The Doctor didn’t get a response either. They Left the room and I kept messing with him trying to get a response. Finally he opened his eyes and looked AT me (not through me. Like he has done some in the past) and then he squeezed my hand gave me a smile and went back to sleep.

Job has been sleeping a LOT lately
And it has been being harder and harder to wake him up.
I know the Doctors have said that Job could go into a coma.

What I would like for everyone to do is pray against a coma.

Our God is able to keep this from happening. Circumstances
doesn’t matter to God. It doesn’t matter what is documented,
or what has happened to the hundreds before Job.

God can keep Job from going into a coma.

Thank you For all of you Prayers

Jesus Loves each and every one of you and knows all you have done for the McCully family. We are truely blessed by all of you. Lots of Love,

UPDATE => September 25, Tuesday
Morning blood gases were CO2 = 164 and ph = 7.21
Talking about it being time for the Rapture again.

Monday, September 24, 2007 12:43 AM CDT

Thanks for all yal's encouraging words. Job is doing just fine today also. He sat on the edge of the bed for AN HOUR eating breakfast. He ate two waffles, sausage, biscuit/gravy, cereal and a carton of milk. He wanted a 2nd box of cereal but I told him he needed to let all that other food settle first.

He slept well last night and is communicating well today. His morning gases were CO2 = 135 and ph = 7.31 which is a good improvement from yesterday morning.

God bless you all,


Monday, September 24, 2007 0:13 AM CDT

I bet yal get tired of reading the same thing day in and day out. Co2 was this and that. He talked or didn't. He ate this or maybe he didn't eat anything. On and on we type and type... none of it really amounts to anything....

Sorry, I wish I had some fantastic news for you, but here we are. Day and night in this hospital room. All the days look the same and so do most of the posts.

God, please bring Job's Miracle quickly. Please Lord, have mercy on us.


Sunday, September 23, 2007 9:49 AM CDT

This morning gas is PCO2 153 PH 7.27 Veinous
Veinous is a little higher than capillary.
xray looked about the same no air seen in chest walls.
He was hurting last night and about to cry the Nurse asked him where he hurt and he said all over she asked what the number was and he said 10. He was also anxious so she gave him Morphine and Adivan. Plus he is getting Benadryl everytime before the vanctamysin (sp??)
He rested good after that.
Ate pancakes for supper. A banana and bowl of cereal for late evening snack. And for breakfast he ate sausage egg and biscuit, and more pancake, drank some milk and apple juice. Sat up on the side of the bed and fed himself all times.
Now he is back to resting. Just had more Benadryl due to the Vanc...
Talking good acting like JOB. He knows who I am. Which is good. Pleases me.
I look out this window and it is a beautiful day in St. Louis Missouri. a wonderful day for a healing or a transplant whichever the Lord chooses.
Thank you for every Prayer. May God Bless you Richly Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Financially, BUT Most of all Spiritually
until next time, Grandma

Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:12 AM CDT

He was up at 5:00 this morning eating cereal, feeling good, and talking very clear.

His morning gases were: CO2 = 132 and ph = 7.33

Friday, September 21, 2007 9:36 AM CDT

Job has been holding steady. His gases weren't as good this morning (149 and 7.22), but the has recovered from worse.

The never found any causes for the seizures and have basically concluded that it is due to his chemical imbalance and current illness. The plan is, after he recovers a few months down the road, to stop the anti-seizure medicine.

We are still on the edge of that cliff, I am ready to back away from the edge, but we haven't been able to yet. All the x-rays look unchanged and his blood gases are still crazy.

Thanks for your continued prayers.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 7:20 PM CDT

Today was a fine and uneventful day. Job sat up for 45 minutes this morning and fed himself a huge breakfast. A few hours after that then he had some minor anxiety and they gave him a dose of Versed. That kept him knocked out for most of the day. He woke up in pain in the late afternoon and so they gave him a dose of morphine. More snoozing. Then about an hour ago, they gave him benadryl as a pre-med for his vancamycin. More snoozing. Hopefully after that wears off he will get up to eat something. At least he ate a good breakfast. That sure makes me feel better.

He did have the EEG this morning, but we haven't yet been able to speak to the neurology docs about the results.

His morning CO2 was 136 and we are awaiting the results of his evening test. We should be getting the results any time now.

Thank God for another victorous day.

UPDATE => Evening blood gases were CO2 = 139 and ph = 7.25

UPDATE => At Midnight Blood Gases were CO2= 112 PH= 7.29

Blood Pressure has been running low sleeping heavy a little over done on the Versed, Adivan, Benadryl, & Morphine
Blood Pressure 84/26 95/28 114/39

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 11:29 PM CDT

Job started out having a really good day today. It was the best he has been in over a week. Rob and I traded out around noon or so. I came back to the apt and Grandma, Nicole, and I cooked lunch and just hung out for a bit. I commented to grandma about this seemed like the first day of rest that I have had in a while. The air just seemed lighter and a peace rested on us. I really wanted to spend some time with the Lord so I grabbed a book that I had just bought and my Bible and headed to my room. After reading not even one chapter, I just kept falling asleep. I tried to shake it off, but I was overcome with sleepiness. I finally gave up on the book and just layed over and prayed until I fell asleep.

Nicole came into my room saying that something was wrong with Job. It was a little after six, I had slept a couple of hours although it seemed like I had just layed my head down. I ran to the computer and saw what Rob had typed in his IM, "just had a crash please pray, maybe another seizure" and then, "had to give chest compressions, please pray". I couldn't believe what I was reading... chest compressions??? What could be happening. Grandma, Nicole, and I were on our way to the hospital in a matter of minutes.

I was sick in the pit of my stomach. When will all of this end, was my prayer to the Lord. Please bring Job's healing quickly dear Lord. Doubt tried to enter my mind, but I kept trying to remind myself of all the encouragement and comfirmations that the Lord has given me over the last few days. I was shaking as I grabbed the keys and we headed out the door. I couldn't believe that just a few hours earlier I was resting in the peace of the Lord. Then again, maybe that was the reason He gave me rest.

Once we got to Job's room, the doctors had already realized that it was only a seizure and a missing lead line as I explained in my earlier post. Praise God, He brought us through again.

I was just sitting here reminding myself of all the wonderful prayers and scriptures that God has sent to me and my family over the past week. I went through the Guest Book and wrote down every single scripture that was mentioned since last Wed. I have to hang onto every Word the Lord has for me. He is my strength and I am unable to get through this without Him. Praise God for His mercy and grace and praise God for you all, who are allowing God to use you to help us. Who are willing to take time to say a prayer for Job. It is easy to say you will pray, but it is a whole other matter to actually stop and do it. It means LIFE to Job. We are on the front lines of battle and need you help more than ever right now.

May God richly bless you for your unselfish obedience and generous prayers.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:32 PM CDT

Job had another mild seizure tonight around 6 pm. Right after the seizure started then one of his leads came off his chest and made it appear that his heart had stopped. The nurse gave him chest compressions for about a minute and the "CODE" alarm was sounded and the whole PICU team came running. Rob was there with him and praying for him the whole time. The entire event only lasted a couple of minutes. They soon realized that a lead was off and that his heart was fine.

Once the dust settled, they looked over all his vitals and are convinced that it was a false "code" and was only a mild seizure. Within 15 minutes Job was responding and soon after that he was back to himself. He even wanted some Ribs from Applebee's.

The PICU doc said that she would testify to anyone who questions as to what happened and that it was a false alarm. That his heart is just fine. It was just scary to everyone until they realized what happened. They are now thinking that drug interactions are causing the seizures and are taking him off of one and looking at all his other meds. They plan an EEG tomorrow sometime.

CO2 after seizure was 136 with a ph of 7.25. They are going to check his gas again at midnight.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 3:02 PM CDT

last co2 114, ph normal. Thanks for the prayers

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 6:04 AM CDT

The night was uneventful (thank goodness). Morning gases are: CO2 = 123 and ph = 7.30.

Monday, September 17, 2007 4:38 PM CDT

The PICU doc was just here and said preliminary results of the MRI did show some abnormalities in mid brain area. Sometimes chemo and BMT kids show some abnormalities so it could be something old, or it could be something new. All she could say for sure was that there WAS something abnormal about the MRI, but if it is something to be concerned about or not she didn't know. Neurology and radiology are looking at it now and discussing it.
Once they come to a conclusion then they will discuss it with pulmonary.

I did ask her if the increased pressure in the spinal fluid could have caused the seizures and she said no. The pressure was not high enough for it to cause seizures. Although it was higher than they like it to be, for it to cause seizures then it would have to be much higher than 30.

UPDATE => The OR trip went great. Job did just fine with the anestheia. They removed his port (I didn't know they were going to do that) and placed his new Broviac line where his port was located. It is a much bigger line and so hopefully we will not have trouble with it like we did the other one. They did not place a new chest tube. The x-ray was fine and maybe the pneumothorax is gone for good.

The bronchoscope or BAL went fine and they got only a small amount of cloudy stuff, not a lot, which means his lungs are not just full yuck.

The Neurologist said that they did not find anything that would cause seizures. However they did find two, symetrical abnormalities in the mid brain or brain stem. They are rare and no one is sure what they mean or what caused them. They do know that they are recent, within the past few days. They are going to discuss the abnormalities in their neurology conference on Thurs morning to see if anyone has any ideas on what they are.

UPDATE 7:15 => Doc just stepped in and said that she had talked to pulmonary. The findings will not affect his listing for transplant at all. We still just have no idea what caused the seizures.

Monday, September 17, 2007 2:52 PM CDT

Everything went great with the MRI. They found an MRI safe vent and so they didn't have to bag him during the procedure like they originally thought. However when they were moving him back onto his bed then they didn't have a hold on all of his cords and his chest tube was yanked out. Job was so sedated that he didn't hurt much, but now he doesn't have a chest tube. They took an x-ray and may replace the chest tube while we are in the OR this afternoon doing the broviac and bronch.

We haven't got any results on the MRI yet, but the x-ray looked fine (regarding the loss of the chest tube). THey will do another x-ray prior to us going to the OR to check if another chest tube is necessary.

His blood gas results at 1:30 were: CO2 = 100 and ph = 7.41.


Monday, September 17, 2007 8:28 AM CDT

The morning gas levels are: CO2 = 97 amd ph = 7.42 Can you believe it!!! God is so good to us.

Today the MRI is scheduled for 11:00 and I guess the Broviac is being placed soon after that. The bronch will be sometime after the Broviac is placed. The doc will make the decision on the table as to whether or not to go forward with the Bronch. Depends on how Job is doing.

Please pray for Job's safty during all of this today. Pray that God places His mighty angels around Job to protect him for everything that the enemy might throw at him.


Sunday, September 16, 2007 5:18 PM CDT


Job has had a good day of rest. It has been calm and uneventful. He has been very peaceful and not pulling his leads out and coming out of his skin. He did convince the nurse to take out his NG tube, but at least he thought about it and didn't just yank it out himself. He asked first.

I believe the dilantin (anti-seizure medicine) makes him sleepy, and I think he has been doing some talking in his sleep. He told me once that he wanted to go to church so he could eat. I asked if we were having a pot luck at church and he nodded. HA

He also asked if I would pray for him to die. I said why? He said, pray that I die so the Lord can bring me back again. I said so the Lord can bring you back healthy and he nodded. He then prayed for a little while himself. I couldn't understand all that he was saying, but I could tell that he said Jesus' name a few times. He then asked me to help him pray so I did. We did not pray for death though, but for life and restored health.

His noon CO2 was 125 and ph was 7.34. The doctors are encouraged that all of his problems seem to still be isolated in his lungs and said they were going to expand that area in which they normally accept lungs for him. I thought they already accepted lungs from all over the US, but I guess I was mistaken.

They took his Broviac out this morning and will place another one tomorrow. While he is on the table for that, then they will do a bronchoscope without saline. Hopefully they will be able to get a sample to identify the type of fungus in his lungs. Using the saline, like they usually do is too high risk for Job.

Someone asked Dr. Sweet if he would accept a lung offer for Job right now, and he said he wasn't sure. They would have to discuss it, but it is not just a definite no. They still want to do the MRI on Monday, if they can get a team together that can handle it. They need to make sure that Job doesn't have any brain damage.

So there you have it. Even though we are still on the "list" the docs could decline lung offers for Job just because they want to. Again I am reminded that how wonderful it is to be able to depend on God and not just on doctors, medicine, and lists.


Sunday, September 16, 2007 9:11 AM CDT

CO2 IS 105!!!!! ph is 7.43!!

Job is even moving air through his lungs and the doctors have said for months and months that he wasn't moving any air!

I am on my way back up to the hospital to spend every minute with Job before I have to go back to Michigan and I thank GOD that I get to see some of Job's Miracle before I have to leave.

I was singing a song this morning, "Our Job is an awesome Job, his strength's from Heaven above. He is just full of love, our Job is an awesome Job." Gotta go see that miracle now!!


Saturday, September 15, 2007 11:18 PM CDT

Okay, I know that I just posted an update not too long ago, but I expect everyone is wondering about the lumbar puncture or spinal tap. Everything went fine. They gave him a double dose of morphine and a dose of ativan. He never felt anything. The most he done was scratch his nose.

The initial results were increased pressure in his spinal fluid. Doc said she believed for a boy his size, pressure should be 15 and his was 30. That indicates that he probably has an infection in his spinal fluid (i.e. fungal meningitis, that is what they are suspecting anyway). The preliminary results will be in a few hours and final results in a few days.


UPDATE 12:06 => Preliminary results in: Only thing that was flagged was neutrophils were flagged as high. Everything else was normal. I've asked to speak to catherine the doc that performed tap to understand more.

Just talked to doc and prelims are normal. Nothing to be concerned about, everything looks good. No fungus or bacteria to be seen. Will have to wait to see how cultures grow.

UPDATE 12:30 => The doc explained that even though it was flagged it was nothing to be concerned about. When looked at under slide, single fields showed relatively no (certain type of cells) but when you look at all fields as a whole there were sufficient number of (certain type of cells). She communicated to me very plainly, no fungus was the best thing she said in my opinion. No indication of infection although cultures need to develop to completely rule out infection.

Saturday, September 15, 2007 7:32 PM CDT

This morning, the radiologist wanted an IV line to use for the contrast during the chest and abdominal CT. They tried to get one in and was not successful so the nurse asked if we could just us his broviac line (aka central line). They said they could make the necessary adjustments to be able to use that line. While we were down in CT and the radiologist was pushing the contrast into his broviac line, the line burst and even a spray of blood hit the CT machine. It was very little blood, but it was clear that the broviac line what shot. They finished the CT without the contrast although he had drank it for the abdominal portion of the test.

When we got back to our room, they had to put in an IV since his central line was broken. After his time this morning, I asked if they could pre-med him with morphine before they started poking him. They agreed and gave him morphine at 2:00. At 2:30 the neurologist came in and gave Job an assesment. Testing how well he follows simple commands (ie Look this way, touch my had, raise you leg, etc.) Keep in mind that he just had morphine thirty minutes ago. He was totally whacked and I am sure failed the test big time.

They got the IV in his right wrist and started pumping Vanc into the line. About an hour later, the nurse noticed Job's right hand and arm were twice the size of his left. His blood vein had burst and the fluid was going into the tissue in his arm. So here they now have to set yet another IV. He now has an IV in his left wrist.

The doc came in and said the CT didn't show any signs of fungus in his abdomin, but that is exactly what looks like is in his lungs. They wanted to start a stonger antifunal med called asperfungan. He has been on it before. They also want to do a spinal tap to check for an infection on his brain that could have caused the seizures. They will be doing the spinal tap any time now.

If the spinal tap is positive for fungus, then we are off the transplant list. If it is negative, then they will want to do an MRI. The MRI is high risk for Job because it takes an hour and since the vent is metal, he will have to be bagged the entire time. It is dangerous. I asked the doc what would happen if we refused to do the MRI. She said from a PICU standpoint, they would just say they are unable to identify what caused the seizures. However she is not sure how that would affect pulmonary and our "list" status.

Job is resting now. He has had a rough week. It seems like we are at the end of options, but God is still in control and he doesn't require us to be on their list to heal Job. GOD IS OUR HEALER. List or no list. I have finally came to the conclusion that my hope is not in being on this transplant list for God to heal Job. The fact is that we need a miracle and we'll take it however God wants to give it to us.

God Bless,

Saturday, September 15, 2007 8:36 AM CDT

Please do not start mourning for Job. He is still very much alive and fighting. Press closer to God than you have ever before. Keep your eyes on God and not on all of the circumstances and activities in the natural. Do not let it get you discouraged. God is going to heal Job, keep your eyes on that. Keep praising God for the miracle that he is about to do.

Job is responding now, it began around 7:30. His last gas was CO2 = 128 and ph = 7.36.

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Is 58:8

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Mal 4:2

Friday, September 14, 2007 10:38 PM CDT

We just keep getting hammered today. I just feel beat up.

Job had a seizure at 8:22 tonight. It lasted for two minutes. It took him a little over an hour to regain his same level of alertness. They took labs immediately after his seizure and all of them came back good. The doc said it was a good sign that he was alert so quickly.

Praise the Lord that He is sending us plenty of folks to stand with us during this time


Update: September 15, 1:15am
He had another seizure at 11:10 that also lasted for two minutes. They have him very sedated now and we went directly to CT to get a brain scan. The CT was clear so they are having neurology look at him tomorrow and do an EEG to see if they can find out why he's having seizures. The seizures themselves are not causing damage since he is on a trach and one of the major problems with seizures comes from people not being able to breathe and then having brain damage. This is not a problem for Job so even though they're terrifying, they aren't dangerous by themselves. He's still not alert after two hours, but again, he's sedated with the atavan and dilantin now. Mom and I are both here tonight because we need a two man team to watch him since danger could come if he thrashes his trach loose. We're hyper from the adrenaline rush (not the good kind) of the seizure, eating too much sugar and all the general stress to get sleepy anytime soon which is a good thing because we have to watch out for our boy.

Just as I was ready to post this, he coughed and scratched his nose. Still out, but that's the first step.


Friday, September 14, 2007 3:39 PM CDT

The doctors just pulled me into another room and gave me the DNR speach. They said nothing had changed with Job in the last two days that cause them more concern that before, except that we were going into a weekend and their team had thought it needed discussed. They said that if Job went into cardiac arrest, and they were able to resusitate him, then he would automatically be disqualified for lung transplant. They wanted me to sign it. Anyway, I just stood there and listened to them, smiled and said thank you, and walked away.

The only way I'm signing that paper is if God Himself tells me to, and He's not going to do that because He is too busy HEALING JOB.

The pulmonary doctor did say that they will probably do a CT in the morning trying to identify what type of infection he has in his lungs and also what is going on in his tummy.


UPDATE 7:20 p.m. => His last CO2 was 165 and ph was 7.26. I also found out that one of the things they suspect is going on in his tummy is a fungal infection. If that is what it turns out to be, they informed us, it would also take him off the transplant list. But you know what, God doesn't have to have Job on their list to heal him.

Friday, September 14, 2007 7:23 AM CDT

I say, as long as he is fiesty enough to keep pulling at that NG tube and his leads, then he is doing just fine. They of course needed to put NG tube back in during the night because his little tummy is so swollen and distended.

It was hard for me to go to sleep last night. I keep going over and over in my mind all the mistakes that the doctors had made. I rehersed my speach to them very passionately explaining my thoughts regarding why they refused to do regular blood gases until Job was in a comatose state. Now they do gases every eight hours. The explaination before was he didn't have enought blood, the risk of infection was too high, he is about the same (even though I was telling them that he was not). I would like to thump a few of them in the head and tell them that I had been trying to get them to run blood gases for DAYS prior to getting to this point. I just layed in bed, running all this over and over in my mind.

Then I again realized that through all of this, as with his size error and other mistakes, God is still in control. God knew what Job gases were all along and could have burned in on the docs hearts to run the appropriate tests. He didn't do that, because He has His own plan. He is Lord God almighty. The maker of Heaven and Earth. He is a God of miracles that no one has ever heard of before. John 9:32 Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. He is so mighty and powerful that the world cannot list all the miracles that He has done. John 21:25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Job is doing about the same. He hardly moves on his own and can communicate very slightly. The only thing he does move are his hands and his head occasionally. He has not moved any other part of his body in days (except for wiggling his toes when the nurse requests).

The doctors expected that he would already be in a complete coma, BUT HE IS NOT. He is fighting and fighting. He still says things that break our hearts. Yesterday he said that he wanted to give all his video games to Kyle. He also wanted to make sure Kyle got his baseball. Once he mentioned a boy in his class named Mason. He said he missed him.

God is not done with this boy, don't think it for a second. God is our Healer.


UPDATE 10:00 a.m. => CO2 was 142 and ph increased to 7.3 (remember normal is 7.35 to 7.45). He has fluid on his lungs. They are decreasing his fluids and IV meds to help his body get rid of the excess fluid. He did have a BM this morning also, but his tummy is still tight as a drum. The doctor said that although Job is still standing on the edge of the cliff, HE IS STILL ON THE CLIFF!

Thursday, September 13, 2007 2:38 PM CDT

Job is fighting very hard today. He is communicating with us and continually trying to pull the NG tube out of his nose. He is resting now.

For those of you following the numbers, here are the latest:

ph: 7.26 (up from 7.23)
CO2: 148

I may not have ever said with all that is going on, but the CT yesterday was clear. So there isn't an infection on his brain. All of his troubles are in his lungs.

He finally pulled the NG out as I was typing this. Gotta go!


UPDATE 3:02 => So I told the nurse to leave the stinking NG tube out of his nose unless they could prove that it absolutely necessary and was actually doing some good! It drives Job crazy!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007 0:55 AM CDT

Well, there's been a lot going on. Job has had some bad moments when he said he was tired of feeling this way and can't take it anymore but he's had some great moments too. He gave me a HUG when I said I was going to go spend some time with Nicole and he was telling me bye (so cool!!!). He smiled for Flo and gave Amy a kiss. He's done his victory dance for the nurses, Flo and Grandma. He was looking for Jeremy so he could give him a secret handshake and he said that he was glad that today was the day. Of course "day" doesn't mean a 24 hour day to him so I'm not sure where that was going. He was talking about Pokemon and other happy things. He's had a lot more lucid moments lately but he's still having to get morphine. They've now added benadryl every 6 hours and they're still doing a lot of tests. We're just trying to focus on the positives tonight and we'll deal more with the drama tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007 2:26 PM CDT

We just left the conference. They explained that Job was very sick and that the pneumonia had got signicantly worse between the x-ray at midnight and the one taken at noon and that was while taking antibiotics. They believe we only have 48 to 72 hours to get ahead of this pneumonia before it takes Job's life. They said one option would be to place him in a medically induced coma so the vent settings could be increased. That would bring down the CO2 and help him recover. However, by doing that the risks of never coming out of it were high. Also, the chances of a successful transplant would greatly deteriate By not increasing the vent, then he would probably go into a coma on his own because of the high CO2 levels.

So there we were to make the decision. Do we induce a coma or just watch one happen naturally.

We all felt, without a shadow of doubt, that we did not need to place him in a medical coma. God is still in control. GOD IS STILL OUR HEALER. We are keeping our eyes on God, not on these awful circumstances.


UPDATE: Sep 12, 6:12PM
They have just given him a bolus of verced to help his anxiety because he was saying "I'm dead, dead, dead" again. He finally said Jesus's name twice after that and then asked for a Dr. Pepper so he's been all over the map. He's resting now but the doctors have finally ordered an enema to relieve some of the swelling off his stomach and get some of the pressure off his lungs. They have the NG tube back down his nose to get some liquid and air off his stomach (swollen so much that it's shiny).
More later,
Aunt Tammy

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:58 AM CDT

They just got back from CT. Job is not himself. He was saying that he was at the fair. When we sent to suction him and unhooked the vent from his trach then blood came out. We called the doctor and told them. After they left, Job said, "last night, last night the rapture happened." I said what, he said again, "the rapture happened last night."

The nurse is drawing blood for labs right now.


UPDATE: September 12, 2007 1:25pm
Pulmonary and the PICU team are here and want to have a conference in another room with us so I've called Tina back from her five seconds of sleep. I'm going to go in with Tina and Rob while Mom stays here with Job. Just waiting for Tina to get here. The drs are all out in the hall, so I'll update you when we get out.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007 9:19 AM CDT

The 6 o'clock blood gas did not show improvement. His CO2 was 143 and his ph had actually decreased more, down to 7.13. We both finally fell asleep from shear exhaustion and slept for an hour or two.

Pulmonary docs came in and said that they believe the spot in his right lower lobe that they have been watching has developed into a pneumonia and since Job has no lung reserve it has really caused havock on his body. They want to throw some of the big gun antibiotics at him. They explained that this is a very serious situation and they would do all they could to help Job fight. They believe the blood he received earlier this morning would really help also.

PICU docs think that it may be an infection on his brain, such an meningitous (sp?) or something. They wanted to do a spinal tap, but opted for a CT scan of his brain first. If the CT shows something then they will do a spinal tap.

Another blood gas will be done at 2:00 and the doc are discussing how to adjust Job's vent setting to help him breath better without damaging his lungs further, or with the least damage anyway.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007 1:45 AM CDT

Job is very sick tonight. His CO2 is 170 and his ph is 7.16. He is almost totally unresponsive. He will open his eyes, but that is about all. When he does talk then it doesn't make sense.

A few minutes ago, with a blank face he said, "I'm dead" I said, no Job, no your not and he said again, "I'm dead" again I said no Job and started praying. He then said, "I am dying".

Please pray for Job. It is like he is in a trance, he has his eyes open, but doesn't communicate with us (that makes any sense anyway).

His hemoglobin is low also, 6.7, so they are going to give him a blood transfusion.

Rob and Nicole are driving up tonight.

UPDATE 5:15 am => His CO2 is down to 148 and ph is up to 7.19. They plan to do another blood gas at 6. Job is starting to make sense and communicate again. Although he is still confused. He just now kept saying, "he tricked me, he tricked me, he tricked me" I said who tricked you, "he tricked me". I said Jesus loved you Job, can you say Jesus and he said, "Jesus tricked me, Jesus tricked me." I could not get anything else out of him, but I tried to assure him that Jesus didn't trick him. He wouldn't explain how they tricked him either.

Monday, September 10, 2007 11:45 PM CDT

Job has had another tough day. He kept desating all afternoon, meaning his oxygen level kept dropping for some reason. They done another x-ray of his chest and everything looked the same there. Then they done an x-ray of his stomach and saw a bunch of air. His tummy is so large that he no longer has a belly button. They are also trying to get his bowels moving again thinking that is another reason his tummy is so large. This all is causing pressure on his lungs and making it more difficult to breath.

Praise the Lord that he is resting peacefully right now finally. They placed an NG tube down his nose to help with the air on his stomach, and are doing some other things to get his plumbing working again. Hopefully he will get some relief soon.


UPDATE 5:00 a.m. Sept 11, 2007
Job finally had a good night.
after nine o'clock he never destated again.
Slept well. Breathing was smoother than during the drama
had a headache at 12:30 and was given Tylenol and again at 4:30.
He had two BM's.
Tummy still extended but not tight as a drum.
Heart Rate 144
Respitory Rate 26
Oxygen 100
Blood Pressure 131/72
Time 5:00 a.m.

Monday, September 10, 2007 2:26 PM CDT

First I want to say that Job had a very good visit with Trey Starks and Carly Gottsponer Saturday afternoon. I failed to take a photo of them, which I hate, but he enjoyed their visit along with their dads, Coach Starks and Coach Gottsponer. He is already, ready for them to come back again.

All the drama from Sat. night overshadowed that and I wasn't able to share that good news. Job is better today. He is calm. His last CO2 was 96 taken yesterday afternoon. He had a calm night, although he didn't get much sleep. Nothing dramatic was happening, he just wasn't able to rest for one reason or another.

He is still very sick, but we know that GOD IS OUR HEALER and he reminded me of that in church yesterday morning. We can't forget that. I believe will all of my heart that God is going to heal Job and the devil is just fighting mad that he is about to lose this battle.

Thank you so much for you continued prayers. Job has been able to get some rest this morning and is stable.

God Bless,

Sunday, September 9, 2007 10:39 PM CDT

Last night Job had a terrible time. He started throwing up at seven and didn’t stop until after midnight. Time after time. He got vomit all over his trach and collar and the ties. The hose from the vent to the trach kept popping off and I was so worried that he would get some of that in his trach. The Nurses gave him a bath and then he threw up again. They finally got him cleaned up and changed his trach collar and ties.
He kept saying he couldn’t breath. Then at one time he looked up at me and said, “I’m dying” I leaned right into him and said Job you are not dying I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. Then I started praying in tongues. Taking authority over satan buy the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ and in the name of Jesus.
This morning Job said, “God brought me through another storm didn’t He” and I said, “yes He did” Then Job said, “and God will keep me through the day won’t He” and again I said, “yes He will”. Then Job said, “Don’t ever doubt Jesus” and he smiled and went to sleep.
He had a rough day though even after that, needing suctioned way too often. Every time almost he would say he couldn’t breath. His little belly is bloated to the busting point. Nothing they medical staff has tried has helped. He still gets hungry but nothing is coming out.
Still tonight he is in very much discomfort. Please pray for this child.

Sunday, September 9, 2007 1:46 PM CDT

PLEASE PRAY. Job is fighting for his life.

God is our HEALER!!! God is our HEALER!!!

