Lisa Packer|Feb 9, 2020
Wishing you a quick recovery! You have the will and strength to come back strong. You go girl! Thinking of you and sending loads of love your way.
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Jane Kolstad|Feb 9, 2020
Your uncle and I are praying for speedy recovery! Stay strong girlie
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Mary Jo Bender|Feb 9, 2020
Really no surprise on the sassy Tessa. You are an over achiever, keep pushing hard on your recovery but do remember healing takes time so be patient (difficult, yes). Cheering you on, go girl!
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Dezzeree Crane|Feb 9, 2020
I’m unbelievably proud of the progress Tessa is making in such a short time!

I had a similar stroke almost a decade ago and she’s lapping me in terms of progress and healing...but anyone who knows Tessa shouldn’t be surprised by this. Her determination and positive spirit is contagious and something we should all strive for.

For those of you who are reading these updates and are fearful of the ominous sounding “stroke” diagnosis; I’m here to remind you that there is hope, recovery is probable, and Tessa needs us to be as strong and optimistic as possible.
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Jessica Griffith|Feb 9, 2020
Fantastic! Not surprising at all :) Love you so much!
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Patricia Marr|Feb 9, 2020
Such great news!! Keep up the great spirits and great work towards recovery! <3
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