Shasta Buss|Nov 21, 2019
Continued prayers to Trevor and all of you. You are all on our hearts and minds.
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Jason Andera|Nov 21, 2019
I appreciate the struggle, all the small and big things . Thanks for sharing Trevor’s progress on here. So many of us are following and praying for continued healing.
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MARY SUE COREY|Nov 21, 2019
Praying. God please lift the roadblocks and get Trevor to Madonna sooner rather than later, in Jesus name Amen.
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Donna Slack|Nov 21, 2019
Insurance is frustrating... you pay it so you have it and then have to jump through hoops if you need it. Something you should NOT have to be worrying about at this time. I'm so sorry that they are being difficult.

Continued prayers for strength and patience and healing. Also praying for Trevor's medical team as well. Pray that the insurance gets their act together and you are able to move forward with the best treatment possible for Trevor.

Hang in there.
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Cliff Schroeder|Nov 21, 2019
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Christi Collins|Nov 21, 2019
It's sad that insurance has to be a problem at a time like this when you have so much on your mind. I will pray for a swift answer so you can focus on Trevor and not worry about all this too.

I am not sure if I have missed an update or misunderstood something but could I ask is Trevor awake? How is he holding up emotionally?

Try to remember that those muscles are the reason Trevor is able to fight back and beat this. If he had not been in such great shape physically it would be much harder to recover. It's hard to see them shrinking but know that Trevor worked hard to get them the first time and he will continue to work hard to get them back. We are praying for you guys every day and I wait for updates each email. Please know you are in our thoughts and we are rallying for you all. Best of luck with the insurance and just take it one hour, one minute or one second at a time. We love you.
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Bruce Card|Nov 21, 2019
One of my co-workers dealt with the same thing a couple of years ago when their son was in a car accident and they were in the process of transferring him from Sioux Falls to Lincoln. We ended up paying for an ambulance to take him to Madonna, but then he battled with the insurance company for the next year. I'm sure it is very difficult as a parent to feel so helpless to be able to help your child. I will continue to pray for all of you.
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Misty Fredrickson|Nov 21, 2019 (edited)
I pray for God to give you a sign into understanding His plan. Much love and prayers to all of you. ❤️
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denise bender|Nov 21, 2019
No one should have to wait for medical plans to move forward. Sad that this is the way of the insurance system. Continued prayers & thoughts are with you 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Ellie Widener|Nov 21, 2019
Keep a strong heart you guys, I will continue to pray for Trevor and you guys as well... Just remember Gods Got This!!!!
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