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Friday, September 7, 2007 11:43 PM CDT

Our pastor from Bigelow A/G, Wayne Pavatt, came up for a visit today. He spent all morning with Job, which Job really enjoyed.

The culture from Job's trach did come back positive for something afterall, so they are running a course of antibiotics to take care of it. They caught it in the early stages so it is not a big concern.

Job's CO2 was 117 today, which is still VERY high. The docs are not worrying too much about it because he is acting fine. He has been requesting to be suctioned a bunch, and has had a few moments that have been questionable, but for the most part he is doing really good.

I want to apologize about something else I said the other day when I was having my meltdown. I stated that we were in Hell on Earth. Although I felt that at the time, I was way out of line by saying that. We have HOPE. We have Christ. We have love, and family, friends and joy. NONE of that will be in Hell. Hell is a terrible place created for the Devil and his demons where there is total seperation from God. No hope, only dispair and torment. PRAISE GOD that we do not have to go there. No matter what happens, or how tough things get here. Jesus saves us from that terrible place. Hell is nothing to take lightly or joke about.

Please forgive my poor choice of words.


UPDATE (9/8 9:00 a.m.) Job's CO2 this morning was down to 91. Thanks to a couple of ole prayer hounds last night.

NOTICE - TJ passed away this morning (9/8/07). Please pray for his family

Thursday, September 6, 2007 11:43 AM CDT

GOOD NEWS! All of the tests have came back negative and his counts are within normal range. We are stopping all the antibiotics, fluids, and additional blood tests. We also decreased his respitory rate down to 28. Things are basically back to what they were pre-Tuesday.

Thanks for all your prayers. Job is back to himself and feeling as good as he ever has in this situation. Hopefully lungs will come soon or God will just heal this ole pair.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 11:44 PM CDT

Please pray for TJ tonight. He is very sick. The doctors are only giving him a few days. His link is below.

Job has had a fine day and is sleeping well. They are still running all sorts of tests, and giving him antibiotics, but it is all precautionary now. He is fine.

God Bless,

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 8:27 AM CDT

Night before last Job and Mama had a rough night. Last night Job had a good night. The afternoon was still rocky but after they drew the air out of his chest cavity he felt a lot better. Praise the Lord they didn’t have to put another tube in his chest. His CO2 was very high. They changed his vent settings and it started coming down.

CO2 140 12:00 Noon
CO2 115 2:30 p.m.
CO2 95 5:10 p.m.

5:50 p.m. Job ate two hot dogs with bread and a Wye Mt. Sausage biscuit
plus a carton and a half (1/2 pint cartons) of milk with strawberry syrup in it.

6:20 p.m. He is sleeping

He sat up at 1:00 a.m. and ate another hot dog and drank some more strawberry milk.

The last xray showed the air pocket in his chest was gone. Mark (Job’s Nurse) put a tube down his nose into his tummy to relieve the air there. He has rested well so far. It is now 2:20 a.m.

He has woke up every once in awhile but not to be suctioned. He hasn't asked to be suctioned hardly at all. He has slept very well. He has been himself since they got that air off of his chest. Didn't get much air off of his tummy. But Mark promised him he would take the tube out of his nose at the end of his shift. So the tube in his nose is now gone.

6:00 a.m. Heart rate 128 RRate 27 Blood pressure 124/52
He ate two boxes of Trix and a carton of whole milk.
Now he is playing Wii. He played about 15 minutes and was tired

8:00 a.m. He has went back to sleep.

Thank you all for praying. I hope Mama got some sleep also.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 8:49 PM CDT

PRAISE GOD that He didn't answer my prayer this morning. If He'd took away Job's symptoms, then the doctors would not have continued to run tests until they found the problem. I must repent for getting so frustrated. Thank you all so much for your prayers. I just was at a loss for what to do to help Job. It is so miserable to see him so messed up and not know what is wrong nor what to do to help.

Thankfully they didn't have to put another chest tube in, they were able to get the old one working.

Today is another example of how we should praise God in all things.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007 1:59 PM CDT

Job is still very distressed. They gave him morphine around noon to help, and it has help calm him, but now the bigger question is what has caused all of this. He doesn't look well. They are running all sorts of tests to figure out what is going on.

His CO2 is 140 (2:00 p.m.).

UPDATE 2:49 -> x-ray showed that current chest tube isn't working properly and air has accummulated between the lung and the chest wall again. They are going to try and get the current tube working or place a new one. In the meantime, they have adjusted his vent settings to help him blow off the CO2.

UPDATE 3:10 => CO2 is down to 115. they were able to draw air off manually and he is already feeling better.

UPDATE 6:30 => at 5:10 co2 was 95 since then he has ate two Petit Jean Hot dogs with bread and a Why Mt. Sausage Biscuit. he is sleeping and resting well. His breathing has evened out. Thank you Jesus!! and thanks to every body for praying. Grandma

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 9:58 AM CDT

Sometimes I just don't understand God. I try and I try but I just miss it somehow. I have really been trying to watch every corner of my life. Trying to watch my conversation, my TV choices, read my Bible every day and pray. I have been praying more than I have in a long time. But then when a simple prayer isn't answered, it is so confusing.

Job had a rough night last night. It started off with just some insomnia, but around 4:30 turned into a full blown anxiety attack. He was like a crazed mad man. I prayed and pray. Job kept asking me to pray too, he said he felt better when I would pray, and worse when I stopped. I prayed every which a way I knew and nothing helped. All I asked was for God's peace, that doesn't seem like too much to ask for. I wasn't asking for the moon. Do I not even have enough faith to pray for the peace of God? The peace of God didn't come. We fought with Job until 8:00 and then gave him clonapine to knock him out.

He is resting finally but because of the drugs not my prayers. I couldn't even pray down the peace of God for Job how in the world could I pray for healed lungs. I hope you guys out there have more faith than me. Please pray for me to be a better pray-er and more in tuned with God so I can be of some help to my boy.

Dear Lord please help me and please deliver Job from this Hell on Earth.


Monday, September 3, 2007 6:26 PM CDT

I just took Nicole and Rob to the airport and then switched out with Grandma. Job was very sad to see them leave. His nurse gave him some clonapine to help him rest. He is sleeping now.

I hope everyone had a good weekend, everything went just fine here. It was great having Nicole and Rob with us for a few days.

God Bless,

Saturday, September 1, 2007 11:18 PM CDT

Job hasn't been feeling as well as he did right after his chest tube placement. He's been okay, but just not as active as he was for those few moments. It proves that his activity is more a result of his physical health than his emotional health. When he improves physical, then his activity level automatically improves.

Aunt Tammy drove up on Friday and spent Friday evening and Saturday morning with Job. Rob and Nicole arrived Saturday morning. Boy is it good to see all of them. We are going to try to get Rob and Nicole up here every three weeks if possible. I really had high hopes about this weekend, but no news so far regarding lung offers.

Anyway, I hope you all are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend.


Psalm 50:23: "Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I show the Salvation of God"

Dear Lord we are so thankful for Job's stability. Thank you for holding him in Your mighty hand. You are God Almighty, the maker of lungs, the Great Physician. Praise be to you for being so gracious to us by making Job so strong. Please help us control our conversation so that we can see the Great Salvation of God (deliverance from afflictions). In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

Thursday, August 30, 2007 5:47 PM CDT

Job is feeling really good today. He had a good PT session this morning, then he sat up with OT for an hour this afternoon. He even done a math worksheet with her. We had to change out his trach (every Thursday) which went well. Once the was settled down after the trach change he wanted a tuna sandwich. He sat on the edge of the bed to eat it and then wanted to continue sitting on the edge of the bed while he played Wii. He sat there for an hour again before wanting to lean back in his bed, but still wants to sit up and play Wii. So I turned his bed around where he is facing the TV better and just have his bed in a sitting position while he continue to play. YIPEE!

Yesterday after the chest tube was in, they were suppose to turn on low suction to keep the air out of his chest while his lung heal. They failed to do that after the procedure. After shift change, the evening nurse noticed it and called the surgeon. He came in and took a look. The nurse then turned on the suction, this cause Job a great deal of pain. That is what got Grandma so upset. All she knew was that Job was feeling great and they come in and fiddle with something and then he is crying in pain. She was fit to be tied. I didn't even know all this was going on until I came in today.

Thanks for all your continued prayers.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 10:38 AM CDT

Pneumothorax is back and bigger than before. So big in fact that they are going to put a chest tube in this afternoon to draw the air out of this chest. They are also going to put an NG tube down his nose to draw the air off his tummy. His stomach is very distended and the x-ray shows a lot of air on his stomach.

Please pray for our little boy. He is so miserable today.

UPDATE 12:15 - The NG tube is in and is working. Job is sleeping (finally!). They plan to put the chest tube in aroung 1:00 and expect it to be in for a week. They are planning to take the NG tube out later today. It was simply to get the air off his stomach and then be removed. His arterial CO2 is 124, it was only 72 on the 27th which is where he usually hangs out. Normal is 35 to 45.

UPDATE 2:45 p.m.- Procedure is over and chest tube is in. Everything went great and pheumothorax is already resolved. They pulled a lot of air out. They have also took the NG tube out of his nose. He has already ate a roast beef sandwich and a chocolate milkshake. He feels SSSOOOOO much better. He is Job again rather than the demon child that he was last night. I am 100 percent convinced that the last time he had that terrible anxiety attack that lasted all night long was the beginning of the original pneumothorax. Thankfully God knew what was going on and help it improve on its own (at least improve out of the danger zone). Thank you for all your wonderful prayers. Job is doing great. They will check his CO2 again at 3:00, but I know that it is better.

Job just said that he needs to be more spoiled now because his side hurts HA.

UPDATE 5:12 p.m. His CO2 is 71. Job says he is so clear that it is like he isn't on the vent. He also said that he could breath so well that he could ride his bicycle (the one they have in his room to help strengthen his legs.)


UPDATE 6:12 p.m. He just told me, “you know that feeling I told you about awhile ago” I said, “about being able to breath” and he said, “yes, It won’t go away” I said, “you don’t want it to do you?” and he said, “No”, and smiled and closed his eyes and went back too sleep.
I am so glad that he can breath so much better after they got that air off of his lungs and also got rid of the air that was in his tummy pressing on his lungs.
I pray it last a long time.
Thank You Jesus!

Monday, August 27, 2007 10:54 PM CDT

The pneumothorax (air on outside of lung) has officially resolved on its own. PRAISE the Lord!!! That was some great news to hear today.

We love our new apartment. It is so wonderful. Our entire family has lived in a bedroom for six months, now Grandma and I have an entire apartment to ourselves. We feel like we are living in a mansion. We have a kitchen and a living room. WOW, you just don't realize how great it is to have more than one room. I hope you all stop to appreciate your homes right now. Praise the Lord that your home is more than a bedroom and a bathroom.

Florence arrived tonight. Her and I just finished giving our 3'10" boy a bath. He even sit in his chair and soaked his feet while we cleaned up his bed. She is staying until Wednesday morning. Then Rob and Nicole will be here Sat. morning. YIPEE! They are staying until Monday evening.

I hope everyone is continuing to keep their trust in God and not in medicine and man. Praise God that He knows all and has Job in the palm of His hand.


Monday, August 27, 2007 7:56 AM CDT

You are not going to believe this when I tell you, but it's true. All I have to say is that I am glad that we are depending on God rather than doctors and staff. I would go crazy if all I had to hang on to was the intelligence and accuracy of mankind.

So here's the thing, they have had Job's height wrong all this time. WE HAVE BEEN WAITING ON THE WRONG SIZE LUNGS! Can you believe it. It is so crazy. I spoke to the transplant team this morning, and sure enough it is true. In Houston his height was recorded at 136 cm and here in St. Louis it was recorded at 143 cm. He is only 117 cm. That is nearly a foot difference. Since they the only bases for finding matching lungs is height and blood type it is a very big deal. They will accept lungs within a 20% height range. Before, they we were incorrectly waiting on lungs from someone who was between 114 - 172 cm. We should be looking for lungs that are from a person that is 94 - 140 cm.

Like I said, I am glad I am depending on God and not on hospitals. It was a fluke that it came to my attention. It was discovered when I was talking to a lady regarding Job's eating and she stated that he was tall for his age. I said oh no, he is head and shoulders shorter than his classmates. That got the ball rolling and they came in and measured him TWICE. He is 117 cm or 3'10" tall.

I look at it this way, God is getting everything in place to restore Job's health.

Praise be to God who never makes mistakes and has always known Job's blood type and size. He was never confused or mistaken.


Sunday, August 26, 2007 12:18 AM CDT

WE HAVE MOVED out of the Haven House. We are now staying in one of the Ronald McDonald Apartments for extended stays. Please send all mail to our new address...

4381 West Pine - Apt. A
St. Louis, MO 63108


Sunday, August 26, 2007 9:56 AM CDT

Well the last couple of days Job has been playing the Wii and has been getting better and better at it. It really makes me feel good to see him having fun. Also it gives him some arm exercise. He woke up this morning and ate some Trix and then played the Wii for about an hour.

They are going to give him some sedation medicine this morning because E.N.T. are going to look at the back of his throat and try to see whats going on because he keeps complaining about his throat needing suctioning (inside his mouth and above the Trach).

I haven't heard an update on the air in his lungs lately. We will let you know when we hear something. The Dr. this morning said that his lungs sound better than 3 weeks ago.

His Pawpaw Billy and Granny Betty Gilmore came to see him. They arrived yesterday and are leaving Monday. They haven’t been up here today yet but probably about noon.

That is about all of the news here, will give more when it becomes available.
Love to all and may God bless you,

Friday, August 24, 2007 8:18 AM CDT

The air on the outside of Job's lung is increased today. He was in a lot of pain yesterday whenever he tried to sit up. He had to lay down all day even when he was eating because it hurt too bad to sit. He has not complained of pain this morning, but we haven't tried sitting on the edge of the bed either. He was able to sit up in bed so that is better at least than yesterday.

His grandpa and grandma Gilmore are coming up this weekend for a few days. He is excited about seeing them.


Thursday, August 23, 2007 4:32 PM CDT

The oral surgery on Friday is off the table. The pulmonary and transplant doctors slammed on the breaks to the whole thing. They said the risk of general anesthesia is too great for an "elective" surgery. They called it elective, because it is not absolutely necessary. Yes, he could develope an infection due to the cavity, but he could also develope an infection due to the open would left after extraction. But the bottom line was that the general anesthesia could leave his lungs a lot sicker than they are right now. We just don't want that at all.

Dear Lord, Please continue to give the doctors the wisdom they need to make the right decisions for Job. We are at your mercy. You know what each day holds and the benefits and risks of each procedure. I do not. I am at your mercy and at the mercy of the doctors. Please guide them and help them make the right decisions.

God Bless,

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 3:33 PM CDT

We just got back from the dentist. It was more serious than I originally thought. You see, a cavity is a serious risk of infection. An infection would take Job off the transplant list until it was cleared up. Therefore we must address the teeth issues before an infection occurs. The dentist was talking about extracting one took and filling another while we were down there today. My concern was he wasn't going to be able to receive gas in preparation for the local, which is a shot in the mouth in case you didn't know.

I was sitting there panicking inside all the while trying to keep the tone of my voise as if its a walk in the park. I looked at the doctor that was with us and asked his opinion and that is when he told me that if Job gets an infection he would be off the list. We were all sitting waiting for the x-ray results while this was being discussed. Thankfully, Job didn't realize what we were talking about and was very relaxed during the entire discussion. Once the x-rays were ready, the dentist decided that the best option would be to go to the OR and take care of everything all at 7:30 Friday morning. Please pray for him.

I talked to the nurse and this procedure will not take him off the list. If lungs become available, then that would over-ride the dental procedure and we would proceed with the lung transplant. An infection, that is want would take him off the list. Please pray that he heals quickly and that everything go smoothly Friday.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:25 AM CDT

The x-ray didn't show that the collapsed area of his lung had grown any bigger. They done another x-ray last night and this morning. It did show that the air had shifted from the side to the top of his lung. They discussed whether a chest tube was necessary right now and decided that it was not.

The Cardinal came and went faster than you could blink. Gary Bennett was the one who visited Job. Becky said that there were three here and each took a floor of the hospital to visit. He signed a baseball for Job and a Cardinal's bear that he'd brought with him. We did get a wonderful photo of him. I'll post it in a minute. After he left, I seen that Job was a little disappointed that he didn't get an autograph for Trey and Kyle who'd asked for one. I asked him if he wanted me to try to get him to sign two more balls and he said yes. I grabbed two baseballs and ran out the door. I was able to catch him down the hall and he was happy to sign them for Job.

It was great for him to come and visit Job. I understand that he couldn't stay long because he has a bunch of kids to visit today. Job was very happy that he got to meet a Cardinal.

Job is going to the dentist today. It is going to be a task, but we are trying to get everything coordinated so that we are able to get down there, have a check up, and then get back to him room without being gone too long. It shouldn't be more than we do on a trip to the garden.

Also, we found out the an Ronald McDonald Apartment is available. It has two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room and of course a bathroom HA. It is only a short distance from the hospital, walking distance. Hopefully everything will work out and we will be able to move into this apartment. I should know if a couple of days.

Thanks for all your prayers.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 2:12 PM CDT

Job had his hot dog stand today. He will be on the 5:00 Fox News today. If you are not in the St. Louis area, then you should be able to watch the clip on their website, which is www.myfoxstl.com. I do not know how soon they will how soon they will have it on their website, but I expect right away. It will probably only be there for 24 hours or so before going to the archive files. Again I am not sure. Becky from Child Life said she will get us a copy of the footage.

Check out the new photos I will post in a few minutes.

Here's a link specific for Job's story. Hopefully it will work longer than 24 hours, just copy and paste it in your address bar: http://www.myfoxstl.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail?contentId=4134188&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1

UPDATE: The doctor just came in and said that Job's x-ray this morning showed that he has a small amount of air on the outside of his lungs with a small portion of his lung colapsed. They are going to recheck his x-ray to identify if the area is growing. The doctor thinks that if it were growing then he would symptomatic. If it is increasing, they will draw out the trapped air similar to if he had had surgery or something.


Saturday, August 18, 2007 9:43 PM CDT

I was at the Haven House this afternoon and received the following text message from Grandma at the hospital...

"Job is very sad. Says he can't breathe without Nicole."


Sunday, August 19, 2007 11:15 AM CDT
Last night Job had the granddaddy of all anxiety attacks. He was acting like some one had put a pillow over his face and he couldn’t breathe. Yet he wasn’t asking for breaths. He acted like he wanted to come out of his skin. He pulled all of his leads off and grabbed his breathing tubes just as I grabbed him. They sent for Mark and he came running and talked to Job and got him calmed down while they were getting the Adivan. He had been crying and upset every since Nicole and Dad left at about 8:00 p.m. At 9:00 p.m. I asked for him some Benadryl, it helped enough that he was in and out of sleep until about 1:30 a.m. when the anxiety attack started. He couldn’t have anymore Benadryl until 3:00 a.m. They decided to give him some Adivan. It calmed him down and he slept until 4:15 a.m. about. He wanted a Petit Jean Hot dog and then asked what time it was by then it was 4:30 and he asked for some Benadryl at which time they gave him some. He has been resting well since then. During all of this he had to be suctioned a couple of times, the last time (after the Benadryl at 4:30) the Nurse “Kim” that suctioned him was laying him back down and had her arm under his head. He didn’t want her to move her arm so she stood there for awhile and he asked her if she wanted a chair so I got her a chair and there she sat with her arm under his little head and her head laying on the bed beside him. I wish I had gotten a picture. He has rested good since then. This morning about 6: or 6:30 he wanted some rainbow sherbet. Mama had gotten him some and had them put it in the freezer here in PICU. He ate a good cup full. They brought his breakfast tray on it was Trix cereal, milk, Sausage Biscuit, (NOT!!! Wye Moutain Sausage Biscuit). Banana, Apple juice, French Toast sticks and syrup. He only wanted a Petit Jean (Cedars Falls) hot dog with a slice of bread. He is calm now and laying quitely.
He is so sweet, It sure hurts when he is hurting or uncomfortable in any way. He sure misses his Dad and Nicole but Mama already has tickets for them to visit Labor day weekend. Mama will be here this afternoon, she went to Sunday School this morning.
Love to all, may God bless each and everyone,

Saturday, August 18, 2007 9:36 AM CDT

I dropped Rob and Nicole off at the airport an hour ago. I just spoke to them are the phone and they are still waiting to board the plane. Their plane leaves at 10:15 and arrives in Little Rock at 11:15. It is so sad to see them go. Last night watching them tell Job bye was heartbreaking. We were all in tears. Job and Nicole hugged for a long, long time. He gave her one of his stuffed dinasours before she left. Job then just cried and cried.

I am thankful that they are going home to many friends who will love them and take care of them while they are away from us.


Thursday, August 16, 2007 3:26 PM CDT

Hey all. Tammy says that she has my missed episode of Hell's kitchen and she will be sending it to me soon. I felt really silly after posting that stupid request on Job's website. There are so much more important things going on that some silly show. Thanks to Debbie for giving me the website info, I will check that out.

Kimmie, you will do a great job at children's church. It doesn't have anything to do with me, just Jesus. Just trust in Him and not yourself and you will do a great job. I am glad that you are taking it over.

Job had a difficult time with PT yesterday. He stood in this contraption for three minutes. He was begging them to let him get back in bed and not have to complete the 3rd minute, but they pushed on. They weren't being mean, just trying to push him just enough to strengthen his legs. He was crying and crying, complaining that his back and chest hurt. Even after getting back into bed, he was in miserable pain until ultimately they gave him a small dose of morphine. At various times during the night he had anxiety attacks about the standing contraption. He was worried and worried that they would make him do it again today. Of course we didn't. He only had to do his bed exercises today. We have talked to him and will do other things for a while until he is ready to try that machine again.

Dear Lord, Please help us get through this day. Help us have the strength to endure all that we must and do it with your peace and joy in our hearts. Please set Job free from his hospital prison. Please Lord, have mercy on my family. Please protect Nicole and Rob during their travel home. Thank you for sending so many people to love us during this difficult time. In Jesus, Amen.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007 7:58 PM CDT

Okay, I have a ridiculous request. I know it already, but I'm putting it out there just the same. I have watched the entire stinking season of “Hell’s Kitchen” and I missed the season finale last night. Does anyone still have it on their DVR and could possibly throw it on a VHS or DVD and send it to the Haven House address above. Yes, I understand it is a complete waste of time show and foolish reality TV, but I’ve invested so much time into watching the entire season, every show. The only show that I have watched routinely this summer (except for Judge Judy, but that is just research in case someone tries to sue me in the future.) HA.

I didn’t tell you all that we had visitors this weekend. Sarah and Dean Hargrove, Pat Howell, and Coty Drinkwater. Coty is a good friend of Job’s. Job really enjoyed all the company. We all did. It was very uplifting, especially since we are facing a tough weekend coming up with Nicole and Rob going home.
Job loves to have other kids in here with him. He doesn’t do much, but he loves to have them around. Coty and Nicole had Job laughing several times.

Since it has been so hot, he hasn’t been going to the garden. Its been over a week now, maybe almost two since he has got to get out of the room. So they took him to the gift shop. He loved it. His eyes were bright with delight at seeing the wall full of candy and snacks. He looked it up and down for a long time before settling on some cheesy popcorn. He then went to the toy section and found a deck of Cardinal Uno cards that he had to have. We strolled all around the little shop and he really loved it. He can’t wait to go back.

He stood, with assistance, for two minutes today. I also found out that they are getting him set up with music therapy. I think he will like that. We are also trying to get him set up for school also. His teacher at AWE is Mrs. Strickland. Is wondering who else is in his class back home. I will be linking up his teacher at AWE with the teacher here so he can keep up with his class. He misses his friends very much and really wishes that some more of his classmates could come and visit him.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:32 AM CDT

I'm back at the hospital today. I haven't been here since Sat. night. Grandma stayed on Sunday and then Rob stayed Sunday night and Monday night. That was his last time to stay the night with Job. Nicole is going to stay tonight and tomorrow night so that she can spend as much time as she can with him. Grandma and I are talking about taking 48 hour shifts rather than the current 24 hour schedule. It will cut down on our gas expense since the Haven House is about 15 miles away from the hospital.

There is a baby who is getting a lung transplant today. The pulmonary doctors pulled Rob out in the hall and told him so that he wouldn't hear the buzz and think it was for Job. Praise the Lord for that baby though.

Thanks for all the continued prayers. Hopefully we will have this transplant soon.

God Bless,

Saturday, August 11, 2007 11:24 AM CDT

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday morning. Job has been enjoying playing his Pokemon Diamond game over the past few days. He has had hardly any anxiety spells since he began playing. Nicole has been playing with him. They got together last night and convinced me that Nicole needed to stay the night. I wasn’t going for it at first. There is no place for her to sleep and it is against the hospital rules also. Job started crying and saying that he just wanted to spend as much time with her as possible before she had to go back to school. How could I say no to that. So Nicole got her turn at sleeping in a chair like the rest of us. Although Nicole usually doesn’t wake up until nine or ten o’clock, Job was ready for her to wake up at 6:30 this morning.

I can’t believe that it is already time for Nicole to go back to school. Rob and her are scheduled to fly home on Saturday, the 18th. Schools starts on the 20th. I wanted to keep them here with me as long as possible.

We did decide to just drop Rob from my insurance policy. It was just too expensive to keep him. We did decide to keep our dental insurance however, so the kids could still go to the dentist. Nicole needs a cleaning and checkup and Job needs work done as soon as he is able. Thanks for all your prayers regarding this matter. I feel that this is the right decision to make. I must just depend on God to provide the finances needed to pay the premiums. Afterall, He knew all along what it was going to cost.

I have been tying to spend more time with God. I have been reading my Bible more and listening to worship music every chance I get. I can tell that it sure helps. Thanks to God and to all your prayers, I do have renewed strength.

God Bless,

Wednesday, August 8, 2007 7:27 PM CDT

There is a little boy and family that desperally need prayers. His name is TJ Herbert and his website is www.caringbridge.org/la/tj. He has had two bone marrow transplants and has relapsed again. The doctors have lost hope...please pray for this little boy and his family right now.

Job had a better day today. He was upset earlier in the day, but there were some smiles this afternoon. He also played Pokemon Diamond for about two and half hours!!! That is the first time he has played a video game for more than five minutes since this all began. I was really glad. He is sound asleep right now. Needless to say, he has not gone to the garden for a few days. It is just too hot.

God Bless,

Monday, August 6, 2007 7:08 AM CDT

Hello Everybody,
This is Grandma, I got back Saturday evening. I had a good time at my daughter Tammy's. I got to see her and one of my grandsons (Tony). Her other son (Justin) is in Arkansas. He (Justin) is planning on spending the rest of this year with her though. We tooled around Chicago after she picked us (Nicole and me) up from the airport. Not only are the buildings huge, they are beautiful with so many of them having all kinds of art work. We went to the Museum of Science and Industry while we were in Chicago. They had a CSI experience there where you tried to solve this crime. They had a crime scene where you had to find the clues. It was fun. I also got to go to Paw Paw, Mi where my son was born. After 44 years nothing looks the same. I also got to see my little dog, which I haven't seen in over five months. He did remember me though.
Well enough about me. After I got back Saturday evening I spent the night with Job. I then told Tina that I had a change of clothes up here so I wanted to spend Sunday night also. Job kept getting anxious, nervous, and panicky and asking for his Mother, Several different times Sunday. He wanted me to text his Mama and see if she could just come to the hospital for a few moments. I told him that she was visiting with Aunt Tammy, and that she would be here Monday about noon. While I was talking to him he was crying and said, "I think I would go nuts if it wasn't for my mama". I said, "Job are you afraid that Mama will go back to Arkansas and no one will know how to change your trach." He said, "yes, but that's not the only reason." There are only two people that Job trust to change his trach. His Mama and Mark the awesome Nurse. I assured him that his Mama was going to stay with him and that everything was going to be fine. I had called Tina and told her what was going on and she said there was no way that she could leave him in such a fragile state.
PLEASE pray for Tina's job and insurance etc. etc. etc. and pray that Rob will get a good job when he returns home with Nicole. Rob needs a job that has good insurance and of course pays well. Nicole also needs your prayers.
Of course continue to pray for little Job. He is so tired. He doesn't understand why it is taking so long. He says he can hardly remember being able to breathe well or even being able to walk. The song (he's my son) on his testimony fits so well now also:

Artist & Album: Mark Schultz
Title: He's My Son
I'm down on my knees again tonight,
I'm hoping' this prayer will turn out right.
See, there is a boy that needs Your help.
I've done all that I can do myself
His mother is tired,
I'm sure You can understand.
Each night as he sleeps
She goes in to hold his hand,
And she tries, Not to cry
As the tears fill her eyes.

Can You hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can You see him?
Can You make him feel all right?
If You can hear me
Let me take his place some how.
See, he's not just anyone, he's my son.

Sometimes late at night I watch him sleep,
I dream of the boy he'd like to be.
I try to be strong and see him through,
But God, who he needs right now is You.
Let him grow old, Live life without this fear.
What would I be, Living without him here?
He's so tired, And he's scared
Let him know that You're there.

Can You hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can You see him?
Can You make him feel all right?
If You can hear me
Let me take his place some how.
See, he's not just anyone, he's my son.

Can You hear me?
Can You see him?
Please don't leave him,
He's my son.

