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Friday, February 15, 2008 12:29 AM CST

Haley had CT scans done on Tuesday we found out that she has more tumors that have come up. Now they are in bone marrow, spine, lungs, liver. She is doing well for now we are home and have only two more days of radiation left. Thank you for all your prayers.


Sunday, February 3, 2008 9:34 AM CST

We are getting ready for another round of radiation. There are three tumors that we are treating this time. On her left eye, Between the nose, and one deep behind the nose. Her pain is not to bad but we can tell she has some. Everyone has been very sweet to her to make sure that she got everything she needs. Thanks to all.

Monday, January 28, 2008 1:06 PM CST

Last Thursday we found out that Haley has two possibly three more tumors that have come up. One is one the outter part of her left eye and the other is on the bridge of her nose. The one not sure about is on the back of her skull. She has been very sleepy lately but over all feeling pretty good. WE are now waiting on the doctors to call and tell us when we will start radiation.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 10:15 AM CST

As everyone knows by now Haley has relapsed once again. The doctors have giving her just a few months. Right now she is in some pain from radiation to her leg. Also, she has just started to complain that her head is hurting alot and her eye. So, we are headed to Birmingham today for scans on Thursday.(MRI). Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:46 PM CST

HAley is doing great she has two more weeks of treatments! Then she is going to Disney World in March! We are so blessed to be at this point in her life! Thanks to all that have never gave up on us. We all are ready to put this behind us and make new memories that don't include hospital in them. We love you all! Amy Haley Katelyn &Chuck

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:43 PM CDT

Hello everybody it's been a while. We would like to apologize for not updateing the web page lately. Our computer has been down with a bad power supply. But we are now up and running. Haley is doing excellent she has gained 4 pounds in the last month and is really back to her old self again. Last Thursday she had her port removed in one day surgery. She recovered quickly that afternoon and running and playing by 7 p.m. She really has a different additude about things in a good way now that all the treatments are over. She and Katelyn recntly got three kitten from Aunt Tina. There are Angle Baby, Bounce & Lazy Daisy. They are really haveing a great time with the kittens. Haley has also started WEE School at the Baptist Church and she really enjoys it espeacially having her on cubby hole. We don't know how to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. She is a true example of what God can do through prayer. WE truely don't think she would have made it without all of the prayers she received throughout this time of need in the past year.

Sunday, June 19, 2005 1:53 PM CDT

Hey! We are very excited to tell everyone that Haley is going Tuesday for her last chemo treatment. She is so happy to know that all of this stuff has come to an end. Today is Father's Day and have been visiting paw-paw's and Nanny & Nana, Chuck will have the afternoon to play in the pool with the girls. Haley has been feeling great the last couple days, we have enjoyed everyday of it. Haley will have to have scans done in July standard test just to make sure everything is gone. KAtelyn had been able to go to Birmingham with us so it has made it better having her there. Haley has been eating very well her new favorite food is boiled eggs. She has ate 2 dozen this week. She is ready for her new hair, eyebrows, And eyelashes to come back and stay. We also look forward to her putting alot of weight on and we know it all will come in time but this is the end of this milestone we only hope and pray that each day is better than the last. Thanks for all your prayers and mail.

Chuck, Amy, Katelyn & Haley

Saturday, May 21, 2005 4:49 AM CDT

Good news and great news! Haley got out of the hospital yesterday we got home around 2:00 p.m. which was in time to go pick up big sister from school. Haley's counts droped tuesday morning and she and amy headed for birmingham. Her counts jumped from 230 on thursday to 1034 on friday which is good because the way things have been going lately we and the doctors had anticipated in coming home sunday. She is feeing good and playing a lot. The doctors and staff are still amazed that she has only still had one platelet transfusion. This is good because there is no free bleeding as well as very little bruising. The great news is that she only has two more treatments which will be ending on june 21. I am sorry for not updating everyone lately. Haley goes back for her next treatment on may 31st. She will be going to the beach next weekend with nanny and pawpaw and she and kate are really looking foward to that. I will put some new pictures in today also. We thank you for all your prayers and please continue them and i know she is going to be just fine.

Love Chuck, Amy, Haley and Kate.

