martha molnau|Dec 18, 2015
Thanks for the update on how you are doing - have thought about you so much. The few times I saw Sue with the grandkids I could see how much they adored her. Holidays sure can be tough - glad to hear you are hanging in there as best as possible in an impossibly hard situation.
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kathy suddendorf|Dec 18, 2015
I know.... But it does get better. Merry Christmas to all of you and hope the grandkids enjoy the ornaments.
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linda vanderwerf|Dec 18, 2015
Oh what a journey! Chuck, you & Sue are an inspiration to many...
slow and steady, one day at a time.
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Lynn & Ken|Dec 18, 2015
Dear Chuck,
Our hearts go out to you as you force yourself to put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One doesn't have much choice when your heart gets's either move forward or stay stuck in that dark place where light can't filter through. It's a choice and it sounds like you are choosing to honor Sue and what you had together, by moving forward. Anyone who knew Sue at all, knows that is what she'd want for you and the kids. It's certainly not easy but you WILL find joy again. Someone once told us, after our Andy's death, that you have to force yourself to do those normal activities, even though you don't feel like it...until you DO feel like it. She was right. Eventually you do feel like it. Just takes time.
Chuck, getting through all the 'firsts' of that first year after losing a loved one, is the hardest...especially the holidays. So be kind to yourself, cut yourself some slack and search for joy in the smallest of things.
I mentioned a bible verse a while ago that said God works good from ALL things to those who love him. He will help you find joy again. Keep doing what you're doing. We wish you peace this Christmas. Take good care of yourself, Chuck.
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Laurie Drill-Mellum|Dec 17, 2015
Dear Chuck,
I can't tell you how much I think about Sue and you. I can't begin to imagine the deep heartache you are feeling, and I wish I could somehow magically whisk it away. The fact is, though, that no one can.
Thank you so much for sharing your pain and journey with us.
I would love to meet for breakfast soon, it's been on my mind to arrange it. Please call me if/when that would work for you. Take care,
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glen sladek|Dec 17, 2015
Chuck, thank you for bringing us all along, and I do really mean that! Keeps all those little things right there in perspective. Have a good day, see ya around sometime, glen
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Keith Allison|Dec 17, 2015
Christmas wishes to you Chuck, not much else can really be said, one just has to move on with life. I can understand your feelings, there are some days I just want to crawl in a hole myself. I have a lot of stuff to do and no ambition to do it. Tam and I both found out we have sleep apnea and have the machines now to get used to.
Hang in there and enjoy your southern journey
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Jessica Bogema-Baumann|Dec 17, 2015
A very Merry Christmas to you and your family Chuck. Jer and I think of you guys every single day. This letter made me cry and smile. We know how much you love Sue and how much you all must miss her, but smile to hear your honesty and your hopes and goals. You all have her beautiful soul working within you. We hope for happiness, peace, and adventures. I know I do not have to remind you that Sue is with you in your home projects, grandkids programs, dinners, holidays, and your travels. We may not get to see our loved ones but I am sure you can feel her spirit. Be safe and be well.
Sending our love to you all!
Jess & Jer
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Nancy Luthens|Dec 17, 2015
Merry Christmas Chuck! Thanks for the update once again. I think of you often and still praying for you and your family. Your Mom says you are quite a cook already! Birthday cakes times 3! That's awesome! Keep up the good work and keep the faith. Sending you lots of extra love and hugs this Christmas! Take care!
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Kathy & Kerry Peterson - Carver|Dec 17, 2015
I know it is very difficult during the holiday season after losing a loved one. We wish you and your family a very happy holiday season. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures in the upcoming year. Sue will always be forever in your heart wherever your new journey takes you. Good bless you Chuck !! Stop in anytime and see us !! We're always around the shop !!
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