Such a fitting song for times like this
May God richly bless all of you,

Saturday, August 4, 2007 3:18 PM CDT

Heaven will be my home










sung by Walt Mills

Saturday, August 4, 2007 9:24 AM CDT

I've done nothing but cry for the past two days. Job is fine, so don't think something has happened to him. I am just a basket case.

It all started yesterday while I was going through my mail. I received a letter from Windstream Communications about my insurance premiums. Although I have talked to various people over the issue of insurance and felt like I had everything taken care of, it seems that I was misled. You see, I was told that as long as I was an "employee" and just on a leave-of-absence that my insurance premiums would be the same as while I was active. COBRA would not kick in unless my employment was terminated. My FMLA leave ended on June 8th. I received a letter stating that I needed to call Christine Hubbell back in May regarding my insurance premiums after the FMLA leave ends. I did that and even wrote it in my journal and I quote, "May 11th...Called Christine Hubbell about insurance premiums and she said to just continue paying same premiums. She said I could be on unpaid leave for one year." Yesterday I received a letter from this same Christine Hubbell stating that I had underpaid my insurance by more that $700 PER MONTH since July 1st. I now owe for July and August and Sept is right around the corner. She said that when FMLA ended that I was required to pay the entire amount of my insurance premiums including the company’s potion. Come to find out, although it is not COBRA, the costs are relatively the same as COBRA. Funny that no one told me or sent me an updated bill so I could prepare for these costs.

I had even researched this way back in 2006 when we were first sent to Houston for an evaluation. I was told the same thing back then about COBRA and that my insurance premiums would remain the same. I called Christine and told her that she was the one who actually told me incorrectly back in May. She gave me an apology in such a way as to indicate that it was my fault for not making myself clear when I called her. I tried to explain that what else would I be talking about in May. I had already been on FMLA leave since March and it was about to end. I was calling her as directed in the letter I received regarding continuing my leave beyond FMLA.

We are talking about corporate America here. I am just a number and it doesn’t matter that I was misled, the fact still remains that I owe the money or they will cancel my insurance. I have no recourse. However, I do have some options. I can drop my dental and vision and save $100 per month. I can drop Rob and save another $300 per month. That gets me down to owing around $500 per month to continue my insurance. That will keep Nicole, Job, and myself covered under medical insurance. It’s a shame I can’t drop myself as well, but they do not have a Children Only option.

Because of this insurance mess, I may be the one returning home with Nicole so I can go back to work. Rob and I are still trying to figure out what we are going to do.

This has just thrown me in a tizzy of depression. This whole situation is so frustrating. We are all so tired and just wish either God would heal Job’s lungs or let him have his transplant. It is so difficult to see your child suffer so much and be so helpless. I could never explain how difficult this situation is on all of us.

Sorry to rant and rave so. It is just a difficult time for me.


Thursday, August 2, 2007 3:27 PM CDT

I just realized that it is August!! It's crazy how days and months all just seem to run together in the hospital.

Job got very upset during his visit to the garden yesterday. Everything was fine at first. He was sitting there quite, then I noticed that his face started looking sad. I asked him what was wrong and he started crying saying that he wished that he could walk around. He just cried and cried.

He is feeling better today. He just told me that he wanted to go to Red Lobster when he gets out of this joint. Its great for him to be planning some things to do when he gets out. Before he has always refused to talk about it because it would make him sad.

God Bless,

Monday, July 30, 2007 1:03 PM CDT

Nothing going on around here. Job is doing fine and continues to enjoy his trips to the garden. Grandma and Nicole made it to Tammy's just fine yesterday. Job doesn't know they are gone and hopefully they will get back before he asks too many questions about them. We thought that it would sad for him to realize they were going to Tammy's for a whole week. My plan/hope is that once he is out of the hospital, and before we return home, that I am able to take him up there at least for a long weekend if nothing else.

God Bless,

Saturday, July 28, 2007 6:39 AM CDT

Hi everyone....Grandma is letting me do the update today and I am so glad because I really want the opportunity to share some of the experience I've enjoyed the past couple of days here with Job and crew.....First of all--I would ask that everyone say a specific prayer for Tina, Rob, and Grandma for continued strength and wisdom as they go about the daily job of physically and emotionally caring for Job --THEY ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!! We can only imagine everything that goes into a day here in the PICU--and we won't come close to all that they do and go through. They are amazing and I have a whole new respect for the journey that they are on after just being here with them for a short window of time.

Job is doing really good. I have had the pleasure of enjoying quite a few smiles in the past few days--he certainly still knows how to melt my heart. How do you spell amazing?? J O B...that's how. In the midst of all he is going through, he still finds the energy to worry about those around him. I told Rob last night that it was humbling to be with Job because he lives the life we should all be living even in the midst of such great turmoil---he doesn't complain, he is tough, he continues to push himself through this maze of unknowns, and his faith is ever before him. He has a special annointing on his life and he is a blessing to me.

Job slept really good last night (which means I did too and my family will be REALLY glad!!). Grandma doesn't sleep hardly at all when she is with Job so she can be ready for whatever he might need--I dont know how she does that! Job is really good at letting you know he needs you too. One of his favorite nurses, Mark, was on duty last night and I can certainly see why Job likes him so much. He is very caring and in tune with Job...thanks Mark and all SLCH staff.

I don’t know of any big health changes or issues right now-PRAISE THE LORD. He needed a bit more sunctioning than is usually required yesterday and that isn’t easy on him but he handles it like a trooper. God is holding on tightly to Job and carrying him through this time. He does still tire fairly easily but he is amazingly strong and resilient. Please continue to pray for guidance for all of the medical staff as they make decisions about Job’s care and that they will continue to take such good care of Job.

Thanks Tina, Rob, Grandma, and Nicole for sharing your time with Job with me….I’ve enjoyed it and really feel blessed to have all of you in my life…..Tina-you are amazing with Job and I just wanted to let you know. Don’t doubt yourself and don’t worry….Love you all.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:47 AM CDT

Hey everyone. I hope you all are having a good day. Job has been doing fine. He is enjoying his trips to the garden every other day. Yesterday Job had a cookie and lemonade stand from his room. There were folks lined up outside his room waiting to buy snacks. He had a great time and made $38.00 to boot.

Nicole and Rob went to the movies and saw "I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry". Nicole said it was stupid, so if a 12 year old says that it is stupid and not worth the money then I would advise you to see something else it you are headed to the picture show.

Nicole and Grandma are headed to Michigan on Sunday to visit my sister Tammy for a week. They are flying to Chicago on the 29th and then driving back down with Tammy on Aug. 4th. Tammy's going to fetch them in Chicago and play there for the day before taking them on to Michigan.

We are also in the process of making arrangements for Rob and Nicole to head back to Arkansas. Nicole has to get back for school and Rob is going with her. We have to fly them home so Grandma and I can keep the Space Shuttle (aka our Aztek). Thankfully it only cost $50 bucks to fly from St. Louis to Little Rock. That's cheaper than you can drive even for two tickets.

Oh, I want to share a praise report with you all also. I can't remember if I shared or not, but about a month ago our truck was in an accident and totaled out. Even though we had just replaced the transmission and engine only three years ago, because the truck was a 1994 the "value" was next to nothing. We were wondering what we were going to do when Rob returned home in Aug. and began to look for work. ANYWAY... I just wanted to let you know that God provided a way for us to get another truck. Isn't that wonderful. One thing I definitely know from going through all of this is that God WILL provide for you. He constantly provides for us in miraclous ways.

God Bless,

Sunday, July 22, 2007 10:31 PM CDT

Nicole and I had a great time on our Passport 2 Purity getaway. It is a wonderful program offered by Family Life. It is designed to help kids make good, Godly decisions during their teenage and dating years.

Job is still doing fine. He is back up to 60 percent on his oxygen, but we have been going back and forth on that for a while. He has been having some spells of anxiety, but it is probably from us weaning so of his meds. Hopefully it will subside soon. He is sleeping really well right now. He is planning a picnic in the garden on Tuesday. He spent nearly 45 minutes up there today.

I can't help but keep my eye on the 28 of July. Just six days left. We'll see what happens...


Saturday, July 21, 2007 2:48 PM CDT

Sorry we missed a few days. Everything is about the same. He keeps asking for oxygen breaths.
He doesn’t ever want to do anything. He didn’t even want me to give him a bath this morning. He usually looks forward to his bath time. He says it refreshes him.
Tina and Nicole haven’t been here since Wed. noon. They took three days off to do a purity lesson together. My little Nicole growing up. Not too fast though.
Job is resting right now. Just dosing. I sure will be glad when he gets his new lungs. I don’t push him now because he gets out of breath too easy. I probably should because I know that the stronger he is going into transplant, the faster he will recover. But I don’t know how much to push and when to just leave him alone.
Please pray for all of us to have wisdom on how to take care of Job in the best possible way.
We love hearing from all of you, it is a blessing. ACH, TCH are also blessing us by posting.
Love to all and May God bless each and every one of you.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:02 PM CDT

Everything is going fine. The PICU team was still pushing to decrease Job's O2 rate. I talked to Dr. Sweet about it this morning. Dr. Sweet is Job's primary doctor and is one of the transplant/pulmonary doctors. He is fine with him being at 50%-60% O2 and said he would speak the PICU doctors about it. I am glad maybe to get that hot topic cooled off.

Job got to go back to the garden today. He enjoys it very much. He doesn't have much energy, so his outward expressions are slim to none, but I know how much he loves it. Everyone just wants to see him having a good time, and it is difficult for Job to even sit in a wheelchair for a long period of time. I told him to just close his eyes and relax and enjoy the smells and wind and the feel of the sunlight on his skin. Hopefully soon his energy will increase and he will be able to enjoy it even further.

Thanks for all your prayers.


Monday, July 16, 2007 12:20 AM CDT

I have posted new photos. The past few days have been a roller coaster of emotions, so the doctors thought the emotional benefits from a trip to the garden out weighed the risks so thats what we did. Not only did he get to go to the garden today, but he gets to go every other day.

We had a whole team of folks with us, even a doctor. We had a doctor, a nurse, and two respitory therapists. Eveything went just fine. We stayed about 15 minutes. Job enjoyed it very much. He said he wished he could just sleep up there all afternoon. HA.

Thanks for all your continued prayers.


Saturday, July 14, 2007 6:29 PM CDT

well the lungs were not usable. Job took it very good. Then when the realization of not getting new lungs set in he had a good cry with his Mama.

I didn't want to tell him what was going on until we knew for sure. But he was hearing the buzzing around and the additional blood taking etc. and wanted to know what was going on. To keep him from thinking something was wrong with him I told him something good was happening in the background. He kept wanting to know and to keep him from getting stressed out I told him that a potential lung offer had been accepted.
I told him to remember what his Mom had told him in the beginning that we would have dry runs.

God is still in control. Now the Dr.s have had a dry run on Job. Maybe there was something they needed to see. i.e. his true blood type. They asked again what his blood type was. you know he was born A positive now he is O positive after BMT. Also when they took his blood for a blood gas test, it clotted before they could check it and they had to take another one. God says "get your stuff together because I want things perfect for this boy of mine" ha

I remember reading the cross and the switchblade by David Wilkerson. He told his church that he truly believed that God wanted him to go to New York City. They gathered up the money and sent him to NYC. He came home feeling like he had felled. BUT NO! God was getting things set into place. Just like with Job. God is getting everything in order. Job is still in the palm of Gods hand.

I love God isn't He wonderful to love us so very much to want every detail worked out. He's a great God a Righteous King ruler over everything. That’s a line from one of the songs Job likes to listen to and I love it.

PLEASE remember the family that lost their loved one.
Until next time. God bless you everyone.

Saturday, July 14, 2007 6:49 AM CDT

A potential lung offer for Job has been accepted. I don't know anything more than that. The coordinator said they are still trying to place other organs and she will communicate with Job's nurse from here on out. I don't have a timeframe or anything.

Please pray that the lungs are GREAT and the transplant is a huge success.

UPDATE Things are buzzing around here. They are doing blood work and all kinds of stuff. Nothing is "official" yet so please keep praying. The nurse was explaining to us that all the organs must be placed first, then they will send the team out to retrieve the organs. They retrieve the heart and lungs last. They will not hesitate to stop the process if anything doesn't look good, such as a bad blood gas or bronch. Sometime during this process we will get a timeline for surgery. The time will not be exact, but just a time to shoot for. Once we get closer, then we will have a more exact time.

Please pray that all goes well.

UPDATE 2 We found out that the lungs are close so there will not be a long transport/retrieval time.

UPDATE 3 Lungs are no good


Friday, July 13, 2007 9:06 PM CDT

They tried to turn Job's oxygen down to 45again today. He was miserable. He has been very tired the past several days and seems to be getting worse. His eating is deteriating and then they turn his O2 down more. He started worrying about why he was struggling to breath. He asked to be suctioned. Then soon after asked to be suctioned again because he was having a difficult time breathing. He even lost his temper and slammed his fist into the bed and said I am tired of this.

We asked them to turn the O2 back up to 60Grandma is at the hospital and would only turn it up to 50 we are all very frustrated. I know that he will need to be weaned off the oxygen after his transplant, but isn't he miserable enough right now. Somehow his body needs that much O2. I do not understand why his pulse ox always says 100but I know how Job's body is reacting. Two weeks ago he was sitting up all the time eating really good. Yesterday, he didn't sit up at all, and hasn't for the last few days except what PT makes him. We even let him skip PT several time because he was so eshausted.

I am about to go crazy tonight. This is ridiculous. We can worry about weaning the oxygen later. I feel responsible for not explaining to the doctors more in detail his decline in activities over the last week. However, they also didn't tell me that they were going to turn down the oxygen today either. I found out when Job asked for a "breath" and I looked at the machine and it said 45



Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:49 AM CDT

Ten years ago Grandma had a dream. In the dream she was looking at a digital clock that said 7:28. Although it was shown as time on a clock, she knew that it was a date. That it meant July 28th. This dream was so powerful that she wrote it down and wondered and wondered what it could mean. That year, the date July 28th came and went with nothing significant happening. A few months later, while I was pregnant with Job, we thought about that dream again and started calculating up the possible date that he was conceived. We concluded that maybe July 28th was the date of his conception and that God must have something special prepared for this child. Several times during my pregnancy I had elders of the church lay hands on my stomach and pray for Job.

Rob and I had just started back to church in the spring of 1997 and were really excited about living for God. The months leading up to this transition was full of turmoil and grief. For years we had lived the wild, carefree lifestyle. Rob managed a liquor store for almost ten years and I worked my way through college waiting tables at hotel bar. We both made a lot of mistakes with drugs, alcohol, and even adultery. All the troubles of this lifestyle came to a head in the spring of ‘97 when we decided to get a divorce. We were separated for three weeks when a friend of ours (Steve Bradshaw) tried to get us to sit down and talk one more time before proceeding with the divorce. I remember having no feelings left for Rob. I remember thinking that there is no way that we can recover now, that we had gone too far. I remember thinking there is no way that I could ever feel anything for Rob again. I was done. I couldn’t stand him and really believed it was too late for us. I mean, I wasn’t even sad about it. I didn’t want to try to resolve things. I wanted to get a divorce. Steve kept on until he convinced us to sit down and talk with him. I can’t even remember what was said that day. I just know that God used Steve to work a miracle in our lives. Things have never been the same. That was a new beginning for us. We knew that we had to make some major changes in our lives with the main one being living for God and going to church.

I am now convinced that it doesn’t matter what you have gone through in your marriage nor how you FEEL towards your spouse, God can heal your marriage. You can recover from anything even adultery and have a wonderful, healthy marriage. It doesn’t happen over night. It takes time and it is not without consequences. Rob and I made some very strict rules with each other that we used for a long time while the trust and love were rebuilt.

A few months later I became pregnant. Rob and I would frequently read the Bible together before going to sleep. One night soon after we found out that we were having a son we started reading the book of Job. The book starts like this, “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.” Rob said that what we should name our son “Job”. He said what better namesake is there than a man the Bible calls perfect and upright. So that was it. We decided that was the name we would give our son. We prayed that he would a man of God just like his namesake. We never imagined that he would endure the suffering too.

Now, as you all know, we hang on to the verses at the end of the book of Job that say, “So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning:…and Job lived, being old and full of days. ” (Job 42:12a, 17).

As I was driving to the hospital this morning, I remembered Grandma’s dream. What if the clock signified that we will be watching and waiting and the date of 7/28 will be the date Job gets his new lungs. Just a thought that I wanted to share with you all.

God Bless,

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 9:16 AM CDT

Well this is Wednesday morning July 11, 2007. Last night Job was sick to his stomach again and threw up. He is sick again this morning and feeling weird (he said). I think it has something to do with the weaning down of some of the meds (at least the weird part). They had to give him Zofran last night and gave him riglan (sp?) this morning before he could take his meds.
His nose has been running a lot. I don’t know if he has some kind of head cold or not. He hasn’t been running a fever. So that’s good.
He has a new toy he enjoys playing with. Amy gave him a suction catheter (like we use to suction his trach with) to suction his nose since it is so thick. He changes it out himself and clears his nose out. We put it in a bag and wrote on it “Job’s Nose Control”. Someone had tried to get him to do that the other day but he didn’t want to. Now he feels like he has some control. Ha. Amy played playstation with him while he watched. I think she will be his Nurse tonight also. She is really nice.
He is finally resting, he didn’t rest very well last night. He kept tossing and turning. That may not sound like such a big deal, but, when Job needs to turn over he needs help with all of his tubing. So it takes a bit to get him fixed, then he is wide awake and has to get back to sleep. Not only does he have his two breathing tubes attached to his neck, he has a blood pressure cuff attached to his leg (sometimes an arm), a Pulse/Oxygen thingy on his toe (sometimes a finger), and five leads (wires) attached to his chest plus a central line with two tubes hanging down about a foot each from his chest .
With the tubing attached to his neck, he has to have a collar to hold the trach and everything in place. He told his Dad, “I feel like a dog on a leash”. His Dad told him, “well I’m glad that your dog house is big enough for all of us to fit in.” ha
Well I guess I’ll hush, Rob is going to be with Job today.
God is never late, He is always an “on time God”. He knows what He is doing and what He wants from all of this. I Pray that I’ll never forget that.
God Bless all of you very much,

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 10:15 AM CDT

Job's tummy was feeling much better by yesterday evening. He was even dancing in his bed while Nicole was playing some music on the computer. He still stays tired most of the time, and I hope, hope, hope that changes soon. They stopped the Ativan yesterday so that should help. They are going to decrease the Clonadine again on Friday and we are dropping the Prednisone another 5mg today. That takes him down to 40mg of Prednisone per day. I think the goal is to get him down to 25mg per day.

He baked cookies yesterday with Becky and had a water fight with them today. He really enjoyed both, but tired really easy.

Transplant coordinators came by yesterday and talked to us. They said that Job has had a bunch of offers, but none good enough yet. That is encouraging to hear some action going on in the background.

Job said the other night that he feels like a dog with his collar and leash. Rob said that at least his dog house is big enough for us all to fit into.

Whoever first wrote the science fiction stories about freakshow patients staying in glass display cages must have spent a lot of time in ICU. HA!


Monday, July 9, 2007 1:49 PM CDT

Job has been sick at his stomach the last 24 hours. We're not sure what is going on. He hasn't had a fever. They are running blood cultures to test for infections. They have stopped the Ativan, which could be causing him some discomfort after being on it so long. They are also weaning the Clonadine . So it could just be some withdrawal effects from that stuff. Hopefully that is all it is and he will get to feeling better soon.

Saturday, July 7, 2007 7:28 AM CDT

Hello to all - everything is going well here. I spent the night with Job last night, which I rarely do now that I am gainfully employed. Actually I'm averaging about one night a week, staying with Job that is. Seen there hasn't been a recent posting lately so I thought I'd give it a go. Tina won 3 tickets from the HavenHouse for the 4th of July Cardinals game. So Angel girl, her and I watched the Cards come from behind in the bottom of the eighth to beat the Arizona D'backs. After the game was over we stayed in our seats and watched the fireworks show that was going on at the river in front of the Arch.
Job seems to be doing great. No real drama the past few days thankfully. His attitude and demeanor has been like his old self, at least since I've been here the past 12 hours. We played Bookworm Adventures on the computer last night with him actually using the mouse to spell the words out which is how the game is played. I watched him play for an hour on his own. It was so great to see him engaged. We sure miss being home and all of you as well. Can't wait for this season to close and the next chapter to begin in these adventures with Job. I long for the days to see my boy running across the church yard with the rest of his friends. Thank you all for the prayers and financial support. We could not have endured the journey this far without them.

Be blessed,

Wednesday, July 4, 2007 8:46 AM CDT

Well, they were weaning the oxygen too fast for Job and he didn't like it. He quit eating and felt even more tired than normal. Around 5:00 they went back up to 50% and after a while he felt better and ate two hot dogs and 1/2 a personal Pizza.

Today is the 4th of July and everyone keeps reminding Job of that fact. I wish they would hush about it. At least he does get the day off from physical therapy and he is glad about that. The Child Life gal, Becky, said she was going to sneak him some cool stuff down from the party they are having on the 8th floor. I pray that he feels good enough to play with it.

The folks that Rob works with at Ruby Tuesday bought Job a Nintendo Advance and two games. I thought that was really nice and caring. I also found out that Windstream Communications, that where I work, held a fundraiser for us a week or so ago and it was a great success.

Thanks for the continued prayers and support.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 11:56 AM CDT

Job has been doing good. They successfully decreased his oxygen from 60o 40He hasn't really even noticed the difference. They have gradually been bumping it down over the weekend. If he continues to SAT at 100ith is O2 at 40then they will probably wean down his Prednisone a little. Right now he is on about 50mg per day.

He has still been pretty tired. Yesterday he received IVIGs which hopfully will make him feel better. He has been a good mood also, just tired. He has a good outlook on things and hasn't been sad in a while.

Thanks for your continued prayers.


Sunday, July 1, 2007 2:46 PM CDT

Job felt better yesterday. He still sleeps a lot, but he was feeling like doing a few things when he was awake. He sat in a chair and played UNO with Nicole for a few minutes. a few hours later after a nap, he got back up in a chair and exercised his legs for me a little. His reward was a foot soak. He was ready for another nap after that.

He slept really good last night. He has developed a habit of waking up at 2:30 in the morning for something to eat. He went right back to sleep after eating though. The nurse got on to him yesterday for eating too many hot dogs. She said he needs to eat a variety of food so that he can get the vitamins that he needs to be healthy. So he ate a cheeseburger for supper. HA. I think she probably meant veggies.

Rob, Nicole, and I went to church today at West County Assembly of God. It was a good service.

God Bless,

Friday, June 29, 2007 2:05 PM CDT

12:00 noon: Tina says that Mark (the awesome Nurse) stayed after work to get Job's trachs cleaned and ready. He is so good with Job (I'm sure with all of the kids he takes care of) He doesn't mind going that extra mile. He is crazy ha but Job loves him and Trusts him. He is very compassionate
Switched out with Tina. Nicole came with me but left with Tina.
1:00 p.m. gave Job a bath.
Suctioned 3 times before 4:30
4:00 jittery
4:10 Nel comes in he doesn’t feel like seeing her.
4:15 climbing the walls
Sleeping sideways in the bed with his legs in my lap
From about 5:30 until 7:00
7:00 ate ¼ hamburger with bun
7:30 needed suctioned. Coughing right out the trach.
7:37 resting again
7:48 resting
7:53 they came in to draw blood
8:05 they are through Flushed and heparin locked
8:07 they forgot one vial so they need more blood,
8:15 they are through, flushed and heparin locked
he turns over to rest
RT comes in with breathing treatment
8:25 takes more meds, Resting
8:50 they come in to tell us that they are getting the meds and that they are about to come in????
9:00 here they are just like they said
9:40 finally sleeping again
10:50 still asleep no interruptions.
10:50 another blood pressure med. Plus prod and prob. Didn’t really wake up.
10:55 gone again
12:25 still asleep
12:25 RT comes in and gives him his treatment
Nurses come in and give him another blood pressure pill
He wants a snack Petit Jean Hot dog on Wonder Bread
12:45 lays back down to sleep
1:15 needs suctioned / he gets suctioned
1:25 wants to lay sideways with feet on pillow in my lap.
2:10 My Break, he didn’t even wake up. I put the side rail up and laid his legs over it with a blanket under his legs.
4:00 Straightened him up in bed. His butt was dragging on the bed frame. The air mattress doesn’t know what to think of somebody laying sideways on it. It woke him up.
4:15 Time for another Petit Jean wiener and a slice of bread.
Says he can’t go back to sleep straight in the bed. I said that I needed to walk around a little bit. So maybe he will go back to sleep.
5:00 sideways again but sleeping good
7:00 almost shutdown I’m going to make a run.
7:15 hang on he needs to be suctioned, now time for Cinnamon Toast Crunch & Milk
7:30 Back to sleep 8:30 time for meds Changed trach collar, 9:00 time to sleep sideways again.
10:30 Nurse comes in to take his temp etc. I see him open his eyes a little bit. I told the Nurse well I guess he is going to miss the bath before I leave. His eyes pop open and he says he is ready for a bath. Ha We just barely got through before Dad came in. He got there at 11:30. Well I guess I’ll hush.
Love to all, You guys and gals are wonderful to us, A great big sooooooweee for you all.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 7:22 PM CDT

Well again Job started off a little jittery but most of the night went really well.
About 5 or 6 he was feeling jittery and they had already giving him Adivan and Bendryl but they didn’t stop the shakes. His blood pressure was up and his heart rate was high, he said that he had a headache and felt light headed. But after a little while he settled down and had a pretty good night. I just kind of watched him and let him sleep as long as he would. He has talked me into giving him a bath when I get there and just before I leave. Of course I’m there twenty-four hours. He really likes his baths. He misses being able to get in a bath tub and lay down. I held him in my lap for a little while several times. With the vent being on the same side of the bed I can just lay a pillow on the arm of the chair to help hold his legs and have him hold the vent tubes until I get settled and then he snoozes while I look at my little precious boy.
I love you all, Pray, Pray, Pray that this little boy gets his new lungs soon.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 7:55 PM CDT

Since Job will not be allowed to leave his room, they have compensated by moving him to a room with a view. He is in room 16 now. Rather than looking at the parking deck and the side of the other hospital, we now overlook the park and zoo. We can see far into the horizon...trees and skyscapers in the distance. It is beautiful. Job was happy that we moved.

Job had been having a lot of trouble with tremors over the past few days. We have decided to stop the antidepressants because we are pretty convinced that is what is causing it. He can't sleep. He can't rest. Tey are cutting the dose in half for four days ten stopping it all together. Its just an additional med that he doesn't need.

He finally got his hair cut. It looks really good. It had gotten so long, I tried to alway throw his hat on him whenever I snapped his photo or at least try to wet his hair down because it would usually stand straight up in the middle like a mohawk.

Please say a prayer that the tremors will stop and that he will get to feeling better. Please, please pray for God to provide these lungs quickly.


Monday, June 25, 2007 12:25 AM CDT

Dr. “rounds” are supposed to be from 7:30 a.m.- 10:30 a.m. at which time the unit is on lockdown. If you are in the room you can’t go to the bathroom or you won’t be able to get back into the unit/room. We schedule our switch for 11:00 because of their schedule. Nicole and I got to the hospital at 11:00 and they won’t let us in. They didn’t open the doors until 11:30. It isn’t so bad on that side, but when I’m in the room and needing to go to the bathroom it’s hard enough to wait three hours. Then to be told after three hours of holding it that you still have to wait another hour. I think it is a mental thing. Like your not thirsty until the water is out, then that is all you can think about.

Job likes sitting on the side of the bed. He asked several times to sit on the edge of the bed. Which he did.
He played Uno with Nicole, I don’t know who won.
He didn’t eat as much today as I had hoped. He ate an individual serving box of cereal with milk this morning. ½ cheeseburger at lunch, and ½ cheeseburger for dinner. Oh yeah he ate a Petit Jean Weiner in there somewhere. Drank a little Sprite (he wanted a Mt. Dew but we couldn’t get one).

