LESA WILLARD|Apr 25, 2024
Whenever I read your deep sharing of feelings, my heart is stirred. Stirred with desiring to have the focus, Godly insight that is so inspired through your words. As I have watched your walk through this, and the tender care/love Calvin has so perfectly forged on, I am humbled and so thankful for you both and the witness you shine. I thank God for you and the privilege of being your friend. You are so loved.
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sharon thompson|Apr 25, 2024
In our best or worst of times seeking and knowing God’s closest presence is our rescue above all events we endure. As we experience aging dear friend I believe that our yesterday’s horrors become less engaging to provide paralyzing fear. Instead our present day horrors are verifiably redeemed by His will and blood which grants absolute certainty of a holiness for His glory. I admit it takes courage, hope, faith and the Holy Spirit to make steadfast of my beliefs. Thank God for His unwavering mercy and ministry of His Holy Spirit. The time length of a cancer ridden body and its direct assault against existential ways of distrust or lack of understanding bears witness to the power of God. Your written honesty and authenticity bears witness to His power. My dearest friend the gift of endurance to you has lighten the burden for many and shown the way of grace to many. Much is unknown but you have been promised perfect satisfaction when you see Him face to face and look exactly like His image. Your life ministry has brought gifts of pondering about who God is and what He does. I love you with my heart.
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Jan Cavell|Apr 25, 2024
You are a light in my life, and many days your words and scripture references keep me going. Enjoy the Cayman Islands!
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Dawn Figueroa|Apr 25, 2024
Thank you Yvonne! I recall the many letters you sent me over the years that always lifted my spirit. :)
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Regina Donour|Apr 25, 2024
You are an angel to my medical struggles.
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Carole & Stan Bright|Apr 25, 2024
You have been an encourager as long as I have known you, always positive with a smile on your face. I have been following you since you started your blog (or close to starting). As we all face struggles we have to have faith and know that all things are with Gods timing.
I have recently experienced sadness and illness within my family and have reached out to my church family, my friends and counselors for encouragement. I lost my Mom in January after a short and very unexpected illness and at the same time struggling to care for my Dad after he had a stroke last November, he has now had 2 stokes.
Dad is now in Hospice but I am caring for him in my home. He cared for me through my upbringing and I have chosen to do the same for him. After speaking with a dear friend yesterday who has had similar struggles we question why we are put through hard situations. I know that God is in control and I have faith that he is using us all to spread his word. I pray over my father daily and know that in his time he will make him an angel in heaven.
Thank you again for encouraging others through your own struggles and hardships and yet loves pours out through your words!!
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