Wilder’s Story

Site created on January 7, 2020

Hello! We're putting together this site in the weeks leading up to Wilder's second airway surgery on February 20th, 2020. He has a long and complex medical history, starting the day of his birth. We're hoping this will be a place where we can keep everyone updated on what he's going through and how he's doing as that changes day to day and he has some pretty big events coming up.

To (not so briefly) summarize what he's been through so far in his life:

He was born at 29 weeks after my water broke at 28 weeks. Although my doctors did their best to keep me pregnant for longer with lots of meds pumped into me and bedrest at the hospital, I developed an infection that required an urgent c-section. He spent 9 weeks in the NICU, and for the most part did great there. He did take a while to come off respiratory support, it took several attempts every time we tried to wean his support down. At the time we thought he just needed a little extra time to grow and get stronger, but looking back this was our first indicator that something was wrong with his respiratory system. Once he was finally off respiratory support he took to breastfeeding so well, it seemed that we'd be home soon with our healthy baby. However, he continued to have apnea events that required him to stay on caffeine. We were told after several attempts to take him off it that we would be able to bring him home on the medicine along with a pulse ox monitor to check to make sure he wasn't continuing to have apnea events. Discharge was just around the corner finally. In the couple days leading up to our planned discharge date he started struggling more with eating, he would choke and his oxygen levels would dip some. SLP came to consult and thought he just needed more time to work on his suck/swallow coordination. It still seemed that we would be able to go home, we would just need to watch him carefully and pace his feedings. Then as we were getting ready to go home, literally packing up his stuff, one of the doctors came in and told us she didn't think she could discharge him. Nurses had noticed him wheezing some, there were concerns about his feeding, and they felt he needed more time in the NICU just to be safe. After tears, a lot of tears, we convinced her that we could manage him at home and would be following up closely with our pediatrician. We finally got to bring our baby home!

Once we were home, unfortunately things didn't get better. He was having frequent desats, especially during sleep. His wheezing increased and he started displaying other signs of respiratory distress such as retractions and some color change around his mouth. We brought him in to the pediatrician many times in our first month home, and were even sent to the ED once from there to have him looked at. Every time doctors would be slightly concerned, but when they would check his oxygen it would be ok at the time and we'd get sent home to keep monitoring him closely. After a month home, we brought him to our first pulmonology appointment. Both his pulmonologist and neonatologist who we saw that day were concerned enough about him to have him admitted directly from the appointment. We spent the rest of that week in the hospital having many tests done and having him on monitors 24/7. It was acknowledged from his sleep study and observations that he had some respiratory concerns and we were scheduled for a bronchoscopy. That revealed "very very severe" tracheomalacia and mild laryngomalacia. Tracheomalacia means a floppy airway in the lower region of the airway, and laryngomalacia means floppiness in the upper part of the airway. We were told that he would outgrow both of these by the time he turned 1 most likely. We were sent home with instructions to have him sleep on his belly to help to keep his airway from collapsing and to keep him on the monitor when asleep or eating. 

We continued to feel extremely worried about him. He appeared to be struggling to breathe more often than not. In addition, feeding had gotten harder for him and he was choking and having blue spells while eating much more often. At this point we had added several more specialists to his care team. We were seeing neomed, pulmonology, ENT, SLP, cardiology (for a minor heart defect that was found during his NICU time), an eye doctor and his pediatrician. At yet another clinic visit these concerns were brought up and he was scheduled for another swallow study after having 2 previously that he "passed." A couple days later we went to the swallow study and after letting him feed for a little longer and playing back the recording they were able to see that he was in fact aspirating. Calls were made by SLP to his doctors and it was decided that he would be admitted that evening for a feeding tube to be placed. We were inpatient for a few days while an ng tube was placed, we learned how to use it at home, and plans were made to set a surgery date for his g-tube. About 3 weeks later we were back at the hospital for his surgery, which as nerve wracking as it is handing your child over to go back to the OR, it was a relief to get rid of the ng tube and be able to use the g-tube.  

We were discharged home with the plan to just keep doing everything we were doing, using the g-tube as needed and monitoring his breathing while we wait for him to grow out of everything. I did not feel comfortable with this "watch and wait" plan as we weren't seeing any improvement, if anything he was only getting worse. We had also found out during one of his admissions that he had developed high blood pressure for unknown reasons, so we were now seeing nephrology as well and having his blood pressure checked weekly during our home nurse visits. I started researching his conditions, mainly his airway, and found that Boston Children's Hospital was the best place in the country to go for treatment. We were lucky we weren't that far away and I contacted them to set up our first appointments. Through my research I found several parent support groups for kids with airway disorders and feeding tubes which still serve as lifelines many days when I need advice, a place to vent, or to celebrate milestones achieved. 