5:45 Job is sad about being sick. He says he can’t remember how this particular journey got started. He said it seems like a dream and then he changed it to a nightmare.
Says his chest hurts. He says that he just wants to go to sleep and rest but that he can’t get to sleep. I asked the Nurse if Job can have some Bendryl.
6:10 Job is asleep, 6:11 RT comes in wakes Job up for his treatment.
8:45 Job is asleep again, 8:50 Nurse comes in with all of his night meds, Wakes Job up.
9:10 Job gets back to sleep, 9:12 some girl comes in to look at his central line and starts talking to him
9:35 Job is anxious and shaky and scared. Asked me to pray. His chest hurts. Heart rate got to 187 the alarm going off. The Nurse says (while standing at the foot of Job’s bed) “Well he has to be aware of his mortality, seeing where he is at and all that is going on around him”. What the HECK was that said for? Very nice Nurse I just Don’t know why she said that. Job isn’t stupid he knows to much about his “mortality” especially for a nine year old.
Nurse gives him Bendryl.
10:00 Job is sleeping. The Nurse put a sign on the door to not disturb Job for at least four hours. (2:00 a.m.)
it’s 11:25 Job woke up and asked for a wet wash-cloth for his head and went back to sleep.
12:00 Midnight, Job wakes up needs to potty, goes right back to sleep.
2:15 Job woke up and wants some cinnamon toast crunch cereal but no one can find any milk, even though he had ask for some seven hours ago and they had said that they would order it for him. Shift Change so pass the buck. The Nurse finally found him some skim milk so he could have his cereal.
This morning he ate some cinnamon toast crunch cereal, with real milk.
The Doctors said that Job wouldn’t be able to get out of the room because they don’t let kids with such high vent settings out on portable vents. But they did agree to move the vent on the other side of the bed like Job suggested.
His tummy is hurting again but it is two hours before he can have anything else.
May God Bless all of you for keeping us in your Prayers.

p.s. I had this in word and had wondered if I should post it. I guess Tina saw it and thought she would post it for me. I was rattling on so, it sounded kind of nuts-so.
I did get Job to laugh though. I asked him if I ran out into the hall screaming "we need milk" if we could get some. Then I said if I got on my knees and and said, "please could we have some milk" if it would help. He said that they would take me to the looney bin. ha The Night Nurse had brought him some skim milk which I didn't tell him it was skim milk and he didn't notice.The day Nurse found us some milk. she had to try several places but she brought Job some milk for his cereal. We were just being silly not that we were so desperate for milk.I enjoyed seeing him laugh.
Love to all,

Friday, June 22, 2007 4:06 AM CDT

Job had a rough day. From noon until eight-thirty p.m. anyway. He kept needing to be suctioned. It would make him cough really hard and was just wearing him out. Finally he told me that his trach needed changing because it felt like it had a plug in it. I told the Nurse and she got things buzzing. Job said that he wanted Mark to be the one to change it. So after finding out how to sterilize a trach etc. they proceded to change it. I was glad that Tina and Rob had come to get Nicole so they were here also. Everything went fine they got it switched and Job said he could breath better. Through all of it his attitude remained tiptop. He hasn’t had to be suctioned again and it is 3:35 in the morning and they changed it at about 9:00 p.m. I think. He has been sleeping very well. He woke up about thirty minutes ago to potty and then wanted a couple of Petit Jean Weiners and a little bit to drink then went back to sleep.

Florence, I want to apologize for making you think that Job was up-set that the package didn’t arrive on Tuesday. He has been in such a good mood lately. When he found out that they wouldn’t be here until the next day he just started counting the hours. He would ask me how much longer every time he would wake up, but kind of silly like. You have nothing to be sorry about. He was so happy about getting them and the Pokemon Cards as well. We all love you very much.

Everybody, everytime you go by Wye Mt. Store stop in and buy a sausage biscuit. Tell Elizabeth that your eating it in honor of Job. Bless her with news also. She doesn’t have a computer where she can keep up with his progress.

We love you all and want to thank you again for all of your prayers. They are working. I always knew they were but it is so good to see some things turning around. We still have a long road ahead of us so continue to pray for his health. Lungs, legs, strength, eyes. If God puts it on your heart pray for it.

God Bless Each and every one of you,

It is 5:50 in the morning and Job has three Lady Nurses in here playing Uno with him. They can’t believe that this is the same boy that they have been taking care of. He is so UP & smiling.

Thursday, June 21, 2007 0:42 AM CDT


Job is feeling the best he has felt since this all began. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all your prayers, because I know God is blessing us. We are finally getting to see Job again. His sweet, sweet personality is shining through all of this other stuff. He is smiling and laughing and cutting up. He even played UNO with Nicole today sitting on the side of the bed (see the photo). You just don’t know how big of a deal that is. He would hardly do anything but sleep and he ASKED to sit on the edge of the bed and play cards with Nicole. He played twice about thirty minutes each time this evening with her after sitting up with OT this afternoon for a half hour.

It is just so wonderful to see his smiling face again. I have missed him so.

Thanks for Florence, Job got some special treats today. She shipped him some of the wonderful Wye Mt. sausage biscuits that he loves so and also some Petit Jean Cedar Falls hot dogs. He couldn’t wait until they got here. He has ate two biscuits and three hot dogs already.

Job says, “Thanks for your prayers.”


Wednesday, June 20, 2007 6:42 PM CDT

Job got his Wye Mt. Sausage Biscuits and Cedar Falls Wieners / Petit Jean Weiners. He was disappointed that they didn’t come yesterday. All through the night last night he would wake up and ask me what time it was and how much longer until the Package would be here. He ate a sausage biscuit right away. I want to thank Elizabeth of Wye Mt. Store and Florence Rappold VERY MUCH for Making this little boys day. He doesn’t get excited about very much. He was also very excited about the Pokemon Cards Florence sent.
He has been in a good mood for a few days now and it is wonderful. He smiles and acts silly sometimes, very refreshing. The sad times are very tough. There is nothing you can do or say to cheer him up. Talking about happier times only makes him more sad. He still doesn’t have a lot of energy. Physical Therapy wears him out so easily. He still can’t stand on his own. He can sit alone quite well and for a good bit of time. But his legs are very weak. Please Pray for his legs to get stronger and to be straight. His arms are pretty strong comparatively.
Sorry that we skip days between updates. I’ll try to do better. I know that I would want news even if it was a sentence or two of an update.
We love you all very much.

Monday, June 18, 2007 10:05 PM CDT

UPDATE: Job got the NG tube out this morning (the tube in his nose). Since he has been eating and drinking so well, they agreed to take it out as long as he takes his meds okay. We all know that Job is an expert at taking meds. YIPEE!!! He is very happy to have his nose and throat back. I will post a new photo soon.

Nicole and I got all dressed up for church last night and when we got there, the parking lot was empty. I had checked and found out that their evening service was at 6:30, but I guess it was dismissed due to Father's Day. So we went to Wal-Mart and bought her some new shoes, and then to the movies and saw Shrek the Third. She had already seen the movie, but I hadn't and I wanted to catch it before it left the theaters. We had a good time. We found a beautiful mall with a theater inside. All the shops were closed because it was Sunday evening, but it was still a cool place. We are definitely going back there and doing some window shopping.

Job has been in such a good mood. It is so great. He still sleeps a lot and doesn't want to do anything, but at least he is smiling and cutting up a bit. That is so much better.

I know that we have started it antidepressents, but they aren't what's helping because we just began those and we were seeing these improvements before. I am convinced that it is that crazy patch that we have been battling for a while now. They change it to an oral medicine last week, and look at Job now. That is really all that we have changed and he is smiling and happy (relatively). It is great. I can't wait until he actually feels like doing something. He still gets the Adivan 4 times per day and I know that keeps him sleepy, but he may still need it for his high CO2 levels which cause anxiety. However, his last CO2 (vainous) was 80. That is FANTASTIC for Job.

Anyway, I am just holding my breath, waiting by the phone for the "call" that we have lungs. Hopefully it will be SOON.

God Bless,

Sunday, June 17, 2007 7:05 AM CDT

Job had a very good night. He is eating good and has a very good attitude. He had trouble getting to sleep, he would just dose in and out. Bendryl took care of that. He went to sleep after taking Bendryl at 2:00 a.m. and slept until 6:00 a.m. when he was hungry and wanted some Fruity Pebbles and milk. Then he went back to sleep.
Tonight he had awesome Nurses, Mark & Jeremy. Since we started this journey we have seen some wonderful hospital staff. Nurses, Respiratory & Main Doctors. But the Nurses are the ones we see the most and although you do get a nut-case every once in a while, most of the Nurses are very compassionate and experienced. Here at St. Louis we have Mark, Jeremy, Amy, Kim, Mary, another Kim and Rachel. I know that I left someone out but it is early in the morning. I would like to thank each one of them individually, everyone that has been so patient, compassionate, and loving to Job through this journey, from 2002 – 2007 Wonderful People at:
Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock, AR.
The Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, TX.
Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, TX.
Children’s Hospital in St.Louis, Missouri
Wonderful people in all of those hospitals and I wish I could let them each know how much we appreciate all that they do and have done.
We Love You All,

Saturday, June 16, 2007 9:38 AM CDT

It has been a quiet couple of days around here. Thankfully no drama. Job has been eating good and has been it a better mood also. We did start him on antidepressant medicine last night, but it will take several weeks before it really begins to help him.

Nicole had about four inches cut off her hair. She like it and says that it is much cooler. She is having a good time being here and spending time with Job.

Hopefully, the God will provide lungs soon and we can begin the healing process.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 8:17 PM CDT

Today was a good day. Job sat in a chair for a little while for the first time since we have been in St. Louis. He watched Nicole play Game Cube for several hours today. He also ate really well. The dietician says that he has really ate well the last couple of days. We are continuing to count calories for the rest of the day and will decide tomorrow whether or not the tube feeds should be started up again.

All of the kedney tests that have come back so far have been good. His swelling has gone down so well that his hands and feet look normal now.

He has had a few offers for lungs, but the transplant staff have rejected them all so far. However, it is exciting to me to have some offers. Dr. Sweet, which is Job's primary transplant doctor was also encouraged that Job's name has been coming up for offers.

He had his photo taken today to be used in a presentation as an example of a child waiting on a lung transplant. The presentation will be to encourage organ donations via the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS).

God Bless,

Tuesday, June 12, 2007 4:17 PM CDT

Read New Update at bottom of page

I put this on the guestbook but I felt strongly that I should've put it here so now it is on here twice.

Job was depressed this afternoon. He was saying again that he was tired of Hospitals and being sick. He said that he was afraid that he was going to Heaven. I tried to talk to him as best as I could without crying and making it worse.
I told him that is wasn't his time to go to heaven yet. I told him that when his time came to go to Heaven he wouldn't be afraid. With so many children dying around him it is hard to keep the faith that "not Job" I keep repeating Psalm 91. I know that God is no respecter of persons and that God doesn't love Job any more or any less than the other children. But I also know that God has different plans for each of us. Therefore I will continue to believe Psalm 91 for Job Harrison Mccully.

Psa 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psa 91:2 I will say of the LORD, [He is] my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Psa 91:3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, [and] from the noisome pestilence.
Psa 91:4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth [shall be thy] shield and buckler.
Psa 91:5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; [nor] for the arrow [that] flieth by day;
Psa 91:6 [Nor] for the pestilence [that] walketh in darkness; [nor] for the destruction [that] wasteth at noonday.
Psa 91:7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; [but] it shall not come nigh thee.
Psa 91:8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Psa 91:9 Because thou hast made the LORD, [which is] my refuge, [even] the most High, thy habitation;
Psa 91:10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
Psa 91:11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
Psa 91:12 They shall bear thee up in [their] hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Psa 91:13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
Psa 91:14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
Psa 91:15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I [will be] with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
Psa 91:16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

UPDATE 7:45 p.m.: This evening Job was feeling good even acting silly & cute. So much different than earlier. Thank you Jesus and thank you Prayer Warriors.

Monday, June 11, 2007 11:52 AM CDT

Thanks for all the prayers and encouraging words. I do feel better today. We also got clearance to have the computer in Job's room. I am really glad for that. So here I am sitting beside Job posting an update. Praise the Lord.

I posted the address to the Haven House above. I also posted our home address. A friend of ours is picking up our mail and sending it to us, so we'll get it that way too.

Our little dog Gracy had to stay back home with the Dillingers. I wish we could have brought her with us, but neither the HH and nor the RMH allow pets. We were able to view the AWE videos just fine. THanks.

Tomorrow, Job will have a psych evaluation tomorrow because his depression. We are hoping to get him on maybe some antidepressents to help him some. Nicole being here is helping a bunch. He enjoys watching her play video games, but that is about all he does for enjoyment besides eat. He is eating pretty good so far. Maybe we will not have to start the feeds again.

We had dinner with some old friends of ours last night. They lived in the apartment above us in Conway, Arkansas 13 years ago when I was pregnant with Nicole and Kim was pregnant with Kayle. The girls were born three weeks apart. It was really good to visit with them.


Sunday, June 10, 2007 12:48 AM CDT

Job's kidneys aren't functioning exactly properly anymore. They have also put him on high blood pressure medicine. He has a lot of trouble with his stomach hurting so they gave him a two day trial of eating on his own without any feeds. They are counting calories and will decide tomorrow if he is eating enough to leave the formula out of his diet.

Rob is at work and Nicole and Grandma are at the hospital with Job. I didn't even want to get out of bed today. It took all the energy that I had just to get dressed and walk over here to the computer lab. I've only been in St. Louis a week and I am so tired of being here. I definitely feel more isolated since our communication is very limited with our friends and family. I am sick of hospitals and doctors and medicines. Everything is just trial and error and miscommunications. Thank God that we are depending on him rather than medical plans and potions. Everytime I feel frustrated with the way things are going I remind myself that we are depending on God not on respiratory therapist and nurses. We are depending on God, not on hospitals or transplant programs. We are depending on God, not on doctors and medicines. God is the only one that can deliver us from our affliction. God is the only one that can provide Job deliverance from his bondage and torment. God is the only one that can restore Job's health.

Johnathan Prado passed away on Friday. Please pray for his family. The link to his website is below.


Friday, June 8, 2007 12:32 AM CDT

Hey all. Nicole and I are just hanging out at the computer lab at the Haven House (HH). Rob is at work. Yeah, that's right, ROB'S AT WORK! He started at Ruby Tuesday today. It's located right next door to the HH. It will help him keep busy and bring in a few dollars. Grandma's at the hospital with Job today. She said everything is going fine. He ate a good breakfast and even helped order his food for the rest of the day. Usually he just tells us to order him whatever.

The Dr. decreased his Prednisone to 24mg twice a day yesterday. He said he wants to get him down to 24mg once per day, but will probably wait a while before decreasing it again.

Job got a visit from a dalmation yesterday. She sat on the foot of Job's bed and licked his hands. He loved it. She is coming back on Monday and her owner said she would make sure and bring her back by Job's room.

God Bless,

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 9:11 PM CDT

I finally got the pictures uploaded! We are now partly in no less than three (or four depending on how you count them) houses with our ongoing transition to Michigan. Needless to say, our stuff is scattered, making simple things, like uploading photos, very complicated. Anyway, they're out there now, so take a peek!


Wednesday, June 6, 2007 7:04 PM CDT

Well, there's not much to report, but I guess that is something to report by itself. Job hasn't had any anxiety over the last day or so and that's very good. He ate a full bowl of cereal this morning. He's still really swollen from the heavy steroids and they also affect his mood so just pray for the side effects to be easier on him than they have been. More updates when I get any information.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 10:45 AM CDT

Hey all. I still haven't found a good routine for updating the website, but I'm working on that. The PICU here at St. Louis Children's Hospital (STCH) does not allow cell phones or laptop computers in the rooms and does not even have a room phone to use. Having the laptop in the room sure helped us keep our sanity during the long hospital days, but we'll have to find other things to pass the time. The PICU does not have a parent bed in the room

Job probably feels like he is getting more air on this vent because they increased his PEEP from 6 to 10. Remember that is the amount of air remaining in the lungs after exhale. When he was initially intubated, his PEEP was 15, which is an extremely high number from what I understand. An average person, with normal breathing usually has a PEEP of 5 naturally.

Job's CO2s are still running around 106 on average, however it did jump to 165 after he first got here. That is probably why they put him back on 100mg of Prednisone per day again. Yes, you heard me right 100mg of Prednisone per day. They did say that they never intended to leave him on that much and plan to start weaning it soon. Even at that dosage, he is still actively waiting for lungs to become available.

The hospital here has a Progressive Care Unit (PCU), but they told us not to expect to be transfered there. I believe Job's CO2 levels will keep us in PICU until they improve or he gets his transplant.

God Bless,

Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:42 AM CDT

Tony and I have finally made it back to Michigan (as of 4:30 this morning) and I wanted to post an update while I was thinking about it.

We got to see Job yesterday!!!! I loved being able to see him, but it sure is hard to see how tough the little fellow has it. On the bad side, his little face is swollen from the steroids and he has a bit of a mustache (this happened in San Antonio with the BMT). He can't talk but he can move his lips slowly enough that it's not that difficult to understand him. They have to snake a long tube down his trach to suction it out and that was very hard to watch. On the bright side, he ate almost an entire hot dog (with bun) and it was hilarious. I wasn't holding it so that he could get a big enough bite, so he took it and...well...attacked it. He also drank an entire container of juice and was working on some punch when I finally had to leave. I don't think he's been eating much lately, so it was great to see him enjoy that so much. Also, he is officially active for transplantation now! He's on the same type vent that he was on at ACH and his anxiety is gone (according to Dad), so it seems that the vent at TCH wasn't doing something right for him (just a guess). He's in room 8 in PICU by the way. They don't have a bed in the room (just a couple of chairs), so Rob was completely exhausted (I could tell because he got the giggles a couple of times and it was really cute).

Mom, Tina and Nicole FINALLY arrived a bit after 8pm (we had been there since 5:30 and since it was just a stop in the middle of an 11 hour drive, we were having to get ready to leave). They were getting set up at the Haven House and there was a lot of paperwork to do. The bad thing about the Haven House is that it's $25 a day, but the great thing is that it has a private bathroom and they provide two hot meals a day. Anyway, all that added up to the bizarre situation of me getting to finally see Mom and then having to leave 15 minutes later! I was very glad that I got to get my long visit in with Job though because I knew that when Mom, Sis and Grandma got there after being away from him for so many days, they would be itching to see their boy. I had to leave pretty quickly anyway because I had to help Tony find the rats that got loose in the car (for those of you who know me, this won't surprise you because things like this just happen to me, ha).

Also, the CO2 machine went off a LOT because it beeped everytime he went over 99, but it didn't hover over 99. Rob said that the machine was not very accurate though and that to get a true reading, they had to do an ABG(?) test so I don't know the official reading becuase they didn't do a test while I was there.

Hopefully I didn't ramble too much (long long long day yesterday and no sleep to speak of yet), but I wanted to tell everything I knew. Keep your prayers coming because he's in a serious and scary place, but with God's blessings, he will come through this like he has with all his other trials. I'll post the pictures of him eating his hot dog sometime today so you all can see it.

Aunt Tammy

Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:49 AM CDT

Whew, we finally got our family back together. Everything is going fine. We are staying at the Haven House right now. The apartment fell through and we were scrambling on Friday to find somewhere to stay. The Haven House is nice, but it is more expensive ($25/day) and about 15 miles away from the hospital. It does serve two meals per day and has a gym so that's cool.

We are have a time with internet service. We are not allowed to use the computer in the PICU room and the wireless signal in our room at Haven House is very poor. They do have a computer lab though and the internet works great there.

Rob and Job were very glad to see us yesterday. I am so glad we finally got here and settled.

We are looking for a church to go to this morning. We just searched on the internet and found one.


Friday, June 1, 2007 9:36 AM CDT

OK, we have an electronic gremlin afoot!! I wrote a long update yesterday and when I checked it this morning, the old update was in the journal history AND on the front page. Without boring you with the details of computers crashing, cell phone blackout periods, and electronic gremlins, I'll get right to the point.

Job's CO2 was up to 130 on Wednesday, so they gave him trebutyline but then stopped it because it wasn't working and are trying him on another steroid. It was 111 on Thursday morning and 106 last night so it's coming down but it's still extremely high. They also had to give him IVIG's for the first time in years (I think I have the timeline right). Tina suspects that the cellcept medication they had him on lowered his immune system too much which caused them to give him the IVIG's. He had to have surgery yesterday morning to put in a Broviac (Tina spelled it for me but I've lost my note pages since I thought I'd already posted all of this) central line because his port suddenly stopped working after five years of fairly reliable service. The doctors and nurses were surprised that it lasted that long, so its failure is not that big a surprise, just funky timing. They'll have to do another surgery to install a new port at some point, but he would've had to have had the central line installed before his transplant anyway. The port's malfunction just moved up the timeline. He came through the surgery just fine, thank God.

He is still on hold for the transplant pending the doctors' evaluation. UPDATE: I just called Tina to get a followup and she said that they're doing the paperwork to get him active and back on the list TODAY. Also, his hemoglobin was only 6.7 so they have to give him blood too. His anxiety and shaking have been much better lately and that's a huge relief.

Nicole had her graduation last night and her last ballgame today, so Mom, Tina and Nicole are heading out to St. Louis first thing in the morning. I'm heading back to Michigan (my new job) with Tony (my son)tomorrow and am going to get to "swing by" St. Louis on the way. I'm very excited to get to see them again and since St. Louis is only about 350 miles from St. Joseph MI, I will get to see them much more often than if they were still in Houston. I had a dream about Mom last night and she was about 27 and beautiful with long chestnut hair, so I guess I'm missing my Mama more than I even thought! LOL

Ok, I'm going to try to post this one more time and it had better work this time because I know everyone is very concerned about Job's progress.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 4:25 PM CDT


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:54 AM CDT

Papa Eagle has landed with Baby Eagle in St. Louis and everything is going great so far! We were much more concerned about Job making it through the flight than I think anyone let on, but everything went great! More news later (when I get some myself).


p.s. Mom just called and said that they were approved for a RMH apartment! No details on the setup, but presumably it will be better than just the one room at the RMH (not that they weren't very grateful for that, but it's amazing how much you take a private bathroom for granted).

Tuesday, May 29, 2007 4:25 PM CDT


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:54 AM CDT

Papa Eagle has landed with Baby Eagle in St. Louis and everything is going great so far! We were much more concerned about Job making it through the flight than I think anyone let on, but everything went great! More news later (when I get some myself).


p.s. Mom just called and said that they were approved for a RMH apartment! No details on the setup, but presumably it will be better than just the one room at the RMH (not that they weren't very grateful for that, but it's amazing how much you take a private bathroom for granted).

Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:54 AM CDT

Papa Eagle has landed with Baby Eagle in St. Louis and everything is going great so far! We were much more concerned about Job making it through the flight than I think anyone let on, but everything went great! More news later (when I get some myself).


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 5:28 AM CDT

Job had a pretty good night. He was asking for breaths at first. RT and the Nurse suctioned him good with saline and cleared him out. The Nurse gave him a bath, benadryl, & Adivan. He slept pretty good through-out the night. This morning they suctioned him again so he could breathe as well as possible for the trip.
They stopped his feeds at midnight. They have him on an iv drip to keep him hydrated.
He was asking for a drink of water this morning and I couldn't give him one but I gave him a small ice chip.
I'll try to add more before they leave.
Praying and believing for a safe journey.
Love in Christ,

Monday, May 28, 2007 7:19 AM CDT

Last night Job didn't sleep well. He kept wanting "breaths". I talked to the Nurse about us giving him too many breaths and she said it wasn't the minute breaths that we give him that cause his co2 to go up. She said a person with COPD couldn't be put on high oxygen for long periods of time because it would damage their lungs. Then I talked to a Dr."white Coat person" She was listening to Job and I ask her, and she basically said the same thing. she said I should talk to a Pulmonary Doctor. It is hard to listen to him beg for just a breath of air. He is on 65 percent oxygen now. His co2 went from 117 to in the 90s. So it came down a little during the night. (The Nurse just said it was in the 90s.)
We are supposed to leave in the morning for St.Louis so Pray that nothing goes haywire and keeps us here. I'm ready for this little boy to get his new lungs and be able to breath freely. I know what that means, but so does God. He could still miraculously heal Jobs lungs and we wouldn't have to go that route. But if that is the route we are to take, then I pray for that family in their crisis
and I'll be very thankful for their decision to donate the lungs. It's sad anyway you look at it.
Well Tina is going to be here in a minute so I had better get my stuff together.
Lots of Love, Keep bombarding heaven with your prayers.

Dr. Elidemir just left and said that we are still on go for tomorrow. He increased his Adivan back to 4 times per day (at my request) and also wrote to give him an IV dose inbetween if needed. That is good, because it is so difficult when he just lays over there and begs for oxygen all the time.

Dr. Elidemir also said that Job's lungs are very sick and we must just hope that he is able to get a transplant quickly because he is running out of time. He said the transport is very risky too, and there is a chance that something could go terribly wrong in transport. Those aren't his exact words, but you get the point. He did say that there is not much else they can do on Job's vent to help him. Job just needs this transplant ASAP.

Please pray for him, PLEASE!

Sunday, May 27, 2007 7:37 AM CDT

WOW have we had a tough night. Job felt like he couldn't catch his breath all night long even though his numbers were okay. This morning his CO2 was 121. I wasn't surprised at all. Please pray that we can get his CO2 down. They have given him extra Adivan to help him relax, but he still begs for breath every time he wakes up even a little bit.

Dear Lord, please bring his CO2 down, please help him rest.


Saturday, May 26, 2007 8:16 PM CDT

Job had a good day. Didn't have much of an appetite but he did eat a little. He ate a few bites of chicken and mashed potatoes for lunch. He ate a few bites of potatoes for dinner and then had a go-gurt. His tummy was hurting a couple of different times today. Then about seven o'clock he started scratching and I asked him if he was itching enough to need Benadryl and of course he said yes. The Nurse gave him some Benadryl, so I thought now he is going to get sleepy and he hasn't had a bath yet. So I asked him if he wanted a bath and he said yes, (I was going to give him one anyway ha). So I gave him a good bath and it wasn't ten minutes until he was sound asleep. He is resting good.
He had a pretty good workout with PT today also.
He was asking me how many days until we leave for St. Louis.
Your prayer are working, no infections found, all results were negative. Your Prayers are working in so many ways. We can't see the results in all of them but God is holding Job in the plam of His hand. God is in control.
Love to all,

Please pray for John Prado. He is in great need of prayer right now. www.caringbridge.org/ar/johnathanp/

Friday, May 25, 2007 6:42 PM CDT

Quiet day today. All cultures are negative so far and retnas and kidneys tests were good. Job had good PT and has rested quietly the rest of the day. Job's CO2 is back down in the 90s, which is still high, but down from 116 and not continuing to go up.

We are on go for St. Louis on Tues. I hear that the transport has been arranged for 8:00. The most exciting thing about next week is seeing Nicole and having our family back together finally.


Thursday, May 24, 2007 4:47 PM CDT

Job is having a difficult time today. His white count is high (30,000) and so they believe he has an infection of some sort and have began antibiotics. His CO2 is 116 and his pPeak(air pressure) is really high, in the 60s. They are changing the vent to the one he was on before. They are also going to do various tests on his kidneys and retnas to identify if the aspergillus has spread. They gave him cellcept last week and it suppressed his immune system so he has a higher risk for infection and such.

Please pray that God will keep him safe and heal him from any infection that he may have obtained.


Job slept pretty good last night. it's 6:15 a.m. He likes to hold my hand while he sleeps. He had to be suctioned once they said that they got quite a bit of stuff. nothing else going on right now.
Love to all,


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:48 PM CDT

I'm sitting up with Job tonight. Well, I should probably be sleeping but I am not the least bit sleepy. I was just sitting here in the dark, with the only light coming from the hallway and the light of my computer monitor. I was writing up some thank you notes to some of the staff here at Texas Children's Hospital that have touched our lives. It is kind of sad to go to St. Louis. We have really made some connections with people here. We will miss Bud, and Earl, the Zalewski's, and the Laurents'. Bill Laurents still owes Job a fishing trip so we'll definitely have to come back for that some time. We also really appreciate how much the Sagemont and the Braeswood churches reached out to us and continued to come to Job's room and pray for him.

We must now travel to a new city and meet new people. I was really hoping that we would be able to stay in Houston for the transplant, but it just wasn't meant to be. It looks like Rob will not be able to attend Nicole's 6th grade graduation afterall. If we are scheduled to transport on Tuesday and her graduation is on Thursday, we just can't see how we could get him there. The plan now is that Grandma and I will leave on Tuesday to drive home with all of our things. Rob will fly to St. Louis with Job. Grandma and I will stay home with Nicole until after her graduation and last softball game. We will then all three head to St. Louis on June 2nd. Maybe we'll think of something between now and then.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:16 PM CDT

Well we're officially St. Louis bound. Since we are going into a holiday weekend, Dr. Elidimer's recommendation is that we schedule transport for Tuesday. That way we will have full staff when we get there. That gives us some time to get things arranged I guess.

Thanks for everyone's prayers.

God Bless,

Monday, May 21, 2007 5:59 PM CDT

First, let me start by saying Job had a great day. He completed an hour of physical therapy this morning and another hour this afternoon. His legs are getting stronger. He will be able to stand on his own very soon. He also wanted some Popeye's so Dad made a run. He ate some mashed potatoes and an entire chicken leg (minus the bone). He also ate a couple of popsicles earlier. He hasn't complained of being out of breath all day, not even during PT!!!

Dr. Elidemir came in around 2:00 and said that St. Louis was still getting their records together about Job and expected to hear from them by Wed. He then told me that they may have another surgeon here. A heart surgeon that has helped them with lung transplants in the past in considering the position. He is suppose to let them know his decision by Wed. If he accepts the position then they will be back up to full staff here and therefore would be able to handle Job's transplant afterall. Yes, it is crazy. It took me a minute to put the breaks on my mind. I had been thinking full speed that we were moving to St. Louis in just a few days. Now it looks like we could be staying here. WOW, things sure change fast from one day to the next.

Looks like we will continue to be in limbo until Wednesday. We did move back into the RMH yesterday. We are in room 14 this time.

Friday, May 18, 2007 8:05 PM CDT

It sounds like although we are ready to go down here, St. Louis has a few more papers to file first. It will probably be Wednesday or so before we leave. It would be nice to know a date so we could plan accordingly, but we are not going to have that lesiure. Oh well, no big deal I suppose they have plenty of hotels for us to stay somewhere once we get there. We have accumulated more than one car load of stuff while we were here so we are getting a tow ball put on our car tomorrow and then we can rent a small U-Haul trailer to help us move everything from here to there.

I think the plan is for Rob to ride in the jet with Job and Grandma and I to drive. We will probably go home first and regroup and then head up to St. Louis. I hear that Ark. Medicaid is going to pay for the transport afterall. It makes sense that they would.

