Christine Miller|Sep 24, 2023
What a beautiful tribute, Lauren. RIP, Rita, and may you continue to revel in the love of God. Blessings on all who grieve...
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susan woehlcke|Sep 23, 2023
Beautifully written, Lauren! Thank you, and I look forward to meeting you at the funeral.
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Madelyn Tusay|Sep 23, 2023
Into the arms of God, united at last with that "mercy clothed as light", may you shine brightly forever, dear Sr. Rita. We will miss you deeply as we each complete our own journeys home. Lauren, thank you profoundly for so eloquently sharing this with us.
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Susan Hoff|Sep 23, 2023
Thank you so much for this beautiful post, Lauren, to help hold me and put words to the experience of your relationship with Rita. As my tears flow and will for quite some time, I am so grateful to hear of your love for her that resonated so closely with my deep love for her too. Thank you also for hosting this Caring Bridge site for her so those of us at a distance would be with her too, even if not in person. Rita was an incredibly special person who was able to be with her own suffering in a way that allowed her to hold those of us and help us be with our suffering. I love you included Thich Nhat Hanh in your tribute because most of my conversations with Rita included him. She embodied him for me. I feel so lucky my path got to cross Rita's and learn from her presence and deep love, esp. in the darkest period of my life. She gave me so much, and, the Caring Bridge site gave me a chance to see how many others she did that for too. A deep bow to you, Lauren. Thank you. May all of you who loved Rita be held in peace and comfort. Susan Hoff
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Susan Commini|Sep 23, 2023
Lauren, thank you so much for sharing Rita's journey with us. My prayers are for her, you and all of us. May her good works greet her at heaven's gates!
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