While we waited for the date of our Boston appointments to arrive, one of the scariest moments occurred. One night after the big kids were in bed and I was holding Wilder, he stopped breathing in my arms. I was able to perform CPR on him and he started breathing again as Ryan called 911. We spent a week in the hospital after that where tests revealed how bad both his obstructive and central apnea were. We were sent home with a vent and he had to be on bi-pap whenever he was sleeping to ensure he was safe. Two weeks after discharge from that admission we were on our way to Boston. We had lots of clinic visits and then a triple scope where the team took a look at his whole airway as well as his esophagus. His airway surgeon, Dr Jennings, came out after to talk to us and told us that while his airway wasn't the worst he's ever seen, it was really bad. He had 100% collapse in a few different regions and he was definitely recommending surgery to fix it. Although the surgery was major, it was a relief to hear that there was something we could do to help him as we feared we were heading for a trach if there weren't any other options for him. We spent a few days inpatient in Boston after that, getting his vent settings correct on his bi-pap and then came home to start the process of scheduling his surgery. 

We spent the next few months at home, trying to keep him healthy before surgery. We did transition to 100% tube feeds as he was choking more and more and developed aspiration pneumonia. His lungs needed to be healthy before surgery, so although it was hard to stop breastfeeding it was definitely the right call. We were also approved for home nursing care due to the amount of equipment and care that he needed. This was, and still very much is, a life saver for us. It allows us to still live life, take care of the big kids, all while keeping Wilder safe. A week after his first birthday we headed to Boston for his surgery. The surgery itself went well. It was complicated, as his surgeon said, and there was an area of collapse that he couldn't access, but we hoped it would be enough for him to be able to breathe well on his own. Recovery at the hospital took a while, we spent 5 days in the ICU before being moved to the floor for another 5 days. We were discharged home finally for the rest of his recovery.

Once we were home and things settled down I felt that his breathing still wasn't great. He was still having desats at night and lots of noisy breathing. He got sick a few times in the winter and spring, requiring oxygen at home for and a PICU stay at UVM once. After that we knew that his airway was not where it needed to be still and we scheduled follow up appointments in Boston. These appointments were more often than not frustrating as doctors conceded that he still had lots of collapse in his airway, but weren't sure that surgery was the right approach. During this time we had also discovered that he has a compromised immune system. He does not produce enough white blood cells, specifically neutrophils, on his own which leaves him very susceptible to infection. We added hematology to his list of specialists, moving from UVM hem/onc to BCH hem due to the specificity of his condition. We also started seeing neurology and genetics as his developmental delays were becoming more and more apparent, despite working with him in therapy. He was now delayed well beyond adjusting for prematurity, again without knowing why. We were going to clinic visits very often, but not getting many answers or direction.  We knew his health, and overall quality of life, needed to improve.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Caroline D

It’s been a while again since I’ve given a full update on Wilder. A lot has happened this fall. He continues to be on oxygen full time, which has definitely helped with his shortness of breath and being uncomfortable, although overall we continue to see declines in his stamina and energy. Oxygen isn’t the easiest thing to manage with a toddler, but we’ve figured it out and only trip over his tubing a few times a day now. I still want to get him more mobile, so we’re getting a portable concentrator to let him move around our house easier and not have to be hooked up to the large concentrator as much. I wish we had an answer as to why he needs the oxygen now, but that remains unclear.

After our vacation in August we took him back to Boston for scopes. We were hoping for answers as to why he was struggling from both a respiratory and GI standpoint. His scopes looked mostly good. Which should have been good news, but didn’t give us a direction to go to help him feel better. It did show he had reflux, but that doesn’t account for all the GI issues he’s been having since his surgery at the beginning of the year. His airway, while not perfect, looked pretty good. No major collapse was seen. His tonsils and adenoids had gotten bigger and were obstructing his airway, so we decided to move forward with having those removed. We didn’t want anything else working against him as he was already working so hard to breathe. The trip to Boston was a frustrating one, for a lot of reasons. I was in a cast as I had broken my tibia, we got no answers as to what was causing his bigger issues, and we had to watch him struggle after anesthesia, both respiratory wise and with the medical PTSD he’s developed. 

