Kathy Richman|Apr 16, 2020
So glad to hear of the progress you are making. Thank you for keeping us posted in such detail. I have been going through old letters with a sense of regret that almost nobody writes letters any more. Your posts are like getting a real letter from you every day or two. At this time, I am so thankful for the forms of communication that you write about. Sending you love and prayers and hope that you continue to improve so steadily.
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Scott Swinton|Apr 16, 2020
Stephen, great to see you up and about. Keep on keepin' on.
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Terrill Keeler|Apr 16, 2020
Good morning, Stephen,
The following is from Kary Shender who was unable to comment directly onto this Caring Bridge website. I have a hunch that her adaptive technology did not provide a way for her to do this. She asked me to convey her message.

What I'd like Stephen to know is that the time I went with him to Chowchilla to the
women's prison was of tremendous help to me. I also want him to know
that my brother had a big stroke about eleven years ago, had surgery due
to the bleeding in his brain, and is now just fine. The super important
thing is to keep up with speech therapy, which I'm sure he'll hear about
lots. I think of him with a smile and will continue to hold him in
prayer, as well as to tell people in Davis Meeting and Davis United
Methodist Church about him.

Love from both Kary and me. Keep up your good, diligent work and know you are held in prayer by many!!
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Dorothy Henderson|Apr 16, 2020
Dear heart
Hooray for your messages. These devices are serving us in surprising ways.
Sending steadfast love from woolmanhouse!
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Sue and Lynne Torrey and Henderson|Apr 16, 2020
Just read the entries from 3 days to Lynne. We havent sat and sipped coffee together for a couple of days. So good to hear your reengagement increasing with your body and with the outside world. And that you continue to meet it with good nature and humor. Sending love and virtual hugs, Sue and Lynne
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Muriel Edgerton|Apr 16, 2020
Thanks for bringing us along with you in your daily activities. I have pictures in my head of some of the environs you describe, no way to know if they are accurate to the actual places! I had colon surgery two years ago and had to learn to walk again unassisted, and, to coin a phrase, it's no walk in the park!
We are having a 'physical distancing' healing prayer group here at Foulkeways this evening at 7:00 pm (EDT) , each of us in our own apartment. Your name is on the list we have shared with each other, so be prepared for an incoming surge of love and encouragement from the east coast. Big love and appreciation. xo, m.❤️😘😍💞😇😏😉♥️🙏❤️
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Julia Laue|Apr 16, 2020
Hi Stephen, You are so strong and positive, it’s an inspiration! Keep it up! I am praying for you every day. I am working from home, busy busy responding to Covid19 by managing staff who are working away on our current essential projects and new ones (homeless sheltering, test sites, field hospitals, test fits,) Then when not working day job, making masks on weekends. Love you and love reading your posts. ❤️❤️❤️
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Carol B|Apr 16, 2020
Nice T-shirt!
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BLAKE ARNALL|Apr 16, 2020
Hi Stephen, good to hear you are getting into a nice routine. Keep up the good work! Really sorry that, on top of everything else, you need to learn to walk from scratch. Ugh. Hope Stanford gets you some good news soon. Sending much love and Light! Blake
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