Jodi Howard|Apr 6, 2022
You don't know me but I am a PT at blank and have been following along and praying for you sweet little miracle. The only things that pop in my head outside of your list are deep pressure input or weighted blanket while eating (like a tighter swaddle?) Or noise canceling headphones?

My favorite suggestion below is a list of prayer warriors!
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Jess Riser|Apr 6, 2022
Another thought - send out a text to a solid group of godly women/men every time you sit down to feed. And I mean every time! That they may intervene for you the moment it’s all going down. Do not tire of asking your people to speak to God on your behalf. it is a privilege, anyone who gets to be an advocate for Zeke and his mom 🖤
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Jess Riser|Apr 6, 2022
These lists are incredible. You are a resilient momma! as I was reading, I’m smiling, imagining 3-4 years down the road when you can come back and read the list to Zeke as a testament to your dedication to him as a little babe! I pray it’s something that you guys will be able to giggle at down the road. 💕

I should start by saying I have no qualifications that make these ideas worthy.

Have you tried feeding him skin to skin? I also think you’re on the right track by making the environment comfortable for you. Find a calm soothing environment (dim lights + candle + classical music + warm coffee) and make it a routine. I feel like you should be able to “feed train” him the same way we “sleep train”. Maybe it won’t work the first time, or even second or third time? 😬 but at some point might Zeke learn that this super sweet environment is when my mom and I chillax and I’m supposed to take this bottle….. I have no idea. That’s my best shot. You are an absolute warrior!
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Audrey Ward|Apr 6, 2022
Maybe it's my complete lack of being a mom/parent, but I think reading a book while feeding a baby is... truly the most impressive thing ever?? Will continue to be praying for Zeke, you, and your wonderful family! <3
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Dina Johnson|Apr 6, 2022
Kourtney - I can’t imagine the stress you are feeling. Zeke is a miracle - a blessing from God and now you need to feed that little miracle. I can’t imagine the pressure given all you both have been through.
My daughter was premature - just over 6 weeks early, (I am not comparing - she was no where close to as early as Zeke and nothing compared to what Zeke has been through) but she did not have a sucking reflex. Who even knew that was possible?
Once her feeding tube was removed, I remember it was all up to me to make sure my little miracle was nourished and gained weight. (To add to my pressure - I was told I would never have children so this gift I unexpectedly received from God, was in my mind, my responsibility to raise and take care of - which in my crazy mom brain translated at the time - that it was solely up to me) So, although we have very different experiences, I do remember my stress and exhaustion when trying to feed a child that just didn’t seem to get it or want it. This ongoing struggle for us only lasted about 4 months. (I can say ONLY now, but at the time 4 months felt like 4 years. So, I can’t imagine this going on for you and Zeke another 6 months in addition to all the time that has already passed - you are such a strong mom!)
Now, I am not sure this is good advice, but I am going to share it, because it worked for me 31 years ago. If nothing else, I hope it will make you smile just a little.
Out of desperation one day, I went out and bought an old fashion bottle and nipple. I then burnt the end of a needle and proceeded to make 4 additional holes in the nipple. Yes, I see now that this was most likely not safe, but did I mention I was sleep deprived too🤪
However, after a few feedings with this “revised” nipple, my daughter actually started drinking. I mean, I can still feel the relief of that day when she downed 2 ounces! I danced around the room with her in pure joy and excitement! The dog just stared at me. Eventually the 2 ounces became 3 then 4 until one day she was consistently drinking 6-8 ounces.
What I realized, was that she wanted to drink, but that she didn’t want to or maybe couldn’t put in the effort of drinking from a normal nipple.
I am not sure that is the case with Zeke, but instead of a make shift nipple, would some sort of beginner sippy cup help him? He does see big brother drinking from a cup, so maybe??
Yes, a very long winded answer for only the little advice of a sippy cup! That’s all I got that you haven’t already listed as trying.
Kourtney - you are doing fabulous with the extreme conditions in which you need to raise Zeke and Jack. Extend yourself grace. Know that God is there every second. You are all so dearly loved.
I will specifically add Zeke’s feedings to my prayers for him and for you.

“The Infant Room Lady”
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Pam Nesbitt|Apr 6, 2022
All I can come up with is trying to feed him in the bathtub. But that might be a little risky. Sounds like you have tried a thousand different things!!! Hang in there Kourtney! 🙏🏼
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Miranda Robinson|Apr 6, 2022
Kourtney- I laugh with your jokes! But- I also can feel (if only just a whisper) of the pressure you must be feeling. I don't have any answers or advice, that's for sure. But I just wanted to let you know I think you are an amazing, amazing mom and you're doing such a good job. Love you, friend!
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