Friday, April 1, 2005 3:55 PM CST

Haley had a full body scan wednesday and the results were great. The is no sign of any cancer anywhere in the body. She and amy came home wednesday afternoon and haley is feeling great. We all had a good time at the beach playing putt putt golf which is haley's favorite game. Like other games when you play with haley she makes her on rules and she always wins. We also enjoyed the trip to the zoo. Haley got to hold a monkey and feed a siberian white tiger cub a baby bottle by hand. It was really a great time for her one i hope she doesent forget. She and big sis kate and cousin big kate really had a great time at the beach playing in the water and sand. Her counts will be droping soon. Hopefully she will bounce back as fast as she did last time. We would like to thank aunt tina,kate,uncle steve & pam and friends at the zoo for a great time. Please continue to pray for haley. Thanks again.

Love Chuck , Amy , Haley & Kate.

Sunday, March 13, 2005 5:57 PM CST

Hello! Great news Haley got her CT scan on Monday and they see NO sign of anything that was her head ane neck. March 30 she will have the rest of her body scaned somehow it got messed up but the main part we were holding our breathe on was the head and neck scans now we know thats over we can all breathe alittle easier.We finished our topo treatment Friday and came home Haley is alittle slow but that is understandable. Keep your prayers going they have worked so far and this is a difficult week for her. But after this week we are going to take a small trip to the beach. We are going to stay with Aunt Tina. She lives down there we also hope to see our favorite neighbors in Mobile during that time. Haley next visit to the doctor is March the 29th we will get a few days away from Birmingham hopefully. Please also keep our friends Dan & Joylee in your prayers she is still in the hospital and may not get out until the babies are born (due date June). Also Erica & Britt are waiting for baby Gully to arrive anytime. P.S. Call Me! Thank you for keeping up with Haley ane what she has been up too. God Bless.

Sunday, February 27, 2005 4:17 PM CST

Hey everone! Haley just got out of the hospital on Saturday afternoon. She was still tired from the hospital so all we did was lay around. But she is feeling alot better now. Everyone got the stomache bug but me supermom I guess the good Lord thought I had enough on my plate at that time.Now over that we are just glad to be home together. Haley will recieve her next big chemo treatment March 7 and Haley and I will stay in Birmingham for that week so she gets treatment everyday. Also she will be having a CT scan on the 7th to revaluate her progress to see if anything has changed.Your prayers are much needed during this week of chemo it is really hard on her but with your prayers she will be able to overcome this just as good as she has done so many times before. That's all for now we will keep you posted until then.

Thursday, February 17, 2005 6:28 PM CST

Haley came home tuesday after getting her chemo treatment and she is doing just fine. She was a little tired wednesday but today she is really feeling good. She is sitting in my lap while i type she say's she wants to make sure i type things wright. That is an impossible job. Recently at the hospital some high school kids came to the fourth floor and helped all the children make mardi gra mask and haley really had a good time as you can tell by the picture in the photo section. We are counting the days down until june gets her and the chemo will stop. Hopefully she will become a healthy little girl again with the good lords help. She really has been growing taller here lately and keeping her weight stable which is very good for progress. She will be going back for her next treatment on march the seventh if every thing goes well with this round. So until next time please continue to pray for her and im sure she will do just fine. Haley and Kate have a new cousin and his name is Joseph they are both tickled too death about him.There pictures with him are also in the photo section.

Love Chuck,Amy,Haley and Kate

Saturday, February 5, 2005 9:34 AM CST

Haley had to be admitted monday afternoon to childrens hospital. Her white blood cell count fell to zero as well as her red blood cell platelet count. But the good news is she is feeling great and as of today her white cell count is on the rise up to 286.0 with 60% antibodies. So maybe tomorrow she can come home. We were not expecting her counts to fall as fast as they did but it could be because of the new drug they added to the mix this last go around. They added the new drug topo to give a new angle to the bad cells if there are any. The drug seems to work well against two other types of cancer and they have been building a data base on how well it works against rhyabdo. This in turn should increase her odds of the cancer cells not rebuilding themselves we pray. It truly is amazing how far times have come with in treating cancer and every new day is truly a blessing from GOD.

