Linda Ellsworth|Apr 23, 2020
Hi Stephen, I'm not sure if you remember me from years ago at University Friends Meeting. I'm now on Orcas Island and part of a newly formed Worship Group there. For the past month I've been attending Lopez Island Friends Meeting via zoom and each Sunday John Helding has been putting your name into the circle at the rise of Meeting - when we share people we would like held in the Light. So you've been in my thoughts and prayers for a number of weeks even though I just joined this Caring Bridge page this week. The web of love and care and healing energy extends far and deep.
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Barbara Babin|Apr 23, 2020
Stephen, I'm so glad you had this visit with Damon today and that they found out what is going on with the tumor. Hopefully being able to treat it aggressively and sooner rather than later will be a good thing. I'm so sorry about this set-back, though, I know you were looking forward to going home soon.
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Margaret Mossman|Apr 23, 2020
Remember to take a picture of you with hair. It will drop out quicker than you think. At least that’s what mine did. Don’t worry - it’ll grow back. Hugs.
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Salvador Bustamante|Apr 23, 2020
Sorry to hear about the not so good news but I am glad the MRI caught the activity on the tumor. Animo, hang in there my friend.
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Diane Pasta|Apr 23, 2020
I am praying for you. Life is an odd journey, isn't it? You get used to something, then it changes. The only rest is in God.
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Marian Chatfield-Taylor|Apr 22, 2020
So sorry you won't be home really soon. I am thankful they found out now that they need to start treatment. You are getting good care and that's what matters. Keep us posted. Again, blessings and prayers. Your spirit is strong. Love from us, Marian
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Julie Harlow|Apr 22, 2020
I have a great story about seeing the positive side when there is quite a bit of negative to look past. Too long for here; I will send it to you email -- I hope you find it entertaining. Much Love and constant prayers,

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Larry Knopp|Apr 22, 2020
Never a dull moment indeed. Sending love, love, love!
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Lee Knutsen|Apr 22, 2020
That SOOOOO sucks!!
Luv ya.
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Kathy Runyan|Apr 22, 2020
Oh Stephen, I'm so sorry to hear this news on so many levels. Still, if it was going to happen, it is fortunate that it happened before you went home when they could determine the cause right away and move ahead more quickly with your treatment. Imagine all the obstacles if you had already gone home and had to get rescheduled, admitted, and such. And I hope that being able to start radiation right away will be nipping this new tumor activity in the bud. I'm holding you in prayer each day and in my heart, as always.
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