Ginny Anderson|Jan 12, 2020
This is heartbreaking! I am praying for Kaylin as she has to wait 10 more days for skin to skin. Make sure that she keeps Evie far far away from any nursery at First Free. They are a breeding ground for germs! Love and prayers to all. Glad that Anna continues to improve. I am sure that Kaylin's singing helps far more than she knows. She can even leave a device for the nurses to play Kaylin's recorded singing if Anna is upset.
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Dawn Gessner|Jan 10, 2020
I’m so sorry you had such a difficult day. Keep your focus on doing the best, right thing for both your girls. The Lord is near to comfort your mothers heart and to wrap sweet Anna in His powerful hands. I am confident that as you sang and spoke words of life to her she received all that she needed in that moment and for the next 10 days. Praying for you all.
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