Stephanie Adelman|Jan 31, 2023
You are a treasure and you do make a difference in so many people's lives! Thank you for sharing your story. I can't imagine what your family was going through at the time.
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Brenda Firsich|Jan 31, 2023
Wow! I didn’t realize your tumor was that big. You are so so blessed, and what a journey you have been on. So thankful you are here and to hug all those folks that didn’t mind going through the turmoil for you. 😉💕
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Marcella Francis|Jan 31, 2023
Those days were fraught with fear, sorrow, and prayers. God welcomed nano lovingly into His Kingdom and spared your life.
So much to be grateful full ~ I love you beyond measure!
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Jennifer Edwardson|Jan 31, 2023
Oh, Stephanie. I am so happy you’re here 5 years later to write about your experience. I remember my end of that timeline. It was filled with frantic texts from Allyson, keeping me in the loop on all that had happened and was happening with each day. It was such a scary time for everyone in their own way, but none more than your family. Perspective is a crazy thing, and no matter how you get it, it’s a good thing to have. I’m glad you had good scans recently and are feeling more and more like your pre-surgery self … thinking of you always 💛 XOX
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Ginny Hunsberger|Jan 31, 2023
Thankful you are doing well!
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Yuko Neal|Jan 31, 2023
Praise God for His great grace and mercy. Steve, Hunter and Ruby are so so so blessed to have their wife and mama in their lives mucho mucho mucho! Tyou Lord for your faithfulness. You are our Lord God Almighty. You are our Great Physician and Master Healer. There is none higher or greater than You. You have blessed me with such a lovely sister in Ms. Stephanie. May You continue to bless the Smokovich family. May Your will be done in and thru these precious ones. I commit them to your daily care. Tyou for shining Your enormous light in and thru this beautiful family. May You continue to provide them with Your great love, wisdom, guidance, instruction, direction, discernment and blessings that can only come from You Lord. In Christ Jesus, Amen.
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Taresa Reynolds|Jan 31, 2023
I can't imagine going through what you have. So glad you're here & thriving! (((Hugs)))❤️🙏
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