Velma Lane|Jun 13, 2022
Van, it's Velma Lane, retired/formally with Van Gilder. Jenifer Clemons called me regarding your upcoming hockey event and that was the first I knew of your injury. Like all of your friends and family, I was devastated to learn of your injury and in awe with your subsequent valient work to recover from your accident. We all cross paths with many different people in our personal and professional lives; a select number of these people leave positive impressions and will always be fondly remembered. Van, I have so many fond memories of you. Asside from being a huge asset to "our" unit, you always made my day brighter with your great sense of humor and positive outlook on life. You are a shining example of what it means to love being a husband and father and I enjoyed hearing stories of events in your life because they were always positive and full of respect and love for Nicole and Elle. Know that one more person is rooting for your continued forward progress. Fondly with great admiration....Vlma
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Spencer Penhart|Jun 11, 2019
You are a hero, Nicole. We all aspire to be as good a human as you are. Thanks for leading the way and setting such a great example for the rest of us.
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Tim and Kristin Demery|Jun 11, 2019
Great news! Love you guys!
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Kelly Gamble|Jun 11, 2019
Thank you for the update. You guys are amazing!!!
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Kristi Nottingham|Jun 11, 2019
Glad to hear Van is home! Continued thoughts & prayers for your family. ♥️
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Jessica Vealitzek|Jun 11, 2019
Thank you for the update, Nicole. Thinking of you all every day.
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