Tammy Aakre|Oct 19, 2020
In so thankful for your update!

My grandson, Dylan, who was at Madonna House when Trevor was, is continuing to heal slowly as well.

It's "funny" the timing of your update. Dylan is coming up on his one year as well. I understand the pain that comes with this anniversary. Life as we knew it was forever changed. And yet, God's glorious nature is revealed every day through these boy's and the progress they make defying all the odds and the professionals. I am thankful for your update reminding me while we mourn the loss, that our focus needs to remain in the miracles we have been blessed with, and hope in those yet to come.

Blessings to you all.

Tammy Aakre
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Darla Elsen|Oct 19, 2020
Always sending prayers for miracles!!!
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denise bender|Oct 19, 2020
So great to get an update!!Continued Prayers & Thoughts are with you in healing
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Darin Mack|Oct 19, 2020
Keep up the great work Trevor, we are so proud of you!! Continued thoughts and prayers from the GPL football team. Philippians 4:13
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Janel Kaltenbach|Oct 19, 2020
I continue to pray for Trevor and all of you everyday. Just imagining Trevor on the field with his teammates, coaches and fans brings tears to my eyes. What a joy for him I am sure. I know God has so much more planned. Thank you for the update and know there are so many of us out here keeping you all in our thoughts and special prayers.
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Erin Bohnenstingl|Oct 19, 2020
Continued prayers for Trevor and your family. The video of Trevor taking the field one last time was absolutely amazing! It definitely brought tears to my eyes. We think of you all often. Trevor is truly a living miracle.
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Bonnie and Mark Thompson|Oct 19, 2020
Tears, hugs, prayers, good thoughts and more prayers are still with Trevor's family. We thank God for Trevor and each of you who are with him every day. Please know that we care and will never forget.
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pat tomek|Oct 19, 2020
It was an amazing sight to watch the team with Trevor on the football field. I watched it repeatedly with tears from all the closeness, support, love and true friendship shown. My prayers, thoughts and well wishes will continue for all of you!! Thank you so very much for your post and please continue as I think of you all and wonder how things are going!!
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Kim Engelhart|Oct 19, 2020
Continued prayers and strength in Him. From one of those strangers.
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Sheri Scheidt|Oct 19, 2020
Sending hugs and prayers. Love you all!
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