Although Job was "listed" yesterday it is on hold. On hold meaning that even if lungs became available this weekend in Houston he wouldn't get them because we do not have a surgeon. But, afterall, that is the very reason we are being sent to St. Louis. He will still accumulate the time though.


Job had a good day today. He was nauseous and his tummy was hurting this morning. They gave him some Zofran and stopped his feeds. Then about thirty minutes later Physical Therapy came in and got him moving around. He almost put on his pants all by himself. He got one leg in and then Mark (PT) had to help him with the other leg, then Job had to turn from side to side tying to pull them up and raising his heiney up. It is so hard for him to do anything, he just doesn’t have enough breath or strength. You can tell on the video of him playing catch with PT that he can’t stand up yet.
He got to get out of his room and into the hall for about two hours. Physical Therapy played catch with him to exercise his arms and then had him kicking the ball to exercise his legs. They exercised him for about thirty minutes. Then he sat in the wheel chair watching every body pass by for an hour and a half. He ate a pop-scicle and a half and for supper he ate some fried chicken. He was in a good mood all day. About six o’clock he started wanting to sleep. He wanted me to set beside him and hold his hands while he slept. Mom (Tina) traded out with me about eight-thirty. Job would have still been asleep except the Nurse said that he needed suctioned. So he was sad when I left. He is always sad when we switch out no matter who’s leaving or who’s coming. But it only takes less than ten minutes for the next one to get to him and then he is fine until next time.
Well I guess I’ll sign off, take my bath, read my Bible, say my prayers, and go to bed.
Tell next time, Keep Praying, OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!
Love, Grandma

Friday, May 18, 2007 11:42 AM CDT

Dr. Elidemir came in this morning and confirmed that everything was approved for the transfer. He said he could even send us today, but he doesn't like to send patients on Friday because the weekend doesn't carry full staff. So we will be going on Monday or Tuesday. He said he was working on getting the transport arranged.

Thanks for everyone's prayers regarding this matter. Job has been eating a small amout of food regularly for the last couple of days. For example, for a meal he will eat two cracker stackers from a lunchable. He also eats several popcicles thoughtout the day. We are really excited that he is getting his appitite back.


Thursday, May 17, 2007 1:37 PM CDT

Insurance has approved the transfer. We just need to figure out how to pay for transport. Health Advantage only pays $1,000 per year for transport. Arkansas Medicaid paid for the transport from Little Rock to Houston, but our case manager says since Arkansas is not in the equation she is unsure if Ark. Medicaid will pay for it. Please pray for transport expense to be took care of somehow. I am sure it is quite expensive. Please pray for this, but especially pray that Job will be safe and travel will be smooth and uneventful.


Thursday, May 17, 2007 1:13 PM CDT

Job is being listed for lung transplant TODAY!!!

The doctor said Job was already approved and there was no reason to wait until Monday. He is listing him today, MAY 17th.

Everything except the insurance is in place for us to go to St. Louis. Once the insurance is setup, we could leave the next day. There is no way to know how long this will take, but Dr. Elidemir hopes that it is early next week.


Thursday, May 17, 2007 10:08 AM CDT

St. Louis has agreed to accept Job as a patient. Job would be the only child of his size and blood type waiting for transplant there. The doctor is sending them his medical records today and working on getting the insurance approval. The hospital is out of our network, but so is this one. They will need to get insurance clearance before we are transported, but I don't think it will be a problem once the situation is explained.

Dr. E did say something about it could happen as early as tomorrow, but will probably be Monday or Tuesday. At first I was thinking he was referring to processing all the paperwork, but now I wonder if he was talking about Job's transport? He is coming back this afternoon and I'll ask him then.

God Bless,

Thursday, May 17, 2007 7:53 AM CDT

Job had a good night, he didn’t sleep that much but no drama.
He ate a whole lunchable. It took him three trys but he ate the whole thing. He ate two crackers each with meat and cheese at three different times during the night.
He said he was itching at 4:00 a.m. and the Nurse gave him some benadryl. He slept from then until 6:00 a.m. and he had to be suctioned. After that he went back to sleep and is still resting. No changes in meds or anything that I’m aware of.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:56 PM CDT

Dr. Elidemir, our transplant doctor just left. There is a situation here with the hospital staff that has caused the odds of Job receiving a donor lung from the area to grow dramatically. With all that has happened with Job over the past week, Dr. Elidemir recommends that we pursue a transfer to St. Louis. He believes that Job is in too critical of a situation to wait for a long period of time for transplant. Of course, with that said, it is all in God's hands. Who knows when a donor lung will become available and where. However, as we have continued to pray that Job's doctors are given the wisdom to handle Job's case, we must believe that he has done just that. I asked him if that was what he was recommending, that we transfer to St. Louis and he hesitated and said, "if it were my son, I would."

He is contacting St. Louis and finding out some key facts and will meet with us on Friday to discuss his findings. Some questions he will be asking are: (1) how many kids in Job's category are currently listed, (2) what is estimated wait time for Job, and (3) would they accept Job as a patient.

The whole process will probably take a few weeks. In any case, they plan to list him for transplant on Monday (May 21st) and any time accumulated with transfer with him. Meaning if he is listed for one month when we transfer, he will still have one month under his belt in St. Louis. Kids under 12 are transplanted on a first listed, first serve basis.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 7:03 AM CDT

Things are going okay here. Job had a pretty calm day yesterday and didn't have much trouble with anxiety. We still haven't talked to the transplant doctors since last week. They usually have their meeting on Wed. so maybe we'll hear something from them this afternoon or tomorrow.

Job ate a popsicle and a half this morning. He is still on 25 breaths per minute, but he's finally back down to 50% oxygen. He was on 60% just about all weekend. He's also off the continuous Albuteral, he gets it every two hours now.

That's about all the news I have.

God Bless,

Monday, May 14, 2007 1:41 PM CDT

They believe the decrease in Prednisone was the major player in the events of the weekend. On Friday they dropped his Prednisone from 10 mg twice a day to 10 mg once per day. I have noticed before that he struggles more with prednisone is skipped rather than decreased.

Job doing okay today. He is still on continuous Albuteral, but hopefull that will be dropped down to every two hours soon. The biopsy is probably not going to happen. The pulmonary doctor said the reason for it was to determine whether or not we should list him for transplant now or wait. He said the fact is, Job needs a transplant and they do not need a biopsy to tell them that.

So two major question remain for the doctors making the decision on listing him for transplant: (1) Is he physically strong enough to handle the surgery and recovery? (2) How much Prednisone is too high for transplant?

Those mountains don't seem too high to cross with prayer, patience, and hard work we can SLOWLY wean the Prednisone down and focus on PT. Because of the events that happened over, they had to increase his steriods. We will restart the weaning process in a few days.


Monday, May 14, 2007 1:10 AM CDT

Well today was rough. He was so anxious and scared. Wanting me to give him a breath. But they had told me that every time you give him a 2 minute breath of 100 percent oxygen (this won't let me put a percent sign there) it just prolongs his agony because it makes his lungs lazy and causes his co2 to go up. I don’t know the whole medical explanation for it but his lungs wasn’t getting rid of the carbon dioxide. So then he would hyperventilate.
His co2 was 123 this morning, then 107, 95 until 11:00 p.m. it was down to 75.
At 10:30 this morning when his co2 was 123 he was very anxious and feeling like he wasn’t getting enough oxygen so they finally gave him some adivan, then again at 12:30 in the afternoon. By 3:00 p.m. he was crying and so scared and shaking and begging me to just give him a breath. I asked the Nurse if she could give him something to relax him and she said that she had gave him adivan at 10:30 and again at 12:30. I said, “well obviously it isn’t working he needs something now”. She went and talked to the Doctor. Then the Doctor came in and by the time she came in I was crying too. But she did tell the Nurse to give him a triple dose of adivan. He rested well for several hours. And his blood gas started coming down. Last account at 11:00 p.m. his co2 was at 75. Praise the Lord. They took two x-rays and said they looked good, then she said well there wasn’t anything new.
We successfully moved out of the RMH and into a motel/hotel. A week to ten days we can move back in I think. I would hate to have to move every forty-five days for the rest of my life. I did enough moving while I was growing up. We moved all over the U.S. slept in the desert with the Gila monsters, looking up at the stars. Feeling the ground shake when a semi would pass by. Ahh the good ole days. Ha
Well I told Job that I would not even try to sleep, that I would watch over him, But hopefully all of you are getting a good nights sleep. I hope you wake up refreshed. I’ll get some sleep when we switch out in the morning.
Love to all, and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all of your prayers. Not only for Job but for Nicole also, and the rest of the family.
p.s. Well it is 4:40 a.m. and Job has rested very well. They are sticking him right now to get blood. They haven’t been able to get blood from his port for some reason. Today they are going to get someone from ongology to re-access it. They got the blood without any trouble or any sound from Job and his eyes are closed once again. I am so glad he is getting a good night sleep. Well so much for closing his eyes it is time for vital statistics.
Now the shrill sound of the machines going off. Oh well twenty minutes of simple stuff and off to sleep again. Halleluia!

Sunday, May 13, 2007 0:33 AM CDT

Dry air causes secretions to thicken and harden. Job's vent is humidified to prevent this from happening. Another thought on the cause of his problems is that his vent was not humidifing the air properly. Remember, he switched to a different vent a few days ago. Maybe it didn't have anything to do with the trach, maybe it was the humidification process that wasn't working properly.

Rob said that he really felt bad. He said that Job asked for breaths all night and he refused him as long as his oxygen numbers were above 92. He said that he apologized to Job and from now on he doesn't care what the machines say, if Job needs a breath then he will give it to him. We had previously thought that he was just getting adicted to the 100% oxygen breaths. You see, there is a button on his vent that will give him 100% oxygen for two minutes. The doctors and respiratory therapists told us to refuse him these breaths and to teach him how to calm himself back down when he gets anxious. They even sent a psychologist to talk to him. Rob is very frustrated, because it is apparent that Job knows when he is not breathing properly and needs more air. Yes, he was getting plenty of oxygen, but he wasn't filtering it properly in his lungs and thus he was asking for breaths.

A few minutes ago, the RT finished Job's treatment and turned him down from 60% oxygen to 50%. Just a few minutes after she left, he started telling me that he was having trouble and that he needed a breath. I looked up at his monitor and his pulse-ox said 100%. I told him that he was at 100 and he still said that he needed a breath. Thinking about everything that Rob had said and that had happened today, I immediately went and got the RT. She suctioned him, talked with his nurse, and turned him back up to 60%. After she left, the nurse said they just need to leave him at 60% until after they see how his blood gases are doing. He is resting comfortably at 60% and it doesn't hurt him to just stay at that level for a while.


Saturday, May 12, 2007 8:09 PM CDT

Job had a very difficult day today. They switched him to a whole Clonidine patch. His anxiety continued to increase and his breathing was out of whack. They checked his arterial CO2 and it was 120 (normal is 35-45; Job's is usually in the 70s). They increased is vent to 20 respirations per minute and put him on continual albuteral. They were prepared to send him to PICU if they were unable to get the CO2 down quickly. They changed his trach out and there were a lot of secretions on it. Two hours later his CO2 was 100. Two hours after that his CO2 was 90 so the trach seems to be the source of the problem. He is resting now and off the continual albuteral, down to every two hours.

I didn't know high CO2 caused anxiety. I just thought it was due to his weaning of his meds. However, we haven't weaned anything in a while either and he did even have a delusion yesterday so I should have thought something else was going on. Rob and I changed his trach on Thursday and we probably caused all of this. We had never even seen it done before and they made us do it.


Saturday, May 12, 2007 10:01 AM CDT

Everything is still about the same. Job is anxious most of the time, but has times of rest and peacefulness. He is learning how to work through the nervous spells on his own with desating (running out of O2). He is getting a lot better at calming himself down with our help. He talked with a psychologist on Friday that worked with him on his breathing.

We are moving out of the Ronald McDonald House on Sunday. We will be staying at the Residence Inn for our 7+ days out. We did find that we cannot sign back up on the RMH waiting list until our 7 days are up. Then the average wait time is 1-2 days. Therefore we are expecting to be out for 7-9 days. I wish Nicole and Gracy could be here with us for this week since, but she has to stay and finish school. Only two and a half weeks left. YIPEE!!

The Lord has blessed us with a great gift from the friends here that He has sent to us. They are purchasing our plane tickets to fly home for Nicole's sixth grade graduation. We will be departing on May 30th and returning on June 1st. I praise the Lord for this wonderful gift.

I also wanted to mention that a few days ago when Job was having such a difficult time with fear, Job asked Grandma and I to pray for him. After that the Lord sent two different people to his bedside to lay hands on him and pray for him. I really thought that was terrific.

God Bless,

Friday, May 11, 2007 6:41 AM CDT

Yesterday was a busy day. Dad, Mom, and I had to go to a C.P.R. class and then to a Trach care class. Mom and Dad had to take the trach out of Job and insert another one.
Of course it was no fun for Job for his trach to be taken out and replaced twice. But Mom was the one that groaned when SHE inserted the trach. It doesn’t hurt Job but it makes him gag and cough.
When I came back at eight o’clock there were four or five fire trucks blocking the entrance to the hospital. Rob had to find me on the street and we switched out there at a red light. I hurried to Job because I didn’t want them to lock me out. Job was asleep when I got here.
We had quite a thunderstorm here last night. I had to close the blinds so Job wouldn’t see the lightning display. I turned his music up to drown out the thunder.
He slept well for about two hours after I got here. When he woke up he was okay until about 10:50 p.m. then, he started getting scared and anxious and restless. Then his oxygen level dropped into the eighties. I called respiratory and she gave him a boost of oxygen. I asked the Nurse when his next Adivan was and she said not until midnight and the earliest she could give it would be 11:20. That was thirty minutes away and he was shaking and starting to cry. She waited ten minutes and came back in and gave it to him. It still took another ten minutes to get to him through the tubing. He kept destating so the respiratory therapist bumped his oxygen up from 40% to 50%. After he calmed down we gave him a bath. He slept well from about 2:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. and he had to pee-pee. Since then it has been one thing after another. They turned his oxygen back down to 40% and he keeps destating (his oxygen dropping until the alarms start going off and then Job get anxious). So now they bumped it back up to 50%. He is itching so he has requested benadryl.
He is resting this minute, or should I say second.
Mama should be here by 8:00 a.m. and I bet that she won’t be late. The air-conditioning is out at the RMH. It is nice and cool in here. She will probably try to get a few winks in here. Ha. She should because I think Job will sleep as well today as he did last night.
I hope everybody is doing well. Keep praying for this miracle. That Job is healed and won’t need a transplant.
Love to all in Christ,

Thursday, May 10, 2007 0:06 AM CDT

Today was better for Job. He was not near as anxious and was even able to get out of the room a little. We had planned a trip up and down the hall, but the RT didn’t like the setup for the portable vent and didn’t want to take a chance at getting out there and having Job get into trouble. However, she was determined to not let Job down. So she managed to get his room vent into the hallway with him in a wheelchair and a bedside table for his monitors. It was quite a task just getting past the threshold of the door, but we done it. Thankfully our room is on the corner, so once we were in the hall, he could see down two corridors. He had his physical therapy out in the hall. I placed a video of him standing and playing catch on his video website below. At first he has a wet washcloth on his head because he was hot. It falls off when he stands up. I also filmed his Victory Dance that he does after every physical therapy session.

I hope these videos work for you all. I do not have my home computer that has all of my video software on it so I am very limited to what I can do.

The doctors have decided that it is in Job’s best interest to go ahead and do a lung biopsy. It is a very risky procedure, but they believe it is necessary to decide how to go forward with Job’s treatment. They will do it in the next few days and he will probably be back in PICU for a few days after. If the biopsy shows that Jobs problem is his underlying disease (BO) then his lungs will never improve and they will go ahead and list him for transplant. If the biopsy shows that his problem is mostly inflammation and other things that he could recover from, then we will wait for transplant and proceed with various treatments to help him improve. They still believe Job will ultimately need the transplant, but they want to wait as long as possible before going forward with it. It is a very dangerous procedure.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 11:52 AM CDT

Okay, nothing really went according to plan. He was so anxious during the night that his blood gases were out of whack from the get-go. They did put him on C-PAP but decided today wasn't a good day for the oxygen only trial. They did deflate the cuff of his trach. The cuff of his trach is what blocks the air from coming up through his vocal cords and then through his mouth. They wanted to see how he handled the cuff being deflated before trying anything else.

The Clonidine patch has been a topic of debate. Rob and I were convinced that it was one of the main things that was keeping him so sedated and depressed. It came off Thursday night while Rob was on duty and he didn't mention it to the staff. He had a few episodes of anxitity over the weekend, but also had moments of joy. He laughed on Sunday for the first time since all of this began. We thought we had made it through. I mentioned it to the doctor yesterday morning and said that we didn't want it added back if possible. They didn't even know that it had came off until I told them. ANYWAY, with all the drama of the night and morning we added a half a patch back. I hate for him to be sleepy all the time, but I hate even more for him to be scared all the time.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 7:22 AM CDT

The past twelve hours have been tough. Job has been very scared and anxious. It is the detox that is so tough. He is down to .5 on Adivan and he didn’t like that at all. We had to give him two extra doses last night to get him through. They are planning to try him on oxygen only today (no vent or C-PAP) for an hour. The plan is to have him on C-PAP for an hour, check his blood gas, then put him on oxygen only for an hour and check his blood gas again. The hope is that if his gas doesn’t change dramatically then he may be able to come off the vent for short periods of time to be more mobile. It will allow him to get out of the room for a little while. Just think, he has been in hospital room for almost 3 months now. It would be good to be able to go outside for a minute. They will probably do this test a few times before they feel confident enough to let him leave his room, but it is the first step.

I just wish he wasn’t struggling with detox so much. We may have to wait until he is completely off of Adivan before we can see where we really are with him.


Monday, May 7, 2007 1:07 PM CDT

JOB IS OFF METHADONE!!! He went all day yesterday without any and is doing fine. We are getting really close to coming off the Adivan also. We had a real good visit with the Rappolds over the weekend. It was nice to hang out with some friends. We played Spades Saturday night and of course the Florence and I won every game. HA!

Job is spending 10 hours per day on C-PAP and is doing pretty good on that. He still gets tired really easy and does get out of breath when he exercises. He is getting stronger and stronger. He really beats up on the OT guys. He still cannot stand by himself, but we're working on those leg muscles.

Thanks for all your continued prayers and love.


Sunday, May 6, 2007 8:41 AM CDT

Job had a good night. He rested well.
Florence had brought him an awesome gospel CD. I picked some favorites out an added it to his music list. He listened to his music all night. At one time I looked over there and he was wiggling, I thought he was needing something but when I saw his face he had his dance face on dancing away. I told him it made me want to shout hallelujah. If you don’t know he has been kind of down for awhile. I guess the visit from the mighty Rappolds & his sister Nicole perked him right up. Nothing like a few down-home faces to bring the spirit up.
At 10:30 they are going to bring him REAL FOOD and see how he does on it.
Well Mom and Nicole are here so I’m going to sign off.
What an awasome God we serve. Thanks for all of the post on the guestbook and for every prayer.
Love Forever,

Saturday, May 5, 2007 2:51 PM CDT

Occupational Therapy came today and gave Job a swallow test and he passed with flying colors. So he is now cleared to eat solid foods. We just have to pray for his appetite to return.

Andy and Kyle Rappold hung out with Job and Dad at the hospital today. Florence and I just traded out with them. Rob and Andy are taking the rest of the kids swimming for a couple of hours.


Saturday, May 5, 2007 8:00 AM CDT

Job had a good night. Other than alarms going off because of “leads” coming unstuck, or just because the “leads” didn’t like the way Job was breathing.

He had company before bedtime. Andy, Florence, Andrea, Lyndsay, & Kyle Rappold. Nicole was with them also. He was glad to see them. They will be back today. Maybe Kyle will play a game with him.

Well Rob is on his way to get me so I guess I’ll hush and get this posted.
Love to All,

Friday, May 4, 2007 9:17 AM CDT

We have a Total Care bed ordered for Job. They have already brought him a special pillow to help with the pressure points. I have also asked the PCU doctor about getting him off the pureed diet and on some regular food. She is going to check with pulmonary first, but she doesn’t see why it would be a problem.

Job is still very sleepy most of the time and very depressed. He misses all his friends so much. I have an idea I hope you all can help me with. I know that we are very far away and it is not possible for our Bigelow friends to visit us, but there is an alternative that I thought of for Job. I am asking this especially of his classmates, teachers, and church family. Please make Job a video and send it to him. He has a VCR in his room or if your high tech enough, you can send an MPEG to my email address. It doesn’t have to be very long, just a video message to Job. The funnier the video is the better. Just grab you video camera, film a short message to Job, put it on a VHS tape and drop it in the mail. Hopefully that is not too much trouble. I know that he would enjoy seeing everyone’s faces. You can send it directly to Job’s hospital room at TCH (the address at the bottom).

We only have one more week to stay at the RMH before we are forced to move out for at least 7 days. Please, if you mail anything to RMH address, be sure to put our full name on any mail you send. That way, even if we are no longer in room 28, we will be able to stop by and get our mail. We also will probably not be in room 28 when we move back in. I really would like to find some other place to stay. Somewhere that allows pets so we can have Nicole and Gracy here with us this summer. Also, where we could have a kitchen in our room and not have to move out every 45 days. I don’t know if there is such a place that is as reasonably priced as RMH, but I am going to look.

Job just finished his morning exercises, and he is bushed. He done really well and is getting stronger, but I don’t really think he realizes it.


Thursday, May 3, 2007 4:11 PM CDT

Hey Everybody,
Job has done well today. He had his exercise at 11:00 a.m. and again at 1:30 p.m.
He does them about fifteen minutes each time.
I’m supposed to do some with him about 6:00 p.m.

He has been on C-Pap since 8:00 a.m. they said they are going to leave him on it for eight hours today. It is now 4:10 p.m. and they are taking him off of it. 8 hours that is great.

Not much going on today. Pretty quiet here.
Tina and Rob were going bike riding this afternoon. I wonder if they did. I looked out awhile ago and it was raining big time. Well I called Tina and she said that they had just pulled into the RMH when the bottom fell out. Ha

I was telling someone about Nicole and I looked down and Job’s little ole bottom lip was quivering. He misses her so much. I had to tell him that it won’t be long until she will be back.

Job has bruises on both hips and his tail bone. Please Pray that these won't turn into pressure sores. He has a sore on the back of his head already. It is healing but please pray for continued healing and that the other bruises won't turn into sores. He can't lay on his back or either side without there being a chance of it getting worse.

Well I guess I’ll put this on the Journal.
Love to all. Every Post Blesses our Hearts.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007 12:51 AM CDT

HAPPY Birthday Job!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 2:46 PM CDT

I hope you all enjoy the photo links. This will be a way I can share more than three photos at a time.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Rob and Job. Rob and I are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate his last thirtysomething birthday while Grandma sits with Job.

Job had a CT scan today, other than that everything is the same.

God Bless,

Monday, April 30, 2007 7:35 PM CDT

Nicole went home today. Job cried and cried.

The doctors say that Job is doing good. They have decreased his prednisone to 15mg four times a day and tomorrow it drops down to twice a day. He is doing so well on C-PAP that tonight they increased his evening round to 4 hours. He is continuing to work with the physical therapist teams and getting a little stronger each day. He has been playing his Pokemon Diamond game and likes it very much.

We are getting close to the end of the weaning of the sedation meds. We are down to 2.5 on Adivan and 1.75 on Methadone decreasing both at .75 on alternative days. One day they decrease Adivan and the next they decrease Methadone.

We don't see a big change in alertness and energy from one day to the next, but when you compare how he is today to how he was last week or two weeks ago, that's when you really see the difference.

Thanks be to God for the wonderful work He is doing in Job's body. I also praise the Lord for putting it on so many people's hearts to love us and care for us. It is really overwhelming that people will go so much out of there way for us.

God bless,

Sunday, April 29, 2007 3:47 PM CDT

This Morning Jobs attitude was better than yesterday. Yesterday he seemed a little bit depressed.
This morning he asked to sit in the chair. He also wanted to put his feet in the water. He sat in the chair for an hour and fifteen minutes. He went through three tubs of hot water, as they would get cold he would have me change them. After the third one I said we had better wait or his feet would look like prunes.
The Physical Therapy girls came in while he was in the chair and they liked that. They done his exersises and then got him back into bed.
He rested for a little while until Mom, Dad & Nicole got here from Church. We then had him a Birthday Party. His Birthday is the 2nd but we wanted to have a party while Nicole was here. He was happy about it all but he was thrilled about the game (Pokemon Diamond)& the strategy guide for it.
Nicole then told him about her winning a Wii. She told him what Andy had done. His mouth fell open and he was speechless. ha
I relieved Dad this morning. I had said that I would stay morning and night Sunday so that they could go as a family to church. I took Tina's place this morning so that she could go to this hair and make-up party with Nicole (at three-thirty)and then they are going to have a prom. The Party is over at nine though. Anyway somehow Rob is staying until we get Nicole off at the airport. Then Tina will relieve him at eight tomorrow evening.
Love to all,

Friday, April 27, 2007 9:45 PM CDT

Job had another good day today. Job, Rob, and Nicole hung out this morning. Grandma and I picked Nicole up around 2:00 and went shopping for Nicole an outfit for graduation (6th grade) and Job some birthday presents. Job's birthday is Wed. (May 2nd). He will be 9 years old. We bought him the Pokemon Diamond game and strategy guide. Grandma bought him a remote control motorcycle. He also has some Pirates of the Caribbean toys that Aunt Tammy sent him. We are going to celebrate his birthday on Sunday since Nicole will be here. I hope the doctor clears Job to eat a piece of birthday cake although we could always have an ice cream cake.

Job and Nicole’s school, Anne Watson Elementary, had their Spring Fling tonight. Andy Rappold had bought some raffle tickets in Job and Nicole’s names and they ended up winning a Wii. Can you believe it! Nicole was so excited. Job still doesn’t know. I think we’re going to just wait until it gets here and let him open it up. He will understand that it is both his and Nicole’s. They are really good about sharing stuff like that. Especially after he finds out that it was actually Nicole’s name that was drawn. A Wii is what Job really wanted for Christmas this past year.

The phone in the hospital room is not functioning properly. It will not ring. I have asked the nurse about getting us another one and she is checking on it. So if you have tried to call and couldn’t get anyone to answer, then that is way. Sorry if anyone missed us due to the malfunctioning phone. Hopefully we will get a new one soon.

Grandma has day shift tomorrow, so I believe Rob and I are going to take Nicole to the zoo. We just realized that the RMH is right across the street from a nice park and the Houston Zoo. Sunday afternoon/night the RMH is having a prom for kids 11 and up. Nicole will be able to wear her graduation outfit Sunday to the RMH prom. The RMH will be doing the girls hair and make-up and photos before the party at 7:00. I’m sure it will be a lot of fun.


The Phone Works Now Grandma

Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:54 PM CDT

Mom and Nicole stayed with Job today. Mom said Nicole was on the computer so she didn’t get to update the website. It has sure been a pleasure to have Nicole up here or down here. Job was very happy to see her. He hugged her around the neck and didn’t want to let go. She was very happy to see him also. She had seen him since he has been down here but he was still knocked out, so he didn’t know it, and she didn’t get a hug.
Mom said Job was on C-Pap for 3 hours this morning and on it again this evening for 4 hours.
He played his game cube for about an hour today.
Right now they are giving him a bath and changing his bed.
He’s always wanting to give the Nurses hugs.
Well I didn’t get a lot of information from Mom, so I’ll update again in the morning.

But Praise the Lord we don’t have a lot of DRAMA to have to write about.
We praise God for every little baby step we can get going forward.
We have to trust God if we have to take any steps backwards, but
PRAISE BE TO GOD we haven’t had any steps backwards since the Prednisone caper.
Thanks to everyone for the Love, Prayers, & Support. You are totally awesome.
You will never know how much it blesses us to read your post and feel your Love.
And the financial support from donations and fundraisers and all the work it takes for something like that. It is truly amazing. I don’t know what we would have done. It is very humbling to be in this position. But then again it puts you in a position to see the wonderful side of humanity. You are greatly appreciated, May God Richly Bless each and every one of you. We could never repay you for the love or the support if we had fifteen lifetimes to do it in.
Love, and admiration to you all.

