Lucretia Cheatham|Dec 3, 2021
Yes, I would like a size Large. You can send to Lucretia Cheatham 4860 63rd St. Urbandale, IA 50322 I will go to the website and donate. Steve had both my kids in gymnastics at Sunnydale. They are Shawn and Erica Cheatham. Steve always had a smile on his face and myself and my kids thought he was an awesome guy.
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Rhonda Wilson|Dec 2, 2021 (edited)
There are extras if you’d like one! Just tell me what size and your address. We are asking for a minimum $20 donation to the Steve Wilson Memorial Fund at Highland Academy to go towards a hiking/nature trail being put in on the campus. 😁 Go to to donate. Thank you! ❤️
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