Cheri Chilton-Smith|May 20, 2020
David, you are a wonderful brother. Stephen would be so pleased the way you are handling all this.
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Marian Chatfield-Taylor|May 20, 2020
I hope we all carry some part, some living piece of love and faith, with us that we found in our relationship to Steohen. That way he continues walking and talking and connecting to us in a manner that he would appreciate, I believe, and enjoy. He was a spirit of light and devotion. My respect and tender feelings for him grew the longer and better I knew him. He was truly eccentric;truly kind , and truly decent and principled. I know few people who walked with God the way he did, but each such person has taught me a lesson or two about faith and practice. I thank God for his presence in my life and for that connection. I thank his parents for having brought him into the world and his family and friends for having helped to sustain him. I bless his memory. I will miss his physical earthly presence in our lives but already I feel his holy self smiling cheerfully and patiently at us. His chair in our Meetings for Worship will never be empty.
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Julia Laue|May 20, 2020
You were a bright light to so many people Stephen. We will miss you and Love You.
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Margaret Boothroyd|May 20, 2020
David - thank you for letting us know about Stephen. My deepest condolences to you and your family. I’m so glad you were able to be with him in the end. I’ll miss Stephen’s gentleness and humor, his intelligence and determination, his food recommendations, his smile, his presence. Love to all, Margaret
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Suzy Clarke|May 20, 2020
I am so sad. I really did not believe Stephen would leave now.
I know Stephen thru AVP. He was a mentor to me: so perceptive in how he worked with people inside & out, witty, creative, well organized, responsive. It is remarkable that Stephen stepped away and passed on his AVP responisiblities as a prison coordinator and treasurer of AVP just in the past 2 years.
I will miss him, so many will miss him.
Sensitive Suzy Clarke
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Cindy Trueblood|May 20, 2020
David, I am holding you and your family and all of us who loved Stephen in my heart, with Love. Stephen’s kindness, his insights, his generosity, his wisdom, his humor, his integrity, his presence will be greatly missed by me and in the Quaker community where I am grateful to have connected with him over the last 15 years. I am glad that you were able to be with him. Holding you in the Light. With care, Cindy
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Gretchen Mary Laue|May 20, 2020

Mario and Gretchen
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Charles Hacker|May 20, 2020
David, I know it wasn't easy to write your post, but I appreciate your describing Stephen's final moments with us. I am so thankful it was a peaceful transition. It's so hard to believe he is gone. I'm thankful he didn't suffer through months and months of treatments. We can at least take some solace in that and in the fact that he had accomplished so many meaningful things that made him happy in this last year of his life. Oh, so many wonderful memories.

I look forward to hearing more from you when you are ready. Sending love from Atlanta to you and your family.
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lisa b|May 20, 2020
May his memory be for a blessing.
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Joe Ossmann|May 20, 2020
Thank you, David, for being with him.
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