Vicki Stoneberger Jesberg|Jul 17, 2020
Lori, I am so sorry for the loss of your Dad! He was a good man and I know how close you two were. I'm so glad you were able to be with Tom these last few months in your favorite place, Crested Butte, and that you were holding his hand as he died. I know you have dealt with so much, from his medical appointments and hospital stays to wrapping up his financial affairs to his actual physicaI care and nursing at the end. Time will erase most of the bad memories and leave you with the love and close bond you shared until his last breath. I love the pictures you have shared here on Caring Bridge, especially those of your last fishing adventure together - Tom's smile was amazing and just as I remembered from long ago! The plans for Tom's ashes sound like a fitting tribute to the outdoorsman that he was and I'm glad you and your cousin (Stephanie?) will be able to share in this last goodbye. My prayers will continue for you as you adjust to a new normal. Rest when you need to rest, cry when you need to cry - you have been through a lot this past year! Hug the dogs and go for lots of walks with them. Talk to your Dad when you do, for his spirit will always be with you!
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Reggie Pearce Masters|Jul 15, 2020
I'm sorry for your loss. It's never easy. Know he is at peace and were so wonderful to spend these last months with him in the mountains. Those are great photographic memories.
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Katie Gallagher|Jul 15, 2020
Lori, our hearts are absolutely broken with this news. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything, even if it is just someone to sit with and breath in the mountain air, pick up groceries on a day when you are feeling down or go for a walk or bike ride. Your dad was a special man, and we feel so honored to have known him. In his honor, we have donated to Living Journeys. Big hugs,
Katie & Dan
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