Pablo Saavedra|Jul 11, 2021
It’s great that he is doing better! It must be frustrating, but in perspective, as you mentioned, there’s really a lot to be grateful for considering where he was and all he has been able to progress so far. May the Lord continue to bless him, Sister Rex and their family now and in the future!
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Mirna Garcia|Jul 11, 2021
Thank you for keeping us posted on his progress. Some of the missionaries have asked about his health, please let him know we keep praying for him. And specially I'd like him to know that as I saw our pleadings in his behalf answered my faith in the Healing power of the Savior grew stronger. I hope you can understand the love I feel for your parents!! They were an enormous blessing for me in Puebla and they continue to bless my life over the years!! Please give your sweet mother a hug and a kiss from me!
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