Joan Denouden|Oct 23, 2019
Isaiah 41:10
“Do not fear, for I am with you:
Do not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you. ”

We are praying very hard for Trevor and his family
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brenda spence|Oct 23, 2019
Just as those incredible hand squeezes carry immeasurable strength, so is the healing power of prayer. Trevor, for you and all those that love you, there are so many prayers being said....on the playing field, in the duck blind, driving down the road....everywhere and everyone. God bless you, your family and your care providers.
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Cindy Steinbach|Oct 23, 2019
Prayers continue for Trevor. He's determination will help to fully recover. Each day will become a milestone. Keep the faith. God bless.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Laura Bayles|Oct 23, 2019
You have such an army that is cheering for and praying for your family from all over the country. We all can imagine the terror you all must have and do feel. He's strong and he just needs some time to let everything settle down, so that he can heal. Thank you so very much for the wonderful updates. Many of us may not have known Trevor, but he now has a massive support group filled with parents, students, fans and friends. We all feel a need to rally together for you all, to do anything possible to make you feel loved and supported. God bless you all. Remember to take care of yourselves, so that you can be there for Trevor.
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Deb Bortnem|Oct 23, 2019
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Kathy Hagen|Oct 23, 2019
He has just been resting and will wake up slowly and say “did we win the game?” Miracles happen everyday and he will be the next! Sending many positive prayers and knowing that God is good and hears all our prayers!
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Belinda Holzer|Oct 23, 2019
I’ve been threw it and it does take a lot of time. I was very impatient too just wanted to walk to the bathroom. Had to learn how to walk again plus I had a giant hole in my head from where they removed my skull so I couldn’t fall. Continued prayers
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Judy Madison|Oct 23, 2019
My are prayers are with you all during this difficult time. Trevor is a fighter from what I read in your post! He is a remarkable young man who has too much to do yet. We will continue to keep the faith & prayers going for a fast & speedy recovery. God Bless you all!
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Sandi Ferrara|Oct 23, 2019
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. 🙏❤️
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Susan Smith|Oct 23, 2019
Praying constantly!! You are all on our minds throughout the day and night!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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