Keep praying for her and we will talk to you later. Love Amy, Chuck, Haley and Kate.

Saturday, January 29, 2005 6:33 AM CST

Well good morning! and a good one it is. Haley came home yesterday afternoon and she really looks good. They gave her a new drug in the mix this go around and she handled it just fine. The name of the drug is called topotecan or topo for short. It takes a period of five days to administer the drug in three hour increments. It seems to pretty much carry the same side effects along with the others. The clinic called yesterday afternoon and said she will more than likely need a blood transfusion on tuesday of next week. This will be her 6th transfussion since she started last july. She made it through her last round of chemo just fine her counts fell but for the first time we did not have to be admitted to the hospital. Let me tell you that was a great feeling for us and especially her. We are praying and keeping our fingers crossed she does as good this go around. She still has a great appetite and a great attitude. When she makes it to june the chemo will stop and a big mountain will have been climed. Please continue to pray and we love all of you.

Sunday, January 9, 2005 5:41 PM CST

Hey! We have gotten back in the swing of chemo treatments once again. Haley is doing great she has made it passed her regular point of going back to the hospital. Today she went on a boat ride and rode her jeep all over the yard.Yesterday we got to she Rudy he is growing big but is still as sweet as ever. He is like a big puppy. All scans came back and they didn't see anything. We have until june 20th that is our last treatment hopefully forever!!!! Now we wait on June but until then she has a lot to look forward too. She will have a few new friends between that time. Uncle Rob and Glenna - Baby Boy Erica & Britt - Boy
Dan & Joy Lee - Boy & Girl and our old neighbor from Mobile Beth & James - Girl we wish them all the luck espcially Dan & Joy Lee.We will keep you up to date on anything that might change. Ms. Nena please let me know when we could see you Haley is about to have a fit to see Ellie thats all she talks about.

Friday, December 31, 2004 8:42 AM CST

Happy New Year! Haley had a wonderful Christmas. She got alot of toys she wanted. We have pictures but I don't know how to put them on the page Chuck will have to do that. Haley went for her scans this week we will not get the results until Monday when we go for our one day stay for chemo. Haley enjoyed visiting with Clay the puppet that she talks to when she is in the hospital. She is still talking about Ellie and Ms. Nena from radiation. Everytime we go to Birmingham she wants to see the puppies and Joel, Ms.Anita, Squirl Man and everyone else that took good care of her there. We all wish that this is the best year ever for all of you and your families.We love you all!!

Haley Chuck Amy & Katelyn

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 6:35 PM CST

Hey! Well today we went to the mall to see Santa and got there picture made with him. We all are enjoying being able to go and do like we want since Haley isn't on chemo now. It sure has been a long deserved break for Haley. She will be admitted for chemo Jan.3. We will go for CT scan and MRI next week but that's no big thing we do those regularly. She has been under the tree shaking, smelling and who now what else to her presents. Haley can't wait until she can open all of them. Today we spoke to the preacher on the phone and Haley said hey. The preacher always tells them that he loves her and Jesus does too, well when she gave the phone back to me she told me that Jesus was on the phone. We all got a little giggle out of that. She has now narrowed it down to only a baby monkey and toys that she wants for Christmas.Our family wants to wish all of you a Merry Christmas.

Chuck Amy Katelyn & Haley

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 8:48 PM CST

Hello! We wanted to let you know that Haley's doctors visits went great. All of her doctors are very happy with the way things are going. Tonight we made cupcakes for Katelyn's Christmas party at school. We had fun painting them red and green and putting special treats on the top. There favorite part was licking the spoons after we were done. I hope Mrs. Tangle's class likes them as much as Haley did. Haley started walking by herself yesterday and hasn't slowed down yet.We are ready for Christmas! Haley has asked for so weird animals tonight she asked for a baby monkey added to her baby cow, dog, cat, pig,and squirl.I don't think Santa will be able to fit all of that in his sleigh. But it never hurts to ask. We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Chuck, Amy, Katelyn, & Haley