Not much happened last night so I'll just add a little here.
He slept well almost all night. Woke up at 3:30 a.m. wanting to play Game Cube but I told him to wait until morning. He went back to sleep and woke up at 6:50 so I let him start playing his game.
Dad will relieve me at 8:00 a.m.
Until next time,

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 5:52 PM CDT

Today he sat in a chair twice an hour each. Once at noon and then again at 3:30p.m.
He got his exercises and after he got back in bed it was off to dream land again.
He had some visitors today a very nice couple Bill and Linda Laurents. I was glad that Job woke up and interacted with them. They are friends with Craig Johnston that came by to see Job the other day. It is nice to get visitors. Craig actually came to see us when we were in PICU and for some reason they said we weren’t having visitors. They must have gotten Job and another patient mixed up.
Job took 4 small bites of food at dinner. Not much of an appetite.
I wish he would eat more and regain his strength. But that will come in time. His taste is messed up because of the high doses of Prednisone I think.
I am fixing to be relieved, Tina, Rob, and Nicole have made it back to Houston. I had better get my things together.
Love to all,

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 8:52 AM CDT

Not much out of the ordinary last night. He slept a little but I think he has his days and nights mixed up. He watched TV, Listened to his music, and wanted warm water for his feet. I told him the warm water was a daytime thing. He pooched his lips like he was gonning to beg and looked at me with puppy-dog eyes. And of course Grandma caved and said okay. I said you have Grandma wrapped around your little finger don’t you. He smiled and shook his head yes. But then he changed his mind about the water and wanted me to lie down by him. I said I couldn’t but I let the side rail down on his bed and lean over & held him while he went to sleep.
This morning early it was lightning and he wanted me to let the blinds down on the windows. He said he was scared, I told him, “Don’t be afraid. Do you know what God told me” God said, “Don’t look at the storm child the waves or the sea, put your trust in me child just focus on me.” He smiled and went back to sleep.
Well Mama Eagle and Papa Eagle has Baby Bird and on their way back to the nest.
( ie. Tina and Rob have picked up Nicole and are on their way back to the Ronald McDonald House)
Job is on C-Pap (for 4 hours) already this morning. He will be off of it at 12:30 p.m.
Well I’ll post more this evening. Love to all.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 4:20 PM CDT

9:25 until 10:35. Job set up in the chair for an hour this morning.
Mom and Dad left this morning to pick up Nicole. She called last night and was a very sad little girl that misses her family. I just pray that their little family all gets back together soon including the dog.
11:00 until 11:30 or 11:40 He sat up about thirty or forty minutes with Physical Therapist. He took three steps. hooray!
He is now doing a puzzle with PT. She said she needed a harder puzzle because he finished it in five minutes. He also had another foot washing. She turned it into an exercise. Made him pick up little do-dads out of the water with his toes.
He is on C-Pap (11:00 a.m. until 1:45 p.m.).
The Doctor said they were going to go every 4 hours with the breathing treatment that breaks up all of that stuff. They are changing Adivan to every 8 hours.
11:55 until He is sleeping. He is awake 2:30 p.m.
2:30 – 3:00 PT and another puzzle.
3:00 - ?? p.m. He is watching Pokemon.
Love to all,

Monday, April 23, 2007 5:44 PM CDT

Today has been a good day. Job spent two hours sitting in a chair. He stood two or three times for a couple of minutes each time. He is now on C-PAP for three hours. It's been about an hour and a half and he is doing wonderful.


Monday, April 23, 2007 7:50 AM CDT

Well Job had a pretty good night. Except for the gagging/coughing so he kept having to be suctioned. He slept most of the early night (10:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m.).
but from 3:00 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. it has been gagging, coughing and suctioning.
He did have some silliness in there too. Dancing (wiggleing his shoulders, shaking his booty, and pooching his lips out). lol
This morning he was asking where his Mama was. I told him she would be relieving me around 8:00 a.m.
He has talked the nurse into giving him a warm bath this morning. He likes putting his feet in the water.
He said he misses everyone from back home. He misses Kyle, Bradley, Trey, Coty and others. I can't remember who all he said or in what order. I do know he said he really misses his sister Nicole and Gracy.
Love to all,

Saturday, April 21, 2007 9:39 PM CDT

Job looked the better tonight than I have seen him in months. Grandma had sat with him this afternoon while Rob and I hung out together. When I came in to tag out with Grandma, his eyes were bright and he smiled a good Job smile a few times. He just look like himself for the first time in a while. It was good to see. He is resting now and a little itchy, we have some Benadryl ordered. Yup, Dr. Saylors, he still has that monkey on his back. He knows how good Benadryl works for itches.

His vent is still at the same settings since they increased them yesterday, but he still had his one hour today on C-PAP and it went wonderfully.

Thanks for all your prayers. They sure help so much. Please remember Florence's nephew Jayden Berry, they are thinking he may have a brain tumor. He is two and a half.


Saturday, April 21, 2007 11:04 AM CDT

Hello to all – things are on the improve once again. After losing some ground due to some med tinkering, Job is feeling better. I had a talk with a practitioner this morning expressing our frustration on losing a day or more in regards to Job’s condition and vent settings being increased due to this tinkering. In the future I communicated that we wanted to be made aware of any and all changes in Job’s orders so that these set backs can possibly be avoided. The doctor apologized for the honest mistake and communication between us will be improved. God makes it all for the better.
Job slept well last night and is playful today, cuttin’ up with Dad some. Our lovin’ and carin’ family back home are having a fundraiser for us today at the church. Thanks to all of you for helping us during this season of our lives. Anne Watson Elementary students and teachers sent us proceeds from a fundraiser they had as well. I am amazed and awed at all the help we are receiving. How can I possibly ever repay the love and support that you all have bestowed on my family. Know this, I can’t express enough the many thanks we owe. Hope to be home soon.


Friday, April 20, 2007 6:13 PM CDT

Check out the NEW PHOTO of Job sitting in the chair yesterday.

Job is doing better this afternoon. Still not as good as yesterday, but a lot better than this morning. The Dr. said they weren't going to make any more changes today and just let him rest. He did sit up in bed for about 15 minutes and even played one hand of UNO with me.

I forgot to mention this earlier, but on top of everything else he has Thrush in his mouth. It is caused by all of the antibiotics and Prednisone. It isn't anything to be concerned about, just more misery for Job. They are giving him medicine for it four times per day.

Grandma and I tried a pureed dinner roll, pureed spaghetti, and pureed pepperoni pizza. NO WONDER JOB HAS LOST HIS APPETTITE! HA! You try taking your favorite dinner and put it in a blender, You'll love it. LOL. Rob will actually eat some of the stuff. Can you believe it.


Friday, April 20, 2007 12:18 AM CDT

Job has had a very difficult morning. He has had a lot of trouble breathing today. We have increased his O2 to 40% and his respirations per minute to 15. They also gave him an additional dose of Adivan. After all of this he was still having trouble. They gave him additional breathing treatments and inflated the trach cuff more. While talking with the doctors, I found that he had stopped his Prednisone. I explained to them that they could not just stop his Prednisone. The resident that made the order was under the impression that he had been getting 25mg 4x/day (100mg/day) for only a week or so. I told them that he has been on Prednisone for 5 years and on 100mg/day for about two months now. Come to find out he had missed the last three doses and was due for the fourth.

I am VERY frustrated that they would just stop it like that. I wish they would tell me when they make drastic changes to his meds. They have started his Prednisone back. They are giving the first dose through his IV and then orally after that.

He had such a great day yesterday, I hate that this happened. Please pray that he will be okay and continue to improve. Hopefully it was only the Prednisone that caused all the drama today.


Friday, April 20, 2007 8:19 AM CDT

Job sat in a chair for an hour yesterday evening while he ate a Go-Gurt. He ate the whole thing too. He tried to stand up, but his legs are like Jell-o and weren't able to hold up the weight of his body. He'll have to strengthen up those legs first. He also spent another successful hour on C-PAP. His Pulse-Ox never dropped below 96. Isn't that great!

God Bless,

Thursday, April 19, 2007 12:25 AM CDT

Okay, here's the scoop. Job has been approved for transplant, BUT NOT LISTED. They still have hope that he can get better on his own. They are going to continue to wean him off the vent over the next two weeks, at that time they will have a better idea if he can come off the vent on his own or not. If he is unable to come off the vent, then they will list him for transplant. The reason for us to be patient and not rush a transplant is due to the risks involved. Below are the lung transplant statistics:

80% chance of surviving the 1st year
50% chance of surviving 5 years
30% chance of surviving 10 years

Your see, it is almost like a time clock begins to count down once the transplant is done. The idea is that the longer we can put off the transplant the longer we can put off beginning this clock. If he could survive another couple of years prior to transplant, that would allow another couple of years before the clock begins to tick and it also allows for more advances in medicine. Just like lung transplants are more successful today, than they were 5 years ago, they will be even more successful 5 years from now.

Of course, ideally, our ultimate prayer is for him to live a full life without ever having the transplant, but that would take an intervention from God. I know God could do it if He chose to, but from a medical standpoint, we expect him to need a transplant at some point in the future. The longer we can put it off the better.

Job sat up on the edge of his bed for 10 minutes today with the PT. He also watched about 20 minutes of TV last night and about an hour this morning. He has lost his appetite and hardly eats anything and he still cannot talk. He has voiced a couple of words, but it is difficult for him. Hopefully he will continue to have more awake times and continue to improve. They are planning to put him on C-PAP for an hour again today.

God Bless,

Wednesday, April 18, 2007 12:46 AM CDT

The CT of his brain looked fine and so does all of his other tests. He is still resting. He sat up on the side of the bed for three minutes today even though he was VERY sleepy. Yesterday he spent one hour on C-PAP and done great. It is similar to BIPAP, but gives a constant flow of air rather than bursts of air (I think). His vent setting are really low. He is still at a PEEP of 6, but respirations per minute are only at 10 and 35% oxygen. They tried him at 30% oxygen yesterday, but he didn't like it very much so they changed it back.

There is still some talk about whether or not Job will just continue to get better on his own without a transplant. He is gradually getting better and better, ever so slowly. We just don't know how much permanent damage was done by the Aspergillus and the prolonged ventilation. The trach has helped us get through this detox phase with the breathing support that he needed. Hopefully soon he will be completely off the methadone and adavan.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:33 AM CDT

Job has been having some memory problems this morning. At one point in time he did not know his name nor who his dad was. He didn't know where he was from or anything. He said some crazy things too, like his name was Spryo and he wanted to go to Alabama to fight dragons. It's kind of funny, but also really scary. They took him down this morning for a CT of his brain to see if something was going on. He's finally resting now.

It's probably just related to the withdrawal issues from coming off the junk. Currently he is getting Methadone twice a day and Adavan twice a day.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007 6:32 PM CDT

Sorry to be so late updating the journal.
Last night went pretty well. He slept pretty good.
At about 4:30 or 5:30 this morning I had a Carman Praise and Worship CD playing. Job was laying slightly on his left side, with his left hand up by his ear palm up. Then his right hand went straight up in the air, I thought he wanted something so I got up and went over to him. As I got to him I felt strongly "don't touch him". So I watched him. Then I started to take a picture of him, again I strongly felt not to because it would disturb him. He held his hand up in the air for a full minute or more. Then it brought it down and tucked it under the covers. He never once opened his eyes. It isn't easy for Job to hold his hand straight up in the air for a full minute as weak as he is. He can hardly hold a spoon or hold his arm out for five seconds. If you didn't read my post today about the one I posted five years ago you need to read it. GOD IS TRUELY WITH THIS BOY. Sick as can be and praising God and singing Praises. I am truly inspired.
Praise God, Praise God, Praise God He does have Job in the palm of his hand.
Love to all, Grandma

Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:55 PM CDT

Grandma had some good notes (saved in Word) so I thought I would add some comments of my own and go ahead and post her notes online for you all.

April 15, 2007 (8am to 8pm)
8:00 a.m.
Job was asleep when I got here. I’m drinking coffee and eating a cheese danish. I brought him a big “Teddy Dog” and a wooden truck today. He has to put the truck together later when he feels better. These were a few of the things they were giving away at the RMH yesterday.

9:30 a.m. Was approved to eat ice cream, yogurt, & pudding. He ordered some chocolate ice cream, then went back to sleep.

11:20 a.m. Job just had his first chocolate ice cream. He still wants the feeding tubs removed. He is sick of it. He pulled it out last night and had to have it put back in.

11:50 a.m. He had a little more ice cream and ice chips. (same cup)

12:30 p.m. Job is singing with Awesome God and to Basics of Life. He went to sleep singing to them and watching a gentle breeze blowing in the tree outside his window.

3:30 p.m. Mama (Tina) got here about 2:00 p.m. and by 3:30 p.m. she couldn’t stand it she had to mess with him and wake him up. Actually she only held his hand and he opened his eyes. Tina brought him some Jell-O, assorted puddings, and some Go-Gurts, Pokemon and Fantastic Four cartoon movie. She also brought some Uno Cards and puzzles. Physical Therapy (PT) came in and started his exercises just as his Mama had started his Pokemon movie. He was upset about that and fought against his exercises. The PT nurse was kind of laughing about it because she said he gets a workout whether he is doing the exercises or working against her doing them for him. The exercises didn’t take very long and it was back to the movie. He watched it for about 45 minutes, nodding off periodically. He would watch it for as long as he could hold his eyes open, usually only a couple of minutes, then he would sleep for a couple of minutes, watch for a few and sleep for a few, back and forth, forth and back HA.

7:00 p.m. We were moved to the Progressive Care Unit on the 7th floor of the hospital. It is great. We have a sofa daybed like ACH and a bathroom. YEAH. It is a very nice room.

I wonder if we will have as much excitement tonight as Rob did last night. Not only did Job pull his feeding tube out, but he was determined to get out of the hospital. Rob woke up to find Job with his feet on the floor ready to take off. I can’t exactly say he was standing because I do not believe he is able, but he sure thought that he was. Rob jumped up and scooped him back into bed all while he was yelling for the nurse. Thank the Lord that Job did not fall and hurt himself. I imagine he was surprised to find out how weak his legs really are. Just think, he has not walked since Feb 24th and really not since Feb 21st when we walked into the ER. That’s almost two months. Wow.

Grandma and Tina

Sunday, April 15, 2007 9:43 PM CDT

So okay, Grandma didn't add a more detailed message afterall. She was too busy MOVING TO OUR NEW ROOM! He is now on the 7th floor in the Progressive Care Unit (PCU). He is in bed 28. We are so excited that he got a room so quickly. Grandma overheard the nurses wondering how he got a room so fast. She said she just smiled to herself because she knew it was God.

Thanks for all the wonderful prayers.


Sunday, April 15, 2007 1:45 PM CDT

Grandma will post a more detailed note later, but in the meantime, JOB has been cleared to eat ICE CREAM, PUDDING, JELLO, and YOGURT!!! Praise the Lord.


Saturday, April 14, 2007 7:03 PM CDT

Job has been officially approved to transfer to PCU, but we are now waiting on a bed. Dear Lord thank you for your answered prayers and please let their be an available bed in PCU soon.

I've changed the photos. Some snapshots I took today.


Saturday, April 14, 2007 3:27 PM CDT

I want to send out a special thanks to the "Keep the Faith" foundation for paying for our Ronald McDonald Housing expense for an entire month. Thanks so very much. For those of you that do not know, "Keep the Faith" was founded in memory of Dakota Hawkins, son of Sharon and Henry Hawkins of Cabot, Ark. You can read more about Dakota on his website at www.caringbridge.org/ar/keepthefaith.

Job has been doing fine today. Sleeping mostly. His oxygen is down to 40% and respiration rate at 14. The PEEP is still at 6. All his vital signs are great. There is still talk of moving us to PCU soon, but we don't have orders for it yet. Even when they decide that Job is stable enough to go there is still a need for an available bed in the unit. Please say a quick prayer that there will be an available space for Job when he is ready to go to the next unit.

Job has ate a popsicle and some ice chips today. That is all that he is allowed to eat at the time. So he alternates between the two menu items.

A pastor from Braeswood church has visited Job twice now. I think Rob and I are going to try and attend church tomorrow morning while Grandma sits with Job.

I am doing a lot better emotionally today. I had a real tough time two days ago. It's tough to not get bitter about everything that is happening. I have to remind myself to focus on the things we are to be thankful for and praise God for those things. Job is getting better ever so slowly. He is still alive and still fighting. Another man whom Rob befriended at the RMH lost his 10 year old son last night. Death is so close to us. Being in this place, you realize just how fragile life really is.

I am ready to get back to our mundane lives. Back to work and school, where our biggest problem is how we are going to get Nicole and Job to their ballgames that happen to be on the same night in different cities. There's nothing like the ole rut of life, going to work and school and home again. How I long for the boring and routine. Just goes to show, you never really appreciate things until it's gone.

God Bless,

Saturday, April 14, 2007 6:59 AM CDT

Well when I got here at eight o’clock this evening he was resting soundly.
He slept until 9:15. They gave him a bath and changed his bed. He said that he was cold after his bath so they covered him with warm blankets.

He ate a pop-scicle and was back to sleep by 10:00 p.m.
Woke up a little while later and said he was hot. I took the big blanket off of him and left the little ones and he went back to sleep.

At 1:05 he woke up and wanted some ice chips & water.
At 1:30 wants the air tubes out! Wants to know if they are permanent. I told him they weren’t.

At 1:45 he is retching and gagging. They give him adovan to try to calm him down. He wasn’t aggitated but because of the gagging. He is asking for Zofran so they order it.
At 2:05 they give him the Zofran. He is resting again.

Well he slept from 2:05 a.m. until 4:15 a.m. woke up and wanted a pop scicle. They got him a green one and he liked it. Watched a little T.V. maybe 5 minutes. Back to sleep by 5:00 a.m.

Woke up at 5:45 a.m. and wanted another pop-scicle they brought him an orange one this time.
He watched another 5 minutes of T.V. He wants his gamecube set up.

Air vent alarm keeps going off. Kurt the RT told me that if it had a lot of red in the lines that meant that there was an air leak.

It is 6:45 a.m. and he is beginning to settle down again. Mama (Tina) will be here in an hour and fifteen minutes.

This is probably the worst journal update. But this is what happened tonight, Other than the hail outside. It was probably just heavy rain but it sounded like hail. I read where it snowed a foot of snow in the plains of Texas around midnight lastnight..

POSTED: 12:58 a.m. EDT, April 14, 2007 http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/13/spring.storm.ap/index.html
DALLAS, Texas (AP) -- A severe storm dropped nearly a foot of snow on parts of the central Plains Friday and spawned at least one tornado in Texas, where one death was blamed on high winds.

Well I guess I’ll go Love to all.

Friday, April 13, 2007 6:34 PM CDT

2 1/2 popsicles since 4pm. What a day, what a day!!! Big thanks to the 6th grade class at AWE!!! That pays for over 20 nights at the Ronald McDonald House. God truly takes care of His own.


Friday, April 13, 2007 3:00 PM CDT

Hello to all-Everything remains stable here. Vent settings are at the bare minimun. Thank you Jesus! There has been some talk of moving us to another ward - one level down from PICU. Job is doing so much better, it looks like we are definetly through the worst part of detox. He is loving eating ice chips and clear liquids for now, but would rather have pepperoni pizza and sip Sprite through a straw. It won't be long though. Thank you all for the prayers and the many different ways that you support us. I could not imagine how we could endure this adventure we are on without the Lord's strength and your love and encouragement.

Be Blessed,

Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:35 AM CDT

Job was agitated from 8 this morning until 9:30. He was trembling (from detox) and reaching for his tubes iv, air, feeding, etc.
I asked him if he wanted to listen to some music and he shook his head yes. I put on Songs of Life and played God is in control and our God is an awesome God.
He started relaxing and then the nurse came in and gave him a little something to help him to relax also.
He slept till 10:20 and he woke up and was restless again.
I asked if he wanted to watch TV and he said yes. I turned it on but he started shaking his head almost violently. I said you don’t want to watch it and he shook his head no.
I said do you want the music back on and he shook his head yes. Then he went back to sleep about 10:35.
He woke up at 11:20 but he isn’t agitated. We changed his bed and his trachea bandage. He is semi-resting.
He wanted a cold cloth on his head and over his eyes. Well the Resp. Nurse came in and said it was time for his treatment, he yanked (fast for Job but really kinda slow) that rag off of his eyes and gave a glare like “what now”. I said I’ve seen those eyes before are you aggravated? He shook his head yes. The Resp. nurse said I’m just going to give it through the lines, you don’t have to do anything. So he tries to put the rag back over his eyes. The Resp. Nurse said she likes to see them with spunk.
Well it is 12:20 and he is semi-resting again.
I told Tina I would update the website at noon, so I think I am just going to copy and paste this in there.
Oh by the way Job was trying to convince the Nurse and me that he is well. He keep mouthing words and I finally said "your well" and he shook his head yes. I said " I'm glad you are feeling better, you still have to get stronger, okay". He shook his head yes then closed his eyes.
Love & Thanks to all of you that are writing in the guestbook, and much much thanks for all of the Prayers. Keep praying God isn't finished with Job yet.
Love to all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:05 PM CDT

The ENT doctor successfully "changed" Job's trach. He actually only removed the stiches and made sure it moved correctly. He said that it healed up beautifully. Job is resting peacefully on his side as we speak.

Job was able to stay awake for about an hour and a half today and watched some TV before the withdrawal effects became too much for him.

The transplant doctors decided not to list Job for a transplant today. They thought it would be better for Job to rest and heal for another week. You see, as soon as he is listed, we could get the call. The doctors thought it would be best for him to recover more before such a major surgery.

The nurse told us that she really thinks Job is doing well and believes, per her experience, that we may get to be moved to PCU (progressive care unit) early next week. The PCU is a transitional unit bridging the gap between PICU and the regular floor. Now, that is of course just her opinion, but found it really encouraging.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:55 AM CDT

It's finally Wednesday! I hope that it doesn't take the ENT doctor too long to come in and change out Job's trach. At least then he will be able to move around more in bed and really get comfortable.

He is really starting to feel the withdrawal effects. He is miserable right now, but hopefully it won't last too long. Probably a few days. He is back on Methadone and Adavan to help with the detox process. This detox business is terrible and should stand as a warning to anyone out there tempted to try illegal narcotics. Believe me, you do not want to go through this. Because of the withdrawals, Job will probably not be very awake for a couple of days. That's why I kept saying we would BEGIN to wake him up on Wed. I knew how terrible it was the last time.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:47 PM CDT

Whew, we sure had a time last night keeping Job settled down. I think they were coming off the sedation a little too fast and he was really upset about midnight last night. He kept trying to turn over and move. I reminded him that he is not allowed to turn on his side just yet, but he didn't care what I was saying. He just kept trying to move. His whole upper body would just shake because he was using all of his strength try and sit up. I held his shoulders down and tried to comfort him. I then seen a tear roll down his face. I asked him if he was crying and he nodded "yes". I then asked if he was scared and again he nodded "yes". He let me know that he was scared because of the tube in his throat and because he was unable to talk. I continued trying to consol him as I was telling the nurse that he needed more sedation. About 2 a.m. we finally got him back to sleep.

Today Job's feeding tube was out of place and caused him to throw up in his bed. They removed the tube and placed a new one. They removed his catheter today and everything is flowing just fine.

The doctors are a little concerned about his liver. Some reading are higher than they would like, but they are a little lower than yesterday. Hopefully that means they are trending down. I believe this is a side effect of the Terbutaline, which he is no longer taking (YIPEE).

Tomorrow, (Wed) Job will have his Trach changed out and will be able to wake up and move however he wants. I cannot wait.


Monday, April 9, 2007 8:50 PM CDT

So far so good. Still off the Terbutaline. We have also stopped the Pentobarbital and will be stopping the Fentanyl at 9 in the morning. The Versed will be weaned every 12 hours until we are able to come off of it. The have began the Methadone and Adavan to help with detox. His CO2 is higher, but still at an acceptable range. He is coming off the sedation (still not awake) and breathing more on his own. The problem is that his breaths are shallow and do not blow off as much CO2 as the vent does when his is completly under.

I did see him move a few minutes ago. He nodded his head when I asked him it he wanted a blanket. That's the first time I have seen him move since they started the Pentobarbital.

Nicole made it back to Arkansas safe and sound. We sure enjoyed her being here.


Monday, April 9, 2007 7:31 AM CDT

Off the terbutaline!!! Must be considered an Easter miracle. Hallelejuah!!! Dr. wants to wean him off some of these sedation meds so that he can wake up somewhat today. Seems a lil faster than they communicated with us prior to surgery, but God's in control. My shift is up and now it's Grandmas turn. Thanks for all the prayer!!!


Sunday, April 8, 2007 9:02 PM CDT

Hello to all - Tina asked me to update and reluctantly I comply. Everything is stable. It has been a good day overall. The terbutaline is now weaned to 1.48 ml/hr which is the lowest it has been since going back on it. Praise the Lord Job is handling it well. The current order is to continue weaning .2 mics every hour. At this rate as long as he can tolerate it he will be off by morning. All the other numbers are the same. Peep 6 and resp. rate 18. Hope everyone had a great Easter thank you for all the prayers for my family.

Be Blessed,

Sunday, April 8, 2007 8:36 AM CDT

They have turned his PEEP down to 6 and his respirations per minuter down to 18. His Terbutaline is running at 3.54 ml/hr which is down from 4.25 ml/hr since yesterday. I haven't heard his CO2 this morning, but yesterday it was 60 about two hours after the vent changes. They have started him on a new sedation called Pentobarbital since the Fentanyl and Versed were not doing the trick.

Grandma, Nicole, and I went to eat at Joes Crab Shack yesterday and went shopping a little bit. Nicole bought a new DS game called Brain Academy. Her and I were able to use Job's DS and play against each other. It was a lot of fun.


Saturday, April 7, 2007 4:25 PM CDT

It's been a relatively uneventful day. Tina, Nicole, Glenda are spending the day together, while I have been watching Job. All of Job's vitals have been fantastic. They are starting to wean the terbutaline again, hopefully this attempt will be successful. Past attempts have led to resp. distress. Perhaps things will be different this time as Job is completely sedated.
What a blessing it was to spend time with my "angel girl" yesterday. Many thanks to those that made it possible for her to be here this weekend. I could never thank you all enough for the prayers and love that you all have shared with my family.
Wishing all of you a Happy Easter.


Friday, April 6, 2007 10:55 PM CDT

I worry about what Job is going to think about what we have done to him. Everything before seemed that we had an opportunity to explain things to him first. I feel like when he realizes what we have done to him, he will have a similar reaction to the day he lost his hair because of chemo. His hair was all coming out by the hand full so his dad took him to the barbershop and had Mr. Johnson cut all of his hair off. We should have done a better job of explaining to him what was happening and why it had to be done, but I guess we done a poor job because he was very upset. He didn’t realize that was the purpose of the haircut that day. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he was shocked by what he saw. He couldn’t believe that his dad had let Mr. Johnson cut all of his hair off. He was upset for quite a while. They went to Wal-Mart and bought him some hats, but Job was not satisfied.

Can you imagine what he is going to think about us when he wakes up? He has no idea what all has happened to him. You see he is on the sedative Versed, which has an amnesia effect. Even though we have talked to him about things, he will not remember anything. I also found out today, that he will not be able to eat for several more weeks. I thought that he would be able to eat soon after his throat healed from the surgery. We are also stuck in PICU until we can get him off Terbutaline. I pray in Jesus name that we can wean him off that medicine successfully in the next week or so. They will not tinker with his meds for a few days because of the trach, but then I hope we can get out of PICU. Please help me pray for that.

I hope that Job understands and doesn’t hate us for doing this to him. I’m afraid that it is going to be very shocking to him to find that he has a tube coming out of his throat. We are in a nightmare fighting for a happy ending that seems so far away.

I posted a photo of him if you want to see him with the trach. It is not very good quality because I took it with my cellphone.


Friday, April 6, 2007 3:43 PM CDT

The surgery went well. Job is back in his room and resting. He will be very sedated for the next five days while the trach heals.


Friday, April 6, 2007 11:08 AM CDT

I should of asked for you all to pray about the CO2 earlier. We had just been praying for it ourselves and hoping that it would go down. I posted that last message at the same time they were about to draw his blood gas. His CO2 was 65!!!! PRAISE THE LORD. That is the lowest it's been since we have been here. Silly me for not getting asking for you guys to help me pray about that earlier. His nurse said that his previous CO2 was 96 taken six hours ago. Thanks so much for your quick response to my prayer request.


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:46 AM CDT

OH, something else that I just remembered that I wanted to tell you all. There is no other child listed for transplant in Job's height range. That means that Job would be the only one listed for his size while waiting for a transplant. That was exciting news to me. They go by height and blood type. The lungs must be compatibal with his blood type and be the right size to fit in his chest. We will not be told who the donor is, but we will be able to write the family a thank you note and send it through the hospital. Please remember to pray for the family of the donor, they will be experiencing a terrible tradegy and will be in great need of prayers.

Once listed, they have had kids transplanted the next day, and others have been listed for seven months and are still waiting. Most all of the kids listed now are infants with cystic fribrosis. So it is good news to know that we will be the only one on the list for his category, and the first one if others come along later.

Please continue to pray for Job to be able to come off this vent and his CO2s and other blood gases come into the normal range. His CO2 was 72 yesterday, then they turned his respirations/min. down from 22 to 20 and his CO2 jumped up to 90 and has been 90 for the last 12 hours. they haven't came and adjusted the vent back up to 22 so I don't really understand why they are accepting that CO2. Seems too high to me, when it was doing okay at 22. I just please beg God to direct the hands of all the hospital staff to make the right decisions and to touch Job's lungs and make them stronger and stronger.

God bless,

Friday, April 6, 2007 8:56 AM CDT

We had a quiet night last night. The surgery is this morning. Grandma and I just tagged out with Rob. Since there is no bed in the room, it is really a long night for whoever pulls the night shift. We have developed a 12 shift rotation and it seems to be working pretty good between the three of us.

Nicole's plane arrives at 2:00 this afternoon. Rob is going to pick her up while Grandma and I sit with Job.

The transplant doctor, Dr. Schector, came and talked to us quite a while yesterday. He said the only thing that he could foresee keeping us from being listed for transplant next Wed. is if the transplant team thought Job needed to build up his strength first. The trach will help him do just that. He nees to be as strong as he can be for a successful transplant. I just pray that the Lords hand is on all these decisions and he gives the doctors the wisdom they need to make the right decision for Job.


