Jeff Cochran|Feb 15, 2021
Wendy, We appreciate the update. Please know that we love you. I can't begin to imagine how the past year has been for you. We are always here for you.
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Jane Gardiner|Feb 13, 2021
Dear Wendy, You news leaves me with very confused feelings. It's good to hear the tumours are no worse and your blood's good, but disappointing that they can't take you off the chemo. You have my deep admiration and support (as much as I can support you from the other side of the world) and, as always, lots of love. Jane xxoo
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Frank Hicks|Feb 13, 2021
Wendy - Sorry to hear about you and John - you will be in my thoughts. I look forward to hearing the report from MD Anderson. You are an amazing, positive, courageous woman!
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Carolyn Hall|Feb 13, 2021
Wendy, I know you are disappointed with this news, but I am impressed with your ability to move forward with positivity. I am glad that the tumors are not growing. I look forward to hearing the news of the second opinion at MD Anderson. Billy and I continue to send positive thoughts and energy your way.
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Gordon Kenna|Feb 12, 2021
Hi Wendy,
In spite of news I didn’t know and didn’t want to hear, you are rightly focused on the up side. Looking forward to seeing you sooner than later.
Cheers and love to you both.
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Jacqui Lawson|Feb 12, 2021
Hi Wendy, I'm sorry to hear of your parting from John but as usual you show much positivity and forward thinking both in your living situation and managing your health and fitness.
I am still communicating with your Mum, her replies are less frequent now which is quite understandable, she is wonderful for her age. We were hoping to get up the East coast and pay her a visit last year, but with border closures etc we were unable to and hope to do it this year, however things have become uncertain again with states closing borders so it's a waiting game. Good luck with your new home and look after yourself. I'm sure Sydney will keep you walking and is wonderful company. Jacqui
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Karen Cochran|Feb 12, 2021
thanks, Wendy for posting. Its good to get a current read on things and all in all, the tumors have not increased and that's good news! Maybe they are just scar tissue by this least its being 'managed' and you've done a good job of that!
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Sheri Russell|Feb 12, 2021
Can't wait to see the new place when it's ready and although the doctor did not give you what you wanted to hear, we all are just so happy your cancer is managed and you will be with us for a very long time. Love you so much!
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