Monday, December 6, 2004 7:00 PM CST

Hey Everyone! Haley is doing great. She was able to go to COTR day parade and catch lots of candy and she saw Santa too. She has also been busy fixing our Christmas tree. We have made special ornimates to hang on the tree with everyones name on them that has been so good to us. With your thoughts and prayers she is able to this years Christmas tree and thats our way of saying thanks. She has gained about 5 to 7 pounds since getting out of the hospital. She is now wearing clothes that fell off of her a month ago. She starts her day with a big bowl of ice cream followed by mac & cheese then maybe some cereal and by lunch she eats chicken noodle soup without the chicken and the soup and continues that all day long. We couldn't be happier to see all that food disappear. We go to Birmingham tomorrow to see when the chemo starts back. We will keep you posted. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. We love you all.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:54 AM CST

Great news!!! Haley came home yesterday around 5:30pm. Her appitite is great and she is really feeling great and healing great as well. I can not thank the surgeons and staff at the hospital enough for there work and for showing so much love and compation toward haley,amy and i. We would also like to thank all our friends and family who have devoted so much time and prayer in getting haley to this point in such a difficult time in her life. We truly do believe the only reason she is where she is at is because of all the good people out there praying and asking god to help her. She still has a cast on her left leg which should come off next week somtime. The surgeons did an great job it is amazing how great she looks. She is back to her self again and eating and playing. She is excited about christmas and seeing what Santa is going to bring although every time amy and i ask her if she wants to ask santa for certain toys she always replies ( Thats alright daddy can get it now). We have some new pictures and i will try to upload them this afternoon. We really do appreciate everyones thoughts gifts and prayers.


Wednesday, November 3, 2004 6:56 PM CST

Well Haley's big day will be next wednesday. Amy and i have talked with all the surgeons and everything is set up for Nov 10th. The surgery will be a long one. The doctors say around twelve hours. After the surgery she will be in the ICU unit for about two or three days and somewhere around fourteen days after she is out of ICU so it is going to be a long haul. Haleys counts are up and she has been dancing and playing every day. Her weight is holding about the same for the last two months which is good. She continues to amaze us just being Haley with all of her funny stunts she pulls not to mention trying to boss everyone around especially big sister Kate who takes it all with a pretty smile. Katelyn's class had a test the other day in writting.One thing they had to do was write a letter to someone you want to help. Tell what you would like to do. She said! "I would like to help my sister. She is sick. I do not know how to help my sister. But I do not like that she is sick. I fill bad. I could cry. The end." It sums up how we feel sometimes. Everything is really looking good so please say a prayer on weds. We would really like to thank everyone for all of there help and concerns and especially all the prayers.


Sunday, October 31, 2004 11:34 AM CST

Good news! Haley got to come home friday we got home around 5:00pm and she is doing good. She bounced back quicker than ever before which is great because most of the time the longer your on chemo the longer it takes to come back after your counts drop. The surgeons have changed the date of the surgery to the 10th of november instead of the 18th i had stated in the last journal. I can tell you she would not be where she is at this point without prayer and the work of GOD. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She really has been enjoying playing with her sister Kate this weekend. They have been riding four wheelers and playing dress up. She has enjoyed looking at all the different costumes this weekend.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004 7:29 PM CDT

Haley and amy went back to the hospital today. Haleys counts had droped since last tuesdays chemo treatment. She was running fever this morning so Daddy,Amy and Haley loaded up and headed for Birmingham. I talked to amy about 30 minutes ago she said Haley is doing fine and is watching cartoons and eating.Hopefully she can come home saturday or sunday.The surgeons have pretty much set the date for removal on the 18th of next month.There will be a team of five surgeons during her operation and all of them are ranked in the nation as some of the best.After talking to these guys it has really has boosted our confidence level in the procedure she will go through.The way it sounds she will be in the hospital around 14 days for recovery.It is a big surgery and a big challenge for Haley but with her attitude strong will and as good as she has been feeling lately she will do just fine. While in Birmingham last week Haley got to swim in a heated pool and let me tell you she had a blast.We had to drag her out of there.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:11 PM CDT

Haley came home yesterday she got her three chemos and is doing well. Her favorite new character is Dora the explorer. We will go to Birmingham this coming monday to meet with cancer removal surgeons. Haley had a ct done on wednesday so the surgeons can study it before we get there on monday. Hopefully we will get a date on the surgery. Haley sure has enjoyed reading all of her E-mails and cards in the mail she gets real excited and enjoys seeing and us reading them to her. Again we really do thank everyone for all of there thoughts and prayers and she needs all the prayers she can get. We will talk to you later.

