Gay King|Mar 7, 2023
We are thinking of and praying for you, Angie, and Troy!!!🙏
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Joyce Adams|Mar 7, 2023
Our families hearts and prayers are with you Angie and Troy as you, with Gods guidance, travel this journey with Sophie.
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Colin Palmer|Mar 7, 2023
Your testimony of God's goodness is amazing. You both inspire me and I'm honored to be a friend. Praying for you all in these difficult times! 🙏♥️
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Kim Shaw|Mar 7, 2023
In the notes from yesterday’s BSF lesson, the statements below jumped out at me. Your testimony is an inspiring witness to these truths.
* When you walk through a valley and experience God as your Shepherd you emerge equipped to proclaim His sustaining grace.
* God’s gentle guidance and powerful presence through intense pain allow you to personally experienced how God loves you.
*We can waste our suffering when we fail to yield to God‘s purposes in it.

Continued prayers for you and your family as He carries you through this journey.
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Tracy Patty|Mar 7, 2023
In the midst of your devastating circumstances you are certainly sharing a beautiful testimony of God’s grace and mercy and presence throughout your journey. Our prayers for your family will continue.
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Kim Crist|Mar 7, 2023
My heart breaks for you both.
Hearing your story and your faith in God is a true testimony.

I am sending hugs and prayers 🙏💕

You probably don't know me,
I have been following Sophie's story and praying for a miracle.

Thank you for sharing what you both are going through.

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