Callie Smith|Jun 10, 2019
Praise God! We celebrate with you! And are continuing to pray for Sydney!
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Marilyn Edwards|Jun 10, 2019
This is exciting!!!!! Hope is renewed!!! You all remain in our prayers. Sydney, your faith and perseverance are awesome. Christie, thanks for the journal update. Beautifully written, our hearts are full. Jeremy, Father’s Day takes on new meaning this year. Great Job, all of you. Love to Jordan and to all, Marilyn
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Gina Dykstra|Jun 10, 2019
We all huddled around my phone watching Sydney move that leg! We had tears of joy. We continue to pray daily - Alexa never lets us forget. May your sweet family be blessed by your faithfulness, Christi. We are cheering, hoping, praying, anticipating God’s answers to prayer. Thank you for communicating so well and sharing so much. Love to you all.
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Kathleen Larsen|Jun 10, 2019
I can hear the streaks of joy for this small/huge movement all the way up here in Maine! God love you all.
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Missy Westerhold|Jun 10, 2019
Yay!!!!! This is wonderful news! Thanks so much for the update! We pray for your family every night and are happy to see videos and pictures of your strong, sweet , determined girl! We continue to pray for all of you!! Christi, you explain things so well and write beautifully! Prayers of strength and encouragement for you, Jeremy and Jordan as well!!!! Love to you all!
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Rick Kirkpatrick|Jun 10, 2019
She never ceases to amaze me. We love you all and continue to pray for you daily.
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