LOVE Haley,Kate,Amy and Chuck

Monday, October 4, 2004 5:31 PM CDT

Haley had to go into the hospital last tuesday. The radiation treatments have weekend the teeth and jaw bone and she has developed some absess in the molar area which made her fever go high. The good news is she came home saturday and is doing good she is taking oral antibiotics to fight the the infection and keep the fever down. The doctors are trying to get evrything scheduled sooner now because of the absess. We will be going to get the MRI on this thursday and while she is under for the MRI the dentist will try and do something for the absess and the other surgeons will study the MRI to see how they can remove the remaing part of the tumor with the least amount of damage to the nerves and bone in this area. They said that it is in a tough area because of all the facial and optic nerves that are in this area. But i beleive that with all our prayers and GODS help he will guide these surgeons to a very successful removel. Sorry it took so long to update i will try to do better. Until next time.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:28 PM CDT

I talked to Haley today and she is doing great and eating good as well. Amy said she did real well taking all three chemos and that she is in very good spirits.She said that Haley was ready to go for a wagon ride to the harbor house. The harbor house is a place where kids parents and friends can all go to and play. It is a branch of childrens hospital.If every thing goes good haley, amy and pawpaw should be home arond lunch weds.She will go back in three weeks to get her three chemos and she will also get a MRI. If the MRI looks good a team of surgeons will get together and look at how they will remove the remainding tumor.This will be another obstacle in haleys life but with your prayers and gods will i am sure she will do just fine.Let me tell you she is one tough little bug.I hope evryone made it through the storm okay and will update you as soon as possible.



Sunday, September 12, 2004 4:11 PM CDT

Good news Haley came home from hospital saturday. It was great her counts came up so good the doctors said go home.Her blood transfusions did a lot of good her color is back and she is real active. She has been riding in her Barbie jeep both yesterday and today ,she has also been painting with her water colors today she loves to paint.She had a touch of pnemonia in her right lung but the doctors gave us oral antibiotics which should finish clearing it up in a couple of days. She is eating and drinking well ,we hope she can put on a little bit of wieght before she gets her next three chemos in a couple of weeks.Thanks again for all the prayers,thoughts and gifts it means so much.

Wednesday, September 8, 2004 6:29 PM CDT

Well just when things were looking good we had to take Haley to the hospital tuesday morning at about 3:00am.Her counts droped to about 20,But after talking to Amy today it sounds good,she has started eating again but her fever is still trying to stay high.They gave her a blood transfusion yesterday and today,Amy said that she is starting to act like her little prissy self again. This past monday haley got to visit rudy a little furry friend of hers.Hopefuly with what the doctors are saying she will be up and going by this weekend.If you want to see the pictures of Haley'Amy and Rudy check out the photos below.Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers and GOD bless you all.


Sunday, September 5, 2004 11:02 PM CDT

Haley's MRI shows the tumor to be half the size it use to be which is great news.She is now through with radiation which is also a good thing even though she say's she misses the puppies and all the good people that took such good care of her at the radiation center.Haley's birthday last saturday turned out great she had a lot of friends and family show up and a lot of nice gifts to open.She would like to thank all the people out there who are doing so much praying it has really worked every day so keep it up.Haleys apitite has really picked up latey with the tumor getting smaller it is easy to chew now.She should only have to go to Birmingham once a week for one chemical and blood work and every three weeks for three chemicals which requires a one night stay in the hospital.

We really do apriciate everyones thoughts and prayers.

LOVE Haley,Katelyn,Amy and Chuck

Friday, August 27, 2004 5:06 PM CDT

Haley has come a long way,she only has one more visit to radiation on monday.PaPa and Nana Dotson came up to Birmingham Thursday. We went to oak mt. animal farm haley had a great time with the animals.We will be admitted on tues to get all three chemos,and thursday she will get a MRI which will let us know if the Rhabdo tumor is small enough to remove. P.S new photos.

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