pammiejo johnson|Apr 21, 2020
Hey sweet Stephen, Roses are budding, iris is blooming and my lilac forest is fragrant. Have missed you the last couple of days. Sending gentle hugs. Pam
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Toby Laverty|Apr 21, 2020
Wishing you the best during the crazy time you are going through and what the world is going through. You continue to amaze me and many many others with your strength. I adore and honor you.
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Lucille Dean|Apr 21, 2020
Just reading through your Apr 18 letter with a discharge date next Friday - YAY. There is the medical team and then there is that larger team that you can call by name at the sidelines. We all love you, Lucille
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Paul C. Hunter|Apr 21, 2020
Stephen--steady as she goes, as they say in the Navy. So there's this old farmer who piles into his pickup to drive around on the back roads and see what his neighbors are up to, what they're working on. And coming around a bend he sees a farmer neighbor out in his orchard, holding a pig up to sample some apples. The old farmer watches his neighbor hold the pig up to eat one apple, then looks around for another good one and holds him up to it. The old farmer rolls down his window and yells out, "Say neighbor, you know that's a complete waste of time, don't you?" The neighbor looks up at him, then looks at the tree, and the pig. Then he yells out, "What's time to a pig?"

No right and wrong way to do it, or take the suggestions of others. Old farmers driving Model T Fords when the gas was low in the tank would have to turn around and back up a steep hill. Reverse was a lower gear, but also the pickup in the tank would be on the down side. So there might be another way to climb those damn stairs! --love, Paul
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Douglas Noble|Apr 20, 2020
Stephen--amazing how well you dealt with all the frustration and waiting for your test results--now you know the situation and prognosis, and trite as this sounds, taking it one day at a time, focusing on therapy first and then treatment, is surely the best way to proceed--and I think that is what you are doing--thinking of you and wishing the best--Douglas
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Naomi Jay|Apr 20, 2020
Hi Stephen, oy - I mean really "oy"....just wanted you to know I read through what you wrote, and I'll be hoping for the best for you. Seems like you have a ton of support and I'm glad for that as well.
wishing you speedy and complete recovery! Naomi
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Diego Navarro|Apr 20, 2020
Dear Stephen,
Thank you for sharing the diagnosis. The synchronicity of your neurosurgeon calling back three minutes after you hung up to let your parents eat dinner is heartening. Waiting even longer to talk to the neurosurgeon would have prolonged the suffering. My heart and prayers are with you. Love, Diego
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Jana and Warren Ostrom|Apr 20, 2020
Dear Stephen,
What a lot to take in! Thank you again for sharing with all of us who care about you. I, too, am glad that in the next week you have the therapy to concentrate on. One thing at a time, one moment at a time with the gratitude that you are manifesting is a way that I have found so helpful in my life and may it be so for you. And may you be able to soak up the love that I see showering you! Jana
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Salvador Bustamante|Apr 20, 2020
Querido Steve,
me alegra que finalmente el doctor te haya llamado para informarte de los resultados. Por otro lado, lo siento que el diagnostico no sea lo que tu y todos esperabamos aunque, sin embargo, tampoco es el peor. Lo mejor de todo es que al fin el tratamiento puede comenzar y el problema puede empezar a ser tratado.

No sabemos lo que va a suceder en esta proxima fase pero todos los que te queremos tenemos esperanza que el tratamiento dara resultados positivos y pronto estaras de vuelta a la circulacion. Por lo pronto descansa y toma fuerza para el siguiente capitulo de esta aventura. Desde aca estamos mucho echandote porras y mandandote fuerza para que continues luchando.

En Solidaridad
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Cornelius Moore|Apr 20, 2020
Wow Stephen. I'm very impressed how you've shared all of these details and I can feel how frustrating it has been to wait for the doctors to get back to you with an interpretation of results. I'm sorry that it's not the best news, but glad it's not the worst. Hugs to you.
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