Dan Brockman|Jan 17, 2019
Now I am hearing from a larger circle of friends and co workers from Kemper and other groups she was involved with over the years. Her obituary (on this site) mentions some official duties but I can't mention every cause she embraced. Thank you all for caring.

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Vicki Sasgen|Jan 2, 2019
So sorry for your loss of Trowby. I am just learning of her passing now. She was fun to work with and know.
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Gail Collier|Dec 30, 2018
Thinking of you, Dan. So many of us miss Trowby.
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Ricki Schwimmer|Dec 26, 2018
Our thoughts are with you and Kelly. We hope to see you both after the New Year.
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Kelli Wasielewski|Dec 26, 2018
Thinking of you Dan. Trowby is truly missed. I could always come to her for help with absolutely anything. She was a very compassionate soul and very intelligent lady. Always trying to lift people up.
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Carolyn Pannone|Dec 26, 2018
Thank you for posting Dan. I think about Trowby all the time. I miss her so much. Especially our like minded political discussions and her culinary adventures.
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