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Caleb Andrew Sims was born with Hirschsprungs Disease (a genetic disorder that affects the colon). February 24, 2003 at age 3 1/2 Caleb was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, a very aggressive cancer. After intensive chemo and a stem cell transplant he went into remission for eleven months then relapsed November 31 of 2004. We know God has a plan for Caleb. After a long fight and full of strength with determination Caleb said "Jesus going to help me feel better", Jesus did. Caleb will always be our Hero.
FAITH DOESN'T GET YOU AROUND PROBLEMS, IT TAKES YOU THROUGH THEM. Caleb is free of Hirschsprungs and Neuroblastoma. He fought long and hard for seven years. Caleb, Brave and Strong he was. April 28, 2006, God said "Come to me". Caleb followed after a long fight.

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Monday, April 28, 2008 4:11 PM CDT

April 28th, 2006 at 3:50 p.m. two years ago when Caleb left my arms at Childrens to his beautiful angel whom carried him to meet Jesus, the one he talked about so much that would help him feel better. Two years he hasn't had to endure any pain, just all joy and happiness, playing with his brothers and sisters in Christ including my unborn child I miscarried. We miss Caleb and think of him everyday. It will never be the same without Caleb running around here but as for anyone who looses a child, you learn to adjust somehow. On difficult days when you seem to struggle through life, it's so hard to stand, it's amazing how God holds you up to comfort you. When lonely days comes God places friends to lift you.

I can imagine he is still in "AWE" of the beauty, praising our Lord with the others, running with joy on the streets of gold with no pain in his legs, no more Neuroblastoma or Hirschsprungs to deal with and no medicine. I can almost see him walking side by side, hand in hand with Jesus every chance he can. We look forward seeing Caleb again soon, very soon. Caleb looked up to heaven, the beauty of God's love surround him with amazement. Jesus forever with him.

Cody is doing so great! We are very proud of him. He is ten now trapped inside a teenager!! He talks about Caleb alot and misses him, his best friend but he knows he will see Caleb again very soon. Cody is playing football at school during football season. Working very hard to keep his grades on A's and B's. He is on the Student Council board which keeps him buisy. He's excited he will be graduating from Elementary next year moving on to the middle school but will miss Mrs.Dewey.

As I close this two year journal, I pray that each of you will take the time to be thankful for your children, take each day like it was their last because they are God's gift to us. "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Much Love To You and God Bless,
Adam,Laurie,Cody :)

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Hospital Information:

Adam,Laurie,Cody,Caleb Sims
205 Oates Lane
Lonoke, AR 72086




E-mail Author: Lsims71@cs.com


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