Judy Kanasty|Apr 16, 2024
Good Morning Tom and Lynn:
I don't know if you still read these comments, but I'd like to let you know that we're still praying and wishing you continued success in your recovery. It's spring around these upper midwest states, so hopefully you can take advantage of the beautiful sun and get out there to walk and chat with neighbors, or do outside activities. Don't do things toooooo strenuous as yet, but maybe TINKER at least.
Anyways, here's hoping you're progressing a little bit every God given day. Take care always and know we're still out there cheering you on. God Bless You and Your Family as you ride the waves. Be good to yourself, first and foremost.
Love, Judy & Ken
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Virginia Johnson|Apr 3, 2024
Thinking of you, Buddy, and praying that every day is better than its yesterday. ❤️🙏
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Judy Kanasty|Feb 20, 2024
Good Morning Tom and Lynn: I'm still here and haven't abandoned you and want you to know that we continue our prayers and good thoughts toward your recovery back to being your OLD SELF!!
Actually, yesterday was your mom's birthday and as we creep up in age as the old frogs that we are, we are reminded everyday even with our ongoing aches and pains that life could be worse. WE THANK OUR LORD for all of our blessings, one of them being YOUR PROGRESS AND THE IMPROVEMENTS YOU HAVE MADE ALREADY. It continues to be a lot of work on your part, we all get that, but that's okay, as you slide along toward a full recovery. You're used to hard work, so I know you will get there in time. There's no hurry in that the main focus is that you keep trying to gain a new little step or two. You're strong, so I have no doubt that you will achieve many successes on this journey, just like those already behind you. GO TOM!!!
This past week we welcomed a new grandbaby named Everett Kenneth. His parents are our daughter Jaimee and her husband, Matt, who live in Florida. They also have a two year old, "the big brother" named Maverick. Jaimee is 42 years old and they've waited many years to get their two little miracles. Matt was also granted a miracle, a new kidney after 4 years of dialysis, that took place right after Maverick was born, and he's doing nicely. They have definitely been blessed, and we again thank the LORD that all's well and buzzing along nicely.
GOD IS GOOD, isn't he? Actually GOD IS GREAT!!!
The SUN is actually out so beautifully today and the temps are rising even though we started out below freezing. Been somewhat of a strange winter so far with not much snow here and many seesaw temps from one day to the next.
Well, I bid you farewell this bright and sunny day and may the wind always be at your back!!! GOD BLESS ALWAYS, with BIG HUGS AND MUCH LOVE TO YOU AND YOURS,
Judy & Ken
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fred krietzman|Feb 4, 2024
Hi Tom, Lynn, and all in the Pahl family. I just learned yesterday of Tom's condition, and now see the wonderful progress Tom's making. If anyone can bounce back, it's Tom! I and my wife, Beth, are sending strong positivity and well wishes to you all. Fred Krietzman
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Judy Kanasty|Feb 3, 2024
Good Morning Tom & Lynn:

It's me again as I try to keep my inspirations coming mostly to let you know you're being thought of and prayed about, too. I mentioned earlier that even if your progress is slow, that's at least PROGRESS and we love it and you for continuing your challenging "exercises and workouts". They will all lead to a good end for you, so please don't get discouraged but instead believe in the power of GOD'S LOVE FOR YOU. Every little "inch" counts, no matter what it is.

And, I know once the SUN decides to shine upon us a little more often, your days and spirits will be surely lifted. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and declared that we're going to have an early spring. C'mon spring or better yet, c'mon SUN. We probably share much the same weather as you do and dull and dreary days seem to be our norm for our winter months. I'm not sure that I mind snow as much as I do the dreary days. At least the snow is pretty until it gets brown and ugly along the roadways. Oh well, we've lived with this our whole lives, so that's why we enjoy cruises and vacations to warmer states.

One more thing. I wish you lived closer so you could guide me to a good attorney to start a class action lawsuit to all the companies/businesses trying to push us seniors into doing everything online. I think it's a gross discrimination to us seniors and is a learning curve that most of us don't care to get into at our ages. I have engineer friends, nurses, and other professional friends and even they HATE IT. We want paper copies of bills and things and don't want to do things online...........period. Too many scams, intrusions, and nightmares involved, it seems. One friend had her facebook account hacked, then they got into her Amazon account, her bank and created a total mess for her. She had to hire help. Is that ridiculous or what? We think so. I personally have received 3 letters within the last 6 months telling us our accounts have been hacked and they advised we sign up for Experian or one of the security companies at their cost. BUT, WHY do we have to go through this? Maybe because they (banks, stores, doctors/medical offices and hospitals, online shopping, Amazon, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, and the list goes on and on), want us to do everything online. Bah Humbug!!!

We get monthly statements from Blue Cross and they have a whole sheet dedicated to "Discrimination Is Against the Law" with regard to race, color, national origin, AGE, disability or sex. I think seniors are being AGE discriminated against even with them/Blue Cross, and they spell it out that it's against the law. One of our personal information compromises was with Blue Cross, probably the biggest health insurance carrier in Michigan. Two of our personal information compromises were from Beaumont/Corewell Health, a major hospital in our area and one of their affiliated medical offices that has about 20 doctors in it. Hellllllllllllooooooooooooo!!!! I don't like it and would love to see something done about all this. It wasn't broken before online everything, so why are they changing it now? If only I were younger and knew what to do about all this!!! I know I got on my soapbox, but it really scares and angers me.

Keep plugging away my CUZ and may the wind always be at your back as you trudge on. Stay positive and GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS,

Big Hugs and Much Love,
Judy & Ken
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Matthew Burnash|Jan 29, 2024
tommy u better step it up or im coming over to kick your ass boy... lol
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Judy Kanasty|Jan 27, 2024
Hi Tom and Lynn:

Well, today remains DULL AND DREARY I'm sorry to say. Our snow is gone with yesterday's rains, but some of the rivers are rising with all this water and some basements flooding. We are on the lucky side of that issue and thank the Lord for that. Our temperatures are into the 40's so until our next COLD bout, that's good, too. The sun would definitely help our spirits around here, that's for sure. C'mon SUN!!! I suspect that your weather is pretty much the same except you maybe had it a day or two before us.

Anyways, prayers remain in tow and hoping that your recovery continues to improve with each and every day. As long as it's even slow and steady, that's wonderful as it means the SPIRIT is alive and well. God Bless You, my cousin, and may your days each bring happiness to you if only knowing we're out there pulling for you. Thinking of you often and sending our continued LOVE AND PRAYERS,

Judy & Ken

GO LIONS, too.
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Judy Kanasty|Jan 22, 2024
Good Afternoon Tom and Lynn:
We're so happy for all the improvements to date, however slow, but SURE!! You will get there with continued strength and attitude, which seems to be lively and well.
Thanks Lynn for your continued updates. Greatly appreciate them. GO TOM. Thanks, too, to all those friends helping you along the way with your activities.
Stay warm, strong, and keep that great attitude and may God Bless You and Yours always,
With big hugs and much love, Judy & Ken.
P.S. Sorry, but GO LIONS!!!
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Loree Bren|Jan 22, 2024
Hang in there Lynn. This sounds really hard.
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Jane Gamboli|Jan 22, 2024
Thank you, Lynn, for your update. What a wonderfully positive way to start my week! Smiling about TP chili contest- Mike just made Tom’s recipe last week 😋 keep up the excellent work, Tom- slow and steady wins the race. And Lynn, you are my new hero 🦸‍♀️ Lynn Pahl for President! Much love to you all, prayers always 🙏🏻
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