Tara T Fox|Aug 13, 2020
Dear Wonder Woman, You are so strong and in the midst of all your pain and suffering, you still have a positive vibe gleening your words. How much tenacity you have to not go quietly into the corner! You have a lot to live for and I am one of those friends who wants to see you be free of pain and enjoy your life. I believe it will happen. You are in my prayers and thoughts. I too, wish I was able to see you and sit next to you for support. Just know in this busy life we all have I am next to you in spirit. Keep writing and keep on smiling! Take care, Tara
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Kristie Tjon|Aug 8, 2020
I love you and pray for you often. You're one of the strongest people I know. I wish I could be closer and give you hugs.
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Paula Biel|Aug 8, 2020
Tammy, Tammy, Tammy! You scare me with all this new shit you come up with. Geez woman..what next? I'm proud you are stubborn as I am too, but there are times maybe we shouldn't be quite this stubborn? Ya think? I'll say some prayers that the re-routing and the feel good comes soon. Love ya
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