We scheduled his tonsils and adenoids for early October, but it had to be pushed out a couple weeks as they didn’t have an ICU bed available for him for that date. I took him down last week for the surgery. We first had to have a cardio appointment to rule out some bigger cardio issues some doctors were worried about. He had a full workup, ekg and echo. Everything looked largely normal. Good news, but again, what is going on with his shortness of breath, desats, unexplained weight gain, lethargy, etc? We were cleared for surgery and went in on the 16th. His ORL surgeon, who I’ve had struggles with in the past, but is now truly one of his biggest advocates, came out after and said while the surgery itself went well he was hypoxic the entire time in the OR and no one could figure out why. She said unequivocally that we’re missing something here. There’s some larger syndrome that we haven’t identified that is causing many of his issues. She has seen him since he was 8 months old and sees the declines that we’re talking about. She said with his airway as open as it is right now he “shouldn’t” have had that trouble in the OR. He was intubated and they still couldn’t get his sats out of the 80s. They also had trouble extubating him and neither she nor the senior anesthesia team could explain what was happening. She recommended getting him back in front of neuro and for sure getting an MRI, seeing metabolic specialists, and rheumatology. She also called his feeding team at BCH to make sure they followed up with us as we’re still having so much trouble with his feeds as well as him taking any significant volumes by mouth. It was a hard conversation to have, but it also felt validating to have a doctor see what I’m seeing and say that I’m right, there’s something more/bigger going on.

We stayed 1 night at BCH after surgery. Even though he wasn’t in great shape, given his anxiety and PTSD around hospitals when they gave us the option to discharge we took it. He was puking a lot after surgery, which we thought at first was because of anesthesia, but after 24 hours we weren’t sure. They gave us zofran to take home in case he kept puking, and we hoped being at home would be the best place for him. He did well on the car ride home, but after only an hour at home he started puking again. I had to take off his nasal cannula as he got vomit in it and he very quickly turned blue. We suctioned, got him back on oxygen, hooked him up to the pulse ox and his sats continued to be low along with a high heart rate. He started having retractions, and also was developing a fever. After a quick call to his ped, I brought him in to the ER. They ran some tests there, did some breathing treatments, increased his oxygen, and decided to admit him.

Once we were admitted to UVMMC, he started to do better. He stayed stable on 1 liter of oxygen and IV fluids helped with his dehydration. Everyone was operating under the assumption that this was just a tough surgical recovery, possibly left over nausea from the anesthesia. That didn’t sit great with me, I felt like this was indicative of a flare up of all the symptoms we’ve been seeing for months. But, when he hadn’t puked in over 12 hours, was back to his baseline oxygen level and his fever was gone they weren’t sure what else to do for us. So, we were discharged again Sunday evening. He did ok at home, still pretty pitiful and needing pain meds as well as zofran around the clock to stay comfortable. On Tuesday he started to decline again. He was sounding junky, working harder to breathe, and then started puking again. Again, we brought him into the UVMMC ER. Although he wasn’t as bad as he was over the weekend, he wasn’t doing great. They weren’t sure what to do for him though. Thankfully, we had a good attending who saw there was something bigger going on and listened to our concerns. He had Wilder admitted to the peds floor again. I had to push the doctors hard to look at him through the lens of a complex kid with bigger, undiagnosed issues, rather than just a kid having a hard time after getting his tonsils and adenoids out. Everyone had a different opinion on what was happening, where his GI issues were coming from, why we were seeing declines, etc. Thoughts seemed to range from he’s basically fine to there is some bigger reason, possibly something progressive or degenerative, happening. We did more testing and labs, despite most doctors wanting to continue this on an outpatient basis for him. Although I hate being in the hospital with him, I couldn’t keep bringing him home without at least starting the process of figuring out what was happening. As more results came back it seemed like more doctors got on board with recognizing that he has something larger going on. We met with the palliative care team as a big goal is improving his quality of life and his comfort level. They seemed to listen, and definitely recognized that there needed to be better communication and coordination between specialists. Neuro also got involved again, although getting them to do an MRI, despite every other specialist thinking he definitely needs one, is proving to be impossible. Once he was doing better from a comfort level they decided to discharge again and continue everything outpatient.

I’m still frustrated with UVMMC and feeling like they don’t care and don’t want to listen. There are a few doctors we’ve seen who are great, but getting care for him across all specialists is incredibly hard. We have wanted to keep much of his care here in VT as traveling is so hard, but it’s not easy. We have a follow up with neuro in VT and GI/feeding in Boston. We’ll also be having hard conversations with his pediatrician and if we don’t feel like his team here is invested we won’t really have a choice except to move his care. Going to another hospital isn’t out of the question either. Cincinnati is on the table, possibly others if we can’t get answers. Wilder was the happiest, most tolerant little boy, and we’re losing that kid a little more every day. When we knew his airway was such a mess we at least had an explanation. It was something we could work to fix. Now we have no idea what is causing his issues. Things like muscular dystrophy, mitochondrial disorders and other genetic conditions have been talked about frequently. There are also some other things, such as Chiari malformation or adrenal issues that have been presented as many of his symptoms point that way. We’ve sent out for lots of genetic testing, so we’ll see what that reveals. Even though many of the possible diagnoses are scary, not treatable and may mean he will have a shorter life expectancy, we need to know what’s going on with him. The more information we have the better care we can provide for him. I just want the absolute best quality of life for him, whatever that looks like. 

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