Lydia McCloskey|Apr 24, 2020
The short, short hair look is fabulous. If I could find someone to cut my hair, that route is tempting. However, I am not sure if my mask goes with the look. Oh well, no worries anyway. No barbers or salons are open. Good luck, Stephen , and keep your amazing attitude. Much love to you, Lydia
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Laura Magnani|Apr 24, 2020
How the heck you can actually cheer me up, I can't figure out, but you have such an amazing attitude and sense of humor. I think you look smashing in the picture. Many prayers still headed your way.
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Susan Rickert|Apr 24, 2020
Hi, Stephen, You look very handsome and very intelligent with your bald head and glasses! We already knew
you were, anyway. This just confirms it. You still have your sense of humor and your sense of irony and gift
of writing. That is a gift to those of us who are committed to supporting you through think and thin! You have
a whole legion of fans who care about every aspect of your wellness program. I'm one of them! Take care, Love,
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Margaret Willits|Apr 24, 2020
I hope the treatments are a large help. Great preparation!
Do you get to sing to yourself in all of this? With such a lovely voice and knowledge of song, I would hope that would be a comfort.
much love and best wishes
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Sandy Kewman|Apr 24, 2020
Praying that you are held tenderly as you begin radiation. "All Godde all the time".
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Ana Barral|Apr 24, 2020
Looking good, Stephen! I am so amazed by your sharing and your writing, combining the facts of what is going on with keen and good-humored commentary. Thank you! As you can see, you have quite a (loving) fan club here, and besides reading your comments I love seeing so many other F/friends rooting for you. And congrats for being virus-free and especially knowing about it :) Un gran abrazo!
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Carol Tang|Apr 24, 2020
grateful you're covid-free!!! i'm also grateful your treatments will begin immediately and that you will be cared for at the hospital. i sent a card to your home, thinking you'd be released friday -- perhaps damon can bring it to you. sending much love your way.
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Kathy Richman|Apr 24, 2020
Thanks for keeping us up to date on your news so frequently and so well. I am reminded of E.B. White's words in Charlotte's Web: "It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer." I think you fit the description on both counts ! It's good to know that you will not have to go back and forth from home during your treatments, that you are Covid19 free, and that you are so well taken care of. The charm offensive is working! Sending love from Salinas.
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Scott Swinton|Apr 24, 2020
Svelte new look with the buzz cut! I can't figure out if hairy male faces are on the way out or in. Men I know who work from home are giving up shaving.... BUT, facial hair impedes the fit of face masks. I'm betting on the Matchett look.

Te mando un abrazo fuerte, compañero!
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Phyllis Hasbrouck|Apr 24, 2020
Yes, Stephen, you do look debonair (just need a 40's style hat, I forget what they are called.) But I doubt I would have recognized you on the street. So glad you mentioned that you are still doing email, I will send you some pictures. Glad you get a ride every day, so that you at least get to see spring happening, even if you aren't outside much. So glad you are COVID free. My 90-year old mother got it, (she lives at home with my dad), it must have been from an aide or a daugher, but amazingly enough, despite her frail condition (she has dementia and doesn't eat well) she did not get terrifically sick, and is on the mend. My oldest sister has it now, and also not to bad so far. Much love to you! Phyllis
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