Thursday, April 5, 2007 4:28 PM CDT

Isaiah 50:4-9
4 The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. 5 The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back. 6 I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting. 7 Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. 8 He who vindicates me is near. Who then will bring charges against me? Let us face each other! Who is my accuser? Let him confront me! 9 It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me. Who is he that will condemn me? They will all wear out like a garment; the moths will eat them up.

I thought of this scripture today. I have set my face to be like flint, and I will not be broken.

Job continues to be stable. He is resting well right now, but if he doesn’t wake up soon, we will have to wake him up to turn him over. He has been lying on his left side for a long time. The surgery for the trach is at 12:30 tomorrow, but we could go as early as 9 a.m. if they decide to shift things around. He will be paralyzed and sedated for aprox. 5 days after surgery allowing the area to heal. After that, we will begin waking him up. He will probably go through withdrawals again, but since he hasn’t been on morphine, we are hoping it is not as dramatic as the last time.

Nicole is coming in tomorrow. I can’t wait until she gets here.


Wednesday, April 4, 2007 7:05 PM CDT

They're going to do the tracheostomy on Friday but Job will still be on the vent. Here is a link to a page on the internet that gives details the tracheostomy itself. http://www.tracheostomy.com/. He will be able to eat and talk and even walk if he's strong enough. He'll have to be sedated for a week post-surgery to be sure that the tube heals well but then he can have a much better quality of life while he's waiting for the transplant.

The transplant doctors have said that they haven't found anything that would prevent Job from being a candidate for lung transplant, but they still have to run some more bloodwork. If the bloodwork comes back okay, they will have a meeting and vote on whether or not to list him. This meeting could take place as early as next Wednesday (the 11th).

Guessing when the transplant will take place is a shot in the dark though. They have had some children transplanted the next day and some have been waiting for seven months and are still waiting. This is much more emotional than the bone marrow transplant because no child had to pass away for the transplant to take place. I don't even know what to say here except that when we get the news that they have found a match, we need to keep the family of that child in our prayers.

We just need to pray now that the bloodwork will come back okay, the transplant team will vote to list him, and they will find a match soon.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007 5:43 PM CDT

The doctors are discussing a tracheostomy. This would allow Job to be on the vent, but be awake. He would be able to eat and talk and play video games etc. We are having a time keeping him sedated and the pulmonary doctor doesn't really what to pull out the big guns for sedation. She is going to discuss this will the other teams and then talk to us again.

His temp was 101.1 so we are starting back the antibiotics that we stopped earlier today. Of course, this is probably just the flu, but we just have to be safe. They are also doing blood cultures of all his lines and stuff.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007 11:54 AM CDT

The infectious desease doctor came in a few minutes ago and said that Job does not have any bacteria infection so they will be stopping the antibiotics that they have him on. He also stated that the current CT of his lungs looks improved from the CT he had in Ark. last month when this all began. A previous doctor had told us that the CT looked significantly worse, however, he was comparing it to the CT Job had here in Texas last August. We didn't realize that was what he was doing until later, but we got them all straigtened out about that. ACH had put the CTs they had completed on a disk and sent them with Job. The pevious doctor just didn't realize that at the time.

I have set up a voice mail service for Job (and the rest of us). Feel free to call and leave messages. It will not ring any phone, it is a voice mail service only offered by the hospital. It is kinda cool however, because you do not have to worry about disturbing Job or anything. We can then check the messages at our convenience. The number is 713-584-4358. Select the option 2 to hear our greeting and then leave a message. I'll post this number in the hospital info listed at the bottom of the main page also.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007 9:12 AM CDT

Job's still running a little bit of fever, but otherwise everything is the same. Nicole is coming up this weekend. Florence and Taneau have bought her a plane ticket so she can be with us on Easter weekend. She's coming down on Friday and going back on Monday. When we first chose those days, we thought they were out of school on Friday, but I guess they are making up a snow day. Oh well, she will miss two days instead of one. I can't wait to see her.

The doctors haven't made their rounds yet today. They did get him switched to the other vent yesterday and he is off the paralytic. I hate it when he's paralyzed. They have a tough time keeping him sedated. Right now, the focus is still getting him over this acute illness. His vent settings aren't bad. He's on a PEEP of 8 and his Ppeak is 34. So far the flu is the only culture that has came back positive and it's been almost three days now since they took most of them. They did decide to run a few more tests yesterday to rule a few other things out.

God Bless,

Monday, April 2, 2007 10:22 AM CDT

Job has a fever this morning. They are planning to switch him to a whole different vent today. The new one will have addition mode options for them to use with him. His blood pressure is better and they have stopped the medicine they were using to keep it up.


Sunday, April 1, 2007 5:16 PM CDT

Job's CO2 looks better (64). There are decreasing his PEEP to 8.

Sunday, April 1, 2007 4:30 PM CDT

Job has the flu. He tested positive for Influenza A from the bronchoscope culture.

They started him on Tamaflu hoping that we had caught it quickly. His blood pressure is all over the charts. One minute it is low, the next minute it is high. It has to do with how sedated he is. When he wakes up and moves around, then it is high. Otherwise it runs low.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 8:02 PM CDT

The bronchoscopy went fine. No fungal balls or things like that were seen. A sample of the fluid was sent to the lab for culture.

Around 5 o’clock, Job CO2 was up in the 90s. They increased the PEEP to 9 and Ppeak is running at 35. A few minutes later his heart rate (HR) started climbing (160 ) and blood pressure (BP) started dropping (78/38). Thankfully the doctor was still in the room. He ordered extra fluids to help. After 500 cc were given, he ordered Norepinephrine to help increase the BP. Then added another 250 cc of fluid plus a dose of calcium. Everything has leveled off now. HR = 138; BP = 110/48; CO2 = 72 (an hour after changing settings on vent).

We’ve got a room at the Ronald McDonald House!!! It’s a miracle we got in so fast. It’s a great room and for only $15.00 per night too. That still adds up to $450, but it is still a great deal for Houston. Especially since we get free laundry facilities and some meals. I don’t believe the meals are served as often as in Little Rock, but we still have a kitchen to cook our own meals if we wish. We also have a private bath, YIPEE!! Community baths are great if that’s all you have, but it sure is good to have a bathroom and shower in our room. The bedroom is simple, no TV or anything like that. Just two full size beds, a dresser, a table with two chairs, a nightstand, alarm clock, and a phone. What I love most is the bay window. We are located on the third floor with a big bay window. It is a peaceful room. Every room has chores assigned. We are responsible for taking out the kitchen trash each day. It also has a game room and a wonderful playground. Nicole and Job will both love it. I can’t wait until they are able to enjoy it too. There is also a school program so Job can catch up on he schoolwork when he is able.

The rule of the RMH is that you check out every 45 days for at least 7 days then sign back up on the waiting list. Rob said that post transplant, you can stay for a consecutive 100 days without checking out. So when he has his transplant, we will sign out for our 7 days and then be able to sign back up for the 100 days. Then hopefully we will be headed home after that.

The PICU is a lot different at Texas Children’s Hospital. It is not as family friendly as ACH. The rooms are tiny and no bed for me, only two chairs (not recliners either). They did find me a bedside table to use for my computer so I am thankful for that. The wireless internet is not as locked down as ACH though. I can catch up on Heroes without the St. Bernard dog getting after me. The doctors and nurses are very nice like ACH so that’s good. It’s funny (in a way) how they thought they were going to get Job weaned down on that Terbutaline right away, but that just didn’t happen. Job loves his Terbutaline. They are puzzled at why they are unable to wean it down. I know the staff at ACH felt the same way. TCH is trying Albuteral just like ACH, but to no avail. I keep telling everyone that Job has never had much of a positive response (according to my unprofessional opinion) to Albuteral. He always hated it. When he was well and used the Albuteral puffer, he would cough and gag until he throws up a lot of times. I guess there are not many other options, because they continue to use Albuteral. Maybe it does more good than I know. I just know that I never could tell that it helped any at home.

Since we have both the RMH and the hotel for the next two nights, Rob and Grandma are taking full advantage. Rob is at the hotel watching the ball games while Grandma is at the RMH sleeping. I am sitting here in the dark beside Job. He is resting peacefully and all of his vital signs are great. I think I will just catch up on the missed episodes of Heroes…

Thanks for all your love and prayers.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:41 AM CDT

I just spoke to one of the lung transplant doctors. He said right now the priority is to deal with Job's infection and identify everything that is going on with him, before listing him for transplant. They are setting up the equipment for a bronchoscopy right now. They took blood, trachea, and sinus cultures this morning.

They do not transplant kids who have a rampant infection. It is important to deal with the infection, get it under control, and then look into the transplant option. He did say that he would be on Voriconazole for the rest of his life transplant or not. I pray his insurance never lapses, because it costs $1,100 per month.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 9:22 AM CDT

They intubated Job at 6:00 this morning. His CO2 was 120 and the doctor was unable to wake him. After intubation, his CO2 was down to 63. His PEEP is set at 5 and Ppeak is 34.

The CT showed several more nodulas on his lungs and more areas of collapse. However, there is no indication of the fungus in his sinuses or his brain. Praise the Lord for that. They plan a bronchoscope this evening to identify exactly what they are dealing with and the lung transplant doctor is suppose to be in this afternoon to speak with us.


Friday, March 30, 2007 9:14 PM CDT

Job is finally stable...not where he needs to be but stable. they took him down for the ct scan and the portable oxygen tank ran out. They took him back upstairs and then doubled his trebutilyne. That caused his blood pressure to spike to heart attack or stroke level. Four hours later and he's finally better, but pray that the doctors get their crap together!!!!!

Friday, March 30, 2007 8:00 PM CDT

Job is having trouble so everyone needs to pray again. they are wanting to intubate him but I don't have any more details.

Friday, March 30, 2007 2:53 PM CDT

Job is still doing well. They are trying to wean him off the Trebutilyne (I spell it differently each time and it's never right!) and have it down to 1.5. The have doubled his Methadone (to 2 times a day from 1) and Adavan (to 4 times a day from 2) but that's a good thing because he was having some anxiety and the doctors felt that it was because he was being weaned too quickly. They haven't done the CT scan yet so we don't know anything more about it.

Tina and Mom have started their long drive down there. I set their room up at the Homestead on Fannin (near the hospital) for the next three days and then they think they can get into the Ronald McDonald House pretty quickly after that.

I'm taking Nicole to see that new 3D Disney movie tomorrow and then I'll bring her to Bridget's (Bridget - Nicole will call you to give you a specific time but the movie starts at 1:20 so you can have a rough idea...probably sometime around 7??).


Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:03 PM CDT

Rob just called and said that Job is resting good right now. He was able to wear only a nasal cannula for about an hour and a half and was able to eat pizza and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. He was ready for his mask after the break and I am glad he is resting well.

His BI-PAP settings are 18/8 meaning a pressure of 18 and a PEEP of 8. He has a CT scheduled tomorrow for his chest and head. They want to check for Aspergillus in his brain.

Thanks to all those prayers, we made it through the past 24 hours.


Thursday, March 29, 2007 2:10 PM CDT

They are NOT going to intubate him right now! They want to wait a little bit to get to know Job better and see how he's doing. They feel like he's stabilized right now and he's doing okay. They are going to give him Lasix and decrease his fluids to help with the swelling, and are going to give him blood because his counts are low.


Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:29 PM CDT

Job's in his room in Houston. The doctors are saying that they may have to go ahead and re-intubate him (back on the vent) but we are more hopeful now that he's with the specialists and there's a plan in place.


Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:27 AM CDT

Mom called and said that Job's jet landed in Houston and he was in the ambulance on his way to the hospital and everything was going well. She and Tina are headed out tomorrow (I'm bringing Nicole to the Dillengers' on Saturday so she can finish the last 9 weeks of school).


Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:50 AM CDT

They just left for the airport.

Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:17 AM CDT

Praise be to the Lord for getting Job safely through the night. The transport team is switching him over to all the portable equipment right now. The plane is scheduled to take off at at 9:00 which means they will be leave the hospital in just a few minutes. They are traveling to and from the airport in an ambulance.

Dear Lord, thank you so much for keeping Job safe through the night. Please get Job safely to his room PICU at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:26 PM CDT

It has been a very difficult day for us all. Job has had a tough time after the incident this afternoon. He just doesn't have the reserve to recovery very quickly from things like that. He has been pretty scared that it would happen again. I believe he is also anxious about the trip tomorrow. We all are. We are just begging God to help us have a peaceful and uneventful night and make it to Houston safely in the morning.

Dear Lord, Please help Job breathe easy. He is working so hard for every breath. He is soaken wet from sweat for the labor of breathing. Please keep his blood pressure down to a safe level. Please help him rest; help us all rest tonight. Please Lord, I beg you, have mercy on us tonight and give us an uneventful night and safe travel. Please have mercy on us...on Job. In Jesus name I plead with you that you help us get through this night. I rebuke satan and all evil in Jesus name and command it to leave him alone. I don't know what else to do Lord, except to plead and beg you to help Job ease up on his labor to breathe. Please help him push the air through his lung. You created his lungs, I know that You can do anything you choose. Please open up his lungs and help him breathe. Please Lord, Please...

In Jesus name I beg...Amen


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:29 PM CDT

The doctor just came in and said the x-ray looks unchanged from yesterday. PRAISE THE LORD. She said their belief is that a small capalliary in throat burst during the trama.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:29 PM CDT

All is going fine here. They are sending Job to Houston in the morning. We had an exciting episode a few minutes ago, but all is quiet now. He had finished eating and we were putting him back on the BiPAP. He was saying he couldn't get any oxygen and we were encouraging him to relax and breathe. The trouble with feeling like you are not getting any oxygen is that you tend to panic, which is what he did. Thankfully we figured out that his tubing to the BiPAP was kinked off and that was why he was not getting any O2. His O2 fell to 65% and he was turning blue by the time we figured out what was happening. After he was breathing okay then he coughed up blood. Hopefully it was just the trama of the moment and the NG and feeding tubes that are down his throat that caused the blood. They are going to take a chest x-ray to make sure there is nothing else going on.

Please pray that nothing else is going on with him. Please pray. The enemy is continually trying to cause us stress and pain.

Rob is going to ride in the jet with Job. It is a small jet big enough for Job and Rob, a doctor, an RT, and a nurse. The staff is a trained IC team experienced in transporting patients. They will leave in the morning and Grandma, Nicole, and I will follow in the car once we get things tied up here.

I will just contact the school next week about Nicole and work out the details with her and her school work. So much to do and so little time.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 5:27 PM CDT

*** They're sending us to Houston! ***

Dr. Belinski just came in and said that the doctors in Houston said that Job was still a possible candidate for transplant and they want to evaluate him. They are preparing the paper work and transportation and will send us there in a few days.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:27 AM CDT

Thanks for all of your prayers. I am encouraged today and have regained hope. We called Dr. Berlinski (sp?) yesterday evening and spoke to him about Job's situation. He is a colleague of Dr. Schellhase who is our primary pulmonary doctor. We talked to him for about forty minutes explaining to him our frustration and feelings that the PICU team had lost hope in Job. We wanted to know if they considered him terminal or not. I didn't say this in my post yesterday, but while I was arguing with them about Job being able to eat, the respiratory therapist (RT) asked me if we were no longer trying to prolong Job's life, but were only trying to keep him happy. I just stared at her for a minute and then said, “I believe there is a balance and that Job's attitude and moral matter.” This morning I spoke to another RT and requested that the other girl not be assigned to Job any more. She said that she could take care of it discreetly so the no one would know the reason. This was not the first time that particular RT gave me concern.

Dr. Berlinski sat down with us this morning and discussed Job’s situation. He contacted the doctors in Houston last night and they requested a summary of Job’s current condition and hospital stay. He said he would send it to them today. He said that Job is just very weak and it is a slow process. He said we shouldn’t get discouraged because we usually will not see much change from one day to the next, but will be able to see change as we look over several days at a time. I also asked him about Job coming off the BY-PAP a few times a day to eat and he said that was just fine. He said there was nothing wrong with doing that at all. The RT we had last night even said that it was great for Job to do that if he was handling it okay. It would help strengthen his lungs.

We just don’t know how much damage was done to Job’s lungs by the vent and the fungus. We will only be able to figure that out, as Job gets stronger and stronger. We just have to be strong and patient on this roller coaster ride to recovery.

Thanks for all your prayers; both Job and I really needed it yesterday.


God Bless,

Monday, March 26, 2007 11:10 AM CDT

We've had it tough the last 24 hours. Job continued to labor to breathe yesterday until the doctors started getting concerned that he would wear himself out. They convinced us last night to let him try By-PAP. They said that he would not have to wear it continously, but maybe quite a bit at first then work to where he wears it only at night. The hope is that this will let his body rest and not be so tired from the labor of breathing. We were told that he would still be able to eat and take breaks from it. He also isn't sedated or anything, so he could still watch TV or play games if he feels up to it.

The doctors believe that Job's lungs are getting too stiff to function. I asked if we were looking at lung transplant and they told me that he is too sick for a lung transplant. Interestingly, in Feb. he was too healthy.

He made it through the night just fine with the BY-PAP mask. He rested really well and woke up this morning during his respiratory treatment ready to eat. He had actually been saying that he was hungry all night, but I continued to remind him that we needed to wear the mask all night and could eat in the morning. His respiratory treatment was at 8:30 and he was really hungry. I asked if he could wear his nasal cannula so he could he breakfast and the therapst and all the doctors started backtracking telling me that he had to wait until after rounds (which could be 1:00) and then they would decide. I threw a moma fit and basically pulled rank as Job's mom with my parental rights and got him switched to the nasal cannula for an hour and a half. He had plenty of time to eat and watch TV before he was ready for another nap and the BY-PAP. He ate two sausage patties and a pancake.

I am scared and fear that we may be losing our battle. We will do everything we can not to have Job placed back on the vent. I would rather him have a few more days of pancakes, sausage, and pizza than two months on a vent in a medically induced coma with the same outcome.


Sunday, March 25, 2007 12:12 AM CDT

Job continues to get better ever so slowly. He can eat whatever he wants now (which is mostly pizza) and he is able to play video games for a few minutes a couple of times a day. He still labors for every breath and gets tired very fast. It takes all the energy he has to eat, then he'll rest for a while and then he will play his game for 5 to 10 minutes before he is tired again.

He is down to 2.2 on the Terbutaline with 15 liters of oxygen with a concentration of 40%. The PICU doctors said they want to get the pulmonary doctors involved, specifically Dr. Schallhase, to help with Job's treatment plan going forward and to help wean him off of Terbutaline. Rob thanked them for all their help with Job and one said it was only by the grace of God! Of course, we already knew that, but it was good to hear him say it. I know they didn't think Job would recover, and just think, God is not through healing him yet.

Thanks for your continued prayers.


Saturday, March 24, 2007 12:57 AM CDT

Check out the new photos!

Job’s feeds spilled out into his bed this morning and they brought him a recliner to sit in for a while. He really liked it. He got to eat some spaghetti and drink some Coke a few minutes ago while sitting in his chair.

He is back up to 2.5 on the Terbutaline; they bumped it back up at 2:00 this morning. Other than that, everything is going well. Rob, Nicole, and I are going to look at mobile homes today. We are afraid to take Job back our house. It is an old home and we are convince that it probably the source of the Aspergillus. So the plan is to get a mobile home and place it on our land. Please pray that somehow this all works out. It seems like an impossible task on such short notice, but I know God will work it out some how.

God Bless,

Friday, March 23, 2007 12:02 AM CDT

Things are still going well. He was on 2.5 of Terbutaline and they decreased it to 2.3 this morning. The doctor said we would just take the weaning very slow and maybe we would have more success. They also decreased the Methadone so maybe he will be able to be more awake and alert. She told us to watch for signs of withdrawals and he could have something extra if he needs it.

He has built up to being able to eat ice cream and crackers. YIPEE!!!


Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:26 PM CDT

PRAISE GOD. We got our intervention!!! All day Job held steady and fought. This afternoon they decided to let him have popsicles every 2-4 hours. He ate one every chance he got even though he still had his NG tube in that drained everything off of his stomach. He would eat the popsicles and they would run right out, but he was happy anyway.

During the evening rounds about an hour ago, Justin, our nurse, came in and told me that the doctors had written for Job to have a clear liquid diet. Meaning he could have chicken broth, sprite, or Jell-O. Justin said that as soon as Job wakes up, if he wants a sprite or something then he could have it. Justin barely got out of the door when Job started saying he wanted a Sprite. I laughed and stuck my head out the door and told him that Job had heard everything that he said and that he did want a sprite.

A few minutes later Justin came in with the sprite and said, "I have good news and I have bad news." My heart kind of sank for a minute, it had been a hard day already and I didn't want any more bad news. Before I could say anything or ask any questions, Justin said to Job, "the good news is that you are getting your NG tube out and the bad news is that you are getting your NG tube out." I let out a sigh of relief. He talked Job through the process and it wasn't painful or anything just uncomfortable. Job was just so relieved to have yet another tube removed. Now whatever he eats or drinks will actually stay in his system for a while.

Once the tube was removed, we sat Job up in bed and he was able to drink a sprite. It is something to be in tears just seeing your son drink sprite. I can't even put into words the joy that I felt.

So here's where we are... He's on 40 percent oxygen concentration at 10 liters per hour. The goal now that we have the concentration back down to 40 percent is to begin to decrease the pressure (liters/hour). We need the pressure down to about 3 liters before we can be moved out of PICU. The Terbutaline is another mountain that we must cross. I have lost track of what rate he is on now because we have kept going up and down on it for the past two days. We must get him weaned off of Terbutaline. Please pray that we are successfully able to do these two things.

God Bless you all for all your prayers. This emotional roller coaster is tough, but it is the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ that gets us through each day. It is also these prayers that are pleading in the ears of Christ and provoking Him to intervene.


Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:51 AM CDT

Thanks to all the prayers, Job is holding steady. He is still having difficulty, but still fighting and holding using the nasal cannula. Please continue to fight in prayer with us. We need an intervention from God.


Thursday, March 22, 2007 6:53 AM CDT

PLEASE PRAY!!! Job is having a difficult time breathing this morning. They have brought the vent back into the room and are dicussing putting him on BY-PAP and possibly back on the vent.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:05 PM CDT

The continual Albuteral didn't work. He was working way to hard to breath and was not passing air through his lungs very well. He is back on the special nasal cannula at 10 liters with 70% oxygen concentration. They also increased the Terbutaline to 2.0 micrograms/kg/min. They had decreased it to 1.5 at the same time they put him on the Albuteral.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:40 AM CDT

At 10:00 last night, his CO2 was still 42. They will not check it again unless there is reason for concern. When he came off the vent yesterday, he was placed on another machine using a large nasal cannula with high pressure giving Job 10 liters at 100% oxygen concentration. Since that time, they have been able to decrease the oxygen concentration to 40% (room air is 21%).

He is still on a Terbutaline drip of 1.5 micrograms/kg/min. He must been weaned off this med (among other things) before he can leave PICU. Since he still needs the bronchodilator, they have decided to switch him to a constant Abluteral updraft. In order to do that, they must increase the oxygen concentration back to 100% and then begin the weaning process again.

The doctors said they are very pleased with how Job is doing. They have even begun to feed him again and I am so glad. They were holding off incase they needed to re-intubate him.
I had no idea how difficult yesterday was going to be. I kept comparing it to having a baby, because even though we were having great success it did not come without great pain and suffering. It is very tormenting to see your little one hurting so much and be so utterly helpless. When we finally had the vent tube out and heard that the CO2 was great, we thought that we could breath finally. Rob and I went to pick up some meds from Walgreens and eat lunch while Grandma and Nicole sat with Job. At 1:10 p.m. I received a call from Nicole saying that we needed to get back to the hospital right away that something was happening with Job. Although it only took maybe 10 minutes to get back, it seemed like two hours. It turned out that Job was going through withdrawals from all the narcotics. It was miserable for a while but they finally gave him some morphine to help. He has been getting alternating doses of adavan and methadone to help him detox.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 2:52 PM CDT

His CO2 was 42 and he is doing fine. He is going through withdrawals from all the narcotics and is having a difficult time with that. The nurse just gave him a dose of morphine to help him relax. The pangs of extabation are terrible, just like childbirth. It's difficult, but a great event at the same time.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:38 AM CDT

He's off the vent!! Please continue to pray that it is a success. He came off at 11:20 a.m. In an hour they will check his blood gas to make sure everything is okay. He is on 10 liters of oxygen right now.

I'll have a new photo posted in about 15 minutes.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:28 AM CDT

We are still on schedule. Job is waking up and is not happy. He is in pain and gags on the tube. The nurse said that it would probably be a while longer. We are trying to keep stimulation to a minimum so that he can dose off and relax as much as possible. It is going to be a tough couple of hours. Please pray for Job's strength and that he won't be in too much pain during this whole process. It is necessary for him to be awake so he will be breathing at his best.


Monday, March 19, 2007 6:43 PM CDT

Okay, here's the plan. They will stop his feeds at 6 a.m. then at 8 a.m. they will decrease his sedation meds. Then sometime between 9 and 11 they will take him off the vent.

His white cell count was elevated and has been steadily increasing. In case there is some infection beginning, they have took cultures of blood, urine, and sputum. They have also began two antibiotics to help his body fight.


Monday, March 19, 2007 10:07 AM CDT

Job's CO2 was 47 this morning. Yippee!! The prayers are working. Rumor is that he may come off the vent either today or tomorrow. Also, his tummy is much, much better. Things have finally worked out there. I think taking him off the morphine helped tremendously.


Sunday, March 18, 2007 6:58 PM CDT

New Pictures

I have added new photos. He even has his eyes open in one. He woke up this afternoon and was none too happy to find himself still lying in bed. The nurse went to get the doctor to find if he was going to take him off the vent or if she needed to sedate further. He wanted to keep him on Volume Support for a while longer, but maybe we can take him off the vent in the next couple of days.


Sunday, March 18, 2007 10:44 AM CDT

Sunday, March 18, 2007 10:44 AM

Thanks so much for everyone’s prayers. Job’s CO2 came down to 52 yesterday afternoon. Then around 7:00 they decreased his PEEP to 7 and his CO2 this morning was 49. PRAISE THE LORD. The resident doctor just came in and said that they are going to try Volume Support again today. Remember Volume Support is where Job will be breathing all on his own, but the vent will be ready to kick in if he doesn’t breath at least 15 breaths per minute. The last time we tried this, he kept up with the breathing and the vent never had to kick in, but his CO2 was too high to continue and he had to go back on full vent support. So we need to pray that not only he is able to breath enough on his own, but also that he is able to filter the gases properly and keep his oxygen and CO2 levels within a healthy range.

We are also trying to wean the Tributiline. The nurse just turned it down from 3 to 2. The Tributiline is a bronchodilator like Abuteral, but more powerful and administered through an IV drip rather than inhalation. It is important that we get him weaned off this medicine also.

The Lord is hearing our prayers. Please continue to help me fight this battle.

WHen they switched the vent to volume support mode, they also decreased his PEEP to 6.

Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:30 PM CDT

Brody Green passed away today. His family needs prayers. Please also pray for Taylor Shaw. He is another Bigelow boy who is very ill. He is in the PICU room next to ours and continues to have fever.

We've been in PICU for three weeks and have seen three deaths. It is a difficult place to be, this corner of the hospital that we now reside. Not only do we struggle with the health of our own little boy, we see so much pain and suffering of others.

“…the good news of Christ is not something we learn once and for all and then move on to higher things. No, we may never graduate from the lowly prayer of the publican: “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13). Far from developing into spiritual experts, then, believers often find themselves in the position of having to fight for dear life just to recall the basics of their faith…Essentially the way of salvation, when we do see it, really is quite clear—just as plain as the nose on our face. Even so, we have a constant tendency to lose sight of it, just as we might misplace our eyeglasses and then cannot see to find them. Particularly during seasons of suffering and of fierce temptation, the simple and shining facts of our faith can grow very dim. Even to the most mature of believers the message can seem just as elusive as it was for Job. It is almost as though the Christian under attack no longer knows the good news of God’s love and forgiveness and His gift of eternal life, but only senses obscurely that such things must be so. Difficult circumstances can give one the feeling of being thrown back into pre-gospel world, a world that does not yet know the Savior but that, like Job, only dimly intuits Him.”The Gospel According to Job, p. 277-278, by Mike Mason


Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:38 AM CDT

Job's plumbing problems are still a big problem. We thought things were working themselves out, but that is not the case. His bowels just cannot get any relief. He just kept trying to get out of bed yesterday. I finally figured out that he was trying to get up to go to the bathroom. He would strain and strain and nothing, then he would try to scoot off the bed. I asked him if that was where he was trying to go and he nodded yes. They gave him two suppositories and two enemas yesterday and still haven't solved the problem. The doctors haven't made rounds yet today, but I am anxious to hear their plan for today.

His vent settings are still the same, but his Ppeak keeps looking better and better. It is hovering in the teens more and more. His last CO2 was 62, which is a little increased from the last one. I asked the nurse about it and she said as long as it is not above 65 then it is still acceptable. Still it is higher than it has been and we need to pray it back down.


Friday, March 16, 2007 10:43 AM CDT

Last night Job was ready to get out of bed. I was asleep and our nurse on break when the alarms starting sounding. The nurse watching Job peeked in and he was sitting up in the bed looking at her. She ran in here and I jumped up. It was all a buzz for a while to get him relaxed again. Then again this morning he was determined to get up. He would swing his feet to one side of the bed and try to scoot off the bed. When we would push his feet back over, then he would scoot his feet to the other side of the bed and try to scoot off. I was talking to him, reminding him that he couldn't get up, but he was staring right through me not listening to a word. You could see it going through his mind that he was getting up no matter what any one was saying. We finally got him sedated again.

