Barbara Jones|Jul 28, 2018
Hi Vicky, we were shocked and saddened to hear you were in the hospital, we got a text from Carrie G. just before we went on a trip. I tried to get on this site while I was on vacation but couldn't. It's nice to see you are doing so are such a strong woman. We will continue to pray for you. Hugs and hang in there...much love Tim & Barb
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Gina Strasser|Jul 12, 2018
Lots of love and prayers sending your way!! Looking beautiful and strong! You got this! Thank you for sharing the video!
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Laura Newcomb|Jul 12, 2018
Praying continuously for her and strength for each day of healing and recovery!
Love Laura
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Tracie Kruszeski|Jul 12, 2018
This post makes me so happy!! Vicky, I knew you’d kick booty with your therapies!! Sending even more healing vibes and love 💕
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Laurie Herman|Jul 12, 2018
Yay! Go Vicky go!! So happy to hear about great progress! We will continue prayers. Thank you for updating!
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Tanya Owen|Jul 12, 2018
Praising God with you!! Keep going Vicky— you’ve got this. Do not be discouraged. Slow and steady wins the race!!❤️ I love you friend!
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Cyndy Lindsay|Jul 12, 2018
It’s amazing to see how far she has already come; hard work and answered prayer! Will continue to pray!❤️
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Katie Bradley|Jul 12, 2018
We love you Vicky! You’ be dealt with student discipline and teacher complaints for years... this is nothing 😉

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Kathleen Cuban|Jul 12, 2018
I saw the video, it was awesome, she is such an inspiration. What a fighter. Love you sweetie, Carol and I are hoping to come out at the end of the month to visit. Can't wait to see you.
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Coleen Frey|Jul 12, 2018
So happy to see her up and walking. She must really be working hard. She is in my thoughts and prayers.
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