Patti Hale|Nov 25, 2018
Love ya William! You are a great patient, you have an awesome spouse and support team and your medical care has seemed to be top notch so i’m thinking - after your treatment is complete your body will recover and before you know it we’ll be in Leakey in the spring riding bikes.! Let’s shoot for that and in the meantime i’m glad that along with your docs you’re staying on top of things - I.e. chest X-rays and skin checks - keep us posted on the results. You’re in our thoughts as you move forward ❤️
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Tom Via|Nov 25, 2018
Go Get'm --- Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. You're going to be your Ole' Self again soon!
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Greevz Fisher|Nov 25, 2018
Great news you have successfully passed your six month milestone. It's that Yorkshire gritstone, tenacity, determination and joie de vivre that makes the difference. Magic to hear you are managing some bike rides, even if you feel like the lanterne rouge of the peleton. Wonderful to read of all the support of family and friends and especially Sharon, which will be a constant boon and solace as you keep moving forward on a step by step, day by day basis.
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Stanley Munn|Nov 25, 2018
All sounds good; congratulations, William, on emerging from this incredible ordeal.

As for political thoughts and the internet, may I suggest you turn your attention to the comedic rants about sweeping the forest floors, now flooding the interdoodle.
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