Jane Thompson|Apr 12, 2020
I hold very dear memories of the many years Nancy and I worked together at Park Nicollet. She made a difference in this world and her spirit was colorful, open, loving...
Bless her now on this, her next journey.
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Sharon Bettis|Apr 12, 2020
Jen, I loved our connection over the Pink Moon last week when you were distressed about your Mom’s pain because we could just acknowledge there was nothing to fix it but that we could hold her in our thoughts and hearts and look at the moon, the celestial body that represents moms, and feel some peace. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Sending love and comfort. Sharon
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Shannon Kirkeide|Apr 12, 2020
Oh Jen and Tomkin, we are so sorry to hear this news. We know your mom’s soul is at peace, but I’m sure you are reeling from losing her physical presence on this earth. Know that your are in our thoughts and prayers., sending you so much love and light ❤️
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Bette Wolf|Apr 12, 2020
All of my love to you, Jenny & Tom! ❤️
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Mary Jane Steinhagen|Apr 12, 2020
Nancy had such ability to see and enjoy the small things in nature. Sitting in her room with her she would remark on how many shades of green were visible from her window. A walk around the block was slow and meditative as she would pick up and examine leaves for their veins and texture. The size and variety of those large homes on that block fascinated her. She maintained the artist's eye to the end.
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