Victor Gresser|May 2, 2020
Hi Stephen. Hang in there, as I see you are in your wonderful posts! Glad you're wearing street clothes. I agree they create a sense of normalcy. I love the way you speak about YOUR hospital on Buchanan. You're finding comfort in this health crisis. Good for you. I'm happy that you're experiencing joy and relishing the morsels of pleasure as they come. Passing thru your neighborhood. Greeting your hospital, thanking and engaging your transport drivers.
Appreciating fresh air when you get it. Delicious!! I've found these "small" things buoyed my mood and helped me feel alive and connected when so much in life seemed to be disconnecting me. They gave, and dare I say, give me the courage and occasionally the optimism to press on. One bit of advice, if I may: request a patient advocate or a hospital social worker to help you get the in-person care you need. Cancer is an exhausting illness and if you don't have someone advocating for you to get a treatment style that heals you, then you need someone to help you insist on it. The squeaky wheel gets the oil...even in the hospital. I love you. You're wonderful!!
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Angie F|May 1, 2020
Stephen, Happy May Day!

Hope that your 7:00 went well, or that it is going to go well.
So sorry that you are running into frustrating issues, there is so much that Sutter does not do well.

There have been so many inspiring actions around the country today including all the amazing actions by such a wide variety of workers who have their lives on the line working in jobs where they are not being given basic respect, and actions at over 162 hospitals nationwide and counting.

Your strength and sharing is also very inspiring. Take care and love, Angie
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Paul C. Hunter|May 1, 2020
Stephen--don't know if you've had a colonoscopy yet, but I've had several, and can report feeling like a Snoopy balloon at the Easter parade on 5th avenue, squeaking and huffing in a high wind. Did I suggest height and highness? Must have been what they gave me. You need to make sure you've got several big guys holding onto the cables or you'll be up on the ceiling, bumping into the light fixtures. But maybe your lead therapist is just a colonoscopist in her day job, and has other entirely appropriate skills. Hoping that the staffing gets sorted out quickly, and that your charming demeanor works its small wonders and gets you moving ahead on all fronts. Keep the faith and get better so they'll lend you some rollerskates that fit, and a big ballroom with a mirror ball and plenty of Cajun dance music. Once you've got em on your wavelength, why not dream big!
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Barbara Babin|May 1, 2020
You are incredibly persistent and resilient , Stephen! I hope some good planning takes place at this meeting.
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pammiejo johnson|May 1, 2020
Morning Stephen,
Another glorious day in Oregon. Yesterday I cut some of the bountiful lilac blossoms and brought them into the house. And this morning when I came downstairs, the perfume was heavenly and heady. Sending you some of those sweet waftings.
I so look forward to your journal entries each day. I can just picture it as you navigate your way through the tangled maze of the health care system. Along with therapy and progress, I hear a lot of frustration but relayed with your good humour. You do know you are setting an impossibly high standard for the rest of us! Hugs, Pam
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Martha Larsen|May 1, 2020
Hey, it sounded like a really tough day. It is frustrating in a normal day trying to get to the phone company or whatever or whomever and have this happen. Much much much worse when a person is trying to get needed care regarding their health. Technology is wonderful in the virus epidemic but sometimes is so inhuman. May this be a better day for you.
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Ana Barral|May 1, 2020
Hi Stephen,
So annoying to deal with tech issues, especially with such important matters, ugh! As somebody immersed in the current virtual/online environment as part of education, I can attest that ableism (and also an assumption that everybody got the latest gadget and good internet) is pretty rampant. Please keep the updates coming even if they are short, we are rooting for you! <3
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Sue and Lynne Torrey and Henderson|May 1, 2020
Stephen, Are you seeing a oncologist rather than a colonoscopist? I hate auto correct. How frustrating this all is and how blessed you ate to be able to advocate strongly for yourself. We are holding you in the light. Every morning when mom gets up the first thing she asks is"What have we heard from Stephen?". Love and Light, Lynne and Sue
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Alberto Hernández|Apr 30, 2020
Hola Stephen. Primeramente, agradezco el que compartas con nosotros los momentos que estás viviendo. Se que eres muy fuerte, que tienes un gran espíritu luchador y que el Creador te ama mucho. Te aprecio mucho, eres un gran ser humano que has aportado mucho a muchos de nosotros. En mí has dejado una huella imborrable y eres un ejemplo de vida. Te acompaño en estos momentos difíciles y a veces de vacilación. No estás solo en este nuevo reto de vida. Recibe un fuerte abrazo virtual y mi acompañamiento remoto.
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Lary Darby|Apr 30, 2020
Love you
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