pammiejo johnson|Apr 14, 2020
"Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life—learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together." Stephen, we are all here to hold hands as you cross the street. Big hugs, Pam
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Monique Flambures|Apr 14, 2020
Hi Stephen, I really let things slide too and I have no excuse, other than lazieness and the draw to sit around and read about the latest coronavirus updates. Yesterday I finally emailed the person that files our taxes. It was so good to see and hear you at meeting on Sunday. That's awesome you are getting all that attention and therapy. I hope you get the biopsy tests soon.
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Al Cunningham|Apr 14, 2020
Your immersion in non-medical activities speaks both to your energy and your Spirit - glad to see you had a "sneak visit" with D&C! I'm coming to appreciate casual (if consistent) hugs in the office and at yoga in their absence!
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Wolfgang Schreiber|Apr 14, 2020
Yes, thanks for sharing another episode of your life in a hospital, dearest Stephen. Hopefully you will hear some results soon! And thanks for reminding me of these taxes... :) in the middle of this crisis I really hadn't thought of it...
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Martha Larsen|Apr 14, 2020
Hi, your life seems full of many challenges. 1 thinks of the renter and not too often of the owner. things can be typed both ways. Dealing with carpal tunnel so dictating whatever I say and sometimes it goes well and sometimes not well at all. I'm trying not to correct what mistakes I make but sometimes I must.

I hope that all works out in the end because it seems like some challenges are a lot when one is in the hospital. Hopefully the financial things will straighten itself out and not be a worry to U
May you soon have a good good very good report from your surgeon or whatever a doctor can give you a very very good report

May all of this soon be behind you and may you be home and well.

I did correct some mistakes but I'm sure there's some I missed but I'm not going back over it for the sake of my hand.

Much peace,

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Ellen Eggers|Apr 14, 2020
Dear Stephen: Over the years, my son was the one who kept insisting that I upgrade, each time I needed a new phone (I would say things like, "WHY on earth would I want to read my emails 24/7?")... or else I'd probably still have a flip phone. So it's not like I'm a big techie, by any means. But I can't help but feel deeply gratified that you are FINALLY using a cell phone! I had NO idea you didn't have one until now. Did I really read that correctly? Well I'm sure you had your reasons, and they probably made some sense (probably) but God bless the woman who convinced you to get one. Just be careful, next thing you know you'll be ordering a Roomba on line! :)
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Donnis Galvan|Apr 14, 2020
So glad that the cellphone thing happened for you. Lifesaver of connection iinstitutional settings! Welcome to 21st Century dear cyclist. And not with the huge payments the incarcerated are saddled with. It’s a kind of freedom you deserve right now. Washing your hair? yay! That’s Golden, it’s the little things that can feel so human. Yes! Hang in there as we walk on this bridge of caring with you.
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Lydia McCloskey|Apr 14, 2020
Sometimes the grinding consistency of the small, hard, unrelenting details of our lives are a humbling reminder that we do not often live on the mountaintop with fresh air and stunning views. I guess when I am older ( 😋), I will appreciate the humility that comes with these tasks.
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Suzy Clarke|Apr 14, 2020
Oh my! I thought that life was challenging enough for you but oh no! Truly I cannot follow all of this unfortunately do not have to. You have much to deal with!!
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Suzy Clarke|Apr 14, 2020
Oh my! I thought that life was challenging enough for you but oh no! Truly I cannot follow all of this unfortunately do not have to. You have much to deal with!!
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