Lana Wonnacott|Apr 1, 2020
Don't know if it's silly to say or post here, but every single time I make soup, especially hamburger soup and fry the vegetables I think of you. Food is my zen zone and expression of love and it's tied to you in 2 ways lol. I feel a kinship while I stir up the veggies and get my next ingredients ready. I send up a prayer and send all my best wishes to you guys. My second food/love connection is whenever we have farmer sausage and especially when we have chipotle sauce with it. At the Kovacs for a BBQ, I had asked Uncle Wade to cook up the farmer sausage I had brought and though I had the bottle of sauce if someone wanted, he put it directly on. Steve really loved it and asked about the sauce. We showed him the bottle and I remember he had never geard of it. And him trying to say it was just so funny, Aunty Virginia snorted her funny laughing way and said he had to put sone twang on it and say it like a southerner (adding a little drawl to her words) and still it came out like chapoodle lol.

Love you guys!
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Dallas Kornelsen|Nov 28, 2019
Mmmm ... I can almost smell those onions browning. Good words, sister. Honest and Fiona-like vivid. 😁 May you experience an octillian moments of joy today.
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Kristy Burton|Nov 28, 2019
I can totally relate to your thoughts and feelings about meal times and cooking. I hear your hearts cry over that. Also about grief and praise simultaneously. You are in one of the hardest places this earth can put you. I am so thankful you have a God to fix your eyes on. We continue to pray for your family!!! Our hearts cry out, especially in this upcoming season❤️
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Mary Fisher-Smith|Nov 28, 2019
Thank you for continuing to share your heart, fiona. And thank you for the reminder to never take our loved ones for granted. I needed to hear that.
God often brings your family to my mind in various ways, so I continue to pray for you and your family. Especially in this advent season. My heart breaks for you, this first Christmas without Steve. Yet may you have moments of true joy despite the lingering pain. Hugs to you
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Deb loewen|Nov 27, 2019
i so appreciate your honesty - putting into words and pictures what many of us simply cannot imagine. you are so often in my thoughts, and always in my heart. you may not realize this, but steve was also very fortunate to have chosen YOU! your children are in good hands. love and peace.
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Kym and Jeff Lukin|Nov 27, 2019
Sending our love and hugs. Time doesn't always make things easier, I think, it only makes things different. We remember you and the kids continually in our prayers as you keep walking this road before you. May our God be near to strengthen and comfort.
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Lana Wonnacott|Nov 27, 2019
Love you all so much! And it means so much to me that you share what you can and when you can...the ups...the downs...the thread (?) of sadness running through and connecting it all. Your plain and simple honesty...the simplicity in thoughts and actions with all the storm and vast emotion and craziness behind it. Thank you! Love you and praying for God's complete abundance to be so evident in your life and the children's.
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