Laurel Colton|Apr 18, 2021
You can call me: 323-256-8406.
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Laurel Colton|Apr 18, 2021
Hi, Veronica. Yes, of course. What time do you think you will be here? The only thing is that I just had surgery myself on Thursday and my recovery instructions say that I am not supposed to lift more than 10 lbs. for one week. Will Brendan be with you to help put the ramp in your car? Alternatively, I can ask my next-door neighbor if he can help.
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Veronica Hahni|Apr 17, 2021
Laurel, this is beyond amazing!! An answer to prayer. I was trying to figure out how we would work my mom's medical appointments around Brendan's school schedule because we really can't carry both her and the wheelchair without him. Not without dropping her anyway. This is so perfect! Would it work for you if we swing by tomorrow on our way to Mom's after church? Thank you!!
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