Cherise Glodowski|May 17, 2023
This is amazing news! It warms my whole heart to hear that Tyler is progressing so well, that the trach is out, and that he's able to go to the theatre! Thank you Dalton for writing these posts <3
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Laurie Billings|May 17, 2023
Tyler is definitely thriving from the great care you and your mom provide. It’s so exciting to see the fantastic progress he’s made. His motivation is really impressive. He’s worked so hard. I’m SO excited you got to the show. Can’t wait to visit and hear all about it. Sending lots of love to all.
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Vicki Roberts|May 16, 2023
thanks for the update
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Gina Follansbee|May 16, 2023
This is such a great update!! Each update is better and better improvements!! He should be so proud of his self. Keep up the great work!
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Caroline Klidonas|May 16, 2023
So happy for him that he got his trach removed! A huge deal. And I'm so glad the musical was a positive experience, though I'm sure the idea of the outing was intimidating at first. Thank you for the update, Dalton! We love you, Tyler!
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Laurie Glodowski|May 16, 2023
Tuck Everlasting!!!! xoxoxoxoxo!!!!
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Tami Thoro|May 16, 2023
Hi Dalton, I'm so grateful you and your brother were able to see live theater. Thinking of you and your family, Tami and Derek
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Mike Granados|May 16, 2023
I missed the last few posts, so reading all this great news and progress is incredible. Thanks for the updates, Dalton. So happy to hear you got out to a show together. And Tyler’s motivation levels are great to hear about as well - I’m sure this progress feels so good to him. Keep going Tyler!
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Pamela Hlivka|May 16, 2023
This is such amazing news. I am so happy you both got out to see a musical yesterday. Prayers for continued healing and fun excursions out!!
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Taylor Aucott|May 16, 2023
WOW!! What an uplifting and promising update. Thank you SO much for keeping us posted Dalton; it means the world!!
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