Marilyn Rittmeyer|Jan 5, 2022
Immanuel, God Be With You and Your Sons. Sing often the old hymn "God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again." Go to the cemetery and play Michael Joncas's "He Has Loved You With An Everlasting Love, He Has Called You..." And remember that the Kingdom of God is in our midst. (Luke Ch17 vs21NIV) Your beloved may be closer than ever.
Mary Seboldt|Jan 3, 2022
David and Family, we are so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Susan was a beautiful person and had many gifts. Thank you for the beautiful service and journal entries.
Diane Fleming|Jan 3, 2022 (edited)
Today I went to Susan’s “ A Time for Remembrance” from her book From Glory into Glory, Reflections for Worship. I won’t type it all out here. The take away from it is that Susan will definitely be in my winter count of people who colored my life and changed my journey. “Think of all the people we have encountered and how they are in our bones …..and how their voices are in our ears …..and how their kindness broadened our center. Perhaps we should keep a winter count…..a winter count of people ….all the blessed generations that God has woven…..overlapping……meandering…..into our seasons.” Thanks be to God for this gift of Susan.
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Annette Lindal|Jan 3, 2022
David and family, Alan and I ushered in the New Year by watching Susan's funeral and Eucharist. Even though our paths have crossed recently and briefly we prayed and mourned with you as if we are family. Thank you for the many posts from you and from Susan. You are a blessing. May God grant you peace and strength during the coming days.
Valerie Shields|Jan 3, 2022
As one who has benefitted from the words and music with which you and Susan have graced countless others, I want to thank you for showing us through this CaringBridge site how to face both death and eternal life with faith, courage and wisdom. I will watch the livestream service again, as it is a testament to the same. You brought peace and comfort to others. Well done, good and faithful servants. God with us.
Freddie Palo|Jan 3, 2022
Everything was so beautifully done. We will miss Susan and will continue to keep you, David, in our thoughts and prayers. We are here for you. Jack & Freddie
Robbie Ross|Jan 3, 2022
The Eucharist for the tribute to Susan's life was Beautiful. I watched it on line from our new home in Sacramento. We have lost a great Saint on earth, but the heavenly choir has added a wonderful soprano to their talent. It is fitting that all Susan's hymns, poems, and earthy works will live on for generations to come. Blessings to you and the family.
Michael Waltenberger|Jan 3, 2022
Thank you, David. Know that you, Ben and Jeremiah and your family continue to be in my prayers. Susan would have loved everything you in celebrating her marvelous life. And she is eternally grateful to you for your loving care throughout this journey.
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Jennifer Baker-Trinity|Jan 3, 2022
Thank you, David, for sharing this beautiful wisdom. It was such a blessing to be able to livestream the funeral service in our car on our journey. I was so grateful to hear of the green funeral practices and also of the joy of lovingly prepared food shared in remembrance. Prayers of thanksgiving for the many that came together to support you and your family in these days. Prayers ascending for the hours, days, and weeks ahead. Peace.
Gail Hart|Jan 3, 2022
Thank you for sharing Susan and the lovely tribute of God's grace.