Deborah Ross|Feb 23, 2019
Holding you in the light. In all lights. In all our hearts.
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Amy Wolf|Feb 23, 2019
Seattle here: available for some distance or in person reiki for pain management, if that interests you. I'm in Leschi; don't know what part of town you are in but I'm pretty mobile.
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Astrid Bear|Feb 23, 2019
Love to Vonda, and also Jane and Eileen for organizing and relaying information. We will do what we can in terms of concrete help.
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Janet Freeman-Daily|Feb 23, 2019 (edited)
Vonda, I’m so sorry you’ve been dealt this hand. Hugs from another metastatic cancer patient.
Some patients with pancreatic cancer do test positive for driving oncogenes (like ROS1, that drives my lung cancer) and respond to Targeted Therapies (including the one I’m taking). It’s rare, and most oncologists aren’t aware of it yet. Here’s a peer-reviewed journal article about this:
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Doranna Durgin|Feb 23, 2019
Lots of love, Vonda. You've had a big, wonderful impact on my world and my work. Still hope you can scoot through BVC when you have the energy!
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Rose Fox|Feb 23, 2019
Sending all best wishes from the East Coast!
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Deb Geisler|Feb 23, 2019 (edited)
There was an emailed list (in the early days of general the late 1980s) that dealt with science fiction and fantasy, called SFLovers. I asked the list, one day, for recommendations of powerful stories to include in a class I was teaching. People replied privately to me.

On the second day of my query, Vonda McIntyre(!) wrote to me with a recommendation! Woo hoo! I’d read her work and now she was writing to me! I immediately replied, thanking her and noting that several stories of hers had been recommended by other readers. And I thanked her for writing Dreamsnake! (I went all fangirl.)

I got so excited that my modem (dial-up, of course) dropped the connection right as I sent the note. How annoying! Still, it was late, so I went to sleep a bit afterward, not knowing I had broken our Prime mainframe, the NSFnet, and Vonda’s email.

The next morning, there was *another* email from Ms. McIntyre! It thanked me for my cordial reply, but she noted that she’d gotten the cordial reply seven times, so something might be wrong with my system.

Then another email from Vonda, saying there were 25 identical replies, and this was passing strange.

At 54 replies, she sent another email, saying her system administrator was calling because she was using too many resources.

Then, an email saying only, “Deb! 112! Make it stop?!”

Eventually the local system broke itself and stopped sending replies; our sysadmin answered my phone call; and Prime demanded to know how I broke their software.

And I ‘ve always sort of hoped that Vonda McIntyre would forget my accidental email stalker day.

But now? Dear Vonda:

Now, I hope it made you laugh, at least a little. Your writing has given me much joy, and I send my very best wishes to you in this really hard time.

Deb Geisler
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Beth Meacham|Feb 23, 2019
Heartbreaking. Sending my love to Vonda.
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Starshadow None|Feb 23, 2019
Please give her my love. I wish I could do more...I am so sad about this.
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Margaret Organ-Kean|Feb 23, 2019
Trying hard to think of something helpful to say and I just can't.
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