The doctors said they think is lungs are trying to get better. They have decreased his PEEP to 8 and his respirations per minute to 18. His CO2 was 55 at the last measurement. They will check if again in an hour. Please pray that his CO2 holds steady (or even better, decreases) otherwise, if it begins to increase then they will have to go backup on his vent settings. His Ppeak has been in the twenties for the last two days.

Recap on the terminology:
PEEP: The amount of air remaining in the lungs after exhale. An average person has 5.
Ppeak: The amount of pressure it takes to push air into his lungs. They want this to be below 20. The more pressure it takes, means the more infection and obstruction he has in his lungs.
CO2: The amount of carbon dioxide remaining in the bloodstream. A normal CO2 level is 35 to 45.

Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:48 AM CDT

The doctor just left. They are starting his feeds again today because his bowels are much better. They decreased his respirations per minute down from 25 to 22. This will allow him to breath more on his own and give his lungs some exercise. His PEEP is still set at 9 and his Ppeak is hovering around 32. That Ppeak is much better than it was two days ago. He is still resting fine. He stirs every once in a while, but nothing dramatic. She said that his chest x-ray looked about the same, maybe a little better.

Nicole has bronchitis. She was prescribed an antibiotic and is banned from the hospital until she is better.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 11:02 AM CDT

Job's tummy is better today, but they are still concerned. They are consulting a surgical team to come in and look at his tummy and see if they have any thoughts or advice. His lungs do sound a little better today so that's good. Hopefully, once we get the plumbing problems corrected, it will releave some of the pressure on his lungs. The nurse will be measuring the circumference of his belly every 4 hours in order to watch for changes.

He does have a small knot on his arm. We believe that it is just swelling due to the restraints. Since he is so sedated, we have removed the restraints and are watching that also. He is resting peacefully and his blood gases are good (CO2=49).

Nicole has lost her voice and I am taking her to the doctor today. She tried to tell me that she needed to stay home from school because she couldn't talk, but I told her that she didn't need to talk for school, just to listen. She wasn't convinced, but she went to school anyway.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 4:02 PM CDT

According to the CT scan, Job does NOT have aspergillosis in he sinuses. That is fantactic news. One less thing to worry about.

He is resting very well today. Most of the buzz today has been regarding his tight little tummy. Seems his bowels aren't working properly (thanks to the morphine) so they have given him some added meds to take care of the plumbing problems. It has go so bad however, that they have stopped feeding him until things clear up (or out).

Other than that, it has been a quiet day.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:17 AM CDT

All weekend I about drove myself crazy worrying about if I should go back to work or not. On the practical side of life, I thought it was a good idea since I only have one week of vacation left. However, what about Job… he is still on life support fighting for another chance. Fighting for another walk in the park, another run around the bases, and another lazy day at home. I gathered some of my work clothes while I was at home on Sat. I had everything ready to go to work and when I went to bed Sunday evening I set the alarm for 6:00 a.m. I was sick at my stomach lying in my twin size bed in the Ronald McDonald House. Rob was asleep in his bed a few feet away and Grandma was staying the night with Job at the Hospital. I kept trying to think about the practical side of life. I just thought that going to work was the responsible thing to do. I woke up several times during the night worrying about what I should do. Still undecided, I awoke at 5:30 a.m. thinking about my little boy. I kept asking myself, “What will I regret in the future?” Will I ever really regret missing a little more work, missing a few more vacation days, missing a few dollars in my checking account? Or will I regret not spending some critical time with my little boy. What if the Lord chooses another path for Job than what we are all praying? What if God’s will is different than my own? Would I ever be able to live with myself for not spending every moment I could with him?

It was at that moment at 5:30 Monday morning that I finally decided that I couldn’t go back to work. Not yet, not until Job is more stable and the Lord gives me peace about going back. I just can’t leave him right now. Everything else will work itself out. Right now my little boy needs me.

You read this morning’s post; the day didn’t start off well for Job. That afternoon, I spotted blood in his urine and alerted his nurse. They think that it is just his catheter, but it continues even now at 1:00 in the morning, about 10 hours after first being spotted. His urine is more red than yellow, that’s how much blood there is in it.

Later we had to go for his CT scan. It was very scary seeing all the stuff they had to maneuver to get Job from his room on the 3rd floor to the CT machine on the 1st floor. It was also quite the task to move him from his bed to the CT table, but the staff managed and completed the CT of his sinuses. Everyone else stepped into the back room while I stood there beside Job who was still on the table waiting for the preliminary approval of the scan. Job woke up and started moving a bit. I started talking to him and he looked at me with the most heartbroken eyes. I leaned closer to him I and saw the left side of his mouth move and at first I thought he had smiled at me when he recognized me, but then I realized that he was about to cry. He then raised both hand in the air like a baby does when they what you to pick them. I leaned a little closed and was talking to him, reminding him where he was and that everything was okay, and that’s when he wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me the best hug I have ever received. I cried and cried. He wants so bad to get out of that bed. Every time he wakes up, he tries to get up. I wish I could rescue him, but I am powerless. I wish we could just tell everyone that we are tired of playing and go home, but we can’t. We stuck here in this medical torture. We have to keep walking on the broken glass because it is the only way out. We have to keep going forward… keep fighting. Thankfully they have added yet another sedation medicine for Job’s comfort. He is resting peacefully now, but I’m not. One thing I do know is that if I had gone to work today, I wouldn’t have been with him for the CT scan. I wouldn’t have been there to comfort his fears. I wouldn’t have received that wonderful hug. The first hug I have received in two and a half weeks.


Monday, March 12, 2007 12:33 AM CDT

The doctors didn't like the way he sounded this morning. I over heard the doctor say to each other that Job is not doing well today. They have increased his PEEP to 9, added Tributiline (a bronchodialator), and added another sedation med. This up and down business is enough to drive you mad. I asked the respiratory therapist if the up and down of the PEEP is normal and he thinks that we were just weaning him down too fast and not necessarily an indication of him getting worse.

They are planning a CT of his sinuses today to look for any signs of aspergillus there. Then in a couple of days, they will repeat the chest CT to look at our progress in his lungs.


Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:10 PM CDT

Today was a quiet day. Job's PEEP is still 6, but they lowered his respirations per minute to 25. They mentioned trying him on Volume Support mode again, but haven't yet.

Nicole had a basketball game last night. The championship game of the seasonal tournament. Grandma and I left Dad here with Job to go watch her game. After the game we went back home and spent the night at our house for the first time in two weeks. We hung out with Nicole all day today before taking her back to the Dillinger's and heading back to the hospital. It was wonderful to spend some with my girl.


Saturday, March 10, 2007 3:05 PM CST

His PEEP is back down to 6 and all is going well. So far all his blood cultures are negative for bacteria. He hasn't had any more fevers. We also found out that fever is a side effective of one of the antifungals so maybe that's all that was going on.

Saturday, March 10, 2007 8:53 AM CST

Job hasn't had a fever since yesterday morning. I'm sure glad about that. He is ready to come out of this bed though. Every time he wakes up, which is every couple of minutes, he is trying to sit up. He is miserable when he is awake. Finally the nurse gave him something last night that helped him sleep for several hours, but it's gone now and every five minutes or so he is coming up out of the bed.

Please pray that he will be able to relax and stop itching.


Friday, March 9, 2007 3:12 PM CST

Well he's back up to his max dose of morphine so they added an additional sedative to help keep him relaxed and comfortable. They also increased his PEEP to 8.

Friday, March 9, 2007 12:56 AM CST

Job is very sick today. The doctors are concerned about having such a high fever and have added two antibiotics, one is Vanc and I don't remember what the other one is. Hopefully these will take care of whatever infection is going on.

This morning his hands and feet were very cold even though he had a fever of 102.9. They are giving him lots of fluids and it is helping. His hand and feet are getting warmer and the Tylenol has brought his fever down.

Earlier he was trying to tell me something and I could see the worried look in his eyes. I asked him if he was scared and he nodded his head yes. That about broke my heart. Grandma and I talked to him and helped calm him down and comfort him. They have increased his morphine and he is resting now.


Friday, March 9, 2007 10:04 AM CST

Job was not able to urinate without the catheter and so he had to get another one put in. The nurse said that it not uncommon because of the morphine.

He has a fever this morning of 102.9.


Thursday, March 8, 2007 7:24 PM CST

Job is doing better this evening. His fever has not returned. They just removed the catheter and hopefully that will help things. All his blood tests were good and they think that maybe the catheter tubing was causing the blood in the urine.

Just pray that he is able to urinate without the catheter and that he has a good night.

God Bless,

Thursday, March 8, 2007 1:47 PM CST

The doctor came in and said they are concerned that Job had developed another infection of some sort. He said it is not uncommon for a PICU patient with tubes where there shouldn't be tubes to develope a secondary infection. They are running blood cultures, sputum cultures, and a urine analysis. He has blood in his urine also. He said they will not adjust the vent any today and will know more after they get some results of these tests which will take a minimum of 24 hours.


Thursday, March 8, 2007 8:41 AM CST

We took a few steps back last night. He is back on full ventilator with a PEEP of 5 and respirations/minutes of 30. He had a slight fever last night (100.8) and his CO2 was up to 62. They put him back on full vent support because of his CO2 level. I haven't talked to the doctors yet, but I'll let you all know what they say after I talk to them. Also his Ppeak is in the 40s again, even bouncing up in the 50s. The Ppeak is the measure of pressure in his lungs. They like that number to be under 20. The higher the Ppeak, the more resistance there is in the lungs.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:08 PM CST

Coty Drinkwater came to visit him this afternoon. When Coty started talking to JOb he just started squirming and trying to talk. We were trying to figure out what he wanted by asking different yes and no questions. Finally Coty asked if he wanted to watch TV, Job nodded his head yes. Then I asked him if he wanted to sit up more and again he nodded yes. We got the nurse to help us raise the head of his bed up. After a few minutes, he started trying to talk again. I was trying my best to figure out what wanted when he started wiggling his fingers on both hands. He looked like he was trying to play a piano. Then I asked him, "do you want to play a game?" Yes! he nodded his head. I told him that I still have his game cube in the car from when I brought it to him two weeks ago and the nurse said that she could probably get him a playstation cart. I asked him if that is what he wanted us to do and he nodded his head yes.

A few minutes later they gave him a dose of morphine so they could change out his port needle and he was deep asleep again. We just laughed and laughed at him. He can barely hold his eyes open and can't speak or eat, but he is ready to play video games. That's my Job... It was good to see his personality shining through this terrible situation.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:40 AM CST

They just changed the vent to Volume Support mode and he is breathing fine. They will check his gases in an hour to make sure all is well. They decreased the morphine a little. They are trying to have just the right sedation level so that he doesn't get tired of breathing and he doesn't panic either.

We're hoping to get off the vent either tomorrow or Friday.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:06 AM CST

They have started decreasing the respirations-per-minute setting on his vent. It started at 33, then 30, now it is 27. This setting means that is how many respirations the machine will make for Job, but his is able to breath over that setting and/or initiate breaths. It is at 27 now, but he is breathing about 30. When they get this setting down to around 15, then he will be ready for volume support. Volume support is where he will be breathing on his own with the machine ready to kick in if he doesn't breath properly himself.

They went back up on his morphine slightly and have restrained his arm because they were afraid that he was getting too alert and might try to pull the tubes out himself. That would be very painfull and something we sure don't want to happen.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:44 PM CST

His PEEP is now 5. They have decreased the morphine because they want him to wake up more. They need him more alert so that he will begin initiating his own breathes. So far he has still been very sleepy.

The doctors discussed a lung biopsy for a long time this morning. They decided that it was too great a risk for him and chose to monitor his progress with CT scans.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 7:59 AM CST

As you can see, I added the summary back to the webpage. I wish I could flip flop the journal entry and the summary, but I can not. The summary must be at the top and the journal entry at the bottom.

Everything is the same as yesterday. His PEEP is still at 6 and I believe all of his meds are unchanged. I'll keep you all posted if anything changes.

Monday, March 5, 2007 2:24 PM CST

His PEEP has been at 6 for about two hours now and he is doing just fine. There is still a little concern about his kidneys. Some of the readings aren't good, but the expectation is that they clear up themselves since there is less medicine pumping through his little body.

The doctors were discussing lung transplantation again. They have contacted Houston and asked them if there were any tests that they wanted ran prior to extabation. I was discussing it with the nurse and she said that his baseline will never improve without a transplant. The doctors haven't talked to us in detail about what the plan is after extabation and probably because the focus now is just getting him off the vent. I have been trying not to think about it myself because I have no idea what to do. I am in no place to make a decision like that right now. I am just depending on God to give us the answer and direction for the tough questions when we are faced with them.

The discussion about lung transplant has got Rob stirred up also. He wants me to contact Dr. Schellhase and discuss the issue with him. I know that the whole idea scares him. You can tell Rob is stressed to be faced with the issue again.

I pray that it doesn't come down to a lung transplant. I especially pray that God directs us in each decision. I ask the Lord to help us not make selfish decisions, but to make decision based on what is best for Job and God's will rather than what Rob and I want. The last thing I want is for Job to suffer for me...


Monday, March 5, 2007 10:44 AM CST

Each day he gets better and better. Last night around 2:00 in the morning they turned his PEEP down to 7 and he is doing just fine with that setting. They have stopped the lacix (sp?) and continue to decrease the tributiline (sp?). The tributiline is a broncodialator (sp?). Okay, I don't have Nicole here to check my spelling, so you all will have to live with my terrible phonics skills. I must have missed that day of elementary school and this website doesn't have spell check. Even if it did, it wouldn't recognize the medical terms anyway.

They have also removed the art-line from his right arm. It had kinda played out anyway and the nurse said she could check his blood gas and other things from the central line in his neck. She will just check his blood pressure with a cuff. His CO2 levels have been consistently in the 40s. Yipee!

Thanks for your continued prayers and support. We couldn't made it this far if God hadn't intervined. We're not finished yet...so keep praying.


Sunday, March 4, 2007 2:39 PM CST

Job just had a good "conversation" with us about Pirates of the Carribbean (2 r's, 1 b?, 2 b's, 1 r? who knows??). I had brought Pirates 2 up and had put it in the DVD player. One of the nurses had seen it last night but didn't understand the plot so Molly (one of his main nurses) was explaining the plot to her when Job started moving his legs and hands. Molly said, "Job, am I telling it right?" and Job nodded yes!! It was amazing to see him communicate about something so routine and normal. She asked him again if he was in pain and he shook his head no. They started talking about the movie again and were wondering if Johnny Depp would be in the third one when he started wiggling again so she asked Job and he nodded again. He squeezed Mom's hand too. Also, when I first turned the movie on and, I guess it was the first time Jack Sparrow talked when I could see his eyes moving back and forth. I said, "You're watching the movie in your head, aren't you?" He still can't really open his eyes (well, I'm sure he could if he tried really hard) and he's still heavily sedated, but you can watch the sedation numbers to tell how far down he is. The higher the number, the more awake. He had just choked on some of that condensation that builds up in the tube (yes, I was properly panicking) right before I put the movie in and his number was around 90 then! When he's really down, it's around 17 or 18, but usually hovers around 30. He was starting to snooze again (34, 35ish) when someone on the movie yelled, "Jack! Jack Sparrow!" and his number SHOT up to 65! I'm so thrilled that I had that movie with me because he seems to be enjoying it. I'm so grateful to Janet Tarver (my boss at FedEx) for sending me over here on Wednesday because she not only allowed me to be here for Job but also allowed Mom to be here too. She was so sick that I couldn't have just dropped her off here but she's feeling much better now. We thought we were coming to say goodbye and according to the doctors and nurses, that was what they thought too. He turned the corner on Thursday and the mood is completely different here now. I'm leaving today to go back to work, but I'm okay with that. I'll be back next weekend and Mom is staying here with him. I told Job that I knew his tricks. I knew he just did this to steal my Mom back (his number went to around 50 when I said this and I think I saw his mouth twitch with a little tricky smile). Even on life support, the little poot can outsmart me :)

Aunt Tammy

Sunday, March 4, 2007 12:54 AM CST

PEEP is at 8!

Sunday, March 4, 2007 11:32 AM CST

Job is still heavily sedated, but he is moving around a bit...ever so slightly. He hasn't responded to us yet, just involuntary movements so far. They will continue to keep him heavily sedated because the vent tubing would be very painful otherwise. He is initiating some breaths on his own though.

I haven't talked to a doctor this morning, but we were discussing things with his nurse. She said before we can even consider taking him off the vent his PEEP would need to be 6, probably 5, but at least 6. She said that would probably be another 4 to 5 days before we can get him there. He would then need his vent to be switched to "volume support". Volume support means that Job would be breathing on his own, with the vent ready to kick in, in the event he was not breathing properly himself. She said he would be on that setting for a minimum of 12 hours. Of course all this depends on Job and how he responds to everything and that nothing is exact. However, I really appreciated her giving us at least some idea of what to hope and pray for.

She also told us that the doctors are being more demanding on Job blood gases and acids. They had tolerated higher level before, but because he was doing so well, they were expecting more from him and continuing to tinker with his setting to adjust those numbers in the right direction. All of this is a good thing. His CO2 has continued to stay in the 40s, which is FANTASTIC!!

Please continue with the prayers because it is working so wonderfully.

God Bless,

Sunday, March 4, 2007 9:03 AM CST

His PEEP was turned down to 9 at 5:00 this morning and they just turned off the paralytic.

Saturday, March 3, 2007 5:40 PM CST

The doctor told us this morning that we should continue doing what we are doing. He said that medicine can only go so far, and we should continue the prayers, love, and blessings because it is working. The doctor was very happy with his progress so far.

They have stopped the antibiotics, because they are now 99% positive that his infection is aspergillus, a fungus. Having stopped these unnecessary meds will be easier on his liver and kidneys. He is still on three antifungials.

We decreased his PEEP to 10 this morning and all is going well. When we can get it to 9 then they will stop the parilytic. The nurse said that he is a different boy than he was a few days ago. We've made significant progress in the last couple of days. They are hearing breath sound in his left lung and he wasn't even wheezing this morning. He is still having a low grade fever from time to time.

We just found out that we have got a room at the Ronald McDonald House which will allow us to stay close while Job is in PICU. So Grandma can stay too. Nicole (and Gracy) are staying with friends, while Aunt Tammy is dog sitting for Grandma. We have that much worked out so far.

It's been a good day. Thanks for everyone's love and prayers. It's working and I believe we are going to see a miracle. Please keep on praying and fighting with us.

God Bless you all,

Friday, March 2, 2007 9:20 PM CST

Today was a good day. During the afternoon, they did turn off the paralytic and turned down the sedation. They also turned his PEEP down to 11.

He was moving around, ever so slightly until they decided to turn him over from his left side to his right side. He then started moving around quite a bit. He was trying to spit out his ventalator tube and was squirming a lot. I was talking to him, still not sure how much he could understand me when the nurse asked him to open his eyes. Much to my amazement, he began to open his eyes, I was so excited to see my boy respond to us and to understand what we were saying. Then I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I thought that he must be in a lot of pain and I mentioned it to the nurse. She just asked him. She asked him if he hurt anywhere, if he was in pain and immediately he shook his head "no". That blessed my heart. His dad then walked in the room and starting talking and he began moving his head again. Rob told him not to worry about nodding or moving his head that he just needed to relax.

A few minutes later the doctor came in and was very pleased with Job's day. He said that he did not want to decrease the vent setting any more, but was happy with how Job handled this mornings decrease. He just wanted him to rest now, and maybe we would be able to decrease it again in the morning. He said we made good progress today.


Friday, March 2, 2007 11:42 AM CST

The doctor just came in so I wanted to update everyone on what he said (paraphrased): "We reduced his ventilation significantly yesterday and he tolerated it quite well. We're going to reduce the ventilation more and also reduce his tributolyne (bronchial dilator medicine) today. He has some wheezing today but less than yesterday. He's well sedated, but his blood pressure indicates that he's in pain so we are going to up his morphine because he probably built up a tolerance to it. If he tolerates the reduction in ventilation and tributolyne, we may reduce his paralytic this afternoon. That will be tough because he will start coughing and his vitals will go up and down significantly but it's a good thing." They were having a pow-wow when I walked up and he saw me watching them through the window and gave me a thumbs up. Things are, of course, still extremely serious, but the thought that he might know we are here is very touching.

I'll post more as I find out,

Friday, March 2, 2007 8:32 AM CST

The doctor came in this morning and said that Job needed some blood. I was really surprised. I asked if he was and he said, "not really, maybe a little". He said that Job is just really sick and he is bleeding in his lungs. He said the only way he could think to describe it was to visualize a swamp. That's what Job's lungs look like. So we had to sign a consent form so they could give Job a blood transfusion.

Job's blood pressure is also high this morning. It was 141/81 with a mid of 100 a few minutes ago. The nurse explained yesterday, that his high blood pressure could indicate that he is in pain. Since he is paralized and his heart rate is elavated due to medications and his breathing is controlled by a machine, his blood pressure is the only way he can tell us if he is in pain. That's not ablsolute, because it could be high for some other reason, but that still breaks a mama's heart.


Thursday, March 1, 2007 7:38 PM CST

The afternoon was quiet. His blood pressure was up for a bit, but went down on it's own. Thanks for all the prayers and encouraging words. I look so forward to reading everyone's posts every chance I get.


Thursday, March 1, 2007 12:03 AM CST

They turned his PEEP down to 13, lets just pray that his numbers stay stable. We are still just hoping and praying that he responds to the antifungial and antibiotics. It will be a slow process. The doctor did say that there is some concern about his liver function. They are monitoring that very closly. I was not surprised. With all the chemicals they are putting into his body, I knew that it would be tough on his liver.


Thursday, March 1, 2007 9:26 AM CST

Job had an okay night. They had to turn up another setting on his machine, but it worked in bringing his CO2 level down again. I also want to mention that we posted a wonderful picture of Job's dad reading to him, so check out the photos.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:20 PM CST

I removed all the intro stuff from the front page to make it easier to check updates. All that info is in the journal anyway. I will try to post it on the other website soon(www.jobs-miracle.com). I'll have to remember how to do that first though.

Job had another fever tonight. Not very high, but enough to give him Tylenol anyway. His CO2 was up to 71 also so they bumped his breaths-per-minute up from 30 to 33. They left his PEEP at 14.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 2:44 PM CST

Today has been tough. They have raised his vent settings back up to 14 because of this mornings x-ray results. They are giving him a new bed. He's not moving rooms or anything, just changing beds. This new bed will be easier on his body and help protect him from bed sores.

Please continue to pray for my little boy...


Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:03 AM CST

Dr. Shellhouse (I don't remember how to spell his name) came in and showed Tina and Rob the CT scan of Job's lungs. They have nodules all in them from the aspergillus and the doctor said that there's a very real concern that Job will not recover. His temperature is 101.5, blood pressure is 90/44 and his heart rate is 187 (it was higher but the Rob started reading to him and it went down a little).


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:41 PM CST

Tina just called and said that Job's CO2 is up in the 70's (not good) so they're taking him into surgery now to put in a central line so they can give him some different medicines.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:32 PM CST

The results of the CT scan came back and it showed aspergillus all in his lungs. They aren't planning on doing the bronchioscope now since they know the problem. He is on three different anti-fungals to try to combat the aspergillus.

Be sure to read the journal history since each new posting erases the old one off the front page (you old journal veterans already know this).


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:45 PM CST

Tina said that they just finished his CT scan. Also, they've reduced his ventilator from 15 to 12 (that's a good thing). I've posted a couple of new pictures (I wish we could have more than three on here!).


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 2:26 PM CST

Job is stable and is still in ICU. He is in a "medically induced coma" which essentially means that they have given him a paralytic to keep him from moving anything (including his lungs since they are so fragile). He has a feeding tube, catheter, and five IV's in addition to the tubes down his nose and throat for breathing. I've put two pictures of him in the photo album which show part of the machinery taking care of him.

They are taking a CT scan of Job's lungs today and will probably do another bronchioscopy. He's not moving air through his left lung and they've tried a lot of things including helium. When I talked to Tina, they were putting him on a portable ventilator so they could get him to the CT machine.

Mom had her last chemo yesterday and is free from appointments here in Memphis for the next six weeks. I'll be bringing her over this weekend so she'll be able to stay there with Job. This is her "hell-week" so she'll be out of it until Sunday with extreme pain and nausea. In other words, as much as she wants to be there right now, she couldn't come anyway. Also, her brother passed away last night, so please continue to pray for our family's strength.


Sunday, February 25, 2007 2:08 AM CST

Mom just called from the hospital and told me that they're putting Job on a ventilator right now. They'll have to keep him asleep as long as he's on it which could be anywhere from a few days to months or ?? This is the worst news we've gotten so far. Tina, Mom and everyone else who stayed there at the hospital (even though they had to hide out down in the surgery waiting room since the ICU nurse said that nothing significant was happening tonight so they needed to go home) are understandably upset, worried, and terrified. I wish I would have gone with Mom but there was a reason for it to work out like it did. I will likely ride back with Johnny (our brother who is visiting here today) at least so that Mom doesn't have to drive back by herself for her last chemo on Monday. I wish I had better news to post.


Saturday, February 24, 2007 5:54 PM CST

Tina just called and said that they're moving Job to ICU because he's not getting enough oxygen. The doctors aren't telling her a lot but the suspicion is that they are wanting to have him in ICU in the event that they have to put him on the ventilator. Please pray that this does not happen because, as we understand it, it would be hard for him to get off the ventilator once he goes on it.

I'll post more as I find out more,

Saturday, February 24, 2007 12:02 AM CST

This is Job's Aunt Tammy. Tina just called me and asked me to update the site because the internet isn't working at the hospital.

They've been treating Job with antibiotics since he's been in the hospital, but he kept getting worse. The results of his blood and sputum cultures came back and one of his cultures grew Aspergillus. This is the same fungus that he had last year and was on Voriconazol for 6 months before they had it cleared up (or thought they did) and took him off. He has so much congestion that he's not getting enough oxygen and they have to get the congestion out so he can breathe. They're starting Voriconazol again today. He rested better last night but he's still miserable and can't even talk or play his games.

Mom is over there with him now. She was just too worried about him so I told her to just take my car and go. She has to come back tomorrow night for her last chemo on Monday but it was just too important for both of their well-being for her to be there even for just a day and a half.

Also, they moved him to room 3127 because they had too many kids coming in with the flu.

Please keep praying that they get this fungus under control so he can breathe. I'll post more updates as I get them from Tina.

Thursday, February 22, 2007 3:11 PM CST

Feb 23rd
Job had a rough night last night. Rob said that he coughed and coughed all night long. They did put him on oxygen yesterday evening and I was hoping that would help him rest, but I think he actually had the worse night so far. I am glad they have him on some oxygen though. I knew that he needed it.

They started his respiratory therapy last night, but he wasn't able to complete the IPV treatment. He just couldn't stop coughing and had a hard time catching his breath.

He had fever again this morning of 101.5. This is the 5th day of fever.

Thursday, February 22, 2007 3:11 PM CST

Jan 22-Feb 1:
Job spent 11 days in the hospital getting IV antibiotics. He had a broncoscopy on 1/23/07 which revealed that he a bacteria called “Streptococcus Pneumonia”. He received Ticarcilling-Clavualanic Acid through his IV for a week and a half. On 1/27/07 he received the “Pulmovax” which is a pneumonia vaccine to try and help prevent future pneumonias.

Feb 5:
Job had a follow-up appointment with the doctors in Houston. We were told that he was stable and still was not anywhere near needing a lung transplant. They still want to follow him about every six months, but even said that if he was doing well, we could push the appointment out further than six months.

Feb 20:
Job has not been feeling well at all. Sat. (Feb 17th) morning he woke up early throwing up and had about five episodes before it seemed to pass. Sun. he seemed to be fine. Then, yesterday (Feb. 19th) he woke up with a fever of 102.2 and has kept a fever ever since. We have been alternating between giving him Motrin and Tylenol about every 4 to six hours. The meds will bring his fever down, but when it begins to wear off, then up the fever goes again.

He has only complained once about breathing problems. Sunday night on our way home from church he said that it hurt his chest when he would take a deep breath. I have asked him several times since if he was having any trouble breathing and he has said no.

I checked his pulse-ox while he was sleeping this morning and it would bounce between 89 and 91 with his heart rate around 145. After he got up then his pulse-ox was 93 and was still 93 at 10:45 with his heart rate at 125 and a temp of 97.7 (Motrin given at 6:30).

We gave Motrin again at 3:00 p.m. That seemed to keep the fever away the rest of the night.

Feb 21:
Job came to work with me today because he had a dentist appointment. He didn’t have fever this morning. However, as the morning went on it started to rise. By 10:15 it was up to 101.6. I called Catherine and she told us to go to the ER. I called Rob and he met me there.

His flu and Strep tests were both negative. His x-rays look okay and his blood work was good. They admitted him for IV antibiotics and further evaluation. He is on Orange in room 3283.

Feb 22:
Job had fever all night. It was 101 around 7:00 this morning. They gave him Tylenol around 6:00. The Tylenol eventually brought his fever down but as of 3:00 it was back and more Tylenol was given.

He was admitted under Hem/Onc, but Pulmonary has been contacted and will be seeing him soon.

Job’s Grandma is doing well. She has only one chemo treatment to go and she will be finished.


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