Melissa Taube|May 6, 2020
Tim, sad news - wish I had a magic wand so I could make all of this better for you and Nancy. You have tried so very hard to beat this! Our friendship of 35 years has meant so much to me. I look back to the fun crazy times all of us had together in our 20's - so special! You have touched so many lives over the years with genuine kindness and compassion. We all love you! Many hugs and smiles for you my awesome friend. Thinking of you and Nancy everyday.......wishing you both peace! đź’—
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Kim Gilbert|May 5, 2020
This is difficult news. You and Nancy have been on a difficult journey. Thank you for all you have given this world. You are truly a pastor who walks the walk. You were a gift to us at FPC. You led with grace, humility, love and vision. Serious awesomeness.
Wishing you both peace . Know that you are loved. Ken, Sarah and I send ours to you.
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Deb Jenks|May 5, 2020
Dear Tim and Nancy,
This isn’t news that we wanted to hear. There are so many things that haven’t been said. I can only hope that you know how grateful I am for your friendship, your support and for showing me how to live my faith. I continue to pray for you both.
Love and peace,
1 Timothy
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maryanne banich massey|May 5, 2020
Sending love and light and peace to you.
MaryAnne & Stuart
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rachel vione|May 5, 2020
Dear Tim & Nancy-I am so sorry to hear this news. I have been praying for you personally and we have been praying for you at FPC Northport. We will continue to do so in the weeks and months ahead. Tim-I want to thank you for all you have done for me as a pastor and a friend. It was so great to work with you at FPC. We were a great team! I loved our kidding each other, and your wacky sense of humor.It was fun to share our Midwest roots together...even though you had lousy taste in football teams! When I first got to FPC, I wasn't ordained and you took me under your wing and supported my ordination to Asst. Pastor at FPC. I will always remember my ordination in Northport on March 1, 2015, in a snow storm! Standing next to you and saying the words of institution for the first time as we served communion together is something I will treasure forever. When you were called to Shandon, you told the session at Northport that "there's no doubt in my mind that Rachel could do this job." They never would have called me as their interim pastor had it not been for your endorsement. What a wonderful affirmation and blessing that was (and still is) to me! Please know how much I appreciate all you have done for me. I hope you know how many people's lives you have touched with your own. May God's grace, mercy and peace be with you both now. See you on the other side of the river my friend.
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vickie herman|May 5, 2020
I have no words. Just sending all my love and prayers for you and Nancy on this part of your journey. God's speed, my dear friend.
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Patricia Mardis-Bell|May 5, 2020
My heart is so heavy. You and Nancy are two very special people. Words cannot express what it has meant for Ed and me to have you in our life. Your presence remained with Ed through out.....even when you began your own battle. Love you so much and prayers continue for you both. Sending hugs.
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Rowena C Nylund|May 5, 2020
Oh, Tim - I hope you know what a critical loving/accepting support you've been in my life - you were a rock for me after Carmen's death -- you never tired of listening/talking -- always had time for one more lunch at the Basil Pot - I knew without a doubt that I could solidly count on you. That love and presence will always be close to me and I thank you for the gift of you.
And, also, you know, Tim, I'll always get a laugh when I think of your very special THD way of saying "No way!" May all the love and grace you have given to us be with you and your great love, Nancy.
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Betsy Preston|May 5, 2020
Tim & Nancy...Such special times In ministry at Shandon. Loved our trip to Mwandi (Tim beat Malaria in African hospital!) and the infamous motorcycle ride w my grandfather... Sunday worship with you and Lewis is still a high bar to pass, in my book.
Prayers and much love, grace and peace to you both.
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Alleene Holland|May 4, 2020
Dearest Tim,
I will never forget meeting you when we first started attending Shandon 24 years ago. What a gentle, kind, dedicated pastor. You,
Tom Glenn & Louis were a great team and we loved all of you dearly. You encouraged Curtis to play golf with you , Doug and other members of the church. We knew we were in the right place because of you. We were saddened when you left and were so excited when you returned. You have been in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to pray for peace for you and Nancy.
Curtis and Alleene Holland
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